Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 650

Episode Date: August 31, 2020

No guest this week as we talk horror movies, kissing cousins, and tarps....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 650 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who, uh, he's got, he's got a yoga mat visible behind him. Mr. Dave Shumka. I don't want to, I don't want to be like the yoga guy. You are the yoga guy. I mean, no, I'm not, I don't want that to be my brand.
Starting point is 00:00:48 But yeah, no, I do hang it up in this room. Yeah. I hang it over a chair because, oh boy, I get so sweaty from all my yoga. Yeah. Yoga rules and being stiff and unable to bend drills you could i think i could get you in bendy in a couple weeks oh yeah yeah what do you want to touch the dirt beneath my feet a snail that i see you know these type of things all right what are these lyrics uh yeah these are a few of my favorite things beneath my feet and a snail that i see oh boy oh boy and uh this
Starting point is 00:01:35 uh week we have uh we have no guest uh we we had one but then they uh they were in a bizarre computer accident i cannot wait to talk about with this guest. Well, last week on the show, we had Kayla Lorette. And she was maybe our last guest who couldn't make it. Like, because she was scheduled to be on in December. And her flight was late and her bags were late. And we were in a time crunch that day. And this guest, let's talk about it right now well let's get to know us
Starting point is 00:02:09 get to know us so this guest uh we're not going to name this person no but we will say that the island that they live on is england and so graham scheduled them uh graham said uh or they asked to be on the show right yeah yeah and graham was like okay uh well dave's pretty uh busy so he's not very flexible so um what like with the time change what would work for you and we settled on 9 p.m our time you texted me and you're like hey we have a guest in england uh can you do 9 p.m and i'm like yeah sure i mean it's later than usual and then the next day i wrote you and i was like wait that's five in the morning the guests time yeah and i was like uh-huh and and i was like uh okay like is this some fun like is this a guest who is like a famous miner or like farmer famous miner who are the most famous miners i guess those guys
Starting point is 00:03:17 that got locked in the mine yeah the chilean miners um the coal miner's daughter i think that's what she's big one was that uh tanya tucker tammy why now and it was also a movie wasn't it like sally field or something oh with uh sissy spacek sissy spacek that's one of these 80s movies i need to go back and see yeah yeah yeah yeah i just last night i watched Moonstruck for the first time. Save it for the podcast. But so this guest was like, yeah, okay, I'll do five in the morning, I guess. I wasn't privy to the conversation. And then one day, like two or three days ago, Abby was looking out the front window and she's like, Graham just walked by. And I ran out the front door and I said like graham just walked by and i ran out the front
Starting point is 00:04:05 door and i said you get back here you bastard and i really said that yeah and you um we uh we we saw each other face to face which we have not in a very long time yeah it was nice and it was not nice um no no it was nice it was just but it was i feel very weird when i see someone i know and i have to like because we're so used to social distancing yeah that i'm like okay am i far enough away from you we're not wearing masks i am right like and also like because social distancing has become a thing it's like impacted how i make eye contact with people i'm like okay well i'm not i don't want to like i i don't want to even be a blip on this person's radar so right i have i'm i have i make even less eye contact now yeah fair enough because it is like it's awkward and then you're like what have you been up to
Starting point is 00:05:06 same thing as everybody else nothing um but while we were chatting i was like so what's the deal with this guest like do they like waking up at five in the morning and you're like no you're so busy and i'm like well yeah i'm i work every day but i'm flexible so i when you touch your toes no you you asked me to yeah that's true yeah you didn't just it was a command performance and uh it was great it was like the jubilee um so yes so the guest uh so that we finally rearranged it and then we were like a couple days later we'll do it at 9 p.m the guests time 1 p.m our time and then uh uh at showtime the guest was like i can't get my ipad to work with this link and i was like you're recording with an ipad
Starting point is 00:05:56 um so we'll have the guest on in the future but uh right now it's just the two of us jazz cats um have you seen moonstruck um no it's uh like one of nicholas cage's early performances and he is insane in it he's insane in a good way yeah yeah yeah but like you know people kind of say like nicholas cage has gone wacky but i think he's always been in that bracket the wacky bracket so it's the story of uh nicholas cage is in love with share and they're are they cousins or anything anything that spices it up uh nicholas cage is the he's the brother of the man that she's engaged to oh so it's an engaging cage yeah and very good um and so but yeah but he's like significantly younger is that
Starting point is 00:06:57 part of this yeah well yeah but they don't play that up in the movie but yeah she's quite a bit older than him in real life but he this is like nicholas cage his hair was always crazy in movies back then now probably more crazy for different reasons uh but he had like in raising arizona do you remember his hair just looked like he just pulled it out yeah and it was just crazy all over his head. Like Tommy Boy? Yeah, he had the same look in this movie. So I guess the directors are like, you just do your own hair. Yeah. We're not going to get somebody to touch you up.
Starting point is 00:07:33 So that's the plot of it. At one point, she says, snap out of it and slaps him in the face. That's the famous part. That's the part that I was excited to see in real life so at what point in the movie does it happen uh she they've gotten together and they've uh had a night of fashion and then she's trying to leave the next morning saying like i am still marrying your brother and then he says but i love you and she slaps and says snap snap out of it. So, and you know what? He doesn't. And she's,
Starting point is 00:08:07 she's like this on the cover. She's maybe holding her shoes. Yes. On the VHS box that I would never pick up. Yeah. I think, I think my parents rented it. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:08:20 I was always up to like watch a movie regardless of how boring I thought it was. But that one, I was like, nah, there a movie regardless of how boring I thought it was. But that one, I was like, no, there's nothing in here for me. I want to see them remake it with Randy Macho Man Savage and Miss Elizabeth. And and they're, you know, they're having that scene. And he's like, I love you and I love Slim Jim's. He's like, slap into it, snap into it.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I didn't know where this was going, but I was glad that we went there. Um, the, uh, um, anyways, that's,
Starting point is 00:08:58 that's my, my classic movie that I watched and she won the Oscar for it. So did she really, is that the year she wore the Bob Mackie I don't know is that uh what is what was the deal with that was it revealing I think she wore a very revealing dress to the Oscars around that time and maybe it had maybe it was like show girly like it had like feathers I'm I'm conflating a bunch of things in my head i'm also thinking of the if i could turn back to a music video where her butt was um on full display yeah and her son is in that music video playing guitar for the band or drums for the band which has got to be uh pretty wild for him that his mom is like
Starting point is 00:09:39 check out my ass sailors oh is it chaz maybe chaz i don't know i don't know how many uh kids share has okay so we need we need a producer to look up how many kids share has yeah how much older she is than nicholas cage i think like 18 years it said we need a producer who can tell the guests hey uh an ipad won't cut it if we only knew now well then what we know now that that's how it works yeah um so uh what's going on with you uh well last night i watched a movie uh this is uh uh i i can't remember the last time i watched a horror movie oh yeah but it's been and even then like the last few horror movies i watched weren't scary right like i think i maybe watched like let the right one in which is just kind of like moody yeah yeah yeah that's right it's not spook well it's spooky but it's not it's spooky but it's like a kid who's friends with a vampire yeah that's right um and
Starting point is 00:10:47 it's uh so the one i watched last night is a very now it's called host have you seen host no is this uh this is a netflix original or this is a shutter original oh okay you're on the shutter well i only got shuttered to watch host and i have to cancel it in two days. Yeah. That's what I did to watch whatever movies I could in that brief period of time and then cancel. Yeah, yeah. Well, if you want to watch this one, you can have my login info for the next two days. Is it good?
