Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 595 - Taz VanRassel

Episode Date: August 12, 2019

Taz VanRasselĀ of the Sunday Service returns to talk local diner chains, Montreal, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 595 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's footloose and kid-free this week, Mr. Dave Shovka. Yeah, we are childless. Our children have been sent away to sort of, I guess, like etiquette school. They're walking with books on their heads. Whatever you do with, whenever you would send your children away.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah, they're a bunch of Matildas. Yes. Yes. They're with grandma and grandpa. Yeah. Fun. Fun for them. Having fun on the island.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I don't know if there's a week's worth of fun for them. They're usually a little burned out. Like, uh, last time they, Mario thought she had been there for so long she thought she was gonna live there forever. But, you know, she hasn't caught up on the
Starting point is 00:01:18 last season of Game of Thrones, so that'll take that'll eat up some time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we're gonna join them after they've been there for a week and spend like four more days there. So I think that might be pushing it. But there's, I don't know, there's things to do. Water? A lake?
Starting point is 00:01:35 It's an island, so it's surrounded by water everywhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She'll probably be jet skiing by the time you get there. Aw, they grow up so fast. Uh, our guest today, a returning guest to the podcast, a very funny comedian. Returning champion. Yeah, a returning champion, absolutely. Here to defend his title.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Uh, he is a member of the Sunday Service, which performs each and every Sunday at the Fox Cabaret. It's Taz Van Rassel. Hello. Hello. One of the founding members. That's right. That Cabaret. It's Taz Van Rassel. Hello. Hello. One of the founding members. That's right. That's true. Let's get that straight.
Starting point is 00:02:08 You are on the Mount Rushmore of Sunday's campus. Yeah, 14 years ago. If you leave. I'm hoping a dream in a vegan restaurant. If you leave, they can't go on. Is there a protocol for if you or Ryan die? Ghost protocol. Is it called a ghost protocol?
Starting point is 00:02:25 I don't know That was impossible Oh I see I see No there's no protocol We're all Partners No no
Starting point is 00:02:33 No no What's the word When you leave And no one cares Dispensable Yeah dispensable Yeah Emmett
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah dispensable He's gone What was the vegan restaurant That was Wink. It was called the Wink. Wink. Yeah, Alistair owned that. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And the whole building. I lived on the second floor. Alistair lived on the third. And the vegan restaurant and Sunday service birthplace was on the floor. Wow. The garden suite, if you will. How long were you there before you moved to, was the Cosmic Zoo, but it started out as A year.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Like one year exactly. And then the place went under. Okay. And then we moved to the Hennessy. The Hennessy. Yes. That's right. That was the original title.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Well, before that, it was Stars on Broadway. Right. Way back. This is a little bit of Vancouver restaurant history. It was a karaoke lounge, right? We went there once because I was fascinated by this one block that had three or four there was uh like businesses that had stars in the names of it there was stars on broadway which is uh i guess a karaoke bar makes sense yeah uh there was reno's shoes for the stars
Starting point is 00:03:42 and there was like star nameails. Five Star Nails. The Star District. Yeah. Do you want to get to know us? Oh, yeah. Now it's the Weed District. Do you want to get to know us? Yeah. Do you want me to talk?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Say things like that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everything's the Weed District now. Or the Vape district. If you've got an abandoned storefront, all you have to do is just come up with a vape pun. The big one on that block is Herbs R Us.
Starting point is 00:04:14 That's the R in everything. That's what Toys R Us are. Before it was weed and vape stores everywhere, it was ink cartridge refilling. Yep. Oh, yeah. That's right. And then maybe before that, it was like discount DVD stores.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You could go and buy CDs and DVDs for really cheap. These were the easy to set up businesses. And before that, just green grocers, something that was helpful. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, at the beginning of it all, it was stores that people needed. But now, oh no, I think people need escape rooms. That's true. We went to an escape room on, speaking of my week, we went to an escape room on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Was that your first? No, no, no. Are you an enthusiast? I'm an escapist. I like it. Okay. Not often, like once a year. What level of difficulty? This was a level three out of five. Okay. Not often, like once a year. What level of difficulty?
Starting point is 00:05:05 This was a level three out of five. Okay. Who determines that? Is there like a council? Exit Broadway. Do they have different rooms at different levels? Oh, okay. They do.
Starting point is 00:05:18 We didn't do Avalanche, which is a five. Okay. What was this one? I have done the Dracula one, though, and that was quite hard. We did not escape. Was that a four or a five? I think it was a four. Okay. This one was good. It was Arc one? I have done the Dracula one, though, and that was quite hard. We did not escape. Was that a four or a five? I think it was a four. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:27 This one was good. It was Arcade Frenzy. Okay. So it was kind of like what Aaron described it as, kind of like if you asked, hey, do you know how to paint? Can you do it really fast and make it look shitty? That's what the whole thing looks like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Half-assed, sort of, and you can't always tell. Like, is this the start of a maze? But the paint is bleeding through and, like, little puzzles and stuff, so you can't totally tell. One of our lasers was broken. You had lasers?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. So tell me about this room. What was the puzzle? I mean, I can't reveal that. Okay. I already said the name of the puzzle? I can't reveal that. Okay. I already said the name of the business. I'm a fool. How many do you want us to go back and bleep?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yeah, can you take that out? But like really dramatically, like an old one, like a... Okay, I mean... Like I said, like a really bad sex word on a game show back in the 70s. How many people were in your group? Four. Myself, Aaron, Ryan, and Mark. You know them.
Starting point is 00:06:33 They've been on the show. They've all been on the show. Did they say their last names? No, we'll bleep them. Okay, cool. The... What made you decide to go to an escape room? Just free time? Just fun, team building.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I always wanted to go and then everyone agreed. So I was like, okay, I'll organize it. Nice. I've only been to one once and we solved it really quick. But I don't know if it was like a super easy. You didn't know the ranking? Yeah. On the international scale?
Starting point is 00:07:07 On the international escape room scale. Yeah. Did it have a Michelin star? Yeah, I was in the Gordon Ramsay escape room. It was mostly just a guy in a wig yelling at me. Of all the famous chefs, who do you think is good? They're all good, but who do you think? that like who do you think is good are they they're all good but who do you think good people but no good chefs like you see gordon gordon ramsay's maybe the most famous chef in the world yeah is his would you want to eat his food more than like jamie
Starting point is 00:07:35 oliver or i probably want to eat jamie oliver's food yeah seems like a good person or like wolfgang puck uh he's probably really good he seems seems like... Listen to Sean Devlin's new album coming out. He's got a whole thing about how he's not. Oh, really? Yeah. Not a good person?
Starting point is 00:07:51 Or a good chef. A good chef. Oh, okay. Good food. I don't know. He's probably a bad person. I'll stand by that. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Wolfgang Puck. Garbage. Garbage person. I mean his airport pizza restaurant. Not very good. Spoiler. This is a whole... This his airport pizza restaurant, not very good. Spoiler. This is a whole shot down the table.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Sorry. You can't judge a chef by his airport restaurant. It's an unfair measure. What about the local chefs, like Feeney? Feeney is, I feel like... Have you been to those? I've never been to any of his. No, well, no, but he is kind of, he's risen the ranks of being a local chef and now he's
Starting point is 00:08:31 just like a mercenary. Right. Like he'll be, I'm the head chef at White Spot now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he travels around the country. He does a commercial. Sponsorship deals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah. What about Vige? I don't know. I've never been there. It's pretty good. It's expensive. Yeah. Yeah. What about Vige? I don't know. I've never been there. It's pretty good. It's expensive. Yeah. It's not as expensive
Starting point is 00:08:49 as like a very, like, it's not as expensive as any other super famous local restaurant. Right. Like Tojo's or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I've had his frozen food. Yeah, I've had Vige's frozen food. That's okay. Put all of it in a bag. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry for everyone listeningidge's frozen food. That's okay. Put all of it in a bag. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. Sorry for everyone listening. We'll bleep all the names of the local businesses and chefs. I used to work for Thomas Haas.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Who's that? He's a very, not very famous pastry chef, apparently. Okay. A chocolatier. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Not to be confused with Tommy Haas, the German tennis player. That's who I was thinking. And we're Haas, the German tennis player. That's who I was thinking of. And we're going to start the show any minute. Oh, this isn't the show? What did you do when you worked for Pastry Chef?
Starting point is 00:09:33 Were you just working in the front? I was a manager. He was a supplier, actually. Okay. So I didn't actually work with him. Was this when you worked at Senses? Yes. When I worked at Senses.
Starting point is 00:09:42 You don't have to bleep that. Went under because of me, probably. Why? What did you do? Nothing. It just just no one wanted fancy chocolate anymore i guess that's true people just want to wait he branched off and started his own so we were selling it while he had his own tonic sauce like actual oh yeah i think they were upset or something but i didn't care yeah i would get in an argument with him every week, too, which was very funny. For me, especially. I wasn't arguing. He would just yell at me.
Starting point is 00:10:10 He was German. Very, very passionate chef. He was like, why are you doing this to me, Taz? I don't know what I'm doing. Also, you're not my boss. And then he would hang up on me. And then the next week, he's like, Taz, how are you? Great to see you. Great to see taz how are you great to see
Starting point is 00:10:25 you great to see you why are you doing this to me yeah um what were you doing to him i don't remember okay i think not caring yeah not being a foodie selling his chocolate at a half price i wasn't being passionate is what what it was he wanted passion and I couldn't fake it. Yeah. It's hard to be. But that's such a like if like the If the actor can't fake passion? No, I just mean like
Starting point is 00:10:52 you don't work for him you work for a store that sells his thing. It's like if Eminem was called up Yeah. Walmart and was like talking to the cashier.
Starting point is 00:11:01 You care about this? I mean technically I was in management, but still, yeah, there was no... That's why I was like, no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Where's the love, Taz? The, uh... Those are all the famous chefs I can think of. I mean, there's Guy Fieri. And... Why can't I think of any women chefs? Oh, the Giada De Laurentiis.
Starting point is 00:11:27 There we go. How about the salt, fat, sugar lady on Netflix? Oh. I don't know. I don't know her name. I watch those. Oil is one of them. Is it olive oil from Popeye's?
