Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 683 - Dana Smith

Episode Date: April 20, 2021

Dana Smith of Hunks joins us to talk comedy songs, cherry blossoms, and neighbour drama....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 683 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who, we're not in the same room if that's what anybody thinks. We're in two separate residences and we would appreciate you not reporting us, Mr. Dave Shupka. Yes, I told Graham about a thing I'd seen on the internet about a court case, a Zoom court case, and the two people were not supposed to be in the same room, and they were in the same room, and they were like looking at each other, and you could tell, and it was great. I mean, it was very sad because of the
Starting point is 00:00:59 nature of the case. Did he pass a drink, and it went from one screen to another screen? did he pass a drink and it went from one screen to another there was a wiener dog in both shots i wonder if in those like court cases if you could be if you are like prohibited from being on a fake background oh like you're trying to make this silly yeah i'm trying to be i just would like those fake backgrounds to be prohibited, period. Yeah. You know? Yeah. I find them distracting and they always flash in and out. Yeah. I mean, I've done some fun ones. It's always funny for a laugh, but just like have the laugh and then move on.
Starting point is 00:01:40 That voice that you're hearing uh belongs to our guest today uh she's a member of the hunks sketch troop and they have a album out right now called mouth beef and i don't want to ever say that again it's dana smith everybody hello hello hello have you done any fun background things on the Zoom? You know, I've been in one with Tim putting one behind me. But it's just, I'm not that person. I don't know. Yeah. Who is that person? Describe that person.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Well, Tim. Tim is that person. And it is funny. I enjoy that person he he it's it is funny i enjoy that person i just um i'm not about to go you know learning how to work this uh no thank you and the tim that she's referring to is tim the tool man taylor uh she's talking about tim, who was our guest a few weeks ago. It's wife month here on stop podcasting yourself. Uh, we're having all the wives a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:02:51 We had John doors, wife, Alison on. Yeah. And, uh, last week, my work wife was on.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Oh, well, I'm excited to have this happens next week this is very exciting i i listened to that the episode with with tim uh recently and he fully lied i have some pointers that you would like to lay on i would just like to tell you that he fully lied about um about when we were talking about peggy our dog dog, going on a ski with her. We did that, but we didn't go
Starting point is 00:03:31 anywhere close to three hours. The longest ski we did with her was max an hour and 15 minutes. The ski that he's talking about, we did it by ourselves, and that's why it took three hours. I just have to let you guys know that we would never force our dog to run pulling us for three freaking hours well it's good to clear the air about these things yeah get it out in the open have you had this conversation with him off air too yeah you call him a liar to his face i called him a liar
Starting point is 00:04:01 and then i pulled down his pants and then what and then peggy looked at him like like he struck her you want to get to know us yes indeed pulling somebody's pants down is like the that's the top of the charts when it comes to like dehumanizing somebody it It is so satisfying. Like, I think I think the only reason I started wearing belts at junior high was because of the ever present threat of them. And kids with the wear sweatpants now, that's going to be that's the hot zone for pants. There's always some kind of hot zone. Like I when I went to high school um it was basketball shorts were very in
Starting point is 00:04:45 and boys were always wearing basketball shorts and come on you went to adam sandler academy yeah i went to happy madison u mini u have either you had that happen have you ever been pantsed? Oh, yeah. It was a big thing in elementary school, like grade six, grade seven. Yeah. It was, there's pantsing, a lot of pantsing happening, a lot of wedgies. A lot of wedgies. Yeah. A lot of bra snapping.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Oh, yeah. A lot of snake bites. You remember snake bites? Yeah, I remember snake bites. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Now, would you rather be pantsed or wedgie? I think I'd rather be pantsed.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I'd rather be wedgie. I'd rather be wedgied. Yeah? I have more experience with wedgying, but I feel like there's less shame. But it's so painful. Yeah, but my penis. With the wedgie, people probably won't see my penis. There's like a very little penis-y possibility.
Starting point is 00:05:46 You know, it'd be the worst is getting wedgied and then pants. Yeah. Up and then down. Yikes. Yeah. Get this lumpy mess. Especially grade seven,
Starting point is 00:05:59 like grade seven. I don't want anyone to see my penis. Now I don't care. Yeah. You're just getting your pube ratio right in grade seven when was it the perfect yeah you don't want to go too much like what years i don't know if it ever it was like i feel like i had none and then i had way too many yeah i mean truly my my perfect pube years uh are behind me they and they were like probably when i was like 22 and cared just so much you know right yeah no i uh i think my optimum was when i had like six pubes
Starting point is 00:06:41 oh yeah really long but they were big yeah real springers i remember like at first whenever they cropped up i was like here we go the wild adventure of teenage dump i was very surprised at where my first one came i assumed that it would come out the front but it was really more underneath that was the first one where it was like if your first as if your first you know facial hair was like on your neck you know i don't remember the first i just remember wanting them craving them craving them and then i don't remember them them uh appearing but they did i promise i remember i was traumatized i was like i'm not ready no i was ready but i was uh i was shocked i, Oh no, innocence being left behind. Yeah. So Dana,
Starting point is 00:07:46 we mentioned the name of your album, Mouth Beef, along with Hunks. How many members of Hunks are there? Four of us. Four. And was there a consensus around the name Mouth Beef? Did everyone agree?
Starting point is 00:07:59 This is what we're going to name it. We love it. Yep. Everyone loved it. It was pretty unanimous. We were excited to say it. We're excited to have other people say it. We love it. Everyone loved it. It was pretty unanimous. We were excited to say it. We were excited to have other people say it. We were excited to have people on the radio
Starting point is 00:08:11 say it. Have you had that yet? Somebody on the radio? Yeah. You're listening to a track from Mouth Beef coming in at number one this week. Yeah, that was a new one from Mouth Beef. No, the track hasn't been played on the radio or maybe it has um but uh but there was an interview done on the radio about mouth beef that's pretty good just to make an uh an announcer have to say it is a very serious cbc person yeah
Starting point is 00:08:42 all right uh well would they just say and your album name is, and then let you say it. No, no, no. They said it proudly. They said it like probably more times than we did. Whoa. Cool radio. Very cool radio. Very cool radio.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Apparently we have an all comedy station in this city, and I just learned that today. Oh, yeah. Is it the one that used to be the sports station? Yeah. TSN? Yeah, maybe. Okay. in this city and i just learned that today oh yeah is it one of the one that used to be the sports station yeah tsn yeah maybe okay we have that too like the tsn radio station turned into an all comedy radio station and it sounds like it's like wartime radio because it's so so brutal like the the reception like i thought that it was a lot of hey our boys are fighting for us over there yeah i haven't listened to am radio in a long time it's like it's it's where they if you were gonna listen to a sporting event it would be on am radio yeah but it's been a while
Starting point is 00:09:42 it's very normal for like hockey broadcasts to sound like you're in a farm in a blizzard and that everyone is just stuck at home listening to this hockey game yeah oh and these martians are coming oh but we and oh they're overtaking us can you imagine if you're related to somebody who is one of the people who panicked because of that? None of us can imagine we're the people, but just imagine like it's your uncle. I can. It would be my uncle. Because it's like we live in a place where people are related to people who believe things on Facebook.
Starting point is 00:10:25 No, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that was the, the, the like junk article at the time. That's the new Martians on the radio.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah. Yeah. Orson Welles started off doing, you know, uh, xenophobic memes. Um, so how, how's the, the year been for you Dana I mean this is the first time we've had you on the podcast so we can pull from your entire life how's your life been my life what's your life been up until
Starting point is 00:10:55 now oh boy um my life's been you know like no complaints, but, you know, I'd say a normal amount of complaints. But I think it's pretty good. Yeah. I think I have a pretty good life. Thanks, guys. Hey, no problem. We're happy we could bring this realization to you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Graham, if you were a guest and someone asked you, if you were a guest on this show, would you say you've had a pretty good life? Yeah, how has both of your lives been so far? I think so. I mean, like, I think, like, you know how they say when a dog dies, they're like, ah, he really led a good life. I think that you could put me down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, I'm like, yeah, like you, no complaints.
