Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 39 - Marjorie Malpass

Episode Date: November 23, 2008

Actress, comedian, and former YTV PJ (What? I know, right?!), Marjorie Malpass joins the boys to talk Truck Nuts, Canadian show biz, and play a round of Tom Jane or Aaron Eckhart....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! All right, everybody, welcome to episode 39 of the epic podcast. Stop podcasting yourself. My name is Graham Clark, and joining me here as always is the man Daniel Craig said will be the next James Bond, Dave Shumka. Shumka. Dave Shumka, right?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Here's the thing. I will introduce our guest oh why don't i all right um our guest today is a wonderful actress comedian and uh recent toronto transplant from vancouver here back for a visit and we're very lucky to have her miss marjorie melpass oh hiya gents thanks for coming welcome thanks for the one you were about to interrupt. I was about to interrupt. Yeah, go ahead. Well, this is episode 39, and you know how when people are turning 40, they'll lie about their age, and so they'll say they're turning 39, and their friends will joke that, didn't
Starting point is 00:01:19 you turn 39 five years ago? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are we going to do that? I think every episode from now on should be episode 39. Episode 39. Until we learn to just come to terms with it. Episode 40 is the new episode 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Is this podcast hitting a midlife crisis where we're starting to wonder about our choices with the podcast? Maybe we should start dating younger podcasts. Should we get some new segments? Some shiny new segments? Or should we stick with the tried and true? I think for this particular 39th birthday, we'll stick with the tried and true and get to know us.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Get to know us. And we'll start with the guest, as always, Marjorie. Thank you. tell us what's going on uh with you what's what's the general what's the general feeling with marjorie malpass these days what are the polls saying about marjorie malpass uh i moved from vancouver to toronto and i'm really glad i made it yeah most of my family's there, so I got to have Thanksgiving with my sister. And this past week, I was in Prince George doing a play. PG.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Oh, my God. And you know the downtown Prince George Park? It's a beautiful hill. You don't. It's nicknamed Head in a Bucket Park because, you know, a few years back, they found... A head in a bucket? What? No.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Really? For real No. Really? For reals. For reals. This is a beautiful downtown park, and everyone's like, I'll meet you at Head in a Bucket Park. Oh, that's awesome. Yes, it is. Or awful. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I think it's awful that it happened, but it's awesome that the town has embraced it and made it into something that the tourists will like. It's not on any city paperwork. No, it's not on any sign, but the signs kept getting defaced, so eventually they just took down the signs. Wow. It's the vernacular. That's...
Starting point is 00:03:15 And you did not enjoy your time in Prince George. No. You did not enjoy the landscape, the... It's a big northern BC town. It's really cold. It was quite cold. Beautiful sky, tons of sun, and just not many people there to play with. Everyone my age has got like three kids
Starting point is 00:03:34 and they drive trucks, and it's a beautiful demographic. The shows I was in, they were all sold out. Did you see any truck nuts while you were up there? What's a truck nut? It's when the trucks have a pair of testicles hanging off the little trailer hitch. Is that a new thing? Oh, no, it's not a new thing.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Are they like solid steel looking or they look like actual pair of nuts? Oh, no, I think the most popular is the skin colored. Like the rubber. They look like nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they do anything? They swing. Yeah, and they prove how manly you are. I'm surprised you haven't heard of like nuts. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do they do anything? They swing. Yeah, and they prove how manly they are.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I'm surprised you haven't heard of truck nuts. I'm still, you know, I grew up in a truck-based culture, Calgary, Alberta. Beautiful. Beautiful Calgary, Alberta? Yeah, I guess that's... Just the culture. I think it's beautiful. The culture is beautiful, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 No, and we were more of the Calvin pissing on the Ford logo era. Truck nuts hadn't quite. Now, I grew up in Vancouver, and I could maybe never tell you a time in my life when I was in a pickup truck. I'm sure I have been. I must have been at some point. No, I think that that's a thing that a lot of people can say, that they've never been in a pickup truck. Margie, have you been in a pickup truck?
Starting point is 00:04:47 I have, and even better, on Saturday I saw in Prince George a monster truck show. Oh, nice. Was it a monster truck pull or a monster truck show? It was a show with Bigfoot, who is the monster truck of all of them.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bigfoot. He's the original truck, OT. That's awesome. And they had dirt bike racers and they just smushed the hell and then the finale was two cars that came out and they were transformer cars and they transformed into a good and an evil
Starting point is 00:05:11 persona and just like shot fire at each other. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Have you ever been to a monster truck show? I think when I was a kid I went. What's the difference between a monster truck show and a pole? You said something about a pull. Well, it's quintessentially
Starting point is 00:05:27 the same, but a truck pull is more kind of an outdoor, kind of in the mud kind of an event. Whereas a monster truck show is usually in a stadium of some sort. In a stadium and they smush over trucks and they pop a wheelies in these giant machines. So when Bigfoot travels from wherever he
Starting point is 00:05:43 is based, parts unknown. There's a new one that's the big one now. Truckosaurus? No, I think it's like the Paralyzer. Maybe not. There's the Undertaker. He was big for a long time. That's a wrestler. Yeah, but it was based on the wrestler. It had pictures of him on it.
Starting point is 00:06:00 It was Batman. A car based on a wrestler. Okay, cool. But do they drive? They don't drive the monster truck to Prince George. No. They must have... In the back of an 18-wheeler, I assume. I don't think a monster truck would fit in an 18-wheeler. It's got to get there somehow. How does it get there? They don't fly it in. A carrier jet? No, they must be able to take off the wheels or...
Starting point is 00:06:27 And then it just drives as a normal truck? No, no, no. I think they shove it somewhere like a horse. You wouldn't take your horse. They take it by horse? Is that what you're saying? Man, that's the most impractical possible way. Poor horse.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Is that what they used to do in the old west that they would get like a wagon would jump over a bunch of horses and then they would crush a horse they would disassemble a horse and move the horse to a different town and catch their banditos oh right that was called the
Starting point is 00:06:59 Texas horse was the name of that yeah I think back then they called it a Bigfoot. Oh, right. Bigfoot. No, wait. That's the one you were talking about. Bigfoot, to me, probably, he's like the Jake the Snake Roberts of the monster truck circuit.
