Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 386 - Cam Macleod

Episode Date: August 10, 2015

Cam Macleod returns to talk allergies, Father's Day, and the return of beard painting....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 386 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's drinking some alcoholic strawberry and elderflower beer? Mr. Dave Shumka. It's not even beer. It doesn't say what it is.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Oh, what is it upon first taste? It's just something that's yummy. Like a fun summertime drink. What happened was it was like right at the checkout at the liquor store. Yeah. And I was like, oh, this looks like a fun thing. And I brought it to the
Starting point is 00:00:53 cashier and the cashier had no idea what it was. It wouldn't scan. She had to go back like around to the back of the store and ask someone what this was. He brought out a book of prices. Meanwhile, the lineup is, like, growing behind me. And I'm like, this was an impulse buy, which kind of, like, it loses its impulse.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Was it the only one of it? No, it was a big display right at the front of the store. Of it? No, it was a big display right at the front of the store. Oh, well, is it like a red beverage, a pink maybe? Yeah, it's a pink. Ooh. But it's nice.
Starting point is 00:01:35 It's like a nice sweet. Yeah, yeah, very sweet. Cavities, cavities. Yeah, watch out, kids, cavities. Our guest today, returning guest to the podcast, very funny man, just premiered a movie that you wrote and directed. Yep. Orgy's happening tonight. Mr. Cam McLeod is our guest.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Hey, guys. Hey. Hi, Cam. So nice to be back. It's good to have you back. When was the last time you were on? Maybe a year ago? It was about a year ago because we were talking about how I was single and it was the summer of Cam.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, yeah. Oh, we'll find out all about that. Yeah. Do you want to get to know us? Yeah. Get to know us. So, was single denotes not single anymore. Not single anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:21 All right. Yeah. Somebody locked it down? Yeah. What were the last four seasons of Cam like? Yeah, how'd that work out? Summer was good. There was a lot of rambunctious activities.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Sure. Yeah, it was. We're talking tennis. We're talking. Wakeboarding. Yeah. Just guessing tubing. But yeah, wakeboarding's better.
Starting point is 00:02:42 A lot of tubing. A lot of like rolling down hills. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. After a, wakeboarding's better. A lot of tubing, a lot of like rolling down hills. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, after a wheel of cheese. Yeah, slip and slide. Yeah, all the- Oh, pillow fights. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Wet pillow fights in the summer. Oh, yeah. You've dealt with some ice water. Oh, tomorrow we're going to Edmonton, and I'm excited to stay at a hotel so I can sweat through someone else's pillow. For once. So you had a great, fun summer. Then the fall hits. Then fall hits.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Sweaters. Pumpkin spice. So much pumpkin spice. Not as much rambunctiousness. No, gourds everywhere. A lot of gourds you have to watch out for. Yeah, yeah. Maybe some rambunctiousness. No, gourds everywhere. Yeah, a lot of gourds. A lot of gourds you have to watch out for. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Maybe some rambunctiousness could break an ankle. Get off my gourd. You go to an emergency room in the fall, and there's just people with broken ankles just covered in pumpkin innards. There's a bunch of people walking around with, like, jack-o'-lanterns on their heads with their arms out blindly walking into walls. Yeah, a lot of people getting their arm cut
Starting point is 00:03:51 in a horn of plenty. These are the fall. Fall accidents. Fall hazards, yeah. And then winter. Moving on. Yeah, but, yeah, I met a really nice girl. I've known her for like seven years, and we ended up just, the timing worked out, and we were both single and went out on a date finally, and it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:16 And now we're together and everything's great. She's been dealing with some serious issues. What do you mean? Good one. I recently found out that I have a very deadly allergy. Yes. Oh, so you've been dealing with some serious issues. She has been right there for every time it's happened.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I thought you were going to say something horrible. Like, oh, some fun fact about my new girlfriend. She's got an eating disorder. I'm like, oh, no. Yeah, you told me the other night that you had an allergy thing. And years and years ago on the podcast, we did a thing called Allergic Off, which was me and Jason Bryden. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And it was a great theme. We've never had a course to play it again. Yeah. Okay. Let's play the theme song. Allergic off. Allergic off. See who's more allergic.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah. Pretty good. And what the purpose of this segment is, a segment we've never brung back, was to see who's more allergic. But I think, what was the thing that you found out you're allergic to? Because it's a big one. Well, yeah, it's a big one. It's sulfites.
Starting point is 00:05:30 And sulfites are in everything. It's a preservative that's in a lot of stuff. Yeah, something's making a noise. Is it me? Oh, no, it's upstairs. Oh, yeah. It must be my child. I thought it was Graham's seat was like...
Starting point is 00:05:42 Wobbling? Rusty. Sorry, you're allergic to sulfites. Sulfites, and they're in everything. Yeah, the whale. What are they? They're, it's a preservative. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:53 That's in, you can find it in like, it's in beer, it's in wine, it's in cider, it's in champagne, it's in frozen foods, dehydrated vegetables, dried vegetables, French fries, everything. It's a bunch of stuff. So, like, how do you, like, what are you doing? I'm just eating fresh food. It's great. Really? Also, nothing that can be preserved or nothing that's been preserved. Yeah, or that's been, like, processed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Right. I'm becoming the healthiest man in Vancouver, which is great. And that title previously belonged to a guy who was hit by a bus. He was very healthy. I saw the president of Lululemon today, or the head dude from Lululemon. Yeah, it kind of looks like an off-duty cop. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Very much. Does not look like a- Not trustworthy. Yeah, sure, yeah. It's like, why is he driving that nice car? Where did he earn all that money? Yeah, oh yeah, he's a dirty cop. Dirty cop.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But he's not like a guy that has long hair. Yeah, he's not a yoga lifestyle guy. No, he just looks like a guy who would be working on a dock. Which is even more so untrustworthy, because how are you running this yoga fitness clothing company? He's dirty. Yeah. I find that a lot, though, don't you, when you watch, like, you guys used to watch fashion television on the weekends when you were a kid? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Because sometimes there'd be a see-through shirt. Yeah, that's why. That's why I watched. I didn't watch it for the latest collection from dior but always after the models had walked out then the designer came out it's just the slobbiest yeah you know it was yeah danny devito basically would come out and all these you know models like that he's made you know tiny little dresses for and have to have the skinniest lady. Comes out, he's got grease on it.
Starting point is 00:07:47 He's got a pizza stain on his shirt. He's wearing, like, an undone rain slicker with, like, a pair of boxer shorts. Yeah, he's a flasher. Undone rain slicker. Perfect. So how did you find out you were allergic to the salt plants? Did it happen overnight? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:08:08 It literally happened, well, it was over a process of a night. But. So, fuck me. No, no, no. This is. We, it was, so it was Valentine's Day, right? Oh, okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Very romantic. We've been together for, you know, like six weeks officially. And, uh. A little rambunctious. Yeah. And we're both, we're both, and we're both kind of just guys like, we're not really into the whole Valentine's day thing. Uh, well, you know, we're not going to get each other presents or anything, but then
Starting point is 00:08:36 she ended up winning this, uh, free night stay at the Four Seasons Hotel down in Vancouver. So we're like, oh, amazing. We can go stay there. Great. Like, let's just do that. It's a Saturday night. I got the night off. Sure. Let's see if we can get that. So we ended up, oh, amazing. We can go stay there. Great. Like, let's just do that. It's a Saturday night. I got the night off. Sure.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Let's see if we can get that. So we ended up getting it. We arrived there. It's like four in the afternoon. We go up to the room. It's on the 14th floor. It's an en suite room. So there's like a separate bedroom and a living room, you know, one of those hotel rooms.
Starting point is 00:09:00 So it's like, I'll take the bedroom. You get the couch. Yeah. I expect this place vacuumed. So it's like, I'll take the bedroom. You get the bedroom. Yeah. I expect this place vacuumed. And we walk in and it's like overlooking the art gallery and it's a sun setting.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's beautiful. And there's a bottle of champagne on ice and there's strawberries dipped in chocolate on the table, like waiting for us. Wow. We're like, whoa. All right. So clothes come off. We put robes on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:25 We put rap music on, and then we're just like dancing in front of the window, like partially naked while chugging a bottle of champagne. Oh, yeah. And eating strawberries. And then we, you know, did naked stuff. Jeez. Wait, wait. We did naked stuff. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:09:42 We didn't make niggas. And then the plan was we're going to have a shower. We're going to get ready. We're going to go get a drink at this place. And then we're going to go get five guys burgers and fries and bring it back to the hotel. Oh, yeah. Because they don't deliver. No, they don't deliver.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And very few hamburger places will deliver a burger and fries. Well, Four Seasons is attached to a mall, so why didn't you just consider maybe Orange Julius? There's an A&W in that food court. Ooh, that would have been perfect. A couple of hot teen burgers for a spicy night. So we go, we're in the shower. A hot teen for you
Starting point is 00:10:20 hot teens. What do you mean I'm fired? But we're in the shower. Oh man, rambunctious is the word. And all of a sudden I start sneezing and my eyes get all red and itchy and I'm kind of like, oh, this is weird. Oh, it's swelling up
Starting point is 00:10:40 again. Babe, I'm feeling hot again. Babe, I'm feeling hot again. And, and then all of a sudden my ears start closing up. And so we got out of the shower, she's kind of getting ready to like go out and I'm, I've been in the bathroom all of a sudden I realized like my face is all red, my body's turning into
Starting point is 00:10:59 hives, my ears are closing and I feel my throat starting to close. Oh no. Whoa, something's going on here. I don't know what this is, but we need to get out of here and meanwhile she's like you know putting on like heels that have like straps and it's like should i still get ready to go like we need to go and uh so wait just a second i'll put on my tie oh my neck's a lot bigger than it was oh wow yeah so scary very scary so we get to the hospital luckily it's like you know six X a lot bigger than it was. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. So scary. Very scary. So we get to the hospital. Luckily it's like, you know, six blocks away. We took a cab for two blocks, but then it was gridlocked. So we got out and ran up the hill and we get in.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I go into trauma one. They, you know, hit me with an EpiPen. They shoot me full of a bunch of Benadryl and stuff. And I'm, so I'm fully out of it. They put this weird oxygen mask on me, but it was like, um, it had all this mist, like it was a mist I was breathing.
