Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 69 - Devon Lougheed

Episode Date: June 30, 2009

Podcaster, comedian, writer Devon Lougheed joins us to talk MJ, drunk dialing, and being age inappropriate....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 69 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and joining me here as always is the one of the two of us who thought the disaster movie is hilarious, Mr. Dave Shumka. Well, I just don't think you got that.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Like, they weren't just throwaway references. They were building a character. Touche. And our guest this week for the 69 Filth Fest, very funny comedian, writer, podcaster, fellow podcaster, triathlon elite, and all-around nice guy, Devin Lougheed. There you go. Hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:01:05 It's good to be here. L, Devin Lougheed. There you go. Hey, guys. It's good to be here. Lougheed, Lougheed. I would say Lougheed, and so that's what you guys should probably say. Okay, Lougheed. Lougheed. So stoked. Do you want to get to know us? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Get to know us. So, Devin, you're from the Exploding Sandwich podcast. That's me. And how many episodes deep are you guys? We're probably at, I think we're at 56, 57, something like that. We're a little younger. Goodness gravy. 56.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Were we ever so young? My goodness. So what's going on with you? Dave said earlier you were training for a triathlon. Is that true? I just today finished a $130,000 bike ride. Then I came home and I shoved beans in my mouth and then I came here. Is that $130,000?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Now, for people in the States, that's kilometers. It's not K as in grand. I just finished a $130,000 bike ride. Or horse tranquilizers It wasn't worth it in the end It's not good of me neither That's like 80 miles 80 miles?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yeah, I guess Where did you go? I went to, for the Vancouver people I started sort of at my house Which is near Cranville and Broadway Oh, okay And I went over to Horseshoe Bay Around Stanley Park Then to Horseshoe Bay around Stanley Park,
Starting point is 00:02:26 then to Horseshoe Bay, then up to Cypress Mountain, which sucks when you're on a bike. Yeah, well, it's a mountain. Right. Usually you've got crampons and picks and whatnot. Not a bicycle. When I got up to the first peak of Cypress Mountain, I saw a guy with
Starting point is 00:02:41 red dreadlocks and a red dread beard. Red locks. Yeah, I mean, it writes itself. I'm looking like I'm an equal opportunity hair color friend, but I can't handle the red locks or the beard. The beard locks are... Do you think he was of the mountain?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Do you think he was like a mythical type creature? Maybe he was just a spirit that I saw. Yeah, he's your spirit animal. The filthy hippie is your spirit animal i knew it with uh how do you get beard dreadlocks or is it just braids i i don't know i mean i think it probably started as braids and you just rubbed in the wax and stuff like that remember sex wax yeah it had a I remember being very confused about what sex wax was. It actually made me rethink sex. I'm like, I'm supposed to be using wax? And it turns out it was for surfboards.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Why do you have to wax a surfboard? Explain. If you want to have sex with it. Yeah. Well, I know for skis and snowboards, you have to wax it to reduce the friction on the bottom. Yeah. But if you're just a surfboard on water, is it like a sticky wax that you put on top so your feet can grip it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I just remember a lot of friends having sex wax shirts. I think it's there so if you get lost at sea, you can actually light it like a little candle, and the Coast Guard will see that flame and come and rescue you. Wow. Wow, I think we learned a lot. And then you can have sex on the beach. And then you can have sex on the beach
Starting point is 00:04:14 with your surfboard. When you go cycling for 130 kilometers, do you go by yourself? Do you bring a friend? Today I was actually, it was the first time I've done a ride that long by myself. Right. And it was really awful.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I was exhausted by the end. Well, it sounds awful, even with a friend. Right. Well, today I brought other podcasts. So, strangely enough, you guys were with me. Thanks for that. And that's the only time that'll happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:41 On a 130-kilometer bike ride. Yeah. It's the only way that could possibly happen. a 130-kilometer bike ride. It's the only way that could possibly happen. Maybe you guys could drive beside me. Yeah, like, I don't know, did Rocky have a guy driving beside him? We'd be like the fat coach in Punch-Out!, except we'd be in a car and he'd be on a bike. Katie Holmes supposedly ran the Boston Marathon, and then afterwards there was this big controversy because they're like, actually,
Starting point is 00:05:06 her security guard ran it, and she just got picked up by a bus and dropped off near the end. Scientology. That's the rule. No marathons. Only fake ones. So, you listen to, like,
Starting point is 00:05:21 what, podcast music and stuff while you're... Yeah, like to to mix it up something to keep me going and focused and not asleep i can't really do anything for longer than 15 minutes and so it's really hard to stick with you know long yeah wow that's amazing that's pretty outrageous a triathlon that's um like two sports uh it's almost like two sports and it's almost like a decathlon in that it's got more than one thing and uh i was in a triathlon it's t-r-y it's all effort it's all participation ribbons i didn't i didn't work for it and i got kicked out did not is it a vanc Vancouver one that you're doing?
