Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 52

Episode Date: March 2, 2009

We float guestlessly through such topics as the Oscars, soul food, Jenny McCarthy, and we stuntcast Point Break....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 52 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. That's right, one entire year's worth. And one entire deck of cards. Oh, I didn't even think about that.
Starting point is 00:00:35 And we started this podcast 52 weeks ago. Mm-hmm. And our very first podcast, it was just me why don't you graham clark all right introduce yourself and our and the other fantastic host uh who is always here uh the man who put the bop in the bop shabop shabop but didn't put the bang in the ram-a-lam-a-bang-dong. No, yeah, because that wasn't a thing. Yeah, exactly. Dave Shumka. Who put the bang in the ram-a-lam-a-bang-dong?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Shaft? So we started this show, it was just the two of us, no guest. Building castles in the sky. Chasing waterfalls. And we don't have a guest this time now we could say that we planned it this way we didn't do it yeah we no one bailed on us we just i have to go to victoria this weekend it's family emergency uh-huh and uh so we're doing it on thursday night and we uh we booked it on a wednesday or we like yeah you yeah yeah. Yeah, we just figured it out last night.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But I think this is going to work. I don't see why not. We should do this more often. Yeah. This is nice. I mean, it's nice to just, I've got a lot of room to stretch on the couch. And we don't need to tell the guests the rules about the microphone. Yeah, we just jump right in.
Starting point is 00:02:01 We don't have to explain to them that this is going to be recorded forever, so they shouldn't make any enemies. Oh, yeah, that's true. Yeah, we know the ropes. We're a year deep. A year deep. We're against the ropes. A year deep.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That sounds like an Indian name, like it could be an Indian name. I was thinking it was a boy band. Oh, a year deep. Yeah, either way it's good. Of 12-month-old babies. Did you think that we'd last a year doing this? What were your predictions at the outset? Did you think
Starting point is 00:02:39 what, like, well, we'll give it a try, we'll see how it goes. Is this like a state of the union episode uh yeah maybe i guess you know uh i would feel i would feel like we were robbing a guest if we did a state of the uh yeah oh yeah you know while there's somebody sitting here uh did you think we would make it uh define make it still be doing it Yeah still be doing it Well and actually We actually have People who download it
Starting point is 00:03:08 Every week Oh yeah And write to us And interact with the show And yeah I mean it's been It's been It's been
Starting point is 00:03:16 It's been That's a very delightful thing It is super delightful Interactive portion Yeah I'm I'm I That is beyond my
Starting point is 00:03:23 Wildest dreams The amount of uh feedback and well wishes we received that's a big part of my day when i wake up in the morning i check and see because uh you know we put out a thing for listeners to you know to send in uh uh you know their opinions on their genitals yeah man i mean of you guys have got really nice balls and really smooth taints. My mom listens to this podcast. I shouldn't be saying things like that. Well, she doesn't know what the
Starting point is 00:03:51 second word means. My mom's a nurse. In the taint department. Yeah. She works at Saint Taint. The taint department is actually a really unsuccessful boy band. Yeah, didn't Year Deep open for them? Should we play the Get to Know Us theme?
Starting point is 00:04:18 Why not? Yeah, hit it. Get to Know Us. Good musical break um uh what's going on with you we'll start with you do you want to start with me i'll start with you how do you want to do this me and you um yeah i actually didn't think of anything that i'd been up to okay because we last yeah we we've only had a couple days since the last episode came out so nothing really new but uh there's just a couple things uh that has have been i guess going on yeah don't know i mean you know but not going on just things i've noticed um i got a thing that i noticed too so
Starting point is 00:05:01 you go ahead uh there was a i was walking by kentucky fried chicken the other day yeah kfc kfc um finger licking good and also can we say what was the brand of chips we were eating we were eating kettle chips the kettle chips the salt and pepper salt and pepper yeah flavor if you uh if you eat those uh tell me that that doesn't taste like Kentucky Fried Chicken, but not current Kentucky Fried Chicken, like Kentucky Fried Chicken from when you were like, from ten years ago. From before you were a vegetarian. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:34 From before when you, the listener, was a vegetarian. Anyways, continue. Yeah, I walked past a Kentucky Fried Chicken, and the sign in the window said we're closed, please call back later. Oh yeah, like you mean like, that's the old thing, like please call again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 But nobody's going to be like, I'm going to go a-callin' down to the KFC. Yeah, I'm going to call on you. Let's go a-courtin' and a-callin'. Yeah, I'm going to woo you. you let's go a court and a call yeah i'm gonna woo you and there's a it reminded me that there's a few expressions like that that i have never used but people still use them that are still like the industry standard i don't know well they're not maybe not the standard they might be regional but uh like like please call again is definitely one of them because that's not a thing that you would ever say and when someone says they're waiting online instead of waiting in line.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Like, so when you go to the store. I was waiting online at the store, yeah. I would never say online. No. Because when you say online, I would think like you were waiting on a computer. But the computers are great. You don't have to wait. That's true.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Ticketmaster can be pokey. Yeah, that's true. It'll make you wait online. Right, yeah. Yeah, master can be pokey. Yeah, that's true. It'll make you wait on line. Right, yeah. But don't click back. That's like an old 70s George Carlin. Don't wait in the line. You're on the line.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Wow, he's a genius. That's my George Carlin. He's a genius with a ponytail. Did you see... Or when someone calls a movie a show. I hate that. Going to a show. Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire?
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah it's a really good show What about if somebody says I'm going to a showing Like I'm going to the 4.30 showing Yeah that's a thing Is that Yeah but would you say it? Or would you say If I said oh you're going to a movie
Starting point is 00:07:22 When are you going? I'm going to go to the 730. Yeah. But you wouldn't say the 730 showing. I personally wouldn't, but people might. I don't think that's that weird. I think if you're a person that says the 730 showing, you're trying to be fancy. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I think you're like those people that draw the sevens with the line in the middle. I do that. Yeah, I do, too. Why am I so against that? What about zeds? Zeds with the line?. I do that. Yeah, I do too. Why am I so against that? What about zeds? Zeds with the line? Do I do that? Yeah, I guess I do. I don't. I do that
Starting point is 00:07:52 to establish it from a two. That's how I do it. Because nobody draws a two with the line in it. Oh, right, right. Yeah. Anyways. The 1230 showing. I don't buy it what about it
Starting point is 00:08:06 well i guess yeah you just say the 7 30 yeah i'm going to show the 7 30 show or the 7 30 the 7 30 or the it's on at 7 30 yeah i don't like the showing business here's another thing that was my point what was your point my point is that we're friends good friends here's another thing that was my point what was your point my point is that we're friends good friends here's the thing that yeah now this may be a canada only thing but this is something i noticed is that there seems to be an increasing amount of commercials featuring actors interacting with fake uh like uh computer generated environment um for an example there's a car there's a series of car commercials where it's a person standing next to the car and it's saying all the uh kind of the the all the features of the car like airbags and then these like computer
Starting point is 00:09:02 graphic airbags appear around the actor and the actor pretends like they see them even though they're not there and but they're really bad at pretending do you know what i'm talking about no man this is really hard to describe yeah but there's that there's a car commercial and there's a via rail commercial and there's a canor soups commercial is it kind of you like that scene in fight Club where he's talking on the phone to Ikea and Ikea stuff starts forming around him? Yes. Although it's horny.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's not that well executed. And the acting is so terrible. Like Fight Club. No, Fight Club was good acting, wasn't it? People don't like Fight Club. Who doesn't like Fight Club? Snobs. I think the first rule of Fight Club is not to not like Fight Club. Who doesn't like Fight Club? Snobs. I think the first rule of Fight Club is not to not like Fight Club.
