Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 681 - Allison Dore

Episode Date: April 6, 2021

Allison Dore of Howl and Roar Records joins us to talk ankle breaks, spicy food, and urban chickens....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 681 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man whose head is shiny like a diamond, Mr. Dave Shumka. This is something my daughter said about me when she saw me a little bit sweaty. She said my forehead was shiny like a diamond.
Starting point is 00:00:43 It's so good. I mean it's absolutely one of the banes of my existence yeah shiny head so you're a shiny happy forehead guy yeah absolutely but i wear a lot more hats that kind of mops it up in a gross way yeah you're not cleaning those hats. Should I use some kind of like, what is a matte finish? What do people put on to? Yeah, like a matte fit. Or, you know, like you could strip out a whole thing of silly putty and put it across and that would work. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And then I would, but it would have yesterday's Dilbert on backwards. it would have yesterday's Dilbert on backwards our guest today she is the founder and CEO of Howlin' Roar Records she's from joining us from Toronto it's Alison Dorr everybody oh my god can I tell you guys
Starting point is 00:01:40 something this is literally the greatest day of my life I have been well not trying but i've been dying to get on this podcast for so long and then when you tried it was very easy i know it's true i didn't want to be i i didn't want to like i get embarrassed about being like can i can i do your thing yeah me too well the worst we can say is hell no never you fucking how dare you even ask? I know, and then I'd be crushed, though.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And then my therapist would have to hear about it for eight months. But that's why you have a therapist. Yeah, and we're getting, I'll be honest, we get a little cut of that. Your therapist is, and everyone we reject, it's because we're getting a little payout from your therapist. Yeah. I knew I couldn't trust Sherry. Yeah. No, don't trust Sherry, the person or the drink.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Allison. Yes. Let's get to know us. Get to know us. Allison, you're so much more than the Howlin' Rays CEO of Barbecue Sauce You are a comedian yourself I just don't want people thinking we just have like an entrepreneur on the show Oh, right, yeah, I mean
Starting point is 00:02:53 We've got Ron Popeil's on next week and you're fine with that I'm a little bit obsessed with Ron Popeil I almost forgot it What? It's only because I said it and forget it Yeah it but what it's only because i said it and forget it yeah glh formula number nine i think is honestly what trump still uses on his hair is that the spray hair yeah oh yeah because the texture it's weird it's crunchy but yeah no i was a comedian for a long time and then i stopped
Starting point is 00:03:21 doing stand-up a few years ago And then I started a comedy record label. That's smart. Get out. Let's take a toe back in. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:03:31 and you know what? It's weird. It was really hard. Like I, I started doing radio. I found out I really super loved that. And I wasn't loving stand up anymore. And who does?
Starting point is 00:03:43 I mean, honestly, I kind of hated it the whole time but it was all i had but then also i didn't i was like what is my identity if i'm not a stand-up i don't know who i am anymore yeah and dave you are part of the reason i was able to let it go um and this is exciting for you because we've never met so it's not scary at all to hear someone say that yeah but i because i was like if i'm not if i'm not a comedian and i'm not performing what am i doing and then i thought about you and i was like wait dave doesn't do stand-up anymore hates it and he's so funny and i feel like he counts as a comedian
Starting point is 00:04:26 yeah maybe i don't have to go out on that stage all the time and i could still be part of the club yeah yeah i think i use the broad the way the french use the word comedian like for anyone who participates in comedies. Le Comedien GĂ©rard Desbardou. Dave's huge in France. You wouldn't know it, but the European market really understands Dave in a way that the North American market never could. Yeah, I'm sort of the French Mr. Bean. Monsieur Feb.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yeah, that tracks for me. I can see that. Well, I'm glad i could inspire you to not do stand-up comedy and still call yourself a comedian uh is that i mean i guess that's about right like you give me strength dave that's what i'm saying you give me strength thank you i'm glad can i can i real quick because gram i know i told you this story once but i feel like it's only fair to tell it today okay here we go so a few years ago I realized like I had never listened to stop podcasting yourself even though I've heard about it a million times you just had those stickers and the onesie
Starting point is 00:05:34 and like like all those Ramones fans yeah yeah weirdly I um I donated to the max fun drive and yet I never listened to your show. And, um, sounds right. But then when I started listening to it, I loved it so much. And I literally went on a six months binge. Cause I probably started in like the four hundreds. I flew to Australia and listened to nothing but your show the entire time.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Whoa. That's a, what is that? A 12, 24 hour gambit. What is that? 30 hours with my layovers jesus i did take one break to watch dr strange and then it wasn't worth it and so i went back to stop
Starting point is 00:06:11 podcasting yourself so that was a few years ago but literally at that time i was so in love with both of you i was like these guys are the funniest i love them so much and it's less weird because i at least know graham yeah um and so that's less weird but i've i've recognized coming into this like dave i feel like i know you and we're friends and you have no idea who i am i know a little bit about you classic dave classic dave yeah i i mean it's i'm assuming uh i feel like maybe my brother mentioned me one time your brother brother your brother don't know no don't know okay jimmy door it's not worth america's jimmy door yes he's a political jim morrison from the door doors yes okay um no yeah your brother i i know your brother yes john door john door uh listeners is
Starting point is 00:07:09 uh allison's bratty little brother and older though much older i'm very young and vibrant he's much older um was he were you growing up was were you both silly or was he, were you growing up? Was, were you both silly or was he silly? And you were like, I'm going to start a record label. How do you like that? He, he was definitely silly. Uh, and, and more funny and did like pratfalls and stuff. I was just crying out for attention all the time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 How many, how many siblings in the door house? Just the two of us. Okay. I think if there was another one it would be bad oh if it yeah somebody way too much six sides and yeah i get that um now what have you been up to this last i mean we've all been up to the same thing this last year so but tell us take us into your world allison okay i lead a very exciting life, especially not leaving my home. But I've been really lucky.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I've been working the whole time. So I have a couple shows on SiriusXM and then they set me up to do it from home. Nice. So I just talk for a couple hours a day.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I live with my sweet boo, Chili the Corgi, the best dog who ever lived. And luckily, when the pandemic first started, we had a bunch of audio in the can for the record label. Oh, okay. So work-wise, I've just kind of been trucking along and working this whole time, which I'm super grateful for. Obviously, sliding into deep depressions. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, that's healthy. Yeah, you've got to sliding into deep depressions. Oh, sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's healthy. Yeah. You gotta, you gotta make time for it in your schedule too. Yeah. Don't do it all,
Starting point is 00:08:52 you know, in one go make some time, break it up. Yeah. Go find a crying closet. That's what I do. You make a, you make a closet space for yourself and just cry.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And then I moved and now my closet, it's got a really nice little space for me to just cry and then i moved and now my closet it's got a really nice little space for me to curl up in there yeah that's good and really let it out i feel like you should when you're seeing a place that you're gonna buy or rent you should keep an eye out for that yeah i feel like at the beginning of the pandemic hearing that someone's gonna move i gotta move and it's the pandemic i feel like that was the scariest thing in the world and now i i assume it still is yeah yeah it was i mean it wasn't bad for me like it was i so i moved in the middle of december and honestly i the last place i lived i'd lived in this basement apartment for 10 years and it was like disgusting. And I just and the pandemic brought me to my breaking point.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Like for the longest time, I was like, it's cheap. I can handle it. But it was the pandemic where I went, this apartment is bringing me down, man. Yeah. And I can't do it anymore. And I will live above ground. And I finally just took the plunge. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah. Living in a basement suite, which we've all done in a basement suite. I feel good. James Brown. Yeah. James Brown. I know from Rocky four.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. Rocky four. And that one episode of the Simpsons, those are the two things he's known for. That's right. He isn't Rocky four. God damn. What a good movie. I think that's episode of The Simpsons. Those are the two things he's known for. That's right, he isn't Rocky IV. God damn, what a good movie. I think that's when he does Living in America. I think that's what that's from.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah. Well, really? It's from that movie? I don't know. Okay, all right. Rocky heads, leave us alone. We'll figure it out on our own. I haven't seen Rocky IV.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Is this your first? You haven't seen Rocky IV? What? Guys, I just saw Rocky for the first time during the pandemic. I saw no guys i just saw rocky for the first time during the pandemic i saw it i only saw it for the first time a couple years ago did was not impressed i liked rocky 4 yeah rocky 4 rules well now i'm really excited to watch rocky 4 but i'll say this about rocky because look i love solo i love action movies i'm on the record that what i want in movies is explosions or jokes or both or both like nothing else like a dead pool um and so i you know i have this idea
Starting point is 00:11:15 of stallone and i assumed rocky was going to kind of fit into that world and then i was like oh this is a much more complicated character than i thought it would be so i was pleasantly surprised in a lot of ways because i was like this is not the stallone i thought i was going to be seeing i i was i felt the opposite i felt it was a very there was very little there there was even less with adrian they didn't even talk i don't know why they liked each other she worked in a pet store or something and he like he was you know playing with a cat and they never like they were just mumbled to each other it was awful okay i mean that is fair you do bring up some good points and i didn't love yeah the a lot of the interactions with adrian were uncomfortable at best yeah it's not the strong suit of the films it's mostly the box no um what i yeah i like the russians yeah the russians
Starting point is 00:12:06 are good and there's a scene where he trains in the snow and the russian guy is training in a high-tech lab it's the rustic versus the futuristic yeah yeah yeah but only like only one of them is like able to measure how well they're doing and rock is just wandering around to feel with a log on his back yeah i know that he's doing i? I looked up, so Living in America was originally written and originally released on the Rocky IV soundtrack. Hell yeah. Also on the Rocky IV soundtrack, Eye of the Tiger, the theme from Rocky III. Yes, yes. And there, oh, what is the, something, it's like over the top.
Starting point is 00:12:43 No, over the top is this arm wrestling movie arm wrestling have you seen that yeah what are your thoughts on the arm wrestling film so I haven't seen it in a really long time and to be honest the period when I was a drug addict came in between now and me seeing that movie so I don't really remember it
Starting point is 00:12:59 I remember it not being the best acting I've ever seen no so that's an important lesson for listeners I remember it not being the best acting I've ever seen. No. So that's an important lesson for listeners. Don't do drugs because you'll forget about Over the Top. Yeah. You'll erase a lot of memories of Sylvester Stallone. Are they arm wrestling truckers?
