Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 455 - Amy Shostak

Episode Date: December 5, 2016

Improviser Amy Shostak joins us to talk nude spas, unsubscribing from emails, and office Christmas parties....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, listener. Before we start this week's episode, we wanted to announce that we have a live podcast coming up next year, February 23rd, in Vancouver. In Vancouver, BC. At the Biltmore Cabaret as part of the JFL Northwest Festival. Tickets for that are on the internet, I think. Yeah, slash JFL Northwest. We'll put a link in the episode recap at But we'll see you there!
Starting point is 00:00:37 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 455 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a guy who's giving me a real smug-o look. Mr. Dave Schumacher. Oh no, it was an anticipatory.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What's he going to say about me this time? I thought it was like a, we'll see. No, it was a, I'm a perfect angel. You can't say anything bad about me. It's true. With me, as always, is perfect angel Dave Schumker. Oh, I'm about 99% angel. Oh, yeah. But around this time of year, right?
Starting point is 00:01:22 You got to mind your P's and Q's Yeah, Santa's watching Yep, Satan's watching as well This is our first episode of Advent That's right I've already eaten several of the chocolate We are going to light a candle This week I believe is the hope candle
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah, what is it? Hope, light, joy, faith Something like that. Light one candle for hope. One bright candle for hope. He brings hope to everyone. He comes, he comes. C-U-M.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Oh, gross. That's the 1% double. And our guest this week, First time guest on the podcast A very funny improviser Formerly of Edmonton Now of Vancouver Long standing member of Rapid Fire Theatre Now not
Starting point is 00:02:18 Now banished from Rapid Fire Theatre For the rest of time Miss Amy Shostak is our guest Hey guys Did we pronounce that right? I mean yeah Is it Shostak? I say Shostak rapid fire theater for the rest of time miss amy show stack is our guest hey guys hello did we pronounce that right i mean yeah is it shaw stack i say shaw stack shaw stack but you know who am i to say really no you know i say i say shumka it's apparently shumka right some people say show stack it looks like show stack like i want to say show stack when I see it, but I mean, it's good for show business.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yeah. The show. Right. This show is stacked. Please welcome. Amy show stack, but that never happens. And I say show stack.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I prefer the lame version. Fair enough. Okay. Amy. Thank you. We'll edit that all out. Okay. Great.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Do you want to get to know us? Sure. So now you just came back from like a crazy long European trip. Yeah, I was in Europe for a month in mostly Germany and then a little bit of Zurich. Oh, where's Switzerland? Switzerland. Oh, Switzerland. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So, yeah, I was over there and... Doing what? Well... Doing the tourist thing? Doing the tourist thing. Exactly. Hanging out with my friend Jolene. And then I met up with Tom, my boyfriend, in Berlin.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And we celebrated his 30th birthday there. Oh, fun. What did you do? Oh, my God. Brats. Ugh. Pretzels. What did you do? Oh, my God. Brats. Ugh. Pretzels. It's some pretzels for sure.
Starting point is 00:03:49 But I mean, we did a lot of crazy stuff. But the biggest thing was that I kind of became like a nocturnal vampire in Berlin from just like staying up so late and like partying every night. Is it because you didn't want to adjust to the time zone from here? Actually, it came in handy when we flew back. We didn't have jet lag because we just only, we were on the complete opposite schedule. Is it jet lag? I've been saying jet lag. No, it's jet lag.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's because you haven't been saying jet lag. No way. No, you land and you got those weird feelings. They say jet lag in Germany. That's a term of affection. Oh, okay. My little jet lag. Were you there in October for the festival of it?
Starting point is 00:04:29 No. What does Germany have? Do they have like non-stop November? Yeah, they had non-stop November. And actually, well, there's two things, I guess, that were kind of crazy. One of them was that I got used to the nude spa, which I had never, never partaken in before. What is that?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Yeah. What is also that? Well, you know, it's a, I had to really talk myself up. I was like, it's going to be cool.
Starting point is 00:04:54 You had to talk yourself up to the people who owned it. Like, this is going to be good. Please let me in. I got a slamming bar. And yeah, it was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:04 co-ed nude spa. Co-ed nude Bob. And, yeah, it was like, you know, co-ed nude spa. Co-ed nude spa. Like, I know of that in, like, Japan, where that's a big, you go to the baths. Yeah. But I don't think. Co-ed in Japan? I think so. And, like, there's Turkish baths, which are everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:19 And Turkish delights, which are not tasty, but they have delight right in their name. But a German one is so, is it like a community center or is it just like a private company? They have both. Steam Co. They have both. And I experienced both. And the community, I went to three spas. Like I could not. Did you go to any, did you go like, did you have a favorite one that you went to multiple times?
Starting point is 00:05:43 No. Or you just went three times? I went to three different spas in three different cities. One was too cold. One was too hot. The last one. Just right.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Co-ed nude. The first one was a community center and I had like really stressed myself out about it. And then we got there because all the people
Starting point is 00:06:00 I was going with were like well you know it's nude. Right. I was like oh no going through my own like inner turmoil like I'm not the most confident and what why did you go why did I go yeah did you were you like were you by yourself no I was with some friends and they we um it was like kind of a busy time and they were just like let's go relax like let's just have a day and I
Starting point is 00:06:20 was like all right they're like but it's a nude spa and then suddenly I was like, all right. They're like, but it's a nude spa. And then suddenly I was like, were they German? They were German. Okay. But then we got there and it was only a nude sauna. And you had to wear a swimsuit for the rest of it. Like in the pool with, there was like old people doing. Oh, see, now that's what I was picturing. Just like everything else was normal, but the kind of steam room situation.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I was just picturing it was all like a steamy room. Yeah. Like that's right. Like it was just picturing it was all like a steamy room. Yeah, like that's, right? Like it was just all sitting around. You thought it was going to be like
Starting point is 00:06:48 people in a gymnasium running around naked. Or like swimming, doing naked laps. Yeah, well, this one was very much like Sitting on people's
Starting point is 00:06:57 naked laps? Yeah. This one was really funny. First thing that pops up. Because my friend came and she was like, it's a nude sauna, so I'm not going to bring
Starting point is 00:07:05 a swimsuit. And we got there and actually you did have to wear a swimsuit for a lot of it. So she ended up wearing like shorts and a tank top in the pool
Starting point is 00:07:12 because she... You even needed a top in Germany? Yeah. I don't know. These rules are so hard to navigate. I feel like Europe
Starting point is 00:07:21 is nonstop top lop. Good. Thank you. So wait, wait a minute. So the rule was in the pool that you had to wear a shirt? A shirt? A swimsuit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:35 But she just had a tank top. Because she was like, it's nude. I don't need to bring anything. Right. Was she German? No, sorry. She was from Australia. Classic.
Starting point is 00:07:47 But then the third spa I went to with Tom was full on nude all the time. Like nude exercise? No. What's going on in this spa? Okay. Yeah. Oh my God. The first two were semi-nude.
Starting point is 00:08:01 But this is all nude. This one is a private. A semi-nude kind of life. This one is a private company, to answer your question. It's very much focused on the relaxation end of things. And it's like you go in, you take all your clothes off, you have a towel. And then you, it's just people walking around nude. Outside, there's little huts that are like the saunas. And there's a big pool.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Outside? Yeah. Lots of stuff outside yeah lots of stuff outside lots of stuff inside i'm guessing a fenced area so you people can't see you from the street yeah and keep out like yeah but the drones you know there's always you gotta watch out for the drone i'm gonna look it up on google maps see what you can see yeah um yeah so it was like uh very i don't know freeing oh okay like swimming in a big pool and it was very busy there was like people lots of people swimming in a pool just nude
Starting point is 00:08:53 well everyone's just also swimming nude it was it was very into anyone like a bit there was was it like a wave pool if they have water slides oh i don't want to see my nude body on a water slide like yeah like they take a photo and then try to tell it to you on the way out yeah this was your face oh my god but it is when you think about it a swimsuit is kind of weird oh yeah like it's uh like that we still have to hang on to some sort of society yeah Yeah. I don't know, in the pool or in the ocean or whatever. It was weird to me. It seems like unnecessary. Because people would be, in the first wave of no swimsuits,
Starting point is 00:09:37 people would be like, what about the perverts? But then over time, perverts would only want to see something even weirder. Yeah, and perverts, they'll just be in the change rooms anyway. Yeah, there's nothing you can do about the pervert. With a mirror on their shoelaces. And also, I feel like, are perverts really going to pay like 40 euros? Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, yeah. I think, yeah, don't underestimate the voting power of a pervert. Okay, okay. The pervert dollar. So you went nude with your boyfriend. Was this the first time seeing each other nude? And what did you think? Honestly, it was really, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It was so not sexual, which was surprising to me. Because my concern about being nude is like, oh, God, people will see my body. And then I might see someone's body that I find attractive and I get like aroused or something. to me because my my concern about being nude is like oh god people will see my body and then i might see someone's body that i think find attractive and i get like aroused or something so you can hide that i guess yeah in a way you know yeah in a way unless you're really um but it was not i was not aroused at all well it's hard to hear that but it's like if you watch you know you watch a documentary about like some tribe that's naked all the time and then you see them for like after a minute you're like uh they're just making dinner like yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 00:10:59 hot where they are so they're not wearing clothes yeah yeah and and we did this thing this sauna where you like you know the guy whips the towel around no i you you think we know too much about sauna we both thought when you said spa naked spa we just thought it was a giant steamy room yeah and people slipping on the wet tiles like crazy things like a guy comes in it's a sauna just a wooden sauna and he puts like smelly smelly water on the coals
Starting point is 00:11:29 so it like look what I found I got this out of the garbage after a rainy night this is pepperoni flavor splash well it was like the one we did
Starting point is 00:11:42 was like watermelon it was like watermelon vape juice on the coals so it like was like watermelon. It was like watermelon vape juice. So like smells like watermelon. Nice. And then he takes a towel and he whips it around and all the steam like comes down and he whips like a towel near you. And it feels like a wall of hot air is going over your nude body. Did he go to school for this?