Starting point is 00:09:49 But in the commercial with the Via Rail, there's a guy and then it says like, laptop computers and a fake drawing laptop appears in front of him and he pretends typing. But it looks like it's year one mime class typing. Like it's not not nobody would type like
Starting point is 00:10:06 that he's doing the thing with a typewriter where you send it back and then they had to animate the laptop flying out of his lap onto the floor but that was the same there's a one with a soup commercial and the lady makes the soup and then all these colors come out of the soup and she interacts with the colors and the vegetables but it But they didn't get anybody that's good enough to do that style of acting. Oh, Canadian commercials are the worst. Do you think those are all... Is Canora a Canadian company? No, but I think we get a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The worst... When you watch the Super Bowl, one of the big things is all the commercials. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah except in canada we have this thing called simultaneous substitution where if uh worse if a canadian a broadcaster is showing something at the same time as an american broadcaster they get to just substitute their signal over top of it and uh have and sell their own advertising so then we get like dodds furniture anditure and Mattress instead of the Awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Those are great commercials. They are fantastic. But like what was the, oh, 30 Rock, there was a great line from, it was Tina Fey and Steve Martin. And Tina Fey says, oh, I really enjoyed hanging out at your house and watching MTV Canada. And Steve Martin goes, yeah, they can't do anything right. And that's how I feel when I'm watching the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I'm like, no, here we go again. But, yeah, the Super Bowl's great. Yeah. Who won it this year? Bruce Springsteen. Yeah, Bruce Springsteen and his black jeans. He was wearing black jeans, right? He always wears black jeans.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Dave, what did you think of the Oscars? Here's what I thought. And we're a week late on this because I'm not putting this out until Sunday or Monday. Oh, no. Yeah, this is way in the past. Yeah. So, listener. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:02 We're going to... Please forgive us. We're going to take you back to a wonderful month called February 2009. Oh, this will come out in March, won't it? Maybe around then. Oh, beware the Ides. Anybody who's listening to this.
Starting point is 00:12:16 You've got about two weeks. Also, the madness. Oh, the madness of March. Yeah. Beware the Ides and the madness. And if King George is listening, also beware the madness of march yeah beware the ides and the madness and if king george is listening also beware the madness of you um yeah uh the oscars were uh what i'm here's the big thing i missed is uh having the announcer when someone goes up on stage to to accept their award while they're walking on stage there there's usually an announcer saying, this is Kate Winslet's sixth nomination and her first win.
Starting point is 00:12:51 She was previously nominated. That was gone away, wasn't it? Like the dodo. Yeah, they did away with a lot of... The one thing that they did away with that I was very upset about was... I don't like it, but my favorite part was always the montage of the people that are no longer with us right the dead the dead zombies uh but then they didn't instead of doing that they just had little like kind of mini clips of them and queen latifah
Starting point is 00:13:20 singing yeah i was unimpressed with that yeah the first the first one was sid charisse and she didn't even go full screen for sid charisse yeah right yeah sid charisse deserves better than to share the screen with yeah he or chicago songs just he or she latifah should be rolling over in his or her grave that announcer guy should be should have come like chimed in and been like queen latifah has been in such movies as Bringing Down the House and Barbershop 2. She wasn't in Bringing Down the House. Queen Latifah? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Sorry. Yes, she was. Hey, there's another. I think she was in a movie called The Cookout. Possibly. Does it have something to do with soul food? I don't know. We're treading on some very racist ground here.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I'm willing to bet that if Queen Latifah's in a movie called The Cookout, then it has something to do with soul food. Prove me wrong, Dave. Although I think she plays a security guard in it, in a gated community. There's one... Oh, man, I am way off. I apologize, listeners.
Starting point is 00:14:29 A basketball star, I think, moves into this gated community, and he's the only black guy. And all these black people come to this white community, and it's crazy. And they have a cookout? Mm-hmm. And you're telling me there's no soul food involved? I haven't seen it. We're talking Queen Latifah. We're talking a cookout.
Starting point is 00:14:46 But one... Those are the two things we're talking. Yeah, but how is... All right. Okay. Am I being racist because of that? No, no, no. A little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Wow, come on. If you go on IMDB, they have these plot keywords. So if you look up... Queen Latifah and soul food, it comes out with Cookout? No, no. If you look up a movie like, oh, Slumdog Millionaire, Oscar winning. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:14 It'll say Bollywood. It'll say game show. These will all be keywords. There were only, last I checked, there were only two keywords for the cookout and they were interracial marriage and farting scene. Regardless, it's a movie I should check out. Oh, the other thing I do.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Is she the only famous person in it? I think Tim Meadows is in it. Really? Yeah. A Tim Meadows movie that's escaped my... I'm a big Tim Meadows fan. He makes me laugh. Yeah, when he was on Saturday Night Live, he was very underrated.
Starting point is 00:15:53 The Ladies' Man, before it was turned into a movie, was easily one of the funniest creations that anybody from SNL has ever come up with. The Ladies' Man Presents, where he comes out and does the Alfred Hitchcock thing. That was classic. Oh, I never saw that. Check it out on YouTube. The Ladies Man Presents. My favorite Tim Meadows sketch was one where
Starting point is 00:16:16 it was an ad for a spray-on shirt. I don't remember that. That's good, though. That's some good Tim Meadows. He's shirtless, and it's just spray paint. and he sprays on his shirt, and it burns him. And the announcer says, the burning tells you it's a shirt. I think Tim Meadows is a guy, because he was really great in Mean Girls as the principal. He was fantastic as the ladies' man.
Starting point is 00:16:48 There was another movie he was in recently where he played... The Cookout. Oh, yeah, The Cookout. But he's really... He's an underrated guy. He could be a guy that... Maybe not the starring guy, but he should be in more things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Did you see him in the Comedy Fest this year? No. I saw him in an ASCAP show, and he was very funny. Well, he's very funny. He's a very funny young man. Young man. He's more of an elder statesman at this point, no?
Starting point is 00:17:18 Well, not elderly, but he's certainly older than us. No, I didn't say an elderly statesman. No, you're right. But elder, people think elderly. Yeah. People are the worst. Yeah, people are the worst.