Starting point is 00:11:45 But certainly I've had complaints. I've complained. But no, like, no reason to complain. Yeah. You boys were all in the clear, all three of us. You boys? Oh, yeah. You know what?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Listeners will post pictures of all our poops and you can guess who's who. Now that sounds like a radio contest. Do you guys like listening to comedy as opposed to watching a comedy special? Like listening to it via like the radio
Starting point is 00:12:22 or like Spotify or an album as opposed to like watching it on tv i'm really bad for not um not wanting to ingest comedy yes yes i'm really bad for that because it feels like work so i'm like i like a superhero a movie i superhero movie. I like listening to superhero albums. I like listening to superhero albums or true crime albums or, you know, that kind of stuff. Yeah, I don't, when I was a kid, I loved like comedy albums, comedy music music like or sketch albums uh but yeah it's i do still listen to tons of comedy podcasts but um no i don't i haven't i can't remember the last time i watched someone's special yeah it's weird because it's like it's a neat thing i think if you've never been to a
Starting point is 00:13:21 comedy club ever like it's like a neat like oh this person's just standing on stage and talking and everybody's laughing but uh that's it though there's no other there's no other thing to it so yeah you know what i mean like if you've seen one special you really have like seen the blueprint of every single special that's ever been recorded even when they do like uh switch it up with some production values it's that's only part of it like it's still the basic framework of a person talking to a bunch of people yeah yeah unless i really liked adam sandler's special which is still very much in the blueprint but he had some funny songs yeah that might have been the last special i watched, and I liked it a lot. I loved it. I was surprised how much I liked it.
Starting point is 00:14:07 I'm a big fan of comedy songs. Dana, what's your favorite comedy song? Oh, no, I don't listen to comedy songs. You got me. Yes. Favorite comedy song. Oh, brother. Oh, I'm listening to Lonely Island again recently.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And I think just nothing can beat the michael bolton one yeah uh the captain jack sparrow one nice well that's a good one that's a good one to select as a fave what's your favorite comedy song do you like them uh i love them i think it's probably uh something from the weird al catalog perhaps an Amish paradise. Oh, yeah. Classic. Yeah, it was pretty classic. It was fun. Nobody got hurt in that one. I feel like some of his songs, you know, probably would read as fat phobic. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Especially the one titled Fat. Yes, yes, yes. But he did have food songs on every album and TV songs. You've heard that story, the Kurt Cobain story when he was approached. Yeah, I think he was like, yeah, he's the guy who sings about roast beef, right? Yeah, he asked them like, is it going to be about food? Is it going to be about roast beef? So specific.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Anything else, I'm fine. But if it's roast beef, man, cancel it. Yeah. When you were growing up listening to comedy or watching comedy, who were you paying attention to? It was Weird Al. That was, it was. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:15:40 It was all Weird Al. Weird Al and you know what? I watched a lot of Jim Carrey. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I credit Jim Carrey to my having a fairly malleable face. Because I would just, I would watch it and then I would do faces in the mirror. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Nice. That's what he said he did too. We were watching Liar Liar the other day. day oh yeah um which is a lot hornier than i remember it was pretty funny yeah it seems like it's a family friendly one but yeah it's about a five-year-old boy who makes a wish that his dad can't lie that sounds like super like a super funny kid's premise yeah but there's a lot of uh you know he talks a lot about other people's premises premises and vaginas um but he he does that thing where uh the kid realizes the wish came true and the kid is asking him all the questions like uh oh is this
Starting point is 00:16:43 true is this true yeah is wrestling real in the olympics yes on channel 34 no exactly and that thing about uh if i make this face will it stay like that no in fact a lot of people make a good living that way yeah uh i saw that movie in the theater and at the end of the movie everybody applauded the weird thing about the end of that movie is they do bloopers yeah the bloopers but it's so it's like there no blooper happened that wasn't jim carrey being the hero like it's all oh yeah you know what i never considered that it's not like a uh where like a bunch of people you know flubbed their lines it's just him except one time swoozy kurtz says over actor yeah that was oh yeah that's what they ended it on
Starting point is 00:17:32 and everyone applauded that's what everyone was applauding for yeah do movies still do that bloopers in the credits or is that just a thing of the past? I think so. I mean, I... Nomadland does it. Did you watch that new one with... It's called Bad Trip. Oh, yeah. With Eric Andre. Eric Andre. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:54 They have them in there. There you go. So it is. It's still... They're carrying on with the tradition. It's like... I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I think the only reason to make a movie is to have bloopers. 100% I remember the bloopers way more than the movie. I remember the bloopers from almost all of them. I definitely remember all of them from Liar Liar, but I also remember the ones from Rush Hour. Oh, Rush Hour. Yeah, Jackie Chan was the king of the bloopers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah. He was always getting hit in the nards by a chair or a fridge door oh man how there's just nobody has taken over the mantle of jackie chan in terms of like well i'm doing all these crazy stunts and that's the whole point of this movie i guess tom cruise does some comedy stunts though you're not gonna find a comedy stuntman no why not who's who's the next in the line, you know? Yeah, it was like between Buster Keaton, then Jackie Chan, and then another 50 years before the next one. I heard that Brendan Fraser, the reason that he stopped working is because he was doing his own stunts and he went too hard.
Starting point is 00:19:05 working is because he was doing his own stunts and he went too hard and so i feel like brendan frazier was primed to be doing like funny stunt guy because he was all like i'm brendan frazier you could say i'm pretty funny there's a lot of eyebrows going on with dana right now yeah brendan frazier he had the ass by the tail and then uh i know that he's like he's like a voice in a tv series he hasn't gone away but uh like you at least if they make a mummy sequel he's gonna come in at some point do like a winking cameo right oh man well they did do they did do one with an even older guy didn't't they? Isn't Tom Cruise older? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I mean, I'm guessing. Yeah. How many years older do we think Tom Cruise is? Then. I'm going to guess. Then Brendan Fraser. Brendan Fraser. Fraser.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Fraser. Five. Is it Fraser or Frazier? Fraser. Fraser. It's Fraser. Oh, it is Fraser. Brendan Fraser.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Brendan Fraser. Brendan Fraser. So I'm going to say that Brendan Frazier is 50. And Tom Cruise is like 57. You're saying seven years. Seven. You're saying five years. I'm saying five.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I'm saying 11 years. Whoa. And Brendan Frazier versus Tom Cruise. Here we go. Zeebsorp calculating. Hacking. Hacking. Enhance.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Enhance. Enhance. Tom Cruise. Born Thomas Cruise Maypother IV. Syracuse, New York.uly 3rd 1962 okay which makes him 58 58 wow he's 58 you were i would have thought he was 67 remember that yeah i do remember that that's right from a couple seconds ago yes yeah brendan fraser brendan james born brendan james fraser in indianapolis indiana what i thought he was canadian i think he's canadian through a loophole
Starting point is 00:21:11 oh well he's telling people that born december 3rd 1968 he is six and a half years younger he is six and a half years younger oh so you were closest you're only off by six months yeah tom cruise is still doing his own stunts and he's pushing up on 60 and i haven't done even one stunt well you heard that clip of him like going crazy on people for uh not wearing masks and not like following protocols during the latest mission impossible i think it was mission impossible yeah because he was mad that they were screwing things up or whatever yeah because he like you think in his mind he's like i want to be like i need to get these things done before i'm too old to like jump off a motorcycle to hang off of a plane which is your favorite Mission Impossible
Starting point is 00:22:08 movie I like the really the most recent one with the plane oxygen mask scene yeah and his mustache his manly manly mustache his unshaveable mustache unshaveable he was also
Starting point is 00:22:24 filmed oh no never mind i just i just had some really embarrassing moment where i was about to quote your podcast to you oh embarrassing um he i don't know if i have a how do i choose a favorite i've only seen about two of them i think i uh saw the second one and the fourth one um maybe the fifth how many have there been how many have there been six or seven it's tough it's tough because they stopped numbering them they just started calling them like ghost protocol yeah i bought like there was a deal on the itunes store where you could buy five of them for like ten dollars oh that's not bad wow so i bought the first five and uh never watched
Starting point is 00:23:18 so i think i saw the second one in the theater and uh yeah the fourth one at home while looking at my phone that he tom cruise is basically that's what he does now is just makes uh mission impossible movies yeah and apparently top gun oh yeah they were gonna re they did redo top gun i think they're gonna last year yeah i think they're gonna wait till the thirst is ready for it they're gonna hold on it's weird how like what things what movies decide no no we'll wait and others are just like let's stream it well i'm guessing that it has to do a lot with what you said, where he's just like, I killed myself during this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I am not going to have people not go out and see it in the theaters because of some virus. Yeah. Right. Like the chimera virus from Mission Impossible 2. Good memory. too good memory he's like i will i i'm gonna you know i will go on james corden i'm not gonna record a zoom james corden yeah i'm not like brendan fraser we're gonna do carpool karaoke and i'm gonna sing yeah sing songs from all of my movies closing credit songs i'm gonna sing uh you know whatever i sang as the the guy from tropic thunder with the hairy hairy forearms that's uh was that ludicrous that
Starting point is 00:24:56 song that went over he's a guy who's just he's made a killer career out of just being in the fast and the furious movies i don't think he acts in anything else, but he's been in every single one of those, I think. Who was supposed to... Who turned that down? Was it like Ja Rule or something? Ja Rule kicking himself now. I haven't seen...
