Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 635 - Caitlin Howden

Episode Date: May 18, 2020

Improviser Caitlin Howden joins us to talk online improv, the Beastie Boys documentary, and emergency TV purchases. Plus, the Bradley Cooper Movie Club presents All About Steve....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 635 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who meticulously puts this show together to make it sound like we're in the same room when we actually aren't, Mr. Dave Shovka. You're too kind. We don't sound like we're in the same room. Because someone always has, you know know a different microphone and there's it i try look i try to make it not sound like a conference call that's all i can do yeah and
Starting point is 00:00:54 you know what you succeed beautifully thank you um our guest today is no stranger to this whole zoom meeting uh because uh her and her improv group, the Sunday Service, have continued on through this whole situation, performing every Sunday. She's one of our favorite guests. It's Caitlin Howden, everybody. Hi, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Hi. Hey, thank you very much for joining us. Thanks for having me. How are you? Good. Well, good. How are you? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:27 I'm doing great. Time of my life. I really miss being in one of your homes while recording this. Yeah. Although it is nice that right away you can just go in your own bathroom. That's a hot ticket for me. Yes, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:42 What do you mean right away? Like, as soon as the podcast is over i'm like if i need to pee i'm already home i'm already in my own home-based bathroom yeah yeah what's so bad about peeing in my bathroom no nothing but you know what there's something great about peeing in my own sometimes dave i respect you and your family too much to use your washroom and so that's probably where my anxiety comes from. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, I guess that's the origin of respect is not using our bathroom. Holding it.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Holding it. Is yeah. How you honor me. Yeah, that's right. Um, should we get to know us? Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Get to know us? Yes. Caitlin, Caitlin, Caitlin, you've set up a whole, uh, recording kind of booth in your, in your home. Thanks. Yeah. Right now I have, uh, curtains all around me. Uh, I've set up twinkle lights cause I don't know. That's, that's what I had in the cupboard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:45 That's not true. The reason I've done this is because Mark Chavez, a member of the Sunday service, showed up to the show one week and had a full, beautiful backdrop. And I got instantly competitive with him. Oh, wow. Showed up on the Internet. So he's the way we show up now. Yeah. He showed up on a screen in front of me and he had a beautiful backdrop. And I thought, you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Next week, I'm going to have a great backdrop. So I set up a full home studio in here. Yeah, it's like it looks like if you didn't know, it looks like you're out on a patio somewhere that has twinkly lights in the background. Looks great. Thanks. Thank you very much. And Graham, your home looks like it's been haunted by Vaseline. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:03:26 looks like it's been haunted by vaseline yeah so it looks graham you look like you've uh maybe uh put a piece of tape and removed it over your webcam a thousand times i've uh i've done that because uh i don't want the nsa checking out my dongle yeah you don't want zuckerberg checking out the good yeah yeah yeah he didn't pay for that looks like it tried to clean your screen but you used your shirt that had mayonnaise on it and you wiped your screen with with your shirt that had been made by hellman's shirt oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you had if you're if you want an egg salad you gotta put on the shirt yeah a few weeks ago i uh went to the beach uh and i came home and i had a little bit of sand on my glasses and I didn't realize that. My glasses were a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:08 foggy. I went to clean them and I scratched sand across my glasses. Damn it. I was like, it's fine. Every day by about two in the afternoon I had a migraine. Oh God. What's the lesson we're supposed to take
Starting point is 00:04:24 from that? Don't what so you don't take care of your things don't enjoy the beach i guess it's sort of like yeah don't hmm check for check for sand yeah check for sand it's not the boy who cried sand because it was actually there yeah i guess what are the great lessons we've learned? What are the Aesop's fables? The tortoise and the hare, I guess? Yeah, the lesson of this one wasn't that we shouldn't go really fast and then take a nap. Is that how that one goes? No, no, the lesson is, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:56 The ones with poor eyesight will perish. Which one's that? Oh, that's Aesop's f fables ocular fables how many how oh we're talking about my glasses again what are the how what are the fables that we know there's one about a uh grasshopper a grasshopper and a uh an ant uh maybe yeah and he he hangs out all winter all summer just laying around while the ants are busy and then he starves to death because the ants won't share oh man do fables teach us a lesson is that what makes them a fable yeah yeah i guess so that that it makes that it's different than a fairy tale um because
Starting point is 00:05:41 like fairy tales don't have a lesson that you have to walk away from. That makes me think that I think a riddle and a fable are, are of the same because a riddle will also teach you a lesson. That's the same way a fable will, you know, give me a riddle. Like, uh, the bird gets on the back of the crocodile and it goes across the lake.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And, and, and how does it, how does the bird get on the crocodile? And there's a whole riddle. Honestly, I don't remember any riddles. Is this part of it? Is this part of it?
Starting point is 00:06:09 No, no, no. I legit don't. So there's this riddle. I don't know any riddles. But you know what I mean. Like a riddle teaches you a thing. Like that a woman can be a doctor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Or that you don't bury survivors. These are the things. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that ice melts. Yeah, Grant's tomb. That's right. What's ice melt? The bullet? No, the person
Starting point is 00:06:32 that's dead, right? Dead in the room. And all there is is a puddle on the floor. Oh, it was an ice bullet. It was an icicle. It was either that or they hanged themselves as the ice melted. They hanged themselves? I'm sorry I brought it up.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I love it. I don't understand why they don't use ice bullets all the time, to be honest. Hey, Dave, we're drinking the same kind of beer. Oh, good. Yeah, nice. For a parallel 49 craft lager. Yeah. You know, supporting the local boys.
Starting point is 00:07:04 What do you got there, Kay kaylin i've got a real nice uh brass neck passive aggressive pale ale no i like it we uh uh this is my third drink of the day because uh my work had like a happy hour the kelly and kelly crew had a happy hour where we did uh since we haven't been in the office together, we did office trivia. Oh, nice. Not the office, but it was literally like, name the three magazines that have been on our table for the last two years. Nice. So are you not going into work at all?
Starting point is 00:07:38 No, sir. No. You're just doing at-home work? Yeah. Wow. Is anyone going into the office? You're just doing at-home work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Wow. Is anyone going into the office? I think there's people in the office three days a week, but one person at a time. Right. Yeah, that makes sense. I miss going to see you guys in the office when I would have auditions down the hall, and I would pop in and use the washroom. There won't be auditions for so long.
Starting point is 00:08:06 When is the next time they're going to have cattle calls for a Folgers Crystals commercial? Well, I'll tell you what, it's going to be a long time. Folgers Crystals. Suddenly everything I did professionally is not a possibility. Yeah, it is. You feel that? I feel that. You know? Very much so, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah. But, you know, I'm trying to think of what else I can do with my life. Trying to map that out, you know. Any ideas? Well, like, what have you got so far? I know you've come up with maybe being a tortoise, a hare. Yeah. I saw at Best Buy that they're hiring, so maybe Best Buy.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Maybe I can work there. I'm not shooting big i'm just i'm just trying to think of what else i can do you know i think you'd be a great children's author i'm gonna do it there you go you can you don't need to be around people to do that exactly that's a good one yeah that's a really good one i think most of the best children's authors were kind of you know uh lonely hermits yeah yeah yeah um you know maurice sendak and roll doll and jd salinger yep yep and james cameron jim cam yeah he wrote all those books about the end of the bottom part of the ocean he loves it he's so in love with the ocean but only the he wants to have sex with the bottom of the ocean. He loves it. He's so in love with the ocean, but only the bottom.
Starting point is 00:09:25 He wants to have sex with the bottom of the ocean. Do you think, first of all, A, do you think that's true, that he wants to have sex with the bottom of the ocean? And B, is that why he went down? That he was the first guy to go all the way to the bottom in that thing? While he was down there, do you think he had sex with the bottom of the ocean? No, I don't think he did it then. But he wanted to.
