Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 467 - K. Trevor Wilson

Episode Date: February 27, 2017

Comedian and actor K. Trevor Wilson joins us to talk bully parts, tiki bars, and tooth varnish....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 467 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who is, oh boy, is he ready for awards season. Mr. Dave Shumka. Awards season's over, dude. No, the Oscars are still coming up. The Oscars are the end of awards season, dude.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Oh yeah, I guess the teen choices have already been... I don't know Those are maybe Those are Those are outside Yeah those are Unsanctioned Anything that gets you
Starting point is 00:00:52 A surfboard Or a moonman Those are Those are Or a mooman Those are the Swedish Finnish
Starting point is 00:00:59 Finnish I'm pulling out Cables Dave's coiling rope Like a magician pulling out hankies um our guest today uh first time guest here on the podcast he will begin shooting season three of the crave tv hit tv show letter kenny mr k trevor wilson is our guest hey guys thanks for having me thanks for coming on the show oh that's a lot of fun can i call you k yeah yeah it's uh does the k what is i don't think i know what does the case hey look yeah he doesn't need to out himself yeah that's true i've talked about it i've talked about it on uh uh tv and and actually jimmy kimmel asked me about it uh
Starting point is 00:01:42 well because i know that there's another. There's another K Trevor, or there's another Trevor Wilson, which is why I became K Trevor Wilson. So K is technically my middle initial. And we just transplanted it in front of my name. So it stands for Kingsley, which was my grandfather's name. Cool. That is really cool. And my middle name.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And yeah, no, we did it. There was another Trevor Wilson, so I needed a stage name. We didn't want to go too far for my real name and who are the other uh famous first initial people i'd say f murray abraham and thomas howell a whitney brown j giles band yeah do you want to Get to know us. See Montgomery Burns. That's true. It is a, I mean, Kingsley, first of all, what a great name.
Starting point is 00:02:33 And it feels like a name that's lost to time. Not a lot of Kingsleys out there. Not a lot of, it sort of pops up in humor. I think Kingsley Zissou, I was just rewatching. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I thought of it as a last name because of Ben Kingsley. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:02:53 It's almost too regal sounding. Like, I think I'd feel pretentious with the first name King. Was your grandfather King? Everyone called him King. King Scholler. I feel like it's something that like little girl, it'll be a really hot little girl. Not hot little girls, but
Starting point is 00:03:09 very popular little girl's name in about 10 years. It's like Madison Kingsley. Oh yeah. Yeah. Those names are coming. Because a lot of those sort of. I believe it means in the king's garden. Oh. Oh sure, why not? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, where'd you find that uh pipe kingsley
Starting point is 00:03:27 it's a kingsley pipe yeah um now you're from ontario from toronto yeah born and raised born and raised in toronto because you have the air of somebody you're on letter kenny you play a small town guy yeah and you you have a general kind of feel of a small-town guy, but you're a big city. I'm a city boy, born and raised. It's kind of funny. I'm actually one of the few comedians in Toronto from Toronto. Yeah. I find most people move to Toronto to try entertainment.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And you just sit back and let them come to you. I was just there. It was like, you know, when I started acting, I noticed a lot of people were coming to my city to do it. So I should just stay put. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah. Yeah. Did you start acting first or the standup? I was, I was a kid actor first. I started when I was about, uh, were you in shows?
Starting point is 00:04:20 Yeah. Uh, my first, uh, job ever was, uh, the haunted mask part two and hour long goose bumps special. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. My first job ever was the Haunted Mask Part 2, an hour-long Goosebumps special. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah, yeah. I remember it well. I played a bully in that. I played a lot of bullies when I started out because I was a pretty big guy. I pretty much looked like this as a kid. Just no beard, a little bit smaller, and rocking just one of those bitchin' early 90s undercuts. Oh, yeah, the undercut. Yeah, classic bully look.
Starting point is 00:04:49 As I say in my act, when I was a young boy, it was very popular to have your hair styled like a sporty uptown lesbian. And like, now you're playing a bully. Are you wearing a denim vest? What kind of bully attire? Lots of jean jackets. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lots of metal shirts. Bullies always wore metal shirts in kids' shows.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Were you K. Trevor back then? I was K. Trevor, but in my first job, I was miscredited as just Trevor Wilson. Miscredited if you're nasty. And actually, if you watch that episode, you will not see me. My name appears in the credits, but my scene was cut out.
Starting point is 00:05:32 What I'll say was timing reasons. That is spooky. The episode was running long. We had a scene that was left on the cutting room floor. Was this the bully's going to break dance? Me and two other bullies roughed up the kid who was trapped in an old man mask that was turning him into an old man. Okay. And it was Halloween night, so we were in crappy bully Halloween costumes.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Wait, were you dressed as bullies? Like one kid, because we were Halloween bull like we were pirate with a jean jack we were we were we were older kids who shouldn't be trick or treating or treating so one kid had like a bit of a clockwork orange thing going on and then i think i just had inappropriate i think i just had like uh like like a uh a fake nose pulled down over my face right and uh yeah we we hawk eggs at the old man and chase him down the street. And then, uh, and that,
Starting point is 00:06:29 then that, that scene got cut. And, uh, rightfully so. The work is, is flawless. Otherwise it added nothing to the overall story.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It was, it was pure exposition. Uh, but fun fact, one of the other bullies in the scene with me, uh, uh, played one of the O'Dies in the scene with me uh uh played one of the o'doyle brothers in uh billy manson oh yeah another career uh bully player we actually also worked together as bullies on the loretta clayborne story which was uh
Starting point is 00:06:58 what's that it was a made for tv movie uh i did a lot of disease of the week films back in the day where what were the big diseases back in the day sars you. I did a lot of Disease of the Week films back in the day. What were the big diseases back in the day? SARS? You'd get a lot of like, one movie I did was Crash Course, a mother's fight starring Meredith Baxter Burney. Oh, wow. About a young boy who gets a brain injury from being run by a drunk driver and his mother's fight to bring the drunk driver to justice.
Starting point is 00:07:28 It was like a mad sponsored film. And, uh, a mad joint. Me and O'Doyle played, uh, bull. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:07:36 In the Loretta Claiborne story, uh, which was a story about, uh, Loretta Claiborne, who's, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:42 an American athlete. And she's one of the few people to transition from Special Olympics to the actual Olympics. She's an American sprinter and won an ESPY for Inspirational Athlete. Did you play a bully in that? I played a bully in that. Just hanging out at the Special Olympics, bullying. Me and O'Doyle play two bullies in the 80s who pick on Loretta Claiborne while she's waiting at the bus stop counting her change.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And we start making fun of her and I smack the chain out of her hand. Now, what does an 80s bully wear? A Pantera Hell Patrol t-shirt. Oh, nice. I stomp on her change so she can't pick it up. Oh, you broke all my change and then uh and then she gets furious and bum rushes me into a fence uh she's an athlete right she's you know she's got strength and you're a bully you're you're you're weak loretta claiborne was played by uh kimberly elise who is known for the movie Set It Off and Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Diary of?
Starting point is 00:08:45 And it was actually, I believe she was also in the movie Beloved, but Oprah, we got a lot of press because Oprah featured our movie on her show as something to watch because she was a big star. And they were like, we're going to show the scene where she gets bullied with her change. Kim did an amazing job. She was very in character the whole time. But my one memory that's very clear is in our close-up shots, because the real Loretta Claiborne is very tall, being a sprinter. And Kimberly is much shorter than me. So for our close-ups, I was standing in a ditch,
Starting point is 00:09:20 and she was standing up on a box to cast the illusion that she was. And that was my sort of first experience of, you know, having to stand in a hole. Because a lot of actors, they're tiny folk. Actors are very, I mean, people don't realize how small most Hollywood actors are. Because you're probably taller than most of the actors you work with. I'm six feet and that's on the tall side of actors. I remember in my first years professionally going to industry parties, and I could just see over everyone's head.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, yeah, you could see where the hors d'oeuvres are going. I was living around a room, and it's like, oh, there's my dad. I can see him because we're both huge compared to all these tiny little people. Who's the tallest kind of regular? Oh, Tim Robbins, yeah. Tim Robbins, yeah yeah pretty tall dude uh i mean they're starting to get taller you know like you know tom cruise is very small he's very tight and he's shrinking you know schwarzenegger schwarzenegger's probably about my height
Starting point is 00:10:16 oh really yeah yeah like he's uh i think of him as being 12 feet tall yeah big enough to fight a predator yeah uh what uh is will farrell i feel like he's tall yeah he's about six four i think yeah he's uh but yeah like he's he's been in movies with uh mark walberg who by comparison is very tiny oh yeah a lot of kevin hart oh yeah kevin kevin hart's like that's his, yeah. That's his shtick. He's like, look out. But he's probably not tinier than Tom Cruise. Yeah, it's a weird thing in Hollywood where they try to make tall people seem normal and normal people seem short. What am I saying?
Starting point is 00:10:58 Tom Cruise, I think, is very good at protecting his height. You know, he's always surrounded by tiny actresses. Yeah. Tiny actors. Well, and he plays Jack Reacher. Penelope Cruz was a great person to put across from Tom Cruise. She tiny?
Starting point is 00:11:14 Because she's so small. Tiny little Penelope Cruz. I mean, that doesn't surprise me. Tom Cruise, fantastic actor, but really, like, I couldn't get into him as Jack Reacher because if you read the Jack Reacher books
Starting point is 00:11:28 yeah he's supposed to be he's supposed to be like what six he's supposed to be like a huge man and
Starting point is 00:11:34 and like he hardly has to reach and not not necessarily like you know he's not described in the book
Starting point is 00:11:41 as being Hollywood handsome he's like he looks like a rough man. Well, but Tom Cruise wears a lot of ball caps. Yeah. That makes you very, very, although great lines. I haven't seen the sequel, but great lines in the first one.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I always love the one where the woman's hitting on him, and he says, sorry, hon, I can't afford you. And she goes, I'm not a prostitute. He goes, well, then I really can't afford you. Wow. I wish I could get it. I'm not handsome enough to say those type of things. Have you read the books of it?
Starting point is 00:12:10 There's a Jack Reacher's books? Yeah. Jack Reacher, yeah, it's books. Are they thick books? They're good size books. I mean, we're not talking Stephen King's The Stand. Sure. What are they compared to like a Bourne Identity?
