Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 680 - Tim Gray

Episode Date: March 30, 2021

Tim Gray returns to talk brown drinks, neighbours, and The Snyder Cut....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 680 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a guy who's just as excited as I am about a lovely spring day, Mr. Dave Shubka. Oh man, it is when that spring hits, the chef's kiss. Yes, yeah. Yeah yeah it was nice um it's apparently much warmer on the other side of the country well we should head east i guess well i don't i don't need to i'm just saying yeah they're they're kicking our ass uh nice day wise fucking kicking her ass toronto is like oh they're all over us with their nice day
Starting point is 00:01:07 yeah good day to you yeah they're good day to you and we have a guest who is i'm i'm so excited to hear how the weather is where he lives our guest is a very funny comedian he is part of a sketch troupe called hunks then they have a new album coming out uh very soon it's tim gray hello everybody what a beautiful spring day it is was it it was oh yeah birds are chirping you know what i looked at a bird closely like made eye contact with a bird closely uh recently for the first time and i feel like maybe ever yeah i i think i have a little bit of a fear of birds because i feel you know what are they what are they thinking what are they up to what are they saying about my genes yeah they're they're building what kind of genes j or or G? G. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:07 What do they say about my family? I bet none of them can fly. That's what the birds say. And they're right. Yeah. So you saw a big bird today? It was a tiny little bird. We don't have tiny birds. We just have one big one.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Yeah, one big one. We call him Pondor. And you don't want to disappoint him i think he's all the other big birds like all the other small birds at bay i guess yeah he's a real enforcer and uh he's the best he's the best bird that anybody's ever seen better than big bird last spring we had um just kind of like a never-ending uh like list of covid projects okay projects to uh to keep the family busy and so you know one day i like assembled a um plexiglass plexiglass station for each of the kids like a plexiglass like the thing that blows dollar bills around and you try to catch them it's fun for the whole family yeah and i disassembled it after that
Starting point is 00:03:15 this was more in the assembly that i enjoyed yeah cash is meaningless but i i had uh like we you know we planted flowers one day we did whatever stupid stuff like just because we were told we would have to be home for two weeks yeah we all shaved our heads yeah yeah yeah one of the things was we made a or we bought and hung a uh hummingbird feeder oh yeah and payoff and and uh you know poured the goo in it we made i mean we made our own goo did you make your own goo yeah yeah we made how long did that take you well a long time because i was thinking about baseball uh and then we hung it up the world series ever gonna come back and then we hung it up and uh uh i didn't see a hummingbird no all year not one and then in like february the hummingbirds started coming by and like dipping their beaks. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Getting their beaks wet. Nice. And then Abby said, oh, yeah, it's been out for like 10 months now. We should probably take that in. Like, I think that's poison now. Yeah. Yeah. The shelf life on goo.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. Your goo gone bad? Yeah. Goo girl gone bad. Should we get to know us? yeah yeah yeah get to know us tim yes um you've been on the show twice yes once in once in person and once in winnipeg where you live where it was a beautiful day today yeah and you saw a bird well what beautiful sunny day what kind of bird did you look into the eyes of oh you know what i feel like this is a question for ivan decker a big birder isn't he yeah bird guy talking about birds it was like a small gray bird not an owl not a jay an owl
Starting point is 00:05:23 could also have been a car you know i was on a lot of mushrooms that's why your day was so out of whack i'm going home officer uh no i just i just shared like a nice uh a nice little moment with the bird where i didn't feel like the bird was upset by my presence and i felt like we both were just like yeah it's a nice day hello to you hello yes i'll be on my way now and he's probably the birds probably on their way too yeah because they're they're they migrate don't they yeah when they can where are they going to be going yeah how much further north are they going to get yeah i wonder like are there birds way up north i mean i don't know i can't say for sure but those birds they never get to fly south like they're saying there's no florida for those birds
Starting point is 00:06:13 whatever they are what what birds would be up there no robins or anything like that an owl polar birds yeah yeah owls owls love that shit though owls go nuts for that you know my favorite kind of bird is what's that a bat yeah yeah bats are popular this season that's my favorite kind of bird and whales my favorite kind of fish yeah and i just say don't get your kid a bat as a present on Halloween. It's a lot of people like. The lifetime commitment. Bats live a long time too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It's that hanging upside down. It's super good for you. Yeah. Have you guys tried it? Feels good though. Bats are never like complaining about lower back pain yeah and Dracula was never like oof getting out of a chair
Starting point is 00:07:09 but he doesn't does he hang upside down he sleeps in a coffin he sleeps in a coffin that's right Bruce Wayne slept upside down in the original Batman movie stupid yeah stupid yeah Bruce Wayne was found dead this morning blood pooled in his skull
Starting point is 00:07:26 yeah you're not you know you're not a man bat you're a bad man i like it i like it though i keep all my poo in a pile. Alfred, did you move my poo? Alfred, we're going to start calling it guano now. Could you please do me the kindness? Of course, sir. Classic Alfred. Yes. This is the way in residence
Starting point is 00:08:06 no bruce is on his bruce can't come to the phone right now he's on his upside down toilet um uh so tim it's been it's been a while since you've been on the show yeah i agree how how have things been going i know this year's been weird and upside down and backwards but in general you doing all right out there yeah in general doing all right nice sounds like you're not doing all right specifically yeah let's not get into let's just skirt around a bunch of specifics and keep it at all right yeah all right buddy yeah i don't know man i think a lot of us have have made the most of it i mean i know i know it's been said many times on this podcast people have thanked you for keeping it going throughout the pandemic and uh i just want to say i'm on the other side of that argument it really hurt
Starting point is 00:09:05 watching you guys have fun keep it light every week I'm like why don't you guys talk about the bad things that are happening we do before the podcast and after we meet and have a post podcast meeting debrief that's right
Starting point is 00:09:21 we have fellowship we have coffee and yes coffee clad reef that's right nice uh we have fellowship we have coffee and yes you have a little coffee was it did you tim uh did you grow up in the church like graham and i did i did yeah did you have to go hang out in a gymnasium while your parents drank coffee yeah and they would let me drink coffee too and i remember i was like a six-year-old and i would just put four teaspoons of tablespoons of sugar in it yeah yeah and a bunch of that uh creamer powder you know yeah yes that can't be good for us that's probably
Starting point is 00:09:56 where my blood moves slow your doctors told you you have slow blood. I have slow blood. Oh, man. Check it and see. We also had that every weekend. I believe we had a big tub of McDonald's orange drink. Oh, that's nice. That's nice. At the church. You guys would just sit in it like a hot tub. Dip your feet in it on a hot day.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Soak your feet. Your feet are just dyed orange for the rest of the summer well i got my vitamins for the week oh man that orange drink i wonder if that's i mean you'll find out soon enough being a father is that still around are people still doing orange drink yeah but in that big find out soon yeah because that's you know kids i can't order an orange drink from mcdonald's as an adult mcdonald's they don't it used to be i think kids order the orangest things was it high c or something or crush now they have orange fruitopia oh yeah i'm not a big like not a big promoter of orange drinks but as a kid i would i would drink a whole vat of that stuff it's like remarkable how much brown stuff i drink that's true i was thinking about that the other day like yeah what color do you
Starting point is 00:11:20 drink mostly well talk coffee so toffee and then coffee. You do melt, you have a cup of toffee. Don't talk to me before I've had my toffee. Everyone after church, go have a cup of toffee. Everybody have a big chew. And, you know, your kid will add four tablespoons of sugar to the toffee. Coke's brown coke's brown some beer is brown yeah they uh at the grocery store they had tiny dr peppers this week and i i don't drink soda like tiny cans of it tiny cans of it like now they have small cans of it? Tiny cans of it. Like now they have small cans of things. But I don't go in for that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:08 But it's good to put the warning out there. Once I saw the Dr. Pepper, I was like, oh, well, I have to do that. Yeah. That's a lot of fun. I think those small cans are exactly the amount of soda that you actually want. You were never given the option to only have a small amount. had to be a can a full size can yeah or a bottle or a bottle exactly then a half a flat bottle tomorrow yeah yeah and uh you know like when you drink one of those the first gulp you're like wow this is the best thing in the world. And by the last gulp, you're like, I feel disgusting.
