Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 664 - Glenn Wool

Episode Date: December 7, 2020

Comedian Glenn Wool returns to talk dying rock stars, birthdays, and Vancouver cinema history....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 664 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who he's so excited he can't sleep because he's so excited about Christmas. It's Dave Shumka. That's right. We're, you know, at time of recording 22 days away from Christmas, but the advent calendars have been cracked open yes the um you know uh sugar plums are dancing they're like i drug the sugar plums so that they dance for 24 nights right um yeah that's about that's about it as far as preparation we did get the tree your partridge oh boy um well i i worry that abby is not my
Starting point is 00:01:08 true love because she has not given to me a partridge in a pear tree um how many of those could you remember how many of the 12 days could you remember offhand partridge pear tree uh-huh lords are leaping okay how many no, I don't know that. I just know the general occupations. Yeah. Our guest today, a very funny comedian, originally from here in Canada, now making his home in England, and he has a brand new album out called Viva Forever, which is available from Stand Up Records. It's Glenn Wool.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Hello. Hello. Hi, Glenn welcome thank you so much for being a part of the show thank you for having me your uh your album i don't i mean every comedian tries to make their title funny but when when you said the name of your album i laughed very hard uh because viva forever is to me it's always been associated with the Spice Girls It's the worst song that's ever been recorded It's really really bad and what I used to do when the crowd was walking in like in Edinburgh
Starting point is 00:02:20 or when I was on tour I played Viva Forever on a loop so it would end and then it would start again and it starts so similarly the way that it ends that
Starting point is 00:02:38 it takes you three vivas to because like a two you're like how long is viva forever like i don't remember maybe there's not like maybe there's a radio edit that i'm not yeah yeah yeah around in glasgow when the tour hit town we got to four Viva Forevers and we had to start the show a little early because a man was going so insane he clocked what was happening
Starting point is 00:03:16 and every time it'd start up again it was like it was like Begbie from Trainspotting it was gonna stab a speaker and then did you play it at the end of the show as well or was there a show ending song?
Starting point is 00:03:34 oh yeah well usually people are long gone by that point by the end of the show they're gone oh yeah always just me. After the 57th rendition of Viva Forever, people are still there. You know. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I think we did play. You know, sometimes it happened. They would start playing it again and then, like, screech it and put on some guns and roses, but it also, it also comes up in the show. I don't want to spoil the album for anybody,
Starting point is 00:04:12 but, uh, okay. Yeah. This is, this is high concept stuff. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Well, should we, uh, should we get to know us? Yes, we should. Get to know us? Yes, we should. Get to know us. Before we ask any more questions of Glenn,
Starting point is 00:04:30 I just wanted to make an announcement that this Wednesday, Graham and I are going to be recording episode 667. We're pre-taping an episode that is going to come out the last week of the year. So we have a little break from editing and it's going to be a, uh, uh, an audience participation episode. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So, uh, head over to our Facebook group. We'll, uh, announce there. There'll be a zoom link where people can call in and, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:00 ask us questions, I guess. Ask us questions or show off their talent. Surely, surely that should have show off their talent. Surely, surely that should have been show number 666, just in case Satan wanted to call. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:05:13 that's going to be our Christmas episode this year, so we've got something up our sleeves for that. I assumed. I assumed something was up. Go to our Facebook group We'll post the link when it's available Or follow us on Twitter
Starting point is 00:05:30 At Stop Podcasting On with the show Now Glenn You mentioned Guns N' Roses If memory serves You are a huge Guns N' Roses fan Yes, yes I am How many times have you seen them uh i'd have to
Starting point is 00:05:47 say it'd be around five now um holy shit yeah yeah i saw them they have they shown up every time you had tickets have they ever have you ever been the one where they canceled do you know i was in one in belfast and um this was right uh right this is when the new guys had come together so it was guys and roses you know was that the bucket bucket head years?
Starting point is 00:06:15 actually I don't think bucket head was there by then I think it was like really like was chicken foot there? maybe I don't know sounds like a children's program. Chickenfoot. Yeah. And the Friendly Giant.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Yeah. So, and this is Belfast. People have been drinking. It's in a packed arena. And the roadies are going on stage, and they're tightening every bolt and checking every wire as if to say to the crowd, like, look, I know there's been troubles here before, but tonight is not. You're in Belfast. We're not going to have troubles tonight. He's here like like there was actually
Starting point is 00:07:07 um security sort of circulating the through the crowd going he is here he's he's honestly here there is no reason like i don't know do you guys riot much yeah yeah but uh and and the roadies were an extension of that where like they really like i'd never seen the stage so checked in my life like people were up and adjusting lights and then like maybe maybe an hour late hour and a half late they start up there they and it was when it was right when chinese democracy came out. So that one song that's the first track. So it's got like this weird backing, like, people are like, oh, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:55 We've heard this. At least he's here. He's got to put in new stuff. But at least he's here and he's ready to go. And the lights go off and he runs up on the stage and the band's going and he hits the mic and starts singing. And it's, they forgot to turn the mic on.
Starting point is 00:08:16 After all that, he's yelling away and he can't tell. Yeah. And the rest of the crowd, knowing the temperamental artists we're dealing with nobody said anything we're just like yeah yeah this rules you're doing great axel don't say nothing the king has clothes the king has clothes everybody yeah i mean it only it only went on for a good 20 seconds or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:45 But that's great. And they played Viva Forever four times in the middle. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I sang it acapella. What do you remember any of the bands that opened for Guns N' Roses when you saw them? Oh. Like, did anybody that you saw open for them
Starting point is 00:09:07 then become a band of prominence, or? No, I don't. I remember Brian May opening for them once right after Freddie Mercury died, and that was seen as a poor decision by the paid attendance of the... He didn't even play Queen songs. Well, he couldn't.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I mean, how awesome would that have been to find out that actually Brian May was the really good singer in Queen. He just never... Because Freddie couldn't play an instrument, so he had to play... That's right. Once he released himself from the yoke of Mercury.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Really. And much more of a showman than freddie ever was yeah yeah he really was able to come out of out of his shell did you see the queen movie oh uh yes yes i thought it was was an acceptable... I liked it. Yeah. It didn't change my perception. You know, I think... You know, I wasn't like, what? He was... No! Freddie! Freddie Mercury!
Starting point is 00:10:18 Rock and roll! Are there any scenes in it where he throws a lavish party? Because apparently that was his... Yeah. Yeah. That he had he would have little people walking around with ashtrays on their heads oh and i don't remember that that this is this is part of the lore around uh freddie mercury well and that wasn't in the
Starting point is 00:10:36 movie i assume no no um good good but do you know i used to do this gig in Exeter in England, and I used to always stay at this B&B because it was only like, and this would be 20 years ago, but it was like 20 quid to stay in a B&B. And it was really nice, and it was run by these two gay guys, and they just had all the little touches and the chocolates on the pillow that you could tell they handmade them. And for 15 quid, like as a comedian at that time, it was just so... The price is going down the further you get into the story. It started at 20, now it's at 15.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Wait, it's free by the end. You'll see. Yeah, I forgot. One time they couldn't provide breakfast, so they said 15 quid. It usually was 20. But you can have as many chocolates on your pillow as you want. And I didn't even mind that because I never made it to breakfast because I'd always go out and eat.
