Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 663 - Rhea Butcher

Episode Date: December 1, 2020

Comedian Rhea Butcher returns to talk skateboarding, buying a car, and renting a car. Cars, cars, cars!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 663 of stop podcasting yourself my name is graham clark and with me as always a man who has his name up on the screen as the honorable dave shumka attorney at law mr dave shumka i i thought it was a judge oh you're a judge that's right yeah what do they call barristers is that what what we call lawyers? I don't know if we, yeah, I call them barristers or I knew, uh, like I met a lawyer who's younger than me a little while ago and I was like, Oh, what kind of law do you do? And he said litigation.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I was like, Oh, well, interesting. I wanted him to be like karate law. Yeah. Karate law. I do a lot be like karate law. Yeah. Karate law. I do a lot of martial arts law. Um, our guest today, a return guest to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Uh, you will be able to hear their debut, not debut album, but a newest album sometime in the near future. And I don't know what the name of it is either. It's real butcher what's up i gave you the like most vague like yeah sure promote this thing maybe it's happening maybe it's not i'm so glad to be back here you guys it's so great to see you both yeah you as well this is uh this
Starting point is 00:01:39 is a real treat yeah what a pandemic treat um sorry can i say pandemic is it supposed to live in the this is supposed to live forever this is supposed to be yeah it's gotta don't make any references to anything ever this is an evergreen episode that we're actually going to put out in four years yeah we're building a database are you gonna put it like in a glass jar and then bury it in the backyard and then time capsule it out that's yeah and also we'll make kombucha that way we'll make some kombucha and we're gonna put this episode on a gold record put it in space well probably since you know what we might send some kombucha to space too yeah yeah why not let's see what happens to it you know it might be good for space's gut you know yeah black holes and whatnot i get it yeah yeah they need you
Starting point is 00:02:27 know they need that probiotic health um should we get to know us get to know us i drank a soda that was supposed to have probiotics in it this was it was it a yogurt soda i mean no i you know like i honestly wish it was a yogurt soda? I mean, no. You know, like, I honestly wish it was a yogurt soda, because that sounds pretty good. Yeah. It was just like a regular soda, and then it said it was telling me that it had probiotics in it. So I believed it. Did it taste funky? It didn't taste funky.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It didn't, you know, rock down to Electric Avenue or anything. Wait, wait. What drink does rock down to Electric Avenue? Well, yeah, what's the funkiest soft drink that's a great question i mean the first thing that comes to mind is rc cola and i don't know why that's just the first one now that's i think just my own sort of rorschach test for it you know what do you guys think fago fago yeah that's the kind of question they should ask on Family Feud. We asked 100 people, what is the funkiest soft drink? You would get 100 different answers, Dave.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah. I feel like that would just break Family Feud if you asked that question. No consistency. And people, yeah, people would be like arizona iced tea good answer bark's root beer diet mr pibb i think i like bark's root beer because it has bite yes yes i've heard i do yeah i've heard that it has bite um ria how has the past number of months been? First question is, how many months has it been? What has the past number of months been?
Starting point is 00:04:17 I'll say this because I don't know when this is coming out, but the last Monday I experienced. Okay, great. So this is coming out on a Monday. I can share that the most recent Monday that I experienced as a human being felt entirely like a Friday the entire day. And so if I had to encapsulate my experience of the last 10 months, eight months, however many months it's been, it would be that. That never in my life, never in my life have I had been on a Monday, been alive for a monday and had that monday feel like a friday entirely yes not just conceptually entirely like walking through my entire day i was like wow man friday i can't believe the weekend's here and it was literally a monday i have never in my life experienced that never never not one time and when you you discovered it when you sat
Starting point is 00:05:06 down at eight o'clock to watch family matters and uh right instead murphy brown was on having a day kind of screw up like that because i've had that before not maybe like a wednesday is a friday kind of thing and i've tricked my brain into thinking, or sometimes a Saturday is a Monday. I get that sometimes. Well, that's a great one because you get the relief. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Instant relief. Yeah. And then you get that second wind of, Oh my God. And I have Sunday. Not only is today, not Monday. And it is in fact,
Starting point is 00:05:43 Saturday. Guess what? That Sunday is right behind me bonus sunday until you get to about 7 p.m sunday and you're like this is the worst yes moment of any experience 7 p.m sunday is the exact right time that's when everything goes suddenly downhill you know that the the monday's coming there's nothing you can do to stop it there's nothing you can do 60 minutes is on yeah like does everyone have that even people who did their homework i still feel like sometimes i i have homework to do yeah do you guys still have that feeling like out of nowhere yeah i have a feeling uh like a dream about a lot i dream about being back in high school a lot and it's never
Starting point is 00:06:26 not unsettling it's always feels bad yeah i wake up feeling bad and it's always about something i didn't prepare for last time i had a dream like that i was in a play and i was the only one reading the script in the play everybody else had memorized their lines. Oh, everyone else was off book. Except for Dr. Graham Feelgood. Were they all in costume and you were in your street clothes? I was in costume, but the director definitely said, Graham, why haven't you memorized this? And I had no good reason. The director was like, cut.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Oh, that's the worst when you go to a play and the director's making people cut and do it over again and action and set everybody set back to ones everybody back to once i don't need you for a safety meeting real quick yeah um when you were in high school did you do any were you in the theater at all did you make no no no no i wish you know i try not to spend too much time being like oh i should have but like it's so silly that i wasn't yeah i don't know why who were you in high school yeah who were you in high school that's a good question who was you in high school? Yeah, who were you in high school? That's a good question. Who was I in high school? Oh, man, that is a great question. I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:48 It's funny that this is coming up because my partner and I were doing like a full, not a full. We were going through like getting the winter clothes out and putting some of the summer clothes away because we have a very small apartment. So we have to be very efficient with our space. And I'm in the process of getting rid of a lot of things it's been very difficult but i've done a great job and uh i was going through some stuff and i had my high school yearbook out like literally two days ago and uh i was like reading i don't know if you guys did this but for whatever reason people just signed a piece of paper instead of actually signing my yearbook no like a piece of paper that you keep in the yearbook to keep it nice yearbook not out is
Starting point is 00:08:29 that why like was the yearbook i mean that's possible yeah because i had that that's possible i had some that had a lot of signatures and then one that had zero signatures i think it came out like the day after school got out and nobody was coming back for these things so it's just a blank yeah everybody is like i'm gone man i'm out of here that's right I think it came out like the day after school got out and nobody was coming back for these things. So it's just a blank. Yeah. Everybody is like, I'm gone, man. I'm out of here.
Starting point is 00:08:49 See you never. Never again. Yeah, exactly. So what was on the piece of paper? I mean, there was just like a lot of like, hey, you know, you're cool. I'll see you later and have a good one if you and also a lot of like uh you know if you move to california like apparently this was something i was talking about a lot then that i have no memory of but um it was a lot of like cool peace love and have a good one great to me i was fun in economics
Starting point is 00:09:18 you know that kind of stuff um hey if you move to california look up tony danza look up who's the boss but i was just like i didn't really um in high school i wasn't really participating in a lot of things like i got into skateboarding pretty hardcore cool and uh that was like the world that i lived i also um my experience of school, like all the way through school was I didn't go to school in my neighborhood. So I always had like the two, the sort of like two worlds. And so it was I was a little unanchored in my school life for that reason. Did you hang out with other skaters or what was the social group at at high school there were no other skaters at my high school what i went to a catholic high school
Starting point is 00:10:12 um which is not to say there aren't catholic skaters but it just there definitely are yeah for sure there's uh although uh the commandments i think. Thou shalt not grind thy neighbors. Whatever. Harshly. Yeah. Thou shalt not gleam thy own cube. Thou shalt not go to Dogtown with the Z-Boys. That's right.
Starting point is 00:10:44 That's right. Th thou shalt not christ air were you any good at the skateboarding yeah yeah at one point i got pretty good you know i do i do like uh i wish i would have kept doing it you know um but who knows i might have gotten really hurt who knows i'm also so grateful for the way my life has turned out, but you know, like I, I posted a photo from high school. I, cause I don't have much like, um, evidence of skateboarding, you know, like I just, I, I don't have a lot of video. Uh, I don't have any video actually.