Starting point is 00:12:00 Honestly, I think maybe. So this is a guy, This is an employee Would come in What like every He does it on the hour Oh once an hour Yeah Okay He whips the thing around
Starting point is 00:12:11 And then What time is Eucalyptus smell Exactly There's a schedule Which is insane There really is Oh really
Starting point is 00:12:17 Smells Yeah smells And it's in German So it was me being like I think that's watermelon Yeah I think that's honey Like guessing And then Midway through Because you would want to show up For your favorite I bet the German word It was me being like, I think that's watermelon. Yeah. I think that's honey. Like, guessing.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And then midway through. Because you wouldn't want to show up for your favorite. I bet the German word is something like nose calendar or something. And we don't have a word for it, so we have to use their word. Exactly. And then halfway through, he leaves. And he comes in with this, like, stand that has all these little jars on it. And people pick up the jars and just start
Starting point is 00:12:45 like rubbing them on their nude bodies whoa and it was it was like honey it was just honey like i rubbed honey all over my bod nice wow and then then what and then he does the towel and then they unleash the bees exactly and then yeah a giant bear lick it off that would be awesome yeah i mean it's in keeping with how strange all of this is yes so you put honey on and then you're like that's super sticky like it gets into everything right yes do you rinse it off or does it just absorb into your skin i don't know how honey works i'm guessing I do because I've had a little bit on my hand often enough that you do need to rinse it off. I was like, what is this doing? Like, if it was something oily, I'd think, oh, it's softening my skin.
Starting point is 00:13:33 But I don't know what honey would do to your body. Well, I mean, it's got... Bee stuff in it. Yeah. Yeah, it's got bee stuff in it. You know. Do you ever don't people get bee stings in their face as like similar to a botox thing oh my god i've heard of a thing where people do that
Starting point is 00:13:55 but it's like getting a leech on your leg to take your disease out or whatever in the middle ages do you think it's like when someone says a woman has bee stung lips lips. I think that's just sort of like, yeah. Is it supposed to mean they're swollen? Yeah, they're a little bit plumped up, but I don't think it's literally bee-stung. Yeah. Oh, no. But I mean, like, yeah, I don't know what honey would do. I know when I worked at a coffee shop, if we put out a thing of honey, within 10 minutes, everything was covered in honey.
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yeah. I know that. Including people's nude bodies. Yeah, yeah. it's everything was covered in honey yeah i know that including people's nude bodies yeah yeah that was a weird that was a weird side effect of putting out free honey as all these crazy new they also have like a pump for cane sugar yeah yeah and agave as well okay yeah um i don't know i then but did you have to shower it off or did it absorb? Okay. So then he comes and he does another towel thing. Sure.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And all the heat. How long are you there? I'm going to say eight minutes in this certain sauna while he's doing this thing. But it feels like an eternity because it's like so hot. Right. Like your body, my body has never been that hot. No. It was shocking.
Starting point is 00:14:59 My body's been pretty hot. Yeah? Really? Where? Well, I, uh, I work out. You went in that life-size toaster oven? Yeah, that's true. Yeah, so then you kind of like sweat it off.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And then you get out, and then like people rub ice all over each other. Like now there's no guy that comes in with a thing of ice and rubs you down? No. Do the people know each other, or is it like a church fellowship thing where you turn to your left and also with you? Some people made kind of a snowball that they used on their whole body themselves while other
Starting point is 00:15:34 people had ice just like, I don't know. I'm assuming someone they knew, but I don't know. Maybe not. Great way to meet people. I did an ice rub and then a shower or a dip. There's like this pool that you can just not dive into, but drop your whole body into. It's like ice cold.
Starting point is 00:15:52 That was another option. Nice. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Have you ever gone to a spa like that? I haven't gone to a spa like anything. Not even you because you've gone over to the uh switzerland and you've been over
Starting point is 00:16:05 in that in sweden neck of the woods i've been to yeah sauna country but not been in any sauna nothing hey never been tempted to i mean no and i'm usually with like abby's family so there's hey let's uh the 14 of us i'll go to the sauna. We talked about that a lot. Like, I wouldn't really want to go with a bunch of people I knew. Like, that's kind of. Just this anonymous ice rubbing. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I wouldn't want to go with all my best friends or something.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So, it's not something you would do on a bachelorette party. Or for your birthday. Or maybe now that you're a convert, maybe it is. High school reunion? Well, I. Oh, man. Oh, I... Oh, man. Oh, boy. Remember when I used to beat you up at school?
Starting point is 00:16:49 Well, I'm going to rub you down with ice. There's a snowball in the face. Well, since I have got back, I have noticed a change in myself. What's the change? I was at the gym, and I was also at yoga, and I just noticed in the change room I was just, like, free. Oh. Like, I was comfortable just comfortable just like i'll just get naked i'll wait in line for the shower naked i don't i don't feel like traumatized like you don't have to be all toweled up yeah yeah and not in like a weird i don't feel like a weirdo i just i just feel like i got over my fear of nudity. See, and I think, do you think that it also correlates to an age thing?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Because I feel now like, I don't know. Yeah. I'm not walking around naked, but also if somebody saw me naked in the weather, like gross, I'd be like, you got that right, mister. You'd be able to like own it. I think so. And it's not like, I feel like you, your first exposure to maybe being naked
Starting point is 00:17:46 with people is in school where rumors about your body could go all over in your mind anyway. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 00:17:54 the truth is no one's looking at you. Everyone's very focused on covering themselves up. Totally. That's true. There's no like, you go from
Starting point is 00:18:03 all clothes all the time to all of a sudden there's nude factor just gets thrust upon you. Well, if you're lucky. Yeah, I wonder about stuff like putting the honey on. Because sometimes I will get, like, a really nice skin product or something and oh this is good this will this will all be completely different no no difference no one notices anything maybe but maybe it would give me confidence the confidence to be nude yeah if i just got rid of this chapped butt of mine and honey Dave, you've got a lot of flies stuck to your butt.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Well, thanks for noticing. My little secret. So what else did you do that you would consider that was like something you could only do there in Germany? So I'm not much of a club goer.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Okay. Well, you're talking to two club heads. Yeah, two big club heads. Graham and I are both really hungover. Oh, I got so much MDMA last night. Yeah, yeah. goer okay well you're talking to two club heads yeah two big club heads now Graham and I are both really hungover oh I got so much MDMA last night yeah yeah I myself just stuck to regular old cocaine anyway yeah went to a like went to a German club okay like um which are like really talked about a lot as like Berlin is the place where you can party all night, even on a weekday, that kind of thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:28 And so Tom and I were like, we should experience this like while we're here. Like, why not? Yeah. We don't club. Like, I like rock music and metal music, but like, why not give it a whirl? And we were so stressed, like being like 30 year old people trying, you know, wrapping our heads around what will it be like. That I, like, I bought a black t-shirt just so I could, like, look kind of dour. Did you think you were going to have to put on some sort of luminescent puppet show?
Starting point is 00:19:59 Why did you feel you needed to buy this? I'm into metal music, but I would never wear a black t-shirt. Well, I, like, I packed all all these like, I don't know. I packed so poorly for the trip. Like, I don't know if you guys are good at packing. I packed so poorly that I was freezing cold the whole time. Only had like floral dresses. And then was like, okay, let's go clubbing.
Starting point is 00:20:21 And then I was like, oh no. And we made the mistake of like looking up online. Like, how do you get into a Berlin club? Oh, boy. And it was just like, don't be too drunk. Don't speak English. Wear black. Don't, you know, like such a long list of things.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Right. And then we got there. And, of course, it was completely fine because we're normal people. Right. Right. And, like, I guess if you're, like, a 17-year-old, like, from the UK who's, like, going nuts because we're normal people right right and like i guess if you're like a 17 year old like from the uk it was like going nuts because they're in berlin then they wouldn't get in but like oh it was i was stressed was it big this club like because i'm picturing like a multi
Starting point is 00:20:58 level warehouse with a big fan yeah bubbles on thebles on the floor. Yeah. Honestly, yes. It was crazy. I'm also picturing like 1997 techno music. Yeah. You're so right. Like you're nailing it. It was like, so the one we went to was called Tresor. Tresor.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Okay. And it's like quite an old club. It's been there for a long time. It's in an old bank, like an abandoned bank. Okay. Everything's abandoned. Yeah. Every cool, like an abandoned bank. Okay. Everything's abandoned. Yeah. Every cool club's an abandoned something.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Totally. And it had like the, you know, the, like the banker's cage. Okay. Oh, yeah. And like spaces where like the vaults used to be and stuff. So it was all very like grimy and weird. Yeah. Lots of hallways, lots of rooms.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And they only had like two main dance areas going because it was a tuesday oh right but we got there at 2 30 in the morning oh wow and it was like there's tons of people in there wow going nuts so weird and like were these little rooms and corridors were people just standing around hanging out or was there like some weird guy in it doing something weird? Well, the main dance area was playing like what I can only describe as like isolating techno. Like just so heavy, so aggressive. Like the beat was so jarring. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:19 That when you were in there, you could only move. Like you could only move your body because otherwise you would just be overwhelmed like by the sound and there was so much um fog and such so much strobing going on that you couldn't see the person like next to you a lot of that stuff just left over from the bank as well yeah german banks have a lot of dust and dirt and fog yeah exactly paint packs going off of a lot of dust and dirt. Strobe and fog. Yeah, exactly. Paint packs going off everywhere. Yeah. And then in the side rooms,
Starting point is 00:22:52 it was just like, yeah, people kind of hanging out. But it was nice that they gave you that escape. Right. To like just sit and be quiet because the other room was like so overwhelming. Yeah. When's the last time you showed up somewhere at 2.30 in the morning oh boy uh does it count if i showed up somewhere in my dream
Starting point is 00:23:10 wait does a gas station count yeah yeah i guess so uh then probably like yeah weeks ago or you know like a you know a red eye flight or something i don't know yeah it's uh but like isn't that the kind of the culture over there that things don't even start until like 11 or something i mean the i think the clubs open at midnight they open at midnight yeah oh so you get in there and there's still people cleaning up from the night before at midnight i i guess i don't know wow the weirdest part for me was like, you know, we'd have dinner and then I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:23:47 okay, well, it's six hours to clubbing. Like, what am I going to do? Like, so we'd like have a few drinks
Starting point is 00:23:56 or whatever and sit around. But there was this weird limbo period of like, what do we do before the club? Yeah. Well, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:03 that new season, we can watch the entire new season of the Gilmore Girls. Yeah. Well, you know, that new season, we can watch the entire new season of The Gilmore Girls. Totally. Between dinner and German club. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:12 We can go watch two movies back to back. Wow. And like, that was the one time like you would just went out to one club.