Starting point is 00:13:18 They are arm wrestling truckers, yeah. And it's him and his son. They're just trying to make it in this crazy world. That's right. I forgot it was his son. Yeah him and his son they're just trying to make it in this crazy world and that's right i forgot it was his son yeah and his son and like it's so apparent from the first second he has nothing to offer a kid he doesn't live anywhere he just drives around arm wrestling nothing to offer a kid um i mean what is a father other than
Starting point is 00:13:45 a guy who drives around arm wrestling when do you think you could beat your dad arm wrestling and I'm opening
Starting point is 00:13:54 this up to the floor I do not think I could my dad works out all the time but he's not like big and muscly but I think he's got
Starting point is 00:14:03 that endurance and could probably destroy me. Endurance? How long do you think this arm wrestle match is going to go? It could go forever. I think I can hold it off for a minute but I think
Starting point is 00:14:16 he will eventually... Sounds like my honeymoon. A whole minute. Good for you. great arm wrestling i think back in the day i think i had a better chance of it but i i don't work out at all so uh i think you're you're just naturally for army that's true i am for army but where do you think i got it from popeye popeye i call him papa um i uh yeah i i don't know dave do you think you could beat your dad in an arm wrestle Papa. I call him Papa. I, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:45 I, I don't know. Dave, do you think you could beat your dad in an arm wrestle? I, you know what? I was like, obviously I could,
Starting point is 00:14:52 but then I saw my, then I looked at my own arm. I think, yeah, you know, he's got better things to do. He might just, all right, get this over with Dave.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Let's go. Fine. You win. Okay. That's the way that you get out of an arm wrestle. to do you might just all right get this over with dave let's go fine you win okay that's the way that you get out of an arm wrestle i don't have time for this um there was a show i think i've talked about on the podcast before it was called playing it straight the reality show where it was a bunch of men and one woman and the woman had to figure out which ones were gay which ones were straight it was a terrible idea for a show was it british no it was american okay i feel like they love that yeah i think not even britain and their wacky reality shows were like two bridge too far um
Starting point is 00:15:37 they were like uh sexuality is a spectrum so there's no way of knowing really yeah so what is the show even um but yeah in the first episode the two of the guys arm wrestled and one of the guys broke his arm so that was so he was they were straight the two idiots feels like that's something straight guys would do yeah yeah as someone who did straight guys yeah it is i can that would for sure happen but that's also what i i love and this is horrible of me it's i'm a bad person but i love watching videos of people get injured oh sure yeah it's human i don't know what is wrong with me but you know in basketball games when they like turn an ankle and break their leg i don't know like it's it hurts me but it gives me like a jolt of energy that i find pleasing and you're overworking your adrenals that's what's going on
Starting point is 00:16:32 yeah i'm getting a big old dopamine hit from someone breaking their leg in front of me and it's uh wow i'm i'm just opening up to you guys right now. That's something like, uh, it's odd how often that happens and how often they show it. They're like, like, uh, I can see wanting to see a goal or a penalty from every angle, but you don't need to see. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Like the attendant Achilles tendon climb all the way up the back of a guy's leg. It's horrifying, but it's also the guy doesn't die so it's like it's not you know that traumatizing yeah yeah yeah he's just maimed but it's shocking and uh yeah so is this sports you're looking for sports injuries or you'll take whatever you can get no it's most faces of death no i can't i could never that's the thing no if somebody's died forget it i will know he just had his hands cut off for stealing he's not like he died i don't like that either i i feel like it's it's in particular the ankle and the legs because even sometimes watching like fail videos where people
Starting point is 00:17:41 are like skateboarding like i i don't like people falling from a height that's very upsetting um i don't like but there's something about like when they're look you're already low to the ground it was just disgusting and it happened in a split second i don't know kid uh with a wiffle ball bat uh hitting their dad in the crotch that's yeah that's about as bad as it gets for me um all, I know a good one for you. It's an old clip. If you type in Sid Vicious Leg, you've got exactly what you're in for.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Is it wrestling? Yeah. Not the Sex Pistols? I was, for a minute, I was thinking Sex Pistols, and I was very excited. It's odd that someone would pick an already famous person's name as their wrestling name. Oh's not uh it's justice sid justice i think there was a
Starting point is 00:18:31 sid vicious wrestling that's completely different yeah it is justice and and viciousness are are two different things yeah the opposite um yeah well so like do you seek these out on youtube or do you just you just appreciate them when they're on the highlight reel also i don't this is not like something i devote several hours to a week but my whole flight to australia i was watching athletes in between episodes of spy i would real quick watch an injury um no it's just every now and again like you know when you just a video will pop into your head like oh like christian the lion you know every now and again it'll pop in you go i'll watch that again oh yeah it makes me cry every time it's oh so beautiful i don't even know this what
Starting point is 00:19:16 are you guys talking about is that the one that's set to i don't want to miss a thing yeah these these two guys roommates and quotes in the 70s bought a lion at like tesco or something in britain yeah and they raised it for a while but then it got too big so then it got set free in africa and then like 10 years later they go to africa to find this lion and they're like standing looking at each other from across the the savannah and this lion runs up and it looks like it's gonna attack them and i don't want to close my eyes hugs them hugs them rubs his giant lion head and everyone said the lion's not gonna remember you guys and they were like we just feel like we just want to see him and then he remembered them wow and it is beautiful animals they're just like us yeah
Starting point is 00:20:09 they remember who bought them yeah who bought them from dodie alpha um what uh what so you yeah you i interrupted or we we went down that path you were starting something you'll occasionally watch a christian the lion oh no i was just saying so like every now and again i'll be like ah remember that one really gross ankle video and then i'll just go in a little you know 10 minutes of leg breaking videos on the basketball court yeah there was one a hockey injury that happened this week and i like i follow so many hockey Instagrams, but I managed to avoid seeing it because I, like I knew who it happened to. So anytime it looked like I was going to, and it must've been bad because, you know, a couple of days later, everyone was posting this like statement he made like, Hey, thanks for all the support. Like, who cares if it's just a regular injury that he wouldn't make that statement.
Starting point is 00:21:03 But anyway, you steered clear. I steered clear of Aaron Ekblad's injury. it's just a regular injury that he wouldn't make that statement. But right. Anyway, uh, you steered clear. I steered clear of Aaron Ekblad's injury. Um, but Alison, that doesn't mean you have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 You're good. You're hockey. I, because of the blades, I can't. Hmm. Yes. You're not a blood person.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's not so much the, like, it's just, that could potentially be death. You know what I mean? Right. Yeah. Like two guys have like had their throats cut.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like it's not the safety. Also, I, I don't particularly care for hockey guys. I gotta be honest with you, but everybody goes through their life. At least once you get your throat cut. And,
Starting point is 00:21:41 uh, I know mine's coming up. I can't wait. Yeah. I had mine. yeah dave's already had his wow allison yours have you done it i you know what i have not done it um i wear a protective shield like one of those injury collars out in the world because i just you know what my voice is my money maker and i got to keep it safe.
Starting point is 00:22:05 I got to protect it. That's true. So you're going to be probably exempt from the throat cutting, but not me, man. I hope so. Yeah. Well, if you don't get it done, I have to get it done twice. Oh, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Wow. Yeah. So interesting. Just if I don't get it done or if anyone doesn't get it done, you get an extra one. Uh-huh. Yeah. So interesting. Just if I don't get it done or if anyone doesn't get it done, you get an extra one. Uh-huh. Please do not fact check this. Oh, no. Yeah, guys coming.
Starting point is 00:22:33 I can see. Oh, no. There's a guy tapping the glass of this room. Oh, no. Oh, he's got a big hook. Okay. Oh, dear. I wish I could save you, Dave.
Starting point is 00:22:42 But again, the moneymaker. Yeah, I'm not making any money from this. Why was ever a hook a thing that was a replacement for a hand? Why was that ever on the table? Yeah, what can you do with a hook? You can open doors? You could pick up a box because you could put it in the cardboard. That's right.
Starting point is 00:23:04 You could pick up a box. But they put it in the cardboard and then that's right you could pick up a box but like they have the hooks that that like open and shut but like a pirate hook why that's that's what i mean you could pirate hook it into the side of a box but i feel like that was just in pirate times it was whatever was laying around you would uh they like slide down a rope with it yeah oh yeah like a zip line yeah with it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like a zip line. That's pretty cool. A zip line with it. But in that case, you got to super glue that to your stump. Yeah, I think they've.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I don't think they had super glue. They probably did. You think they did? Spices and super glue? Yeah, squid ink. Do you ever eat something that's spicy and think like somebody who died in a war for this like this no i've never thought that but that is amazing right that uh it used to be the most valuable thing in the world it was just like spices for your food yeah i think millions of
Starting point is 00:23:59 people died millions of people died yeah a lot of people did die uh wow i love that i like now i'm caught up in that because it's so weird like we don't know anything as human beings and that's true we never retain information we never learn anything we make the same mistakes over and over again but obviously we've progressed right and i spice I... Spice-wise. Spice-wise, I mean, technology-wise, we have a map now. That's true. Probably no one's going to land in America and be like, it's India, I did it. Yes, that's true. But it's so fascinating to think about that life.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And when, yeah, they were all like, we have to go out there with our ships. We have to take over everyone and we have to get their flowers and plants that we can mush down. And also silks. They've got a lot of silks. It's a good point. It's a good point. So when I, like there's, if you order from an Indian restaurant, quite often they will say, hey, how spicy do you want this? The one I go to they have
Starting point is 00:25:05 a rating out of five yes you do i do one because uh well i would like some spice i could maybe do three i'm sharing this with someone in my house who doesn't like spice but i wonder if they think oh one what were you even fighting for what's all the big deal like we were fighting for the option of five yeah yeah okay i don't want to go to five but i want to be invited to five they're like oh yes i want you to go around the world and collect spices not too spicy not too spicy just a little bit um the indian restaurant i go to they don't even get a low you only get a medium or hot that's the only two options wow where do you go i go medium i can't handle no restaurant well in our neighborhood no no it's up and where i used to live oh yeah
Starting point is 00:25:59 oh boy is it good oh boy is it good but uh yeah i couldn't i can't handle it hot yeah spicy i don't think you can handle this that was written about me and hot sauce it was a joint for uh anyways tabasco sauce is what i was gonna say yeah um allison spicy foods yay or nay? You know what? I'm sometimes yay and I'm sometimes nay. I think it depends on what the spice is that is in the base of it. Bring it on.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I'll pour it in my mouth. I can do that. Can you imagine? Cinnamon buns are too spicy. Could you run it underwater for a second? This apple cobbler is ah burning my mouth i like like a a pepper based heat uh you know a jalapeno based heat what are the other ways of getting heat radiator yep are they all Aren't they all pepper based? Maybe they are
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah I mean surely They can make hot stuff In a lab now That's way hotter Than any of those things Yeah But it's all using
Starting point is 00:27:13 The same capsaicin Yeah Capzaps Capcap I promised myself I wouldn't say anything dumb And I ruined it Twelve times already
Starting point is 00:27:21 Sorry You guys When people say I promised myself, do they really mean it? Did they sit themselves down and say, I promised myself I wouldn't cry? Oh, do you know what? I did something like that.
