Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 673 - Andrea Jin

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

Comedian Andrea Jin joins us to talk K-pop school, science shows, and modern dentistry....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 673 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a guy who looks like he's got an outdoor kind of jacket. It looks like a zipper or something. Mr. Dave Shumka. Oh yeah, let's talk about it. So do you remember at the start of the pandemic I was like, I gotta get a hoodie. I don't own any hoodies.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And I like hunted. I was like, what's gonna be the hoodie for me and i got one and i i didn't love it no uh it turns out i'm not a hoodie person what i want is the like functional pockets of a hoodie and like the warmth of a hoodie but i don't do not like the hood okay so i was it's very hard to find a hoodie without a hood is that what i'm looking at right now you're looking at a hoodie without a hood. Is that what I'm looking at right now? You're looking at a hoodie without a hood. And it zips up and it's got pocket, pockety pocket. I love it. But it was like, I hunted for months for this thing.
Starting point is 00:01:17 I know hoodies are just falling off the shelves. But if you want to go without the hood, it's a lonely road. Yeah. But anyway, I'm happy with it it's uh we're very happy together and i hope i hope we have many years together and our guest today is a first-time guest to the show uh comedian very very funny comedian it's andrea jinn everybody hello hello how are you i'm good how are you how are you guys doing doing all How are you? I'm good. How are you? How are you guys doing? Doing all right.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Are you a hoodie person? No. Uh, yeah, I have a few, but I bought them all when I was like in high school. So they're all midriff showing. Okay. Oh yeah. I have those two from high school as well. Yeah. They're not midriff by on purpose but
Starting point is 00:02:05 yeah but i am looking for like real hoodies too because it's it's nice to have them yeah it's uh i always use them as a crutch so i had to get rid of them because i was wearing them all the time and yeah i'm not like in the winter i i normally would wear a sweater but i don't really like leave the house enough to put on a sweater yeah and then you get too hot because you're wearing a sweater and then you got to take it off that's what happened to me right before this um should we get to know us sorry but i don't think that's a hoodie me yeah i don't think that's a hoodie i'm telling you it's not yeah it's a it has no hood no but it wouldn't even oh but i thought hoodies had no zippers oh yeah yeah i think what makes it a hoodie is the hood yeah oh really okay i've had a hoodie with
Starting point is 00:03:05 zippers i found one on the ground it was great you can get the over the whatever pullovers and zip zippy sips oh that's called a pullover okay i didn't know i mean i guess i i don't know if it's i'm really not like mr hoodie but i and our guest today, Mr. Hoodie himself. I'm Mr. Hoodie. I'm actually thinking of cutting off the bottom half of this and just making it a midriff. Andrea, this is your first time on the podcast. Catch us up.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Who is Andrea Jin? What are her hopes and dreams? Oh, I guess. Whoa. That's deep. I guess it's I'm a person who I don't know if I've ever been asked that. What are my hopes and dreams? I hope to perfect Korean one day.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Oh, really? Yeah. Because I'm learning it. It's one of the hobbies i i didn't abandon during the covid time wow like yeah because every other hobby i tried to pick up it just didn't stick you know right what else did you try i bought painting supplies yeah and that didn't i never artistic or or just like house painting uh like artistic from like uh like a real artist store like where all the art students go buy their stuff right and yeah and i never
Starting point is 00:04:34 opened the packaging but like i'll still go back to the art store to buy more stuff yeah do you wear a paint splattered sweater so it looks looks like, Oh, I really don't. Yeah. Yeah. I like, I lie to them. I'm like, Oh yeah. As you know, like a watercolor painter, I'm looking for, you know, this and, and cause I don't know, I just want them to think I'm an artist. And so I buy more stuff and I just never use that thinking that if I buy more, maybe I'll, I'll, I'll start painting, but I don't. So you're in a very vicious cycle here where you want to believe you're a painter.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You're trying to convince other people you're a painter and then you can't paint. Well, I want the artist's identity. Like I like the approval of all those, uh, salespeople at the art supply store being like, oh, you do that? I'm like, yes.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yes. Whoa. What, if I was at the art store, if I was someone working behind the counter and I asked you, so what do you mostly paint? What would you say? You know, everything. Everything around me, shapes you do all forms yeah like you
Starting point is 00:05:51 know the colors blobs you do all the colors i do colors and blobs did you paint before uh the pandemic no i've never painted i've never i have you drawn have you no like i've gotten you know those apps on uh the app store yeah where you can get an app where you can sketch or whatever i think they're called sketchbook or something and then i'll just scribble and i'm like oh that's not for me and then i just like delete the app so you really have a history of just hanging up yeah I mean at least you opened the app you're like it's not still its original wrapper or sometimes when I pass by the apple store I go in and I'll open the sketchbook app and I'll like scribble and I'm like no that's not for me again I always come back to it thinking maybe I might be an artist and then never hundreds of times do you have something burning inside you that you need to
Starting point is 00:06:52 get out into the world maybe maybe like do well I mean do you have any I mean maybe it doesn't imply burning is there like a vision you have of something you want to create i think i want to be someone with a burning desire to release yes yes but i'm not at all i have none of that before i uh had this like paint thing where i wanted the approval of these salespeople at the paint supply store i would go to i would do the same thing with this like brunch place where this you buy paint at the brunch place i would order a bunch of uh eggs and like i intend to eat these one day but i'm gonna paint them no but i would go i'm into all kinds of eggs um you know benedict rancheros
Starting point is 00:07:47 give me all of them to go i don't eat it tell me about this brunch place yeah i would go and then the manager i discovered from going there that uh every time i finish all my food he says he's proud of me but I know he says it to everyone but sometimes like if you don't finish I notice if you don't finish your food and he's like oh you you know you tried right yeah not mad I'm just disappointed yeah like you did well and so every time like I'll just keep going even if I'm like, I'll just keep going. Even if I'm not hungry, I'll just, like, try to finish everything so that he's like, oh, I'm proud of you. I don't know. Is this a server or is this a? He's the owner. He's the owner.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So he's just keeping eyes on everybody. Yeah. Do you. Okay. So painting not going great. You just want the approval of others, be it paint or eggs. Do you. So you're learning Korean. Do you speak? not going great you just want the approval of others be it paint or eggs um do you uh you so you're learning korean do you speak what how many languages do you speak already english and mandarin okay yeah and do you grow up with those or did you learn
Starting point is 00:09:00 uh mandarin or english later in life i learned english later i i was born in china and then i moved here and i learned english and uh that was pretty easy because i think i was young yeah oh because you were young yeah yeah yeah yeah and so when i started korean i don't know every time i start a new language i'm like it's not gonna be that hard they don't have you tried have you tried how many have you failed uh spanish okay french but that's mandatory by the schools right yeah yeah and so that i kept falling asleep in french class that was one what's falling asleep yeah yeah so why didn't Spanish
Starting point is 00:09:47 take I've heard Spanish is fairly easy to learn yeah it was easy but I just
Starting point is 00:09:53 got bored of it like Duolingo kept it was the ads were oh I love
Starting point is 00:09:59 Duolingo that new song she has I'm levitating if you want to go and take a ride before a has i'm levitating if you want to go and take a ride before a ride i'm levitating um so uh like have you are you abandoning a ship on korean are you gonna keep stay the course no i'm gonna keep going even though i'm still just at like probably a one-year-old level like you can say mama and dada that kind
Starting point is 00:10:30 of thing yeah I can tell you how old I am and but only if I'm one yeah um why Korean oh because I I got really into like Korean pop music. Oh yeah. The K-pop. They call that K-pop. K-pop. Yes. And I just got obsessed with this group,
Starting point is 00:10:51 um, BTS. BTS. They're like, they're the U2 of this Korean invasion. They're there. They were on the cover of Esquire magazine. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And that, that means you've made it. My children are fans of Blackpink. Oh, really? They're great. Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, I love them.