Starting point is 00:12:22 I'd take comparable. Yeah, there's something you'd bring to the something you read on the airport yeah on the airport yeah i like to sit that's it smoke bomb out when he sits around the airport he really sits around reading a jack reacher uh he also does the jack reacher does the thing where he's he describes to his uh soon to be victims exactly what he's gonna do yeah he's i'm gonna punch this guy and then this is gonna happen i'm gonna tie your shoelaces together why don't the guys believe him would you because he looks like tom cruise yeah i guess if he looked like jack reacher they'd be a little bit more suspicious
Starting point is 00:13:02 i do the classic bully thing where I pound my fist into my hand. I think my favorite use of that trope, the explaining step-by-step what you're going to do, is in True Lies, when Schwarzenegger's under the sodium pentothal. Right. And the truth serum, and the guy's like, and he's telling him, I was like, first I'm going to punch you in the face. And then I'm going to grab that scalpel and throw it in that God's neck over there. And he's like, and how do you plan on doing that?
Starting point is 00:13:33 Do you know my handcuffs? I picked them. I don't remember that because I was just in awe of how tall I thought he was. My favorite one of those is in The Breakfast Club where he's like, there's going to be two hits. Me hitting you,
Starting point is 00:13:50 you hitting the floor. Yeah, that's... When I was in high school, we did a stage production of The Breakfast Club. Did you play the bully? I played Principal Verdon, so yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Oh, wow. In many ways, I did play the bully. Yeah. Yeah, no, I love delivering that speech. Two months. Two months, Bender.
Starting point is 00:14:09 You mess with the bull? Your ass is mine. You mess with the bull, you get the horns. Wow. That guy was so good. Why wasn't he, was he in a lot of things in the 80s? He was in Die Hard, wasn't he? He was a solid character actor.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Was he in Die Hard? He was like the chief who didn't believe Reginald Valjean. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Paul G yeah. Yeah. Paul Gleeson. He was a career character actor and, I mean, probably best known for playing Principal Vernon. And, of course, they brought him back in Not Another Teen Movie to essentially reprise his role. But.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Imagine having a role that they would call you back to reprise. Oh boy. That that's a career. Well, this bully, all bullies. Yeah, that's true. Did you ever play the same bully twice or did you use the same motivation? In my mind, they were always just the same guy. It was just the bullies through time.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And were you ever bullied? Oh yeah, sure. Oh really? And did you use that? Um, like you, when you were bullied? Oh yeah, sure. Oh really? And did you use that? Um. Like you, when you were being bullied, you were like. Someday. Good jean jacket on this guy.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Well, I mean, by the time I was playing bullies, I really wasn't being bullied anymore. You know, I, uh, uh, I was probably bullied when I was really, really young and small. When I was in grade one, I had a, I had a pretty savage bully. Uh, he used to you know come up behind me he was several years older than me and he just used to sneak up on me and hit me in the head as hard as he could yeah that's a solid corby peterson corby corby well he didn't have much of a chance with that yeah he was gonna be a bully one way the weird thing was i was really good friends with corby's little brother. Did he have a normal name?
Starting point is 00:15:45 James. Yeah. Yeah. And I always felt like, you know, I was being bullied by Corby, but I felt bad for James because it's like I felt like James was stuck in the middle. Oh, sure. You know, between his brother and his friend. Yeah. In this thing.
Starting point is 00:16:01 No, it was. That's emotional warfare, making you feel bad for being bullied yeah yeah oh boy he's getting you on all the levels did uh corby where because sometimes a bully just has one uh victim and then sometimes bullies are just like they hit everybody that they see as i did i wasn't bullied by anyone specifically, but like the broader, like I'm a bully, I bully people. Yeah, like I bully everyone. I got pushed around by those guys.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Was Corby a bully to many? Well, is that what it will say on his gravestone? A bully to many. A bully to many. A friend to people. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I mean, I know I was very much like he would like, I think for a while, I was his victim of choice. Right. He was targeting you. You know, he'd seek me out to make my day difficult. Oh, boy. I think it finally took my, like, I stopped going. I didn't want to go take the bus to school because we rode the same bus.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Right. So if I saw him there, I'd turn around and go home. That's a good excuse to go home so my my i think my parents finally called the school and they brought us in to uh have a meeting with the principal like you and then corby was there oh boy corby's parents there i was at first it was just the two of us it was just us and the talking to the principal and uh the principal is like i'm with Corby on this one. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:28 and, uh, uh, and after that, I mean, he, he, it stopped.
Starting point is 00:17:33 It definitely, uh, stopped after that. Cause he knew that the eyes were on him. But I also feel like, I also found that like, you know, I watching him lie to the principal. Uh, like we were just fun. And he was like, he was like, you know, watching him lie to the principal.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Oh, like we were just fun. And he was like, well, no, the reason I did it is because he did this thing to me. And I was like, looking at him, it's like, you know, that's a lie. And I'm like, okay, so you're just kind of a coward. Yeah, he's just going to get out of this. And then the teacher, like, no, no, the principal didn't buy it for a second. Wow. He was like, you know, there's no way that that happened.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Sweet K. Trevor wouldn't do that. Yeah. And he's like, he's like, you know, like this person's terrified of you. Yeah. So the fact that you're saying he was your antagonist before. Well, he kept like talking about the ways he was going to beat me up. He said that I stole his hat and threw it out of the bus window. Oh, no way.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Come on. That's not believable. Yeah, no, I don't. And I just immediately, like, went off on him. Like, you know that's a lie. But, like, if he was smart, he would have said, well, K, Trevor said I can't read. You know what I mean? That would have got some sympathy points from the principal.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The principal would have been like, hey, Trevor. Yeah. We all know Corby Camry. Yeah. Don't say it to him. Who sells Corby with a K? It's international.
Starting point is 00:18:55 International? It's like anti-bullying day next week. Oh, yeah. I guess it will have been pink shirt day. Yeah, everybody wear a pink shirt. Everyone, go back after you listen to this wear a pink wear a pink shirt gotta go find my bret hart shirt yeah yeah that sends both messages i'm against bullying oh and also don't mess with me
Starting point is 00:19:15 uh against bullying but i will stretch you in the dungeon uh i remember the guy that was our like when i was in grade probably grade two uh grade three maybe uh he but he was like the school boy he was like nelson from the okay yeah yeah yeah and uh his reign of terror ended when he uh attempted to punch the principal oh did he connect uh i think he may have like i don't think he connected in the face, but I think he caught him in the shoulder. And the principal kind of, you know, duffel bagged him out. And that was it. We never saw him again.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Really? Yeah. Expelled? Expelled. I mean, it's hard to come back from taking a swing at the principal. That's pretty much, that's end times. But I remember the next day it was like uh you know ding dong the witch is dead oh boy yeah i mean and then like like the scene from the whiz when all the
Starting point is 00:20:10 all the people come out of their like zip out of their clothes yeah it was through the streets yeah it was like we're free to do our nerdy activities again but then like you need you need to have some bullying to keep you in check. Well, that's it. Otherwise, that culture will thrive. It's like. It's the balance of nature. Speaking of a nerdy culture, off air, you're drinking out of a Chewbacca mug. I am.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Chewbacca? Chewbacca. Chewbacca? Chew and tobacco. And you told me that you have a star star wars kitchen kitchen. Yeah. So how does this take us through the kitchen? How does this work?
Starting point is 00:20:51 MTV cribs. Uh, it started when, uh, for a Christmas gift, my buddy, Jeff Paul got me a death star cookie jar. Okay. Cause I was thinking death star plates was my first round. That's where we grew to. Um, like it started with the death star cookie jar and I was like, Oh plates was my first round. That's where we grew to. Okay. Like it started with the Death Star cookie jar and I was like, oh, this is really funky. And then sort of, you know, looking around and seeing there's a lot of Star Wars themed kitchen items.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So I think, yeah, the next thing I bought in the set was I started getting like, I have a flatware set that's all star wars theme like i place mats that are uh and and matching plates that are all uh different planets utensils as well i got i got utensils that have so much utensils that have lightsaber handles i had i had i'm just trying to imagine i I had a popsicle like molds and the handles were also lightsaber. They'd light up there. Like, but I ended up giving those away to my buddy's kids. Cause I just, I just didn't make enough popsicles. How many popsicles were you making in a year?
Starting point is 00:22:01 You know, I was, I was probably eight. Okay. And, uh, you know, it was just kind of silly. It was just taking up space. So I gave it to my buddy's kids. And they loved it. They're like, the day I gave it to them, they're like, oh, my popsicles are going to be so cool now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:16 See you later, wooden sticks. I have like R2 and C3PO dish towels. Oh, yeah. Salt shakers. Rebel3PO dish towels. Oh, yeah. Salt shakers? Rebel and Alliance dish towels. I got, yeah, I got a Darth and Stormtrooper salt shakers. I got a Darth Vader toaster that actually- Who does it toast?
Starting point is 00:22:37 It toasts Star Wars into one side of the toast. Oh, so much fun. Does it play a thing when the toast is done? I've got, no, I wish it did. All right. I've got, my kitchen hooks are lightsaber. They look like lightsabers that have been stuck into the wall and dragged down. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Cool. And I've got like pint glasses. I've got an R2-D2 teapot and stackable teacups that have like a lay a Han and a Lando on them. Wow. Uh, yeah, probably not a lot of Lando.
Starting point is 00:23:10 My girlfriend, uh, for Valentine's day, just got me an R2D2 popcorn, uh, popper. Of course. I was trying to think of other things.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Something your body uses anyway. There is like, I do have the dream cause there is a, uh, Han and carbonite fridge oh right oh that's perfect uh but uh you know that's uh i'm renting right i'm renting i'm not gonna move is there's not like a decal you could put on the front of your fridge probably probably yeah tons of decals and then my uh my bedroom and bathroom are incredible hulk themed oh really
Starting point is 00:23:43 so okay so yeah take us through take us through because that's a very that's a very two-tone My bedroom and bathroom are Incredible Hulk themed. Oh, really? So, okay. So, yeah. Take us through. Take us through. Because that's a very two-tone, purple and green. Because we went through Star Wars, and there's so many characters, like good guys and bad guys. The Hulk's a little bit of both. Yeah, that's true. I should say, like, at this point, it's a little bit more Marvel comic themed, because I ran out of Hulk stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:02 But I've got, like like my shower curtain is. Just Dr. David Banner. It's actually a picture of. Eric Banner. Of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk peeing at urinals. And Spider-Man is checking out Hulk's dong and his spider senses going on. Well, it's all incredible. That's not canon.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Well, it's all incredible. That's not canon. I've got like an Incredible Hulk soap dispenser and Incredible Hulk like. Is the soap dispenser his penis? No, no. It's like Hulk bursting through a wall. I actually got to clean it a lot because the soap drips down onto his back and it just looks like he's been stuck in a bukkake porn. Thank you. Oh, poor Hulk. It just often looks like the Hulk's stuck in a bukkake porn. Thank you. Oh, poor Hulk.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It just often looks like the Hulk's had his back cummed all over. And I've got like my bed linens are Marvel comic themed, like the sheets are comic panels and like the bedspread. But you have a girlfriend, so it's fine. Is she also into the nerd stuff no no so she did she well i mean you know i consider the stuff she likes nerdy but you know you know like jewelry and perfume ah yeah real jewelry nerd
Starting point is 00:25:20 like i watch i've watched the bachelor every week uh okay absolutely she's way into that that stuff and like it really bothers me that i know that corinne is taking uh the bachelor back to meet her family we don't like corinne yeah like who do you like on the bed the crazy dumb one yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm rooting for Vanessa, the French-Canadian girl. Oh, of course. Mostly because my girlfriend is rooting for Vanessa. Right. How many people are left?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Four. And they're all women. Yeah, and one of them we know is not winning because they already announced she's next season's Bachelorette. Oh. Oh, okay. I was a little pissed off at that spoiler. And so, wait, is she the black black one yeah that this is some big news why why is that big news there's never been a black bachelorette oh neat it's you know what this is i mean there's so so little good news in our yeah that's true that you gotta you gotta
Starting point is 00:26:22 glom on to whatever comes uh a lot of glom a lot of glomming onto the Hulk's back, I hear. When there's only four people left on The Bachelor or Bachelorette, does all the parents get met at that point? This is where they fold in the family storyline? Each girl brings him home to their hometown to show him where they came from and to meet their family. There's usually a horse ride. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:48 At least one way. Yeah, yeah. Someone's from the country. So there's definitely going to be a horse. And then. How many seasons have you watched? Oh, is this. My girlfriend and I have just been dating since October.