Starting point is 00:11:50 That was like a medicinal myth. Hey, it's your, uh, it's, we want to go to a romantic oxygen bar. Oh yeah. So, so I say, so once everything's kind of like under control and I have a heart condition, right? So they hit me with an EpiPen, which raises my heart rate. And I'm like, oh, I've got tachycardia they're like okay so now they're
Starting point is 00:12:08 like watching that everything's kind of stressed and uh oh wow they finally um gets the point where my can my like girlfriend come in and see me they're like yep so they bring her in no funny stuff though yeah she walks into me she walks into no man i'm bunchesness yeah uh and She walks into, no matter how unbunctious it is. Yeah. And she walks into me and I'm in this bed and I'm, my body's so full of adrenaline that it's like shaking, but I'm so drowsy that I'm out of it. And I'm wearing a mask that makes me look like Bane with like a bunch of like mist coming out the side of my face. Happy Valentine's Day. Yeah, Happy Valentine's Day. And, uh, so it kind of gets, it gets under control and then they move me to like the, it's still in like the ER trauma ward, but not in like the actual trauma, trauma one, trauma two. Trauma one?
Starting point is 00:12:55 Trauma two. Chaka Khan? Um, so yeah, so we're there and, uh, now it's kind of like mellow and I'm, I'm lying there and she's sitting beside me. Has she gone to five guys? She has not gone to five guys yet. And she's like, they're closing soon. And they did, they closed. Oh, great. So we couldn't get it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 But, uh, the most romantic part of the whole evening was, uh, when we were, when we were sitting there and, uh, I was kind of asleep and she was sitting and she kind of fell asleep with her head on me and the nurse came in and tried to turn off a light and she woke us both up. But as that happened, a new patient came in that was a dude with a huge face tattoo who had just gotten his teeth knocked out and was just standing in the corner spitting blood into a sink for like 15 minutes while swearing. Oh look, Cupid's here. So, yeah. So at that time, I didn't know what I was allergic to.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I was like, it's obviously some sort of Valentine's Day cliche, whether it be the strawberries with the chocolate or the champagneagnes, that's all I'd had all day. Right. And it turned out that it is popping bottles that I'm allergic to. Oh, wow. I can no longer ball. But you're having whiskey right now. Yeah, which is fine.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Because it's not preserved. Yes. It's, uh, there's no fermentation process. I don't know any, I don't know anything about how, anything gets anywhere. No, yeah, you could tell me a lot of things about whiskey and I'd believe it. Because isn't there something, peat is somehow involved in the process? Yeah, my buddy. My buddy Pete.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Pete Seeger. Yeah. Um, now, uh, so now you are a proud owner of an EpiPen, I guess. I've got two EpiPens, yeah. Why do you have two? One for at my house and then one to have on me at all times. Because the last time that it happened, two weeks ago, when it got really serious, I didn't have it on me because I was too confident in my not being allergic to everything. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:15:03 It's been continuing to happen. not being allergic to everything. Oh, wow. It's been continuing to happen. So it happened again, like last week, and it was a brisk walk home while eating large McDonald's fries that almost killed me. Oh. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah, because processed potatoes are another thing, so. Oh. Yeah. But was the fact that your heart rate was up? That's what makes it. Makes it worse? Yeah. That's the only way I'll go into anaphylactic shock is if I'm, have a like high heart rate,
Starting point is 00:15:32 because that makes it go through your body faster. Right. Yeah. So all that, you know, that naked people stuff was. And the rap dancing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:42 There was early rap dancing. Um, yeah. Now the there was early rap dancing. Now, the fact that you're sweating so much right now. I'm sweating a lot. Thanks for turning on the fan. Is that related to anything? That's related to dad. Do you want me to have an EpiPen just like trained on you at all times? I like that you were doing that while looking at my heart.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Into the heart. Well, your heart's on the outside of your chest. Because they really botched that baboon surgery. What were you supposed to do with this heart? I don't know. Now, did you, this last time with the fries, did you jab yourself with the thing? No, cause I didn't have it on me.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Oh, so what did you do? Well, I walked, I was walking. Did you finish your fries? I finished all the fries. That was the problem. And the worst part was, cause I was walking with two friends and they didn't come into the McDonald's with me when I got a big Mac meal and they're giving me a hard time and they're asking me for fries.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Like, you got any fries left? I'm like, no, you're not getting any of my fries. But if I had to share those fries. Oh. Ah, things could have been. You hadn't been walking away from them so briskly. Yeah. But like, Graham, your allergies are things that are like instantaneous.
Starting point is 00:16:55 You couldn't finish a pack of something. No. Yeah, like I would get sick right away. Yeah, yours is like immediate. Yeah. Yeah. But yours has to be, it's like on a full moon
Starting point is 00:17:06 if you're not chained out in a barn. But like, I never used the EpiPen on myself. I've been to the hospital and they've given it to me.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Have you used it on someone else? I mean, sure. On Valentine's Day? As a prank? What would it do if i give you somebody if you got it right like now as a oh it's like it's uh it would be like a huge adrenaline you
Starting point is 00:17:34 like it just gets everything is going crazy you'd become the hulk you'd ruin your jeans oh that'd be cool let's do it not my purple jeans wasn Wasn't that the color of the Hulk always had purple jeans? Oh, man. Had to get them specially made purple jeans. But did Bruce Banner always wear purple pants? I guess so. He'd want cross-colored jeans. Cross-colored purple jeans.
Starting point is 00:18:00 That's the last time I ever saw purple jeans. You know what? That don't make no sense. Because, like, if you grow a tiny bit, your pants don't fit anymore. This guy's growing a lot in a really short time. No, it's just his calves. But he wears raver pants. He wears those big.
Starting point is 00:18:19 What if that was part of Bruce Banner's whole thing? Identity? Yeah. He's a raver. He's a 90s raver. He's a raver. He's a 90s raver. He's a raver. A rager? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Oh, boy. The Hulk is sucking on a pacifier. He always has green glow sticks. Yeah. He's got like the plastic deck chain. Oh, yeah. As his like wallet chain. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Patio furniture. Remember those huge long plastic chains? Yeah. Like all the way down to like wallet chain. Oh, man. Patio furniture. Remember those huge long plastic chains? Yeah. Like all the way down to like the ankle. Yeah. When they were doing so much dancing, how did you not get caught up in that? Oh, people got caught up for sure. They didn't care.
Starting point is 00:18:56 For sure. Because they were exorcising. But yeah, I've always kind of worried about the day I'd have to do the thing because I don't know. They say to jab it into your leg. Blue to the sky, orange to the thigh. Yeah. See, he knows.
Starting point is 00:19:14 They have commercials for them now. Yeah. But you go through your pants. You don't have to roll up. It goes right through your jeans or whatever. So, I mean, but then, you know, that's the end of those. Well, you're not trying to find a vein. No, I am.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I'm trying to get like a high. You want the like fleshy flesh. Yeah. But, you know. Well, the other thing that's like, because you're going right through the jeans and you can't see how big that needle is. Yeah. Because it's covered in the orange part. So how thick is that needle that it can just go right through some hard denim without a problem?
Starting point is 00:19:49 It comes out the other side of your leg. Oh, brother. That's why. The denim to slow down. I don't know. Because I've only had it done by a regular needle at a hospital. I've never had the puncture deal. Holy Jesus.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I can't see that. I'm good with that. You're showing off some kind of scar. Just a giant bruise. It's a giant bruise. Is that from your last hospital visit? Yeah. Panicked nurse that was trying to put a IV in me while my throat was closed.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Why was she panicked? She was first day on the job. Two different nurses when I was in there. One panicked, couldn't get it in, like was really rough. The other one, when I started, my throat started filling up with my own mucus because my esophagus had closed shut. Bet you know of. What Cam doesn't know. We replaced his regular mucus with Folgers crystals.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I couldn't tell the difference. But I was like, I started like kind of choking or whatever. And that was like really apologetic because I was like super high again on like Demerol or whatever they give you. Yeah, yeah. Benadryl. And I was like, sorry, I'm just kind of scared, you know. And one of the nurses was like, yeah, this is really scary. What?