Starting point is 00:09:45 He wants to. It's just the pressure is too... It would crush his bones. Oh, I thought you meant the pressure to perform. Ha! I know you've been with a lot of guys before, bottom of the ocean. I think it's all a euphemism for this one girl
Starting point is 00:10:04 who works at a coffee shop yes yes would you rather have sex with and caitlin i really want to hear from you on this yeah the bottom of the ocean or the top of a mountain oh or the moon moon oh yeah it'd be out of this world baby okay sorry sorry i'm sorry um yeah i think uh i feel like if i was having sex with a mountain it would be doing the sex part and i would be very passive whereas the bottom of the ocean sandy so i can get in there you know yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna say bottom of the ocean and we're thinking the bottom of like marietta's trench yeah yeah yeah right right down in the trench i mean the ocean is by by nature more vaginal and i would say a mountain by nature
Starting point is 00:10:57 part of the pun is a little bit more pinnacular as they say in science phallic that's how you get up a mountain my family got a group on for the pinnacular this summer yeah we uh i guess i yeah i gotta go bottom of the ocean just because you know you fell your feet on it yeah yeah yeah squishy now fuck mary kill the ocean the moon and uh well we know it Now, fuck, marry, kill the ocean, the moon, and the top of the mountain. Well, we know it's a good, I'm going to fuck the ocean. You for sure are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'd marry the moon and kill the mountain. I would do the same. Oh, interesting. What about you, Caitlin? I'd marry the ocean, fuck the moon, kill the mountain, yeah. Wow. But, like, I guess, why am I marrying the moon? Well, you don't want to see it go like you don't want to
Starting point is 00:11:46 kill the moon it's got too many practical applications you know but the moon's gonna be out of town all the time that's true yeah it has another family on the other side of the globe also during this this time there's somebody out there that's married to two women and have two separate families and he's had to spend all the time with one of them oh and no time with the other one how how does this man i'm thinking of how does he do it he's he's gonna get trapped he's gonna get trapped he can't or he or hmm yeah because like it's the guy with the two families are they in different cities yeah in my or they're at least in far enough away so that they wouldn't discover each other so it usually is like different cities right it's like he's a traveling salesman he doesn't spend time how does
Starting point is 00:12:40 he keep it up under regular circumstances well he, he works in Dallas-Fort Worth. He's got a family in Dallas and then a family in Fort Worth. But how many nights a week is he with each one? Well, he tells the one family that he's got to go away on business, and then he goes to the other family, and they also think that he has to go away on business. He's a salesman or something like that. But during this, the this they must be asking the
Starting point is 00:13:05 one family must be like come home because it's you gotta isolate here with us and what is he saying i just don't know what normal is for this guy i would say that he doesn't he doesn't tell family a that he works where family b lives i would say he tells family a, he works in, I don't know. Let's say Bangkok. Okay. He tells family B he works in, let's say Winnipeg,
Starting point is 00:13:33 but in reality, he's got two families, one in Dallas, one in Fort Worth. Yes. This is working to come home. One airport to pick up the luggage in locker three 18 and drop off the luggage in locker four, four, off the luggage in locker 442. He's got different.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Now, this is a thing that I've always wondered about these. I'm confused. So I'm so much confused. Do the bigamists, do they have a different look that they have for each family? Or is it the exact same look? Oh, yeah. It's like Mrs. doubtfire when at the very end when he has to keep he's at the restaurant and he puts his face on and takes the face off
Starting point is 00:14:11 like maybe he's super formal maybe he's all you know formal wear and suits in one city and then he's all in kind of athleisure in another that's what i'm saying in one locker is one life and he puts it away picks up the other locker, which is the other family. The other life goes to them. The airport is where all the, where all the mischief happens and you won't catch it unless you're past security. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:33 There you go. So everything is, he's got it. He's got it down to a science, but how does he explain his long absence this whole time with, during the self-isolation thing? He's like, I'm caught in Bangkok. But, but but his his wife would be like well they're letting people come home right and then
Starting point is 00:14:53 he says i couldn't get a flight oh what he could say is i've been selling uh i i accidentally got on a cruise ship and no one's getting off it i went to make a sales call on a cruise ship yeah yeah yeah i knew this guy who always buys stuff when he's got a belly full of dungeness crap they were docking for the day i had six hours to make a sale the next thing i know the boat took off the boat or no it's still docked but they're not letting anyone off yeah so i'm like stuck in the hallway will we hear these stories of these people busted do you think in in like a year from now in 2021 will we hear the like dateline yeah he was busted because like the thing happened, the funny kind of offshoot thing that happened in China
Starting point is 00:15:47 was the week after the mandatory lockdown ended, people were racing to get divorced. They filed more divorces in that week than they would a whole year kind of thing. Really? Yeah. How has your marriage been holding up? Yeah. Who, mine? Yeah, yeah yeah you're the only other married uh we're doing we're doing well we're we're fine you know it's a it's a strange time to be i don't know it's a real it's a real privilege that we have that we get to be grateful that we get to find even a silver lining to this you know chris and I are...
Starting point is 00:16:25 Even saying it, I'm very aware of how lucky we are that we get to say that. That's a good way of looking at it. Speaking of silver linings, we will be getting to the Bradley Cooper Movie Club later in the show. The movie is not a silver linings playbook. It is
Starting point is 00:16:41 all about Steve. Yes, and boy oh boy boy what a film oi oi oi oi oi so Caitlin what has been I know that you've been doing some baking I know that is a fact because you very kindly dropped
Starting point is 00:16:57 off biscuits at my place which is very kind oh I'm so hungry oh every day I'm so hungry. Oh, every day I'm getting a little bit skinny. Yeah, exactly. That's what I said. Well, Graham, you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:14 It means so much that you reach out and text only me. Only you. And that you only think of, you know, that I'm on, that I'm, I'm the person that's on your mind. Like, it means a lot that like. I'm always wondering. You could be texting so many people, but you only text me. And that right a lot to me and it should and hey graham what's up she doesn't know she doesn't know she doesn't know about my other family i'm not gonna say that you also check up on me and 75 other people you know the fact that of all graham clark thinks of caitlin glenhowden wow wow wow yeah what that's biscuit worthy i'll tell you that much and uh they were fantastic oh where
Starting point is 00:17:52 were they what were they they were just plain old buttermilk biscuits it was uh yeast you got yeast in those yes yes whoa yeah yeah we got yeast in those yeah we finally we finally picked up some yeast after seven weeks of empty shelves oh really yeast for seven weeks couldn't find it anywhere no it was it was like the toilet paper conundrum that's my favorite guns and roses album favorite conundrum yeah those covers mostly i think um yeah i had trouble finding flour as well and then i ended up buying the only bag of flour that the whole grocery store had which was a 25 pound bag of flour yeah that's all there that's all i've
Starting point is 00:18:37 been able to find lately yeah i bought a 25 bag of flour at the grocery store it was the last one left and it was open and i didn't care and i bought an open bag of flour and i brought it to the lady and she said are you returning it and i said no i'm buying it she said do you want to take a new one i said it's the last one she looked at me she says that's the last one we just got them this morning i said do you have a stapler she says yes so we stapled it closed nice out of there didn't even think twice doing it for themselves oh baby now um boy that either reason i was talking about um having sex with the bottom of the ocean is because i have been going around to grocery stores and finding the last bag of flour and having sex with yes yeah it's a you don't even care to get it you just want you don't
Starting point is 00:19:20 Yeah. You don't even care to get it. You just want to get some. You don't open the bag, do you? Yeah, yeah, yeah. How else am I going to do it? How the... Oh, gosh. And you cooked with it, and you ate it.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And you ate it. And you know what? I'd do it again in a second. This quarantine is making us crazy. So you've been baking up a storm. You've been doing voice auditions. Cause that's, that's a,
Starting point is 00:19:49 that's a still a thing that needs to happen in the world. Yeah. I mean, I'm doing voice auditions, but that being said, before we did this episode, Dave had to instruct me that my microphone was upside down. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:20:00 I don't think I booked any of those. You know what? You sent me a file earlier of your audio and it was, it was okay. It was okay. Yeah. Yeah. This should be much better.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I can't wait for tomorrow. Brand new day. Yeah. It's just every audition. They're like, we can't shake the feeling that she's doesn't know how to, how to use a microphone. You weren't,
Starting point is 00:20:22 you weren't that far off. Is it just me oraitlin laying down while recording this it sounds underwater is she having sex with the ocean um yeah no you know i'm just trying to figure out what what happens next yeah and i think that's the same boat that a lot of people are in yes absolutely very lucky that i have a group of great friends that we keep doing shows with online and we're figuring that out. And how how is that like for for to be having to do a thing that's so second to second when you're just by yourself in your place? We have the benefit of with the Sunday service specifically. We have the benefit of knowing each other for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And we've been doing live shows for so long that that's just kind of there. Right. And it's hard though, because I miss the audience so much. The only reason that our show is amazing is because people keep showing up. Right. And the only reason that this show is so fun is because our audience is so fun so i'm i definitely i'm missing that in a big way yeah like because nobody there's no feedback from people who are watching it like there's no way
Starting point is 00:21:40 you can hear the laughter or whatever no and i i't know. I think the reason we do this is to make people happy is because, you know, I'm so, I want to just like serve whatever the audience wants and I'll do that. Yeah. I'll be whatever kind of idiot they want. I'll do it. Not me,
Starting point is 00:21:58 man. I go out there and I'm controversial and I just keep hitting away. I don't care what the audience wants. That's right. I'm a truth teller. That's right. I'm no, no cuck. I can keep hitting away. I don't care what the audience wants. That's right. I'm a truth teller. That's right. I'm no cuck. I can tell you that. I come out there and I don't care
Starting point is 00:22:11 if you leave. In fact, I wear that as a badge of honor. You know, I did a crossword the other day and the clue was no cuck. Answer, Graham Clark. That's right. So thank you for that, friend. In a lot of the incel communities that i'm involved in online graham graham is what is known as a chad yeah he's got a strong prominent
Starting point is 00:22:33 masculine jaw yeah he's got he's got his pick of women he's got what is known as hunter eyes whereas i have look at these dopey i'm a I'm prey those big doe eyes of yours duh and like what else what have you been doing to just kind of fill the day are you on a regular schedule of things you do or is every day a winding road every day is madness.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Some days it's fine. I'm happy. I get a bike ride in early in the morning. Right. I get work done in the day. I'm productive. I'll talk to a friend. I'll make a dinner.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And I think, okay, yeah. And then other days I'm just weeping in the shower. Yeah. To Fiona Apple drinking a beer. How's that new album? Great. shower to Fiona Apple drinking a beer. How's that new album? Great. It's just her drinking a beer. 45 minutes of Fiona Apple drinking a beer.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Everything I need. It's everything I need. No, but I've been having a lot of shower beers. Yeah. Okay. What time of day? Time, eh? Time's funny.
Starting point is 00:23:40 What time of day? Time, eh? Time's funny. It's the time of day that after I've anxiously been sweating for hours, I suddenly realize I stink. That time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And then they say that anxiety sweat is the worst one. At least the people at, well, I can't think of a prominent deodorant company uh uh uncle mo arms yeah uh yeah fletcher uh unlimited yeah fletcher limited fletcher make sure when you get deodorant if it doesn't say fletcher on the roll it's not in the roll yeah and it's a roll of deodorant that you unroll onto your armpit like a listerine like strip yeah i was gonna say how about an armpit strip yeah why not from fletcher yeah there is speaking of brands uh weird brands of things uh there's a building being built in my neighborhood and they're just putting the windows in and there's a window company that had their truck out front that was called eurovision windows nice they were at home they were watching i think eurovision i
Starting point is 00:25:00 guess or maybe they were watching the world cup and saw an ad for eurovision we're like well that name probably isn't being used over here um the uh have you what of the the brands that have reached out uh commercially and said like we're all in this together what what brand is the weirdest brand to be doing that i think it's a bank because i don't feel like with you in any situation yeah yeah yeah they're not uh boy what are they are they are they forgiving any interest no i don't think so yeah they're they're like they are gonna they'll take a ballot and uh they're they're not okay okay okay well graham graham's a big uh truth teller yeah you guys knew it he's um an occupy wall street guy and a lot of my friends are banks i think you know what i did know yeah give the bank all
Starting point is 00:26:06 the power they know money you know give the bank all the power they they get it we don't it's not like we understand how society works well because when i go into a bank the person who is behind the the teller who who uh is there and and uh you, giving me money or whatever, they know a lot about money. Yeah, they're close to it. They're not there to just try to sell me an extra account for a monthly fee. No, they are all trained in money. And that's why they always say something helpful and they never say, actually, would you also like to open up a line of credit? And the term teller, you know, they're a teller, a truth teller.
