Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 558 - Erin Gibson

Episode Date: November 26, 2018

Author and Throwing Shade host Erin Gibson joins us to talk Erin’s new book, Dave’s new shelf, and Justin Timberlake’s new album....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 558 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's really done a humdinger of a job on this shelf in this podcast studio, Mr. Dave Shumka. Save it, it's all I have to talk about this week. To build a shelf.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Well, it looks great. It's pipes and it's boards. Yeah. It's pipe and board. Pipe and board. And it's standing. It's boards yeah it's pipe and board pipe and board and it and it's standing it's standing and it's not wobbling back and forth no it it might be the pipes you have to screw them into each other okay like so many things and i mean the level says it's pretty pretty much level but i don't. There's some threads that are... Some pipes didn't go into the...
Starting point is 00:01:09 Oh, sure. The T-bars. The sticky things. Yeah, yeah. As much as others. Well, it looks great. It's fine. It'll do fine.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I need to treat the wood like I would like to be treated. And our guest today, very exciting to have on the program, Erin Gibson, who's currently touring around promoting a book, Feminasty. You got it. It's been really hard to sit here and not be able to weigh in on these shelves. Oh, come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get in there. Erin Gibson.
Starting point is 00:01:38 First of all, I love the dark metal versus the light wood. I think that's a great, great touch. Now, I don't know if that's just you have not finished the point yet. I have not done anything to the wood. I would put a vote in not to do anything. I think you do need to treat it, though, to... Oh, so it doesn't get ruined? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I don't know if I need to stain it. Stain it. Stain it? Oh, Graham votes stain. Yeah. But not like a dark stain or anything, because you're right. This contrast. More like a strawberry or a turquoise.
Starting point is 00:02:08 The pipe. Stain. A turquoise stain? I love a turquoise wood stain. Oh, like they have, I think at Ikea, they have those like, get our dumb, you know, completely unfinished wood chair and make it any color wood you want. Oh, that's fun.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Um, but, uh, yeah. And the, the pipes, when you get them, they are filthy.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Well, but what did you paint these? You have to, this is great. This is fantastic. This is good as a cat. You have to clean them and then clean your peen, clean them with,
Starting point is 00:02:45 I mean, I mean. CLR? They said acetone or mineral spirits. I chose mineral spirits because it's. Those are interchangeable. What you take off nail polish with. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Well, because it's just, they're covered in oil. Oh. Like you touch them and your hands turn black. And then you paint them. And you do have running water through them right yeah what is the water coming in when is the water coming out yeah exactly that was the hard part was connecting it to the water only like there's only one of them doesn't go to water it doesn't connect to any bathtub or anything so what sometimes water shoots out we don't know where it goes. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:03:26 My uncle. Let's get to know us. Get to know us. Is this a thing in Canada where you, do you have uncles here? Yeah. Yes, we do. First of all. We celebrate them on our Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:03:43 That's what your Thanksgiving is about? Yeah, it's about uncles. Amen. They've got your nose. Yeah. Do they do a thing with your basements here where they will put up a brewery, home brew, and then pipe it into their dining room and have taps in their dining room? What?
Starting point is 00:03:57 No. That's an American thing. Well, I, by the way, this new studio, the sight lines are garbage. What's that? By the way, this new studio, the sight lines are garbage. But I did have a neighbor once, and we had a shed at the old house. And he would homebrew in the shed, and we would have to keep talk radio on all the time to keep raccoons away. Yeah, but he made it a very welcoming bar situation for raccoons. But just the dulcet tones of people talking about seasons and politics. Mostly baseball seasons.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Sports talk radio is the only full-time talking. It's the thing that raccoons are most scared of. Apparently. Yeah, because there's no team named after them. No, maybe in Japan. Yeah, or maybe on a minor league team, I feel like. Could be the raccoons. But no, an uncle, that's pretty...
Starting point is 00:04:54 It's an uncle thing. To go from brewing to on tap in your own house. And also to build a contraption that goes from the disgusting thing that says fuck you get gravity yeah it somehow figures first of all they have to get a handle on gravity a compression system and then oh man noise it must make to get i haven't seen it in person i've only seen my uncles on facebook but i imagine it's where's your them. Where does your uncle live? Ohio. Okay. Time for a visit. Which is the Manitoba of the U.S.? Well, there can't be 50, like, correlations. We can't do it all.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Analogs. Yeah, I think, like, the Dakotas also are the, they're also the Manitoba. Yeah, your Minnesota's your Manitoba. The Texas I know for sure is the alberta yeah yeah yeah because you don't mess with either oh yeah yeah a lot of guns graham's from alberta that's oh yeah he's from they have a big stampede where he comes from yeah like the biggest rodeo in the world oh bigger than the hou the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo? Yes, much bigger.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Not to get into a physical contest, but... Did you have Blake Shelton at your last rodeo? Uh, no. Well, this wasn't his first rodeo. No, but they'd get an analog, a George Canyon. Yeah, we can't
Starting point is 00:06:24 get the world's sexiest country singer, but. This might not go over well. Okay. But I was in Montreal and I had four hours before my flight. So I was like, let's go to the mall to the wax museum there. Yes. And most of the wax museum is Canadian stars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 It must feel like, I feel really arrogant as an American because I feel like most of our pulp culture references everyone knows. Yeah. So to walk in somewhere and to see people who are celebrated and lauded, most of them in black leather jackets. Sure. Oh, sure. Well, that's how you dress a wax guy. Yeah. Just look.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It was like being on another planet. Do you remember any of their names? I have infinite videos. There was one who was, there was a lady who I think she was, there was a co-host, maybe two news co-hosts that were, like maybe the national news. Oh, like maybe like Peter mansbridge and pamela wallen maybe yeah and then were there was there a counterpart of these people that also did like a talent talent thing like a sunny and shares type show in the lake did they look like they were from the 70s would it be steven morag smith maybe. Is that anyone you named they have got a statue?
Starting point is 00:07:46 There was also a person just within a full like pelt situation, snowshoeing. Was it a modern person? Yeah, that could have been like from John Cartier. I wonder if it was. Like a trader or something. Was it or was it a modern day person who likes that stuff? Sure. Like I need.
Starting point is 00:08:06 There's a great picture of Wayne Gretzky in a fur coat. Like head to toe. Yeah. Yeah. I would. I could maybe pull it out here. I need to see it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Oh, there you go. There it is. Was it that? If it was this, I would have stayed longer. Yeah. This is, there was also There was also Canada's Elvis. Who's that? Who's considered that?
Starting point is 00:08:31 Ryan Adams. Canada's Elvis. I only thought he was Canada's Elvis because to indicate his singing status, they had him surrounded by probably a hundred mic stands. Maybe Ruck Voisin. Yeah, or like, but it was in Montreal, so a lot of these people could be.
Starting point is 00:08:50 They're French Canadians. French Canadians. There was, you know, it was shocking that when you walk into that museum, Celine Dion isn't the first goddamn thing you see. They don't,
Starting point is 00:08:59 this is the weird thing is French Canada has their own star system. So there are stars that are super super famous and millionaires i'll just that we've never heard of i wanted to keep that wasn't a gift from the contemporary art gallery i don't know i stole i stole it years ago very dear to me you should put it in a frame then well no i mean it's like a corkboard yeah meaningful
Starting point is 00:09:25 you'll put a hole in the corner no no i i uh arrange the the pins so they sit nicely on ah that's a nice that's a home decorating tip right up there with clean clean your pipe yeah clean your pipes before you build them so you wrote a book yeah can you believe it if you know me you can't believe it is it insane me you can't believe is it insane to have written everyone who says it it says that they say that's the hardest thing they've ever done and i absolutely agree yeah because once you're once you've stopped hating yourself long enough to write words on a paper then you have to let someone else hate you in a different way oh that's so you can make it make it good oh right
Starting point is 00:10:05 someone and then you have to let your audience hate you yeah yeah it's all it's a three-tier hate process and you've been uh going to these book events for like months now yeah i've been essentially not home since the beginning of september whoa and you because we're doing throwing shade tour at the same time. We forgot to mention that. She is also the co-host of Throwing Shade. That's true.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I just wanted to get. That's my first job. I wanted to get the product up front, you know. You can't buy Throwing Shade. Exactly. I mean, you can buy tickets to see them live.