Starting point is 00:27:34 There's a website that I stumbled upon. It's called Letter to Your Future, I think. And you write a letter to yourself and then they email it on the date that you specify like a year from when you wrote it. And, uh, it's,
Starting point is 00:27:48 it's scary. Cause you know, like you, your things can change so fast and then you're like, well, I did none of those things. And that was basically a promise to myself that I broke. I,
Starting point is 00:28:00 when I was in rehab, they, so you write a letter to yourself and then they're going to email, not email it, they send it to you in the mail like a couple of months after you get out. So you're like bigging yourself up in the letter or like whatever you want it to be. And I genuinely did forget about it. Yeah. And then it came in the mail and I was like, oh, this is weird and slightly sad, kind of. You forgot about it. You seemed to like, maybe it was the rehab that made you forget about Over the Top.
Starting point is 00:28:35 It's true. Yeah, that's true. I don't think you got something. Guys, don't go to rehab. They erase your brain. What, if I may ask, what is rehab like? I have no idea. So, I've been thinking about
Starting point is 00:28:45 this a lot lately because for me like now when i look back on it off at the time not that fun to be honest with you um but now that i look back on it i feel like i feel so fond of it and it was like an amazing experience because i went to this super like they alison are you still there they erased your brain i had a stroke i had a stroke they know i'm talking about them so they hit the micro trip so it was very like they didn't kind of subscribe to one plan right they kind of like threw a bunch of different stuff at you and we did all these different kinds of therapies and um sneaking up on from behind and going yeah being dressed as a big drug i that already chasing you around the grounds i i grew up with john dore so people jumping out at me and scaring me has been happening
Starting point is 00:29:39 to me my entire goddamn life i love it it's my favorite uh but yeah so it was it's look it's not fun and you're in there with a lot of people who uh are also not having fun yeah there's a lot a lot of assholes in there um but yeah i went to this all women's rehab and and so it's like during the day we would they called it going we what we called it going to school because the residence and the building where we went in the day were separate. Okay. It's also a little army. It's a little camp. It's a little because you get up early in the morning and then you have to do your pre-breakfast chores and then you all eat breakfast together.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Oh, God damn it. Pre-breakfast chores. Yeah, I know. Fuck off. Thanks. It's the worst. And they're like, you have to make your bed and all that kind of shit and then you go sidebar do you currently make your bed every
Starting point is 00:30:30 morning i try to but it always ends up like i'm four days a week you know what i mean yeah okay four days is okay four is good yeah dave i wake up an hour before my wife so i don't make any beds you don't make up your side of the bed tuck it all in no does she make the bed yeah yeah okay okay so i feel like yeah i feel like you guys i feel like you and abby are good at being adults uh and again i've never met you uh but from listening to a million hours of you talk i feel like you guys are good at being adults and your house is organized and you do things like making your bed every morning so one of us does yeah yeah that's the that's the ping pong you know it's uh you're pinging she's ponging someone's gotta watch a movie first thing in the morning and someone's gotta make the bed
Starting point is 00:31:20 i don't watch the movies so much anymore because the kids are up the kids the like um the pandemic life of the kids sleeping in is over oh yeah they're on a schedule now um yeah the first thing pre-breakfast chores yeah pre-breakfast yes like what would that even be like making your bed making your bed what i remember yeah you gotta make your bed i remember you don't remember much though because they erased your brain that's right but what i do remember and i think because i hated this one the most is when i was the days when i was on vacuuming duty so it's like before breakfast like i'm barely awake i am sober yeah and now i gotta lug and it's a vacuum That's 20 years old Because This is a Fairly legal Run And I got to like
Starting point is 00:32:09 Lug it up these giant stairs And vacuum all the stairs It was a nightmare Yeah it sounds like a nightmare I think I would like to Sneak into an all Women rehab clinic Just with a wig
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yeah Yep But what type of wig Are we talking about Like Tina Turner Oh I'm thinking like You know Hairspr know, hairspray. Oh, hairspray.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Yeah. Like a big. Buffon. Yeah. Like John Travolta. Yeah. Who's, you know, we all know now. I would like to see you in that outfit.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah. Fine. Great. Well, let's get this done. It's in the cleaners at the moment. And they're closed for COVID. But I'm sure somebody that listens to this podcast will uh photoshop that and then i mean if you wanted it to feel like camp it wouldn't get campier than that so true how long were you in there 21 days 21 days 21 days yeah that's like uh 28 days it is like 28 days just shorter and
Starting point is 00:33:09 Viggo Mortensen was not there oh I never saw it no wait a second was that was that movie was it realistic or did they miss the mark by uh this is Sandra Bullock right yeah it is Sandra Bullock and they so it was a different type of rehab than I went to so the rehab I went to we all they do it in cycles so we all started and ended on the same day and it was more like a rehab where there's people coming and going and um so I think that movie actually that rehab is probably a little bit more true to most people's experience okay um but they did do a lot of activities uh that i was like there's no way you're doing like you know horseback riding and dodgeball climbing and stuff and i was like what this okay yeah yeah okay um is i'm just picturing it like that movie because i've seen it
Starting point is 00:34:01 sure yeah i mean it's a there's a lot of similarities i'm picturing the movie where she and keanu reeves write letters to each other through a weird mailbox oh my god that also happened yeah um except we wrote letters to ourselves and then sent them and they did time travel um yep uh when i was kid, I just remember there were ads on TV for a place called Schick Shadle Rehab Clinic that was, I just remember it was 10 days and a couple of two-day follow-ups. That's a lot. You go for two weeks and go for 10 days and then have to go for a couple of weekends. And then is that like that standard package to erase your brain?
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah. Yeah. Like when I was a kid, I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what that was because it was on this one American channel, KSD Washington. Shout out. And it would be between ads for ITT Technical Institute and Barbizon. So I thought Barbizon, ITT Tech, and Schick Shadle were the same kind of program. You thought there were three places you could go to university?
Starting point is 00:35:06 And maybe also the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Yeah, you're like, Barbizon is my safety school, but I really... It's Ivy League, baby. We got the feed out of Rochester, New York. So we got the ITG Tech rochester new york so we got uh we got we got solito and barns lockport gambino ford uh jd grocery oh yeah so we didn't i didn't get any fun rehab commercials but that seems like too short i don't i mean whatever yeah man works for you, man. I mean, I guess, you know, it's like, it was those go-go, it was the go-go 80s. And people wanted their, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Just take a break from the Coke. Yeah. Let your system settle. What were your local American commercials growing up, Graham? I don't remember. I also remember we had, because I know Cal Worthington is a big, like, Southern California car dealer. And I didn't know anything about that i just knew he uh had a car dealership in federal way washington
Starting point is 00:36:10 cal worthington uh open till 10 every day in federal way i don't remember any of the like the local like those type ads i don't remember any of them uh because i don't think we had we never had like a guy like the captain or dog furniture or anything like that. Did you have like, what was your NBC affiliate? Where was it out of? It was out of Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Idaho?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Interesting. Yeah. And the great thing about Coeur d'Alene was every week there was some crazy news story that they would say coming up tonight. You know, and one of them I remember very clearly was we'll talk about that man who climbed that electrical pole with a machete tonight. Today or not today. Yesterday, the news story was a man. I mean, allegedly there. OK, there were three fires set in Vancouver
Starting point is 00:37:06 or around Vancouver at Masonic Halls. Hmm. The Masons. Yeah. And they arrested a guy who was carrying a jerry can coming out of one of them. But it's not me, man. This is my own
Starting point is 00:37:22 jerry can for my own purposes. And he, but like it was just the kind of, it felt like the kind of news story that would be like playing in the background and on, you know, in like some kind of conspiracy theory movie, like. Yes. And the suspect who caught, who allegedly burnt down three Masonic halls. Hey, is my breakfast ready like yeah exactly so he is he was apprehended by somebody that he described looked like a bat so was he was he mad at the illuminati like what's going on i don't know look what he's allegedly has a he wasn't mad at anyone. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:07 He's in for so much trouble now. He targeted three Masonic temples and he's not mad at anyone? Come on, Dave. Not temples. He's mad at somebody. Halls. This is all alleged, but also he, it wasn't like, he didn't give a statement. They didn't capture him. The news didn't see him and he didn't like say,
Starting point is 00:38:25 I'll give a hundred million dollars to whoever breaks me out of jail. We got to get a profiler in there. Find out what he's up to. If he goes into jail, the Masons are just going to find somebody that's going to take him out. So, you know, that's how they work.