Starting point is 00:24:23 We went to two. We went to two. We went to two. Same kind of thing. Two nights in a row. Same kind of thing. And that's what made me like fully nocturnal. Like we'd be out till six in the morning. I'd sleep all day.
Starting point is 00:24:33 And that's what made us not have jet lag. Because when we flew home, we got in at 11 a.m. And we were like, we slept on the plane. We feel great. Nice. It was actually the best. That's my advice to anyone traveling. Just sleep.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Just go opposite. Go to the museums at night. Right. Yeah. Sure. Do all your banking actually the best. That's my advice to anyone traveling. Just sleep. Just go opposite. Go to the museums at night. Right. Sure. Do all your banking at the club. Yeah. There's just still one guy waiting for the bank to open. I guess you don't do a lot of overseas banking.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Well, maybe you don't. When I go on any kind of holiday, that's what I do. All my taxes. Can you still get a traveler's check? Traveler's check. Traveler's check. I think you can still get one. I think you'd have a tough time
Starting point is 00:25:10 finding somebody who would take one. Right. Like maybe a hotel would take one or something like that. Or a bank. The bank that you purchased it from.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah, sure. And can I get this in cash now? Thank you. When I was in grade eight, we went on a trip to Quebec. Okay. And my mom got me all traveler's checks.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Within Canada. Within Canada, which is actually really sweet. Like, she was like, she's going on a trip. She's like kind of excited about it. Did she give you a money belt?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yes. Which I wore. Yeah, of course. Of course. With my traveler's checks. did you wear it inside your a money belt inside yeah fanny packs outside yeah money belts yeah and they can you one you know a money belt could be a fanny pack you could just rock it like a fanny pack anytime but when you're i remember that as being like a little kid and when you went on holiday that you thought you
Starting point is 00:26:01 were gonna get robbed yeah yeah like you're like, time to put the old wallet in the front pocket, because this is pickpocket country. But then you're like, does anybody, I guess people still get pickpocketed. That still happens, right? Pickpocketed and mugged. Yeah. It's really sad to think about. It doesn't matter where you put your money.
Starting point is 00:26:19 If you're getting mugged, you're going to have to hand it over. Well, if you have hidden money in your money bag, though. Ah, that's true. If you can give them your wallet, but then you got some secret money elsewhere. If I was a mugger, I'd be like, lift up the shirt. I want to make sure that it's... You're a kid, so you probably got a money belt on somewhere.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I mug exclusively children. Children who have $4. $4. Yeah, and some sort of membership to National Geographic or something like that. And then, so you went to Crazy German Club. Yes. Went to Crazy German Spa. What other crazy German things?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Oh my gosh. What else happened? Oh, well, I was there for the American election. Okay. So I was in Frankfurt alone watching coverage coverage in my room and it was overwhelming so then i was like i have to do something but it was like what time of day was it like nine in the morning no it was like 6 p.m okay kind of thing and i was like what am i gonna do i don't want to i it was like if i stay in my hotel room i'm just gonna watch this for again six to eight hours
Starting point is 00:27:23 so and then that's gonna to throw off my sleeve. Exactly. So then I was like, what should I do? And I decided to go see Bridget Jones's Baby. Oh, wow. They were showing it. It was like one of the only movies in English that night. So I was like, I'll check that out.
Starting point is 00:27:39 And it was a very funny experience. Because it was all German people who love Bridget Jones, who are so stoked about it. And I was just kind of, I mean, I, I guess I've, I've seen Bridget Jones's diary,
Starting point is 00:27:50 but you see Bridget Jones as of reason. Is that the second one? Yeah. Yes, I did. Okay. Yeah. So I guess I'm a fan.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I guess you are. Have you read all the books? No, have not read the books. I read the first book, but I don't think I've seen any of the movies. I've seen clips. I've seen parts when it's been on TV, but I don't think I've ever sat down.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Colin Firth has to wear a bad holiday sweater. Yeah, and maybe Hugh Grant in the first and second one? Is he returning for the second one? I don't know nothing about the second one. He does return for the second one. And the third one is Firth and McDreamy. Yeah. Who is that guy?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Is that Patrick Dempsey? Dempsey dempsey yeah he was on gray's anatomy he was in can't buy me love and is it does she not know is it one is in a mamma mia situation she doesn't know which one is the dad you nailed it ah you nailed it how did you know i just i assumed that there's two dudes in it and can you spoil it for us because listener this will take 10 seconds. Stop listening right now. Who's the dad? I think it's...
Starting point is 00:28:50 Oh, what if it was Hugh Grant? I almost can't remember. What if it's more than 10 seconds? Which is a bad sign. Okay, listener, we're back. And she doesn't remember. We said she doesn't remember who it was. One of the, like, yeah, one of the best things about it was just these German people speaking in German to each other
Starting point is 00:29:06 and being so excited about it, saying, like, oh, while the movie's happening. Do you speak any German? Not really. Did you understand any of them, or were you just picking up words like firth and frigid? And firth. Like, the reactions were so big. I don't know if it was, like, if it's a cultural thing. Like they were laughing.
Starting point is 00:29:28 They were laughing. People were being like, oh, like it was like a sitcom audience. And I was, I laughed like maybe once. What was the, was it a good movie? You know, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ringing endorsement. But, You thought it was gonna stink.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Oh, there was some really, I thought it was gonna stink. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, it, it did.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But, it, you know what, it played on, if you love Bridget Jones, like, as a concept, or the first movie,
Starting point is 00:30:01 or the book, then it, it really, like, played into the things you love about it in a major way. we're always being embarrassed and right nothing new happened um but the one of the funniest things was they had a couple like hitler references in the movie okay and it was interesting political that like it was interesting to be in a room and just like the reaction was not good yeah like
Starting point is 00:30:28 people were just like silent yeah because i think and i'm guessing i think people in germany they they know what they they know what happened they know about hitler yeah i think they know what happened there yeah i think that it's kind of like they're pretty bummed out about it. Totally. You know? As you would be. Yeah. And it's like so present, I think, in their psyche. Right. As like what everyone talks about when they talk about Germany. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:53 When they see it in an American. Then they want people to think about their clubs. Exactly. Yeah. And so to experience that, yeah, it was weird. It was, yeah. Get over it, Germany. I'm trying to think of when was the last time you saw a movie where the audience really reacted to it?
Starting point is 00:31:13 Because most of the times that I see a movie, people just sit there silently and then at the end everybody leaves. Yeah. But I feel like there's a couple times I've seen movies where people applauded at the end. Independence Day being one of them. Yeah. Or just like something on screen is so shocking. Like I'm thinking of something about Mary with the zipper. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Just like people were like hiding their eyes. Yeah. Maybe Paranormal Activity. I saw that. Or maybe Borat. Oh, yeah. Borat. With the naked wrestling. Borat was pretty wild. Liar, liarivity. I saw that. Or maybe Borat. Oh, yeah. Borat and Naked Wrestling.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Borat was pretty wild. Liar, Liar. I remember seeing that. What? Honestly, I saw it the opening day and people were, that was like at the height of Jim Carrey mania. Mm-hmm. And people were losing it.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I saw Batman Forever opening day, which was also the height of Jim Carrey mania. But people were losing it even for Chris O'Donnell. Well, that was also at the height of Chris O'Donnell Mania. It was just at the beginning of Chris O'Donnell Mania. I went to go see, I remember seeing Aladdin when it first came out.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I think I was in grade four. My mom took us to a theater and there was a standing O. Oh, really? Orgasm? Yeah. I had an orgasm. Please, oh no. No, it was like the movie ended and everyone
Starting point is 00:32:33 jumped to their feet and applauded. Wow. But that's so, there's something so purely spontaneous about that because if you thought about it for even a second, you wouldn't do it. And were you do you agree with that? They should have stood up right away or were you like, let's not be so hasty.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, I was amazed. I thought it was the best movie ever. Yeah. Yeah. Like I was like I was a child. Yeah. But still fine movie. But I haven't I haven't been in a theater, I will say, for at least a decade where there's been so joy levels of Bridget Jones.
Starting point is 00:33:10 When people do clap at the credits, I've never clapped at the credits. Even as a kid, I've been like, no one's coming out to bow, guys. What if somebody did? That would be cool. What if somebody was waiting in the wings? Hopefully it'll flow. Well, sometimes stuff happens after the credits. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:25 Yeah. And at the film festival and stuff, when you know the creators there or whatever, people are always polite. See, I'm never. Too polite sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I should go see more movies with Germans. Is that that?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Maybe, maybe they're just, maybe that's how they enjoy all of their movies. Well, I can say like culturally from doing improv shows there that, um, there's always an encore. Oh really? Like they applaud for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And there's like, I'd say 90% of the time there's an encore. Weird. Are they good audiences? Oh yeah. Yeah. So positive. Cause like improv is like relatively new there in a lot of the cities right like 10 years 15 years so so they're stoked right yeah and like they laugh like
Starting point is 00:34:13 big laughers or or just very kind i would say kind fair enough yeah but also like they enjoy it but i also think um i get a real sense that they're like they love it for the intellectual side of it they love the art yes yes yes uh rather yes wearing their black turtlenecks their black club wear yeah yeah uh is there anything that you discovered in in your travels that like now that you're back here that you loved over there that you were having all the time and you're back here we don't have it like you miss a type of gum there's a type of gum or uh something like yeah i did i got used to a type of cough drop over in scotland can't find them over here yeah i i would say like just fizzy water oh yeah fizzy water everywhere i mean it's it's it's spreading here like now that people have like soda streams and stuff at their house but like it's just commonplace there that's the
Starting point is 00:35:09 yeah like if you go to a restaurant it's always you get an option between just regular water fizzy water yeah yeah i love fizzy water it makes every water seem like champagne yeah you can just drink there's your ad Isn't club soda that as well? I mean, yeah. It feels like that's been around forever. And then just in the last 25 years, it's been like, let's urify it. Let's urup it up. But here's my question, though, because club soda is full of salt.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Oh, yeah? Yeah. And is the water, like, is mineral water full of salt? I mean, it's called mineral water. Yeah, mineral. It sounds like it, but I don't know. It's not salty, though. No.
Starting point is 00:35:52 But, like, huh. I don't know. I just don't know the difference. No, me neither. Yeah. It was only within the last couple of years that I figured out the difference between club soda and tonic water. Yes. Tonic water has sugar.