Starting point is 00:10:37 That's true. But, you know, if somebody's out and about. We don't come here anymore. How come? Because the venue size that we need, it's so expensive.
Starting point is 00:10:45 This is an expensive town to perform in. Oh, nuts. Have you felt that? That's why Canada's Elvis never came out here. That's why we don't know who he is. I feel like it's either open mics or Drake. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:10:58 that's, and he sometimes stops by the open mic. Yeah, sure. Yeah, it is. If you're a mid-level performing arts group
Starting point is 00:11:08 splitting all the money, it's difficult. I think I find this is maybe the, I mean, it's the only place where we can consistently draw a crowd.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, that's true. That's why we perform here. We find a place to perform. Yeah. Where did you play the last time you were here? The Rio, maybe? Maybe the Rickshaw. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:11:30 We played that place because people were like, I don't know if we can go there. It's in a dangerous part of town. Yeah. And I said, but relatively safe in American terms. It's not a dangerous part of town. It's a sad part of town. It's sad. But it's not dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Is Canada just trying to do a U. U S thing with not helping homeless people here? Um, yeah. I thought everything was. Did the U S start that or what's that? That was ours first bro. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Actually, I think France started it. Yeah. Yeah. I saw them as a round. Yeah. It feels like a cross, cross some water first, but that's where everyone, that's your skid row roundel. Yeah, it feels like across some water first.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But that's where everyone, that's your skid row, isn't it? Yeah. That's your- Very, very, very skid. Down and out. Totally. In Beverly Hills area of town. And in America, it's Beverly Hills is where the down and out are?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah. For real though, we have a lot of homeless people in Beverly Hills. Really? Yeah. Because people can sleep outside year round or yeah and also well that's not you know what it's not even fair there's a lot of homeless people everywhere in the in california california is should be embarrassed for many reasons number one number one okay no basement claiming to be a liberal bastion in the U.S. while doing pretty much nothing about green energy, homelessness,
Starting point is 00:12:47 mental health issues, the fact that we have a housing crisis and we basically just started fixing it. We should be ahead of the game on stuff. Yeah. Where California goes, the world will follow. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That's what Morrissey said. He was England's Elvis. I mean, we're just going by haircut at this point. Yeah. Well, what's his name said he wanted to be England's Elvis was David Bowie. He saw Elvis and he was like, I'm going to be the English version of that. I think he surpassed it. I think he surpassed it.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Well, he definitely went a different direction. Yeah. He took it his own. He made his own thing. Did he just mean the rhinestones? Yeah. And hairdo. Like he had kind of, he had a pompadour for a while.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah. I think. And he kind of has an Elvis-y singing voice when he goes deep. When he goes deep. I was, I was at a, I was in New York yesterday and we were, my husband was with me. We were having breakfast it was like the one time we got to see the last two months he took me to this place that was like a swedish german cafe just opened recently but it was inside it was like basically like being
Starting point is 00:13:56 what i assume being in berlin in the 80s and it was all um like they're playing the, the, and David Bowie and orange juice and all these like, like shoegazery British invasion underground artists. And every single goddamn song had a saxophone in it. It was the thing. And I forgot in the eighties, they were like, yeah, but some of them even were like, you could tell at the end. They, they were like, no, we, we cannot release the song. Yeah. Unless we put a sax. Just put it at the end.
Starting point is 00:14:29 They just always had one on call. Maybe it was in all the recording studios and everyone just saw it and was like, oh, yeah. I think in like. Pour a little sax on it. I don't know how to play this, but let's do it. Six or seven years ago, a lot of like indie rock. Like there was a summer of saxophone. Oh yeah but it is like it does very it kind of hems it into a time period the saxophone totally because it's now it's only like if somebody's like see what i'm doing i'm doing a thing
Starting point is 00:14:59 with the saxophone but like it was cool it was so. It was so cool. California Raisins, cool. It was Bill Clinton on Arsenio, cool. It's what I wanted to play in the junior high band, but they wouldn't let anybody with braces play it because you couldn't get the right embouchure. Also that they would put that kind of pressure on a child. Who doesn't have braces? So did anyone get to play saxophone?
Starting point is 00:15:24 They went like the one kid with wonky teeth. who doesn't have so did anyone get to play saxophone they were like the one kid with wonky teeth but he honey his timbre and his
Starting point is 00:15:32 pressure but that means you couldn't play any any reeded instrument you couldn't play oboe clarinet
Starting point is 00:15:39 the other cool instruments yeah what's the one Woody Allen plays oh yeah that's super cool and then that's what i had to play because they were all because saxophone was already it was a different thing they were like they they kind of didn't let women girls play this is in junior high girls play saxophone but i
Starting point is 00:15:57 i've been five almost 11 since third grade so they couldn't really say that to me because i was taller than i was bigger than the administration. Right. So they, like in school, I looked like the principal. Oh boy, that's a,
Starting point is 00:16:15 that's a heavy burden for a kid looking like the principal. Well, I also wore a suit. Yeah, yeah. Carried a clipboard
Starting point is 00:16:22 with you everywhere. Didn't take shit. Yeah. A lot of cropped curls yeah terrible transition lenses um oh boy to go back to elvis uh i've been working on this thing that takes place in the early 90s and i was looking up 90s stuff and like do you remember when they had an elvis stamp in america and people voted on whether it was going to be fat old Elvis or slim young Elvis? Was this in the early 2000s?
Starting point is 00:16:50 No, I think it was the early 90s or mid 90s maybe. Yeah. But it went on for months. It was a topic. I just remember it being something that didn't go away. Why was it a referendum? Why didn't the stamp company just go, this is what you get? Yeah, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I think the U.S. Postal Service. They drummed up a lot of business that way, though. Yeah, that's true. When's the last time you used a stamp? All the time. Really? Yeah, I like postage. That sounds awful.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I like to write checks. Oh. Checks make me feel like I'm doing something. Paying online makes me feel nervous. Yeah. Like I'm gambling. I only write one check a month, but I do like the process of doing it. Is it a rent check?
Starting point is 00:17:34 It is a rent check. So do you put it in an envelope or do you flip it? Do you put it in an envelope, but it's unsealed and it goes under someone's door? It goes, yeah, it goes through a very old timey envelope slot in a, like a very old timey door. So it's very quaint. So a very old-timey envelope slot in a very old-timey door, so it's very quaint. So I do put it in an envelope because I think it's neater. But I don't seal it because I know it's...
Starting point is 00:17:54 Although maybe I should. Maybe she's got a nice letter opener. Or she's going to reuse it. You're going to get a letter about your rent going up, but it's going to be in your own envelope. With her name crossed out in yours. I remember the last time I bought stamps was when my first daughter was born because I was going on paternity leave.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And I was like, I'll be at home all the time. I won't be able to like go downtown and buy stamps. Yeah. So I have this book of Shania Twain. Is that the only preparation you did for your child coming into the world? My wife was like, I'm going to learn all these breathing exercises. And I was like, I'm getting these Shania Twain stamps. Was Shania Twain in this museum?
