Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 685 - Alicia Tobin

Episode Date: May 4, 2021

Comedian Alicia Tobin returns to talk mummy sounds, getting the jab, and zombies. Plus, it’s week 1 of MaxFunDrive 2021. Support the show at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 685 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and with me as always is a man, he's a man on the go, he's a man in the know, and he goes with the flow, Mr. Dave Shumka. Are you a freestyle rapist? Yes. We've heard we're called rappers. Why?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Because people can't spell it right. Oh, I see. That is, yeah, I'm in the know. I flow and... Ready to go. Jell-O. I eat a lot of Jell-O. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Do you eat a lot of Jell-O? You were talking about Jell-O last week. More than I did as a non-father. What's uh in the house what's the go-to what is everybody like a red a green purple red we're a red family jello stains carpets oh yeah like more than uh it oughta yeah yeah i remember very clearly dumping a bowl of jello on a friend's couch and him freaking the fuck out and then peacing out well you don't even have replacement jello for this one i poured that's my time um uh it's week one of the max fun drive uh we'll be telling you all about what's going on with the drive, how you can support the show.
Starting point is 00:01:48 We'll be telling you what the kind of bonus content and prizes... Prizes? Awards? Yeah, prizes, awards, friends with benefits. You'll find out all about this year's enamel pin.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yep. It says... Off I go. No, that was this year's enamel pin. Yeah. It says, off I go. No, that was last year's. Oh, right. I'm not going to say what it says. That's right. Yeah, I forgot. This one's awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:14 This one's awesome. Our guest today, return guest to the podcast, one of the all-time greats. It's Alicia Tobin, everybody. Hey, bumpers. Does anyone say that anymore? No way. Hi, guys. Hi, Alicia. So nice to see both of you.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm good. I'm good. Yeah. Pretty good. All things considered, I'd say I'm doing okay. Should we get to Noah's. Yeah. Pretty good. Yeah. All things considered, I'd say I'm doing okay. Should we get to know us? Yeah. Yeah, let's.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Get to know us. Now, Alicia, hi. You're the host of a podcast called Retail Nightmares. Correct. You just had episode 300 a few weeks ago, and it was such a crazy episode, and Graham was on it, and so were about seven other guests?
Starting point is 00:03:11 It was just... Yes, seven to 25 other guests. I'm not sure still. But it was really just a roller coaster. Did you love it, or was it confusing for you? I you i loved it yeah it turned out really well dave loves roller coasters it was a really good like uh vibe of that many voices like everyone kind of gave each other some space yeah it wasn't as i thought it was going to be absolute chaos but it was more like chaos the rapper which is really good he's really yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:03:47 that that was our theme be more like chaos the rapper yeah yeah alicia i want to ask right off the bat is hank a good boy he's the best of the worst dogs he's a good boy he tries really hard yeah he saw a cat today and like when he sees a cat his little mind just gets so blown by the idea that this this animal exists on the same planet as him so funny like every time same the reaction never lessens oh did he see the cat uh like were they both outside yeah pretty close to each other like the cat? Like, were they both outside? Yeah, pretty close to each other. Like, the cat was in the neighboring building's yard. And he gave him.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Just asking for it. Paid him no mind. He just couldn't give a shit about Hank, which is exactly the energy we need. Now, Alicia, you are somebody, you know everybody in your building you you you're like on a first name basis with a bunch of people even people that don't live in your building that you know their dogs yeah and uh you see them in the neighborhood i know you that's the only person i know you're my conduit to the rest of the neighborhood yeah it's at embarrassing levels now like before the pandemic it was under control when i moved to
Starting point is 00:05:05 this building from my last apartment i was like i don't want to get to know anybody i just want my privacy and uh then you're a very private person and then like people think because you're a celebrity that you're just like this they know your public persona yeah and i just feel like very i might try to be neighborly and there's a lot of neighbors and so now yeah i know a lot of people in the neighborhood yeah because like i say i don't know i've tried i've tried to make friends in the building they don't they want no part of it and i think the only people who are trying to be friends are the ones who are upstairs who are my nemesis. Oh yeah. I can't wait for this week's update on the, on what's going on building wise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Your enemy baby. Yeah. Baby. My neighbors, I think because of pandemic and everyone being home all the time, I'm learning more about my neighbors that I didn't know. learning more about my neighbors that i didn't know like last sunday it i the weather was nice so i was outside on in my yard and i could just hear my neighbors singing hymns oh wow i didn't know that about them didn't i did like i didn't know they went to church uh because i maybe they like go to a church where you just wear your shorts oh they're baptists like i remember when i was a kid going to church and having to
Starting point is 00:06:33 dress up and being so jealous of the kids who just got to wear whatever they wanted jogging pants their cargo shorts they're in my neighborhood during the first kind of couple months of the pandemic there wasn't very much traffic there was there's usually a pretty steady stream of traffic noise but there was no traffic and there was one kid like half a block away that was trying to learn guitar and he sucked so bad but the whole neighborhood could hear in practice clink clonk clink clonk dust in the wind all we are is dust in the wind
Starting point is 00:07:14 I when I was learning guitar I like it was the early 90s but I was still learning like Jimi Hendrix and whatever like Smoke on the water and yeah the classic riffs but i do like young guitarists still learn that or they're just learning the like little surf guitar bits from toxic by britney spears yeah i think the second one all the sheet music you can buy now is Britney Spears. I think that's maybe the last hit song that had any guitar in it.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Yeah, well, I mean, country music, still leaning heavy on the guitar. But yeah, this kid gave up after, like, I think a month. Then all of a sudden it went quiet. So either he turned the amp off or... Tragedy. Yeah, it was some tragedy tragedy yeah how do you know it was a child because it was just you i don't know i guess you're right it could have been an adult but it's true yeah uh it felt like the tenacity of a of a kid and then the giving up of a kid when i remember i i'm pulling out my guitar now for this here we go when i this is dave song corner the when i had my first electric guitar i was gonna get a new electric guitar so i
Starting point is 00:08:33 sold my first one and a guy showed up at my house i was like 15 and just a man came to my house what a weird world he plugged it in and he just played this okay yeah i'll take it oh wow just just the lead guitar from zombie you can play this song right because it's absolutely critical i can play this song on this guitar. Yeah, that's great. That's great. Did either of you try to pick up a hobby during this time? No.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, me neither. No, I didn't either. I don't know. I spent a lot more time on Craigslist looking at stuff that was for sale on Craigslist. That hobby already existed, that exists you know what he took up and i i uh is i started watching horror movies which is not a thing that i ever did before okay and now like i now i can't get enough i love i don't like gory things but i like something suspenseful you know like a thriller like a thriller or like a ghost thriller because you're thinking of michael jackson's
Starting point is 00:09:47 thriller it's a scary video yeah the scariest music video tell me one scarier probably that prodigy one where he's in the sewer oh i've never seen it it would be too scary for me i don't like scary oh good yeah yeah fire starter yeah fire starter yeah he uh yeah he's he was scary he was a scary man he's no longer with us yeah but michael jackson well michael jackson and the guy from the prodigy oh wow yeah moment of. They're out there jamming in heaven. Yeah. Match made in heaven. I love that on DMX's funeral procession that his casket was on a monster truck. And why is he the first person to have that? That seems like a thing that every wrestler should do.
Starting point is 00:10:41 And, you know, maybe even country music stars should do. I'm surprised he's the first I've ever heard of that's done that. Huh. Is that what you want? No, I want to be thrown in the trash. No, sir. I like the dump. That's where I want to spend my time.
Starting point is 00:10:59 You do. I'm going to flush you down the toilet at a value village. You want to be thrown through one of those waste paper basket basketball hoops off the backboard. Thud, thud. Wait, are you cremated or not cremated? Your shoulder's going through.
Starting point is 00:11:15 No, cremated, but then, you know, sent off in a bag to the dump so I can hang out with with all the good stuff that comes in. Yeah, a broken stapler. Number one dad mug. You didn't pick up any hobby at all? I'm not a hobby person.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I never have been. Like you never have had a hobby ever? I like baking, but that's like, I don't know if that's a hobby because he you know you eat it what other hobby do you eat good gingerbread house that's also baking that's also baking yeah um and now I'm just thinking of edible things that you could make but that's all back into baking and I got back into reading two things I really enjoy yeah oh yeah what's your favorite word pussy but that's all baking too. I got back into baking and I got back into reading. Two things I really enjoy. Yeah? Oh yeah? What's your favorite word? Pussy.
Starting point is 00:12:11 And the next to that is tongs. Tongs? Tongs is such a great word. It is a good word. Tongs. Is there a singular of it? Do you say tong or is it a tong?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Pass me the tong. Yeah, one tong please. One tong. Yeah, one tong, please. One tong for my friend here. What type of books do you like? That's a really good question. I like these Uncle John books that you often see them in the field of Athens them i like the dr phil diet books a lot i like those those are real good um i sort of like non-fiction uh historical non-fiction um but it depends as i just haven't been reading a lot of fiction which i did before
Starting point is 00:13:00 It depends. I just haven't been reading a lot of fiction, which I did before. Right. Yeah, the last time I tried to read a book of fiction, I was like, I got a chapter in and I was like, these people didn't exist. So someone made this up. Yeah. Why are you wasting my time? This is all bullshit.