Starting point is 00:11:19 Do you think it was scary? Oh, yeah. I remembered I don't like to watch scary movies. It's this one is about, it takes place during COVID. Oh really? Uh, on a zoom call.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Is that the one with, uh, um, oh gosh, I can't remember what his name is, but he, he was on the photo of it. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Cause I didn't know. He's not famous. No, there were no famous as far as i could oh okay see uh and there's six friends and they do a seance and like a zoom seance so they hire a psychic or something then they start noticing things in other each other's windows yeah yeah yeah yeah um is it gory at all or is it just like spooky it's uh it's not gory it's it's there's some blood but it's like uh it's spooky and there's like i don't know does it spoil it if i say like there's jump scares no yeah of course i
Starting point is 00:12:18 don't think a good horror movie exists without them you know yeah and they're like there's like it's kind of paranormal stuff uh because it's a seance so it's like uh you know summoning whatever and we're gonna have to watch this get back on the shutter train things move and it's only it's less than an hour long oh be still my beating heart yeah and it's like things move around in like a chair moves and like, you know, cupboards open. And the, as I'm watching it, like a picture that we had taped up onto the window, one of Margo's drawings. Yeah. Crashed to the ground, like on its own. And you've just freaked the fuck out. I freaked out i mean it
Starting point is 00:13:05 had fallen earlier that day so i didn't suspect anything but i was like this is why i can't watch these movies this is why i can't have scary things yeah um did you watch it alone was it in the dark no nothing quite like watching a scary movie in the dark it was then you freak yourself out it was at night well i was like uh yeah i i was this was not going to be the last thing i did before bed i was like i had more puttering around i wanted to do yeah but i could not after the movie was over i was like i'm going right to bed yeah right to bed under the covers heavily yeah oh and they use like all these like zoom, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:48 conventions. Right. Like someone's got the filters on that makes their face weird. Right. Like somebody, it freezes obviously at some point. Yeah. Someone has a background that is,
Starting point is 00:14:00 uh, just like a video of them walking into the room. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. And they have the countdown. Like, you know, upgrade to Zoom Pro. Otherwise, your meeting is going to end in 10 minutes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And then the person signs up and it just prolongs the horror yeah exactly um i was on a uh zoom call uh with past guest erica sigerson and her favorite thing to do was when you weren't in frame take a picture of your background and then put it on her background it was a good gag it was yeah i did one once where i made a picture of me sitting at my desk the background and then but i'm then i would leave and people would be like dave dave froze what's up and then i sit in you know sit in front of myself yeah and uh which is the dream to be able to sit on your own lap oh yeah oh santa tell me what i want for christmas oh santa um uh yeah that's uh yeah i guess i'll have to watch it
Starting point is 00:15:16 because the last really good scary one i watched was uh midsummer which was crazy i haven't seen that too summery yeah yeah yeah it is pretty summery and uh you know they wear white after labor day it's that kind of movie it's spooky the ghosts wear white after labor day oh boy those ghosts i mean, like there are rules for a reason. Ghosts. Yeah. I, um, I wonder now that we're talking about ghosts, when did the putting a sheet over oneself become the like standard of what a ghost looks like? It's as far as Halloween costumes go. I don't see a lot. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:01 But I, except in cartoons. Yeah. Charlie Brown and whatnot. lot no yeah but i except in cartoons yeah charlie brown and whatnot so i i feel like uh maybe cartoonists invented it as like an easy thing to draw i uh did you ever go as a ghost no did you ever go were you a halloween guy at all ever oh yeah elementary school yeah did you wear a costume to school on the actual day? Of course. Yeah. Some kids never did. You know, they showed up maybe in a weird mask that they stole from their older brother and then took it off five minutes after they arrived because they couldn't breathe in there. I often got the like, you know how they measure, they can predict who is going to be the president by whose president mask sells the best
Starting point is 00:16:47 oh yeah right so i would i would often buy that style of mask the like rubber over your rubber yeah and i did one of uh prime minister jean chretien nice remember one year and one year i it was uh arsenio hall which i wonder if that's problematic yeah it might be problematic i don't know yeah um but did you wear also the crazy like shoulder pads that i wore my dad's you know my dad's arsenio hall suit did his purple suit do you remember or have you been told what your very first uh halloween costume was um no have i been told oh i don't think my parents dressed me up before i oh i see do it myself like i think that's a relatively new thing dressing up a baby or at least dressing up your fourth baby
Starting point is 00:17:45 they're like yeah we we've done this already you can have your brothers close you don't know what's going on so we would do what was your first uh my first was superman i was a superman as a baby uh as a small yeah as a small child okay yeah i remember like we had a nanny who i think this was a nanny i i this was my some ghost that you only could see well i don't think she was my nanny if she was i was very small but uh she made a bunch of Muppet costumes. So she made Miss Piggy and Kermit. Nice. The frog. Kermit the frog.
Starting point is 00:18:31 And you dress in one of those or were you like, I just like, yeah, look, I remember I definitely wore the Kermit. I think I went as Kermit one year as well. Would that be a good reality show that it's like say yes to the dress but it's a halloween costumes say no sferatu to the costume rafu no that doesn't quite work
Starting point is 00:18:53 say yeah say custom to the costume i don't know but uh we'll figure it out in post and i'll just put an edit here and you'll put your voice saying say yas queen to the cost screen yes exactly um but yeah i think i think that show has legs in my head it would be on something like the game show network or something like that i feel like a lot of those shows that follow that format they must be really cheap to make like oh yeah where it's just like you get the people they get a challenge they have to present it to the judges it's it's the um project runway rupaul's drag race yes top chef america's next top model model um speaking of which i've been burning through uh two seasons of a show called glow up
Starting point is 00:19:47 okay it's a competitive makeup artist show um and it's great it's from britain and uh like every week they got to do different challenges. And this past week, uh, they had challenge of doing different movie characters. And so they had been assigned movie characters in their brief. And so one guy was like, Oh, I've got Austin powers. And then another person was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:16 I have the character from cabaret. And then the next person was like, I have a Kung Fu Panda too. The next person was like, I have Kung Fu Panda 2. And the last person had Pokemon the movie. The four classics that we can all agree on. What was the first one? Austin Powers.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Austin Powers, right. The Austin Powers and Cabaret are, I feel feel like a lot easier than making someone into Pokemon. Oh, and they did not do a good job. The Pokemon looked hysterical as did the Kung Fu Panda. Was it, did they do a Pikachu? Uh, yeah, they did a Pikachu and they did the actual, the titular, uh, Kung Fu Panda. Right. And neither of them won.
Starting point is 00:21:04 No, that's, um's um yeah that's hard yeah and the show that they were doing makeup for i can't figure out what the the setup of the show is but it's a show called strictly come dancing you ever heard of that i have heard of that and i feel like it is it's just dancing with the stars oh okay yeah that's what I kind of thought. But it's been on the air there for... But you had me at Strictly Come. That's the thing about watching a British show, is they'll introduce people who are celebrities, but I've never heard of them.
Starting point is 00:21:40 They'll be like, you know, please welcome Maxine, and they all go nuts. Woo. Um, well, yeah, most definitely.
