Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 607 - Kevvy

Episode Date: November 4, 2019

Musician/producer/podcaster Kevvy joins us to talk tattoos, New York, and riding the train backwards....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 607 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who is ready for this spooky, spooky month to end. Mr. Dave Shumka. Well, at the time of this episode's release, this spooky month is over.
Starting point is 00:00:38 That's right. But November's a pretty spooky month. Really dreary. So it'll be fun for listeners knowing that we've died of fright when this episode is released that that's right have you done anything spooky so far no i mean i looked longingly at a box of pumpkins at the grocery store yeah but that's because you wanted to drill a hole to practice my sex first you microwave them uh oh yes i'm sorry i forgot i was talking to the expert
Starting point is 00:01:12 we'll be taking your calls for the next hour this is pumpkin humpkin um our uh guest today uh what a great way to be introduced uh he is the host of uh two podcasts barely about music and comedy here often he's also the front man of a band called fake shark it's kevi hey hello kevi finally i made a couple more pumpkin humpers like yeah yeah yeah thank goodness yeah it's fine it's uh it's your time to step out of the gourd closet and proclaim your love for that autumnal fruit and it is a fruit yeah the seed rule baby seed rule yep uh what's the seed rule if it has a seed it's fruit so avocado fruit yeah yeah i don't actually know i think i've heard the term seed rule before what is that thing an avocado is that a seed pit oh yeah it's a racket ball that's inside every avocado
Starting point is 00:02:12 yeah i would say it's big it's big yeah you need one to plant an avocado tree i'm assuming i guess so but then why are why is the like why are we not lousy with avocado tree oh man i feel like yeah you know when avocados were first invented and someone found the first one took a bite out of it rude awakening yeah broke their teeth all over that seed also that skin hard to get through with the old chompers also if it's too green forget it shows over yeah i say avocado i feel like i'm adjusting for you guys because i'm oh no say it the way my heart speak your truth my heart canadian uh you ever get one that's mostly seed oh come on or mostly pit or whatever just take it back
Starting point is 00:02:58 hope you kept your receipt have you ever taken back uh? No, I've never bought produce. I think I know how to cook. I took back milk the other day. Yeah. Really? Too many seeds? Yeah. One big one in the middle.
Starting point is 00:03:15 It was a cow's boob. Do you want to get to know us? Oh, yeah. Okay. Get to know us. Kevi, first time guest here on the podcast. Yeah, thank you so much. And now there's all sorts of neat things to know about you.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You produce a lot of comedy albums here in town. Juno nominated comedy albums, right? We won one. You won one? Ivan Decker Yeah And then the next year Was Mace Galoney's
Starting point is 00:03:48 I had done Nice And then who knows This next year Could Yeah Could be anyone Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:54 Do you have anything In the running Anything out right now Well when Graham and I Finally finish his Yeah We're gonna We're gonna sweep the
Starting point is 00:04:01 Junos and then the Emmys Right after that Yeah we're gonna Yeah the daytime Emmys. You're up against The View for a comedy album. Yeah. Sorry, Rosie. Wait, is she on that?
Starting point is 00:04:12 No. She was. But I'm just now picturing what The View comedy album would be. Would it be sketches? Yeah. Just monologues. Yeah, and like political songs and you're also you're also a music producer yeah and you've produced a bunch of different
Starting point is 00:04:37 types of music yeah yeah you famously produced call me baby I didn't produce that I wrote on that album okay not on that song i wish i wrote on that song and unbelievably here right now i'd be here well we'd be in uh the sky somehow that'd be a good place for a studio yeah and your personal zeppelin yeah exactly yeah no but i i mean she uh showed me that song acoustically and I produced different ones. Oh, yeah. You were like, now pass. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah. So, yeah. I thought you were going to say famously produced Kat Von D. Yeah, I have produced music for her also. Oh, wow. It's not out yet. And it's coming out early next year. I remember seeing pictures of you and her, paparazzi pictures yeah yeah like in seven years ago yeah
Starting point is 00:05:30 yeah i can't believe you've been looking at me for so long i'm just meeting today yeah well it's i mostly just check paparazzi pictures yeah big tmz thing yeah yeah yeah so yeah we we did that and then she's actually heading out on a tour to tour that record in May. Has she done any of the tattoos on you? All of them. Really? Yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:05:51 When did you start getting tattoos? It's funny. Like, before I met her, I had, like, one tattoo from when I was 14 on my leg. Oh, what was that? Most original thing, a nautical star. I don't know if you've ever seen one of those on anyone before. And then... I couldn't point one out. I was sure it was going to be a gecko.
Starting point is 00:06:11 A gecko? Yeah. A tramp stamp gecko would be really sexy. Yeah, a dolphin jumping over a gecko. It's covered in tribal tattoos. I love when people get a lot of ideas in one tattoo. Like a dolphin jumping over a canadian flag or something like that that is just with my mom's birthday on it just all your
Starting point is 00:06:33 favorite things yeah just get it all handled in one time my mom and i have issues but she's got a hell of a birthday well she is a dolphin um yeah and then so then uh after that i now have like nine tattoos from her and so uh was it a case of she was like let me give you let me i can only pay you in tattoos um she i said i wanted to get a bunch of cat head tattoos all over my arm and she went let's go do it right now how about three big ones and then i got this one i like that yeah thank you i mean that's the first one i noticed yeah yeah i like them all thanks and then and then um take your shirt off anything for you i did just meet you after all um and then because i was living in her guest house for a while while i was working on different things in la for a while and then i every couple days i'd be like what about uh
Starting point is 00:07:23 audrey hepburn she looks let's go do it right now and then we days I'd be like, what about, uh, Audrey Hepburn? She's like, let's go do it right now. And then we'd, it'd be like 11 straight hours and it's so impulsive and so fun. And I actually have, uh, nightmares. I don't have them. Like I love them. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 The, uh, like leading up to that, did you ever think you'd be a tattoo guy? No. No. It's not too late in my life. Maybe I become a tattoo guy. Do you ever need to live in the guest house of a famous tattoo artist i mean that's the that's the easy route i unfortunately lived in the uh tattoo artist oh jeez i lived in the guest house of uh the cake boss really so
Starting point is 00:07:57 every day i'm like fill my canola let's do it right now that old adage yeah well that's cool and like are you going to get more yeah I always want more yeah yeah I love it
Starting point is 00:08:15 and then it's funny like I'll go by I just went by to visit and she's like I have 15 minutes do anything you want and I got this oh inner lip
Starting point is 00:08:23 a smiley face on the inner lip? It's the face with the sideways bracket that just seems like, I don't know. Oh, yeah. It's my favorite emoji. I don't really like emojis. I'm not one for texting LOL or anything, but I like that one. Have you...
Starting point is 00:08:38 So you just got that one? Last year. Have you been to the dentist since? No. Okay. What are they going to say? That's what I'm curious about. They're going to be like, well, why so serious?
Starting point is 00:08:47 Why the attitude? They cut my cheeks open. It's the only logical thing to do. Yeah. Yeah, that would be kind of fun for a dentist. You think so? Yeah. Yeah, just every mouth they see is the same.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, well, give or take a cavity probably. But I feel like on the realm of tattoo extremities, that is sort of a silly one considering how many face tattoos there are out now. And on very young people. Yeah. A lot of people get something over one eyebrow. And I mean, that's an interesting trend to just you know participate in yeah i think so yeah i mean it's not really a trend if it's on your face forever yeah that's true would you ever get face tattoo no i don't think so i don't even want to get anything on my hands yeah like i like
Starting point is 00:09:36 the idea i can wear a you know a nice puffy jacket like dave put away from me earlier today and no one even knows i have tattoos yeah yeah so you can you can revert to uh office drone exactly yeah my that's that's my other name besides kevi i was gonna say though the worst tattoo i've ever seen and maybe this is the game you guys can help out with is okay i was at the flea market one time and i saw a gentleman uh as Charlie Demers would say, a sleeveless gentleman. And he had a tattoo of Garfield that looked like if I drew it right now from memory. And it was pink. Pink Garfield.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Worst tattoo I've ever seen. What do you guys, do you have any? Geez, like, well, the worst one that I ever saw was when I worked at the Calgary Stampede. Okay. And a guy had like a homemade, you know, stick and poke. Prison style. And it said, it was a very bad Canadian flag. And it said Canadian, like, but spelled, like,
Starting point is 00:10:39 looked like the Canadian beer logo. And a Canadian badass. And then a very badly done Canadian flag. So a Kid Rock reference. Yeah, Kid Rock reference. Yeah. logo. Okay. And the Canadian badass. And then a very badly done Canadian flag. So a Kid Rock reference. Yeah, Kid Rock reference. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And that guy? What did I think of that? He's our prime minister. Yeah. He does have, our prime minister does have, he does have a tattoo. Does he?
Starting point is 00:10:57 But like, he has like, does he have a Canadian flag? Maple leaf? Yeah, he's a maple leaf. And then I think he has like a Thunderbird or something. Oh yeah. A Thunderbird?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Like the car? No, no, no. That would be so badass. We elect a guy who's got a Thunderbird car. Wait, a fire bird. Yeah. I feel like there's probably, yeah, Thunderbird as well. Is it?
Starting point is 00:11:19 A T-Bird? Yeah. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They've had all the birds. Man. Parrot. Yep. The Hyundai Parrot. I drove a all the birds. Man. Parrot. Yep. Hyundai Parrot.
Starting point is 00:11:26 I drove a Parrot for a while. I drove away here. My neighbors used to have a Hyundai Pony. Oh, yeah. Was that a Hyundai? That sounds fake. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Like a tiny little car, right? Yeah. Yeah. Mitsubishi Parakeet. I love this game. Yeah. Car brand end. Bird brand. bird brand.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I can't even think of the worst tattoos I've seen. I've been seeing more and more that I like. I don't, they're not for me.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Like, my body is a temple. It's a shrine. It's a wonderland. It's a wonderland. Yeah. Yeah. Swim in a big sea
Starting point is 00:12:02 of blankets. Shmoong. But I've been, yeah, I like, I've been seeing a lot of just like black and white ones. I like, Alicia's got a new one. Okay. Past guest Chris Fonzon-Bathey designed. The cat with the like thunderbolts. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Oh, that's cute. Yeah. A lot of people are getting like that, like the kind of, they look old timey. Yeah. They're just like the, yeah. Yeah. Kind of just, just a black ink. Yeah. They're just like the, yeah. Yeah. Kind of just, just a black ink. Do you not have any?