Starting point is 00:25:20 I'm a really big fan of the Mission Impossible movies and franchises in general. But I've never seen the Fast and the Furious movies. Or like seen like maybe one where they were stealing a bunch of DVD players. That's how fart goes back. Yeah. By all accounts, they're a lot of fun. They are fun. Have you seen them, Graham? Yeah, I've seen a lot of fun they are fun have you seen them graham yeah i've seen a
Starting point is 00:25:48 bunch of them and if you watch them in order uh there's one that they skip over tokyo drift doesn't exist in the the long form of the series but it starts with just being about car races and then by the eighth one they're like driving over a submarine. That's it. It's stuck in ice. Maybe I'll start when it starts to get silly. Yeah, I get silly pretty quick. I'm just not a fan of car chases.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Oh, well, then you're out. I feel like the idea of a car chase has changed because of those movies. Like it used to be like Ronan, we're driving a bunch of, uh, you know, Audis across France. And now it's like,
Starting point is 00:26:35 uh, uh, you know, a bunch of vehicles, like all different kinds of vehicles somehow on the same highway. And it's like, it's kind of like synchronized driving and uh like i feel like now before it was just like look at these cars
Starting point is 00:26:52 hey they're going fast i feel like there's probably a uh baby boomer out there who's like bring back you know steve mcqueen that was my guy that's a suvice car chase give me gene hackman chasing an elevated train i don't need any of these computer graphics turbo graphics 16 yeah there's uh uh Have you seen any of them, Dave? No, I think I fell asleep in the first one. And that's it. I, yeah, I have trouble falling asleep to movies.
Starting point is 00:27:37 But there was one that I nearly fell asleep during. It was just like last week. I can't remember what it is that's how boring it was i uh my only remember a memory of uh the first fast and furious and i think i've talked about this so many times uh it was i used to work in a law office and i was just a clerk and there were these other clerks and they were, they were car dudes. Like one guy was like, hey, come out to the suburbs this weekend. I'm going to be burning out my old tires before I get new tires put on them.
Starting point is 00:28:14 So just doing donuts? Yeah, I'm just going to do donuts. Come watch. And I was like, I don't think I'll make it. Oh man, that's, I can't think of a better thing to do with a weekend than to see somebody do donuts. Oh, man. I can't think of a better thing to do with a weekend than to see somebody do donuts. And they were like,
Starting point is 00:28:27 oh, we're going opening night to the Fast and the Furious 1. Because we gotta see it before it gets banned. I heard this movie's so dangerous it's gonna get banned. What? It's the same thing as when Joker
Starting point is 00:28:43 came out and they're like, you just wait, there's gonna same thing as, like, when Joker came out. They're like, you just wait. There's going to be some violence because of this movie. It didn't happen. Except that the movie got nominated for Best Picture. That was, what a crazy year that was. Did you not like the Joker movie? Yeah, I liked it just fine.
Starting point is 00:28:58 But, I mean, like, it's a movie about, like, a clown man. It is, yeah. It wasn't, like, it was no forest gump i guess so but i just i found it refreshing to have a movie that wasn't like trying to teach us anything you know that was just like a weird clown guy it was trying to teach us how to do stand-up comedy i think that was the takeaway yeah it's probably my favorite stand-up special was The Joker. As someone who did stand-up comedy, there was a lot that rang true about it in terms of people who are not good at stand-up comedy. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah. oh yeah the only the only thing that was bizarre is that somehow that late night host that Robert De Niro played
Starting point is 00:29:47 had footage of this guy bombing at like an open mic yeah that was weird like why would that be fodder
Starting point is 00:29:56 like okay so maybe it was a viral video right right yeah okay I can buy into that but why would
Starting point is 00:30:04 a video of someone bombing go viral? Yeah. There's nothing there. Well, this was before the internet in this movie, right? It was like in the 80s or something. Oh, yeah. You're right. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:17 You're right. Yeah. Why would that go viral? Yeah. How did they find out about him? I don't know. Did you ever watch Marvelousrs mazel yes but that's another one where the the act in the tv show you're like why are people laughing at this
Starting point is 00:30:31 yes it was really frustrating and like also very uncomfortable when she would she she decided to just start doing stand-up by getting on a table in a restaurant in france you know but that she's she's very big in france because of that she had a new take on stand-up comedy doing on a table it's must be so hard to make that kind of thing where you have to invent go back in time and invent a piece of culture right and have audiences minds blown um i And maybe comedy is the hardest way. Like, maybe a fake stand-up comedian is a very high degree of difficulty. Because you watch that thing you do, and you're like, man, that song rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Tom Hanks in the movie Punchline, he's really good at it. He, like, went out and was a stand-up comedian for a bunch of months. And then he sounded like a comedian. Uh, and the bits were like for the eighties were pretty good. Yeah. Same with Sally field, right?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. But she had the same very eighties, but yeah, still seemed like a comedian. Yeah. She seemed like a comedian. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:39 all of them seem like comedians and then you see their act in the thing and you're like, ah, this is a, this, why is this person popular? Why are they doing so well with this act? So, yeah, the Joker is probably the most realistic. Yeah, that's true. Except for him going viral.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Now, Dana, before the show, you asked what I was drinking And I'm having a beer And you said that you are not Drinking any alcohol For three weeks Or no I haven't for three weeks Oh haven't for three weeks Is there a special reason You know I kind of
Starting point is 00:32:18 Fell into it I'm trying to remember why I stopped Other than just like Just not really seeing any benefit oh oh the benefits uh let me make a list i was gonna go the other way i was like oh no you weren't expecting benefits were you um no i think it's because like i've also um i was a very daily drinker you know like not a ton every day but certainly every day oh yeah you gotta have your sherry
Starting point is 00:32:53 yeah yeah i'm very much a frazier crane need my sherry before i go out to the opera um and so I would have like a little bit every day and oh and this started happening I started waking up at five in the morning every time I would every time I would have anything to drink so I was like okay well I guess I can't do that anymore so well if anything alcohol was helping you get a jump on the day yeah yeah yeah oh no no I kept waking up at five in the morning and jogging i did my uh i did my tax returns yeah go to work on time um i yeah it's weird when you have you ever been like somewhere where they drink a weird thing, but I don't know if this is even, I don't know if I'm thinking of this in the right way, but like, I remember I visited some people once and they were like, after dinner, we'll have some ice wine. And I was like, is this an Icelandic thing? Isn't it? But, well well this wasn't in iceland this was in montreal but but i couldn't get my head around like why is this something you have
Starting point is 00:34:14 to do every day is this part of the meal process right like you have to you have to drink at every meal or like it just seemed like i i don't know it was i was probably 25 but it seemed like a very grown-up thing to like have course meals with courses yeah which i still don't that makes me feel like they were putting that on where they were like yes this is what we have to have at the end of every meal yeah maybe it was for guests but it was like yeah the idea of meals with courses seems a million miles away. Yeah, it does still to this day. If I had a meal with courses, I don't know what I'd do.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I'd probably just be an idiot and fill up so much on the first course. Oh, we're having soup for dinner. I better have an extra couple bowls. Bring me a whole tureen. we're having soup for dinner i better have an extra couple bowls bring me a whole tureen like even at christmas dinner we do we how you know what my parents used to do a little fruit salad before dinner and then we would do a giant you would do a fruit salad before dinner yeah it would be like bananas and cherries and strawberries. I don't think I've ever heard that before.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Me either. I don't know why we did it. I never questioned it. But then, and that would be the one item in that course. And then Christmas dinner is, you know, 10 items that you choose in varying quantities. And then some pudding. No one wants. Figgy pudding. I may have,
Starting point is 00:35:49 it was, it came with something called hard sauce, which was, I don't know. It was all I wanted. Like the, the pudding itself was disgusting, but it came with this white hard sauce,
Starting point is 00:36:03 which was, I think just like icing sugar and a little bit of water that they was it was that they hardened it's not just called hard sauce for i don't know i don't know man well you would remember if it was hard i wouldn't remember because i'm a daily drinker and I wake up every morning at five. Forget where I am. Wipe my memory. Start working on tonight's set.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Work on my monologue jokes with Bobby. Bobby's an hero. Yeah. Like, so you're just, you, you accidentally stopped drinking and now are you just seeing how far you can push it?