Starting point is 00:21:50 You said you weren't going to say the name of our guest who couldn't make it this week, but it was Maxine. It was Maxine. It was Maxine from British TV. Yeah. She was on, she was a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Yeah. She's also been on, uh, what, you know, uh, she's a page six girl. Yeah. She was a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing. She's also been on... She's a page six girl. Yeah, she was in In-N-It. She dated Peter Andre. Yeah, all the big British things.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Stance Gard at Buckingham Palace. She has a cameo in the trip with yeah yeah and the other guy she's the love interest in johnny english i'm sure i'm surprised johnny english wasn't one of the four movies i looked um so johnny english three was on tv what a cool rhyme johnny english number three yeah go ahead and i was watching it and uh i wasn't watching it it was on and it was good yeah and he's so good why why do i make fun of these movies he's so good he's so good why would the why do i think these movies would be bad but i guess like dana carvey is so good and master of disguise isn't
Starting point is 00:23:06 oh man i don't think aside from wayne's world i don't think that he was he was in one that was a good premise but a memento was the same premise it was a detective clean slate clean slate yeah yeah yeah um and i was very into that film but i feel like as a child um i looked up the uh so when johnny english 3 was on i was like oh did these movies do well they must do well and so i googled it and they all three of the johnny english movies uh do so well but so consistently the first one made 160.5 million the second way one made 160.1 million yes and the third one made 158.9 million it's i think there's just the people who are john english people they're gonna be that way for life yeah they're gonna follow him all over maybe they bought a package like buy johnny english one and you'll get the next two for free yeah and a pizza from pizza hut if you kickstart johnny english one you'll get all this bonus
Starting point is 00:24:17 content they raised the budget with a crowdfunding and then yeah it's okay now imagine mr bean intersecting with james bond and i think we've got a go picture he's so good he's so good i know i watched mr bean like one week ago and it was so funny and uh you know there's there's like so simple and he was so funny in it. He's also funny in Blackadder. I don't know if you've seen that. I never saw that because I that's one of the ones that like looked even older. Like, like Mr. Bean, they all came out in 1990, but looked like they were made in 1975. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Blackadder looked even older. Yeah. I don't know what that was because we're so used to American TV and then when you see British TV, you're like, this is bizarre. But then when you see our TV, you're like, what the hell is that? Why does our TV look like that?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Why is there a horse in every shot? How come nobody's using a gun for anything? This show's about cowboys. Why don't they have guns? Oh, this show's about cowboys. Why don't they have guns? Um, so, uh, what, what else is, uh, what else is shaken? Well, another thing that's happening is, um, uh, uh, so every year I like to make pies at in the summertime when fruit comes out i like to make pies at all times uh but it's just
Starting point is 00:25:46 i find it so much work to make the crust um right and then like it's such a mess and uh so i only end up making a couple at a time and then i bought extra pie pie uh plates and i throw i made a giant batch of pie crusts i made four yeah and i just froze them hell yeah and so whenever like uh you know fruit becomes available to me yes i i'm making a pie and so last i guess on monday i was like oh yeah let's make uh i bought a bunch of blackberries and i made a blackberry pie and then we were gonna have my parents over for dinner outside and i was like oh we can have quiche that's like the fanciest little boy on his birthday we can have quiche little boy on his birthday we can have quiche hooray and so that's uh a second pie crust used on the same day and then as we were waiting for my parents to come over my brother my sister-in-law came over with a giant box of blueberries and was like i bought a bunch of blueberries do i have so
Starting point is 00:27:01 many do you want some and so we took them and making made blueberry pie last night hell's yeah this is good this is really good i stacked up all these yeah crusts so i they would last for months i'm using them in a week yeah it's um you know it's the thing that i come across where i'm like if i buy several mars bars then that'll they'll win me over the rest of the week. And then exactly three hours later, I've eaten every single chocolate bar. And I feel gross, but you know what? I'd do it again.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Is Mars bar your favorite bar? I think I like, like, my all-time fave, I think, is Twix. Yeah. Because you get those two, and it's got cookie crumble. Yeah. What are you, a Snickers man? I like Twix. Yeah. Because you get those two and it's got cookie crumble. Yeah. What are you, a Snickers man? I like Twix. I like Kit Kat.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Oh, yeah. Kit Kat's fun. I love Coffee Crisp. Yeah, me too. I love Wonder Bar, which I know you can't have because. Is that, what does it got? Peanut butter in it or something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah. Peanut butter and caramel. And, you know. What has it got? Peanut butter in it or something? Yeah. Peanut butter and caramel. And you know. I like them all. A Mars though I don't think I would ever get. When I was a kid
Starting point is 00:28:16 I tried them all. Like I because there's so many and you see ads for them and you're like what's a Milky Way? And then you have one and you're like it's fine. Yeah and there's because there's so many and you see ads for them and you're like what's a milky way and then you have one and you're like it's fine yeah and there's uh was there's payday that's one in the states i think that has nuts in it uh whatchamacallit they have i i often like will build one up in my mind and i'm like oh this will be great like i haven't had this since i was a kid and i got like a nestle crunch bar with bar with the rice krispies in it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And then you eat it and you're like, that was fine. Yeah, that was fine. But you wouldn't be able to get it off your mind if you didn't get it. Yeah. There's one, I'm sure we talked about it on the show. And I haven't had it since the last time I went to Sweden. But they had these, the brand is marabou and they have these chocolate bars with corn nuts inside whoa that seems gross but it does it seems so gross
Starting point is 00:29:16 but i love it oh yeah they're so salty um yeah i wouldn't have thought that i would have liked whatever it's called chicago style popcorn because it's like uh competing flavors but uh it works man yeah if it works it works yeah um wasn't there a chocolate bar from sweden that was called plop was that yeah yeah there's plop there's a japanese one that's got an offensive name as well a japanese themed one oh that it's themed by uh by the swedish well i think it's got like a geisha on it and it similarly to plop has one syllable and i'm not gonna say what it is um uh yeah the um uh what's the like what's a chocolate bar that you've never had that you thought like real or fictional what's a chocolate bar that you've maybe you've seen one in a movie i have a fictional one on my mind go ahead is it from charlie and the chocolate factory yeah of course it's from yeah
Starting point is 00:30:17 it's such a giant like and he's a kid too so it's such a giant chocolate bar. Not even from the factory, just the ones with the tickets? Yeah, that's what really got my mind going on early on in my chocolate days. Yeah, I didn't see that until I was in my 30s. And by that, I mean the Johnny Depp one. The superior version. I've never seen the other one i wonder like i wonder about a lot of things that were around when i was younger is if kids now would be like what the fuck is this like that would be my grandfather showing me like a black and white film about a train yeah coming towards you this is
Starting point is 00:31:07 really scared us i recommend a diaper for this movie yeah this is this was the horror of our time um the uh well yesterday margo was like i think i'd like to watch she somehow had heard of the movie freaky friday oh yeah and i was like oh yeah that's i think all right um and then i went looking on disney plus and there's three freaky fridays not uh so like i know she doesn't want to see jodie foster oh yeah which is what i doing her character from taxi driver yeah well her mother is you know smashing people around with a field hockey stick or whatever happens in that movie and okay so the first one is jodie foster then who took up the mantle uh then the next one is lindsey lohan and jamie lee curtis right and then there's a new one that came out two years ago with nobody i've ever heard of so i'm not i think we're going low hand um there's a so many