Starting point is 00:38:39 He'll burn his way out. Authorities are calling him fire bug. But like also like, aren't the Masonic temples halls made out of bricks? Like shouldn't they be unburnable? Yeah. They'll probably have to have a meeting about that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:00 These were designed to be kilns. Did you have a fire phase when you were a kid? Like when I was super little. Yeah. I remember me and Karen Martin who lived across the street. Woo. She snuck some matches into the backyard. But then like as soon as we lit a match and we dropped it on one of the like patio
Starting point is 00:39:25 stones so there was no flammable items but then we realized the power of fire and got scared and put them away but i do like fire yeah me too but i'm just i'm not gonna burn fire rules i'm not gonna burn down a bit but yeah setting stuff on fire is or putting stuff in a fire that's fun that is fun i get it i get why these guys are doing it also like just burning a match that's a lot of fun just watching it work its way down and throwing in the toilet like uh we had a fireplace and i would arrange the things the like paper products to burn in a certain way where like a paper towel tube was like the chimney and your report card was the kindling but i would stare i would just stare at it but and my siblings used to say dave's a pyromaniac but i we didn't have ipads to look at that's right that's right fire was a really good point. Yeah. Fire is, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:40:25 It looks great. Oh no, fire's hot. As long as it is. fire's hot. So you, yeah. Fire bad.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So as long as you're not, you know, burning shit that doesn't belong to you. Yeah. Enjoy it. Have a good time. There's in Ireland, they have like,
Starting point is 00:40:44 I can't remember if it's guy fox day or whatever more like fireland yeah fireland exactly thank you they do a thing where they like do a huge bonfire and everybody brings bonfire night yeah bonfire night and they uh bring all these old chairs that nobody wants anymore and they stack them up and i don't understand how that's a renewable thing like people aren't getting new chairs every year somebody's gonna have an extra chair you know what i mean that's true yeah steal a chair from a restaurant you take turns supplying the chairs you're not bringing a chair every year no yeah that's right this is your quadrant this year bring a chair but it's like huge it's huge it's like a three stories high what they built and then
Starting point is 00:41:26 yeah then the town in sweden they uh they built they burn like a giant wicker goat i think okay but you can also buy little ones to burn in your backyard i like that good yeah i'm into that the uh you guys have you seen dave hasn't seen it midsummer no have you seen no i finally saw hereditary and now i have to watch midsummer hereditary so scary uh red is scary it's so good but i realized it's it's better because because i watched it and i liked it, but I didn't understand what happened. And then I read about it and then I liked it even more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:10 I do that after films where I'm like, I'm dumb. Let's go to Wikipedia and see what they have to say about this. And you know what? I'm usually wrong. So how about that? How are those movies related oh same director writer director and midsummer makes me midsummer's about sweden they go around a maple and kill someone yeah i mean they go around a maple for a long time and uh they just like i got used to
Starting point is 00:42:41 yeah yeah yeah it's it's it's more disturbing like it's not scary like ah scary but it's very disturbing like uh it makes me i'm never gonna go to sweden ever yeah because of this don't just stay away right yeah switzerland that's the place for me sure chalets and big dogs that have kegs around their necks yeah yeah cheese with holes in it exactly sounds like the place for me when i go to switzerland and i don't know if i'll ever go again because we don't have any more family there but they're my favorite thing in the whole country is this place this uh like pretzel. That's a chain of pretzel stands, uh, in train stations. And it's called Bretzel König, which means pretzel King.
Starting point is 00:43:32 And, um, do you just get like a big piece of Swiss cheese between two pieces of pretzel? That's pretty good. That's all. That's all. That's all. The, uh, yeah, I like discovering a chain I've never heard of before. I do that a lot in America. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Where I'll go. Cause I, speaking of pretzels, when I went to America last, which was to go to New York, there was like a chain called like Auntie Anne's pretzels. Yeah. And I didn't,
Starting point is 00:43:59 I never heard of them before, but they're delicious. And I went to them everywhere I was in the city and, uh, I would make a point in New Yorkork yeah absolutely oh yeah like that new york style auntie annie's pretzels the thin gruzd mall pretzel too much cinnamon did you get one of the sweet ones no i'm stay savory i stay savory when it comes to pretzels same yeah i think that that shape to me does not it does not indicate sweetness no i don't and the bitter shape it's a bitter shape yes it's i feel it yeah it's a mustard
Starting point is 00:44:31 situation it's a salt mustard situation and so when they're like do you want icing sugar on it no what that's no that's inappropriate i feel like they it's too salty though when they give you the salt like i the it's so encrusted with salt i want to shake a lot of it off like it's too salty, though, when they give you the salt. It's so encrusted with salt. I want to shake a lot of it off. Yeah, and it also seems like sidewalk salt. It's too big. Yeah. They have two options, usually.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Completely encrusted in salt and zero salt. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, my doctor told me to not eat any salt on my pretzels. So if you give me another salt ones, I'll just run it under this tap. Graham, have you been running a lot of food underwater? This is the second time it's come up. It's my new way of making things the way I like.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Are you a raccoon? At a restaurant, I have to pick up the dish and go into the bathroom i'll be right back everybody um yeah i uh so dave yeah what's going on with you man i didn't know that was coming to me um well speaking of our money makers um i got a message from someone i work with today uh and it was someone said oh dave you're i i heard this and um this this is your voice doppelganger i found some like i was i was had to watch this video for this project, and this voice on this video is absolutely, like this is your voice. And they sent it to me, and I listened to it,
Starting point is 00:46:15 and you tell me whether you think this voice sounds like me. You guys ready? Yeah. Born ready. Turn it up so this is my voice and then this is the voice of the narrator of this light microscopy is an essential tool in neurobiology neurobiology allowing scientists to non-invasively observe live cells live cells however conventional light microscopy is limited by the diffraction of light waves making structures smaller than 200 nanometers beyond its reach
Starting point is 00:46:52 how do you think scientists have turned i don't i'm not hearing i don't hear it even a little bit no i feel like i feel like there's like a tiny thread of where like certain vowels or something but overall no well what what do you do in a situation like if someone says hey i found a picture of a guy who looks like you you're like well don't send it to me you know what somebody did that to me like six months ago or something like that maybe a year ago and the picture looked so much like me that i was like did you photoshop me into because this guy was playing the trumpet and he and he but he looked so much like and somebody just wrote to me and said this is this you and i was like i don't know maybe i have a whole life when i'm asleep that i go around playing the trumpet graham i just watched um the hotter half and you talked about it a hundred years ago on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:47:47 the British show where the couple comes in and then they vote on the street. And remember, there's that episode where one of the guys looks exactly like Ed Sheeran. Yes. Yeah. And it's almost terrifying. Hubba hubba. For, I mean, whatever works for you. But yeah, for the first little bit, i was like is are they tricking us
Starting point is 00:48:07 like it looked so much like him but the um so if someone sends you a picture of someone and you're like oh that person doesn't look like me or that person's ugly you're like there's the there's you know you will react one way or another I don't know how to react when someone says your voice. This person sounds like you. Other activities at the dendritic spine level can be observed. Why don't you talk like that? Why don't you talk like that? You can dive in further
Starting point is 00:48:34 and locate individual molecules such as these neurotransmitter receptors. And so what can I reply to this person? Say that this sounds like somebody who wants to make love to microorganisms. That's what he's... Because it's not offensive. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:48:52 No, no, no. Yeah. Just go neat. That's the perfect response. Neat. I mean, the ultimate reply would be, ha ha. Ha ha. Oh, that's a good point.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah. I'm looking now to see if I can find this picture of this guy. My ultimate response to this was it's pretty close. Oh here it is. It's not though. There's a real estate agent in Toronto
Starting point is 00:49:19 that has billboards and bus ads and all these people think it looks like me and keep sending it to me and it makes me mad she's like 15 20 years older than me we both just have dark hair and glasses and i get so mad and they yeah it keeps coming back to me and all i can do now is be like yes thank you yeah yeah here's the the photo i don't know if you'd be able to see it here's the photo I don't know if you'd be able to see it no not at all no
Starting point is 00:49:45 a little bit I can see a trumpet oh sure is that better I feel confident it's not you but I see the similarity you know what I mean like when I saw it at first I was like Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:50:02 I should go meet this guy and then we should get into trouble uh hayley mills style you know get my divorced parents back together first of all game be become twins have the same parents have them be divorced bring them back together with some sort of scheme um So yeah, that's one thing that's going on with me. The other thing going on with me is I've been following Tom Hanks' son, Chet Hanks. Yeah, that guy. I'm ready to dive in. Yeah. This week he unveiled that White Boy Summer is happening.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah, it's like Fat Boy Slim. White Boy Summer. And at first I was like, what is this? First of all, the name sounds bad. Yeah, it does sound bad. And he also looks like a guy who would say, he looks very much like the type of guy who would say something that is bad.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Yeah. But then, Graham, he was quick to reassure us all that he likes to date black queens, so it can't be a racist thing. That's right, yeah. So just keep that in mind. Checkmate. us all that he likes to date black queens so it can't be a racist thing that's right yeah so just keep that check mate um and so he but the the like first two days of it i was enthralled it was like he was releasing new information about what is white boy summer and it was like okay we're not
Starting point is 00:51:19 wearing the color salmon anymore okay okay okay. No more plaid shirts. Alright, boys? No more sperry top-siders. What? What are people going to wear on their feet? I mean, flip-flops are fine. Um, no. This guy and I are on the other side of the fence from one another. Did you
Starting point is 00:51:38 see any of it? No, I just saw him say it's white boy summer and I was like, I want off of this team. I don't want to be on this team that's the white guy on my team. I want a different team is what I'm saying. I like Tom Hanks. I don't like any of his kids.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Colin can stay. No, Colin sucks. Get him out of here. I'm booking the show now and we got Colin next week Colin's just a diluted version of Tom guys people can be who they want to be
Starting point is 00:52:13 Colin I stan Colin Hank this is news frankly I stan Chet oh really wow so what else at one point he said oh yeah all right boys it's white boy summer and here's what else is banned no more calling girls
Starting point is 00:52:34 smoke shows oh wow well how am i gonna describe people i guess i'll just have to take a picture and show it and that was when the video cut off it was like he gave no explanation of it what is the punishment for not adhering to chet's rules uh you you um oh boy yeah yeah i don't know you have to participate in some of his dad's world war ii reenactments you have to want a greyhound um is this something his dad does in his spare time i think probably um the so uh one question was like oh yeah and he was accepting questions from people so uh white boy summer obviously uh mr hanks uh one question here um our wife beaters banned for white boy summer and he was like are you kidding me i mean obviously we're talking about tank tops we're not abusive husbands are banned for white boy summer oh good okay did he say that yes you know his ex
Starting point is 00:53:38 girlfriend has a restraining order against him right i do not know anything that's how you don't know anything about chit hangs yeah yeah so that just came out yesterday is that his ex-girlfriend has a restraining order against him because he's i guess apparently um but uh it's that feels like it's the way every person that gets introduced into the the web's collective mind. That's true. Like two seconds later. Sure. You know, that guy that had the shrimp tails in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He's a bad dude.