Starting point is 00:26:59 So this is my first. Oh, okay. Dipping it down. That I've, you know. But in all fairness, she does watch wrestling with me. So, well, it's a,
Starting point is 00:27:07 it's, that's how it works. Although, uh, you know, wrestling has, uh, a total divas,
Starting point is 00:27:14 the, the reality show about the women of wrestling. So is she into that? Yeah. Yeah. It's weird. How she, she watches that and then asks me lots of questions about, like, who is this one again?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Right. Like how you do when you're watching The Bachelor. Yeah, do we like her? But they don't merchandise that. Like, there's no, you know, she doesn't have Bachelorette bedsheets or, like, the good wife shower curtain. No. That would be nice. I'm sure you can find good wife shower curtains.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Someone out there has made them. Oh, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. You go on Pinterest. Yeah. Rizzoli and Isles soap dispenser. Um, and, uh, uh, so, so you've, cause I always wonder where there's a couple where it's one is into a kind of the, the nerd culture and the other one isn't, is it a lot of explaining who this is or what the thing is? Or does she know enough to kind of like, yeah, yeah. I know. Hulk gets angry.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Yeah. Yeah. At this point, uh, she's got, uh, she knows a lot more about the wrestling than she did before we were done. But my girlfriend's also a power lifter. Oh, okay. So she's really intrigued by the athleticism of it all. Right. And she's become a fan of the women wrestlers on WWE and the other on WWE and, uh, uh, the other shows I watch.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Um, because, you know, she's big into fitness. Does she do competitions? She did. Uh, she's been, uh, she took a year off to rest up some injuries, but she, uh, she went to worlds a few years ago and, uh, she, she's, I don't know if it still stands, but she had an amateur world record of a 325 deadlift. So deadlift is you're lifting right up from the ground and you're holding it at the waist level. Is that deadlift?
Starting point is 00:29:12 I believe so. Yeah. Because she's not competing. You wouldn't like her when she's angry. Does she, what's the biggest thing you've seen her lift? Well, I mean, I, I've, I've never really seen, like I've, there's videos of her lifting. Like, uh, I think I've, I've seen her, uh, uh, squat 300 on a video, but she's been out of training, resting the injuries. But she'll lift like the, the Yoda popcorn maker or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:40 No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Uh, she, she's helped helped helped me move furniture right you know she's i know she's strong um huh but yeah but i mean she hasn't been in competition
Starting point is 00:29:51 you know since before we started dating right that's what i tell my wife yeah i used to be very strong yeah and i you know i'm resting up an injury for the last 17 years. The, uh, I, uh, lived in a house with a bunch of people. And one of the people in the house was, uh, was getting into, I guess, maybe not lifting so much as a bodybuilding. Okay. Uh, but with, uh, a lot of these people, unless you saw them in super tight clothes or whatever, you wouldn't know that they're muscle. They don't look like. Bodybuilding, I think, isn't real strength. That's why I don't do it.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Right. Bodybuilding is a lot of show muscles. Power lifting, they're all necessary for what you're doing. Yeah. Yeah. And the power lifters are generally like the the big thick like not necessarily cut but just like yeah like the world's strongest man competition sort of yeah the guy from uh game of thrones yeah yeah the mountain and then magnus for magnuson yeah
Starting point is 00:30:57 they all lift a uh kingsley ver kingsley yeah a circle a circle. They lift kegs and hurl cavers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stuff that we rely on machines now to do. Sure. Actually, I had a roommate for a while who was into fitness competitions. So now, because I think I know what this is. It's similar to bodybuilding. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:24 He did some bodybuilding competitions. It's not the Crystal Light Aerobics competition, is it? That was very specific. With Alan Thicke? There is that sort of part to fitness competitions where you do sort of the routines. I think he was more in the bodybuilding aspect of the fitness competitions. Right. But they do some Right. Um,
Starting point is 00:31:45 but they do like some choreography. Well, yeah. And, and, and like the, there's, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:49 specific poses that you have to learn that you have to, right. Like there, there's posing is very important. And, uh, but so much oil, oil everywhere leading up to a comp,
Starting point is 00:31:59 like the day of the competition, he's probably at his weakest. Hmm. Oh, why? That would be a good time to try to overpower him. To get the muscles to bulge, they sort of starve themselves and dehydrate themselves. Ah, that's what I have to do. One day of starving. It's like they'll deny themselves like deny themselves like you know
Starting point is 00:32:25 water and sugar and then like right before the competition they'll like have a bite of a snickers bar and their muscles will bulge in anticipation of energy and how'd you get those muscles i made a snickers bar that's a good advertising for snickersickers. Yeah. Wolf one down. Was he good? Was he good at this? Amazing body. Right. Amazing physical shape and condition. But there's a certain aspect to it that's like, oh, it's like as healthy as you are, this is incredibly unhealthy what you're doing to your body for aesthetics.
Starting point is 00:33:07 unhealthy what you're doing yeah to your body for for aesthetics well that's i watched uh there's a documentary on netflix called eddie strongman and he has a battery of health problems because of the because he's so healthy yeah yeah because you know he's like ripped this thing and destroyed cartilage in that thing and he has to eat like three frozen pizzas a day or well it probably doesn't have to but but he needs to get so many calories in or else he starts losing weight and he wants to be and he's like no it's not delivery like the the lifters and and the the you know the the serious hardcore bodybuilders it's all about putting on weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Uh, it's all about adding size. And I was actually watching a program on, um, strange addictions. And they had a woman who was addicted to bodybuilding. Oh yeah. Like she works out 36 hours a week.
Starting point is 00:33:59 I thought you were going to say a day. I'm like, that's not possible. She works out in her time machine. And, uh, and like 36 say a day. I'm like, that's not possible. She works out in her time machine. 36 hours a week? She takes regular injections of human growth hormones. Oh, yeah. And does she look, she looks like an action figure?
Starting point is 00:34:13 Oh, yeah, she looks like, yeah, she looks like She-Hulk, you know, without the green tint. She looks like a blonde She-Hulk. Like she's just. Like a blonde Tom Cruise. And, you know, she's got that, she's got that slightly mannish voice. She's got that female bodybuilder husk in her voice. Can I ask a question about She-Hulk? Because I really don't understand what She-Hulk.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Is She-Hulk the same as Hulk? She-Hulk is the Hulk's cousin. Well, that doesn't make any sense. Was she also sprayed with gamma gamma? Here's the sort of her origin story. They wanted a female version of the Hulk. Yeah. So.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, by the way, in your bathroom, do you have matching he Hulk and she Hulk towels? No. Oh. Really hard to find Hulk towels. I found Captain America towels and I found like Marvel comic towels, but I haven't found Hulk specific towels. You would think that. I did find on Star Wars towels. They have, uh.
Starting point is 00:35:12 But that's not on theme. They have, I know. They have Leia and Han towels. One says, I love you. One says, I know. I know. That's fine. You know what?
Starting point is 00:35:21 If you get a summer place, you can, you can do a backwards. You can have Hulk-themed kitchen. When I can afford a house, when I can afford two bathrooms. Boy, oh boy, then you know you've made it. But She-Hulk is Hulk's cousin. She's a lawyer. And in her origin story, she was trying to help Bruce Banner, who was on the run being the Hulk. But she was working as a prosecutor trying to
Starting point is 00:35:45 put a mobster in jail. Mobster put a hit on her. She got shot. With gamma rays. She needed a blood transfusion and the Hulk, the safest cousin's life, gave her a blood transfusion. And it was all hulky.
Starting point is 00:35:55 She got the gamma irritated blood and or irradiated. Yeah. Or irritated. Yeah. He would always hulk out when he was irritated. And, uh, but, But she was always different from the Hulk in that she could control her transformations and retained her memories and knowledge when she was She-Hulk. And actually, for a lot of She-Hulks around, she was just She-Hulk all the time.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, that's what I remember. Like, there was no they've they've been getting angry they've done a bit of like her was it maybe a little once a month to be uh that's why she'll never be president they did a couple stories where like she was able to transform back into jennifer but for most of she hulk run i think she was just always she hulk so now uh because she remained a lawyer and like one of one of her but for most of she hulk run i think she was just always she hulk so now uh because she remained a lawyer and like one of one of her side of like a bikini which is was i always thought was really weird out of the courtroom i hope oh she'd wear a lot of the time she wore like a uh
Starting point is 00:36:56 a one-piece uh bathing suit i remember it being just like a bikini and like how did that you know with the transformation it was always uh poor uh bruce banners ripped up pants right yeah his crazy purple she wore i assume it was spandex so you know and uh right did a bit of stretch in it why didn't he ever did he ever graduate to spandex like because it always seemed like his pants were ripped there was a period of time when hulk was always hulk right and uh he was getting things tailored to his size nah sure uh when he was gray hulk and working as a as a enforcer he uh he he had really nice that's the same hulk yeah that's just regular i thought that was a separate no no that's the same h I thought that was a separate mob Hulk. No, no, that's the same Hulk.
