Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 630

Episode Date: April 13, 2020

No guest in our first isolation-cast as we talk kite flying, Tiger King, and local news....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka, and he's Graham Clark, and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody, and welcome to episode number 630 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Special isolation episode. My name's Graham Clark and not with me, as always, is Dave Shumka in his own studio. Hello Dave. Yeah, hello Graham. How are you? Oh, I'm alright. How are you?
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm, uh,'m well get into it. We don't have a guest this week. We're feeling our way around this. We recorded so many episodes in advance because I thought I was going to be out of town. Yeah. And so we are now like, this is the 13th of April as we're doing this. And I think we, or noil as we're doing this and i think uh we or no as we're releasing this it's the 13th of april today's april fool's day that we're recording it yeah and uh but we're
Starting point is 00:01:15 finally getting back in the swing of recording yeah i guess we during this we maybe don't need to record so far in advance yeah but uh you know it's uh what's changing and you know what's what's changing day to day yeah oh that's true um and it's been that way you know time keeps on slipping slipping slipping into the future that's what that's the one yeah um so yeah that's originally by Seal. Then Steve Miller Band went back in time and covered it. And it was kind of like, have you seen that movie Yesterday? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So Seal is the one who lives in a reality where. Seal's the Beatles in that one. And then Steve Miller Band invented a time machine. And they were like, I'm just gonna take this one song and then I'll write 20 classics of my own I don't uh I bet you I do know a bunch of Steve Miller songs but I don't know him off the top of my head you know a ton of Steve Miller yeah I bet I do what what is uh he's not Joker Midnight Smoker. He's Joker Midnight Smoker. Oh, that is him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's, uh, keep on rocking me, baby, which is one of the great songs that has a list of cities in it. He's, um, what is he? He's, did I mention fly like an eagle? Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Fly like an eagle. Oh boy. Uh, but he's Abra, Abra, Cadabra. Oh, he's Abra, Cadabra. Yeah. That's one of the great yacht rock songs that I was like, whoever wrote this was already a millionaire at this point, so he didn't need the song to be great.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Yeah, I know. It was Seal. It was Seal, actually. I wonder where Seal is right now. I hope he's's doing all right i hope he's self-isolating i hope he's this is so i mean i feel like every celebrity we mentioned it's of coin toss that no seals mighty he's mighty he'll he's my favorite part of the mighty mighty boston's a lot of people don't know that. Stop mentioning people. Do you want to get to know us?
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah. Get to know us. So, the last episode we recorded, it was, boy, it was Adam. Christy. Christy, who I i loved i loved that that was it was like the last we had scheduled that episode and like sort of isolation had kind of uh been suggested at that point it was on the menu yeah yeah but it hadn't uh it hadn't taken hold no and then they uh the um like we had i think we had just maybe canceled our spring break travel plans right and uh so adam was over and it was uh fun
Starting point is 00:04:17 and i don't know when we're all gonna be in the same room together you me and adam well you mean adam it's anyone's guess it could be yeah exactly you and i uh well hopefully sooner than that yeah but maybe we need adam to bring us back together he was uh yeah maybe he needs to um like parent trap us that kind of thing like yeah he invites you to a picnic i think I'm going to a truck bowl. Uh, and then I'm like, Hey, this isn't a truck bowl.
Starting point is 00:04:48 This is a picnic with Dave. And then we make up. Yeah. But what's a truck pole? Oh, a truck pulls like an outdoor version of like a monster truck rally. Yeah. I feel like,
Starting point is 00:05:03 yeah. Yeah. It's like a trailer pole trailer pole. Like like yeah yeah it's like a trailer pull trailer pull like yeah it happens out in a farmer's field and there's like just two trucks pulling each other off it's two transformers pulling each other off it's great i'm sorry is that the right term yanking each other off no you know i think it feels like the british term would be pulling each other hugging each other off yeah tugging off my mates i start taking off me laurie um and uh yeah ever since we've been in self-isolation yeah i don't call it self-isolation
Starting point is 00:05:39 what is just isolation just isolation i'm not doing it to myself. No. It's being imposed upon me. It's amazing. I don't know if you had anybody in your kind of circle that was at first being like, ah, this is all, this is going to blow over or whatever. Vanessa Hudgens. My friend Vanessa Hudgens. That's right. That's right. Vanessa Hudgens famously went on record as saying this was not going to be a big deal.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Well, she said, should we bother? It's going to be people are going to die. But in her words, and yeah, it's bad, but it's inevitable. Yeah. It's funny that that would be the like, I haven't heard a lot from Vanessa Hudgens in the past couple of years. And for that to be the thing that I hear about, I'm like, huh? Celebrity's weird, man. I mean, I've I've I heard a bit about her. the past couple years and for that to be the thing that i hear about i'm like huh celebrities weird man i mean i've i've i heard a bit about her uh but but uh no she's cool yeah she's cool she
Starting point is 00:06:36 recanted that statement i think yeah i think she was high oh sure i mean oh man boy can i recant that statement if i'm wrong um but yeah i feel like the day the day that we recorded the last episode i was in a coffee shop and there was a group of older men all sitting around talking about how this for sure was going to blow over and uh that sports were going to be back on team that was their big thing is that sports weren't on so they were they were forced to like have conversations with their friends this was them trying to have a conversation and they were right it blew over and sports are back so oh boy i, my kids are very bored. They've always been very bored by the sports that I watch. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:29 And like, you know, they think my favorite TV show is the news. And your favorite book is newspaper. But they, I was so excited forlympics to finally be able to show them no these this is what boring sports are like look at all these look at all this long distance running they're they're they're showing them now but they're gonna go to commercial and they'll still be running yeah that's uh um i remember like as a kid, not really being conscious of the Olympics until they happened in the city that I lived in. And then,
Starting point is 00:08:11 and then being like too excited. I went from not knowing they existed to being too excited about them in like six months. And it really, it really messes with you when all of a sudden, how were you too excited? Were your parents like, whoa, ease up junior. Well, well we like i don't know we did all the things that are typical olympic
Starting point is 00:08:31 things like going and watching the flame like like drove out of town and watch somebody run by with the flame it was uh really boring uh because it wasn't a famous person. It was just like, you know, the CEO of Husky Oil has contributed enough money to this, so he gets to do a mile. And then, like, everybody was collecting pins. Yeah. That was a big, like, Olympic thing is that you tried to collect all these pins. Became worthless the second the Olympics were over. Mm-hmm. thing is that you tried to collect all these pins became worthless the second the Olympics were over. As most Olympic things do, they're automatically dated.