Starting point is 00:32:12 kid stars that i have no idea what they're famous for uh are they a youtube star are they on a disney channel are they on strictly come dancing kids um yeah it was uh yeah i was i'm surprised did she like it did she think it was good this is this hasn't happened yet oh okay yeah well so keep me updated yeah i'll update you guys if we watch it this week um but i always thought the the lindsey lohan jamie lee curtis that was i thought was the top that you can't get any better than that did you see those two working together uh i've seen parts of it did you see the old jodie foster one no that one i feel like was on tv all the time and it you know it was it looked like it was made in the same era as Mr. Bean.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Yeah. But I saw it a few times and I liked it. What was the one where it's a girl? It's like a woman big. 13 going on 30? Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who is that? Who's the lead in that?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Jennifer Garner. Jennifer Garner. Yeah. yeah um who is that who's the lead in that jennifer garner jennifer garner yeah um she's now like uh you know some kind of cream spokesperson she's a creamer she's just on behalf of the council of cream yeah she's a cream lady she's cream queen hey what uh hey everyone this is jennifer garner for cream uh you know there's a lot of rumors out there going on about cream and i wanted to set a few things straight yeah it's you can drink it you can make a body lotion out of it those are the two things that are creams put it in your jeans oh that's another movie that i wonder down the road what movie is that talking about greece oh is that the chixel cream yeah yeah is that what got you there oh yeah
Starting point is 00:34:12 i'm wondering would that be uh there's a uh what's it called uh there's a website that like you go to and it'll like give you recommendations on the age range you put you type in a movie and they'll be like it has this and this and your kid might not be ready for that right we recommend you know age seven for this but um it's like or something i forget but it's um oh it's common sense media yeah that might be oh, it's Common Sense Media? Yeah, that might be it. Oh, yeah, that's, yeah, I've heard of that. But I've disagreed with a few of the things there. And then some of the things I'm like, yeah, maybe you're right.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Maybe my soon-to-be six-year-old daughter doesn't need to see E.T. turn white. Yeah. Like, yeah, I don't know. I liked some old movies when i was a kid i loved like the wizard of oz and uh company um but yeah i i like my cousin was obsessed with greece and uh she was a spokesperson for the greece council so yeah was she older than you nope same age and uh but like that's the first time i saw it do you ever kiss no sadly we're not that type not not like nicholas cage and share um what does that phrase mean the phrase kissing cousins yeah is that people that that marry their cousins or i don't know i i feel like it's a childhood thing like it's not it's it's about
Starting point is 00:35:55 yeah i don't know i look i'm gonna go on the record i never kissed any of my cousins i don't think i've ever kissed a family member oh yeah you're not uh there's no no aunt somewhere in your family oh sure they went on you oh sure yeah i'll i'll you know cop a feel uh no i mean like um i don't like you know you kiss your mom and dad when you're a kid, but I don't think as siblings we kissed. No, I never kissed my brothers, that's for sure. A lot of titty twisters. I think we would have gotten into trouble for calling a purple nurple a titty twist. Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:48 for sure. Yeah. Yeah. You feel like your parents would be like, listen, that's unacceptable. You have the word nurple at your disposal. I am.
Starting point is 00:37:00 So I wrestle with the kids. Oh yeah. Yeah. There's always the like, well, like i don't do it i i haven't done that i haven't nurpled anything i haven't purpled any nurples um i've done the typewriter thing where you tap on their like clavicle oh yeah yeah um uh until they can't take it anymore which is i i don't I don't want to do it that long. And then the, uh, uh, we, we don't use the term anymore, but the regular, just, it's just called a rope burn.
Starting point is 00:37:34 We just do a rope burn. Rope burn, sure. Snake bite was another, that was another. Oh, is that when you just, you just grab their thigh? Uh, no, I thought it was, it was a similar twisting. Oh, that's a shark bite i don't know anyways it's weird that some things sustain over yeah and then i'm not uh i don't want to i don't want to introduce the idea of wet willies into the house oh yeah well let them find out for themselves in the outside world because yeah that's a precious childhood memory that'll last for years dad what's a wet willy and then face washing i guess you didn't have that here
Starting point is 00:38:10 oh yeah anytime it snowed yeah face washing was it's that sucks it's like there's no there's no it sucks so much like there's no it's not fun. Like, you get hit with a snowball in the back. That's like, oh, well, yep. All right. We're having a snowball fight. We're having fun. You get hit with a snowball in the face. You should have seen it coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But someone just, like, grabs your face and rubs snow into it. No fun. No fun. And it does seem like the only times that it happened to me uh the people who are doing it were sociopaths so yeah it's never your friend no it's just some bully that like it's somehow in grade seven but also drives to school every day yeah yeah yeah like your friends are having a snowball fight and he showed up and he's not one of your friends yeah it's like the equivalent
Starting point is 00:39:06 of playing paintball and then somebody just dunking your head in a bucket of paint but like sharp paint that likes really really scratchy paint dunking your head in like your dried paint yes yeah yes or rubbing a brick of paint on your face. Yeah. It's a, it's not a perfect system, but no, it will work it out.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And then the laser tag. And then so somebody pins you down and shines a laser in your eye. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what's going on with you? I have been, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:44 producing, uh, some outdoor comedy shows right you love it i love it i love these do it while the while the weather's good yeah exactly because this is uh this is limited time offer and uh it's been a lot of fun it's kind of like campfire time we wait until it's dark and then so this last round was the second time you've done it yeah did you do it in the same location yes yeah someone's backyard somebody's backyard and i will do the third one in the same location as well when's that that's on the labor day weekend ah yeah and yeah i think um yeah it's been a lot of fun. And it's, you know, the people only get the address the day of. So because there's no extra tickets, nobody can show up with a friend and buy tickets at the door.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's, you know, you have to buy your tickets in advance. But when I go, when I look at, because I've clicked on the link to buy tickets, it gives an address. It's true. And I have to put a fake. It is the address of the ups store that's correct that where we accept uh where people can send us things to our po box like that corn nut chocolate and hello swedes hey hey did you like midsummer that was a big movie about you yeah yeah yeah um so yeah like uh you know we got all these procedures in place
Starting point is 00:41:08 hand sanitizer everybody has to wear masks if they go in to use the washroom all that kind of stuff and uh so last the last time i did it the friday the whole day pissing rain right is it a freaky it was a freaky friday it was a freaky Friday. I had changed bodies with Tom Selleck. And Tom Selleck was a young me. And I had a mustache. He didn't. He had to get used to not having a mustache. Is that the plot of In-N-Out?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Do he and Kevin Kline change bodies? No. do he and kevin klein change bodies no i think he he accepts uh an award and he accidentally outs his teacher that doesn't realize that he is gay uh the teacher so he outs a man who's not even aware that he's gay that is correct yeah how i'm okay how i don't know um so i just pulled this up on uh wikipedia for some reason it wouldn't give me any uh information on share and nicholas cage's age but um this is wildly widely noted for the 12 second kiss between kevin klein and Tom Selleck. Yeah. Um, 12 seconds. I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:42:27 I've seen bits of it when it's been on TV and, uh, there's a thing. I think there's a scene where he dances that that maybe is the cover of it. Yeah. I'm dancing strictly directed by, uh, Frank Oz directed by Frank Oz.