Starting point is 00:54:11 He's a bad dude. Terrible guy. Yeah, marriage at Topanga. Couldn't be more marriage at Topanga. But you'll be relieved to know tank tops could not be more white boy summer. Okay, okay no I suspected I could not paint a picture of what white boy summer is based on this and I had to unfollow him because he at this point he was just trying to sell me shirts to say white boy summer he got
Starting point is 00:54:39 that merch line up real quick I mean I got that's when I got out I didn't even hear about the restraining order oh yeah and then and now he's like counter suing her there it's fun it's heating up is what i'm saying uh just like white boy summer right i didn't i like that there's so many rules though yeah this guy's all rules not necessarily that there's rules but just he has specifications right because at first yeah it's just he knows, he has the things he likes to wear. No, here's the thing. He's commanding all of us about what our summer is supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:55:15 What would be your summer commands? If it was a Dave Shumka summer, what are your list of demands? Okay, my list of demands. Yes. Everybody do what you want uh i'm not here to tell you what not to do okay okay i'm gonna move into your house don't do that you like you need i mean try you can try yeah but i'm wily i can get through a small window i mean i will is that how you got out of rehab? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Didn't even finish. Yeah. Nope. I just bolted. It was great. Hitchhiked home. Yeah, what? No, there's no rules. The problem with it is, so we're all, everyone's just going to wear the same five things?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Yeah. I saw a guy dressed in crazy clothes today, but he, you could tell he thought he was really good looking. And I was like, well, okay, you're allowed to be, you're allowed to dress in crazy clothes, but your face has to indicate that you know you look crazy. Oh, okay. Yeah. But I feel like. We're having fun. We're having fun with how we're dressed.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yes. I feel like that guy is representative of White Boy Summer. Mm. I feel like White Boy Summer is a lot of guys wearing stuff, thinking about how great they look. Yes. But that seems to be every summer. That's true. I feel like there's a lot of guys that are...
Starting point is 00:56:43 Well, and historically speaking, isn't every summer White Boy Summer there's a lot of guys that are well and historically speaking isn't every summer white boy summer yes it's true we don't need to be cranking one out at this point we can uh no i didn't mean to use that phrase can i ask a question when was the last time you anyone uh that and then follow-up question follow-up question when was the last time you heard anyone call a person a smoke show i feel like we we had already let that go yeah i i also agree with that i remember hearing it many years ago and thinking okay that yeah i think uh the most recent thing i heard was a guy i know referred to a woman i know. Oh, she was, she's, she, back in the day, she was quite a rocket. She called her a rocket.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Wow. She was a rocket. What does that mean? I don't know. It's like, isn't it one of the kids toy, the rocket, you bop it, you rocket, you throw it. Oh, you know, that's a bop it. Oh yeah, that is a bop it. Is it a bop it i don't
Starting point is 00:57:45 know yeah obviously i don't know yeah allison same question what would be your summer commands first of all you got to get your summer gum summer gum and and also this one's going to be controversial guys if you are not at a pool or a beach man i demand you have a top on okay okay no what if i'm what if i'm gardening nope top on top on what if i'm on my own property i'm very strict about these rules if there's not a pool or a beach pop on a top pop on a top pop it on allison's already selling shirts that say pop on a top yeah yeah i like it pop on the top living in a city and i live downtown and just guys on the subway with no shirt on yeah yeah i saw a guy suit pants dress shoes and then his tie button down shirt and jacket over his shoulder i mean
Starting point is 00:58:40 over his arm somebody's looking for a promotion briefcase no shirt on it was madness that is madness but pop on it i don't want to see your nips man pop on a top well now and if you don't have a top it is just covering your nipples enough you get some hockey tape yeah yeah just those x's okay i don't like x's but if you get a hockey tape you put it all the way around. That's acceptable. Fifth element style, yeah. A band to rap, yes. Do you have summer rules? I'm not thrilled about seeing men's very unkept feet. I'm also like, spring just started.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I'm not there yet. Yeah, exactly. Chet? Yeah, Chet. We're not ready. He has to move shirts before summer. If he declares it white boy summer by june it's already over you know what i mean yeah yeah we're all into some other summer endless uh what are the other types of summer hot girl summer hot girl summer right summer of sam summer of sam
Starting point is 00:59:38 that's right summer of 69 summer 69 these were these are the categories and so yeah I guess this is white boy summer um it comes it's every four years like the olympic yeah it goes summer of 69
Starting point is 00:59:54 then summer of sam then hot girl summer then white boy summer I'm really afraid that this is gonna be a big seller for him I'm really
Starting point is 01:00:03 like I I mean this has really put him on my radar. I followed him on Instagram for two days. There's a third Hanks brother, right? There's a sister. So Colin and Chet are half brothers. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:18 I feel like there's a third. There's a third brother in the mix. I think it's a sister. I think Colin and the sister have the same. Yeah. Tom Hanks first marriage. I think they were both in that thing you do. Like they had minor parts.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Chet was in it? No. No. Colin and the sister. Colin and the sister. Okay. And then when Tom married Rita, they had Chet. They had Chet.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Whose full name is Chester. Is it really? Yeah. I love that. I also like the chet sounds like the newscaster in quarter lane you were listening to como chet seven chet chet seven when he was actively pursuing music he went by chet hayes yeah oh like well that's that's his character that's like his. That's like his Chris Gaines, but went off,
Starting point is 01:01:06 off stage. He's Chet Hanks, who is 90, 99% exactly the same as Chet Hayes speaks with a patois from time to time. God, um, that Chris Gaines thing. He didn't ever do a concert where he came out as Chris Gaines and opened for Garth Brooks.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Did he? I don't know. Oh, I feel like that probably happened. Wouldn't that have been the greatest, that people were booing him, and then he had to go backstage and then come out again, and they all love him? Yay! Or they booed Garth. He's bringing Chris Gaines back. Yeah, he is?
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah. Oh, wow. Yeah. One night only. Quarantine's been hard on Garth, I think. He's grasping. I feel like a lot of people would come up with Chris Cain's during a year of quarantine. Just like you see them on the street and they're all emo all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Where's your cowboy hat? Emo boy summer. Yeah. Also, just calling him Garth feels wrong. I would never be able to just call him Garth. It would always be Garth Brooks. Oh, Mr. Brooks? Mr. Brooks.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Mr. Gaines? What are your preferred, if I ask you your last name, you can say whatever. I'm cool with it, but I just want to know. Mr. Brooks, you can't park here. Graham, what's up with you? Oh, man. So little. It's astounding and like i i scraped
Starting point is 01:02:28 my whole memory bank trying to find something that was nowhere maybe you it was from rehab they probably erased your they did yeah i don't even remember going um i went to prehab oh what was that just to like get they got me they got me addicted to drugs yeah so there's rehab then there's you you you you they show you how not to do chores yeah rehab hab deal yeah okay um yeah so here here are the top three things of the week number three in no particular order. Number? Random. Random, exactly. I discovered right very close to me, there's a house that has chickens in the backyard, which is a thing like,
Starting point is 01:03:15 I know there was a thing a couple years ago whether or not people were going to be allowed to have chickens in their backyard, but I was like, who the fuck has a backyard, eh? And if they do have a backyard, they're not going to put chickens in it is what i thought you know what i mean yeah that's the last thing they'll put in there it's prime real estate why would you mess it up with chickens yeah and so discovering this chicken backyard situation has been a real real eye-opener for me because then i'm like well what are the chances i'll be
Starting point is 01:03:41 able to keep a chicken at some point in my life? And right now, zero. There's no way I can get a chicken into this apartment. And even if I do, it'll try to run out every time that I open the door. And I guess I'm just jealous. I guess that's why I'm just jealous when it comes down. My past guest of the show, Peter Oldring, has chickens in his backyard. Or he did at least a couple years ago when I visited him. Yeah. And he brought him
Starting point is 01:04:07 spices and now the chicken is no more. And there were eggs every day. Nice. Fresh eggs and they're a little bit gross because they come right out of a chicken's butt and they got like a feather stuck to them. That's what I was just going to say. Are those eggs every day a blessing or a curse that you just constantly
Starting point is 01:04:23 got these like poo covered eggs because like how many do they drop in a day i think one okay one a day it's like uh white boy summer rolls we drop one a day it's like a type of vitamin one a day um but it's just uh like now it's a regular destination to check out these chickens they put on a real good show. They're up on the bar. They're down. Oh, you can see them? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 You can see them. I'll watch them for like half an hour. It's fantastic. Because there's someone else in the neighborhood who keeps pigeons. Ah. And every day at like five o'clock, the pigeons all go out. And like you see them in formation flying for about an hour. It's like, oh, shit on things, my pretties.