Starting point is 00:18:34 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. All right. But again, too deep. Like way at the back? Way at the back. Although that's where you're getting primed for the gift shop.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So you do want to see your Celine Dion's, your Shania Twain's. Yeah. Before you buy them. What is in a wax museum gift shop? Candles? Well, yeah. Wax that didn't make it. A finger.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Different pieces that didn't work. Rejected fingers. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Because the only time. T-shirts and bags, right? Like it says you visited this place. I assume in Montreal there probably is like a scarf or something.
Starting point is 00:19:11 For the home listener, the eye roll she gave. They probably have a scarf that you can either wear or frame. Depending on how much money you have. I'm very rich. I frame my scarves. Depending on how much money you have. I'm very rich. I frame my scarves.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Now, are you tired of talking about the book? No, not at all. I know it sounds like I am because I keep talking about clarinets. Are you? How much? How many more? I also played the clarinet. You did?
Starting point is 00:19:39 Once the braces came off. Yeah, me too. How many more book events do you have? Just two. I have tonight in Vancouver. Then I have one in Chicago and one in Toronto. Next. Or it's called Toronto. Which one is it?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Which? Toronto or Tarana? Toronto. Toronto. Or Tarano. Look, they insist that there's no second T in them. Come on. Well, then why are they putting it in there?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah. Yeah. It's not Van-Uver. It's like if you- No, you're right not van uber thank you yeah saying it wrong i mean i guess it's weird that they get mad at you i'm no one's gone mad okay i just i just hear it in that polite way of like it's actually toronto and i'm like well under what rules of language is that but everybody from there pronounces it without the t right yeah toronto that they say toronto toronto but who cares yeah that's true i just wanted to be clear i just don't want to i don't want any like misfortune to befell me when i'm in the city depending depending on, you know, like some countries you go and
Starting point is 00:20:45 you're like, put your middle finger up and they think that's waving. Oh, I don't want it to be like that. So everyone's too nice to you. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so what, what is it? Tell us a bit about the book. Oh, the book.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Okay. So on throwing shade, I talk about women's issues and try to make them palatable for people to understand. Kind of the awful things that the women face in the world, mostly America, but I try to make it international. Yeah. Why not? Because there's plenty to talk about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And so the book is essentially like a thematic recap. It's not them. I mean, every chapter is about another subject as chapters are nice but instead of being one new story like the show it's more of like this is a pattern look at all these it's taking all the stories that i've talked about over the years and i looked at everything and i said oh this keeps happening this keeps happening and this keeps happening so why don't i do chapters where i kind of pull all the information together oh together and make them funny so that people who maybe don't care about that stuff could care about that stuff. The first feminist book I ever read was called Susan Valuti's Backlash. And I could have cared less about anything going on in my life because I was addicted to diet pills and a full-blown alcoholic and really super lost and didn't know.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And that takes up a lot of the oh my god yeah diarrhea throwing up oh boy where's my next drink gonna come from can i drive a car right now diarrhea again yeah yeah maybe i could throw some cigarettes in the mix um but i so i read this book and it totally changed my outlook on everything because but the thing, is that like a lot of feminist books, it was really dry. It was angry, justifiably, a lot of research, really well laid out, but not really something. I think you have to like be really thirsty for something like that and be able to receive it to, to get through a book like that. And I wanted to write something that you could give your young, dumb cousin and she would be like,
Starting point is 00:22:45 what the fuck is this? And then the next day be like, you changed my life. Yeah. It's just about, it's about waking. My dad's just brewing beer in the basement. And this book really spoke to me.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Listen, before this book, I thought all I had going for me was my dad brewing beer. Now, Graham, what was the first feminist book you read? I read in university, I read like, I don't remember the names of any of them. Bell Hooks or...
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, that sounds familiar. Second Sex? Yeah, Second Sex. Simone Gauvier? And there was another one. The Vagina Monologues? No, it was something about something in the work world or something like that. That was Backlash. Backlash was something about something in the work world or something like that working
Starting point is 00:23:25 girl about women like um there was a full chapter about this construction worker who was getting harassed yeah that sounds familiar yeah yeah but yeah i remember that it was specifically about being like the work world and what class was this this was just like intro to arts was kind of yeah yeah yeah what yeah that would never happen in america really you would never no fuck no it was just like it was just a bunch there were just a bunch of books that we had to read and then write an analysis of or whatever did you read on seeing have you read that book no it's a book by a person i don't remember their name but it's about how to look at art and how to see gender and intention in art it's it was it kind of blew my mind because it it um it breaks down like for example if you see a statue like where is the
Starting point is 00:24:18 statue looking up if the statue is looking up the statue is made to be submissive if the statue is looking down the statue is supposed to be more power, elicit more power. Whoa, really? How you see women in pictures says a lot about the artist. How do they position her in a thing? Is it objectified? Is it respectful? Respectified.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Respectified, which is a real middle muddy ground. But it's Berger, I think his name is. I bet you'd really like it. It's not a very long book book and there's tons of pictures. It's called on seeing. I think it's called on seeing. Yeah. I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:24:51 cause I was, I watched a documentary about, um, the, the movie psycho and, oh, for Alfred Hitchcock, there's one scene where the,
Starting point is 00:25:00 oh, the Alfred Hitchcock version. Yeah. Where he looks, the, the Norman Bates looks at, uh, uh, the woman Hitchcock version? variation because of the way that the woman is looking in the painting and like he he went through every different variation of this because apparently this was a scene that was painted and repainted and repainted and he picked this one specific one because it spoke to this very specific
Starting point is 00:25:34 scene and mentality in the book and that's amazing i mean i think this book is the best book on directing actually that i've ever read because I mean, it's not, it's not directly about, it's not specifically about directing, but it's all about focus and intention with how you place people and things. And I think it's just brilliant anyway, but I think you can apply it to anything feminism. I mean, I definitely, the book isn't necessarily about feminist art or how feminism or women are depicted in art, but it totally is
Starting point is 00:26:05 you know it's just see how how can you open someone's mind to things that are that surround you that show the hidden meaning behind things that just look pretty mundane and you see a picture on the on the wall you're like well it's a naked lady yeah and then he gives you all the oh no it's actually not just a naked lady that she's in a high status position because of this and the painter is in a low status position or you know because she's on a horse and he's being trampled by a horse yeah it's like the da vinci code oh yeah i love it oh sure the uh the womb is the grail. My book is that book for women, but with more vagina jokes. This is fantastic.
Starting point is 00:26:52 So you're trying to make like a, it's a gateway book. Yeah, gateway drug. Very cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I've read the preface and it is, that's the gateway to the book. Yeah. That's right. That's how you get in.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's all a series of gateways. Everything's a gateway. You buy the book. You buy, that's the gateway to the book. Yeah. That's right. That's how you get in. It's all a series of gateways. Everything's a gateway. You buy the book. You buy, that's the gateway to the preface. Yes. Well, the cover is the gateway to the pages. That's true. Are there any glossy photos in this book?
Starting point is 00:27:18 It's all mostly photos. Wow. Yeah. And really off topic photos. Like dogs stuck in trees. Oh, sure. The time Michael Jackson dropped the puck at a hockey game. It's a lot of Michael Jackson either dropping things or threatening to drop things.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Here he is with a box of oats. Oh, it's going to be such a mess if he drops it. One of his children, a hockey puck. Oh, yeah. That to be such a mess if he drops it. One of his children, a hockey puck. Oh, yeah. That wasn't a threat. That was just like, hey, I'm excited about this kid. Is this bad parenting? It is.