Starting point is 00:13:21 This is just one person thought of this and I'm supposed to read it and other people have told me it was good. Yeah. But then with nonfiction, I feel like, uh, like I have to pay attention. Like it's a class or something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Like they, they're talking dates and, and names and places. I'm like, uh, it gives me that studying anxiety. Oh yeah. I could see that i don't um
Starting point is 00:13:47 to each his own i don't know how to answer that but um that's fair that is yeah i don't i just enjoy reading and it's been a nice break because i used to just love to watch hours and hours of tv it was so it was such a treat now it's just uh the only choice yeah have you um i was thinking about this uh like the meal i've made for myself or the thing i've made for myself the most during pandemic uh is a uh poppy seed bagel with cream cheese uh cherry tomatoes and cucumbers and a little bit of salt and so much pepper oh yeah this sounds really good so good dave i have it two or three times a week and i i now like i was making it the other day and i was thinking oh i bet in a few years when this is over i'm gonna look back and like i'm gonna make this for myself and like reminisce about the pandemic
Starting point is 00:14:44 is there a thing you've made more than anything else? Yeah. Well, it's something I've made that I hadn't made. It may be in my adult life. And I made maybe three or four times. What's just hot dogs. Like you grill them up, you steam them. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's frying pan. I also tried them in the air fryer. Pretty good. Yeah. So that like was really delightful. The first couple of times I did it. But then because I live alone, I would just have like six hot dogs to eat or like eight hot dogs. And so I would just be like eating hot dogs for breakfast, hot dogs for lunch, hot dogs for dinner for two days because I didn't have any other plan. So no more hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I think the thing I've made a lot for myself are like the veggie pate sandwiches with sprouts and sliced tomato which i really love or fried egg sandwiches still love them yeah yeah the um with the hot dogs do you know that you can put them back in a plastic and put it in your freezer but the thing is is like i have to buy these awful gluten-free buns oh yeah and they're gonna go and they're just like it's not the best part is the hot dog the worst part is the bun and right hot dogs for gluten-free buns gluten-free buns are sold in packages of four and hot dogs come in packages of eight and i just i don't really know i could have googled like what to do with these hot dogs
Starting point is 00:16:05 but just hot dogs on their own dipped in a bit of mustard are pretty delicious yeah yeah and was hank ever like i gotta learn to talk so i can tell her she can give me the hot dogs oh he got hot dog for sure a little bit he always gets human food he's that dog yeah he's a fancy boy he gets what does he get he gets some chicken he gets uh you get a little bit of cheese uh i don't eat cheese so no but if i get something with cheese he gets it does he get egg all the time yeah all the time he gets egg he gets roasted chicken he's a he's always been a picky eater so uh if he hasn't been eating he'll definitely get like eater so uh if he hasn't been eating he'll definitely get like maybe some steak i'm so embarrassed i'm so i apologize to the listener um that's my own devices i'm not smart with money
Starting point is 00:16:52 i'm not making great decisions um but i love the idea that it's like well if he's not gonna eat i might as well give him the best thing that i get him to eat and then i can give him his like painkillers or it's usually like he gets those things around needing to take some sort of dog medication um but yeah he'll get an egg if i'm getting it if i'm making eggs he'll get some he'll get a little plate of eggs for sure nice yeah i mean he's he's hopefully gonna live until he's about 14 i want him to enjoy most of his like every moment of his life that I can make better, I'm going to do it. Nice. How old is he now? He's going to be five in October.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Okay, nine more years. Okay. What are you... Are you counting down? You have the guard ready, the sympathy guard. Are you going to do anything fun for his birthday? Dog birthday party? No. You know, he gets treats all the time but usually christmas he gets like christmas presents and people send him like
Starting point is 00:17:53 like graham's mom sends him a christmas present most years and my mom sends him a christmas present and that's good yeah are your moms not well my mom loves sending stuff she she's always at the post office she loves it yeah like this year sent me three christmas cards yeah that's a love of separate cards yeah uh yeah um i think i have some cookies in the mail as we speak yeah well you like you know that joke about how like oh your mom like go on about like the mailman going around impregnating me kind of like yeah i guess the idea of it sure i don't know is there a link there you could stretch it yeah I think we landed somewhere nice with that whole thing
Starting point is 00:18:48 I don't want to say anything so I've been very respectful up until now the respectful you mama battle I don't want to say that your mama's big but she's got a glandular problem
Starting point is 00:19:04 sure yes has she had her thyroid checked that your mama's big, but she's got a glandular problem. Yeah. Sure, yes. Has she had her thyroid checked? Yeah. Does she have the Betty Draper disease? Yeah. Sure, I mean, like, your mother, look,
Starting point is 00:19:16 I'm not so smart myself. So it's like, far be it from me to call your mother stupid. But I heard she saw, she went to a movie theater and the side said no one under 18 admitted and she came back with 17 friends this is just what i've heard i don't know who told you that
Starting point is 00:19:33 but it is is it true i remember being in elementary school and somebody saying the the like old old timey thing that your mother wore army boots and i was like what does that mean like i knew i was supposed to be offended but i was like what my mom doesn't wear any kind of boot ever what is this kid talking about and what does it mean yeah is it a really old-timey burn yeah like but is it like pre-women being able to be in the army? Oh, for sure. I feel like it's like also just like the way in like a mafia movie, a guy might just be like, your mother. And just like, that's it. Like not even finish the sentence.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yeah. And you're like, where's army boots? I know, I guess. Yes, of course. Yes. Thanks again for reminding me. Your mother wears army boots because, yeah, I mean, what, is she supposed to wear high heels
Starting point is 00:20:26 yeah i guess or barefoot or some sort of croc i guess crocs were around when i was a kid but yeah your mother wears crocs that's great leave it there i love it yeah um well like i saw some kids on a playground like a year ago and they were doing one of them said na na na boo boo and i was like how the fuck did that how did that stick around who's teaching their kid that yeah i guess eh yeah i heard kids singing the like ring around the posy song the other day and i was like it's so haunting i'm like still we're still singing this song yeah Yeah. The song about the plague? Yeah. Yeah. And they're like, I'm the king of the castle and you're the dirty rascal. Like, it's the same shit.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Get your own bits, kids. Yeah. But you know what? Kids think they're inventing these things. They don't have any. By the time they grow up, then they'll want to tell it to their kids. Like, they have to have a few christmases of jingle bells before they like get into batman smells yeah is margo in the batman smells arena no we haven't done that yet she's big into deck the books called dog man they're these little comic books
Starting point is 00:21:51 and they're um they're terrible like uh they're so fart heavy and poop heavy right but like before they came along she could barely read and now she is a great reader so what am i gonna do and there's some pretty uh there's a pretty funny uh poop songs in there okay yeah well you want to you want to encourage your kid reading no matter which way even yeah i guess so even if she's just reading the like remote control instructions you're like just fine yes great i had a friend who's uh he was like kind of a bad student and his parents realized the only thing he would read was mad magazine so they bought him every mad magazine they could get their hands on garage sales and swap meets and all that kind of stuff he had so many mad magazines
Starting point is 00:22:43 and we'd read them and we wouldn't get any of the jokes. That was one thing that was for sure. It'd be like a parody of Chips. And you're like, what the fuck is Chips? We definitely had that. I don't know how many parody of Chips Mad Magazines there were, but there was one of them in my house. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:23:02 Did you read Mad growing up? My brother did and uh i didn't get any of the jokes but i really loved the illustration like there's they were so good yeah um the fold and i really like the fold and yeah i uh i got a box of mad magazines somebody gave to me and they all the fold-ins hadn't been done. Yeah. If there was any left, let me at them. So one of my favorite places on the internet is Wikipedia. I don't know if you know about it.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I don't. But there are two entries. One is list of film spoofs in Mad Magazine and one is list of television show spoofs in Mad Magazine. Can you guess what they called the spoof of chips? Craps.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Chimps. It was chimps. It was chimps. Yes. Well done, Alicia. chimps it was chimps it was chimps yes well done alicia but then like did they have to follow through with it all being ape material no i don't think so i think uh i get a different writer to do the title. I remember Seinfeld was Swinefeld, and there was nothing about pigs in there. Swinefeld is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:24:31 What is Slimefield? Slimefeld's good. I always thought a good mad name for Judd Apatow would be Crud Cravatow. Guys, I just looked up. It's actually Swinefields. Oh, Swinefields. Okay. What's the deal
Starting point is 00:24:51 with Alfred E. Newman? What? Him worry? I gotta stop looking at these. I gotta keep my mind. Friends was fiends. Wow. Ouch. Dr. Quinn, medicine woman. Dr. Quack, modern woman.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Xena was Zima. Like the drink? Like the drink. Oh, man. Big part of my childhood there the droop carrie show that's really good that is really good the um uh when i was a kid you could get coconuts you could get uh a book that was just spy versus spy. Like it was just, but those were like, that's not big.
Starting point is 00:25:46 That's can't make a book, but it did. Yeah. I mean, that was a cartoon in every, in every, um, magazine.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah. Sorry. Thanks. And it was one of the ones that had no words in it. So you could, that's true. Even I could read it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's, uh, like, I guess kids now aren't as into spy versus spy as we were but no they still are i had a video game with them in it yeah yeah it was bad but it was still a video game so oh yeah i think i rented it once and it was just like you gotta like you would put a bomb in a filing cabinet and then just walk around and try to find you'd never run into the other spot oh you would just be finding sticks of dynamite and and things to make a trap um did you you didn't play video games growing up did you alicia uh very briefly uh right around the time that atari's became popular my parents bought us an odyssey which was like a very
Starting point is 00:26:47 honda minivan no it was like some sort of a video game console but it was called the odyssey and it was not the cool version and it had like a low rent pac-man and what would you call a low rent park man yeah yeah what was it called flick man what was the mad magazine version yeah crap man yeah so like i never really played video games i never got into them um and i still haven't really played any video games no disrespect to people who play video games it's just like but if i was around i mean mad disrespect to people who play video games do you want to do you want to get into it i think you should get into video games yeah that could be i don't think i would like it yeah you would counterpoint what i'm buying you an xbox
Starting point is 00:27:36 i'm bringing over an xbox tonight we're playing dance dance revolution Do you play video games, Dave? I play a game a week, maybe. Okay. Yeah. And Graham, do you play video games? No, but I do feel like that's what I'm going to do in retirement. The games are going to be so good and like 3D and virtual reality. And that's what I'm going to do with my time when I'm older. I'm just going to play video games and that's it.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Really? So you're just saving it up? Yeah, because they keep getting better and better. They're not getting worse. They're like every generation better. Yeah, but if you don't practice now, you'll suck when you retire. You've got to get good.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. Yeah, I think there's a lot of skills associated with being good at video games. What I'll do is I'll take lessons just like once a week. I hope nobody hears me practicing. Pink Bonk. Pink Bonk.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Instead of Pong, they have Pink Bonk. On the Odyssey. Yeah, I think I can't remember who made the Odysseyyssey but it was like it's a real thing if you look it up it kind of looks like an old typewriter as opposed to a new typewriter yeah it looks like uh it looks like if somebody thought this would be oh it's a magnavox a Introduced 1972. Nice. 1972? We did not get it until like 1981. I did not know. My parents really love garage sales.