Starting point is 00:07:16 He's still going. Yeah. He used to be in the big venues. Now he's stuck in Prince George. Like he would be playing in Boston, but now he's doing Prince George. Like he's on the C-circuit. You know? Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:07:29 So you were in Prince George. You were doing a play. What play? They called the number 14. It's basically... The one about the bus. The bus, yeah. It's traveled around the world.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's gotten me to Prince George, but it's also taken me to Europe. I got to go to New York City. And I stopped doing the show when I moved to Toronto. But they asked me back for one week. I'm not going to say no to Access Theaters. That's fantastic. It's like a family to me. So you got to go to Europe with this show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Where in Europe? Italy. I was just testing. See if she was like, I don't know. Copenhagen was great. Denmark was great. But Finland was life changing. I would never be able to afford to go to Finland.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And there they wear leather pants without irony whatsoever. Loverboy just caught on over there. Everyone carries Nokia cell phones because Nokia is a Finnish company. It's the only Finnish company. And they're mad at the Swedes and don't like to be compared to Sweden like we don't
Starting point is 00:08:21 like to be compared to America. So it's kind of like the Canada of Northern Europe, Finland. Except leather pants. What about Norway? How does Norway feel about all this? I'm not sure. I didn't go to Norway. Okay. I think they're all being compared to Sweden. Yeah. Now I've never got to see this show.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Have you got to see this show? Got to? No, I haven't. Don't worry about it. I've always wanted to see it and then I never got a chance. I think we've talked about our love of theater on this show. Dave's lifelong love of theater started when he was a young man and continues to burn brightly to this day. When I was a kid, I saw Les Miserables, which is musical theater, and I recently downloaded the soundtrack. And I have been just... Rocking it?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Singing it. Master of the House. Yeah. That'll get you up in the morning. Some little people. Some lovely ladies. Yeah. Stars as a tearjerker.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Do you hear the people sing? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's good. That's good. We're going to make it. We're the French.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So you went up. You went to Prince George. You're back in Vancouver, you're visiting friends. Yeah, visiting, doing some stand-up, saying hi. Nice. It's nice to have you back in the Cove. Oh, I miss you boys very much.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I download this podcast when I'm lonely. So you're the one. Thank you. You're the one on the elliptical trainer. I take you to the gym with me. We get our sweat on together, boys. Yeah, we usually do end up sweating by the end of this podcast a lot of people don't know that stuffy room it does get stuffy and we can't let the dog in to air it out so whilst you're on the elliptical be sure
Starting point is 00:09:54 that you're not the only one busting a sweat that's my new phrase for it don't look at me like that um with love don't look at you with love nah i don't i get um so what else what else is there anything the stand-up's going well out in toronto you like toronto you love toronto more than vancouver it's just different you want to bury vancouver and build another toronto over top of it vancouver toronto toronto stinks like literally doesn't smell good they leave the garbage out on the sidewalk new york style new york style, and there isn't the same. There's no ocean water to make everything smell all pretty. At the same time, amazing tap water.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Yeah, you were bragging up the tap water pretty loud and clear in the kitchen. Well, here, you know what? With all the rain and the water gets all turbid. Yeah, yeah. And it sounds like turded, and you don't want to drink it yeah the turdidity of the water here boo yeah no that's true that's something to look forward to this winter what what kind of hick town do we live in that that's that's one of the things that we have to deal with in the winter and we never used to have to deal with it just a couple like two two
Starting point is 00:11:00 three years yeah i blame lenina you would like to blame everything on La Nina. What's up with you boys? Yeah, what is up with you, Dave? Well, two days ago I recorded a podcast. And since then, not a lot has happened. I'll be quite honest with you. Do. Oh, I watched a movie the other day.
Starting point is 00:11:26 So did I. Oh, what did I watch? Give me a moment. I don't have time for movies. I watched a movie the other night, and I told you about it immediately following. What was it? Ghost Boat. No, was it Ghost Ship?
Starting point is 00:11:38 Oh, yeah, Ghost Ship. But I prefer to call it Ghost Boat because it makes it sound sillier. Is everything you do obscure? Mostly. Is everything you do, I've got a cult thing that happened or something that only three people have seen? Yeah, I like to keep it in a small circle. I don't like to go see other things that other people are talking about. You're extremely exclusive.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Yeah, I like to jump in at the last second and go, has anybody seen Ghost Boat? And ruin the conversation. Who's in Ghost Boatship? Ghost Boatship stars Julianna Margulies. Oh, as Ghost Boat. As Ghost Boat. The problem with Ghost Boat. She's like a superhero at night, but in the daytime.
Starting point is 00:12:21 It can turn into a ghost boat and foil international diamond thieves. At daytime, she works on the docks. No, she works in the ER during the daytime. And then at night, she turns into a ghost boat. The problem with ghost boat is the poster. It might be called ghost ship. It might be called ghost ship. But for my purposes, it will always be ghost boat.
Starting point is 00:12:42 There's a picture of a boat on the cover. I didn't rent it. I saw it on TV, but I looked it up on IMDb. And on the cover, there's a picture of a skull like a boat with a skull face. And so I'm like, that's what I want to see is a story about a ghost boat. Or a skull boat.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Possibly a skull boat. That's more pirate-y, though. You want the ghost boat. Yeah, but the skull face of the boat. I mean a skull boat. That's more pirate-y, though. You want the ghost boat. Yeah, I wanted the skull face of the boat. I mean, ghosts are rarely skeletons. That's true. Yeah. But this one, it had...
Starting point is 00:13:13 It was just there were ghosts on a boat. So it would be like calling snakes on a plane snake plane. Which you would then assume was about some sort of snake plane. But in actuality, it was just snakes on a plane. So I was disappointed by that. But also, I'm undisappointed by the fact that Mighty the Gorilla is back in Vancouver selling fireworks at many locations. Halloween. We're recording this quite pre-Halloween.
Starting point is 00:13:44 A week before Halloween? Yeah, but Mighty Gorilla in Vancouver every year crops up. You're familiar with these little kind of shanty stores. They set up these firework stores in abandoned
Starting point is 00:13:59 stores. They just rent them out for a week and then they sell just fireworks and they sell them 24 hours a day and they've got usually a strobe light and these uh this the signs are just like the cheapest uh done with felt red pen usually well no some of them are the printed up uh that just look like plastic things you would get at a dollar store that just say fireworks yeah but this one now it's it seems like a bunch of guys have gotten together and consolidated and have called
Starting point is 00:14:28 themselves Mighty Gorilla. And now it's Mighty Gorilla. Do they have an inflatable gorilla? No, they've got a picture of a gorilla. They're low. Does it entice you to want to buy fireworks? What I saw last night really enticed me to buy them. Because there was a
Starting point is 00:14:43 mother-son team setting them off out in front. Okay. Let me set the stage for you, man. Okay. On Cambie Street. I was walking up Cambie Street, and there's a yoga studio on Cambie Street. Is it hot yoga? Yeah, it looks pretty sweaty.