Starting point is 00:17:29 What did you think of the Oscars? I hated it. I didn't like it one bit. What about the tribute to the musical? It's back. It's not. I mean, you know. That Beyonce sure can wear a tunic, though.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Did you see? Her nipple slipped out of her thing there a bit. What? Yeah, it's online. She had a nipple slipple. But it was not that good. The thing where the actors came out and then said how awesome the people were, that was the worst thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:18:02 how awesome the people were. That was the worst thing I've ever seen. I would rather see a clip when it's like sports bloopers and then you see one where it looks like the guy really got hurt. I'd rather watch that than that Oscar thing ever again. What's your favorite one of those? Well, I was watching some today. We were watching and there was one that it looked like the guy really he was running at the pommel horse you know have you seen the one and then he just runs just goes straight into it yeah that looks like he really hurt i would
Starting point is 00:18:36 rather watch that on a loop we should do a podcast that's just describing youtube videos yeah probably be pretty popular. My favorite, I think it was a Chicago White Sox player named Robin Ventura once slid into home base, feet first, home plate, feet first,
Starting point is 00:18:57 and broke his ankle. And no one could tell, and he lifted up his leg. Really? Check out my broken ankle. Oh, that was one that they watched they showed today it was a mascot broke his ankle but he didn't take off the mascot head so just look like a moose with a roller blades on but writhing in pain uh no well you can't see him writhing he's still got the smile on his face because he's wearing the rolling on the ground
Starting point is 00:19:21 yeah okay oh yeah it's writhing another thing i I missed about the Oscars, I put an X in it. The Oscars. It's the, if they had had a comedian host it, usually there's something, the comedian comments on something that's happening during the show. And Hugh, is it Jackman? Hugh Jackman, yeah. Didn't do that. Well, here's the thing Hugh Jackman, yeah. Here's the thing, too.
Starting point is 00:19:49 I have Hugh Jackmania, though. The Barbara Walters has her special on after? Unless you're on the East Coast, then it's before the show. Oh, really? She's the worst interviewer going. I'm not afraid to say that, I think.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I think you and I might be worse. We are the worst. We're the worst interviewers. But considering that our expertise is not in the world of interviewing, whereas she purports to be an interviewer. Take some time to enjoy the view. She asked some pretty... Like, she kept hinting at Hugh Jackman's sexuality, right? Uh-huh. Well, if he says that he's not, then just leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yeah. Barb, what do you think he's going to do? He's clearly a gay man. Stop harping on it. He's not a gay man, is he? Well, no, but he does some very gay things. Like what? Singing
Starting point is 00:20:49 and dancing? Singing and dancing and proclaiming that the musical is back. Yeah. And he did a little lap dance for Barbara. Wait, was Fred Astaire wasn't gay? And also starring in Baz Luhrmann movies. Mick Rooney wasn't gay.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Mickey Rooney? Yeah, I call him Mick Rooney. See the new surgeon on Grey's Anatomy? Yeah. He's Mick Rooney. There's a really short, bald, curmudgeonly surgeon. He's Mick Rooney. No, he's not curmudgeonly. You're thinking
Starting point is 00:21:26 of Andy Rooney. Right. He's curmudgeonly. Abby has been recording on our PBR, The Black Stallion. Does that have Andy Rooney in it? It has Mickey Rooney, doesn't it? What? The Black Stallion's a TV show?
Starting point is 00:21:42 Yeah. Abby's up to no good. It's up to no good. That's what I think. It's on the Vision Network, which is the Christian television network. Oh. Is there any soul food in that? Uh, probably. Wasn't there a movie called Soul Food?
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah. Did it have soul food in it? I'm sure. Oh. It was like fried green tomatoes. Did it have Angela Bassett in it? Uh, that's a broad generalization. That Angela Bassett was in it? That's a broad generalization. That Angela Bassett was in it?
Starting point is 00:22:10 Oh, man. It seems too easy. I don't know if I'm gonna win any of these tonight. Okay. Alright. What do we got? For our State of the Union address, should we consider in the future
Starting point is 00:22:25 looking for sponsors for the show? Here's the thing about the sponsors is and I'm going to put it out to the listener because I listen to some podcasts. I listen to a lot of podcasts. Actually, thanks to you Me or the listener?
Starting point is 00:22:42 No, you, Dave. Thank you. I listen to a lot of podcasts i didn't really before we started doing this and now i listen to copious amounts of them i find the sponsorship things to be very annoying to me the listener when i have to listen to them so i put it to the listener the bumpers of this podcast is that something that you would be turned off by? Because I am turned off by it in other podcasts. So I would put it out there. I mean, the sponsorship thing, I'm not against it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 But if the listener would find it degrading and irritating, then I would be against it. Okay. What do you think? Well, I had an idea. Because I'm too timid to go out and get a sponsor. Can we be sponsored by some sort of alcohol? Yeah. This is killing us.
Starting point is 00:23:40 But I was thinking a really passive-aggressive way for us to get a sponsor would be just to have our listeners, whenever they go to a restaurant or a store or a bar, tell them Dave and Graham sent you. Oh, that's kind of fun. And we'll just market it backwards. Yeah. And then eventually they'll ask, who are Dave and Graham? Regardless of, I really like this idea. I thought you were going to go the other way with it and say, by passive
Starting point is 00:24:08 aggressive, that you start boycotting things. And then when people ask you why you're boycotting it, that you would do it that way. I'm boycotting it for this podcast, and then we get a reverse sponsorship. But I like yours. I like...
Starting point is 00:24:24 So that's a fun thing. We'd like to hear if anybody out there is up to it. I don't know if I could. Would I be able to pull it off? I think I could. Yeah, whenever there's an offer on TV or the radio that's like, tell them so and so sent you.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I would never do that. I'd be too embarrassed. Like you'll get an extra 10% off if you say that. Do you think people would do it regardless that they get nothing for it? Yeah, probably. Our listenership are fairly fanatic. They're a great bunch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah. Yeah, so, I mean, you know, the sponsorship thing, whatever. Whatever people feel. Just do what you feel feel just send us money um dave do you want to hear that you want to hit some overheards i guess overheard all right do you how do you want to do this there's only two of us usually start with the guest yeah do we want to start with a listener over here? Do we want to go with you? Want to go with me? Let's go with you because I'm not feeling too good about what I got.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Okay. How about I'll throw one of these. I found two things. These are over scenes. Okay. I was passing by like a novelty slash costume shop on Main Street. I think I know the one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 It's called New York Novelties. I don't know why it's called new york novelties where is it on main street main and broadway okay right next to john's jukes yeah in that neighborhood yeah that's for people who don't live in vancouver there's a store on main street it was right next to new york novelties and it's called john's jukes and all it's got in it is old jukeboxes. And pinball machines. And old pinball machines. And that's it. That's all the guy sells.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And in the West End, it was voted number two old jukebox store. No! Yeah. I'll get to that in a second. But yeah, there was a couple products in the window. And one of them was called... How does a costume store stay afloat 11 months of the year? Oh, novelties.
Starting point is 00:26:33 That floats it the other 11 months. This was the name on one of the boxes was Fart Machine 2. boxes was fart machine 2 and it says new asterix boombox technology which i thought was pretty great well what was it like a button that well it was in the box so i don't really know but it has boombox technology so i assume it's got a play and a record so you can record your favorite farts and play the back later my favorite fart machine is the um the cup with the goo in it and you just stick your fingers in uh my roommate uh sean proudlove previous guest sean proudlove has one of those and um he giggles like an eight-year-old every time when he does it he laughs whenever. Whenever you hear that early man used crude tools, that's what I think of. Some kind of fart-making device.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Like some caveman named Grog found a hollowed-out rock, and then he put some ooze in it and then started punching it to make fart noises. Okay, the other box in the window was a piece of plastic that you stick on a window. Like a decal or a decal? Yeah, a decal that makes it look like a shattered window. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And that's the name of it, Shattered Window. And it said with a big star next to it, number one joke item. In a survey, Shattered Window was voted the number one joke item.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Pretty good. That's great. It's the number one joke item. Pretty good. That's great. It's not a great joke item, though. Well, no, it's the number one joke item. Undefeated. According to itself. Fart Machine 2, coming up quick. Here's something I saw. It's an overseen. It was a sign in someone's yard, like, you know how they'll put up, like, a vote for this political party.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Or die. Or a little sign that's just a little, what are they made of? Vinyl? Plastic? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Something that you would kick over or throw away. Yeah. And this one said, discover karate at the Ukrainian church. I saw one of those. It was at the park near my house. Oh, yeah? Yeah, the Ukrainian church is in full swing.