Starting point is 00:36:47 Well, I kind of dabbled in like, like, you know, resets for, for a while. And, um, I'm been listening to this terrible podcast, but great content, but like, just like, Oh boy, I don't like that. It's bad sound quality. boy i don't like the it's bad sound quality and i don't like her voice i don't like the way she says things but the content is there you know it's good information about about the role of alcohol on in like your psyche and stuff oh yeah and so i'm just trying to find other ways of like differentiating the day from the night and like from like deciding okay this is my relaxation time so far it's just been food it's not going great i've definitely put on quite a lot of weight
Starting point is 00:37:37 but uh break out the hard sauce right yeah um what's the longest you've given up drinking graham uh many years ago i gave it up for like probably pretty close to a year oh wow just yeah and it was kind of did we talk about this a couple months ago i don't know but i definitely i did i went on like i did that kind of thing i stopped for a week i was like let's see if i can do two weeks and then after six months I forgot how good Booze was and then a year went past and I was like okay let's get back all these enough of this playing around here
Starting point is 00:38:13 I gave it up for January I think this January? but I feel like we talked about it I can't remember though but it was fine. Yeah. Yeah, I feel fine.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I did miss it. Yeah. It's, you know, it's Miller time, etc. You know, these Bud Lights all around. I don't know. I don't know. There's no slogan for beers that I can remember. Corona from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, everyone has a... Oh, boy. I wonder how many beer slogans we can remember. Yeah. Well, Kokanee, it's the beer out here. It's the beer out here. That's right. No, I'm just keeping thinking of that Budweiser.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Yeah. Oh, there's King of Beers. Yeah, there you go. That's dude. Bud Light was great taste, less filling. Yeah. People would fight about it. Yeah. Oh, there's King of Beers. Yeah, there you go. That's dude. Bud Light was great taste, less filling. People would fight about it. Yeah. Was there ever one for Canadian, Wilson Canadian?
Starting point is 00:39:12 I guess there was that I am Canadian thing. Oh, that's what it is. Yeah. Yeah. There's the, isn't it Dos Equis? Is it Esquis or Equis? Dos Equis. Dos Equis.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Yeah. La cerveza mas fina. That's good. yeah it turns out we can remember a lot of them yeah they're good they are good they're good uh i'm proud of them uh carlsberg is probably the best beer in the world oh and then isn't tuborg the beer of sp Spanish kings or something? Danish kings. Yes. You're only making me miss beer here, guys. It's nice. I really only drink it on podcast nights.
Starting point is 00:39:57 That was a hard thing for me too because we have a podcast, Hunks has a podcast and I start to look forward to having a glass of wine. Although, one thing that I don't miss is slowly seeing my teeth turn red throughout the episode.
Starting point is 00:40:16 So that's nice. Or get that kind of red lip. Juice mustache. Yeah. Well, I use a sippy cup. That helps with that a lot oh man you guys you do you remember the kid that had like horrible grape juice like he always had grape juice or he licked the top of his lips too much and they had that kind of red and like a chapped upper lip or yeah well the other day i had was just catapulted back
Starting point is 00:40:46 into that i saw a kid that had like black snot under just underneath of its nose just crusted on and i was like gross oh i i do feel like i am closer to that than ever like when i was a kid i wasn't that messy and my hair had no no body to it so it just fall flat but now i'm like just a messy haired person yeah yeah um but yeah that uh and i've taken i've taken to showering at night lately so uh i what's that like uh well like i'll exercise like i'll have time to i'll be like oh it's uh the kids are in bed i have time to do us a quick yoga before bed yeah and then i i do uh and then i take a shower and in the morning my hair is crazy and i can't what do i what do i do about it i always whenever i do that i'm always like what if it turned out great like yeah I always kind of
Starting point is 00:41:47 hope for like what if this is the way that I should always do it and it's gonna I'm gonna look like the way I've always wanted to look I'll finally be wonderful yeah and it's not that I like my hair probably is crazy regardless in the morning but I use if i shower i can flatten it out and start you know have a fresh canvas yeah not today man no it's i can't do the before bed shower because it's like i'm just sweating the whole night through and i'm gonna wake up i can't be like no i'm this is good this is good i'm still damp from sweat let's go to. Do you sweat from the shower? No, I just sweat in my sleep. Doesn't matter how many or how few covers you use?
Starting point is 00:42:35 Is it because you're wearing flannel pajamas? Yes, I'm wearing flannel pajamas. I'm wearing a toque in case I get called outside. What? When you talk to your doctor, how many things do you bring up? Well, the thing is, is that they don't have all the time in the world. You know what I mean? There's only so long an appointment is. When I go to the doctor, and it's been a while since I've been to an office,
Starting point is 00:42:53 but they do have a thing on the sign that says, like, no more than two issues. Yeah. And you have to have warned them. Yeah, that's right. I went to a doctor. I had made an appointment one time for a doctor for one thing and then that thing went away but then a new thing happened so i went in and they were like oh you're here because of this i was like scratch that no that was just a tester this is the real deal i got a pube but you'll be surprised where
Starting point is 00:43:22 but i want okay okay I'm here because I thought I had a pube but it turns out I peed out of it the best schoolyard joke that ever was written and yet I know professional comedians who told it I've never heard that one before
Starting point is 00:43:43 it was it got a lot of juice on the playground I was about to be like You're so funny But now I won't All the best jokes Are from the schoolyard Dave what's going on with you man
Starting point is 00:44:03 Well not much at all But we we do that we have a real spring awakening here in vancouver uh the last couple weeks after unseasonably cold early spring and just the rainiest few months in the world yeah have been so the last couple weeks have been so beautiful yeah uh and every every year we get these cherry blossoms around the city. And the trees have beautiful pink blossoms all over. And every year people kind of go crazy for them. But I would say this year more than any year I've ever witnessed, people are losing their minds about them yes
Starting point is 00:44:45 would you agree graham i would agree and i also think cherry blossoms have this very bizarre life cycle where they're only up in the trees for like a very limited time and they are great up in the trees and then they start falling and then they land on the ground and they turn to brown sludge and then you're just stuck with brown sludge for a couple of weeks yeah we used to live on the on a corner and the east west streets there were cherry blossoms would bloom at a different time than the north south streets oh yeah so i would have to like park my car depending on what was blooming at what time and what was falling off right so yeah it was like because they fall on your car and then they like tear the paint off yeah they like become quite
Starting point is 00:45:31 gluey uh so they are like man this sounds like a nightmare it's kind of a nightmare but like tell that to the millions of people taking selfies with them every time i leave my house which is once a week it's always the same guy yeah i'll get this one now for sure um yeah i uh i've always thought that was weird that you would get your picture taken with a plant but a lot of people do it yeah oh no it's beautiful it's beautiful i would do it i'm is there in dana in winnipeg is there a uh thing that people wait all year for or like some kind of beautiful selfie phenomenon that ever happens you know what now that i think about it i think that would be with lilacs oh yeah i don't and i don't think i think it would be weird if i saw people taking selfies in front of the lilacs so i retract that i just for unfamiliar plants i would
Starting point is 00:46:33 take a picture with them but are people like uh when it gets cold and they have outdoor hockey rinks do people do their like outdoor rink selfies well i mean a lot of people like to prove that they're doing stuff and that they're outdoors and that they're living their best lives and thriving. So I think that people do take a lot of ice rink selfies. Yeah. Yeah. What does my best life look like? Huh? I mean, it's me and my friend Gail going on a vacation together.
Starting point is 00:47:02 It's me and my partner Stedman. Stedman. Stedman stays home. Having at least two golden retrievers. What is Oprah's dog of choice? I would have thought like a King Charles Spaniel. I think she has golden retrievers. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I can't weigh into this. I didn't know she was into dogs. I thought she was maybe not a cat person, but not a dog person. No, I think she famously has like 10 corgis no that's the queen i think it's freddie mercury from queen this is uh yes that's right okay here we go uh this is an article from people magazine from good people at people Oprah has five dogs. Golden Retrievers, two Golden Retrievers, a Cocker Spaniel, and two Springer Spaniels. Oh, we were both right.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Nice. I said King Charles Spaniel, and so I feel like I get no points. You get half points. Half points. Half points. I don't know what a King Charles Spaniel is, but I was imagining a Springer. Yeah. King Charles is what Charlotte had in Sex and the City.