Starting point is 00:12:47 That's the small ones, which is the perfect size. Why are my teeth soft? Yeah, why are my teeth flapping in the wind? My only issue with those small containers, as though it is perfect quantity-wise, but I just don't like the amount of containers that we have to use and throw out or whatever. I wish they would just have like bulk barn a big barrel of dr pepper you know you can fill your bag dr pepper i have a garbage bag i'd like to fill with dr pepper
Starting point is 00:13:18 because i i like that that's that amount but i want yeah i want my own like a fountain pop yeah yeah yeah what do they call coke freestyle machine freestyle machine i think the the the coke machine that you have to hack yourself oh yeah yeah freestyle yeah you're like minority reporting your drink yes the um uh 7-eleven would do a thing like as a promotion where you could bring in any size container and fill it up with their with soda slurpee yeah yeah so then people would just bring in like you know silly like silly amounts like a kid's pool and stuff like that. Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of the world. Yeah, what does that mean? It means that we've been tricked by a marketing campaign
Starting point is 00:14:13 into buying Slurpees during the winter. Winnipeg drinks more Slurpees per capita than any other city? That's right. So during those Slurpee days where it's like, bring in whatever you people go nuts yeah it goes when i was a big sugar fiend i would go i would prefer it in the winter because the machines are used less and so they that you get a better quality yeah yeah yeah that's true that's true when's the last time either of you had a slurpee what's today thursday last summer last summer uh you graham oh yeah maybe
Starting point is 00:14:52 like yeah maybe last summer or maybe the summer before yeah i don't think i have it used to be i would have like i would walk past the 7-eleven on the way to high school every day and back. So I would have at least one, but usually one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Same ginormous one.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah. And the, the, like seven levels right across the street, they know what they're doing when they're putting in convenience stores. They like, where's the closest to high school or junior high. Yeah. And it works.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Have you guys ever seen a 7-eleven go out of business yes yes yeah that's sad isn't it it is sad yeah a lot of them have disappeared here yeah really do they put up like little like little wreaths where the 7-eleven was yes yeah and you had to wear a slurpy cup as like a band on your arm yeah there. There's the one that was on Main and 14th that is now a Snackland. Snackland. There's the one that was on Broadway and Manitoba. There's one downtown still. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Oh, yeah. There still are some. Yeah, but they're. Oh, and there was the one I walked past to school every day. I think is a subway now. Hmm. Is that a step up or step down what do you think down down step down yeah i guess because 7-eleven has like full-size pizzas now and stuff like that which is if 7-eleven sold a slurpee that was the smell of a subway bread would you drink it yes huh because that is also mostly sugar does it taste like the the smell no it tastes like diarrhea okay because i'm on the record that i love the smell of subway but
Starting point is 00:16:33 i wish that the sandwiches could deliver on that the taste could deliver on that smell yeah so what if it was like a let's say 80 80 transferable and 20 diarrhea yeah i feel like no sorry guana a billionaire's poop i feel like uh huh for some reason i'm picturing in my mind i'm like subway bread i people bad mouth subway bread i love it i think it's so good. Yeah, I love it too. It's never hurt anyone. People think it's like made out of, you know, khaki pants or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:14 You know, it's made out of that stuff, you know, when you're sitting in your Chevy and you feel something heavy. Yeah, when you're sliding into third and your pants are full of dirt. Yeah, sliding into home and your pants are full of turd yeah sliding to home and your pants are full of foam the foam one to me is the most disgusting of the yeah yeah some people think it's funny but it's really warm and runny some people think it's gross but it's really good on toes would you it comes floating down the gutter on a piece of bread and butter this is the extendo mix subway is there another thing i mean we miss when you're sliding into
Starting point is 00:17:54 first your pants are gonna burst but really you don't slide into first no because you have diarrhea why are you playing baseball would you buy subway bread if they offered it up as like a 12 pack interesting up there that is interesting but you do have to eat it so fast yes yeah what if it was like raw lumps and then you throw it in your oven but you throw it in your six foot tall glass oven with a one big door yeah yeah like you'll have those right do you think that their uh their baking oven is like a special that there's something special about it to make the bread faster or is it just an oven that looks i think it's i think it's it's just to make it so you can cook so many at the same time. It's amazing that they make it all in the store.
Starting point is 00:18:49 It uses the power of convection. Yeah. Subway doesn't get talked about enough on this program, and I like to. It absolutely does. Yeah, I love looking behind the counter and seeing the old italian man flipping the dough up in the air when the moon hits your eye like a six inch italian bmt that's diarrhea i don't understand i think it's part of somebody's act maybe jim gaffigan but there's a kitchen in the back i don't want no like i guess there's chopping vegetables back there but they're not no they're all the vegetables are in a bag that is stapled
Starting point is 00:19:40 shot that they got from cisco systems. What are they doing back there though? Cause there is always a back and you can peer in there and it does look like a kitchen, but then they just, is that the break room or. I, you can't, I can't,
Starting point is 00:19:56 I, it can't be known. It can't be known. It won't be. Yeah. It's one of their six secrets. Tell me the other five. Uh,
Starting point is 00:20:04 number coming in at number five the bathroom uh key actually opens all the doors if you unlock the manager's door you become a manager of subway okay i just speaking of so i googled subway secrets um and uh the uh first result was from a website called so yummy so 16 confessions uh from subway employees who know all the secrets this seems to be buzzfeed for subway Secret number one. Everything is frozen. Secret number two. The grilled chicken isn't what it seems.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Oh no. Those grill marks on the chicken? Food coloring. Oh really? I thought they at least seared it with like a curling iron or something like that. Curling iron? I had them all and did little serum marks but it's a little clothesline with the little chicken breast uh number three and we're not gonna go through all 16 we'll go through 14 though yeah we'll get 14 15 number three you can
Starting point is 00:21:18 add as many veggies as you want to a sandwich wow what that's not a secret people just order one vegetable afraid that it's gonna when they weigh this at the end it's gonna be super too heavy yeah tomato please just one number four don't get wheat bread if you're trying to be healthy don't go to subway if you're trying to be healthy yeah but remember that was kind of their like anchor thing for a while i was like jared jared because he was the best he was the handsomest man in the world and people like what did you what's your origin story and it was all subway and how it's so good for you yeah now they now they don't they've distanced themselves from that okay okay there's also uh the 12 best subway secret menu
Starting point is 00:22:07 items to order i was wondering about that you've heard about like the mcdonald's one where you can order a mcgangbang well they'll put a junior chicken burger between two mcdouble patties but you have to order a really loud yeah like speak up i like the idea that every mcdonald's is like got their own thing that they can do like yeah no oh you said the word let me just uh fuck up our inventory here i'm just gonna give you a chicken that's supposed to be a chicken and i've ruined that then i have to throw some buns in the garbage like they pull one of the fryer things and a secret door opens in the wall i'm looking at these uh secret menu items they're all they all i don't want to talk about them is there one where you can get it and put in a blender and then served in a big cup oh yeah well it's one of
Starting point is 00:22:58 those hot blenders that makes it makes you a hot blender soup a hot sandwich oh that's great well that's a vitamix does a vitamix those like expensive blenders we got one does it does that does it heat it up is there any kind of heating blender oh so like you put in cold like frozen stuff and then it heats it up or you put in room temperature stuff and it heats it up i don't know seems like that would be extra dangerous to have some chopping machine that also is getting hotter and hotter as yeah i mean hey look i'm not a i'm not a scientist i feel like everybody had a vitamix for a while and do people still, you have one, Tim? I think it's a Vitamix. We got into some cooking shows and got hot for cooking. What do you like? Who do you like?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Rachel Ray? Rachel Ray is great. We watched that movie Chef with, what's his freaking name? Jon Favreau. Jon Favreau, everyone's favorite uh disney employee yes um and uh we watched that show and then he made a whole bunch of uh episodes where he would go into different kitchens and have celebrities made episodes of his movie he made episodes of his movie so there was the movie and then he made like freaking four seasons of a TV
Starting point is 00:24:26 show. Did he really? Where he's like going into different kitchens and with different celebrities and celebrity chefs and they're making dishes. They're like, look at this. This is the kitchen out of Subway. Isn't it fucked up? There's nothing in here. Employees are having sex.
Starting point is 00:24:49 They're using a tray of bread as their bed um uh watch these subway employees get pregnant um the uh i haven't seen that movie i like boy i i haven't seen that one i haven't seen what's the uh tony shalhoub food movie big night big night big night i um i haven't seen any of the big food movies i've seen that one scene in goodfellas where they slice the garlic with with a razor yeah that's really all you need to know everything else is based on that that's the origin story is there yeah and i guess like those are the two i can't think there was one like called eating raul or something like that that i think might have been a cannibal situation yeah um waiting waiting waiting with the with the ryan rey Waiting, I think, is that one where, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:46 Dane Cook is the line cook or something like that. That's right. Dane Cook is a cook. Dane Cook, as a film star, is the most fascinating era in Hollywood. Yeah. The, like, let's make Dane Cook a movie star. Yeah. And his, what was his one called where he was good luck chuck good luck chuck thank
Starting point is 00:26:06 you um i remember this was a big deal when abby worked at a talent agency because they shot that movie in vancouver good luck chuck yeah and one of the clients at abby's talent agency bc no vancouver washington okay they wanted to do it right over the border from portland because dane cook loved to pump his own gas so specific and loves paying sales tax uh they shot it in vancouver and i remember it was big news of the talent agency that like one agent was had negotiated a lot more money for an actress to show her boobs yes oh my god yeah yeah and so it should be you know if you have to do nude work absolutely yeah this was exciting stuff back then
Starting point is 00:27:02 now i'm yawning um yeah i'm trying to think of other food movies but i'm not oh ratatouille there we go yeah well we saw the bradley cooper ratatouille burnt that's right yeah uh tim if you haven't seen burnt uh do yourself a solid and that was in the movie club right yeah yeah that made the cut yeah yeah the coop club i mean there's there's more like uh eat pray love it's a third of it it's a food movie that's right the first 30 minutes chocolate factory is a big food movie that's true yeah love is in the trailer does she like put a whole eclair in her mouth or something like that i don't know and then it comes out of her butt with like untouched yeah because she prayed for it i've had all my organs lined with teflon and then she's like do you love it do you love it um i uh uh as far as i know lady and the tramp is a food movie
Starting point is 00:28:11 spaghetti western um so tim how's your pandemic been going did i notice on social media that you built a deck your pandemic been going did i notice on social media that you built a deck yes you did notice that uh to uh to completion i built a deck nice that's the way you want to do it that's the way the doctor says oh yeah had you built a deck before um i had not built a deck before it started i built a wood shed out of uh reclaimed wood and wood pallets. That kind of got me started. I built stuff before. When I was in high school, I worked on a framing crew as an after school job.