Starting point is 00:11:35 I was a young man. I was drinking. Sure. One time I met a lady, and we smoked some hashish in the room and I felt so guilty. Like we did it out the window but it was, I just felt like I felt like I'd really sort of stepped on the toes of these really nice guys and I always used to... Yeah, you're looking at their needle point while you're smoking hashish
Starting point is 00:12:04 and you feel bad. And I always used to guys and i always you're looking at their needle point while you're smoking hashish and that you feel bad and i and i told i i always used to tell the other comedians to stay there because it was so nice and um and i i confessed to another comedian i was like i really did a asshole thing i i um i did that and they and he was you've never, you've never eaten breakfast in the breakfast room. Have you? And I was like, no, I actually haven't.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And he's like, yeah. Um, that guy used to be Freddie Mercury's personal assistant. And that's where, that's where he got all the money to buy this B and B and he doesn't care. He just has, he likes people.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So I'm thinking like, Ooh, is that a little hash? There's little people with cocaine in their hatch. I haven't breakfast. Oh man. One thing that they did in the movie a lot, which he did in real life, was on stage, he in the movie a lot, which he did in real life, was on stage,
Starting point is 00:13:05 he would sing a little, and the audience would then all go, Oh, beep-bop! And it was like, it seems like a very simple thing, and something that you would do in a children's music class, but also the most fun thing that could happen at a concert that uh thinking of a like a child's music class if
Starting point is 00:13:33 everybody was given like a small tambourine upon entry to a concert that would be awesome i mean it would be awful most of the time but that first moment when everybody's playing it would be pretty pretty epic i'm excited for these uh post-covid when we can go back to concerts and everyone can blow into a small harmonica yes what uh of of all the kind of concert are you a regular concert goer or just guns and roses uh yeah it's you know what all what? All of my bands are dying. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's been tough since Gord Downie died because any concert you attend after, you're just like, well, it's not the one I want to be at, but that's that concert. But are these bands that are dying off, are they just people who are retiring and they've been on the road for 25 years or 30 years and they've just had enough? Yeah, well, no. It's like members or, you know, Eddie Van Halen just left us.
Starting point is 00:14:41 That's right. Yeah. Do you know who still brings it? And I'm glad to have him as a solid plan B is Pearl Jam. Yes, Pearl Jam. Still cranking away. I saw them in Holland. My buddy, Ed Byrne, another very talented comedian.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Very funny, comedian. Yes, me and him, we like to go to Pearl Jam concerts together, but he had floor seats, and he said, like, he was driving and everything, and he's like, you can come, but I don't think you get ticks on the floor. So I got, like,
Starting point is 00:15:21 up in the seats. So I was able to go to the concert with him, but I went and he had to stand on the floor with his brother. And apparently the beer lineup was really long. I'm up in the seat seats. And in Holland, you have to buy these little drink tickets. They're little plastic drink tickets.
Starting point is 00:15:39 And I'm, I've got it in my head, like North American concerts. So I like the wall 50 bucks. I want to have a few beers. And the machine just keeps spitting out. I'm like, whoa. So I end up with like a case of beer under my feet. And it's Dutch, too.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So they're just like, yeah, if you want to drink it, you can. You will be the fool. I'm having a blast. I'm able to sit down and I'm beside a Mexican guy, like a guy from Mexico who was on his way to the World Cup in Russia. And Pearl Jam was his favorite band. And me and that guy, for one one night we were like arm and arm not and we're too old to actually sing but we're miming the words yeah yeah and he's doing the
Starting point is 00:16:36 guitar like it's more like back to back I'm lead singer he's he's the guitarist and people were like they thought we were best like they were like how long you guys known each other we just don't even speak the same language dude well glenn you're in for a surprise because today we brought alohandro the mexican man you air guitar yeah he was was killed in Russia, but his parents are here and they want you. Yeah. The authorities just want to, you know, want you to answer some questions. That's so fun.
Starting point is 00:17:18 The like you were Pearl Jam fan, I guess, back in the day. Oh, yeah. Just kept on. Okay. Because I've been to concerts of bands that I maybe wasn't a fan of or knew two songs of and then sat there kind of mystified the rest of the time. Well, everyone else is so excited because they're going to the World Cup later. Yeah, exactly. You're like the yin to my yang you're just harsh in the vibe of everybody like
Starting point is 00:17:49 drumming around you and you're just sort of yeah i'm the manager we gotta get up in the morning yeah no more car uh glenn you you make your home in uh in england i do and uh and you have two uh little ones or one little one and another one about to debut yes yes one is in mama's womb right now basting away yeah and my son uh is aware like he's three years old, but he's aware of what's going on. We tell him to be careful. There's a baby in there.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Don't punch mama. Yeah, he's aware to an extent, but now when he's feeling tender, he's like, he's got his own baby he's worrying about. I've got a baby. Don't tickle me daddy my baby it's no good i mean that makes about as much sense to a kid like oh there's a your brother or sister is in
Starting point is 00:18:58 there now and will eventually break loose yeah like a little kid would be like yeah that's that makes sense that's normal and fine well but it shouldn't be it's hard to wrap your head around as a kid there was there was a perfect moment though because i was i i grew up with two uh older brothers and we fought like like the real wrestling it was like yeah ufc style like i you know that's every time i see ufc i'm just like that's that's just two brothers fighting like when they're rolling around and trying to get themselves in chicken wings and stuff yeah and then the mom comes downstairs at the end of every round you guys yeah yeah they do the thing where where like you draw like let a loogie fall
Starting point is 00:19:42 out of your mouth and then you suck it back up at the last second? Yeah, they shouldn't have weight classes. They should have age orders. No, we've got a little brother fighting a big brother now. Well, that's going to be... I'd say he's fighting out of his weight class. Does the big brother play a lot of D&D? Is that what...