Starting point is 00:28:58 What did we get? Okay, we don't have a lot of overheards today because we haven't... This is an emerger cast. Yeah. This was a last minute cast. We don't have a lot of overheards today because we haven't... This is an emergic cast. This was a last minute cast. Okay. A listener named Graham T. had an overheard. He says, or she.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah, exactly. Who are we to judge? Well, the last name can sometimes determine it. I was walking by two old men, and one said to the other, and that's how I got herpes in both my eyes. I know how that story starts. Tale as old as time, am I right, Dave? Song as old as rhyme.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Beauty and the Beast. Do we have another one? Do we have a recorded one? Let's try it. Alright, let's hit it. Let's see. Hi, it's Baxter from Indiana. In case you don't know, it's the state under Michigan, which is the state under, like, Windsor,
Starting point is 00:29:54 I think. You'll probably know where that is. I haven't overheard. I was walking in the hallway of my high school the other day, and this boy and girl, and the boy turns to the girl and says, I swear to fucking God, if I don't pass
Starting point is 00:30:09 my algebra final, I'm coming to school tomorrow with a gun. I promise you, really don't come to school tomorrow. Seriously. And I went, did you really just start shooting up the school? And he was like, yep.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And I was like, okay. And I didn't tell anybody about it, did you really just start shooting off the school? And he was like, yep. And I was like, okay. And I didn't tell anybody about it, except you guys. I went to school the next day, and I shouldn't have passed, because no shooting. Oh, man. I should have given up. Bye. This guy lives like a gambler. This guy was gambling everything on the fact that this guy would pass his algebra test
Starting point is 00:30:45 Or that we would be able to somehow intercede Which we couldn't We're nowhere near Windsor Especially since he called us afterwards Man And for the record, we know everything about your country You don't need to tell us that We know where, what did he say we're from?
Starting point is 00:31:01 Indiana Yeah Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana. Facts about Indiana. The Hoosier State. Yeah. And... Birthplace of John Mellencamp. And everybody knows that the music, man, takes place in Indiana.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah. America's crossroads. Yeah. Here's a thing that... That was kind of a scary thing. But I like it that this guy... It was based on Gus Van Zandt's Elephant. Yeah, or the Basketball Diaries.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Ooh, sexy. Last week we got an overheard from a gentleman. I don't remember his name. Do you remember his name? I don't know what you're talking about. A certain Hollywood elite. Oh, right. That was involved. Now do you remember his name? I don't know what you're talking about. A certain Hollywood elite. Oh, right. That was involved.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Now do you remember his name? Ed Begley. No, but the listener sent it in. Ed Begley Jr. Who was the person who sent in the overheard? Jason. So last week we got an overheard. It was from Jason.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It was a voicemail on his phone or what have you from Ed Begley Jr. Because Ed Begley Jr. sells something called Begley's Best. And so we listened to the overheard. It is actually Ed Begley Jr., as far as we can tell. Or maybe an obscure impressionist. That would be great. That would be even greater. That this person found somebody
Starting point is 00:32:28 who does an Ed Begley Jr. impression, sets up this crazy wild story just for the benefit of a podcast. Even better. But I have a feeling it might have actually been Ed Begley Jr. So we got the... Well, yes, Jr.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I assume. But his dad sounds a lot like him. So we listened to it, and it was a lot of fun. But then we got word that a podcast that we're both very big fans of, Jordan and Jesse Go. Right. Jordan, Jesse Go. There's no and. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I also got, through their segment called Momentous Occasions, this same caller reported to them about this Ed Begley thing. And we were informed that this guy was... Double dipping. Double dipping. Or, as I put it, what does he think? He's working the podcast circuit? Which I liked. I liked the way that he expressed that. Like it's a circuit.
Starting point is 00:33:26 You do this one and you do that one and you do five others and then you're done. So from now on, just so you know, if you call in or write in to us, we demand exclusivity. No, we don't. Do we? Just don't send the same thing into a different podcast. Yeah, I mean that's... Save the drama for your mama. Or your baby's mama. But also, the flip side of this, the great side,
Starting point is 00:33:55 is that somehow, through the fact that we played that call on our show, we were contacted by the people at Begley's Best saying, thank you very much for your interest in our product, and we should set up an interview with Ed Begley Jr. So, in the all around, Jason, we
Starting point is 00:34:18 greatly appreciate you sending in that call. It was a mitzvah. It was a mitzvah. You did great. And you know what? And if any listener orders any Begley's Best, tell them Dave and Graham sent you. Yeah. Here's the thing. I don't want exclusivity if it's something, because obviously this was a thing that would rock your world.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Ed Begley Jr. is leaving. So that does need to be spread around. But it's funny that we were part of a circuit. Right. does need to be spread around. But it's funny that we were part of a circuit. Right. And also kind of flattering that we were on the same circuit as Jordan and Jesse go.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Don't you think? That's kind of nice. But anyways, thank you very much for sending in the overheard Trenchcoat Mafia. What was his name? I thought Trenchcoat Mafia was another podcast that he was making the circuit.
Starting point is 00:35:09 No, Dredge Coat Mafia was the, yes, tragic. One other thing. I'm going to put this in the category of overseen. Oh, okay, all right. Although usually it's something like a sign you read or an overheard that you hear. This was just a guy doing something i thought was really funny um i i walked past a uh a library the other day sure and it was in the kingsgate mall the library in the mall oh the library in the mall and there's a mirror or
Starting point is 00:35:39 there's a window and so you can and it's a big window and people just and there's chairs by the window so you can just look over people's shoulders when they're reading and uh which i do for hours on end yeah over the shoulder boulder holder that's what they call you right um and uh this one guy this is something out of maybe a modern ziggy comic a guy was a guy who's in his 30s, had a book open, and inside an iPhone, and he was surfing the internet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's my favorite. My brother is still one of my favorite gags. I think we may have seen it on TV or something years ago, but my brother's gags is if we're at the airport together last, I grabbed a filthy magazine, and I put it inside something like American Photographer. But then sometimes I'll put the filthy magazine on the outside,
Starting point is 00:36:41 and then put The Economist on the inside. There's some great... That's a good laugh when you have a classy magazine on the inside, and it's, you know... Some great gags. The Upside Down book is a great gag. Oh, I'm totally reading this. I said a very funny...