Starting point is 01:05:12 So like, is that that legal to have pigeons? Because chickens was a big controversy and they don't even fly around, you know? It's a really good question. I don't know why anything. Why is anything a controversy? Can I keep like uh like don't people have exotic pets yeah but they shouldn't they shouldn't though i mean yes is it tempting to have a komodo dragon in case shernstone's husband ever comes around
Starting point is 01:05:37 get on my property um yeah i uh but like chickens i think they like they like the coop they like to be cooped up that's literally what they love so i don't know that they love it i feel like they want to go outside sometimes i've also heard of the term uh free range is a popular term now free range they just let them walk all over the place how does that not just become fox's paradise or wolves or coyotes i think they sleep in the coop yeah but in the daytime they're coyotes and foxes can't see in the day they're nocturnal so you only have to hide the chickens at night okay this sounds correct to my ears um but like
Starting point is 01:06:30 also a lot of uh dogs go missing around here little dogs yeah it's always the suspicion that it's a coyote so how does that coyote and the chicken living in the same neighborhood what's that that's a give or take will they or won't they a relationship maybe they want the chickens to get eaten by the coyotes so they're feeding the coyotes yeah to throw them off the scent of the little dogs so the people that have the chickens are the ones also just bring your dog inside yeah i wouldn't say dogs go missing. I think. We know where they went. Is it though? Like there's dogs that go missing and then they like.
Starting point is 01:07:11 I guess so. Are people, do you think people are stealing dogs? I mean, I was, when we had a dog, that was always a fear. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Somebody would steal your dog. Abby, Abby was more afraid of it than I was. I would, Abby wouldn't even tie the dog out outside a coffee shop and go inside i would yeah and just keep my eye on him yeah exactly yeah i get nervous about someone kidnapping chili when i'm in a store or something uh so i don't do that i won't i don't leave them outside a lot either but i think uh graham what what is this epidemic of missing dogs that you're
Starting point is 01:07:46 talking about if they're not snatched by coyotes and eaten i i feel like there's always something you don't think it's related to the masonic halls being burnt down do you guys we don't know what rituals they do in there because oh yeah it's secrets so this casts the the fire burner as like a hero yeah what what rituals do they do in there well they shake a paw they roll over okay um so that's one thing chicken chicken backyard uh i want to tell you i'm not going to tell you in great detail but the dumbest dream I've had in a hundred years is that I was downtown
Starting point is 01:08:29 and I saw a guy jump off of a parkade and hurt his leg very badly and then a crowd crowd gathered around and were chanting people gathered around and demanded that he do it again because it was so cool and so he did sounds like my dream was one of the people in the crowd
Starting point is 01:08:53 then it just kept happening the crowds keep getting more and more and the guy's opening speech was uh somebody's gonna have to pay me to go to the hospital because i keep doing this uh so i don't know what that means that's great i like that i um forgot that like one second into the story i forgot that it was a dream because abby abby's in a slack group with some uh friends of hers and they have a bunch of little groups in there and one of them is dreams and dream interpretation and uh apparently every time someone talks about a dream in there it takes everyone else like a minute to catch up like oh this was a dream oh she didn't have lobster claws for hands okay what are you talking oh this is we're in the dream channel okay um and number three or one or two i was uh you know this show the boys
Starting point is 01:09:53 yeah they're not they're not the white boy summer boys but they are boys the superheroes the flawed superheroes the flawed superheroes uh The flawed superheroes? The flawed superheroes. John Flawed Dam Dam. Not movie, TV show. It's a TV show that exists in a world where they don't know that Watchmen already happened. They don't understand that that's already a thing we've had. But
Starting point is 01:10:16 through the first season the superheroes are like they appear in movies and stuff like that. They have sponsorship deals and they appear in movies and they're like huge celebrities. Celebrities. Yeah. And so two of the superheroes are on a like an interview junket where everybody's like brought in to ask them about the movie. And one of the guys who was playing one of the guys asking questions about their movie tanner zip chen ah yes i knew
Starting point is 01:10:46 yes yes blew my mind wide open i was so glad as soon as i saw it i was like sophie bottle because that's all and whenever i see his name or that guy shows up anywhere i'm like sophie hates him so much yeah that's right yeah we. Yeah, we like him. We think he's cool. We stand... Does he listen to the show? He stands it. Chen. No, he doesn't listen to the show. But we think it's...
Starting point is 01:11:12 You know, if Sophie's going to hate him, we're going to love him. Yeah. You know what? And we always liked him. We always had a soft spot for him when he did the... For people new to the show or not from Canada, tanner zip chan is the guy who uh does like junket interviews that they play before movies on the big screen in canada and he's the squeaky clean little it looks like he's 20 forever yeah and he also um he got let go from the job and the rumor was that he only got paid in scene points which were yeah
Starting point is 01:11:45 loyalty points to the movie theater chain this is deep deep canadian lore it's gonna be its own heritage minutes someday yeah yeah the the rise and fall, I assume. Yeah. Still rising. Yeah, still rising. But it's great that he got the role of the thing that he already was. Yeah, that happens a lot with news people. Right. Yeah. That's true.
Starting point is 01:12:15 At the start of the movie being like, three Masonic halls were burnt down last night, and no one knows what this has to do with the boys. What news reporter is this who's like, oh, well, is he drinking scotch? It's my voice doppelganger. Oh, well,
Starting point is 01:12:38 you welcome, Coeur d'Alene. Sunny skies today and here we go with the community if you see us around town the community cruiser you'll get a sticker yes yeah this is i like this character the newscaster is on his way out graham may i ask you a question? Yeah Yeah You may I was asking Graham Dave Yeah you're
Starting point is 01:13:08 No you You have to ask me to ask him Oh I'm sorry Dave can I ask Graham a question? Yeah Go ahead Call her Graham
Starting point is 01:13:17 Yes Have you seen season two yet? No I'm I'm pulling the ripcord on it Good Yeah I don't I'm fine fine with what i saw there fair enough uh the the thing i love the most about is like yeah seeing people that we know and there is a scene where there's two guys in a room on the tv is pornography and in the
Starting point is 01:13:42 pornography it's a couple and then a husband who's being cuckolded and the husband is played by tom henry oh really it's the fuck yeah it's so great and someone someone else spotted it and then was like uh tell me when you get to this scene and i was like oh my god is that tom henry i love it will that be part of his credits when he's introed? You may know him as the cuckold from the boys. Do it. Yeah. It's fun. I can't do it anymore.
Starting point is 01:14:12 You don't have to. I watched all of season 2 and trust me, you don't have to. But I want to preface this for a little add-on at the end. I can't make a TV show. I've never made a TV show. I'm a stupid idiot. So I don't know how any of that stuff works uh it's okay graham you appreciate the work they put in so many tv shows now um they can't all be good yeah because i mean yeah it's better you would
Starting point is 01:14:41 but if if you made a tv show you there would be one less good one yes thank you i mean i'm i'm only backing you up thank you very much um but you're saying one less good one does that mean i'm on the bad i'm on the bad you'd make one more bad one okay yes yes thank you um a lot of the shots would be out of focus uh certain areas weren't lit the way they should be uh-huh you can see everybody there's no continuity between people's costumes their jackets are on they're off they're on they're off their pasta dishes are falling empty and falling empty why are the actors actually eating the food because this is method everybody eat a pound of pasta and then we'll all have a crew nap
Starting point is 01:15:26 and then back at it especially whoever was in charge of continuity they took a big nap um yeah so so that's that's been what my life is one dream one chicken one tanner thank you um should we move on to some overheards? Yes. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where if you can make it outside or have a window or have binoculars, maybe you can participate. And we always like to start with the guest.
Starting point is 01:16:10 Allison, do you have an overheard i have two overheard yes these are you want to do one and then round the horn or both together i enjoy around the horn as a listener that's what i prefer okay okay um now these are historical so these are not during the pandemic uh that's where we that's what a lot of guests need to know. They can pull from their whole lives. They don't have to be like, oh, there's nothing going on right now. Yeah. Hear that, future guests? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Get it together. Past guests. Get it together, all of you. These are both burned in my brain. So the first one, it was probably about 10 years ago. Although you can't go back that far. No, Dave, you said I could do the story. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Come on, you're abusing the system. The first one happened just after WW2. Tom Hanks was there. Cranking one out. I overheard Tom Hanks. I was running errands in downtown toronto and i don't know if you know this or not but in the city of toronto we have one wendy's what yeah one wendy's that blows my mind you need a fundraiser to happen or i i mean i already
Starting point is 01:17:21 tweet angry tweets at the mayor of the city so much that I can't add another thing. But I feel like if everyone tweeted at John Tory and we're like, fix the Wendy's situation, bro. Where is it? Yonge Street. At least that's cool. I mean, I don't spend a lot of time in Yonge Street. It's not the most convenient location. But yeah, kind of in Yorkville, which is weird as well.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Funky. So I was running area errands in that area wait there are there more than one popeyes there or is that is that that's lots of popeyes um so i was very excited because these errands were going to take me by wendy's gonna have a sweet lunch at wendy's and so many years ago yeah i'm reading my book eating my wendy's and there was this table of boys about 12 years old sitting near me and so i'm kind of half listening to them while i eat and they were they're you know that it's possible to do it to a lady so hard she dies from like internal bleeding? And I lost my mind laughing.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Yeah. I kind of feel bad, though. Like, should I have as a responsible adult been like hey man that's not true like don't yeah don't carry that with you through life i think it is but that's not a good thing that doesn't mean you did a good job like if they were like oh do you know it's possible she can die from pleasure then it's like yeah you're right go for it yeah i remember seeing a like a sex ed film where it was the kids were talking about penises and one of them said there was once a guy who had a penis so long that where it broke off. What? It's terrifying.