Starting point is 00:21:08 We got to give you a tracheotomy. That is not what I want to hear right now. Yeah, that's true. That's the people in charge. You don't want them to be like, I'll be honest with you. This is terrifying. I don't know what I'm doing. When we had the baby, we had a midwife, but there's also nurses at the hospital.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And the nurse we had was great. She was very young and very capable and knew exactly what she was doing. But when she was like, you can do it, Abby. Push through it. I know you can do it. I was like, you just met her. Like, you don't know anything about her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah, that's true. But maybe ladies understand something about other ladies that we don't. Oh, yeah. She's like, because I'm a lady, she's a lady. We're both strong. Yeah, we know. We know we have a secret strength that men don't have, which I know I wouldn't get.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I would be like, kill me. Save the baby. Yeah. Then put me out of my misery. I don't want to do this anymore. So no more sulfites.
Starting point is 00:22:16 When we did the allergic off 350 episodes ago, Graham was naming weird things he couldn't eat. 250 episodes ago. Yeah. Graham was like naming weird things he couldn't eat. But your list is just like everything now. Oh, yeah. I've got a list on my phone that's very long. What's the weirdest thing that the most, like, you had no idea that this was. Yeah, like something you were really surprised.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I didn't know I could be allergic to blizzards. Oh, man. Let's see here uh molasses oh really um so no gingerbread cookies and gravies and sauces why it's very wide but gravies from a package or like uh i guess yeah sauces and like um a lot of condiments. Like a soy sauce. Everything from a soy sauce to a hoisin sauce. To a plum sauce. And even non-Asian sauces, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Yeah, it's ketchup. You know ketchup? Yeah, well, it's got preservatives in it. That sucks. I'll make some fresh ketchup for you. Maple syrup. What? Maple syrup and clam chowder.
Starting point is 00:23:30 That's a sad one. I really like clam chowder. Did you? Yeah. Yeah, I like it too. The one time I eat it every five years. Yeah, how often were you eating a clam chowder? How much are you going to have to cut back on chowder?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Chowder was a five times a week meal for sure. Mostly for breakfast. Yeah, morning chowder. What a horrible talk show that would be. It's all just like fishermen from the east coast. What do you guys think of
Starting point is 00:24:01 red sky in the morning? I mean, I'm more of a clear sky at night. Sailor's delight. Yeah. Red sky. Oh, right. Red sky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I, yeah, it sucks when, especially when you discover that you've got a new one that like, because forever, my thing was that I didn't know that I was like allergic to like just eating an apple. But then I thought. Whoa, eating an apple. Yeah, yeah. Like if it's baked. I guess I bet like, because he's every like fresh thing and you're every preserved thing. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Like the two of you could combine to never eat again. That's true. never eat again that's true i would if there was a thing where you could just have a like a like kind of a paste or a goo that you ate yeah you know it wasn't like super tasty but not super gross i would just do just like readily available though yeah yeah like i just go you know like you buy it in six packs or you can get it anywhere just goo yeah food food tubes yeah yeah some sort of food tube. Like from the future. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Or like a food pill. Yeah, like, oh, a pill would be perfect. Because, except that you come home sometimes after drinking and stuff, and then you take so many, because you're like, oh, I'm so hungry. Flintstones chewable food pills. Go ahead. Do you think that with yours, because yours is fresh stuff and mine is all, you know, all by its process stuff, would, you know how like super villains and superheroes sit
Starting point is 00:25:35 up each other? I'm Mr. Glass, you're Bruce Willis. How do you know that you're not the Bruce Willis? Maybe I'm Bruce Willis, you're Mr. Glass. Yeah. How do you know I haven't been setting this up the whole time you're allergic to red wine though yeah i can't have red wine which is something he can't have yeah what's in it for you i think it's the sulfites so that's but that's where it manifests itself just red wine yeah like and it's not anaphylactic
Starting point is 00:26:00 though but i'll wake up like uh with migraine headache okay i can't can't do red wine even though it looks like the classiest of the drinks oh yeah you don't even have to you don't even need a fridge so classy you don't even need a fridge that's what if you read the label of any good wine yeah it says ernest and julio Gallo or whatever. So classy, you don't even need a fridge. Serve. Try it piping hot. Which is,
Starting point is 00:26:31 yeah, that's a thing. Yeah, wasn't that mulled wine? Yeah, you mull it. That's one of your winter hazards.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh, yeah, yeah. Buzzled so many mulled scaldings. Mulled wine with my hot chowder. My Christmases won't be the same. Now, there's some people that I've wine with my hot chowder. My Christmases won't be the same.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Now there's some people that I've heard of. Hot chowder. Chicken sea. Chicken of the sea. Do they make chowder with tootles? You can make a toot in a chowder. You can make any kind of chowder. Corn chowder. That'sot and a chowder. You can make any kind of chowder. Corn chowder.
Starting point is 00:27:07 That's true. Corn chowder. Check it and see. I've heard of some people who are, they know they're allergic to something like shellfish, but once a year,
Starting point is 00:27:22 they'll load up on Benadryl and they'll eat, they'll go to Lobster Fest or whatever. Or they'll eat a giant, what is the thing that has all the crayfish in it and stuff? What's that? Like a gumbo? Like a gumbo. Yeah, they'll eat like a giant jumbo. A jambalaya. Jambalaya. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And those people I think are very crazy. But they love it so much. They're like, I'm not cutting it out of my life, even though it's trying to kill me. It's kind of like somebody who's married to somebody abusive. They're like, well, just because it's trying to kill me every day doesn't mean I'm going to cut it out of my life. I'm just going to load up on some kind of beating Benadryl. Yeah, meth.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's the, it's the, but right. The views of Graham Clark do not's the it's the but right the views of Graham Clark do not represent the views of Stop Hot Guessing no they do
Starting point is 00:28:10 almost half of the time I feel like if you're doing that you're gonna be like oh this one time I'm gonna like
Starting point is 00:28:18 you know drink all this Benadryl and then enjoy this seafood platter but you're gonna be doing it in a stupor because Benadryl really slows you
Starting point is 00:28:26 down. Oh yeah. Rousy. So there's going to be like some drowsy guy at a seafood buffet, like bumping into everybody. I've never done it. I've never done the drill. Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:36 you'd love it, man. Oh, I do like a good fog. When you're accepting a beating from somebody and you get some Benadryl in you. I am going to try and make that analogy work. Bad analogy, Graham.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Bad analogy. When you're getting drilled and you need some Benadryl. There we go. See, Cam brought it back. Yeah, that's more about the rambunctiousness. Yeah, there must have been a... Well, you're lucky, though, that it was only – you only had the two things that night so that they could just be like, oh, well, it had to be this or that. Well, this is still not from a medical practitioner that has told me anything about this.
Starting point is 00:29:15 This is all my own. Have you not had a follow-up with a – I went to an allergist after the second time because it happened the first time and I went into anaphylactic shock. that happened twice more just with drinking grape juice and nothing, but I didn't go into anaphylaxis. I just had like a rash and whatever. And I took Benadryl and it was fine. So I went to an allergist and, uh, I explained my findings that I like, you know, researched and he gave me a test with all these, you know, all the pricks and stuff. And he, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:45 that must be a fun job. Oh yeah. Allergist. Yeah. Taking a bunch of needles in you. Um, well, that one looks crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:53 You're allergic to pollen. That's the one. That was the one that I was allergic to, but nothing else. Really? Just pollen? Yeah. Just pollen,
Starting point is 00:29:59 like bluegrass or whatever. And, uh, nothing else. They just play some music. How do you feel about banjo music? Yeah. I hate washboards. Bluegrass or whatever. And nothing else. They just played some music. How do you feel about banjo music? I hate washboards.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Nice. Bluegrass. Yeah, bluegrass and Zydeco. But yeah, I told him about the sulfites thing. He was like, oh yeah, that sounds like you know what's going on there. You'd probably just continue on with that. But he didn't have a needle for sulfites? He didn't have a list of sulfites? He didn't have any knowledge about sulfite allergies.
Starting point is 00:30:32 And when I was trying to explain it to all the nurses and the doctors at the hospital this last time, no one knew what was going on. Huh. Huh. Pseudo-science. Oh, yeah, right. We're in trouble. I'm in double trouble. Lots of. I'm in double trouble.