Starting point is 00:48:13 Oh, okay. Yeah. I thought that was a Cocker. Nah, dog. Yeah. I don't know anything about dogs. People will say a dog breed, and unless it's like Bulldog or Labrador, I can't picture anything about dogs people will say a dog breed and unless it's like bulldog or Labrador I can't picture
Starting point is 00:48:28 what the dog is I mean if it's a wiener dog I could see yeah Chihuahua Pug and Husky and then that's about it once we get into your deeper spaniels yeah like I don't even know what a spaniel
Starting point is 00:48:43 or like whatever kind you kind of your niche terriers yeah niche terrier insider terriers uh yeah i don't even know anyways look my not knowledge of things can expand over many episodes one year for abby's birthday this was like 20 years ago i bought her this encyclopedia of dogs and we like wrote we it had every dog breed in it nice and we wrote little captions of like for certain things and um it was very similar to on the Simpsons when Principal Skinner was talking about, like, making captions in his mom's bird book. Which was meant to be a super sad loser thing. But, you know, we proudly did it. Made your own notation.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Yeah. And, like, oh, this dog kind of looks like Jon Bon Jovi. But, you know, after he got his haircut. Bon Jovi really made the switch from 80s hairdo to 90s hairdo. And then he just stopped. He didn't keep switching it up over time. Unless maybe he did. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:59 I haven't kept tabs on him. I feel like his fans, he has the same haircut as his fans. Like in the 80s it was like long-haired freaky people and in the 90s it was like moms i only know him as the one like with the blown back medium yeah medium length the rachel yeah yeah that's that's what that's like he's had that for 25 years now. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:50:26 what if he showed up, you know, like with a crazy new do like a corn rose, it comes back from his vacation with corn rose and then forgets that he has to go on tour immediately. Can't get them out of time. Oh, what if he had got dreads and then had to shave his head? It would be going from bad to also bad.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah, I think. Yeah, I guess that's the way with dreads. You got to shave them off. There's no untangling. You can't wash them? I don't know. I've heard that you can, if you really if you really want to and with a bit of luck and a little bit of peanut butter you can work it yeah did you well first of all you need
Starting point is 00:51:15 uh a ghost couple needs to give you the recipe for the peanut butter solution so you can grow hair on your bald head is that what that book is about i have only seen the movie oh there's a movie yeah one really right put it on my head i am talking about the peanut butter solution oh right right with the kid with the with the wig yeah so the kid this bald kid uh like got this magical solution with peanut butter and bananas and like like i don't know a frog whatever put it in a blender put it on his head and uh his hair magically started growing but then it wouldn't stop and it grew so fast and then his friend was it all comes back to pubes his friend took some put it on his wiener and in the shot in the next scene he had really yes he really did and there was he was wearing pants and the pubes were coming out the bottom of his pants oh gross
Starting point is 00:52:27 you had to tuck him into his sock and like he's in class and his his hair's so long that the guy behind him has to cut his hair during class. I can't believe they did the version of that with pubes. That's fantastic. I have no recollection of this. I do not know this brand, this story. Yeah, it rules.
Starting point is 00:53:03 It's called the Peanut Butter Solution. it was made in the 1980s in canada boy it was a story for all i feel like was the the like branch i couldn't i feel like i'm talking too much anyway that's no i'm raptured i remember i remember this what what comes to me what come to my comes to my mind is the kid wearing he's wearing a wig while playing soccer like his one of his first things that he tries to just fix his baldness with is by wearing a wig yes that he glues onto his head and then the wig like stretches off like the glue stretches off yeah you gotta use the proper head glue yeah and he runs home uh in tears i believe yeah well you would too if your wig fell off i yeah it's traumatizing yeah especially if it will lands on somebody else
Starting point is 00:53:53 as the girl that you have a crush on or whatever it lands at her lap don't get me started she sees it on her lap she thinks oh my god i've got pubes um so yeah that's what's going on with me people are freaking out about these cherry blotches peter better solution man i got some i got some fake hair in the mail sorry just thinking about wigs now no no no i got some free fake hair in the mail okay and how much it is like primo hair, like way nicer than my hair. Because I ordered it and then I canceled it and they still sent it, but they also gave me the refund. And it's like, I'm talking, this is like $400 worth of hair. Whoa. What situation were you ordering it for?
Starting point is 00:54:44 I was just like, what if i had long hair there's a whole hair world there that i'm not a part of and that like so many people just wear straight up wigs um nowadays in like la they're just wearing wigs every day and that's how they look good i i uh i love this i love this uh this is my peanut butter solution are like thousands of dollars and so i was and then like a lot of people are getting extensions put in and so these are kind of like clip on clip in extensions you like lift up your hair you clip it in now your hair goes down way longer and it's really thick i should go get it but i won't i was gonna ask is it in because yeah it's not you don't have short hair yeah i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:55:27 go get i'm gonna go get the hair okay okay get the hair yes absolutely i wonder how far away the hair is how long like because sometimes i've been known to uh drink too much and then go online and look at wigs look at possible wigs uh and uh there's some pretty good ones out there there's also some really bad ones out there so i don't know how you can tell i saw a uh there's a i think it was a shoe repair place that closed during covid and now it's back and it's a wig store oh yeah it doesn't look great because i've been just had it stuffed in the back of the closet but like whoa yeah i think it looks great how close is that i in look at how close it is to my hair color yeah you can do it will you try it i could is it one is it one piece no it's a bunch there's here's like one
Starting point is 00:56:20 and there's it came with here's two big ones i think it came with, here's two big ones. I think it came with like eight pieces. The thing is that it's like, I don't, I don't know what occasion to wear different hair. You know, like I'm not, I, that's why I canceled it. Cause I was like, what am I doing? I don't need four cast in god spell or something like that yeah yeah graham and i were talking while you were uh fetching that um and we were wondering if this may be um precipitated precipitated precipitated the um the stopping drinking because you got drunk drunk and ordered $400 worth of hair?
Starting point is 00:57:08 And canceled it! Once I sobered up, yes. How long between the purchase and the cancellation? Enough time that I was thinking about it. You know, where I was like... That doesn't... I need to know was it hours was it days oh days okay days discussing it with my friends and family about what i would do wow and
Starting point is 00:57:33 there was that much time to cancel it you normally they're like okay i'm rounding up i'm rounding up sure it was like 300 and something maybe and 98 and uh but there was enough time you're petting it yeah i know it's really silky like a spaniel am i right on that is a spaniel look like that yes this is a very spaniel like hair good okay guys i identified a dog and i'm very happy very good very good what is the kind of dog, where its hair does look like this? Like an Afghan? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Yeah. Perfect. We're all on the same page dog-wise. Uh-huh. Good, good. Oh, I'm impressed by those wigs. Yeah, that's great. Me too.
Starting point is 00:58:18 It is much nicer than my real hair. It doesn't come across on Zoom that your hair is any different than that so i mean it matches um i will like honestly you could send it to me i'd wear it yeah they would he would wear it because but he would wash it at night and then yeah i would wash it it would be all crazy by the time i woke up but where am i going here i'll'll clip it on the other side to include. See? Now you've clipped it on the outside of your hair. On the outside of the earphones, too.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Yeah. Oh, yeah, it's over the earphones as well. It's good. If it was in there, I would never know that it's good it's like if it was if it was in there i would never know that it's not yeah but it's also like there's something like vulnerable about like wearing it where it's like this doesn't feel like me it's like the pants pulling down someone could rip off your your hair yeah yeah or even just saying is that real you know you have to be like prove it isn't run away but like nothing's real anymore man oh man it's true man you know smoking mirrors man yeah it all depends on your uh perception
Starting point is 00:59:35 like i'm i you know i before we do the podcast i put on a fake beard yeah i um but I put fake lenses in my glasses. Pop out the real ones, put fake ones in. And I put in my dentures. And this is, I'm wearing a fake shirt. This isn't even a real shirt. Yeah, this isn't a real shirt. Oh, it's just like. No, those are pubes. It's just the front of a shirt and there's no back on it.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I turn around, it's just it's just the front of a shirt and there's no back on it yeah yeah yeah I turn around it's backless it actually it's breathtaking when I when I'm on the red carpet Dave who are you wearing anyway what's going on with you Graham um back at you know back at the
Starting point is 01:00:22 homestead here I've been having some always neighbor drama. Oh, this, this week, a couple of things. There's a guy across the alley. I think I've talked to him about, about him before. He uses our garbage can and, uh, and our recycling thing. And I've seen him do it and then go into his house that he owns.