Starting point is 00:19:57 Okay, well, I don't think he's going to win that fight. Yeah, the big brother just appears to be sitting on the chest of the little brother. And the octagon is their parents' bed. So anyway, I was quite charmed by this because Atticus, my son, he was fascinated by my wife's belly because he knew his little sister was in there. fascinated by my wife's belly because he knew his little sister was in there and uh and and my wife was like atticus come come feel like because you know the baby was was moving and then and he put his little head right on her belly and uh she took the she took the opportunity to get the first shot in she kicked him right in the head like like you would have thought like she'd line that up like okay he's there yeah yeah uh that's great uh when you were wrestling with your brothers did they have a
Starting point is 00:20:56 special special move that they uh would always because i had a special move when i was when i was a kid i had a special move. You were the oldest, right, Graham? Yeah. I'm the, I'm the eldest. And so I had developed a cool move, but did your brothers,
Starting point is 00:21:10 did they have a finisher? Something like that? No, it was just, it was just basic. Like, I'll tell you, my,
Starting point is 00:21:21 my eldest brother, he, he was constantly hitting me with weapons by accident. And also, why was he making all these weapons? He made like a Judas Priest glove out of tacks and like an old driving glove. So he had to cut off leather. And then he had all these tax in it. And I was just, I was sitting in his room reading the newspaper and he just went,
Starting point is 00:21:55 went move. And he, cause he was, he ripped the paper like in his head, like that'll be cool. That'll rip the paper, but bang right into my leg so i had like it was like it was like um pinhead from uh that movie like if he fell asleep on your lap you know like you're like a halloween party or something a little bit too much
Starting point is 00:22:21 i like the idea of pinhead getting wasted at a Halloween party just the glass keeps dinking against the pins do you have a straw can I get a straw for this people are using them to smoke hash off the quit wiggling pinhead you're next
Starting point is 00:22:44 don't worry oh man what was your finishing move my finishing move was if I had my brother on the ground I would grab the legs and I would try to push them as close to their head as their flexibility would allow and then I'd hold it for
Starting point is 00:23:03 three or four seconds and I called it I even had four seconds. And I called it. I even had a name for it. I called it the Cerrone. Did it mean anything? No. Okay. But I would warn my brothers,
Starting point is 00:23:14 you're about to get a Cerrone. It was short for Rice-a-roni? Yeah, maybe. You should have called it the San Francisco Treat. Yeah. That was my wrestler name, was san francisco treat yeah did did wrestling didn't have like professional wrestling never had you were talking about weight classes before they did it was like oh no it was just everyone against everyone yeah it was every whoever hated who yeah it was more uh more democratic than uh weight classes yeah well
Starting point is 00:23:46 maybe you can answer me this this is i i keep half an eye on it um i just yeah i liked it i liked it when i was younger and then no me too um the women are uh becoming very popular uh and the match why why do they need to be in different like men and women why why can't the women be beating the men the men yeah especially if it's scripted yeah yeah i feel like that's ultimately where it's gonna go because apparently these days uh the women's league is much more popular than uh than the the menfolk at least in the wwe they're they're not creating fun storylines for the guys but the girls really have some spitfires you know it's really fun yeah sure and why not you know i'm not i'm not i'm not
Starting point is 00:24:39 knocking i mean i guess the one thing would be it's just like you can't really even you can't pretend to body slam of like a 250 pound man uh like it yeah i would allow it i would allow it if it happened on tv i'd be like this is fine this is fine this makes sense for me oh yeah no yeah of course well because like hulk hogan uh body slammed andre the giant that's right and he was like i don't know two thousand pounds i don't remember exactly yeah i'm not i'm not like a great estimator he wasn't holding them in the sky and no he really just like got his feet off the ground and dropped them yeah it looked like a it looked like your uncle falling over at christmas and more of that, like just trying to get him into a cab. Like, okay, don't ever, don't ever tell that joke again.
Starting point is 00:25:30 That's just, it's different times, different times now. That's not appreciated in the house anymore. Yeah. Oh man. Andre the Giant, 2,000 pounds. He weighs as much as a couple of cars. Well, Kogan lifted up a couple of uh you know pujos yeah um do you now that you have a child what i like to do with my children is i wrestle
Starting point is 00:25:55 with them uh especially because i was the youngest child i never got a chance to manhandle anyone do you wrestle with your son i've got him in the serrani right now just under the desk he's been in the serrani since the since the podcast started uh yes i do i do wrestle with him and he uh he is quite um he he enjoys that very much like like he saw there's times too where i'm like oh i i got him there and he's back up and i'm like good yeah yeah it's uh does he does he like play a character is he just he's atticus the terrible yeah no he's not uh do you know what he is he is starting to make imaginary things uh in his head
Starting point is 00:26:49 he's not a wrestling character yet but he did uh he's got a strange fascination with the christmas tree this year oh yeah because he's three years old and he's he's he's almost he's like a pack rat with the damn thing he takes the ornaments off and hides them behind the tree. And then he slithers behind the tree himself and sort of peers out of it at you. Like, look what I've done. Try to make sense of this, father. And I'm like, well, nobody can. Here's some wholesome mischief.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah. But he's got, he started, and's some wholesome mischief. Yeah, but he's got, he started and I, I wasn't, I wasn't around for this, but yesterday I was doing another podcast up here and down in the tree room. He started, he said to my wife that his name was Kathy, which is the name of his uh preschool teacher okay so now he's kathy
Starting point is 00:27:47 now he's kathy and he started admonishing the ornaments like there's a monkey and an elephant and he was like and you stop talking give it like like that as if they're in a classroom of christmas ornaments and he well that's 10 kinds of adorable i love that yeah that when did the christmas tree go up uh yeah it's first lockdown so march we gotta we gotta jump on it this year from march forward yeah we weren't doing much else so uh yeah we got a lot of presents a lot of a lot of time to think um no it went up uh it went up uh i think december 1st but that's that's been um we we in england we had a second lockdown that lasted for all of november so everybody was yeah everybody's going to be incredibly fat too,
Starting point is 00:28:46 because we've all started Christmas eating early. Yeah. Yeah. Figgy pudding. Yeah. What'd you call me? Yeah. So like,
Starting point is 00:28:59 yeah, like the, the, the 24th day away from Christmas. Yeah. Christmas. Christmas. What are you talking about? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lots of nog, etc. Yeah. You can't get the
Starting point is 00:29:13 grocery store nog here, though. No? No. You have to make your own nog? Yeah, and you can imagine what a barrier that is like if that's if that's a beverage you enjoy you don't like you're not looking to make yeah no that's true yeah that's that is off the table yeah here it's like you get the grocery store nog and there's like five non-dairy nogs there's almond nog and like oh yeah a bunch of really seasonal nogs have you had why why would you be interested in eggnog and a healthy lifestyle i was trying to marry those two experiences i gotta i gotta get to yoga so i better top myself
Starting point is 00:30:01 up with eggnog i'm showing up to yoga fully loaded yeah yeah with soy nog i call it yoga juice that's that's what makes me go you guys are about to see something real special oh yeah yeah please do not fill yourself with that and then contort yourself in a in a room squeeze it out abby's uh abby abby's dad makes eggnog every year. He makes it. He makes it. It's delicious. It takes an hour or two.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think egg yolks, cream, and sugar. It's so thick and rich and delicious. But it is like the eggs aren't cooked. It like right and there's nothing's pasteurized about it or anything and he forgot to put the nutmeg in it uh but it's it's like super delicious but there is like a little uh hurdle to get over to be like
Starting point is 00:31:01 okay here i go i'm gonna drink it now yeah i'm gonna drink 17 eggs or whatever yeah uh yeah i'm really surprised that like just nowhere in england it's just not a thing over there well it is but yeah no not not not in the way that you know in canada you you get egg nog anywhere any shop you know that's true uh also the other beverage that um is not available readily here is uh is the slurpee they they don't have those at all oh really i'm uh again i'm surprised anytime i hear that england doesn't have something sweet because it seems like they they accept all sweets great yeah yeah yeah talk to them about it yeah i they don't have a chain of convenience stores like 7-eleven or do they oh yeah yeah they've got
Starting point is 00:31:55 but they're more um yeah they're like service stations and stuff um Right. Yeah. But you can't get a Slurpee at a service station? No. Yeah. Like sometimes there's like a special, like you'd have to be by the seaside and it'd be a special, special machine. Like nobody's getting them just like, I got a Slurpee.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I get stuck in traffic, whatever, you know? Nah, it's like, you got to take time off of work. Right. Yeah. That's right. what'd you do with your vacation
Starting point is 00:32:27 i got a slurpee i watched mr bean had a slurpee yeah happy anniversary honey thinking about the things that england doesn't have it really i mean i'm thinking we we gotta make an eggnog slurpee oh yeah yeah i mean uh that is an infection waiting to happen it's not like like tim hortons does a creamy cappuccino icy thing like we could do a like creamy eggnoggy ice oh i mean you know we wondered uh if it could be done at the detriment of the question should we your scientists were so focused
Starting point is 00:33:11 yeah it's the first the first sip of it i am become heart disease yeah destroyer of coronaries it's weird like uh as a kid i think i craved it so much the eggnog i think i thought because it was exclusive it was like the mcrib sandwich you could only have it for uh like a couple of weeks and then it vanished forever you're a bit of a grinch aren't you graham you don't you you're uh you love halloween halloween's your favorite and christmas can go kick rocks that's right yeah i'm planning to steal it this year so watch out uh but you if i'm not mistaken you your favorite thing about christmas is uh pepper or like uh the bark yes peppermint bark peppermint candy cane candy cane bark yeah have you had any of that yet no but uh i feel like uh tonight's the night to really go pick up a lot of it and just go headlong into bark season do you have a favorite brand
Starting point is 00:34:22 or is it just like gas station bark yeah it's gas station it's just uh yeah whatever whatever the name of the brand is just says bark on the outside no pictures i think that was a jira flame you were eating i hope you don't smoke yeah i wouldn't smoke for a while if I were you. Oh, man. Yeah. Oh, well, I'm surprised. I'm surprised that the nog is not falling off the shelves there.