Starting point is 00:30:48 First on that bad analogy. Now this. Oh, man. But that's very weird because last time I went to an allergist, I set a clinic record for fastest and weirdest reaction. Okay. What happened? Did they do the thing where they traced the outline of it oh like when you have the reaction yeah oh that by the way that is the scare did they leave you in the room when they did it to you or did they watch you she uh the lady uh doctor lady doctor
Starting point is 00:31:18 did it a medicine woman lady von doctor um she i don't know what the thing was that i react i reacted to almost all of the things oh yeah but yeah yeah that one cured the other one yeah mr glass but uh one of them swelled up so fast and turned a weird color. And she literally yelled to her assistant, bring me a stopwatch. Because it was happening faster than she'd ever seen before. And you don't know what it was? I think it was a tree one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Because I'm allergic to all sorts of trees. Trees, grass, anything in the nature scope. The world in general. But then, yeah, I didn't know I was allergic to apples until I talked to a doctor. They were like, do you eat a lot of fresh fruit? And I'm like, yeah, but it does burn my throat an awful lot. And I was like, but I assume that's what fruit did, right? I mean, lemons, maybe. And then the doctor was like, how are you eating these again and i was like just normal normal style and you know eating the core yeah is it scratching your throat well what do you do yeah
Starting point is 00:32:34 i coat it in sriracha first i down a bunch of jagged little pills um yeah so uh that's how i found out i was allergic to that and then when you want you got the clinic record did they take your picture yeah i was with your with your huge inflated arm yeah they put it up on the front and i got a full card time to beat yeah here's your uh here's your subway gift card you got you got your all your allergies free that day free epi pen um but yeah i don't i don't even have an epi pen at the moment because mine expired so and i do not know what to do with it like what are you doing you don't just throw them out. It says right on the thing, it has a picture of a garbage can and
Starting point is 00:33:27 don't put this in the garbage. Put it in the carburetor. Good. I don't have a carburetor. Send it to Will It Blend. Oh, you know what? I should put it in a package and mail it to one of my other roommates
Starting point is 00:33:43 and then now it's their problem. Somebody sent this to me. Don't throw it in the garbage. It says right on the label. Or mail it to yourself and then you'll be like, oh, I invented the EpiPen. I wonder if that's ever worked in court. The mail it to yourself. Yeah, yeah. That's in Miracle
Starting point is 00:34:02 on 34th Street. Oh, yeah. Also, didn't that the OJ Simpson trial, there was something in an envelope. Oh, it says, oh, it's a piece of paper that says, not the murderer. This is from a magician. This was sent before it happened. But you're, so you're, but you're So you're But you're like
Starting point is 00:34:27 Becoming the healthiest man Yeah So you feel good? I've been eating I've been drinking smoothies For breakfast And eating Lots of vegetables
Starting point is 00:34:35 And rice And not drinking beer And Do you feel better? Yeah I feel I feel light I feel
Starting point is 00:34:42 Strong I feel Independent Yeah Motivated Can you take on the world? I Yeah, I feel light. I feel strong. I feel independent. Motivated. Can you take on the world? I feel like I can take on half the world. North America. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Wow, that's a big. You are mistaken. That's half the world. Not even close. A fifth of the world. Yeah. Good for you, man. I'm feeling good.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I'm feeling good, and I'm feeling motivated. This is great. I'm feeling good from my head to my shoes. Know where I'm going? Yeah, I know what to do. Yeah, you've got a new attitude. Dr. Laura. What's going on with you, man?
Starting point is 00:35:19 Guys, I know this episode comes out August 10th. Welcome to August World. August Park. So we've all seen August Park at this point. Starring Richard Attenborough. Hologram of Richard Attenborough. There was a Richard Attenborough movie. Jurassic Park was on TV a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Uh-huh. And it kept going to commercial, and it kept going to the KFC commercials with Daryl Hammond as Colonel Sanders. They are dead ringers. I didn't even know those existed. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The Colonel's back. And he's rapping now.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Wait, no, that was last time. Oh, man. Anyway, yeah. The colonel's back. And he's rapping now. Wait, no, that was last time. Oh, man. Anyway, here's what's up. I know it's August as you're hearing this, but we recorded this in June. Yeah. And in fact, this past Sunday was my first Father's Day. Congrats. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Hey. Happy Father's Day. Thanks. And what a day.. Happy Father's Day. Thanks. And what a day. Yeah. Breakfast in bed. No. New shoes.
Starting point is 00:36:31 You can have whatever you like. I got presents. You got a tie? I got a tie, a thoughtless tie. Is that going to end now that no one has jobs where they need a tie anymore? Oh, yeah. Even people who wear suits are like, I can skip a tie most days. Oh, then your kid will give you a polo, a polo shirt.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Nice polo shirt. Or just a new collar that you can fasten to the collar of your shirt. Yes. Ooh, I like that. Like a lot. Abby, on behalf of our baby, got a bunch of, got like a little gift bag that a local woman makes. Okay. Of like local things, like, and you pick sort of what your husband's into.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah. What am I into? Yeah. Handcuffs. You tell me. Yeah. It was like coffee and beer and like soap. I love getting clean.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. What kind of soap? That's the question. An Irish spring. Yeah. Was it on a rope? Yep. Was it?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yes. Why was soap ever on a rope? Was it just because it rhymed? I think. And that's why they had that? Did you ever have it? For sure, there was one in our house. Yeah. And that's why they had that. Did you ever have it? My, I've for sure. There was one in our house.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. My dad always, I used, I used to get my dad English leather soap every father's day. Was that on a rope? It was on a rope and it's for, you just have it around your wrist and then you're just, you know. Yeah. For not dropping. So they don't drop it. I guess.
Starting point is 00:38:02 In your home shower. Yeah. That's a worry. dropping. So you don't drop it. I guess. In your home shower. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:03 That's a worry. And yeah, I, I, I use bar soap and I'd say, I mean, I only drop it like once a day. Yeah. Still.
Starting point is 00:38:15 That's, I guess. Hi. Do you drop it comically where it's like zips out the top of your head? But like you're, it happens a bunch of
Starting point is 00:38:22 times where you're trying to. Um, have you ever seen that soap?'s like Got a little hole in it for him For his pleasure Anyway it's I don't know Some fragrant soap And she But one of the things that was included
Starting point is 00:38:44 Was a Beef jerky wrapped in like paper fragrant soap. And she, but one of the things that was included was a, this beef jerky wrapped in like paper. Okay. Like local beef jerky and Abby had it in the closet and went to get it
Starting point is 00:38:53 and the dog had eaten it. And later that day put out a rope. It wasn't soap. Jerky on a rope. Everything on a rope. Happy Mother's Day. it wasn't soap jerky on a rope everything on a rope happy mother's day um uh
Starting point is 00:39:09 and then uh we went out for breakfast and had I was like oh there's a the Mexican place in the neighborhood just started serving breakfast
Starting point is 00:39:16 uh ooh uh and so let's try that and it was the worst oh no why what is it
Starting point is 00:39:23 um a Mexican breakfast? Huevos rancheros, I suppose. Yeah, sort of. That was not in so many words. Okay. All right. They had like,
Starting point is 00:39:33 oh, this looks like it might be huevos rancheros. And there's some like breakfast tacos, and Abby just got churros. Churros with fruit. Tell me about your breakfast churros. fruit and um tell me about your breakfast churros i recommend them uh so that was a bust yeah and then we went to car free day oh yeah it's a nightmare it's a nightmare for human beings but it's okay if you have a baby. Yeah. Yeah. It's a way I ran into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Car free. Car free day? Yeah. Yeah. But I didn't know it was happening. Right. So that's your excuse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:15 But I was walking and then all of a sudden I was in it and I was like, oh, and now I can't get out of it. Yeah. Because it is really mouth breather central. Just a lot of people not paying attention to anything. Don't need to worry about cars. We're free of them today. A slow moving herd. Yeah, but kind of not really moving.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And it's like a parade where the audience is the parade. That the parade that's true and floats watch you yeah it's a real russian parade um and it's uh uh i don't really remember any of the booths we actually only went about five blocks because uh we went to visit my sister and then on the way back it was like the baby was crying and it was just get us off this slow moving street um well i saw you at uh the popsicle popsicle like you know artisanal popsicles popsicles what what weird flavors did they have uh we got a uh i had a coconut raspberry Yeah There wasn't anything like You know Old sock
Starting point is 00:41:28 Rucksack cinnamon Yeah Yeah no no Geppetto There was The name's a weird character I don't know what they taste like There was like a blackberry crumble
Starting point is 00:41:37 That was maybe the weirdest one Yeah But it had a guarantee He had a guarantee That if it wasn't the best popsicle You ever had You didn't get back in line Yeah That's true You had to really. And get back in line. Yeah, well, that's true.
Starting point is 00:41:46 You had to really want to get back that $2 or whatever. It was mostly what I saw was petitions. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Hey, sign a petition for this. Sign a petition for that. Sign a petition to eliminate Car Free Day. Sorry, I'm in a rush. You're not in a rush.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You're hanging out at Car Free Day. It is impossible to be in a rush. But it was like, I've only been to, and I've never been to one. I've been through them because they happen to be happening on streets I needed to cross. But they should have one intersection that
Starting point is 00:42:22 cars are allowed through. Oh, they do. Oh, do they? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I need to find that intersection. All the big lighted ones. They still were functional. Okay. Yeah. I mean, car free days, the reason I said it's a nightmare is because I have a problem with crowds. And that's, you know, anything like that where I'm in, you know, just in the middle of like,
Starting point is 00:42:39 I have like eight people on every side of me and I'm just like having to walk slowly it's very you know very stressful for me yeah i i like the idea because there's like bands that play there yeah stages with bands and then there's like restaurants that get patio licenses so that's cool that they get a patio those patio licenses um yeah it's the uh it is it's the crowd thing and like i know people have like gone to the things that are famously like crowd things like running of the bulls or like the tomotillo festival or that one where they throw all the color things colors yeah oh and i don't know man i'm just like you could get uncomfortable in your own town. Just get on a bus.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Get on a city bus. You don't need to go all the way to India. Go down to the stadium Skytrain station when a hockey game lets out. Yeah. Oh, man. You know what's so funny? I took a cab last night, and the cab driver was driving downtown, and he let me drive. Your mime of him driving is like he's skiing.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And he was like, as we drove downtown, he was like, uh-oh, the Japanese women's soccer game just got out. It's going to be crazy busy. And it was just like the fastest drive downtown we've ever had. It wasn't busy
Starting point is 00:44:04 at all. It was a family of people wearing Japanese flags walking across an intersection and that was the crowd. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:44:14 We're, oh no, the Japanese women's soccer game just let out. Anyway. Last week was supposed to be the,
Starting point is 00:44:20 um, busiest weekend in the city since the Olympics. Because there was the Women's World Cup. There were five cruise ships in the harbor. There was Car Free Days.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah. And it was Father's Day. And Father's Day and Jazz Fest. Ooh, Jazz Fest. Oh, and Yoga, International Yoga Day. Oh, right. And Aboriginal Day, yeah. So her proposal was to have...