Starting point is 00:15:02 It's got windows. It's like Cambie 12th. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So there's yoga. By the Jolly Alderman? Yeah, it's the same block as the Jolly Alderman. It'll be back.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Once the construction is done, the Jolly Alderman's going to come back, and I will drink there just like I did before it closed. It'll be like a ghost boat. Will it be as trashy, though? It better be. Yeah, it better be. I don't think they're going to do any renovations.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I'm going to open a bar called the Jolly Ombudsman. They have to be jolly. They fix your problems. That's true. Is that what they do? Yeah. Well, they don't make them worse. I think they just confuse you as to what they're supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Ah, touche. You just see their name written. You're like, yeah, all right. If you have a problem with Dave's comments about ombudsman, maybe you should write to your alderman. Carry on. So there was a son-mother team lighting off fireworks right in front of the yoga.
Starting point is 00:16:00 How old was the son and how old was the mom? The son was, say, 16, 17. Oh. The mom had him young let's say right she wasn't yet episode 39 that's let's say but the the twist on it was the son was the embarrassed party and the mom was the one lighting the fireworks. Nice. So she kept saying to the son, give me another one. And then he would reluctantly give her one
Starting point is 00:16:30 and then she would say, I bought it with my money. Don't roll your eyes at me. And then put it in front of the yoga studio while people were doing yoga and setting off these like crazy 18, you know, the ones that do all the colors in like the 5, 10, 20 strikes in a row?
Starting point is 00:16:45 They've started, City of Vancouver has started And she shot them right into a tree where all the leaves are falling off and nearly started a fire. Fun. This year, you now actually I love Halloween in this city. You need a permit to get them. To get them or to use
Starting point is 00:17:01 them? To get them. You need a permit, you need to go online, fill out a quiz, and then they'll email you. Do you like fun? Yes or no? Yeah. Do you hate squirrels?
Starting point is 00:17:14 And they email you the permit. You print it off, and you need to keep it on you when you buy it and when you let them off. And legally, you're only allowed to let them off on the 31st, Halloween.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, let me just say this, that I have a feeling that at the Mighty Gorilla, if you go in at 3 a.m. and flash a strobe light in their face, they're not going to check your quiz permit. You could probably write the word permit on a piece of paper. A used diaper.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I'm not calling out Mighty Gorilla. I'm just saying that it's a possibility it might be easy to scam, you know what I mean? They're concerned with the bottom line there. Yeah. I'm too cheap for fireworks. Yeah, you think it's just a giddy thrill?
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yeah, just let someone else pay for it. I'll enjoy it. Sure. Yeah, that's what I did last night. She paid $50, she said. I paid nothing and got to have the exact same amount of fun she did. You didn't get to embarrass your son. That's true. He did look pretty embarrassed, but I got to be the one he was
Starting point is 00:18:19 embarrassed in front of. Oh, nice. So without me there, it wouldn't have been complete. It's a little embarrassment triangle. Yeah, like a Mexican embarrassment standoff. Oh, I have another awesome thing that happened. Can I roll into that? Please, because I've got nothing. I was on the bus yesterday. I was going to a movie. What movie? It was called I.O.U.S.A.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And it was a documentary about the current financial crisis in America. How timely. Yeah. Did they make the movie in anticipation of the meltdown? Yes. It was it led up all the way to May 2008.
Starting point is 00:19:02 That's how up to date it was. Yules. Again, you're proving me right about the you loving everything obscure. Yeah, there were six people in the theater. And there was a guy behind me in the theater that every point that came up, he went, oh. He got it more than you did. Well, no, he seemed genuinely surprised by every number they put on the screen.
Starting point is 00:19:27 They're like, the U.S. deficit is $8.7 trillion. Duh! He goes, duh! He'd do a lot of that. Anyways, on the way there, the bus, I thought I missed the bus, but then the bus was parked way down the road. Thanks to Crisscross's timely reminder and when i got to the bus there was uh the buses stopped because there was a fight on the bus and i've been involved in several bus fights in my time in vancouver and uh so i was like let's see if i can't figure out who's the
Starting point is 00:20:02 because everybody on the bus was piled into the very back of the bus. Everybody was standing like a can of sardines at the back. And the two people fighting, this was the craziest thing because I couldn't make up my mind fast enough. There was an old guy, like a really old guy with a scraggly beard and looked like super homeless fighting a guy. Super homeless? Believe me, super homeless. And then guy. Super homeless? Believe me. Super homeless. And then another guy that had tiny little arms. And I was like, but I don't know who's the bad guy in this fight.
Starting point is 00:20:33 So I didn't know which one to grab. Like tiny little arms medically? Medically. Yeah, yeah. But I couldn't tell. And nobody seemed to be able to point out. He's the one that's to get him off the bus. So I kind of waded into a conflict.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I didn't know what side was. So I kind of stayed back as much as I could. But I knew that there was obviously everybody piled to the back. So it must have been some kind of violent. Anyways, it turns out the guy with the small hands, he was the troublemaker. He was touching girls and stuff. And he was the troublemaker he was he was touching girls and stuff and he was drunk and the homeless guy grabbed him and kind of tussled with him that's kind of awesome nobody helped the homeless guy because the all his shit got sprayed everywhere i helped him pick up his stuff but he
Starting point is 00:21:18 kept yelling at everybody on the bus like you bunch of fucking cowards sold me out that's exactly what he's saying you're a bunch of sellouts you bunch of cowards and i was i was the only one that stood that i was standing next to him i looked around everybody on the i was the only one standing anywhere near him and he was just like this all happened to you so it was one of those things where he was like putting a curse yeah on everyone on the bus yeah but not me because i helped him pick up his shit and i got in the fray but i again i didn't know which guy was the bad guy he like this was like a 65 year old guy that little arms tried to get back on the bus and he drop kicked him in the chest it was amazing like and the driver and all
Starting point is 00:21:57 this well the driver's not allowed to get involved right so but i was and there was another guy and there was just some other guy in the bus just like jumped on top of little arms and i was like i don't know if that's the guy but then it was little arms was the guy he was drunk so little disabled people can be assholes too yeah that's what i learned from this differently abled yeah assholey assholed differently assholed Asshole-ly labeled. Differently assholeed. Differently assholeed. That's a disability on its own. That's good. So that's my... That was a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:30 That's exciting. Yeah, action packed. That's like your inner hobo coming out again, helping. I know. What do I get? I get in trouble everywhere I go. Wait until I get to the big smoke. That's where the real trouble goes down.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Yeah. Hog pound. Bullets are flying. I will take care of you. I know. I'm staying in your apartment. I'm going to clean it top to bottom. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:22:50 It's going to be so squeaky clean when you get back. Wow. Yeah, that's what I do. Mostly bottom. You're not going to do much ceiling work. I am going to do a lot of ceiling work. Actually, that's what I do most of the time. I put on that song, Dancing on the Ceiling.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Yeah. That's going to work. It's good I got skylights. It's a good thing you got regular length arms. Take that. Yeah, apparently. Do we want to move on to... Why not? We burned it.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Overherds. Overherd. Overherds. All right. Overherd. You're excited because you've listened to the show.