Starting point is 00:42:42 It is very good. Um, he directed a movie uh that had marlon brando and er uh who the hell was it robert de niro yeah i think he was talking about the score yeah the score who was edward norton was he the other norton yeah and marla or marlon brando was so pissy that he said he was not gonna take direction from a guy who was miss piggy yeah well it's true yeah he was miss piggy what was the last movie that frank oz directed while you're on the on the internet okay let me look that up okay and it's frank oz and you are saying about the pissing rain yo yeah i'll get i'll get back to this if we just uh fire figure out what and we just need to know frank oz's most recent directorial effort
Starting point is 00:43:40 yeah okay uh muppet guys talking documentary we're not gonna count that uh leverage tv series not gonna count that death at a funeral oh i'm the kind of guy who has a death at a funeral um yeah so anyways pissing rain whole day didn't know if i'd have to like refund all the people's money and um so i went down to canadian tire and i bought myself a bunch of tarps and rope and bungee cords and i was like i'm gonna tarp the shit out of this thing but a i hadn't thought that i can't do it with my ribs still all fucked up okay you tarp it in what sense like before the rain wets it um yeah there was a there was a brief period like around five o'clock where there was no rain and so i uh i went there with all these tarps and i had no idea what i was doing and luckily
Starting point is 00:44:47 somebody who was coming to the show wrote to me and said what's going on for tonight and i said oh we'll be setting up tarps and stuff and she said well my boyfriend does that for a living and uh so you know he sets up the the stuff for Bart on the Beach. Oh, boy. Yeah. That's not happening. No. So this guy's, you know, he's craving some tarp action. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:11 He's got, he's just, just give me a reason. And he was, he was probably the most sure-footed guy I've ever seen. Like a goat? Yeah. He was like a goat. He got up on a chain link fence and walked along the pole that was holding up the chain link fence which i've never seen anybody do was it man on wire it was man on wire he was a french guy couldn't understand a lot of what he
Starting point is 00:45:36 was saying but nice nice guy um yeah the uh so guy, what would have taken me easily two and a half, three hours, he set up in just under 20, like 20 hours. Yeah, exactly. I would have done it at the faster way. We missed the show. It was a complete debacle. And also I wouldn't know where to attach things to make them useful so i don't know why i thought i could do that but uh man if he didn't come along uh i would have been you should yeah out of luck someone literally was like oh you should call my tarp guy yeah and you know what
Starting point is 00:46:20 if i need a tarp again he's who i'm going to so then the show happened was a was the ground already wet yes the ground was but we had uh chairs that had been stored in the garage so they were okay uh so you uh the show happened was it dry by was it still raining during showtime no and that's the thing it didn't it's clearest skies I've ever seen in Vancouver all night long. And you just see all the stars and not under the tarp. You couldn't see anything through the tarp. So the tarp was above the whole show? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Oh, wow. Yeah. And like this guy, he was connecting it to the roof of the garage. He was amazing. He's a tarp master. Yeah, tarp man. He saved the day. Hey, this is Jennifer garner for tarps and i just want everyone to know they're not tents they're no their own thing i've never i bought a tarp this year um what
Starting point is 00:47:19 just a cover of uh uh some stuff like uh but underneath our patio water still goes through it but we want to put stuff underneath there right uh and cover it with a tarp in the rainy season uh it hasn't been such a big deal at the moment and i went up and down home depot and could not find any tarps no i don't think they have them at home depot well are you kind of why not yeah then they had one and it was uh a truck tarp it said and i was like sure and it's so heavy it's like the it's way too big i need a much smaller tarp do they come in sizes they do come in sizes and if you go to canadian tire um and every time i go to canadian tire forget how much fun it is to go there uh what's your favorite thing uh i like wandering around in the camping section just
Starting point is 00:48:12 thinking if i was a camper which things i would buy like a really tiny sleeping bag that goes in a tiny little bag that you could just throw in your backpack stuff like that yeah just good luck trying to crush it down after you sleep in it though yeah exactly there's a special kind of sleeping bag physics that where it expands and will never contract ever again yeah it's like a bag of cereal when you take it out of the cardboard box impossible suddenly it suddenly becomes like a very bottom heavy cardboard box like the card my mini wheats have a gut now um yeah so we uh got the tarp up did the shows and then of course i had i had to go back and take it all down now that was my time to shine i took it all down in five minutes so what's the guy the guy who set it up what his what's his job title i think he would be like either a rigger or yeah or i don't know that the because that's yeah that's the only
Starting point is 00:49:21 term i know i guess if he was on a film set, he maybe would be a gaffer. Ah, you can't gaff what you can't catch. Yeah. That's right. That's the old expression that my parents used to say at Christmas. Yeah, and stop kissing your cousin. Stop kissing your cousin. She loves grease.
Starting point is 00:49:40 She wants to, like, she's going to try to show you her jeans. Do not. Do not. Under no circumstances. loves grease she wants to like she's gonna try to show you her jeans do not do not under no circumstances um i don't think i saw grease until i was in my late teens yeah it was weird i remember watching it as a kid and being like this is not good i don't like this um except for the part that now drives me nuts as an adult the part where the car flies off into the sky you like you sat through the whole thing and you liked that that was the only thing the last second of the movie so but then you didn't you didn't that wasn't the only thing in the movie that was for you you love sid caesar or whoever who plays the coach was it like
Starting point is 00:50:26 sid caesar or red buttons or someone like that you love uh whoever six beauty school dropout johnny mathis yeah all my favorites um but now as a an adult i don't understand how they got away with that flying car business because that wasn't the reality that the movie was taking place in i thought you were gonna say now as an adult i love it and my number one search term on porn hub is chixel cream um isn't there another line about a tit as well in that song maybe i mean I mean, there's apparently there's like the guy who directed it was like a big coke guy and he would have
Starting point is 00:51:11 these like lavish parties and he was kind of making up grease at the movie kind of as he went along. He didn't really have a solid plan. I need to know more coke guys yeah i don't uh i don't know any hardly any i think what where the what are the careers that uh you know coke
Starting point is 00:51:32 smuggler first of all yeah uh yeah window a mirror man a guy who sells mirrors oh sure yeah Oh, sure. Yeah. Dollar bill roller. Yeah. I guess here we have to like balance Coke on a loonie and then stick it up our nose. We can't do that. That's true. We don't have a dollar bill. Yeah. I think, but wouldn't you use a, like a, I think a larger dollar bill would work as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Or I use a crazy straw. That would be fun. Be a fun. Yeah. See it go through the tube oh sure yeah actually you can't use dollar bills anymore because if you throw them out they end up you know choking a turtle or whatever you gotta use some kind of reusable straw yeah yeah is that so much to ask um they must have those now i guess maybe they always did but cocaine like a little short
Starting point is 00:52:27 metal cocaine straw i think i mentioned it on the podcast out of the back of you know rolling stone magazine it was some weird it was like gentlemen's like penthouse or something like that and it had like coke accessories in the back in the back page penthouse the porn mag for gentlemen because there's like marijuana has always been like we don't even have to advertise in the back of magazines we have our own kind of semi-legal shops yeah we've got shops but yeah coke coke doesn't have shops um but also i feel like i could be miscasting here but i feel like uh people in the nightclub slash restaurant industry i think probably there's a fair amount of coke there airline pilots probably or at least truck drivers um yeah sure you know performance
Starting point is 00:53:28 artists of all stripes uh chatty people yeah chatty people that's right people who are trying to get you and to invest in their idea yeah the whole flamenco community guitarists and dancers and castanets i'm looking at you slappy slappy fingers here's looking at you clappy wasn't clappy fingers uh didn't he play the gym teacher in greece uh man i forgot i forgot that who's the who's the woman that uh she's the woman that she's the beauty school dropout? What's her name? I don't know. She's got a really funny name. Anyways. Honko the Clown, maybe.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Is that a funny name? Yeah, it is a funny name. Yeah, I can't remember. Anyways. So, yeah, I set up a tarp. No, I didn't. I didn't do anything. You took down a tarp. yeah, I set up a tarp. No, I didn't. I didn't do anything. You took down a tarp.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Yeah. I took down a tarp and it was embarrassing how little rope I brought. He brought his own rope. So, cause I've, it was me. I only had the equivalent of like four shoelaces and that wouldn't have worked in the slightest.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Cause I don't know anything about rope that's the other no yeah that's true did you do like because i did cub scouts yeah cubs um they didn't teach us any knots or if they did they maybe did one day on knots and the rest was just like they spent the time just like inspecting our fingernails. Yeah, that's right. You had to clean fingernails. And what were the teams called? They were sixes.