Starting point is 00:34:53 What if you became the first guy? What if you imported some nog? Yeah, Johnny Nog Seed. Yeah. Hang out at pubs. I'm your guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Some nog, man.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Well. Yeah, you thought that lager was creamy. I feel so guilty I drank some illegal egg nog in this bed and breakfast. Yeah. Freddie Mercury is personal. I know
Starting point is 00:35:17 Freddie Mercury is personal assistant. I know how to get it in the country, okay? I think we'll be alright. Everybody get a little knock okay yeah yeah everybody have a little nog we'll we'll all figure it out together nog narcos um dave what's going on with you man oh man uh not a heck of a lot um no uh just we just had the birthday season is happening in my house. That's right. We have, uh, my wife and my daughter, my, my three-year-old who is turning four and me all have birthdays in about within about a month of each other.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Yeah. Uh, and so Poppy, her birthday is on Christmas Eve. So we always, for my birthday,cember 1st we always combine them and so uh she can get some presents and then wait three weeks and get more presents i guess yeah nice uh and it's you know i then i don't have to like then i can uh i don't i like a little bit of attention on my birthday but i like to be able to be like, Oh, it's about her. Give her a present.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Um, but now, and when I forget the date of Margo's is it? It's September,
Starting point is 00:36:35 September, right? So the fall is just, uh, it's just a madhouse for it. Yeah. We're thick with birthdays. Um,
Starting point is 00:36:41 so we went, uh, on Poppy's birthday and like, you know, we gave her a bunch of presents and, or on's birthday and we gave her a bunch of presents. Or on my birthday, we gave her a bunch of presents. I took her to the cupcake store and we bought a bunch of cupcakes for dessert. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Delicious. That was about it. It was a lovely little day. Yeah. And for my birthday, so many people have given me gift cards for ice cream yeah my myself included grave included abby's aunt sheila included i think i'm i think i'm in the triple digits of spending like spending money on ice cream yeah i uh i just figured i'd lay down a card that was across the board the whole family can enjoy ice cream. For the ice cream birthday season.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yes. Yeah, exactly. And have you been eating like an excess of ice cream because of it? I have not had any ice cream in weeks. What? I don't know. Look, it's bathing suit season is coming up. What the hell do you guys do at Christmas time over there?
Starting point is 00:37:44 Well. Kids, get on your trunks. it's time to open the presents we're doing a photo shoot but i will it's uh the ice cream will always be there for me that's true yeah yeah um what's what's your what's your favorite uh junk food i'm a i'm a savory guy oh yeah yeah yeah and i don't even count it as junk food but apparently it is uh but uh belly pork we've got belly pork yeah pork rinds or no it's like um i don't know it's like fat bacon almost like it's it's all kinds of wrong but it's all you cook it or yeah yeah yeah you cook it you cook it uh but there's uh because we live out in the countryside there's there's like a butcher's attached to um like a farm and these guys are just in there make Makes. Oh, he's like,
Starting point is 00:38:45 this came from that guy's brother. Yeah. This guy lost a wrestling match. So we cooked them. His brother is literally Sergeant Slaughter. Yeah, exactly. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah. It's a nickname. Uh, yeah. Yeah. So I, and i and um and british um british treats don't don't don't amuse me the um the crisps as we call them here they they come in a not nice enough bag like there's three of them yeah three of them in like something the size of one of those do not eat salt sachet yeah so yeah oh okay and we're done okay yeah i think that was
Starting point is 00:39:37 salt and vinegar um and then like the chocolate bars don't do anything for you i i've got a line on uh on race uh racist cups so did you say racist yeah racist cups racist peanut butter cup if i didn't have those cups i wouldn't be racist racist booming metropolis um last uh christmas i was in england a couple times and i noticed that they had mariah carey was the big was the spokesperson for their christmas crisps really yeah she was all over the tesco in her little santa that's just one of those things you like because potato chips are so good, it doesn't matter who's the spokesperson. That's true.
Starting point is 00:40:32 It wasn't like people weren't eating them until, oh, Mariah Carey says so. Maybe I'll give it a try. When I was a kid, there was a, I think it was Old Dutch, that had three kind of goblins as the mascots uh the munchies they were called oh the munchies yeah do you remember this glenn hostess potato chip i do but i remember the big ship that the old dutch guy remember it was like a star it was a star wars theme thing it was um it was when star wars like when space stuff on TV was so hard to see that even the old Dutch commercial with a spaceship, you were like, yeah, we better watch this. I don't know this commercial, but I'm very on board for it.