Starting point is 00:11:20 And I have like literally a handful of photos. Um, and like I skated in a vans contest you know um and and at the time like i do not want to hide my light under a basket at all but like it was you know i skated in the in the women's uh contest and it wasn't what it is today there weren't as many people um also just to say i'm a non-binary person um but at the time you know so it was like the the barrier of entry to that contest was was pretty low that doesn't mean it wasn't on your resume yeah it's it's on the second page um but it wasn't like i mean that's a crazy thing regardless like i can diminish it all i want or i can be like i
Starting point is 00:12:04 skated in a vans contest you know like i actually did that yeah that's a crazy thing regardless like i can diminish it all i want or i can be like i skated in a vans contest you know like i actually did that yeah that's a crazy thing to say that you actually did so like i wasn't you know i wasn't kick flipping 20 stairs but i was like i skated every day it was like my life now if you kick off the top stair and then fall down all the way down the stairs and your skateboard does do it does that count as landing absolutely yes okay good no one's ever not not landed uh a trick everyone eventually comes back to earth absolutely you eventually come back down so you will land did when you were skating did you watch skateboard videos any of those like all the time all the time yeah my local video store uh road runner video shout out rip um they had like a stunning amount of vhs of uh like skate videos from like 80s og like paul peralta videos and h street videos. And they had a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:13:05 they, I watched shackle me, not a lot, um, you know, uh, and, Oh yeah. We're very familiar.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah. You know about shackle me, not, um, I'm trying to think of the other names of the videos. The only one that's coming to my mind is animal chin. And that's not even like one of my most favorites, but I watched a lot of that stuff,
Starting point is 00:13:23 like young Tony Hawk and like young Steve Caballero and matt hensley and all that stuff and like yeah i worked at a skate shop when i was in high school and then i worked this is blowing my mind like an indoor skate park right after that and like yeah that was it was literally my life and i thought that was what i was going to do with my life like i thought i was going to be a skateboarder really there were other skateboarders where you live just not at your school yeah just not at my high school at that time there was enough for a skate shop in a skate park oh yeah there was like there was like a ton of skateboarders in my town and like surrounding like in cleveland too because i grew up you know 30 or 40 minutes south of Cleveland uh in Akron and like both places had
Starting point is 00:14:06 a pretty decent it at that time a pretty solid skateboarding scene and I think once I was a senior in high school then there started to be you know that time frame the freshmen there were skateboarders right but not when I was like a freshman nobody older than me was a skateboarder really and these were in the days of very very wide pants wide pants and yeah huge dickies i mean i started when like gene cos were the thing and then when i was really starting to do it it was like cargo pants you know and like and then getting into like dickies oh man cargo pants have had a wild ride they've had they're they're back i'm just like seeing people wearing them again and it's it's honestly shocking i really did not think that stuff was going to come back and people are literally dressing like me when i was seven
Starting point is 00:14:56 and it's very strange a lot of bucket hats going around i see a lot of kids in bucket hats doing tiktok dances and and grown-ups yeah some some people in this room are in bucket hats doing TikTok dances. And grown-ups. Some people in this room own bucket hats. And he's a TikTok dancer. I'm a TikTok star. Now I forget my question. It'll come back.
Starting point is 00:15:21 It'll land. I'm so mad. How many... I tried to skateboard too in high school all my friends were skateboarders i was so bad at it uh but i would mostly just hang out and i just never wanted to do a trick in front of them because i knew i wouldn't do it right yeah it's scary i used to do this thing in college where I didn't skateboard, but a guy in my dorm did. And I would get on his skateboard and just like pretend I was doing a trick, but I would just jump up in the air and land on the skateboard. Nothing would move. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I would jump in the air, land on the skateboard. And then one day I broke it. Broke it in half. Yeah, you focused it, Dave. That's what we call focusing a board. Oh, yeah. I really landed on the focal point. Did somebody teach you how to skateboard or were you self-taught?
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah. No, I went to KB Toys and I got a skateboard when I was like 9 or 10. Because I had like an old school shape one because I was a huge Back to the Future fan so I had that one from loving Marty McFly and that thing was like huge and I didn't take care of it and then then I discovered like new school skateboard street skateboarding and so I went to KB Toys and bought one of those like $35 things which which I've since learned, like at the time I was like, this is so cool. But like, they are literally built to not work. Those skateboards are built so that you don't get hurt, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:54 That's how KB Toys makes its money. Yeah, that's how they've stuck around through all of this. Graham, have you ever been to KB Toys? No, but there was a kids clothing store in Calgary called Kaz's Kids Wow Remember like oh man that was my favorite shit that was like funky soda
Starting point is 00:17:14 you know what I mean like just a kids clothing store that also looked like a toy store like Toys R Us Kids they had like Toys R Us Clothes R Us or something like that I remember Toys R Us kids? They had like Toys R Us, Clothes R Us or something like that. I remember KB Toys was in the mall in Bellingham, Washington.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Oh yeah. I think it's, but it was like, it was absolutely the same as Toys R Us, but it was an exotic American toy store. But like KB, not the same as Toys R Us. I will say Dave, it's a totally different experience toy shopping in the mall versus toy shopping in a free standing warehouse
Starting point is 00:17:51 because i feel like kb was like oh my god look at all this shit packed into this thing and then you went into toys r us and you're like oh my god like they had cars that you could drive there was one like after school hour of programming that would said that they were going to give away a shopping spree like a 60 second shopping spree at toys r us and you it was like it's going to be like super supermarket sweep yes and you had to like i i had so many questions about this it made it made me so excited the idea of like getting a shopping cart and be able to go through toys r us for one minute one minute like do you get do you get to do recon do you get to like learn the layout of the store that's what i would do is i every time i went to toys r us was recon for that moment yes or when that happened yes i was making
Starting point is 00:18:44 a plan every time i went in and i i do i you said that and i remember specifically being like go to the video games go to the power wheels make it out of there that's like all yes big ticket items grab the hams the frozen yeah yeah yeah i would just do all impulse buys up at the tail yeah sticky hands some sort of gum that comes out of full buffet. Did you do the turtle ooze with the little glow-in-the-dark turtle? Yes. As a kid, I would probably go get all the Furbies and then sell them in the back of
Starting point is 00:19:16 the whatever newspaper when you used to have to sell things that way. I got all sea monkeys. I got a cart full of sea monkeys. Oh, man. the auto trader i got all sea monkeys i got a cart full of sea monkeys oh man i worked at toys r us uh for during like a wow seasonal i worked there for like four or five months during the christmas time and it was in canada christmas is four or five months that's right we like to we drag it out you spread like an american election um but the uh the thing that was fascinating was what hadn't sold over the years kind of was tucked away in the storeroom so there were these like freaky toys that just
Starting point is 00:19:54 for one reason or another just never sold and they but a lot of them still had batteries in them and uh like i climbed up i shouldn't have been up there. I definitely was on the clock. I'd gone up there and found all these toys. And and then I was planning to steal them. But they they checked our bag. Oh, no. Did they really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:18 They checked her bag after every shift. Oh, my God. Did they have those like weird, squishy gremlins that came in the cage? Do remember those things i boglins yes that's precisely what i mean did they have any of those no i wanted one of those so bad they had a lot of animatronic stuff like uh like a animatronic gorilla and uh like some you know character who hasn't been dave's doing some good animatronics it's working it's really good animatronics um yeah and then there was just a like weird like toys that have been made uh based on a tv show that hadn't been on the air for five or six years right like that mr belvedere and stuff like that yeah yes mr belvedere's action set i loved how i i feel like i'm happy with the era in which i grew up because uh i'm sorry up in which i grew uh because it was a lot of slime yeah there's a