Starting point is 00:36:05 A lot of sugar. Yeah, but it doesn't taste sweet. No, it tastes very weird. But I remember as a kid, like, if there was no soda in the house, I'd go to town on tonic water. Because as trying to be like a sophisticated adult, I would order a gin and tonic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And I'd be like, what's the weird part, the gin or the tonic? Like, what tastes weird in my mouth? Turns out it's the tonic yeah and i'd be like what's the weird part the gin or the tonic like what tastes weird in my mouth turns out it's the tonic yeah but like you would never go to a restaurant well very rarely you go to a restaurant here and they would say would you like what water they just bring you tap water yeah they just i mean it depends if you go to a fancy you get they usually just bring you a bucket of funny smelling water. Pour it over your head. Yes. Slap you with it. That's like, I guess one of the things I don't miss about Europe is that you always have to pay for water.
Starting point is 00:36:53 What? Like if you go to a restaurant and they're like sparkling or still, they bring you a bottle and it costs, in Zurich, it costs $6. Right. Or like, you know, it's super expensive. And you must insert a euro to use the toilet. Yes. Yeah. And it's just kind of like in Canada, it's understood that water is just the baseline for a meal.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Like, have some water, please. Is there a law that you have to, if you're a store and somebody like buys something, if they ask for water, you have to give them water. In Canada? I think. A store or a restaurant? No, a restaurant. Yeah. Not a store like, I bought some gum, give me some water.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I'm here to get some tires. But yeah, like that you can't charge for. I don't think you can charge for water unless you did something fancy to it. Like. Bottled it. Yeah. Put it in a fancy bottle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Fizzed it. Yeah. Because at McDonald's you can substitute a water for your thing and your Coke and a value meal. Right. But it's not any cheaper. No. Because they give you a bottle. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Oh. That's how. That's how they do it. Very clever. And the water out of the like drink fountain tastes a little funny yeah of course because it's supposed to be mixed with sweet sweet syrup to cover the horrible whatever yeah flavor of water that was the thing i don't know if that's in uh germany but certainly a big thing in the uk is like putting stuff in water just to have it flavored like oh like a mio yeah like that just drinking water is very like blech yeah why would
Starting point is 00:38:34 you just drink plain water when you could have a crystal light yeah yeah that's a that's kind of was that in germany did you notice that well a lot of people mix the fizzy water with like juice you know because juice there is also usually really thick. It's more like what we call a smoothie. And you mix it with water as like just to make it normal. Right. You know? Huh.
Starting point is 00:38:57 But yeah, I did notice like if you try to get a glass of tap water at a restaurant, like just in, you know, broken German saying no, like from the tap, from the tap, people will give you like an inch of water in a cup. Just to get your teeth wet. Yeah. And they serve like an inch of water on the side when you order a coffee, I guess, just to like swish out the mouth or something. That's nice of them. It is. But, um, yeah, I feel like that's a thing where people are kind of just like why would you just
Starting point is 00:39:25 drink a cup of tap water yeah why don't you just go into our toilet take a handful um but overall great trip
Starting point is 00:39:34 a month is a long time that's a big yeah it was a really great trip really awesome would you go back never never
Starting point is 00:39:42 done forever no not enough free water are you gonna convert your home bathroom Into a spa Just steam it up And spill watermelon juice everywhere Just steam it up and eat a watermelon
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm going home to Edmonton for Christmas And a friend of mine was like we should drive out to Hot Springs which is like In the mountains And I was just like no i'm good i like spod three times in a month right i'm deeply relaxed like you've maximum spod kind of because spas are like a treat and if you overdo it it's just kind of like in germany they're a punishment actually yes yeah you uh they're weird they don't have yeah they don't
Starting point is 00:40:24 have jails over there. Just spas. Yeah, that's who you were with. Yeah, and then when you're fully exfoliated, then you're allowed to leave. Yeah, I... I don't know. I'm not, like...
Starting point is 00:40:39 It sounds like a neat thing, this spa, but I don't know. I don't know if I'm sold on it. I think I'm gonna... What are your, like, reservations, I guess? Other. I don't know if I'm sold on it. I think I'm going to. What are your like reservations, I guess? Other people? Yeah, other people. One, the heat.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah. Pass. Number three, this guy coming in with a towel thinking he's better than me. He did like run it. Like his body was great. He looked great. Yeah. Was he nude?
Starting point is 00:41:04 He had a towel on a small towel a smaller than everyone else towel oh cool yeah it was i guess it was cool he brought his own towel yeah and like yeah it was tom was like that guy is really doing a great job and his body looks really good and i was like i agree he's nailing it and he's kind of like it's like a small kiss on his back like he's like i get that a lot yeah all the people that work there looked amazing like they look like kind of i guess you would have to go i think that's the true of like people working at any gym as well yeah and there's also, there's this, this is one like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:47 farm to table vegetarian place and all the employees, they look like they're glowing. Right. And I think that must be like, they're like, we want people to see you and be like, this is the place. Yeah, we're going to dip you in honey
Starting point is 00:42:01 before you start your show. Dave, what's going on with you, man? So much, you guys. Well, no, not a heck of a lot. Did you know that on July 11th, 7-11, it's Free Slurpee Day? Free Slurpee Day, yeah. Yes, I did know that. Do you know they do another promotion on 11-7 that we missed?
Starting point is 00:42:28 Where you have to pay for Slurpee you don't even get? No, you get a free Slurpee, but since it's 11-7 instead of 7-11, you have to be wearing your clothes backwards. What? Whoa. I just walked past the 7-11 today and they still had the sign up. So the sign says, go outside, change your clothes backwards, and then you can have a free slurp. Well, it says, no rocky look backwards for a free slurp dog or whatever. And it's people, like a guy just has a hoodie on backwards.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And one guy had a football sweater on backwards, but you wear the footballs, they have the numbers on the front and the back. So how can you even tell? Yeah, that's true. Well, like, I didn't, do you, now do you think that's something they just made up this year? Yes, I do. Because everyone knows you can get a free Slurpee on 7-Eleven. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 But 11-7. Did you guys ever, ever like fuck with some 7-Eleven gear? Like, they have hats. Did I fuck with them? Yeah. I have some friends who all bought matching tank tops from 7-Eleven, probably around the free Slurpee day. And it does say something like,
Starting point is 00:43:41 gangsta, like, gotta get my slurp on or something. And it has like four slurpees on it. And my writing partner, Paul, he wears his all the time. Sure. It looks awesome. It's like neon. And they just bought them. His body looks awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:58 His body looks really good. He knows what he's doing here. I agree. Yeah. doing here. I agree. No, I had, when I was growing up, Max,
Starting point is 00:44:10 the grocery, or convenience store, they had sunglasses that you could win, I guess. So, like, if you bought enough stuff, you would get the sunglasses, and we had, like, four or five pairs in the house, with the little cat on it. With the cat. I remember a friend of mine had a, like, a yellow shirt with the red cat on it with the cat i remember a friend of mine had a like a yellow
Starting point is 00:44:25 shirt with the red cat on and that was like i was like where did you get it like it was the coolest but he like got it at some thrift store and but like who knows why that shirt existed the employees didn't wear them oh boy you go to a lot of thrift stores. Yeah. And if you tried to, like, think of a reason for half of these clothes. All the shirts? Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's true. You'd write a volume of short stories. It's too bad that 7-Eleven couldn't figure out something better for the 11-7 day than just putting on your clothes back.
Starting point is 00:45:02 That's pretty good. I mean, no one really wants a Slurpee in November. Yeah. So, but I mean, like, that's what I mean. Like, it should be, like, you have to say the alphabet backwards or something like that. Something that you would actually be able to do. Like, you'd have to get dressed at home
Starting point is 00:45:18 backwards and then go all the way to the 7-11 to cash in. But on 7-11 day, you just have to show up. You get a free Slurpee. Yeah. How do you think those employees feel? Do you think they're like excited about people with backward clothes? Or do you think they're like, oh, God, I don't, I have to pay attention.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I don't know if they get excited a lot. Yeah. Also, there's probably a few people that stagger in wearing backwards clothes all the time. Yeah, sure. Now, did you think in that event, do they have to tell the person, hey, did you know it's 11-7 day, you can have a free Slurpee? Or does the person have to come in wearing backwards clothes and say, I want my free Slurpee? So many rules. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I don't know. When I was, boy, maybe 11 or 12, it was the height of crisscross. Oh, yeah. Sure. Wearing their backwards clothes. And I went to camp that year, and a bunch of my friends were all in the same cabin. And there were these two tough kids. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:46:14 These two tough kids, not in our cabin, but at the camp. And I think I've talked about them before. Just like the day camp showed up. The day we showed up at camp, they barfed for fun. The camp was at the bottom of the hill and everyone arrived at the top of the hill and they both barfed
Starting point is 00:46:34 to see how far down the hill it would go. Anyway, these two tough kids. On the last day of camp, everyone puts on a skit. Oh, yeah. And ours was about, we had a crisscross component. So we all had our clothes on backwards.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Right. And these two tough kids came up to me and they're like, hey, my friend used to wear his clothes backward and he died last year you're not making fun of our friend are you? well no we don't know you
Starting point is 00:47:10 we're making fun of the famous thing that 11 year olds like let's puke on Dave that puking reminds me of I was in Oslo a couple years ago and we were going
Starting point is 00:47:24 to this we were going to see a metal show at an anarchist squat. Okay. Pretty cool. And we were walking up and we saw this woman and she looked like she was throwing up. She was kind of bent over, over a huge wet zone. You're in the wet zone. And as we were approaching, my friend Jolene was like, oh, she's not barfing. That's spit.
Starting point is 00:47:48 All these adults were standing in a circle trying to make the biggest spit puddle that they could. These are adult people. And it was massive. It was so much spit. That's grosser than barf. It is way grosser than barf. Gross. So it was a much that's grosser than barf it is way grosser than barf yeah it was a pool of spit oh was that the band you were seeing and like already again if you couldn't tell from my clubbing story like so neurotic and so scared about getting turned away from like getting judged
Starting point is 00:48:21 by other people yeah like when you walk up and see people spitting in a pile it's just like made me so nervous like we're never gonna get in here yeah my friend was wearing a windbreaker we're not gonna get into this cool bar your friend's the only one protected from if they fall into the pool what was the surface was it grass or i was a pavement pavement i'm imagining it as like an outdoor festival. Yeah, I was picturing soil. Yeah. Kind of a mud pit.
Starting point is 00:48:48 It was kind of like an asphalt and it was on an angle. So like as they were spitting onto it, it was all like kind of falling down. Nice. Yeah. So gross. I'm so gross. But I think like similarly, it's just like a curiosity about the human spirit. Like can we make ourselves barf? Like down a hill?