Starting point is 00:29:14 They repackaged it as brand new? It happened. Oh, yeah? It's funny, though. If you look up what video games cost like back in the early 80s the same crappy video game that had like four specks of uh of light on the screen was still like 80 dollars yeah like the same as a video game costs now yeah i say it was it's equivalent to like 600 today and it uh i know a lot of the ads especially in the 80s in
Starting point is 00:29:46 the back of comic books would be people like you would see the people playing the video game you wouldn't see the graphics but you'd see people's minds getting blown by the game yeah because they knew if you showed the graphic it'd be just such a you're like oh yeah i guess it does look like well we're not going to show what burger time looks like but we'll show this chef and he's having a trouble having some trouble with these flipping burgers or whatever that game was what are you looking up alicia the odyssey it was the odyssey 2 video console i'm pretty sure the odyssey 2 my cousin had something called intellivision yeah oh yeah that had like weird uh it was like a dimmer switch it was like a remote that had dimmer switch on it and that was the and that was how you played yeah that's how you played
Starting point is 00:30:39 and we had a yeahodore VIC-20. Sure. I think my brother had that, but I never played it. We had Nintendo, and my friend had Nintendo before me, so that's why he was my friend. When I look back at that, I'm like, I couldn't have had less in common with that kid than like anybody i've met in my life and he probably didn't even want you there no he definitely didn't want me there but you know
Starting point is 00:31:10 his mom would only let him play video games if a friend came over he got extra time if a friend came over i bet you it was some kind of weird deal he also had gi joes that i like playing with too so and then i wonder where he is now he's probably owns a video game company yeah every every kid who played video games it was a gateway drug every kid went on to own a video game company if you if you grew up in a time where people were making a full-time living playing video games online you wouldn't want to do anything else it wouldn't matter what other career paths there were. You'd be like, well, I can be a gamer? That's my whole...
Starting point is 00:31:51 Really? Do you think so? Yeah, I think nobody wants to be a doctor or fireman anymore. I don't want to be a gamer, though. People don't even want to be actors and actresses. They just want to be YouTubers. Yeah, that's true. And there should be an award show for gamers. And put it on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Don't try to put it on cable. And you know what? I wouldn't watch it. I set this up and I've come up with this idea and I hate it. I'm out. Yeah, he took us on a weird Twitch Instagram. Do you ever think about, like, going, if you had all this technology, like, if you brought your cell phone back in time and showed people like they would either think you're a witch or you're a god
Starting point is 00:32:31 uh but i think like yeah if you brought but it wouldn't work because the technology wouldn't be there yeah dave look come on get serious but let's say you had uh the infrastructure to do that or if like sure if you brought maybe it was it's transmitting to the future if you brought you know uh if you brought an xbox back 2 000 years i feel like the grown-ups would think you're think it's like heresy or whatever you get murdered for sure but kids kids would pick it up in a day. Kids would be like, oh, that's great. Yeah, cool. Yeah, that's true. The console would be so dirty because everything was so dirty. You're having to play it in a manger or whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Well, first I have to explain to you who John Madden is. Okay. If you got sent back in time and like people are even asking you like how do you build a building with more than one floor you'd be like i don't fucking know i don't know man like i have no idea i wouldn't even know the first thing to tell them i don't know how you'd have nothing to offer nothing if anything they would have stuff to offer me you put it in the toaster and it comes out toasted that's all i know what but but why because hot yeah because it's hot just look at the wall look for a place where three holes are. That's where you plug it in. Yeah. Yeah, I do think about how much practical knowledge I have.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Very little. I can't fix anything, you know what I mean? I can't make anything. I can't mend something. Yeah, none of these things. I think Graham's hunting for compliments no graham you're actually really uh talented yeah you're so good at stuff uh-huh thanks you guys i was
Starting point is 00:34:32 fishing and i'm glad with what i caught um i'm glad with um and the can you sew a button graham yeah i can sew a button all right yeah so button that's more than i can do but if i went back in the past they'd be like yeah we know buttons well it depends how far back you go yeah that's true go back far enough oh you know what i could probably invent if i went back in time pickles that i think i could make fairly easily i think pickles were probably invented by accident not not in the history i've studied it was a person from the future came and that was his gift to the world i think most like uh natural occurrences just like like you think about cavemen building a fire they probably just like
Starting point is 00:35:21 happened upon a forest fire and took some. Yeah. I mean, we'll never know. We'll never know. Um, yeah, I feel like, uh, have you ever seen one of those things where they reconstructed the face of
Starting point is 00:35:35 what a Neanderthal like based on the skull? Yeah. They're always, you can get it. Yeah. They're always more handsome than what I pictured a caveman to be. They're always, with that said, they have such massive frontal lobes, though.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah. Yeah, that's what I like. Lucky for you, that's what I like. Yeah. I really like that mummy that they recreated the voice for. Oh, yeah, where they blew in the tube. And he was like, I'm the mummy. Somebody sings Walk Like an Egyptian through it?
Starting point is 00:36:11 Yeah. So what was it? They like blew air through a larynx? I don't think anybody blew any air through anything did you that's what happened i don't know it seems about right don't you think just open the mouth and like blow it uh uh i'm just gonna i'll play a clip of it if that's okay with you yes please uh this is a five second clip so it's gotta be the whole thing right i think so yeah like a ton of work went into this too with their moans this is not a five second clip
Starting point is 00:36:55 and scream i literally thought that's that was it the first clip hollywood's mummies have always given us chill real money Can I fast forward this? Okay, here we go. 3,000 years ago. Sounds like Fran Drescher. That's how she became the mummy. Mummy.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'm the mummy. Oh, boy. I bet you, like, in the lab, they were having a lot of fun with that. They were piling it around the room. Like a joint. Hey, blow into this for me. So what'd you do at work today well i played who can it be now on i played baker street on the mummy's larynx
Starting point is 00:37:56 oh man i love that's good it's i think about it often. Yeah. You know, and something just, well, it's not a ton, ton going on. So I do think about that mummy fairly often. There's a, I saw a picture of like the first tomb that America kind of opened to like take King Tut's,
Starting point is 00:38:17 uh, to pillage. Yeah. To pillage basically. And, and the, the doors had this like elaborate rope thing on it that couldn't have looked more like something in a movie. Like, don't break this rope because once you do, curse will befall you.
Starting point is 00:38:35 That's what the noise the door makes. But yeah, surely that's a thing you're asking for if you're going into a tomb that has all sorts of ropes tied up, right? What do you say, fellas? Yeah, right. Yeah. Fellas? What do you want? I say yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Did you guys like the mummy when it came out? Brendan Fraser's magnum opus? I think I saw it i thought it was good yeah i don't think i saw all of it it's it's katherine zeta jones in it no the beautiful rachel weiss oh she's so beautiful yeah um the uh yeah i don't think i saw all of like now looking back i think people think it's like the greatest one of the the great adventure movies yeah i liked it i guess but like it felt like the mummy was a monster that was kind of like when i was a kid nobody was afraid of the mummy you know what i mean like dracula still could get it wolfman could
Starting point is 00:39:40 get it frankenstein's monster could get it right of frankenstein could get it oh boy and then yeah but mummy like always just seemed like it was just a slow walking thing that would like walk around and that was it it didn't bite into your head or anything when people get that bright of frankenstein hair yeah when they get that shock of white yeah yeah like bonnie rayette yeah how does that how does that achieve is that all natural i think that's i don't think it always is because it was all it was on offer when i decided to go gray what was the what do you mean it was on offer strip why do you not why do you not take that that seems like a cool thing to try well like explain what you who offered it to you my hairdresser uh said like just keep dying
Starting point is 00:40:27 most of your hair but let one part just go silver and see how you feel about it what did you do instead i just cut off all of my hair and nice yeah let it grow in nice it looks great by the way yeah yeah thanks uh thank you very much i saw both of you this weekend i drove past you and i i i recognized hank first yeah because i don't know you as a gray-haired yeah person yeah it's a huge change hank's getting a little salt and the pepper isn't he yeah he's got also some red in his beard that That's weird. It's very cute. Yeah. Huh. It's a coat of many colors.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. So, yeah, I think that for some people that silver strip may be completely natural, but I now wonder. Well, like the news anchor in Canada, Lisa LaFlemme, she went silver during the pandemic and it looks
Starting point is 00:41:25 awesome she looks like she's uh she's like the smartest lady on tv it's it's i don't know if it's just the hair color but it's working for yeah everyone talks about that hair uh being great so yeah like it's very like it's a lovely change because i don't have to go and get my hair colored every four weeks yeah but i had no idea how gray i was i thought it was going to be like salt and pepper but you were like yeah see that's the thing i'm worried about uh mine mine isn't going to gray it's all just going to fall out and so yeah it's like what are you worried about what are you doing what's the upkeep you're doing right now graham? I have not touched a scissor in 10 years. Yeah, come on.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Would you get a haircut for charity? Yeah. Yeah, I would. Like if we raised money, how much money would it take? Don't talk about raising extra money during the Max Fund Drive. We'll raise money another time. Okay. This is about us.
Starting point is 00:42:29 What if Max Fund Drive makes x amount of dollars graham wouldn't do the game that's not charity to graham yeah that's that's just uh that's boots on the ground is that the right okay yeah mother's army boots on the ground that's right that's the saying exactly thank you uh yeah i mean the thing is is like i'm i'm gonna go i'm gonna go ball i think we're gonna go full you've been saying that for years but you're over 40 now you made it to 40 now this is the time right now i've got to pay the piper i've uh i've made it no no no no no we've been falling for this bullshit for a decade yeah people go bald in their 20s and that are like bald bald yeah that's yeah it's not and then there's just like whatever pattern you'll be a uh you know apache man i just want to look
Starting point is 00:43:12 like the rock is that so much to ask well then shave your head like then you're there yeah that's it he eats cod every day now you guys i like cod you like cod cod is good but i'm getting i'm getting into cod what's the best big way like what's the best fish because i i'm allergic i've only smelled fish and uh to me tuna sounds like the worst but maybe that's just because it's canned tuna yeah it's liquidy you're smelling a lot of the tuna water well what's what is okay what are the top three fish are we allowed to have seafood in there yeah yeah any any of the seafood oh like okay go ahead i mean lobster is my yeah i was gonna say lobster for sure lobster's number one yeah but also like i i've been making cod like once a week lately and uh if you add enough butter to it like
Starting point is 00:44:15 it's lobster i can see so i'm i'm wondering how much i actually like lobster yeah i mean i love butter i think i just like butter i've seen uh some vegan prawns on the market graham that are in prawns yeah that tastes like what a prawn is supposed to taste like apparently yeah i would try that i mean that's i've always thought shrimp looked amazing i always thought that you had shrimp though haven't you isn't that how you figured out you have uh you had another yes as a youth. Yes, and I think I enjoyed it until the throat started closing. I can like, one more! One more!