Starting point is 00:37:45 That was the same. Why did he turn gray? All right. Can you get gray Hulk towels? When Hulk first debuted in, I believe, 1962, maybe 1963, he didn't change when he was angry. He changed at night. Oh, okay. During the day, he was Bruce Banner, and when he was angry he changed at night during the day he was bruce banner and then at night he changed into the hulk it was the gray hulk he wasn't he wasn't as like he wasn't as stupid as the hulk has been he was
Starting point is 00:38:17 he would just solve problems at harvard on a chalkboard he was like more of a jekyll and hyde thing he was just like angrier and uh and you know more prone to violence and and and had disdain for humans because he was stronger than them oh yeah that's like me and then they were beauty humans so i hate ants oh wait they are stronger than yeah yeah i think they realized that they were sort of limited in the character if he could only be active at night so they had a storyline that while he was trying to cure himself of being the Hulk, he just mutated himself further. And it changed that he would transform when he was angry into the Green Hulk. But originally the Hulk was gray. And then the anger started adding green tones. And then he slowly became green over time.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And so he was Green Hulk for a long, long time. And then they decided to mix up the storyline because the character's been going for... I mean, Bruce Banner just is no longer the Hulk. He died this year in the comics. What? Oh, R.I.P. In 2017? Yep.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Well, no, 2016. Oh, everyone died in 2016. Everyone died in 2016. Banner. Hulk and been in 2017. Yep. Well, no, 2016. Oh, everyone died in 2016. Everyone died in 2016. Banner. Hulk and Wolverine died. Wolverine died? Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:39:31 I mean, there's a, there's a new Wolverine, but, but it's not Logan? Wolverine's just a little Wolverine. That's right. There is a new Logan from another dimension.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Dimension. Oh, phew. Why do they, uh, why, why do they kill these guys? Um, comics yeah to sell comics and you know they they've been you know it's like over 50 years of some of these characters oh yeah feel with the uh hugh jackman oh it feels like it feels like 50 years and they've just been doing a lot of
Starting point is 00:40:01 like you know updates and changing like the current current Captain America is Sam Wilson, who is Falcon. So Captain America is black. We were playing. Thor's a woman. Iron Man's. Actually, there's a new black woman who's Iron Man. What? Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Wow. Oh, no, she's a bachelorette. So you're thinking of the bachelorette. We were playing the X-Men video game. Yeah, yeah. And Wolverine is wearing this yellow suit with big like. The big fan. Big fan coming off his face.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And you were talking about how ridiculous it would be if Hugh Jackman had to wear that. If he had to wear that outfit in the movie. There was a scene cut from the Wolverine. The one where he went to Japan. Yeah. Well, I call it Wolverine goes to Japan. Too fast, too Wolverine, the one where he went to Japan. Yeah. Well, I call it Wolverine Goes to Japan. Yeah. Too fast, too Wolverine-ious.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And there's a scene cut out at the end where he opens up a box and the traditional yellow and blue uniform with the fan mask is in the box. But they cut that out. Oh, come on. Give us something. come on give us something the new movie logan is loosely based on the old man logan uh novels which um it's just there's no way it can be as good as the comic book was it's gonna i i would say based on its predecessors stinkeroo it's gonna stink how can you say that graham i don't know i would like to see a scene where logan tries on a bunch of different suits oh sure montage oh yeah like a makeover and cyclops gives him the thumbs up or the thumbs down
Starting point is 00:41:33 yeah he gets his uh claws with the get a little manicure on those things yeah he's a mani pedi with a knife sharpener you're soaking in in them. Oh, boy. Yeah. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, not as much. No? Well, we just got back from- What kind of theme do you have in your bathroom? Toilet theme.
Starting point is 00:41:53 The theme of my bathroom is plumbing and pee and poo. So your faucet, your sink is shaped like a toilet. Toilet shaped like a toilet. Yeah. Our kitchen is sort of like a rustic French, but also mostly food is the other thing. Yeah. Just food everywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Food, eating it. Preparing it. Yeah. Not letting mice eat it. Yeah. But, you know, I fend off the mice with blasters. Is that a Star Wars term? X-wings.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yeah. Shoot at swamp rats. Yep. Oh, boy. But then the mice come back in bigger numbers. Is there any blaster-themed stuff in the kitchen? No, it's all a lot of lightsabers. Because I feel like a mixer could look like a blaster.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Yeah, yeah. No, they still sell a mixer, but it's still lightsaber. It would be a good, like, maybe A-Wing. They really, they really. Yeah. They go all out, because I also have lightsaber chopsticks. Oh, yeah. Well, that makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:43:01 They're actually terrible chopsticks. I've only used them once. They're just clumsy and awkward. It is fun, though, because you can light them up. It's all fun. Yeah, it is fun. For the sake of fun. I have a Master Blaster Stevie Wonder themed mixer.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Here's what's going on with me. We just got back from Chicago. Yeah. We had a fun time we went to uh i believe it's pronounced chickago chickago we went a week ago to chickago and we uh we uh what did we not talk about on the live show we went to the art institute the big famous one from ferris Bueller's Day. Oh, nice. We saw the Picasso the blue guitar. Yeah, the blue
Starting point is 00:43:50 guitar guy. Stevie Ray Vaughan. We saw... Nighthawks. Nighthawks. The, you know, the Elvis painting. Yeah. A lot of paintings that you've seen on postcards or mugs. Okay. That's where they, that's where the originals are.
Starting point is 00:44:05 They're all hanging out there. We didn't see American Gothic. No, it was on a nationwide tour. We saw, you know, the one from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. The Portrait of Dorian Gray from the movie Portrait of Dorian Gray. We saw some Van Gogh. We saw some... Monet. Warhol.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Mayonnaise. Mayonnaise. Did you try to sneak into a restaurant by claiming you were Abe Froman and Sausage King? They have Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago, like aprons. Aprons, and you
Starting point is 00:44:36 could do your whole kitchen Abe Froman just by going to Chicago. A Ferris Bueller themed kitchen wouldn't be a bad idea. Oh, sure. Red Wings something. Yeah, broken Ferrari. um ferris bueller themed kitchen wouldn't be a bad idea oh sure uh red wings something yeah broken ferrari hat your kitchen hat um but we we went through there uh-huh you spend a lot more time looking at paintings than i did yeah what do you see what are you seeing i like uh i like staring at paintings especially something like a a Pollock, where it's all splashy. So every corner of it looks different than the other corner.
Starting point is 00:45:13 But you're spending more time looking at it than he did splashing it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's how it was intended. Or do you think, just look at this as long as I spend painting it? No, no. You'll never get through an art gallery that quickly. Yeah. I liked looking at those.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I liked reading the little plaques, the little info plaques. Then you come over to me and you. Hey, look what I just learned. And then you tell the principal I can't read. Do you go to museums ever? You travel around? Sometimes. Do you go to museums ever?
Starting point is 00:45:43 You travel around? Sometimes. When I was in Bermuda, we went to the museum there, which is down at the Royal Naval Dockyards. Is it a boat museum? No, no. It's the National Museum of Bermuda, but it just happens to be located. What kind of stuff? They turned the old fort into the museum. What kind of stuff? They turned the old fort into the museum.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Well, it's got like stuff from the early settlers, pieces of shipwrecked ships from, you know, the. That triangle they have over there. Yeah, that's a Triscuit. Sort of just the little things, you know, letting you know of the history of the island. But no, like this isn't a, this isn't a, an art museum. This is a history.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah. The history of Bermuda. So it's all, it's a pretty mama from Bermuda. Well, first off you're, you're, you're in a preserved fort from the original settling,
Starting point is 00:46:38 the, the, that the British built. Um, and it just, you go through the, the stock, you know, the stockyards and, and they have the old dungeon and stuff Um, and it just, you go through the, the stock, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:45 the stockyards and, and they have the old dungeon and stuff, but we most of the done. Is there a dungeon? Yeah. Bermuda. I mean, it's a fort.
Starting point is 00:46:54 So they'd obviously have someplace to keep. Yeah. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Dungeon. Is it all still done? And it was also used as a prison later on.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Um, right. And actually the, the, the current prison is not that far from the Royal Dockyards. Oh, cool. Yeah. And if you ever get a chance, like Dockyards is an awesome place in Bermuda. Why were you in Bermuda?
Starting point is 00:47:14 I was doing JFL Bermuda. Well, that's something I didn't know existed until just now. We did four shows, a very small group, but it was Alonzo Bowden, Jess Curzon, Will Anderson, and myself. Were you in shorts the whole time? No, no, no. I thought Bermuda was further south than it is. I thought it was more Caribbean. I only know it from the Beach Boys.
Starting point is 00:47:40 But Bermuda is actually sort of an isolated island adjacent to South Carolina. Oh. Oh. It's only an hour and a half flight from New York City to Bermuda. Get your shit together, Bermuda. It's actually a quicker flight from Toronto to Bermuda than it is to come here. But like, are they famous for the shorts? Bermuda shorts and rum.
Starting point is 00:48:04 It's a very rum based economy delicious uh do i like rum no i don't uh yeah when you when you get to bermuda they're immediately pushing rum on is it made out of sugar cane is that what rum is uh it's a very sugary uh the dark rum can be very, very sugary. I know Bacardi Breezer is the cooler with a splash of rum. White, like white rum, the clear rum, it's mostly just alcohol, not as much sugar. But the darker the rum, the heavier the sugar content. Now, you just went to a tea bar. And Bermuda's all about the Gosling's rum, which is dark, dark rum.