Starting point is 00:12:28 Nope. Wow. No. I'm going to get one on my 80th birthday. Right across my face. The number 80. Yeah. Celebration.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Exactly. You've heard of Takashi69. Just around my eyes. Yeah. Yeah. I'm saving it up. Okay. Will be expensive i mean if i knew a world famous tattoo artist then maybe i you know you'd have to dive in well uh she has a tattoo shop called high voltage
Starting point is 00:12:56 where she picked all the artists and they're all she says they're all better than her at something so if you guys ever go to la i I could, uh, get you in there. Maybe it might be good episode. Okay. Yeah. You know the show. Yeah. Sounds great guys.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Um, and speaking of, uh, uh, Kat Von D, you're, there's a, is it a lipstick that's named after? A lip liner named after me.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Heavy lip liner. That's, what color is it? It's like a peach nude. yeah. Oh, yeah. Heavy lip liner. That's, what color is it? It's like a peach nude. Yeah, that's you.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah, thanks. Yeah. If you, what type of toiletry would you be? Oh, boy. Yeah, a plunger. Dave Brand plunger. Yeah, or like an auger. Oh, yeah. What's that? It's like a
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's kind of like a One of those snakes But I just go Oh okay It's like on a crank Yeah I got one Really? I'm a proud owner of an auger
Starting point is 00:13:54 Man Yeah me too baby I think I left it at the old house Bragging Yeah yeah yeah No man it's You could be an auger owner Just like that
Starting point is 00:14:03 Man I don't know Maybe when I'm 80 Huh. Maybe when I'm 80. Huh? Maybe when I'm 80. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you use any toiletries? You'd be a beard oil.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I have some beard oil. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. And then the rest of it, it just really could fit in a hobo's bindle. It's just a shampoo and a soap and a comb and toothpaste well deodorant you know yeah deodorant yeah absolutely hobos have that stick with that little bag on the end that's that'd be the perfect size for those uh yeah that's what they must have in there yeah that's why they're always so well kept looking yeah yeah yeah that's uh what would a hobo actually have in there a knife
Starting point is 00:14:44 can of beans. I feel like you gotta have your knife in your pocket. Yeah. That's a good call. Because how big is the bindle? Like, what are you carrying? I guess that you're using some kind of fulcrum. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And it's like a large, I always pictured it as being like the size of a bandana. Yeah. I think it is a bandana, right? You can't fit much in there. No. An avocado. Just the seed. Just a couple avocado seeds. Yeah. I think it is a bandana, right? You can't fit much in there. No. An avocado. Just the seed. Just a couple avocado seeds.
Starting point is 00:15:09 For when you hit the coast and you start your own avocado farm. Gotta start somewhere. But your handkerchief tying skills must be amazing. To be able to carry all your belongings like that and just trust it. That's true. Yeah. And then jump on a train like that? Come on.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Graham is miming it. Like he's trying to remember some kind of hobo rhyme he's looking good over under side to side that is where the hobos pride this is the hobo folding rhyme yeah bindle bindle shining bright the jump a train tonight they very good thank you um the hobos i know they would they had a whole like uh system of like hieroglyphics yeah they would leave the hobo code yeah they would leave at different points and say like angry... Angry farmer. Angry, yeah. Had sex with his daughter. Despite his warning.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Fucked his pumpkins. Angry farmer. There were three holes in the wall. Yeah. He told me the first two were fine, but instead of the third one... It's a very small hieroglyphic for it, though. No, they're like, you know, food here or shelter. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:30 That's helpful. These people are a little Jesus-y. That could be a good thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sure. Bring you in, give you a shave and a haircut and a new handkerchief. Yeah, two bits. And then you're also a touring musician. Yeah yeah yeah and uh you two are like is this all over the world yeah yeah i've uh i was just talking about how sick i got when we toured china
Starting point is 00:16:55 because everyone told me that they'd been there before would be like don't drink the water so i didn't but i did brush my teeth with it which is the same thing yeah and then i got so sick for the whole tour we were there for like two and a half weeks don't breathe the air don't breathe there i mean that i actually did get like an instant sore throat in beijing and then everyone had those masks on and stuff and uh and then when we were coming back i also had to do the longest set of my life while I was sick like that, which was like 90 minutes. How come? It was just what we got booked for. And so we did it.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And it was weird. It was in Guangzhou. And there were, oddly enough, only Russian people in the audience. And it was the drunkest crowd I've ever performed for in my life. Oh, Russians. Yikes. Yeah. And I remember some woman came up to us and was like, is that you guys on the poster?
Starting point is 00:17:45 And it was me and my bass player. And we were like, yep. And then she turned to him and went, you look better on the poster. Ouch. Mean. Rude. Yeah. They're very mean when they're drunk.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Rude Russians. Yeah. Oh, man. Do you do that? Do you just not let go of rude situations and just think about it years later? Yeah. I do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Yeah. Yeah. I'm trying to think of like, because make yourself feel better for like, Oh, never going back. Well, I was,
Starting point is 00:18:14 I actually was just thinking of one yesterday cause I dwell on that kind of thing about how on a, on an eighth grade, um, like school trip, me and my best friend were talking about the movie dawn of the dead and we were really excited about it and this kid turned around he went hey man it's just a movie but his dad was sitting beside him so i couldn't be like f you you know right because i didn't want
Starting point is 00:18:33 to you know yeah yeah yeah so rude i was just talking about it man and you've held on to that all these years you know what i think it's time to let it go yeah i thought you're gonna say to find him yeah yeah yeah find him yeah. Find him. Find him. Track him down. That's what Facebook's for. And beat up his dad. You couldn't at the time. You didn't have the strength.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Exactly. But now. Now. Yeah. I mean, he had a point. What? It's just a movie. I didn't come here for this kind of.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Did he think that you thought zombies were real? Like some kind of fake shark, real zombie situation? Deep cut. I think he just was annoyed by my enthusiasm. And I can only assume he's now an accountant or something like that. What if he's making The Walking Dead? What if he was like,
Starting point is 00:19:15 maybe that was the turning point. Like, I said that, but I don't believe it. Martin Scorsese has been bad-mouthing the Marvel movies. He's in a big big he's in a feud with Captain America with Thanos I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:31 who's gonna win and he I feel like that's a good thing you could say to him is just a movie yeah
Starting point is 00:19:38 yeah but I mean that's kind of what that was his point that was kind of his point was he was like it's like an amusement ride and it's like what else was Scorsese gonna say about them like yeah he didn't say anything
Starting point is 00:19:48 bad if he was like an amusement he said they're not cinema yeah if he was super duper into like the ryan reynolds green lantern movie or something and be like hmm that's disappointing so i'd rather him be like those movies are stupid yeah yeah yeah yeah i wonder if he liked joker yeah he basically directed it have you seen it yeah oh i haven't seen it yet uh tonight's the night oh yeah no i'm very busy it's a pro d day yeah today's the day i can bring the kids oh no the uh i guess the uh the staircase from that movie that's on the poster has just been flooded with dancers. Yeah, yeah. Was it New York?
Starting point is 00:20:29 It's in New York, yeah. And it's just, it's become New York's leading tarot piece. So, just where there's like a hundred people all doing the same pose. The same dance. You know what I liked about it, though, is that it had real stand-up comedians in it like gary gallman gary gallman and um i mean brian callum's in a part and then who else is it aaron yeah mark maron um sam moral they're all in yeah and they're playing themselves uh not mark maron but the other guys were yeah they were just playing like yeah like uh comics but they had them like in outfits from the 80s.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Like what a comic in the 80s would have worn. Yeah. And yeah. How anachronistic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they were doing modern jokes. These new apps are so crazy. You guys got the Miami Vice app?
Starting point is 00:21:19 And that's what drove the Joker crazy. He didn't know what they meant. Boy, he's got a lot of negative thoughts out here mostly negative thoughts the only the only thing that uh drove me up the wall about the movie was that the joker is basically smoking in every scene and then he can outrun anybody he's so fast how crazy he is yeah that's that's true. Notice. Um, can I, you know how they were when it first came out?
Starting point is 00:21:48 There was like a news report about a guy in the front who would laugh every time the Joker killed someone and then he got kicked out. Oh yeah. See that? Yeah. When I went to with my girlfriend and that happened, she was like, yeah, when it happened,
Starting point is 00:21:59 the first one was like, shh, shh. And they also, you also weren't allowed to go to it by yourself for the first week. What? They were worried about a shooting, yeah. Who?
Starting point is 00:22:09 The shooters roll solo. Not at Columbine. Yeah, good point. That's true. Yeah. I never heard that. What? Because I'm going to go by myself.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Not allowed. Well, by the'm going to go by myself. Not allowed. Well, by the eighth week, it'll be. How many people is he going to shoot? Yeah, that's true. Just you? Yeah. Like, ah, I wanted a body count here. So are you heading out on tour again soon or just come back from a tour?
Starting point is 00:22:43 We actually, yesterday we were doing a photo shoot for a new album and then a video shoot this weekend with the Soska sisters who are my friends and they're identical
Starting point is 00:22:50 twin directors and they just did a David Cronenberg remake called Rabid and I did the music for it. Oh wow. That just came out and I was just in LA
Starting point is 00:22:57 for the premiere of that and then Did they do Ginger Snaps? Catherine Isabel was a star of that starred in American Mary which they did. American Mary. Yeah, yeah. So I did a star of that starred in American Mary which they did. American Mary.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Yeah, yeah. So I did a bunch of music for that one too. And then Didn't we get a preview of the music? Oh, I was going to hum the Jurassic Park theme.
Starting point is 00:23:14 That's the only thing I can think of. No, no, no. We'll take it. I always feel It makes me really You guys like that movie? feel romantic.