Starting point is 00:44:54 Have you had the Impossible Whopper yet, Graham? I haven't, no. I don't know if we have it in Canada. We do now, yeah. We do, okay. We also have Burger King in Canada. We have two Burger Kings in Canada. in canada yeah we do now yeah you do okay uh burger king in canada i think we have we have two burger kings in canada no there's one on granville yeah when are you gonna go when are you gonna go there um yeah friday nights uh oh i wonder what friday nights have been like it must
Starting point is 00:45:19 be like a ghost town down there because i used to be like drunk drunk guy central but where have the drunk guys been able to go where have all the drunk guys gone where is my uh nick nolte where is my david hasselhoff oh the one the two greats have you seen david hasselhoff's daughter who's a model no he's got a model daughter he has a model daughter she's in play is she the one who took the video of him drunk eating the cheeseburger and now she's a model but she looks exactly like him really it's interesting it's weird that there's so many like that there's so many famous sons and daughters of celebrities that are quite good looking but like i wasn't i wasn't familiar with any other like you know drew barrymore
Starting point is 00:46:21 was apparently like from a dynasty. Oh yeah, Nelson. The band Nelson. Does anybody know when they hear the name Eastwood, do they put that together with Clint Eastwood? Or are they like, who the fuck is Clint Eastwood? We know this handsome guy named Eastwood. You know what I mean? I think that they... Who's this handsome
Starting point is 00:46:47 Jack Osborne Related to That's Was he He didn't try and launch A singing career right That was just Kelly That was just Kelly
Starting point is 00:47:00 Oh and the other They had another sister Who didn't want to be On the show. Cause she wanted to, she thought it would be bad for her career. Well, and that,
Starting point is 00:47:10 then that girl's name is Christina Aguilera. Taylor Swift. The mummy. Yeah. How come there, how come the mummy hasn't been sampled for a hit song? You give it time. Eh.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Eh. Eh. Eh. She's like it when her butt goes eh. It's me coming up with a song. I think that's pretty good. He likes it when her butt goes eh. Eh.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Everybody now. The further away from the sound, the less I can remember it, and the more I just remember, like, the tone of it, like being sort of plaintive. Oh, Lord. It would be funny if the mummy just went, ow. Yikes. Shush. Shush. just went ow yikes shush oh man oh man did you hear this the woman that hit the lowest note
Starting point is 00:48:19 oh yeah the lowest you can play the lowest note play the lowest note yeah play the lowest note it rules canadian women it's the lowest note oh okay i think she was from i think she's from out here i think she's like we're very proud yeah speaking of canadian women who have made the news have you seen that um canadian teenager who like runs like a horse yeah she's great ah ah ah
Starting point is 00:48:47 that is that personifies all Canadian childhoods like we don't have a horse but we want to be one yeah
Starting point is 00:48:56 the neighborhood would just come around and watch you prance around like a horse okay but but but but oh do I have to sit through a whole news story of this oh no it's worth it it's so worth it Okay. Do I have to sit through a whole news story of this?
Starting point is 00:49:08 Oh, no. It's worth it. It's so worth it. Six minutes long. That a Guinness record is broken in Surrey. But that's exactly what singer-songwriter Roy Chapman did recently, breaking the record for the lowest note for a female. Well, how low did she go? Here's what the winning attempt sounded like. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la. That is...
Starting point is 00:49:51 I watched it so many times. Oh, man. Oh, man. Just when I thought it had hit absolute bottom, it just went down another level. I mean, I feel like we can't play the mummy noise, that noise, and not play that fake mouth. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh, yeah. I fake it with ooh, ah, ee, ooh. Where is it? Oh man, I love that they said that that low note singer was the singer songwriter. Like, is she writing songs? Love. singer was the singer songwriter like is she writing songs i can't find the artificial mouth well we'll find we'll find it at break time and we'll we'll let everybody have a listen to the funniest all right sure um now before we go on to talk about d and myself, let's take a break and talk about the Max Fun Drive.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Well, yeah, we are stopping because it is Max Fun Drive. And what is Max Fun Drive? Well, I'll tell you what. It's a time of year that you, the listener, can help support the content, which is us, that you love, and you do it directly uh as opposed to uh you know just throwing a chunk of change out into the universe and hoping we get it uh which has been with the which was the uh the model for a long time that's right we were mostly into the secret then and uh yeah we kind of hoped people would put us in their secret that's right and uh uh you know what this is a more efficient system this uh this is a but you know what the way we make the show we make it with you we make it for you it's been a very hard year
Starting point is 00:52:01 to make the show we've been talking to each other in little electronic boxes and some days we just want to give up yeah yeah yeah absolutely and i know it's been a hard year for you out there as well and we hope that what we've done uh for you and with you has been a bit of a relief for you yes and every week every year we take two weeks. We bring out some of our favorite guests. That's why you're hearing Alicia Tobin. She doesn't get out of bed for less than Max Fun Drive. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:33 We've tried. Believe me, we've tried. But when she does, she's a real diva. And so we want to get as many ears on these episodes as possible. And we want to showcase the best that we can do. And if you think that this show is worthy, if this is a show that brightens up your miserable week, then head over to slashorg join couldn't be easier yeah you help make the show
Starting point is 00:53:11 not just through your overheards but through your dinero yeah yeah not your dinero although we would like to see your best dinero ifiro, if that's all possible. We'd like to hear, yeah. Next week on the show, we're also accepting overheards and your De Niro impressions. Call in or write in. Yeah, yeah. 1-844-779-7631. Or email us, spy at, with your written Robert De Niro impressions. That's a fun assignment. Now, for supporting the show, there are a bunch of prizes, gifts.
Starting point is 00:53:51 We'll get to those in the next break, but we just wanted to plant this seed right now. And now that it's on your mind, if you don't support the show yet, go to slash join. If you already support the show and you can dig a little deeper, slash join. If you already support the show and you can dig a little deeper, slash join. Go to Lisa. I love the like clicking sound of the mouth having closed. This is why robots are going to decimate us because of this kind of shit that we're making. We're going to be looking at this and they're going to be like slaughtering everybody.
Starting point is 00:54:40 flattering everybody. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Hey, man. Here's what's up with me. I got the jab. I got the jab, didn't I? A little bit, innit? Now,
Starting point is 00:55:04 which one did you get? Did it make you horny? did it make you horny it's hard to say uh if i mean on a long enough timeline anything makes me horny um i got uh so uh our american listeners will be unfamiliar with the way vaccinating works in canada because i've seen so many people who've gotten both both shots yes uh the way it works here is uh they make some available to old people yeah and then they say they're gonna make some available to young people and then they don't then they don't yeah and then they say they're gonna make some available to young people and then they don't then they don't yeah and then they suddenly do and young people by young people i mean 40 and up yep rush out and try to get on the list of uh get on the wait list of uh pharmacies
Starting point is 00:55:57 and then you get a shot and you uh then you don't get another one for four months yep yeah we really have just decided to uh really cool our heels on this whole thing and like yeah we'll just take it nice and easy while everybody else gets to the point um and so i got the astrazeneca which i don't think anyone in america got i think they sent us all of those like i i got an astrazeneca as well and i think that that was the week that america kind of suspiciously was like hey we've got some extra vaccines but they're only this kind and then two weeks later they got banned we're gonna we were gonna throw them away because uh we gave some to Hank. So Canada's the mangy alley cat of the.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Yeah. When did you get yours? I got mine through work on the 19th of March. Whoa, you know the day. Nice. What'd you get? You get a Pfizer? What do you get?
Starting point is 00:57:03 Oh, no, I got AstraZeneca as well. Okay. All right. Because we were basically like, I just took the first vaccine that was offered. It was already like, I was so lucky that I got like we, the company I work for manufactures food. So really high risk population, close quarters, and they vaccinated everybody that wanted to get vaccinated. It wasn't just the people that worked in production and like Qa and regulatory but yeah so i jumped at the opportunity and how did it go um the day
Starting point is 00:57:33 of the shot i think i felt a little bit tired and the following day i felt a little bit off and then i was fine after that nice how about you dave abby and i got it the same day i so i had to go they made it available like they made it public last week that like you can get it they're gonna have it at pharmacies right and here's a list of all the pharmacies that'll have it go to their websites you try to get on the wait list the wait like you'll go to like a calendar oh it says you can book this day you click on it you can't do right um everything i had i heard from so many people like oh yeah i got my no problem it was very frustrating yeah a couple days yeah and then a friend uh uh got his like the mom and pop uh pharmacies seem to be the way to go because
Starting point is 00:58:22 they don't have websites so you just call them up and maybe they answer or maybe they're overloaded with phone calls. Right. But yeah, a friend recommended I call this pharmacy and I did. And so we went in, made an appointment and went in and yeah, got it. Yeah. It was like a tiny pharmacy with one guy working. The phone's ringing the whole time. Like you can't
Starting point is 00:58:45 answer all these calls and give us a was there a giant barrel of pickles and some old guys playing chess on it there's a giant barrel of vaccine vials he doesn't like bobbing for apples yeah it's just you put your shoulder in and hope you get pricked by one. And so we got it and came home and it was fine. And then that night I woke up at three in the morning, like shivering so much. Yeah. And like my teeth were chattering. And then, yeah, very tired the next day because i never got back to sleep and
Starting point is 00:59:27 then and abby felt really bad too uh and then uh you're like margo you're taking over for the rest of the day it's like you're i guess in charge today uh here's the car keys. Let's watch Dog Man or whatever it was called. Yeah. And we, so yeah, it was a day of like, just explaining to the kids, yeah, we're not feeling good. So you can have extra iPad today. And yes, sure, yes, dinner will be candy. But yeah, and then the next day, just a little bit of arm soreness and then a couple more weeks and then I'm fully vaccinated until I have to wait a couple more months.