Starting point is 00:23:23 You know how to do. I'm a fan Listen on the elliptical apparently You've got the arms to prove it You've got the elliptical That's true Do you have an elliptical at home? Oh god no
Starting point is 00:23:35 Jesus I make dozens and dozens of dollars In comedy I make half dozens of dollars So no I go to a gym in promity. I make half dozens of dollars. I make dozens of dollars. So, no. I go to a gym in a community center. There's a lot of gyms, though, in Toronto.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah, I go to a community center, though. You have to have things to do in the winter when it's C-O-L-D. It's already getting cold there, right? Yeah, you're going to need hats. It's already getting cold here. Yeah, but not Toronto cold. It probably won't snow when you're there, but it'll be chill. It'll be cold, right? Yeah, you're going to need hats. It's already getting cold here. Yeah, but not Toronto cold. It probably won't snow when you're there, but it'll be cold, right?
Starting point is 00:24:09 I've got a new pair of boots. I've got a new jacket. You've got a new attitude. You saw that when I came through the door today. Aren't we supposed to be overhearding friends? Sorry. You know what? No, I like her take charge attitude. I keep it loosey-goosey.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And I keep it bossy-bootsy. All right, can't argue with that. Bossy-bootsy. Well, why don't we start with you? I understand you have two overheards. Overheard. So this is for the, you were talking about Les Mis, and I was in New York City. Red, the blood of angry men.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Black, the dark of ages past. Wow. Learning so much about you right now. So I was on the subway going back to where I was staying and, you know, in the brief times when it comes up and you can actually use your cell phone. And this guy who was a dance captain, if you don't know a musical theater, if you're a dance captain,
Starting point is 00:25:01 you're in charge of all the other dancers. So you help them with the choreography and you lead the warm-up, right? So dance captain is quite a prestigious gig to get in a musical, right? Yeah, sure. And so he was on the phone and he said, if they even threaten to take dance captain away from me, I'm leaving the tour. Wow. That's what a dance, but that's what makes a dance captain,
Starting point is 00:25:24 is that he's ready to make decisive measures like that. That is it. He was so... It was like his world was falling in. Maybe they were just testing him. Because they didn't think he wanted him bad enough. They're testing his captain metal. If they even threaten to take it away, he is leaving the tour.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Get mad at it. What kind of captain just leaves his crew behind? I don't think you know what I behind? This dance captain's going down with a dance ship. Is that a good ship? Have you been watching So You Think You Can Dance Canada? Sure have, Dave. I haven't. Sure have.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Can you tell me about it then? This is the quiz. I watched an episode of it today, as a matter of fact. Leia Miller sparkles as the Canadian host. Oh, she's a delight. Isn't she? She's in Toronto. You can go down to Chum Building any day.
Starting point is 00:26:11 You want to meet her? Two phone calls, I can make it happen. Two phone calls? I'm connected. One to the switchboard. One to the voicemail. Hello, operator? Give me Leah Miller. the switchboard hello operator give me leah miller um leah miller for our american listeners is the host of so you think you can dance canada and also the host of canada's uh much music uh much on demand much on demand and in her bus stop posters looks like one of the dinosaurs from that Jim Henson show from the 90s.
Starting point is 00:26:47 The dinosaurs. Oh, and I believe she's dating the gentleman from City in Color. Oh, the one with the tattoos. I guess they all have tattoos. The guy with the glasses? The beard? The singer. The leader.
Starting point is 00:27:01 The dance captain. The dance captain of City in Color. Dave, do you have an overheard? I have an overseen. Okay. Nice. Y'all ready for this? Da-na-na-something.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Go ahead. Okay. I was walking my dog. Well, this has nothing to do with it. I could have been walking a ferret. It doesn't... You know, I was just walking. And I saw a poster that was advertising stone carving lessons.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And there was a picture on this advertisement for stone carving lessons. And the picture was of a famous carving. And it was one of the heads from Easter Island. I'll teach you how to do one of these. Which is either, I thought, super ambitious or super remedial, because it's not that great a carving. It's just really big. Yeah, but it would be tough if you were making it to scale.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Then it would be, that would be a lot of carving. It would just be time consuming, I think. Yeah. Well, they want you to take the course, right? They want you to buy the materials. Yeah, that's true. Oh, yeah. So in the syllabus it says,
Starting point is 00:28:16 get a notepad and a chisel and a 5,000 pound rock. And also, it helps if you're wearing a loincloth of some sort. A la BC. Right? Wasn't that guy always chiseling something in that comic strip? BC? I thought you meant our province of... Oh, nuts. I forgot where we lived.
Starting point is 00:28:39 What? That was random. A purse just ghost shipped off of the shelf. Can apartments be haunted? I think so. Yeah, what about that movie with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson? 1408?
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, that was one room. Yeah, but it was just one room that was haunted. Okay, which room was it? I can't remember. I don't know. It was in some motel called 1408. Martian Child. High Fidelity. Can I read? I don't know. It was in some motel called 1408. Martian child. High fidelity. Can I read a couple of listener overheards?
Starting point is 00:29:11 Nice. And then I have one of my own. You can do it whatever you want. Okay. I'm going to read. This is from Morizo Grotto. I hope I'm pronouncing that right. I think it's probably pronounced,
Starting point is 00:29:24 Morizo Grato. I hope I'm pronouncing that right. I think it's probably pronounced, Morito Grato! This is a guy actually who... Who's never going to listen again? No, he wants to be in the running for official American listener. Where is he from? He's from New Haven, Connecticut. Oh, beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Beautiful. Yale Bulldogs. Is that true? Yeah. All right. I think they're the Bulldogs. This was an overheard he sent in addition to his
Starting point is 00:29:49 announcing his candidacy for the official American listener. This is overheard one employee talking to another at a local grocery chain. I don't know what to do. The Tinkerbell costume is light green, right? But I'm white, so how is that going to look? do. The Tinkerbell costume is light green, right? But I'm white.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So how is that going to look? Well, because Tinkerbell is Asian. Was she? Yeah, in the original adaptation, sure. This is another. This is an overseen. I believe you know this guy, Gary Russell? Oh, yeah, I know Gary Russell.
Starting point is 00:30:20 We used to play in a band together. He's a pilot. Yeah, he sure is. And this is his overseeing. I was at the Calgary airport in uniform, holding my suitcase, riding the elevator. As the doors closed, I realized someone had written on one of them, Pilots are gay. This took me off guard, as I don't often see such pointed graffiti, especially pointed directly at me.