Starting point is 00:23:22 That was the music we walked in at our big Wedding Wedding entrance Really? Presenting Dave And Abby Shumka
Starting point is 00:23:30 That's brilliant What's your favorite movie score You think? That one? Movie score Star Wars or I mean No you know like
Starting point is 00:23:42 It was one that I had My parents had the album of was the sting. Oh, really? That's cool. The ragtime stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I really liked that.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It's very nostalgic. That's cool. That's like a, that's a good piece of vinyl if it was on vinyl. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah. What about yours? Um, I love Jurassic park. Um, and then I also love, uh, I really loved the Gone Girl score. Oh, yeah. And Trent Reznor. And then I love the Social Network. Yeah, I like that one too.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Yeah, I love it. It's kind of like, I like pieces of music that feel nostalgic, but also futuristic. And I feel like that encapsulates those two scores. Is that what you kind of did for this? Yeah, that's what I kind of, I really did try to just do that kind of thing. Cool. Yeah, I like that i um yeah i used to listen to a like a screenwriting podcast yeah and one of the guys hosting it was talking about how when he writes he likes to listen to scores yeah he especially likes the born movie scores oh really and i tried and i was like no i do not like this
Starting point is 00:24:43 is it too much energy uh it's distracting yeah well it's just kind of like tuneless oh okay it's just drones and stuff well drones and then like high-paced stuff but like no not really like a like no melody melody yeah okay but yeah i like all the john williams stuff yeah oh man you know what i what score i love and people get mad at me for loving this movie, but Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. That was my childhood favorite movie, and I constantly, and people are just like,
Starting point is 00:25:12 you're wrong. That was the bad one. That was the one where he was going through a divorce. People get mad at me. I'm like, Crystal Skull is worse. If you're really going to get mad about one of those movies. Steven Spielberg was going through a divorce then? Yeah, and he was in the midst of alcoholism and everything. They were like, he just took
Starting point is 00:25:28 out his problems on Indiana Jones. John Williams wasn't going through a divorce when he was scoring it. He didn't make everyone go through a divorce to make the movie. No, but he did. Those were his notes to John Williams. More divorce-y. Yeah. Do you remember the music in that? It's so
Starting point is 00:25:43 cool. I couldn't differentiate the scores from different Indiana Jones. The first one's like and then Temple of Doom is like Graham knows. As soon as you start singing. I am a musician, so.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Would, like, would you take that as a full-time gig, just scoring films, or is it just a fun? I don't know. I do so many things, and I like the diversity of it that I don't know. Like, it's funny because I used to just produce so much music. And then when I started doing comedy, it, I was only doing comedy albums for like two years. Right. And now I'm back to doing music and it's kind of like even.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah. And, uh, I think I like going back and forth with it. How many movies have you scored? Uh, I've, I've done the music for about seven. Oh, seven. Yeah. Yeah. So do you get the, like, like uh when do you join the process um so the saska sisters
Starting point is 00:26:47 who i was talking about um they're just like my best friends and so they will we'll just hang out and tell me about the new script they're writing and i'll start writing it before they've even started shooting oh really yeah so like i'll get i'll get excited like they had a they had a they did a wwe movie with Kane. And he, yeah. What's Kane like on set? Kane's really nice. He's so nice. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:10 And he's a politician now, of course. Is he really? That's not even shocking anymore. Yeah, and his running mate is another wrestler. I can't remember, but it's so ridiculous. I would like to see a ticket. Oh, Goldust. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:27:24 What a ticket. Yeah. like to see a ticket. Oh, Goldust. Oh, boy. What a ticket. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. Sure. I just want to tell you one funny thing that Kane did on set. Which was that there's a part in that movie, See No Evil, where he's laying on a slab at a morgue like he's dead. And then Catherine Isabel from Ginger Snaps gets on top of him and she's doing this sexy thing. And then they're like, cut. And like gets on top of them. And she's doing this like sexy thing.
Starting point is 00:27:45 And then, and then they're like cut. And they're like, Glenn, that's Kane's real name. They're like, you must've enjoyed that. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:27:51 actually my daughter's the same age as her. So that made me very uncomfortable. Yeah. Upstanding citizens. Good. Good for you, Glenn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Um, so when you go, like, do they, are you right? You're, you just start writing without any pictures. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:05 We just kind of discuss the tone and the vibe and they'll give me examples and I'll get inspired. And then I'll usually write the end credits theme song first. Okay. It's like the funnest. Like think about what would be the most cool thing to start the credits with. And then so like Rabid. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Is that the hobo theme song for packing their handkerchiefs what was that yackety sacks oh yeah every film should start with and kevin spacey is ty kaiser's jose couldn't you tell they have the same initials can i tell you that one time i was in the recording studio and this producer was like you gotta hear this snare sample it's amazing and he accidentally played that and it was maybe the hardest i've ever laughed and i don't think it was it wasn't a joke i don't know why it was up on his... He just Rick-rolled himself. Of all songs, that song is the goofiest of goofy songs.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Yeah. It really is. But, like, it's so goofy that you don't even need to know the context that it originally existed for. Yeah. It's just like, if you hear it, you're like... Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is hilarious. I don't know if it was originally for Benny Hill running running around yeah fast motion but it is very silly it's so silly that if something tragic
Starting point is 00:29:30 happened in real life and then that came over a pa system people would laugh yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you know what that's that's our secret weapon as humans we're now entering our fifth hour of September 11th coverage. So sorry, but you gotta laugh. But you gotta laugh. That's what they say on the news. It shows a bunch of laughing firefighters. Have all of the movies that you've done the scores for been like kind of spooky movies or?
Starting point is 00:30:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. been like kind of spooky movies or yeah yeah yeah yeah that's your would you ever do like a score for like a a family picture family road picture uh yeah anything the shumka family watches oh sure yeah um i would actually love that i just it'd be really fun i like uh hiring my friends for things so if it was like a big budget version that'd be cool to do something kind of weird with it like yeah if it was like a family movie, but you had all these like industrial musicians work on it or something. Kind of.
Starting point is 00:30:29 That'd be cool. Really like that idea of, you know, like, you know, an Olsen twins movie, but with a Trent Reznor kind of score underneath. There was a SpongeBob episode that had Pantera who did the soundtrack. Oh, really? Yeah. Just no vocals. And it was like, they all did a bunch of caffeine in the episode
Starting point is 00:30:46 and it was like Pantera music all the way through it. That's so cool. That is cool. And the kids would never know. Yeah. There's a lot. I think like,
Starting point is 00:30:54 I watched Spongebob when it was first on and I was like, there's a lot going on here that kids will not. Oh, yeah. They won't get and that's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:01 And then maybe when they're in college they'll rediscover Spongebob and be like, uh. It it's like as a parent now uh-huh uh i remember like growing up and and you know getting a little older and being like okay so these are i can tell these are jokes for the parents yeah and but then the amount of just like surface trash my children watch that has no nothing for the parent oh really yeah what's the worst you think oh there was this uh show called word party that's a netflix original yeah that is it's made
Starting point is 00:31:32 by like maybe the the jim henson company but it is it's absolute garbage really what's the what's the premise of word party um boy uh we uh we're we, uh, we're the babies. You're the big kids. So the big kids are watching it. Your kids are watching it and they're trying to like help these little babies learn these animal babies learn words. Oh boy. Oh, that sounds challenging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:56 But word party. Oh, that was also written by Pantera. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Yeah. Yeah, but it's funny, though, because when I was a kid, I was shown things just way too early. I saw RoboCop, and I was like five, and it's so violent.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I don't know why my mom rented that for me, and she chose it also. Yeah, but RoboCop was a movie that you definitely wanted to see. You didn't know that it wasn't appropriate for you. Yeah. But you're, yeah, somebody should have been in control. Somebody should have been at the driver's seat. I was by myself all the time. I also, but then I remember like years later getting mad at my mom for not letting me see Tales from the Crypt Demon Night in the theater.
Starting point is 00:32:38 And I was like, come on, you let me watch Robocop. Well, that was about a police. let me watch Robocop. Well, that was about a police. This one just, this one glorifies a crypt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:53 That's gross. Yeah. Is that a job? Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. Crypt. I'm going to keep a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good, a good is he just the crypt keeper i've never heard of another one no that's true but you know somebody's gotta maintain those scripts aren't gonna keep themselves he's just a comic book collector it's all he has in his crypts yeah yeah he as a kid i was like that was a very confusing one because he was silly enough to appeal to kids yeah but spooky enough to oh man your nightmares. Oh man, I love that show and it made my nightmares so much, like, there is such weird bat, and it's funny because it really
Starting point is 00:33:30 didn't age well because I'm watching it again now and there's an episode that Arnold Schwarzenegger directed and it's terrible. So dumb. And he wants to be our governator? Arnold Schwarzenegger directed, wow. Yeah, it's also like like every season had like 35 episodes it's like let's trim that in half right up the quality it was like uh i never watched it is really but like
Starting point is 00:33:54 it was it didn't have like a continuing plot it was just a bunch of yeah it was like twilight zone but it would have its big thing is that it was way more like raunchy and then there would be a celebrity in like every episode as a director or a star or both. So there's one where Joe Pesci is playing several characters. This is my dream. That was a good one, actually. He really got his just desserts in that one. And then there was...
Starting point is 00:34:21 It was weird, though. Pesci playing multiple... They all sound exactly like. Joe Pesci played multiple. They all sound exactly the same. Pesci clumps. Think about how good his music career would have been if that was really out. Oh, yeah. Little Joe Pesci. That's right. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, he's done a lot. And he's coming back in a Scorsese film. Is he the Irishman? Yeah. And hopefully he plays more than one character. I love when actors decide to start playing music, like Dog Star and like... Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:54 40-odd foot of grunts. That was Russell Crowe's band. And now Jeremy Renner has that song. Yeah. Yeah. He's got a whole ad campaign, a Jeep ad campaign built around it. Yeah. That's pretty much my favorite ad campaign that's out right now.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. Where it's like, you know Jeremy Renner as a singer. And it's like, do we? Yeah. No. He's late to this concert. The Jeremy Renner concert. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:17 You're kind of like, am I being gaslit? Could you like a band that had an actor in it like would could you take it seriously like 30 seconds to mars or something like i remember when it came out i was like no no this is right dumb right that's a good question could i ever like i know the person first as an actor and then like if denzel washington started a indie rock band could you get into yes yes i mean obviously yes i would get into that um uh no it is it is a little bit like yeah um sometimes it just it feels weird like i remember michael cero was playing bass oh yeah with some people and it was like oh is he but he's not permanently in the band or is he oh wait phantom planet no that was jason sportsman i think that was on the better side of the spectrum
Starting point is 00:36:11 of those kind of things yeah i'm trying to think of like what what is the best of actor dog star probably eddie murphy's party all the time yeah that's pretty great yeah that doesn't count it's so good it's just so good. Yeah. So then the other question is, what about when actors decide to start doing stand-up? Is that annoying? Nope. No, I love it. I want to see.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I want to see. What's his name? Entourage do stand-up. Oh, Jeremy Piven. Piven. Yeah. I want to see all of the members of Entourage. Turtle. He'd be good. I want to see Turtle of the Members of Entourage Turtle He'd be good
Starting point is 00:36:45 I want to see Turtle Do stand up Just all aquatic jokes Yep Hey everybody Stop throwing away your straws I'm not really Turtle Get in my car
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah because John Mayer did it for a bit But he Can do it all That's bit But he Can do it all That's true He can just do it all I thought he's been funny On interviews and stuff
Starting point is 00:37:09 So that was not Really that annoying to me And then he's always with Chappelle But I could see how An actual comedian Would be like Come on Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:16 It would be weird If it was Jeremy Renner Doing it Because he seems so serious That's next Oh Jeremy Renner Is a stand up Wait did you hear
Starting point is 00:37:23 He didn't he like Threaten to kill Like put a gun in his own mouth and threaten to kill his wife? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's canceled. Was that part of the Jeep? That was part of the Jeep campaign. They'll do anything to move more units.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Yeah. I mean, I bought a bunch of Jeeps after that. Yeah. How many Jeeps did you buy? Adding to the four I already had. Yeah. Okay. A hundred and four. How many Jeeps did you buy? Adding to the four I already had. 104. And you put the Jurassic Park logo on the side of all of them.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Well, I mean, they have no sides. I take the doors off. Yeah, cool. That is cool. That is the coolest way to drive. Yeah. It's the safest way to drive, but it's also making it more dangerous than a conventional car. Oh, thank goodness. Yeah. Why is that allowed? dangerous than a conventional car. Oh, thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah. Why is that allowed? That's a good question. It shouldn't be. We got a big bar going across the top of the car. Good enough. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And if that's legal, how come you can't ride a dune buggy down the street? I think you can. They just don't make very many dune buggies. No, that's true. But that would be the car for me here in the rainiest city in canada i was talking to someone about they now have uh you know how they have formula one race cars yeah they now have formula e electric cars oh that they race with electric cars and uh i was asking how they do pit stops because they can't just like fill them with gas really usb
Starting point is 00:38:42 iphone and the guy said that they, there were two ways of doing it. And one they used to do when they currently do, I don't remember which is which, but one was they, they all have two cars and you just get out. No. And get in the other car.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Oh, really? Huh? In the pit stop. And the other one was just, oh, they put a new battery in. Put a new battery in.