Starting point is 01:00:21 A couple of weeks to get these antibodies and then a couple months. My arm hurt for about four days afterwards, but but that's pretty like i think also very normal yeah yeah i was just so so grateful to have a vaccine like i know me too i couldn't i was so overwhelmed by the opportunity it's very emotional we had a caller a couple weeks ago who overheard someone who was like are you sure you gave it to me like who went to a clinic and my brother said that he kind of had that like he didn't feel the needle go in yeah the next day he felt fine i felt the i felt the needle i felt every moment of it yeah i think it depends on who's administering it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:06 This guy was crazy. I think it's like the person that did ours, the person that did mine was great. And one of my coworkers has a real phobia of needles. And the whole time I was watching her while I was getting my vaccine to make sure she didn't pass out. She was already crying. That's a real phobia is it really it was a really yeah it was really um yeah did she ever go on maury povich and uh have a guy in a needle suit come out and scare her i will for sure ask yeah please welcome hell razor Please welcome Hellraiser.
Starting point is 01:01:51 Yeah, I think I got my flu shot last year or the year before. And the pharmacist, and I was like purposefully not looking at my, where the needle was going in. And the pharmacist was like, are you afraid of needles? And I was like, no, but I don't relish't relish this yeah yeah i don't want to watch i'm not like a david cronenberg character that's like more yeah more jabs i never watch i never watch it's not like sex where i'm like i want to see it going here david schumke you dirty dog this is why people support the podcast. Yeah, you're a real dirty dipper. Yeah, he's the man who can't.
Starting point is 01:02:29 You can't let him on radio. Podcast only. Yeah, so ever since I've been, I guess, like, I built this little shrine to Bill Gates. Yeah, you gotta. Yeah. That's what the voice in my head tells me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 I got a Bill Gates haircut. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I'm wearing a Bill Gates sweater that says Bill Gates on it. It's actually just got a picture of some gates and some bills that would be great a t-shirt that had like a whatever a revis or whatever it's called that you have to sound out what it is that would be a fun that'd be a fun thing if you ran a restaurant that would be fun if all the staff had one of those. Yeah. Like pictures of bills and then gates. I do know which one is.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Thank you. So, yeah, that's been my whole week, really. I've been, you know, of course, as I mentioned before, I'm anticipating reminiscing about this bagel with cream cheese and getting a shot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I'm glad. Besides, Grahamham what was the thing that you've been eating a lot of during the pandemic i feel like we didn't get to you well i mean i don't know ritz crackers probably i probably really have had a renaissance with
Starting point is 01:03:57 ritz crackers they're so good they're so good just plain straight up. Yeah. I've had a renaissance with, well, not a renaissance, but Ritz. Not Ritz. Sorry. I don't know any words. Oreos, but the thin Oreos. Oh, those are a newish thing, right? Yeah. And they make gold thin Oreos and regular thin Oreos.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And they're just... Here's my hot take, my hot food take. Okay. The worst part of an Oreo is the filling. Okay. I think that's correct. Like the idea, the whole notion that they had that you twist this off and then you just lick that icing on its own. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I did it because that's what the advertiser told me to, and it's gross. Uh-huh. It's gross. It's kind of like fondant, right? Like, it's quite, like, firm and waxy. Well, and, like, if you're eating cookies and cream ice cream, you're digging the cookie out.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Right. Yeah. And getting it. Yeah, yeah. No, I think you're on the right side of history with saying that the Oreo cream stuff. So the thin Oreos have, I mean, the cookie's a little thinner, but the stuffing is much thinner. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Oh, nice. Nice ratio. I really like the chocolate Oreo biscuit. And I think Nabisco makes that basically just as a chocolate wafer that you can make this like not fancy whipped cream cake with. I'll go to town on a box of those. No problem. Those are so good. Because they're not so sweet that you feel like gross.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Like you can just eat them continually until they're gone. And then your teeth are black. Yes. And you'll be sick for days. Oh, yes. Worse than the AstraZeneca. Just as a question for both of you, do you have a preference, the golden or the chocolate? I'll go golden if I have the chance.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'll go golden too, but it's not really a preference. Okay. Like I'll go chocolate, but I just tend to go golden. Although I've been getting the, there's like a peanut butter chocolate pie flavored Oreo now. Stop it, stop it. Which is divine. Daveave i had something i wanted to bring up okay could you cover your ears for a moment yes i'm not listening have you tried
Starting point is 01:06:13 the purdy's peanut butter egg no i haven't i'm not a purdy's fiend like you are the peanut butter egg is out of this world it sounds great i I love a peanut butter, a Reese's peanut butter. I know, I know. But like the Reese's, like when they do the holiday tree. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Christmas tree, the egg, the whatever. I know this about you. That's why I asked.
Starting point is 01:06:37 No, I should. Okay. I love a hedgehog, a Purdy's hedgehog. I love lobster. How do you guys feel about that? Shut up. You're allergic. You're not allowed to talk yet um yeah uh i also just want to do a shout out for cod cod is delicious i just don't know how to cook fish very well um shout out to cod we we we bake it on oh we wrap
Starting point is 01:07:00 it in uh parchment and fill it with butter and capers and garlic. Gorgeous. And it shrinks so much. Yeah. Like, oh, look at this beautiful piece of fish. And then you pull it out and it's like a coin. Yeah. It's like the gag of somebody shrinking laundry.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, that's what's going on with me eating cookies. Making cod. While you eat your Ritz. Speaking of cookies, is this only a Canada thing or is it all North America? These like celebration cookies that have like, they're kind of a wafer thing and they've got like a plaque of chocolate on it. Sorry, let me just interrupt.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's a butter biscuit. It's a butter biscuit. Thank you. And a piece of chocolate on top. With like a castle carved into the chocolate like a beautiful copy of a european cookie called the school boy cookie i know this yeah school boy cookie alicia take me on a journey what does this mean well before the celebration cookie came around you could buy these cookies called school boy cookies
Starting point is 01:08:00 and they're exactly the same thing but they're from europe okay i believe um they're delicious look a lot better than they taste oh i mean they're delicious they are delicious but they they look like uh a piece of furniture they don't look like something you should eat but then when you do i don't think they're very good i don't like i like them a lot i liked them too dry too dry oh i love dry cookies i'm so sorry and with a big slab of like basically a kit kat on top of it yes please it's like a work of art very dry yeah i like a dry cookie dad i love social teas like i could eat a whole box of social teas yeah what are social teas they are the driest cookie in the world they're dads are pretty dry. Dads are like a dry. Dad's cookies? Yeah, Dad's
Starting point is 01:08:46 cookies. Oh, Socialites? Social Tees. It's a show where women get together and talk about the news of the day. The social, yeah. Social Tees. The View. They're by Miss Christie's. Mr. Christie's. Oh, they make a good cookie. Mr. Christie, you make good cookies.
Starting point is 01:09:01 It's called Social Tea. They're available at okay i don't know that anybody likes them except for like old people that drink tea yeah well when i was a kid i thought they were so good and i would dip them in hawaiian punch i thought that was pretty good i would love that combination oh it's yeah okay social t-t-E-A. Oh, sorry, Dave. Yes, tea like the drink. Okay. Social tea.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I like it. Yeah. They're almost like a cracker. They're not too sweet. I'm into it. You can eat about 30 to 45 of them. That's the thing with the Ritz. Yeah, no, I can eat.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Yeah, I can eat a lot of anything. Yeah. Brag. One of the things I really admire about you. As a parent, I'm like like how many cookies am i supposed to give my kids when they want cookies like i would get three i remember getting three and feeling lucky yeah yeah now i will eat three while i wait for my coffee to brew yeah and then bring five more downstairs they should just always have them in sleeves they should do away with
Starting point is 01:10:04 this plastic divider thing and admit that people want to eat cookies by the sleeve and right do either of you like those peak frame cookies with the jam in the middle yes no king of old lady cookies yes please the chocolate finger i'm a school boy give them to me i'm a little school boy do you like the opposite of an old lady cookie an arrowroot baby cookie yes yeah that's it that's my that's exactly what i want they're very similar to a social tea yeah i nearly bought one called baby num nums and i was like nah i don't think those are as good the people at the till are gonna know this is for me they can tell they can sniff me out baby i buy a package of diapers with them just to make it seem you throw them in the garbage when you get outside graham what's going on with you oh i don't know is it is how any updates with speaking of baby
Starting point is 01:10:58 mum mums with the uh your nemesis baby well here, here's the thing. There's at least three people in this building who have babies because our landlord, every time somebody has a baby, posts an announcement in the lobby that says... The following people have been evicted. Their lease clearly said two people. This third person is a violation of her lease oh but every time that somebody's had a kid she's put up a sign that said like congratulations justin and christine on your new arrival and whatever the baby's name is so i don't know which
Starting point is 01:11:39 couple that i see that has babies in the building i don't know which one is the culprit so you think stealing your my laundry bag and playing tears in heaven too loud didn't they play another song yeah they played you're too good to be true no uh i love you are so beautiful no you are so beautiful yeah that's what it is um so the one there's one couple that i feel like their baby's too old to be like a new newborn and then there's one couple that this guy keeps seeing he has he wears a dumb hat he wears like a hat that i hate is he in the mirror it's a dunce cap that's the dumbest yeah he's wearing a dun's cap you should be in the corner go stay in the corner and he has the baby and he says nobody puts this baby nobody yeah nobody puts this baby in the
Starting point is 01:12:34 corner yeah um no this guy wears a hat baseball hat with a very short brim and like a little baby huey or something yes like a baby huey like a cyclist yeah like a cyclist but a little bit longer than the cyclist one so it wouldn't flip up it's kind of between a baseball hat and no not a painter's but we do not need to pin down that but it's like imagine between a regular baseball hat and a cyclist hat it's in this this nether region. I can't, I hate it. I've seen it. I think he's the guy. Cause I feel like that ties,
Starting point is 01:13:09 that ties it all up, but I have no evidence. Um, but I'm working on the case and I'll come back next week with more updates of my neighbors who live upstairs. Um, I'm going to give you an update. Uh,
Starting point is 01:13:21 just when I had a baby mom, mom's pulled up. Yes. Num-Num is a brand that makes a pre-spoon, a baby utensil pre-spoon. Before you're ready for a spoon, you use a pre-spoon. And their brand name is Goo-Tensils. Pretty great. pretty great so this past week this past week and a half
Starting point is 01:13:52 past guest Tim Gray has been sending me messages saying hey have you checked out this reality show on Netflix and so I did I thought it was a good recommendation he said there's this show. It's about getting in shape.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And they mentioned Subway a bunch. So I was like, okay, that seems like a pretty good suggestion. And it's a show called Strong. And it's produced by Sylvester Stallone. And he's the Jared. From jail. From jail. He gets cigarettes for every episode he gets 45 cents do you think he's like on visitation days somebody sneaking in a sub to
Starting point is 01:14:36 him and passing it to him under the table i think subway maybe you think prisons have subways i think prisons maybe have contracts with subways no that would be interesting schools do that's true what a world so anyways he told me about that show and i watched an episode of it it sucked there was no subway in it at all he said i think it's in later episodes and i was like i'm not gonna i'm not going down the line. And then he recommended another one that was called The Circle, which I tried watching an episode of, and in the first five minutes where they showed people moving into their apartments,
Starting point is 01:15:15 I was like, no, I can't do this. These people are too excited about these shitty-looking apartments that just look like something you get off of Airbnb. They're like, oh, shit, I'm staying here. This is great. So I turned that off., I'm staying here. This is great. So I turned that off. So I think Tim Gray is trolling me.