Starting point is 00:49:05 Can we make a huge spit pot? It is true. Like kids will, if left to their own devices, will be pretty disgusting. Oh yeah. Like they'll think of something gross and the other one will encourage it. Yeah, absolutely. And the other thing going on with me this week is um that i uh i so christmas is coming up okay i bought a couple presents online for my daughter and one of them i bought from toys r which i'd never bought
Starting point is 00:49:37 anything from before it was usually you like to go in the store yeah i like to squish all the things and uh so i went and i i bought this thing and it was delivered to my brother's house in seattle and i guess i got signed up for their mailing list and that's fine i'm signed up for many stores mailing lists which i we're recording this on black friday and i've never been more inundated with emails from stores. But Toys R Us, I was like, I'm never going to. I don't need to see their promotions. Nothing appeals to me about this place. I know they exist.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah. So I went to unsubscribe from their mailing list. And normally you click a button and you're unsubscribed. This said you'll be unsubscribed in eight to ten business days. We got to pass it by our lawyer and then he has to double-send. So it's someone's job to physically unsubscribe me from a thing to cross my name off a list. And they won't get around to it for a while. That's hell.
Starting point is 00:50:42 I mean, they say jobs are disappearing in america but there's one here's one i can think of to get rid of um yeah like so you're gonna get a lot of even and they are three times a day yeah check out this toy what about this i mean that's's all that they can say, really. That's all they... What about an educational toy? We also do baby equipment. Baby hats. Baby hats, baby crampons. River baby climbing. When I worked at Toys R Us, I worked in the educational toy section.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Real quiet. Really, you could really get a lot of thinking done in that. And always then the parents would come over and be like, do you have a, and I'd just be picturing in my head their kid being disappointed by the thing they're about to buy. Yeah, I feel like my parents were really into those educational toys when I was a kid. What did you get? A lot of like, oh, like wood burning kits and like.
Starting point is 00:51:48 That's one of, that's like the spit pool. That's like a thing as a kid. You just see how long you can hold it on your skin. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. A lot of like, let's look at, you know, bugs under a magnifier. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Those, the crystal radio. Crystal radio. Oh, making a thing. Like making your own radio your own radio they can catch like the airwaves and stuff which are like you know honestly now that i'm an adult i'm like those are great toys like i would play with those now yeah but like you know as a kid it's like no i don't i don't want uh i don't want that the thing you did you ever do the thing where you put the beads in a pattern and you iron it and it makes like a like a flat thing
Starting point is 00:52:29 yeah yeah I mean I never did it but I was on the receiving end of what what I think
Starting point is 00:52:36 what truck is this maybe a street sweeper is going by um or maybe it's stopping outside the window just it's
Starting point is 00:52:44 it just keeps backing over the same spot Too lazy to pick up a leaf Yeah I had a friend who had a weird It was like a thing from maybe the 60s or the 70s But you could build your own Like electronics
Starting point is 00:53:02 But it was all within this kit Like you could build a radio, you could build a flashlight, but like you made it yourself, like all the circuits. Yeah. It was really weird. I love that.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yeah. Like I love that that exists. Yeah. I think I was given stuff like that, but I never read the instructions and it just, no one guided me through it. So I was just like,
Starting point is 00:53:23 well, this doesn't work. I remember doing like orienteering. yeah in like we had to do that yeah we had to do that and i hated it at the time but now that i'm older i'm like i wish i could just go orienteering right now but i guess i could just go like geocaching or something well you could go orienteering that is what is orienteering is it when you go asian people huh you you go out is it like asian earrings What is orienteering? Is it with Asian people? Huh? You go out? Is it like Asian earrings? Asian jewelry?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Pretty good. Pretty good, Dave. No one got hurt. Yeah, yeah. We all learned something. Well, maybe not. I don't know if it's that you go, you start at an assigned place and you just have to figure out just using a compass and an old timey map.
Starting point is 00:54:09 You have to figure your way to point all the different points. Oh, okay. And when we did it, there was like a hole punch on a tree. Yes. And you like had some kind of, it was supposed to be, you're supposed to be learning about an ecosystem. So you'd like hole punch like, oh oh i met the mole and the mole and the celebrity mole uh i don't know yeah um yeah i remember and my uh like my orienteering teacher was best friends with the guy who my aunt got married to.
Starting point is 00:54:49 So then my aunt and uncle, they were into orienteering. They would do it on, that's what they would do on weekends. Wow. They would orienteer. I mean, I would love to do that. I don't know if you guys are interested, but. No, it's outside. First of all, I'd like to know where I am at all times. I just use Waze.
Starting point is 00:55:03 It lets me know where traffic's lighter yeah so it's oh you sort of figure your way out around and then sometimes it'll make you turn left at a really busy they do the geocaching yeah they've done that and they've like you can win money doing it like because if you find the the thing like it's decoding clues or something anyways yeah crazy yeah but that seems like this could be your this could be your a new hobby well i gotta have a real soft spot for just old timey like just things that are unnecessary like going and getting lost in the woods only to find your way back out of the woods yeah i watched this did you guys watch that documentary about the people that run that marathon
Starting point is 00:55:45 that's like so many days? Oh, the Barclay Marathon? Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I haven't. I watched that. And it's kind of orienteering-y because they have to.
Starting point is 00:55:53 And it's like an impossible race. Yeah. Oh. Like has anybody ever finished? Yes. But like at first
Starting point is 00:56:01 no one did and then one person did a year and now I think it's like three people a year maybe finish it. And it's like three or four days straight. I've only scanned past it on Netflix. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:12 Wow. You watched it? I watched it. Did you recommend it? You know, it's not like, as a documentary goes, it's not riveting throughout, but the actual story is really cool. It's just like the first day they run in one direction and then the second day they run in the opposite direction. And then like, so they, when you run in the opposite direction, you don't see the same landmarks.
Starting point is 00:56:37 So people get like lost all the time. And in order to prove you've done it, you have to rip pages out of books. Kind of like this orienteering thing. They hang on trees. So you have to find the book and get the page. Otherwise, you won't have completed the marathon. So it's the exact same route backwards? The second day.
Starting point is 00:56:57 And then the third day, I think you get to choose which direction you go. Weird. Yeah, I don't know. And it's a marathon every day? Yeah, they don't sleep they just run for three days like they they take breaks to like eat a banana or to like change the blisters and throw up a banana yeah but it's just like insane wow yeah yeah didn't oh what's his name eddie izzard do like 26 marathons in 26 days
Starting point is 00:57:29 he's hilarious what's going on with you isn't that just the weirdest fact about a guy yeah but he did it for for a charity yeah yeah but it's just still like he's like famous and then he does something crazy like that like people would do something crazy like that to become famous no don't you think yeah the cover of all the magazines it's man runs 26 marathons who's kim kardashian anymore that's the headline who is she anymore uh um what's going on with me well i uh uh i went to oh this was an interesting thing that happened a couple weeks ago so every monday I host a show called the Laugh Gallery.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And most of the time. People in Vancouver, come check it out. Mondays at the Havana on Commercial Drive. And it's in this little theater in the back. And kind of next to the theater in the back is this kind of gallery space. And that's usually pretty empty on a Monday night. So it's usually pretty empty on a Monday night. So it's usually pretty quiet. But like two Mondays ago, it was a bar's Christmas party.
Starting point is 00:58:53 And it was, first of all, a group of people who should know better than to act how they were acting in a bar being the worst. And this was a Christmas party in the middle of november middle of november and we're talking 8 p.m these people are drunk like it is 8 a.m german and uh so you know like have you guys both been to like a company Christmas party ever? Lord, yes. So there's some speeches. Usually they're pretty short. Like, hey, we had a great year.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Not so great this year. Yeah. So people were cheering for everything. Like Germans watching Bridget Jones' third movie. But that never subsided. You know how sometimes when they show during the Oscars, the people who died that year, the first couple of people get really loud and then the claps kind of fade out for a bit. They're like, hey, costumer.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so you would think it would go but it was these they were so drunk and there was one guy who stood up he knocked a bunch of the paintings off the wall and and then the boss stood up i don't have you ever seen the show bar rescue this place is like the next place that needs to be bar rescue you know the place that i do i will not say its name but uh they were write it down they were i was just like oh this guy's going to he's gonna get in trouble for getting being drunk on the job all the time and this guy's gonna do that and this guy's gonna do that um and so at one point the boss stood up and said, uh, like kind of started complimenting them and then segwayed into how this wasn't the best year.
Starting point is 01:00:49 And, uh, we could have improved this. I was like at the company Christmas party, man, this is, this is, it's very rare. I have you all gathered in one room airing of the grievances. And so it was this Christmas party. And then me and Aliciaicia tobin standing at the door uh trying to sell tickets to the show and then everybody started eating we're like whoo the worst of it is behind us and then one of the employees they're like and because we were so busy last week we weren't all able to attend darren's show uh please well and so darren the
Starting point is 01:01:26 chef goes up with his guitar and sings originals for uh for a good like a good a healthy half an hour to 35 minutes oh boy wow all those friends are eating trying to like everyone just wants to talk at your christmas party or yell at each other yell across the room and they're all they're drunk before dinner drunk before dinner drunk they're all the kind of drunk that if they were in their own establishment they would be asked to leave like that's how drunk and uh like they were so drunk and yelling we could hear them through the wall theater wall into the theater and then afterwards like they had all cleared out except the boss man who was still drinking he had two wine glasses in one hand so i mean pull one down
Starting point is 01:02:21 and then another drink in the other hand. And he was telling everybody at the bar that the top boss had asked him to, that he's going to get him to take over his new restaurant. But he's like, don't tell anybody. And we're like, we don't know who you are. I'm just bad at keeping secrets. I used to work at a restaurant in Edmonton, and we made the mistake one year of having the Christmas party at the restaurant. They just like closed the restaurant and we just partied in there.
Starting point is 01:02:55 And because everyone was like too confident with the space. Do you know what I mean? Everyone's like, this is our space. So people made like a catwalk out of the tables and people were like on the tables like doing like catwalking through the middle of the restaurant and people started having a hot sauce fight like out of like squeezy hot sauce bottles and i got hot sauce in my eye and had to go like do the thing where you take a shot glass and like rinse out your eye no one was confident with the eyewash station. Exactly. What type of restaurant was this? It was a vegetarian restaurant.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And was there a... Run by like three sisters who are like super fun rock and roll ladies. Was there food at the party? And if so, were people working while they were supposed to be partying? Okay, so here's the thing. Okay. Got to the point in the party, so here's the thing. Okay. Got to the point in the party at like one in the morning or whatever where everyone was way too drunk. People just start going into the kitchen, just like opening the salsa, opening the hummus, just like eating.