Starting point is 00:30:42 My guard was further off because the only other person in the elevator with me was another pilot and was reading the same headline so and then uh he said i had two thoughts at time did the guy who tagged the elevator door ever think he would reach his target audience so effectively and second when do i start making out with this other pilot yeah thoughts uh right away i think you can yeah yeah that's your that's your time like it's the only time like it's it's a spur of the moment it says pilots are gay you're with a pilot you are a pilot that's your chance to be a gay pilot right yeah yeah well don't blow it you've got well maybe you do blow it yeah uh it seems to me that there's plenty of time for pilots to be gay on the plane. Gays on a plane.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Right, right. All that time in the cockpit. Yeah. On this plane. You have an actual overheard from your life? From my life. Remember when I was going to vote in the bike slash curious election? going to vote in the bike slash curious election i uh was on the bus on the way to vote and there was a guy let's say he was about 1920 1819 talking on the phone to his friend so i only heard his
Starting point is 00:31:56 half of the conversation but it went like this that's very bob newhart it went uh heart it went uh the ratio is 16 to 1 16 girls to 1 come and get some come and get some come and get some well bring your friend well what is he gay oh oh my god that made me so hot. Oh my god. Wow. Yay! He was a pilot. That is a horrible person. That's a horrible person. Oh, he was horrible, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:37 And the weird thing was the timbre of his voice did not match his face at all. He sounded much older and greasier and then when I looked he was kind of just this really young with tiny arms guy with all these kick marks on his chest. All these kick marks. Yeah, so that was my
Starting point is 00:33:00 I actually, I made a snort when I heard it. Did he notice? No, no. He was so pissed. He hung up after oh. He was like, I guess I'm going to have to go get some by myself. In this day and age,
Starting point is 00:33:14 you can't slam the phone down with cell phones. So having a flip phone is probably the most satisfying way to hang out. That's what I got. I got the flip phone. But those ones that pop up lengthwise, very difficult to slam shut. At's what I got. I got the flip phone. But those ones that pop up lengthwise, very difficult to slam shut. At least you can slam them shut.
Starting point is 00:33:31 If you just have a little, like an iPhone, you just gotta thumb it. There's not even a button. No, no, no. And you want to be so gentle with those iPhones because you love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Do you have an iPhone? No, no, but everyone I know has it. You make dozens of dollars. What's wrong with you? I make dozens of dollars in comedy. You like that, don't you? Yeah, I like it a lot. You do make dozens of dollars.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Okay, I have one more overheard from my new time in Toronto. Please, Madge. Can I call you Madge? No, don't. Okay, starting now. Jory. People call me Jory. You know that, Dave.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Really? Yeah, Marjorie. I don't care for that at all. When I was at, I used to work for YTV when I was a teenager as a PJ, a program jockey. You were a PJ? You were a program jockey? You guys didn't know that? Did you know PJ Fresh Phil? I sure did. Did you hang out with the Grogs?
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah, did you hang out with Warren the Grog? What was Warren the Grog like off camera? Okay, okay, okay, wait, wait. What about Sugar? Do you know Sugar? We're going to lower this down. I was the Ottawa correspondent. So I was not the Toronto girl. So think when they did the YTV Achievement Awards and opened museums or Canada Day. YTV for our non-Canadian listeners is youth television.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yes, yeah. Canadian Nickelodeon. So we have program jockeys instead of like music jockeys, right? So to talk in between them. And they had puppets called grogs, right? And they had puppets, right? So I would do viewer mail and stuff like that. But they thought PJ Marjorie was too little old lady, because it is.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Marjorie is a little old lady name. I love it. And it'll be so good when you're an old lady. Oh, I can't wait to rock that name. So they called me PJ Jory, because they wanted me to seem younger. So it stuck. So that's my nickname. I probably watched you.
Starting point is 00:35:02 You might have. Oh, I definitely did. I never missed. Did you ever meet Ralph the Happy Contest Goose? He's not. He's not real. Oh, okay. He's in a comic book.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Sorry. That's awesome. Yeah? Wow, I can't believe that. I've been working since I was 13, buddy. Wow. Yeah, you've been around. Dozens and dozens.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And here you are. Dozens and dozens of dollars. Canadian show business. I am so famous in Canadian show business. And at the end of this podcast, I'm going to ask one of you for a bus ticket to get downtown. You're damn right you will. And we will cobble it together. Okay, so I haven't overheard.
Starting point is 00:35:37 All right, so yes, Toronto. And I went to my first Maple Leafs game. And, you know, I like watching live hockey. And I was way up in the second to last row sitting next to that guy. If you've ever been to a hockey game and you hear from way up in the Raptors someone going like, Loser! I was sitting next to that guy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Lucky you. And there were two girls in front of me. And they were talking about, oh, hey, I hear you went to the New Kids on the Block concert. Because they're back now, the New Kids on the Block. Finally. And the other girl was like, it was amazing. Yeah? Yeah, it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:36:13 They used props and everything. They even had hats. Yes. That is amazing. They even had hats. They had props. This tour spared no expense. I bet, by the way, at the Toronto hockey game,
Starting point is 00:36:32 I bet the ratio of men to women was 16 to 1. Probably. Come get some. Yeah, but this, loser. There's a lot of that uh the uh new kids on the block came back at exactly the same time the backstreet boys came back and so just just outshone them preference what's your preference chance oh i think the new kids just because the comeback is so long in the making yeah yeah yeah uh kind of oh you mean who's my favorite for a comeback?
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. Oh, yeah, New Kids. Absolutely. Yeah, the Backstreet Boys weren't gone long enough, and they don't even have all five of them. I think one of them's taking a break. One of them was a little put off by the comeback. I think I like the New Kids on the Block comeback
Starting point is 00:37:24 because people always predicted that they would come back and have to change their name to the Old Kids or the Old Man on the Block. But they didn't. They just kept the same shitty name and produced a song that sounds equivalent to something they would have produced. Does it really? No, no. The old, the previous, the young new kids. The old new kids. The old.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I think their songs were noted for having vocal hooks, like, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, yeah. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, related ones. Yeah, lots of oh related vocal hooks. Their new, I think I've only heard one of their new songs. I think it's called Summertime. Yeah, lots of O-related vocal heads. And then their new... I think I've only heard one of their new songs. I think it's called Summertime. Yeah, and it does not have an O.