Starting point is 00:44:51 Now catch everybody up. Okay, our premier wanted to close one of the bridges between downtown and the rest of the city so that people could do yoga on it, which I can't, like, if you're somebody here, if you, like, the Venn diagram between somebody who wants to sit on a bridge and people who enjoy yoga is so, such a narrow overlap. Mm-hmm. Right? If you love doing yoga, why would you want to do it on a filthy bridge?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Well, there's nowhere else you can do it. Why do you want to do it in the middle of a street? Like, that's essentially what you're doing. Yeah. And in the heat of summer, where's the coolest place? Asphalt? And then
Starting point is 00:45:32 it got so many people said, why are you doing this? And then they said, oh yeah, we're not doing it anymore. Psych. Yeah, she invoked her psych. She gets three per term. Yeah. Yeah, she invoked her psych.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Yeah, yeah. She gets three per term. Yeah. Three executive psychs. She used one on her signing day where she gave the download too slow. Yeah. Put her there. Psych.
Starting point is 00:46:02 So, Graham, what's going on with you? What is going on with me? You know that I do the, for a long time I was doing these beard paintings. Yeah. And I kind of stopped. Yeah. Because I was so stopped. But then a lady from this charitable website, like it's like a database of all the charities and
Starting point is 00:46:26 the north american region uh-huh so she said hey i want to film you doing this so i've done it now i'm back into it again i was out but the games pulled me back in so now i'm back into it again and you're getting the process filmed live now so does that change uh how you know about it yeah i do a lot i do a lot more uh i glam it up are you are you are you like shirtless wearing like uh there's like linen fisherman's pants everyone wears when they get back from thailand yes yes i do a sword dance before during and after and uh you know they have assistants. I have 12 assistants that help me out. You only wear things you got in Thailand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:12 A shirt of that elephant beer. Yeah. Yeah. A thing of Pad Thai that I can't eat. A bunch of fake Rolexes. I've never been to the Thailand. You've been, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:27 They got all your sauces. Plum sauce. Hoisin. Do they have hoisin? They got soy. Fish. Fish sauce. Curries.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah, curries. Oh, a curry? Sure. Marinara. Oh, yeah? Which is just ketchup. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:44 It's literally spaghetti with ketchup on it. I had that when I was there. In Thailand? Yeah. I was like, oh, well, you know, I've been eating all this like Thai food. Yeah, I'm going to get the spaghetti. Yeah. It's literally just spaghetti noodles with ketchup on it.
Starting point is 00:47:56 And like, you know, like frozen peas and cubed carrots. Yeah. Oh. That was it. Wow. And it was good. It was all right. That sounds like something a kid would make for their parent.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Their dad or father's day. Yeah, exactly. Sounds like something Cam would wait for Valentine's Day to eat. Five Guys Burgers. Five Guys is closed. Oh, you know what I like even more? You boil some noodles. Noodles and catsup.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So you're painting? I'm back into it. How many have you done now? Well, this was just on Monday, so it's just the one I finished. Well, then you're not back in. Oh, no, I'm back in. Because I really enjoyed the way that this one turned out. You know the movie Drive.
Starting point is 00:48:46 With Ryan Seacrest? Yeah. Man, of all the Ryans, I'm really glad you pulled out Seacrest. Yeah. I Drive. For American Idol. Does he wait? He doesn't report for American Idol.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, let's throw it back to our host, Dunkleman. He's reporting on some kind of big political scandal for American Idol. No, no one knows where ISIS will strike next. For American Idol, I'm Ryan Seacrest. Thanks, Ryan. So you painted Ryan Seacrest? Yeah. It's a portrait of Ryan Seacrest.
Starting point is 00:49:30 A portrait of Ryan Seacrest. I'm not ruling it out. No, it was a portrait of that. He wears like a satin jacket. With a scorpion on it. Yeah, yeah. But it's Grover from Sesame Street wearing it. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah. Pretty cool. And. You paint that with your beard? Yep. You got that right. But yeah, it just kind of fell off. I wasn't doing it.
Starting point is 00:49:59 But then it was one of these things where I was like, whatever stuff. I really enjoyed this. You used to rent a studio too. I did. Yeah. And then I. Oh this. You used to rent a studio too. I did. Yeah. And then I. Oh, you had like a painting studio? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:08 And then I didn't have money. So then I gave up the studio. And I also had a couch that was in that studio. And somebody took back the couch. It was like a sequence of events. Like somebody first took back the couch. Then I ran out of money for the studio. First they take your couch.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Then they take your couch then they take your studio then they take the whim oh no that's true like reverse scar face yeah now i have a regular face you know what his face isn't that scarred in that movie no you know, wasn't it? I could be way wrong on this, but wasn't it supposed to be a remake of an older movie? Yeah. About, like, was it about Al Capone? Or who is Scarface? Was that Al Capone? I feel like he had a big scar on his face.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Anyways, then they called it Scarface and he kind of had a scar, but not really. Yeah, no, not really. Yeah, not really. I was thinking that it might have been, like, one of those a scar, but not really. Yeah, no, not really. Well, yeah, not really. I was thinking that it might have been like one of those Dick Tracy characters, like Pruneface. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or Blockhead. Like a cartoon who just decided to become a villain? Yeah, to become a real person?
Starting point is 00:51:17 Oh, well, I guess I'm disformed, disfigured. I guess I'm a criminal now. Yeah. Maybe he was just really good at eating stuff quickly and it was scarf ace
Starting point is 00:51:28 scarf scarf ace yeah yes the ace of scarfing Ryan Seacrest hosts scarf ace
Starting point is 00:51:36 I guess scarf has another meaning other than to eat something quickly or to make a bunch of scarves he's the guy who makes a bunch of scarves oh my god
Starting point is 00:51:44 that's a movie I makes a bunch of scarves. Oh, my God. That's a movie I want to see. Scarface. Oh, say hello to my little friend. It's silk. Yeah. Yeah, wool. So, you know, that's what's new with me.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I mean, we had a lot of fun with the Ryan Seacrest. When's the next painting? Well, I have to do one that I've owed somebody for like a year. Okay. And so I have to do that one. Oh, boy. You're in paint debt. Yeah, I am. I'm in paint debt.
Starting point is 00:52:13 That's why they took away my studio. I racked up too much paint debt. But then after that, I'm just going to go bananas with it. It's like, yeah. It'll be easy because you'll be in town all summer. Oh, I'm going to bring the paints it. It's like, yeah. Because, yeah. It'll be easy because you'll be in town all summer. Oh, I'm going to bring the paints with me. Oh, really? I'm checking.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Once you have to check bags, then you might as well bring everything you want. Every liquid in the world. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I'm bringing my roll-up water bed full. That's not a thing that exists. Could you take an air mattress? You know those large air mattresses that you get for camping? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Could you just get one of those and somehow rig up a hose to have a nozzle that could fit into the air hole, fill it up with water and turn it into a waterbed? Probably. Cam, why don't you? I'm going to be looking into that this summer. But only for camping. Yeah. It couldn't be an indoor waterbed. When I camp, I'd like to camp on a waterbed. Yeah, exactly don't you? I'm going to be looking into that this summer. But only for camping. Yeah. It couldn't be an indoor waterbed.
Starting point is 00:53:06 When I camp, I'd like to camp on a waterbed. Yeah, exactly. That's true. Have you ever slept on a waterbed? Oh, yeah. Really? Once. At a sleepover.
Starting point is 00:53:18 I said that like I owned one. Once. At a what? Like a sleepover in grade five with a friend who wasn't really a good friend and ended up being that kid that my parents didn't want me to hang out with. Yeah, because his family owns a waterbed. Yeah, his parents are swingers. Yeah. Is a waterbed a sex bed or a sleep bed?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Well, it's kind of somewhere in between. Yeah, they're not comfortable to sleep on. Yeah, they're just weird. They're fun for kids to jump on when the parents don't know that you're in their bedroom. Yeah. But also, I can't imagine sleeping on it because if somebody, like on a regular bed, if somebody moves. Have you ever slept on one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Same thing. Friends, parents. I've never known anybody my age that owned one. Is it on one? Yeah. Same thing. Friends, parents. No, I didn't ever. I've never known anybody my age that owned one. Is it just water? Yeah. It's not. There's no springs? Yeah, they're in there, but they're just floating around.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Is there memory foam? Memory sea foam? It's just a big bag of water that you're sleeping on. But if somebody next to you turns, there's like a fucking wave that comes over and you can feel everything they're doing. It's like those big blow up things that are on lakes. Yeah. One person sits on the one and jumps on the other and launches the other person out. It's totally like that.