Starting point is 01:03:55 We're going to have another fight. Just like we're going to just start eating whatever we want out of the back. And I did that. We all did that. But then the next morning when i had to work there at seven in the morning in the kitchen and i got there i was like we had to throw all this food away oh we can't serve this to people right so it was like nightmarish there's hot sauce all over the walls like footprints on the tables like and also coming to work slightly late and being
Starting point is 01:04:22 like this is a having a christ Christmas party at your place of work. Like, where people are just going to go nuts. It's also, like, one time, years ago, I played, like, because you do corporate shows sometimes. And I did comedy at a Home Depot Christmas party held in a Home Depot. Like, they had moved out the like whatever it was kind of the patio furniture section and turned it into
Starting point is 01:04:49 like but it was it was like a sitcom where they decorate the scene instead of making a new set. They're like the party's going to be here in the kitchen section.
Starting point is 01:05:01 And how did it go? Oh it was terrible because the You weren't afterwards you're like this is really good. Hey, I'm thinking of maybe setting up an open mic at a Home Depot. It was, if I recall correctly, I think it was a dry Christmas party because of the year before somebody got a DUI.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Oh. And I think there's some kind of legal thing if you're the company and that you... What's the thing in Home Depot you could drink that would get you
Starting point is 01:05:30 the drunkest? Paint thinner? I'm thinking paint or paint thinner or some kind of like... A urethane? Yeah, or whatever,
Starting point is 01:05:37 you know, a bug killer. You know what would be fun to do is to, like, put a bunch of alcohols into
Starting point is 01:05:44 one of those shakers. Put that in the paint shaker. Oh, sure. How would you like your martini? Stirred. Come on. I got this shaker right here. That would be amazing.
Starting point is 01:05:56 To do like a cocktail party that's paint themed. So like you pick out your color and then like it corresponds to a cocktail. Yeah. Yeah. You know, the menus on those whatever paint chips. Yeah. Guys. This is so much fun.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah. We should open a paint themed bar. Yeah. And all the tablecloths and be just those drop cloths. Oh, it's so much fun. And then people would always be returning their drinks because they weren't right.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Like, you know, this is slightly off. Yeah. I wanted the. It looks this color on the chip, but on my wall, it's different. I'd never thought of that. I've never returned paint. Really?
Starting point is 01:06:30 You get what you get. You don't get upset. No. I feel like it's so common to return it. Really? But it's, what do they do with it? They can't sell it again. They throw it away.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Isn't that sad? They pour it down a hill. They pour it down a hill. out the check out the pile at the bottom oh man do we want to uh move on to overheard sure i'm brian and i'm erin and we host throwing shade a political comedy podcast that's somehow horribly offensive and socially conscious if you want to know what it sounds like if the news drank straight vodka, check us out on Thursdays on MaxFun. And we're the first MaxFun podcast to be turned into a TV show, so check that out January 17th on TV Land. Throwing shade.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Politics. Pop culture. Wigs for days. Are you in need of a shake-up? Are you in need of a shake-up? Max Fun Con is our annual comedy and creativity festival, and it changes lives. Max Fun Con West returns to Lake Arrowhead next June, and Max Fun Con East is back in the Poconos next September.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Tickets for both are on sale right now, and they will sell out. Visit to buy your tickets today. We can't wait to see you there. Overheard. Overheard. The segment in which, you know, we overhear things, we oversee things out there in the world. We talk about them, and then we invite you out there to also be a part of it.
Starting point is 01:08:05 We always like to start with the guest. Okay. All right. Yeah. Mine is an overseen. Okay. It's a sign that is in our apartment right now, just in the lobby. And I'll just read it because it's insane.
Starting point is 01:08:16 It says, wanted to buy one used air cleaner in brackets, have been battling drug smoke entering my unit from below since February this year. Need to supplement my existing air cleaner. If you have one to sell or can offer any suggestions on how to clean my contaminated air or how to reduce slash eliminate the ongoing putrid smell, please contact me. Thanks. Wow. Huh. I think that's less about trying to obtain something and yeah more about like knock it off down there sending a message cheeto brain oh um so passive aggressive yeah and also made me ask i don't know what an air cleaner is and like i know they exist
Starting point is 01:09:00 probably but uh i mean like uh yeah like an air purifier i guess okay but i mean when i first looked at it i was like air conditioner and i was like no air cleaner huh hair cleaner maybe maybe it's a typo they need some shampoo because i got a drug smoke in my hair here's a crazy question this might be a crazy question uh because marijuana has been you know uh bread and you know interbred and all this love marijuana bread so you eat it but then you just need more than they're there all day uh is uh how come they haven't been able to like breed out the smell of because it's not like i know like people who are like uh chronic marijuana smokers pretend they like the smell of because it's not like I know like people who are like chronic marijuana
Starting point is 01:09:47 smokers pretend they like the smell of it but it smells like garbage so why can't they breed that? Yeah it smells
Starting point is 01:09:53 like skunks. Yeah and I associate skunks rooting around in my garbage. I guess skunks aren't known for their good smell.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Yeah I mean you could say the same thing about like cigs, like cigarettes. Yeah, but they... Oh, cigarettes? Is that what cigs is short for? But whereas with, you know, tobacco, like pipe tobacco can smell very nice. But marijuana smoke universally smells bad.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yeah. I smell it all the time. Yeah. And I know it's totally like commonplace here. It's not technically legal, but it's not criminalized anyway. Yeah. But anytime I smell it, and I'm totally cool with whoever does it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I still look around to see who's doing it. Yeah, yeah, me too. Who's the nasty boy? Who's that little nasty boy? Yeah. Dave, do you have an over? Mine is an overseen. Who's that little nasty boy Yeah Dave do you have an over Mine is an overseen This past weekend
Starting point is 01:10:50 We went to a two year old's Birthday party As we do every weekend And as with all Birthday parties Do you know where Birthday parties are Mostly held these days
Starting point is 01:11:03 For a two yearyear-old? Community centers. Oh. Oh. So you go, you spend an hour in the gym running around. Maybe there's a bouncy castle. Go to the nude sauna. Go to the nude German community center sauna.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Yep. And then you go up to a different room where there is, it's probably a classroom in the week, but on Saturdays and Sundays they rent it out and you have cake and pizza and stuff. Ah. And it's great. Oh, wow. And unlike your Christmas party, you don't dirty your own space.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Yeah. That is good. And then it's, then you, whatever, you pay a rental fee, I guess. And, ooh, that's good. Tasty. Yeah, it is good. And then it's then you whatever you pay a rental fee. Yes. Oh, that's good. Tasty. Yeah, it is tasty. Nice to take it outside the home.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Yeah. And just like and then you don't have a bunch of people coming into your house either. That like, you know, like looking at your stuff. And you have to clean the house before the party and after the party. No, this is the way to go, man. Yeah. So we were at this birthday party. We went after the party. No, this is the way to go, man. Yeah. So we were at this birthday party. We went to the gym.
Starting point is 01:12:09 We did that. Then we went up to the room, utility room, where we were going to have cake and pizza. And I guess the last people or something, a message had been left on the chalkboard in this room since Halloween. And it was, it had like a drawing of a skull and a drawing of a sign that said danger and a gravestone. And then just someone wrote in kid handwriting, this room is unsupervised. Die at your own risk. die at your own risk it's funny how out of context a skull in a graveyard thing is like the second that october is over it just is suddenly very off-putting yeah ominous especially in like kid writing yeah yeah yeah um yeah come on it's a chalkboard can't they just get one of those super long erasers and do that
Starting point is 01:13:10 remember those yeah me erasers yeah oh nearly i you know what i was reminded of sorry related to chalkboards is like plo which i had forgotten about for years like please leave on i just love it i don't know why it like struck such a chord with me like well you're palestinian ah the palestinian liberation yes organization yeah yeah yeah they're an organization they have a dot org did anybody in either of your elementary school class figure out the prank to put a tiny piece of chalk inside the cause you know those chalk brushes put a little piece of chalk in it
Starting point is 01:13:46 and then when the brush would go it would chalk up the board real good if there's anybody out there that wants to teach their kid
Starting point is 01:13:53 a prank I was just thinking of when they was this like a punishment they would make kids slap the erasers together
Starting point is 01:14:01 yeah I think that was like in 1890s yeah you would maybe need you would need an air cleaner after that erasers together. Yeah. I think that was like in 1890s. Yeah. You would maybe need, you would need an air cleaner after that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Absolutely. For the putrid stench. Putrid chalk stink. Yeah. It would suck if you're, if you didn't want to smell the smell of skunk
Starting point is 01:14:19 constantly in your house. Yeah. You know. Oh no, it's totally obnoxious. Yeah. I mean, I get the complaint, but the way to go about it, like, just to put a passive-aggressive note.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I'm sure they've tried a few things. Oh, yeah. So funny. They've used air cleaners. They've tried sucking all of the air out of the room. Did you have an overheard? Oh, yeah, yeah. I was at a restaurant, and i heard this uh the
Starting point is 01:14:47 the woman behind me i've never even if i hated the meal i don't complain you know the end of the meal i just i'm like well never coming back here like because what's the best case scenario with the complaint is they're gonna be like they't, the waitress had nothing to do with it. Yeah. And. Or like sometimes people complain right when they get it. But even then you're getting another dish 10, 15 minutes after the rest of the people you're eating. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:19 And I could see like, if it was something where it like came with a thing that you were allergic to that, I understand. But anything else. But so this this woman i think finished the meal and then when the waitress came over shouldn't have asked how was everything that was that was the end for this lady that's the end for the waitress really no i would just go you're done i would just yeah yeah yeah you done or oh somebody was hungry i'd do something like that um so she said yeah how is everything and then the woman goes the fries were salty well that's not a complaint that's exactly how fries should be yeah she's like i like a little salt but oh they were salty you finished the fries should be. That's how fries be. Yeah. She's like, I like a little salt, but ooh, they were salty. Did she finish the fries?
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah, she finished the fries. That's the last thing I finish. But like. So heavy. Yeah, why would you order fries if you had an aversion to salt? That's, they go hand in hand. Fries and salt, hand in hand. Is this a song?