Starting point is 01:15:29 I think he's sending me messages about reality shows that are in fact quite unwatchable. So that's been happening. I'm calling it out here on the show. Okay. Alicia, do you remember when AMC only had two shows? It had The Walking Dead and Mad Men. That rings a bell.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Yeah. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Well, they had Breaking Bad. They had Breaking Bad. Sure, they had. They had three good shows. They had, you know, Low Winter Sun. What was the one?
Starting point is 01:16:03 Hacked if Broken? Yeah. Hacked if Broken. um what was the one hacked and hacked if broken yeah they're broken they had quantico or uh there was one that shared its name with a national park it's not important yeah um the the but they had there were the zombie show and they had the advertising show and then they had this reality show about real advertisers yes and they had to pitch a subway breakfast sandwich and they had to come up with an advertising campaign around subway having a breakfast sandwich and it was the pitch i remember the most i think it lost the reality show but it definitely lost because i am remembering what this pitch is uh and it was zambies oh fuck and we were obsessed with this people are like so sleepy in the morning that they're like zombies but with an a because it's am because it's the morning there's the ambies get it guys
Starting point is 01:17:07 i remember that dave you have such an excellent memory i remember thinking i feel like i watched that with you and abby i think yeah i think that we were all watching it yeah and i but it's the kind of thing that like it's so stupid that i will never forget it yeah yeah anytime i hear zombies or walk past the subway or when that guy comes over and plays zombie really quick on the guitar yeah sure can i buy this guitar yeah it's morning time go-to if i uh if it's seven o'clock and i haven't had dinner yeah i walked past with a day and it smelled really good and it smelled really good for the first time in about 20 years oh yeah you know like it usually smells always bothered me but just something something about that day, I was like, oh, I would really love like a meatball sub.
Starting point is 01:18:06 The subway in our neighborhood. Graham says he only knows Alicia in this neighborhood, which offends me. I was like, you also said in my neighborhood. I was like, we live within this neighborhood. No, I said this neighborhood. Oh, no, Graham. It's like he's not our neighbor. He's like, I know you losers i'm like i live across the street from you and the subway uh it says it's like oh it says it's open till nine but it's always like they always
Starting point is 01:18:37 are like putting the chairs up at seven so funny my favorite thing is when they were reopened so that you could eat in they said our dining room is open i was like well that's pretty grandiose meet us back in the dining room you can order in the sun room and then we'll escort you back yes mr colonel mustard in the subway with the mayonnaise do they make egg salad sandwiches at subway no i don't know that would be no they make like a i saw a picture i saw a picture of like i have saved on my phone a picture of a really good looking egg salad sandwich they can be so good so you know whenever somebody's like what what is uh dave got what is he jerking off to yeah for sure jerking off to jerking off with dipping it
Starting point is 01:19:38 i'm dipping it pushing it uh-huh uh me and my zambies are dipping i love zambies thanks for reminding me of that yeah yeah these rules oh man i forgot all about that show but i remember zambies that's great um so yeah that's what's going on with me. Tim Gray is trolling me, re-reality shows. And I'll check them out all, because maybe he's being sincere on the next one. They could all be on a new Love Island or whatnot, you know?
Starting point is 01:20:15 Yeah, what's been a winner? Like, what's the reality show you've loved the most this year? The Horny Show, where they were... Too hot to handle? Yeah, too hot to handle, where they couldn't have sex and these people were like I can't have sex for 24 hours and they were all like shocked. They were like no 24 days.
Starting point is 01:20:33 One of those women is on the ring. On the ring? On the circle. On the circle. Oh okay. I keep calling it the ring. She's the long hairedorean woman crawling out of a well yeah but damn she's hot i really like love island i think that's what it was the one i thought it was really sweet the americans well that and it had to be on the top of the vegas hotel or whatever
Starting point is 01:21:02 because they couldn't go to an actual yeah they always look like they're on the verge of the Vegas hotel or whatever because they couldn't go to an actual Yeah, they always look like they're on the verge of dying from sunstroke. By midday they couldn't move. They're like, I'm so hot and tired. A bunch of pepperonis walking around. Always applying sunscreen.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Well, should we do a little chat about the Max fun drive i love it here we are back to talk about the max fun drive love it yeah i love it too twice a year it's it's like two christmases or two halloweens depending on which way you go and where graham and i depending on which way you go and where graham and i get to do we dress up as our favorite uh fun drive characters later i'll change it to my enamel pin costume well uh once again it's that time of year we want to thank everyone who already donates to uh we couldn't make the show without you.
Starting point is 01:22:06 If you are not in a place where you can up your donation, if you are someone who doesn't give and you still can't, we understand. Yeah, absolutely. This shows will still be up. They will still be free. And,
Starting point is 01:22:19 uh, you know, like we say, if you're in a position to support, uh, we are filled with gratitude that you've decided to support. Do we feel great having to ask when we're in the middle of a chaotic crisis? Yeah, we feel great about it.
Starting point is 01:22:36 We love it. Absolutely. You know what? Even if it wasn't the MaxFunDrive, I was going to ask anyway. So this is just convenient. Max Fund Drive, I was going to ask anyways. So this is just convenient. The Max Fund community all year long has been helping each other out.
Starting point is 01:22:54 The listeners helping the shows, the shows helping the listeners, the listeners helping each other, the shows helping each other? Yeah, absolutely. I always get a boost out of all the shows. I'm not going to zero in on one show. But we're really lucky to be part of this community we're very thankful uh in this uh hellscape of an internet to have found a corner with some really sweet people so uh if you would like to support the show here's how you do it you go to slash joan well you could go to slash joan which is just pictures of Christina Hendricks from Mad Men. But you go to slash join slash join and you put in some information.
Starting point is 01:23:35 You tell them how much you want to support us with every month, a dollar level. every month, a dollar level. You put in your name, your credit card info, and you tell them what shows on the network you support, and your money goes to every show you listen to. So if you listen to five
Starting point is 01:23:56 shows, it'll be split between all five equally. Unfortunately, there's no way to say, hey, I like Stop Podcasting Yourself. I listen to five shows i like stop podcasting yourself the least can we give them less than that that isn't in the framework yeah you can't bronze medal us yeah it's it's a five-way tie um and at maximum join you can also see the gifts that are available to you for supporting the shows.
Starting point is 01:24:25 Yeah, and it's our way of giving back a little to you for giving us a little. You know, you scratch our back, we scratch yours. And the gifts this year are fantastic. I cannot wait to tell you all about them. So at the $5 level, everyone gets access to the bonus content. We've been making bonus content for nigh on a decade. Yeah, exactly. We've been making bonus content when everybody else was knee-high to a grasshopper.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah. Yeah. So you don't just get this year's bonus shows. You get 10 years worth of bonus shows plus. And every year we've done one or two bonus episodes. And this year, Graham and I decided, you know what?
Starting point is 01:25:12 People have been good to us. Yeah. Let's make more bonus episodes. Bonus, bonus episodes. Bonus, bonus episodes. So at the $5 level,
Starting point is 01:25:21 you will get the bonus episodes that are out right now. And you will continue to get more bonus episodes throughout the year yeah how often are we going to release bonus episodes we don't i can tell absolutely this is throwing it out to the universe we're aiming at you know a couple times a month sure yeah and then you know what? If we don't one month, that's on you. That's our guarantee. That's our guarantee, absolutely. And yeah, you also get the bonus content from every show on MaxFun. And that's over 200 hours of bonus content. So that's, you know what?
Starting point is 01:26:00 That's a whole lot of graphic design work that you can listen to. Or trying to fall asleep yeah and if you listen to all the bonus content 50 times you'll get to your 10 000 hours of graphic design that it takes to be to design the next malcolm gladwell book now at ten dollars per month uh you get all that bonus content we had just talked about. And we also get, or you also get, one of 38 enamel pins. And these are gorgeous. Every year, it's fun to see what design they're going to come up with.
Starting point is 01:26:38 We kind of put it out to our listeners and the bumpers out there and said, what would you like to see for an enamel pin and boy did they come back with a lot of great suggestions yeah and but we i think we've got i'm i'm not afraid to say i think we're at the top of the pack when it comes to our enamel pin which is go ahead yeah go describe it it's one of our favorite standing gags is uh dave will ask what does a and w stand for and i'll say what and he'll say hamburgers and whoop you that's right so this is an a and w chain of restaurants inspired hamburgers and woot beer enamel pin there's a little picture of a hamburger a little picture
Starting point is 01:27:26 of a woot beer and they are yeah it's it's in the uh classic brown and orange a and w colors yeah that uh you know what uh a and w and uh arby's are the only ones brave enough to have a brown color palette yeah harvey's harvey's as well in canada oh yeah and ups yeah sure and uh reese's pieces uh this uh this pin is designed by megan lincott as i believe are all the pins and uh you know what they're they're top quality they're not gonna fall apart on you like some other pins yeah this is they're gonna stab you in like the way that you like it yeah exactly the way that feels so good um at the uh 20 dollar per month uh is the diamond friendship circle that is the enamel pins the bonus content not the enamel pins one enamel pin oh yeah not all the amount of yeah thank you one of the 38 enamel pins letterpress max fun
Starting point is 01:28:34 membership card uh and a take a minute tea kit dave what the heck is that? Well, Take a Minute Tea Kit is, here's what it is. It's got a big, oh, I refuse to read copy around this. So it is a tin with a, in the familiar Maximum Fun rocket ship, teal colors. It's got a teal rocket ship, some stars blasting around it. teal colors. It's got a teal rocket ship, some stars blasting around it. It comes with a tea-steeping,
Starting point is 01:29:08 filter-y device. Yes. Shaped like a rocket ship. And some tea that is a little bit orange-y. A little bit orange-y, maybe a little
Starting point is 01:29:20 pico-y? It's a five and a half inch tall tea tin to hold your loose lift tea tea bags dice pins whatever you fancy and wishes tea company made us the special blend of loose leaf interstellar orange tea which is equally tasty both hot and iced we've also included a rocket strainer and a tray for you to use and uh to use with any tea you enjoy. You can also probably roll doobies on it.