Starting point is 00:48:47 So sugary. And, and, and they're like, their big drinks are the dark and stormy, which is, uh, dark rum and ginger beer, which is like two of the most sugary substances. Right. And then the other one would be a rum swizzle, which is like a fruity tasting drink. Swizzly. I did. I did just go to a tiki bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:11 We got a tiki bar here in Vancouver and it's all, that's all. Was that all rum? I went, uh, I went with, uh, uh, uh, the host of the let's drink about a podcast, Chris Bowman. And I was like, Hey, you're in town. Let's go to a weird alcohol place. Yeah. Did you get like one of those fish bowls? I didn't, but it was on the menu.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Yeah. And you go there. It was like a Jungle Jim's or something like that? It was, what was it called? The Shameful Tiki. Shameful Tiki. Okay. And they go, you go in and it is like all the windows are like pasted over, what you call it, frosted over.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. But then there's like dark curtains inside. Like you open the door and you still have to push through a curtain. They want it really dark in there and stormy. And you go in and they give you the menu and it's all rum. Yeah. Everything rum. Yeah, everything rum. Yeah. And they all have fun island names and they have pictures because you want to pick the funnest looking thing.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Yeah. What was the most fun thing you drank? What did I have? I had a Mai Tai. Ever had a Mai Tai? I have, yeah. I've never had a Mai Tai. I don't know what it is. I had a Mai Tai. Ever had a Mai Tai? I have, yeah. I've never had a Mai Tai. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:50:26 I had a daiquiri. Okay. And I had, oh, what was that? Puka Puka? Oh, yeah. Something Puka Puka. And that came in a big bowl-ish thing with a flower in it. And that was the best looking thing I had.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I was always a big fan of margaritas. Oh, yeah. I used to go to Mexico every year and get fishbowl sized margaritas. And what is margaritas? Tequila. Tequila. Yeah. It's tequila and, uh, traditionally, uh, lime.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Yeah. Like I've never gone in for the mixed drink. I like just the alcohol or, uh, just the soda. I don't like mixing them together. I don't like the fancy, uh just the soda i don't like mixing them together i don't like the fancy uh sweet drink and that at this tiki place we were talking to the bartender and uh we were like what do you recommend and he was like well hurry up because you can't like have a bunch of drinks here we make them very strong right so like after three we kind of cut people off yeah you gotta get out of here but not not in a place like mexico you drink margaritas all the long day you can drink until you pass out and then wake up and drink some more yeah but like but when you wake up your
Starting point is 00:51:35 kidney might be gone well that's one of the that's one of the surprises because your bathtub is filled with shaved ice that they use in tequila. Don't go hard drinking off the resort. That would be the. Right. You're well protected on the resort. Right. But then I want to see, I want to have an authentic experience. I know, I love authenticity.
Starting point is 00:51:58 My first time in Mexico, we were in Huatulco, which is just a resort town. And the closest town was Cruzacita. And we'd go in and drink all day at a bar called the Iguana Bar, in Huatulco, which is just a resort town. And the closest town was Cruzacita. And we'd go in and drink all day at a bar called the Iguana Bar, which had two live iguanas just hanging out in the bar all day. I appreciate that they kept it on theme, you know, like if you're going to call yourself the Iguana Bar. And then one day we watched one of the iguanas try to climb the, uh, the rack of glasses behind the bar.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Fun. Gross. And I was like, maybe we shouldn't, you know, be drinking these. We, we might be ripe with salmonella.
Starting point is 00:52:36 Like he'd stick to the glass and then pull it off the wall and throw it to the ground. As he was trying to climb. He was heavily sedated. He's probably drunk. Yeah. It's like I was, who was I talking with? We were talking about
Starting point is 00:52:53 Sharon Stone. Oh, it was me. It was Sharon Stone. Oh yeah, it was Sharon Stone. More about me, Greg. Remember when her husband was like attacked by a Komodo dragon? Yes. I read an account of how that happened, and it was more bizarre than even the story that I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Take us through it. They had gone to, it was in San Diego, I think. Ah, SeaWorld. It was kind of like a petting zoo, basically, where they were like, you can go and pet this dragon. Was it a celebrity petting zoo just for your Sharon Stone type? Yeah. It was a regular zoo, but for Sharon Stone.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Yeah, you can pet anything you want. You can pet my dragon if I can pet your beaver. Ah, come on, right? You listeners out there can't see trevor's really doing a thing with his eyebrows really going to town with the eyebrows um uh you know she had arranged this for his birthday because he always wanted to see a komodo dragon i don't know yeah so imagine the type of guy um anyways uh so they they went in and they were very suspicious of the zookeepers like why are
Starting point is 00:54:06 are you sure we're allowed to go in and pet and they were like it's fine what the fuck what do i get yeah and there's all these kids watching and the the komodo dragon jumped on him and i started attacking him right away what is it how big is a komodo dragon? Big enough. It's the largest lizard. Yeah. Like, I think, you know, human torso sized. Okay. Yeah. So big. Like, and yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:32 The human torso is my favorite Marvel character. What does he do? He's just a. He's like, he's got no legs or arms or head. But always like that or he turns into that? Well, you wouldn't like him. He's useless when he's angry? He grows a third nipple.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah, so anyways, and then it attacked her husband. And it was only. Oh, wow. Okay. Komodo dragons can grow up to a maximum length of three meters or 10 feet. Oh, hutchy muchy. And weighing up to 150 pounds. How three meters or 10 feet. Oh, hutchy muchy. And weighing up to 150 pounds. How much of that is tail though?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Oh, 150 pounds. Yeah. It's like a German shepherd. At least. And, uh, but you know,
Starting point is 00:55:15 more, uh, scarier because it looks like a dragon. I don't know. And it attacked this guy. And it was only because Sharon Stone had worked with like triage at some point that she knew in the movie sliver she learned how to take a sliver out she knew to elevate his leg and do a turn the komodo dragon's yeah yeah yeah he was injured attacking the husband
Starting point is 00:55:38 he's more rare than the husband there's a lot of humans walking around oh boy there are a few komodo dragons. Anyways, kids were watching this whole thing. Their faces pressed up against the glass. She got to go in a cage. Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They didn't just have this.
Starting point is 00:55:54 She didn't go in. He went in and got attacked. You know what? I always imagine it wearing a Komodo. A Komodo dragon. Yeah, yeah. Is that wrong? No.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I mean, it's wrong. I know it's wrong, but I can't stop imagining it. Well, I mean, they are not Japanese, so kimonos, not kimonos. Kimonos are very Japanese.
Starting point is 00:56:13 The lizard's very free with their body. Don't feel like they need to cover up. The kimono dragon is a Galapagos. What does that mean? That's where they're native to?
Starting point is 00:56:23 They're animals from the Galapagos Islands. Oh, okay. And they attribute its large size to the lack of predators. That's why all the... Arnold Schwarzenegger was so tall. Damn it. I was going to say something about the nerds at your school after the bully went away.
Starting point is 00:56:41 No predators. Anyways. So, yeah, I went to a tiki bar and i uh don't think i'm i don't think i'm gonna uh get in with tiki culture no that i don't want it as a one and done i'll go back but i don't want i don't want to be that i mean we all saw that brady bunch episode sure where somebody got to where someone you got the tiki god oh right and they went to hawaii and bobby got uh cursed by the tiki god what did they have to do to break i think they had to throw the tiki into the ocean oh sure they had to
Starting point is 00:57:12 sacrifice alice or they they had to get someone else to take the tiki did alice come with them of course alice came yeah clean up after us on vacation clean up after she brought she brought stan her husband the butcher they dropping. Did they get married? Did she have to clean up the popcorn the kids were dropping? I think eventually they got married.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Although, in real life, the woman who played Andy Davis, she ended up becoming a nun. Oh. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Huh. She's like, I've conquered show business. I look good in this white apron thing. It's sort of like a habit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Uh, I had no idea. There's a lot of stuff I don't know about the Brady Bunch. I would say almost everything. Was that one of the shows you watched as a kid? Uh, I would, it would always be on after Gilligan's Island. Speaking of tiki culture. Uh-huh. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Okay. Uh, but I would after Gilligan's Island, speaking of tiki culture. Oh, boy. But I would watch Gilligan's Island. But then the Brady Bunch, I was like, I can't get into this world. I could get into the Gilligan's Island universe. This makes sense to me. I always liked the episode with Davy Jones coming to Marsha's program. Oh, I thought you meant Gilligan's Island. But that wouldn't have been out of state with what they did.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Hey, Harlem Globetrotters, get off the island. But that wouldn't have been out of state with what they did. Harlem Globetrotters got off the island. Hey, guys. Hey, the professor can make a radio out of a coconut. Can't make a fucking raft out of a coconut. Oh, don't get Dave started on Gilligan's Island. So, yeah. Did you grow up watching the Brady Bunch?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yeah, I mean, it was in reruns when I was a kid. Yeah, and did you, was that like, did you grow up watching the Brady Bunch? Yeah. I mean, it was on in reruns when I was a kid. Yeah. And did you, was that like, were you like, oh, that would be the family. Oh, to be part of that family. Or did you look at them like a bunch of freaks? I mean, like I was already from a pretty big family. So how many brothers and sisters? I got, I got two sisters and a brother. So we're just two kids away from the Brady Bunch.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Yeah. Did you bother your parents? Come on, have two more. Come on, get divorced and married into other families with more kids. No, I mean, we were already fighting for our own space. Yeah. You know? Did you ever want to start a band like the Bradys?
Starting point is 00:59:16 Oh, sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I thought we should form a family band at several points, but we never did. I thought that too, because I went to a Partridge family, and I was like, maybe our maybe our family should be a band yeah why don't we have a variety show dad it was weird because there were like more modern shows that were in reruns but they would still have mash and gillian's island and the monkeys the monkeys the partridge family was like that was just on and i would watch it just as a matter of.
Starting point is 00:59:46 And it was the same plot every episode was we have a gig. How are they going to get to that gig? That crazy bus they have. I never saw an episode of the Partridge family. Really? Same with MASH. Yeah, Danny's got a money-making scheme. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Danny Bonaduce had an idea. And then, you know, Keith Partridge was always girl crazy. If it wasn't a girl crazy Keith episode, it was boy crazy, whatever the sister's name was. Yeah. Susan Day. Yeah. From LA Law.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Oh, yeah. And then, yeah, it was very rare that an episode would center on, was it Shirley Jones? I don't know. I never saw her. Was the mom. Yeah, Shirley Jones was the mom. Shirley Jones. And oddly enough, ended up becoming David Carradine's stepmom.
Starting point is 01:00:29 What? David Carradine? Not David Cassidy. David Cassidy. Sorry. David Cassidy. I get the Cassidy's. So she married his father?
Starting point is 01:00:37 Yep. Well, why not? And actually, she married Sam the Butcher. Oh. And that was her next husband, who't marry amy davis because she was a nun graham what's going on with you it all circle and they all like star wars uh the weird thing with me this week i went i went to the dentist weird these these are people you pay them to look in your mouth and you're not allowed to bite them like a Komodo dragon. Kids aren't allowed to watch.
Starting point is 01:01:06 You can. You can. You can. Kids can totally watch. They get super upset, but you can bite them. I guess kids could watch me go to the dentist. Nothing inappropriate there. I mean, I swear a lot if they get in there with that pic.