Starting point is 00:09:10 As with most collections. Yeah. Have you ever seen that picture of the couple in divorce court dividing up their beanie babies? Yes. But like, there was a window of time that beanie babies were yeah yeah yeah there was i guess the the window of of olympic pins yes value was very short yeah like i uh i
Starting point is 00:09:39 went to a flea market a couple years ago in calgary and somebody had a whole like giant piece of cloth with all the pins on it like the whole set and i think it was like eight dollars um but yeah like what's weird is like they'll have all this olympic merchandise that they made for 2020 olympics and it probably won't happen in 2020. So then there's just going to be like piles and piles of these weird mascots that they made and all this kind of shit. Well, they're going to keep all the branding. They've already announced that they're
Starting point is 00:10:13 keeping it for next year. But it's still going to be the 2020? It's going to be officially the 2020 Olympics. I see. Oh, that's good. 2021. And if you've already made your team, made the teams for 2020 you still get to go you don't have to like re-qualify next year right well you know what that's a that's an extra bunch of months to really bulk up yeah yeah yeah i mean and like they can't test you for drugs
Starting point is 00:10:40 at this time like you're i mean right i mean if someone during a pandemic you don't want to be handling someone else's urine yeah you're right that's a very regular society thing you don't you don't want during any emergency measures to be handling anybody else's urine i miss being able to like shake hands and hold urine the simple pleasures that you just take for granted um so uh we are we are i the other thing about this because things move so fast like i i worry that we're like at the moment, our mood where we're focused very much on isolation and you know what, what, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:30 let's catch up with each other with what we're doing in isolation. Things might be, the narrative might be, you know, a lot darker by the time this comes out. So it's true. Yeah. I just want everyone to know that,
Starting point is 00:11:41 Hey, I feel like this has been the warning the last five episodes. We don't know what the world looks like now yeah yes um but uh it's uh we we don't know what the world looked like now we're let's assume it i mean some guys in the coffee shop said it was all gonna blow over yeah and they they were old so they were like wizened old men you know they've seen it all yeah yeah they've they've gone from push mowers to driving mowers that they've seen it all they're like bjork in that movie where she's on the train uh yeah what was that called dancer in the dark nice have you seen that movie no it's uh von treer it's lars von treers yeah and i don't think i've seen it i've seen this that song though it's i really like that song
Starting point is 00:12:33 she sings and apparently she was she hated making the movie so much and she hated lars von treer so in protest slowly ate a sweater. Wow. My favorite Bjork story is and there's video of it where she like, I think she was on a really long flight, I believe to Japan and a reporter goes to interview her as soon as she comes off the plane and bjork attacked her uh and uh but nobody knows nobody knows why i think still even to this day um but it was great it was yeah i've seen that footage yeah it's it's it's you like that bjork story um it's it's pretty out of character for what we think of Bjork as.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah, I think that's why I like it. It's so surprising. Yeah, I think of her like classic Bjork that I remember is like the cone bra and the sex book and, you know. Yeah, truth or dare. Truth or dare. Yeah. Dating Warren Beatty. I've watched that in the last couple of weeks. I watched truth or dare yeah dating warren patey i've i've watched that in the last couple of weeks i watched truth it's on the because the movie channels that you get that they always show at christmas
Starting point is 00:13:54 like you get a free month of these movie channels uh in december right they're the they're the different decade ones there's the 70s channels, 80s channel, 90s channel. They're showing them free now. Oh, they are. Good. And I saw that Truth or Dare was on there. And yeah, I liked it. Yeah? It was, yeah, I mean, have you seen it?
Starting point is 00:14:19 No. It's a good tour documentary because you kind of of you get to see her like on the road and backstage with the dancers and warren baity's in it a bunch i should see it because i like i watched that four hour tom petty movie and i didn't really i don't i never really cared about tom petty that much yeah that's like apparently there's a decent zz top one on netflix now i yeah i started watching it but it was too like in the very first minute billy bob thornton is in it and you're like i don't know i wanted to spend that much time with billy bob thornton him saying like boy these guys they're just like from another planet you know and uh um but yeah truth or dare i would say uh high recommend
Starting point is 00:15:09 it's uh oh hi and she also uh you find that her and her dancers it's basically like watching a bunch of theater kids uh on like that they've just decided to be theater kids for life and uh yeah yeah so before like they like pray before shows right they do a prayer circle before every show and what kind of stuff do they pray about uh you know uh give us the power to uh hump on stage uh to get to be offensive in canada and almost get arrested that's that's uh canada's contribution to that documentary is we're the country that wanted to arrest her for uh lewd acts on stage cool yeah um she uh because before when we do when we start the podcast we always say that prayer yes yeah we always stand around in a circle i put up my hair in a high pony yeah i say don't go for second best baby yeah uh you
Starting point is 00:16:13 believe in love i got something to say about it it goes something like this ladies and gentlemen welcome to episode 308 um um you know we've so in the past, we've like, you've gone away for months at a time to Edinburgh. And we have always resisted the idea of Skyping or Zooming. Yes. We're doing at the moment. But we didn't have an opportunity to pre-tape that many no uh for whatever this these many months is that's a sentence um but i uh uh so we're doing it now so far so so good i think yeah i think this is working all right and we'll do it every week
Starting point is 00:17:03 yeah what about guests this is a show where we usually we'll do it every week. Yeah. What about guests? This is a show where we usually have guests. I mean, if it works, if somebody's got the right setup to make it work. Right. Yeah. I guess we just don't want to have it sound like a conference call. Yeah. We don't want to have like us both have microphones and then the other person is just talking
Starting point is 00:17:23 into a phone or something. That will sound weird. weird pacing around their apartment. Yeah. Yeah. Kicking a ball for their cat. All right. So like, I guess we have to send out a mass email to our guests saying who has a
Starting point is 00:17:38 microphone at their place. Yeah. Who's interested in a microphone computer capability with uh you know some sort of recording setup and uh and you know no uh no crazy uh roommates or something like that oh oh yeah you know like what if you were what if during all this you were with a roommate that you couldn't yeah you just couldn't regularly stand and you're like at least i work eight hours a day and they're never here when i come home and yeah yeah but the weekends are awkward but then i can just go out yeah yeah no there's like way worse situations
Starting point is 00:18:19 like there's you know what if you're you know you know, you think your roommate might be a vampire. Oh, yes. Or if you think your place is haunted and you've been putting off investigating it and now you have no choice. So, yes, we are at home. How are you? Have you? First of all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Speaking of us us doing this, this is other than like a couple of work calls. Have you done any like Skyping or Google Hangouts just socially during this? Yeah, I did one with my family in Calgary on Sunday. And then my brother and his wife on Tuesday. then my uh brother and his wife uh on tuesday just like it was just kind of more like like we just had drinks at the same time over uh over zoom um and it worked pretty well like it's it's weird for like 10 minutes you're like okay this is weird uh this is like kind of a, because I also had to do some, have you had to do work? Oh, yeah. That's Zoom or Skype.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I like that. I like having Zoom meetings. Yeah. Because it's like, it's, I don't know why. I like, I prefer them to regular meetings even. Yeah. Do you think that whenever this is kind of there's kind of a return back to the workforce and everything do you think that there will be less in-person
Starting point is 00:19:54 meetings because we've discovered that we can function quite well without them or will we crave the touch of our co-workers i i do get in trouble for craving the touch of my coworkers. Yeah. You do. Yeah. I wonder if, um, like there's some things that like people are already talking about,