Starting point is 00:11:18 How do they take in Blackpink? Do they watch the videos? They watch the videos. how do they take in blackpink like do they watch the videos they watch the videos they um i yeah i think they maybe have a song in just dance yeah on nintendo switch oh okay so maybe is it do do do do do do yep that's the one it's do do do do do in brackets the do-do song your Korean is coming along nicely I don't know what's in the game
Starting point is 00:11:53 I know that there's boy there's like there's boom boom bop there's how you like that bada bing bada boom yeah yeah yeah that. But a bing, but a boom.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Yeah. Most of their songs are just noises. Yeah. Do you know anybody Korean that you could kind of chat with them? No, but you know what? I have a plan. Once I get to like 10 year old level, I'm going to,
Starting point is 00:12:23 I live next to a Korean church yeah I'm gonna go there and just start talking to people hopefully I can keep up yeah but I'm not gonna tell them that I'm not Korean see what happens
Starting point is 00:12:39 and you're not gonna tell them that you're 10 I'm also I don't tell anyone I'm not going to tell them that you're 10. I'm also, I don't tell anyone I'm not Korean. Who's your favorite BTS member? Oh my God. That's so hard because there's seven of them. Okay, who are your top six? Who's the Ringo of BTS?
Starting point is 00:13:02 Who's the Howie? Okay, I honestly think they all bring something special to it and i they all have a special place in my heart so i'm gonna say all of them okay is there a korean k-pop band that has like what what's the biggest one that has the most members oh yeah i know there there's one with seven. Seven is a lot. Yeah. It is a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:27 That's splitting a check. Seven. None of them play instruments like seven. No, like seven is a lot of just singers, but they also write their own stuff. Is that three of them are rappers and the other four are, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:42 vocalists. And, uh, one is a lead dancer. And one of them is the funny one. You over there, crack some jokes. Yeah, he's like silly. But yeah, no, there's a group called Twice.
Starting point is 00:14:02 And they have nine members. Wow. Yeah. Like, how do you make, I mean, they're making millions and millions of dollars, but how does a nine-person band starting out, how do they cut that check nine ways? I know. It's very, I don't know. They all go to, like, K-pop school, you know? Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. They drop out of regular school to go to k-pop school and i have no idea if this is true or not no this is true really it's a hundred percent that's like a thing in korea you like once you're maybe like 12 uh you is this every child i would say a lot of the children go to K-pop school. It's like normal. This is so insane. Mom, it's normal.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Because one kid wouldn't choose the K-pop school. Right? Like, who is like, no, I like it here. Regular math, you know. Yeah. I want to take pop math pop man yeah no um yeah they like some people go extreme they drop out of regular school but some people like go to both schools and uh they just get trained in song and dance and they live
Starting point is 00:15:22 in a dorm and they get put into groups together it's not up to you who you get to be with really yeah so is this like a does the government the public school for k-pop that would be that would be nice but it is put up by record labels okay wow and i would say there's like i i compare it to like stand-up comedians because like you could still be a stand-up but like like for me i'm obviously a different version of a stand-up than like who's really popular like Sarah Silverman right like we're technically both stand-ups but like obviously you know she's a veteran senior popular comedian so there's a lot of k-pop groups that are just not right yeah yeah oh that's cool i'd like to go to some k-pop open mics yeah just 12 people out there like we are you're just trying to eat your dinner you're like why did we come to the k-pop and they're like this is our song bing bang boom
Starting point is 00:16:38 sounds a lot like another song although uh i was saying that's a lot of members, but when I was a child, a 20 year old child, we had S Club 7. That was probably the biggest, like in terms of manpower, the most people in a pop band.
Starting point is 00:16:59 What was the band? It was like a choir. The Polyphonic Spree. Polyphonic Spree. That was one. They weren't pop.onic spree that was they weren't they weren't pop they were well they weren't they didn't have like you know choreographed dance that's true they sure did they had dance moves that were very unchoreographed if i recall correctly but they had like no one they were there wasn't like the funny one and the key was like the leader and a bunch of,
Starting point is 00:17:25 you know, 30, 30, no names. Some of whom went on to some success of their own. That's great. That's good to hear. Um,
Starting point is 00:17:34 yeah. So, uh, you're learning Korean. That's amazing. You're at a one year old level. I'm not even that I'm still a zygote. Um,
Starting point is 00:17:44 and what, what else has been, uh uh keeping you busy during all this shenanigans well i mean bts has a variety show that keeps you busy most nights they have a variety show i literally watch them for like where they just play rock paper scissors, scissors for like 16 hours. Yeah, not straight, but you know, they just like, sometimes you watch them just play board games. And how much, like, is it, I want to know everything. Is it on the internet? And how many, like, you say it's 16 hours, but is it, what does an episode of this look like?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Okay, so they have, an episode is 30 minutes and they set the tone. They're like, okay, what are we doing today? We're going to have Jimin jump through a hoop or something. Or like one of them just, you know, go swimming and they're going to play like just some game. And then you just watch them play a game and laugh together and i'm like oh this is so good like you would like uh you would like jimmy fallon have you heard of this guy jimmy fallon he loves games um and they also go on vacation together and they do like packages of that i'm spending just too much money on these guys have you paid money for this yeah it's paid programming pay
Starting point is 00:19:15 per view oh really yeah so you're going all in on this k-pop yeah but it's only like 10 for 16 hours of content so i think it's okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a fair rate for a guy jumping through a hoop and i'll like be finished my duolingo lesson um or whatever on rosetta stone just some korean lesson like oh i know i okay come on let's watch this i'll know some stuff it's just nothing it's like oh he said baby i think i don't know that's what i am i'm a baby when they do and you start learning a language they do teach you from baby stuff you have to learn goo goo ga ga in that language yeah like can i go to the washroom graham do you do you want to learn another language yeah i do but i don't i know i don't have the discipline for it and so i would
Starting point is 00:20:15 start it and then when i hit any road bump i would give up completely what do you want what do you want to learn i would like to be able to speak french because i feel like that's a language i should speak in this country or be able to speak how about you you speak english and french i speak english and i could get by in french um do you want to learn another language oh um i would like to know another language i don't know i wouldn't want to learn it yeah that's right i'd love to know how to play the piano yeah exactly um but i don't even know what i would want to learn mandarin maybe that seems like yeah yeah i mean think of how big our audience would be it's true yeah it's definitely useful i mean we both have to speak it that would be the now andrea your grandparents i i gathered through all this pandemic they bought
Starting point is 00:21:10 like a blueberry farm yeah my mom it just worked out like that like sometimes it does that yeah like before anything happened my mom was just like yeah i got a farm and then just you know everyone it's the sickness came and my my grandparents oh yeah let's move them there you know into the woods that's safe yeah for safekeeping yeah where's where is the blueberry farm it's in cultus lake it's yeah pretty kept away like it's really it's there are no lights driving there is i don't like oh like it's it's completely mountain yeah just off the off the road yeah so darkness why a blueberry do you know why blueberry i don't know she just did it randomly i think she just she i don't know where it came from she's never liked the countryside she's never
Starting point is 00:22:13 talked about anything and then she just sprung it on us i think it's because her friends were doing it she's very impressionable right and i mean a lot of people are doing that now buying blueberry farms so it's yeah did you uh what do you think about the countryside are you a city person yeah definitely because it's just the bears they're bears i didn't yeah that's true you know the bears and the darkness and just sometimes like once in a while when i'm there i'll look at the sky and be like oh it's nice and then just immediately immediately a bear comes at you i'm just attacked and then it's not fun anymore but i'm a city dweller uh and i always thought i always would be but i'm visiting my in-laws on an island like uh i like that and i uh there's no bears and they're bears can't get there
Starting point is 00:23:14 so like that's the that i i like that kind of uh rurality yeah like where it's there's still stuff and internet and uh oh yeah you gotta have stuff and internet how am i gonna uh watch all this pay-per-view uh bts content they're gonna play tiddlywinks yeah no that was it was very i i felt so restricted i couldn't do anything you know right yeah now uh were you working on the farm i guess like that was my official title but i would just kind of sit on the couch and then my cousin would get mad at me she's like because like I'm the youngest out of everyone and everyone goes to like help out and I'm just like I'll just hide until everyone's gone and then my cousin noticed that I'm doing that and she'll be like you should go help like you should help I'm like yeah sure and then I just and then I was like what do you want help with and she's like can you do this and then i was
Starting point is 00:24:26 yeah sure and then she'll leave and i just don't do it so yeah no this is working out in your favor i did that for a long time yeah are you just like yeah do you end up just like eating so many blueberries while everyone's working yeah i just go in the field and my mouth is blue and I go back to sit on the couch. Have you ever read the children's book Blueberries for Sal? No. I hadn't read it. Apparently it's very famous, but I hadn't read it before I had kids. But it's about a mother and her child and a bear and the bear's child.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And they get mixed up together eating blueberries on a mountain so it seems like your worst nightmare i know i would hate to run into a blueberry eating bear yeah so like uh you you were there for like a couple months or something yeah it's like six months a really long time yeah it's a really long time to live on a farm i know it was not how many people were there like your cousins were they all there all the time yeah everyone was there in one place and how many there's yeah my grandparents one two three four five my mom's friends even stayed with us yuck yeah yeah i know what the hell yeah they were mean to me like is it because they saw you
Starting point is 00:25:52 sneaking away from work yeah i think so everyone got mad at me i don't know why like i wasn't gonna help that much anyways like people think i'm super strong or something what do they think i'm gonna contribute to this work? Like I'm barely going to do anything, even if I tried. So why are you so mad? Yeah. I'm sparing you the frustration of watching me try.