Starting point is 00:39:00 That made more sense. I just pictured the car slowing down to a stop because it needs to upgrade the IOS. It's like, ah, I hate Apple. Also, that would be so quiet.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah, that'd be the quietest Indy 500. Yeah, because that's the whole, like, would they pump in sound effects
Starting point is 00:39:19 so that you still save your safety? I love that some cars do that. Yeah, they, or pump out corvette sounds or whatever yeah is that a real thing yeah it's just put a card in your spokes yeah just put spooky dookies on bring that back a ken griffey jr card in your spokes it would have to be bigger
Starting point is 00:39:40 it'd have to be a whole poster or something yeah sure a lamborghini poster oh that's cool oh man yeah the kids i wonder if kids still they still have posters of lamborghinis on their walls um greenhouse record recording studio has a ton of uh lamborghini kuntosh is that what it's called that's the one all over the place because of Steve Bayes. Every time you find one, he'd frame it and put it on the wall in there and then someone started
Starting point is 00:40:08 continuing on the tradition since he's left and that's awesome. That is awesome. Yeah. That was the one. That was the one my elementary school friend
Starting point is 00:40:17 was obsessed with. It wasn't a Lamborghini Countach, it was a Ferrari Testarossa. Yes. Have you guys ever driven a car like that? I don't have a license so I haven't. Graham's been in a Tesla. I've been in a Tesla. I was in a Tesla Testarossa. Yes. Have you guys ever driven a car like that? I don't have a license, so I haven't.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Graham's been in a Tesla. I've been in a Tesla. I was in a Tesla too. It scared me. Why? Because they put on insanity mode or whatever it is where it feels like a roller coaster. Like Pantera plays. Yeah, Pantera plays.
Starting point is 00:40:37 The roof comes off. It really did feel like I was in an uncontrolled roller coaster. Really? I thought, yeah. I've in an uncontrolled roller coaster. Really? I thought, yeah. I've seen videos of people doing it, and they're like, they freak out. What does insanity mode do? Super fast. Yeah, it goes fast.
Starting point is 00:40:56 It accelerates very quickly. It's like on Fast and Furious when they hit the gnaws button. I'm not sure if you guys have seen that movie. I have. I've seen all of them in the theaters. You saw the original one in the theater? your mom let you i know i can't believe it my band has a tradition of seeing anything with uh vin diesel or the rock in the theater it's so fun to go tough yeah we even saw the movie every week i went and saw um
Starting point is 00:41:20 jumanji in the theater with my friend devon alexander he does stand-up sometimes i think you've met him before and he it was 3d and it was and it was me Lewis from my band Fake Shark and him and Devon didn't laugh once through the whole movie and then at the end the girl got up to go to the bathroom fell down the stairs and then he laughed it was the only time he laughed the whole movie and you only get that in the 3D theaters yeah other people they miss out on that um yeah the rock uh like i i feel like that would take days to watch all the movies he's put out i just love the theater experience yeah so any excuse i guess but you know you're not allowed to go see a rock movie you have to bring your whole band Who plays drums?
Starting point is 00:42:07 I don't want any programmed beats Alright, come on in Dave, what's going on with you, man? Well, we were recording this Like two weeks after we recorded our previous episode Because I spent last week in New York Yeah, it starts spreading Something It starts spreading the news Well, Abby and I took a trip I spent last week in New York. Yeah. Start spreading something.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Start spreading the news. Well, Abby and I took a trip specifically to go to the Joker stairs. You were the first couple there. Wow. You know, we put one of those locks. We put a padlock on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For our undying love.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Why so serious 2019? Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. For our undying love. Why so serious, 2019? Oh, I have her negative thoughts, 2019. No, we went, we, so Abby's parents came and stayed here and took care of the kids. Yeah. My parents had a place, rented a place in New York for the month. Okay. And they had two bedrooms. They've done it a couple of years in a row now.
Starting point is 00:43:04 And they say come stay in the second bedroom and so this year we took them up on it and we went for a week and we did it all baby you went uh paul schaefer live i bet you could yeah probably all the cbs orchestra they probably do like a like a a Wednesday night at some jazz bar? Or they do like, you know, instrumental versions of today's hits. Or he just plays all the themes. We got letters. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Will it float? Will it float? Just the stupid Patricks theme. Oh, boy. I would buy that album. Yeah. Oh, man. So the day we got there was a monday morning and we went in uh and i had so we we had like a few things we wanted to do but mostly we just wanted to like walk around and hang out but we're like okay let's try to go to some nice restaurant so we went to momofuku noodle house how's that well when you go and you make a reservation
Starting point is 00:44:05 so i made a reservation for two and then the the uh email it sent was like this is a reservation for four people and i was like oh well whatever yeah okay i'll we'll see yeah yeah maybe maybe we meet some friends and then uh so abby and i were gonna go and then the they emailed me and they said uh actually the day you made a reservation for, we're going to do maintenance. So can you, uh, pick,
Starting point is 00:44:29 tell, give us your availability and we'll set you up with another day. And, uh, I said, okay, it's Monday. It's for,
Starting point is 00:44:35 for two people. And they, they updated the app and I got an email saying your reservation for four people on Monday is great. Yeah. It's like, okay, well invite my parents. I don't know if they want to go.. It's like, okay, well invite my parents.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I don't know if they want to go. And they were like, sure. But only my dad ended up coming. Uh, and then you got Paul Shaver. That's an even four. There you go.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So the three of us went there, uh, and we got, uh, we sat down and the waiter was like, uh, so, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:01 you guys are having the chicken and we're like, uh, we'll see. Uh, what we'd like now is some like pork buns and, uh, you guys are having the chicken and we're like, uh, we'll see. Uh, what we'd like now is some like pork buns and, uh, noodles and stuff. And so we ordered off the menu and, uh, he brought our food and then we finished and it was great. It was, uh, yeah, it was, it was all delicious. And then when we were done and we were full, the guy said, okay, so your chicken's going to be out in a couple minutes. And we were like, oh, a chicken? What? Is this house policy that everybody has to eat a chicken?
Starting point is 00:45:32 And we were like, oh, okay. And so he brought this like dipping sauce. These are your dipping sauces. And we were expecting like, I don't know, one or two pieces of chicken each. Oh, no. We were pretty like, I don't know, one or two pieces of chicken each. Oh, no. We were pretty full. But I was like, you know, whatever we don't eat, we can bring back. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:50 And so they brought out this like two foot high bowl full of fried chicken. Whoa. Wow. That maybe 10 people could eat. Really? On an empty stomach. Wow. And we, and everyone in the restaurant looked at us. an empty stomach. Wow. And we,
Starting point is 00:46:06 and everyone in the restaurant looked at us. Everybody applauded. Yay. It must be their birthday. They're on a prank show. And so we sat there and we each had like a piece and a half. And then we were like, uh, can we get this wrapped up?
Starting point is 00:46:23 We're going to eat this all week. Yeah. We were, We didn't order this. And the guy said, oh, when you make a reservation, you're agreeing to our chicken feast. And we were like, oh, we didn't know that. But this would have been something that would have been like 50 bucks from KFC. So I was like, how much is this going to cost? And he just said oh we're sorry about that you can take it home and we won't charge you wow we never knew how much it
Starting point is 00:46:50 cost five stars on yelp then yeah yeah but we can never show our faces there again no well yeah you game the system but you can only do it once yeah you got away with it yeah i can uh i'll have to have facial reconstructive surgery yeah but it'll be worth it yeah oh i bet i was considering it anyway yeah cheaper than the chicken um so you went to a fancy restaurant yeah and then we wanted to go to like uh a late night show yeah but they were all off that week. But what wasn't off was live with Kelly Ripa and Ryan Seacrest. Yes. So we got tickets to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:31 And then they said, get there at 7.15 in the morning. Oh, my God. 9 a.m. show. Yeah. We got there like 7. And we were like, oh, let's maybe see if we can get a cup of coffee. And we walked past the line. And the line was huge. Oh, my God. We were we were like okay we have to get in line yeah even though we
Starting point is 00:47:49 have tickets if we want to get any decent seats yeah people come from all over oh yeah it's not just locals no and it is your favorite show it is So yeah. Abby used to watch it every morning. Really? Regis. Okay. What were, uh, who are the guests? Well, we went on a Tuesday, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:10 and so a giant taco. Yep. It was LeBron James and his taco Tuesday. They tried to trademark. Uh, so like we, they make you stand there until like quarter to nine. Right. So we, well, we went inside, but then we were like make you stand there until like quarter to nine. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:25 So we're like, well, we went inside, but then we were like, Oh, there were, there were like food carts outside and we were starving. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:32 I'm picturing the inside that has a bunch of animatronics of a riot Seacrest to entertain you. Well, yeah, it's a West world to get, to kind of explain the plot line up until this point. And then, so we're standing there and then finally a woman comes up and makes an announcement.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Okay, everybody, if you would like to buy any Live with Kelly and Ryan merchandise, you do it over there. You will not lose your place in line. Nice. So that was the announcement, and then eventually, after a few more announcements, they let us in. Yeah, so you got your big foamy hand And your flag My mugs My mugs
Starting point is 00:49:07 Plural Big foamy hand Flag Yeah what else Ryan Seacrest hair gel Yeah Ryan Seacrest On a Lamborghini Countach poster
Starting point is 00:49:18 Letterman's jacket A program Yeah My playbill The role of Ryan Seacrest Will be played by Jerry O'Connor Great reference
Starting point is 00:49:31 He would He would Oh yeah He was in the running Yeah For Seacrest? Yeah Wow
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah That guy can do it all Really can't And they So we had seen beforehand Who the guests were gonna be Yeah And so it was Lupita Nyong'o.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Sounds like a soccer player. I don't know who that is. She's in Us. Oh, amazing. Yeah, yeah. I regret saying what I just said. I love that movie and her performance specifically. And then Alyssa Milano.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Oh, yeah. Political advocate Alyssa Milano. Both of them were there as authors. Oh, yes. Star of Fear. Remember that movie? Oh, yeah. Political advocate Alyssa Milano. Both of them were there as authors. Oh, yes. Star of Fear. Remember that movie? Oh, right. With Marky Wahlberg?