Starting point is 00:55:12 You were in the six. Were they sixes? Or were they colors? They were colors. And I think they were called sixes because there were six in every group. Okay. Well, maybe. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:24 I just remember there was maybe red i don't i don't remember what any of the other colors were but i remember one of the colors was tawny um yeah i uh i think i was in the white the white triangle and yeah um and there was a kid that when we'd sit in a row and get our nails inspected he always had the filthiest nails as if he didn't realize that this was going to be a thing every time today oh oh man i was just digging through would they check were they would just do your nails did they do like your teeth or your hair i think you had to have your hair nicely combed but they weren't but they weren't checking for lice.
Starting point is 00:56:09 No, but I think if they found it, then that was a bonus. There would be a learning moment. When you were a kid, was there a lice outbreak at your school? No. No. Me neither. You? No.
Starting point is 00:56:22 No, but I know people who have, and I'm fascinated by it. It's going to be as schools reopen. Oh,ice is gonna make a comeback yeah lice is gonna be making a comeback i remember a kid spreading rumors that if you got lice the only way to fix it was to shave your head i remember i thought it was if you got lice you had to kiss your cousin my and it was my cousin who said that get over here you oh man it's uh isn't it weird that like i don't know if you had the same thing with your cousins but you only see them like a couple times a year or whatever and you're just you're grouped together like uh if there's one that's 10 and one that's 7 and one that's 13 you just all have to table yeah but like before and after dinner you had
Starting point is 00:57:12 to find some common ground yeah you know like okay i guess we'll watch you know the ewok adventure or whatever yeah and then maybe they had one of those tubes that you crawl through or something like that. Something you didn't have at home. Maybe they did. Yeah. They owned a lot more gumboots than you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But it's a weird thing to make kids do. Like we're forcing you all to hang out while the adults get drunk upstairs. Dave, go hang out with this kid with a mullet. Why? He's related to you. He's related to you he's related to you no smooching um yeah it is one of the weirder just try and stop me see it's one of the weirder things that uh that kids have to do but they they have to it's the it's the law yeah um do you do did all of your cousins
Starting point is 00:58:06 live far away no i had one cousin oh three cousins in the in city limits and then the other the other chapter was over in ireland um oh wow yeah you didn't even have other canadian cousins i had three canadian cousins that was the total and but they were all in the city yeah like we have i had cousins in the city but then we had like others around the country right and then would you ever did your family ever do like a jamboree or anything like that oh yeah we went down like a reunion no but we would go visit them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember we went to Montreal to visit the Montreal Cousins in maybe 85. Right. And I remember they showed us two things we had never seen before.
Starting point is 00:58:56 One was fried Cheerios. I've never seen that before either. I know. No one else has either. Where you take some Cheerios and you just fry them you saute them really with butter and salt that's and they end up just tasting like popcorn sounds good and the other was poutine oh wow and because like we think of poutine as this consummately canadian food yeah but no one in 1985 like it was it was just a Montreal thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know how it broke so wide all over the country, but.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Dirtbags? I think probably dirtbags. Dirtbags. Hanging out in parking lots, eating poutine. Yeah, yeah. That's the only place that can be enjoyed. That's for anybody who's not from Canada. They're only, you're only allowed to consume it in a Couchetard.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah, it's a loitering food um uh well should we uh do you think we should get down to some business okay oh everybody it's the tron time we're talking about the jumbotron that is and uh this week on the jumbotron we have two messages yeah can you believe it the first message this one is to eli from shiny hey shiny hi shiny and this one's from you to eli and let's hear it and here it goes the message is hey you're super cute that's right everyone's nose i think they meant everyone knows no he's a coke guy everyone's nose oh yes this is uh this is further to our cocaine conversation early um so yes uh shiny you are very cute you're super cute i'm sure there was a conversation where
Starting point is 01:00:47 eli uh oh wait no eli you're cute shiny i don't know what you look like eli's cute i'm sure there was a conversation where eli was like i'm not that cute no one needs to know about this or maybe this is a first move on behalf of shiny like i know you listen to this podcast so let's uh i'll say that you're super cute kind of bait the hook you know get things going yeah do you think it's shiny shell shock from crazy town yeah of course i just assumed it was um he's dead or maybe shifty shell shock is he dead the shifty shell shock die i don't know uh hey hey alexa uh is shifty shell shock dead and how much younger is he than share shifty share shock no he's alive oh he is so good i'm glad yeah i think he was maybe in a coma at some point
Starting point is 01:01:42 yeah um but you know what they say about a coma you gotta come in a coma at some point. Yeah. You know what they say about a coma? You got to come out of it at some point. There's only two ways out of a coma. Death or waking up. Now we have another message. Okay. It says, look for ABC movies and 30 years later on itunes did you love the movie clubs we did this summer but want to hear them from hosts who didn't sound like they hated it oh that was
Starting point is 01:02:15 okay oh boy check out 30 years later from writer chris chafin and aol builds ricky camilleri every week they look back at movies that premiered 30 years ago, your faves and ones you forgot existed, Total Recall, Problem Child, and Pump Up the Volume, and more. 30 years later, is this still okay to watch? Also, FYI, Chris interviewed us in 2012, and it was the highlight of our lives. Yeah, it was. I remember that well. i googled it he definitely did nice and uh yeah check that out i like the idea like uh looking back at things that
Starting point is 01:02:57 came out 30 years ago yeah my only problem is that that is uh 1990 and i can't believe that's 30 years ago yeah that's true it's the old i think it didn't macaulay culkin tweet something it was like want to feel old i'm 40 oh culkin you still make us laugh to this very day you're still like even with all the competition you're still one of the best culkins yeah exactly i mean uh kieran really made a run for it but macaulay still got it who's the other one rory yeah maybe rory who's the dad kit kit from night rider yeah yeah kit from night rider had sex with a lady. His cousin, if you want to believe it. I would like to see that family tree where a full car and a full lady are first cousins?