Starting point is 00:26:14 For the home listener, Andrea looks very strong. I don't know why she's saying this. She's like super ripped. She's wearing one of those hoodies that shows off her abs. Sleeveless muscle top. Yeah. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And then like, so post-farm, you've been learning Korean. What else? What else is, or is that the day? K-pop and Korean and... No, I've been writing. But like when I write, I'll just i i get so bored because i'm like oh what should happen next to this i wish i was painting i wish i was on my sketch app sketching away
Starting point is 00:26:59 um yeah no i just get so so i'll like listen to music so i i've just been listening to like stupid rap songs that don't get me too too invested but enough to like club music that's like i'm used to it being in the background anyways so and then you you can write with that happening yeah and then but then subconsciously yeah what would be rap music that would get you too invested oh any like you know eminem yeah yeah you can't have listen to eminem sure exactly yeah and like kendrick like just someone who's conscious like a conscious rapper right now talking about issues i'll be like oh yeah that's a problem i'm gonna write about that yeah that's not very funny yeah yeah i just listened to like drake
Starting point is 00:27:53 talking about having seven girlfriends and i'm like yeah drake is a guy like he feels like a guy that i want to tell him that it's time to settle down like you've been at this having a crazy life you sing about all your problems maybe just stick with one one person just settle down relax a bit where you're did you see his his uh house that he built or yeah it looks like a castle it looks like an arabian castle like it's just so fancy yeah and he lives he lives in it or yeah it was in it was like in architectural digest and it was holy cow it's very it's like uh it's a step down from like trump's place in terms of you know everything being gold but it's close to that it's that it's you know getting there it's like it's too much it's like it's like if
Starting point is 00:28:46 in a story someone's like an over-the-top like crazy place like that's his place yeah he's like a like a willy wonka yeah yeah yeah he's raps willy wonka what rhymes with wonka what does rhyme with Wonka? Badonka? Badonka, yeah. Subconsciously, I think I'm like building such a like appreciation for him for some reason. I don't know. Just kind of like, oh, he's a good writer. But isn't he like a guy that people have said that he has ghost writers yeah
Starting point is 00:29:26 yeah but like does is that a scandal does anybody care that he's using i don't care personally but if you do you guys care i care deeply yeah i'm gonna be up all night thinking that he's a charlatan. But yeah, everyone has help. Yeah, that's true. You can't get by with a little help from your friends. I mean, I guess, some people do it all themselves, but I think in pop music, it's pretty well established that other people
Starting point is 00:30:06 contribute yeah yeah i think that's normal yeah because i watched the justin bieber documentary the 10 parter the 10 part oh sorry is it 10 or 8 yeah is this new it's well no like a year old or something yeah i never watched that yeah I have a whole, I had a whole bit about it that it's a 10 or, yeah, it's a 10 part documentary and the Ken Burns' entire history of jazz, 8 parts.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. Yeah, I forgot it's 10 because Michael Jordan's was 8. Yeah, I got I got, get those mixed up. The two greatest. Michael Jordan's was eight yeah I got I got get those mixed up the two greatest uh but yeah no he in his doc his 10-part doc um he he has a ghostwriter and he his it's like very normal like it's not even he just like oh yeah he writes all my songs it's this like guy that looks he's like a little guy his name's poo bear yeah is that a name he
Starting point is 00:31:08 wants to do it or is it just a beaver said you're you're prepared for now yeah poo bear write me a song they like never reveal his real name so i don't know what his real name is banksy I like there's a Drake song where he says I'm upset in the song and I think that's really funny like it's like teaching a kid to say like if you're sad just say you're upset yeah yeah yeah I I mean I don't go too deep on Drake but when I hear him on the radio, I like him. And it's like, uh, a lot of the songs sound very similar. There's not a lot like there's, you know, a good beat. It's often like the beat from the other song,
Starting point is 00:31:54 but I like it. Yeah. Yeah. And the wrong beat, uh, the subject matters. Generally, I'm unhappy about how great everything is going. I'm not upset.
Starting point is 00:32:02 He is. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, Oh my, my you know fourth girlfriend won't text me back and my fifth girlfriend has a boyfriend oh like those are the problems yeah there's a there's a my phone is ringing in one of the rooms of my gigantic house and i can't find it i should write i should write a song about that get justin's guy poo bear uh do you think because like i feel like uh whenever canadians are like in america or
Starting point is 00:32:38 whatever i see a lot of them hanging out together because they're uh is there canadian do you think justin bieber and drake ever have They've never sung a song together, have they? Okay, this is what happened recently. Okay, let's go. Drake has a song called Popstar, and it's about being a pop star. And he, for some reason, couldn't do the music video. They just said, oh, I can't do the music video. I'm stuck in Toronto.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And we don't know if there's no cameras here in toronto so yeah yeah that was the whole like shtick and then uh they had justin bieber do the music video in la and he like lip synced to drake's song the whole video yeah this is the thing yeah this is fun yeah i like i like it i mean i guess it i was gonna answer your earlier your question like do they hang out if he wasn't in a 10 part documentary about jason bieber then i don't think he makes the cut yeah i agree um honestly if you're not in the first seven episodes you don't think he makes the cut. Yeah, I agree. Honestly, if you're not in the first seven episodes, you don't make the cut. I feel like there should be an embargo on people making a documentary about
Starting point is 00:33:54 themselves. It's always vanity. There's no deep probing. Kevin Hart did one where a lot of people just sat around and said how great Kevin Hart was. That's fine if you want to do it for you and just like play it at your home and be like yeah kevin hart's doing it right but yeah you know what i mean like a documentary shouldn't be funded by you about you yeah justin bieber's company bieber films is who produced that's really what it's called. Oh, did you watch it?
Starting point is 00:34:26 No. Where is it? You have to pay for it, don't you? You used to have to pay for it, but then they made it free. I think no one was watching it. Yes. Yeah, because...