Starting point is 00:41:18 That there's some sort of spaceship. The old Dutch spaceship. Yeah, I'm sure it'll be on YouTube. I'm sure it will as well. Let. Oh, I'm sure it will as well. Let me see if I can pull it out. A little trip down a memory lane. Those guys, the munchies, you would be able to take like a code. You would cut out a code off of the chip bag and you'd mail it in and they would send you a stuffed
Starting point is 00:41:45 munchie yes yeah and when you got the munchies nothing else will do hostess potato chips i um oh boy i mean it's very hard to google old dutch ship yeah because you're getting like you're getting a lot of the dutch east india company the batavia um i uh i i i still think all dutch is the finest potato chip we know but i need if i'm gonna have an old dutch i like it plain i like it ripple and i like yes big big pot of french onion dip right yes and i just and when i go back to canada i gorge on this stuff i can't help myself but and it's funny you bring this up because i'm now re-watching seinfeld oh yeah i got it on amazon private yeah we'll watch it but But when I initially watched that,
Starting point is 00:42:45 I would have been in high school with my high school sweetheart, and we used to eat old Dutch and French onion dip by, you know, like ridiculous amounts. And now I watch it, and I'm just, I want it so bad. And I can't have it. You Pavlon dog yourself. Yeah i was if i was in canada it would be so easy any max uh convenience would offer made my hit but here yeah you can't have it at all i'm so sorry do you come back to canada enough to to get get your fix or you want do you want me to send you there's
Starting point is 00:43:25 border controls now you can't just come back for you'd have to get an old dutch spaceship and yeah well i found the commercial it's from 1978 old dutch potato chips potato wars commercial nice um can you see it if i like put it there yeah if you hold it up a little bit yeah there i can see it let I put it there? Yeah, if you hold it up a little bit. Yeah, there, I can see it. Let's see. Potato Wars, yes. There's the ship. John Williams did the music.
Starting point is 00:44:08 This rules. I don't know how i'm just learning about this now for the for the listener this rules this rules it's a little guy uh piloting a cartoon ship and then another ship approaches and shoots potato chips at the ship and then turns into an old dutch box so why and that was also a takeoff of the star wars information going yeah the way it scrolls up the yeah right potato wars not the greatest pun in the world but yeah they spent a lot on artwork not a lot on writers yeah spud wars is right there yes spud wars is close yeah luke spud walker would be a good really there's a lot you can do with it some kind of space chip yes space chip absolutely so yeah so the birthdays and the other thing that's going on with me is i have been watching two television shows at the moment uh and i'm i don't know if you've
Starting point is 00:45:13 watched them a lot of people i've heard a lot of people talking about them and uh the two shows are the queen's gambit oh yes chess the chess show and season four of the crown and oh okay both of these shows satisfy my the itch like the opposite i have the opposite of needing to watch space stuff i want to watch shows about people sitting quietly yes yeah that's a that's a very particular genre i want to see the crossover episode where the queen does some heroin with the chess lady and they really get down to the bottom yeah yeah yeah they start seeing you know shapes have you have you either of you watched either of these no i watched the crown but um i was forced to by my wife yes oh yeah and it's mandatory where you where you are so it really is and and you this is just something across the board um and it is to
Starting point is 00:46:16 this day uh british women you you never you you can't even act like you don't want to watch something because it's got lady diana in it like you can't even act like you don't want to watch something because it's got lady Diana in it. Like you can't even, right. Like that's not an excuse. It's acceptable. And I,
Starting point is 00:46:34 I, I, I, I, I'm not a fan nor a, nor an enemy of the woman, but I certainly don't care. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Watching it. I, I, um, like I forgot just how enormous of a celebrity she was in the 80s. Yeah. It was like, in terms of 80s icons, it was like Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Princess Di. Yeah. And when she passed, I'm sure I've told this story on the podcast multiple times
Starting point is 00:47:06 but uh i was at my friend's house and we were about to watch leprechaun and then his dad came in the room and said turn on the news and we never got to watch leprechaun oh man it just burned in my memory have you seen it since no every time i try to watch it somebody dies yeah you gotta you gotta be careful with that power yeah exactly you know i had a i i had a friend who managed a a pub in scotland and uh he uh there was a very small office and he had worn boxer shorts or he had worn boxer shorts and jogging pants. It was like a casual Sunday kind of. And he was just in the office doing some work and he'd opened the filing cabinet and he heard like a waitress rushing into the office to tell him something. And he was just like, hold up.
Starting point is 00:48:03 And she just she was closer than he thought and she opened the door and he slammed his testicles in a filing cabinet so the guy is he's off work for a month with a ice bucket and, and a story to tell. And so a month goes by and he's, he can walk again. He's, he's mentioned it like he's the life is starting to return to normal. Um, and his,
Starting point is 00:48:37 he realizes that, um, three of his favorite sporting teams are playing in London that weekend. And as a little treat to himself he's gonna take a train trip down to london and watch all these watch all these games and try and forget the ball smash that he'd just gone through and uh he arrived into london and um the next day princess diana died and all of the games were cancelled. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I was wondering how it was going to tie around. It's even a better story if you don't, if you've not brought up Princess Diana. Because you could have jumped ahead but I figure everybody's got to know this. Everybody needs to know. It's a true story, too. I remember it happening. It's not just
Starting point is 00:49:30 I heard this in a pub. This happened to Elton John wrote a sad song about it. Goodbye, Eric's balls. You know he doesn't like hearing that song anytime. Starts rubbing his balls every time he puts that song on and
Starting point is 00:49:51 yeah the positive story is that he did go on to have two children so it's not no lasting damage both those shows they truly are about people sitting quietly. She's playing chess the whole time, which the loudest thing is slapping the clock.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then in season four of The Crown, there's a whole episode about how a guy breaks into the castle, the palace, and makes it into Queen Elizabeth's room. Oh, I remember this. Wakes her up. And what do they do? They sit quietly. It always felt like a cover story to me. That felt like a maid came across something.
Starting point is 00:50:40 It was like, oh, what are you doing back in here? He broke in. Yeah. Well, how come he are you doing back in here? He broke in. Yeah. He's a. Well, how come he's on the security tapes twice? I broke in twice to the Buckingham Palace. Do you know what my biggest problem with with the crown is? And I will say I did enjoy it, you know, but as a historical document, Jimmy Savile's not in it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And he should be because he was very close. Jimmy Savile was living in Buckingham Palace in those years. Really? Yes. He had his own room in Buckingham Palace and was almost going to be Prince Harry's godfather. Yikes. Whoa. So just to gloss over him,
Starting point is 00:51:30 I know they did a little bit about Prince Andrew on Epstein's Island in reference to a woman he was dating, but there is more to that than they, you know, they were like, oh, it's a really honest portrayal. It's not that honest. Well, season five is going to blow you away. They've got a whole episode devoted to your friend's testicles. So that's what's going on with me.