Starting point is 01:29:49 Yeah, you can roll doobies on it. You can hide your doobies in there so that drug-sniffing dogs can't smell it. Yeah, they'll be like, I haven't been trained to sniff orange tea. And you know what? Draw a bath, boil some water, get your tea steeping, treat yourself. This is what I mean when there's a hellscape of an internet and we've
Starting point is 01:30:13 marketed ourselves toward a pocket of people who are like, that's an interesting looking tea set. Yeah. Well, you know what? Everybody should be so lucky there are more gifts at the 35 level the 50 the 100 the 200 level we're not going to read them all hey look if you got that kind of money you got someone to read that stuff for you yeah that's right yeah get called jeeves ask jeeves ask you could you read what's at the 50 level all that information
Starting point is 01:30:47 is at join go there now do there now do it now and go there now yeah get your butler on it uh that's his or her job um should we go back to the show? Yeah. Overheard. Overheard's a segment where the three of us get together. We're going to share what we heard or saw, and then we're going to hand it off to the listener. Alicia, we like to start with the guest. Do you have an overheard? I have an overheard, and I was part of it.
Starting point is 01:31:27 On Saturday, I was downtown. I was returning something before the 30-day thing. I usually never make returns, but I decided I needed to return this bag that I bought. This sounds like a retail nightmare. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I have lots of retail nightmares, so this one's the only overheard that i have um uh i was saying goodbye to my friend sarah at the canada line station and a man came up to us a man who who needed has having a rough time and he asked me for some money and it started like this do you speak speak French? And this man is not, is like not wearing a mask.
Starting point is 01:32:06 He is, he is covered in kind of like, I would say a clear vomit of sorts. Okay. Yeah. And it's like, and he's, there's a lot of spittle happening.
Starting point is 01:32:15 And I guess he looks like he came out of like a 18th century Monty Python sketch. Except for he's dressed like George Costanza, which is a solid look. That is a solid look. Yeah. And he asked me and my friend sarah if we speak french and i say yes and sarah says no and then he he directs his attention to me and he says may i have can i have 40 dollars and i'm thinking oh shit like that's a lot of money um and i was like well i have 10 dollars and he's like okay but i'd like 40 and i think the reason he gave me was that he that he needed to go somewhere and to get in there was
Starting point is 01:32:50 40 a night and i was like there's no shelter in the world that's 40 a night like i know i look like i was born yesterday but i was only born two yesterdays ago i I don't know. So I did have some cash on me specifically to give somebody in need some cash because it's tough times out there. And not a lot of people are carrying cash and there's not a lot of people in the streets. So I give the man $10 and I'm very stressed out just because of the amount of saliva and fluids. But otherwise, happy to give him the money. And he asked me like two or three more times for $ he's like can you get me 40 and i'm like no i can't but here's 10 and then he says thank you and he wants to shake hands and like i just turn into dust and the wind blows me away uh i touched a stranger in a year um and just as i'm walking away i overhear him say to another
Starting point is 01:33:47 woman hey do you have 50 cents what i just can't i was 40 now it's down to 50 cents like give me back nine dollars and 50 cents what happened this felt like such a sucker i'm like what is it about me like i get asked for money all the time i oblige all the time that i can anytime i can i will go to the bank machine for people i have recently gone to the bank machine for somebody but i was not going any further with this it's more likely that someone will have 40 than 50 cents totally yeah you're right like i don't I never have change anymore. I have the same $20 in my wallet I had three months ago.
Starting point is 01:34:30 My big plan was to put change in every one of my jacket's pockets, though that way I would know that I had change on me anytime I ran by somebody who needed change. But as shorts weather is approaching, what am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:34:46 I got no coat? Yeah, I know. That's the worst. I have to put change in all my shorts? I mean, it's not the worst part of summer, but one of the worst parts of summer is like you don't have as many pockets anymore. Yeah. Thinking about starting to carry a fanny pack. That's come into the possibility region.
Starting point is 01:35:03 It's a Luke. Will you wear it on the back or on the front i will wear it around my shoulder like a little purse that's a shoulder bag no but isn't that the same thing you can wear just a fanny pack but like over the shoulder people call your shoulder a fanny because they're a bunch of sickos yeah what was I going to say about carrying money $10.50 you sounded like Kevin O'Leary there
Starting point is 01:35:34 money I love money I love you go boating in the dark when I'm drunk oh my goodness it didn't cost me any money so I like it I'm drunk. Oh my goodness. It didn't cost me any money, so I like it. I missed you, wonderful. It's an ironic name because nobody likes me.
Starting point is 01:35:57 I forget. Dave, do you have an overheard? Sure. I went to the local beer store. Oh, yes. Delicious. The Liquor Hound. And there was a dad in there with his three-year-old son.
Starting point is 01:36:19 And he had a six-pack of beer and a couple of other bottles. And he said, okay, I just need to get this one other thing. He was talking to his son. and he said, okay, I just need to get this one other thing. He was talking to his son. And then after I choose this, you can choose any beer you want,
Starting point is 01:36:33 any bottle that has a truck or a car on it and I'll buy it. For me to do, like for me. And then, so he's there like, okay, son. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Well, choose something with a, with a truck on it. Yeah. I know you're into trucks. Choose a bottle with a truck on it. And the kid was like, okay. And then he went to like, was like, oh, how about this?
Starting point is 01:36:59 This six pack of, hey, y'all hard iced tea with a truck on it. And the dad was like, no, no, I just don't i can't that's too much for me to drink just anything over here if you like the picture on the you were following the rules technically you were following the rules that i should buy this hey y'all and i guess it was his weekend he's like oh i gotta take the kid out i mean just like exit just like you don't need to get the kid excited about you drinking that's true just pick up the beer and go the thing uh i think i brought up a couple weeks ago on the podcast but in when i was a kid liquor stores would have a thing that was like a a quick wine cooler it was like a like a whirlpool that you'd stick wine in
Starting point is 01:37:46 and it would become quick fast kind of like the bathing suit dryer at the gym yes yes the exact opposite of oh like you just jogged a whole bunch of memories loose there with the things the bathing suit dryer yeah if i was rich i'd have one of those in my house. For what? For my bathing suits. I'm rich. You've got wet trousers. But yeah, sticking your arm in the wine cooler thing was the big attraction to the liquor store. I don't, I've never actually seen one of those. I heard they used to have one at Kingsgate Mall.
Starting point is 01:38:23 Oh yeah. But they had to stop because people were trying to wash their clothes in it and then they could come over to my house and dry them in my bathing suit dryer it's your old business oh boy what's your overheard genius yeah genius um i uh heard it was a guy and a lady walking down the back alley and uh one of them was on the phone and she she heard something and then paused and said she's always using rosé as an excuse absolutely right who who here can't say the same right because maybe she falls to hang out and she's like i can't rosé all day yeah so excited for rosé season guys it's delicious um i don't think because i can't have red wine it gives me headaches would rosé give
Starting point is 01:39:23 me headaches doesn't all wine give you headaches? Yeah. Can you have white? Yeah, I can have it, but I don't feel great after. But now I'm just wondering, could I sidestep it with some rosé is what I'm asking.
Starting point is 01:39:35 I think you should just have a glass in the middle of an afternoon one day so you can roll through the headache and hang over by six. I can't wait to day drink. That's something I'm very excited for. What's preventing you? There's nowhere to sit.
Starting point is 01:39:50 You have to go out? Yeah. You can't do it at home? No, I feel like day drinking at home is probably not a great bridge to cross. Yeah. But, you know, doing it in a park or at a patio somewhere,
Starting point is 01:40:04 suddenly it makes it all right. I don't know. Being drunk by 4 p.m. rules. Do you remember the Madonna song, Bad Girl? Mm-hmm. I don't think so. It was like from the 92 or 93, and I just remember the line, Bad girl, drunk by six, smoked too many cigarettes today oh yeah yeah and uh when i
Starting point is 01:40:29 was a 12 year old hearing this i thought the line was bad girl drunk by sex and i i just remember thinking wow being a grown-up is complicated what a minefield yeah somebody gets pulled over for drunk driving they're like no i was drunk by sex so technically i'm allowed to drive off actually no we blow into this uh sir uh now we also have overheard sent in from listeners all over the place. If you want to send one in, you can send it to spy at And this first one comes from Lindsay in Vancouver. She works in a school. My office is right next to the space where grade 7 students have their flex block in the morning.
Starting point is 01:41:19 This morning, I overheard two boys in conversation. Boy one, want to hear some dad jokes? Sure. Where do boats go when they get sick the boat dock why do math books look so sad because of all of its problems how do you make a tissue dance you put a little boogie in it and boy two says these aren't dad jokes these are just good i was gonna say they're not dad jokes. They're just like joke book jokes. Yeah, this kid was on top.
Starting point is 01:41:50 He's just like, these are good jokes. If dads get to say them, I'm on board. But these are good jokes. I'm going to get someone pregnant. Yeah. Did you have joke books when you guys were kids yes definitely i feel like i really got any of them no like the one that always confused me much as the drunk by sex thing confused dave was there was a joke about how do you get down from a horse and they're like you
Starting point is 01:42:21 don't you get down from a duck and i was like what the fuck does this mean why he just told you he was on a horse now he's on a duck what the hell i didn't understand until he was an adult i never i never asked a parent for help you get down from a duck like you get oh the feathers yeah i we i'm we've i've talked about this i've heard you tell that joke before when we talked about joke books and the one that always perplexed me was from, I had this British joke book. So that made everything worse. Yeah. But the joke was, where were aha when the lights went out? The answer was in the dark
Starting point is 01:43:05 is that even the most famous song no i mean it has it has nothing to do it could have been anyone it has nothing to do with them i think they were maybe the odd hottest band at the time when that joke was written i'm speechless oh wow yeah that's insane it could have been duran duran um this next one is uh from jonathan from marysville ohio uh he's in a paint store yum uh mother and three or four year old daughter. The daughter was wiggling as the mother tried to hold her. A stranger passed by saying something to the mother. Girl says, what did he say to you? She's mother.