Starting point is 00:28:52 Who did you frame? Roger Rabbit. Britney Spears. Fatty Arbuckle. Jared from Subway. uh jared from subway it couldn't have been me your honor so yeah i got some experience on the tools and my dad's your favorite tool yeah yeah i thought you were gonna ask this it might be the circ saw but honestly it's probably the flush cut saw what does that do it's like a small little saw with a small like a one and a half inch blade power saw power saw you plug it in uh and it just cuts from side to side and it's really good
Starting point is 00:29:38 for small detailed cuts where you're like i can't get my hand in there or it's a very awkward angle or something like that yeah yeah now does you have you ever used the one like i've seen in home and garden television or whatever that there's one that can sense that a hand is there and it stops right away that's like that they use to um take like a cast off after you broke your arm we're taking you down to home depot because i'm not paying that doctor money we're gonna go down there pretend we're building a deck get them to saw some boards and then while we're there um yeah i've seen it before but i feel like i would get nervous if you start asking me about the whereabouts of john connor or something like that be like why are we giving saws this ability to think
Starting point is 00:30:25 yeah i guess of the robots yeah the song i wouldn't trust a self-driving car and that's trying to get me from place to place but it's a self not mutilating saw yeah that's right what about a self-interested car that it's not it's not self-driving but it's only it only plays the music it likes and it all and it resists places it doesn't like what is it like what kind of music does it like the cars the cars yeah um and then yeah when they drive past the movie theater that's playing cars it suddenly veers off to the side. Crashes through the walls so that it can just watch it. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:31:18 We all knew this was the risk. Yeah. Isaac Asimov warned us. Yeah, because the first law is that you can't hurt people and the second law is nah you can hurt people come on just kidding um so how like uh you did a deck you also did like your whole renovations in your house yeah yeah yeah we uh um we put up uh we finished the kitchen we put up some subway tiles remember those oh wait yeah not another subway reference you put up the wallpaper from subway yeah yeah the new york landscape from the 80s 90s or whenever
Starting point is 00:31:59 uh yeah put up a couple floating edge shelves those look nice floating raw edge shelves put a deck together uh yeah i don't know i really like building stuff with wood it's satisfying it smells nice when it's a nice wood yeah oh i could talk about wood for another minute or two probably oh yeah you should plug your podcast through a woodcast yeah would sure what would would he do um today we drove past um a uh we were in the suburbs and there was like just uh i don't know some kind of wood processing plant i don't know what it was but there were piles and piles of wood chips and it smelled so good oh yeah yeah the kids the kids thought it stunk oh yeah but they they live in a world where bubble bath is still an option yeah they think everything is that's
Starting point is 00:32:52 an unfair palette to compare chip free to when's the last time you had even a regular bath uh what is it thursday uh i was drinking a Slurpee in it. Yeah. Like a regular bath. You just mean like a bath at home, not like... I mean like not even a bubble bath. Or do you mean like a straight bath? Lost a bunch of bets.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Yeah, you had to take a bath in front of friends. Yeah, well, when GameStock went down, I took a bath. That's for sure. Yes. I don't know. Probably like a year ago, just to see if it was as bad as i remembered it and it was case closed starts hot gets warm gets cold and yeah visibly filthy by the time you're done yeah at what point uh does a bath turn into a hot tub um what's the threshold there
Starting point is 00:33:42 i guess when you buy a hot tub guess when you buy a hot tub? Yeah, when you buy a hot tub. Okay. When kids sneak into your hot tub in the middle of the night. Do you have a hot tub on your deck? No, but a hot tub might be in the future. Nice. We booked this Airbnb out in Riding Mountain National Park.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, we got some national parks too in Manitoba thank you very much sure beautiful beautiful park we booked this freaking nice little cabin and it had a hot tub and we just tubbed in the morning tubbed at night yeah gross man it felt so
Starting point is 00:34:20 so relaxed but like I think tubs only exist if they didn't figure they didn't you think of how many people have come to that i'd rather not but don't you think the bath is just like it was the thing that was around before showers came and showers were definitively better yeah and then people like no but baths are still good right i'm like no if you're an old west cowboy and you sit there in a small container a couple in a
Starting point is 00:34:58 commercial there's a couple in a tub in a cialis commercial in two side-by-side outdoor tubs that's right oh yeah because cialis is like get close but not too close yeah um you gross perverts yeah we're the only christian uh boner pill the boner bill that wants you to wait for marriage as soon as you're married we're gonna get you as hard as the crucifix jesus was yeah but like right now we're gonna focus on outer course yeah yeah that's right high fives take this take this bill to kill your boner reverse c l yeah the boner suppressor d ls of d ls for when things start popping off and you don't know what to do about it go ask alice one pill makes you boners. They never did do a psychedelic boner commercial, but I think... Go see Alice.
Starting point is 00:36:15 It's kind of like... When you're six inches tall. That couldn't have gone better kudos to both you guys yeah it's it's Viagra and Cialis there isn't a third contender in the field right well what I take is a homeopathic remedy that's a mixture of oregano oil
Starting point is 00:36:49 um a five-hour energy drink and like uh anbasol the stuff to make a baby's gums numb. Oh man, I forgot about Ambosol. I bet you if you went on eBay, there would be some swag from Ambosol. Like the people got at conventions and stuff like that. Oh, tweet, I got an Ambosol polo shirt. I got an Ambosol calendar. 12 months of pain relief no there's just you can just buy tubes of ambasol on ebay uh i don't want these tubes to go to waste i don't know why i bought a 10 pack i only have one kid um had um the uh have you ever tim have you ever been somewhere where they gave away a swag
Starting point is 00:37:49 thing a swag bag or you know things that were like kind of fun but were also like printed with the logo of a bunch of companies oh yeah yeah you ever been to south by i've heard heard good things about the merch rory from hunks uh he's been to south by he's got some great south by stories um but but but i will never be on this podcast he's looking at me right now on the other side please put in a good word for me he gotta get me on that pod man um where like was it a festival or a convention i feel like conventions are convention yeah yeah i used to have a job in the property management uh world of rental properties that kind of thing so every
Starting point is 00:38:41 year there'd be a trade show for all the exciting new developments in property management mostly related to garbage disposal that kind of stuff right um and they would have a big trade show and they'd have all these booths set up and the goal was to collect as many cool pens as you could and some of these pens boys i wish i could show you oh man you don't need ray alice oh yeah yeah you turn it upside down and the and the salesperson's uh patience would wear thin as they told me time and time again that's not to do that nothing would happen whoa not to do that nothing would happen whoa um yeah because i feel like you end up getting a lot of stuff that you wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:39:34 otherwise like a stress ball or something like that yeah you're like i would never buy this usb stick that also um holds your phone that sounds actually pretty handy it does yeah but i didn't get that i just thought of it you just invented it right now yeah i don't need anything to hold my phone oh except for my clutch yeah what else do you keep in there oh lip balm uh bear spray there's a, ambasaur horn. In case I walk into a club and need to announce my arrival. You never know when reggaeton may happen. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:19 You got to be ready. What else? What else? What else? What else is going on, Tim? I feel like we haven't really cracked the shell on Tim gray. Yeah, guys, I'm kind of a closed book right now.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Uh, what's the, what's the biggest thing you built this year? Yeah. Other than the deck, the biggest thing that I built this year, other than the deck is like, or like the thing you're the most proud of.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I think I'm the most proud of i think i'm the most proud of i don't know this is uh i built these like dowlings down our stairs because it was just open and then i had to build this thing for these dowlings to hang from so they're like circular wood pieces that we had to stain and then it was tricky to figure out the holes for that. This is you're really painting a good theater of the mind picture. Yeah. Guys like Graham and I who know what
Starting point is 00:41:14 dowlings are and aren't just picturing Tom Bosley as Father Dowling solving a mystery. They're like wood sticks. Circular wood sticks. one inch in diameter yeah like dowels yeah yeah yeah dowels yeah d dowels um the uh you're not building an arc or anything like that i started to uh and then i climaxed too early you know you can get
Starting point is 00:41:44 build a rest during your refractory period. No, one day I'd love to build a boat. I got lots of wood dreams, wooden dreams. Yeah, me too. Man, oh man. More than I'd like. Yeah, I don't know. We've just been really busy with hunks like since the pandemic like once the pandemic started we were in toronto for the sketch festival
Starting point is 00:42:10 march 13th 14th 15th and like those days yeah just plug those dates in case anyone has a time machine they want to witness the beginning of a pandemic and how sketch comedy was going at the time but yeah our crowds got smaller and smaller and more and more awkward and and then it was uh we were like toasting to our last show and nba shut down justin trudeau was like everyone get home good justin trudeau thanks everyone get home i'm just Justin Trudeau. Thanks. Everyone get home. I'm Justin Trudeau. Hello, I'm Justin Trudeau. I'm the horse that you voted for. Not the horse that you need.
Starting point is 00:43:04 You have had a very busy, productive year had me on the on the hunks podcast you had graham on the podcast i assume you put out 50 other episodes a couple one or two yeah we just uh we just wrapped season so season one of the hunks podcast was 140 episodes season two uh we just wrapped up that was 10 episodes you just after you get over that first season then it gets really good yeah yeah then you get residual i think season three will be three episodes and season four we're hoping to do 100 keep them guessing keep them on their toes yeah you also got a dog in the not like not too distant not too distant past future that's right we came down with a dog in september her name is aunt peggy she's an absolute sweetheart she's part uh definitely a husky mix from uh up northern manitoba from uh blood vein first nation shout out and absolutely that's me with my air
Starting point is 00:44:06 um yeah she's uh part whip it part husky holy moly now do you know what a whip it is because i didn't know until just recently you do like you put a gas canister and then you use a key real quick and it feels so nice yeah oh i've witnessed some people in my dorm do that and it's like the most scared i've ever been yeah i know yeah they're like went brain dead for like 30 seconds that's all it's doing is it's turning off your brain i tried it for the first time when i was like 30 at some party in the backyard. I don't know. Somebody just had a big Whippets set up and we were all like 30 and trying Whippets for the first time.