Starting point is 00:21:18 lot of slime oh yeah so much it was uh i remember my this this is sort of tangential to slime but when you were talking about boglins i remembered the first ever watch i owned was something called slime time cool uh and it was it was a watch that had like a giant bat twice the size of my arm that you had to like flip up what's the time slime time and you would say oh no it's 3 50 and we all know slime time is 4 20 that's when yeah that's true um i feel like kids today there's a lot of slime products now like i feel feel like kids you've got got you've got kids do they like slime the it's it's yes but it's not gross anymore it's like artisanal now right they make it, but it's not gross anymore. It's like artisanal now, right? They make it themselves.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Yeah, you do make it yourselves. You can make slime out of glue and laundry detergent and whatever coloring you want to use. But it's, yeah, so it's like its own thing. Right. Like, just like, let's just make slime and play with slime for an afternoon. But put your toys in slime and cover them with slime and then unslime them yeah yeah unslime them or we'll just throw them all out collect them from the wall it doesn't have like its own culture or like landscape the same way that was as it's uh no you can't do that on television it's hard to define
Starting point is 00:22:42 but slime is hard to define because what i'm thinking of when i think slime i'm thinking of the the ninja turtle stuff that you could get and you can poke it in the jar and make a fart sound yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm picturing that's the secret abuse when i think of slime i think about you can't do that on television you know like the originator and that was just green water you know but that's yeah that's where it started and then we like double dare as well say that oh yeah yeah mr belvedere yeah double dare oh no no mr belvedere yeah mr belvedere the slime years no uh double dare yeah double dare and then slimer you know on yes right and not so much the movie but the cartoon you know yeah yeah yeah and it was it was weird how big slimer got he started as like a pretty minor character just a ghost in the whole
Starting point is 00:23:35 movie yeah he was just one ghost can i share with you guys a very well per i'll i'll not know but i feel like this is perhaps an unpopular opinion can i share it with you guys because i feel like this is a safe space i feel like yeah it is absolutely um i think ghostbusters is not a great movie oh the first one or just in general just in general you know like i i and the second one i enjoyed as a kid very much because it was like weird and crazy and whatever um but i just don't think like i i my experience of the ghostbusters is the cartoon and like i love that i love the cartoon and i love the possibility and then the movie i'm just like this also isn't that funny to me like it's the first one is kind of weird like it's i don't
Starting point is 00:24:23 ever think i thought they were funny either i thought this was a great story about ghosts and i just wanted to see more ghosts yeah but a lot of 80s comedies do not have enough jokes yeah that's very true there's like four jokes in ghostbusters and they're really good but it's a two-hour movie yeah it's like it's a little too long and it just doesn't do enough you know um and also i'm not like throw it in the trash i don't i don't think it's like i just it never like people's love for it or the general sort of the general love for it mine never matched up to it so i'm just i always feel like i'm missing something but i don't think that's true i think it's just not for me 100 i guess you're ruining my childhood when he's yeah you know i took the
Starting point is 00:25:10 risk and like i realized that yeah my opinion on something could have a great effect on someone else's life i don't yeah no i don't have a great fondness for it, but absolutely, my childhood is just destroyed. It's just been shattered. I basically, you know. I need to like get a dustpan and sweep up my childhood here. Yeah, we have to put it in the thing. What is the thing that they roll out? This would be a great joke for me to make right now, but I can't.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Oh, yeah, the epitomizer or whatever. Yes, that's exactly right. Your childhood has been snatched into that. In the trap. The trap, the ghost trapomizer or whatever. Yes, that's exactly right. Your childhood has been snatched into that. In the trap. The trap? The ghost trap? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Did you see the one that came out a few years ago? The female? Oh, you mean the one that ruined America? The ruined America. How did it? Yeah, because that's where everything went off into a crazy direction. It's definitely one of those moments where you can really pinpoint it and be like this this was a moment where things blew up which is so funny because that's like what the movie is talking about like they make that sort of you
Starting point is 00:26:18 know what i mean like the villain is basically like a incel you know like the idea of it um i saw it in the theater and i think i really wanted to love it a lot and i think it's kind of the same thing with the original ghostbusters it's like i think it has more jokes in it um i like the people it was more of a comedy right it had yeah was silly. But it didn't do it for me. What about the Adam Sandler one where they're fighting the giant video game characters? Chuck and Larry. I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. Pixels, I want to say.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah, Pixels. And I've watched it. I've watched Pixels. Is it true that Josh Gad has sex with Q-Bert? Yeah, there's some sort of, they have a baby. It doesn't have sex, but they're definitely like,
Starting point is 00:27:09 there's a unspoken attraction. Whoa. Yeah. But yeah, the thing like Ghostbusters, the weird thing that I never noticed until I was an adult that was that they were the, they were the ones causing
Starting point is 00:27:26 trouble they weren't like the city was like we have some ordinances you cannot break because we're from the environment needs to be the epa it's like wait a minute yeah that guy's made out to be the biggest right they definitely like uh the movie they definitely like who wrote it? is it Ivan Reitman wrote it? Dan Aykroyd and Ivan Reitman are they both Republicans? they have to be libertarians or something to make the EPA the bad guy
Starting point is 00:27:56 I wonder if Dan Aykroyd is a libertarian he's gotta be the whole alien thing yeah he's got a big alien thing I forgot that he's got he's got a lot yeah the whole alien thing yeah yeah yeah he's got a big alien thing i forgot that he's like in the vodka skull yeah and he uh like i guess he made money forever and ever with ghostbusters having written it and then yeah then he all of a sudden became this liquor baron and uh yeah like people i think people like it because the bottle looks cool i don't know if it tastes any good but uh do you remember like i feel uh what i loved about
Starting point is 00:28:33 saturday night live growing up uh and i i was born in 1980 so i was after the the original cast i had no overlap with them but there was they would do these specials they would do like the Christmas special they would do the Halloween special and you would see they'd do like a sports edition they would do
Starting point is 00:28:51 before the Super Bowl they would do a sports edition and they still do those but they don't have like they have so few from the 70s and 80s now when they show them right
Starting point is 00:29:02 it's like Chris Kattan onward yeah but like back then i had i i remember just seeing you know the the santee wrap the the like protector you put on santa's lap for when you sit on santa's lap and the uh uh what was his name um it was dan akroyd as the guy who's like selling kids a bag of glass he's like oh yeah oh yeah johnny johnny bag of glass yeah yeah johnny dagger arms or whatever yeah yeah yeah johnny human torch yeah that was that was a good that was a good sketch that was a good sketch and then there were a lot
Starting point is 00:29:45 of sketches imagine seeing that before anything funny had ever happened yeah exactly i know humor didn't happen until the mid 70s and then uh you know like the the thing that they always say like john belushi's so funny i have yet to see a clip from Saturday Night Live that confirms that. Okay, okay. We're going to get a lot of tweets. He ate those little donuts. We're going to be very mad about that. But, like, you know what? Yeah, little donuts was very funny.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Like Wheaties, but little donut. Dressed up as a bee. He dressed up as a bee. He was a guy that served hamburgers. He, you know, he was a blues brother. hamburgers he uh you know he was a blues samurai yeah he was a samurai blues brother never stops being hilarious you know just blues brothers just like that's my comedy right there that's like just the epitome of jokes you know like just like wear sunglasses and walk around they wore fedoras as well i'll have you know they also had hats on yeah they did it was all attitude yeah it was it was all attitude and like um yeah like there's other things like dan akroyd there's he's been in funny sketches
Starting point is 00:31:02 uh then yeah stand the test of time. And same with Chevy Chase and Bill Murray. I mean, even just like his weekend update stuff. You know, Dan Aykroyd in that with Jane Curtin. Oh, with Jane Curtin, yeah. Yes. Yeah, John Belushi is like, everybody says, okay, but he's really funny in Animal House.