Starting point is 00:20:17 like, well, are there things from this that when we go back to normal, we can keep from the isolation times like whatever you know they a lot of the internet companies are waiving their limits on internet and right and people are like so it was just an arbitrary we're not yeah you know overusing the system it was just you decided this was the limit and then we'll pay more yeah yeah and then like they just made it uh at all the hospitals in the province they they got rid of pay parking oh yeah the parking's gone yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:20:54 like can they just can we just always not have pay parking because i remember like when abby was having a couple of babies i had to like like, hmm, let's time out. How long do I think she's going to be in labor? And then I'll pay that amount. Yeah. Yeah. Right. It's weird, too.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Like, there's kind of these, you know, people are talking about these, like, side effects of this whole thing. Like, the canals in venice have cleared up and there's just kind of it's now rising the city is now rising instead of sinking so they've got to wait down the city now yeah hey giuseppe why don't you have a couple more bites of meatballs um yeah then there's like uh i don't know there was like a lot of videos of just like wildlife has kind of crept back into some cities yeah it hasn't been there in years so uh the milwaukee bucks yeah the milwaukee bucks the utah jazz yeah the jazz musicians have been able to repopulate this in the streets Milwaukee Bucks. Yeah, the Milwaukee Bucks, the Utah Jazz. Yeah, the jazz musicians have been able to repopulate in the streets.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah. And repopulate in the sheets. Oh, yes. Yes, a jazz man in the streets and a Utah in the sheets. No, other way around. Anyways, yeah, like, I don't know i don't mind zoom i also had never heard of zoom before all this yeah so uh it's it's weird that that like they're they must be creaming their virtual genes over this yeah they're vjs because they're like oh they're suddenly so popular like i'm i find it so surprising that it has become so popular so fast you know in the in the face of google hangouts and
Starting point is 00:22:57 whatever else is available facebook i don't know elbow rubbing shouldering oh yeah yeah Facebook Gatabouts and Google Hangouts and then you know just good old fashioned Skype just the old Skype call yeah and you know Instagram docking
Starting point is 00:23:20 laughing laughing um so how have the last uh two weeks been um bad yeah yeah yeah uh it's like uh a global pandemic and you're not allowed to leave your house and and like i i think at the very beginning it was a lot there was a lot of like people talking about oh man i can finally binge all that stuff and right you know how am i gonna how what am i gonna do with all these extra hours and and for me it's just been like we've we've got two kids and i've got two jobs and i like i have less free time than i did before yeah yeah yeah absolutely it's uh difficult
Starting point is 00:24:07 and not fun at all and like at the very beginning it was kind of it was really stressing me out and i was like sad all the time and i'm never sad i like we being sad all the time made me realize oh i'm i'm not usually sad at all right and so this has been yeah it was very hard at the beginning i was obsessed with the news because it every day i would want to hear the new numbers and like how many cases there are and are we flattening the curve right and then i it got so bad that i had to be like okay let's not watch the news today i'm gonna try to go a whole day without watching any news or reading any stories and i made it a day and then you know you just can't avoid it yeah and then a few days later like a week later it's i'm just like bored by it i just yeah it's like the old uh it's like the
Starting point is 00:25:08 equivalent of the banality of evil where you're like the common placeness of pandemic yeah where you're like well it's like well i if i'm if i miss the numbers today i'll see them tomorrow because they chart them every day yeah yeah yeah yeah and there's also kind of this uh uh i don't know if you've ever seen the movie it was a canadian movie it was called last night and it was kind of like the last night on earth and it was kind of the first movie i'd ever seen that framed it as like people aren't running around like crazy maniacs everybody's just kind of like trying to have a nice last night you know and like what
Starting point is 00:25:47 that kind of is like the guy's parents want to do like it's Christmas morning so they're all opening presents and it was the first movie that wasn't like a Mad Max society I'm looking forward to the shredded clothes and the leather
Starting point is 00:26:04 cross boob outfits, things like that. The Zardoz. Yes, the Zardoz, exactly. Because that just became kind of like, that became like the apocalypse uniform, right? Yeah, yeah. It's leather and just whatever, the frayed edges and uh just the filth yeah the filth but you're right there's a lot of leather and it was like why was leather so plentiful at that juncture in history because they wouldn't have been like people still like tanning leather where would you
Starting point is 00:26:42 get leather now like a leather i guess you only need the one leather outfit because these these are uniform people yeah yeah yeah um yeah i don't know where you get leather now i imagine there's like i don't know isn't like isn't there a fancy boutique that sells all leather stuff daniel yeah daniel that's the one i think they closed or i might be thinking of papa's furs that's closed oh any leather might still be open yeah yeah these are all stores that people would like throw paint at yeah that's right papa's furs give me a fur, Papa. It was spelled, it was like a family's name, the Papas family. Right. It wasn't an apostrophe, like, these aren't your father's furs.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Yeah, so it was like leather, and it's like, the family name is Daddy. We're called Leather Daddy, but it's not. It's a family name. My name is Neil Daddy. neil degrasse daddy um the uh uh yeah so like uh i'm not apocalypse ready no and i don't want to be like if it gets take me laud the um i know kind of in the the week kind of leading up to one of the things you were concerned about is kind of occupying your kids time yeah um well they got jobs at grocery stores so they're they're fine now so then it's everything right at itself which is good yeah no it's it's uh that is very difficult yeah because it's like how long how long can we resist the ipad today yeah and what's the average
Starting point is 00:28:36 what's the what's the over under they get about uh until about an hour before dinner and then i gotta make dinner yeah so yeah i can't occupy you anymore no we've been like trying to come up with uh things to do it's it also is weather dependent because you right they say you can leave your house but as long as you stay six feet away from people but like it's just been so cold like it snowed yesterday yeah yeah yeah like i was thinking like if you were like a frontiers person a settler uh-huh uh you would be working a full-time job by the time you were like seven or eight yeah yeah yeah but like what did you do for that first seven years yeah I could see like the first year you're like in a basket floating down the river.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Until two kindly strangers find you. Yeah. And as soon as you can start walking, you're like, you're constantly collecting blueberries and like walking between a mother bear and her cub. Yeah. You're catching a frog maybe
Starting point is 00:29:46 it's also it would have been easier to be in a time where you didn't have to like be around your kid all the time you'd be like go to the creek and just hang out there you tell your kid this yeah yeah until you hear the dinner bell and then you come running back yeah your kid would be like i'm bored and you're like we're all bored nothing's been invented yet uh yeah get your dad to teach you how to shoot cans were there cans back then yes i'm gonna say there were cans on On the frontier? I guess so. We brought some cans. It really weighed down the wagon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 We forgot to bring a can opener, so you need to shoot them. Yeah, you need to shoot them and let the beans spill out the bottom of the can. A shotgun of beans. A can of beans. Yeah, it was like, it was. it was a time before things were around but also the the imminent threat of death was around every quarter so that must have been that's exciting too yeah that's exciting that really gets your your blood going yeah um uh i know that,
Starting point is 00:31:05 yeah, before it all happened, you bought, uh, you got a kite. Yeah, we bought a kite. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah. It's been a while since we flew that kite. I never flew a kite as a child. Um, because they hadn't been invented yet. Uh, but I, that's true.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Uh, growing up on the frontier. Uh, no, I guess they had, cause Ben Franklin, uh, yeah that's true uh growing up on the frontier uh no i guess they had because ben franklin flew that kite already did he invent the kite is that where that came from i either that or he discovered electricity via the kite yeah that's the thing yeah when was the kite invented i don't know i think like times. Who owns the patent on that? Someone in China, I want to say. I feel like a kite maybe from China. We bought this kite and I, so I never flew a kite as a child.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And I was, when we got this kite, we had driven past a park and we had seen people flying a kite. And I was like, that's a great idea. We should do that. That'll kill an afternoon. Yeah. And so we went to the park and I, I was a little hesitant to go to the park. First of all, I went to the local toy store and I said,
Starting point is 00:32:11 do you have kites? And they said, no, they don't. They're not in season. Yeah. We haven't seen the runway models yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:20 They're ripening on the vine. But, uh, well, I guess some people were hoarding toilet paper and I was like trying to hoard activities. And so I bought like in one weekend I went and I bought like a bunch of seeds and flower pots and things to occupy the kids. I bought a big set of dominoes to like knock down. I went, so I went to the toy shop and I said, do you have kites?