Starting point is 00:44:54 And honestly, it was a great time. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot of fun. I have no regrets. I mean, I like, I may, I'll definitely like, you know, eat whipped cream right from the spray can and so you know pretty close so maybe i'm getting a little high i'm sure you have one time i saw a branded and maybe me get a dumber for brain
Starting point is 00:45:16 me not know uh yeah uh but like i i think there's actual brands that you can buy them like by the dozens online which crazy yeah to you yeah you used to have to perform the the charade that you were like a bakery or something like yeah you walk in with like three friends in a chef's costume together together but wide not tall i'm a very portly chef i remember when i first moved out on my own and i was like oh i'm gonna get some alcohol for my new place but i didn't like you know beer yeah did you put some sugar in it so i was like well you know what i do like is like a grasshopper so i was like yeah i'll get some creme de menthe creme de cacao and i was like you know what i got a little bit of kalua i know that's good and when i was checking out at the liquor store they asked are you
Starting point is 00:46:17 from a bakery nobody ever has come in here buying all these things yeah or like nobody 20 20 years old or maybe like one time a kid outside got a chef to boot for them and then ever since then they'd be like that's what all right some creme banana, creme de cacao, and fireball. Dave, what's going on with you? Oh, yeah, I want to find out more about this dog. Oh, yeah, the Whippet. So, a Whippet is like a version of a greyhound. It's a smaller version of a hound.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And, yeah, just intelligent, gentle, kind, very, very sweet. I started skajoring this winter. What is that? No, not even close. Anyone want to guess what it is? Skort is skiing and jogging. Skiing and jogging. Skiing and jogging. then you shoot a handgun and uh uh no it's it's basically just the the dog pulls me on some cross-country skis that's awesome oh
Starting point is 00:47:37 wow yeah yeah and uh she used to be a sled dog former sled dog uh she's about four years old she had a litter at some point and then we convinced her to put in the garbage can tim tim no i'm sorry i'm sorry she couldn't support Timothy Tim Come on now Come on Tim I'm sorry It's not that kind of show Uh Tim I just asked To
Starting point is 00:48:10 Follow you on Instagram So I can see pictures Of this dog Oh Yeah You don't have to answer Right now But it would be nice
Starting point is 00:48:19 If you did it soon So that Dave can get Get his peepers on it There's a dog Our dog died in 2019 And there's a dog in our neighborhood who looks so much like him. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And we see this dog like every six months, like not very often at all. But I saw it today, and it, oh, it's getting so old. Like it was so slow crossing the street. Yeah, I think I know the one you're talking about. Dead ringer. Yeah, dead ringer yeah dead ringer absolutely um grandma yeah yeah um but uh yeah we're looking for a new one if anyone has the line on a similar dog similar dog or a dodge viper these are two things we're looking
Starting point is 00:49:00 yeah or a dog viper kind of a dog viper uh oh i see this dog oh that's an interesting dog yeah and so she's got like um so she was hit by a truck um wow what it was like already so more much more interesting than my life by a truck had a litter yeah yeah was a former sled dog was a former sled dog um so she transitioned into skijoring very easily and made it really easy for me she would just tug me around uh the woods what are you doing during this there's like a bunch of cord around my around my hip and i'm like kind of going as well like do you does it is it any exercise for you or are you just like could a dummy do it a dummy could do it and so i
Starting point is 00:49:46 do it it's a little bit exercise for me a little bit it's mostly just like me i gotta stay standing that's the hardest part yeah and like if you fall down she's she's fucked she gets tugged back how long does she go for when you're doing that is that like a two minutes thing no we uh the longest we did was like three hours what i think yeah yeah that was uh elton riding mountain national park there was this big long trail we did like 16 kilometers or something like that and she she would probably go and go and go and go she hasn't shown any signs of like being tired or whatever she wow got a very determined spirit that's for sure uh graham when you were when we went up to white horse 10 years ago yeah it's been 10 years jesus 11 probably now um have you uh go dog sliding no because at the time
Starting point is 00:50:50 i was working on a radio show and a tv show simultaneously so i just had to work i wasn't i couldn't go do you went didn't you i went yeah and the dogs were it was weird because like the dogs are all chained up outside yeah they're telling you like they love it and i guess they do yeah because they're all like bred for it yeah and then they picked like six to go dog sledding with you and they go hard oh they love it yeah that's what they really love yeah yeah it's the going hard. Yeah. Yeah. These are go hard dogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:32 But then, yeah, she was apparently kept on a pretty short leash and stepped in a barrel outside and didn't have the best conditions. Oh, she didn't like the barrel? Yeah. That wasn't her favorite part. She certainly didn't write home about it. How did you find her? Friends of ours work for, or they've rescued dogs and they foster dogs all the time that come in. If they need surgery in the city, if they're being rescued from up north.
Starting point is 00:51:59 There's that issue with tons of dogs from northern Manitoba. They get sent all across Canada, set up with lots of different resc uh northern manitoba they get sent all across canada uh set up with lots of different rescues and stuff like that there's just an issue with overpopulation the dogs don't get neutered or spayed because the the in the communities up there they don't show old episodes of price is right that's right so they don't know yeah they don't know yet they're still working up to that true carey still he's carrying that torch right he's still so but is anyone watching um that is something that i don't know if that is happening at all during the pandemic right he's right yeah i'll bet you more people would
Starting point is 00:52:36 get their dog neutered spade if like joe biden went on tv and and made a case for it made a kid did you know they were doing the vaccine on tv oh if joe biden went out and brought his dog to be neutered on tv yeah yeah this is a waste of the taxpayers money but uh something freaky i'm an anti neuterer. The only good spade is David. David's the name for your garden spade. On Jeopardy, I watch Jeopardy every day pretty much.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Because of the pandemic. New hosts now? Yeah, a series of new hosts. i'm not quite caught up but they've all their contestants are from california because nobody was able to travel so so they're all like surfers yeah they're all surfers or movie stars like wearing what is bodacious it says here you enjoy tasty waves that's right dr oz but yeah waves that'd be a good name for a restaurant yeah i mean uh i don't know what we'd serve but uh we look, Dave, we're opening this restaurant, but I
Starting point is 00:54:07 just, I've been watching this movie of Jon Favreau in a truck. Um, Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, not much. Um, my neighbors. So on one side, there a One side Of our house There's a Family Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:27 That I Talk to from time to time Mr. Wilson Yeah there's a Mr. Wilson Who I torment I antagonize With my Shenanigans
Starting point is 00:54:36 He's so mad I'm always Depicted on Dairy Queen cups And on the other side There's a house that is like a hundred year old house that is i don't know the deal with it like the people who used to live in the basement of it we kind of talked to a little bit and they gave us the rundown that it's like some like a mix of like a rooming house and like long-term rentals and some people
Starting point is 00:55:07 just like rent a room but like mixed use yeah and so there's not like people aren't living there for a long time some people are but some people aren't right so i like at one point i was like oh wow and a mother and her son have moved in but that was for 15 days so weird it's like transitional housing yeah transitional housing or but then there's like people who've been there for years and but i don't know if they even know their roommates like it's very weird right yeah uh and i don't know like i have no idea about the inside of this the layout of this house there's so many people i see coming and going and then we talked to the neighbor one of the neighbors the other day and he was like oh yeah we're uh they're tearing the house down we're all moving out at the end of the month actually at the middle
Starting point is 00:55:59 of the month because he was like i'll be out by the the 20th and uh so and it's even it's gotten even weirder because there were so our neighbor the guy we talked to we've kind of just like he's only been there for about three months and he has two trucks and cool cool does one truck sit in the box of the other truck like it's uh he seems to work with them but he can't he clearly can't drive two at a time no well he could like kind of uh if he had some rope doing that volvo truck commercial yeah and he had like ropes where he's pulling the steering wheel yeah yeah but he um yeah so we know we kind of have a bit of a beat on him of like okay he like truck guy does landscaping with these trucks they're full of ladders and things okay work trucks and he's like kind of cleaned up the backyard of that house a little bit and made
Starting point is 00:57:02 a little place to put the garbage cans oh the backyard was struggling with uh a drinking problem and that was back up on its feet yeah uh and so college and then we saw um so another truck we'd never seen before we pulled up with a u-haul and stayed there for days and we're like okay well i guess people really are moving sure yeah and then this other truck pulled up and in the the back of the pickup truck uh we just saw that they had put a bunch of furniture and covered it with a tarp because it it's just been so rainy here like beverly hill billy's style just like yeah yeah but like you know what looked like a china hutch like this eight foot tall cube on the back and like other stuff all just wrapped up in a tarp
Starting point is 00:57:57 and we didn't know whose truck this was but we were we were looking at it thinking well i hope they they get rid of it soon because you know this is not a uh like the people are going to steal whatever's in the back of this yeah and also you're like this is not not an eyesore to have a giant well whatever garbage sure i mean sure exactly case or us or raw yeah uh but it was like yeah that's a prime target this is not a like it's not a bad neighborhood but people will walk past and be like oh yeah i should steal something from that truck help me get this china hutch i lost it when i was on price is right but now the universe has handed me another chance somebody like opens their