Starting point is 01:03:54 Share a grandparent? So your granddaddy was a truck. Should we move on to some overheards? Okay. Hey, J. Keith. Hey, Helen. Hey, you've got another true-false quiz for me? Yep.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Our trivia podcast, Go Fact Yourself, used to be in front of a live audience. True. Turns out that's not so safe anymore. Correct. Next. Unfortunately, this means we can no longer record the show. False. The show still comes out every first and third Friday of the month.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Correct. Finally, we still have great celebrity guests answering trivia about things they love on every episode of Go Fact Yourself. Definitely true. And for bonus points, name some of them. Recently, we've had Ophira Eisenberg plus tons of surprise experts like Yardley Smith and Suzanne Somers.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Perfect score. You can hear Go Fact Yourself every first and third Friday of the month with all the great guests and trivia that we've always had. And if you don't listen, well, then you can go fact yourself. That's the name of our podcast. Correct. Correct. Overheard.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Overheard's a segment in which... Graham, shut up. It's time for my favorite segment in the show. Here it goes. What's the age difference between Nicolas Cage and Cher? My guess is 18 years. Exactly. 18 years.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Boom. 1946 to 1964. Oh, that's a nice little... Yeah, that's fun. They're anagrams um uh now we have no guests for overheards this week so we're gonna start with dave and then we're gonna take it from there and i believe you have two i think i have two they're both over scenes okay um boy i one of them might not be one uh but let's start with the other one uh so i uh
Starting point is 01:05:48 was looking at a gofundme page yeah uh a local guy had was had his leg broken standing up against hate speech yeah and very brave and very unfortunate result. Yes. And he, I was looking at the names of the people who donated just so, because I could tell early on that we knew a lot of the same people. And I was like, hey, who's doling out? And what would be an appropriate donation for me? You know, I don't want to make a big splash, but I don't want to be a cheapskate. Yeah, absolutely. So I was looking at the names and, you know, I don't want to make a big splash, but I, you know, I don't want to be a cheapskate. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:36 So I was looking at the names and, uh, you know, how is sometimes people put a funny name like, uh, you know, uh, Mike Roch or something. Yes. Mike Roch. Yeah. Have you seen someone put the name Haywood Jablomi? I love it. An Italian name. Yes. but with the first name haywood but i always assumed that this would be spelled h-a-y-w-o-o-d like a name yeah well this person
Starting point is 01:06:55 spelt it h-e-y like hey w-o-u-l-d wood hey would you blow me? So they, I, they missed the part where it was supposed to be a, like a, a name. Yeah, exactly. And you know what? You guys tried, but barely.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah. And that's the result that you get. You donated $25 and that's nothing. Just sneeze at. Absolutely. Um, I should have donated 69. That's,
Starting point is 01:07:22 that's always should be the rule when you're donating everything. 69 or $6 and 99 cents. Yeah. Okay. Um, do you have another, you've got another. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Um, I don't know if this is anything I, so I, I've, in my Instagram, I was advertised these stylish goggles called stuggles. And I was like, Oh oh what are these for are they like for like i i'll play tennis with my dad and i take my glasses off to play but maybe if there were like prescription goggles that were cheap i would consider doing that but that's not what this is uh they were just they're just goggles for um people to stop touching their
Starting point is 01:08:05 eyes during covid so it's like uh the cone that you put on your dog but yeah uh stoggles stylish protection for your eyes protects from dirty fingers and airborne droplets pretty good and they look good or they're just like swimming style goggles uh no they're like it like the thing is they're not like athletic style goggles which is what i would think like you know like uh kurt rambis wore what horace grant wore i don't know i do that basketball players um but they're no they're just like glasses but they have like another sort of like plastic panel on the side yes yeah kind of remember those the leathery ones that you would wear if you were a steampunk in the desert those were the coolest sunglasses when i was a kid that was that that made you made
Starting point is 01:09:00 it if you had those sunglasses yeah yeah yeah and that and like uh i guess this is just a desert thing of like the hat that has like a mullet at the back yes but i feel like there was a skater version as well like vans made one yeah santa cruz and then you watch something about like the foreign legion and they're they've all got those hats yeah yeah they were way ahead of us and that movie you watched about the Foreign Legion was Legionnaire starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Yeah. That's how I learned about it.
Starting point is 01:09:33 My overheard is I was walking past a movie theater that has been closed for quite a while and they're brand new, open, and they're showing the movie tenant and the, the N had fallen off of the thing. And somebody said, Oh look, E.T.
Starting point is 01:09:54 They're showing E.T. I thought it was just going to be teat. Yeah. Cause E.T. was just hanging out there and, uh, somebody was very excited and then would have gone in and seen a christopher uh nolan yeah nolan yeah christopher lloyd movie that's what i was thinking
Starting point is 01:10:14 uh he's good he's doing he's doing all right right i would like to see Christopher Lloyd in all of the, you know, Christopher Nolan movies. Yes. I would like Dr. Emmett Brown to have to like explain Inception. That would have helped. That would have helped a lot. Yeah. I don't know what Tenet is about. No, I mean.
Starting point is 01:10:38 It looks cool and it looks like it goes. Yeah. And it's like, you know, on the poster, there's a guy and then himself behind the guy uh-huh yeah so whatever that means and is he denzel washington's son oh i have no idea i uh if i'm wrong we'll cut it out um but would you what would it take for you to go to a movie right now well i went to that one uh oh yeah the woman rented out the whole theater yeah but i wouldn't go to one where it's just like people just milling about in the in because everybody has to go through that tiny lobby
Starting point is 01:11:20 you know the lobby is very small and yeah i just now i can't vision i can't envision it um and then eating popcorn with your hands i need those goggles but for my hands what do they call those gloves yeah uh but for yeah if they made like an athletic glove then i would buy it but no i'm not buying just regular movie gloves john david washington is is Denzel Washington's son. If it's the same Denzel Washington. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:50 And we wish him the best with his new venture, E.T. Yes. Now, we also have overheard sent in to us from all over the map. If you want to send one in, you can send it into spy at This first one comes from Amy W. from Los Angeles. I was walking down the hall in my house and heard my older sister yell out to her six-year-old daughter, that's not the Joker, That's Kirstie Alley.
Starting point is 01:12:32 What is the kid watching? Veronica's Glover. Or is the kid like yeah, like going through Us magazine from 15 years ago being like, is this the Joker? Nope. Do you think america's ready for kirsty alley as the joker yeah i mean there i've often been saying there needs to be a woman joker it needs to be a woman alfred uh woman uh george whatever his name is, Commissioner Gordon. Yeah, George Gordon.
Starting point is 01:13:06 George Gordon. Commissioner George Gordon. It's short for Jordan Gordon. Uh, this next one comes, uh, from Sabrina P. Uh, I overheard this near Metrotown in Burnaby. One dad to another dad. It was just past the best before date when we finished it, and now I get home, and there's another one liter container she bought. I guess we're a house that always has tahini now.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Yeah, I think you can go past the best before date on tahini. What is tahini? Is it sesame seeds? Is that what it is? Yeah, I think it's like a sesame paste. Yeah. brush teeth with or no you don't uh you can use it to me i make a salad dressing with garlic and and uh soy nice that sounds good sounds like a really good salad dressing um you're quite the uh you're quite the cook between uh these fancy dinners and your fancy pies yeah well as if it's fancy i'll do it give me some fancy molasses some fancy ketchup
Starting point is 01:14:11 um this last one comes from meg in chicago uh about 10 years ago when i lived in new york i overheard my neighbors a college-age couple, having a huge fight. It ended with the female partner screaming, I can't believe I pierced my belly button for you. For you. What? Put our engagement ring in there. That was what.