Starting point is 00:27:52 He didn't have a great example parenting-wise to kind of figure out how it all. You know, I always say the same thing. If you've lived out of your parents' house longer than you've lived in it, you could probably find someone to help you out. I guess, too, if you're one of the richest men in the world. If you have every option open to you. But that blanket, it was a
Starting point is 00:28:18 nice blanket. We can all agree on that. That was the kind you would frame. If you were rich enough. And he was. Yeah. He probably framed it right afterwards. Don't frame the baby.
Starting point is 00:28:30 His first kid is Prince? Boy, I do not know. I know their names are Prince Jackson, Luscious Jackson. Luscious Jackson? Uh-huh. It was Paris Jackson? Yeah. And then one of them was Blanket.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Blanket. But Blanket is just a nickname based on the potential. Scarring. Yeah. But Prince Michael Jackson was at the Canadian. Prince Michael Jackson. Like the VMAs or something. Do you think children take their father's first and last name? was at the Canadian Prince Michael Jackson like the VMAs or something
Starting point is 00:29:05 do you think children take their father's first and last name that's what that's what that's what he did yeah his name is
Starting point is 00:29:11 Prince Michael Jackson Prince Michael Jackson I tried to make fun of you and I really made fun of myself isn't that terrible but he was
Starting point is 00:29:21 he was presenting some award at a Canadian award show and he uh when they said his name, I was like, oh, is that like a funny like Awkwafina? Like this guy just named, because I didn't think it was Michael Jackson's kid. Paris Jackson. Paris.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. Oh. So he named him after his father? That's my acting warm up. Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. His name So he named him after his father? That's my acting warm-up. Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. His name is my name too. Prince Michael Jackson II is his. That was the one.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Prince Michael Jackson II. How can you be Prince Michael Jackson II if your father is. Not a junior. Or like there's no first. Yeah, that's true. But you know, he broke a lot of rules. Maybe the second isn't. Maybe it's just aye-aye.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah. Like the iPhone, but on the other side and doubled. Thank you. I just want to clear. I wanted to make it more clear for anyone who was on. Yeah, no. I mean, it was pretty crystal clear, I think. Aye-aye.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Aye-aye. I mean, it was pretty crystal clear, I think. Aye, aye. The, but going back to the book that changed your, would you say that's the book that changed your life? Yeah, and my friend Tria actually gave it to me and I think she saw like I was kind of desperate for. Tria? Tria. T-R-I-A. Because didn't we have a guest like four guests ago, four weeks ago, who said Tria and I was like, Tria T-R-I-A Cause Didn't we have a guest like Four guests ago
Starting point is 00:30:45 Four weeks ago Who I said Tria And I was like Tria And they were like No I said Shria Was that
Starting point is 00:30:53 Do you remember that No Okay nevermind Go ahead Tria Okay you remember it Tria like Sharia law Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:00 Thank you She was like my first adult friend Like not Not school friend Not High school friend Right And she. She was like my first adult friend, like not school friend, not high school friend. Right. And she was just... And you look like an adult, so you could make an adult friend very easily. All my friends were floor managers at Pottery Barn. And anybody who had key access to Banana Republic, security guards, all of it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Yeah. That's who I hung out with. Third, fourth grade. Yeah, those were my past. Do you ever read a book to change your life? No? Yeah, no. Life has not been a challenge.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So you didn't need to change. You were already on that. You had everything that you needed. Pretty much. No, didn't need to change. You were already on that. You had everything that you needed. Pretty much. No, I mean, not really. You could have stopped that saying that,
Starting point is 00:31:52 have you ever read a book? I know that you've read a book. But there's a great preface I'm working on. I mean, I said I read it. I'm halfway done the preface. Which in Toronto, they pronounce preface.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. Oh, yeah. If you get that wrong, you will be booed off the stage. I'm going to practice all the way to they pronounce preface. Yeah. Oh, yeah. If you get that wrong, you will be booed off the stage. I'm going to practice all the way to Toronto. Preface. Preface. So beautiful.
Starting point is 00:32:13 No, I don't think my life has been changed by a, uh, I mean, by a, by a movie. Maybe by like, I think I like music a lot. Cause yeah, the Beatles. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:32:32 But that's, you know, there's, there's always gotta be a gateway thing into that other, like there, there must've been something that made you want to do like the comedy thing. But what, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:44 what made me want to stop like the comedy thing but well you know what made me want to stop i'll tell you experience yeah yeah that's pretty much it was there a beatle song that you heard that you thought oh this this is these are my people no you know what my brother had a ton of beatles albums and was there. They had these, the, just all their singles on the past masters. So like the, there was past masters, volume one,
Starting point is 00:33:10 past masters, volume two and volume two had all their later stuff. And, uh, where they, like, I felt like they really had personalities and like, you could tell,
Starting point is 00:33:19 you know, that John wrote songs a different way than Paul wrote songs. Yeah. And that's, I think what it was more than, more than Paul wrote songs. Yeah. And that's, I think, what it was. More than a specific song. But that's a still, that's a gateway into a whole other world that you weren't a part of before that. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Same. When you, have you ever seen a Beatles-based show like Cirque or any of like, um, cause there, I just saw the Cher musical in New York. Uh huh. And? Well,
Starting point is 00:33:52 it was, I mean, I love, love Cher, but it was phenomenal. The best part about it is that it's people who know and love Cher from her, um, from her, um,
Starting point is 00:34:02 variety show days. Right. And people who know and love Cher from her gay dance club phase. Right. So it is two groups of people that should never be in a room together. Watching a thing. And I feel like that same way about the Beatles. Like you would have people, I mean, obviously Beatles fans span generations.
Starting point is 00:34:22 So you could have someone who is like, loved the Beatles when they were like, quote unquote, teeny boppers. Right. And then you could love someone, you could have someone who's like, I love acid and mescaline. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And I like listening to the Beatles on a lot of drugs. Yeah. And I'm super social. You know, it just feels like they. I mean, we went to a Paul McCartney concert. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:40 And there was a lot of like, just like generic classic rock fans. Yeah. And then there were people who were like crying because this is so meaningful to them yeah
Starting point is 00:34:49 yeah and I feel like I was like I'm still undecided because because it's just music that I was always exposed to and I don't know
Starting point is 00:34:59 if I like it or not because I didn't find it it almost wasn't a decision for you no you know like yeah I was thrust upon you yeah I feel like there a decision for you? No. You know, like... Yeah, it was thrust upon you.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Yeah. I feel like there's a lot of stuff like that where you're like, yeah, I think it's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I actively don't like Bob Dylan. Really? Actively.
Starting point is 00:35:16 That's fair. Yeah. Yeah. It's the thing. I don't get harassed online by anyone except for Bob Dylan fans. Oh, I thought you were going to say Bob Dylan. I was like, he has too much time on his hands.
Starting point is 00:35:27 I wish he'd come for me. I would die for a Bob Dylan internet Twitter feud. Oh, man, I would too. Can you imagine? He learns Twitter. He learns how to troll me. Yeah. And then he tries to own me over a tweet.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'm in for it. If he listens to the show, I wouldn't know. Well, he does. But he doesn't do Twitter. It's too bad. That's such a shame. But he loves Canadian podcasts. Seems like something he would be into. Something weird like that. Like he likes Canadian podcasts.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I don't know. I can't even imagine what he's into. I think he's.... I don't, I think he's feeling other people's songs and styles. Yeah. I think he's just like, from all I've heard, he's, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:14 unbearable. Like, uh, how can you like him as a, as a folk hero from the sixties and then watch him in a Cadillac commercial and say, yeah, no, I can,
Starting point is 00:36:24 this jives, this jives this jives for me absolutely yeah i think that generation has uh changed their priorities over time that is a great example of what the boomers have done wrong sure yes a fantastic example i mean my biggest problem with the boomers is that they love the original cast of saturday night live and those 12 minute sketches they like a sketch that'll take you all the way through midnight the thing about bob dylan too was he was like and i don't know if this was a thing like just because there was less media or whatever but like you could just lie about who you were
Starting point is 00:37:02 you just like make up a whole backstory and the media in that time would be like yeah that's fine you're you're what was the last time someone did that where they just like made up uh like azalea azalea i guess what was that she was like an australian person and then she was pretending to be like a like a dirty South rapper. Yeah. Okay. Well, I like the white stripes pretending to be brother and sister. Yeah. Yeah. Did they pretend or did they actually say that or did they just let other people fill in the blanks? I don't know. I don't know either.