Starting point is 01:43:53 He said, good luck, girl. Why, mother? Because he knows you're a handful. Later, I heard the same girl doing something around her mom. And then I heard the mom say no trust falls today oh wow that totally as as soon as a kid would be uh knowledgeable of trust falls that's all you would want to do yeah i can trust you right mom here we go there was a kids in the hall sketch where i think scott thompson as danny husk uh i forget it's like a weird plot where he's like he he's been kidnapped but that's right yeah he's reading about his own story And he has to go deliver his own ransom.
Starting point is 01:44:46 And he meets the guy who's kidnapped him. And he says, how do I know I can trust you? And they do a quick trust fall. Oh, man. Kids in the Hall rules. I would watch that from the start. I would watch every episode again. Is that on? Can we get it?
Starting point is 01:45:06 You gotta watch from the start so you understand. Yeah, that's true. I wonder if it's, that used to be like, they would show reruns on TV. I wonder if they still do. Yeah, well they, I remember as a kid very distinctly, you know like when you go on holiday, your parents let you eat like chocolate before bed or whatever. They let us watch kids in the hall and I was blown away. I didn't like, there were so many things that I was like, I don't understand what's going on at all.
Starting point is 01:45:35 But there was this, there was an ongoing sketch of the two policemen. Yeah. Right? Yeah. And there was one where the two policemen are walking down the beach and you see them in a two-shot and then the camera goes out to wide and they're holding hands and they didn't realize so funny so funny this last one comes from dan in kansas city missouri my six-year-old daughter's response to a school assignment asking the kids to answer what life would be like when they are 100 years old picture attached uh she says dead and then there's a
Starting point is 01:46:11 picture of a grave with sadie to 2017 i don't know if you can see anything here no no sorry but anyways sadie and a gravestone and then a casket. When you're 100 years old? Yeah, 100 years old. Yeah, that's fair. When I'm 100 years old, I'll be dead. And then it says Sadie 2017. I love it. There's a casket there.
Starting point is 01:46:35 I think a few years ago, I remember seeing news articles that were like, the first person to live to be 150 years old has already been born. Right. Oh yeah. No way. No way. I was at a,
Starting point is 01:46:52 I went to like a birthday celebration with a 93 year old and he's gross. He, somebody like he had to check his date of birth. It found that he found out he was actually 92. So he got a year back. I love it. When people tell me they want to live until they're 100, I'm like, why? Yeah, just to like...
Starting point is 01:47:15 I'm thinking about that now. So 55 years in the future, it's already so bad. Yeah. It's already so bad right now at 45 like how gray will you be by 100 i'll be i will have the most beautiful hair i'll look like a corpse um but a hot corpse i'm a hot corpse now hot corpse drunk by sex in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631.
Starting point is 01:47:52 That's one. Ugh. SpyPod 1, like these people have. Hey, Dave, Graham, and glorious guest. This is Billy in Montana calling in an overheard of the Kids Save the Darnedest. So my
Starting point is 01:48:11 four-year-old has trouble flushing the toilet or has trouble remembering flushing the toilet. Same. So every time he comes out of the bathroom, I have to remind him. And yesterday, I heard him come out of the bathroom. I said, hey, go flush the toilet.
Starting point is 01:48:27 And he said, I peed in the trash can. Well, off I go. Oh, man, that kid rules. Oh, man, I love it when a kid finds out a loophole oh boy oh man that's great and the song that's just the the cherry on top is that it came out as a song well kid rules your kid rules yeah let's hear it for the boy. Next phone call.
Starting point is 01:49:07 Hey, Dave and Graham and possible guests. This is John in Rochester, New York, calling in with an overseen of the vanity plate variety. I'm in the grocery store parking lot and a blonde teenage girl in a new Volkswagen has the New York State vanity license plate Joe Pesci.
Starting point is 01:49:29 Wow! I'm surprised you beat him to the punch. You think just by law, Joe Pesci's allowed to write a first refusal. How many characters is that? I mean, if it was Joe
Starting point is 01:49:45 it probably would read like Joe Pisces but Yeah, because you can have the same amount of letters just in the wrong order. Yeah, how many? It's eight? Eight letters? That could work if they're all J-O-E-P-E-S-C-I No space. No space? That that works doesn't it i'm not
Starting point is 01:50:09 i don't know how it works for um i remember uh watching jeopardy and you know how when alex used to talk to the contestants they would all have the most boring stories about their lives oh yes someone uh i remember someone's california license plate was dracula and he got it the moment that california switched from six characters to seven characters on license but that story i'm getting dracula that story rules because like the other night i there was one that said so you just vampire yeah he could have gotten just vampire. Yeah, he could have gotten vampire, sure. Yeah, but I mean, you've got to be specific. Yeah. What vampire?
Starting point is 01:50:47 The Dracula. Yeah. I'm the mummy. There you go. You could get the mummy. But yeah, there was a woman on Jeopardy that I watched last night where she likes sci-fi movies. And then Alex was like, which one is your favorite? She's like, they're all, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I couldn't pick one. I was like, well, that's, you knew that this question they're all, I don't know, I couldn't pick one. I was like, well that's, you knew that this question was coming. He's not hardballing you. You knew that you're... You were watching an old one with Alex? Yeah, I've taped too many. I've taped too many over the last six months, so I'm trying to get, I'm still like
Starting point is 01:51:18 in Christmas time of Jeopardy, so Alex is still with us. Oh, well, get ready to get sad. What? Oh, no. You don't, get ready to get sad. What? Oh, no. You don't know? It's very sad. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:51:29 I shouldn't have made that joke. No, it's fine. Pat Sajak should have been the one to go. Jesus. Dave, you're so right. Dave gave us a look like, what do you want me to do? I can't control. Where's the lie?
Starting point is 01:51:46 Here's your final overheard. dave hi graham this is cassiana calling from arizona and my overheard happened at the elementary school that i work at uh the teacher told a little girl to go wash her hands at the sink and she didn't want to but she did and i And I hear her saying at the sink, saying, germs and God, germs and God, germs and God. Everybody tells me they're real, but I've never seen them. Yay! That's awesome. That's some heavy duty. Because people that would say I've never seen germs
Starting point is 01:52:18 would probably be like, but I'm friends with God. And so it's unusual that that would cross the, I don't see God, I don't see germs. They both don't exist. Yeah, I have a little faith in germs. Yeah, I mean, that's, the kids sent me on a real existential. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:52:40 They're so wise, these little people, aren't they? That's true, from the mouth of babes. Well, I guess guess you know what uh we're all rooting for each other yes um well should we uh chat a bit more about the max fun drive before we sign off i live to chat all right here we folks. Here we are at the very end of the show. This is the last time we're going to bug you about this. I'll get right out of your hair. Yeah, exactly. We know you're busy.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Well, we want to say out of the gates, thank you to everybody who supports the show. It means an awful lot to both of us, and it means that we can continue to focus on the show and make it each and every week and make it a priority. So thank you so much for being a part of that. Yes, and this is it. This is the last time we'll ask you today. Yeah, exactly. You go to you click on how much you want to give to the show. You go to You click on how much you want to give to the show.
Starting point is 01:53:48 You click on what prizes you want. What shows you want to get your money. And Bob's your uncle. Thank you so much everybody for listening to the episode. Being a part of this fun drive.
Starting point is 01:54:05 Couldn't be easier to join and support the shows that you love. Well, back to the very end of the show. Well, we are very blessed to have had you as a guest, Alicia. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. We're blessed by
Starting point is 01:54:22 the germs in the sky that live up in the clouds germ guy germ Jesus germ us and let us speak of germs and all of the amoebas I mean apostles
Starting point is 01:54:38 Alicia your podcast is retail nightmares comes out weekly that's right Mondays Alicia, your podcast is Retail Nightmares. It comes out weekly. That's right, Mondays. You and your co-host, Jessica. Jessica Delisle, great guests. And, yeah, great guests. Great guests.
Starting point is 01:54:58 You had an anniversary one where there was a bunch of guests on all at once, and that was a lot of fun. Yeah, you were on it. It was really fun. Just saying what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just need you to report it back. Yeah, give it a listen if you want to laugh. It's very silly. Yeah, it's very silly and where else is that the main place to catch you or is there... Yeah, you could follow me on Twitter at Alicia A. Tobin. main place to catch you or is there... Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:27 Yeah, you could follow me on Twitter at Alicia A. Tobin. Yeah, why not? You could buy my book, See Your Little Sad So What. Where can people find that? Anywhere books are sold kind of deal? Yeah, pretty much. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. You're on an Indigo. You're maybe on a Barnes & Noble. Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 01:55:44 I haven't checked in a while i don't really i don't really like looking anything but you can order it from uh those places you could request it from your library nice options get it by an audio uh nope there's no audiobook let's record one right now go yeah yeah we got time i would love that we'll be like session musicians for your uh voice recording yeah sure i'll play the backing track another it takes lonely we must be mistaken. Go on.
Starting point is 01:56:32 With their tanks and their guns and their guns and their bombs. And their gons. Come on. Their tanks and their gons. Sorry. I forgot you were Irish. Zombie. Zombie.
Starting point is 01:56:41 Zombie. Zombie. Yum, yum. Yum, yum. um zambi yum yum yum yum oh we're dumb there's no question not getting any smarter yeah exactly um so uh you know what listeners out there you can check out the cranberries entire yeah just look up go to slash join to support the cranberries and come to slash join to support our show. We really
Starting point is 01:57:12 appreciate it. You're helping keep the show going. That's right. You are the beautiful life support to our slowly fading corpse. Zambi.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi. Zambi.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Zambi. Zambi. Thanks, everybody, for listening. Do take care of yourself and all those around you, and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned.
Starting point is 01:58:05 Audience supported.

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