Starting point is 00:31:21 And then I watched Animal House and I was like, were you thinking of John Belushi or some other character in the movie yeah what do you think about kevin megan um i feel like john belushi is one of those people that and i have no idea because i was born in 1982 but i feel like he's one of those people who was very funny interpersonally not to say he wasn't a funny performer but that like his ability uh transcended like the work you know where like it just didn't he almost was like before his time or something okay like if he if if if he was working you know not even now like not now it wouldn't work but like mid 90s or something like that he would have put out 20 movies you know but like i mean you know who's of the timing he was like who i love
Starting point is 00:32:12 is jim belushi jim belushi yeah right yeah the funny you know what i mean you guys know that andy kindler joke right no tell me who died and made jim belushi funny uh yeah so you're like he was more annie kindler ladies and gentlemen um yeah so like you're saying like john belushi kind of he had like an improvisational kind of magnetism or something like that that other performers at the time maybe didn't have is that the kind of thing yeah that's what i mean that it's like the the the memory the experience of him was was the thing that people were responding to you know like right as opposed to the final product or like the thing on on film or whatever well when you were a kid did you ever have one of your parents show you a movie from their time that
Starting point is 00:33:09 they said, this is going to be so funny. And then you watch it and you're like, where are the jokes? Yeah. That's funny. Um, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Cause like my mom, my mom and I watched movies together. I didn't really watch movies with my dad, but, um, I, I'm trying to remember if i saw blues brothers i think i remember us getting blues brothers but i think it was mostly because i wanted to hear the song sweet home chicago because my guitar teacher was teaching me that so i was like yeah sure let's watch this movie and i remember it being really long oh yeah you want to play like Steve Cropper? Yeah. But I don't,
Starting point is 00:33:48 I feel like there had to have been something, but she was so like, she just watched movies as they came out. So there wasn't, I'm trying to remember if there was. There wasn't like a lot of nostalgia. Yeah, not a ton. I remember an uncle wanted, was like,
Starting point is 00:33:59 oh, Dave, you got to see Peter Sellers in The Party. And I never did. And I'm glad i didn't because it's brown wow yeah um i remember when i was a kid uh seeing a cheech and chong movie and you don't have a reference of what they're doing so i just thought they were these crazy crazy guys and i was too wild and crazy guys yeah yeah how did they make uh yeah that's a great dan akron yeah another one some solid history yeah he also did fred garvin male prostitute right hilarious yeah that was a great one yeah john belushi was a samurai that's the other one that's popping into my head that's right yeah he was a samurai he did like asian face yes you know yikes but yeah people say like oh you wouldn't get away
Starting point is 00:34:53 with that today and it's like shouldn't have gotten away with it back then either i i gotta tell you i i i don't actually love it but it just it makes me laugh so much when people say that about stuff specifically the blazing saddles one like i so much when people say that about stuff specifically the blazing saddles one like i always want when people are like oh it couldn't be made today i want to be like yeah i know because they already made it yeah yeah because they made it when it needed to be made yeah yeah it's like it already got made yeah it had a point i definitely i remember there's like a part in vacation where chevy chase pulls over the car and uh uh is talking to someone and they yell like hey fuck your mom or something back at him and i was just like you know six years old
Starting point is 00:35:40 watching a video with my siblings and they all laughed. And then I didn't know the word and I just ran to the kitchen. I'm like, oh, this got a big laugh in the other room. I'm going to tell my parents. Hey, check this out. Fuck. Let me lay it on you, mom. That's a very wholesome story about learning to swear. Well, I've never looked back.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Start at the top. Yeah, exactly. Would you say, yeah, I guess fuck is like the, that's like the top dog. Yeah, what else can you really say? I mean, there's seven words you can't say. And that bit wouldn't translate for so many reasons because they'd be like what where what are these seven words i mean you couldn't do that bit now you couldn't even do that bit now yeah no you can't because there's hbo dummies yeah exactly there's hbo kids are
Starting point is 00:36:38 like what is television yeah because like the bit worked it changed some shit yeah like that's the that is the thing that people aren't willing to look at it's like yeah it it it made change the thing you're looking at and the satire fucking worked like that's why you live in the time now so like look at what the new blazing saddles would be it's just not what you think it should be you know what i mean like you also couldn't make today's you couldn't make today's shows back then like you could like man mrs mazel would never have worked in the 60s in the 20s okay okay as a stage show a traveling stage show as a few as like a futuristic stage show piano accompaniment on the side yeah exactly oh it's so ridiculous it's so so so ridiculous because
Starting point is 00:37:40 people were upset because blazing saddles has like a pre-card thing that's like like a warning or whatever um because of like the it's it it is satirizing racism but like like i get it it seems like weak or whatever to have to put that in there but it's like you watched it with somebody that probably told you what was going on you know and like right imagine being a kid now and like seeing that you just wouldn't understand like the context for the movie is completely like for example i watched boogie nights the other night with my partner who has never seen it and had no context for it because she just like didn't and like it just isn't from her time so it was like just this free-floating film of like
Starting point is 00:38:25 not of the time it's it's almost you know 30 years later or whatever it's it's bonkers it's like it changes a lot of things to watch something free from its own context and like i think that's what people are unwilling to see that like oh maybe maybe the way i look at it isn't how everybody looks at it right what was your partner's reaction yeah oh she loved it oh good loved it and the first five minutes was there anything that's that that stood out um well at the beginning she was just like what every time somebody came on screen because you know the first scene is just introducing everybody in the movie and like i gave her no context for it you know and she was just like shocked because she had no idea who was in it and it's just like star after star after
Starting point is 00:39:10 star but in when that came out that wasn't really the case you know that people's careers were just starting but um and i also like loved it watching it i hadn't seen it in a long time and i watched it it holds it's so good does john c reilly still do like anything other than silly comedies yeah i've seen him in a couple maybe at least one thing recently i can't remember what it is i mean back that like that movie he's a comedic guy too yeah he is as funny in that movie as anything he has done else elsewhere that his his character is so i don't know if they could even write the character that funny no john john c reilly must have made up stuff yeah uh but yeah his whole uh that movie maybe has more funny parts than ghostbusters a hundred percent i would
Starting point is 00:40:01 stand behind that i would say john c reilly's performance in boogie nights is funnier than all of ghostbusters okay that's really thrown i mean those are those are harsh words but the performances in that movie are transcendent there's not a bad one in the bunch of anybody it's really great and you know mark walberg he was not a he was not a proven entity at that point he would have been in he was marky mark he was he had been in fear and that was like it oh yeah which was shot here it was features him yeah we've been on everyone's been on that roller coaster yeah that roller coaster yeah the sexy roller coaster they renamed it the fear roller coaster they renamed it ride the finger
Starting point is 00:40:51 that's hilarious um i remember um so uh heather graham was in she was on love line once with dr drew and adam parola oh yeah speaking of people who speaking of before they were stars um and she was talking about this and this was in the 90s and she was talking about this movie she was going to be in with marky mark and burt reynolds and they were like this is what do not be in this yeah this is going to be the worst thing of all time i mean i guess like mark walberg and burt reynolds both regret being in that movie oh well which is such a bummer because they're both so great in it and it's such a great movie did they really they both yeah disavow it oh i, I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. It's a real bummer because I think they're both really good in it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Well, I avow it. I the vow it. Yeah, sure. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, big weekend here at the Shumka Homestead. Yeah. Graham, Ria, I bought a car. i bought a car you bought a car wow the whole thing i bought a car holy shit i will know about the front half yeah okay yeah um so i've been looking at uh so
Starting point is 00:42:18 we we own a subaru impresa or we owned a subaru impresa But now you've driven it off a cliff. That we've owned for 14 years. Almost 15. And I've been looking for an Outback. Oh, yeah. Nice. So I finally booked a test drive. I found a used one at a dealership that I liked. And on Saturday, I went went down i test drove it test driving a car in covid times
Starting point is 00:42:49 they don't come with you and tell you about the car they're like come back in half an hour now did you take this uh out back on like a usual route for you did you go to wendy's and then eat in the car go to dairy queen Queen eating the car see how it felt yeah absolutely no it was weird because it was like so my old car was from 2006 it doesn't have any like of the features that
Starting point is 00:43:19 cars have now so I was like okay let me just like for 10 of the half 30 minutes that i test drove the car i was like i went somewhere and parked and like figured out the like screen how to do all the things yeah and like the made sure like the reverse camera worked and like you know tested all the uh window rolling down buttons yeah yeah this um like one time uh i'm part of a car co-op um and one time i got one that was a brand new car and i couldn't figure out how to take it out of park so i just i ended up walking
Starting point is 00:43:59 and so there's like a panel of just like eight features it has of like uh you know you you know uh you can't change the light or like if you change lanes without a turn signal it like won't let you oh okay that's aggressive yeah or it yeah you feel it in the steering wheel oh the steering wheel tells you hey don, don't be a jerk, signal. Yeah. Or, well, I guess it's just to prevent you from being, you know, like maybe you've passed out while you're driving and it won't let you change lanes. Wow. Well, that's good.
Starting point is 00:44:40 That's good thinking. Yeah. that's good. That's good thinking. Yeah. So I, but that morning I woke up and I had a bit of a headache, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:44:47 um, uh, I was, you know, I, I got on with my day and I, I, Oh yeah. Also since daylight savings time,
Starting point is 00:44:55 since we moved the clocks back an hour, three, four weeks ago now, I, I wake up at five 30 every day. Nice. Yeah. Farming.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I've given myself more time to wake up. If like I used to wake up at 5.30 every day. Nice. Yeah. Farming hours. If anything, I've given myself more time to wake up. If, like, I used to wake up at 6.30 every day, then they'd change the clocks, and I have adjusted in no way. So it's 5.30 every day now. I woke up with a bit of a headache. I went downstairs, made coffee, had a smoothie, got the kids breakfast,
Starting point is 00:45:24 and then I had to go. I had this appointment to test drive the car and i was driving down there and i was like oh i didn't actually have any breakfast my headache is bad i should have had um like an ibuprofen before i left oh whatever it's fine oh you know what i'll stop it's also because i'm hungry i'll stop at at a restaurant, have a breakfast sandwich. I went to, oh, I had to pee so bad. It's about time. So here I'm buying this breakfast sandwich.
Starting point is 00:45:50 You see me doing it, so I am allowed to use your bathroom. That is the deal that's been struck. But like, I went to A&W. It was closed. Yeah. It was closed for COVID.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And so there was nowhere else to stop. And so I just showed up at the car dealership and i was like the guy was like oh can i get you anything to drink uh you know water coffee and i was like do you have coke like can i get some cafe or something to to like help my headache but also something that would make you want to pee even more well i use their bathroom okay that's off the table now the pee is no longer an issue but i just had this well i locked into that part of the story i mean i was locked into the piece
Starting point is 00:46:31 part of the story as well yeah i'm sorry i brought it up i i i was like i'm about to go to this car dealership i don't want to appear weak so i better hold my pee because I'm going to have to negotiate. Definitely negotiate on a full bladder. That's what they always say. Because you have an intensity you wouldn't have otherwise. I've got to get it done. The guy will be like, why is this guy tapping his toes the whole time?