Starting point is 00:11:41 Salt, fat, sugar, oil. There's like four episodes, and it's all about those main ingredients. Yeah, yeah. I've seen it on Netflix. I haven't watched that, but I've seen it in my going through, like, I just look at Netflix these days and I'm just... Just to browse. I have no motivation. Where's my motivation? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, like, are there... Because I feel like everybody's getting a different thing that's promoted to different uh algorithm or whatever so like i don't know i don't know what i watched to get the yeah yeah yeah i don't know what who netflix thinks i am yeah but like for sure netflix is like thinks i'm way into aziz Ansari. But I did,
Starting point is 00:12:30 I discovered a show that was pretty good on Netflix called last chance you. And that's not something I thought I would ever watch. It's about football. It's about football. It's like kids. It's a university football. Yeah. Kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah. Yeah. Anything, anything younger than you? I'm 41. You kids keep me young. So you beat the escape room. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:12:49 We did. We did. Aaron was on time watch. He mostly stands there in the corner quite quiet. 22 minutes. He really clammed up. He solved a couple of things. How many things are there to solve
Starting point is 00:13:05 oh like 18 or something in 22 minutes or in 45 minutes maybe i'm i'm exaggerating maybe it's 12 things yeah like little puzzles yeah little puzzles is there no little puzzles that lead to like bigger puzzles right like a door it's usually a door code at the end so if you took away all the art it's just literally you're just going through security doors. Like no black lights or anything. It's a series of three rooms with doors, which I guess is an escape room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 The one I did, it was like, there was a clock and it opened and there was a sliding shelf. Yeah, we had all that too. But if you took all that away, it would be a room. I don't know why I said that. You took all my podcast stuff out of here. Just be a fucking room guy. Yeah, we had all that too, but if we took all that away, it would be a room. I don't know why I said that. If you took all my podcast stuff out of here, just be a fucking room guy. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I guess so. That is true. Except that there's no ceiling here. Let's see if you can escape out of here. It's raining. The problem with the escape room is it's like 45 minutes, and then what do you do? Then that's the night? We do it in the daytime.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Oh, nice. Went for lunch. Yeah, usually attach it to a meal. Yeah. Work it into your work day. We went to Cactus Club happy hour.
Starting point is 00:14:14 It's happening, so we went there. This is fun. Yeah, it was a nice day. It was a fun day. It's the most happy I've ever seen Ryan Beal. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. I'm worried about it. And I was at his wedding. That quickly led to divorce, so. Well, you know, these things happen, right? Years ago. Years ago. I was the best man.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Yeah? Yeah. How many times have you been a best man? Three, two. Really? Yeah. Who else? All done.
Starting point is 00:14:44 My godfather. Ah. Hmm. Nice. Did he make you an offer you couldn't refuse? Kind of. No one else would
Starting point is 00:14:51 sort of do it and it was like when the internet first was getting taken off and especially internet dating and he met this woman
Starting point is 00:14:59 online and I think a lot of the family was like, this is unbelievable. Yeah. Like they, I don't know, it was a weird thing. The pictures would take so long to load, this is unbelievable. Yeah. Like, I don't know. It was a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:15:09 The pictures would take so long to load back in those days. Yeah, that's why people were upset. I think there was some drama involved as well. And I was like, yeah, I'll be the best man. I'm 21. Yeah. So I went down to Fresno. Just a kid.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Gave a speech. And it was fun. Cool. Yeah. Did you get a prize for being the best man? Yeah, I got a pocket watch nice it was great it was a real like classic wedding like we had rented tuxes all that i went to a barber and got like a shave beforehand like it was all groomsmen did a thing not like a bachelor party i guess i was supposed to be in charge of that i didn't do it yeah there was no way to drop the ball best man yeah i don't know i was like his kid you're like i found the skankiest stripper to take my godfather
Starting point is 00:15:51 have you been the best man no no me neither uh maybe my brother didn't really get uh married he got me like had three like smaller weddings all to the same woman we got married in vietnam and i wasn't like that was the real wedding destination wedding uh well she's vietnamese and it was still a destination for you yeah destination for me but it wasn't like you know we all went to mexico or right but um one of those weddings could have been in mexico there were three but then uh yeah i wasn't gonna to organize a bachelor party in Vietnam. Yeah. Did you organize a bachelor party for Ryan's?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Yes. Yeah. We went to the casino. Yeah, we went to the casino, like River Edgemont, Edge River. You know, the one by the stadium yeah yeah there anymore it's not there anymore yeah edgewater edgewater yeah that's pretty close yeah we went there and like gambled in suits and then we went to denny's there was like a and then we set up a weird uh like we set up a microphone and a speaker on my balcony with the idea that we were going to do a roast. But then everyone was too meek and polite.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Hey, Ryan, really happy for you, man. No one roasted him and no one prepared anything. So it was just a nice little time. So you gambled in suits. Is that not there anymore? No one prepared anything, so it was just a nice little time. So you gambled in suits. Is that not there anymore? I don't know. It's another casino that Drake hates now.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Oh, that's that. Oh, okay. Oh, is it the casino that wouldn't allow Drake? Wouldn't allow him to, inside scoop, wouldn't allow him to bet lots of money without checking in first in first oh i see i think like most casinos yeah like because it like the casino was worried about them though no i think they just have a they just have a standard like if you're gonna bet like five hundred thousand dollars or something we need to endorse that first or i don't know right yeah it Sounds like a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:18:05 But his fans really, really stripped him apart. Go on their Instagram. It's very funny. Why you hate Drake? This is constant. You can't do this.
Starting point is 00:18:18 They should just lean into that. That should be their whole ad campaign. We're the casino that hates Drake. Did you ever go to that casino?
Starting point is 00:18:25 They had shows there. They had shows there. And I did shows in there. The old one? Like the Punchlines one? No. It was in Edgewater. And it was like on the second floor.
Starting point is 00:18:36 There was like a little showroom. Yeah. And I did shows in there. Near the baccarat table? Maybe. Yeah. It was definitely near some kind of... Confusing game.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah, confusing game. I just remember going, walking through the casino and seeing all these serious, angry-looking people gambling. Yeah. And being like, I want to get out of here. And then going and doing the show and thinking, I want to get out of here. Yeah, and I remember you couldn't get food in the showroom. You had to go down to like the weird
Starting point is 00:19:07 cafeteria area. Right. They would give you a voucher or whatever. Even though it's on the water there's no windows, right? No, yeah. It was weird.
Starting point is 00:19:15 It was, I mean, it's probably still weird. All casinos are pretty weird. Yeah, they're bad places. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:23 why people go to them. You know, like they're advertised as a fun night out. Yeah. Vice. Vice, yeah. I mean, I don't know why people go to them. You know, like, they're advertised as a fun night out. Yeah. Vice. Vice, sure. And I think the idea of fun. Yeah, like, the ads make it seem like a lot of fun. I had fun, because that's a vice I don't have.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So I gambled a bit, $120. Like, that was fun. Let's get out of here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everyone else is on the table. Like, what are you doing? But luckily, i just had the ability to walk away yeah you wanted to go you wanted to hit that denny's yeah yeah i understand um delicious open 24 yeah yeah it's also not there anymore denny's not there on broadway. Really? Yeah. Oh, it moved down. It moved down.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Well, that other one, the Moxie's Denny's. Yeah. The Fancy Denny's, that's been there. So they just amalgamated. Huh. Fancy Denny's. Some more local news for your listeners. Yeah, I know. It's such a bummer seeing all these local businesses go under.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like Denny's. There's just no room for the little guy. Yeah. Denny. It's weird. Like, I don't know. Like, how did Denny's become the national breakfast? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 The diner chain. Yeah. It was America first, right? Yeah. Yeah. But, like, why that chain? Why not Perkins? Remember Perkins?
Starting point is 00:20:47 No. Why not Humpty's? Oh, yeah, Humpty's. Yeah. Perkins and Humpty's were a real Alberta staple. Oh. Yeah. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:20:55 What's the one with the mascot called Waddy? It's on the road when you're driving through, like, to Alberta. I don't know. Look, it's the the road when you're driving through like to Alberta. I don't know. Like, it's a waddy. And then what is he? Is he just a wad? Like a wad.
Starting point is 00:21:12 How do you spell it? W-A-D-D-Y? I think. I could be making this up. Maybe I had a dream. I think it's real though. It's like ABC Family Restaurant like style.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Right. Like very specific to like the border of Alberta and British Columbia. Oh, is it like Phil's or something like very specific to like the the border of alberta and british columbia oh is it like phil's or something like that like that yeah yeah there is it's weird when you're like driving driving through an area that you don't live and then there's just a chain like in manitoba it's like salisbury House. Like everywhere you go, it's just like, stop into Salisbury House. You know, the chain that you know.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah. And here it's White Spot. Yeah, exactly. Oh, yeah. No one knows White Spot anywhere else. It used to be, was Beano's a chain? Were there more than one Beano's? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I love Beano's. What was Beano's? Beano's, I think there's still one at Broadway. Goddamn. Beano's on Broadway. And it was just a diner. We're really pushing a lot of Broadway stuff today. It's good.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It's a major artery. Yeah. When your listeners come here, then they have places to go look at. Go see, yeah, go see The Last Beanos. Yeah. What a boring tour. I'm so sorry. We're not setting you up for success.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Go to the Grouse grind or something yeah go to the stanley park yeah yeah um so what else has been going on oh not much now in a year it has yeah it's been a year i don't know last year last time you were here you went to our high school uh anniversary the 75th anniversary of our high school was 75 100 100 oh yeah of course yeah why would why would anyone have a quickly moved on from that with my life you got yeah you didn't go to the hundred and first dwell on it no i was not invited either oh no nothing much i just grind grinding on the acting going to auditions shot a couple things that you can look out for me.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Here's a plug. Look out for me on Netflix. And I can't even find what it's called because it's not Cinderella Christmas because that's already taken. It's something else. It's like Christmas Wish Cinderella. Oh, okay. But it's a Cinderella one that's coming out. Is it made for TV?
Starting point is 00:23:21 It's made for Netflix. Like a Hallmark style thing? Yes, Hallmark style. And what are you in that? Oh, a i'm a stuffy assistant yes and i'm i'm very very full of myself are you a stuffy assistant to a bad guy or no essentially the king okay but it's modern day so he's a ceo that's good writing yeah it's good stuff it's great i got to work with a dog in a wheelie on wheels oh oh cool yeah he didn't need them he was just acting an acting dog yeah they just put his well they put his legs on the wheels and i guess he couldn't get out i don't know if that's acting i mean that's that's how they do it with actors. Yeah. Put you on roller skates, push you into the scene.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Yeah. That's his motivation. He had to have a talking scene where he would talk. The dog? Yeah. His dog on wheels? The dog on wheels had to talk. And for some reason, they did it in the room.