Starting point is 00:32:43 And they said, no, not yet. And what about dominoes? And they're like're like sure we got a few dominoes games i was like no not the games i just wanted the kinds that you like make a big thing and you knock them over the the time killing ones yeah yeah yeah like i'm not going to be teaching my uh my kids how to have like a backroom game of dominoes yeah also I don't know how to play dominoes. Yeah. And so I got these dominoes. They're great. I ended up having to get Amazon because you're not like, in all this, you don't want to be running around to five stores trying to track down a toy.
Starting point is 00:33:25 That's true. Cause that would be, uh, that would be an insane story to have to relate over and over again. Like, oh yeah, I got sick because I was hunting down dominoes. I was trying to make a giant invention. Yeah. Uh, and so, uh, we, I, and then I, we got the kite and I was very nervous. Cause I was like, I'm going to suck at flying a kite. And you can't do it. You can't practice at home. You got to go out in public and try.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You can't even do it in your yard. Cause there's like trees and power lines. Yeah. It's a, it's a game time. You have to be good at it at the, at the moment that it hits, you know, I, we went to the park and i was like okay this is going to be tough and i you know it was a little bit we had to wait for the wind to pick up and i kind of held it up in the air and the wind just took it and i held on to the string and it was so easy and it was such a relief and i was like all right we're flying a kite and the kids could do it no problem nice nice it was uh yeah it was but like having
Starting point is 00:34:27 done that it's like well i guess we'll wait for it to be both a nice day and windy again yeah it's i feel like there was a lot more like just really windy days when i was growing up in calgary and so we would more than once we went out and like either flew a kite or went out and watched people who are really good at flying a kite do like loop-de-loops and stuff and uh yeah i feel like and then that was it like i never played with a kite ever again yeah oh i did go before i went out i i like looked up on youtube how to fly a kite and it didn't seem easy this guy seemed like an expert and he made it look easy but i don't know i don't know how much time you would have to devote to it to become one of these
Starting point is 00:35:17 guys who can do tricks and i i can tell you i don't want to be one of these guys. No. But is this like a 10-hour endeavor? Or is it like a lifetime? I think it's a lifetime. And it's like it doesn't have the same reward as being able to like fly fish or something like that. Where you're like, I have a thing at the end of it. It's just you flew a kite. There's no end prize. Except that pride you feel.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. But I think there's a lot of things like that where it's like yo-yoing or card tricks i guess card tricks are a little bit more rewarding because there's always new people to wow yeah and like i thought as a kid and i don't know if you had the same thought that you would need to have like at least one magic trick that you knew before in case if you were at a party or magic trick one dirty joke one uh like uh rude uh you know a body horror thing you can do yeah be able to play a song on the piano yeah i figured that just being a an adult was a lot more fun and games yeah yeah but now like i know a bunch of adults none of them know magic tricks and like uh i remember having a conversation with some like a another guy and his girlfriend and her friend were there and they just walked away from us when we started talking about yo-yos they just abandoned us completely do you remember when we were in chicago and uh
Starting point is 00:36:52 we were um at the sears tower and we were looking out and a local uh came up and stood next to us and was pointing out like oprah lives there and knew all this stuff about like the Harbor. And I just like slowly walked away while you had to stay and talk to him. Yeah. Yeah. That was fun. It worked out. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Now you have all this Oprah knowledge. Yeah, that's true. I do have more Oprah knowledge than I know what to do with and, and her friend Gail. Is that her friends? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 A lot of knowledge except the name when is oprah gonna make stedman an honest man that's true i mean but you know what he gave he gave away the milk for free so let's buy that gal um uh yeah stedman's a goer so he uh first date she she didn't even have to wait that long he was ready he was primed he was primed to just be her life partner yeah is she the woman equivalent of gene simmons in that regard did gene simmons never marry what's her face he eventually did in like 2017 or something like that what's her face shannon tweed she's canadian yeah yeah yeah she's on our hundred dollar bill that's right i met gene simmons that's why he married her he loves money
Starting point is 00:38:15 he loves money um yeah he's uh uh he's one of the greats he's one of the great money lovers yeah who loves money the most who are like the money lovingest gene sims is up there i mean the 45th president of the united states loves this stuff he loves it kevin o'leary is really crazy about mr wonderful loves money mr wonderful he loves money is there anyone who loves money a lot and doesn't have very much of it oh yeah that's good that's like a rarer because there's people there's people who like have a ton of money and aren't like crazy like bill gates is like i'm just giving it away yeah like i built a crazy house and i have you know all the spectacles i need for the rest of my life so i'll just give it away and same with like warren buffett like he doesn't seem like he's like a guy that eats at mcdonald's or whatever yeah he can afford to eat at a buffet
Starting point is 00:39:16 because that's his last name what i'm not graham i'm not doing well in the pandemic. I don't know. I feel like probably people who have had access to money and then had it whisked away. Oh yeah. Like Kevin Federline. He probably loves money. I'm sure he still gets a stipend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:39 A tuppence. Yeah. I don't, it's, it's a tough position to be in to be somebody who's like like scrooge mcduck minus the vault yeah just go just like crashes into an empty vault every time um and like you've also have you been like consistently consistently working from home? Yeah, it's hard to. My schedule is start working at 6.30 in the morning,
Starting point is 00:40:11 wake the kids up at 8. We've managed to shorten the kids' day by an hour. They used to wake up at 7. I get them up at 8 now. Nice. And then do that stuff. And then a few days a week i then have like a morning meeting and then i so like i work three or four shifts in a day between right parenting things and it's uh
Starting point is 00:40:36 it's no fun yeah no kidding no kidding yeah how about you uh most of my work is uh done because of this uh all right goings on so but is that like are you now not getting any payment that is correct yeah well uh keep doing the podcast guys yeah uh we're all we're all all drinking out of tin cans, tin cups. What is the thing that they sell pencils out of? A tin cup. Uh, anyway, we're all pushing tin. Yes. We're all pushing it.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Thank you. That was the phrase I was looking for. Um, yeah, most of my work. Yeah. Like kind of, there was like a trickle, uh, in the first week and now it's just all gone. I'm sorry to hear that yeah um but you know you find ways to fill the days you watch that tiger king no no no i don't i don't think i would enjoy it i don't i i don't think i would enjoy this man and his abuse of tigers it's not about that but there's certainly abuse yes i'm surprised uh that i haven't watched it yeah it's the thing everyone watched like it's even now i feel like