Starting point is 01:01:20 It's inappropriate how I go to the dentist. The way you do it, not for kids. But at the end of the appointment, this is... I keep telling you, Mr. Wilson, we don't have to do a rectal exam. I'm just looking at your teeth. Please put something on underneath your kimono. I'm going to put on my dental kimono. Check out my kimono, dragon.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yay. At the end of the appointment, usually they will do a fluoride uh where you put the little uh put do a little tray yeah tray nowadays i've had just a swish you swish this in your mouth for a minute yeah and at the end of this appointment the dental hygienist said would you like me to paint on some varnish is what she called it and i was like yeah of course i'm here give me the full everything was it like a little like a nail it was it was a tiny like a nail brush nail polish yeah and uh and and she painted my teeth did she did you tell her you just went to a museum and you appreciate painting? Yeah, I said, give me Pollock on the left and some Koontz on the right. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Koontz. Just splash in your mouth. So, first of all, she splashed it fucking everywhere because I went and used the bathroom after. There was green goo on my forehead. Oh, that wasn't. That was from the Hulk. That was from the Hulkulk that was from the hulk transfusion yeah uh but she painted have you ever had this done no you the varnish on the teeth yeah no because now i'm questioning whether it was a real thing or she was just doing something
Starting point is 01:02:58 hilarious but it was trust me he'll let me paint his teeth so she painted it on and it was. Trust me, he'll let me paint his teeth. So she painted it on and it was terrible because usually the big draw after dental is like, oh, my teeth are so smooth. This makes it feel like you haven't brushed your teeth in ever. It feels, it feels choppy. And she was like, don't rub your tongue on your teeth for the rest of the day. Yeah. Well, she said like you can, you can, the key with the varnish, you can eat right away after. But you don't want to. You want to brush your teeth.
Starting point is 01:03:28 And she's like, no, no, that's the one thing you shouldn't do right away. Oh, boy. And it felt really gross. And I don't know what it was supposed to do. Is it like when you take your car in a car wash and the last thing they do is that like foamy spray that just sits on your car for a little while before they spray it off? I feel like that's what this was. It's was a hot wax treatment for your teeth yeah like it didn't feel good and i don't know what it was supposed to blow it with an air cannon yeah and there was an air cannon and that's my favorite part of the dentist is you put your mouth over the air cannon and blows your face
Starting point is 01:04:00 uh like those videos of you know bull shooting a horse with a leaf blower yeah and all the kids cheer or when a dog starts barking into the top of a leaf blower yeah yeah yeah that's it that's my favorite part of the whole dentist and then they and then they try and sell you a photo of you on the way out imagine a a kimono dragon. Wait, kimono. I forgot. You can just call it a monitor lizard. That also works. Is that the same thing? A monitor lizard? A kimono is a kimono monitor. Now I'm just imagining a computer
Starting point is 01:04:36 monitor with a lizard in it wearing a kimono, doing his morning emails. You know what? There's a lot of people who draw that listen to this. That would be a fun thing for you to draw. And we haven't released last week's episode yet, but I want to thank everyone for all the pictures of Guano the bat. Also, speaking of listeners, a gentleman, Tim W. Yeah, sent us, because we were talking about the little torches you use to make like a creme brulee top lid.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Because I had been, I've been making these President's Choice creme brulees in the oven, but it doesn't get hot enough and you end up with a little sugar carpet on the top. Yeah. He sent us a creme brulee torch with the note, no more sugar rugs. Yeah. So now you can finish off those PC. Those PC. Yeah. Those politically correct.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Creme brulee. My creme brulees are far too politically correct. Yeah, I know, right? That's another thing. That was like a, I was going to say phaser. That's not what they're called in Star Wars. No. Blaster.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Blaster. Blaster. Blaster sugar corn. Oh, yeah. That would be a good Star Wars. That would be great. That would be awesome. Get on it, Lucas. Get on it, nerds.
Starting point is 01:05:55 So that's saying my teeth varnished. Can you tell? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Well, just because of all the green goo all around your face. She also said if you're going back to work, this stuff chips off and it looks like you have chapped teeth. So what is this good for? What is this varnish good for?
Starting point is 01:06:11 Absolutely nothing. I don't know. Is it supposed to help build up your enamel again? I don't know. Or just keep people at arm's length? Yeah. Yeah. So anyways.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So it gave you chapped lips too? No, it looks like you have chapped lips. And I was like, what are you doing? Why are we doing this? I don't know. No one lets me do this. This isn't for mouths. This is more of a social experiment at this point.
Starting point is 01:06:36 This goes on fingernails. Yeah, this usually goes on porches. Yeah, varnish. Yeah, varnish. That sounds like someone's finishing an end table. Yeah. Can I put varnish in your mouth? Yeah, sure. Yeah, varnish. That sounds like someone's finishing an end table. Can I put varnish in your mouth? Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It's a trim clad. This is very poisonous, by the way. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Don't swallow this. Walk around with that suction thing in your mouth for the rest of the day. Should we move on to a bit of business? Probably that.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Okay. Life can be fun. Don't get carried away you gotta do the things you don't want to do to get through the day you gotta shine your shoes you gotta sweep the floor you gotta clean your house you gotta do some more take care of business hey everybody hi a little bit of business from your friends dave and Graham, and their friends at Zip Recruiter. Now, Zip Recruiter, if you don't know, it's like, say you have a business. Good for you. You're like, I'm very proud of you at your age.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah. And, you know, Dave and I are both very proud of you. But you know what? Your business is growing. And that means you can't do everything yourself. And it means that you're going to have a lot of weird feelings. Oh, yeah. And these are of weird feelings. Oh, yeah. And these are perfectly natural feelings.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Yeah, it's perfectly natural. But it's just, it's not good to talk about them. Yeah, not at dinner. But what we do want to talk about is if you need to post a job at your business, in the past, you would post it to a zillion job sites. And way in the past, you just posted to a cork board at the grocery store. Right. But you would spend your whole day, got to post it here, got to post it here, got to post it here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:12 But now, thanks to ZipRecruiter, you can post your job to 200 plus job sites with a single click, including social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Click including social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Now you can find the perfect candidate for the job in any city or industry nationwide. Just you'd only have to post once and then you just sit back, put your hands, lace them behind your head, break out the Mai Tai kit that you got for Christmas. Do that thing with the balls that the steel balls that hit back and forth. Yeah, absolutely. Because that's what, when you start. You're a business person. When you start your business, that's what you, it comes in the kit. Yeah, and then you just watch the candidates roll in. Find candidates in any city. We said that already, right? You don't have to juggle emails, calls. You just quickly screen the candidates, rate them, and
Starting point is 01:09:04 hire the right person. Now, that's very important, that last part. Do not hire the wrong person. Find out today why ZipRecruiter has been used by Fortune 100 companies and thousands of small and medium-sized businesses. And right now, our listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free
Starting point is 01:09:21 by going to slash happy. That's slash happy. That's slash happy. One more time and just try it again for free before we go to slash happy. There you go. The Dead Pilot Society podcast brings you hilarious comedy pilots
Starting point is 01:09:37 that were never made featuring actors like Aubrey Plaza, Andy Richter, Paul F. Tompkins, John Hodgman, Adam Scott, Molly Shannon, Busy Phillips, Tom Lennon, Anna Camp, Laurie Metcalf, Alicia Day, Michael Ian Black, Adam Savage, Paul Scheer, Ben Schwartz, Skylar Aston, May Whitman, Josh Molina, Ben Feldman, Nicole Byer, Jason Ritter, Sarah Chalk, Steve Agee, Jane Levy, Allison Tolman, Danielle Nicolette, Casey Wilson, Anna Ortiz, Lorraine Newman, June Diane Raphael, Kiernan Shipka, Ed Weeks, Zach Knighton, Carrie Kenny Silver, John Ross Bowie, Jamie Denbo, Janet Varney, Alessandra Torsani, Rich Summer, Nellie Morales, Matt Gourley, Kelly McCullough, Gary Gavrila, Adam Hale, Emily, Lucy, Laura, and many more. Listen at, iTunes, or wherever you download podcasts. My name is Patrick. My name is Ariel. My name is Joe Coghlan.
Starting point is 01:10:14 The first time I went to MaxFunCon, I didn't know anyone. I was really nervous about that. Everyone said not to worry about going alone, that I'd make friends right away, that I'd have an amazing time. It turns out everyone was right. I instantly had 200 new friends. I've made lifelong friends at MaxFunCon that I'm going to keep in touch with for the rest of my life. If you aren't sure if you belong at MaxFunCon, you belong. Don't be like me. Don't waste two years being too nervous.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Just go already. Join Ariel, Patrick, and Joe at MaxFunCon. Tickets for MaxFunCon and MaxFunCon East are on sale now at Overheard. Overhearts. A segment in which we hear things out there in the world, and we share them here on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:07 We always like to start with the guest. And you have one. My all-time favorite, Overheard. And if I could set the picture, me and my friends were walking to a Chinese restaurant we like to drink at. And on our way there, we passed two guys going the opposite direction. And I don't know what the rest of the conversation was. All I heard was one of the guys say to his friends in a very sincere voice. Did these glasses make my penis look big?
Starting point is 01:11:37 Yeah. If you're wearing like a funny, you're putting glasses over. I mean, we all would love to, or are they just magnifying your vision so much that your penis is a little bigger? Oh, they're just too powerful of a glass. Hey, put these glasses on.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Do these glasses make my penis look big? I bought my girlfriend these glasses for this very reason. Like there's a part of me that just wanted to turn around and follow those guys because they were having a way more interesting conversation. Yeah, you're like, I'm trading up trading up i'm gonna go with these guys me and my friends just started talking about did you hear that what was that like our conversation was about the conversation we wished we were a part of you guys should have followed maybe they were going to another chinese restaurant to drink well they well it wouldn't have been as good as ours. Our Chinese restaurant was super cheap. And what they do, because sometimes here in Vancouver, after hours, they'll serve you something called cold tea, which is just alcohol in a teapot.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Really? We never went for cold tea there, but they had, it was called Lula's. And it was owned by a very nice guy named Tula, who named the restaurant after his mom. His mom's name was Lula, and he was Tula? Yeah. Wow. And he kept his prices really low because he was like, there's a lot of people in this area who don't have a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Wow. So he was, like, altruistic in his? If I keep my prices low they they can there's business so they can they can come out to the restaurant and uh so anybody had like great food and uh uh like really cheap beer they only had one beer on tap you know so you just order a pitcher of beer is he still around uh he ended up selling that restaurant and going and opening up a giant buffet place in Mississauga, I think. Cool. He was a super nice guy, though.
Starting point is 01:13:33 He was always happy to see us and really funny. For some reason, he had this ongoing joke. And I don't know if it was true, but he'd always try to get guys to date his cook. He'd be like, are you gay? Because cook very gay. That's kind of, that's fun. Cook think you're cute. You should date cook.
Starting point is 01:13:54 I bet the cook didn't really say that, though. Yeah, like, did the cook really say I was good looking? Did he say it to everyone? That's sweet. He's trying to hook up. Trying to hook up cook. Cook's sweet. He's trying to hook up. Trying to hook up Cook. Cook, very gay. A lot of times he'd call us Mr.