Starting point is 01:14:39 What is going on? Why do you care what your partner does with their belly button? going on why does he why do you care what your partner does with their belly button i think they he's just a fan of that one aerosmith video and he wanted to relive oh yeah where the guy makes a pizza on her alicia silverstone's stomach is that from hot shots no he's like uh they put like so much red sauce around her belly button when he's doing the belly button piercing. I forgot all of that. I thought, oh man. That might have been a Beavis and Butthead observation.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Yeah. Well, they made all the observations. Could you tell me the plot of that video? Could you tell me the name of that video? Cryin'? Is that Livin living on the edge oh that might have been crying yeah i think that's crying and the yeah living on the edge was edward furlong right and then crazy was with live tyler yeah she gets he's going nuts and she gets a
Starting point is 01:15:38 belly button piercing and then she jumps off a bridge and yeah steven dorf is her boyfriend yeah and she jumps off a bridge and there Steven Dorff is her boyfriend Yeah And she jumps off a bridge And there's no She's standing on the bridge Looking suicidal Yeah She jumps off And The cops have
Starting point is 01:15:52 Closed traffic around The bridge Yes But not under the bridge So if she jumps She will Jump into Into highway traffic
Starting point is 01:16:01 Yes And she jumps And then suddenly She does have a bungee cord and harness around her yeah and she looks back at steven dorf and gives him the finger while cars are driving underneath and i remember that they would pixel out the finger oh wow yeah that's uh aerosmith was too hot for much music that was uh what did they oh too hot for much music. That was, what did they, oh, too much for much. That's what they called their controversial show.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Boy, I wonder what they'll do about this whole wet-ass P word. What's Much Music going to do about that in 1996? They're going to use the alternate lyrics. What are the other letters? i know a is one of them wap wap that song is so funny i love that people are offended by it it's like literally 50 like it's like if a comedian did you know comedians who did jokes about their own dicks yeah it's just like here's 50 jokes about my vagina that's all the vagina monologues was yeah 50 jokes about my vagina it's um there's a i saw a clip of cardi b
Starting point is 01:17:14 talking uh and tucker carlson was very mad about this video and he because he's never made one ever in his life how dare you that bow tie really gets me going uh he he showed this clip of her of cardi b and she had it was maybe an instagram clip or something and it they had to bleep out so many words but the words that weren't bleeped made it the funniest thing i've ever seen it was like uh a lot of you women out there asking about a dry ass bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep you got to tell your man that his bleep smells like mustard bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep wash your hands bleep bleep bacon egg and cheese bleep bleep oh man that is good yeah it's like yeah they just picked the greatest words to not bleep yeah and uh yeah don't don't get your uh music source don't let fox news be your music source i know but there's they're my
Starting point is 01:18:22 source for everything now do we have uh phoned in you want phoned in ones oh you know i do should we even bother this week no no i think we should the people okay okay well uh in addition to overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh, SpyPod 1, like these people have. Hi, Dave, Graham, and guests. This is Casey from Arkansas, and I have a kid say the darnedest overheard. It was my mother-in-law's birthday the other day, and we were doing just some FaceTiming with her, and she mentioned that she was 50 years old and my son, who's only five, said to her,
Starting point is 01:19:09 well, Grammy, take care of yourself so you don't die. All right, thanks, bye. Yeah, well, that kid's got half of the concept. You know, take care of yourself. It'll be longer until you do. Yeah, oh yeah,, kid. Everyone dies. Yeah. You got to learn about that the same time that you learn about Greece.
Starting point is 01:19:31 How? It's a heavy week. Like, how old were your grandparents? Having a 50-year-old grandmother when I'm five. It seems young, right? That's very young. Like, you're going to have your grandma for 50 more years maybe yeah and then she'll be able to do some like kind of modern dances at your wedding yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:19:53 she's still plugged into that kind of stuff yeah like she'll do the wet ass pussy dance she was born in 1970 yeah wow so she will be doing the hustle um here's your next phone call hi dave and graham this is an overheard my name is andy i'm from denver um i was visiting the phoenix zoo and they had an andean bear i believe it was on display and there was an informational little description about the bear that started with something like um often described as a monkey in a bear suit because this bear is so playful and then it went on and i was behind a woman who was reading this and she turns to a friend and she says oh it's not actually a bear it's a monkey in a bear suit. Thanks, guys. Love the show. Bye. Let me educate you.
Starting point is 01:20:55 Yeah, I would love the zoo that actually puts a monkey in a bear suit. Please. Yeah. Please, one zoo, do it one time and send us a picture. Yeah. That's so much to ask. Yes, and send me some of that chocolate with the corn nuts. Here your final overheard hi graham and dave and maybe guests nope uh i'm we tried calling from new england and i am in a text thread with some uh other queer gentlemen and uh a few of
Starting point is 01:21:20 them are talking about how they're very attracted to stupid men today. And this was just an overseeing that someone said. One of them said, I was on the subway and some beefy straight guy forgot the word waterfall and I wanted to jump on him. And I thought that was a real gem. If you forgot the word waterfall, how would you describe it? Like a cliff water yeah like um you know niagara thing it's uh niagara i can't come up with that word either yeah niagara oh boy don't go chasing yes it's like a toilet in the in the uh nature giant nature toilet uh why is that okay well why are is it are you allowed to be attracted to stupid men but if i if i like oh i want my women stupid i'm suddenly i'm a misogynist
Starting point is 01:22:17 um they're just pointing out the hypocrisy and the dumb patriarchy yeah what are you gonna do yeah and you know what sometimes the hottest people are the stupidest yeah that's true I'm looking at you gronk not the football player
Starting point is 01:22:41 the caveman well that seems like it's the end of the Not the football player, the caveman. Well, that seems like it's the end of the show. We made it. We did it. We did it in spite of everything. Apologies to our guest. Yeah, we'll work it out.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Well, Dave, this has been a blast. Hey, I want to encourage everyone to listen to the new season of This Sounds Serious. This is a true crime show, the fake true crime show that I make. It's season three. It's all about con man. And it has your usual stars, your Carly Pope. It has, you know, well, she's the usual, but it has a cast of local characters. Paul F. Tompkins is in it.
Starting point is 01:23:27 He's not local. He plays an Interpol agent. And, you know, many past guests of this show. Amy Goodmurphy, Ryan Beal, Pat Kelly, who will hopefully come on the show in the next few weeks. Yeah. So, yeah, This Sounds Serious Season 3 out now. I also, I forgot to mention a couple weeks ago, I was a guest on a podcast called The Landlord and Tenant Podcast.
Starting point is 01:23:54 Yes. With past guests Mike Palazzo and James Hartnett. Yes. And that was a lot of fun. It was, you know, just some guys chatting. Yeah. Just a couple of good old boys sitting around. Did I see that you were on a podcast about feelings?
Starting point is 01:24:16 Yeah, it was called Feel Feelings. And we talked about the feeling of befuddlement or bewilderment. Yeah. Uh-oh. One of the two. But yeah, it or bewilderment. Yeah. Oh, one of the two. Um, but yeah, it was,
Starting point is 01:24:27 it was fun. Um, you can find that on, um, Quibi. Uh, that's, it's a Quibi exclusive.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Um, uh, yeah, I got, I got nothing to plug. Well, except, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:41 follow you on Twitter. Uh, if you want to find out how to get to these um labor day outside oh labor day shows yeah and i guarantee you it's the last time you'll see me wearing white for a long time um well thanks so much dave this has been a blast yes i did have fun i really did i always do gra. This is a fun thing. It's not work, really. It's so much fun.
Starting point is 01:25:13 It never feels like work. No, not when I'm doing it. When I'm scheduling it and working on it later, it's work. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And double the workload since it's been this uh this digital version it's always been a digital version graham oh we didn't do it on reel-to-reel for the first couple episodes no i mailed them out to people you know yeah no we did we did a wax cylinder before but then we went digital by which i mean we've fingered each other and you know find me a couple of podcast hosts that haven't you know exactly thank you
Starting point is 01:25:46 well uh thank you all you out there for listening uh take care of yourselves be safe out there and come on back to next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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