Starting point is 00:41:56 it's too late yeah like i i we watched for the there's seven episodes and we have one more to go and i just haven't had time in the last five days but i uh now i feel like i've missed out yeah like i felt like uh because i knew who that guy was because um when i was working at this hour's 22 minutes they showed an interview that sean majumner did with him as like an example of like this is the type of stuff you'll be doing so i already when i saw that guy appear on netflix i was like oh not this not this jag again um no he's a good guy he's a good guy um he he's like that can't be true salt of the earth really like sweet sweet little guy yeah um just the nicest guy you'll meet no he's not not nice i is the what is the he's he's like
Starting point is 00:42:58 every the okay the people have all watched this i haven't seen the end of it, so I can't really spoil anything. But it's, and there's no plot to spoil. They kind of tell you what's happening. But it's just like, there's so many, this weird story with so many twists and turns. You don't really need to know about the ending. Right. But every person you meet is like the most insane character. Right. is like the the most insane character right like if this was a scripted thing you'd be like why would why why did you create this weird character like we already had eight weird characters why
Starting point is 00:43:33 did you add this guy like yeah why are you and why are all these crazy characters hanging out together that kind of yeah yeah and there's so much of like so much of it is like well you can get people to do pretty much anything if you let them pet a baby tiger yeah which is like yeah i guess i mean would you like to pet a baby tiger you're sure but it's not on my like top 1000 things i want to do list no but it if if i happen to be somewhere and that just came up as a thing to do you would like what what else would you be doing that day but there yeah and it is such a kind of uh conveyor belt like assembly line of of like tour baby tiger tourism they like right put the tiger next to your face take a picture put the tiger next to the next person's face take a picture it's like such a rapid fire and are these baby
Starting point is 00:44:29 tigers or full these are full grown well the the whole thing is that the he's a he's got a basically the tigers only have value in the first six months of their lives because that's the only time people will pay to that's the only time they're safe to be really close to and that's the only time people will pay to that's the only time they're safe to be really close to and that's the only time people will pay to to you know hang out with a tiger is when they're a baby right and then the rest of their lives they cost thousands of dollars to feed and shelter yeah and it's just the the terrible ways that they have to like keep these animals alive yeah like i remember watching a documentary about um pablo escobar and he did all those paintings with the like eyes in the wrong place yeah yeah yeah he was a famous turn of the century
Starting point is 00:45:21 coke dealer but on the side had a blue period. Uh huh. Um, he kept like, he had his own zoo. Cause he was like a guy who had too much money and like just cash. So he couldn't invest it in anything. So he just made his own zoo. And then like he,
Starting point is 00:45:42 he died. And then the, the property became like, uh, the state owned it. Anyways, there was a huge flood and all the hippos escaped. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:45:56 There was like a huge government task force that had to go and like get these hippos back. Yeah. Cause they kept swallowing marbles yes hippos kill more people than sharks yeah because uh they're awesome they're streamlined killing machines yeah they could sit on you they sit on you they give you no geese uh give you hippo nurples all of the great um have you been grocery shopping yes yeah how's that been going for you um i figured out it took a couple tries uh that you have to go like
Starting point is 00:46:37 as soon as the place opens as otherwise you you're supposed to keep like this kind of minimum distance from everybody but that goes out the window as soon as you're in an aisle at a grocery store yeah well some of them have like lineups outside yeah and some of them do and some of them don't some of them don't it's just weird yeah like because they're all like adhering to the rules. But I guess some of them are just like, we're not we can't control who comes in this place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, it's been it was it was weird leading up to when everybody was supposed to stay home. I stocked up not overly crazy or anything, but I just like bought some cans of things and uh and then i went back it was like overnight i went back and all the shelves were like ransacked it was crazy
Starting point is 00:47:32 and even like a few weeks into it now they're still like i mean people were hoarding toilet paper at the very beginning and yeah everyone was like oh don't be crazy like there's plenty of toilet paper i don't see any toilet paper still they lied to us yeah the the good people at uh brawny no they make paper towels well i use that's what i use i've got a terrible diet. I have to use brawny. That's a poor guy that loves money is a guy who uses brawny as toilet paper. Oh, boy. Because I love spending money on calling the plumber to fix it. I love spending money on brawny. I love spending money on repairs.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I watched, because like kind of one week into everybody staying at home and everything, there was this thing on the news about like, don't flush, wipe down the toilet. That's my favorite No Doubt song. They showed the same. Don't flush, wipes down the toilet. No. No. wipes down the toilet no no they showed the same they only had one clip of a guy like pulling wipes out of a pipe drain
Starting point is 00:48:52 and they used that clip five times in the story um anyways so don't flush wipes is what I want to say and I love it in a major way um yeah it's uh how how are you doing for toilet paper are you good yep yeah i'm sorted and like uh yeah the toilet paper like there was a guy
Starting point is 00:49:17 from scotty or whatever on the news that was like we've got tons like we're not we're not running out like we why are they so bad at keeping it on the shelves then i don't know i don't know it does look like it's very panic inducing seeing it like completely ransacked every time i go into a store yeah but it's like i mean i i have i'm good for a couple weeks yeah but i i don't like when i think of things that you would need i automatically think of like medicine and food and like maybe uh some sort of leather wear yes of course you need your crisscross leather yeah yeah but toilet paper wouldn't even make it wouldn't even crack my top 10 of things to have on you know yeah The good way you're a bidet owner. I wish I was a bidet owner.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Um, tried to install one, but the pipes here are too leaky. Oh yeah. Bidet owner, bidet toilet paper user by night. Um, what else,
Starting point is 00:50:23 what else is going on? you know like if you watch things like the view or like like all of that kind of thing is like you guys could just take this time off yeah like everybody from the view can relax like jimmy fallon it's fine like we don't need we don't need you to do your show from home. Yeah, I'm glad that there are news anchors and reporters that are committed to doing their job, and they'll do it from home or remotely or whatever. But yeah, we're fine.