Starting point is 01:19:31 What was that situation like? It's not broken off yet. One more. They're sitting on like that beam from the black away. Yeah. It was like a Letterman bit. How many Spider-Men can sit on this guy's dick
Starting point is 01:19:43 before it breaks off? And just think, those 12-year-old boys 10 years ago, they're 22 now. Going to look them up. All right. Going to be like, wreck it, boys. Make sure your internal whatever is all good. Yeah, in working order. Okay, yeah. I'll get it checked first get a tune up yeah uh dave do you have an overheard i do have i have like one and a half
Starting point is 01:20:16 and so here i'll give you the half one first because it's related to what we were talking about when the the news story about the masonic halls that were burnt down was on TV, there was, I just saw in the background, the name next to one of the Masonic halls, there was a business named Average Lingerie. It's not super sexy. and the reason this isn't an entire overheard is because then I had to google them
Starting point is 01:20:50 to see what the hell and they're it's actually a place called above average lingerie which also
Starting point is 01:20:58 is not a huge endorsement of their lingerie that it's above average it's a plus size lingerie oh I see okay so it's a clever it's above average. It's a plus size. It's a plus size lingerie. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Okay, so it's a clever. It's a clever. Well, but that also is not. Oh, okay. No, I'm just dumb. I was like, that's not that clever. Oh, wait, I get it now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:15 No. And then I had to like, boy, I looked at everything on their website. Did you get yourself a treat? I didn't get myself. I just kept looking at all the pictures on their website just to make sure this was the right place um but my overheard is so the other day i uh i had ordered something on the internet and to save on shipping i was going to pick it up in store from the sport check uh in um in in burnaby british columbia
Starting point is 01:21:49 sure at metrotown mall and you went to a mall i went to the mall i went right to the sport check well i also went to the they had a the real canadian superstore there and i bought some uh buffalo wing and blue cheese chips that they sell. Okay. Okay. Uh, which are very good. Um, and so I, but I went to, I went to the, uh, sport check, uh, to buy, well, I don't want to talk about it, but Dwayne, the rock Johnson now has his own line of clothes, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:23 for under armor. and now has his own line of clothes for Under Armour. And I needed to get a bunch of tank tops that have really low, big arm holes so my nipples fall out. Like, because it's something, it's only the rock line because it's all things that would fit the rock. Apparently.
Starting point is 01:22:42 It's got his big, like big bullhead logo on it. Yeah. Anyway, while I was in there, I was browsing, and there was a man there. I saw my first guy refuse to wear a mask. Oh, wow. Out in the wild. And he did have a mask on around his chin, and one of the employees came up to him and said, could you please, uh, cover your mouth and nose with that? And he put it over his mouth and the guy at the sport check employee was like, actually, could you cover your nose as well?
Starting point is 01:23:18 And the guy just like, you could see in his eyes that he was done. He's, he's had it. He's had it he's had it and he said uh he started walking out you could tell he was this he don't escort me out i'm gonna see myself out and he just said i just want to say i hate your fucking service and the people just like talk to like there were like three or four employees now kind of talking to each other and like radioing to security and the guy the anti-masker was like you a tough guy the door's right there like he's gonna fight in the mall yeah the door to the rest of the malls right there step outside to the atrium i'll throw you in the fountain how do you like that and he was like he it was just doing a
Starting point is 01:24:06 lot of tough guy talk and he uh his last thing he he said was yeah have fun uh it sounds like a good that was a good capper to that you know what yeah have fun you guys i know it was great it was like i've never seen one of these before uh and i was like oh should i get my phone out is this gonna be on the news yeah the uh yeah because and i told i've a couple times i think told that there was two anti-maskers on the train and they fought each other and it was uh it was the best it was a thing of beauty and i think that's it is there anybody that's refused it not that i've seen oh no there was somebody at the jj bean wouldn't put on her mask but she was also dressed really kooky so i'm like maybe she's just maybe she's just like a phoebe you know what i mean
Starting point is 01:24:57 just silly about i bet phoebe's an anti-masker phoebe ph be an anti-masker. No, Phoebe would wear a mask. Uh-uh. You get a lot of weird theories. She's my favorite friend. I don't want her to be an anti-masker. Who in the friends do you think would be an anti-masker? Because the odds are that one of them is going to be an anti-masker. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which of the friends would be an anti-masker?
Starting point is 01:25:17 It would be Phoebe. It would totally be Phoebe. Yeah, it would be Phoebe. She would wear a thing that would look like beaded curtains yeah it would be phoebe she would wear she would wear a thing that would look like beaded curtains that's that would be her joey would uh later season joey would be eating so much that he would never have to wear a mask yeah what's the what was the meeting where they're like we're going full idiot with joey we're gonna idiot like bottomless stomach yeah yeah eats everything is horny for everything is so dumb dumb dumber than phoebe um yeah phoebe did
Starting point is 01:25:55 also like to challenge me like remember when she got ross to admit that there was a chance evolution was wrong yeah yes so she would you're right guys i apologize i apologize yeah she's not on the side of science she would be the anti-masker yeah yeah well i'm glad we got that squared away yeah melly cat why are they masking you um my overheard comes courtesy of a couple of women out for a stroll with their uh two kids in strollers gross and uh i only got just just a bit but i feel like there was more there was more to hear but uh one of the women said to the other uh i'm not a foodie but i do like barbecue yeah that's this new kind of food.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Have you heard about this stuff? Have you heard of bullseye barbecue sauce? Anyways. Speaking of which, was Pace Picante, was that the one with the joke about New York City? Yeah. Okay. All right. I was having an argument ahead of it.
Starting point is 01:27:06 Well, no. Wait. Maybe it was Old El Paso, which was clearly in El Paso. Does Old El Paso still exist? I think so. They still make whatever you call them. Taco shells. Whatever you call them.
Starting point is 01:27:22 Yeah. They make all the taco kits. Yeah. The taco kits. Oh, yeah. That's them. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they make all the taco kits. Yeah, the taco kits. Oh, yeah, that's them. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. They rule. This is my childhood taco.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Yeah. I'll be honest, my adult taco. It's all of our adult tacos, I think. I did buy off-brand, like, Canadian-made tacos, and they were wildly disappointing. Mm-hmm. They snapped real quick. It became taco salad. It became taco salad instantly um these were these were stiff tacos these were rigid tacos they were rigid tacos and they they had no give it was like
Starting point is 01:27:54 the problem with canadian tacos is they do put the they have to put the french language on it as well so it says hard shell tacos tacos rigid and you know what the thing that influenced me was there's a pepper and he was wearing sunglasses and a sombrero and i was like uh i'm gonna buy this i regretted it uh that's why they're not allowed to advertise cigarettes to kids because it would be a pepper smoking a cigarette yeah um now alison you had another overheard this is a classic overheard that we go stars spies most controversial guest john oh do we should we guess no i was pausing for dramatic effect but then i let it go on too long yeah i was trying to think of who would be worse um this was like now i'm going way back for this one dave you're not gonna like it it's we're at least 20 years back for this one get off get a hang up your phone and i will not i called
Starting point is 01:28:57 in i'm gonna do it uh so and this part of the reason i love this so much is that because john hates it and even though he's like my favorite person it's like he's he's hard to embarrass you guys know that yeah and for some reason this really got in his head so uh we were with our parents we're all in the car we're driving down your parents Street. Your parents, David and Gwendolyn. Gwendolyn. I wish. So, I wish my mom was a lady named Gwendolyn. I'm going to ask Gwendolyn to adopt me. So, we're in this car.
Starting point is 01:29:41 And the car in front of us, it's during a no stopping time. It's rush hour. Okay. And the car in front of us stopped and a guy was running across the street to get pickup takeout okay and we couldn't get around him and when he is running back with the takeout and the light was green and everyone's honking and my brother yelled out the window at him hey buddy green means go not salad it stayed in my brain this whole time and i bring it up with him every now and again and he's like i know i don't know why i said that oh man that is that is one of the best that person
Starting point is 01:30:32 probably still thinks about it to this day yeah was it a salad restaurant or we don't even know what he had i think john was just thinking of something green right green beans going on salad uh it's uh it's a classic line oh man oh thank you for sharing yeah my goodness gracious finally i have some some hang over john's head yeah can i just say one of the things like when i first started listening to the show that i find so interesting is because john loves throwing people off balance, right? He loves, you can't tell if he's joking or if he's serious. And I love the fact that Dave, you're like the only person that can do it back to him.
Starting point is 01:31:15 Oh, I don't feel that way at all. I feel like he throws me completely off balance and I start sweating and I pee my pants a little bit. I don't like him. Oh, it's so interesting because I feel like you do that. I start sweating and I pee my pants a little bit. I don't like him. It's so interesting because I feel like you do that. Like he feels that way too. And so I'm always like this dynamic fascinates me because I've never seen it before.
Starting point is 01:31:41 That's fun. Oh, man. I have a great time. Yeah. that's fun oh man i have a great time yeah um now we also have overheards sent into us by people all over the world if you want to send it into us you can send it into spy at maximum fun dot org and this first one comes from ian oh sorry ian m yeah in pennsy, USA. Overheard this weekend. Screamed by an elementary school-aged child at a local park. Acorns! Oh my
Starting point is 01:32:10 goodness! Nice. They're wearing tiny hats. They're the best. Yeah. Yeah. And it is fun. It's fun to find an acorn. It's fun to imagine a squirrel. You know, or a woodchuck getting one. What is this?
Starting point is 01:32:26 What were Chip and Dale? They were Chipmunks. Rescue Rangers. They were Rescue Rangers. They were Tailspin. Do you know the, like, the two costumes are supposed to be a reference to Indiana Jones? And Magnum P.I. Magnum P.I.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Yeah. Of course. Fun. That. pull that out at a party you know i love it i love it um this next one i don't know where these came from the last one came from pennsylvania usa this one's from em um i was picking up drinks from a bar in Chicago this weekend, and I caught a real gem. It was a really serious guy standing up talking to his table of friends. We're trying to convince him to sit down and stay when he said the following. I don't care if I live or die. I'm on Reddit, and I'm a problem. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:20 Yeah. Self-aware. Yeah. Realizing is often the first step that you're a problem. I would like to be a problem. I would like to be a problem child because that seemed like a real fun romp. Yeah. I couldn't tell you.
Starting point is 01:33:34 I saw the first one of those. I could not tell you the plot. John Ritter and Markie Post? Yeah, that sounds right. Adopt a redheaded boy who's meddlesome. Yeah. I always thought it was too mean. It was too mean, that movie.
Starting point is 01:33:50 It seemed like there was- Was the boy mean or were the parents mean? The boy was mean. The boy was always trying to- Yeah, they adopted him at 10. Yeah. And he was like, he wore a little sweater and he had an attitude. Yeah, he had one of those 80s, early 90s kid haircuts.