Starting point is 00:46:58 I'm going to leave, man. Yeah. You don't give me a deal. I am walking. I am running out of here so i went i went and i was like uh i test drove it i had already peed i came back and i was like okay i'll take it i guess i don't know well i told the guy because they had like five used subaru outbacks in stock and i was like okay here's my budget my absolute budget here's what i'm trading in and it's you know uh you you figure out what it's worth and let's work around that yeah and so but this was their haggling was there room for haggling there i haggled like 300
Starting point is 00:47:46 dollars so he was like that's something yeah he was like that's a lot of breakfast sandwiches this is 300 over your budget and i was like well uh let's just make it with three zeros at the end instead of 300 at the end nice make me feel good, yeah. Let's all go through this charade of you having to go to your... I got to go to my manager. And I have to run it up the flagpole. Yeah, and then you see him doing all sorts of hand signals. You know, like the finger around the air saying he's crazy. It's like in Home Alone when he's trying to convince them that there's people at the party.
Starting point is 00:48:22 His boss isn't even there. It's just Michael Jordan going around. On a train set. He pokes his head out and he's like, I'm sorry, I don't know. Okay, final offer. This number and you can use our bathroom. I'm keeping the Coke though.
Starting point is 00:48:42 But the whole time my headache is so bad. Like growing up, I had, I would get migraines and that went away with puberty. Oh, but what you got in return was so wonderful. Oh boy. New hairs and smells. I got a boner, which was the cure for the migraine. If you know anyone else
Starting point is 00:49:14 who has, who's suffering from migraines, just tell them, have you tried getting a boner? Get a boner, man. Yeah, it'll draw blood away from your head. That's what I should have done in the car dealership. But then they would have been like, this guy's horny for the car.
Starting point is 00:49:31 You can talk. You can give him. You can go up. Put 300 on. So I, yes, but like it's even if you know the one you want and you get the price you want, it's still like three hours. Oh, really? Of just like, oh, we got to go. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Paperwork and them like approving things. And the headache started to get better. And then I was like, OK, well, we close the deal. And I signed the things and paid a deposit. And then I drove home in my old car. And the moment I left the dealership, the headache came back so strong that I was like pulling my hair as I was driving to like. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Well, first of all, to get rid of my boner. But it was like just, it was the worst headache I've had since childhood. But it was like just, it was the worst headache I've had since childhood. And I went home and like I had to tell Abby, like, I'm going to bed immediately. And then an hour later, it was fine. So you don't, do you think it's related to the Outback? Or just the experience of buying an Outback? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Although there is a thing about migraines where i was very sensitive to light and smell so maybe the new car smell did it for me yes and the headlights oh yeah i did i did have to test the headlights by staring staring directly you put your face right in front of all my hair is what you're supposed to do in canada you don't really do that here but no you got to do it up during the five month christmas season are you a are you a co-owner or sorry an owner of a car i am yeah what is it did you buy it from a dealership uh no i do i mean dealership the guy who was selling a lot of cars but um it was just a single guy like a one one guy car dealership yeah i've never bought one from a dealership cal worthington yeah it was cal worthington um i i bought it my
Starting point is 00:51:34 car i've had my car is almost my car is 20 years old um i've had it for 14 years oh wow and it's funny that this is coming up because it's in the shop right now oh yeah but do you guys want to take a guess at how much so i bought a 2001 volkswagen jetta wagon the gls package it's a manual transmission but it does have the sunroof moonroof um nice leather all that stuff um i 55 000 miles on it when i bought it in 2006 do you guys want to take a guess at how much i bought that car for i don't want to guess i will not be offended at any number kilometers right and it's so hard to american dollars i'm gonna go with 6 000 american dollars i was gonna say 6 000 but uh to make it more interesting then go up to no i'm gonna go down to 5 000 oh i'm gonna go up to 8 000 you can have six if you want it
Starting point is 00:52:38 all right i don't know if we're doing prices right rules but uh i bought it for 7800 but you can't buy like that was a it's a nice car and i mean that that was a lot i took out a loan for that you know what i mean like i didn't i didn't just have that money um and like that was a nice car with low miles and new tires and stuff you cannot buy a car for 7800 anymore no well you can die like a death trap you can get something that will kill you for sure it's got 200 000 miles on it maybe you know it's crazy like used cars are either like 15 grand or three grand anymore it's very weird yeah i was looking at getting like a uh westphalia like a camper oh yeah uh vehicle really curious like i was curious how much they go for and there was one for sale it wasn't far from where i live
Starting point is 00:53:33 and uh i called the guy and in my head i was like this is an old vehicle this is an old old vehicle he's gonna want 2500 or something like that that's what i think this is this is from the mid 80s that's how old this thing is and i would call him he said he was like you know uh somewhere around the neighborhood of nine grand or something nine yeah yeah i was like no way You're crazy. I saw a 1991 Toyota Tacoma four-wheeler, like four-wheel drive, four by four. Now, it did look like it was a garaged and like about town truck.
Starting point is 00:54:16 It did not look like it had serious mileage on it. Right. Very low mileage. It was 100, maybe 50,000 miles on it. Now, that's like bonkers. This guy had just bought it like before the pandemic. And then it was like, I have to get rid of this car.
Starting point is 00:54:31 There's no reason for me and my girlfriend to have two cars. He was selling it for $13,000. 1991, 1991 Toyota Tacoma. Cause he's's like this is an antique now and so it goes up in value it literally had a dent in it you know and like not about like i would buy the truck with that dent in it but not for that's hilarious like i would go buy a prius for thirteen thousand dollars you know like one yeah of those. Yeah. Put a down payment on a house.
Starting point is 00:55:07 There are some weird ones that people are like, have fetishes for. That Westphalia is apparently one of those. Westphalia, yeah. And like Toyota Land Cruisers and 4Runners maybe? Or like what were the like 90s version of a land cruiser i have no idea was it also a land cruise i think it was a land cruiser there um also those toyota vans from the like mid 80s the ones with the really short wheelbase i went to graduate school
Starting point is 00:55:39 twice and one of the times that i went uh was in eugene oregon and uh somebody that i went to grad school with um he his whole thing like i went for art school and his whole thing was buying those vans and then like constructing sculptures out of them like placing them in in places uh and then like you know like taking one and like putting it on the other one you know or or like stacking them up like like it was and then just like videotaping it that and he was obsessed with those vans like i mean i think he owned like 10 and that was that was like his his like tackle box of paint was like that's. That's amazing. Yeah, it's crazy. I would love to find that. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah, that's amazing. There's also here, I don't know if this is a thing in LA, but in Vancouver, there's a lot of those right-hand drive Toyota and Mitsubishi vans that are smaller versions. I just saw one of those today, Dave. The Esteem? Is it the Esteem? Yes, I've never seen one before before and you're talking about it right now that's crazy a delica yes the right hand drive i've been in one and it's very unsettling
Starting point is 00:56:52 to be on the wrong side of the car you feel the whole time like yeah this guy yeah that's the guy there's there's tons of them here yeah does ryan does past guest ryan beale have one i don't know but uh for sure uh people in my friend circle have have had them and i've gotten in it for rides and it's uncomfortable yeah the whole ride well because my brother lived in america and he had an american toyota van and then he moved to Canada and you need to convert your American car to Canadian legally to get insurance.
Starting point is 00:57:32 You have to, I think, switch it from kilometers per hour to miles per hour and that's however many thousands of dollars. But if you take it from Japan to Canada, it's already in that. I think the only thing you need to add is daytime running lights that's pretty easy i mean unless you can't find
Starting point is 00:57:50 them for that particular model and you have to order them from japan i i mean i don't know but you're bringing the whole thing from japan i don't look i i used to work for a car tv show and i don't anymore so yeah also there's that uh that uh that cute little nissan what's it called the figaro but i feel like we're clicking clack now you think i literally thought this this past week that they're gonna run out of names for cars no i don't think so because nissan calls their one of their vehicles Kicks. So we've got plenty of names for cars left. They call one of them the Cash Guy with two Qs.