Starting point is 00:58:41 opens their raincoat you want to buy buy a China, China hutch. And I, and then we saw the people who own that truck and they were people who we've never seen before. Did not live in that house. They had a dog. We definitely would have known if there was a dog living in that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 But they were like going back and forth one day and we saw them get in the truck and get out. And then the truck stayed there for three days, just like wrapped in tarp. And then on the third day, I saw them out there, like rearranging stuff in the back of the truck. It wasn't a china hutch. It was a brand new fridge. Wow. And like a flat screen TV.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Oh my God. This is the most feelable thing in the world. I know. A few other things. oh my god the most feelable thing in the world i know a few other things but like it seemed like from this junky old truck it was like oh this is someone's you know antique water damaged yeah chest of drawers yeah so in conclusion i don't know the mystery continues if it is getting torn down and the day that they tear it down, that's your chance to throw anything out
Starting point is 00:59:48 that you've been dreaming of throwing out but don't want to take to the dump. Like that only lasts like one or two days. Yeah. And then they fence it off, but there's like a sweet period where the whole neighborhood can dump their junk. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:00:00 I also want to steal some plants. Yeah, steal some plants. Absolutely. From their yard? No. From their yard? No. From the house. I feel like there was a marijuana grow up happening. You just reach in through the window.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Excuse me. I'll take that. So you don't know what's never met your neighbors, never will now. Those people I don't even what never met your neighbors never will now those neighbors those people i don't even think were my neighbors i think maybe they bought like the people selling the house or tearing down the house were like come buy this fridge and flat screen tv or something yeah they're like well i don't have a plan for it but let's go and make the most of it because i have seen the owners of that house and they were not the same people right huh yeah it's
Starting point is 01:00:46 weird like because that's a big thing in vancouver is there will be a giant house that used to be like a mansion then subdivided but like not necessarily brought up to date like a lot of like single pane windows and all that kind of stuff oh yeah i used to live in one yeah me too yeah i used to be that landlord of one but yeah it's like a very i feel like it's a very vancouver specific thing but i don't maybe i'm wrong maybe there's like big subdivided houses in every town but uh i'd never seen them before no i think vancouver's fucked for housing i don't know if you guys have heard much about that but vancouver's pretty fucked you heard about that over there oh we hear i heard about that this morning oh wow a matter of fact i had this big conversation with somebody about ridiculous housing situation in vancouver yeah no doubt because winnipeg is like the um dream yeah of like oh yeah you could buy buy a house for a hundred thousand
Starting point is 01:01:47 dollars or whatever yeah maybe not you can buy a house on a on a lowly comedian salary um i like that's how i like my comedians i like them lowly i don't like them getting on my face i have one neighbor across the back lane and i've been thinking about neighbors lately i i feel we feel pretty blessed with the neighbors that we do have they're definitely a mixed bunch and they're a bunch of characters but there's nobody that like i was i have this new job and i was working in this suburb area today you know stucco housing that kind of stuff cul-de-sacs and whatnot and uh it's like a quiet ish area there's no like major highways around there but i could just hear someone's like loud bass pounding all day and it just reverberated through the whole neighborhood at some point
Starting point is 01:02:42 someone else was like practicing bass guitar with their window open nice it's just so it was just the base neighborhood this is a base suburb i think it's the base suburb yeah yeah oh also i saw a different neighbor moving out of this house loading like a drum kit into a van nice and i never heard drums the whole time i lived here like probably whoever lives with them is like we're moving the drums again that's uh you didn't seem to like them the whole time we've lived here i i love them you didn't like show me how you paradiddle prove to me um so yeah that's uh and i look forward to a house being turned down. Yeah. Without warning.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah. Without warning one, one morning at seven 30 in the morning. Yeah. Um, but then I'm sure it'll go up real quick. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They always do.
Starting point is 01:03:34 You thinking a condo, a house? What do you guys think? You know what? I think they might do condo. They might just build like a giant, like a 10 story, one condo per floor. Well, they didn't sell it so i don't know like it's not the i'm curious yeah can you like go to the city and ask about other people's building permits yeah i think you're allowed to you're allowed to get all up in their business
Starting point is 01:04:02 you can actually single and uh who's i mean i wouldn't want to get up in their business i would just want to know and then do nothing do nothing with it yeah i do i'm tempted to go on like open houses when i see them just to see what yeah the lay of the land is you know see how the other half yeah exactly fridge and freezer boy Oh, you're yelling. Shwing. If it's anything like Winnipeg, all the building permit information is. It's nothing like Winnipeg. Let me stop you right there. Readily available on a website.
Starting point is 01:04:38 So what should I do? Go to and look up my neighbor. What's going on with you, Graham? Not a lot, but this past week, I sat down for two two-hour chunks. I took in the Zack Snyder cut of Justice League. And let me tell you. First of all, I want to preface it with saying I could never make a movie. And they made the movie quite well. I could ever make a movie i understand before you uh you're like eminem at the end of eight mile like yes uh my girlfriend did cheat on me and i did get my ass
Starting point is 01:05:18 kicked i have a friend named cheddar bob who Bob who shot himself in the foot. Yeah. Okay, now what do you got, Zach? So the thing about this movie is that, first of all, it's four hours long, which is insane. It's the most insane. It's like the Irishman was insane. But this is, the other thing is it's broken up into chapters. So it knows that it's a miniseries. It knows that it's not a movie.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Even though a movie's been foisted upon it, it doesn't want to be. Had you seen the original Justice League? Yes, on an aeroplane. And how long is that? Like two and a bit, I think. But Zack Snyder had to leave the production in the middle of it because his child passed away and so he he left the the project then they brought in joss whedon who finished it and then
Starting point is 01:06:12 snyder has always said like and this is rob schneider we're talking about this is i thought it was the fred schneider cut where batman's on a tin roof rusted schneider cut where batman's on a tin roof rusted um but like okay right out of the right out of the gates the one thing that i was like well why would they do that is batman he wears his bat helmet right and it is his fat hat his fat hat who's that fat hat and he the the hat has crow's feet and has like a brow and i was like why would they add in that detail was that added why was it how do you what in what well i mean whoever made the thing like the assumption is that bruce wayne and laughs a lot yeah that him and alfred made this thing and alfred be like you are not that young put some corn or feet on there some corn put some corn feed in there corn meal help you to get attract the crows push their feet into the mold. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Well, I mean, didn't the Batsuit famously have nipples at one point? Yes, it did have nipples at one point. And then I think it had pubes once. Yeah, it had pubes. But like sticking up the sides, like comically. Like it was the when Batman was only
Starting point is 01:07:43 wearing underwear and didn't have any bare legs this is Batman's greasy pubes so yeah that's insane he goes to use his batarang or whatever my belt's too tight. So, in the basis of the movie, it's like Superman is dead.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Sing it, Dave. Y-E-I-E-I-E. Yeah. Superman's dead. Yes. I also would have accepted. Superman never made any money yeah um so wallace and gromit
Starting point is 01:08:33 so winnipeg zone crashed his dummy that's right yeah uh so superman has uh passed away and so batman is putting together a super team because of some cosmic thing where they have to get three boxes together and did this come out after superman versus batman yes okay okay yeah so he mended their fences yeah except that he's he's dead so that there was no fences to be mended superman's dad so so the the cast of characters so this is like the cast of characters first he goes to he already knows wonder woman from work i guess so they met at superman's wedding yeah it's a trade show a trade show for superheroes so uh he and wonder woman are recruiting people for the justice league and the first one they go to is aquaman they go to some village where Aquaman comes and helps.
Starting point is 01:09:45 He brings fish to the village. Right, right, right. Why wouldn't he teach them to fish? He only wants to be the control freak. Yeah. No, you'll eat when I tell you. Yeah. I need you.
Starting point is 01:10:00 He wears the nice, like in the movie, he wears the nicest sweaters and coats and boots that there it's like a it's like a catalog shoot he's wearing man does yeah fish man yeah when he when he's on the surface and then he takes off his gear and then you get to see jason momoa the way he's meant to be seen in a four three aspect radio ratio yeah that is weird yeah so he uh doesn't want to he doesn't want to be part of the justice league and he swims away and then a whole all the women in the village sing a song together after he's left and one woman goes and picks up the sweater and starts smelling it so i've been told that wasn't in the original cut but this was okay okay who is zach snyder
Starting point is 01:10:46 he did so i know he did uh he's done like a lot of superhero movies he did 300 he did right uh bam ever did he do the sin cities no he did the watchman one oh okay um which and there was also sin in that city absolutely are you kidding me yeah could have been called that as well there's sin in every city even in small town even small town uh i guess there's murder in the small towns so winnipeg's been sin free since uh thursday boy thursday is a big touchstone for you i love it thirsty thursdays must watch tv so they get aquaman and he's right he doesn't want to be part of the just elite he swims away and uh he's like the teenager like an angsty teen sort of no he's like a full-grown adult
Starting point is 01:11:40 there is a teen involved he's the flash okay okay and the flash dave do you remember like the movie twister that phil seymour hoffman have you never seen it i have not okay but we did talk about it i think maybe in the episode we just lost a couple weeks ago yeah oh okay have you seen it oh i've seen it a bunch yeah so you know that ph that Philip Seymour Hoffman, he plays a really annoying character that's supposed to be a funny character. Yeah. Somehow it got lost in translation. That's what The Flash is in this movie.