Starting point is 00:34:36 Is Justin Bieber still... How old is he now? He's not 30 yet. No, he's 27. Okay. Oh. I came up with that number pretty quick um do you is he still cool no yeah he had to oh it was very actually sad like his recent album uh that came out changes he
Starting point is 00:35:00 he had to tell his fans to put it on repeat while they're sleeping on mute. Oh, on Spotify? Yeah, they're like, guys, you have to stream it. Okay, I don't care. Put it on mute beside your bed. Play it anywhere. Take your friend's phone, play the song,
Starting point is 00:35:18 and just leave it. He was seriously asking people, his fans, to do that. That's what our listeners to this podcast do i think it really helps us in the charts if you guys do that yeah we appreciate that you do it we would prefer you had the volume on but you know we get it this is annoying um that's cool i would do that for if I liked any artists that much. Yeah. But do you think like his fan base is now probably also, because they were, there were kids when he first started.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Now do you think they're in their twenties now? And they're like, like how old were you when he came around? Yeah. They're you. Yeah. They're me. I watched,
Starting point is 00:36:01 I watched him on YouTube even like that was before he broke. And then i followed him and yeah he was my thing before bts but now it's bts and now i don't care about justin justin's out bts in who will defeat bts for andrea's attention oh they're just being they're they're probably being programmed in a lab right now little robot robot singers. If there was a fully robot band, I would be such a huge fan. Yeah, yeah. That's my new next favorite band.
Starting point is 00:36:32 That would be so cool. See, you're already thinking about it. You're already forgetting about Kate. Oh boy, I like the evil one. There's 13 of them. I was reading a thing. It was like a week ago that Facebook bots that they were trying to train started communicating in a language only they could understand.
Starting point is 00:36:53 So the whole project needed to be shut down. Oh, wow. What? It was like it was an AI project. That is amazing. I didn't anticipate that. So scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Actually, if I could learn a new language, it would be the AI language that these evil Facebook bots are talking to each other in. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Well. Here we go. Here's what's going on with you, man? Well, here we go. Here's what's up. My kids have been watching this TV show called Operation Ouch. Okay. Is it a kid's show?
Starting point is 00:37:36 Is it? You don't watch it? No, I've never heard of it. It's like a science show for kids. Okay. It's all about like, uh, you know, it's about how the human body works and how medicine works. And it's hosted by these two twin doctors who are British. And they like, you know, talk to a guy who's, uh, uh, you know, uh, really good at like, uh uh bouncing a soccer ball and like they figure out how his brain is different than our brain and how this guy who uh can blow up uh hot water bottles like with his mouth yeah
Starting point is 00:38:14 i've seen it i've seen it live in a person it's amazing yeah how his lungs are different than regular lungs and so it's kind of just like the human body is so strange here here's how it works but they always visit a kid in the hospital and normally it's like normal stuff like oh i i got i broke my arm or uh you know i my hand is bleeding and here's how they're gonna treat it and then there was this one and it was about this kid who was constipated this is good this is good already yeah this is the content i crave so it was like the the whole episode they'll like go to different segments and then keep coming back to this kid who doesn't know what he signed off on yeah exactly that's the thing it's like does he know
Starting point is 00:39:06 how this is going to look and it's this like 13 year old boy who's constipated so constipated he has to stay in the hospital wow oh my god that's. He hasn't been drinking enough water. And then it's like he gets an enema. Oh, Jesus. And like, and even then, it's like, okay, it worked. And they keep showing him going in and out of the bathroom. And either when he comes out, he bathroom one time and they're like well
Starting point is 00:39:51 since it's british they say like he's had a poo but his stomach still hurts so he's gotta stay it wasn't a big enough poo oh man I just picture if I did that as a kid my parents would be so mad they would make me drink so much water I'd be furious if I ended up in the hospital because I wasn't drinking enough water they would be so pissed
Starting point is 00:40:18 off and then so he eventually he has a big enough poo he gives the thumbs up and so he gets to go home but big enough poo. He gives the thumbs up. And so he gets to go home. But I was just like, I was thinking like, they must live in a post-bullying society. The kid himself doesn't know. Like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Well, this is going to be on TV. Everyone's going to see it. There's no problem with that. Yeah. This feels, yeah, exactly. Like, how old of a kid are we talking kind of like 10 13 14 oh so he really knows peer pressure and oh yeah he's the coolest he must be the coolest kid in his school and everyone's gonna be like i want to be constipated
Starting point is 00:40:56 he's constipated for real like that's not just for the show? No. Yeah, he was a real kid who had to go to the real hospital. Oh. And then they film him going in and out of the bathroom. But what does a thumbs up or a thumbs down mean? Thumbs up means I went to the bathroom. Thumbs down meant I tried and nothing came out. Oh. I went to the bathroom Thumbs down meant
Starting point is 00:41:22 I tried and nothing came out And I was just I was trying to think of like What you could do In like In When you're 13 That would be more embarrassing
Starting point is 00:41:37 Oh man The mind reels Like oh I was on I had to be on this This medical show Because My penis got stuck in a vacuum hose first turn off the vacuum have you turned off the vacuum never
Starting point is 00:41:56 but then there was this other girl on the show whose jaw who had to go to the hospital because she dislocated her jaw right trying to fit the armrest of her couch in her mouth well at least it was for a good reason. Yeah, it was for charity. When you were a kid, Andrea, did you have any show like that you watched? Like a science, kids show science? Oh, no. Yeah, because I grew up in China.
Starting point is 00:42:39 So it was just like, did I watch TV? No. Yeah. No TV? No. Oh, wait. No, I did. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah, I did. I wouldn't leave the tv i would watch a dragon ball z and i would watch pokemon digimon like just all the animes to a point where i watched how did i forget that i watched tv because i watched so much tv you thought that digimon was real and it was from your history but i watched so much of it that I wouldn't go to dinner. My grandma would be like, oh, come to dinner. And I won't go. And she'll be forced to bring the bowl to me. And I'll just be watching. And I'll open my mouth.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And she'll put it in my mouth. And that's why I don't work on the farm. Yeah. That's why I don't work. You wouldn't even work to eat what age are we talking about here um you had to be spoon fed i think zero to nine ten until i left china you left when you were 10 yeah yeah i was i wouldn't leave the tv until i yeah to eat even until I was 10.
Starting point is 00:43:45 What was your favorite Pokemon? Oh, yeah. I liked Misty's, the water ones. Okay. Yeah, because they were girly. Yeah, the blue ones that go like this. For the home listener, she's going like this. What about Digimon?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Did you have a favorite Digimon? Yeah. Now for the listener, I just want to remind everyone. Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions. Yes. Thank you. I was going to save me some time. I, again, liked the girly ones because i wanted i
Starting point is 00:44:28 was just like i'm a girl i'm gonna like the girl ones and so uh just the ones with flowers on them i like agumon oh which one's that a little orange dinosaur i think that was a Digimon. The Charizard of Digimons. Digimons were kind of the GoBots to the Pokemon Transformers. Well, I don't even know. GoBots. Well, learn your history. Damn it. Dave, do you remember as a kid watching... Did you ever watch Mr. Wizard?
Starting point is 00:45:03 Yeah. Yeah, he was it when I was a kid he was like the science guy he was an old man who was very over it by the time i was watching him very not interested in doing this anymore um but he was like a real like who you would get to be your science teacher it'd be like that kind of mr wizard he didn't wear a cloak or a hat or anything and that was that was early and then he was followed by bill nye the science guy and beekman from beekman's world that's right it's funny like the only science can be made fun for kids like economics there's no economic fun way to teach kids yeah that's true like science like english i guess but mostly science it seems
Starting point is 00:45:46 like check out this thing if i put these two together turns into goo yeah it's funny like when they do like english and math on tv it's very kindergarten-y yes and when they do science on tv it's like the basic science they'll do is like grade three and four stuff yes yeah do you remember as a kid homework hotline no oh that was a show i think it was on pbs and it was every day at the same time like four o'clock in the afternoon and you could call in with questions about how to do your homework and they had all sorts of people in the background doing homework like uh so they could point at somebody like do this homework and they would explain what what you had to do with the homework it was the most boring show in the world
Starting point is 00:46:30 but that was before internet could teach you i hated homework i do i and now that i'm a father i still hate homework like yes i don't uh my kids margo's in grade one, so like there's nothing, like she has to study for a spelling test. Right. But, which takes two minutes a day, but I don't want my kids to have to do homework. Like I don't, I'm opposed to it. Like come home from school and enjoy your life. Yeah, but you know what they're going to do? Like now to rebel against you, they're going to do? Like now the rebel against you,
Starting point is 00:47:05 they're going to do so much. God, they're going to bring home extra, you know, extra points. And when it comes time to be like, dad, I hate homework.