Starting point is 00:36:59 Or if you've got Upside Down filthy magazine inside another magazine. I said I was talking to Erica Sigurdsson at work, and at some point she said, Oh, you know, I can't read. And I said, Yeah, I know. Your computer screen's always upside down. I thought it was a pretty good gag. And not to be wasted on just one person. That's why I broadcast it.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Or podcast it. I podcast it. Or podcast it. I podcast it. Now, okay. Let's hit the ground running. We're top speed now. We're cruising through. Everything's going really well. Let's hit this bloke topic with full force.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Okay. Okay. Is he a bloke? or will he just choke i don't know all right all right we're back in bloke country back in bloke we hit the stove uh totally okay so for anybody who this is your first time listening to the podcast, go back and listen to the first 51, and we'll wait. Oh, someone actually called in and said that they listened to the last 10, and then they went back to the very beginning, and they recommended going to the very beginning
Starting point is 00:38:18 because you learn the genesis of many of the things we say. Yeah, this should be explained to anybody who's really new. This is an organic podcast. Things come, they come up. We don't invent things in a lab and then try them out. It's all, hey, here's a thing, and I thought of this, and then it boils into this bloke thing started from one phrase that you kind of said something,
Starting point is 00:38:46 and then I said something, and then you said something, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and I said the League of Extraordinary Blokes. And then it started a whole thing. And it's annoyed me ever since. Yeah. So we started this thing, the League of Extraordinary Blokes. We established it. We got through.
Starting point is 00:39:04 We know what a bloke is. You're Jason Statham's etc. You're Jason Statham's prototype. A knuckle dragger with panache. Whoa, so much panache. Yeah. Then we advanced it. We took it to another level. We created the band of blokes. Right. Lead singer,
Starting point is 00:39:19 Ernest Borgnine, for some reason. Drummer, arm of Def Leppard. Guy. We don't need to go through the whole band. Ermes Borgnein, for some reason. Oh, because we gave up. Drummer, arm of Def Leppard. Guy. The... We don't need to go through the whole band. It's quite a band. So then I introduced another element. Let's take it to another...
Starting point is 00:39:32 Because basically what we want now is to establish a whole society of blokes. Yeah. So we went... The science of blokiness. Mm-hmm. We put it out to the bumpers. So in this utopian bloke society, we will have a band playing every night. We will now have...
Starting point is 00:39:52 At our amphitheater. What's a blokey corporation that could give naming rights to it? The Harley Davidson. The Flavor Wave. Flavor Wave? Flavor Wave. Flavor Wave Amphitheater. Because there...
Starting point is 00:40:08 Have we talked about that on this podcast? I don't know. About the flavor that Mr. T does the ads for the Flavor Wave? I think so, yeah. Okay. So, we put it out to Bubbers. Who's the blokiest scientist out there? And the response has been overwhelming yeah the
Starting point is 00:40:28 episode only came out three days ago uh we have had tons of submissions yeah we're really overwhelmed um the the two scientists we came up with on last week's episode were ron popeil scientists credentials shifty at best and billy mays the guy who sells manny putty showing uh both dave and i's depth of understanding of all things probably should have included chef tony so so we're idiots yeah we uh but our listenership are big fans of science and they did their home much more so than i mean we got a lot of band of blokes nominations but this this is just fucking taking off like wildfire yeah so some of the bloke one of the one of the guys that was reoccurring was Nikola Tesla. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Now, one of our criteria has always been of the League of Extraordinary Blokes, you have to be alive. There is no, this is not of all time blokey people. Got it. Because then we'd be here forever. You can't be fictional and you can't be dead. Yeah. Or you can't have not been born yet. Yeah, you can't be a future bloke.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Right. Like, you can't have a, that you're having a kid, and you assume your kid is going to be super blokey. He's kicking a lot. And he's wearing soccer cleats. But when you think of a science, the bloke of science,
Starting point is 00:42:03 what image comes to mind? Because for me uh it's the crank two poster with jason statham uh with the jumper cable on his tongue yeah absolutely that's the that's the prototype scientist jason statham is is the jason statham of science yeah um but the the like some people wrote in some very very convincing arguments for their blokey picks. Some of whom are, Dave wrote them down. Yeah, we had Jerry who suggested the Mythbusters. Okay, let's start with him. I assume he's talking about El Mustacho.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Yeah, well, another guy, oh, I wish I'd written that down. I apologize. Another guy suggested Tori from Mythbusters, who is... She's the cute girl. No, no, that's Carrie. Can we put the cute girl in? Yeah, sure. If we're going to take a Mythbuster and put them in the league,
Starting point is 00:42:58 I would rather have the cute girl because she's got a blokey quality to her. You know what else I'd like to put her in? I don't know, what? I guess my pants. I was wondering how you were going to finish that off. That was a little clunky. Yeah, so do you want to talk about the Mythbusters? They're not going to win.
Starting point is 00:43:16 No, but I think, Carrie, if we're going to pick one Mythbuster, because we've had constant nominations of people saying somebody from the MythBusters. So let's put in the cute redhead who's kind of tough and punky and also is enjoying her science. Sure. I'm enjoying her science. Yeah, I made it unclunky. Jerry also suggested the guys who invented Viagra. While he was at it, he suggested Monica Lewinsky and OJ.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Oh. I don't. Okay. Are you going to read through the list and then we're going to debate? Yeah. Or do we want to go point to point? Let's read through the list. Unless you come up with anything as we go.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Let's make this quick. Because you know how I hate it. Yeah. Quick, because you know how I hate it. Yeah. Graham T. suggested Mikhail Kalashnikov, the inventor of the AK-47. Pretty cool. Is he still alive?
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yes. Really? Mm-hmm. Okay. Liam G. of Oasis suggested Dr. Andrew Barron, who is the gentleman who hypothesized that if you give bees cocaine, they get high. Yes. I enjoyed that. Yakov K., probably a fake name, suggested Stephen Hawking because he left his wife despite being a quadriplegic.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Yeah. Yeah, that is true. I read book written by uh his first wife yeah have 50 ways to leave your lover roll off the ramp stamp no stamps not a name just talk on your computer scooter get on the short bus, Gus. Somebody should shoot me. Richard Dawkins,
Starting point is 00:45:10 who gave the scientific middle finger to religion. I don't know what that... Yeah, he wrote the God Delusion, right? Sure. I read that book. It's got a really shiny cover. You know what else has a shiny cover is The Age of Spiritual
Starting point is 00:45:25 Machines by Ray Kurzweil, who nobody suggested. Bobby and Katie suggested the people who made the Large Hadron Collider. The Hadron Collider, yeah. Because they just figured, eh, so what if
Starting point is 00:45:41 everyone on the planet dies? Yeah, that is super blokey. And spent billions of dollars making it, too. A few people suggested this gentleman. Karen, Alex, and Marcus all suggested Neil deGrasse Tyson. Now, I believe you have something to say about this guy. Now, before I do, do you have the thing where the guy wrote the bit of dialogue that Neil deGrasse Tyson could say that would take place in an action movie about Neil deGrasse Tyson?