Starting point is 00:24:19 They didn't do it in post. Get some peanut butter. Well, everyone was out. It was chicken, bits of chicken. Okay. And you get a piece of chicken. You go, talk. Well, everyone was out. It was chicken. Bits of chicken. Okay. You get a piece of chicken. Talk. Talk.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Talk, Bruno. I think his name was Bruno. I forget. We'll bleep it. Yeah. Yeah. Please do. Woof, woof.
Starting point is 00:24:35 And he had to talk. And he would sometimes do good. He would bark like you just did. It was great. That's because Dave thought he was getting some chicken. Yeah. That was me bleeping it. You just do this weird whimper, like.
Starting point is 00:24:50 That was him really trying to talk. Yeah, and he was like trying. He'd still get food. Because he was doing it. And we're all standing there trying not to laugh, the whole crew. And the dog was like, just let him know he did a good job. He's doing great, buddy. Let's try it again.
Starting point is 00:25:08 What a weird life to be the trainer of an acting dog. Yeah, if he had to talk, I could have written, punched up some lines for him. Yeah. I would have had him say, these doggone wheels. No, he didn't go off script. He was pretty good. Those trainers are amazing
Starting point is 00:25:28 and they're constantly putting food like loose meat in actors' pockets. Oh. That's kind of one of their main deal and standing behind the actor and like Hello! Hello! They're always giving me I've worked with animals a couple times
Starting point is 00:25:43 they give you just this is a paste, a meat paste just keep it in between your fingertips okay okay and then the dog will wander up to you okay i'm just going to smear some peanut butter on your genital yeah basically and now don't worry there's not a surprise party being planned for you. Isn't that the second part of that story? I mean, oh yeah, someone jumped in. Yeah. Is that a street joke? No, it's an urban legend.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Or like a say anything from YM magazine. Oh, yeah, yeah. Not say anything. What is it called? They call it say anything. Really? When you wrote in with your embarrassing stories why would say anything right well i my dog was going to town
Starting point is 00:26:33 and then my crush saw me oh boy they used to read those They were great Yeah they were good Yeah There's a lot of Tamphans in the pool Yeah Yeah yeah yeah The big one
Starting point is 00:26:49 Which would be Embarrassing Sure Lots of I don't know what The boy equivalent Would be Erection
Starting point is 00:26:55 Erection in the pool Erection at the pool Yeah Erection everywhere Yeah Not a doctor That was That was the magazine
Starting point is 00:27:03 I read Was Erection Everywhere EE I got a subscription that was the magazine i read was erection everywhere i had a subscription to ee do you know that they changed the name what ym's like they kept ym yeah used to be young young and modern before that was young miss and now it's like yes mister i don't know what it's mister young millennial i guarantee it's not yes mister but like the we just love these letters we don't care what yeah like kfc yeah yeah well it still stands for kentucky fried chicken no it doesn't but it does it does but like they don't
Starting point is 00:27:44 or is that an urban legend as well? That they couldn't... Use the word chicken? Use the word chicken. No, the actual reason is Kentucky trademarked the name Kentucky because of the Kentucky Derby. And KFC was like, we're not paying money to use... Oh, like the state of Kentucky? Yeah, the state of Kentucky trademarked the word Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:28:03 I'm glad I got that right. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. trademarked the word Kentucky. I'm glad I got that right. A lot of local locations I'm on. You know who trademarked something? I'm trying to find out what YM stands for now. Well, we can talk about it in a bit, but Kanye West is trying to trademark
Starting point is 00:28:19 Sunday Service. Really? Yeah. Have you received any cease and desist? No, we have not. We're hoping he wants to buy our Twitter account, Sunday Service Improv. Why? What is his claim to owning Sunday Service?
Starting point is 00:28:40 It's like his side project that he did at Coachella this year. He's starting a religion. It's a large side project that he did at Coachella this year. He's starting a religion. It's a large cult in Mauve. Yeah, it's a Mauve cult. Yeah, it's a Mauve cult. But it's kind of like gospel, but his songs. His songs in a gospel thing. I watched it.
Starting point is 00:28:58 It was pretty good. Did you watch Coachella on YouTube this year? I watched that through a weird fisheye pinhole camera. The Kanye West stuff on a hill. It all happened on a hill. You should watch it. I will watch it. I'm interested in...
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's on a grassy knoll beside Coachella, kind of. Okay. Don't they make other kind of knolls? I only hear about the grassy ones. Yeah, that's true. The first gnoll. Gnoll Gallagher. Yeah, gnoll Gallagher.
Starting point is 00:29:32 He was there. Yeah, Coachella is still a thing people go to, yeah. I think so. Still a going concern. I guess, yeah. For the rich and the uber-rich. I watched it all on YouTube. And the dusty. For the dusty. Lastenbury. Oh yeah, is everything streaming now? Yeah, itber rich. I watch it all on YouTube. And the dusty. For the dusty. Lastenbury.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Oh, yeah. Is everything streaming now? Yeah, it's great. I don't have to go out. Yeah. Go to a concert or a festival. Yeah, didn't Woodstock 50, it got canceled. It got canceled. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Because it. Because the fire. Goose the lady. Yeah. I mean, why did it get canceled uh nothing the organizers were unable to organize any single thing i think it was a pre preeminent fire festival situation yeah i just watched i watched the second of the the two fire festival documentaries how and where on an airplane oh and the second one depends on what order you watch them in oh i watched the same time yeah the netflix one was we can't see hulu here right yeah so i saw the hulu one and it actually had an interview with that guy with the guy who organized it and he uh he did not have
Starting point is 00:30:46 answers for anything he was a lot of him sheepishly looking at the floor right um but uh you know what i think i think he should be put in charge of woodstock 50 he's got big ideas big ideas or put in jail yeah oh yeah i mean there's that too um have you ever been to a big music have you ever been to jail taz what should i do on my first day let's talk about it i've been to the vernon vernon music festival is that a in vernon british columbia place yeah it's it's a place. Where was the big festival? Pemberton was. Oh, okay. Anything outside of Vancouver, I get confused.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I went to Pemberton once, and it was really dusty, and Coldplay was very polite. That's all I remember. They were very polite to the audience? Yeah, they were very polite, and everyone sang along, and I was like, why is everyone ruining this by singing? Oh, because they asked them to, nicely. Yeah, they were very polite boys.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Very nice. I see. Coldplay strikes me as one of the more polite. Jay-Z was nice, too. You say this like you met them. Yeah, I feel like I did. Mostly, I just stood in a crowd of people while everyone shouted their lyrics at them.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Fun. I sound like an old man, but I don't enjoy that at concerts where everyone's like, I know the words and I can ruin the song! That's the concert experience. And put up a cell phone in front of everyone.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Yeah, it's watching it through a tiny little screen. I went to the Reading Festival in England once and I had that experience, but I was more confused why, how does everyone know the words to these pulp songs? Right. It's like a religion over there.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Yeah. Also, Jarvis Cocker runs a radio show called Sunday Service. Yeah. But like Kanye's got an uphill battle because Sunday Service is the name of every church's Sunday service. Yeah. It's like when Paris Hilton tried to copyright, that's hot. It's like, well, that's just the thing people say when something is hot. You can't trademark.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Didn't Donald Trump try to do your fire? Yeah. But like what, I guess. Who decides this? But whoever's in charge of copyright and trademark. You're fired? You're fired. Yeah. But like what, I guess. Who decides this? But whoever's in charge of copyright and trademark, you know. Underground cabal. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah. I guess. I mean, like if you hit on the right, you know, the right phrase that people want to wear on t-shirts and stuff. I don't know. What's your catchphrase you're going to patent? The Sunday service. Oh, fuck. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:30 If Kanye doesn't get it, I'm going to try and get it for my cult. Dave, what's your catchphrase? Stop podcasting yourself. There you go. And Taz, yours? Sunday service, I guess. But we put a the in it. There you go.
Starting point is 00:33:44 It's different. And you have that Twitter account, Sunday service improv. Yeah we put a the in it There you go And you have that Twitter account Sunday service improv Yeah I think so I remember the Vancouver Comedy Fest used to own maybe they still do That's pretty good What's a buyout on stuff like that
Starting point is 00:34:00 What's a buyout Like you mean like What do people companies pay for like twitter accounts i don't know because like donald trump doesn't have his twitter account well i i forget i was uh a few years ago when i was working uh on a podcast about work culture it's about tech and stuff. Again, sounds like a lie. Yeah, but we did a story about how Ashton Kutcher,
Starting point is 00:34:30 like, is a tech investor in so many things. And then afterwards, I was like, but he doesn't own Oh, that's right. Did you make an offer? I made an offer on Ashton Kutcher, because the company that owns, I was like, a hundred bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I sent them an offer of a hundred bucks. And they said, we typically get offers of, and I was like, five figures. Right. We can sell you Wilderville, for a hundred dollars. But then I was like, I didn't, I never wrote back. I was just interested in what they in what their counter offer was. Right. And then they kept emailing me.
Starting point is 00:35:08 You know what? We're flexible. I guess they don't get many offers. They talk themselves down to $100. I don't think people, like, I don't think, I think people use Google to find whatever. They don't. Yeah. You don't need to own
Starting point is 00:35:25 Unless But I do But if somebody buys it and then just puts like a You know a porno on it Yeah Then you're like Unless you're in the porno business But I think the average person
Starting point is 00:35:37 Doesn't like I want to find out more about Graham Clark I'll go to GrahamClark Graham Clark I'll go to they'll go it's true I remember for a while Jim Carrey had a website and it was insane like it was this like super
Starting point is 00:35:55 high end animated website and I was like but why he's Jim Carrey nobody's like I was thinking about hiring Jim Carrey. Let's check him. You know what I mean? Did he design it
Starting point is 00:36:11 and do it in character? He went and became a designer of websites. Yeah, he was researching for a role. A website designer who's obsessed with the number 23. That movie's gonna dog him till his dying day uh dave what's going on with you man well i just got back from montreal where you and i were at
Starting point is 00:36:34 just for laughs and it was uh oh it was fine it yeah. Thanks to all the people who came out. Yes, merci. Merci beaucoup. Oh, also, it looks like we have another show coming up very soon in Calgary. Yeah. This will be at the... The brand new Central Library. It's a fancy new facility. They've got all the...