Starting point is 00:54:39 It is like that. Yeah. They're very hard to get out of once you're in it. But that's true of every bed. Very easy to get in. You just die. And also, I remember them being like, they always have to be in like a wooden box, right? Like the frame holds the kind of bladder of water.
Starting point is 00:54:56 So there's like, you roll over to the side and you're hitting like hard wood edges. But like it's, yeah, like some college kid just sleeping on a on a waterbed mattress on the floor i a waterbed futon i feel like it would be fun to do once but i don't want to spend the money to buy it can you return to one no but but I think you could in like Edmonton at the Fantasyland Hotel. There's definitely rooms that have waterbeds. In the underwater themed room?
Starting point is 00:55:31 Yeah. Yeah. I know for sure because I had a friend like two years ago stayed there and they stayed at a waterbed. Maybe we can get transferred.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yeah. Or you just ask at the desk, can you send up a waterbed? But I do think they probably, they're probably a sex thing, right? There's probably, it's probably. Yeah, I feel like the whole term, like more motion in the ocean, like came from having sex on a waterbed, right? Yeah. Or on a cruise, you know.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Or with a shark. The most dangerous game. A small canoe. canoe yeah tippy um yeah no it's just like they're 80s 70s and 80s relics yeah of like sex folk but i want early sex folk yeah what kind of music are you into oh man remember when dylan went erotic oh man oh well do you want to move on to overheards after these messages hello buddies i'm travis mccroy and i'm andy bolt and we're the host of bunker buddies we're a podcast where we're amateur survivalists and we talk about things like the apocalypse. And we talk about zombies and preparedness. What are you going to wear when it's the apocalypse?
Starting point is 00:56:52 And you have no idea if you don't listen to our show. It comes out every Wednesdays on and on iTunes. Sometimes we try weird foods or we talk about where to camp or how to avoid getting eaten or any of these things. Yeah, so listen to us because it might just save your life. We'll see you in the bunker. Bye. I'm Biz. And I'm Teresa.
Starting point is 00:57:12 And we host One Bad Mother, a comedy podcast about parenting. We say all the horrible things about having kids so you don't have to. And you can come across as the magical vessel Pinterest perfect parent society wants you to be. One Bad mother. Because this is hard and nobody gives a s***. Check us out on iTunes and Overheard! Overheard! A segment in which we
Starting point is 00:57:40 all, well we all over here something once in a while, and boys isn't it fun to share. And we like to start with the guest. So, Cam, if you would. This actually happened today. I was kind of worried coming here because I didn't have a great one. You better come here.
Starting point is 00:58:12 You better come correct. I was down today at Granville Island and I overheard these two guys talking and I kind of walked up to where they were in the midst of the conversation. And I just heard the one guy go, yeah, so picture like a bowl of pancake batter, that hitting the floor, falling on your hands and hitting the floor, that kind of splash radius. And so I'm trying to clean it up, and I got to barf, and I go to the bathroom. I can't make it to the toilet, and I puke on the floor. So now I've got twice the mess. But, I mean, that's what happens when you adopt a new dog. I was making pancakes for the dog. I read it on a blog somewhere. But the pancake splatter is obviously the dog taking a shit inside.
Starting point is 00:58:51 But you're not supposed to, you are supposed to be able to cope with that and not be vomiting every day. Well, the dog goes to the bathroom once a day, so I throw up every time. Yeah, I puke once on the way there because I'm nervous about that. It's going to happen. And then it turns out it goes three times a day. Yeah, that would be, I would love to see that just once,
Starting point is 00:59:15 just like a dog going to the bathroom and I own her puking. Yeah, but yeah, man, it's a lifestyle change but what i like like vivid image description with that pancake batter hitting the floor like you just know yeah amount of poo that was like it must have been everywhere i was talking to to a couple who adopted like a dog that is five years old or something. So the dog's been around, had another life somewhere. Oh, it's been around. It's got a water bed. And they had to take like three weeks off work just to like get the dog set up in yeah. Get the dog like set up in the house and, and you know,
Starting point is 01:00:08 kind of accustomed to everything. Yeah, yeah. I was like, that's a, that's great. That's a crazy amount of work for a dog. Three weeks off,
Starting point is 01:00:15 like your whole holidays for the year to, well, I know people who don't take three weeks off when they have a baby. That baby is not going to be eating shoes and uh tearing apart your couch well someday it's probably fun yeah whether a teenager yeah exactly teach your children well um but yeah it's like uh people will go they'll go far for their uh for their dogs not so much the cats i don't think people take three weeks out of work for i feel. I feel like cats wouldn't even care. I feel like cats are just like, screw you.
Starting point is 01:00:47 What, you brought me to your house? What do you want? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, what kind of? You adopted me. I adopted you. Dave, do you have an overheard? Mine's an overseen.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Okay. And it's weird. Because it wasn't like an event or anything i was just walking at work one day and i saw these two guys uh crossing the street uh coming towards me and they were like uh the bad guy punks from an 80s movie oh yeah oh that's my favorite kind of punk uh and this is like i'm my overseen, I'm just going to describe these people. Yeah. But one of them was just like your standard crust punk.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Okay. Drab clothing. Yeah. Torn up everything. Yeah. Yeah. The other guy, like military pants tucked into boots. Some kind of shirt.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And then up top, like a, uh, a super bright neon sunglasses. Okay. Like a... These are like classic punk looks. Um, uh, like a trilby hat, maybe? Not a fedora, but like... Like more of a floppy? Yeah, maybe a pork pie. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Oh, was he skanking? Yeah, it was something stiff brimmed. Okay. And his earring was on a chain, at the bottom of the chain, like a novelty eyeball. Oh, cool. Yeah. He went to the wardrobe department. Give me the full punk.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Like of weird science or whatever uh do you remember that scene in terminator the first one where he walks up to the punks and one of them is bill paxton and uh he asked them for their clothes you're thinking weird science yeah yeah yeah what did i say terminator yeah um that scene is in the new Terminator. I never saw it. But Bill Paxton's not in the... No, they got Bill Pullman. But it's the exact same scene with the exact same punk outfits.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Oh, okay. Did you see that movie? The new one? Yeah. No, that scene is just on YouTube. They were like, cool scene. So they... They were like, cool scene.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Cool scene. And I clicked on it because I want to be cool. And Arnold Schwarzenegger, the original Terminator guy, goes up to them and says, give me your clothes. And they're all like, no way, man. We're punks. And then the old Arnold Schwarzenegger comes up behind him and says, I've been waiting for you. And then he shoots him. He's wearing a hoodie, which I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Why would the Terminator need to wear a hoodie? He's a robot. He doesn't worry about rain, messy hair. Does a hoodie protect your hair? I don't, you know, it's to keep you cozy. But this is the same Terminator from Terminator 2, essentially, right? No, it's a whole different, it's like a whole different timeline. Like, what if there was another Terminator that they sent back before the other Terminator showed up?
Starting point is 01:03:50 Because I was thinking that this might have been the same Terminator from Terminator 2 who Edward Furlong taught to be a cool teen with witty banter. You're thinking of Encino Man. Maybe he got into hoodies and stuff, too. It's weird that those two movies came out at the same time. But didn't that Terminator get dropped into a ball of, vile, vile of acid? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:04:14 he got dropped into a vowel of acid. A-E-I-O-U. Sometimes Y. He was dropped into like a hot, Yeah, hot tank. A hot eat. Yeah. Cool treat. Yeah. He gave the thumbs up on the way out. That's right. He was dropped into like a hot Yeah Hot tank A hot eat Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:25 Cool treat Yeah He gave the thumbs up on the way out That's right He was the cool treat It was the hot eat Yeah It was sponsored by Dairy Queen
Starting point is 01:04:32 And What was It was Hasta La Vista Baby Was his His guy I never saw the first one The first one is the one where he says I'll be back
Starting point is 01:04:42 Yeah I know But it's not He's the bad guy But it's not He But it's not. He doesn't say it like everybody says it. I don't even know why it was the line that caught on. Because he just literally says, I'll be back. People are like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:53 True to his word. But he says it in the second one. The second one was where he said it again. And I feel like that's the one where it's like, oh, he said that same thing he said in the first one. I'm back, baby. I'm the Terminator. I'm back in the first one. I'm back, baby. I'm the Terminator. I'm back in the robot groove. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Now, my overheard is, well, a combination overheard, overseen. I was heading somewhere in the morning-ish time. Let's say 1030, right? Main and Broadway. That's where my punks were. Is that right? Yeah. Oh, right? Main and Broadway. That's where my punks were. Is that right? Yeah. Oh, this is a hot corner.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Hot corner. There was a guy in a very 80s Ferrari at the intersection. Testarossa, no doubt. Must have been a Testarossa. Convertible. Nice. And he was sitting there at the red light, and then there was a guy, panhandler guy, on the corner, who had taken a break from panhandling to yell at the guy in the Ferrari,
Starting point is 01:05:51 and he just kept yelling, Ferrari! Hey, Ferrari! Ferrari! And then the Ferrari drove off, and he was like... All he wanted was a beep, or like a wave. Or maybe he had some Ferrari trivia that the guy might... What's the guy going to do? Get out of his Ferrari? Ferrari.