Starting point is 00:46:11 Oh, yeah. This is from Marcus. He says, now, the thing that Neil deGrasse Tyson is famous for is he's the person who declared that pluto yeah was no longer a planet right he destroyed pluto basically um and this uh marcus g uh wrote in what the movie trailer for a movie based on this character would be it says i can see the movie trailer now lame scientist no one man can kill a planet, not even you. Neil deGrasse Tyson turns head, watch me, puts on sunglasses and rides off on motorcycle. Correct.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Because when I looked up photos of this gentleman, he looks like a slightly older Lando Calrissian. He's got a nice mustache. He's got a slick hairdo. He's got a sly grin. I've seen him on TV a few times. He's got a slick hairdo. He's got a sly grin. I've seen him on TV a few times. He's kind of a wiener. He is also a scientist, Dave. Yeah, well, I think we can do better.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Yeah, well, I think he's done something pretty blokey in declaring that a planet doesn't exist. Karen B. suggested P. Z. Myers. We would say P. Z. up in here, up in these guts. He's the gentleman who desecrated a wafer. Long story short, maybe we'll compose a link to the story. I don't know. But basically, this guy, he is not down with any of the religious institutions. Was he the one who kidnapped the wafer?
Starting point is 00:47:50 Or was that somebody he was writing about? I think that was him. It just seemed rude to me. Yeah? You didn't agree with his... Well, if you're going to go to a church and steal a wafer. That's true. What if you went to a Quiznos and stole a bun?
Starting point is 00:48:00 Hmm. That's true. What if you went to Quiznos and stole a bun? What if you stole a Kit Kat, which has a wafer crisp? Yeah. What about that? She also suggested Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson. She also suggested Steven Novella, who has a podcast where he argues with people who are anti-vaccination, like Jenny McCarthy.
Starting point is 00:48:26 I read his blog. And who's the lady who sent this? It was Karen? Karen. Karen, thank you for turning me on to this guy's blog, because let me take just a moment out of the podcast to talk about how much I loathe Jenny McCarthy. Because when I worked in the book
Starting point is 00:48:46 warehouse her books because they didn't sell came through the warehouse by the hundreds so and they're very easy to read because she's not much of a writer right so I could flip through them and over the years I managed to read her two books about child rearing that are filed under humor. So you understand that her book and Gary Larson's book and John Hodgman's book all on the same shelf, which is a fucking travesty. But her observations about child rearing, i could write a more in-depth observation about having a kid than her and she has a kid you know what i mean her observations are so middle of the road and boring and un i like i could fucking dream up ones better than her do
Starting point is 00:49:43 her kids say any of the darndest things? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so mad, but she really is. Here's the thing. She's a lame duck. Abby, my beloved girlfriend, said when we were talking about Katy Perry and how I like her and you dislike her, she compared Katy Perry to Jenny McCarthy as a pretty girl who's kind of goofy. See? Notice
Starting point is 00:50:08 how I hate both. And I have really no feelings about Jenny McCarthy. I don't like her, but I'm really glad that I was turned on to this blog that kind of denounces her opinions. Anyways, were there any other? Yeah, there were
Starting point is 00:50:23 more. Alex C., who's Abby's brother, so you can probably guess his last name. Alex Campbell suggested Stephen Chu, who is a Nobel Laureate, as well as Obama's Energy Secretary, so one strike against him, because we don't
Starting point is 00:50:40 like Obama up in here. We voted for the other guy, and we didn't vote because we're canadian and also who is the other guy mccain all right uh mccain for us uh this gentleman taught himself to pole vault with bamboo poles i don't know that that qualifies him yeah well if he was pole vaulting over walls where there was a house party happening on the other side. Sure. Or a house party two. He also suggested Michio Kaku, I will say.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Sure. Who's a string theorist and futurist with army infantry training. And he also suggested the Unabomber. I like the Unabomber for this. I also like the guy that you just said, because he had military training. Yeah, like Jason Statham, probably. Jason Statham doesn't have military training, does he? He's got bloke training.
Starting point is 00:51:40 He's an army of one. Yeah, you're right. He is an R.E.1. I really like the Neil... There's more. Oh, there's more? Yeah. Oh, I thought we were at the end. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Please continue. Derek M. suggested Eric S. Raymond, who is a hacker icon, a firearms enthusiast, and a taekwondo black belt. And if you've seen pictures of him, quite a nerdy nerd nerd nerd. But then there's a photo of him making out with a really good-looking woman. Eh. For his? Yeah, of course. You have to qualify it.
Starting point is 00:52:20 He looked pretty good-looking. Sterling suggested Craig Venter, who does genome stuff and left his wife for a student and also has an underwhelming academic record. And Wikipedia describes him as a gentleman scientist. Yeah. I looked up some stuff on him, and I liked the cut of his jib just fine. And finally the last of the listener submitted ones.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Ryan suggested Dolph Lundgren who has a master's degree in chemical engineering. Well Ryan, automatic in. Dolph Lundgren he should, I can't even believe that we got this far without talking about Dolph Lundgren, he should, I can't even believe that we got this far without talking about
Starting point is 00:53:05 Dolph Lundgren. The Lund. In the original category. He plays a drummer in an upcoming movie. He could have been in the Band of Blokes, and now he finally gets his due in the... It was like it was meant to be. He was fit for all categories.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I'm glad to have Dolph Lundgren. I say yes to him. I say yes to the Pluto Smasher. Really? No, why not? Because he's a huge nerd. Okay, so you're saying no? Yeah, that's right. Ooh, controversial.
Starting point is 00:53:40 What about... Is this like a Highlander where there can only be one? No, no. I think it should be. I don't know. We're trying to build a society here, Dave. Yeah, I know. We need physicists. We need biologists.
Starting point is 00:53:51 You need one scientist. You need one band. No. Yeah, we got one band. We've got the band. We need more than one scientist. I disagree. We need more than one scientist.
Starting point is 00:54:00 All right. Another podcast called Combinations and permutations has sent us in uh they're a math podcast they have sent us in some math blokes okay who they think might be eligible hey stop podcasting yourself this is sam anthony and nathan from combinations and permutations here with a couple suggestions of blokey mathematicians. I will go first and suggest Dr. James Anderson. His blokey qualities include, one, that, well, he's English. Two, he created a completely fake number to allow him to divide by zero,
Starting point is 00:54:39 which allowed him to claim to have solved a 1,200-year-old problem, and he answered his doubters by telling them, if anyone doubts me, I can hit them over the head with the computer that does it next up Anthony oh I suggest David Lee for the most bulky mathematician he created the Gaussian couple equation that is that basically it's the heart of today's global financial collapse so you know if you ever think to yourself, maybe we shouldn't listen to these mathematicians, he's the reason why.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And now Nathan. My guy's name is Grigori Perlman. You might have heard of him because he solved one of the Millennium Prizes and was offered a million dollars, or he could have received the million dollars, and also he was offered a fields medal for that work which is like the nobel prize for mathematics except you know only given out every four years and a lot more prestigious and he turned down both and basically told the math community to go f off
Starting point is 00:55:37 because he's a bloke thank you very much stop podcasting yourself now if you I think I I could tell the math community to go F off no I could too but would they listen would I have their attention
Starting point is 00:55:54 long enough with which to tell them to F off F squared good math joke I like all of these nominations I really do Good math joke. Yeah. I like all of these nominations. I really do.