Starting point is 00:37:02 They're doing a lot of fancy new buildings there, aren't they? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that a fun name or that's the actual library? It's the actual library. Yeah. And it's cool. It's a cool, like, state-of-the-art library. Yeah, and so.
Starting point is 00:37:15 No books. So it'll be, yeah, we'll be there on September 8th. That's less than a month away. Are you running out of time to get tickets? No, there are no tickets. It's the library. You go for free. For free.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Oh. Yeah. I think that's how we understand it. Yeah. It's like a story time. Yeah. Sign us out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Your late fees are paying our performance. Yeah. So yeah, that's September 8th in Calgary. Come see us at the library. It's a Sunday. We're calling it the Sunday service. Darn it. Have you guys been white-headed in Calgary?
Starting point is 00:37:58 He has. It's up there. That guy. I got one of those too. You know who hasn't? Me. Mr. Calgary. They give me this black hat They're like you're a bad guy Mr. Palumbo's over here Is that a Calgary sandwich shop?
Starting point is 00:38:20 I think there's a place like that But I can't remember if it's Palumbo's Or Spalumbo's I think there's a place like that, yeah. But I can't remember if it's Palumbo's or Spalumbo's. Spalumbo's. I think it's two former Canadian football players who combine their last names. There's nothing appetizing about the name Spalumbo's. Is it on their equivalent of Broadway? Yes, it's on Broadway in Calgary. What's theirs called? Grand Trail Road?
Starting point is 00:38:47 McLeod. McLeod Trail. We just got back from Montreal. Yeah. I'd never been to Just for Laughs before. No. I remember once when I was an up-and-coming comedian, someone
Starting point is 00:39:02 was giving me advice, and they're like when you go to just relax and you will that's very nice i but i think this person thought as a stand-up not as someone who gave up stand-up name names name names uh no uh it was a nice person who was helping me yeah why wouldn't you name them then? Well, because they were so wrong. Oh. But in a nice way. Yeah. I'll ask you after. I really want to know.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Okay. I'll just say it right now and I'll bleep it. Yeah. Pete Johansson. Cool. Yeah. But you did. You made it.
Starting point is 00:39:37 It looks like I made it. Yeah. We were in the official program. It was a legitimate show. Yeah, it was a legit show. 2.30 on a Friday afternoon in the hotel. There's like 80 shows that happen at the same time. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Right? There's always... We were up against the award show. Yeah. And we still got a great crowd. Is that popular? Do people like award shows? I mean, they want to see because there's's like a famous-os will show up.
Starting point is 00:40:05 So it's not like the Vancouver Comedy Awards? No, no. No, it's for all the famous people they brought to town. And they announce ahead who's winning. So it's like, we're giving this guy, we're giving Kevin Hart to the famous comedian of the year award. Yeah. He earned it. He's pretty famous.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He needs it. Um, and did you go to any shows? I didn't go to any shows. I did. I went to, on the, did you see the Margaret Trudeau show?
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah, that was, uh, that's what I have my heart set on. They let me in with my pass. No, I went and saw a show, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:43 called new faces. And then I went and saw Andy Kindler's. Ivan was hosting that, right? The New Faces? He was hosting the Canadian one. I saw the American. So many shows. So many shows. And then I saw Andy Kindler's alternative show.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And I think that's it. Yeah. And you were on Mark Forward's show. Yeah. Oh, and I also uh the last half of ron funch's show so i actually saw quite a few shows now that i look who are the new new faces to look out for name names um we can bleep them yeah the uh yeah it was weird i don't uh i didn't have a program or anything so i can't remember the names of anybody that I saw. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Everyone was great. Yeah. Yeah. Good work all around. I didn't go to any shows. I went to one party where there was, you know, poutine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Free poutine.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Free poutine. Free drinks, too. What's the monster called? Victor. Victor. Victor. Victor's all over. A sculpture that pours,s like vodka out of his mouth
Starting point is 00:41:45 like oh taz is this what you imagine it's over this is how you imagine just for like yes i mean it's pretty close it's pretty close yeah it wouldn't be it wouldn't be like out of step to have yeah yeah uh no yeah it it was free everything. Free drinks, free meat. Yeah, you could attract a dog. Yeah. Free meat paste. All you can meet. What did you do if you weren't going to shows?
Starting point is 00:42:18 I went to, I went and ate all the Montreal things. Right, yeah. I had a smoked meat sandwich. Just by yourself? Did you have a nice time? Like, eat, pray, love, sort of? Yeah, it was, this was sort of all three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:34 You know, it was very spiritual and erotic. Nice. Erotic, yeah. And fulfilling. It was very hot. I walked everywhere and got it got everywhere i like i would walk like 45 minutes to all the places i wanted to walk and uh it was very hot and i would be like oh this isn't too hot but just when i stopped walking that's when i would just sweat everywhere
Starting point is 00:43:00 yeah so like i'd be like oh i'm not gonna be too sweaty when I get there. But the moment I sat down to eat. Yeah, that's when your body catches up. Yeah. It's a bad climate everywhere that's not Vancouver. Too hot. And even right now, it's too hot in Vancouver. Today's not bad. We've had a pretty good summer.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, that's true. No heat waves. No. It's been a cool, cool, cool summer. That's what we know heat waves yeah it's been a cool cool cool summer that's what that song's called um last time i was in montreal was like in the late 90s with dan werb oh yeah you haven't been in montreal i feel like i've been back go i don't know why i bet you know how much has changed have you been in toronto people still like make eye contact too much yeah but they're very...
Starting point is 00:43:45 That blew my mind when I was 19. Everyone's looking at me. Everyone other than the city does that. Yeah. Eye contact is a high priority. Eye contact and up and down. Look at your body. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Lots of checking out each other's bodies. Everyone's doing it. The bag yeah, yeah. Everyone. Lots of checking out each other's bodies. Depping your, everyone's doing it. The bageler. It was great. The bageler. He was the ham bageler. Anyways. Robble, robble.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so it was really good. I really enjoyed the food there. I enjoyed the festival, too. You were just watching TV in your hotel room. I was. That's when I realized I've come to an impasse with Netflix.
Starting point is 00:44:27 There's really nothing there for me. It's also nice to have a nice hotel room. It is nice to have quiet. Yeah. A nice air-conditioned hotel room and the quiet and you can watch whatever you want. There were other parties, but there were no invitations, were there? They were just like, there were other parties, but there were no invitations, were there? Uh, they were just like, you just went. Yeah, but no one was like, hey Dave, there's this party over here.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Oh, if you got the schedule, they hand out a daily schedule that's like eight pages thick, and the last page tells you where the party is. Who hands this out? It was in the lobby. I didn't get it. They pick you up at the airport, it's like a whole thing, or are you kind of on your didn't get it they pick you up at the airport it's like a whole thing or you're kind of on your own no they pick you up that's nice and uh as i was waiting they were like oh so i i got there and the guy came and got me and like oh hey uh
Starting point is 00:45:15 your shuttle's not ready yet we're waiting for one more person and i talked about this on the live show and he had a french accent he said you're gonna be uh driving with black todd who's black todd it was black thought from the roots you're going to be with black thought oh that's sweet kind of wish it was black yeah who's this black pirate um yeah the ride back to the airport there was a guy talking too much too early i would be chatting as much as name names i don't know i didn't it might have been black um was it another performer or was it the driver no it was a guy who was a college booker oh chatting away chat until i was like come man. They get the same shuttles?
Starting point is 00:46:06 Yeah, everybody. Everybody in the shuttle. You know, just hop in. Who cares? I was trying to get people from point A to point B. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Mm-hmm. But, yeah. So, I'll go back to Montreal. I don't know if I'll be invited back to the festival, but.
Starting point is 00:46:25 But, yeah. Why not? You'll return. Yeah. And we'll release back to Montreal. I don't know if I'll be invited back to the festival, but. But yeah, why not? You'll return. Yeah, I will release that episode eventually. You didn't play the rooms. You should have schmoozed. I will never. That's your job. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:46:35 You guys got jobs. No, I don't think Graham schmoozes. Yeah, I know what you're up to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I go around. I ooze. I go, what's your schmooze? What's your angle, I say.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Give me your card. Nobody has cards anymore. What are you even, send me a Venmo. Let me look at your LinkedIn. Send me money. Yeah. When I got there, when I got to the party the first night, I was like, oh, okay, I'll just do a lap and see if I recognize anyone. And I saw Erica Sigurdsson.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Yeah. But I was like, I'll keep doing a lap. She didn't see me. I'll talk to her when I'm done my lap. Yeah. And then she was gone. Oh, no, you missed your chance. Okay, I'll do another lap.
Starting point is 00:47:18 See if I know anyone else. You probably saw some people that were famous. I saw Howie Mandel. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Pretty famous. Very cool. I don't up to him.
Starting point is 00:47:25 America's got talent. And then I did like four more laps and didn't recognize anyone. I was like, okay, one more lap and then I'm going home.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And then I recognized people. You got some exercise. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah, you got your steps in. What you gonna need after all that
Starting point is 00:47:41 poutine and smoke meat? Did your hotel room have a scale? I don't think. Oh, no, wait. I did deal some drugs that weekend. So, yes, it did have a nice scale. When I was checking in, the guy who checked me in, Yuri, had all this.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Name and name. Yeah. I'll believe it. Was very quiet, but he had all this stuff he wanted me to do. He's like, okay, so sorry about this. There's been a mix-up we're very full so we actually have to upgrade you to a different room and i was like oh okay what was with the story and he's like ah i wanted it to be a surprise yeah and he wanted me to and then he was like okay you're ready to go but first do you want to sign up for hilton rewards points and i was like no i don't are you sure because if you just
Starting point is 00:48:31 sign up you can get 2 000 points like i don't know i don't know i don't want any okay you don't are you sure you don't yeah essentially you didn't pay for that so you're not going to get the points well i think you do like you get frequent flyer points if someone else buys your ticket. And then I said no, and he was incredulous. And then he was like, okay, well, here's what we do here. We have a breakfast. We have a delicious breakfast, and you can get a discount on it if you buy it now. Do you want to do that?