Starting point is 00:58:34 And the Juke. They went for it. They were like, yeah, let's call a car the Juke. That's not going to get anybody in trouble. Yeah. And Audi and Lexus and I think Infiniti. and so many of them are just like a combination of letters and numbers right volvo yeah also do you guys we were talking about subarus dave do you know the subaru justy uh remind me it's like a little hatchback it's sort of like the pre-impreza pre-cross track or whatever um it's like just a little hatchback but it's four-wheel drive it's like a four-wheel
Starting point is 00:59:12 drive hatchback yeah from like the mid mid 80s to like early 90s they they made it and i i just that's a benefit of living in los angeles i don't know if if cooper is the same but um there's so many old cars around that look brand new like there are quite a few like a 93 camry i'll just like walk down the street and see a 93 camry it looks like it's in 1993 like just brand new yeah there are i mean it's definitely better than eastern canada where everyone has their salt on the road eating at like 11 months a year but the there was a I don't know I haven't seen the DeLorean guy around lately oh that's because he went to the past no
Starting point is 00:59:53 eventually time will catch up with him and then you'll see him again but for now he's locked in the past yeah he fucked up his parents relationship boy I think he fucked up a lot more than that don't worry it's just a joke facts so uh yeah that's me i'm a proud new owner i traded my 14 year old car for a four-year-old
Starting point is 01:00:16 car hell yeah nice outback no rules just right what's up with you, Graham? Speaking about cars, this past weekend, not past weekend, the weekend before, I decided to rent a car and do all sorts of car things for the whole weekend. Did you do donuts? No, I didn't do donuts because I'm not sure how to do them without ice. I'm very familiar with the ice version but uh but like doing it on normal concrete i do not know um no i did a list of things that i thought would be fun to do in a car because i don't have a car okay okay okay let's uh can i think of things that were maybe on the list of things you thought would be fun to do. Absolutely. Drive through a restaurant. Bing. Absolutely. More than one.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Let's see. Here's the things I did. As soon as I picked it up, I immediately went to the drive-thru. Ate it in the car, in the parking lot. Music, no music. Music. Absolutely. Yeah. Music while I was eating.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Then throwing it all out the window as I was driving through all the packaging rental car did you get uh sirius xm satellite radio um maybe i don't know i couldn't figure out a lot of the things that the car could do um i could figure out how to turn on the lights. The windshield wiper was a mystery to me. But, yeah, so I went to the drive-thru, ate in the car. Then I went that evening to a drive-in movie. Oh. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Wow. Where? What movie? Where and what? It was on Friday the 13th, and the movie was Friday the 13th. Wow. Wow. Where?
Starting point is 01:02:04 Out in Langley. boy yeah geez that's a that's uh for ria that's i mean to like oh boy put it into perspective that's like you know you're talking about 45 minutes in the car yeah bakersfield i all right i don't know i feel you yeah yeah yeah bakersfield it's our bakersfield um and going to a drive-in is the most fun thing it's unbelievable how fun it is to watch a movie where you can talk had you ever been before when i was a kid we went to one um but i don't remember was it not a thing that you did a lot no i feel like i did i did it a lot we didn't have them in i don't think they're in a lot of places in canada because you could only use it for a very small part of the year and then it snows and nobody wants to be sitting in the car
Starting point is 01:02:49 in the snow yeah i forgot about that i think i yeah maybe i was only have never been to one but they i i remember them from seeing the summer of 69 brian adams video got my first roll six string you know yeah when where'd you get that five and dime i saw austin powers at the drive-in nice that's perfect that's a yeah baby movie yeah baby i mean i remember just like you know to bring it back to the comedy thing, not to say a side swipe your story too much. No, no. I remember fucking losing my shit at that movie.
Starting point is 01:03:29 I saw the new priest and the old priest joke on the like rotating chair and the parking like, man, that, that just really worked for me. You know, when I saw it, when I saw it in the theater that when they did the, the dance number of my friend and I did,
Starting point is 01:03:44 we lost our minds we thought it was so fucking funny that it just starts with a dance number like there's no no other movie outside of a musical that starts with a big dance number and kids today will think who are these corny old people and like this this was before any jokes were invented right yeah it was just chris katan and then austin powers that was it those were the only jokes we ever had uh yeah so i went to the drive-in was fantastic can't recommend it enough uh but you know see a horror movie at the drive-in i think if you can yeah a sci-fi or a horror movie but you can see the invisible man by the way yes i just watched it the other day oh man was that with elizabeth moss yeah yeah and it's so scary
Starting point is 01:04:34 oh man it's really good yeah i wish i would have seen it in a theater because i feel like that experience would have you know but it was still so good i saw like paranormal activity in the theater and i screamed so much after every scare and being surrounded by people who are either like stop screaming or people who are screaming with me yeah yeah who says stop screaming in a horror movie you know some guy seeing it for the third time what a jerk okay dad go home yeah stop yelling at me dad yeah stop laughing at the comedy movie um and then i went and uh i went dropped off a bunch of uh clothes at the the value village oh yeah that's a good thing we've been hanging around with a rental car that you could a car thing is you can cart stuff around town
Starting point is 01:05:25 and then i like i drove to the beach which is really the only way to get to the beach you're not taking a bus and another bus and another bus down to the beach that's true yeah so driving to the beach that was a lot of fun you went surfing i went surfing i went on a surfing safari uh and and yeah and then uh the rental place the thing about the rental place that I got it from, they, you don't know what kind of car you're going to get before you go there. Was it one of the cars? Was it a Subaru?
Starting point is 01:05:52 Just be, did you, did you put your credit card in the machine and then a little chicken danced around and then a little egg popped out and you got the rental car. You get a set of keys and you're like, it's a Subaru Baja aha i wonder what this is gonna be the first time you got a thing of slime and you're like cool and then you're like can i just get the car now and then i gave you an egg and you're like yeah they all will be revealed
Starting point is 01:06:16 uh i'll tell you i don't remember what kind of car it was i'm very bad at remembering what cars are labeling them the first time i went to this place they gave me a jeep which was cool yeah oh yeah um so uh yeah that's what i did i did a bunch of cars so it was not a jeep this time not the only information you remember yeah envy your ability to not know what car you were driving like truly i'm like, man. Yeah. I wish that was the case for, I wish, I wish I was using that space in my brain for something else.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I know it was white. I know that. Okay. Who makes a white car? Was it a Kia? That thins it down. Maybe it was a Kia. Maybe it was a Kia.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Every time I rent a car, it's either a Hyundai or a Kia. Well, when I get a dodge in there every now and then and i'm very upset about it you don't want to dodge i've just never had a good experience with the dodge hmm the dodge last time i was in a rental car it was a uh volvo and whoa that's that's rare for a rental car and it was and that's like a low-key luxury car now oh yeah like in the 80s it was it was a you know a family safety car but now it's pretty pretty uh posh spice this is not your this is not your grandpa's car loved it loved it loved it uh should we move on to uh some overheards please does our podcast deep dive into the weirdest wikipedia pages we can find yes do we learn about scam artists remote islands
Starting point is 01:07:54 horrible mascots beautiful diseases and mythical monsters yes yes yes absolutely and yes do we retain any of this knowledge probably not i'm emily heller i'm lisa hannah waltz we make art and comedy and tv shows and also the podcast baby geniuses for the past eight years we've been trying to learn new things about the world and each other every episode but let's be honest this podcast is mostly about two friends hanging out shooting the breeze and making each other laugh we're horny we like gardening and horses and we get real stupid on here. But, like, in a smart way. Yeah. Join us every other week on Maximum Fun.