Starting point is 01:12:13 The Flash says all these funny things that are like the not funniest. Like Zack Snyder's movies aren't funny. There's no like room for hilariousness. They're all dour. Sweater sniffing. Sweater sniffing. Yeah. But here's the thing this is this his two big tricks he slows everything down yeah and then once in a while speeds them up
Starting point is 01:12:32 those are his two tricks and uh he does it a lot and uh the plot you know like it's like a big mcguffin he's like three squares or whatever uh which you should eat three squares a day um three hots on a cot just the fact that he has to collect three things you're like ah who gives a shit right like they're obviously gonna win yeah uh who are they what are they what's going on it's like at stake the whole the world and there's like a guy who wants to make it have power over the universe and you know and it's like why you've already got power like where you're sending people all over the place that how much power do you need like just knock it off man stop sending people to give you more power what are you tim allen anyways the movie ended and i i was like oh i didn't think it was ending i thought it was
Starting point is 01:13:30 that there was going to be like a few more scenes and then the movie ends and then before the trailer there's just two scenes that aren't related to the movie at all that i guess he bloopers it's like zach trying to return some parts of the movie set so he can get a refund okay uh so anyways there's two scenes at the end of the movie that have nothing to do with anything but i think they were shot to be like coming up soon this is serving up the stuff for the sequel yeah i just i googled him on imdb but just something you can do oh he did a ghoul as well i was he did yeah the only movies of his i've seen are watchmen and sucker punch oh he did sucker punch i forgot about that which was uh this the like crime fighting horny supergirls yes horny supergirls and i guess they're not horny the
Starting point is 01:14:26 people watching the movie are horny i i remember watching that and that was maybe like oh i'm an adult i can want to leave a movie now yes like i'd never in my life seen him been in the theater and thought why why would people walk out of a movie yeah yeah i guess i can i could just go get some food i like yeah the um yeah so anyways it's four hours of my life and i want it's in it's in standard definition or it's like four by three yeah it's why is that i don't know i don't like i don't understand the whole thing because abby watched it yeah i don't know if she finished it but she watched it and it was like the it when you watch it on demand uh the for like in the description of the movie the first thing it says is don't adjust your screens this is in four by three right yeah right like yeah it's just like so it's so grim like even superman is wearing a black costume in it for the whole movie so
Starting point is 01:15:27 i thought he was dead yeah he comes back to life and then it's only in like three hours of it and i think this was the movie where he had to get his mustache digitally removed because he was uh filming mission impossible who um who joins the justice league aquaman wonder woman so they could they convince aquaman eventually shows up but the weird thing about aquaman is all of the battle scenes are on land so his powers are not being used at all maybe if he had like a jug of water he could have done he's kind of done some damage at the end does he like dump a gatorade over alfred or something like that and alfred hydrated yeah pneumonia um water boy he's not gatorade man
Starting point is 01:16:17 um the flash the flash flash ricky and the Flash. Ricky and the Flash. They're both there. And then a guy that I never heard of before called Cyborg. And he's... First name Cy? Last name Borg. Yeah. He was in the hair club for a minute. I know the Cyborgs.
Starting point is 01:16:40 How are they doing? They just built a deck. So the Cyborg, it's in the movie his character's being invented in that in that movie so it's also like his origin story on top of a movie my children watch this show called teen titans go uh that is a cartoon about young robin and four other superheroes and one of them is cyborg oh yeah okay so i never heard him before but it's like a very silly manic pixie dream kid show this thing he can he can get his fingers into a computer and then he can like fix the computer with his brain he's a hacker
Starting point is 01:17:21 yeah no he just fixes computers he has a fix a chop that's a genius maybe yeah he works at the genius bar people bring in their broken ipads and he just feels it and goes you dropped this in the toilet didn't you the ipad knows anyways so i watched that movie and uh so you said you watched it in two parts yeah because you can't like anybody who watched it in one part i'd be very worried about their their health hey what's the longest movie you've ever watched him the longest movie i've ever watched probably the godfather twice back-to-back godfathers the godfather part twice yeah i think the longest one i've seen before this
Starting point is 01:18:07 was the irishman i tried washing the irishman i tried washing the irishman trying and he won't stay still no i remember people in the late 90s used to brag about seeing that kenneth brana four-hour hamlet yeah i did see that i did see that that was mel gibson no it's kenneth oh kenneth brown wasn't the director oh i see he became a director and a star yeah i think he was the whole i think what was mel gibson in he was also in the hamlet he was in the hamlet okay oh yeah i remember watching that Kenneth Brown. Oh, Hamlet in theater school and being like, this is good.
Starting point is 01:18:49 This is very good. This is very good. I remember on a field trip, we went and saw, uh, the Scarlet letter. We saw like a movie version of it with Winona Ryder in it. Oh, Winona Ryder or,
Starting point is 01:19:01 um, Demi Moore. Oh, maybe it was Demi Moore. The Scarlet Letter with Gary Oldman? No, this was, maybe it wasn't the Scarlet Letter. What was Salem, I think it was called. It was like the witch trial thing.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Oh. Anyways, in the first five minutes, one of the characters that appears on screen also played the Commandant in Police Academy. Oh, sure. Lessard? Lessard. And my friend next to me started making sound effects and uh we were both told to leave until we could calm down uh man oh man was that that's like one of the funniest cameos i've ever seen
Starting point is 01:19:42 yeah was it the crucible? The Crucible. Yes. Yeah. The Crucible. And I, you know, I know the whole movie except like the half hour chunk where my friend and I were in the... Exactly. That's actually pretty good. That is pretty good.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Dave, for somebody who doesn't do it professionally, it's pretty good. Well, I... You've been working on it. I've been working... I've had a lot of time to practice. Yeah. Yeah. Should we move on to some overheards?
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yes, we should. Hey, it's Jon Moe. And look, these are challenging times for our mental and emotional health. I get it. That's why I'm so excited for my new podcast, Depress Mode. We're tackling depression, anxiety, trauma, stress, the kinds of things that are just super common but don't get talked about nearly enough. Conversations that are illuminating, honest, and sometimes pretty funny with folks like Kelsey Dara, Dope and Mike Eagle, and Patton
Starting point is 01:20:56 Oswalt. Humphrey Bogart was never in therapy. And then my dad said, yeah, but he smoked a carton of cigarettes a day. So he was in therapy. Plus psychiatrists, psychologists, and all kinds of folks. On Depressed Mode, we're working together, learning, helping each other out. We're a team. Join our team. Depressed Mode for maximum fun, wherever you get your podcasts. Overheard. Overheards. A segment that stands the test of time everybody knows it they've tried to
Starting point is 01:21:31 drag it down they cannot it is a segment where you hear things and talk about those things we always like to start with the guest tim gray will you do an overheard i would love nothing more i uh have been sitting on this overheard for a month or so okay maybe even two months uh guys i don't know what is time anyways um but uh a bunch of comedians here in winnipeg during the winter we were getting together a couple times a week and playing some outdoor hockey games whoa yeah it was a really great time it was nice to get some exercise play some hockey and not have to pay league fees or anything like that my league shut down mine did too yeah so you you just made your own your own league yeah we would just go uh we would go scout out an outdoor rink and winnipeg they're
Starting point is 01:22:23 like every other block there's an outdoor hockey rink here so they're pretty easy to find and uh what does that like mean are they like um are they part are they in people's backyards are you like pool hopping community centers yeah community centers have outdoor rinks yeah every community center has an outdoor rink or two or three sometimes yeah my community center has also had one yeah two rinks uh big guy rink and little guy rink and then in the in the summer it's a pool it's like a lacrosse it's just like a empty court yeah yeah and like sometimes people play lacrosse in it or maybe tennis on it. Street hockey. Street hockey. That kind of thing too. Big gang bang. Big gang bang.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Big gang bang. I said a big gang bang, but no, it's Mick gang bang. It says on the secret menu. Can I get the big gang bang? Can I supersize this gang bang? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:22 So there was this one time we were playing in this uh neighborhood we just finished the game uh packed up my skates and stick walking away and there was like these uh i don't know 12 13 year olds you know some scary teens um uniform yeah terrifying terrifying teens having a good time and i walked by one of them, and they were talking about online schooling. And the one kid was like, yeah, it sucks. I can't. I hate the online schooling. You know, it's like class starts, and next thing you know, I'm playing Mario Kart.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Yeah. I don't know which end end is up here you know yes i can't control myself i mean like here's a question if you if you were in high school when this pandemic happened would you think it was the coolest or would you think it was like having to hang out with your folks all the time and awful depends what the age i was no like it's a teenager like yeah but like a 13 year old or a 17 year old yeah let's split the difference a 15 year old oh boy i i think i would have yeah we could have given each other our space like i think i would have liked the but i had a lot of
Starting point is 01:24:46 alone time yeah and i think that i would like that yeah and you could have although but like summer vacations they do like as much as i love i loved uh you know having eight weeks off that by that that by the end of it you're really right aching for a the human touch yeah of a bully human touch i've been having to pound myself in the face and you know what it just doesn't feel like the real thing um dave do you have an overheard educating um i was uh today my overheard this is not exactly related to it but today i took my children um because it's spring break
Starting point is 01:25:33 yeah i took my children to south beach was mtv still broadcasting from there yes so i took my student to south pedro island such a chore and went on all the boats but uh no we went to this place called clip and climb tell me all about this is like they try to give your kid a haircut well yeah that's what i thought it was that they get haircuts and then i go up on the climbing fake wall no you you put you wear a harness and you clip your you get clipped into the harness i literally thought the same thing that tim thought that's amazing it was it's uh actually very cool like i remember as a kid like
Starting point is 01:26:27 doing mountain climbing stuff but the harness was so weird and like the person had to be on the ground directing you this is like you as long as you have a grown-up with you or you're you have grown-up hands you clip uh your harness into this like it's basically like a seat belt that comes from the ceiling okay and you climb the wall and then you let go and you just slowly get lowered down that's very nice yeah and it sounds like something you could get a physio like climb this wall and then it'll gently and there were like there's like 30 different different kinds of things to climb okay and then different structures yeah there was structures are like you know you're climbing a rock face or you're climbing a uh just like these you know squares in the wall like sometimes it's 3d sometimes it's a flat surface sometimes you're like doing a kind
Starting point is 01:27:26 of like a uh uh parkour thing up some steps it was fun oh sounds fun i mean i didn't do it it would it's fun if you're ages 7 to 10 yeah yeah my kids were a little little young for it uh but it was we've used the whole hour and did they love it yeah yeah okay the clip and climb is the exact type of alliteration uh an affordable hairstylist would use yeah that's right yeah that's you know what I think this was affordable. Yeah. The Clip Cafe. Yeah, that's right. But anyway, on the ride home, not related to this at all. We got the backstory. This is the Zack Snyder edit. By the way, we're only 90 minutes in.