Starting point is 00:26:47 They're not hiders, you know? They're not sneakers. They're tellers. Yeah, they're telling you. Yeah. But there's like a lot of businesses where you're like, I don't have that kind of relationship with your business that now you're reaching out and being like hey the future is uncertain but yop is going to be there for all
Starting point is 00:27:11 we've got plenty of yop like i know people are bringing home crates of yop and they're you know people are panicking worrying we're gonna run out of out of yop. We got plenty of yop. We're making yop right now. I had to buy a 20 pound bag of yop. That was all they had. Where are you going to keep all that yop? It won't fit in the fridge. It's getting too
Starting point is 00:27:38 warm to keep it on the deck now. No, I've got a second yop fridge. Oh, you do? We dug a a hole we dug a bit of a deep hole we're putting some yop in there yeah yeah yeah i hear if you uh you know you know you get it ice water is better than actual like actually freezing it that's right oh ice water is cold like it makes the yop colder and when that cold yop hits your lips, Ooh, there's nothing like it.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I'm glad they're here with us during this time. You know what they say about yop? Taste it once, taste it all day. I don't know when the last time I, I had yop when they came out with yop. I assume it was when they came out with yop. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:28:21 uh, in the late eighties. I was going to say you were a kid though, right? You were, you were a kid though right you were you were childlike yeah yeah yeah yeah and i my kids i buy them a yogurt drink by the way if you don't know what yop is it's yogurt pop is that what they were sure but it wasn't carbonated no it was drinkable yogurt yeah which by the way any yogurt's drinkable that's true drinkable yogurt so you buy your daughters a yogurt drink you buy them a whiskey drink yes cider drink but i the one i
Starting point is 00:28:52 buy them can't be it maybe it's yop i don't know uh and it's okay but it's just candy yes it's it's kind of it's probiotic candy yeah that they were back backdooring yogurt through yop like they were working underground yeah we're back doing yogurt i remember now when i was a kid i've been having memories about this thing and i tried to google it and i i don't know if you'll be able to help but in my someone out there will know what i'm talking about in my elementary school cafeteria you could buy like a fudgesicle or a popsicle or this yogurt on a stick and it was a pale pink yogurt uh yogurty popsicle with a pale pink crust it was a like just kind of a yogurty crust over the yogurt and it came i feel like it came in a clear bag huh i have no recollection of this at all no and what
Starting point is 00:29:55 like it had a a crust on it or it had like uh like a shell maybe a shell a shell yeah a hard yogurt shell over a soft yogurt inside do you think maybe it was a local a local spot it might have been it might have been it might have been like uh your school was sponsoring them yeah yeah they're sponsoring they were a new immigrant family of yogurts but now that you bring it up i literally haven't thought of a fudgicle since I was a kid. Like I, I haven't, that idea has not crossed my mind until right now that there are fudgicles. It's they're awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:31 They're the best. They're amazing. I would, I never get one, but I'm gonna. Yeah. Are we talking the icy chocolatey outside? And then on the inside is just pure fudge stick. No,
Starting point is 00:30:44 what's that? We're talking a fudgicle is one. There's stick. No. What's that? We're talking a fudgesicle is one. There's no inside outside. It's like if chocolate milk was a popsicle. Yes. Yes. But there's no inside. You're thinking of maybe like how the blizzard has a fudge well in it.
Starting point is 00:31:01 No, she's not thinking of that. No, I'm thinking of the fudgesicle which was like no you're not okay i mean maybe i'm not but i'm telling you i am so what is tell us the mechanics of this one that you're it's what you're saying it's it's frozen chocolate milk but in the middle of this stick is like a fudge source but it's still one stick, one treat. Would you say this fudge source is, I don't know, around the corner from the lemonade? No, it's inside of a popsicle.
Starting point is 00:31:36 No, that sounds good, too. You know what that is? That's a super fudge. Oh. That might be a super fudge. Oh, and Judy Blume and another one of these hermit children. You know what that is? That's a super fudge. Oh. That might be a super fudge. Oh, and Judy Blume and another one of these hermit children. You know what? It's when I was on the Babysitter's Club and I had a super fudge.
Starting point is 00:31:52 And Claudia was being so cool. You guys probably don't know Babysitter's Club, do you? I know of it. Yeah, but you don't know like Stacy. No, I was more of a Sweet Valley High boy. Yeah. Those twins. it yeah but you don't know like stacy what are the no i was more of a sweet valley high boy yeah were they the same characters through every book the babysitter club or did it change over time same group of girlfriends same friends actually there's a remake coming out on netflix nice of
Starting point is 00:32:18 the babysitter's club well did they solve mysteries what did they do no it's more like claudia's first kiss or marianne's parents are getting a divorce or stacy's just trying to figure out how to be a 13 year old girl yeah yeah it's just wonderful i probably read all i want to say there's like 148 of them and i think i read them all nice um what's the age range that you can enjoy these through i i would say like an avid young reader okay an eight-year-old girl until like a teenage girl nice yeah there's no equivalent of that for boys i know the hardy boys but they were solving mysteries yeah hardy there was no yeah what is the like um uh i guess like the Tom Clancy's. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I mean, I started reading those when I was 13. Yeah. Clancy, a Grisham, if I can get my hands on it. Sure. Clive Cussler. Were there no series that you two were really into as young teens? I liked Bruno and Boots. I don't know. It was Gordon Corman, a Canadian author.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And it was these boys and they were always antagonizing their principal at McDonald Hall. And I believe their principal was called The Fish. This is very good. And they were written by a 13-year-old boy? I feel like Gordon Corman started writing them when he was very very young for real yeah whoa better to tell the story of a 13 year old than a 13 year old yeah yeah yeah what about you graham did you have like a series no i read like when i was by the way i never read like i read three of those but i was not an avid reader so like the fact that i read three of anything is amazing to me now yeah i read the goosebump
Starting point is 00:34:16 books but they weren't the same characters every time that was just like a scary scenario they were throwing at you no i never read a series i did read this very good literary series about an orange cat who um and every week there was one day he did not like and they were hard to put on your bookshelf because they weren't shaped like the other books no but that meant that you knew how to get them quick. Garfield at large. Dave, I find it interesting that you weren't a big reader
Starting point is 00:34:51 because you're, like, you seem like a very smart smart head. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was told this story once on the podcast about my dad coming in my room one time when i was supposed to be studying i remember me and me just reading a box of trivial pursuit cards and he was so mad
Starting point is 00:35:13 are you just reading the cards yeah but that's worse than homework, what you were doing. No, it's fun. It's useless. It's absolutely useless, and it went in the worst way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, what was your technique? Would you read the question, try and answer it, and then see if you were even close, or were you just memorizing? No, I would definitely try to answer it. Right. Even if you had like zero inclination
Starting point is 00:35:45 you're like let's take a stab in the dark on this one yeah and then the answer is like may west and you're like oh man you know what i was i feel like i was pretty good like i uh you kind of get you figure out the language and of the the questions and you know what kind of thing would be the answer. Right. So you were starting to find clues within the question that you're like, oh, there's something, there's an alliteration here or other English terms. This feisty feline loves the master. Farfield, Farfield, Farfield.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Because it's two Fs's so it must be farfield i just say final answer to the card every time that's why my dad came in the room he was like what are you saying david um that's great uh dave what's going on with you man well the last few weeks i've been talking about this uh Bulls documentary I've been watching. I watched it. Oh, you're on it? I'm on it. Are you loving it?
Starting point is 00:36:49 Because of you. Yeah, I've enjoyed it quite a bit. And you're right. It is funny to see Michael Jordan kind of swear a bit. And also, there's a scene where he has his shirt off. Didn't realize that he was cut. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Because you never saw him without a shirt ever. No. Unlike his teammate, Dennis Rodman, all the time with no shirt. Yeah, me. Num, num, num, num. Yeah, well, of course he's cut. Like, every professional athlete is. I know, but I don't think of him in that.
Starting point is 00:37:25 I think of him as being like a guy that's in mcdonald's commercials and stuff i don't think of him like but now i do see him as a sex object no i guess larry bird probably wasn't a sex object yeah me he could yeah french my lick um well so that's what i've been on lately but this past weekend uh i watched another documentary nice uh the beastie boys documentary yes have you seen that one no is it good uh it's um it's weird because i'm not a big beastie boys fan i'm not a fan of them at all yeah i know i know this about you um and i knew i they put out a book last year okay uh that a lot of people i know read and loved and uh i i didn't read it because i was reading drizzle for two cards instead and your dad came over to your house and was very disappointed. Hey, Dave, we were going to talk about this Beastie Boys.