Starting point is 00:56:18 The only, you know, like, the only kind of nomination, like Stephen Hawking's I wouldn't say just because he cheated on his wife. Yeah. I mean, that's something that a bloke would do, certainly. But he wouldn't get caught. Yeah, exactly. A good bloke wouldn't have gotten caught. Do you have any suggestions of your own? Because I have a few. Well, you sock it to me with your suggestions
Starting point is 00:56:32 and then I'll sock it to you with my suggestions. Okay. Mayim Bialik. Ooh, because she did. She went into science after being Blossom. But also her only qualification is she does science. She's not blokey at all.
Starting point is 00:56:49 No, you're right. She has no blokey qualities. Although, proximity to Joey Lawrence doesn't help. Woe is me. That's all you wanted to do. Second. Troy Hertupis. The gentleman who invented that grizzly suit. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Yes. Absolutely. 100%. Grizzly man? Yeah. No, no, no. Project Grizzly. Oh, Project Grizzly.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Not Grizzly Man. He's dead. Super Grizz. Yeah. Which is a different grizzly suit. Which was the mascot of the Vancouver Grizzlies. Yeah, I think that's way more in the spirit of blokiness. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Than any of these Poindexters. And finally, Edwin Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin, second man out. Remember when he punched that guy? Yeah. First man to wear a watch on the moon. I say him. I say Pluto Smasher. Remember when he punched that guy? Yeah. First man to wear a watch on the moon. I say him.
Starting point is 00:57:47 I say Pluto Smasher. I definitely say Grizzly Man. Project Grizzly Guy. Dolph Lundgren. Dolph Lundgren, yes. This is a scientific circle jerk. Oh, man, so good. I like the guy who said, fuck you to the math community. I like the balls of that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Yeah, just his balls. Yeah, and his paint. And the guy who hates Jenny McCarthy. Sure. I'm for him. Okay. And also here's my... There's more scientists than band members now. That's fine. We need a... This is gonna be a great society. But what about
Starting point is 00:58:23 this, Dave? What about this twist that you didn't see coming? They've always called boxing the sweet science. I nominate Butterbean. This is the twist you've been building up off air for hours. Yeah. And I think the payoff is worth it. I figured out a way to nominate Butterbean in the science category. And Buster Douglas.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah. Buster Douglas and Butterbean are my nominees for the science of blokiness. Fine, I guess. I've checked out. Check back in to amazingness um so okay so the science one thank you for everybody for your suggestions also can we put the hadron collider people in fine can we put butterbean in the hadron collider. I don't see why not. Let's see if he wins. Buster Douglas I don't like so much. What about a... Butterbean really is a dynamite bean.
Starting point is 00:59:31 What about an Evander Holyfield? Super blokey. Yeah, but two from Atlanta. George Foreman came out of retirement to beat up a young man. And invented that grill. Yes. But didn't really invent it. George Foreman, Butterbean.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Butterbean versus the Hadron Collider. It's going to be the event of the century. Be there. Yeah. Okay. So, continuing on the bloke theme, which seems like it's going to last forever. Oh, God. Bloke.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Or no bloke. The best of the How we meant to hold blokes. Blokes of the written word. We already got a suggestion before we even put the topic out. From a beautiful young lady named Zoe. Yeah, Zoe. I'm just guessing she's beautiful. All our listeners are of the handsome and or beautiful variety, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Feel free to send in your photos to prove us wrong. Only genitals. Oh, no, please. But yeah, blokes of the written word. I'm talking your Hunter S. Thompson's. I'm talking your Hemingway's. Exactly. If they're dead, they're out.
Starting point is 01:00:40 They have to be living writers. And they can't be fictional. They can't be fictional. They can't be fictional they can't be a character played by ethan hawke they have to be ethan hawke yeah exactly they have to be ethan hawke just nominate ethan hawke nobel laureate ethan hawke so this is what makes the challenge so exquisite because uh most of the blokiest writers are dead. You're Shakespeare's. You're Shakespeare's sister. You're Twisted Sister.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You're Sister Sledge, etc. You're Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. You're MC Hammer. You're Gabriel Byrne. So now where do we go, Dave? What else do we do? Do? What do you feel like I got? What else do we do?
Starting point is 01:01:27 Do you want to recast the thing? Yes. Are you an actor? Are you looking for work? Stunt casting. Stunt casting. Stunt. Stunt casting.
Starting point is 01:01:46 Powder. Danny DeVito. Taxicab. The movie. Danny Glover. Martin Short. Anyone in the movie. Pure luck.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Stuntcasting. Okay. Stuntcasting. Yeah. Here's what I had in mind. Okay, do you want to explain it? We haven't done it in a while. We haven't.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Do you remember what the last thing... I want to say that it was Star Trek The Next Generation, but I feel like that's wrong. We maybe have done it since then. Stunt casting is going off the premise, which is not incorrect in any way, shape, or form, that Hollywood is run dry. Well, High School Musical 3.
Starting point is 01:02:29 That's right. They still have that, greasing their wheels. But that Hollywood has run out of ideas, so they are constantly recasting old movies, television shows, etc. Everything in the theater will prove our theory almost
Starting point is 01:02:43 to the T. It's comic books, books, video games. Previous Mall Cop movies. Exactly. So we come up with movies, and then Dave and I, and usually the guests, try to recast the movie in a thing called stunt casting. What do we have? What do you want to stunt cast?
Starting point is 01:03:07 Well, I recently fell in love with a movie from a few years ago. I'm listening. I think you know what I'm talking about. Point Break. Point Break. Okay. Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. You've also got
Starting point is 01:03:22 Lori Petty. Refresh my memory. Lori Petty. Refresh my memory. Lori Petty. She played Tank Girl as well. Right. She was also the catcher for the Rockford Peaches. In A League of Their Own. There's no crying in baseball.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Who else? There's Gary Busey. Oh, yeah. That's right. He's Keanu Reeves' partner And Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers Makes a cameo No kidding
Starting point is 01:03:50 And shoots himself in the foot God damn, it's been a long time since I've seen this movie Okay, this is great This is great So should we start from the bottom to the top Or go top to bottom I say bottom to the top Let's go with the Anthony Kiedis.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Who's today's Anthony Kiedis? Well, we're talking a guy who's not wearing a shirt. A guy who's in a band. Should be in a band. Should have reasonably long hair. But mostly should be shirtless. Yeah, shirtless. Maybe
Starting point is 01:04:21 this is the only thing they've ever acted in. Maybe a shifty Shellshock. Shifty Shellshock? Who's that? Of Crazy Town. Okay. Come, my lady. Come, come, my lady.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Not bad. You, my butterfly. But here's what I'm thinking. Scott Stapp of Creed. Well, he always wore a shirt. No. No? He was a shirtless wonder? I don't know that he always wore a shirt. No. No? He was a shirtless wonder?
Starting point is 01:04:46 I don't know that he always wore a shirt. What about a guy who is like a hip-hop idol who's always shirtless? Like a 50 Cent, right? 50 Cent, always shirtless. Made a couple movie appearances. Sure. Right? He could be
Starting point is 01:05:02 like an Anthony Kiedis style thing. Anything in that region? Tupac? Sure. Right? He could be like an Anthony Kiedis style thing. Anything in that region? Tupac? Still alive. Still with us. Still alive. Still working.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah. You have to make him have the black snake moan hair because he's old now. Right? You think he's really let himself go on Baffin Island? Yeah, he's on Baffin Island. What's another... Who's another musician that's really trying to break through?