Starting point is 00:50:59 We don't need it. I was flipping through the channels tonight and then I flipped past the news that was on and it was like the end of the news and they were kind of doing their wrap up you know where in the studio they would kind of all be at the desk together the two anchors the weather person and the sports
Starting point is 00:51:18 anchor and the two anchors were in studio the weather person was at their house with like one earbud in and doing some remote thing, which is great. Like, yeah, it's weather. No one's going outside. You're not allowed to go outside right now, so don't worry about it yeah and then the sports guys somewhere remotely but also well is all he doing is he just telling you here's the sports that aren't happening today
Starting point is 00:51:52 yeah like the one thing i saw last night or the night before is that they're still doing some version of nascar with all the drivers are driving like virtual cars oh yeah that's so cute but it's one of those things too where it's like well why can't that just be what nascar is why do we need from now on yeah the sports channels have just been showing like classic games and it's fun is that fun to watch a class no it's not it's it's it's especially like they showed the uh ncaa championship from the like 80 1982 or 83 and like michael jordan was playing for north carolina against patrick ewing who was named pat ewing back then oh yeah and georgetown and you're just watching and you're like this is unwatchable like these are famous people but who care like the the video quality is so bad i don't know how much time is left in the game because they don't
Starting point is 00:53:05 like that the when you're watching sports now they have they show you the clock and the score at all times in in one part of the screen that didn't exist back then and so you're just watching this thing like if you're not paying close attention you don't know what's happening yeah and like wasn't there a period where like they had to like film an actual clock and then yeah when it's in the very in like oh there's 10 seconds left let's that clock camera has to be cut out and into the screen and it's just like how did sports make it there weren't as many things going on. There was no internet, so it was just like, that'll do.
Starting point is 00:53:48 That's true. It was like, either go down to the creek or go watch Patrick Ewing. Yeah. Is there anything you've been enjoying about this? I'll watch every night.'ll watch the vancouver news and then after the vancouver news i watch the news from vancouver island and uh they're like so the vancouver news or the national it's all stuff about the pandemic that's the whole broadcast there's no other stories vancouver island first couple stories about the pandemic. That's the whole broadcast. There's no other stories. Vancouver Island,
Starting point is 00:54:28 first couple stories are about the pandemic, but then there'll be some sort of, yeah, like somebody who's got goats on the roof of their restaurant. Oh yeah. They're on island time. Yeah. And so it's very like,
Starting point is 00:54:41 it's a very wholesome way to end the day. So I enjoy that. I've seen that like people are doing like uh you know we we i we talked about you know having just like casual conversations over skype or whatever people are doing like dance classes and or dance parties and no thank you like in the at the best of times i i the idea of like doing it on my phone where like you could not you cannot hold your phone comfortably at an angle where you don't look like a punchy yeah uh yeah there's been guys like every night at six o'clock, this this bagpiper goes out and plays bagpipes. And you're like, that would be punishing in normal, like where everything's going great in the greatest of times.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Yeah. Be a punishing noise to be hearing. And there was a there was a woman on the news that like she decided to do an impromptu concert from her porch. And she had like an amplifier and stuff. And I was like, well, this is, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:47 you're just terrorizing your neighbors. They can't leave. Call the cops. What? And so every, every day in Vancouver at seven o'clock, yeah, people,
Starting point is 00:55:58 uh, applaud. Yes. There's a thing. And we're applauding to salute the frontline workers. And everyone comes out on their balconies or out their front doors or whatever. And they, you know, bang a drum or beat pots and pans. And a lot of people are lighting off firecrackers, which I don't like.
Starting point is 00:56:18 That's a new, I noticed that was like a new addition in the last few days. So people have been sitting on a a cache of firecrackers yeah uh have you been participating uh no because i'm not i'm not uh i don't like my apartment doesn't have a deck or anything and i'm not gonna go down to the street to like clap like a maniac yeah yeah yeah we do it because the kids like doing it yeah and like I like the sentiment but they can't
Starting point is 00:56:52 hear me the front line workers don't hear me clapping and also like people have said like they're if they're at the grocery store they'll say something like thank you for your service or whatever to the grocery store work and I feel like if i said that they would think i was being sarcastic yeah thanks for your service yeah like i do i do admire everybody that's uh
Starting point is 00:57:17 working through this and having to like deal with the public all day must be like such an anxiety oh yeah it's horrible but like it's also the weird thing is like if you wanted to like leave somebody a tip that you're like here's this gross money that you don't know yeah yeah we'll go watch this yeah yeah like i went to the grocery store today and there was a homeless guy i and he was you know waiting for people to return their carts and so the people would be like you can you you can have the quarter i used you know as the deposit on this cart god bless you man i you can have it yeah yeah like there needs to be it's weird it's weird too because like everything i've been buying because i usually do carry cash but i haven't been because i'm like i don't want nobody wants to handle it and everything's just a
Starting point is 00:58:12 tap or whatever yeah um but that's really gonna leave a whole section of society out of the loop yeah you know like uh the cash is still used by like some people but not a lot of people just never have cash anymore. And it's been going that way slowly but now it's like no one is, stores aren't even accepting it. Yeah, yeah. But I wonder if that'll be another kind of permanent kind of change is that just like cash is out and it's yeah yeah that's true yeah possible what am i what am i supposed to put in my grand
Starting point is 00:58:55 kid's birthday envelope yeah what i you know they'll just uh tiktok credits yeah does tiktok need credits i don't know you pay you're the one who's on it i am on it but i've never i've only i've only as a viewer not as a participant i don't know how in the whole yeah daddy likes to overheard um yeah let's do that overheard overheard's a segment which uh you know what harder and harder to be out there in the world so now you're gonna have to be overhearing things from roommates loved ones kids over zoom it's very hard now yes yes it's very hard harder than you can't get within six feet of people how are you supposed to overhear them what have we this is true how exhibitionistic are these people exhibitionistic supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now uh we always start with the guests but we don't have a guest so do you want to go first
Starting point is 01:00:05 should i go first what do you want to do i guess i'll go first i don't really have one either okay um uh but since since there's just the two of us i i might as well just give you what i got um so uh the other day i was having a, it was a very hard day. Yeah. And we got a phone. Thanks. I got a phone call from my dad. So this is,
Starting point is 01:00:36 I had overheard that was on a phone call that he said to me. Yep. And it was, the phone rang and I answered and he said, Hey Dave, how's it going? And I was like the phone rang and I answered and he said, hey Dave, how's it going? And I was like, horrible. And he said, oh, oh, what's wrong?