Starting point is 01:00:43 So he's got a million bucks. And he's putting stuff in the apartment. So already I don't love this and then the other day there was just a tire leaned up against the garbage can and I knew it was his tire. So I threw it back where his house was
Starting point is 01:01:00 and then I came back and it was up against the garbage can again and then I returned fire and sent it back into his part of the alley. And then, then magically disappeared. I think he, he, he gave up and probably put it in front of some other apartment garbage,
Starting point is 01:01:17 but I, enough's enough. You know what I mean? If you were going to throw away a tire, I would go to a tire store. Like they, they know how to get rid of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 That's true. They're after hours. What do they go? They become on like playgrounds. A lot of that. Yeah. And Astro like turf. Astro turf.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Yeah. Yeah. For indoor turf. Um, condoms, condoms. That's right. A lot of Goodyear makes an excellent condom.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Yeah. I use a Michelin myself. All seasons. Yeah. that's right a lot of good year makes an excellent con yeah i use a michelin myself all seasons i like that grip i like that they get that grip for her pleasure uh so that's that's neighbor situation number one situation number two is the neighbors upstairs have had a baby uh yeah get it they left it leaned up against your apartment door i know yeah this isn't mine putting you back where you came from um yeah the the so for a long time the upstairs had a very quiet neighbor to the point that i
Starting point is 01:02:28 don't even know if there was somebody living in there and then they did reconstruction on the suite and they they said it'll only take two weeks which turned into three months of non-stop drilling and so they like their apartment must look fucking amazing like it must have a slide from the bathroom to the kitchen and a ball pit and skylights um but then this couple moved in and they're the clumpiest people who ever clumped they're just clumping around all hours of the day and i clump it a clump of the clump and then a couple weeks ago it was like at midnight and they were clomping around like crazy and i was like look i know they love clomping but there's got to be there's got to be a limit and the next day they came home with the baby so it was a pregnancy thing was that i was a pregnancy clomp yeah pregnancy yeah a lot of early labor is
Starting point is 01:03:22 clomping she was lumbering she also might have been wearing shoes she might have been like because of her pregnant feet she didn't want to be barefoot and pregnant yeah that's right she's fighting against the stereotype so and then they brought home a baby which is great i haven't heard the baby at all like maybe once through open windows, but. Where they were hanging it out the window to dry. To dry. This baby's going to steam up the bathroom
Starting point is 01:03:57 if I leave it in there. So they, no, here's the thing. I know that it's a man and a woman and a baby that live up there but they're having guests over because i often hear a second man and the other night there was like three or four different voices hey they have it yeah so all of a sudden the clompersons are authentically shitty and uh so they have they've had people over and then there's a weird thing that's happened every saturday for three saturdays is they will blast the song tears in heaven by eric clapton that is not a song you should be playing when you're hanging your baby out the window
Starting point is 01:04:37 have you heard from the baby uh yeah. Since they've started playing that song? Yeah, the baby sends his regards. Yeah, the baby sent a basket to everyone in the building. Sorry for the other night. Sorry about my parents. I didn't invite those people over. I don't know anybody. I'm a baby.
Starting point is 01:04:59 She's wearing shoes inside. It's really uncomfortable. I'm sorry. There's been like every day for the last week, there's been a different rumor about us getting locked down over here. Yeah. Like the province
Starting point is 01:05:14 is going to lock us down. They're going to close the schools and close everything except grocery stores and pharmacies. It's always a rumor. Yeah. And people say people say well they lock they lock us down people are just going to meet in secret but graham's neighbors are meeting they're meeting out loud yeah out loud and like before the lockdown i thought well one night i
Starting point is 01:05:38 was like okay maybe it's the grandparents are coming over but then it's like a lot of like laugh like somebody just said something raunchy and everybody's laughing like it doesn't seem you can tell yeah those ones though yeah like they're watching billy madison yeah so you know new people the building uh instantly uh you know yeah new enemy i think that i'm convinced they're the ones who stole my laundry bag yeah we're still on this yeah someone stole your laundry bag full of laundry no i mean thank god no but uh a three dollar ikea bag i promise i offered to replace it for graham and he
Starting point is 01:06:25 i only want the one that's mine i want yeah i want justice is what i want um yeah so anyways the new neighbors suck and uh so clumpy yeah so clumpy so inviting people over and so tears in heaven for some reason like they blast it the live version yeah the unplugged yeah is there a plugged version I don't know that's the like literally when Eric Clapton came out with that album
Starting point is 01:06:55 that's all I knew of him I just assumed he was a folk guy like I didn't even connect it that was called unplugged I just thought like ah this guy old folky guy singing about Layla and having him on his knees and there's the lyrics
Starting point is 01:07:14 from Layla you got me on your knees well do you guys you want to move on to some overheards yeah yeah Do you guys want to move on to some overheards? Yeah. Yeah. We are the host of My Brother, My Brother and Me,
Starting point is 01:07:33 and now nearly 10 years into our podcast, the secret can be revealed. All the clues are in place, and the world's greatest treasure hunt can now begin. Embedded in each episode of My Brother, My Brother and Me is a micro clue that will lead you to 14 precious gemstones all around this big, beautiful blue world of ours. So start combing through the episodes. Let's say starting at episode 101 on. Yeah, the early episodes are pretty problematic, so there's no clues in those episodes.
Starting point is 01:07:59 No, no, not at all. The better ones, the good ones, clues ahoy. Listen to every episode repeatedly in sequence. Laugh if you must, but mainly get all the great clues. My Brother, My Brother and Me, it's an advice show, kind of, but a treasure hunt mainly. Anywhere you find podcasts
Starting point is 01:08:16 or treasure maps, My Brother, My Brother and Me, the hunt is on! Max Fun Drive 2021 is coming. It'll be May 3rd to May 14th. To get in the spirit, we asked folks like you to let us know what Maximum Fun and our shows mean to them. You know, the Maximum Fun Network is really important to me because it is not just a collection of podcasts, but it is a lifestyle and a value system.
Starting point is 01:08:43 The podcasts frequently and deftly float between meaningful and irreverent, in one moment drawing attention to social issues, and in another making dick jokes about Klingons. It shouldn't work, but it does. And I have to believe it's because Max Fun's podcasts are, at their core, thoughtful and kind and human, during a time that has often felt cold and isolated. So keep being great and doing what you do.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Max Fun Drive will be May 3rd to May 14th, 2021, and you won't want to miss it. Brilliant apps, drive exclusive gifts, and maybe some surprises. Want to directly support the hosts of the show we just jumped into? Come back May 3rd for Max Fun Drive. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where, you know what? If you hear something, even if you see something, and you know what?
Starting point is 01:09:41 If you feel something, report it here to stop podcasting yourself. And we always like to start with the guest, Dana. Do you have an overheard? I do. Um, I overheard it. It's kind of more of an experience that I had with my nephew,
Starting point is 01:09:57 but it's very cute. Uh, I couldn't think of any good ones, and I'm not sure if this is more so just because he's my nephew that I enjoy it so much. But either way, you have to hear it. So I was playing with my nephew in the backyard and we were playing superheroes like Avengers. And I was like, OK. He's like, OK, I'm Captain America.
Starting point is 01:10:22 I'm like, OK, I'm Thor. And he's like, OK'm captain america and i'm like okay i'm thor and he's like okay i'm three nice this is very good it's very cute yeah it's very cute uh three thor um i i uh i don't have like a ton of uh kids in my inner circle so i've never played i've never played pretend with a kid yeah i mean i don't either i if i it's honestly it's quite boring um but it really is and yeah so i was just kind of like sitting there while he was doing it doing all the work he was doing all the heavy lifting i have a lot of kids in my inner circle and it is i mean a little goes a long way there's a lot of playing pretend where it's like i'm gonna be the big sister and i'm 17 and you're the mom and we have a cat and the dad is dead
Starting point is 01:11:17 i was talking about liarar Liar before. There are no kids movies where the parents are together. There's always like, you know, dad needs to try to be a good dad. And uh-oh, he's turning into Santa Claus. Or uh-oh, he turns into the nanny. Yeah. or uh oh he turns into the nanny yeah or yeah
Starting point is 01:11:47 your mom is dead and your dad is king triton of the sea I watched a movie the other night that I think it was called like opportunity knocks I think it was called with Dana Carvey no is that opportunity knocks
Starting point is 01:12:04 I feel like that might be opportunity knocks it had I think it was called. It was about. With Dana Carvey? No. Is that Opportunity Knocks? I feel like that might be Opportunity Knocks. It had. What is her name? Anyways, it's about a guy and a girl get locked in a department store for an evening. And I think that used to be a good enough plot to make a whole movie out of. Like, oh, you got locked in department store. There you go.