Starting point is 00:47:14 I'm going to be like, yeah, me too. It sucked. I never did it, but you have to, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:20 At least you have to pretend that you're doing it while you're upstairs reading trivial. Yeah. I'm watching Frasier how about you Andrea homework oh yeah I I hate homework I still have dreams about homework like oh god damn it I have to do homework like and then the waking up like that feeling I didn't do homework. But my grandpa used to do my homework. I feel like they're real enablers of your. They really did. Like I, there's a lot of things I,
Starting point is 00:47:56 that they could have helped me be a better person for, but they did it for me. Like, and I, when my grandpa did my math homework, he didn't do it because math changes, right? And he did it his way when he learned it like 70 years ago. And so I got in trouble with the teacher.
Starting point is 00:48:14 She was like, who did, like, she stormed in. She made a scene now that I think about it. She really did not hold her punches. Like she stormed in during english class in our chinese school in china and she was like andrea who did your homework who like she just yelled it out during a lesson disrespecting the other teacher the english teacher and yeah and i was like oh i don't know and i don't know i don't know uh it was some old man it was poo bear poo bear wrote right it's all my homework
Starting point is 00:48:48 i don't know who did my homework i just woke up and it was done okay but i eventually lied saying it was my sister for some reason like i thought it would be be less bad to say that instead of saying my grandpa did my homework did he you know like how on tests when you're a kid you have to put your name at the top did he put grandpa he wanted credit for it i'll do it for you but but I want to be credited. I hear that Drake's grandfather writes his songs as his ghostwriter. And feeds him food while he watches videos. And shapes his beard. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah, so that's me. Either of you ever go to the hospital for constipation? No, but I was thinking about it the other night. I watched Groundhog Day on Groundhog Day. Ah. Which is fun. That's a fun thing to do. And there's a scene in it where Bill Murray saves a kid from falling,
Starting point is 00:49:56 like he falls out of a tree. And Bill Murray. He saves him every day after that. He saves him every day. And I remembered, it was one of those things that unlocked a memory that I had a friend who fell out of a tree like fell out of a tree on a badly poorly made tree house and he fell like he fell front he landed on the front and he broke both of his arms like all the way up to the elbow and he's like he fractured his uh face and he had like
Starting point is 00:50:23 like a giant black eyes reenact it face my eyes are black guys but yeah we went and visited him in the hospital and there was another kid right across from him that had blown off his hand making illegal fireworks or like a pipe bomb or something. So I don't know. I hadn't thought about that for years, but I think that may be the first time I went to a hospital aside from being born. If I was born in a hospital, I don't know. My parents say I was, but how do I know?
Starting point is 00:51:03 I was born in a hospital, I don't know. My parents say I was, but how do I know? Yeah, I was born in a manger. The ox and ass were there. I don't remember a lot about it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so that's me. I've been watching this show, Operation Ouch. Check it out. There's 12 seasons of it, but only one of them is on Netflix.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I'm going to watch just for that episode about the constipated kid. Me too. I really want to see it. It sounds like an old West name. I'm the constipated kid. I'm the fastest gun. The slowest drawing the web. I can't get my gun to fire if you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:51:45 i want to know what he looks like too he's he's like he's a handsome little boy he's like he's like uh you can tell he's the cool kid in school yeah yeah that's right well yeah exactly what if it catches on oh then all the the parents would have to like take the kids out of school because you would. You'd have to be taken out of school for it. Yeah. All the parents are like, huh, our water bill is pretty low this month. And the bathroom is always free. And our son is always requesting starch.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Just feed me starch. He's always doing a thumbs down anyway that's me what's new with you um uh i think i've talked about it on the podcast before i'm in the middle of a dental saga oh yeah you definitely have yeah So the dental saga continues. Andrea to bring it up to speed. One of my teeth broke in half and then I got fillings from a dentist that didn't take and it was really sore. So I had to get a root canal. But I went to a new dentist to get the root canal and she did a very good job. I've been going to a dentist for like a decade. That is like the most bare bones dentist you've ever seen there's no no tv in the ceiling no tv in the ceiling just like um old posters
Starting point is 00:53:15 of like a big tooth and showing all that used to look like in the 50s that's right and uh so i went to this other doctor because during christmas my dentist was closed and it just said uh on an outgoing message we're closed to the fourth if you're in pain go to the hospital i was like well that's not you don't have dentists on call at the hospital do they they said if you're in pain get fucked we do that give a shit it's not a great dentist but the price is right so going into like a proper like modern dentist office is so wild it's there's all sorts of things that have been developed in the past 10 years that I've never heard of. Yeah. Fluoride.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Fluoride floss. But they, so like, usually you go to the dentist, you get the x-ray, right? The x-ray where the person is always hilarious to me that they run out of the room and they're like,
Starting point is 00:54:22 no, but you're fine. Yeah. You're wearing the lead bib. I know. They scurry. they're like no but you're fine yeah but you're wearing the lead bib i know they scurry they're like they do i've seen nurses quickly yeah yeah yeah so i got x-rays done and then the dentist had a camera on a scope and she went around my mouth and took photos and videos of the inside of my mouth put any like uh instagram filters on there did your tooth look like a cute puppy um so she took these photos and then she did another thing where like i had to leave the chair and go in another room and like bite on a thing standing up and this this thing like went around have you ever done this i i just love the i love when you have
Starting point is 00:55:11 to bite on a thing yeah so you're standing there biting on a thing nylon something yeah and it goes around it takes uh like a 180 um picture of your skull, which is crazy. So now they can put you in, into the new Madden game. They can put you in the, in cyberpunk. Yeah. So they got all these things and then she,
Starting point is 00:55:44 she showed me all the footage and all the pictures and the skull one. Apparently I moved cause it was very out of focus. And she was like, well, this is useless. It doesn't usually look this bad. She said, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:56 so I had really fucked up my part of the deal. Um, and then she showed me the pictures that were taken with the scope and uh here's the thing that you may not know about your teeth they are fucking disgusting i know that but i've only seen them from one angle my whole life and seeing them from the on the backside or you know uh down underneath your tongue that area wow there's all sorts of funky stuff going on down there. Yeah. It's like wiggly.
Starting point is 00:56:27 And no, have you ever had this done? Have you ever had the scope? Yeah, I've had everything I have very, I don't know what it is, but my teeth get just bad a lot. And so I've had the three,
Starting point is 00:56:42 I went 80 thing and I've had, uh, four, two root canals. So holy shit yeah yeah yeah all my front four teeth are not real really they look real yeah they did a good job yeah um i'm the same i have bad teeth just born with bad teeth had to get fillings in my baby teeth that kind of like did you really oh yeah like the every dentist visit of my childhood was like okay like here's your cleaning and here's your cavities like i i don't think i ever had a dentist visit without cavities i remember my parents getting pretty mad like down the road of like how much this was costing costing and really saying like come on you've
Starting point is 00:57:25 you've been sneaking candy which i had but it's not fair for them to assume that you know yeah you can't prove it um i mean i guess you can with these cavities but i do feel like it's genetic like i feel like you've been given you've been dealt your teeth. And my parents have the same thing, like a mouthful of metal. And, and also like they taking a tour of my mouth.
Starting point is 00:57:53 I didn't realize that so many of my fillings are silver. I thought like pretty much across the board, they were enamel, but all the ones I couldn't see, they're all silver. So I don't, was I ripped off? I might've been ripped off is what're all silver so i don't was i ripped off i might have been ripped off is what i'm saying i don't know silver's going up i um i've been investing
Starting point is 00:58:11 in it uh ever since i joined this reddit group how many people do you think are going to lose their life savings because of this reddit nonsense i mean i i i don't know i don't know anything about i listened to 10 minutes about it and i just don't get anything yeah i was gonna have to say what i was reading about i was like huh so selling short eh oh are we okay did you see the big short yes and they had they're like oh this is the complicated part so we'll get margot robbie in a bathtub to explain it yeah and still i was like i don't know yeah andrew do you know anything about the stock market or anything like that no no nothing nothing i really just tune out and then i just flip to whatever who's dancing on my screen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who is dancing today? All the teens. Oh, yeah. The teens are really dancing.