Starting point is 00:38:09 No, you're right. Disappointing. Well... Because they're in their 30s and maybe even pushing 40, I would say. The thing is, though, in the videos, they're still like... I think they're pushing 10.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Well, they're pushing strollers in the videos because there's a lot of little 17, 18 year old girls fawning over them. I'm not buying that because their fan base now would be from when they were originally popular would be about their age because they were quite young
Starting point is 00:38:39 when they were popular. Specifically Joey. He was the youngest. How old was he? 12? No. At one time he was in his i'd say he was 13 and it's gotta be 35 now please don't go girl when he was singing that so given that most of their fans are are late 20s early 30s yeah yeah or who were their fans but in that video it's all these teenage girls who never would have heard of them. They're like, my mom listens to you. They would have been Hanson fans. If Hanson made a thing
Starting point is 00:39:10 and they were in the video. My mom listened to the new kids and now she's letting off fireworks. You are so embarrassed by both. Should we do another segment? Shall we? Is that what we shall? What do you want to... We'll be right back. back okay so we took a
Starting point is 00:39:27 break about half an hour yeah it was great though we got to know a lot what do you want to do right now i want to do uh celebrity crush hat celebrity crush hat crushing the hats celebrity crush hat go fuck yourself celebrity crush hat chapeau chinois celebrity Celebrity crush hat. Go fuck yourself. Celebrity crush hat. Chapeau chinois. Celebrity crush hat. Crush hat. Okay, so celebrity crush hat. Hooray.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Take it, Graham. All right, celebrity crush hat. You, Marjorie, will pull out a number. My lady. That number will dictate the age at which you tell us who, what celebrity you had a crush on at that age. I'm going to make a guess. At every age, it was Mario Lopez.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Oh, I got two. 14. I think we got 14 last week. Yeah, but 14 is the golden time of celebrity crushes. It really is. At 14? Yeah, 14. Oh, I have a good one.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Cast Ye Mine Back. Oh, my God. The first time I bought those Tiger Beat magazines that I hid under my bed, porno style. Really? 14. We talked about that with Erica, didn't we? Yeah, but we never talked about hiding them. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:40:39 Because I was a late bloomer as far as any of that. I used to love them. Yeah, but you don't need... Why did you hide them? I didn't hide because I was so ashamed of having a crush on someone. late bloomer as far as any of that. I used to love them. Why did you hide them? Because I was so ashamed of having a crush on someone. I remember my parents listening to Paul Simon and they loved the song 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. And I was so embarrassed
Starting point is 00:40:54 by the word lover. And now you use it with wild abandon. Throw it away. My lover. So when I was 14, I bought those magazines. Bop. Did you buy Bop?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I think so, yeah. Yeah. Scream, teen scream. I'm having flashbacks to the Erica episode. But yes, go on. And my, who I was completely in love with, and this has a good ending, actually. I was completely in love with the little boy that they adopted on Facts of Life. Not George Clooney.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It was Mackenzie Austin. Sean Austin's brother. Little brother. Sean... Sean Austin. Or Aston. Aston. Oh, Sean Aston.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Yeah. She was Patty Duke's son. Who's Rudy and also... You say Rudy. He was a part of the ring. Samwise Rudy. And you're like, he was Rudy. I think he's more famous for some other movie. So Mackenzie... It was Rudy. He was a part of the ring. Samwise Rudy. And you're like, he was Rudy. I think he's more famous for some other movie.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So Mackenzie was the one that I was so completely in love with. I was so in love with that I bought magazines with his face. How old was he? He was probably 14. So it could happen. It could happen. Now here's the best thing. I move here, flash forward.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I got a bit part on the Outer Limits. On the OL? And I was acting with, I'm not even kidding, Mackenzie. Was there still the old tingle? No. No, that's the exact same thing
Starting point is 00:42:15 that happened to past guest Morgan Brayton. What happened? She had a celebrity crush on Mr. Johnny Depp and then got the exact same opportunity to work with Johnny Depp and then by the exact same opportunity to work with Johnny Depp. And then by the time that it happened, the thrill was gone. Well, I had half a line, right?
Starting point is 00:42:30 But to see him as he really was, and we were both grown ups. That was the same with Morgan. She was like, here's your jacket or something. I just remember him sitting outside of craft services, which is where you get the food in between takes. Oh, I think everyone knows where craft services is. Even everyone listening? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:42:45 All right, all right. Here's a question, though. So wait, let me finish my anecdote. So he was just there at craft service. He was sitting on the sidewalk. He was smoking a cigarette and on his cell phone. And it just offended me. The cigarette or the cell phone?
Starting point is 00:42:58 Everything. Or the sitting. It was the sitting, wasn't it? On the ground. And I was like, I used to love you. What year was this? What year did I do The Outer Limits? My part got cut, so
Starting point is 00:43:08 I think I'm just a glorified extra. I don't even remember the episode. It was probably 99. That's pretty early for cell phones. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That would have been a big cell phone. But late for cigarettes. I think all actors smoke. True.
Starting point is 00:43:24 True. Fact. A lot of actors smoke. True. True. Fact. A lot of actors sit in parking lots. Check mark. Yeah. Hollywood scandal revealed. You were about to ask something? I was. I was going to ask, how many of these celebrity dudes who long past their prime are running
Starting point is 00:43:40 into women who are now in their prime who had an infatuation with them out of their prime that they don't know that there was an infatuation. I'm sure lots. Wouldn't you like that on your roster? My sister's... That would be harsh. My sister's boyfriend used to own a bar. Well, no, my sister doesn't currently have a boyfriend,
Starting point is 00:44:00 but at the time he owned a bar. And I remember my sister telling me the story of Corin Nemec. He beat Parker Lewiswis oh he couldn't lose he uh he was hitting on her one night to no avail but see now here's the thing though like so he hits on your sister and it doesn't go anywhere you know what's she doing now is the question. We know that he skyrocketed to success. But it's like, I remember... Does she regret it? She could be the future past
Starting point is 00:44:32 Mrs. Nemec. I ran into some of my nemesis when I was in Toronto. You've got nemesis? Oh, I have a few. Dave, do you have a nemesis? Well, we have. We've long had the exploding sandwich, but we kind of let that die. Yeah, I don't think... so you don't have a nemesis yeah I think now that we
Starting point is 00:44:48 the city's too small to have nemesis I think your nemesis is the world at large seems to be Graham I'm a people person are you? yeah I'm a service oriented young man
Starting point is 00:45:03 team player and people pleaser yeah I'm web savvy-oriented young man. Team player and people pleaser. Yeah, I'm web savvy. Yeah, you are web savvy. You are, you are, you are. I don't know what's going on. All right, go on with your nemeses. No, no, just like I've run into two of my nemesi, one from Kingston and one from Ottawa,
Starting point is 00:45:17 and they did not live up to... I thought they were supervillains, and they're not. I was like, I want them to live up to the promise of us fighting and thinking, I'm better than you, I'm better than you. It's like seeing Dr. Doom eat a meatloaf. Yeah, I'm like, wow, I'm so way better than you. It's disappointing. So the same thing with Mackenzie.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I built him up so much in my head as a kid, being the ultimate boy. And he was 4'2", and had tiny arms. And he couldn't move without somebody pushing him on a skateboard. He was on a ventilator. He wasn't even a boy. He was a pile of potatoes made to look like a boy. So I don't have crushes anymore. Yeah, you live, you learn.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Really, you've taught me so much, this podcast. This podcast tends to do that. If you don't leave having learned something, you at least leave having lost something in the couch. I am a better person. Thank you. Do you want to move on? I want to do it all.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah. We've got our lives ahead of us. Do you want to do a segment? Now, we had To choose from We do a segment where we do something Versus something something or something Something or something that are pretty Similar that are hard to tell apart
Starting point is 00:46:35 Most recently we did Bow Wow or Romeo And in this one What we came up with To choose from, we had... Reiser or Rudner. Or Larder or Landry. The alleys.