Starting point is 00:50:10 Marky Mark. Wow. Kevvy Kev. Kevvy Kev, Marky Mark. Collaboration coming soon. Have you seen that movie? Fear? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I love Fear. That was on our roller coaster. It was? Yeah. Playland? Yeah. Oh, I didn't know it was that one. That one's scary and rickety.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah. It had no maintenance on it ever, I don't think. I used to work at Playland. That was like my first job. What did you do? I worked in this kid zone, and it was such a bad job because your ride pass didn't count in there, but the lineups were so long that you only found that out when you got to the front and had to talk to me. And people got hurt all the time there oh man you know what happened one time
Starting point is 00:50:50 there was this um you know those things you can do where you hit a golf ball and tells you how fast you hit it i was working that one day and this kid hit hit a golf ball so hard it ripped through the mesh and went into the like food fair and hit someone in the back and they dropped their child it was the worst experience i've ever had i just left yeah i was like 14 i was like yeah yeah i remember what the uh how fast it said he hit it it was like 50 something i think fast enough to hurt a grown man and his child. And then it was funny because if you got it over a certain speed, I was supposed to give them a sleeve of golf balls, but I misunderstood and was giving whole cases away. And so I got in trouble for that also.
Starting point is 00:51:36 That was a bad job. And your sleeves were filled with golf balls. Yeah. So those two guests. Yeah. And then, so, and then like, but in the breaks they are working they're constantly hustling before so before the show while we were all lined up this guy was like okay so we do this segment between the the in the commercial breaks where you you go does anyone have like a special talent and you get to talk to ryan and kelly uh and the the audience coordinator was like do you
Starting point is 00:52:07 have a talent does anyone have a talent oh you you look like julianne moore and he was just fixated on this woman who kind of looked like julianne moore could you do a scene from boogie nights yeah we have roller skates um oh and the uh so they they have the you you know they have their trivia dancer okay yeah yeah yeah so when they do travel trivia they have an audience member who dances with like cool confetti going around and before the show starts they do an audition so like when everyone's sitting in their chairs gelman comes out and it's like gelman's still there yeah he teaches everyone how to clap for tv nice clap fast don't
Starting point is 00:52:50 clap loud oh okay um good to know yeah and then he uh says does anyone want to dance and this 18 year old girl's arm shoots up like she's the like she knows the answer yeah yeah yeah like she's been dying to do this her whole life and they're like okay anyone else and like some dorky moms yeah
Starting point is 00:53:11 guess who won dorky moms yeah absolutely this girl was kicking and like like getting up
Starting point is 00:53:19 in other dancers faces and stuff so competitive yeah but he's probably like it's too much it's too much yeah I'm producing a late night show that you might be perfect for Oh no Kelvin was Yeah He was probably like It's too much It's too much Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:25 I'm producing a late night show That you might be perfect for So yeah We did the whole live show And then they said If anyone wants to stick around We're going to shoot Two more guests
Starting point is 00:53:35 No way And So we were like Yeah And Kelly came out In different clothes Because it was going to be The Friday episode
Starting point is 00:53:41 Right And so they were like Okay Please welcome to the stage Michelle Pfeifferiffer wow good thing yeah so she was super boring didn't want to be there yeah what was she there to promote uh maleficent oh yeah oh and then we were like okay the next guest is going to be less famous than Michelle Pfeiffer. And they said, please welcome Dame Julie Andrews. What? Yeah, Mary Poppins.
Starting point is 00:54:08 That's amazing. Wow. Catwoman and Mary Poppins together again. Why did they order the guests like that? I don't know. Yeah. Those are for the real fans who stuck through it. I mean, I guess Maleficent is a Disney movie that is being put out.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Disney owns the show. Yeah. I mean, I guess Maleficent is a Disney movie that is being put out by the Disney owns the show. So. Right. That's like how Prince, when the last time he played at an arena in Vancouver, he ended the show and then 40 minutes later played Purple Rain. That's what happened to you at that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Yeah. Yeah. Stuck around. You got Purple Rain. I got Purple Rain. Yeah. That's pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:44 That was good. Yeah. And the next day got purple rain. That's pretty good. Yeah, that was good. The next day we went to see a play. We saw To Kill a Mockingbird with Jeff Daniels from Dumb and Dumber. He wore the haircut from Dumb and Dumber. He did a mock. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:54:58 That was the whole play. That's great. Was it good? Yeah, it was good i mean you know it's just people pretending yeah that's true that's true and everyone in the room is like has to act like they don't know it's just like come on applaud loud because this isn't for tv applaud loud not fast and there was like a fight in the seats next to us oh really people play people got there late and then they were like you're in my seat but and they were 20 minutes late and no you're but you have to move and just want a guy behind with
Starting point is 00:55:30 like sit down oh i love new york yeah um i love the the places i've seen fights the shows i've been to are not the shows you think there'd be fights like i've seen insane clown posse several times great vibe no fights radiohead i saw a fight oh really yeah it was this guy he's like it was at thunderbird stadium and this guy was just so drunk he kept falling on me and then i was holding him off and then i just moved and he fell on this guy over here and they got into a fight right and then at ween a guy got like two guys next to me got into a fist fight in the middle of the show. Something about Ween strikes me that there would be a fist fight at Ween. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:08 But Radiohead, you think everybody would be too down. Yeah. Too depressed. Hard to fight when you're depressed. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen, I think maybe Radiohead three or four times. And my most vivid memory as being behind a woman who was on her boyfriend's shoulders
Starting point is 00:56:25 and during creep during the whole show but they did the show talk show host oh i was at that one yeah yeah and um he uh the he's it's the line is uh i'll be waiting with a gun and a pack of sandwiches. And I just remember this woman miming. No! She did a gun in one hand and then just holding a Subway sub in the other hand. Don't. Cool. Just so everyone knows she knows the lyrics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Camera guy, get her. Why are you filming that York guy right now? She's doing the dance. She's doing space work. Doing sandwich work. Sounds like a fun trip. It was a fun trip.
Starting point is 00:57:16 You still got chicken left over. We made it through most of it over the next few days. Was it good? Yeah, but you know what? It wasn't as good as everything else we ordered. Oh, right. Like, I would have been bummed if this was the meal. Well, that's why that's the deal.