Starting point is 01:12:29 That's an hour and a half. Yeah. We'll give you a $50 million to make this movie. Dave, do you have an overheard? Uh-huh. Um, mine is from the,
Starting point is 01:12:41 uh, uh, I was at the grocery store and it was very busy. There were rumors that there was going to be a lockdown and everyone was buying their flour and toilet paper. Flour, water, and toilet paper. They were going to make paper mache. We're going to need a pinata. It was very busy, but I happened to be walking past the magazine rack Yeah. We're going to need a pinata.
Starting point is 01:13:09 It was very busy, but I happened to be walking past the magazine rack, and there was just this woman who was, I'm assuming, some kind of manager, talking to a manager from a different store. And they were at the magazine rack, and the man from the different store said, Those sell good at my store, but who has a horse around here they were talking about what magazines sell best like horse enthusiast monthly yeah yeah mane and tail it's like uh yeah that's what magazines are they're just now they're the super niche yeah things they're either celebrity things or it's like life is put together uh like time has put together a collection of like uh you know steve
Starting point is 01:13:51 harvey or something like that yeah yeah yeah or like ones for just for poodle owners i feel exactly you know poodle that's another breed you know yeah i know poodle for sure i saw one in uh december that was like the magazine you know compilation of everything you need to know about tiger king oh my god and i was like no one cares anymore yeah yeah yeah you were you were late it's like being the publisher that like published a quickie memoir of tiger king and they probably have like a storage facility just filled with like 52 000 copies uh people didn't want to know more about this uh this guy apparently yeah it turns out they already knew it if i from googling yeah graham you never watched it no i never watched it because uh it just seemed like it was something bummer yeah like it was a bummer and like animals would be not treated well
Starting point is 01:14:45 actually animals were treated great Dana did you watch it? I watched it yeah I felt like I was talking about it with my friend and she was like oh but the main guy you just like you don't like him but you also
Starting point is 01:15:02 love him and I was like I don't like him at all. I never liked him to begin with. And it's just one of those shows that kind of caused a rift in some friendships where I was like, no, he's threatening to kill someone all the time. And your problem with him is what? Yeah. I was weirdly feeling nostalgic for The Last Dance, the Chicago Bulls document. Oh, yeah, yeah. That I watched a year ago. I was like, oh, I should Dance, the Chicago Bulls document. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:25 That I watched a year ago. I was like, oh, I should have spent eight more hours on that. What was the guy's name? Dennis Rodman? No, you know who I mean. Michael Jordan. Oh, the album he was listening to? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Damn, I forget it. Kenny Latimore. I was going to say Kennyny lantrell but yeah oh it's the new kenny latimore uh yeah i'm just listening to the new kenny latimore vibing to it that's part of that documentary yeah yeah um do you have an overheard i do uh this was a very short one that was as i was passing a gentleman who was talking on his uh on his earbuds and uh as i walked by and he said uh i'm over orcas and i was like uh oh yeah i wish i wish I knew who this guy was. He's got too many orcas in his life.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Yeah, I feel like he's on the chair, the board of directors for SeaWorld. Yeah. He's like, you know what? I'm all over these things. Yeah. Bring me sharks. People love sharks. I just saw a blackfish, so I'm no more orcas. Yeah, no more orcas.
Starting point is 01:16:41 But you know what? Bring me one of them beluga whales that have smashed his face up against the glass dance to like a Mexican band was that a thing I don't know like even as a kid
Starting point is 01:16:56 I knew because I went to that one that was in Victoria that Blackfish was from and even as a kid I was like
Starting point is 01:17:04 this doesn't seem right yeah something seems wrong about this whole enterprise and uh turns out i was right so i mean like we all agree we were talking about tiger king we're talking about orcas animals in captivity is okay and yet oprah is allowed to own five dogs five dogs um yeah it's surreal now we also have overheard sent into us from people all over the map if you want to send in one send one into us send it to spy at maximum and this first one comes from dolly this is the first dolly we've ever had i don't know we did we did have that sheep and we had the dolly llama so um this is dolly from right here in vancouver bc i was riding my bike on a narrow trail on the
Starting point is 01:17:56 north shore yesterday when an energetic dog appeared up ahead weaving back and forth across the trail a group of people were walking behind it. I slowed down and attempted to anticipate the dog's increasingly erratic trajectory in order to avoid colliding with it. As I came to a complete stop and started to walk my bike, a woman in the group smiled and said to me, with an air of playful new dog ownership,
Starting point is 01:18:18 oh, just ride into her. I laughed, acknowledging that the pup did indeed seem to be a bit of a handle. I passed the group safely and as I picked up speed I heard the woman say, that's not even my dog. Just run into him, he's fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't worry about him. He's bulletproof.
Starting point is 01:18:39 He likes it. He's bulletproof. Go ahead. Shoot my dog, he's bulletproof. He likes it he's bulletproof go ahead shoot my dog he's bulletproof he likes it yeah um yeah oprah oprah's got five of them i can't believe oprah has five of them i can't oprah's probably got five of everything yeah yeah she probably does five stedmans dead men five gales uh yeah she's uh she's a world wow she's a world away from me he's a billionaire though imagine a being a billionaire you can afford five dogs five dogs be able to buy them all wet food no i bet you she feeds them raw Oh boy you mean without a condom Yeah she raw dogs those guys I'm gonna start feeding my dog Without a condom
Starting point is 01:19:35 I've been wearing a condom this whole time To feed my dog I mean it's under my pants He has no idea It's more for my comfort than for him Safety first though To feed my dog. I mean, it's under my pants. He has no idea. I can probably smell it. It's more for my comfort than for him. Safety first, though. Well, technically, it's a...
Starting point is 01:19:52 It's a good year? Well, what are those things you pee into? Catheter? Catheter. Did we put a condom on? No, but I have this catheter, so i think that's fine yeah we're safe uh this next one comes from kelso jay in brooklyn new york i was walking my dogs in a park and i heard this conversation between a couple woman what was it that polly shore used to do with
Starting point is 01:20:21 weasels man well he used to wheeze the juice. Then a woman said, oh, yeah, that's it. He used to what? Wheeze the juice. Oh, OK. Are we going to have to educate you about wheezing the juice? Yeah. Dana, do you know any of Pauly Shore's work?
Starting point is 01:20:45 I haven't seen any, but I've just heard of the, what was he, where he was like in a house? There was one where he was like, hey, I'm Pauly Shore and now I'm in this house. You know? Or he's like,
Starting point is 01:20:57 maybe it's a barn? You know? Speaking of Brendan Fraser, his big debut was in a movie called Encino Man. Oh, yeah. Okay, I haven't called Encino Man. Oh, yeah. Okay. I haven't seen Encino Man, but I've heard of it.
Starting point is 01:21:07 And that's where Weezing the Juice comes from. Is that really where it came from? Because he was like, I don't know where he was before that. And if Weezing the Juice was already a thing. Oh, yeah. That juice we weren't tuned into. He would just like put his mouth up against the slurpee machine and drink a slurpee. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Weasing the juice. Yeah. And he also was called the weasel. Like that was his nickname was the weasel. And anyways, we wish him the best. Uh, he's a big fan of the show and Polly,
Starting point is 01:21:39 if you're out there, please call in and let us know how you're doing. Um, if you still wheeze the juice, um, and just keep in touch with Brenda Frazier. there please call in and let us know how you're doing um if you still wheeze the juice um and keep in touch with brendan frazier these are the topics for tonight's call-in show here on comedy 10 10 a.m is it adam sandler who was also in it no no adam sandler was in airheads with brendan frazier that's right okay um but uh sean astin was sean astin that's who it was yeah i was just
Starting point is 01:22:05 gonna say oh oh sam was gamgee yeah damn was gamgee it is it is i'm sam boy genji i am and i'm also in in c no man no what's the other one what's the other one who's this character now this is the real Sean Astin. Uncut. The last one comes from Jane in Chicago. I overheard a woman telling a man about how she'd been on an episode of Family Feud. The man commented on how well-dressed Steve Harvey is, and she said, and that was a whole other issue, I wanted to kiss him the whole time so hard not to kiss steve harvey that would be really hard he's giving you these looks this is
Starting point is 01:22:53 a classic steve harvey look dana's doing another one of her patented plastic face and the questions are always very leading. And they're like, what is a hole that you pee out of? Yeah. We asked a hundred people. Top score, hole in one. Mounds of body flesh. What is a body part you would not like to get stuck in a penis cutter?