Starting point is 00:46:53 All those alleys. But Graham has chosen two actors who he confuses quite a lot because they look alike. They're cartoonishly good looking, these two men. Hot. Tom Jane or Aaron Eckhart. Shall I sing it? Hit it! I said it's Tom Jane or Eckhart!
Starting point is 00:47:14 It's Tom Jane or Eckhart! It's Tom Jane! I love your music. I'm a talented artist. He's an up-and-coming artist. For our listeners who don't know who these gentlemen are, Tom Jane was featured in the Stephen King horror film The Mist. He was also the Punisher in the most recent version of The Punisher.
Starting point is 00:47:40 I thought you were going to say The Punisher in the most recent edition of Hellboy. And he was on Arrested Development for a few episodes playing himself in a movie. Where he was playing a homeless man. Yeah, a movie where he was like homeless dad or something, I believe it was called. And then Aaron Eckhart was in Thank You for Smoking. And most famously, The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight. Where he played Two-Face slash...
Starting point is 00:48:06 Harvey Dent. Harvey Dent. The Harvey Burburn. All right, so what he does is he's going to read a fact. We are going to decide if it's more Tom Jane or more Aaron Eckhart. It's not even a fact I'm reading. It's just a...
Starting point is 00:48:19 A notion. A couple syllables. All right, here we go. Autographs. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. So someone gives them and someone doesn't? Could be, or somebody collects them, possibly.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That's the other possibility. Or somebody can pronounce the word and the other one can't because of some kind of lisp. Yes, yes, yes. I'm going to go with Eckhart. Yeah, me too, honey. According to IMDB, Tom Jane always signs autographs. Damn it!
Starting point is 00:48:49 Oh, I thought that Aaron Eckhart would get more requests for autographs. What with the Dark Knight connection. The White Stripes. Ooh. Ooh. Aaron Eckhart enjoys The White Stripes
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah, what Graham said Wrong Aaron Eckhart may enjoy The White Stripes but according to IMDb Tom Jane is a big fan of an alternative than The White Stripes Oh man
Starting point is 00:49:24 This has been Jane heavy Rutger Hauer Ooh Scary actor Rutger Hauer Famous for his many roles as villains He was in The Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie
Starting point is 00:49:42 Yes He played Buffy Tom Janeire Slayer movie? Yes. Wow. He played Buffy? Tom Jane. Tom Jane. All right, I'm going to just say Aaron Eckhart so we can have some kind of dialogue. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Good idea.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Rutger Hauer used to be the father-in-law of Tom Jane. Yay! Total fluke. Didn't base that on anything. You are randomly special. That's the best kind okay um surfing oh aaron aaron look at those freaking pecs tom jane doesn't have delicious pecs he does have delicious pecs. You're both right. Aaron Eckhart took a year, depending on where you look. According to Wikipedia, it was
Starting point is 00:50:29 a year. According to IMDB, it was three years after high school to surf in Hawaii. And it shows. It's a funny thing. I did the same thing, only with watching television. Yeah, I surfed the web. And what did it do to your pecs? It made them into supple bosoms. Nick. Carter. Nick. Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Kennedy? No. Cannon. Cannon, that's what I meant. Right. Nick. Nolte. Nick.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Cage. Nick. At night. Nickleby. Nick. Alice. At night. Nickleby. Nick. Saint. Stop it. Nick. Nick Nuts? Who's Nick Nuts? Nick.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Nick. Tom Jane's son is named Nick. Could be something with Nick to car or Nick or Nickelback. I wouldn't do that. I wouldn't shorten Nickelback to Nick. They've earned my respect. They've earned your respect?
Starting point is 00:51:33 I have enough reverence for Nickelback to last us the rest of this podcast. Okay, I'm going to say Tom because I haven't yet. What did you say? I said Tom. Okay. What did you say? I said Tom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Aaron Eckhart has played a character named Nick in four movies. Really? Yeah. The real winner on this game is you, Dave. No, you, the listener. You, the bumper. Always wins. Okay, you the listener. You the bumper. Okay, let's speed this up. I've got a lot more,
Starting point is 00:52:10 but I'm not gonna. Okay. One more. This is it. Who? This is for all the potatoes in the fridge. Which of these two has accidentally stabbed a former wrestler, maybe current wrestler, I don't know, Kevin Nash, a.k.a. Grabbed. Former wrestler. Maybe current wrestler.
Starting point is 00:52:26 I don't know. Kevin Nash, a.k.a. Diesel with the diesel. Nice. Possibly. You are speaking to the wrong demographic over here. I'd say Tom. Yeah, that seems like a... You're both right.
Starting point is 00:52:43 It's Tom Jane in The Punisher. Yay! Oh, everyone wins. What do I win? What do I win? You win one night with Mackenzie Astin. I know. Is it Austin or Astin?
Starting point is 00:52:57 It's Austin. If it's Sean Astin, it's Mackenzie Astin. Yeah, yeah. Patty Duke's son. And John Astin... I don't know who that is. You don't know Patty Duke, the miracle worker? What? Wasn't she the one
Starting point is 00:53:08 who played her own twin? Yes. She's a miracle worker? She was Helen Keller, yeah, in the movie. And then also, John Austin was in the original Adam's Family. Oh, you're thinking of Jennifer Aniston. No. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:53:24 She didn't play the one in... Patty Duke? No, the Miracle Worker. She played the one who helped Helen Keller? I think she played Helen Keller. Because Helen Keller wasn't the Miracle Worker. She was also in Valley of the Dolls. Oh, yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Patty Duke. And John Austin was in Adam's Family. And he was also in... What was the... Night Court. He was in Night Court. Boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:53:48 We've got a love-hate affair with Night Court. I only hate it when we're not talking about it. Was he Harry's dad? He ran the store. Yeah, Harry's dad's store. I don't think he was Harry's dad. The kooky tie store. I think it was the last couple of seasons.