Starting point is 00:38:26 But I watched this documentary and I knew everything already. Yeah. And it's not, it's not like a, it's not a traditional documentary where they interview a bunch of people. It's like a TED talk. Oh. And they're giving a presentation about their career. it's like a Ted talk and they're giving a presentation about their career. And it's a little strange because it's like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 well, I would, I would rather kind of hear you guys react to questions that you were asked and tell stories in a way that wasn't rehearsed. Um, but, uh, the funniest part is they show this old clip of them on, I guess,
Starting point is 00:39:04 Joan Rivers show. And, uh, part is they show this old clip of them on i guess joan rivers show and uh joan rivers says to them after they did like fight for your right to party she says so where'd you guys meet juilliard nice you think she's burning her and burning them yeah yeah she she was amazing she was so good at that she was very quick and she like if roast battles had been a thing in her time, she would be the dominant force in roast battles. Yeah. Move over, Alec Baldwin. What? I'm just saying because there was a roast battle for Alec Baldwin.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Oh, yeah. There was a roast. There was a roast of Alec Baldwin. Roast of Alec Baldwin. That's right. Yeah. Why? Why was there a roast of alec baldwin yeah that's right yeah who uh why why was there a roast of him yeah because he's very easy to make fun of i guess so but like ah sure but like why does he want that it's oh i'm i think dying to have a laser make fun of me
Starting point is 00:40:00 i think you get like you also just get the thing of like, isn't it, don't they have such a great sense of humor? Like I'm sure it's a publicist's dream when their client agrees to a roast, a celebrity roast. Would either of you like to be roasted? No, I couldn't handle it. Absolutely not. I can dish it out.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I can't take it. I can't even dish it out. I'm, I'm, I'm a, I'm a. Caitlin Hadden's a, please don't.
Starting point is 00:40:23 What a lady. Dave, please. I don't want this please i you know i hear uh she drinks the beer in the shower oh god it's true everyone's gonna my mom's gonna think i'm an alcoholic uh yeah i think she's an alcoholic oh god oh never i'll never get to volunteer they'll never let me volunteer who them the people who need me yeah anybody that's probably the best reaction that i've ever heard they won't let me volunteer oh f i'll never get to new york now i'll never get there i'm realizing that the thing i like the most uh is documentaries about things that i already know yes i although i tried oh man i watched a documentary because
Starting point is 00:41:15 it came up as something i would like on netflix and it was a documentary about daryl hammond and i was like this is going to be fun this is going to be a fun documentary about how he does so many great impressions and it is the most devastating documentary i think maybe that i've seen in the past 10 years it is he put he put a book out about him like smoking crack and stuff right yeah but it's it's more about his childhood it's gut-wrenching like i just i started watching it i couldn't stop watching it but i i really it was like going into into what i thought was going to be a comedy and it being the exact opposite end of the spectrum so yeah i don't like uh i don't like a documentary that's sad that's why i have never watched any of the wrestling documentary yes
Starting point is 00:42:02 yeah too sad every wrestler has a sad life caitlin what kind of documentaries do you like uh it's for me it's a real i love a sports documentary i find this uh the last dance to be very comforting because it's also just the highlights of things i remember yeah yeah kind of growing up of loving like basketball my whole life uh i went to basketball camp oh really a few summers in a row yeah nice i was a i was an avid center forward wow um dave i saw dave laugh when i said that center forward is that two positions yeah i was the jumper in high school nice i was the center forward that's what coach sidorenko called me anyways um but i find it
Starting point is 00:42:46 really comforting watching these documentaries about also i just it's the the team part uh the journey of people getting to do their dream job especially when you're getting to like professional sports watching people say things like you know i worked harder than everyone else. And now I've I've got this job. And you're like, yes. And that's that is the one kind of job, I think, in the entertainment megaplex that really, if you do work harder, you will be more successful. It's a bit of the meritocracy, the sports thing, right? Yeah. And I find it very comforting watching people excel at a thing that they're
Starting point is 00:43:25 good at yeah it doesn't i i'm always nervous i think i'm a very nervous person and so to watch someone just excel effortlessly is a dream come true i find it intimidating how good these guys were at what they were doing i find like it uh, you'd think they're talking about excellence and stuff. And there was a scene where Seinfeld meets Michael Jordan and they were kind of like the Titans of their perspective. Titans of the nineties. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Um, it's like that time, uh, boy, George was on the A team. Yes. But why are you intimidated? You're not trying to play basketball. Like it's not, it's basketball like it's not it's not on you to
Starting point is 00:44:07 it's not on you to be the next center forward no that's true i mean coach what is his name what adowski sidorenko sidorenko um do you keep in touch with him i haven't spoken to him in years well he probably would love to you know get a facebook friend request probably hear from the girl who dropped the basketball team to join the improv team i don't think so but that's what basically what michael jordan did when he played baseball for a couple years but he went back yeah did you did was there a chance there's rumors that you had to leave the basketball team because you had a gambling problem no it turns out i was just lazy and wouldn't do the drills turns out i didn't like the drill where you had to and the term for the drill i won't say now because it's a slur it's a it's a terrible term for it um but there is a
Starting point is 00:45:00 drill where you have to like run from like one line to the next line back to the starting line to another line on a whistle yeah and every time the whistle would start you'd have to like run from like one line to the next line back to the starting line to another line on a whistle. Yeah. And every time the whistle would start, you'd have to like run even, you know, wind sprints, wind sprints. I know that it had a horrible name as well.
Starting point is 00:45:17 I mean, it did in my high school. Can I believe that? Can you say it? And I'll bleep it. Uh, like suicide runs Like suicide runs? Suicide runs.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Ah. I've never heard that. Do you want me to have bleeped that? No, I guess not based on your reaction. I'm more confused. Did your coach combine all the flavors of pop in the machine? No. Do you call that?
Starting point is 00:45:47 A suicide thing? We call it swamp something. Swamp water? Swamp water. Yeah. Swamp water? Why? Because if you mix all the pops together, it just looks like swamp water.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I mean, not that I spent a lot of time in swamps. Oh, Graham. Oh, you just let your colors show. That's right. You're a big swamp guy. When this travel ban lifts, I bet you the first place we find Graham is a swamp. The bayou. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 This guy's going south. Yeah. I like the big easy. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The old muddy. Now, so yeah, documentaries of things that i witnessed in the 90s yes i love it them yeah if you discover another one from the 90s i would i'd be in oh sure if they make like
Starting point is 00:46:37 a caroline in the city documentary i'll let you know god that would oh my god oh there's a suddenly susan uh musical coming out so it's gonna be great veronica's closet um oh that's the three yeah those are the big three the three the single guy these are just things that were filler and must-see thursdays now graham yes what's up uh with you this week uh this week um uh you know i was watching television which you know i've been doing a lot of i've been watching a lot of tv there's some great channels that are on free pre-review right now including the one that shows bar rescue non-stop so that's the paramount network that is the paramount network yes with the weirdest ads in the world yes formerly spike spike tv yeah yeah and before that the nashville network
Starting point is 00:47:33 what a journey it's been yeah it really has um but uh yesterday the tv there was there was just like it glitched and then and then you could see scrambled porn unscrambled yeah and i was like how do i keep this going forever um it's a magic television set uh but it glitched and then i was like that's just a one-time glitch and then it started glitching very regularly as if to say uh i'm dying here so i had to go buy a new tv whoa yeah yeah which is crazy crazy thing and that's when you saw that they're hiring at best buy that is correct um that, wow. I didn't think that's where that story was going. I thought it was going to be a cable problem. No, it was definitely the TV was like dying.
Starting point is 00:48:32 And then it was, there was no question in my mind that it needed to be fixed. This situation needed to be remedied by tomorrow morning. Like, this is an emergency situation yes i can't have the tv not working so this will be a first first light of dawn uh i've the abby and i did that about boy uh two apartments ago two two we were living in the basement of that last place we had one night when it was a sunday night and we were watching tv and monday morning we went out and bought a new tv yeah it's uh it's like it's the fastest thing that i've ever just bought and it didn't matter how much it cost and i needed to
Starting point is 00:49:18 have a tv immediately did you upgrade your previous TV? I was going to ask the exact same thing. I was like, did you take the opportunity to maybe, like, upgrade the quality, the size? Across the board upgrade. Wow. Wow. Congratulations, Grant. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Yeah. It's got all the goo-gahs and doodads. Oh, yeah. What does that mean? You know, it has, like, a Netflix button on the remote. It's a smart TV. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Smart TV. mean? You know, it has like a Netflix button on the remote. It's a smart TV. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Smart TV. What brand did you go for? Please say Samsung. No, an LG. Life's good. Oh, darn it. I get a dealer discount with Samsung. You know, I've got a Samsung, Dave, and I've got to say, boy, am I ever happy with it.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Yeah. Sometimes when I'm married, I just love my television. And my television's a Samsung. Weird way of saying everything. Sometimes when I'm married, I love my Samsung. This is an ad for Samsung. Okay. How big a unit you're rocking there uh not gigantic 40 some inches nice
Starting point is 00:50:31 yeah i'm uh you know like but i just i've never had anything break like the only other thing that it would possibly be would be a fridge where i'm like we gotta make sure the landlord gets in here and puts in a new fridge yeah yeah yeah laptop maybe yeah tv was like immediate panic and did you go to a store you went to the best buy you said yeah and was it like i know i know dave did you order online and then they dropped it off like how was that no he went he saw a sign that said they're hiring. Yeah. The sign could have been where he picks up the TV that he had ordered online.
Starting point is 00:51:09 That is exactly how it happened. Okay. But didn't you, you didn't go in and look at all the TVs? Next question. No, they've got the whole, it's actually what, when I was a kid, there was a place called Consumers Distributing. I know it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I remember that. That you would go in with the catalog and be like b 28 and they'd be like coming up bingo and then they just hand you the thing and you'd walk away this is how that was yeah yeah you go in and they've got it already loaded ready to go you go tap your card our most recent tv was i did some research and then i found the samsung that was like the best one at that size at that price because they can go really crazy with prices and but like the one that had the best reviews under whatever dollar amount i wanted to spend and i went to the best buy and the guy was like that's the best choice we're sold out of it because it's the best
Starting point is 00:52:06 choice. Right. And I bought it on the internet before I even got home. Did you really? I read a bunch of reviews and the cheapest TV that Best Buy and London Drugs had for sale was an Insignia?
Starting point is 00:52:23 Yeah. Was the name of it? It had the worst reviews of any television how do they make how are they not all the same i don't know it's the same with cars yeah i don't understand how there's so many different types of cars yeah i just don't get how like one tv can just have a dead spot on part of it yes yeah very strange. Yeah. Have you guys ever used Wirecutter? Yep. No. What's that?