Starting point is 01:16:22 No. I mean, it could be. Yeah, okay. You've been it could be. Yeah, okay. You've been a waitress. Yeah, I was just going to say. So what kind of complaints have you gotten? People are shocking, like what they'll complain about. There was a guy once who came in, we like sold falafels.
Starting point is 01:16:36 So he got a falafel and it has like, you know, three normal sized falafel balls in the pita. And he was like, could you please take these back to the kitchen and get them to cut them up smaller for me? It was like. Did he not get a knife? He got a knife. He got a fork, but he just wanted someone else to do it. Like, it's just like, what?
Starting point is 01:16:57 I guess he's suggesting they were too big. Right. But still, like you're complaining about too much food on your plate. And that's so weird. Yeah. But also I think like, cause I, I, uh, the one time I worked as a waiter was in a pizza place. And I think sometimes people would be just taking out their day on you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Oh, for sure. You know, like it wouldn't be anything you can do, but. Yeah. And my least favorite thing was like, we always had a soup of the day, and it's like, it changes every day. That's why they call it that. Well, it's always the same soup, it just changes like Cinderella at midnight. One day it's pumpkin, the next it's glass foot. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:17:38 Hey, we got a glass foot soup? Yeah. glass with soup yeah and people would always be like you know they'd be like i'll take the mushroom soup and then you bring it and they taste it and they're like i don't like this they'd be like okay what's wrong with it is it too salty is it is it oily like what is the problem tell me what's wrong with it and they just be just be like, I just don't like it. It's like, well, you ordered it. Like, you had tons of options on a menu, and you decided. Yes, but this is today's soup. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I thought it would be more hip. Yeah, exactly. Do you have anything that has, I don't know, lightning bolts in it? Yeah. Something cool. A laser grid. Yeah, do you have, I like soups of the 80s, 90s and today. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Well, we're a soup that plays what we want. What are your favorite 90s soups? Oh, geez. I mean, probably like a cauliflower. Yeah. Yeah. New kids on the bra. Nice.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Bowling for soup. Sarah McLachlan, a good tawny. Good work, everyone. All right. Now, we also have overheard sent in to us. Mulligatawny Katane. There it is. There it is.
Starting point is 01:18:57 No funny, no money. If you want to send in an overheard to us, you can send it in to SPY at This first one comes from Rebecca from Portland. I work for an education nonprofit, and I manage the surveys we administer to our middle school students. One question we ask is, what do you want to be when you grow up? We use that information to talk to the kids about college and the kinds of education you need for the types of careers they want to have. Sidebar, that had never
Starting point is 01:19:29 happened to me when I was in school. Like, they would ask, what do you want to be? And they would just move on from there. I think we maybe did, like, an aptitude. Yeah, I remember that. Did you? I don't remember doing any aptitude. But they were all for, like... I can't imagine any of the jobs exist anymore
Starting point is 01:19:45 like they weren't very forward thinking um unsubscriber for toys r us yeah i want to work for toys r us in some capacity um i tend to see a lot of the same responses basketball player veterinarian firefighter teacher etc but one gem stands above them all. A one-sixth grade kid wrote, a doctor who delivers babies and part-time monster truck driver. Nice. Real nice. That's so cute.
Starting point is 01:20:16 And it's very, I imagine, very rare that you would go to the, you know, demolition derby or the monster truck rally and meet a doctor. I think it would be very rare that someone would do that part-time because the show seems to tour. That's true. So, I'm sorry, I can't deliver your baby. I'm in the Tacoma Dome. Yeah, sure. I like the idea of someone, like, you know, working with women, very, like, connected to women profession,
Starting point is 01:20:43 where you have to really understand like what motherhood is and then also just going to a monster truck party on the weekend yeah crushing cars my heroes are
Starting point is 01:20:52 this midwife I know and gravedigger this next one comes from Sarah T in Edmonton do you know her?
Starting point is 01:21:04 maybe okay we'll see I'll be able to tell this was an this next one comes from Sarah T. in Edmonton. Do you know her? Maybe. Okay. We'll see. I'll be able to tell. This was an overheard slash overseen outside of the downtown public library. Okay, I know who this is. Yeah?
Starting point is 01:21:15 No. One day, a friend and I were walking past a familiar scene, a couple of bicycle cops restraining a very intoxicated, belligerent woman on the sidewalk. Outside the library. Yeah, very hard to then take her back to the station if you're on the bikes. Okay, you're gonna double with me. Wrap your arms around my waist.
Starting point is 01:21:39 So the restrained woman hollered at the cops with a heavy drunken slur. I'm not under arrest. You're under arrest. Nice. Really good. It's a good tactic. With any kind of authority. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:53 I mean, maybe I am. Wait a minute. Wait. No, you're under arrest. Unless she was a magician, because sometimes you're going, oh, how did I get this handcuff on me? Yeah. And if I'm under arrest, why are you handcuffed to your bicycle? Bye.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, that would be fun. If you could pretend to be drunk. Or if you could do magic while drunk. That's why David Blaine's never been successfully arrested. They've tried many times, but he always manages to slip out at the last second. And then he goes downtown and gets drunk at the library. This last one comes from Titus in Krakow, Poland. Nice.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Sorry. I was at work in the customer service department of a major online travel agency having a phone conversation with one of our managers when she told me the following story. A customer called her and wanted us to refund his holiday and pay for his Spanish hospital bill. He explained that he had broken his leg in the hotel and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. What caused the accident? My very patient coworker asked. Well, I was with my wife and we were about to do some sexy role playing. I handcuffed my wife to the bed and put on Rod Stewart loudly.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Then I dressed in my crotchless Spider-Man suit. Climbed on the cupboard, and prepared to jump on the bed to save my nude damsel in distress. The closet gave way, however, and I crashed to the floor, unable to move. After about an hour and a half, the repeated loud Rod Stewart song
Starting point is 01:23:40 finally got the attention. Oh, the wife was... Still! Oh, no. Of the people working in the hotel, and they broke down the door to the attention. Oh, the wife was still of the people working in the hotel and they broke down the door to the room. Then they called an ambulance, freed my wife and when the ambulance arrived, put me
Starting point is 01:23:54 in the stretcher in my sweatpants with his wiener hanging out. I guess so. They put a tiny little little web on him. Anyways. So did he get his money back?
Starting point is 01:24:20 He said my supervisor advised him to send an email to us and immediately called me to warn that it was coming and tell me to politely decline to take responsibility for his problem. So, no. I guess he didn't. I guess it doesn't cover hilarious sex oh boy i'm surprised he was so like forthcoming with those details because i i would just lie yeah but if every if you had so many witnesses like what lie would sound better than what actually happened right what is the most disturbing part of that? For me, it's that he had the one Rod Stewart song on repeat. Not an album or anything.
Starting point is 01:24:53 And I wonder what song it was. Oh, I think we can all. Maggie Mae? Oh, do you think it was Maggie Mae? That really sad one from The Office? I think it's the one where it's like a tribute to Motown with an animated video. Put over some of your old Motown records. We'll put the speakers
Starting point is 01:25:12 in the window and we'll go da da da dee dee dee da echo to the alley down below. It's the only way my wife can come.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Oh boy. Jeez. Come on. You started off the show my wife can come. Oh boy. Jeez. Come on, you started off the show on that one. About an hour ago, I had a water spurt coming out of what you would call a gleek. You're familiar with that? And my microphone is
Starting point is 01:25:41 still not dried. Oh no! This is my spit puddle. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. You were going to say something? Oh, I was just going to say I've been thinking a lot about Rod Stewart. Oh, yeah?
Starting point is 01:25:54 How come? Do you want to talk to someone about it? Well, me and my friend Jolene, when we were traveling in Europe, we'd have like hours on the train. And we just played like, you know, Boff Mary Kill for like hours. Yeah. And my favorite one was just Mick Jagger, Steven Tyler, or Rod Stewart.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Ooh, tough. Okay. Wait, I have to kill one of those guys. I know it's, it's kind of tragic. Well,
Starting point is 01:26:17 not really. Um, I'm just thinking I'll kill Steven Tyler. Oh, really? Mary Rod Stewart and boff Mick Jagger. That's what I said. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Exact same answer. No, I would kill Mick Jagger. I'm done. Done with that whole Rolling Stones thing. Done. He's gone. I feel like, yeah, boff Steven Tyler. And then I feel like Rod Stewart's probably like the stable type.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Yeah. He's only been married probably like the stable type. Yeah. He's only been married like eight or nine times. Yeah. Oh, that's right. No. You know what? I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:26:49 I'm going to marry Steven Tyler because that means I get to see Liv Tyler a couple times a year. We get to have a nice Christmas dinner or whatever.
Starting point is 01:27:00 See her at Easter. Yeah. That's nice. That's nice. Yeah. For sure. All right, cool. So I guess I'm just having sex with Rod Stewart. Huh. Huh. So you're at Easter Yeah That's nice That's nice Yeah For sure Alright cool So I guess I'm just having sex
Starting point is 01:27:06 With Rod Stewart Huh Huh It's not too late It's not too late to kill him Nope Mick Jagger's long tip In addition to overheards
Starting point is 01:27:16 That are written in We also accept your phone calls If you would like to call us Our phone number is 1-844-SPY-POD1. That's one. Ugh. SpyPod1. Like these people have. Rod Stewart's really stuck with that
Starting point is 01:27:31 same hairdo. That you know of. When did you last see a picture of him? Oh, yeah, that's true. I guess I haven't seen. No, he was on the James Corden sing-song show. Oh, that's such a funny show. Yeah, I like it. Hey, Dave, Graham, and
Starting point is 01:27:48 possible guest. I told my wife that I called you a couple weeks ago and left it overheard about my daughter's potty mouth, and she thought I should call you back and give you this one. Well, I was giving my three-year-old a bath, and she's sitting in a tub of soapy water,
Starting point is 01:28:04 and I give her a washcloth and say, okay, now she's sitting in a tub of soapy water, and I give her a washcloth and say, okay, now it's your job to wash your vagina and your butt. And she starts scrubbing rapidly and haphazardly, and at the same time saying, China butt, China butt, China butt, China butt. And I tell her, no, you need to do it correctly. You need to go more slowly. And I tell her, no, you need to do it correctly. You need to go more slowly.