Starting point is 00:49:05 And I was like, oh, great. No, no, I don't. I was trying to be as polite as possible. He just upgraded you. He did you a favor. Yeah. And then I got to my room. It was the regular size of a regular room with a couch as well.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, that's a sweet. Yeah, that's a sweet if you get a lounge on a couch. And a scale in the bathroom. You can raise a family in there. And I put on five pounds while I was there. Oh, congratulations. Poutine. Poutine.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Hot meat. Someone brought us... Or brought me these Trader Joe's gummies that I talk about sometimes. Oh, yeah, yeah. I ate them all. Oh, like fans bring you things yeah that's nice yeah they're sweet it is nice yeah we should start saying we want things yeah do it it's too local we want something from shoppers from bino's bring me a muffin from bino's um what's going on with you uh i went and saw uh uh once upon a time in hollywood ah at uh
Starting point is 00:50:11 at a theater that they were only offering it in like either the vip theater or in 3d not 3d but like sound some kind of sound thing rumble seat, so I've never sat in one of those before. They made those for that movie? Yeah, it was weird. And I was like, I was sitting in it. It's so uncomfortable. And I was like, okay, I'm going to crank it all the way up during the trailers. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:50:39 It's insane. I don't understand why anybody would want, because it just jolts you. It moves your bowels they do if you're trying to conceive a child and you're having trouble they make you sit in one of those um i saw deadpool in one of those okay and that was first and last yeah i didn't understand why that movie of all movies because it's really really not a rumble seat type of film. And also, I don't understand why those exist at all. There's cars in it.
Starting point is 00:51:11 There's cars. There's a lot of driving in it. So that's most of the rumble. It makes sense. Because as I recall, it's constantly going. Yeah. Oh, they're driving in a car. Like your seat has to rumble even though it's not
Starting point is 00:51:26 like a car chase where you're like shaking side to side oh yeah and then bubbles go in the theater and they shoot a spray of water in your face uh yeah you know when brad pitt took his shirt off it just suddenly got very warm. Your seat got wet. It just made you feel like, oh, hey, something special's happening here. I didn't get used to this. And so the movie is three hours long. Three hours and change.
Starting point is 00:52:00 With trailers. With trailers. And at the end of the movie during the credits uh you know there's like one credit where it's kind of all his utility people that he uses all the time and tim roth is in it and then it says next to his name cut so he's cut out of the movie and i was like he must have like three hours you couldn't have squeezed in my scene? That scene we shot? Why do you post that?
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah. Wasn't there like a viral video of like or maybe it was like a featurette that was on one of the movies of whenever he always gets actors to say hello to his
Starting point is 00:52:45 editor Quentin Tarantino does like he films them saying hello at the beginning of the take they'll be like hi Helen or whatever I think she passed away though maybe that's why the movie was so long they didn't have an editor
Starting point is 00:53:00 he's just in there up to his neck in film like what do i i don't know how to cut i guess i'll just put this whole fucking scene here um i i enjoyed it but it was uh yeah it's three hours yeah that's a long time to be sitting in a rumble scene it's true it's playing at a local movie theater and it starts at 10 45 oh jesus oh boy you'd be out by like two in the morning i'd be out by 10 46 yeah there you go um cold and he uh quentin tantino really found the perfect era to have a lot of people with their shoes off this is the 60s was like oh yeah it's like right in the pocket of like is there like a foot scene
Starting point is 00:53:45 a foot scene is that a fetish is he yeah yeah yeah i didn't know that oh watch like watch this once upon a time in every movie is there yep yeah uma thurman's feet definitely that yeah wiggle my toes but in that's kill bill but also in uh well fiction her feeder really yeah i never thought about it but this movie it's like i've never read the think tanks anytime he's on a plane and they're the pilot says we'll be flying to 30 000 feet he gets a bonus uh but yeah there's man there's feet feet Everywhere in this movie It's Like you think At a certain point He would
Starting point is 00:54:28 Like try to Work against it Yeah Like Well people know About my weird fetish Nope He's going full
Starting point is 00:54:35 He's leaning All the way in I guess He's the tricks Of the director world Who's Trey Yeah You can bleep that out later
Starting point is 00:54:42 Tess is really Name a name Oh yes Who tricked people into showing their feet for videos i don't i don't know much about it yeah i remember that he was like uh hey i want to buy you an xbox yeah it was like xboxes and like send me your feed and people like okay pat bircher talks about it openly so no i think it was a lot of people do a pretty publicized thing in the community. Yeah, again, local reference. Go check him out on Broadway. To Toronto.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yeah, Beano's. I saw that movie advertised as Quentin Tarantino's ninth movie. Yeah. Like, I don't know why. Who cares? I think because he's always said that he would make 10. Oh. And then he would...
Starting point is 00:55:27 And I looked it up, and he's made 10. Right. Not counting his cameo in Muppet Treasure Island. Is that a real thing? I think so. Oh, cool. When I worked at Senses, I had to put together a care package for him. He was staying at a hotel.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Ah. Anyways. Chocolate in the shape of a foot. And I was trying to figure out why they're calling this his ninth when it's his tenth. But I guess, at first I thought he doesn't count Death Proof. Right. Yeah. But now I think it's because Kill Bill is all supposed to be one movie.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah. Which would have been it's because Kill Bill is all supposed to be one movie. Yeah. Which would have been like a five hour film. I'm only going to make 10 movies, but they're going to be so long. And Death Proof doesn't count? I think Death Proof counts, but Kill Bill is one movie instead of two. Yeah. So he's got. One more to go.
Starting point is 00:56:20 One more. So he says, you know, but he seems to be having a lot of fun. So why stop You know And the other thing Does he have a cameo in it No no no there's no No Quentin Tarantino
Starting point is 00:56:36 Cameo There's a lot of familiar faces I don't know how to fun Did he endanger anyone in it Maybe He endangered Uma Thurman Yeah that's right your faces. I don't know how to fun. Did he endanger anyone in it? Maybe. It's possible. He endangered Uma Thurman. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Uma Thurman's daughter's in it, so obviously they patched up that. With money? Yeah, I mean, hey, money fixes everything. Is Uma Thurman's daughter... Does she show her feet? No, no. She should take her shoes off? He's a one foot man.
Starting point is 00:57:11 She's in the latest season of Stranger Things. Ah. Yeah. Who is she? She's the one that worked at the ice cream shop. Yeah. Really though? That's Ethan Hawking, Uma Thurman's daughter.
Starting point is 00:57:24 No idea. Good for her. Good for her. Yeah. So it's about time that Hollywood royalty got... Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman
Starting point is 00:57:33 are together? I did not know. Or were. They were. They were. I don't know what's going on in the past. They were a very 90s couple.
Starting point is 00:57:41 Couldn't get more 90s couple than that. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale Yeah I was gonna say Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet That was pretty 90s But now she's with Jason Momoa
Starting point is 00:57:54 Oh can I do one? David Duchovny and Talia Leone Still together? No he was addicted to sex Who isn't? Who among us can't claim the sex? Used to live in Kitsilano Yeah. Still together? No. He was addicted to sex. Who isn't? Who among us can't claim the sex? He used to live in Kitsilano.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Oh really? Yeah, on the point. You know what street goes through Kitsilano? Broadway. David Duchovny has when I was reading a book on the plane on my Kindle and it suggests books for you to read. And one was the new David Duchovny book and I
Starting point is 00:58:28 Made a note like this will be a funny thing to make fun of David Duchovny's writing Books now novels. Yeah. Oh, really? Yeah He's already got a blues band. So does he I believe seems like he would yeah, but he I looked them up and they're like legitimate novels that people enjoy. And like, they get like, they're, they're like critically praised. Oh really? They're not just like. That's no fun.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Yeah, I know. I was like, Oh, I'm not going to make fun of this. Apparently he's quite talented at this. Make fun of his blues band. Yeah. I only make fun of the things people fail at. Cause I'm a troll. I'll only make fun of the things people fail at because I'm a troll.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Have you seen that commercial with Jeremy Renner where he's... His band? Yeah, his band is playing on the soundtrack. Yeah, we talked about that. I just want to talk about it all the time. It's like he pulled off a trick on Jeep. Jeep's like, what are you famous for again? He's like, my music. I'm a singer. I wear a lot of capes.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And I walk through the desert and I kick mounds of dust while I sing. I'm going to Google that. What's that? Yeah, well you got to go to to start. It'll all be there. Do you have Flash on your to start it'll all be there do you have flash on on your browser enable it oh boy um uh also uh when i was in winnipeg before montreal
Starting point is 00:59:58 uh and um uh i went to a legal weed store which i I have not been in since weed became legal. Are you a weed smith? No, no. But I was at a Subway, and it was right next door. And I was like, hmm. Oh, because we don't have the legal stores here. No. Like, this was like a government.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah. Herbs are us. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't just, yeah, one of these gray market ones. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It wasn't just one of these gray market ones. Yeah, so here's the weird thing with the government. If you buy a joint from the government, it comes in so much packaging.
Starting point is 01:00:34 It's wild. It's like a whole box like the size of a chocolate bar. And that box has like, you have to figure out how to open it. It's got special tabs so that a kid can't get into it you bought one? my friend bought one name names
Starting point is 01:00:52 it was David Duchovny it's legal now David it's fine oh he's addicted to it yeah he's just got that person and then there's like a plastic tray Oh, he's addicted to it. Yeah, he's just got that person ahead of him. And then there's like a plastic tray inside that it's in, so it's like an action figure kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:01:12 And then it's in a vacuum sealed, inside of that, a vacuum sealed thing that you have to peel open to get to. It's like buying fancy coffee or something. It's so much packaging. And it's like got an official government seal on the outside that says like duty paid and all this stuff. But like so much garbage. This feels like a step backwards. Is there a farm to table story?