Starting point is 01:08:28 The 80 Geniuses tell us something we don't know. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where if you've heard it, we want to hear it. And we always like to start with the guest. Rhea, do you have an overheard okay um so i do and i just i am prefacing this only because it's difficult to have overheards in a pandemic yes but yes tell us about it uh the other day my girlfriend and i went for a walk and then she got bit by a dog jesus pandemic yeah it was a
Starting point is 01:09:06 crazy experience he was it was a small dog so luckily it wasn't like a huge traumatic like in terms of injury uh but it was traumatic and not great um and then we got so scary yeah it was really it like happened out of nowhere they were little chihuahuas and like it really got her leg it was crazy and she's very good with animals like animals just really like love her and so it was the first that one loved her too much that was the problem too much yeah yeah and she was trying to leave and he was like come back but um so that was like her first experience of that and uh it was just really intense you know um and so then we got home and she was you know we didn't know if we it you re we reconsider everything in a pandemic like do you need to go seek medical
Starting point is 01:09:52 treatment because of like covid and stuff like that and just everything is nuts right so her insurance had like a hotline thing or like a telemedicine or something they were like you can call this telemedicine through your insurance and she was like great so she calls the thing and i'm sitting next to her the whole time she's like waiting to go through she has to fill out this stuff it's like all this shit it's so many hoops you know to just be like do i need to go to the doctor um and then she gets on the line with the person they're like hang on just one second and then they come back on and they're like so we don't actually have a contract with your insurance so you're not actually covered for this uh telemedicine but if you'd like to sign up for the service for just the low low cost of 12 a month you can have unlimited calls with our
Starting point is 01:10:36 telemedicine service uh for 30 days so you can call us as many times as you want for 30 days for just a low, low cost of $12. Like what kind of dystopian hell hole is this thing that we've, I mean, obviously I know, but it's crazy when it just isn't in your face and in your bed where you're like, wait, so you want me to a already have insurance and be paying for it, not be able to call anybody and
Starting point is 01:11:06 then give you twelve dollars so that i can call you and you can answer the phone and listen to me that's it yeah yeah and tell me if i should go to the doctor and then they're like no i mean we don't really give medical advice and you're like so what am i calling you for you could be on hold with anybody you could call are you yeah so that's my overword is some this poor woman whose job is like for the low low cost of twelve dollars a month you can call us for unlimited like i love that she was like selling the unlimited aspect of it yeah you know like as though 12 and 30 days is not a limit somehow yeah yeah like yeah and it's like are you yeah but you can get bit by as many dogs as you want for those 30 days get all your fucking shit in right now for 30 days you can call us and tell us your problems. Dave, have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Starting point is 01:12:06 No. No? No. The jury would like to ask. Yes, several times. Oh, boy. Mostly as a kid, because you don't know, you have no idea about dogs being wild creatures sometimes. Like bitten and blood drawn or anything?
Starting point is 01:12:26 Once, yeah. sometimes like like bit bitten and and blood drawn or anything uh once yeah most the other two were just bruised but uh once it was blood and i was like this is bad this is bad for everybody this is gonna be bad for the dog this is bad for me not a dog has a taste for it that's right he was fine with kibble this morning he'll accept nothing less Dave do you have an overheard? mine's an overseen in my neighborhood there's a building that's being built and has been in the process of being built
Starting point is 01:12:56 for the last 800 years yes there's nothing but the block is just filled with contractors and electricians and painters and whatever and there was a plumbing van and the name of this plumbing company just tickled my fancy it was named hashtag plumbing nice and the logo the h is a hashtag so it's actually hashtag hashtag hashtag plumbing
Starting point is 01:13:28 wow wow and their their slogan is quality is trending this is good this is yeah this is an up-to-date plumbing organization you know what i would trust them with my shit yeah yeah because they know that quality is trending and trending the things that are trending are always good and it's never like yeah hydrochloric queen or whatever but it's like you know try and introduce your kids to another an older plumbing company they're gonna be like what is mcmillan plumbing what the fuck is that i want i don't trust that i understand that thing i want a plumber that does a tiktok video to a k-pop song I saw it's very funny that you brought up plumbing because I saw a plumber's van the other day and I
Starting point is 01:14:13 don't remember the company name but they had painted on the side of the driver's side door it looked as though they were sitting on the toilet like pooping this is nice this is good like they this is what they thought was good to do for like the people in their employment it's like yeah make them look like they're driving around using the toilet that is what will get business when you rented your car did you piss and shit in it uh no but uh but i did have a calvin and the hobs calvin calvin and hobs pissing both of them not just calvin yeah they were pissing on each other it was water water sports that's right they were pissing in each other's mouth that's uh scene it's an overseen i watched uh and i'm not sure why but i watched uh almost all of for the boys with ben midler with ben midler james khan and
Starting point is 01:15:18 james khan that's right and uh it's i don't know why i got sucked into it it's very silly it's, I don't know why I got sucked into it. It's very silly. It's like one of the silliest movies. But. Is that the USO movie? Yes. Yeah. Does she do the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy? Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:15:37 There's, oh man, it is. What year is that movie from? 1993? I'm going to guess four. Yeah. Graham, do you have an answer? Yeah. I say 93 i feel like i know i'm gonna say 95 okay let's hear it it is let's hear it for the boys it is a 1991 oh oh is this price is right rules man i almost went for it i was like that's too early not a man year rocketeer year we
Starting point is 01:16:05 were really into that weird like military yeah but also like world war ii sort of yes sure adam's family yeah but uh oh and the makeup you do owe it to yourselves to uh to see it just for the old age makeup that they do because it is the most Elmer glue. Just glue your face up. It's one of the worst. It's one of the worst I've ever seen. It would have been better if they just did their hair white and just didn't worry about paint it on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Just use like an oil crayon. Exactly. And as I do often, when I watch a movie, I check out the imdb page after it and they've got you know trivia and uh different like flubs that happen in the movie and how much money the movie how much money the movie made and then there's like just reviews from some somebody that you don't know some guy with a computer and this was the opening of this guy's review
Starting point is 01:17:08 was a waste of talent of James Edmund Kahn he should be the one singing he does sing in it and he cannot sing Jimmy Kahn Jimmy Edmund Kahn Jimmy Edmund kahn jimmy edmund kahn wow how does he even know that middle name i love it
Starting point is 01:17:30 yeah i love it um it is i'm googling him right now it's james edmund kahn born march 26 1940 nice so he's 80 he's 80 now 80 years do you guys have a favorite Jimmy Conn movie? I know what mine is right off the bat, but I'm curious. I also have one that's insane. The one that I would say is my favorite James Conn movie is insane. What's yours? Mine? Yeah. Thief.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Thief. I'm not even sure I know what that is. 1981, Michael Mann. Oh, really? It's so good. I love it so much. It's so good. I love it so much. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Okay, Thief. Jim Belushi. Also stars Jim Belushi. Pretty good. Yeah. Pretty good. What's yours, Graham? Mine is one called... It's called Happy.
Starting point is 01:18:18 I watched it on TV one night, and it's about James Caan is a man. He dies, and then he comes back as a ghost to his wife's house and he dies by falling down the stairs and then at some point he also makes his wife fall down the stairs so they can be ghosts together
Starting point is 01:18:36 and it is it is wild it's from like the 80s and yeah it's probably one of the craziest movies out there dave yours i haven't seen very many i've seen here's what i've seen i've seen elf yeah godfather godfather i've seen bottle rocket oh yeah um i bet he looks like he's really good in misery he's so good in misery he. He's so good in Misery.
Starting point is 01:19:05 He's good in Misery. That's on my to-see list. Oh, it's good. Okay, my favorite is Misery. There you go. Yeah, you're going to love it. I also feel like Misery is one of those movies, too, similar to my recent experience with Boogie Nights.
Starting point is 01:19:20 And I have the same... This has been my experience in the pandemic that has been my experience in pan in the pandemic that has been a positive one which is to re-watch movies that i've seen a bunch but haven't seen in a while and they're also free from the like pop culture context you know so boogie nights was definitely one of those but like watching ghost and it not being 1992. Like I cried real tears. I was moved to like, I was fully emotionally moved by that movie. I'll stand by.
Starting point is 01:19:50 It wasn't a child. It's so good. It was nominated for best picture. I know. Yeah. And I wouldn't do that again, but I will say it's a great movie though. What is the movie?