Starting point is 00:59:16 They love dancing. I wish I would stop getting offered teens on my app. I don't want to look at teens. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're doing a great job. Keep it up, but keep it away from me. I never gave you any information
Starting point is 00:59:36 that suggested I wanted teens. Except when I was a teen. Yeah, exactly. That's all I wanted. I think that's the default that they give you the teens when when they when they can't read your personality like you're the algorithm yeah um they just give you the whoever is the hot teen right now because before i trained my algorithm to do what i want um it was just the teens i'm like i don't want this how did you train your algorithm i would just block all the posts about teens oh you can block them oh yeah and
Starting point is 01:00:14 and then i would go like a bunch of the ones i like oh i see okay okay um i just opened my Instagram and I, it's like most of the pictures are like just hockey things and shirts that I might buy and guitar things. But all the videos are a teen. Yeah. I don't know how to get rid of them. Well, you gotta like some videos of things you like. Okay. Now it's a video of a guy trying to trying to kick off the boot from his car put a boot on his car and he's trying to kick it up i like that that's good
Starting point is 01:00:54 please please instagram give me more of that yes i feel like my facebook algorithm is quite good because it's always giving me like these combinations of people walking into a window the best stuff yeah exactly i'm like this facebook does know me graham did you see someone in our facebook group uh posted a picture of their car yes after they um uh last week they listened to last week's episode and they were laughing so hard that they crashed their car. Into like a construction site or something. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:01:31 Yeah. So that's, you know, we can rebrand as dangerously fun. Yeah. Well, I mean, we accept no liability. And like, yeah, if you bust a gut to our show, that's your gut is on you. Yeah. But you know what? Now we're the bad boys of podcasting. We are, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:49 We're like Michael Jackson beating up that car at the end of the Black or White video. Yeah. Andrew, do you have any appreciation for Michael Jackson, or is that just way, way in the past? Because you're so young, I don't know. You're 10 years old. year old in korea give me some of that michael jackson no i wasn't i wasn't i didn't get it i think i was scared because of the i think when i got here thriller was a big thing okay yeah and so i was scared of it. I get really scared really easily. Now, your thriller came out in 1982,
Starting point is 01:02:29 or so. So, I mean, I guess maybe we misjudged your age. But if she got here around Halloween, you would have had a song. You'd be on the radio. The two scariest artists are Michael Jackson jackson and ray parker jr and bobby boris pickett yeah yeah i think actually my 10 year old brain uh did probably see it uh during halloween and was like
Starting point is 01:02:59 this just came out and so at least it was playing on much music when I was like watching it. And I just got too scared. I was absolutely scared of it when I was a kid as well. I don't even think I saw it as a kid, but I heard the song, but I don't think honestly, like the whole video, her running from the zombies and everything. None of that scared me except that last shot where he turns to the camera and
Starting point is 01:03:22 he's got cat eyes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Which doesn't follow anything. What's happening in in the video it's all zombies the whole time and now he's a cat man like oh that was a made-up world in this world i'm a cat man yeah that was all a movie we were watching yeah like the nonsense of it made me scared yeah that has nothing to do with the video and it was like you know it's so random i hate it like it freaked me out
Starting point is 01:03:52 no more michael jackson no more michael jackson too scary um should we move on to some overheards how about some business oh move on to some overheards? How about some business? Move on to some business. Hi, everybody. Here's a bit of business that you might be interested in. It's a Yumbotron. I pronounce it with the European soft J. Yes. This is for Claire L. from Sean H.
Starting point is 01:04:25 Happy birthday to Claire from Sean. Of course, that's, you know what? That was assumed from the setup. Happy birthday to Claire from Sean. Claire has been a fan of Spy for many years, and I would love for Dave and Graham to wish her a happy birthday. Happy birthday. Yeah, I won't do it.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Dave walked off the set. You guys are being too loose with these masks i'm tom cruise again uh and also this lighting guy keeps looking at me and uh let's see who else and oh boy you're giving me the dead dog dedication is that casey casem what are your famous rants oh uh what's his name uh christian bale yeah i just said the lighting guy look a little late again that's right yeah oh the one david o russell and lily tomlin yelling at each other oh yeah what are they even talking about i don't know they're just swearing at each other it's great yeah it's great i'm uh i'm team lily on, yeah, yeah. It's the right place to be.
Starting point is 01:05:26 But happy birthday. Happy birthday to Claire from Sean and from Graham. But not from me. Not from Dave. Can't make me. I'm not for sale, man. He refuses to sell out. If you would like a Jumbotron message on the show,
Starting point is 01:05:44 Graham will say anything. I won't. Go to slash Jumbotron message on the show, I will. Graham will say anything. I won't. Go to slash Jumbotron. All right. Well, let's head back to the show. Hey, thanks for coming. Thank you. Thanks. These are real podcast listeners, not actors.
Starting point is 01:06:00 We took the identifying marks off this podcast. Just tell me your impressions. It's really sexy. My first thought is like Radiolab? Definitely something popular. Yeah, really popular. A hit show. But funny too.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Like, does Tina Fey have a podcast? Or the Marx Brothers? Yeah, is this podcast Radiolab, but hosted by the Marx Brothers? And sexy? Like Sade? It reminds me of Sade. Exactly. And they're all riding in a BMW.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Close, but not quite. Take a look behind these panels. And then watch this rocket blast off into space. And there's the pies we made you. Now, let's show you the podcast. Oh. Wow, it was Jordan Jesse Go. Jordan Jesse Go?