Starting point is 01:28:28 And she continues scrubbing, but she says, China. Cayenne of technicality, Dad. Not so fast. Yeah. Walk this way. This future. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Pretty cute. Yeah. Pretty cute. Um, yeah. What's your bath routine, Graham? You know what? I was just thinking, when was the last time I had a bath? And I think it was probably like,
Starting point is 01:28:55 it was probably going on a year since I've had a, like a bath. I think you're in spa denial. I might be, I might be going too far in the other direction. Here's a question I have. Just, and not,
Starting point is 01:29:07 not to present company, but why do so many people take a picture of their feet when they're in the bath and then post it on, on a, like a social media?
Starting point is 01:29:17 Why is, why that specific? And the, that's the same sort of like, I'm on vacation at the beach. Yeah. But like, I understand more you're'm on vacation at the beach yeah but like i understand more you're on a vacation at the beach that's somewhat noteworthy but being in a bath is like literally nothing yeah you're doing nothing i feel like i've been seeing a lot of pregnant bellies
Starting point is 01:29:39 like with just the little feet poking out. The baby's feet? Oh my God. The breach. But again, that's something where it's like, hey, look at me, I'm bright. Yeah, absolutely. But like a bath, it's like, hey, I was bored. Like, well, why not when you're taking a shit then? Why? What's the difference? It's also like, look, I could ruin my phone.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Oh, I mean, that is a bit disrespectful. Oh, that's true. And also like, for me, I might fall asleep in the bath and die. So this could be a last. This might be my last photo. Yeah, my goodbye. That's my fear about bathing is I always fall asleep. Really?
Starting point is 01:30:14 Do you? Yeah, I wake up going. Oh, you do wake up eventually. Dying, like drinking water. I can't imagine falling asleep in a bath. Too many things going through my head. You should wear a scuba mask. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:29 Or like a snorkel. Yeah, a snorkel. That's a good idea. Yeah. At least then you would. Do you, when you sleep, do you breathe through your mouth sometimes? Yeah. People snore.
Starting point is 01:30:40 Yeah, I sleep through it. Wait, snore is through your nose. Anyway. Yeah. I think you can snore through your mouth Yeah You know Anything's possible
Starting point is 01:30:47 Yeah there it is There it is I'm coming for you The OM Hey it's Dan and Camille from Prince George, British Columbia We just had the coolest concert that has ever been in Prince George
Starting point is 01:31:12 Sweet electronic music and as we were walking back into it from hanging out outside we had this old guy walk by us and say, oh, that music sucks I'm 57 and I hope I die soon. Just so he doesn't have to hear the future of music. That's a pretty good slam.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Yeah. Nothing personal. I hope I'm dead before this concert's over. Also, good on the 57-year-olds for going and checking out an electronic music concert. You know, maybe you thought, I'll go. I'll see if I like it. My parents once bought me this electronics kit for Christmas. I love that.
Starting point is 01:32:02 I mean, electronic music now is at the point that you could have enjoyed it as a youth and now be 57 57 yeah it's like what it's been since the 70s 70s yeah maybe the 60s yeah not i mean not in any what is switched on bach or something yeah but but you could be you could have followed it all those years it's kind of weird to think that that's like i don't know like that's what people in the future are gonna be wistful about like uh the bleeps and bloops of yesteryear yeah i remember when dead mouse had the soft helmet before when it was all like before it lit up and stuff i went to see craftwork live oh yeah and i was just like this was cutting edge at some point like and again another german thing but like it was crazy to see them live and be like this is pretty boring like just i mean it's pretty
Starting point is 01:33:01 boring music was it a i don't know that i know sit down venue or stand up Was it a sit down venue or a stand up venue? It was a sit down venue Well that's your problem But they had it was called Craftwork 3D and everyone wore 3D glasses And they had like 3D but like in a very 80s way had 3D on the screen And then their outfits were like light up and 3D But still like an 8 minute song that's just like so just the same thing but did people dance to it back then or is it even like because it's not like a big bass drum or anything it's pretty
Starting point is 01:33:36 yeah it is i thought i think it was wasn't it popular because it was so weird? Like that, like nobody had heard like a. Yeah. Yeah. Like, so didn't people just go to it just because of that? Like they didn't listen to it. Like, no, we're going to dance to craft. Like maybe they did. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:57 Weird 80s dances. I put some craft work on in the car once with my boyfriend and he was just like, this is so bad. Like, Oh really? Tom, then he likes electronic music kind of. And Tom was just like,
Starting point is 01:34:14 Oh, this, we can't listen to this. It was a live album too. Just a live craft work album. You can really hear the 3d glass. Exactly. Here's your final overheard.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Hey Dave Graham and wonderful guest. This jared from ocean county new jersey i just got done shopping in my local grocery store and i heard a woman uh very earnestly tell her two children uh no we can't have ice cream we have to go to mma love the Bye. No ice cream until you're finished your MMA. I don't know if she said go to MMA or go do MMA.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Oh, I thought it was to MMA. Either way. I guess that's a thing kids do now. MMA. Just techno
Starting point is 01:34:58 and MMA. Well, because when I was a kid it would be karate. They would sign you up for one single martial art.
Starting point is 01:35:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. But now they mix them. Now they mix them and ground a pound. Oh, you know, isn't it Ronda Rousey? She's fighting this month. They come back. Said she was rattled during the thing where they stand and they put their fists at each other's chin to stare down. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:27 She got rattled. Oh, I heard she was washed up. No, she's back. I heard she's supposed to star in two movies and they've both been put on hold. They both have been. Because she's a bad actress. Oh. Which I could have told you from seeing Entourage.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Yeah, if you had seen the Entourage movie, you would know everything you need to know about her acting. I feel like you guys saying that about her is just going to egg her on more. I know. She's going to have a stronger comeback. That's true. When she listens to the podcast, she's going to be like. She's a big, long-time podcast listener, Ronda Rousey. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Won't come on the podcast, but likes listening to it when she trains. She does the rope thing. How much makes it wiggly? MMA people, can you name? I can name a few all right uh george saint pierre oh yes he's canada's own yeah ronda rossi ronda rossi conor mcgregor raining champ holding two titles the late kimbo slice kimbo slice there's uh there's a woman named uh chris cyborg oh cool yeah and. And she would have to lose 10 pounds
Starting point is 01:36:26 to compete against Ronda Rousey. She won't do it. She will if Ronda Rousey says she'll fight, she'll shed five to meet the absolute cutoff. I have a question. Is MMA, it's just
Starting point is 01:36:42 martial arts? It's anything. So like people doing it's whatever it's anything yeah yeah so like people doing krav maga stuff in there yeah krav maga some some old school just boxing street fight stuff yeah and then a lot of a lot of like brazilian jiu-jitsu and like some popping and locking also lots of uh wrestling there's wrestling there. But, you know, it's a Kraftwerk influenced all of it. Yeah. Yeah. Because I recently got
Starting point is 01:37:10 really interested in Krav Maga and watched a bunch of videos. Sure. But was just like the number one goal is just to kill the other person. Yeah. I mean, that's the number
Starting point is 01:37:17 one goal of all my pursuits. Just kill the other person. Exactly. The only other mixed martial arts person i can name is joe rogan joe rogan well uh do you know brock lesnar oh he was a wrestler yeah and then he went uh people kind of made fun of him they were like you're not a real strong guy you should go in mma so then he did and he beat everybody and then uh he went back to wrestling and then he went back to mma really got his ass handed to him then he went back. And then he went back to wrestling and then he went back to MMA.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Really got his ass handed to him. Then he went back to wrestling. Then he went back to MMA and he won again. Who said there are no six acts in American society? Yeah. He looks, he does look like a truck. He looks like a truck that somebody just stretched skin all over. And then put like two googly eyes on.
Starting point is 01:38:06 Oh, this is a person. It's not a truck. So this brings us to the end of the show. Yes, absolutely. It's not a truck. He's not a truck. It's the end of the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Well, that's what we say at the end of every show. He's not a truck with skin over it. Brock Lester is a human man. Despite the fact that every time he's interviewed he just says vroom vroom and beep beep. Remember when
Starting point is 01:38:31 President Nixon was like I am not a truck. And you know what? Conspiracy theorists say they still say what was missing
Starting point is 01:38:40 on those tapes? Where he admitted he was a truck and then he did donuts. Well he was the he was the reason they installed a highway in the basement of the White House.
Starting point is 01:38:50 Jeez. I was like, what does a truck do? So this comes out at the very beginning of December. Do you have anything upcoming that you'd
Starting point is 01:39:01 like to plug? Just doing shows around town. Sure. Instant Theater, Vancouver Theater Sports League, and Blind Tiger. Are you going to do any shows when you're back home in Alberta? You bet. I got some shows in February in Edmo.
Starting point is 01:39:15 With Rapid Fire Theater? Yes. They're letting you back? They're taking the ban off. Oh, okay. And I get to go do some shows, so that'll be awesome. Good. I'm glad they finally saw past their grudge they came around good yeah yeah uh well uh and if people want to find you
Starting point is 01:39:30 online i have a website now whoa which is crazy to have your own website in this day and age so it's just uh nice yeah go there check it out check out the photos you go girl are there videos on there that i can enjoy um no like no if i go there is it just a guy digging a ditch and it says coming soon under construction i have a i have a very like i have a heady blog about improv where i write about improv i also have a nacho blog where I review nachos. Okay. Way to bury the lead. Is that heady as well?
Starting point is 01:40:08 It's very intellectual reviews of nachos. Nice. At Check that out. Oh man. I accidentally jumped on a fence and I hurt my choblog.
Starting point is 01:40:22 What do you call a blog that doesn't belong to you not chill blog not chill blog um uh and we have shows we have a show
Starting point is 01:40:31 uh we're gonna be in I think there's Chicago is Chicago all sold out I don't know but by now maybe
Starting point is 01:40:38 but if not buy tickets for Christmas uh yeah for somebody who loves Max Fun that'll be in February can we announce the february one uh no i don't know when they're announced okay so keep your ear to our twitter
Starting point is 01:40:54 account yeah um and you we are in bamford uh on march 4th and uh and you know what if you like the show head over to check out the blog recap pictures and videos of things we talked about on the show
Starting point is 01:41:10 Brock Lesnar trucks yeah maybe put well we're not gonna do both could you do like a little photoshop no craftwork 3D
Starting point is 01:41:21 some German club some German industrial club. Yeah. Spaw man. With a real nice butt. Spaw man. And yeah, if you like the show, tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Kisses to yourself.

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