Starting point is 00:57:30 They're trying to unload all that mediocre chicken. Yeah, yeah. Gotta get rid of this somehow. I mean, don't they have, like, some kind of gun that could shoot chicken out at people? That's also why they gave you four spots, so you bring more people to eat that boring chicken. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, they gotta figure it spots. So you bring more people to eat that boring chicken. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah. Well, they got to figure it out. Well, or do they, they end up just giving a lot of free chicken away. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:57:52 we didn't order this. Well, I guess we're given, well, you can take it home. Um, what else are you going to do with it? You know,
Starting point is 00:58:00 feed it to, uh, a couple of dogs and they eat it and then meet in the middle. Yes. Uh, well, it was when, yeah, really long spaghetti chicken, Feed it to a couple of dogs and they eat it and then meet in the middle and kiss. Well, it was one, yeah, really long spaghetti chicken. One big noodley chicken. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 What's up with you? I, this past week, traveled, not for pleasure, for work, to Cornwall, Ontario. But you had just been there for pleasure. That's right. Yeah was like maybe i'll go revisit the sites uh i went to cornwall and where's that that is uh it's like right on the canadian american border and right on the ontario quebec border oh so it's kind of in uh cornwall in eng England is right at the very South. Oh yeah. Yeah. I feel like they name is right on the water and I feel like they,
Starting point is 00:58:49 they name places Cornwall if they're right, like next to something. Yeah. I think that's over Cornwall is the, the road that's right by the beach. Yeah. And that's what this is. It's right on the St.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Lawrence. Uh, and it's, uh, it's nice. It's very like, uh, cute town. Very town very like um you know like something that like a stephen king novel would be set in okay like that kind of you know like yeah like just like a like there's a main street with like uh you know a clothing store
Starting point is 00:59:20 that's been there for 75 years uh you know there was like one we were driving down the main street nobody was on it except a kid wearing a spooky halloween mask and i was like oh this is it um but i couldn't believe like uh the whole town we were driving through like the neighborhoods everybody's house was done up for oh for halloween they participate yeah yeah in a big like yeah there wasn't one house that wasn't uh decorated in some capacity which i thought was very like because in vancouver you could go you could go blocks and blocks yeah you've got nice you've got some nice uh spooky stuff Yeah Pretty scary Some Like Mummies Sure
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah Got some ghosts We got some ghosts Some mummies And a pumpkin Yeah But your neighbors don't You've got to pick a pumpkin or two
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah the neighbors on that side don't But the ones on the other side have a A little graveyard Nice Yeah But we Like when I was a kid We just put out a pumpkin
Starting point is 01:00:23 Yeah Would you go see because i remember at christmas time my mom would take me to go see the house with lots of christmas lights at christmas time and that was so cool yeah would you guys do that we would do that yeah and i think there's like a neighborhood that the whole street that's right yeah but we never did it we never went to it but you heard about it yep and that's what's important yeah that's true i feel like that street at halloween does like the biggest fireworks display oh okay yeah i don't like that yeah i don't like fireworks you know like i feel like the same people who fought at the wean concert it's a lot of those guys at the fireworks yeah yeah yeah that checks out yeah yeah the math on that is right yeah um so i went to cornwall and my uh
Starting point is 01:01:08 my aunt was visiting friends there so i got to see her and my parents came out because she was there so it was a real family jamboree uh family's all about family yeah that's it's. We're all about family and food, folks, and fun. That's us. I hear Dave has some chicken he can give you guys. Yeah. Well, my dad would be interested in talking about this chicken acquisition. took uh i took a train from uh from cornwall to uh to toronto wow and uh it's uh here's the thing is i was like when i was getting it booked the person that was booking it was like are you fine to sit backwards the whole time and i was like yeah probably and upside down yeah yeah yeah i'm like what's your um Gravitron experience? But I was like, yeah, I think I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I don't get car sick or whatever. I think this will be fine. But going backwards on a train is much bumpier than a car. And yeah, it was pretty nauseous. Was it? Yeah. Did you go You were with the debaters
Starting point is 01:02:26 Yeah Did everyone take the same train No I was on the train Just me Oh Cause I stayed an extra day For the family jamboree Oh flamboree
Starting point is 01:02:34 Yeah And And they Like there was food You could get food on the train Really And It's
Starting point is 01:02:41 It's like I guess You know what Plane travel used to be like Okay what plane travel used to be like. Okay. You know, there used to be like a meal and, you know, a glass of wine and it was. Smoking. Yeah, there's smoking. Yeah, I smoked on the train.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Yeah. Well, you and I, we took a train from Ottawa to Toronto. Yeah. And that was, I don't remember which way we faced. Yeah. Like I say, I didn't think that I would, I didn't remember which way we faced. Yeah. Like, like I say, I didn't think that I would, uh, would, I didn't think it would affect me, but, uh, yeah, something, I think it was the combination of seeing everything going in reverse and the like constant bumping. Yeah. Like it's, it's not smooth.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Like it's, it's not smooth. It was like, I remember going through those Ontario cities and like looking up, oh, what did their factory used to be? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What did they used to make here in this? Macintosh toffee.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Oh. Ooh, cars. Ooh. The train sounds fun to me. Like I get excited to go on the sea bus. Yeah. The sea buses. That's a smooth ride
Starting point is 01:03:45 how long is the c bus like 15 minutes yeah 15 minutes in paradise not in heaven i don't know i guess no yeah i guess it didn't happen i've got two tickets to paradise right right let's do the math on that. I bought four Jeeps after Jeremy Renner. But, yeah, like, I think four hours on the train, that's, like, maximum train. Yeah, that's a long one. Yeah. Did you, so there was food. Was it, like, bringing, they brought it in a cart, or did you go to a dining car?
Starting point is 01:04:24 No, they brought it in a cart, and it go to a dining car Yeah No they brought it in a cart And it was You know It was like warm You know Not just like a fruit plate Or whatever Although the fruit plate was
Starting point is 01:04:33 Mostly melon They should just call it a melon plate Yeah Don't get Don't get my expectations up Do you not like that I like melon But if it says fruit plate
Starting point is 01:04:43 Yeah You like a melon Maybe drill a hole in a melon, put it in the microwave. Yeah. Practice for Halloween. Warm melon, sir. It's summertime, late summer, early. Before gourd season.
Starting point is 01:04:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I got to take a train and then flew back. Didn't take the train all the way back no no i decided against this it was on the table three three how long it take three days what's the uh the people take a train to the rockies right yeah that's like uh people do that for pleasure yeah not just to get from point a to point b yeah and i think there's a lot of train trips that are sold as like, that's the vacation. And you sleep on it? You sleep on it. And you like, they'll stop places and you'll get off.
Starting point is 01:05:35 But the whole thing is that you're on this train. It's like a cruise, but you're on a train. Yeah. But constantly, you're just constantly being jostled. Yeah. What's the longest train trip you've ever taken? But constantly, you're just constantly being jostled. Yeah. What's the longest train trip you've ever taken? I don't think I've ever done one.
Starting point is 01:05:52 And I kind of want to, like, it sounds fun to me. And I've never been on a cruise and I like that idea too. And I was looking that, because I fly to LA so much. And it's pretty cheap to fly there, like round trip even. I just did, it was under $300 round trip. Wow. But I was looking at a cruise just to just curious and it was like the same price 300 bucks for a cruise yeah yeah was this like a three-day thing though some sort of wean cruise yeah yeah it's like they punch you in the face
Starting point is 01:06:15 yeah yeah yeah they're there i love how there are those like metal cruises and stuff though like that'd be the staff's nightmare i think it's like megadeth's crew it's all megadeth fans and you have to work on it all those cruises yeah it would be a nightmare what they don't tell you is that you're just a portion of the cruise like there's other stuff happening on the cruise oh right i think maybe some of the really big ones like is the whole it's maybe yeah but like uh you know like basically this event has booked off these you know yeah oh like ballrooms oh okay cool for this time right but the rest of the time you're just like uh hobnobbing with uh you know people who are just on a cruise yeah yeah um oh yeah that was like at the beginning
Starting point is 01:07:03 of this journey i had to go to victoria and i got to the hotel and i'm just like i'm just lucky with hotels and my room being ready when i get there and uh i got to that it's not been my experience with you i find that usually they have all feather pillows that you need to yeah that's true feather pillows always but uh this place they Yeah, that's true. Feather pillows always. But this place, they were like, oh, sorry, it's super busy. There's no room available. But it was like pouring rain outside, so I just slept in the lobby.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Oh, no. Because I was there like hours and hours. Did you book the room? Yeah, yeah. But it just wasn't ready. Oh, I see. I didn't sleep overnight
Starting point is 01:07:45 oh okay but the staff had to look at you and be like this is our fault yeah yeah yeah we can't tell him to go away
Starting point is 01:07:53 we cannot ask him to leave as he's fallen asleep in the lobby did you wake up in a bed now that's service yeah
Starting point is 01:08:02 had a bed in another hotel we just needed to get you out sir yeah yeah so all in all you know it wasn't as glamorous as going to a live with
Starting point is 01:08:18 Kelly no that's true what is no nothing there was a there was like so
Starting point is 01:08:24 just in the row ahead of us and like three people to the right there was this girl yeah maybe a woman at a very like a maybe 18 19 uh not a girl not yet yeah i mean right a woman legally yeah i guess sure but she had A stuffed Mark Consuelos pillow That's Kelly Ripa's husband Oh nice So like a life size Mark Consuelos is in Vancouver a lot
Starting point is 01:08:53 Shooting Riverdale Oh And so she had this pillow And she kept like Kelly Kelly And no one Like
Starting point is 01:09:01 Acknowledged her No one acknowledged her Right The people next to us were like that poor girl oh no she brought this pillow and this is she's built this up in her head that they're gonna have this moment yeah and then for her and then she stuck around for the second show they had that moment it was they did yeah was michelle fiverr like hey look hello for but yeah between commercial in commercial break she came over
Starting point is 01:09:28 and like they had they took selfies together they talked about it i feel like most that's like most of the job that they have is taking selfies yeah fans that's like it the show is that you know that's the cornerstone but then the rest of it is taking self-defense. That's the job. Yeah. But it does come out. It's like, I mean, we've done live podcasts, and you feel the need to, like, get the audience laughing pretty soon. Yeah. They had no, there was such restraint with that. They were like, well, let's be boring for 10 minutes in our little pre-guest spiel. Because they don't want to set it up to like it's like oh man that this isn't the view yeah that was
Starting point is 01:10:11 come sign my album joy joy have you guys been to like a late night taping before no uh when ivan went on conan i went with him and it's shockingly quiet in there and like no one's voice is really amplified and so i feel like for the comedian who has to go after two interviews it's kind of a weird context now to just switch everyone's mood to stand up it seems like a tough gig you know yeah and the i feel like the crowd is like in politeness mode so rather than necessarily like dying laughing, they'll clap a lot. You know, it'll be like, it's this guy's, this is this guy's dream we're watching.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Yeah. Yeah. We don't care. Yeah. He's not, we're not a fan of him yet. Yeah. It's not our dream. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah. But you really have to quiet down to even hear what they're saying on stage. Really? Yeah. It was like that with the show. It was like, oh, is there, there's maybe a tiny bit of amplification.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Right. But literally, you're just listening to people talk in a big room. Yes. Weird. Weird.
Starting point is 01:11:15 But fun. Also, where do you get one of these Consuelo life-size pillows? I think you just need like one of those iron-on patches from a giant printer. A giant man-size pillows. I think you just need one of those iron-on patches
Starting point is 01:11:26 from a giant printer. A giant man-size printer. You already have the man-shaped pillow. It's up to you what goes on it. That's right. Yeah, we got the size. You just gotta print your favorite man on it. Yeah, we have the Avery man labels.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Your favorite man. Do we want, we have the Avery man labels. Your favorite man. Do we want to move on to a bit of business? I don't know. All right. Stop Podcasting Yourself is brought to you in part... Hey, Graham. Well, Graham, where are you? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I leaned my chair back too far again. Were you at the dentist? No. No, just in the room there. I was leaning back too far again. Were you at the dentist? No. No, just in the room there. I was leaning back too far and I accidentally fell into the nether zone. You were in the nether zone? Oh, boy. What's it like today? You know, actually, really nice.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Sunny and you know, all the people are having picnics but up in the sky. This being the nether zone. Oh, that sounds not bad. No, it's not bad. you know all the people are having picnics but up in the sky this is uh this being another zone oh that sounds not bad no it's not bad like as far as opposite things go just like a sky picnic yeah it's a sky picnic okay and uh i mean there's a lot of balloons on the ground if that does that oh are there clouds on the ground yeah clouds on the ground rain Yeah, clouds on the ground. Rain going up. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:12:46 Oh, okay. Uh-oh. Well, HelloFresh, who sponsors that podcast, took yourself today. Do you have that in the nether zone? We have Goodbye Rotten. It's a service that takes away your rotten food. It's a service that takes away your rotten food. Sends it vacuum-packed, refrigerates it, and sends it to a company?