Starting point is 01:01:41 Who grew it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. In an Herbs R Us. Have you been in there? I have r us have you been in there i have not in one of those has anyone been in one of those stores do they just have just like jars of i've seen through the window yeah the jars and then like trays of crackle that's yeah yeah yeah peanut brittle weed brittle yeah it looks like brittle yeah and yeah there's like, yeah, it's more just here's a baggie, I guess. Yeah. At those stores.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Less waste. Yeah, less footprint. Less waste, more getting wasted. Is everything displayed at the government one or is it like the beer store in Toronto? It is like the beer store. So you look at a menu. You give you a menu and you go, i guess uh can you smell it no not really right but like they don't give sample the smell i mean oh no no uh so they really ruined the experience for everyone yeah
Starting point is 01:02:38 and there was like a guy there was like kind of a bouncer guy right at the door and it was all very like the, everybody was very professional and, but it didn't feel like a weed thing. Yeah. It felt like more like being at like an air Canada desk. Right. Yeah. Like,
Starting point is 01:02:57 uh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds great. Yeah. But I, I,
Starting point is 01:03:03 I always wondered what it would be like when they legalized it and now sanitized yeah legalized and sanitized yeah and like government you know bureaucracy you did up so that it's like well it's got to be vacuum sealed it's got to be in a plastic tray inside a cardboard box that's sealed with a plastic wrapper on the outside so you know step forward step back did they have any percassets yeah they had some perks uppers reds blues they have it all the black widow what's that they don't make ludes anymore they don't no they don't make ludes that? They don't make lewds anymore. They don't? No, they don't make lewds.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Why not? I don't know. They got retired. They got raised up into the rafters. Yeah. Because, like, they were very popular. Yeah, I think the government stopped making them. Because it was, like, an over-the-counter drug.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Oh! I don't know the history. But, like, why... Go to Yeah, I know. Because I remember looking it up after Wolf of Wall Street came out. Right. Because there was a big player.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Yeah. You were like, got to get my hands on some of this. And I was like, oh, I only hear it referred to in the past tense, like in period pieces. Right. Or lewds. Yeah. Plural. But no one ever like illegally made them yeah i guess not
Starting point is 01:04:27 i guess they were always synthetic yeah like i don't know like a xanax like you can't get a can you get a probably i'm sure yeah i got a chemist doing everything yeah i gotta hit the streets yeah i gotta get back i gotta get back in the zone sometimes on the streets on a street light you'll see a little Like a A little post-it That says like Over-the-counter drugs Have you ever seen those?
Starting point is 01:04:50 No And it's got like a weird Website on it Ah yeah Tim Carrey Yeah It says all like The different drugs
Starting point is 01:04:58 Like get them online You guys never seen this? No You're not walking the streets No No no I gotta get back out I gotta get back with the people
Starting point is 01:05:04 I drive forklift. Oh, yeah. Union? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, good, good. Crushed my foot. Pallet. Journeyman?
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah, no. Are you apprenticing still? No. Yeah, I'm just apprenticing. You got your ticket. I got to wear those. Yeah, that's the word. Those weird German overalls that you sometimes see apprentice.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Yeah, that's carpentry, I think. Carpenters, right? Yeah, yeah. But not just like carpenters are allowed to wear them. You can wear them too. Yeah, anyone can. Yeah. I can wear a jumpsuit.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah. Too hot. Yeah. Too hot. When I see somebody working outside in a jumpsuit on a day like this, I feel bad, man. Too hot for that. You want to talk about sweat? Did you want to talk about sweat?
Starting point is 01:05:50 You should feel bad in general because you're making a living as an artist. Yeah, that's true. From my paintings. Yeah, aren't you? Wait a second. No, he donated all his paintings. Oh, you give all those away. You fool.
Starting point is 01:06:01 You coward. You'll never know the real price of it are people just donating yeah yeah yeah um should we uh move on to overheards oh yeah yeah okay stop podcasting yourself is brought to you by moana moana by disney What a film. Stop Podcasting Yourself is also brought to you this week by HelloFresh. Now, here's what... Graham, can you back me up? Graham? Oh, no, Dave.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I've been caught in the underneath again. Oh, crap. Where's that? It's in the corner of your mind. Oh, boy. What corner? It's so round. The darkest corner.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Um, I'm here. Uh, I saw a polar bear. I'm not sure what that means. Um, and I could be somewhere North maybe or South depending on where polar bears live. I,
Starting point is 01:06:59 I look, the way I, I'm not the one on trial here. Uh, so you're in a dark place. It's kind of underneath. Oh boy. I'm not the one on trial here. So you're in a dark place. It's kind of underneath. Oh, boy. I hate to do this to you, but do you want to do an ad for HelloFresh?
Starting point is 01:07:15 Oh, man. I would love to. It's the one thing that translates down here exactly as it does in your universe. Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. How are things different over there? Oh, there's weird ash in your universe. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, yeah, well, how are things different over there? Oh, there's weird ash in the air. A lot of weird ash.
Starting point is 01:07:31 And, you know, gorgomels. There's gorgomels down here. Oh, from the Smurfs? Yep. So there's lots of them. Down here in the Smurfs, they're called Smurfs. Oh, boy. Yeah, everything's very confusing down there.
Starting point is 01:07:51 I'm so sorry you have to go through that. But you know what? I'm going to make you feel better. We're going to talk about HelloFresh. Stop podcasting yourself is sponsored in part by HelloFresh. Did you know that it's a meal service that gives you all the ingredients you need to cook satisfying, healthy meals? And it's all included in your box and delivered right to your door in an insulated box. We're not talking about, like, things aren't going to get covered in ash or gorgomels or anything.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah, yeah. It comes inside a box. Down here, everything comes strapped to a box, so it's outside of the box. And by the box, what's the inside like? It's just empty. Oh, bummer. Yeah, it is. It's a bummer because everything, it really ruins the surprise.
Starting point is 01:08:32 But all the fresh ingredients are all still there. Okay, well, Graham, I'm going to tell you the meal plans that are available in my world. And when I'm done, you can say what meal plans are available in your world. Oh, yes, absolutely. So the real HelloFresh meal plans, you can find the meal plan that best suits your lifestyle with HelloFresh's Pronto, Veggie, or Family Meals. There's something for everyone to love. Hey, how about in the underneath? oh uh down here we have sluggo uh mito and the single plan it's just for single single people no families allowed jonathan silverman
Starting point is 01:09:12 he's big down here he's kind of like seinfeld is in the normal world oh but really he's our seinfeld oh boy so there in that in your, that's not a really dated reference. No, no, it's very current. He hosts a show where he interviews people on bicycles drinking milkshakes. For 50% off your first box of HelloFresh, go to slash SPY50. I think that's a Canadian one. And enter SPY50. That's 50% off your box of HelloFresh by going to
Starting point is 01:09:49 What are you going to do with the rest of your afternoon in the underground, Neith, underbelly? Avoid the Garganells. Okay, byebelly. Avoid the Garganells. Okay, bye. Bye. You wept as we crafted the tragic tale of Jar Jar, a Star Wars story. Dude, like, he forgives Darth Vader. Mesa still love you,
Starting point is 01:10:18 Annie. Boom! Right in the chest! You gasped out loud at the shocking twists of Face Off 2. Face is wild. He takes his kid's face. What? Now, hear the Story Boys write an entire screenplay week by week on Story Break Season 2.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Heaven Heist. Hey folks, Freddie Wong here with some exciting news about Story Break, the writer's room podcast where three Hollywood professionals have one hour to spin cinematic gold. We're shaking up our format by turning Heaven Heist, one of our favorite ideas that we've ever come up with on the show, into a full-on screenplay, baby! Heaven Heist is an action comedy about a crew of misfit gangsters robbing the celestial bank of heaven. Think of Coco Meets Point Break.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Join us as we write this crazy movie scene by scene and get an inside look at the screenwriting process on our podcast, Story Break, every Thursday on Hello, I'm Lujan Zafagari, and I play a bunch of characters on Mission to Zix, an improvised science fiction podcast on Maximum Fun. And this is our incredible sound designer, Shane. Now, Shane makes it possible for me to play a thousand billion characters in our galaxy. Such as the Bajarian Jane, Ship of the Stars. And the InfoSexualite, prepared to be spiked eggs. And we, let's get dressed up, baby.
Starting point is 01:11:34 An emissary? Not a kid. Hey, I just got out of the room. And the horrible life. Oh, also there are five other cast members, and I'll give them just all a second to say hi. Uh, hello. Yeah, that's enough. Okay, so the season finale of Mission to Zix is coming out next week,
Starting point is 01:11:51 so it's the perfect time to dive in and catch up with our intrepid crew as they explore the Zix Quadrant. So give us a listen to Mission to Zix on Maximum Fun. Overheard Overheard's a segment where if you hear something wonderful out there, don't keep it to yourself, share it with the world And we always like to start with the guest, Taz Yeah You have an overheard I do, I have an overheard, it's in family Okay
Starting point is 01:12:22 So it's my Keeping it close Yeah, keeping it close. My niece is, I don't know, four? Let's say four. I should know her age. Do you know what year she was born? You can just count up to that.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I don't know. Maybe five. She might be ten. I don't know. No, she's younger. I don't think she's quite in... No, she's in school. She's probably five.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Anyways. How do you know this niece? She's younger. I don't think she's quite in... No, she's in school. She's probably five. Anyways. How do you know this niece? She's around. Through family. Family friend. And, well, this actually pertains to the story. I heard her over talking to my girlfriend, and she was saying,
Starting point is 01:12:59 What's that guy's name? And she was referring to me. You know, the guy who doesn't know how old I am? Yeah. What's his deal? I mean, I'm not around that much, but she had just given me a card. Oh, for...
Starting point is 01:13:14 No, just for fun. For Uncle stuff? Well, because she wants presents in return. Oh. It said Uncle Taz on it. She was like, what's his name? What's that guy's name? it. What's his name? What's that guy's name? That guy's name.
Starting point is 01:13:29 You know the guy that's here? Your uncle? Uncle Taz? Yeah, thanks. Thanks, cool. I'm going to go try and get a present. To be fair, how many Taz's are there? She's probably never heard the name before.
Starting point is 01:13:45 She's said it before. She said it that day. It was very funny. It's very similar. Sorry. No, maybe she's just forgetful. That's possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:55 You know? Or she panicked. Yeah. I do that a lot. Yeah. Or I feel like around your uncles. Well, no. As a kid, I'm like, everyone talks to you so familiar with such
Starting point is 01:14:06 familiarity yeah you're like does this person remember didn't know me and i just don't remember them right and then uh and then sometimes kids will talk to you about someone you've never heard of because they assume all grown-ups know each other yeah that's true and yeah usually the only time i talk to kids is on Christmas day after I've been visited by three ghosts. I say, you there kid, what day is it?