Starting point is 01:06:08 Or maybe his car was on fire. I don't know. Oh, yeah. Ferrari. Ferrari. A single's going to shit on you. Yeah, I bet you're all your 80s cars, your 80s supercars that catch on fire quite a bit these days. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Your Countaches. Oh, yeah. Your Esprits. Is that guy... Do you think that guy always takes a break from panhandling? Do you shout the name of whatever car he's really into? Yeah, I think if the right car comes by, then yeah. What does it mean to take a break from panhandling?
Starting point is 01:06:34 Did he drop all the pants? Well, he had his, you know, his cardboard sign, but he was faced away from where he would get it. Oh, right. So this wasn't somebody in a Canadian tire just handling a lot of kitchenware? Yeah. Oh, no. This wasn't like an associate panhandler. No, this was like a panhandler.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. Oh, sorry. I should have been more clear. It wasn't even someone who lives in the panhandle. Yeah, yeah. But have you ever seen on those blogs where there's a pictures of the abandoned supercars in Dubai? No. There's like, I guess there's.
Starting point is 01:07:10 I don't read those blogs. Um, that, that's a thing that happens over there a lot because there's, uh, people who, uh, live very, you know, in the lap of luxury there, but then they don't bring that life with them wherever they move next. So they just leave the cars because they have a billion dollars. So they don't care. And so there's, you know, cars that are just abandoned on in parking lots that are whatever, whatever a fancy car is, you know. Maserati. Exactly. Yeah, like a Lamborghini or a Porsche.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Yeah, like an Elantra. Is an Elantra like a Lamborghini or a Porsche. Yeah, like an Elantra. Is an Elantra like a... Yeah, it's like a... It's the only way you would rent from budget. A Hyundai Elantra. Yeah. It's the worst car I've ever driven. A Bentley is like a really expensive car, right?
Starting point is 01:07:59 Yes. Rolls-Royce. Rolls-Royce. Yep. Are they still expensive? Oh, yeah. What if you were driving an 80s Rolls-Royce? Rolls-Royce. Yep. Are they still expensive? Oh, yeah. What if you were driving an 80s Rolls-Royce? I'll probably be on fire.
Starting point is 01:08:10 That gets your bargaining price down. If you were driving an 80s Rolls-Royce, chances are you're an 80s butler or chauffeur. Or you're Robin Leach. Is he still with us? Robin Leach? Yeah, he's with us. Where Leach? Yeah he's with us Where is he? Where is he in the house?
Starting point is 01:08:26 He's on our team Now we also have Overheards and Overseen Sent in From people around the world If you want to send one in to us You can send it in to spy at
Starting point is 01:08:39 This first one comes from Aurora H Horialis? Yeah her last name is Horialis. That's weird. Yeah, I thought so too. Well, her last name is Aurora H. And her last name is Horialis.
Starting point is 01:08:56 But when you read it all together, it's not as pleasant. This is a friend of mine hosted a get. Oh, she's from Red Deer, by the way. Red Deer, Alberta. A friend of mine hosted a get together yesterday, and one of her friends is a Renaissance Fair type. Uh-huh. A knave. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Was talking about her husband's dress code at work. Uh, he can't have any visible tattoos or jewelry aside from wedding rings, but his wedding ring is a tattoo and his engagement ring is a sword. I don't know what that is. Um, and in a bracket to his added bonus, ring is a sword. What? I don't know what that is. And in brackets, this is added bonus. She was literally
Starting point is 01:09:50 spinning a yarn when she shared this. Oh, that's nice. That's fun. Yeah. Spinning a yarn. That'd be fun to chew some fat
Starting point is 01:09:57 while you're just gossiping. Oh, yeah. Now, she said that his engagement ring is a sword. So did the, did his wife ask him to marry her by presenting him a sword by knighting? I'm guessing. Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Yeah. Or it was like, you got me this ring and here I'll get you a sword, you know, because we're progressive. Yeah. Like, it's like getting somebody in an engagement bicycle. I mean, an engagement sea-doo. Oh, that would be the best. Oh, I'd say yes. I would say yes. Yeah, you would.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Or is it an engagement sword like the old-timey version of a shotgun wedding where you like you got married at sword point yeah he was like against the wall with a sword at his throat i do but i really mean it i would do it even if there wasn't a sword at my throat a shotgun wedding she's pregnant right yeah okay and the dad has a shotgun. Right. Yeah. And the dad's like a hillbilly or whatever. And you got a stain on your shirt. Yeah. The clues control. Oh, I'm sorry. Aurora's from Rhode
Starting point is 01:11:16 Island. This next one is from Red Deer. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. Oh, I apologize. This is Who is this from? Heather. Heather M. in Red Deer, Alberta. Oh, former wife of Paul McCartney. Oh, yeah. Move to Red Deer.
Starting point is 01:11:33 One-leggedly. Is that like allegedly? Allegedly. So this is overseen on the Bed Bath & Beyond website. It's in the clearance area of the website. And she sent a picture of it, and it's a Maverick Chef Tunes Bluetooth speaker and roasting thermometer. Maverick, okay. Okay, let's go piece by piece.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Maverick Chef Tunes is the trademark. Okay. Bluetooth is a copyright of Bluetooth. And then speaker and roasting thermometer. So it's with... This is the picture of it. It's like a box. You see it?
Starting point is 01:12:21 It's a box. This one has beef written on it, I i guess and what does the speaker say beef moo or it just plays meatloaf if you're making meat right right right um you can play captain beef heart if you're cooking the heart of a cow it says with the wonderful versatility mad maverick chef tunes bluetooth Bluetooth speaker, and roasting thermometer, you can listen to music, talk on the phone, tell the time,
Starting point is 01:12:50 and measure the temperature of your roasting meat. Talk on the phone? Guess what I'm calling you from. Just holding a roast chicken in your hands, talking into it? I'm calling you from
Starting point is 01:13:01 inside the chicken. Oh no, the call's coming from inside the chicken. Get out of there! I'm dying! I'm so you from inside the chicken. Oh, no. The call's coming from inside the chicken. Get out of there. I'm dying. I'm so hot in here. Oh, it's so hot in this kitchen. Why did I buy this inside the mom-o-no?
Starting point is 01:13:17 I'm starting to sweat. Anyways, I just thought that was great. That's a good thing. It's from rhode island necessity a necessity for any kitchen yeah any good pan handler knows that yeah yes yeah you serve dinner and you can hear ccr coming out of the turkey This last one Comes from I'm doing a lot of singing
Starting point is 01:13:48 This week Oh why not You know what I'm happy to be alive Yeah you got a really Nice singing voice I feel like the The roast
Starting point is 01:13:55 The roast song Would have to be Bad to the bone Oh yeah You put it on the table At Thanksgiving And it's Everybody drops their drink and looks over.
Starting point is 01:14:08 The turkey's wearing sunglasses. Alright. This last one comes from William in Boise, Idaho. This overheard happened on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Okay, so we're really catching up with these overheards. Oh, Idaho. This overheard happened on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Okay, so we're really catching up with these overheards. Oh, yeah. Was that January? That's January.
Starting point is 01:14:32 My girlfriend was at her university campus when she overheard a woman say to her friend, Why does Martin Luther King Jr. get a whole day? All the other presidents have to share one. She's got a point. Yeah, yeah, that's true. And April Fool only gets half one. Good call. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Why does everybody else get a whole day? But that guy. April Fool. Yeah, Arthur Fool. Well, I guess that's the end of the podcast. Yes, it is. No, it's not, Dave. Oh, you never let me off the hook.
Starting point is 01:15:05 In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 206-339-8328, like these people have. Hey, Dave and Graham and guests. I got an overheard for you. I was in an elevator earlier today in a building that I'm not usually in, and two ladies got on at the same floor, and they obviously knew each other. And the one lady turned to the second lady and said, oh, I finally watched the first season of that show.
Starting point is 01:15:32 And the second lady was like, you're going to have to remind me. And the first lady was like, you know, that CD that you gave me. And the second lady's like, I'm not remembering. And the elevator doors opened, and as they were walking out,
Starting point is 01:15:44 I heard the first lady go, you know, lady cop. Could be a lot of shows. Yeah. Rizzoli and Isles, are they cops or just detectives? Oh, boy, that is a philosophical question for the ages. Philosophical? Philosophical. Morphorotic.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Yeah, they had a booth on Star Free Days, philosophers. I like that you're calling it a CD, too. Yeah, yeah. You know, the CD. I gave you a videootic. Yeah, they had a booth on Scar Free Day's Philosopher's. I like that you're calling it a CD, too. Yeah, yeah. You know, the CD you gave me. I gave you a video CD. Yeah. Yeah, I gave you a CD of all the hot tracks from that TV show. I burned you a disc.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Music inspired by friends. I was like, do you think that she was, like, that was very, like, obscure, the way the whole thing, like, know i saw that watch that show and like didn't give me and like that cd you gave me like do you think that they were very aware that like this guy is not usually in this building you shouldn't give up too much information yeah yeah exactly uh let's pretend that we still use cds we don't want them to know that we're uh making a lady cop show oh oh you mean the overhearer? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, lady cop. Well, there was Police Woman.