Starting point is 00:52:04 What's up with you, Graham? Here's what's going on with me what's up with you graham um i uh here's the here's what happened to me and this is something that i feel like really uh dovetails well with all this british talk is i went uh i went to a fancy pie shop oh yeah you got a slurpee? That's right. I ordered the only thing not on the menu. You guys got a Slurpee here? Yeah, I was driving to the beach, and then I saw this pie shop and thought, let's go get some pie. And I didn't realize until I parked that the lineup was about 10 people deep,
Starting point is 00:52:42 spaced out, because the pie shop was so tiny that only one person could go in at a time and uh and so is this a savory pie place or a sweet pie place sweet sweet pies i think um that would be a good name for anything a band or a shop sweet pies yeah that's pretty good i uh yeah i waited you know how like if you wait a long time for something the expectation about how good it needs to be just keeps ratcheting up the longer you wait you're like this must be the best pie that i've ever had in my life and because it's a pie shop they're not discount prices this is these premium pie prices, like almost $7 a slice kind of deal. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Yeah, right? That would only intrigue me more. Like the expectations through the roof at this point. And I ate it, and it was fine. What kind was it? I got one slice of apple, one of a pumpkin and uh they were fine like they were fine i could have made a pie i think as good i i'm a big i make pies i'm yeah i've always got crusts on the go i got a freezer full of crusts do you have those little marbles that
Starting point is 00:54:02 they have on the cooking shows no i don't make the kind where you free cook the dough. Oh, okay. Pretty much. Abby will sometimes pick up a pie just from the grocery store, like a cherry pie. Yeah. I won't touch it. That's worthless to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:23 But I will say that a pumpkin pie a great pumpkin pie and a garbage pumpkin pie are the same yeah yeah it's uh uh yeah like i say if i got a pie from uh a grocery store i think it would be as good i'm not uh i'm not as uh good a connoisseur as i thought maybe I was pie-wise. What about you, Glenn? Pies happening day and night over there in England? Well, it's like you say, though. It's much more a savory pursuit here.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Right. Which I prefer. As you know, I am more of a savory nibbler. Yeah. But it's not really done as much in Canada. And I remember the first real pie. And you know where you get good, good pie is Australia. They have a place called Pie Face. And it's all these little ones about that big.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And they're all filled with different curried meats or what what have you right it is the perfect late night drunk food because it's not like uh like and they're 20 they were 24 hours and you just like they just had all the pies and this little you know and it's he's just coming out of a little booth and it's very quick and you get two pies and you never I've never made a mistake by going to pie face. Yeah, I feel like I definitely had some savory pies over there and also like pies that were just a mug with dough on top and like stuff in the mug which really isn't like technically a pie but i loved it i thought it was oh great um yeah so this pie was fine so that's enough of the pie story and no no it's not i i have a i have a tag on story to that if you mind i love it i was in uh tokyo once uh just walking around um and i came across like a little and i love japanese food and especially ramen and i saw this ramen this ramen shop and all these
Starting point is 00:56:37 sumo wrestlers were lined up out the door and they were in like full sumo gear and i thought well come on yeah that's if anybody's gonna know some good ramen right there so i could i get in line with about nine sumo wrestlers and they're they're just looking at me like like why are you why why are you thinking and i'm like am i allowed in the ramen shop yeah yeah and they were just like no no no and they motioned me and i had to go to the front of the line and just go straight in the problem was they only had one seat that could fit a sumo wrestler and then the sumo the place upstairs was a sumo like wrestling business oh okay we rent them out to birthday parties and things like that they just had to wait for the like the most experienced sumo and then the next guy in the order and and you know yeah it was fine it was it was great ramen but were just too fat to fit into the restaurant oh man um so yeah i uh
Starting point is 00:57:50 ate some pie pie story is my story concluded then i this past week plus b plus thank you uh didn't deserve that but i'll take a b plus this is clearly a c story. Um, but, uh, I, I was watching the other night just cause it was on one of these streaming services. Uh, I watched Freddie versus Jason, which is a movie that I had seen previously,
Starting point is 00:58:16 but I didn't realize how long ago it came out in 2003. Yes. And it was shot here in Vancouver. And, uh, so as it was going along i was like where are these being shot like this looks like an elementary school i think this place is oh sure institution that house looks familiar and there's a website that you can go to that just has you type in a movie and it tells you where the streets are that something's been shot on wow yeah and so i think this weekend i'm gonna make a day of going to uh houses there's one from the planet of the apes there's one from the jim belushi film uh canine um i'm gonna get my
Starting point is 00:58:59 picture taken in front of as many eyes i can oh i thought you were just gonna do jason freddy versus jason which is the freddy versus jason tour tour the planet of the apes the the james franco one uh yeah right yeah yeah because i remember when that happened i think it was sort of around where you were living at the time like in the yeah yeah around city hall but uh i think it's i think that's a fun that's a fun plan for an afternoon go and find as many uh movie locations as i can make some photos yeah go carol outside them i tell you yeah in costume for the movie yes yes i'll get a friend to come with me and he'd be whatever's i guess jason's the easier thing to dress up as yeah is that dr sayas singing fairy
Starting point is 00:59:46 tale of new york well i sure hope that he edits that properly because it's it's not we don't need you shouting that word on the street uh so that's my that's my weekend's plan oh you, is there any other movie that you can think of off the top of your head that was for sure shot here in Vancouver? I mean, we talked about it last week. Uh, fear the,
Starting point is 01:00:12 the, Oh yes. Yeah. The, uh, fingering on a rollercoaster scene. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Um, yeah, there are like rumble in the Bronx quite famously. The Bronx has mountains in the background that's right um my high school or no maybe it was a different high school but the like 21 jump street the tv show was shot here oh yeah i'll tell you smallville was shot here and so i know that that the some high school was the high school from smallville and riverdale like if you want to get deep into riverdale you can find all the places that's true
Starting point is 01:00:50 yeah yeah and they have that diner out in langley or something i'll tell you the great benefit of all of this and it's not so much anymore where the internet kind of gets everywhere but um when i was doing some heavy touring around the world uh before even you know like everybody could look at anything in it and i would get really homesick in places like south africa or you know wherever the wherever the festival uh thing had taken me and when i ever got really lonely i could always turn on a terrible movie and be pretty sure that it was shot in Vancouver. Yes. Like, it was a way I could reach out and see my homeland. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Oh, man. Now, the fact that all your stories take place in different countries means you're a very well-traveled man. Yeah. means you're a very well traveled man yeah like my trip this weekend will be that's as far as i've traveled in years to go see the fray versus jason house but you're traveling you're traveling in the heart you're not yes that's true i have the heart of a traveler yeah i i um it's, it's helped me, um, in that, like I, I, I was on a full, um, I traveled so much in, uh, I think it was between 2013 to 2018. I didn't have a house. I, um, uh, yeah, I might have the years wrong, but I was, I was, uh, I had, um, I was trying to crack three markets at once, which isn't.
Starting point is 01:02:29 So I had American representation, European representation, and Australian representation. And that's a bad idea because they all take time. They all want time. So I wasn't getting any buffer between, you know, when I would leave one region to go to the next. And right. Yeah. I did that for five years.
Starting point is 01:02:51 So that's why I was crazy. Wow. Yeah. It was a bit of a mistake. I got divorced and, um, it seemed like a really good idea. And then,
Starting point is 01:02:59 um, then it was not a good idea. I know divorce always sounds like a good idea. No, no. I mean, I mean, the, the, the. Oh, I know. Divorce always sounds like a good idea. No, no. I mean, I mean, the... Yeah, we know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:09 The divorce was a wonderful idea to this day. Yeah, what do you get the guy who has everything? Well, you know where else you can go, Graham? The Hollywood Theater on Broadway was where they shot the Paola's Eyes of a Stranger music video. That's great. That's really good. I'll try and look up the right angle to take the picture from so I can sync it up.