Starting point is 01:28:20 There's still another two and a half hours of this podcast. There's still another two and a half hours of this podcast. Um, we, so we were driving home and I, uh, I drove past this, uh, vape store.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Okay. And, uh, it just seemed like a funny name for a vape store, uh, because vape places all have like, you know, uh,
Starting point is 01:28:39 puns and all, all based around vape, like Darth Vapor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Vaperal O'Neil. Planet of the Vapes. Planet of the Vapes. And this one, it just tickled me because it didn't have any pun at all.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And it was called Fatty Fog Vape Bar. Oh, man, that's a nice one. Oh, man, I'll meet you at Fatty Fog. Fatty Fog Vape Bar. Oh, man. That's a nice one. Oh, man. I'll meet you at Fatty Fog. Fatty Fog? Fatty Fog. What's a vape bar? Is that just where you all sit around like hookah pipes kind of thing?
Starting point is 01:29:19 It did not seem like it was in a neighborhood where you would get a lot of locals coming by. I was heading down to the local and going to vape. vape for an hour vape my cares away i think you i assume any vape place the one time i bought vape juice for a for a smell test we did on a live podcast um was uh it did not seem like a place where you would hang out yeah i went into like a weed store recently and it's so it's amazing how fast it became like sleek like yeah like whenever just before it was legalized you go in and they'd be like it was always kind of grungy and there was like glass pipes everywhere and now it's just this coat with like yellow stains Whenever just before it was legalized, you'd go in and it'd be like, it was always kind of grungy. And there was like glass pipes everywhere.
Starting point is 01:30:08 And now it's just this. Lab coat with like yellow stains around the neck. Yeah. Yeah. But now they're like so, they're so nice. Like they're like better than an Apple store. You don't hear a lot of commercials about ring around the collar anymore why not also i never understood lipstick on the collar like wasn't that the most easily avoidable to like get your lips off of my fucking collar stop sucking on my shirt
Starting point is 01:30:38 oh i love this shirt oh it tastes like martinizing um do you uh why were you in a weed store graham uh i was uh i was looking to buy some um uh like a cannabis uh what do you call it not the tincture that makes you like crazy but the other way thc that's a bdc tcm turner classic movies right i didn't want i didn't want to feel like humphrey bogart for two hours yeah i didn't want to smoke my girl friday you were gonna have some cbd yeah i have some cbd and it's nice it's nice cbd's nuts yeah yeah that's exactly what i said when i ordered it i was like and he laughed and he gave me a discount um do you have an overheard i do mine uh is take i went to go get some uh blood drawn and voluntarily yeah voluntarily my doctor for some reason this is weird he calls
Starting point is 01:31:46 them stabs and i was like that would not alleviate the fear of somebody who's afraid of neil that you keep calling them stabs yeah are they from the uk uh no i think they call them jabs there they call them yeah yeah um so anyways i was uh prescribed to go I had to go get some stabs it's like a haircut place where people are constantly trying to stab you that's how we get by a price of love there's no
Starting point is 01:32:17 talking about a haircut happening just people trying to stab you in the scalp yeah and make fun of your jeans it's like an escape room you just go like with a group oh man they try to stab you so much yeah um so i went to the the like lab to have uh mys. A stab jab lab? A stab jab lab. I was stabbing in the lab late one night. And there was like you had to go up to the desk and say your name and your
Starting point is 01:32:57 date of birth. And there was an old guy who came in and he was so you could tell that he was like just a silly silly man nice because uh he walked up to the counter and they said okay uh that's your name and uh what's your birthday and he went same day as pearl harbor december 7th 1941 that's right but the uh the attending uh clerk she did not know a day that would live in infamy
Starting point is 01:33:29 but i just never saw pearl harbor was showing ben affleck at ben affleck and cuba gooding jr yeah nice right beautiful kate beckinsale oh yeah oh and what's his name with the dusty eyes peter forsberg um yeah so did you know the date offhand no i wouldn't have got it right either would you but you have gotten within a year probably yes i would if i probably would have guessed the year but uh and then the funny thing is because he was too over for me getting the jabs and stabs and he he started he was like uh talking to the phlebotomist saying uh he was saying uh you probably think i'm really
Starting point is 01:34:19 old right you probably think i should sound like i'm really old i'm an old guy so anyways that guy ruled that guy rules he's he'll be 80 this year he's gonna be 80 this year yeah that's all you know what that used to be the oldest you could be yeah i'm glad they changed that rule well it was like once you hit 80 you were you went back in time no that was 88 once you hit 70 i think you were like 100 yeah yeah yeah uh i uh can i tell you another overheard from a long time ago that i just thought of uh that is related to a jab uh i was also getting my blood withdrawn uh with you guys loving jabs yeah i just get them and then just say uh pour it on the ground i just i wanted to feel something is what i said a little love for
Starting point is 01:35:13 my homies yeah uh and i asked like the the blood bottomistbotomist come on that's vampire yeah i said like do people like faint sometimes you know like a little i mean i'm always nervous getting it stuck in my arm but uh uh she's like yeah i had this one guy in uh uh last week and he was this big biker he's like six foot two and leather jacket covered in tattoos and stuff like that and as soon as i put the needle in the guy said oh here i go and collapsed over i like that he called his shot yeah yeah here it comes here i go like he has like a five four three two uh now we also have overheard sent in to us by the way have any of you uh gotten the vaccine yet
Starting point is 01:36:14 no what's it like in they took the vaccine out of me that's what that was getting done i'm the i'm the patient zero that they made the vaccine. My parents got it this week. Nice. My parents also got it, which I'm very excited about. My parents got COVID. Did they? Oh. They did, yeah. Did they really?
Starting point is 01:36:33 Yeah. Holy shit. My dad was asymptomatic, but my mom kicked her ass for like two months. She's better now. Oh, man. I'm starting to hear that. The worst thing was the lack of taste and and uh smell you know she had brutal taste in movies and she smells awful she thought this actually couldn't wait for the zack snyder cut
Starting point is 01:36:52 shut up no but it's true they did get covid so now i i don't know how that works for getting the vaccine if you've had it i think you'll get I assume you'll get it. Yeah. You'll get it. Yeah. What, uh, how old are they? Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:09 69 and 72, 69 and 420. So figure it out. Um, uh, well now we have overheard sent into us. If you want to send one into us, you can send it into spy
Starting point is 01:37:25 at maximum fun dot org this first one this episode's so long can we just end it no this is this is our snyder cut and we're going to re-record it in black and white and slow down half of it speed up the yeah other half um this first one comes from andrew from vancouver bc just walking up the hill from the seawall checks out that's from bc for sure um and a woman was talking on her phone passed me going in the opposite direction and said and he's such a sweaty guy so you think like she was like i met a guy and he's such a sweaty guy. He's the total package. Aquaman. Because I'm a sweaty guy.
Starting point is 01:38:14 And you're a sweaty guy. Tim, sweaty? Oh, yeah. Big time. I'm a triple threat. Sweaty, stinky. Singing, dancing, sweaty. There's that John Lennon song, Jealous Guy. I'm a triple threat Yeah Sweaty Stinky Singing Dancing Sweaty There's that John Lennon song Jealous Guy
Starting point is 01:38:29 What is that? Is that about a sweaty guy? You don't know it? No It's about a jealous guy Yeah Is he sweaty? It's got a big whistling solo
Starting point is 01:38:39 Cool Does he whistle? Oh, anymore of those I don't know Maybe he brought in a stunt whistler Yeah Cool That's pretty cool A stunt whistler. Yeah. That's pretty cool. A session whistler?