Starting point is 01:16:48 That was a show. Yeah. And Cagney and Lacey. Uh-huh. There was then a big gap of nothing. There's like nothing in the middle. What about the like supernatural detective? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:00 There's a couple of those where there's like. Oh, medium and that's off the air. But season one's very good. What was the one with Jennifer Love Hewitt? Oh, yeah. There's a couple of those where there's like... Oh, Medium, and that's off the air, but season one's very good. What was the one with Jennifer Love Hewitt? Oh, yeah. She could talk to Ghost Whisperer? Was it Ghost Whisperer? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:14 But she didn't solve crimes, did she? I mean, sometimes. She just kept them company. It was a chat show. Here's your next phone call. Hey, stop podcasting yourself. This is Molly in Cincinnati. This weekend we were having dinner in a local
Starting point is 01:17:29 Thai restaurant and we were seated near a table where four gentlemen were enthusiastically discussing all things martial arts. Then the topic of marriage came up and one of them explained to the others that when his girlfriend found out she was pregnant,
Starting point is 01:17:47 they decided to stay together, but that they didn't need to get married. Instead, they have a very simple arrangement for raising their kid. He said he told his girlfriend, you take care of the book smarts. I'll take care of the kung fu action. Booksmarts. I'll take care of the kung fu action. Where on that diagram does potty training fall? Booksmarts.
Starting point is 01:18:13 You know what? Yeah, I will take the booksmarts. Yeah, you know what? You'll be in charge of the kung fu. Also, we're raising Batman. The kung fu action. Yeah, or just like an action figure. like an action figure yeah yeah it has one arm that does chops i mean for a little while that's all kids are what an action figure yeah that's true pose them dress them however you want is that what you did with action figures or dolls hug them tight yeah put on batman's Summer outfit Take a bath with them Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:47 Um Here's your final Overheard of 2015 Hey Um Calling in with a Momentous occasion Uh
Starting point is 01:18:55 The other day I was at the bookstore And I was walking Through With a Phone No
Starting point is 01:19:03 You realize You called the wrong podcast? Yep Oh no Momentous occasions As Jordan and Jesse go But thank you Yeah I wonder what it was
Starting point is 01:19:17 Well we'll never know What if he like stepped in something Oh yeah maybe that's what it was I stepped in this giant pancake batter dog feces. I've never dropped a pan of, or a bowl
Starting point is 01:19:32 of pancake batter, so I don't really know. But it's sloppy. Yeah, I guess it's pretty sloppy. You've, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Have you gooped? Have you dropped like a Slurpee before? Oh, yeah. Or a milkshake? Yeah, off a roof, off the Eiff milkshake? Yeah, off a roof.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Off the Eiffel Tower. Yeah. Dave Letterman and I. Dropping a Slurpee off the Eiffel Tower is one of the most romantic things you can do. Yeah. As a couple. Yeah, you both, you make the Slurpee together. You pick both of your flavors.
Starting point is 01:19:59 That's the new thing, like the lock, the heart lock bridge. You put a lock in it and you whip it off a bridge. People will try to catch it and then they'll just get a hard lock in the face. Because they're trying to catch you with their face. If somebody catches it, then they replace you in the relationship. Yep. Step to the side, whoever threw it. It's like...
Starting point is 01:20:23 Doesn't discriminate. It's like throwing the bouquet law that you then have to get married. Mm-hmm. It's like... It doesn't discriminate. It's like throwing the bouquet law that you then have to get married. Oh, man. I've... I don't know that I've known anybody who's caught a bouquet. So I don't know anybody
Starting point is 01:20:34 that didn't or did not get married after that happened. Because what, is it supposed to happen within a certain amount of time or just your neck? 60 seconds. And if you don't,
Starting point is 01:20:44 you have a curse. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't catch those gypsy bouquets. Yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah, you cut the wrong bouquet. Now you're the person
Starting point is 01:20:53 in the purge. Everybody. The person in the purge. Well, because isn't it like a bunch of people that have weapons and then there's just like some guy who gets voted
Starting point is 01:21:03 into the purge? tonight the purge? voted into the purge no the purge is the night when crime is legal so it's not just one guy they're up against why is it now here's the question about the purge because i've never seen the movie why doesn't everybody just commit financial crime because it's legal yeah like why does everybody go right to murdering anyone who commits final who knows how to commit financial crime. Yeah. Like Wall Street stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Yeah. They committed it anyway. Yeah, but this way they've got that extra loophole. We did it on Purge Day. Well, you'll notice all those transactions happen during the Purge. I think they'll, but people like that would just be worried that they'd get purged. Yeah, those are the ones getting purged. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I don't know. If there was one. I'd go on the offensive. Well,ged. Yeah. I don't know. If there was one. I'd go on the offensive. Well, you. Yeah, as a rich guy. Not tonight. No, yeah. What would be, if you could commit a crime on purge night, what would it be?
Starting point is 01:21:56 What would you do? I don't, I think what I would do. Make a purge wish. Are you allowed to cross the border to a country where there's no purging? Oh, that's interesting. I would spend, oh, purge is coming up. Yeah, I'm going to Mexico over two weeks. Oh, well, my company is sponsoring a purge barbecue, so I
Starting point is 01:22:14 gotta be here. Do you have any purge plans this year? Purge plans? Yeah, big plans. I'm going to get 12 of my most hated people and give them all a all expense paid parachuting trip, but then none of the backpacks will have parachutes in them.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Ah, yeah. It's a prank and it's April Fool's Purge. I am actually, I don't, on the Purge, I don't steal from people. I just give something away. I give everyone a can of whoop-ass. Do you even know what day this is, man? Purge.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Wouldn't the most rebellious thing to do on Purge Day to just follow the law, right? Yeah, yeah. When you're waiting at a crosswalk, everybody else is murdering everybody, and you're like, whoa, whoa. Everybody else is murdering everybody. And you're like, whoa, whoa,
Starting point is 01:23:05 whoa, guys. Uh, lights red. Um, well, that brings us to the end of this here episode. Uh,
Starting point is 01:23:13 Ken, this comes out in, uh, August 10th. I believe so. Uh, do you have anything that's, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:20 happening? Any late summer plans that anyone needs to know about? You're in the dog days of summer now? Well, the Hero Show happens every, the second Thursday of every month
Starting point is 01:23:33 at the China Club. That'll be this Thursday. That's this Thursday. Yeah. Fun. On Main Street in Vancouver. Yeah. And then
Starting point is 01:23:39 Matterhorn Improv happens once a month as well and all that stuff you can find on Facebook. And there's also a show that is a two-person sketch show called Sidekicks that is a sister show to the Hero Show that also happens at the China Cloud. And there's some very good dancing happening.
Starting point is 01:23:56 There's some great dancing that happens there. That's exciting. Yeah, so just that. And I'm also performing at Vancouver Theatre Sports League these days. Congratulations. Yeah, thanks. Hey. Good I'm also performing at Vancouver Theatre Sports League these days. Congratulations. Yeah, thanks. Good for you. Yeah, all right.
Starting point is 01:24:09 It's fun. It's fun. Don't eat any sulfites. Sulfites? Sulfites? Sulfites. Sulfites. Sulfite jets?
Starting point is 01:24:18 Oh, you bet on the purge day you can, though. Yes, you can. It's your cheat day. Like, it's the laws of gravity as well. Oh, I would just float. Yeah. Laws of physics. And where can people find you online?
Starting point is 01:24:30 You can follow me at Clam McCloud on Twitter and Instagram. Yeah. And if you just search Hero Show Comedy on Facebook, you can get all the updates on all that. All right. Great show. Fun show. Yeah, man. It's one of the best in the city.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Fave show. Real treat. Thanks, guys. Thanks for being our guest. If you like the show, head over to Do you have anything to plug, Graham? I'm in Edinburgh already. All month.
Starting point is 01:24:57 Things are really kicking off. Yeah. I'm eating vegetarian haggis, which I did last time. Just tastes like vegetables. Proud to report. Served inside a beet's stomach. Yeah, exactly. Inside a pumpkin's stomach.
Starting point is 01:25:16 And, you know, head over to Check out the blog recap. For pictures and videos of things we talked about on the show Picture of a waterbed for sure Oh, did we even talk about waterbeds? Oh, I think we might have Maybe Five Guys hamburgers Oh yeah, or Liquid Dreams
Starting point is 01:25:34 That may not have been on the air Oh, nuts And if you like the show Tell your friends And come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. She has a waterbed! I'm gonna get some!
Starting point is 01:26:15 She's gonna go all the way! Oh my god, is that a waterbed? Waterbed! Testing. Testing. Testing. Comedy and culture artist owned listener supported

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