Starting point is 01:06:51 Hold on. Whoa. Oh, my goodness. That was 514 J.D. Power & Associates Podcasting Awards. That was really scary. But compelling. I guess I should definitely subscribe to Jordan Jesse Go. Um, yeah. Power & Associates Podcasting Awards. That was really scary. But compelling. I guess I should definitely subscribe to Jordan Jesse Go.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Um, yeah. I'd say so. Jordan Jesse Go. A real podcast. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where if you're lucky enough to hear something out there in the world or see something that you think is hilarious, bring it to us. We want it here on the podcast. And we always like to start with the guest.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Andrea, come forth the overheard. Okay, so mine is from when i was living with my mom and so she she kept having like friends over because they live nearby and then they would just talk in the living room and i would just be in my room but the whole house you could kind of hear but they think i'm not listening but anyways they were talking they were and also they think like stand-up what i do is called talk show they think it's called like a talk show yeah i love that so they think i i don't know if they know the difference between like you know jimmy kimmel or whatever and a stand-up comedian but they just say talk show and so
Starting point is 01:08:26 i love it maury povich and me yeah that's what i'm competing with yeah and so they were talking because i was living there and her her friend was like oh what so what she is she still doing like talk shows is she still doing that and my mom's like no no no she's not doing that anymore and then uh my mom's friend's like oh okay well is she on youtube is she doing youtube like is she making youtube and my mom's like no she's not doing that either and then her friend's like well what is she doing all like what is she doing here what is she doing all day and I was like I don't I don't know I don't know I don't know like she just sounds worried yeah yeah and i'm just listening to them okay whatever who cares there it doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:09:28 if they know or not and then a few weeks later she had another friend over who's like a bit more bold and and i was passing through the kitchen and uh she says to me, she's like, hey, you should get you should get a YouTube account. You should do YouTube. You should get on YouTube. You could do that. And I was like, no, it's it's fine. And she pointed to her husband who like they call him glasses because he wears glasses you do a talk show he's glasses you got a nickname for everything they i don't know his real name but he's been in my life
Starting point is 01:10:14 for like my whole life it's like a long time friend of hers but she's like oh glasses can set it up for you like glasses is good i can like you know tech stuff like glasses can make you a youtube account and i was like no it's fine like don't you don't have to bother glasses okay and then i go into my room again and then there's whispering again like uh my the friends like what what does she do what is she doing in there like what does she do all day and my mom's like i don't know i really don't yeah they're ganging up on you that's what's happening yeah everyone's being mean to me yeah like do you um now now that they're not around do you want us to help you make a YouTube? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:06 We call Dave glasses. Yeah. I know you were too proud to kind of ask for it around your family, but we're friends. Yeah. I'll do it. I'll make you a YouTube. I remember I used to work, uh, we used to be a video editor and one day our boss this was in 2007 maybe and youtube was just kind of starting out but like everyone knew what youtube was and our boss got so mad no one told
Starting point is 01:11:34 me about youtube he was like probably in his mid-60s then i think we should have a meeting once a week where everyone comes with ideas. For instance, does everyone know about Blackie? And we were like, what? He was like, it's Blackie. It's Black Google. What? What? And what it was was actually called Blackle.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Black Google. Oh, yeah. And it was, all it was it was a google but with a black background instead of a white background to save your you energy and your like computer screen i remember black hole i don't i love that he was like okay we gotta come up with ideas here's what i came up with a thing that already exists. Now you. Yeah. Everybody, next time YouTube gets invented, tell me about it, okay? Next time it gets invented, black all that shit and hand it over.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Dave, do you have an overhurt? Sure. So here's mine. My overseen is just i saw this uh company uh i saw this like car that had like a decal for a company on it yeah and the name of the company just struck me yeah like like hit me wrong and it was just the name of the company was uh servantage uh which is like it was the word servant with a g e on the end yeah and it was like putting service to your advantage but i still saw the word servant in there we don't we don't use that word anymore
Starting point is 01:13:17 and then i looked up what they do and they it's like house cleaners so it's like pretty bad yeah if you have a company that is cleaning houses don't use the word servant in your company name yeah exactly it's leave that for Silicon Valley that's who can they're in charge of
Starting point is 01:13:40 naming things yeah that's all quick one quick a little quick one from dave um mine comes courtesy of i went to a physiotherapist uh what's wrong with your body uh my legs were tight and i didn't know how to oh yeah they're tight and so and what part of your legs both of your legs both of my legs and uh she was really good but it was basically like let me find what hurts and then really dig my nails into it and uh and i was like yep this is it this is physio and i was doing that and then a couple um beds over that were divided by uh curtains there was a, I feel like his physiotherapist caught what he was saying
Starting point is 01:14:27 midway and then corrected it very quickly because he said, well, you see the problem here is this muscle here is completely underdeveloped. And that just means that you're so strong with the other muscles. I think he was pointing out like, you're so strong with the other muscles like i think he was he was pointing out like you're weak man no it must be your amazing muscles elsewhere that are right right um i've never done a physio i assumed oh they uh no i i have what doctors call perfect body um they do use the word bod a lot they're like wow check out this guy's bod dave dave would you mind coming into this other room and showing your bod off
Starting point is 01:15:12 to this other patient and actually some of the nurses this guy's never been constipated you can tell this guy's like a thumbs up every time he comes to the bathroom uh but i i didn't know that they like dig in with their like it's like a massage well it's kind of exercises i assume they give you exercises but like if something's like not like if something's tight or like has a knot or whatever they'll kind of because they're feeling around to see like what's connected to what because they know all that stuff is connected to this have you seen those those like i've only seen them on ads on my phone instead of showing me a teen sometimes they show me these pummeling devices that are like a machine that like punches so fast oh man uh that would be very satisfying yeah i mean like my do you want one for your birthday i'm good i already got uh i got a vibrating thing it's a it's for a different
Starting point is 01:16:13 purpose it's a shoulder massager but i can use it wherever i want yeah um yeah if if you ever have like a like a crick in your neck or something that hurts physio is great because they they kind of work it out for you and then they show you things to do and if you're if your muscles aren't working they'll make you feel good by saying that you're really strong dude they're not the same people as the cracking people. No, that's like a chiropractor. Oh, yeah. That's what it's called. Have you ever been to a chiropractor? No, but I think about it, you know.
Starting point is 01:16:51 I like will watch all those videos. Of people getting their backs cracked? Yeah, yeah. I got really into it because the sound and I like it. It's a very satisfying sound. Yeah. Can you crack your own back? Yeah, you can.
Starting point is 01:17:07 I mean, I can. Oh, really? You can crack your own back. Well, I mean, Abby's very good at like, she can do her hips and her back and like,
Starting point is 01:17:18 every night before bed, it's like, you know, the percussion section. But I, I can do, I can like twist in a way that like gives me a couple and if you don't if you can't get it cracked it's pretty unsatisfying
Starting point is 01:17:32 to twist and kind of wrench yourself and not get the crack it's a bummer you want that sound Motown sound yeah when I when I do it and it doesn't crack, I feel stupid after.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Did that for no reason. I hope no one was watching. Now, you know, we've done our overheards. Now it's time for the listeners and their overheards. We have people that send them in to us from all over the world. If you want to send one to us, send it in to SPY at
Starting point is 01:18:14 This first one comes from Christine from here, right here in Vancouver. Back when there was a bit of snow here in Vancouver, I don't remember when that was, but maybe they missed it. Yeah. I was walking past a school in my neighborhood, just as the kids were being let out for recess. Three boys raced out and hauled ass to the small snow-covered slide area and grabbed a ratty piece of cardboard that was clearly using as a sled.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And as they did, one boy screamed with such glee, Cardboard, I love you forever. And then the two other boys followed up with, are you going to marry it? And one said, it proposed to you. Oh. Yeah. Aw. We went to the park in the, like, it's so, there's nothing to do anymore.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Yeah. In the pandemic. And the kids were just, like like uh you know fighting every two minutes and we're like let's go somewhere let's go to a park it was pouring rain yeah and we found this park and uh we went it was like 20 minutes to get there we went and went outside mar Margo, my six year old was the only one who was excited to go and got on the slide. It went, she went so fast down the slide and like launched off and then immediately
Starting point is 01:19:34 started crying. And it was like, I want to go home. So that was it. We went to the park. We drove 20 minutes there. Yeah. Margo rocketed off the slide.
Starting point is 01:19:44 Yeah. Spent one minute and then went home for 20 another 20 minutes boy uh this next one comes from brennan in idaho i was just in my backyard and heard someone next door say i really enjoy cheese tiktok i get all my news from tiktok um what's cheese tiktok andrea i'm going it's where i think it's where you cook cheese right yeah okay there's hooker or make because there's cooking there's cooking tiktok where i tried to make a recipe from cooking tiktok once it drove me nuts like because you just it's just so fast and then it's like okay pause it at the right time and then yeah you look at what it looks like on there and it's
Starting point is 01:20:32 like does mine look like that no it doesn't and then it has to play again to tell me how to get there again so it's so i'm assuming cheese tiktok is either they're eating cheese or they're making something with cheese in it yeah that that's that makes sense now does the tiktok forgive my ignorance it can it be any amount of time because i remember when vine was around it's like seven seconds yeah is tiktok can go on forever they they do like 30 seconds and one minute usually the one minute ones don't really do well they don't really hit yeah 30 seconds is it long so they do a recipe in 30 seconds oh because it's all like sped up yeah because they edit it yeah they edit it they're like okay do this now and then this
Starting point is 01:21:16 and this and then you have pancakes or whatever how many of those this and this and this? It's really like two. It's a pancake mix. Yeah. Add water. This last one comes from Anna from Denver. My husband was picking up our to-go order from a local fish and chips restaurant, and he was waiting behind a guy placing an order. The guy said, I like an order of prawns and the cashier said would you like four or six the guy said probably four since i don't know what
Starting point is 01:21:51 they are yeah diving in good yeah yeah that reminds me of um the irishman when that guy didn't know what a fish what kind of fish did you guys watch the Irishman yeah yeah what was the fish thing well the fish was in the backseat of the car or whatever right yeah and then some guys like what kind of fish was that and they're like I don't know just some fish and it's like how do you not know what kind of fish
Starting point is 01:22:18 was in the backseat of your car it was like a huge thing because the whole movie was so serious and then they had that little bit going and I was like that was thing because the whole movie was so serious and and then they had that little bit going and i was like that was weird this is like two hours in you know yeah although scorsese does have like in goodfellas is one of my favorite bits is where joe pesci and everybody's going to uh joe pesci's mother house and she brings out a painting that she did and uh the dogs are looking in different directions he's like hey look at this look Joe Pesci's mother house and she brings out a painting that she did and
Starting point is 01:22:45 the dogs are looking in different directions he's like hey look at this dog he's looking over there and this other dog is going hey what do you want from me which I think is one of the funniest scenes in a movie that's great I never saw The Irishman oh did you not
Starting point is 01:23:01 no it's too long if it's over three hours and it came out in the century i didn't see it fair enough but uh i don't know if i could identify like i could identify salmon because that's what people catch here but i wouldn't be able to identify any other fish on site red i think i would know a pollock shark shark i could do could do. Pollock is like a flat one, is it? What's the flat one? It sits around at the bottom of the ocean floor.