Starting point is 01:03:34 But that's a fun one. That is fun. And you know what? I encourage everybody, explore your hometown. Yeah, go find it. What was the name of that website? I can't remember remember but i will give it to you it was internet movie um should we move on to some overheards yes please
Starting point is 01:03:57 well hello i'm renee colvert hi i'm alexis preston and we are the hosts of can i put your dog and we got breaking news. We got an expose. All the beans have been spilled via an Apple podcast review that said, this show isn't well-researched. Well, yeah, no duh. Of course it's not. Not since the day we started has it been well-researched.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Guessing and anthropomorphizing dogs is what we do. The Can I Pet Your Dog promise is that we will never do more than 10 seconds of research before telling you excitedly about any dog we see. I'm going to come at you with top 10 enthusiasm, minimal facts. We're here for a good time, not an educated time. So if you love dogs and you don't love research, well, you know what? Come on in to Can I Pet Your Dog podcast every tuesday on maximum fun network overheard overheard's a segment in which you uh hear things out the world probably less and less these days but if you're lucky enough to hear something or see something uh we enjoy it here
Starting point is 01:05:01 on the podcast and we always like to start with the guest. Glenn, do you have an overheard? Sort of. I'll explain it as I go. I have a bit of a trick back, and I've decided that I'm going to now, like, because I was picking things up incorrectly, with sort of sticking my leg out, but I i'm gonna so i've been deep bending my back to pick things up off the floor and my son was sitting on the couch and i deep bended and then it let out a hellacious wind like it but it looked like it looked like I'd done it on purpose. It looked like I'd stuck my bum
Starting point is 01:05:47 in the air. It was so juvenile that a three-year-old looked at me and just went like he even then made like a like that and continued with his milk but uh i i it it was not an opinion held across
Starting point is 01:06:17 the wool household because from two rooms away my wife sent sent me a text that she gave me a fantastic fart salute. I assume that's what FFS means. Pretty good. Pretty good. Dave, do you have an overheard? Mine is from October, actually actually but i just found it on my phone because these overheards are few and far between these days um and this was when uh my eldest daughter margo who's six she was um in she's in grade one and she was doing, which I don't know. A grade one is in England.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Seventh second breakfast. Neither do I. I don't understand any of the measurements. It's ridiculous. That man weighs eight barrels and he's three sheeps high. Yeah. It's like six candle wicks long. 16 stone by Bush is the best album yeah people couldn't buy that there they wouldn't i can't pick that up that's not
Starting point is 01:07:32 um so i uh yeah she was doing an online class with her teacher and they're horrible there's yeah that's it's chaos and especially with six-year-olds um because you just they don't know how to do anything they don't know how to behave right yeah and so like everyone talks at once and then when it's your turn to talk there's just an echo of someone else whose microphone is still on yes yeah but uh one thing i caught that uh they asked the teacher asked everyone what they did this weekend and back in october and one little boy said it was my mom's birthday and also i kind of went to a pumpkin patch i don't want to put any labels on it yeah yeah i mean it was it was but okay i'm you know i don't want to make anyone feel
Starting point is 01:08:28 bad but kind of went to a pumpkin he might just really have a high level of of expectation from pumpkins yeah if it's not up to if it's not up to scratch he's like i'm not looking at pumpkins i'm looking at i'm looking at vegetables that could become pumpkins. Yeah. Well, there are definitely places in town where it's like a little farmer's field, like a petting zoo, where they just put a bunch of pumpkins. But the pumpkins didn't grow there. No, that's right.
Starting point is 01:08:59 So that might have been what he's talking about. Or maybe he didn't get out of the car. I kind of went to a kind of way but i wasn't into it and i let my parents pick a pumpkin that would be great if the kids it's not into it but the parents have to go have fun three hours in a corn maze kids kids just watching youtube in the car um my overheard kind of comes from that that world uh so this christmas the one of the things i didn't even think about is that uh no kids can visit as the mall santa yep mall santa is out of the question and uh i only thought about this you got up easy this year kids yeah exactly so this was
Starting point is 01:09:47 somebody not far like somebody in the neighborhood very thoughtfully uh had uh an animatronic santa on their lawn with a chair next to it saying if you want to take a picture with animatronic santa this is this is the place and describe this animatronic santa he was like uh like like human size and was waving and his head was turning back and forth and he was it made the sound ho ho ho okay and uh so uh i watched So I watched, there was a whole brigade of roller, what do you call them? That you put a kid in? Not a roller chair. In Canada, we call that a pram.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yes, yes. It was a series of prams and a stroller. I got it. I got there eventually. stroller i got it i got there eventually um and uniformly every kid they put next to the santa frightened as all hell scarier scarier even than a mall santa yeah were they all going to visit the set of freddy versus santa but it was just it was very funny to watch one kid after another, after another, having a horrible, horrible time.
Starting point is 01:11:08 And these parents thinking, hey, we really, we really did something good today. And for some unexplainable reason, the robotic Santa was still drunk, drunk like a monster. Yeah. They had a mist that let out like shivers. Yeah, our kids will not miss Santa visits this year. They do not like it.
Starting point is 01:11:36 I don't think any kids like it. Margo really wants the message to get through of what she wants. So last year she knew she would be too nervous to talk to santa so she wrote down like the three things she wanted and then santa looked at the list and asked her about them and it was very nice but she even got on his lap last year it was like we have so many pictures of us holding the kids next to santa the so margo said this is what i'm thinking slid a paper across the desk i'm thinking of a number yeah um so uh we also have overheards sent in from listeners all over the place if you want to send
Starting point is 01:12:20 one in send it to spy at maximal fun dot org and uh this first one comes from lewis from calgary he makes a point of saying he didn't go to high school here so i can't ask him what high school they went to um so uh when my daughter was three years old she provided this gem after hearing me comment on the cat paw prints on my car all spring, she decided to do something about it. One sunny day, she was playing in the front yard of her quiet street while I was putzing around when her mother opened a window and suggested
Starting point is 01:12:54 I take a look at what she was doing. As I approached her, she threw a stone down and ran into the house. As I got closer to her car, I noticed that in the side panel, she had scratched out a picture of a cat with a circle around it and a line through it like a no smoking sign with the stone with the stone yeah oh boy i'd carved it in the side of the car that's yeah because the cats on the car is pretty bad for the paint yeah
Starting point is 01:13:18 wow you know the intention was there much like uh bringing your kid to a santa the intention is good yeah the fact that cats can read the signs and would obey them if they yes even if they could read the sign i think i think somewhere deep down in a cat they'd know to take heed of that if somebody had scratched into their own car it's like well yeah yeah here be monsters kind of thing
Starting point is 01:13:53 yeah like the hobos when they used to yeah this next one comes from Melanie in Texas years ago I was in a cemetery in Mackinac City, Michigan, and I saw a gravestone that prominently featured the Dairy Queen logo. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Do you think it was the founder? Founder of Dairy Queen? Oh, sure. Harvey Dairy. Yeah. Yeah. Harvey Dairy and the Queen. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yeah. She was, I believe she was the queen of the land of Dairy Queen. Yeah. Harvey Derry and the queen. Yeah. Yeah. She was, I believe she was the queen of the land of Derry queen. Yeah. Well, have that episode of the crown come up where she, I haven't gotten there yet. It was a, wow.