Starting point is 01:13:12 That's right. Okay. Well, we don't have that. We have HelloFresh, and they deliver fresh, pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow recipe cards each week in a special insulated box. Follow recipe cards each week in a special insulated box. You can find the meal plan that best suits your lifestyle with HelloFresh's Pronto, Veggie, or Family Plans. There's something for everyone to love. That sounds amazing.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Yeah, I got veggie last time. And were you the person that prepared it? I don't know, actually. I think maybe Abby prepared it all. Or maybe we switched off for one of them. But, you know, we embrace the traditional family rules all of a sudden. Well, somebody's got to keep them alive. Yeah, exactly, right? Your subscription is flexible.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Schedule your delivery days or skip a week anytime. Only order what you want, when you want, with no commitments. That's another thing that's traditional about my marriage is we committed to each other. Oh, yeah. You guys are kind of out there that way Yeah we're like a little bit I guess new agey in that regard Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:30 Whatever my point is For 50% off your first box of HelloFresh Go to Slash SPY50 And enter SPY50 That's 50% off your box of Your first box of HelloFresh By going to
Starting point is 01:14:46 slash Spy50 and enter Spy50. Graham? I also want you to know that we are brought to you today by ZipRecruiter. Oh, yeah. This is something that definitely
Starting point is 01:15:02 doesn't exist here because you don't, you don't apply for jobs here. You're given one at birth and, and that's just the job you have for the rest of your life. What's your job down there? Coal miner. So you were a baby coal miner.
Starting point is 01:15:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh boy. I know. Hard life. I mean, this is, do you know um boy i guess i uh have you ever heard of this guy uh cafe altura ceo dylan miskowitz i i mean i i don't say it all as one name but yes i i i've heard of him. I don't know much about him. Well, let me tell you some things he needed.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Café Altura's COO, Dylan Miskiewicz, needed to hire a director of coffee. Do you have one of those down there? No, coffee directs itself down there. Okay. Well, and you know what happened in the Soviet Union. Yes, absolutely I do. Well, we need not mention it so he so this guy dylan miskowitz he's the uh coo of cafe altura he went to zip recruiter posted his job and found the best person for the role in
Starting point is 01:16:15 just a few days how well why don't you ask me how well zip recruiters technology finds people with the right experience and invites them to apply to your job in Soviet Russia. Well, the job invites ZipRecruiter to go to your house and make you dinner, a delicious vegetarian feast. It's no wonder four out of five, in soviet russia five out of four employers who post on zip recruiter get quality candidates within the first day and right now try zip recruiter for free at our web address stop that's stop zip recruiter the smartest way to hire.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I'm glad we had this casual conversation. I as well. I've got to go attend to the sky picnic. The sky ants are getting into the sky marmalade. Okay, sky. I mean, bye. We are so thrilled at your interest in attending Hieronymus Wiggenstaff's School for Heroism and Villainy.
Starting point is 01:17:28 Wiggenstaff's beautiful campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities and instructors with real-world experience. We are also proud to say that our alumni have gone on to be professional heroes and villains in the most renowned kingdoms in the world. But of course, you are not applying to the main school, are you? You're applying for our sidekick and henchperson annex. You will still benefit from the school's amazing campus, and you'll have a lifetime of steady employment. Of course, there's no guarantee how long that lifetime will be. Join the McElroys as they return to Dungeons & Dragons with The Adventure Zone Graduation
Starting point is 01:18:06 every other Thursday on Maximum Fun or wherever podcasts are found. Overheard! Overheard! It's a segment in which, boy oh boy, if you hear some great stuff out there, don't put it in a basket and send it down the river. Put it in an email and send it to the show. Or, if you're lucky enough to be on the show, do it live. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:32 We always like to start with the guest. Okay. Are you ready? Are you all ready for this? I feel like I can do it. Okay. All right. We were talking off mic about movie heckles, and sometimes movie heckles are just as good as dialogue in the movie.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We were talking about specifically trailers. Yeah, yeah. So comedian Gina Harms said that she heard at a movie trailer it ended and it was awkward and someone just went junk and that made me laugh and that's a great heckle. Yeah. I remember when I went and saw a movie and there was, remember that Mel Gibson movie Payback?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I remember there's a part in it where there's like a character and she's like very sadomasochistic and then Mel Gibson punches her in the face
Starting point is 01:19:18 and then some guy behind me went, yeah, bet you like that. Standing ovation in the theater. Everyone laughed so hard. Wow. And even though I was like a kid, I was like, that's kind of hacky. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. standing ovation in the theater everyone laughed so hard wow and even though I was like a kid
Starting point is 01:19:26 I was like that was kind of hacky yeah yeah yeah you're like hey I'm trying to watch Payback yeah me and my grandfather
Starting point is 01:19:34 were enjoying it up till now sorry let's all stand up and turn around and clap for you that is the heckler's dream that the audience
Starting point is 01:19:44 is like no him he should be up there you should be payback that's the character's name yeah Dave you've got you said you've got
Starting point is 01:19:59 oh so many yeah this will be I'll be rolling these out over the next month yep November is New York overheard month here on podcasting yourself. Or most of them are from airports.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah. On the way to and from. But I just, the first day when we were coming from the train station, going to the apartment, I was just like overwhelmed by uh how new york everything was uh so like on that first day we saw a goth grandma oh nice what yeah we saw an indian guy from india yeah south asian guy who looked like chris lock oh yeah uh we saw a guy in a suit, like, on his lunch break, eating yellow bell pepper. Just like an apple? Like an apple, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Holy. Like the guy from Iron Chef. That's so bad. Yeah. The intro of Iron Chef. Wow. Maybe that's where he got it from. And then, as I was walking, I heard two women behind me, and one of them said, New York,
Starting point is 01:21:02 the big heart. That's not what it is they had it wrong they must not be from there yeah they probably saw that got it confused with the shirts yeah high apple new york yes chicago the windy building yeah the windy weather the windy building um yeah it's pretty good pretty good Pretty Yeah I was walking there Yeah yeah yeah That's right I was walking there
Starting point is 01:21:27 And they do It was very specific Nevermind I like where you're going With that I'm trying to get like I was I'm walking in the lab
Starting point is 01:21:38 Halloween themed Yeah Halloween themed Monster Mash city And let me say i listen to the monster mash all year round i think it's bigger than the holiday yeah yeah yeah it's my workout um what's your workout uh rattling chains yeah i do chains like those ropes battle chains yeah yeah um can I ask you something
Starting point is 01:22:06 yeah whatever happened to my Transylvania twist yeah that's a very good question what's that that's from it's from the Monster Man
Starting point is 01:22:13 that's a lyric it sounds like another song the music cuts out and he says whatever I've been doing I've been doing I've been doing
Starting point is 01:22:20 it's now the mash I love that that song is like a doo-wop song kind of yeah it's now the mash i love that that sounds like a doo-wop song kind yeah and it's beautiful it is it has like this weird distinction because uh back in the like radio dj days where they would play singles and stuff yeah it would chart every year because they would play it in october so it's been on the billboard charts more than any other. It's also got the weird distinction of every U.S. president since like 1965 has been conceived to it.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Really? Yeah. Makes sense to me. Yeah. I'm just realizing most of the presidents were born after that. Or were born before that song. Yeah. But future born before that song. Yeah. But future presidents.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Maybe Obama. I love that you know birthday stats of all the presidents. Oh, yeah, yeah. You got to. It's a cool thing to get into. Yeah. It's just knowing how old people are. And how old songs are.
Starting point is 01:23:21 My overheard is two gals at the airport talking about having to do a group project at school. Oh yeah. And those are the worst. That was always the worst part of school,
Starting point is 01:23:32 group projects. Yeah. So this girl, she was preaching to the choir about how bad group projects were and she said, I should be able to just
Starting point is 01:23:41 finish the project and go watch Joker and relax. Have a nice relaxing afternoon. Yeah. Watch Joker. It's, it's always stressful because it's,
Starting point is 01:23:55 that's the kind of social aspect of like, well, I can't discipline you for not doing enough work. I mean, I'm told I was always the one who didn't do enough work. Me too. I was actually a terrible student. Were you guys good students told I was always the one who didn't do enough work. Oh, me too. I was actually a terrible student. Were you guys good students?
Starting point is 01:24:08 I was a good student. You were? Yeah. Mediocre student. But what did it get me? Nothing. I disagree. I think you're very successful.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Well, thank you very much. You're welcome. Uh, my teachers would disagree. They all said, you're going to go to prison. And you were a good student,
Starting point is 01:24:23 you thought? Oh yeah, wait. What class was that? Gym. Yeah, shift class. Shift class. Shift class.
Starting point is 01:24:32 It was a rough school, I tells you. Yeah. Well, it was the school of hard knocks, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, we also have overheards from people all over the map. If you want to send one in to us You can send it in to SPY No I don't think his audience is ready
Starting point is 01:24:49 Do you guys want to hear him? Okay Spooky It's a Halloween edition crowd participation Are you ghouls ready? I'm going to do that more I'm going to try to get our audience to scream more If you want to send one in You can send to try to get our audience to scream more.
Starting point is 01:25:09 If you want to send one in, you can send it in to sby at This first one comes from Scott W. in Omaha, Nebraska. There's a table of guys behind me. This is at Pub Trivia. And one of them says to the rest, Dude, we're thinking about getting matching Harambe tats at my bachelor party. Dave just hung his head in the field. Harambe tats at my bachelor party. My wife's going to, she's going to go over the moon for this.
Starting point is 01:25:37 What year was this sent in? This was sent in very recently. This isn't an old timey. But those guys, they were living in the past. Yeah. That's great. Look what they're drinking. The love of Harambe is unhealthy. People are too into it.
Starting point is 01:25:55 For society. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And we need to get over it. You know what I mean? I think people got over it right away and they just thought it was a funny thing to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:08 And also, you can picture the type of person who would think getting a tattoo of Harambe would be hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. And getting matching ones with your friends before your wedding. On your face.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Yeah. What would it be? A gorilla? Just waving? Yeah. Waving. What did he, what did Harambe do? He got shot.
Starting point is 01:26:37 He got shot because a kid fell in his enclosure. Yeah. See, I thought we were talking about the tiger for a second, but that was a totally different. Oh. From the rich guy shot. Siegfried andclosure. Yeah. See, I thought we were talking about the tiger for a second, but that was a totally different. Oh. That the rich guy shot. Siegfried and Royd. Oh. Siegfried and Royd. I did say Royd.