Starting point is 00:52:48 It's a review website where like, it's I think from the New York Times, but they have like, they compile reviews from all over and they have like a bunch of reviewers. And I have now become very loyal to Wirecutter almost to the point that I'll just do whatever Wirecutter tells me to do.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Right. You know, it's one of those things where you're like, I trust it. I trust it completely. So it's reviews on consumer products? Yeah, yeah. The best coffee maker. Right. Best coffee maker under $30.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Yeah, the best toaster. Best toaster under $30. Yeah. It's always just, they just tell you what Breville, which Breville appliance to buy. Yeah, so I got myself a new television. So you got a printer a couple weeks ago, you got a new television. Your house is going to be a Best Buy if you're not careful.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Well, I also bought some blue polo shirts, so we'll see. Yeah, so that's what's been going on with me. Also bought some blue polo shirts. So we'll see. Yeah. So that's what's been going on with me. That and watching the saddest documentary I've ever seen. And the Bulls one is very, it's very uplifting. It's fun. It's just fun. It's nostalgic.
Starting point is 00:53:59 It's exciting. Yeah. It's weird that like Michael Jordan still has the like one earring look and he's he feels like he's been in carbonite uh all this time and they just brought him out for these interviews he seems like exactly the same as he was yeah his eyes are much redder why he's smoking so much pot or alcohol some people get red eyes because he's literally got like a brown liquor in a glass next to him during the interviews i didn't even think about that he got wasted to do this documentary
Starting point is 00:54:39 i know some people whose like faces and eyes turn red after one sip. That's true. That's an allergy, though, often, too, right? When you're like, oh, your body is clearly rejecting the thing that you've just put into it. Yeah, but you tell Michael Jordan he's allergic to something, it's just going to make him work harder. That's right. Yeah. He's just going to eat more peanuts.
Starting point is 00:55:00 He's going to go to more pollen-emitting trees. Yeah. Can't tell him no. No. I bet you he's a tough dad oh boy you kidding me i mean look how his son michael b jordan turned out he was no he's so he's in uh uh creed yep he's in cre. He's in Black Panther. Yum. Can we do a Michael B. Jordan movie club? Yeah, of course. Guys, this movie, I'm really mad you made me watch as much as I could. Me too. I've been trying to get out of this club for weeks.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I couldn't even finish it. Really? I fell asleep. Yeah, me too. I totally can see that happening. Are we going to do it? Yeah, let's do it. Are we ready for it?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Let's do it. Okay. can see that uh happening are we gonna do it are we ready for it let's do it okay so it's time for this week's edition of the bradley cooper a movie club bradley cooper movie club movie club movie club bradley cooper movie club well sure okay why not that's perfect how many episodes have you done this for i'm usually an avid listener but i haven't heard this oh that one that one premiered on last week's episode that was from a listener well that was my voice and graham's from a listener named john n uh if you you would like to remix it if you would like to remix the Bradley Cooper movie club theme
Starting point is 00:56:29 want me to lay this down acapella for you Bradley Cooper movie club movie club movie club Bradley Cooper movie club okay why not or you can do an original Bradley Cooper movie club oh yeah put some uh that in bradley cooper movie club there you go you got that sample
Starting point is 00:56:52 look if you can't uh make anything out of that i i don't know what to tell you i don't know man maybe maybe go back to college okay yeah so this week's movie, a little jam. Ditty about Steve and Mary. Just sucking down chili dogs. Yes, all about Steve. A 2009? 2009 movie that was shot in 2007. 2009? 2009 movie that was shot in 2007.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Mm-hmm. Where it apparently, as I found out on IMDb, it was on the black list of scripts. The best scripts that hadn't been produced. Yes. It is a movie that also went on to get 6% approval ratings on Rotten Tomatoes.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Wow, good for us for doing our research. Oh, yeah. And it was the winner of two razzy awards that's right for worst actress and worst on-screen couple uh directed by phil trail that's phil trail with two l's yep you'll also know him from the movie opal dream and chalet girl well i don't know those movies oh Oh, you don't? That's funny. No one does. So, in short, the plot of this movie...
Starting point is 00:58:12 Now, I've been trying to end this movie club. I realize that it gives us something to talk about other than quarantine. This is what I'm saying. But we could pick any actor. We could pick any team or any topic. Last week, or a couple weeks ago i suggested we just do movies about mobs but we couldn't find another mop movie you guys are like you know i mean all
Starting point is 00:58:32 things considered you're busy but also you are busy you know things are going on why don't you just do like a cartoon panel like a whole movie seems nuts it It is nuts, but I think that's what people want to see our minds unravel. Yeah. As we try to... I think we can watch one of his good ones this week instead of trying to always find the worst. Well, we'll never get worse than this. But also... Probably not.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah, okay. So this is the story. It stars Sandra Bullock and Thomas Hayden Church and Bradley Cooper and DJ Qualls. And Ken Jeong. Ken Jeong, yeah. Ken Jeong, yeah. It's about this weird lady named Mary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Who, she's a, what's the name of it? Boy, she makes crossword puzzles. She's a crossword, name of it oh boy she's she makes crossword she's she's a crossword she's a crossword she does crosswording she knows she mentions the word quite a few times of what a crossword constructor the word for that but i don't remember um and she's she works at the san jose sacramento herald that's right and she does a weekly uh column and she's a weirdo she's just so weird she wears red boots she wears red boots every day it's supposed to be a romantic comedy right yes yes she's but the first scene she's walking down the street she's looking at everyone everyone's
Starting point is 00:59:56 doing crosswords everyone she sees absolutely she everyone's doing her crosswords it makes her so happy the uh the red boots we only find out towards the end of the film that why she wears the red boots oh tell me because i wrote it down what the exact quote was because i fell asleep me too i don't know why she said that when she wears the red boots her toes feel like 10 friends on a camping trip okay but okay she also wore a bow a big big bow around her neck with massive pearl beads so this woman is rocking a bow and a bead combo and a red boot she did not she's weird she's so weird she's weird to the point that in in 2020 that would be inappropriate to play a character like that.
Starting point is 01:00:45 That would be a bit inappropriate. Yeah. Oh, really? Or do you think... I thought she was mentally unwell. I was concerned for her safety. Okay, okay. The whole time.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Yeah, because the thread through the beginning of the film is that she's living with her parents because of a fumigation, but then you see that her room is all... Like, she lives with her parents because of a fumigation, but then you see that her room is all, like, she lives with her parents. Yeah. She also becomes obsessed about a guy that she, like, I mean, it's a bit insane, the whole movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And if it's not also, like, her name is Mary Magdalene. Is that right? Well, no, that's her middle name. Her last name is Horowitz. Still, her name is Mary Magdalene Horowitz. Right. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yes. Yes. Right? That's her full name? Yeah, that's right. And when you see her room at the beginning of the film, I don't know if you guys caught it, but there was a Black Power poster on the wall, which was never addressed, and was just supposed to be something you wouldn't notice but it was so there that you had to notice it
Starting point is 01:01:49 never comes up the rest of the film so interesting sidebar do you think this movie was a turn a take on a biblical tale do you think there was a bit of a Jesus and Mary kind of thing where she was following
Starting point is 01:02:04 him Steve is Jesus think there was a bit of a jesus and mary kind of thing where she was and following him steve is jesus yeah and because the women would like flock to him and she was amongst the women but she saw him different than everyone else did yeah but did the women flock to steve no no just ken jong and thomas hayden church usually yeah and thomas Hayden Church was wearing camouflage pants for the whole film. Yeah. So, Mary gets set up on a date with Steve, who is a cameraman for a cable news network. And she immediately thinks he's super handsome and then goes back up to change and puts on a push-up bra and they go into his van and she immediately like uh she was like someone in an axe body spray commercial she
Starting point is 01:02:53 like couldn't control herself and just had to start kissing him and dry humping him yeah and they and then he then she loses her job because she makes a crossword puzzle all about steve that's all about steve and it's all about his eye color and what he smells like and like uh also the thing that i twigged me right away was uh that the the network he works for is called ccn which is their clever way of getting around cnn yeah but it was communic i can't remember what is a cable something network anyways that bothered me the whole the whole yeah yeah what bothered me is when they would do like news clips the the um like name keys and and and uh chyrons that they would put on the screen just looked really lame and fake
Starting point is 01:03:47 yes yeah it looked like exceptionally fake and also they were sent to all these uh things that obviously the writers thought were very funny that there was like a protest of a woman that had three legs and that was supposed to be a funny child had three legs yeah yeah and uh and then at one point a bunch of deaf kids falling down a mine shaft yeah uh i don't know why they had to be deaf um it doesn't play into the plot at any point uh yeah yeah and then that becomes the new story and then mary who's been following bradley cooper all over the country falls in the mind and then the movie expects us to take it seriously that's when i fell asleep but when she fell in the mind she sent up a note yeah and they read the, and then I don't remember anything after that. I said before, this is supposed to be a romantic comedy.
Starting point is 01:04:47 This movie is neither romantic nor comedic. Yes. And it is also the kind of movie that while you're watching it, it's only at the, like, I think it was maybe, what, the 25-minute mark? When, oh, there's narration. Yes. Now we've got a narrator, eh? Who narrates it?
Starting point is 01:05:04 Her. Steve? No, her. Sandra Bullock. Oh, her. Sandy. SB. Yeah. yes now we've got a narrator eh who narrates it her steve no her her sandy sb yeah it's amazing and the the way there's one scene with her and the fireman where she's basically just like do you want to go have sex with me and it's so inappropriate uh she's just like kind of approaching the fireman is Oh, that's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very bizarre. Whole scene of her whisper getting ready to herself.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Like the pre-date. Remember that thing where she's like. Yeah. Yeah. I thought she was talking to a pet or something. I think she's talking to herself. Yeah. And then like the rest of the movie, the pet would have died because no one was taking care of it.