Starting point is 01:14:30 And the kid goes, who's this guy? Who are you? Yeah. Yeah. And I go, don't worry about that. Just give me a goose.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Yeah. And then you never talk to kids again. No, no, no. As soon as I get that goose, I'm done with kids. And the kid's like,
Starting point is 01:14:44 uh, it's Christmas. Everywhere's closed. Go to the goose store. Just, no, no. As soon as I get that goose, I'm done with kids. And the kid's like, uh, it's Christmas and everyone's closed. Go to the goose store! Or just go kill a goose! Go to a Chinese restaurant. Yeah, yeah, exactly. They probably have goose. Go get me a goose. Get him to the goose.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Dave, do you have it over here? Very good. Thank you. We'll bleep that. This is uh so uh margo likes to margo's taken to riding her bike without training wheels oh good for her and she wants to do it all the time and i insist we only do it either well basically just after dinner when it's not so hot out. Yeah. Because I have to run next to her the whole time.
Starting point is 01:15:32 She's in your direct family, right? Yes, she's blood. She's not a crip? Your face is very concerned. I don't think we can say that word. Oh, we're talking about the gangs. The gangs.
Starting point is 01:15:48 I mean, if you look at the background of the word. I never have. And so I'm getting off scot-free. But I, yeah, so we go to the park quite often after dinner. And usually it's just little kids there but this time there was seemed to be some kind of like youth group or camp for 12 year olds yeah hanging out at the playground and hogging the swings yeah yeah hogging just like being way too rough with stuff yeah yeah yeah 12 year olds uh but there were some kids who had climbed
Starting point is 01:16:26 a tree and i heard this 12 year old girl ran over to the tree i didn't see the kids in the tree i could just hear their voices but this girl just ran up to the tree and looked up and was it was yelling up the tree i'm sorry to tell you but elena and Ben are now together. And then the voice from in the tree goes, who? And the girl yells, Elena and Ben, are you okay with that? And the voice inside the tree goes, my neck hurts. Is that symptomatic of me not being okay? I guess I'm not heartbroken so much as neck broken the gossip was not well met no yeah or understood did you want to you liked ben right no no you're thinking of elena yeah yeah yeah well i'm surprised that they uh they they got together i thought they
Starting point is 01:17:21 hated each other but i mean if any of the kids from this class are listening or yeah are elena and ben still together did you see that coming or was that just a summer thing um my uh overheard please also uh concerns uh uh tweens maybe teens i think maybe teens. I think maybe teens. I was in a restaurant and they were behind me talking and they were recounting a conversation. One of them was recounting a conversation they had had with their boyfriend. And she said, and then I told him, I don't want to watch Spider-Man. I want to watch High School Musical. Did I stutter? I was like, wow.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah. Yeah. Hi-ya-yi which Spiderman? which high school musical? yeah true yeah you don't watch high school musical
Starting point is 01:18:11 in the summer you watch Camp Rock yeah that's true toy I've never seen never seen any of the high school musicals no me neither but i know that's what brought us zach afron and vanessa hudgens yeah anyone else oh i'm sure yeah ariana grande
Starting point is 01:18:33 no no ron weasley the character the character um but it's a musical about kids in high school i assume i think it's a musical about a musical in a high school okay no it's a it's a musical about kids in high school but are they putting on a musical maybe but it's also like they just break into song yeah yeah fun i didn't know nobody broke into song in my high school oh people, people that are mine. Oh, yeah? Yeah, yeah. Like to settle fights? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:08 We had a lot of sing-offs. Taz went to the same high school. Yeah, also my high school. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A lot of sing-offs. Our high school. Yeah. Sing-offs, dance-offs.
Starting point is 01:19:16 101 years old. 101 years old. Looks brand new. Well, the parts of it that are brand new. 90% of it is brand new Can you even say It's the same school You know
Starting point is 01:19:29 If they've replaced All the parts of it Doesn't matter Ryan Reynolds went there Yeah Josh Jackson went there They have a legacy Yeah
Starting point is 01:19:38 Is that where Seth Rogen went I went there No Seth Rogen went to PW Or Point Grey Or something Okay alright This all checks out
Starting point is 01:19:46 Yeah do you Any other celebrities You want to know Where they went Kim Campbell Went to PW What about Canada's first
Starting point is 01:19:56 Female Prime Minister What about Pamela Anderson Lady Smith I believe Yeah Lady Smith High School Yeah Lady Smith High School The same high school as Kayla Lorette Ah Most likely
Starting point is 01:20:10 Congratulations on graduating Yeah we really just don't Focus enough on where people went to high school Even though we do quite a bit On this show It's important Who went to yours oh uh
Starting point is 01:20:25 a soccer player uh yeah famous uh soccer player played in Owen Hargreaves yeah
Starting point is 01:20:32 Owen Hargreaves uh also I believe uh Tommy Chong ah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:20:39 um same time I was there Radon uh yeah I don't think she I don't think it was in hollywood is that yeah yeah yeah um now we also have overheard sent in by listeners if you want to send one in you can send it into spy at maximum fun dot org uh this first one comes from
Starting point is 01:20:59 charlotte in brighton england the other day, one of my kindergarten students was talking to me about Captain Hook and how much better he would be if he could change his hook hand to different, more useful things, like a pencil. Reminded of something from my youth, I asked, have you ever heard of Inspector Gadget? The boy thought for a moment, furrowing his brow before offering up, no, but I do know Commissioner Gordon. I know people in law enforcement yeah i don't know the inspector but i know his boss yeah this is one of these things about kids not knowing how many people there are i assume you all know each other yeah yeah yeah it's weird I feel bad that I don't know his name. Because there's only like eight people. Yeah. That's why it's never like, if we've had guests on the show who do voices in cartoons and stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Yeah. Margot's never impressed because she doesn't know that that's unusual. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's like, of course, of course. There's only the 12 people. Yeah. Somebody's got to do, yeah, yeah. She's like, of course, of course. There's only the 12 people. Yeah. Somebody's got to do those voices. Sure. Why not?
Starting point is 01:22:09 Why wouldn't it be the people who come and talk into microphones in your house? What about people on TV? Does that impress her? I don't know. She doesn't watch any live action things. Okay. Not even the finals of America's Got Talent? She does watch the finals of America's Got Talent.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's fun. The voting round is great. Get her on to Cinderella Christmas and see if she's impressed by me. No, she does like the occasional weird, like, Netflix will have, oh, you looked for the Little Mermaid. We don't have that, but we do have this weird Australian show about mermaids. The Australian Mermaid. Yeah. do you have more to say oh yeah absolutely two more uh fine we talk about oh sure i thought you were done with that
Starting point is 01:22:55 one though no no that was more quote no that was it commissioner gordon commissioner gordon this next one comes from netty h buffalo new Buffalo, New York. Two guys are rebuilding a porch next door. When the hammering stops, one guy says to the other, he never keeps less than $10,000 in his cargo shorts. Safest place for it. Are they telling the story of that
Starting point is 01:23:19 Harmony Corrine Matthew McConaughey movie? I don't know. Is that a plot point? No, I've never seen it, but I'm just trying to think of who would have $10,000 in cargo shorts. It would probably be Matthew McConaughey. I saw it. It's a plot point for sure.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Is it? Yeah. Okay. All right. All right. Everything's a plot point in that movie. Is it good? And oh, everything and nothing.
Starting point is 01:23:42 There's a great compilation of him on David Letterman. Like all of the times he was on David Letterman. Oh, Harmony Green. Harmony Green. And it's hilarious. He's a bit of a Crispin Glover, right? Yeah. And Dave loves it.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Yeah, Dave loves that kind of thing. He loves it. He loves someone who doesn't, who isn't polished. Yeah. And somebody who just says weird stuff. Like he asked, what did he ask of, like, whose influences were? And he was like, I don't really watch movies. This is a filmmaker.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Did he like Crispin Glover, though? Or was he genuinely upset with him for trying to kick him in the face? I think he was genuinely upset. I think he liked him. Yeah, I think he was genuinely upset with it. I think he liked them. Yeah, I think he liked anybody. He always liked Harvey Pekar was a guy that he liked weirdos, but then the weirdos would always
Starting point is 01:24:31 turn on him. Well, they're weirdos. Yeah. What do you expect? He'd push them too far. They knew they were being made fun of I think too. Yeah. It's like a little kid. You can make fun of a little kid at a certain point and they'll be like, oh, they're onto me.
Starting point is 01:24:48 Richard Simmons, that was another. He never turned on him, though. He got really upset at one point, though. Like the kid thing. Dave was really mean to him. Like he sprayed him with a fire extinguisher.
Starting point is 01:25:04 That's right, I forgot about that. That's too far. That is too far. You can't ruin somebody's outfit. Especially Richard Simmons. Yeah. He's only got the one. He put so much work into it.
Starting point is 01:25:15 He's missing, I hear. Yeah. There was a podcast about that. Yeah. Yeah. That's sad. Yeah, it's sad. It wasn't really sad.
Starting point is 01:25:23 It turns out he just was like, he wasn't missing. Oh, yeah. He's just in his house. Yeah. And he just doesn it's sad. It wasn't really sad. It turns out he just was like, uh, he wasn't missing. Oh yeah. He's just in his house. Yeah. And he just doesn't want to talk to the podcast. It's sad.
Starting point is 01:25:30 It was sad because he's like, he's withdrawn. He's withdrawn. Yeah. Yeah. He put it out there for a long time. A lot of energy to put out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Uh, this last one comes from Calvin H in California. Calvin Harris. Name a song. Name a song. Name a song. We'll bleep it. Did he do A Hopeless Place with Rihanna? Maybe.
Starting point is 01:25:54 I want a backpack on that. It's a piggyback on that, brother. I was reading at a park recently while three 7-9 year old kids played in the dirt nearby that's what kids do finds them a dirt patch play in it one of them was joking about the other one being ugly the third kid chimed in with my mom says i'm ugly because she doesn't want us to lie to each other that's good yeah no i mean even if you don't want to lie to your kids, lie about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah. If you think your kid is weird looking, you got a real Abe Vigoda for a kid. Or just say weird looking. Don't say ugly. It's subjective, though. Yeah. What's that family's idea of ugly?