Starting point is 01:23:29 I don't know. Is it flat? I think it's called flatfish. Yeah. Flatfish. Yeah, flatfish. Yeah. I could identify a seahorse.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Lobster. Did either of you guys see My Octopus Teacher? No. Your octopus teacher? Yes octopus teacher uh yes my octopus teacher have you seen him because uh he's been missing maybe he's camouflaging himself they're very crafty it's a documentary it's on netflix and it's uh it's really weird and really good i don't i'm gonna drop netflix really yeah yeah just so I don't have to talk about these things anymore I'm not on Netflix
Starting point is 01:24:08 anymore I'm all TikTok yeah I'm just paying to watch BTS do things but it's like
Starting point is 01:24:16 16 hours of it it's worth it in addition to overhears that are written in we also accept your phone calls if you want to
Starting point is 01:24:23 call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. SpyPod. One. Like these people have. Hi, Dave, Graham, and possible guests.
Starting point is 01:24:38 This is Erin calling from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. And I'm calling in an overheard. This is a kids say the darndest type. Tonight, my daughter was, my seven-year-old daughter was practicing piano. And when she finished, she jumped up and said, yay, I finished practicing piano and I didn't puke. And she's never puked anytime while practicing piano before or after
Starting point is 01:25:10 so anyways that's all but it's like no small achievement to not puke during any lesson yeah if you can do it like you've really locked into something special i think yeah when was the last time we'll go around horn, when was the last time everybody puked? Andrea? When I was practicing piano. Yes. And for me, it was when I was practicing saxophone and it was not pretty.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Dave, do you, do you, oh, sorry. Graham, when was the last time you pooped oh that's a good question come back to me on that i'm gonna work it out i was just gonna say like do you make your kids do piano or any lesson of any sort they're a bit i mean i the i we we're kind of hoping to um this year and then the pandemic hit. And then, uh, so we're not like sending them for lessons or anything. And we, we don't own a piano.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Uh, but I played music as a kid and I really, I, I didn't like practicing at the start. And then, um, when I, like I played cello when I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Really? And yeah. Oh, wow. And I hated it. And then I, my parents let me switch to guitar and I loved it. But I wish I learned to play piano.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah, me too. But I don't know where one puts a piano. No, and also like the number of times that I've seen an unmanned piano is very. I would play the piano. Like I would do it now. I would annoy everyone in my house because it would have to be like right next to the TV room and they would be dad we're trying to watch this kid not take a dump did you did you play andrea yeah because i was gonna say like i was forced into a lot of lessons and i don't get it now like i when i was a kid i was like, this is what I have to do. My parents are making me do it, but I don't get why they ever did that.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Cause I didn't want to do anything. Um, but they were like, you have to play piano. You've made that abundantly clear. Do you feel like you have an understanding of music that you wouldn't have otherwise? I, I forgot so much of it. Um, cause I just so wasn't interested. Every time I was, I related to that kid. Like every time I was made to play piano, I would pretend to fall asleep.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Clown. Yeah. And my grandma would, because someone has to watch me practice. Your grandma would put her arms through your shirt and pretend she was practicing piano. And you would get in trouble. Who did your piano lessons for you? Someone would have to watch me to make
Starting point is 01:27:54 sure I was practicing and when my grandma would watch me and I would pretend to sleep, she'd be like, you're not sleeping. Get up. Go back. My parents had to sit in the room while i did 30 minutes of cello wow when i just wanted to eat 30 minutes of jello that's how they tricked you into signing up for lessons someone just crashed their car
Starting point is 01:28:18 listening to me tell that joke all right here's your next phone call. Hello, Dave and Graham. We have a kid, David Darnus. There's some kids in the car with us right now. We were huddling together for warmth, and a nine-year-old kid said the following. I said that we were trying to make warmth together like sandorinis. And we asked if it was tangerines, but no. And then we finally figured out that it was what?
Starting point is 01:28:55 Sandorines. Sardines. Sardines, yes. It was the Saradeens. Yeah, Sandorinis. But, you know, that's somebody who learned it just from reading.
Starting point is 01:29:15 You know? Yes, he mustn't make fun of them. Yeah. Why were they gathered for warmth? What the hell's going on about it? They might have been singing around a trash can like frank stallone yeah oh boy all right here's your final overhead hi dave hi graham hi possible guest i am calling in with an overseen, and I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:29:47 I just called in two weeks ago, and my overheard got played. I was the long-winded cupcake chick, but I just... I just got an overseen. I fucking got a call back. She hung up, and she'll call back. I don't remember the long-winded cupcake.
Starting point is 01:30:08 No, me neither. She sounds like she's going to crash into a car or whatever. I hope she's not driving. I pray she's not driving. Definitely. We have the worst drivers in the podcast game in our audience. All right, she called back. Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Oh, good. Hi, Dave. Oh, good. Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham. Hi, possible guest. This is Caitlin calling in again from Utah with an overseen. I was going to the grocery store and I had an old school handwritten grocery list and the wind was blowing. And when I got out of my car it just blew right out of my purse and across the parking lot as I'm sitting there just pissed that it blew out of my hand. I
Starting point is 01:30:53 watched this old man pick it up and put it in his pocket and take it in with him And he used my grocery list for the whole grocery store. I just followed him around the whole time I was shopping. I grabbed whatever he grabbed because he used my list. I don't know if he knows what I was planning on making, but he's got all this stuff for, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:22 a lot of good meals I had planned. Maybe that's not that funny, but I died died i just followed him around the whole grocery store okay off i go oh man that's you know one person's trash another person's shopping list absolutely yeah i that's too personal i i wouldn't want to know i don't even want to know what else would make. But also like, don't you feel like that's fate dealing you a hand? Like maybe you should make a lasagna or whatever. That's the only thing I think that takes multiple components. Everything else just comes in one box. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:00 From my understanding. Yes. Well, that comes, that's a, we're at the end of the episode here uh andrea thank you so much for being our guest thank you so much for having me yeah where if people want to see you doing stand-up or whatever where do people go oh i have a website and all the stuff's on there but but I'm also on social media.
Starting point is 01:32:25 Uh, I have a YouTube. No, you follow glasses. Got you YouTube. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:32 But, uh, I also, yeah, I'm on Instagram, Andrea, Jen, at Andrew,
Starting point is 01:32:37 Jen for everything. So nice. Yeah. Um, well, thanks so much for being a guest and, uh, you people out there who are listening thank you so much for listening to the show drive safely i would say is the number oh yeah i also anyone
Starting point is 01:32:50 who's donated to who um supported us in the last max fun drive i've heard that the uh the oh the pins the pins and the other gifts are going out now so uh normally max fun Drive happens like in March I think and so you get the stuff by fall time but because it was delayed things are delayed but I'm happy to see that people are starting to get their grandpa pins
Starting point is 01:33:15 that's probably the coolest pin in the game I would say yeah thanks everybody for listening take care of yourself out there as Jerry Springer would say take care of yourself out there as Jerry Springer would say, take care of yourself and each other and come back next time for another episode of stop podcasting yourself. Maximum Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Artist owned. Audience supported.

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