Starting point is 01:05:43 That's true. Everybody was focused on the news. And her parents were a bit too keen to get her in with Bradley Cooper. How did they know this man? Yeah. And the thing is, tonally, it shifted from being wacky,
Starting point is 01:05:58 you know, that there was a tornado that destroyed DJ Quall's car. And then, but after the kids fell in the mine shaft then it turned into a drama there were no more jokes for the rest of the movie it was all that you were supposed to be taking this sincerely uh which was wild that was a wild thing to do in any movie just change the entire pitch and tone and be like now now we love this mary character we don't we don't just tolerate her we love her now zero redeeming qualities and that's what sandra bullock a woman sandy is a saint i love her but this and the the day after she won the razzie award she won the
Starting point is 01:06:40 oscar for the blindside yeah and apparently and apparently she showed up to the Razzies with a wagon full of DVDs of All About Steve to hand out to people. So she's fun. But she was saying, like, it's not as bad as everyone says it is. You guys didn't actually watch it. You're just giving me this award.
Starting point is 01:07:00 That's right. Without having seen the movie. Now, I will say, it's not the worst movie i've ever seen and it was like the people the actors were all good yeah everybody in it was good it was like well shot and stuff yeah if if a little bit like uh not memorable but yeah it was like the lights weren't in the shots but no i disagree i thought it was all over the place for the movie that i stayed awake for yeah it felt like suddenly we're cutting to like it was weird cuts there were
Starting point is 01:07:31 strange edits yeah it felt like they like with the narration thing before it's like it felt like that was something that they put on top after the fact where they're like this movie doesn't make sense we should get her to narrate some of it. Yeah. Like this doesn't, what is she doing? Who is this character? Why should we care about it? Yeah. Why does she like Steve? He doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That was very weird. The, the definitely like the story is terrible. Yes. Yeah. Like, and like, why does she like Steve?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Like, has she never met a man before? Yeah. And to that end, also his-worker thomas hayden church keeps pranking him by telling her where they're gonna go next and they don't ever establish any relationship between thomas hayden church no bradley cooper so you know she's trucking all over the country for this guy that we we're just, we're just told that is a good guy. And as a girlfriend, I would say to,
Starting point is 01:08:26 to Mary, like, stop, stop. Yeah. Like it's, it's, it's not,
Starting point is 01:08:32 you are, you are outputting more than you're getting back from this guy. Yeah. He's not the guy that you want to build a future with. He's just not that into you, which is another movie starring Bradley Cooper. And, and, And move on. You know, you are clearly a genius.
Starting point is 01:08:49 You make crossword puzzles. Yeah, that's true. And you make them easily. I mean, you made a full crossword puzzle where every answer was Steve. That's amazing. But there was all, yeah, she like, the character traits of her, of like knowing all these minor facts it's like i don't know it's like she's just been reading trivial pursuit cards her whole life
Starting point is 01:09:11 until her dad comes and gets mad at her honestly dave i'd love to watch a story a movie that's called all about all about abby but it's it's you trying to like pursue abby in your college days uh that's not fun it. It was no small feat. I would also like to point out that a couple of past guests were in this movie. That's right. Jordan Morris is a protester at one of the protests. And Hari Kondabolu. I didn't see him, but he's apparently in it too yeah he literally is in a
Starting point is 01:09:47 scene where blink if you miss it he's one of the guys doing the steve crossword and being like huh that's it that was his role um but jordan morris actually got a name in the credit whereas harry's was just crossword puzzle a role that will no longer exist in the future and will be done by animation. Yes. That would be great if there was a movie where just randomly some of the scenes were animation, but they don't ever talk about it. It was cheaper to do it animated.
Starting point is 01:10:20 You know, I've never seen Avatar, but that's what I hope it is. Yes, that is what it is. Cool. So how does it end yeah so she mary falls mary falls in the the well and is the well is the well symbolic of falling in love with steve like that's the symbolism she's in it she can't get out no the the i think the very opposite is that she falls down this well and immediately discovers this whole thing has been crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And she's got to take care of herself. She finally sees the well that she's created. Yes. And so she's down there. And living well is the best revenge so she comes across one of the deaf children that wasn't rescued
Starting point is 01:11:12 so she's gotta rescue the child and then Thomas Hayden Church feels guilty about the whole thing so he jumps down the well and Sandra Bullock has Mary has connected a thing to a trolley like a wire to a trolley she's going to use physics to pull them out because she doesn't know everything
Starting point is 01:11:35 no she she has a lot of physics crosswords she's done i guess so yes and uh they come out of the well and everybody stands around and starts applauding. And then there's a scene where they're all trying to like touch her. And that's the scene that it goes out on. You're kidding. But all the same, all the same protesters from the previous protest are also at this well. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Career protesters. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I've got 10 hours left on my rental so I might revisit part of this another 24 you also rented this Graham? yes
Starting point is 01:12:12 you also paid $4.99 for this? I did I'll be sending you guys my invoice it would have been $10 to buy it really? yeah I wish I had bought it now just to have it as my only video I own. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Is that why you had to go buy a TV this morning? Cause you, uh, my TV rejected it. Now have Bradley Cooper, they've, they've done another movie together. Haven't they?
Starting point is 01:12:44 They've done another movie together. Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper. cooper i don't know or was this their only movie they've ever done together i i don't know i every time that we look at uh bradley cooper's uh imdb i'm always shocked with how many movies there are that i've never heard of so we've done four so far and i'm i think we can confidently say the best one was uh the music one star is born star is born followed by mop mop mop the movie followed by valentine's day followed by all about steve yes i would say that's the correct order yes um now uh we do we want to... Boy, what's... I don't want to say it because it's kind of not a great word to say, but do we want to form a pact? Boy, I guess it's kind of like...
Starting point is 01:13:34 Do you want me to bleep it, Steve? We had to do these drills in school where they blow a whistle. Just say we'll bleep it. Just say we'll bleep it. Do you want to do a suicide pact? You sure you want me to bleep that? We don't have'll bleep it. Just say it and we'll bleep it. Do you want to do a suicide pact? You sure you want me to bleep that? We don't have to bleep that. Instead of watching another Bradley Cooper movie?
Starting point is 01:13:53 I literally thought you were looking at a Bradley Cooper movie called Suicide Pact. No, no, no. And I was like, what's that? Do we want to switch it up? I thought so too. Can we... Like, I mean mean last week I was vehemently
Starting point is 01:14:06 trying to get out of this yeah I feel like we're very deep into it now and we can't stop as much as I want to and I think we should end it with one good one
Starting point is 01:14:15 end it is the best word news I've ever heard but if we're gonna end it I feel like we should go out on a high note not on his lowest possible okay
Starting point is 01:14:23 and then maybe next week when we end it we can come up with it like i like the idea of us doing something that is a a different thing to talk about than quarantine yeah yeah absolutely so we can come up with another idea next week i just i just don't want to i just don't want to so what's uh what's one of his highly thought of films? Silver Linings Playbook. Silver Linings Playbook is one. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:52 I haven't seen it. Isn't there also one called Aloha that he was in? Was he in Aloha? Was he in Aloha? Oh, with Emma Stone? Yeah, with Emma Stone. Yeah. Emma Stone as a Hawaiian?
Starting point is 01:15:05 That had a lot of heat on it, too, that movie. Yeah. The one that has been calling to me for a long time is called Burnt, because I just don't know anything about it, except it's him as a chef wearing a chef outfit. This is the one, Burnt. I mean, I don't mind doing Burnt, and maybe extending it two weeks and doing Aloha as well.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Okay, yes. Burnt burnt then aloha then we're then a clean break a lot of people have been writing well you know what silver linings playbook's good why don't they watch that i don't think that's the point no that's not the point we're just trying to work through his lesser known catalog and spread the word he's also in the rain wilson movie the rocker in which he plays trash so we're doing uh burnt next week sounds good i think dave you might actually enjoy burnt a little bit more than you would enjoy all about steve you know what i mean and i don't i don't know the movie at all but if you only do have two free nights this might be a nice yeah yeah yeah i nice thing yeah no i will not i did not enjoy it all i did not enjoy
Starting point is 01:16:08 all about steve no no neither uh i did not i did not enjoy joy and joy was okay yeah joy was all right but also i feel like uh all about steve now i can say i've seen it and uh people when we're dishing out worst movies i can probably come up with the all about Steve and look, surprise people, you know? Yeah. Whoa, this guy's seen all about Steve. Yeah, yeah. Whoa, he can be in our club. Um, do we want to move on to some overheards?
Starting point is 01:16:39 Sure. All right. Oh, looky here before we get to them jumbos wait before we get to them over here we get a jumbo we have a jumbotron message if you would like a jumbotron message on the podcast what that is is you can say whatever you want we have to say it yeah it's like a cameo it's like cameo before cameo existed yeah it's true's true. And you pay, you gotta pay. Yeah. But the rates are reasonable and we've yet to deny anyone.
Starting point is 01:17:11 That's right. This is a... Yeah, go ahead. This is a personal message for, and you can, so don't follow the format of this one as an example because you're supposed to say a message to a loved one or whatever you know i've loved you from a distance for a long time yeah uh i will always love you i am every woman yes yes uh i have nothing if i don't have you all the hits yeah uh for your mind wait that's a different but a similar kind of sound yes a lot of electric guitars on the soul music.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Yeah. Which is a great combo. It's like a caramel and ice cream. So who is this message for? It is for Graham and Dave. Now, by the way, you are in no way encouraged or obligated to send your message to us. That's right. You can send it to anybody.