Starting point is 00:37:38 But I think, because I don't think his real, I think her real last name is white and his wasn't. Okay. But they wasn't. Okay. But they were married. You know what? You're not confident about it? I am not confident about it. Yeah, but like, I think there was a time, there was like some kind of weird period of time where you could make up your own mythology. And now you can't anymore.
Starting point is 00:38:04 But that was everything. In the 50s, you could be like your own mythology and now you can't anymore everything in the 50s you could be like i want to be a table maker i'm going to be the best table maker in the u.s and then the u.s would be like or anywhere in the world they'd be like there's literally nobody else doing this and you could just be a fucking millionaire that's my view of it if you didn't succeed in the 50s and 60s you were either uh marginalized well true or you were just not trying hard yeah because you could do anything imagine if you had ten thousand dollars now today's money you go back in time in the 50s you could buy all of new york i don't think that's accurate but no no you're right that's right those numbers check if you had like, my ex's brother-in-law, so my ex's sister's husband.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Okay. He bought a piece of land in Park Slope, Brooklyn for $30,000 on a credit card in 1980. What? It is worth three fucking million dollars. Wow. You can't do that shit anymore. But he's still paying the minimum on that credit card. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:39:07 It's a capital one card and it's not oh boy can you imagine selling somebody land here's i just put it on my car i just can't i can't imagine a credit card with that limit they keep trying to raise my limit and i'm like i don't want that what if i accidentally spend that what if i buy a piece of land in a place that might be prosperous one day make me a lot of money that's so none of those what exists like that no city like yeah no one can do that now where are people i have a prediction that people are going to start moving to what's kind of happening in the hudson river valley i don't know if it's happening here but like people going okay i don't really have to be in the city to do my job. Right. I can make some money just doing whatever on the internet. So I'm just going to move to a small town
Starting point is 00:39:48 and bake fucking pies and sell my candles that I sell on Etsy and have a great life. There's a lot of that around. There is. Yeah. Yeah. Is Whistler a place for that? Whistler's expensive.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Whistler's very expensive. But like the islands. Oh, Vancouver Island? Yeah. Between here and Whistler, there's some quaint mountain towns. Yeah, and a lot of like, you know, artists and what have you that can't afford to live in the city have just slowly kind of moved out to these places. And then these places are kind of like. Getting hip.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah. Yeah. That's what I want to do. I want to start a commune somewhere. Well, not a true commune, but like. Just you. Just me. With a shotgun and a bag of flour.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Everything you need to survive. Oh, wow. That sounds really good. Doesn't it sound like Shangri-La? Yeah. Bending off the elements with no electricity. Yeah. Bending off the elements with no electricity.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I just want to be like, I feel like I'm just mentally exhausted in general. And I, Los Angeles is a place where people go to be defeated. And I don't mean that like, you know, in career wise, it just, everything is very hard. Yeah. Going to the grocery store is very hard. Yeah. Going to do anything more than one thing a day is very hard. Right. Everything is hard. Yeah. Going to the grocery store is very hard. Yeah. Going to do anything, more than one thing a day is very hard. Right. Everything is hard.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Yeah. It's unsustainable for sane people. So there has to be an escape plan. Like when we were planning this, I had to like jump on Google Maps because I was like, well, I'm just so used to everything taking so long. I was like, can I even do this today? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do I even have time? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:41:28 How can I get up, have breakfast, do one podcast, then go do my book event? That's so sad. I'm glad you're skipping lunch for it. I am. I did skip lunch because I was so freaked out about the time. Don't worry. I'll have a sandwich. I can split a cookie with you.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Nothing like a bunch of sugar to make your... Well, you got that bag of flour. Yeah. Yeah. Do we want to move on to overheard? Sure. Hi, I'm the JV Club podcast, Janet Varney, and I used to suffer from indecision.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I couldn't choose between Star Wars and Star Trek, whether to call or text, or the best way to cook my eggs. But now, thanks to my weekly dose of We Got This on Maximum Fun, my decisions are made for me. Thanks, Mark and Hal! Warning, We Got This may cause shouting, phone throwing, the illusion that the hosts can hear you, laughter on public transit, and death.
Starting point is 00:42:23 We Got This with Mark and Hal. We know what's best. This holiday season, we're flooding the MaxVon store with our biggest ever new product launch. 17 brand new items from some of your favorite shows. I bet you know someone who needs a new shirt or mug, maybe a hoodie. Cozy up in a pair of MaxFun logo socks or keep the sun out of your eyes with a rocket dad hat. There is literally no better holiday gift for the MaxFun fan in your life than some new gear. And hey, pick yourself up a little something, too. You deserve it. Check it all out at
Starting point is 00:43:08 That's Overheard. Overheard's a segment in which we hear hilarious things out there in the world and we love to share them here on the podcast and we always like to start with the guest erin if you would please okay so i've been on a lot of flights and one and really they've been without any incident except that i was on a flight i don't remember where i was it was on a flight. I don't remember where I was. It was like a month ago, which colors nothing. And for the home listener,
Starting point is 00:43:52 we're recording this on the 14th of November. So like a month before that, a picture of plane. What were planes like in October? So there was a, okay. If you sit in the exit rows, they usually come to every airline has a different spiel that they give you, but it's essentially like, are you willing and able to help people exit the plane in a case of emergency? And then they go to every person and they have to get a verbal yes.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And so they were going, she was going through this six, or there was like 12 people that, three people in each row two rows that needed to that helps nobody but you can only imagine what six seats looks like look like a plane and she's getting yes from everybody and then there's a woman who has never sat in an exo aisle before and then she goes are you willing and able to help people out of the plane? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Gets to this woman. Ma'am, I need a verbal yes. I can't do this. I can't. She goes, I can't lift people out of the plane.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Pick people up and get them out. I can't do that. All the people on the plane. You want me to carry all the people out of the plane? I wrote it down. This is exactly. I was. I didn't believe it and she goes
Starting point is 00:45:06 ma'am you don't have to lift every person out of the plane in case of emergency are you just willing to help she's like no no no no I can't
Starting point is 00:45:13 I'm supposed to lift she goes I'm supposed to lift a man out of the plane picturing like Superman throwing a safe yeah yeah and just like having to go bring somebody out well back in i go what i've never seen anything like this before because the flight attendant
Starting point is 00:45:33 didn't know what to do yeah like well you can't sit here unless you agree to this yeah so the woman she was i'm gonna let you think about it for a second, and I'm going to be back. And then the people around you come on, let's convince her. No one talked to her. She was a pariah. We were like, oh, great. Now the flight's going to be delayed because this lady's having a weird crisis about what isn't expected of her. And finally, she came back, and she goes, ma'am, are you willing and able? She goes, I mean, how many people?