Starting point is 00:54:04 He had a drinking problem. His character had a couple of seasons. He had a drinking problem. His character had a drinking problem? His character had a drinking problem. Okay. I love alcoholics. Yeah. That's why I got into comedy. I like to milk for a man.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Pick of the litter. Let's do one more thing. Let's go with the time travel. Okay. You interested? Yeah. This is almost always funny. You interested?
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah. This is almost always funny. Na, na, na, na, na, na, na. I'm going back in time. Yay! Okay. The deal is with the time travel. We subscribe to the theory of traveling through time and space. You can time travel to any period, past or future,
Starting point is 00:54:46 and you will get to return back to present time. What do you do? One shot, time travel, what do you do? One shot. One shot, time travel. Forward, back. Do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes within a lifetime.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti. Vomit. Okay, I can travel forward or backward? Yep, absolutely. Or sideways. Yeah, you can move sideways through time. If you want to just move two, three minutes on the left, you can do that. You know, there's always that back to the future three part of me that wants to go to the future and buy like an almanac so I can bet on sports and win lots of money.
Starting point is 00:55:28 That's Back to the Future 2, but a very popular answer. Thank you. Is that a popular answer? Oh, yes. I think I would probably go back in time to like when I was in high school and do a lot of shopping for the outfits that are very popular now. Oh, wow. That's clever. I have's clever of what is really hip
Starting point is 00:55:46 right now back then in high school and i'd probably sit down with my high school self and tell her a few things give her a glass of wine just like don't worry about it i was so worried about what people thought and how they were you a nerdlinger is that it well i went to a high school the arts right and i was everyone was a nerdlinger. Everyone was a nerdlinger. And let's talk about ratio, seven boys to every girl. Was that good for you? Well, it was good for circle jerks. I think.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Surely. Surely it was good for that game with the cracker. I think in high school. Yeah. Seven boys. Seven out of seven boys. Seven girls for every boy. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:56:23 Okay. High school of the arts. Oh, that's not good for you You said it backwards Yeah Sorry friend Sorry Seven girls for every boy
Starting point is 00:56:30 That's like that Beach Boys song Yeah Except with But five more And this was in Ottawa right Tell me about your little deuce coop So I'd go back in time And I'd talk to my younger me
Starting point is 00:56:42 We'd go out for a cup of tea And I'd tell her Just not to worry about some things. And I'd probably tell her not to date a couple guys. Yeah, yeah, a little troublemakers here and there. You know what? Trying to tell your teenage self that? That's only going to make her want it more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Maybe you're right. I'd like to see who I was when I got there. So I would love to have a cup of tea with my teenage self and then do some shopping. Would you go back in time pre-P.J. Jory days and be like, guess what's going to happen in a year? No, no. This shit's going to blow your mind. I had enough TV work as a teenager to have a giant ego, but not enough to have a drug problem. You said ego, not eagle.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Ego. Okay. In your arts high school, we did a lot of... Canterbury High School of the Performing Arts. Canterbury, so I quit bragging. I am so special. Retarded special.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Did a lot of the people get TV work in an arts high school? Or were you special even among the specials? Were you in the specials? Yeah, I love that about the specials. Did you ever send a message to Rudy?
Starting point is 00:57:43 I got some pretty sweet gigs, and I narrowly missed. I was supposed to replace Alanis Morissette on You Can't Do That on Television. Shut up! Was she a regular? Yes. And I was hired, and I told everyone. And then they fired me, and they hired a nine-year-old red-headed boy, and I was crushed. And they hired like a nine-year-old red-headed boy, and I was crushed.
Starting point is 00:58:14 You're like the, you know, not with the mental problem, but the Forrest Gump of Canadian pop culture television. You almost walk through like several. You have an iron in every fire. But almost just bullshit, right? No, but also like we were talking, Lea Miller, and you're like, I can connect you on phone call. You really, you're connected to what is the Canadian pop culture. Do you know George Strombolopoulos? I was at a party with him two weeks ago. Shut your mouth!
Starting point is 00:58:34 You are not. Is Canadian show business, is it like a web, or is it like a food chain? It's like a food chain. Like a food chain. No, it's my job it's my job it's our job right wow well i don't consider this a job really it's too much fun and also no money and listen i didn't get on you can't do that on television it doesn't count if you just had an audition i also auditioned for the mickey mouse club the one with christineuilera and Britney Spears. Really?
Starting point is 00:59:07 That wouldn't have been right for you. No. It would have been right for me, though. I think we can both. I am not a good dancer. I am a great dancer. Well, so you think you can dance. Yeah, well.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I'm going to hook you up with Leo when we're in Toronto. Nah, it'll never take. She seems like a phony. She's kind of more of a, she's into colors and cities. She's very nice in person. He just means that she's good at using the phone. That's what Dave calls people who are phone enthusiasts. He calls them phonies.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Yeah. Marjorie, thank you so much for coming out and being part of the podcast. I mean it. I miss you. We miss you. Honestly, it was like. That coming out and being part of the podcast. I mean it. I miss you. We miss you. Honestly. There's a little bit of Liza there. Judy Garland, please.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah. Let's go back to the source. Come on. Liza with a what? And everybody out there who's listening, this is the last podcast in a series that we've recorded in advance, and we've been holding a thing over the last couple weeks about who will be our official American listener.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And we've had a couple entries so far. Yeah, because the first episode where we actually mentioned it, we finally got, well, we got right off the bat, we got a few entries. We got a few entries, and we're anticipating more entries because we really do want to pick the right person for the job so keep sending in your entries 140 characters or less or more so it doesn't matter individually we love america to stop podcasting yourself at and we'll be settling this either next week we might we might talk about it next. We'll see how many entries we get between here and here.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Thank you for sending those in. Also, thank you so much to all the people who sent in their overheards. Please keep sending those in and your hilarious pranks that you don't have the balls and or ovaries to carry off. Gumption. Yeah, gumption. That's what they're called
Starting point is 01:01:03 when there's more than one of them. Your lady gumption. You don't have to carry them off in Gumption. Yeah, gumption. That's what they're called when there's more than one of them. Your lady gumption. Your lady gumption. You don't have to carry them off in real life. We would love to hear about them.
Starting point is 01:01:11 And please visit the blog that Dave Shumka lovingly puts together. I'm going to put together a couple of the photoshops myself.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Stop podcasting yourself uh dave thanks a lot buddy thank you graham you keep on keeping on and everybody out there if you enjoyed the show tell your friends and come on back next week for another thrilling episode of stop podcasting yourself.

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