Starting point is 01:34:07 Yeah. They were kind of like a tight bob. And the first one, then there was a second one. And all I remember is that at one point he puts a cat in the dryer or in the washing machine. And you thought that was mean? Yeah, I thought that was, I don't think it was called for, but. I realize i conflated
Starting point is 01:34:26 a couple of things john ritter is married to markie post in the movie where they get stuck in the tv oh shit what was that called i'm gonna i'm because it also had the guy from beetle juice jeffrey jones was in it uh-huh and it was like i don't know what movie this is it might be like remote control or stay tuned or stay tuned that's what it is stay tuned it was i saw it in the movie theater once when i was like i must i must have been 12 at least because my dad we were driving past the movies and i said oh the movie's on and he let me out of the car to go see it by myself that's nice he was like yeah you you can't be trusted you brought me to Dick Tracy twice yep and then I saw two girls from my class and I felt embarrassed that I was on this movie by myself that's that is really young to go to the movies by yourself like
Starting point is 01:35:22 I didn't get up the balls to do it till i was like 20 this was a like a neighborhood no i would have been uh oh god wait no he wasn't he was married to pam dauber in this one and he it came out in august 1992 i was 11 11 years old A young Dave Shumka Dropped off at the curb Left to fend for himself Buy some raisinettes On his way in Some glossettes I guess I don't know
Starting point is 01:35:54 I wonder if I was given A little bit of Popcorn money Yeah It really just feels like Your parents gave up By the time they got to you It was Amy Yazbeck
Starting point is 01:36:03 Was the mother In Problem Child Did John Ritter And Marky Post Work together at all up by the time they got to you it was amy yazbek was the mother and uh in problem child did john ritter and markie post work together at all i don't think they did hearts of fire they were in hearts of fire hearts of fire which was a tv show okay an american sitcom starring boy no description of it in the first paragraph other than where the name came from are you done your overheard script?
Starting point is 01:36:36 no I have one more from Roxy Z it was a photo of a license plate with a license plate holder that says I'd rather be watching prison break i remember that tv show do you remember it season one was really good it was if it had been a limited series it would have been great but they decided they were like oh yeah let's just keep making this yeah we'll get them to break way too far yeah yeah it was the the guy had a tattoo of the prison schematics on his body
Starting point is 01:37:13 and he went in he he got arrested or like whatever committed a crime so he could go to the same prison that his brother was in and break him out that's a real risky gambit that he just ended up coincidentally and because what if he did that that's true like we're shipping you to idaho and he's like god damn it graham i'll tell you this it it's not smooth sailing no yeah it's a rough road i remember seeing the most of the first season the thing he was great and exactly the second one is he has to break back into prison or something. And then just diminish his insurance. And then they're in prison in another country. And then Michael dies, but then later comes back to life.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Nice. It gets not great. Which one's Michael? The one who was originally in prison? The tattoo. The tattoo. The Wentworth Miller? Wentworth Miller.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. I interviewed Dominic Purcell once. Abby once saw Wentworth Miller in Mark's work warehouse here. Who is this that you interviewed, Allison? Dominic Purcell once. Abby once went with Miller in Mark's work warehouse here. Who is this that you interviewed, Allison? Dominic what? Dominic Purcell. He was the brother that was in jail. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:38:13 That Wentworth Miller was going in to save. They both had such short hair. Yeah. They did. They did. Two TV hunks. Yeah. Rinding it out.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Just like John Ritter. Just like John Ritter. I watched an episode of three's company like a week ago and it's insane like that that was a show that people watched every week and was one of the most popular shows on television it is wild it is wild it's it's like a kid wrote a show um in addition over here we also accept your we're so this episode's so long we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one ugh spy pod one like these people have hey dave and graham and possible guests this is
Starting point is 01:39:00 jessica calling from new jersey i was just on my way to pick up my daughter from school on like one of the first really beautiful days this spring. I saw a boy about 11 years old riding his bike through town wearing a brown shirt that just said art. Yes. Yes. That rules.
Starting point is 01:39:22 That rules. Everyone knows it. That kid is probably in Cooper Cooper rules. Everyone knows it. That kid is probably in Cooper font. Yes. Yeah. Once at a music festival, they had these little necklaces and they were doing a great, like you could buy a necklace and they would do, engrave your name or whatever on it. And I asked them to write fart on it and they were shocked and scandalized, but did it for me.
Starting point is 01:39:47 And I was so happy when I walked away, I heard the guy say to the woman working there, never seen anyone be so happy about a fart. And I was like, yeah, I really, I still have it. Not that long ago.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Like, well, 10 years ago, I, uh, too long ago. We can't do anything that long ago there was a cereal company that had a an ongoing promotion that if you sent in a couple of barcodes or
Starting point is 01:40:12 whatever they would send you a personalized spoon and so i went on their website and i put my name was turdy motherfucker and they never sent it to me even though i had the goods but the website didn't reject you. No, it's just they got it with like, we can't. We can't do this. He'll show it all over town. We can't say Apple Jacks. Dirty motherfucker. Dirty or
Starting point is 01:40:35 turdy? Dirty. Oh, okay. Yeah. Either one is good. Yeah, that's true. I like them both. Here's your next one. Phone call over. Hi there, Dave and Graham, and hopefully illustrious guest. This is Josh in Wichita, Kansas. And I just overheard two young men speaking in my local Target in hushed tones. They said to one another,
Starting point is 01:41:01 You just can't be a professional gamer with a girlfriend it never works out yeah that's true not wrong the gaming comes first and then everything else sorry babe yeah yeah um yeah i mean uh i wonder if he was talking from experience or from some, like his personal experience or from a gamer that he watches. Yeah. Gamer gate. Maybe this guy's Twitch stream has gotten so bad since he's found love. And he has to pick between the new call of duty and love.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Yeah. You know what I like? It's like seeing a one minute clip of a crazy thing that happens in a video game. Yeah. I don't want to follow a streamer. I just want to see like look at this guy who parachuted in through a window and twisted
Starting point is 01:41:58 someone's head off. Yeah, exactly. In Mario Kart. So that's your YouTube wormhole is that you're going in and. Yeah. Or like a crazy thing that happens in Grand Theft Auto. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Yeah. Those are fun. That's fun. Here's your final overhurt. Hey, David Graham. This is Adam calling from Brooklyn, New York.
Starting point is 01:42:19 Hey, I was just out outdoor drinking at our local bar. And there are these two guys near us. We were talking about a movie, and I heard one guy say, dude, Julia Van Ness dies in the first scene of Godzilla. And the other guy says, from what? And the first guy says, from Godzilla. I was not ready for this.
Starting point is 01:42:46 He had a pre-existing condition. Yeah. She died from complications of Godzilla. Let me just run a quick diagnostic on you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is a Godzilla stomping we're seeing here. What guy do you think wins in that
Starting point is 01:43:06 godzilla or kong i think uh well juliette binoche definitely doesn't win she dies in the first scene yeah yes i heard that i think i think that they hug it out i think at the end they realize we're both monsters we want similar things let's let's become close yeah and then they they kiss a bit so this nice a bit it's i feel like isn't it like pg-13 or something but they can kiss until the strings play and then the camera pans tilts up yes okay they kiss are they boy god i'm just trying to picture their lips godzilla doesn't really have lips um king kong does is has ape lips yeah but godzilla's got a lot of tongue how about if it was this they kiss camera tilts up camera tilts back down they're uh have little gods half godzilla
Starting point is 01:43:59 half kong's running around their i love it yeah Little half Marky Post, half John Rivers. Hearts of Fire is a politically topical series. And they play, oh, they play John Hartman and Georgie and Lottie, respectively. Wow. Wow. This is good. I can't believe it didn't go six seasons in a movie. Was this, it also started
Starting point is 01:44:26 billy bob thornton oh my god well now i have to watch it yeah this sounds why did we talk about this hearts of fire hearts a fire that's hearts of fire okay uh everybody out there check it out allison that brings us to the end this episode. Thank you so much for being our guest. It's a dream come true. Guys, I feel like I was too excited this time. It'll be better the second time. You were great. You were top drawer.
Starting point is 01:44:54 We enjoyed you very much. Well, I can't speak for Dave, but I enjoyed you very much. I enjoyed you very much. We'll have to check with John to see if there'll be a second time. So your record label is Howl and Roar. Yes. Please check it out at Howl underscore Roar on social media or Howl and Roar records dot com. And these are what do you got on there? Yeah, you got to stand up is the thing.
Starting point is 01:45:20 It's mostly stands up. We have one sketch album. We're working on another sketch album now uh and it's all all kinds of comedians our focus is um we're female centric so 70 of our focus and output is women okay um in the remaining 30 we give priority to men in marginalized communities and uh but lots of funny people so we just uh put out aaron hark's album she's actually an american it's our first full-blooded american i know they take all our stuff and then bonnie mcfarland was our first canadian who lives in america okay yeah yeah that's exciting um and And Michelle Shaughnessy and Rebecca Kohler
Starting point is 01:46:05 and Gavin Stevens and just lots of people. It's a real party. It's a real party. And because we're a one-off, like I don't, people don't, everyone,
Starting point is 01:46:15 I often get asked like, who's on your roster? And I'm like, no, no, no. This is people work with us on a per project basis. So if their next album, they're like,
Starting point is 01:46:26 I don't want to make it with you. I'm like, hey, freedom, babe. You don't have to. Yeah, there you go. You can also just say, just list the comedians and say they're on your roster. That's true. I don't have a roster, Dev.
Starting point is 01:46:38 I don't have a roster. I don't. All right. All right. Well, thank you so much for being our guest. What's that? I was like, also give it a go. Why do I have to do all, thank you so much for being our guest. What's that? I was like, also give it a go. Why do I have to do all the work?
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah. Give it a go. Absolutely. Yeah. But like, I guess we just wanted to know, like, you know, are the black keys on this label? Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Yeah. They're getting into jokes. It's exciting. Yeah. They do one parody song album for every serious album. Do they do parodies of their own songs? Sometimes, but mostly it's ones that are really easy targets.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Oh, sure. Everyone wants to be like, poo, this kind of thing. Really silly, really bottom. They're bad. They're bad. It's not great, but... Allison, thank you so much for being our guest. Thank you everybody out there for listening to
Starting point is 01:47:25 the show take care of yourselves and uh those around you and come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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