Starting point is 01:26:37 What's their base? What is the world's baseline? Of who's ugly? Like, is Ben Affleck in the top or the middle? Oh, Ben Affleck. Hands top or the middle oh ben affleck then of handsome or ugly yeah he's in the top of handsome okay yeah but what era of ben affleck oh but the love don't cost the thing music video where he's pumping gas and his hair's all slicked back yeah look back? Yeah. Very specific. Good for Ben Affleck. It's not Love Don't Cause a Thing.
Starting point is 01:27:12 It might be Jenny from the block. Love Don't Cause a Thing is just Jennifer Lopez walking away from the camera as it walks into the ocean. Yeah. Where she still is to this day. Her in the Australian movies. Yes. What about about annie devito is he traditionally ugly yes no
Starting point is 01:27:31 you know what everyone who's famous is good good looking enough to be on camera yeah that's true there's no yeah like you can't take hollywood's word for what is paul williams oh the singer songwriter i don't know i don't even know who that is he's an old reference i watched the muffin i was watching did you go out for that playing it was playing in the movie yeah i went out for it they didn't hire me though i don't know your terms did you go to the movie theater for uh? Yes. Okay. The Rio on Broadway. Really? Yeah. Oh, it was playing I thought it was, never mind. I thought it was It's the 40th anniversary, so I think it's playing everywhere.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Oh, okay. Nice. The, uh, we watched, uh, we finally watched the Shape of Water. Oh, yeah. And that the lead actress, Sally Hawkins. Yeah. She's someone who you're like, oh, they're trying to make her like, she's not the pretty, they're trying to make her like.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Frumpy. Yeah. Not frumpy, but just like plain. Yeah. But I bet if you saw her in real life, you'd be like, that's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Same with the monster. You see him on screen and you're like, I bet in real life he's pretty handsome.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Played by Frank Oz. Really? No. Maybe. He's tying it into the Muppet. Doug Jones. Played by Doug Jones. Doug Jones.
Starting point is 01:28:54 We wish him the best. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. Spy pod one, like these people have. Hey there, business and guests. So I was working a wedding last night,
Starting point is 01:29:15 and this guy, when I was in the bathroom, was just kind of like chatting with me. And he was just asking about what I was doing, how I like my job, you know, regular small talk. And as I was about to leave the bathroom, he was like, hey, so how about I take a piss on your face? And I just politely said, oh, no, thanks, though. I'm fine. And he kind of responded, oh, no one ever wants that.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Off I go. You can't surprise somebody with that. Yeah. That's something that you've worked up to over a long period of time. It's stress. If you're working, I'm assuming this guy's a waiter or wedding DJ or something. Yeah. I don't know what you would work as.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Or a con man. Or a working owner. Or like a priest. Yeah, yeah, that's true. When someone asks you how you like the job, 100% of the time the answer is, it's okay. Yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah, it's all right. But also... Do it if you love the job. Well, I think if you're working at a wedding. Yeah. Specifically. But I think default, even I, like, I love my job. I get to improvise, but people ask me, like, yeah, it's all right. Yeah, it's fine. You just go to that. I, like, I love my job. I get to improvise.
Starting point is 01:30:25 But people ask me, like, yeah, it's all right. Yeah, it's fine. You just go to that. It's not like I'm, yeah, it's very funny. Do we think that happened? The guy really said that? I wonder. Why would they make that up?
Starting point is 01:30:37 I don't know. It'd be heard on their third favorite podcast. Yeah, I don't know. Like, because, you know, that's how uh people that want to pee on people maybe they just jump right in but also i assumed they were already shoulder to shoulder at the urinal right but i'm in your face that's a that's a bold statement yeah it is bold yeah yeah we'll start with my chest and work your way up. Let me see your business card. It says here your urinator. The great urinator.
Starting point is 01:31:12 There's an Instagram account that's just bottles of pee in New York. They've been left. And then I saw one of the posts was just like giant garbage bag full of pee. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:28 Clear garbage bag. Clear garbage bag full of pee. Wow. Check it out. Next phone call. Hi, this is Anne calling from Mount Pleasant, Michigan with an overheard. We were just at the Star Trek Exploring New Worlds exhibit at the Henry Ford, and they had this little thing, which was like a little board pod,
Starting point is 01:31:46 where you could stand in it and take a picture of yourself like you're a bug charging up and this man stepped into it and this woman was like okay Lily, be Borg-y it was immensely it was just great be Borg-y Borg it up
Starting point is 01:32:00 this is your one chance, we're not going to another Borg it up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is your one chance. We're not going to another Borg exhibit. Yeah. You know, this was your choice of what to do today. Borg stuff. Yeah, be Borg-y. And not Bjorn. You know what?
Starting point is 01:32:16 Everybody out there, be Borg-y. Yeah, be Borg-y. Yeah, if you're having a rough day, try being Borg-y. I don't know what a Borg is um i mean i think it's the thing with wires and a borg yeah they assimilate people human robot yeah yes amalgamation that's the one star trek movie i saw was the one with the borg the b. Where they try to Borg Picard. And they're like, be Borg-y. Yeah, and they're... They tell Picard to hit Picard.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Oh, no. Oh, dear. Borg-y and Bess over here. Okay. Be Borg-y, everyone. Yep. Final one. Hey, Dave Graham guest and incredible...
Starting point is 01:33:05 Oh, shit, I fucked that up. Incredible guest. Anyway, following with an over... heard, technically an overspoken to. I just walked out of Starbucks and there was a homeless person sitting outside the Starbucks and as I walked out, he said to me,
Starting point is 01:33:22 you cheap bastard, did you get a sandwich? Give it to me. So pretty aggressive tactic. Pretty aggressive tactic. Wait, you know what? Only has to work once. Give it to me.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Give me that sandwich. You do that all day. Someone's going to be like, oh, yeah. Did you get a sous vide egg bite? Give it to me. How have you had those? You seem like a sous vide guy. You seem like you go to me. Have you had those? You seem like a sous vide guy. You seem like you go to Starbucks.
Starting point is 01:33:49 I do, but only because they give you the largest tea. They give you the most water. They're not afraid to skip on the water. I've never had them. I'm afraid to try them. They look gross. They look gross. Yeah. It's like a puck. Yeah. They look gross. They look gross.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Yeah. Yeah. It's like a puck. Yeah. A wolf game. Puck of egg. Yeah. Like a puck of egg. Now Tim Hortons has them too.
Starting point is 01:34:12 Um, or better they sous vide or they just kind of. Better question. Do you sous vide at home? Uh, no, no. Don't you need a special apparatus to sous vide? You need a bag. You need a bag. And a pot.
Starting point is 01:34:24 And a. But the thing is really expensive. Yeah. Yeah. There's like a part that you need a special apparatus you need a bag and a pot and a but the thing is really expensive yeah yeah there's like a part that you need right to suvi something it's to suvi it's like a wand that you put in the pot yeah it's a weird hot wand that keeps it at the right temperature heat wand in in a hot wand in a i guess and like vacuum bags right Hot wand sounds like a gossip show for magicians Hot wand We're talking Sleight of hand on hot wand
Starting point is 01:34:51 Hot wand call in Yeah my question is for Magellan Wait Magellan the magician I always assumed he was Did you really explore the West Indies? No that
Starting point is 01:35:11 That's not the right topic on Hot Wand Hot Wand Hot Wand Oh boy oh boy This is why I thought it was Hot Wanderer Oh yeah That's why he's the improviser.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Yeah, very well done. And I'm the bad one. Taz. Can you tell I've been eating this whole time? No. Oh, God. I mean, I can by the amount of muffin that's left. Right.
Starting point is 01:35:37 Oh, you as a person. Yes. Yeah. Visually. I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the audience. No, you did a very... I think you did a very good job.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Cool. You ate some during the break. Yeah. Yeah. Now I'm openly. Yeah. Now you're flaunting. Now you're like the last chapter of the action movie.
Starting point is 01:35:57 When you reveal your plan. Yes, yes, yes. Who you were the whole time. And we only have one more chance to stop you. Yeah. And guess what? We do. We do.
Starting point is 01:36:07 Yippee-ki-yay. Taz, each and every week at the Fox Cabaret. Correct. Be part of the Sunday service. Trademark Kanye West. The Sunday service. The Sunday service. Anything else coming up that you want to plug?
Starting point is 01:36:23 Anything in August? No. No. All right. anything else coming up do you want to plug anything in August no no no alright where can people find you online if they're interested
Starting point is 01:36:29 in more more tasks Wikipedia yeah the undated unupdated article because I can't
Starting point is 01:36:35 figure out the coding on it did you set up your own Wikipedia no I got someone else to do it okay
Starting point is 01:36:41 and there's like there's a bit of coding like I can figure it out yeah like you have to have brackets what's wrong with it now it Okay. And there's a bit of coding. Like, I could figure it out. Yeah. Like, you have to have brackets. What's wrong with it now? It's just a bit outdated.
Starting point is 01:36:49 Oh, okay. The biggest thing is like, he's best known for this New Balance commercial, I think it says. And that's like... Is that the one where you had an accent? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What are you best known for now? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:36:59 Being on this podcast? Yeah, probably. What is... What accent did you do? Well, look it up. It's a New Balance commercial. Okay. Yeah, probably. What accent did you do? Look it up. It's a New Balance commercial. Okay.
Starting point is 01:37:12 I'm vaguely Eastern European, let's say. Okay. But then I turn on a boombox at the end, and it's playing South Asian music. Right. And I'm like, hey, but I'm also eating a kebab. So it's really all of it and i had longer hair then so i look a bit more swarthy but it's still yeah it's in my accent it was like hey come on guy right it was like that weird can we talk to that guy can we can you bring him out it's not that type of podcast um and uh as dave said earlier we'll be at the uh the calgary public library reading up boning up on
Starting point is 01:37:49 yeah for our history we'll be shushing everyone left and right this is uh september 8th not the not your local neighborhood library the big one the big one by spelalumbo go grab a greasy Spalumbo come on in get a sous vide egg by Spalumbo from McLeod Trail yeah proudly serving Calgary
Starting point is 01:38:17 for 50 odd years Spalumbo thanks everybody who came to see us in Montreal yes and thanks everybody who came to see us in Montreal yes and thanks everybody for listening
Starting point is 01:38:27 uh if you like the show please tell your friends and uh come back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself and you know what
Starting point is 01:38:35 be Borgie Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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