Starting point is 01:38:48 Yeah, maybe. Probably. Yeah. Whoever did like, you know, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Yeah. And did a... I'm trying to think of the best whistle song. Isn't it Bluebird on My on my shoulder isn't that one of
Starting point is 01:39:06 them no that little bit at the start of uh that beck song yeah mandy griffith show oh there you go yeah yeah um this next one comes from luke in nashville tennessee uh we took the kids to dollywood amusement park so that's mostly yeah that's why mostly why i picked this because as punishment because they got all f's on their reports right i'll teach you to demean jolene uh in the carnival area we saw a scary group of teens coming our way probably eight of them the lead teen's shirt said i don't need therapy i just need to listen to r.e.o speedwagon wow oh wow what a cool team could you name an r.e.o speedwagon song taking care of business now no that's back when turn it over died oh shit oh no who's gonna
Starting point is 01:40:02 drive you home is that r.e.o speed that's the cars cars i'm getting close yeah wagons and cars i just remember i think it was from like a split second of a uh one of those time life um you know history of music compilations that was uh a guy singing I just can't fight this feeling anymore. That's all. That's, yeah. I'm also sorry for saying that going to Dollywood would be punishment. Obviously, Dolly Parton is my queen.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Yes, queen. Yes, queen. I sang Jolene Queen. That song we sang last week. That was a Dolly Parton original. Oh, yeah. I will always love you. My alarm clock in the morning is nine to five.
Starting point is 01:40:56 Nice. By a Dolly Parton. I love when you stumble out of bed. Ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka, ticka and uh hunks wrote a parody of that song called swine to clive it's all about sending pigs to a guy named clive nice well it was it was probably retro... Like, built retroly. How do we retrofit this hilarious swine to cloth? Literally, we had a writer's meeting. It started with that. Dana took it.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Ryan Wild, and she created this whole narrative that's like a Roadhouse-type storyline. Where is Dana? Yeah, where's Dana? She's downstairs right now. we we should get her on the show one day yeah let's get dana on the show yeah she'd be great then she could spill all your secrets yeah dish girl oh no guys don't tim gray too hot for tv tv for radio this last one comes from sarah who we talked a couple weeks about the place that has a roof that goats hang out on yeah and uh coombs british coombs yeah and she said not sure
Starting point is 01:42:17 if this counts it overheard but uh one for me was when a tourist approached my sister as she was working the market and asked, what time do the goats perform? You want to see a 3D goat show, aren't we? Yeah. It's like a stunt show where they're like smashing sugar bottles over each other's heads. These goats going to recreate water world or what oh i saw water world recently yeah what were you thought the movie and the ride did you really go on the ride yeah i did for my for my birthday january 29th 2020 oh okay that will live in infamy pearl harvard oh yeah hunks was on a tour we were in los angeles and uh off for a couple days i
Starting point is 01:43:11 went to uh went to universal studios for my birthday and uh frick we had a lot of fun hell yeah what language freaking hell drink some butter beer i had one of uh what's a simpsons town and got one of these big uh like donuts from the tv show nice it was like the size of my head why would they do that pink glazing it was wouldn't a regular like a slightly oversized donut be be fine yeah that's totally fine yeah totally fine but this this one donut sustained me for the whole day like i just kept like stopping every once in a while and noshing on it delicious and uh great pastry i have a tummy ache just thinking about it
Starting point is 01:43:55 and then uh yeah we saw the origin story for the uh movie water world cool it's a fun stunt show yeah i hear it's quite good also water world it's not it's not a bad movie i got a lot of people rake them over the coals but it's fine it was a punchline for so many years i never watched it until this year i thought like oh this is gonna be so bad he drinks his own pee and it's great like that's where it starts and then it builds from there yeah yeah but i'm people don't know this about kevin costner he drinks his own pee in every movie that's right that was the only movie where they had like a machine that turned it into water yeah but like feel the dreams yeah you feel the dreams he's on the pitcher's mound like
Starting point is 01:44:40 curled up trying to get a sip and they said if you spilled it they will come so tin cup that whole cup is full of yeah oh boy and it should know of hers that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one ugh spy pod one like these people have hi dave graham and guests this is eric in rhode island within overseen i was picking up food for um for my wife and I in Providence, and while waiting in the vestibule of the restaurant to get the food, this is on a one-way street, and there's a car driving the wrong way down the one-way street.
Starting point is 01:45:39 It is intercepted by a police officer coming the other way. He gets out of his car to give her the, what the hell are you doing talk. And someone gets out of the passenger seat of the car going the wrong way, holds up what looked like an Amex gold card, holds it in front of them and is yelling at the cop. like an Amex gold card hold it in front of them and is yelling at the cop, and the cop seems to give up, let them go without a ticket
Starting point is 01:46:09 as they drive back the correct direction. So, um, that's how you get out of trouble, everybody. Yeah. I'm a gold card member. You will bow before thee. Yeah. Crimetown, baby. Wow. Have you ever argued with a cop well i i know i don't
Starting point is 01:46:28 have a good enough credit card yeah and uh you know what i've never said i want to hear your opinion do you think i've just got a new yarn uniform and just tell me how i look chime in here chime in here um is it wrong to get you for this? Am I the bad guy? Am I the bad guy here? Am I the Billie Eilish in this situation? Every situation has a Billie Eilish.
Starting point is 01:46:56 And an Adele? I don't know who the other half is. A Phineas Eilish? A Phineas Eilish, yes. Here's your next phone call hi Dave my name is Shay from Happy Valley Oregon calling within overheard so I was eating lunch with my family
Starting point is 01:47:14 at home my husband and two daughters and there was a fly buzzing around so my husband was able to swat it and he said I got it and my seven year old-old daughter immediately said for her all right off i go yeah uh women can be bugs now so yeah yeah it's gonna be bugs it's gonna be hers yeah um yeah whenever i i don't kill a bug if i see it most times like
Starting point is 01:47:44 maybe a fruit fly but i think one time you famously killed a spider no day you're misremembering how this went pretty famous episode with adam lissagor and scott simpson i was trying to shelter a spider and let it outside oh you took out a block you teabagged it i said check this out spider glump flap uh
Starting point is 01:48:13 here's your final word hey boys uh love the show I'm going in an overseen I'm driving home on my lunch break from work and saw like a tough guys beat up chevy pickup with one of those full back windows stickers that's usually an obnoxious political opinion or something about fishing but it was just a giant fig newton's logo oh my god i don't remember if
Starting point is 01:48:40 fig newtons are available in canada so uh it would be Peak Freen's to be as ridiculous Not even close We have Fig Newtons Yeah we have Fig Newtons We have all kinds of Newtons, Strawberry Newtons If they make an Orange Julius If they make a Julius out of it, we make a Newton out of it And like Peak Freen's is like
Starting point is 01:48:59 They're their own thing man, they're not figs They're jelly No, Peak Freen's are not figs They're not Fig New, man. They're not figs. They're jelly. No, peak freens are not figs, eh? Aren't peak freens the ones with the jelly circle? Yeah, that sounds right. Peak freens are a variety. Yes, but do they make a fig? No, but they make a jelly circle.
Starting point is 01:49:18 Damn right. That was a big feature at the old church fellowship was peak freens. Yeah. Go ham on these big brains, kids. They're stale. Yeah. I walked into the wrong place and I saw a bunch of freak beans. Oh, this isn't the big gang bang I ordered.
Starting point is 01:49:40 Yeah, but this does have some jelly in the middle. I'm peaking well that brings us to the end of this here podcast Tim thank you so much for being our guest thanks for having me guys I really appreciate it it was nice to catch up this was too long it's been too long
Starting point is 01:50:01 it's been too long and it's went on too long let's meet again in a shorter period of time how long it's been too long and this went on too long um let's let's let's meet again in a shorter period of time yeah how long has it been since we last chatted yeah oh i was in vancouver wasn't i i want to say uh that was march 2018 19 19 wow so it's been a while. It's been a while. Tim, you have an album with you and your cohorts in the hunks. When does this album come out? It comes out April 1st. No.
Starting point is 01:50:36 Why that? Why that day of all days? Honestly, we needed a day. We were like, what's the funniest day? We don't want to wait till Pearl Harbor. Uh, what's the second funniest day? Uh,
Starting point is 01:50:51 no, not doing nine 11. Um, uh, April 1st, April 1st. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:50:57 well, and that'll be on all the streaming services, everything you, uh, that's right. It'll be available, uh, wherever you want to get your albums
Starting point is 01:51:05 from uh hunks slash mouth beef mouth beef is the name of the album it was recorded pre-pandemic at a uh pub in winnipeg here so you can hear what a live audience packed in a small room sounds like without them being nervous yeah yeah yeah yeah um and yeah we just felt like a really we had a great crowd that night they were uh cheering for us nice and strong the recording worked out really well uh it's too bad we sat on it for too long but it's still some fresh funny stuff nice um you're like have you heard with this trump guy yeah trump jokes mostly Trump jokes Pearl Harbor's coming up soon well thank you for being our guest yeah I just want to say
Starting point is 01:51:51 it's available on Napster as well okay the LimeWire can you get it on LimeWire yeah I wish can you download it from the GeoCities chat room can you get it on Kazaa all those links are on our angel fire website to get car reviews but if people could get it uh if people could get it from band camp on friday
Starting point is 01:52:15 august april 2nd that's sweet because uh band camp they waive the fees on the first friday of every month oh that's right yeah so that's if you're going to hit this Hunks album, that's the day to do it. Yeah. Yeah, that's the day to do it. Nice. And then go check out some Hunks podcast episodes with Dave and Graham.
Starting point is 01:52:33 Yeah, we've been guests. Separately. Separately. Separately. And thank you so much. And thank you, listeners out there, for listening. If you haven't seen the Zack Snyder cut, I recommend you listeners out there for listening if you haven't seen the zach snyder cut uh i recommend you do and judge for yourself uh i recommend everyone goes and clips themselves in
Starting point is 01:52:53 and climbs a wall go get the haircut um and uh take care of yourself out there and take care of your herebyes and your loved ones and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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