Starting point is 01:05:30 Trying to make it in the movie? Well, Eminem isn't anymore. No, no. He gave up. Because he lost himself in the... Music. The moment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:44 In the spaghetti. The moment. Yeah. In the spaghetti. I don't know. I'm trying to think. Who's another person whose shirtlessness is certainly the key? It's implied. I mean, Henry Rollins was always shirtless. Kid Rock. Kid Rock is shirtless with a wife beater. Oh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:06:06 but he is quite shirtless quite often. And he seems like a guy. And long hair. Would he wear the hat to cover his baldness? Do you think he's bald? Is that the thing? I think he and Dwight Yoakam are bald. Oh, I know Dwight Yoakam's bald because he was in Crank, which I just saw the other night.
Starting point is 01:06:22 He's super bald. Alright, well, Kid Rock or 50 Cent? I'm gonna say... It's not gonna make or break your movie. No, I'm gonna go with 50 Cent. He's more in the vein of the bulkiness. He loves Anthony Kidd.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Like a fat kid loves cake. Okay, who is next? Gary Busey. Well, I mean, the thing about Gary Busey is... Nick Nolte could play him. Yeah, easily. Nick Nolte would be the sure pick. But he's probably older than Nick Nolte is. But here's...
Starting point is 01:07:04 I'm going to go way out. I'm going to go left to center. I am going to say, in place of Gary Busey, Ashton Kutcher. Ashton Kutcher. Somebody who's not that good at acting but is really good at yelling. Right. Has a big mouthy grin. Ashton Kutcher yells.
Starting point is 01:07:25 It's usually for comic effect. And usually... Have you seen the butterfly effect? It falls flat. Who else is... Yeah. Someone who maybe has fallen on hard times. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
Starting point is 01:07:42 J.D. Fortune. From NXS and associates. Yeah. Um, JD fortune is the, uh, winner of rockstar in excess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:54 And now he's living in his car. Yeah. Yeah. You said falling on hard times. I think that that's somebody who fits the bill. Maybe more of a, but falling on hard times, like,
Starting point is 01:08:03 uh, maybe, but you know maybe drug addicted. Maybe a Jeff Conaway. Ooh, but Jeff Conaway's too old. Maybe? No? I like Jeff Conaway.
Starting point is 01:08:15 I'm picturing that. But when you think about a rough and tumble guy like Gary Busey, he's also got the blonde hair. Is he rough or tumble? He's rough and tumble dry. When I think about him with the blonde hair. Is he rough or tumble? He's rough and tumble dry. When I think about him with the blonde hair, I think of Gordon Ramsay.
Starting point is 01:08:30 How about a Gordon Ramsay in the role of a Gary Busey? I like it. Yeah? Sure. Okay. That's usually how this works. We throw out some good things, and then we pick the last one. So we've got a 50 cent.
Starting point is 01:08:44 We've got a Gordon Ramsay. Now we've got to go with a Laurie Petty. Laurie Petty. Deanie Petty. Next. A short-haired, kind of punky actress who will disappear in five years. What's the name of the actress that played the assistant on Arrested Development who kept flashing.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Oh, Judy Greer. Judy Greer from Arrested Development. And The Village. The Village. What do you think about her? She looks, she has the same face. You know who I think has the same face is Lindsay Lohan's lover samantha ronson
Starting point is 01:09:28 samantha ronson yes punkier perfect punkier and brewsteer brewsteer yeah what does that mean uh i don't know but steer or no yeah she works at a brewp. Okay, so that leaves Swayze and Reeves. Oh, this is tough. This is tough. I've got a perfect idea for Swayze. I'm listening. Owen Wilson. Yeah, I would say you're right.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Only for hairdo. And attitude. For the Swayze role? Yeah. He wasn't that laid back. He's trying to find the perfect wave. Owen Wilson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Do you think you would look good in a president mask? In this redo of Point Break, we're going to have a Clinton mask, a W mask. I think a George W mask. Yeah. Maybe even an Obama mask. Oh, I guess they're all ex-presidents. So, Owen Wilson? Yeah, I like it. I like it a lot.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Alright, who's today's Keanu Reeves? Keanu Reeves? Yeah. Maybe that might be Ashton Kutcher. No, you know who I think today's Keanu Reeves is? The guy with the giant eyebrows from Twilight. Ah. Yeah, he's the new... He's who I think today's Keanu Reeves is? The guy with the giant eyebrows from Twilight? He's the new... He's who I would cast.
Starting point is 01:10:49 The girl or the guy? Whatever. I think he's the guy. The vampire. The vampire guy. Vampy. So, Vampy McGillicuddy. Owen Wilson. 50 Cent. Samantha Bronson. And who's Gary Busey?
Starting point is 01:11:07 Gordon Ramsey Gordon Ramsey Green Light We have greenlit another 500 million dollar movie There I said it Budget That's the budget
Starting point is 01:11:20 I don't expect to make 10% of that Well I don't have anything to plug or promote. Well, no, I guess I do. I'm on the TV. Yeah, Graham's TV show premiered this week, The City TV List. Yeah, The City News List. The City News List. And it's okay.
Starting point is 01:11:37 It's not bad. Yeah, it's doing really good. Yeah. Really well. Why would I talk like a jerk? It's doing really well. It's doing really well okay and uh yeah i've watched the first two episodes as of now and uh i got one on my pvr one on the grill and i really enjoy it
Starting point is 01:11:53 and it's you and charlie demers and erica and your host paul bay who takes the host role he does take the host role he's the he's the moderator dude and uh i don't think we if anyone lives in vancouver i don't think we need to convince them to watch it i just think we need to make them aware of it yeah channel 13 6 30 yeah and 11 p.m at 11 yeah uh and everybody uh the thing we're looking for this week besides your overheards and your well wishes, the blokes of the written word. Yes. Can we think of a living bloke right now who would be a good written word one? Looking at my bookshelf.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Oh, somebody who's written a book. And is still alive. And is still alive like somebody who's written a book. No autobiographies. Oh, yeah, that's a good call. That is a good call. Has to be... You know who I would say? I would say like an Anthony Bourdain.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Well, he might be in our chef part. Yeah, I don't argue that, but he's written some very good fiction. And, you know know he's not exclusively crazy foods in his books yeah um okay so we're looking for that um and uh yeah if you want to write to us we're stop podcasting yourself at and feel free to check out our recap blog stop podcasting and give us a call. It's 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 01:13:30 It's 206-339-T. Yeah, everybody, thank you so much for downloading the podcast and listening. If you enjoy it, do pass it on to your friends because that's how the show is able to grow. And Graham, what do you think of this? You and I, just without a guest. How did this work for you?
Starting point is 01:13:50 I enjoyed it, but I really like having a guest. Oh, I do too. But this was fun. This was better than episode one, which is the only other one we've... Oh, we've grown. Leaps and bounds. Are you kidding me? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Yeah. We're like, we used to head run headlong into that pummel horse now we're pummeling over it yeah we're breaking our ankle on home plate yeah damn right uh but everybody thanks so much for listening and come back again next week for another enthralling episode of stop podcasting yourself.

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