Starting point is 01:14:12 and then our first name. So it's like, oh, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Trevor. Oh, that's a fun. Mr. Curtis, is your new friend gay? Because Cook, very gay. Very gay. He's still very gay. We checked this morning, still gay.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I don't think Cook spoke English, so he would just smile and laugh and wave. Like, Cook, you're very gay. He's like, yes. That's like from an 80s movie. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't speak a word of English. We can get away with whatever we want.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Dave, do you have an overheard? Mine is from a restaurant. This is in Chickago, where we were a week ago. And, um, on the day of the performance of our podcast performance is a strong word. Yeah. Um, we were, uh, uh, I went for breakfast in, in the venue. There's a place called do sex. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:02 I believe it was the name of it. Sure. And, um, i had a french toast oh yum with cookie butter in it oh which is a type of food um and uh the the waitress behind the bar maybe she was a bartender but i was eating at the bars and she brought me food. So she was my waitress. She is your waitress. And she was telling the guy working with her, I had two nightmares last night. One that I slept in to 1115 and I got fired for being late. And the other that my scalp fell off.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Oh, no. Oh, boy boy that means change is coming in your life yeah well you're a dream analyzer yeah analyst um yeah those are two very different uh tonally different nightmares yeah i had a weird reoccurring not nightmare but it's not a pleasant dream where everybody around me won't stop doing cocaine. Really? Yeah. I've had this three times. What do you think that means?
Starting point is 01:16:11 Like, I'm not doing cocaine. I don't know, man. But everybody around me is doing cocaine. I don't know either, but I just like, do you guys want to talk about music or something? Because I just like, I think, oh, wait, can you go to the bathroom? Have you met my friend Cookie? He's very gay.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh, Cookie's so gay. I got to go to the bathroom. I don't think, I'm not a drug user. No. But I'm not like, I don't know, when I'm 80, I might try a bunch. Yeah, sure. But like, I don't think, I feel like every movie I ever saw, I had someone, like, everything went wrong when they started doing cocaine.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Yeah, it feels like it's the drug that you only have access to when you got a lot of money. And then all of a sudden you don't have a lot of money anymore. But you have so much cocaine and so many stories. But yeah, in these dreams, I don't know why. I don't know why it bothers me. These dreams. Cocaine. Is that hard?
Starting point is 01:17:08 Graham, do you have an overhand? I do. Mine was also from Chicago. It was in that museum. A lot of museum guards, most of them pretty quiet, except for there was two that were having a real gab fest. And I only caught the very tail end of the conversation, but it was about writing somebody love notes and how nice it is to get something handwritten. And the woman said, boy, I would just love it if somebody wrote me a handwritten letter.
Starting point is 01:17:47 And then the guy in the conversation said, yeah, that'd be nice, but I can't read no cursive. I can't read no cursive. What does this say? Yeah. This is nice that you sent me this letter, but real scribbly. This is gibberish yeah now the the security guards i found they would have to tell people all the time like step back behind yeah yeah that line especially in the modern art wing because people would be like is this a bench no
Starting point is 01:18:18 exactly it was a lot of like that that's an exhibit sir step back behind the paint but it there was so like i was surprised how close you could get to the paintings. Yeah. Like, they were all, there were maybe, like, a little rope at your shin level. A foot away from the wall. Like, you could reach in and, you know, really mess up a Picasso. There was a one. I mean, not that you would know the difference.
Starting point is 01:18:42 There was one thing in the modern art exhibit, and it had an explanation on the wall that it was a pile of candy. It was in the corner of the room, and the candy weighed as much as the artist's husband who had passed away. And you were allowed to take the candy, and the museum, it was up to them whether they refilled it or let it be. But the whole time that I was taking a piece of candy from the candy pile, I was very nervous I was going to get yelled at. What was the type of candy? Like old lady, wrapped up. Were there originals?
Starting point is 01:19:20 Not as good, like off generic. Okay, just like hard candy. Hard candy. Individually like hard candy. Hard candy. Individually wrapped hard candy. This was great when I was young and this was all we had because the Nazis stole all the fun. We had. They stole all our nougat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:39 If you wanted to help the war effort, you didn't eat nougat. Save your nougat for the troops. Yeah, save your carob for the troops. Now, we also have overheards sent in to us from listeners around the world. If you want to send one in to us, you can send it in to spy at This first one comes from Alex T. From London, UK, but living in taipei taiwan oh nice this is coming back to london during the christmas like uh london's landing london lending uh during the
Starting point is 01:20:15 christmas holidays i was at heathrow passport control when i overheard the border guard in the next booth ask a lady about her son's name the guard says his name is noel uh because it's christmas time and the lady said no it's noel as in gallagher oasis is his dad's favorite band oh no oh imagine if your dad's favorite band was oasis i Oh, your dad's a douche. Yeah. There are worse names in Oasis. Yeah. There's Bonehead was the rhythm guitarist. What was the drummer? It was like Gwiggsy or something? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:53 I only know... They went through drummers real quick. They went through drummers like Spinal Tap. Yeah, and was Liam the one that he would sing with his hands behind his back was that did he originate that i mean his hands on your hips it's very mick jagger yeah very funky chicken but like behind his back there's no other singer that would well he didn't have anywhere to put
Starting point is 01:21:19 his cocaine he had to hold it behind his back it It's weird that they were, like, their third album was very cocaine-y, like people say. You could really hear it as it progressed. And a buddy of mine who's a musician pointed it out that as they got farther into their coke addiction, because cocaine, as it affects your brain, it actually affects your ability to hear tones. Oh, uh,
Starting point is 01:21:48 so because they were high on Coke while recording, they would get the producers to, I think, sort of turn up the base. Oh, uh, it was either the base of the treble that they were having trouble hearing because they were all on cocaine.
Starting point is 01:22:03 Ah, so then you get these albums that have this really hard sound to it. And it, it was just unnecessary, but they needed those turned up because they couldn't hear it. They weren't registering those sounds in their brain. The weird thing is like, when you think of cocaine music,
Starting point is 01:22:20 you think of like disco or like high energy dancing music, but it's just, you know know we're oasis yeah i mean they never went full disco but no not not close i don't think um yeah i mean i wish them best are they still fighting those brothers or i mean they're at their best when they're fighting that's true but like are they touring together or i don't think so i think they're in different bands. Oh, well. Well, we wish they come back together when they need the money.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'm sure that's how it'll work. Remember when one of them got attacked on Toronto Island during the music festival? Like mugged? A drunken fan ran on stage and tackled one of the Gallaghers. Yes, I do remember that. That was maybe and then he got like banned from all future events by that company and arrested and he was like oh man i love oasis i really like oasis and don't even know why i did that i remember when they were at their peak yeah it's all this cocaine i would do it when they were at their peak in the mid 90s
Starting point is 01:23:23 they came to vancouver and everyone just threw stuff at. When they were at their peak in the mid-90s, they came to Vancouver, and everyone just threw stuff at them, because they were like, ah, they're a pub band. They love this kind of stuff. Like, we're going to throw coins and bottles at you, because you're British. You love it. Yeah, it's like, and they're just thinking, like, how big do we have to get before people stop throwing garbage at us? Have you seen the video of Chad K kroger getting rocks thrown at him on a
Starting point is 01:23:45 concert in portugal yeah no it was like some music festival and for some reason the organizers decided that nickelback would be a great band to put on before slipknot and they also was free rock day yeah it was free rock day so it was like it these hardcore, you know, Slipknot sort of metal fans. Slippos. And Nickelbacks performing and they're just hucking rocks.
Starting point is 01:24:12 Jesus. Why did they come to our concert just to boo us? And at one point, like Chad Kroger just furious and you know, rightfully so.
Starting point is 01:24:21 He's getting rocks thrown at him. Yeah. But he was like, if you guys throw one more rock we are out of here one more rock or a piece of poo and we are leaving the stage and and like it couldn't have been more perfect as soon as he's like if one more rock gets thrown we are out of here and a rock just comes and hits him right in the head. Just square in his head. That's it.
Starting point is 01:24:49 We're done. One more rock gets thrown starting now. It's just like. That's like classic substitute teacher. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, boy. This next one comes.
Starting point is 01:25:04 The biggest applause they got all night was when they stormed off the stage angrily. We did it, yeah. Oh, boy. This next one comes. The biggest applause they got all night was when they stormed off the stage angrily. We did it, everybody. That's weird that, like, that has gotten to Portugal. They know not to like
Starting point is 01:25:13 Nickelback either. Well, the internet, you know. Well, I mean, you know, it's not that they didn't probably have their fans in Portugal, but when the headliners
Starting point is 01:25:20 are Slipknot. Sure. Nickelback is not. I mean, it's. You rarely find someone who's like, my favorite band, Slipknot. Sure. Nickelback is not. I mean, it's. You rarely find someone who's like, my favorite band, Slipknot, number two, Nickelback. But it's not as far off as like, you know, Hall & Oates and Slipknot.
Starting point is 01:25:35 I wonder if Hall & Oates would have gone over well. Maybe they're like, these guys are so unlike what we like. We like them. The truth is everyone loves Hall & Oates. Yeah. No, you can't hate Hall & Oates. Yeah, like this. The truth is everyone loves hollow notes. Yeah. No, you can't hate hollow notes. Yeah. But who is rock proof at the opening right before Slipknot?
Starting point is 01:25:52 Oh. You put Dolly Parton out there and people are like, all right. Yeah. Well, yeah, because you're like, wow, she's pretty badass. She's a treasure. Exactly. Every country does that. Her live show is amazing. I think it's somebody that would be close to what they do, but isn't like, you know, something like, geez, Luis.
Starting point is 01:26:10 What's something that would be like metal, but not the type of metal? Because I saw them at a festival once, and I think the band that went on before them was maybe Incubus. Oh, yeah. Which isn't that far from Nickelback. Yeah. Oh, you mean who in front of Nickelback? No I saw Slipknot at a festival I didn't see if they were at a festival
Starting point is 01:26:29 Yeah I don't know Like I feel like if you were like I don't know I don't really know what Slipknot What their fans are all about Spookiness Yeah spookiness Rocks
Starting point is 01:26:42 Masks This next overheard comes from Patrick F Cleanliness, rocks, masks. This next overheard comes from Patrick F. I was recently walking from my house to a coffee shop. Several blocks away on my walk, I passed a piece of sidewalk where someone had written something in what was once wet concrete. He sent an image of it, and it was in childlike handwriting it reads poopy loves butt so sure well you know we'll set them free and if they come back yours forever that's just a kid making ad libs wherever he goes mad lips
Starting point is 01:27:20 yeah he's so crazy about mad libs he's was like, I'm going to preserve it forever. What would be two nouns? Poopy. Poopy? Yeah. Who does Poopy love? Butt. Mad Libs is the best.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Yeah, I remember in elementary school, we had a Mad Libs computer game in class, and me and my friend Dan were just like, I didn't know the word dildo, but he did. Yeah. It was a lot of dick and dildos. Yep. It was like, one time I was, you know when you go bowling? Once there was a beautiful fart. And she lived in a gorgeous butt. I mean.