Starting point is 00:46:04 And she's like, are you willing? Just say She goes, I mean, how many people? And she's like, are you willing? Just say yes. All you have to do is say yes. Everyone was like, it's not going to happen. You're never going to, but you know,
Starting point is 00:46:12 I did think once it became like a really big deal, I was like, this is the point. And this woman is going to make everyone die. I said, yeah,
Starting point is 00:46:21 I lied. I can't do it. Yeah. I let everybody pressure me and they're saying yes okay get on my shoulders I guess I'll carry the 700 pound man
Starting point is 00:46:31 I guess I'll just she's like trying to do the hardest do we each have to carry a different person I'll just take out the luggage now how do you know
Starting point is 00:46:39 there will be the exact right amount of injured people yeah but I like, I appreciate her honesty. You know, that she's like,
Starting point is 00:46:49 no, I can't. She should have said no, though. Well, she didn't. She was not willing to get out of the... This is American. This is American. I'm not willing
Starting point is 00:46:56 to not do this thing that I want. But I'm also not willing to do the thing that's required of me to sit in this seat. So we are at an impasse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Who's going to give up up first i just clicked yes even though i did not read the thing uh wow i know my overheard's gonna pale in comparison sorry i literally had a month that was so good you've had your whole life my whole i've been waiting for this moment. Dave? Speaking of not having anything. Oh, yeah. So this past Saturday, I did a live show for the Vancouver Podcast Festival. And it was a, it really reminded me of why I don't like performing. Like that feeling of all day long of, oh, I have something to do at nine o'clock tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I can't. And it's not sleeping. Yeah. Yeah. It's not staying in. Yeah. I can't cancel. It's not like a fun thing where like,
Starting point is 00:47:55 Oh, you know what? These tickets for $30, you know what? It's I'd prefer to stay home. Yeah. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:48:01 no, it's, uh, I had to go perform for people, but it was, uh, there were, uh, signs for, perform for people but it was uh there were uh signs for there's two uh burlesque shows happening around town oh yes uh and i love uh i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:48:16 see burlesque on purpose is that like i don't see race that's what i mean it's like i mean we're all burlesque as far as I'm concerned. Am I right, people? All burlesque lives matter. So I really have just been seeing posters of like, you know, there was Weird Al Burlesque. Sure. Are you familiar with what's going on with burlesque? I didn't know it was such a cottage industry.
Starting point is 00:48:44 They're having a lot of fun with the female body. Yeah. Yeah. They are not. The thing about burlesque, not afraid to be silly. I'm shocked. Yeah. They are not afraid of silliness.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So eat it is being stripped to. Probably. Yeah. Okay. So the two burlesque ads I saw, there was Fleetwood Mac burlesque. Yeah. Very sexy. Oh, yeah. Very sexy musicwood Mac burlesque. Yeah. Very sexy. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Very sexy music, all about sexing. Yeah. It's about violent relationships. Well, I mean, except, you know, lay me down in the tall grass and let me do my stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Right. But sort of, if you think about it, it's on the face of the lyrics. Not great. Let me do my stuff. Well, you're in the grass. You're second to this situation. Yeah. You're just part of the grass. Yeah. I hope you Let me do my stuff. Well, you're in the grass. You're second to this situation.
Starting point is 00:49:25 You're just part of the grass. I hope you don't have hay fever. And the other one is Seinfeld burlesque. Just to the baseline? I don't know. I was thinking about that. I was like, what? There'd be a witchy woman. Desperado.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I'm sure somebody doing the Elaine dance. Oh oh there's gotta be that yeah wasn't there also a storyline with uh joseph and the amazing technicolor dream yeah yes and also you know somebody's gonna with opera yes it's the same episode no uh and then like you know somebody's gonna do a kramerramer slide, slide into the stage and do. I mean, it like, but like they can't all be doing a Kramer slide. Somebody's going to be a Newman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 When is this? I feel like. No, they all seem. You just sold yourself on it. Yeah. They all seem like so much fun. Yeah. I just, you know, I'm not going to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I might. like so much fun yeah i just you know well i'm not gonna do it uh i might like the more i think about seinfeld burlesque the more i'm like what's your overheard or scene mine is uh courtesy of somebody you know sometimes you're thinking something and then some crotchety old person is saying, they're saying what you're thinking. And it's so satisfying to hear it back. I was on the ferry. This is a boat. It's not like a magical flying. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Canada, English, American English. So different. in English. So different. There was a kid that was running back and forth and doing the same
Starting point is 00:51:07 I'm back again to these I don't think parental units. I think people who were just happened to be sitting on the boat.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Okay. And the kid would run the length of the ferry and then run all the way back. I'm back again. And this went on
Starting point is 00:51:22 and on and on. And one of the times that she left, I was getting very annoyed at it. But I thought the old lady that she was doing it to was into it, but she wasn't. And she said,
Starting point is 00:51:32 I bet you she comes back again. Grouchy old lady. But that's, yeah. I mean, yeah. I have a good thing for, this is really, I don't find children in Canada to be that annoying, yeah. I mean, yeah. I have a good thing for, this is really, I don't find children in Canada to be that annoying, but. You should say longer.
Starting point is 00:51:58 This is probably a American, I'd say Californian or, you know, maybe an Oregon kid. I'm just saying potentially this could be an awful American. Oh. But what I like to say is, hey, this is not your living room. That's really... And they don't understand what that means, but I get a lot of satisfaction out of it. Because in their head, they're like, yeah, I know. This is not my living room. What's your point?
Starting point is 00:52:16 I'm doing my thing. I'm going to run the length of this boat and come back and check in with you in a second. That's a kid that everyone's waiting to trip. Yeah. Yeah. And then everyone kind of does a little... Yay. come back and check in with you a second. That's a kid that everyone's waiting to trip. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then everyone kind of does a little.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yay. Now, we also have overheard sent in from people all over the map. If you want to send one in to us, you can send it in to spy at This first one comes from Lisa K. Kudrow? Yeah, Lisa Kudrow. Big fan of the show. she's probably my favorite of the friends i mean gunther fine every day with gunther your favorite friend um yeah um yeah
Starting point is 00:52:58 okay i think i think i i guess jennifer aniston. I know that's not her name on Friends. No, it is. Well, I went with Lisa Kudrow. Lisa Kudrow is easy to love. I think Jennifer Aniston is hard. Well, yeah. It takes a brave person to love Jennifer Aniston. Well, you're so brave.
Starting point is 00:53:20 This is two brothers, about six and 12 years old, were walking the opposite direction on a trail from our friend Lisa. The older brother, that's not a talent. Younger brother, are you sure? Dropping things? And the older brother says, no, it's not. And the younger brother says, then why am I so good at dropping things? How is it not a talent, man?
Starting point is 00:53:48 Weren't we just talking about dropping things earlier michael jackson oh yeah yeah the most talented man in the world that is true but he didn't drop that baby uh no that's true but uh that was that was gonna drop a new album it will happen he did he has yeah and it'll you you know, he's a cash cow to somebody out there, you know? I think they, like, a couple years after his most recent posthumous album came out, the record label had to admit, it wasn't all Michael Jackson. Who was it? Justin Timberlake? I actually didn't. I only read the preface of the article.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Justin was like, yeah, don't give me credit on this. But if it's okay, I will keep singing like Michael Jackson for my own career. Thanks. They're like, we have no problem with that. Have you heard this Man of the Woods album that came out? No, but I got to make fun of it so much this weekend. Because he canceled. Oh. He was supposed to be in town this weekend, so there were a lot of people. Timberlake? Timberlake.
Starting point is 00:54:51 For two shows. Yeah, and there were a lot of people who were in town that had non-refundable flights and whatever, so they were at the comedy show I was at all weekend. Oh. And so I got to really tear into him for the delight of the audience. Why did he cancel? Because his widow voice heard the man of the woods. That's not very man of the woods.