Starting point is 01:23:24 Hey, Body Part, you would not like to get stuck in a penis cutter. Penis nowhere on the list. A penis cutter. Why did we bring this into our house? I mean, it's an industrial penis cutter. It should be in a penis cutting factory. Oh, my husband is get-rich-quick schemes. And there's no words that are written, and we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631.
Starting point is 01:23:59 That's one. Ugh. SpyPod 1. Like these people have. Hi, Dave, Graham, and possible guests. This is Gretchen calling you from Portland with an overseen. There is a bumper sticker that reads, The Beatles didn't need a website.
Starting point is 01:24:14 Okay, thanks, bye. Maybe if they had one, Eric Clapton wouldn't have stolen one of the members. I think that might have been off. That was what tipped Ericic clapton over the edge um yeah but the beatles eventually got a website yeah they got a website and but back in the day the internet was all ed sullivan so that's how you corresponded with your friends but also the beatles had um just some some magic man yeah they just had some undeniable something. Which, I don't know if I like them
Starting point is 01:24:49 or have just been told I like them my whole life. They're fine, right? They're good? I love them. Yeah. Dana, what's your read on the Beatles? You know, I've never thought of it that way. I've just always like, it's the Beatles. Of course, everyone loves them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:04 Like me. Likeave loves the beatles um but also in terms of having a website i don't know that any band like i don't go to the websites of the bands i like yeah but i i've recently i've been trying that like seeing how many different uh bands or names or whatever have a website surprisingly low there's like it's having a website is not a destination anymore and it used to be like oh man we have to get now we can just be like oh yeah you just go to or like or go to the reddit thread about the Yeah, really, that's how you learn. Here's your next phone call.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Hi, Dave and Graham and very special guests. This is Dave from Oregon. I have overheard from the grocery store I work at there were these two ladies standing in front of the drink section in the grocery department and the first friend
Starting point is 01:26:03 says to her friend, oh my god, you have to try ginger ale. It's so good. And the second friend went, oh, really? And then the first friend replied, yeah, I'm so glad I quit soda. All right, thanks, guys. Off I go. So ginger ale in this context does not count as soda?
Starting point is 01:26:24 No, this is not soda i'm over soda i just drink ginger ale and maybe a little bit of dr pepper um yeah i mean i always liked ginger ale growing up but i think it was associated either with like a party my parents were throwing and that's the only soda they had or being sick those were the the one and two yeah i would think that ginger ale would have come into their lives exactly right yeah yeah where would you place ginger ale on a list of sodas you would want i did a weird one where i don't think i ever want it but i probably drink it more than any other soda oh wow okay i don't ever think of it wanting it but i always have it i always have
Starting point is 01:27:06 it on hand i like it i like it a lot yeah i like it too but i just i don't think of it in my my top three you know it's it's like i know it's not as healthy like it's it's not healthy like it has a reputation of being like having a health benefit because it maybe has real ginger in it but it's just packed with sugar like every other soda yes but yet in the back of my mind i'm like well i'll have some in the house in case i got a tummy ache yeah my family was always like you have to have if you're gonna have soda it has to be uh not dark soda because a dark soda is bad for you oh yeah you get that dark pee you gotta get that you can't have your cokes or your root beers or pepsis because yeah you can wash your hair with ginger ale that's how harmless it is i remember i once saw a family on the ferry uh like drink or having lunch together and they had a uh two liter jug of diet anw root beer
Starting point is 01:28:11 and it was like i just thought like nobody wants that this is like the the everybody loses everybody it was a concession made where the kids wanted soda the The mom was like, well, it cannot be sugar and it cannot be Coke. So they ended up with this and no one's happy with it. No. You know what I haven't had in years? Like I've had ginger ale fairly often. Seven Up.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Seven Up I have not had. That's not technically a ginger ale, is it? It's like a lime. Ginger ale is just Seven Up and Coke mixed together. There we go. I knew it. What about cream soda love it love it yeah i love those really vanilla-y ones like yeah like root beer and cream soda yeah my go-to slurpee was always crush cream soda the pink yeah oh yeah and mixed with coke nice wow combo what about you dana your go-to slurpee
Starting point is 01:29:07 uh mine was always um i would have to have at least four flavors okay all of the reds all of the purples any of the whites um i usually would go for one i would try and top it off with a coke um but yeah usually it had to be all of the colors topped off with a coke nice but no greens and no oranges okay yeah fair enough oh sometimes they'll do like a weird like a banana one yeah sometimes i'm like this might this might just spice it up over the top yeah i like a dr pepper i like sticking with the browns i like a dr pepper i like a coke if you can get it like a root beer did you see past guests on the show amy good murphy doing a weird local commercial for coffee slurpees no that's great though it's great it looks like it's a
Starting point is 01:29:58 complete joke and it's is it from 7-eleven it's a coffee it's from 7-elevenven? It's a coffee strip? It's from 7-Eleven, but it's like it's like Home Shopping Network style. Hmm. It's like a Frappuccino? I don't know if it comes out of a different machine or if it's one of the choices. The 8-pod of
Starting point is 01:30:19 Slurpees. What do you got your Slurpee out of? An 8-pod? What are you working on? 6 of? An 8-pod? What are you working on? 6-pod? 8-pod? It's always so disappointing when it's a 2-pod. It's like, come on. Here's your final
Starting point is 01:30:34 overheard, everybody. Hi, Dave and Graham and guest of the year. This is Mike from Virginia with an overheard. I was actually at the facility where I was getting my second dose of the COVID vaccine. And I was in the waiting room after where you have to wait for 15 minutes. And I was sitting and there is a man having a heated discussion with the person with the volunteer at the front of this room and the line I caught him saying was
Starting point is 01:31:17 if if I didn't see it and I can't find the hole in my arm how do I know she gave it to me? Do you have any other proof? And then at that point my first few minutes expired and I had to leave. Do you think they're talking about heroin or the vaccine? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:40 I think they give you a little bit of both. Yeah, that's right. They give you a little bit to relax you. Yeah, just like instead of like sugar cookies and apple juice. Yeah. We've already given you a needle. How about another? A little treat for you.
Starting point is 01:31:54 For later. The problem with that second shot of the vaccine is you're chasing the dragon. Yeah, that's right. You can never compare to the first. yeah that's right you can never compare to the first um that uh yeah the that person's problem is that like they seem like an anti-vaxxer who doesn't think the vaccines are invasive enough yeah like your normal anti-vaxxer would be like too invasive yeah yeah they're like i want to see a hole yeah i need but surely he felt it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:26 You know, if he had a thick hide like a rhino, he wouldn't feel it. Yeah. And when I get a shot, I don't want to feel it. So I kind of look away and. Oh, I want to feel. I want to feel everything in my life. I go to one of those pediatricians that's like, oop-a-doop, and they tap on your legs and they give you slaps and you put on funny glasses and then you're done.
Starting point is 01:32:44 Me too. Takes your legs and they give you slaps and you put on funny glasses and then you're done. Me too. Takes your photo and away you go. Quick, tell me a funny story. Hurry. But doctor, I am Pagliacci. I am Pagliacci. Well, that brings us to the end of this here program. Dana, thank you so much for being our guest. Thank you. Well, that brings us to the end of this here program.
Starting point is 01:33:07 Dana, thank you so much for being our guest. Thank you. Your new album is called, I refuse to say it again, your album is called Mouth Beef. Once you get your mouth around it, I think you'll enjoy it. You know what? I didn't the first time. I tried to say it just now, didn't like it.
Starting point is 01:33:26 And that's the first album by hunks. That is. Yeah. Nice. You can get it in all the places. Pre pandemic times. Get it on all. It's really nice listening to people laughing again.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I miss it the most. And the money. And thank you all out there for listening. Hopefully you're taking care of yourself. Take care of one another. And come on back next week for another episode of Stop
Starting point is 01:33:54 Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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