Starting point is 01:00:55 I was like, I don't know, it's just, what do you need? And he said, well, I was wondering, is Billie Eilish male or female? I'm proud of your dad yeah because uh you know i feel like there's there's two kind of like then diagrams that were at work is like people who knew who billy eilish was and people who who loved james wan movies and eventually they they caught up with each other but or people who are like hmm billy suggests a boy yeah i but the ie who knows billy jane king i'll give my son a call yeah i'll give the youngest person i know I call my 39 year old son. You know what? I set him straight.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Nice. Good. I said, yeah, I told him the truth. Who cares? Yeah. Who cares? Nobody.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I don't know. Doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter to you. Yeah. Normally when my dad calls to ask me about any like pop culture thing i'm like is this from the crossword puzzle dave what's a 1985 song uh wake me up before you blank dave what's a 1985 song? Blank Busters? Your mother thinks it's Coast, but I don't think that's right.
Starting point is 01:02:33 We have ST. We have ST. My overheard comes courtesy of, have a like my window backs out into an alley so I do get little tidbits during the course what floor are you on? I am on the second floor so like I
Starting point is 01:02:58 still there's a lot of people will stand and chat in the alley so and there was two kids just out by themselves exploring the world. Uh, and they both had big sticks and the one boy was treating his stick like it was a gun. And,
Starting point is 01:03:17 uh, he, he said, he said to her, this is a gun. And then she said, uh, mine's just a stick.
Starting point is 01:03:24 So, yeah. So when we're saying pew, this is a gun and then she said uh mine's just a stick so yeah so when we're saying pew pew pew that's just me making the noise yeah this is just a stick and i'm not impressed that you think yours is a gun that's silly um well that's uh that's just great i how are kids like i don't know how uh like kids like my kids are young enough that they you know see their friends at school and then you know they're then they're just away in their own old own world i wonder how like a teenager is dealing with this where they have to like i gotta spend the whole day with my parents yeah I think like the other day I was out for a walk and there was a group of like three or four
Starting point is 01:04:12 teenagers playing basketball and I was like that shouldn't be allowed but and they saw that I was looking at them and they even said like that guy's looking at us and you know what i reported those basketball hoops i reported them to the city and i went by the next day and they were all uh oh really covered up yeah yeah good for you yeah i snitched snitched big what'd you do dial 311 uh you know there's an app and And it just like it said. Oh, the Snitch app? Yeah, any COVID related infractions that you saw.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, these guys were playing basketball and this guy traveled. Now we also have overheards sent in from people all over the map. If you want to send one in to us, you can send it in to spy at The first one comes from Irina in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Wow! I know, right? They hosted the Olympics
Starting point is 01:05:20 right before you. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I wonder what their mascot was ours were polar bears which did not fit with our city in the slightest and vancouver's was a series of very cute little critters yeah there was there were three or four critters and uh you know what? Every thrift store you go in, you can find them there. Mm-hmm. In amongst the Beanie Babies. So this first one. Oh, I'm looking.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I looked up the Sarajevo mascot. Oh, it's a cool wolf in a scarf named Vuko. Nice. Vuko is, wow, Vuko rules uh i feel like uh you know like nowadays every uh mascot has to have like his ears represent the uh mountain ranges behind the city and but like back then i feel like it was just uh you know we hired our you know the most famous cartoonist in uslavia that's the whole story that's why the next american olympics will the mascot will be like dilbert um so irena from sarajevo i was just in the bathroom at work and outside the window there
Starting point is 01:06:41 were some maintenance men doing some repairs they must have been talking about the coronavirus or something because i managed to catch the tail end of their conversation which was well aids has disappeared too oh boy yeah oh you're uh uh several pandemics behind oh oh boy uh it has disappeared from the headlines. Yeah, but still out there, everyone. Still out there. But you know what? These maintenance men, I feel like they're from the same crew of the old men that I heard at the coffee shop. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:15 This will right itself. These are the kinds of guys who are worried about catching it from a toilet seat. Yeah, yeah. it from a toilet seat yeah i um that was that seemed like a really big theme when i was a like maybe in even a grade school was there you can't get it from a toilet seat yeah that there was like you can there was a lot of sitcoms that had special episodes where a character had aids or there was a like a cartoon and it was and you could go to the blockbuster and there was the thing with arsenio hall and magic johnson it was the only video that you could rent for free yeah yeah and it was like they talk about aids and i remember my friend and i got it we're
Starting point is 01:07:58 like why did we is it in is it in stock yeah it's in let me check um this next one comes from john from toronto walking down a hallway in my downtown toronto office i passed by a man and woman in mid-conversation he then asked her so is she still dating him you know subpar mel oh my gosh how many mel's do you know that you need a i know brooks uh and uh gibson yeah yeah i know meli mel oh yeah meli mel yeah uh i guess like tuna melt yeah Yeah, tuna melt, Mel Mac. This last one comes to us from somebody who's just AD in VA, Virginia. I'm teaching seventh grade English. And the other day I had an interesting interaction with one of my frequent flyers, a kid that can't seem to figure out how to behave appropriately. Me.
Starting point is 01:09:12 So, I know it seems stupid to ask, but what do you see yourself doing in the future? Kid. Well, everyone in my family has a special talent. Me. Oh? Yeah, my sister is great at music. My brother is just good. Uh, what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:09:27 He behaves? No, he's just good at everything. Uh-huh. And I'm good at video games. Oh, well, today, just about anything could be a career. You can be a professional e-sports player, I guess, or a video game journalist. What direction do you think you'll go? Actually,
Starting point is 01:09:43 I think I'll just be a travel agent like my mom. Everyone in my family has a special talent. My mom is good at pricing flights. Yeah, she's good at organizing brochures. My mother is very good at telling you the best season to fly yeah exactly boy i mean all these websites were supposed to be travel agents out of business but if you know a good travel agent they're invaluable yeah because they know uh they're like, if an Australian comes up to you and asks you if that's a knife, just say, just run away. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:30 If they ask you if you call that a knife, be like, what do you mean? How is it not a knife? In what ways is this not a knife, sir? Yeah, what about this is not a knife? In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us. Our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Spy pod one, like these people have. Hey, Dave. Hey, Graham. This is Adam calling from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Got an overheard for you guys. I was out walking with my son through the neighborhood, and a neighbor of mine has put a sign in the back of his car from the United Vaping Association, I guess.