Starting point is 00:55:14 If you're a real man of the woods, you nut up and you sing. Yeah, you come out and yodel like you would at the top of a mountain. This is shocking. I had no idea about this. Did you not know this? No, he's doing a full ad for Portland.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Yeah, exactly. What is the word? It's just, what is he? Is he doing like a Kings of Leon thing? Is he going into like a Mumford and Sons territory? I think it's a lot more acoustic-y. I don't know what, I haven't heard any of the music. Like at least, even with the Trolls movie he was in, there was a single.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Yeah. Like, I haven't heard. Is that on this album? I don't know. I don't think so. It's I Can't Feel My Face, right? That's the Trolls. Yeah, but it was really, it was very satisfying, too.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I am, I am shook I had no idea this was happening you have it in front of you when did it come out 2013 no sorry March of this year
Starting point is 00:56:16 yeah that's I heard nothing about it and then he was at the was it Super Bowl yeah but he was wearing the denim jacket.
Starting point is 00:56:28 So he's not rescheduling. He just says the tour is over. He, yeah. Bruised vocal cords. Yeah. You got someone slapped him in the throat? I'm sorry. At a certain point, I would think, if you're a musician,
Starting point is 00:56:49 I'm only basing this off of the small, small tours we do. There's a certain point where I'm like, I can't physically do all these dates. So no. Yeah. Yeah. And so I'd like to do a normal amount of dates so I don't like get mono or like, you know, die. Or bruise my vocal cords. Bruise my vocal cords. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 But that, uh, uh, yeah, yeah that's not i've never heard that term before i've heard of like nodules yeah yeah uh but a bruised vocal cord i mean i'm thinking i want to see a a like a purple throat i'm just gonna read this yeah i know i'm just reading the internet now toronto star journalist nick kruin too many too many sounds in that name who attended the opening date gave it a score of four out of four writing the stellar tour kickoff delivers the hits and the spectacle even with some of the most elaborate sophisticated visual technology available at his disposal pop superstar justin timberlake managed to have his campfire moment
Starting point is 00:57:46 at the Air Canada Center Tuesday night with a literal campfire. I hate everything. He lit a fire on stage and people were like, I paid $60 for this. At least. At least. Also, there's that big fire in California right now
Starting point is 00:58:04 that's called the Campfire. I'm a little confused by it. At least. At least. Also, there's that big fire in California right now. Yeah. That's called the Camp Fire. I'm a little confused by it. By the name. Do you know why most of the fires in California start? Because of sparks from our antiquated electric grid. Really? They just did a big story about it.
Starting point is 00:58:22 A lot of it is just like just an Edison style spark in the woods. Wow. A lot of the ones up here, cigarettes. Oh, God. Well, actually I heard there's a lot in America that Justin Timberlake is out in the woods.
Starting point is 00:58:39 That's true. He's rubbing two pieces of wood together. He started this fire. I'm going to be so mad at him yeah he no but he that that one on stage he goes out there two sticks and there's just a drummer he uh playing a drum roll and then the drummer rubs their sticks together and then he shouts fire and that bruises his vocal cords too much smoke that. That's what it is. Too much smoke on stage. Have you ever heard this?
Starting point is 00:59:08 There it is. Timberlake was cool and commanding, taking the stage in a jean jacket. I mean, we always hear that up here in Canada. Yeah. Take the stage before the stage takes you. I have one hour before I have to go to my venue. I'm going to eat ramen and I'm going to read about this fucking album. I'm not joking. I'm telling you that's what I'm doing with my time.
Starting point is 00:59:30 It just occurred to me. His name has Timber in it. It's back to basics for him. Yeah, it really is. He's a man of the woods. That's what it means. I think that's what it means because it's also Timber and there's a lake in there as well. He's not a man of the lake.
Starting point is 00:59:44 He's a lady of the lake. But you wait until his next album. Next over her. What were you saying? Sorry. Let me just absolve us all from any responsibility to talk about Justin Timberlake any longer. But I do offline want to hear about what you said about. Were you just like tooling on him?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Yeah. And I had a pretty good one offline i was like he's he's a man of the woods like i'm bringing sexy back that was pretty good that's a great joke that's good enough yeah um this next one comes from kim oh uh this is uh when my husband was a kid so this goes way back he was sleeping he was sleeping at his dad's childhood of divorce, and awoke to his father's lady friend screaming, Rick, I sat on my teeth. I broke my teeth. So she, in the middle of the night, sat on her dentures and broke them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Wow. I was imagining a sexual thing. Yeah. Well, Wow. I was imagining a sexual thing. Yeah. Well, maybe it was. Maybe that was the particular kink. She's a contortionist or something. Oh, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Sit on her own teeth. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's what the big banner at the circus said. A lady who sits on her own teeth. Yeah, that's a weird. I mean, like young people i'm assuming she's in her like 40s if a kid is sleeping at his divorced dad's i i don't know like back in the old days they were like people would get dentures when they were like i mean
Starting point is 01:01:21 everyone in denture commercials is a like handsome 40 year old yeah but like what my grandmother when she was a teenager they offered to just take out her teeth and like because in england and a doctor or someone in an alley and a guy in an alley but because the dental system's so bad over there or was that they were like, we'll just get rid of your teeth and then you'll have dentures. And that was like common practice in Ireland. That sounds like a really weird way around just having good dental hygiene. Yeah. Yeah. We could have our kids floss and brush, or we could yank all their teeth out after their
Starting point is 01:02:03 12th birthday. Give them dentures. kids floss and brush or we could yank all their teeth out after their 12th birthday cheers hey irish people i think you're gonna figure out that mashed is how you like your potatoes from here on out uh this last one comes from julie c in royal oak michigan the other day my husband and i were driving home from work and while stopped at a stoplight the man in the car next to us caught our attention and told us to roll down the window. When I rolled it down
Starting point is 01:02:28 so he could talk he yelled at me you have a dead cat in your wheel well. Of course my husband and I were horrified and reacted as such and then the guy
Starting point is 01:02:36 just said to us nah I'm just kidding with you and drove away. Prank of the decade. What a terrible joke What if that's why Justin Timberlake Cancelled his tour
Starting point is 01:02:48 There was a dead cat in the wheel well on my bus It bummed me out so much Yeah we're all taking We're all taking a couple weeks off Tour's cancelled No more dates Now in addition to overheards that are written And we also accept your phone calls
Starting point is 01:03:02 If you would like to leave us a message Call in your overheard Dial 1-844-779-7631. That's 1-UGH-SPYPOD-1. Hi, David and Graham and possible guests. This is Sharif calling from Oakland, California. I'm calling with an overseen. I was swiping on Bumble or Tinder or one of those. And they have an option where you can connect your Spotify
Starting point is 01:03:28 account, and this person's top Spotify artist number one slot was Hugh Jackman. Greatest showman. Greatest showman. Maybe Les Mis. Also,
Starting point is 01:03:44 the soundtrack from Logan, I assume. Yeah. I assume he had some songs on that. That Baz Luhrmann Australia movie that might have had a song in it. Yeah, maybe the closing credits. Australia, how I love you. Hugh Jackman came out and said that he's friends with Ivanka and Jared Trump. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:04:04 Sorry, Jared Kushner. Really? Yeah, and that they don't talk about politics. And so that's why Hugh Jackman's kind of dead to me this week. Yeah. And he won't be able to redeem himself. But until that point, I was like, yeah, you know what? He's got a great voice and he's a great performer.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Oh, normally women like it when he goes to Jared. He went to Jared. That's what I'm saying. He went to Jared. He went to Jared. That's what I'm saying. He went to Jared. These are all the commercials. He went to Jared. He went to Jared. He went to Jared.