Starting point is 01:28:02 She lived in a tract. It does tract. his butt i mean she lives in the tracks it does track uh i remember like you know when you go bowling and you put in a nickname on the computer uh that i found out that pud was a was a like some yeah like because it wouldn't let me put it in i was like oh i gotta find out what pud means yeah it wouldn't let you put in just like poo or whatever yeah one time I did a laser tag
Starting point is 01:28:27 with Aaron Berg oh yeah and he kept trying to convince me to make my code name faggot mouth and
Starting point is 01:28:36 whenever I whenever I laser tag I always do it under the name of Soren Soren me and my buddy
Starting point is 01:28:44 were always when we do laser tag we were Klaus and Soren. Soren. Me and my buddy were always laser tagged. We were Klaus and Soren, which were the two other guys from Aqua. From the band Aqua? From the band Aqua. Well, I mean, I'd be hard pressed naming the other people. Oh, God, can I try? Yeah. Oh, the woman and the Ken.
Starting point is 01:29:03 I believe it was Renee and Lena with the two sort of fronts. Renee was a man? Renee was the bald guy with the, come on, Barbie, let's go partying. Okay, wow. I mean, that's some deep aqualore. Although I believe Lena was Norwegian.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Wow, holy cow. She had that badass tattoo. Of what? What was the tattoo uh what i don't know like it was like some tribal thing yeah okay cool right on well i learned something here today can you name a second uh aqua song yeah i can't dr jones yeah that's uh isn't there another one about being in outer space probably space bangers no it's not space bangers that's a different thing they had a song called cartoon heroes um yeah and then they had the one song that was actually somewhat serious off of the sliding doors soundtrack aqua acoustic aquaic. This last one comes from Matt R.
Starting point is 01:30:07 As I was walking down the sidewalk recently, I saw a mother and a small child, about five years old, walking towards me. As they passed, I overheard just this exchange. Child, but why, mom? Well, because it's too difficult to take the bodies down from the mountain. Everest. The kids whining about Everest? Yeah, I guess the kids, like, why do they leave dead bodies up on Everest? Because it's, uh, there's no gondola to send the dead bodies back down.
Starting point is 01:30:34 But, like, shouldn't gravity do a little bit of work? Yeah, I guess if you start rolling them. They'd hold them on the mountain. Yeah, if anything, gravity's going to listen. Otherwise, they'd just be floating up to the sky. I guess gravity's doing its thing. But couldn't you just, like, give it a nudge? I think you could give it a nudge, but then where's it going to, is it going to, it's not just one straight path down, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:30:53 Jagged? Yeah, it's Plinko. Just, you know, every time you reach a certain height, you grab a torso and throw it a little bit closer to the bottom. Oh, I love the human torso. Yeah, that's, see,, that's fair. That's the rules. Or you just start dumping them into crevasses. This is a little macabre. Eventually, you fill the crevasse
Starting point is 01:31:11 with bodies. But my question is, what if you're wearing a cheap coat and you see a corpse with a nice coat? Well, you do not go up Everest in a cheap coat. Well, I don't know. Uniqlo has a sale on those puffy jackets. Well, you do not go up Everest in a cheap coat. Well, I don't know. Uniqlo has a sale on.
Starting point is 01:31:28 There's a sale on those puffy jackets. And everyone else has got Patagonias. I like this conceit of everybody that goes up has to come down with at least one piece of trash. Yeah. Like that. Oh, yeah. You know. Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Yeah, and bodies. Leave it as you found it. Actually, leave it better than you found it. Can you please bring a body back with you? Yeah, I mean, this is so much to ask. It's a lot to ask.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I'm sorry, everyone. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you would like to call us, oh boy, it's time to give you the phone number.
Starting point is 01:32:02 And I have it memorized. So the good thing is I can just say it. Yeah. And it is 1-844-779-7631. That is one. Ugh. SpyPod 1. Like these people have.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Yeah. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Michael from Longmount, Colorado, calling in with an overseen. I just saw a truck drive by me that had the web address I didn't see what it was for, and I refused to go and check out
Starting point is 01:32:33 what it is, because I don't want to ruin the mystery. I know what it's for. I'm assuming it's a plumber. Yeah, right? Yeah. Poop911? It's not affiliated with official 9-1-1. Well, it might a plumber. Yeah. Right? Yeah. Poop 911. It's not affiliated with official 911.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Well, it might be Poop 911. Oh. Oh, geez. Yeah. Well. Controversial. Well, there you go. It turns out I don't know what it was for.
Starting point is 01:32:56 I know Trevor has his phone out now, and so we're going to find out very shortly. I can't imagine he's just texting someone. Like, let me out of this podcast. We were wrong. Poop 911 is a dog poop cleanup service. Oh. Now that's not a, is that a thing that people need? I mean. I got to tell you, after six weeks of snow on the ground and a new baby, we just mostly let the dog out in the backyard.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Oh, so you would call poop 911? So it is a dog walking slash poop cleanup service. We scoop dog poop. I did a big cleanup yesterday, but not before Abby tried to like move, like picked up Margo to show her some flowers in the backyard. Like, oh, let me just pick you up to avoid this poop and accidentally sit her down in a different place. Classic. Like dragging her through.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Here's your next phone call. Oh my God. What? What? What? Where are you at? Where do you?
Starting point is 01:33:58 Hey, did it suggest that? It was just, it was just right below poop. Nine one one was, was need help picking up poop, www.pooperony. Oh, pooperony. Someone type that into whatever, Oh, I hope they haven't. I hope they haven't taken pooperony. Here's your next phone call.
Starting point is 01:34:17 Hi, Graham and Dave, and wonderful guests. This is Corey. Hi, Corey. Coming from Boston with an overheard. This is Corey calling from Boston with an overheard. I was staying at a hotel, and they were having a kind of emotional, spiritual growth type of convention, I think. And I was in the bathroom, and two guys were talking to each other, and one said, hey, are you going to the hugs workshop later on?
Starting point is 01:34:47 And the other guy said, no, fuck yeah. I heard it makes you cry. Oh, yeah. These guys are hardcore. You go to the hugs workshop. Yeah, I guess. I bet hugs stands for something. No, there's like some, there's this one uh, she's like one of these spiritual gurus.
Starting point is 01:35:07 Mm-hmm. And her big thing is you travel around the world and like you go get a hug from this lady. And she's like the best. Okay. Why, why? There's no good? I'm just saying, you know, what, how great is your hug? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:23 I never had one, but I. How deep is your hug? Pretty deep. Uncomfortably never had one, but I... How deep is your hug? Pretty deep. Uncomfortably deep. Do you think you're a better hugger than this lady? I'm a pretty good hugger. You think so? Uh, hugs workshop.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Oh, God. I like that Kate Travers into the fact checking. I'm getting right on this. Hosted by meaningful, emphatic hugs. Yeah. What do you think your hugs are? Meaning Meaningful Emphatic Hugs. Yeah. What do you think your hugs are? Meaningful Emphatic Hugs or meh. It doesn't.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Hugs workshops are just, they're hugs. Hugs are powerful healers. We have to learn hugs. How to hug. How to give and receive the hug. Hugs are often a form of greeting and become artificial. We will learn how to make hug authentic and meaningful. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:36:08 Imagine everyone you met gave you a meaningful hug. That would be insufferable. I'd never get anywhere. I'm like, get out of my way. Here's your final overheard. Hi, guys. It's Lauren in Boston. Hi, Lauren.
Starting point is 01:36:21 I have an overheard. I just overheard a kid talking to some other kids walking away from school saying, you know, because it's National Hedgehog Day. Groundhog Day. Whatever. Yeah. Sonic. Bring your Sonic to work day.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Oh, yeah. Let's all eat at Sonic on National Hedgehog Day. Which one's Sonic? Burgers and fries. Does it have a different name in a different part of the country? I don't know. Well, that does it. That does it. That brings us
Starting point is 01:36:50 to the end of the podcast. Now, hey, Trevor, thank you very much. Thanks for having me. A lot of fun. Season three of Letter Kenny will be, I imagine, out later on this year. Yep. And do you have anything online, anything you want to plug that's coming up maybe in March?
Starting point is 01:37:09 Do you have a Twitter? Do you have a live performance? I've got a few things coming up. Well, in March, we're actually doing a Letterkenny show at the Sudbury Comedy Festival. Cool. That's in Sudbury, Bermuda. Be Jared Kiso, Nate Dales, and myself and Mark Forward. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Performing. And, well, we also have a St. Patrick's Day episode coming out on St. Patrick's Day, the Letterkenny St. Paddy's Day episode. That's on Crave TV. On Crave TV. Also, What Would Sal Do? A new show coming out on Crave TV that I'm a part of from the producers of Letterkenny. And I have my very first comedy special coming out in March. Cool.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Called K. Trevor Wilson, Bigger in Person. Bigger in Person. Where's that coming out? It'll be on probably CTV and the Comedy Network. And it was recorded last year at Just for Laughs in Montreal as part of All Access. Nice. So, yeah, it's my very first half-hour special. And they recorded two.
Starting point is 01:38:14 I did one and Pat Thornton did one. And we're hoping that it's well-received and that other comedians get these opportunities in the future. Because we need some more Canadian comedy out future because we need some more, we need some more Canadian comedy out there. We need some more, especially the, the standups. We have a ton of talented standups in this country and no, uh, no real place for them to
Starting point is 01:38:34 shine. Yeah. Well, there you go. Blazing a trail. Uh, thank you so much for being a guest. Uh. Thanks for having me. Well, we got a.
Starting point is 01:38:42 We've got a show coming up in Banff. That's right. Uh, and apparently. A national park. I thought we would, we've got a show coming up in Banff. That's right. And apparently. A national park. I thought we would sell a ticket. Yeah, we sold more than one ticket. Apparently, it's almost sold out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:53 At the time of this recording. So, we'll post a link to where you can buy tickets for that at Also. Yeah. There. Well, I don't know about tickets for Toronto yet. Yeah. I don't know where they are yet,
Starting point is 01:39:06 but we're definitely going there. We'll be there July 8th. Um, but, uh, if you go to stop podcasting, you can see today's episode recap pictures and videos of the things we talked about on the show today. She Hulk.
Starting point is 01:39:22 Yeah. Uh, you know, Tiki drinks, Star Wars wars kitchen appliances um teeth varnish jim varney and uh aqua the other two guys from aqua yeah yeah and soren and uh if you like the show please do tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Listener supported.

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