Starting point is 01:11:16 UVA is what it said. It said, I am not a bot. I vape. I vote. I very much wanted to take a picture of this, but my wife advised against it because it turns out this guy is the president of our homeowners association. Thanks. Bye. Good twist ending.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. good twist ending yeah yeah yeah it's always the the vapor in the room is the you never expect them to be so powerful yeah and uh you know what i think that we should be able to vote by by vaping yeah i think yeah so like uh if it's, you know, something minty, then you're voting for the Democrat. That's right. Something fruity, then the Republican. Yeah, cinnamon flavor probably would be the Republican, I think. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yeah. And then you just, then they just watch for the cloud of smoke to come out of the booth. And that's how they, that's how you vote for a new pope? That's right. Alright, here's the next phone call. Hi Dave, Graham, and possible guest.
Starting point is 01:12:36 This is Kerrigan from Utah calling in with an overheard. My boyfriend and I were just walking our dog and we were walking past the house with the windows open we heard a couple barks so we heard a man's voice say don't make me slap your butt we heard another bark and then the man kind of giving up said don't bark at your friends thanks so he was that was an empty threat yeah i mean and the dog would have liked it if he
Starting point is 01:13:06 smacked his butt yeah would have encouraged him that that dog's a pervert well i mean like the dogs they they like a good rough farm pat it's in their nature it's how yeah i mean yes i i mean to hit a dog hard enough to for him not to like it on your butt. Wait, not to like it on his butt? You'd have to be some kind of monster. Yeah, that's true. And you know what? That's how kids used to pass the time in the old days. They'd go and find a dog and just pet it.
Starting point is 01:13:36 See how hard they can pet it. Yeah, and they'd go smooth way, rough way. Probably maybe practice square dance moves with it. Yeah. It was always hard to be a dog. Always. I mean, I bet it's good now. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Dogs have never had so good. Cats probably hate it. Cats probably. It's so hard to know what they're thinking, though. Yeah. Well, I mean, there's this one movie that really lets you into the mind of them. Yeah. Catwoman.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Halle Berry. Hey, boy, did they do the Golden Raspberry Awards? They did. Did they do the Razzies? Yeah, and Cats Swept. Cats Swept. Wow, from Catwoman to cats. They're box office poison.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Yeah, but they're real razzy darlings. But you know what is box office gold? Hogs. Wild hogs. Wild hogs, old dogs. Anything hogs. Yeah, dogs and hogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Here is your final over heard baby hi this is hayden from orange county california calling in for an overheard i was walking with my wife this weekend and we walked into a wiener dog themed dog store in this small little German village. It was a very weird experience. We walked in on the shop owner and the lady having a very serious conversation. We walked around for a little bit and we're kind of working our way towards the door because we weren't going to buy anything. I overheard it sounded like they were explaining a story of a man's house burning down or something and the shop owner said he was wearing lederhosen and it saved 50%
Starting point is 01:15:27 of his skin. Thanks guys. Speaking of wearing leather clothes. Oh wow. That's why you do it. That's why you do it. Absolutely. It's so rough and multifunctional. And you know some people like the touch of it on their skin.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Yeah. Germans. Germans. That's what i was getting at um the uh well wiener dog themed like there's very few stores that have a theme like they're just yeah i mean they're the yeah like what was it wiener dog themed restaurant or just what was i was listening i think it was he said a week i thought he said a wiener dog themed pet store and i was like isn't that just where there's just a bunch of wiener dogs just a second hi this is hayden from orange county california calling in for an overheard i was walking with my wife this weekend and we walked into a wiener dog themed dog store. Okay. Yeah. In a German
Starting point is 01:16:29 village. Yeah, but it's weird that like... So they only cater to wiener dogs? Wiener dogs? Or it's run by a wiener dog? Yeah, you must be this long to enter. Oh man. Every time I see a wiener dog i smile it's uh yeah yeah like wiener dogs and basset hounds uh if you see them walking down the street you're just like
Starting point is 01:16:55 boy oh boy that's good watching yeah it's like they were like someone drew a picture a cartoon of them before they even existed like they're yeah yeah exactly i love them you know what i love them let's let's hear it for the wiener dogs every day at seven o'clock you you salute your your frontline workers at 7 30 let's have a round of applause for the wiener dog yes it's only fair and they'll love it but don't set off fireworks that's something they will yeah come on knock that off um well i guess that brings us to the end of this here episode yeah um how's how did this go in your estimation i think it went pretty well yeah i hope next week we can like this was very isolation based i hope next next week we're going to find something else to talk about.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Uh, by that time, I think I will have, uh, I got us, I've got a temporary subscription to an all horror movie, uh, like,
Starting point is 01:17:57 uh, site like Netflix, but of horror movies. So that's what I'll have to talk about next week. Okay, cool. Yeah. Um, Oh, I also wanted to mention something that, uh, has been uplifting through all of this. netflix but of horror movies so that's what i'll have to talk about next week okay cool yeah um oh i also wanted to mention something that uh has been uplifting through all of this is uh past guest pat thornton has a little baby yes and every day his baby larry every day he dresses he and his
Starting point is 01:18:19 wife dress larry up in a different costume today it was dolly parton the other day was the little mermaid they're all amazing they're all hilarious and wonderful baby loves like the baby has the biggest smile every time yeah so look at pat thornton yeah pat thornton's twitter larry looks they call them yeah uh also yeah during the uh this downtime employment wise i've been i got the old uh beard out of storage and uh have been doing uh commissions beard painting commissions uh for uh for charity so if anybody's interested in that you go to my website and then you just follow the the links from there it couldn't be easier it's it's a five click deal yeah well i i'm so glad you're back in the beard painting game
Starting point is 01:19:13 you were the best that ever did it thank you thank you very much uh it's nice to be back yeah i mean do you ever get do you think you'll ever get to hang out with those like elephants that do it yeah i want to hang out with the elephants to do it i'd really like to meet the chimpanzees that do it uh and what about percaso the penis guy why not you know i mean the trifecta elephant chimpanzee percaso oh boy if the chimpanzee and Picasso meet guess who's getting his dick pulled off my heart and listeners
Starting point is 01:20:00 out there listeners let us know what you think of this do you want us to keep doing you think of uh of this do you want us to keep doing it just the two of us do you want us to rope in uh a guy with a microphone yeah and and also like i hope wherever you are your neck of the woods that you're uh safe and sound and uh and and the like uh you we're all in this together. Yeah. Yeah, I hope we all make it through it. It's a scary time, guys.
Starting point is 01:20:38 And I hope that this show can give you a little bit of... Oh, we've gotten some nice notes about people. We have, yeah. From people about this show in this time. And I hope it's having a positive effect for everyone listening. Yeah, and thanks so much for listening, and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Audience supported.

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