Starting point is 01:20:01 What movie have you seen the most? Well, that's a good question i mean it's back to the future for sure it's by far easily for me it's ghostbusters and i love it and i can't say enough good things about it i can't say a bad thing about it it's a great movie back and forth not a single frame wasted you know what i mean it is really funny when bill murray says uh it's true this man has no dick yeah that's a good that's funny it's a good slice of life the piano is funny i mean there's funny stuff in it but i just it's like everyone loves it we love it all right i'll change my mind fine everything's mine might be back to mine might be back to the future as well or like because there's a bunch i watched that when i had a dvd like i just had like a 10 dvd
Starting point is 01:20:50 dvd collection yeah in like 2002 uh that were like um high fidelity and fight club and you know real real cool masculinity are we the same person like that's the same did you also watch rushmore on repeat yeah rushmore and the royal tenenbaums and there was like a i had this pavement documentary i watched over and over i watched a fugazi documentary over and over again i just had instrument in my dvd player and i would just play it from wherever it was but the um uh yeah like back to the future is the one that comes on tv and i keep watching it the most yeah and goodfellas and maybe ferris bueller's day off yeah these are all good picks i just feel like back to the future is one that I got out in front with, you know, by watching it so much as a kid that there's just no way there's any other movie that could catch up to it. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:51 No, that makes sense. Because a kid can, I'm sure Dave, you can attest that they can watch the same movie at infinity, right? Yes. Although now with streaming, they don't have to. They don't have to they don't have to like oh wow as kids like i probably watched those baseball bloopers hosted by jay johnstone uh more than anything time well spent if you ask me um now we also have overheard sent to us from people all over the map if you want to send one to us send it into spy at maximum
Starting point is 01:22:26 i'm just trying to find where the hell where the hell are these overheards you want me to read them i got them oh i got them somewhere i got them pulled up too graham if you want me to so i'm the only one that can't find it is that what you guys are telling me i got them on my phone and i got them on my pager over here yeah yeah i actually have him on the gps of my new car and i i wrote him out backwards for dave's backup camera too so like i'm standing behind his car if he wants to read oh yeah backwards um jesus christ where are these hey guys this is marcus i was doing some do you want me to do this uh no i'm gonna get there i feel i have confidence guys you know what it's it's been rickety so far but don't count me out as we've sent it exactly two o'clock p.m i got it i got it now i got it
Starting point is 01:23:20 okay as dave was saying hey guys this is Marcus. I was doing some lock repair at my local zoo to just breathe in that sentence. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on a minute. So I was doing some lock repair at my local zoo when I overheard someone on the key. Has a funnier sentence
Starting point is 01:23:43 ever been written? Is he a locksmith does the zoo like bring in a locksmith because like oh the lion's getting out yeah yeah or they don't have somebody there that could already do it they have to yeah independent contractor for those locks and they were like you'll never guess who's been monkeying with the locks the snakes the snakes so I was doing some lock repair at my local zoo when I overheard someone on the keepers radio say
Starting point is 01:24:19 be advised a guest has informed us that someone was feeding candy corn to the meerkats. Oh, man. Yeah. Everything about that story is just great. They love it. Meerkats at the zoo is kind of like having gophers at the zoo, right?
Starting point is 01:24:39 Or they're a bigger deal than gophers? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what I mean. I mean, they have better branding you know they know what's trending absolutely do sure um are they cat like in any way they stand up really tall yeah what's the difference between a meerkat and a prairie dog about 10 pounds same as in town yeah um this next one comes from karen oh hi podcast yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes thank you
Starting point is 01:25:13 friend of the show i was pretending to sleep while avoiding responsibility this weekend and heard my son and husband talking in the next room. My five-year-old says, it's not your birthday. And my husband responded, how do you know? I'm super old. I could have a birthday at any time. Kids don't know. They don't understand why you're eating cake for breakfast. Kids don't know a damn thing.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Yeah. Oh, thanks, Perino. I've been loving those yeah, yeah, yes videos you've been making in quarantine with the other members on iPad. Is this really a thing? Oh, yeah. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Oh, I didn't know. I'm glad to know this now. Oh, check them out. I'm happy to go down memory lane. Yeah Yeah Yes are very integral in my college years. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Just watching my high fidelity and fight club dvd listening to the yeah yeah it's just like okay last overheard here the story happened to a friend who relayed this to us our friend greg went to doctor's office and there was another guy in the waiting room the nurse came out and said greg the other man stood up along with greg greg asked her did you say greg to which she replied yes and the other man said oh i thought you said chris oh happens all the time yeah i mean graham do you ever get do you ever hear greg and stand up oh i don't uh i don't i no I no longer, if there's like a calling out thing at a coffee shop or whatever, it's Tom. I go by Tom.
Starting point is 01:26:50 Oh, wow. That is the name I give all the time is Tom. Yeah. Dave is pretty close to, in a loud room, Dave could sound like James or Gabe or. Oh, yeah. Dale. Yeah. I'm Peter.
Starting point is 01:27:10 Peter Frampton. oh yeah yeah i'm peter peter frampton now in addition to overheards that are written in we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one spy pod one like these people have hi this is this is Kelly from St. Louis, Missouri. This is a couple years old, but I was in a pharmacy, and I don't know if it's the same in Canada, but in the States, sometimes things like deodorant or razors are behind these locked, clear plastic things on the shelves. I get to prevent shoplifting. Well, anyway, this girl is in one of the aisles,
Starting point is 01:27:46 and she's in front of the condoms and they're in one of those things and she's like trying to figure out how to get the condoms out and she's getting like really frustrated so finally a pharmacy worker comes up and is like can I help you and she's like I don't know how these work and he's like
Starting point is 01:28:02 oh you just rolled on the penis and she got really mad I love how much she loves this that was like a like a Zucker Brothers joke
Starting point is 01:28:23 I don't know how to do this. Oh boy. How does this work? Oh, you haven't practiced on a banana in school? I love that she held on to it for a couple years too. Yeah. I mean, people
Starting point is 01:28:39 are always discovering this podcast. Yeah. Oh man. Here. Oh, man. Here's your next one. Hey, Dave and Graham. My name is Bob. I work on a college university. I was walking past some students.
Starting point is 01:28:53 All of them were wearing masks. I heard a loud sneeze after I walked past. Then I heard a louder sneeze and a young lady said, Sherry, why did you take your mask off to sneeze? Well, I didn't want to sneeze in it. That's the point, Sherry.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Yeah, I wouldn't want to sneeze in a mask either. I do it. Yeah, you have to. You got it, right? You have to do it. You're all going to make sacrifices. That's the whole point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:22 It is, yeah. But it is gross gross it's totally gross i'm not it but it's so much better than this than just like putting your face in your sleeve or whatever like it's not that bad the fact that that passed muster for so long is insane and also people blowing their nose in public i don't understand how that was not like make that the most private thing in your life we also did that after the last pandemic like people blew their nose in public you know old people were doing that shit yeah some guy did that with me i was walking down the sidewalk with my dog and i had a mask on and he saw me coming he did not have a mask and he didn't have one to put on.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And so he put his face in his elbow. Now I'm Dracula. Which actually put his face closer to me. Oh man, I love it. I love it. Here we go. Final overheard. Hey fellas, this is Ed from Atlanta. And I got, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:27 I got, uh, overheard for you. I'm shopping here in the Publix. And one of the Publix ladies is, like, stocking the shelf. Turns around, takes off her mask to yell loudly, Hey, did you hear
Starting point is 01:30:42 that Eddie Van Halen just died? And the lady at the counter goes, wait, who? And the first lady says, you know, Eddie Van Halen from the Doors. Anyway, I thought that was funny. Love you guys. Oh, my God. Oh, man. Oh, boy, oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:31:03 That's great. Everything about that is great. Yeah. Where were you when you heard Eddie Van Halen from the doors died? That's my doors impression. That's good. Yeah. That's very good.
Starting point is 01:31:16 That is a good impression. I used to live. I had a roommate that was a big fan of the doors and I would always make a point of making fun of them. Yeah. I feel like the Doors are maybe the most make fun of all band. Oh, yeah. It's up there.
Starting point is 01:31:33 It's definitely up there. Yeah. Oh, boy. I'm trying to think of like, you know, outside of the obvious like Limp Bizkit or something like that. Oh, sure. Yeah. How dare you?
Starting point is 01:31:47 Fred's a friend. can i pose something crazy throw this gambit were the doors the limp biscuit of their time oh wow i thought you're gonna say where the door is the jim belushi of music who died and made them the doors you know you know what i mean yeah yeah who died and made you the new singer of the doors well it was van halen it was eddie van halen tim the ripper owens that's a deep cut um that brings us to the end of this here episode uh ria yeah you have an album coming out sometime in the possible future. Yeah, it's going to be, it's a show that I did in Denver in 2019. It wasn't intended to be a show or a recording, but now it is, which is cool because the pandemic,
Starting point is 01:32:39 like who knows when I'm going to do live comedy again. Yeah, absolutely. And I'm calling it Pull Yourself Up by Your Bootleg. And it's going to be on a special thing. And so I don't know if it's going to come out in 2020 or first thing in 2021, but it's coming out. That's great.
Starting point is 01:32:57 I love the title. Thank you. And I can't wait to hear it. Whenever it comes out, if it comes out in 2022, I'll still listen to it. Oh, thank you, Graham. I can't wait to hear yours. You know, whenever it comes out, if it comes out in 2022, I'll still listen to it. Oh, thank you,
Starting point is 01:33:06 Graham. I can't wait to hear yours. And you know, I mean, it's just some of it's going to be funny, you know, at least. Well,
Starting point is 01:33:11 I don't, I don't guarantee that. When you said you didn't know if it was coming out in 2020 or 2021, I forgot what year it was. Yeah. Oh yeah. I was like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:33:21 2020 next year. Yeah. Okay. Oh, wait, next year, 2020, you know, uh thank you so much for being our guest yeah it was so great to be back on the show
Starting point is 01:33:32 uh and thank you to everybody out there for listening uh please uh stay safe out there and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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