Starting point is 01:18:03 That's why I feel like i need to say this and and by the way these are messages for graham and i to read i'm just talking over him throughout this entire thing that's fine it's fine i'm uh i'm happy to be here who is this message for it's for graham and dave from brad marshall number 63 who you told me is a hockey player now this is a hockey player for the Boston Bruins And I don't know if this was meant to antagonize me Because I hate the Boston Bruins Or if it was just that
Starting point is 01:18:35 I mean, he's probably the most hated player in the league Is he really? Or is he like a tough guy? Yeah, no, he's not a tough guy He's kind of a rat He's kind of a rat He rats out uh the plays to other teams he's a brad marchand writes big fan here these quarantine episodes are
Starting point is 01:18:52 great thanks guys p.s if you could play the theme song for a celebrity crush hat it would make my day so that here you go here's that song celebrity crush hat crushing the hats celebrity crush hat go fuck yourself celebrity crush hat chapeau chinois celebrity crush hat crush hat chapeau chinois and thank you very much for the jumbotron should we move back over to some overheard yeah if you would like a jumbotron message go to maximum slash Jumbotron. Hey, Max Funsters, it's Jesse Thorne. This week on my public radio interview show, Bullseye, I'm talking with Tina Fey and Robert Carlock about creating Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 Rock, and also just kind of why they're the best at everything. There was a window of time when we used to go to awards things
Starting point is 01:19:45 and pick up our prizes and party with the people from Mad Men. You can find Bullseye at or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search for
Starting point is 01:19:54 Bullseye with Jesse Thorne. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where if you're lucky enough these days to hear something, you save it and you share it here on the podcast. And we always like to start with the guest. Caitlin, if you would. Hey, you guys hear that Elon Musk had a baby with Grimes? Yeah. I heard that they named it XA-12.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Yeah, I heard that too. Yeah. Is that what you overheard? That's what I overheard. I don't get out much. I don't see people. I don't listen to people. So my overheard is something that I glazed on the internet. You glazed?
Starting point is 01:20:46 There you go. Yeah, I went like this. I went over it. I went lightly over it. A bit of heat. A bit of attention. Kind of a shiny sheen to it. Yeah, because I'm not going to say I grazed over it,
Starting point is 01:20:57 because that would imply that I consumed. I didn't consume any of it. I glazed over it. I touched it. You glazed. Gave it a bit of my shimmer also known as my attention and then i moved on so some of your shimmer also known as your anxiety sweat so yeah i have to wear tank tops all the time
Starting point is 01:21:15 uh dave do you have an overheard yes queen um Queen. Mine is on, wait, where did I write it down? Oh, okay. Yeah, this was an overseen. The other day I was driving my children around. We found a park to run up. It was two days in a row. No, not two days in a row. Two times in three days, we to queen elizabeth park and
Starting point is 01:21:47 i parked at the bottom of the hill and i was just like run up let's see who can get up the fastest yeah i remember having uh an uncle that at christmas time and stuff like that would like pay us whoever could be quiet the longest. Yeah. So this was, uh, bedtimes have been a real challenge lately. So this was just an effort to burn calories. Yes. Tucker them out.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Absolutely. Yeah. Uh, so, uh, the, as I was driving home, there was some construction and a,
Starting point is 01:22:21 uh, there was some graffiti on a sign. And the sign literally just said construction and someone had crossed out this c-o-n-s and written d-e-s so it said destruction nice and then they had written underneath they had drawn uh a triangle with an eyeball in the middle like oh illuminati illuminati it's here this is good this is like just like really how i would draw quickly draw an eyeball in a triangle just kind of like you know a garfield eyeball yeah yeah yeah um i like i like a bit of
Starting point is 01:23:05 you know not terribly ambitious graffiti but also like kind of like really this guy's a truth teller yeah this guy makes you think it's nice to have graffiti too when you're like I know these people are on the run you know they don't have time to do detail it's the graffiti
Starting point is 01:23:21 where you're like can't slow down I got things to tag or like the cops are on my tail so people i live by dude chilling park people keep stealing that sign yeah oh do they one time i called 3-1-1 and i was like the sign's gone again you guys you gotta figure this out um yeah that's they should just sell the sign they should make a sign that people can buy and they'll be less likely to steal it there it is see that's why nobody steals the statue of liberty because they got all those tiny ones models of it but like they have um the uh that you can buy any street sign in vancouver is that true oh really yeah so if you're like oh my government yeah it's like i think that's to
Starting point is 01:24:07 prevent science going i don't know but it's oh there's a graham street here and there is a clark drive i'm gonna do it yeah you should oh someone's got a birthday coming up next year next year next year next year um i have a i have like a bit of an overseen and a bit of an overheard uh because i haven't heard anybody say anything uh most of this week so uh my overseen was uh i've been mostly walking around alleyways to uh to get exercise because nobody's there yeah i don't have to walk over to the side or whatever. I can walk around these alleys. So I'm really seeing first of all, how many people have basketball hoops in this city? A lot.
Starting point is 01:24:52 And people's laundry out on the line. And I saw a set of laundry and the skid-markiest underwears I've ever seen. I don't know why. I do not know why they would put them out on the line. Maybe to shame their...
Starting point is 01:25:09 It's like the... What's that? Isn't there a famous, like, made-for-DV movie about a marathon runner who became a fast runner because his mom would always put his bedwetting sheets out and he would have to run home, take them down before everyone saw?
Starting point is 01:25:26 No. It's a very funny concept. It's not real. Yes, it is. Oh, wow. But skid mark underwear? Maybe they were so gross they didn't want to put them in the dryer with the rest
Starting point is 01:25:39 of the clean clothes. No, these are gross. They're going on the line. Oh, man. I just can't believe that somebody would do that to somebody else in the house the clean clothes that they're like no these are gross they're going on the line yeah oh man i just couldn't believe i just can't believe that somebody would do that to somebody else in the household just put them outside don't put them inside out just put them normal or throw them out or buy black underwear maybe men shouldn't have white underwear is that a thought they shouldn't you should either have gray or black why why men why are men the one doing it because it's probably a man because women wipe more often i beg to differ i my i've got white
Starting point is 01:26:15 the whitest underwear oh yeah yeah and it is as clean as a whistle you know what dave take this for the grain of salt but but i see you as a bit of a bidet guy. You know what I mean? Like, you give a bidet vibe. Yeah, I know I get that. You get that a lot, or do you just get, you understand? Well, like, the same reason people think I probably read a lot. Yeah, you got a real, like, bookish bidet vibe.
Starting point is 01:26:40 People think I spend my evenings reading books with a shot of water going on my the loneliest runner is an autobiographical made for tv movie written and directed by bonanza star michael landon i love everything about this this is amazing um based on michael landon he was the bedon. He was the bedwetter. He was the bedwetter. Yeah. Oh, wow. Well, I'm looking this up now.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Michael Landon, like Little House on the Prairie Michael Landon? Yeah. And Highway to Heaven. And apparently Bonanza. Wow. Oh, you know what's funny? I wouldn't give him Bonanza as his first credit in my mind. But I guess that is his first credit.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Who am I to say? Yeah. I mean, if you had been on Bonanza, you would put it in your bio but to me little house in the prairie is bigger than bonanza that was the most popular show on television um so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna do the other part because i think that skid mark overseen was that was a hit yeah i'm gonna save i'm gonna save the other overheard for next week yeah oh yeah leave us wanting more yeah yeah yeah what could it possibly be it's fun trust me it's was it close was it nearby was it part of the same walk? No, this is a different night.
Starting point is 01:28:06 That walk, but I can tell you that I laughed for at least a block and a half after I saw this. It was wild. It was wild. You could not see them. The whole neighborhood would know. Wow. Now we also have overheards sent in from people
Starting point is 01:28:22 all over the place. If you want to send one in to us, you can send it in to spy at And the first one comes from Benji in the mid-Hudson Valley, New York. Never heard of it. So this gentleman, Benji, and his wife went out uh for a night on the town they had some uh dinner they went to go to the pool hall uh they okay okay this is this is all evening uh there was a catered and very poorly attended birthday party going on in there uh but it was also comedy night so while we played pool, we heard and saw
Starting point is 01:29:06 from a small adjacent room we were not allowed to enter without paying. Three stand-ups performed. And then outside after this show, Benji heard some old ladies regaling each other with their favorite parts of the act. And the
Starting point is 01:29:21 one line was, I was like, bitch, just chill out and do the line they used to put this as shit and soda how bad could it be so it's a cocaine joke yeah but they did used to put it in soda so that is a good way to peer pressure somebody into doing coke with you yeah if you're looking for a way caitlin you ever done cocaine i refuse to absolutely not no thank you very much no thank you that seems like a terrible idea i don't know why i don't know no in the same way where i watch people did you do something before you answered this i can't imagine right now even doing cocaine now would be insane imagine doing a bit of coke even even now even what is now you
Starting point is 01:30:05 know but what is now when and when yeah when is whoa and it's now um no i i'm not a big i don't like losing control she's a classic libra oh maybe i'm a libra yeah dave you ever done that you on cocaine dave no when you on cocaine uh yeah i love it you, you on cocaine? Yeah, I love it. You're on cocaine right now? Yeah, I love it. You can imagine how laid back I'd be without it. I need to coke up to get the energy going. Yeah, yeah. It just neutralizes you.
Starting point is 01:30:36 I love it. It even really flattens you out. Yeah, I got a nice custom-made coke spoon. That's nice. It's in a crucifix that i wear and uh you don't know it until the third act of the film yeah it's in the crucifix well yeah it was part of the uh mary magdalene all about steve story yes um i would boy that's one thing i do admire about uh coke cane people is that they do get accessories.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Yes. And they can dress really cool because they don't care. They don't have any idea of how you're supposed to dress. Yes. Yes. You're also, you're describing skateboarders. You know, they have cool accessories and they don't care how they dress that's true huh yeah i've seen an influx in skateboarding actually uh since the covid19 in the past seven weeks i have to say
Starting point is 01:31:34 i have noticed and more skateboards and skateboarders loose that's just in vancouver that's nature healing they finally yeah yeah you hear that ca-cunk, ca-cunk, ca-cunk every spring, and you know, okay, it's back. Yeah, it's back. He's just a skater boy. You just hear them not quite landing a trick for eight hours. I think that was my favorite Janine Garofalo joke was she just said, has anybody ever landed a trick?