Starting point is 01:14:36 That's, I mean, that's dedication. I, is that now just like extrapolating from that? Is that a revenue stream that they haven't considered yet is putting logos and sponsors on gravestones? A revenue stream for who? The dead or for the?
Starting point is 01:14:53 Yeah, like maybe you get a nicer tombstone if you let Pennzoil put their logo all over your stream. I wouldn't suggest Marlboro. It's too messy. Yeah. Marlboro, you know, any kind of car without seatbelts, this kind of thing. Yes, sure. Asbestos. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:17 Happy Walls Asbestos. Yeah. The asbestos logo. You know, boy, that's really got me thinking. Do I need a Dairy Queen headstone? Yes. Here lies Dennis the Menace. Yeah, if anything's going to contribute to my death, it's probably Dairy Queen.
Starting point is 01:15:36 That's true. You could get logo specific as to what done you in. I just hope when I die, I hope i don't go to the hot eats i hope i go up to the cool treats yes yes if you yeah if you're good did uh did they have to change that gravestone to brazier in the 70s yes yeah or maybe maybe that was brazier's grave and Dairy Queen's one last, how do you like it? My mom still calls it Brazier Burger. Oh, we're going to go to Brazier Burger for dinner. That was the weirdest flex anyone ever did in the history of time.
Starting point is 01:16:18 He just bought Dairy Queen and he's like, everyone's got to know my name. Yeah, yeah. I'm the most lactose gotta know my name. Yeah, yeah. I'm the most lactose tolerant man in town. Yeah. I'm Brazier Crane. I do declare myself leader
Starting point is 01:16:36 of this realm. And this last one comes from Melissa in Chicago. I was shopping in the accessories part of my super target one afternoon, and there was one other woman in the area. She was on the phone, and this is the conversation as I heard it. Yeah, I'm at a target looking for a purse. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:16:59 Oh, really? That reminds me of Indiana Jones. You don't know who Indiana Jones jones is oh he's um well he's an anthropologist in a hat what was she doing that reminded her of indiana jones eating monkey brains yeah eating monkey brains way doing that thing where he takes the statue off and puts the sand on the thing. Yeah, what are you doing? Oh, I'm weighing sand. I'm being chased by a giant mall in the mall.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Yeah, that's right. What are you doing? Do you have any idea how to get out of this pickle? I'm throwing the idol. I don't know what that means, but that's what I'm doing. I'm with an offensive stereotype right now.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Yes. And I'm trying to get out of the conversation. There's a Nazi beating me up right now. Again. Yeah. I don't even know why. What are you doing? Oh, melting Nazis.
Starting point is 01:17:58 How about you? Oh, boy. In addition to overhears that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. SpyPod 1. Like these people have.
Starting point is 01:18:19 Hey, guys. This is Al from Arkansas. Calling one of the kids. Say the darnedest. I hear he's coming off of Skype or Zoom or whatever with his school. And he's like, what does P.E. stand for anyway? Parkour exercise? Anyway.
Starting point is 01:18:42 What does P.E. stand for? Oh, what does P.E. stand stand for i thought it was just p and then like that was the first thing that he came up with is parkour p is for parkour no that's what you do in pe now they just teach them parkour cool yeah yeah i bet the cops love that teaching a generation of people how to escape yeah exactly how to climb the side of a wall just using your sneakers i mean isn't that all a playground is anyway it's you're just learning parkour that's true it's you know what this rest of your life is spent trying to get back to that that parkour stage in your life right right? Yeah. When you were the most creative with your body. And you ended up landing in wood chips.
Starting point is 01:19:29 Yeah, wood chips if you were lucky, gravel if you weren't. I mean, wood chips stick in your hands, though. Yeah, but it wasn't wood chips when I was a wee lad. Was it gravel? No, it was broken glass. Syringes. Couple of crocodiles now they have kind of like a padded or like a bouncy kind of rubbery bottom to them yes well don't we all though yeah that's true yeah the march of time uh here's your next phone call hi david graham this is katie in ohio calling in
Starting point is 01:20:07 with an overheard i was at a rock and crystal shop don't judge me and uh this this overheard might also make me sound like an art snob uh but i didn't see the rocks that this guy was holding but he he picked up some kind of rock or crystal and and said to his friend hey uh look at this rock it reminds me of starry night you know that monet drawing yeah that's my favorite drawing thanks bye that monet drawing that it's my favorite sketch yeah my favorite by by vincent monet my favorite don mclean song um you ever been to a rock and crystal shop yeah yeah you see rock and crystal or rock and crystal no i'm pretty sure it was like a rock and roll crystal shop cool i i wouldn't buy that crystal if it's from the rock and roll shop I wouldn't hang it around my neck
Starting point is 01:21:07 going to an airport that was on a little person's head I'd smoke that at Freddie Mercury's blah blah blah here's your final overheard this is Patrick calling from Vancouver
Starting point is 01:21:22 with an overseen. I saw a bumper sticker. It said, honk all you want. I'm listening to jazz. Thanks. Love the show. Yes. That's the best. You know what? Your honking only makes me stronger because I'm a jazz daddy. Yeah, yeah. You know what? It's really this horn. This song needed a little bit of horn in it. It'd be funny for that to be like a Twilight Zone episode where he really, he found out he didn't think that at all.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Just a guy following him around going, you're going to change the sticker yet. And he found out he wasn't really listening to jazz it was just the beeps yeah just the car horn um uh well uh this uh brings us to the end of this episode glenn thank you so much for being our guest thank you so much for having me yeah and your new album uh viva forever people can get it uh on comedy i'm assuming stand up stand up sorry stand up um and uh are you are you touring in support of this album is there somewhere people can go see you yeah no well um no the tour of this one's done it's all done and dusted but there's a new show coming out when the world starts again um it's actually been written for um for about it's been written
Starting point is 01:22:54 for three years because the the birth of my son is the the first part of it so right yeah yeah so there'll be a new show um but that's exciting is this your first album oh no oh okay this is just the latest in the catalog yeah i think this is number six now six or seven oh yeah that's impressive um well i look forward to hearing it and thank you so much for being our guest thank you and good luck with the new child when's that due? March, late March late March, good time
Starting point is 01:23:35 spring is right is that the spring? perhaps the Ides now that I think of it beware either way enjoy Perhaps the Ides, now that I think of it. Yes. Beware. Yes. Either way.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Enjoy. And thank you, everybody out there for listening. Remember, we will be doing episode number 667. Wednesday, December 9th at 5 p.m. Pacific 8 p.m. Eastern so you know it's not going to be like a live stream where we're doing stuff for the audience it's like a call in show yeah call in show
Starting point is 01:24:15 and we'll also if you have any like questions or things you want us to talk about you can just email us now spy at maximum fund org and we'll see if we address them. Yeah, and keep an eye on the Facebook page. They'll tell you when and how to call into our thing. We'll figure it out, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:24:36 And thank you all for listening. Take care of yourself and one another, and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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