Starting point is 01:04:33 He went to Jared. It's all acting exercise. Yeah. It's a who's on first, but the sentence always never changes. It's I'm gelling for women. Here's your next phone call. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Hey, Dave Graham and possible guests. This is Michael in Arizona, and I'm at the grocery store, and I'm at the phase in my life where I Googled best frozen chicken pot pie, and Google came up with the autofill result I Googled best frozen chicken pot pie. Google came up with the autofill result of best frozen chicken pot pie 2018. Anyway, off I go.
Starting point is 01:05:19 We went through the J.D. Powers Association. We're not waiting for the end of the year To put this out Also he called back Also it's Marie Calendars In case you guys were wondering Of course it is I don't know do we get that I think it's an American chicken pot pie No you probably do it's just probably called Julie
Starting point is 01:05:38 Julie Canada Julie Canada I couldn't think of anything like calendar Julie Almanac. There it is. Great. Perfect. You nailed it.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Thank you. It took me too long. And so going through the calls this week, I was like, okay, Aaron's here. The book is feminasty. Surely a woman has called us. Nope. But two of them wrote in. Yeah so there you go and i'm happy like equality now here is the final call this was actually a guy who just sent us a voice memo
Starting point is 01:06:16 over his phone it's too close as matt and too close in your ears I was walking down the street the other day and I saw John Voight and I heard him yell, no, you look great to somebody in a car. Well, off I go. Pretty good. It was Angelina Jolie. I don't think they're on speaking terms.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I think he wants to be on speaking terms with her. But not enough that he would return a compliment because she wouldn't have given it in the first place. And somebody told me recently that he used to, when a Brad Pitt and Julie were together, that he used to bad mouth Angelina to Brad Pitt. He seems like a kind of guy who's like, ah,
Starting point is 01:06:59 it's just those guys in the room. Yeah. Shit on my daughter. Yeah. I didn't like hackers who your thoughts too much spandex jokes oh man they they i believe they have a bad relationship because and number one he's a bad father that probably does nothing to rectify that and number two his politics are terrible
Starting point is 01:07:20 and isn't he also just kind of deranged kind of yeah yeah like a gary bucey kind of like although i think gary bucey's actually a nice guy oh yeah yeah yeah you can be deranged and nice yeah yeah yeah since when did you know where is it written yeah exactly cut to next week gary bucey me too eric gibson pie in her face again. Another man she thought was okay. Do you have ever have that? Cause you guys are tour so much that you pre-tape and like, I, the last few,
Starting point is 01:07:51 you were like, okay, this is coming out after the, or whatever. Yeah. Before we, we had an episode before the election. And you were like,
Starting point is 01:08:00 uh, congrats to us on our democratic Senate. Do you ever have like someone who you're like this person's a great guy gary bucey's so great and then something oh in my book actually i had a had like a thing about in it i was like something about something something something but in and out burger you can stay and then the week my book came out in and out burger they found out that they were like giving money to the republican party in california and everyone was like oh in an out burger you suck it turned out they had given equal amounts of money to democrats and republicans which i don't understand that move no why not give none to i mean i guess yeah regardless of who gets in you can be like hey i gave you some money that's
Starting point is 01:08:40 what it is it's all about like influence because tes Tesla did the same thing. And, uh, they, on the bottom of their cups, uh, they have Bible verses, but on the bottom of their burgers, they have, uh, Satan verses. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:51 Yeah. That's true. What's your favorite Satan verse? Oh boy. Uh, well, uh, let he who is without horns,
Starting point is 01:08:59 uh, uh, mine is hot enough for you. The opening Satan one 15. Yeah. I mean, that's more of a Satan bumper sticker. mine is hot enough for you the opening satan 115 yeah I mean that's more of a satan bumper sticker oh Aaron thank you so much for being a guest
Starting point is 01:09:14 what a delight what a romp we went from clarinets to Justin Timberlake and back again I mean they're really not that far your book is out in America and in Canada. And in Canada. Sorry, can I go back to Justin Timberlake and clarinets? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Man of the Woodwinds? There it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad we went back. We'll be shocked when he comes out with that tour next year. Sure.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Or like if there is maybe already a tribute clarinet album. I'm not joking. I think i would listen to him if he went like that far weird yeah well why not it's the it's the i don't know if he's doing country i don't want to talk about justin timmerman no i understand is he pandering to country fans is he trying to like get the alt pop contingent like what is he? I don't understand the whole thing. I think it's, I think you become so famous that you are only around people who are sycophantic. And then you say, I'm going to do this album. And everybody goes, that's great. That's great.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Yeah. Great. I don't, I don't want to get off of this gravy train ever. So I'm going to say everything you say is great. Can you imagine making a mistake that big and still making money? Yeah. Yeah. like going like, well, I mean, no one likes this album, but I still have a bunch of songs
Starting point is 01:10:32 that will come and see you at the stadium. There are people who come and see me at a stadium because they think I'm going to sing Sexy Back. Yeah. And I am. And I have to. And I'm going to make tons. I'm going to make so much money off of them. But then I also get to do my campfire thing. What else?
Starting point is 01:10:50 Okay. Yes. It's all there. Listen to Throwing Shade. That's all there. We have tour dates on the website. They're no longer on
Starting point is 01:10:59 That's right. They left because you didn't support them. Are you waving at me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, Graham. Well, I don't want to get into it, but there were not thinly veiled threats, but very direct threats. I have evidence of all the things you've done to me.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Yeah. I'm not in the Gary Busey's good guy. No, no, no. But the show's better than ever. You've got that great engineer now. Sam. Part of the show. Who I've known for like 15 years randomly.
Starting point is 01:11:28 We used to do a UCB together. Shits his pants way too much. You know what? I'm glad he's on the show because I feel like now you guys have someone to like identify with. You know? Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:42 I feel seen. Women's issues. LGBTgbtq issues checking that box um thank you so much for being a guest for having me i'm so glad we worked this out i just full disclosure i come to vancouver well i've been to vancouver we never made it happen and now magically we did it. And thank you for doing it. Yeah. You deserve all the credit. I did nothing.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I took a cab here. That was it. But then you were wonderful. So there was also that. Then you have that. Yeah. How you like me now. And all you listeners out there, if you like the show, please do tell your friends and
Starting point is 01:12:21 come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Do you want to guess what his backup band is called on this tour? Is it the Something Something Boys? Is it something like that? It's worse than that but there is a boys like word in it. The Blue Mountain Ridge gang. Kind of. Something and sons?
Starting point is 01:12:53 Worse than sons. Oh, worse than sons. What would your sons be to you if you were a father? They'd be your... Kin. Your boys, your kids. Oh, boy. Justin Timberlake and the Tennessee Kids.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Nothing's right about this. No. And he said, well, I don't know who's on this side. He said, Graham also praised Timberlake's band, the Tennessee Kids. He said they became his own E Street band. And that the show recalled a Bruce Springsteen concert. I don't't I can't well there was that
Starting point is 01:13:27 jean jacket this is an asshole speaking of people who had a saxophone and everything yeah oh boy but he's like he's from Tennessee
Starting point is 01:13:35 but he's really from Orlando like you can't be from Tennessee if you live there for four years yeah before you became a child star
Starting point is 01:13:43 yeah oh he's yeah he's, yeah. He's a Mickey Mouse clubber. Yeah, that's true. Like, uh... But he was the most felicity of them. That's true.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Yeah. Now, if he's not wearing this outfit... Or is it the Justin and Britney full denim? Yes! That is what I feel.
Starting point is 01:13:58 I don't need to show you the picture. That is what I feel like the internet's original reaction to his album was. And the rest of the reaction was apathy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Okay. I can't wait. My friend loves Justin Timberlake and he's like a really good dude. And I'm just going to like send him this picture. I'm going to be like, who's your God now? Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Listener supported.

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