Starting point is 01:26:53 I was not getting over that. There's no coming back from that. I said Siegfried and Royd. But that would be a very funny thing to call two really muscly guys. Yeah. Check out Siegfried and Reuter. Like if you're getting heckled at a show by two muscly guys. Muscly, bleach blonde German dudes. The audience would react the same way as they did at Paycheck.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Payback. Payback. Guys, look at that karma. Goes around, comes around. Payback. Look at that karma. Goes around, comes around. Paycheck. This next one comes from Alice M. I was working in the children's section
Starting point is 01:27:33 when I overheard a little girl playing with the dollhouse and the accompanying dolls. She picked up two, had them face one another, and then had the little doll say to the bigger doll, Grandma, you're the worst. Yeah. Just like we practiced in therapy the therapy to get you to tell off your grandma yeah grandma everything you do is so old um i wonder what store that was just said it was working in the children's section
Starting point is 01:28:06 Zellers Does that exist anymore Zellers? No It was bought by Target and then they opened Target Canada And then they closed Target Canada They did? That was quick Oh it was in about 3 months
Starting point is 01:28:19 Carly Rae did a theme song for that With Lil Yachty They covered It takes two to make a thing go right Ray did a theme song for that ad campaign. Really? With Lil Yachty. Oh, Lil Yachty was involved? They covered, It takes two to make a thing go right. That's right. Wow. Didn't work on that one, unfortunately, guys.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Sorry to disappoint you. No, it's okay. Okay. Yeah, it's all right. It's just any mention of Lil Yachty, I get excited, you know, because I think good times are on their way. This final one comes from Doug F.
Starting point is 01:28:46 I was at a coffee shop downtown. Two guys just walked in. They all appear to be in their mid-20s and were wearing luxury streetwear clothes. Don't know what that means. Yeah. Like how we dress. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Expensive. Yeah. Luxury streetwear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Expensive. Yeah. Luxury street wear. After getting coffees and sitting down in a booth nearby,
Starting point is 01:29:12 a third friend pulled up outside on a bird scooter and walked in carrying a bag of takeout food from the old spaghetti factory and handed his friends each a container. One guy took a huge pull of his pasta, then took a bite, then looked surprised yet impressed and said man that still slaps oh no I hate slang
Starting point is 01:29:31 oh man still slap that could be the slogan of the old spaghetti factory still slaps still slaps I
Starting point is 01:29:41 on Instagram when you can tag your location if there's ever a place where I'm just in a neutral place I always just say I'm at the Old Spaghetti Factory I just put that as my location
Starting point is 01:29:54 my band did that with a location once and they DM'd us to not do that I can't remember what it was, it was like a joke location and they were like, take us seriously yeah they're like yes we know we're a joke location Please stop tagging us I did uh when I went to a wedding
Starting point is 01:30:13 In Bucaramanga Columbia Two years ago I put the location and like Ever since I've been getting follows From like businesses there Wow And I think also a place in Switzerland just because
Starting point is 01:30:28 I took a picture of a tattoo parlor called Pimp Skin Tattoo whoa cool in addition to overheards that are written in do you guys want to hear these? yeah
Starting point is 01:30:41 in addition to overheards that are written in we also accept your phone calls are you sure if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779 do you want the last four numbers 7631 that's one oh spy pod do you want the last number like these people. Do you want to go? Yeah. Hey, Dave, Graham, and possible guests. This is Chris from Ancato with an overheard. I went to my friend's house with my kid in a car seat carrier thingy, and I sat my boy down, and my buddy's kid came over and said, whose baby? And my buddy said, Chris's.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And the kid said nice nice cherry cherry baby can I smell it yeah baby's head what year is that yeah oh I got a poster of uh Ann Getty's just looks just like this baby yeah um yeah uh you know you know a good baby when you see it you know there was one on the plane coming back yesterday i was like this great great baby was a great baby yeah smiling at everybody oh boy yeah i listened to your episode with kathleen mcgee on the way here and you were also talking about ann getty's and babies yeah yeah comes up a lot it's like a weekly yeah this is i mean and did you ever figure out if Celine Dion did have it? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:06 Because I think she did. Yeah, no, I found it about a minute after. I guess you stopped listening a minute into the show. I was just buying an Ann Getty's calendar. I may have missed it. No, I think it was maybe, it was like a Celine Dion album or something called Miracle. Yeah. And it had both their names on it, Celine Dion and Ann Getty.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Wow. Miracle, I'm not sure. I wonder who's the better singer. I don't know. This podcast was originally an Anne Getty's podcast. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It just got involved over time. There's just so many of them. Like that location that told you to untag them.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Anne Getty's was like, I'm not a joke photographer. Yeah, yeah. Stop making fun of my baby portraits. Here's your next phone call. Hello, Dave Green, and most likely a lustrous special guest. This is just Dave calling in with an overheard. It's getting a little chilly here in Alberta, and I was walking into a local mom-and-pop Walmart here,
Starting point is 01:33:00 and there were these two guys walking in, two kind of bigger tattooed guys and they weren't wearing jackets and the one looked at the other and said hey we could be no jacket buddies and the other goes yeah our code word can be burr i just thought that was a real wholesome moment between two possible bikers so oh that is nice those guys possible bikers yeah i like uh that we would be jacket no jacket brothers yeah they could be if they were bikers. Yeah, I like that we would be jacket, no jacket brothers. Yeah. If they were bikers, then everybody else is wearing vests.
Starting point is 01:33:30 Yeah. They're the no jacket brothers. That's fine. The thing that perplexed me about this call is he said he was walking into a mom and pop Walmart. Yeah. Yeah, maybe that's what they call Walmarts that aren't like a super center or something. No McDonald's in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:44 It's just like a small. Or is he just referring to like a grocery store? Like a family owned store. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a Walmart, but like owned by just like. Like a mom and a, I guess like another word for dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:57 It's like a people think tissues are just called Kleenex. This is the brand. So this guy thinks grocery stores are all called Walmarts. Yeah. Yeah. I like that. I went in the target Walmart the other day. Not in Canada.
Starting point is 01:34:09 That's gone. No. Yeah. Thanks a lot. Little yuck. Final phone call. Hi, Graham,
Starting point is 01:34:17 Dave and lovely guest. This is Liz calling with an overheard from Pittsburgh. Uh, last Friday I was lucky enough to get to go to a My Brother, My Brother and Me live show. And sitting behind me were, I think, the quintessential MBM fans. During the intermission, I heard one of them say to their group, the thing about wrestling fan fiction is that, like, if you're a horny for The Undertaker, there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:34:45 good stuff out there but there's a lot of room in the market for Chris Jericho to like motorboat Dwayne the Rock or whatever whoa
Starting point is 01:34:52 holy yeah the market demands it I guess yeah I guess the Undertaker would be you know
Starting point is 01:35:01 he's mysterious his real part's unknown is she insinuating there's a lot of fan fiction about the undertaker out there yeah joy okay sexual apparently yeah okay erotic fan fiction about the undertaker um and you know what i support it yeah me too yeah especially in this halloween it's a good uh rest i can't do it with kane because I know he's got the limits. I'm a woman if he's with someone the appropriate age. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Well, that's kind of fun. Yeah. Yeah. Glenn. I couldn't pick Cain out of a lineup. Big, big guy. Very red. Big and red.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Okay. I got him. Not the Kool-Aid guy That's different Yeah I'm out The Kool-Aid Oh yeah That was hard for me to enjoy
Starting point is 01:35:55 Because of my Daughter Well that brings us To the end of this here podcast Kevi What do you got What do you got to plug This comes out
Starting point is 01:36:07 November 4th People are still Feeling a tiny bit spooky I hope Yeah Oh man My band Fake Shark
Starting point is 01:36:13 Is releasing A single On November Sorry Yeah November 22nd It's called Invincible And a music video
Starting point is 01:36:20 The week after that So that's my main thing I'm plugging Nice Yeah And maybe That's on Like a YouTube Yeah it's on It'll be on and a music video the week after that so that's my main thing i'm plugging nice yeah um and maybe that's that's on a like a youtube yeah it's on uh it'll be on all the platforms audio wise and it'll be on youtube and vimeo and all that cool yeah and then we have an album coming out a couple
Starting point is 01:36:35 months after that but we haven't quite figured out when that's coming out so single first single first yeah that's the way the single drops then it gets ready to mingle Yeah I hope people mingle with it Yeah Yeah Yeah And Do you have anything I don't
Starting point is 01:36:52 I just want Thanks everyone for Listening to our All female October And Get ready for Dude Dude Vember
Starting point is 01:36:59 Dude Vember Yeah That's right It's gonna We're really gonna bro down Yeah Bro Vember Bro Vember I think Dude Vember Is pretty good That's right. We're really going to bro down. Bro-Vamber. Bro-Vamber.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I think Dude-Vamber is pretty good. I mean, I like my idea. No, that was a happy accident. And at the end of the month, I'm going to be doing a 24 hour standup comedy show at the Havana theater. Uh, yeah. In support of the, uh, this started with a past guest, Pat Thornton does it out in Toronto. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:36 And, uh, the theater was available the same weekend he's doing it. I'm jumping on his, uh, train to raise money. Yeah. So I'm jumping on his train. Okay. To raise money? Yeah. For the, I believe it's called the Glenn Lewis Foundation, which is.
Starting point is 01:37:50 That's Kane's real name? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's to raise awareness for Kane. So that you can recognize him in the lineup. Yeah. He's red. He's a red guy. He's a big red guy. But yeah, it's going to be weird.
Starting point is 01:38:05 So you are doing a 24-hour set or it's, uh, it's going to be weird. It's going to be 24. You are doing a 24 hour set or a bunch of comics? Holy. Yeah. But, uh. Wait, are those not guests? No, no, no. It's a, it's just the, he gets comedians to write bits for him during the course of the night.
Starting point is 01:38:18 So that's what. You're doing that too? Yeah. Wait, so that's going to be way longer than Chappelle and Dane Cook's Guinness Book World Records sets. I know, but they're famous. Oh. Yes, yes, yes. So, you know, the world pays attention to this.
Starting point is 01:38:32 I'm going to submit you. So, well, that'll be good. Does the audience have to come for 24 hours? No. You can. Like Sting does? Tantric comedy. Um, but that's going to be November 28th and 29th.
Starting point is 01:38:52 Oh boy. Yeah. So, uh, 48 hours. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:55 Yeah. Oh geez. It just added another 12 hours. Oh God. Don't say it's November 30th. Um, uh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:04 So, uh, I'll be, I'll be plugging that throughout. Yeah. Please. Dude. Vember. it's November 30th. Yeah, so I'll be plugging that throughout Broke Amber. Yeah, please. Dudevember, sorry. Yeah, thank you. And thanks, everybody out there for listening. If you like the show, tell your friends. And come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Artist owned. Audience supported.

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