Starting point is 01:32:10 It doesn't feel like it mid-trick. It always feels like this is not going to go well. This is bad. This is bad. I feel bad. Oh, no. Oh, they did it. That's actually pretty good. Yeah. This next one comes from Sam W. from right here in Vancouver, B.C.
Starting point is 01:32:27 I was out for a walk with my toddler near the nook shook on the seawall when I saw two 40-somethings women dressed like skateboarders. No! Standing two meters apart. Didn't catch the whole thing, woman one saying so how are you coping and woman two saying pretty good you know i've never liked people anyways and i've started collecting rocks again so that's a lot of fun collecting rocks the worst again she's already been through this her family has said enough lorraine rocks they're all they're they're just rocks yeah you haven't found a special one yet you're not doing anything with
Starting point is 01:33:10 them yeah you're not a minor and this this woman's partner has had to move rocks in several moves uh we gotta take this one yes what about the ask me it doesn't matter i'm keeping them all well not yes that one no i found, not... Yes, that one. No, I found that one on the beach. That one's shaped like a heart. Sort of. It looks like my mom. And you know it.
Starting point is 01:33:32 It looks like my mom. This last one comes from Rob. He was in a restroom of the campus of the University of Santiago in Chile. Whoa. Pretty far flung. Muy caliente. Mm-hmm. I was washing my hands when I heard someone's phone audio coming from a restroom stall.
Starting point is 01:33:55 It was loud, excited voices with cheering in the background. I assumed the person was streaming a soccer match, but then realized the commentary was in English. As I dried my hands, I realized that this person was watching the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Competition. Wow. On the toilet? On the toilet, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Maybe he needed encouragement. Yeah, motivation. Doesn't this give you diarrhea? Watching it gives me diarrhea. Exactly, just thinking about Hot Dog i just thinking about these guys are like yeah these guys are like the chicago bulls of today if there is if there isn't a documentary about competitive hot dog eating i i would be shocked but now that i think about it i do want to watch it i would watch that i would i love that kind of documentary. Yeah. Is your dog barking? Is that my dog
Starting point is 01:34:46 barking? Hi, dog. Hello, dog. Hi, little back. Sorry, guys. Yes, this is your dog. Really dropping the fourth wall. I am in my home. Yes. I am in my home. Oh, yes. Hello. What's your dog's name again? Murphy. Murphy.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Just a normal dog name. And Murphy's kind of brown right yeah yeah her name is murphy brown dog i love it murphy brown dog beautiful yeah in addition to overhands that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 4 4 7 7 9 7 6 3 1. That's one. Ugh. Spy pod one. Like these people have. Hi, David Graham. This is Ethan B from Los Angeles,
Starting point is 01:35:34 California. I just saw two buff adult twins. Off I go. Shit. That's outstanding. And that's sweet Valley High content right there. Two boss adult twins. They definitely go to auditions.
Starting point is 01:35:51 Yes. Yeah. There was a pair of twins in the 80s called the Barbarian Brothers, and they were both weightlifters, and they were in films for some reason. What about the triplets from B4Four? They weren't triplets. Okay. No, Ryan and Dan.
Starting point is 01:36:11 They were twins and? And Ohad was the third member. He was like an emotional, it's like how I have my girlfriends are my sisters. Right, an emotional twin. They were triplets. And then Ryan and Dan went to form on their own duo called Ryan-Dan.
Starting point is 01:36:26 And they opened for Shania Twain in Las Vegas during her run there. I didn't see them. I saw Shania in Vegas. I guess you snoozed and you loosed. Uh-uh. Were they there in December? No, they were only, they took December off. Okay, well then who's snoozing?
Starting point is 01:36:46 Because I'm still checking her out in December. Yeah. You nailed it. Here's your next one. Hey fellas, this is Laurel from St. Paul, Minnesota, calling with a pandemic era overheard. I was listening to a classical music radio station in our town
Starting point is 01:37:01 and they were playing an opera and the opera was Romeoomeo and juliet and when they got to the end the part where spoiler alert romeo and juliet die they kill themselves the host said oh it always ends this way well off i go now is that a person who everything they've ever seen ends with the main characters killing themselves? Or he's surprised that the same play ends the same way? Yeah. No, this is a very stupid person.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Or it could be that this person was given a very specific curse as a young child to only hear tragedies. And they're always like oh come on yeah yeah um i like the curse mother would punish him for bedwetting by hanging a tragedy out the window if you could put a curse on somebody what would you curse them to do bradley cooper uh no i feel like a curse has been put on me to watch a Bradley Cooper movie every week. Well, that's what you do. That's what happens when you kill Bradley Cooper. Then you become part of the movie club.
Starting point is 01:38:11 But what if you had to give a curse on somebody? What would it be? First thing that comes to your mind. Every time you open up a cupboard or close to cupboard, it opened. That's a good one. Yeah. So you're always hitting your head or your face or your elbow or like a shoulder. Yes.
Starting point is 01:38:29 And you're always thinking, didn't they close that? So it's a bit of gaslighting too, I guess. That's really good. That's really good. I don't know if I'm going to be able to top that. Dave? Yeah. I mean, oh boy.
Starting point is 01:38:40 When you said if you could put a curse on anyone to do something, I immediately was thinking of the person. I was not trying to think of the curse. Oh, who would you put a curse on? I couldn't. That's why I didn't come up with anything. Because I was like, well, I don't know. I don't want to do that. No, no.
Starting point is 01:38:53 But if somebody told you that you had the ability to place one curse on somebody. Yeah, I guess it's like they wake up you, the, the, they get, they wake up and they have all of post Malone's tattoos and people are like, are you a big post Malone fan? And they're like, I don't know who that is. I just woke up like this. That's a great curse.
Starting point is 01:39:19 That's a really great curse. Yeah. I mean, it's bigger, it's bigger than a cupboard. Well, it's more permanent uh i would put the curse that currently i feel applies to my person i would like to pass it on to somebody
Starting point is 01:39:33 else that no matter when you get into a line you're behind the person that's going to take the longest like they're going to ask the most questions they they have a gift card they yeah yeah i i did that yesterday i someone there were two lines i was buying some plants at the nursery and a woman was like oh there's no one being like no one's checking out over here so i will go get this guy she came and got me and was like i can help you over here and so i went over there and then someone else was like i'm in line over here so that she had to help that person next yes yeah and that person was like i want to join your rewards program you should be under my phone number i don't know what to tell you the uh another curse would be uh just based on the line one is like and i feel this one applies to me no matter what line you get in it's the slowest line yes
Starting point is 01:40:33 no matter what lane of traffic no matter what always cashier yes these are all great, great curses, everybody. Here is your final overheard. Hey, Dave and Graham, and possible, unlikely guest under the circumstances. This is Scott in Omaha, calling in with an overheard. So this was a long time ago, probably about 15 years ago or so. I'm hanging out with my family. We're just talking. Maybe we're having dinner. I don't remember exactly because this was a long time ago.
Starting point is 01:41:15 But my little brother, probably about nine at the time, was just kind of doing his own thing, listening in, sometimes engaging, but he just mutters to himself, they're pigs, but they're my pigs. Right. Nice. Yeah. A nine-year-old boy.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Yeah. That's when you figure out which pigs are yours and not right yeah men are men are my pigs yeah um it's a good it's a life lesson yeah yeah thank you to that 10 year old person nine year old sure yeah yeah sure um well with that that brings us to the end of this here podcast uh caitlin people are lucky enough to be able to watch the sunday service virtually every sunday um and you can i imagine you could pay money to uh to watch this thing how does it work yeah you don't have to anymore that's the amazing thing about this new digital time you can just watch our show for free now yes um no bouncers yeah no every sunday
Starting point is 01:42:26 we still go live at nine o'clock and then we keep the video up for about 24 hours beautiful um so people want to watch it on the east coast different time zones they can uh we always have an event right link we don't know how else to charge money right um uh for the past few weeks our very good friend paul f tompkins has been joining us. Yes. He'll be here this Sunday as well. Wonderful. And yeah, it's all on our YouTube channel, The Sunday Service. And we're doing classes online with Blind Tiger Comedy. Nice.
Starting point is 01:42:55 And yeah, just... You've moved into the digital world effortlessly. I don't know. Was it effortlessly? We'll see. I think you make it look effortless. That's what I'm going to say. You know what? It's kind of funny because
Starting point is 01:43:09 I have work coming out now and things are okay now, but it's the six months from now that I'm like, but what's going to happen then? I think that's what a lot of people are feeling is like, yeah, I've got work coming out now, especially in the artist industry where you're like, I have things that I've been working on for the past six months, year, year and a half.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Right. That are now happening. But we are always in a constant motion. So I think, you know, don't expect to hear from me in six months. No, I disagree. I think you're going to be fine. Don't expect to hear from you. Where are you going?
Starting point is 01:43:48 No, no. I'm just saying like you're only hearing from me now because I've been working for the past year. Right. Right. No, I love you guys. I listen to this podcast all the time. And I was telling Graham this when I saw him the other day. But it's been a great marker of time for me listening to this podcast and hearing you two kind of go through it.
Starting point is 01:44:07 But also it being a constant during a time of weird stuff that it's still you guys. And I listen to you all the time. And I'm a huge fan. So thanks for keeping us doing this. Caitlin, thank you so much. Thank you for being our guest. It was such a treat to have you. And yeah, we're big fans of yours
Starting point is 01:44:25 and we're like we love watching you and the sunday sillies or whatever it's the cyber service do we need to plug anything we don't need to plug anything do we i just did that that's what i just did i literally just did that. Burnt. Burnt by Bradley Cooper. Check me out on New Eden. Check out the Babysitter's Club. Check out a new movie coming out on Netflix called Love Guaranteed. There you go. Wait, are you in the Babysitter's Club? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Nice! You're in it. The remake, yeah. I play one of the moms. This is amazing. You were up above it and now you're down in it. I was always in it, baby. I love it. Okay. Um, well, thank you to all our listeners.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Thank you for listening. Uh, please stay safe and, thank you for listening. And if you want, you can tell a friend about us and come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself.

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