Starting point is 00:06:06 The one that I'm doing is Ironman Canada So it's in Penticton It'll be a 4k swim 180k bike and then a marathon It's 42k Or 21 miles At the end I have to do a hurdle It's actually only one foot tall
Starting point is 00:06:23 But most people can't make it What do you do after a triathlon? I don't know. I don't really want to be doing it anymore, but I'm sort of committed. How long does one have to train for that much of a thing? I started training with this in mind in January. Which is stupid. Was this on a dare?
Starting point is 00:06:43 Or are you a lifetime athlete? No, you know, not really. The best part of all this triathlon stuff is I don't really know what I'm doing. So all of these hardcore people that I end up training with think I'm an idiot. They see a cyclist out in his stupid matching outfit and all that. Well, the triathletes and the the bikers that i know they call it a kit whereas i call it a costume and i would appreciate it very much like oh i've been thinking about getting one of those bike costumes bike outfits yeah why is it that there's
Starting point is 00:07:17 triathlon is uh run a bike and a swim but a biathlon is skiing and shooting yeah i don't know like and a pentathlon has horse riding in it um yeah it's weird that they but biathlon it seems like you could combine any two things yeah anything could be a biathlete i only know triathlons and sexathlons but those are a little different what's a sexathlete oh surfing in it. Oh, okay. Does it involve wax? It's a wax athlete. Only if you're pro. Now, you are from... I'm from Ontario, originally. What city?
Starting point is 00:07:52 From Brantford. Now, you're the most famous athlete from Brantford? I think I'm the most famous anything from Brantford. First of all, I made it... Wait a minute. 20 without... Isn't Wayne Gretzky from Brantford? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Okay. That's where I was going with all this. The most famous anything. I think I've got more name recognition right now than Gretzky. Do you have any stories about Wayne Gretzky? I don't have any stories about Wayne Gretzky, but his dad, Walter, very nice gentleman, used his son's fame and all of that, and all of his money. They still live in just like a tiny...
Starting point is 00:08:23 Oh, not they. His wife died. Oh, I'm so sorry Walter. Now he still is and just like a little duplex on the street but he's getting older and he's starting to to go a little bit of cuckoo in the brain and he'll go for wanders which is uh you know the nice way of saying no it's lost it's not it's the bad way of saying he goes for walks. Well, when you go... Yeah, he goes for walks.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Okay, so he goes for walks and he signs things, even when people don't ask him to. Like people's cars or women's breasts. He really signs people's cars? Yeah, he just sort of goes around. And because he's famous in Brantford, people will call the police like, Oh, Walter Gretzky's outside. You might want to come get him. So, yeah, he just sort of goes around. And because he's famous in Brantford, people will call the police like, Oh, Walter Gretzky's outside.
Starting point is 00:09:07 You might want to come get him. So, Wayne, come back and take care of your dad, you jerk. No, the police are handling it. I saw someone... You know how when someone has a dirty car, people will right-wash me on it or whatever? Or Walter. Yeah. Depending on the city.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Best wishes, Walter. wash me on it or whatever walter yeah depending on the city i saw a car this morning that had uh someone drew a penis and testicles on it yeah and i guess the owner saw it but didn't care that much and only half-heartedly wiped it away so there's just like a hand marked down the middle. It was kind of like he was like, oh, you. Yeah. Maybe he was trying to draw the standard thick three pubes that a grade nine will do. The thing always usually when you see a graffiti penis is the... Graffinus, we call it. Oh, graffinus. The dimensions of it don't usually...
Starting point is 00:10:00 Like you can see both testicles from the angle that you're at, which is almost impossible. It's like when you draw a dog and you can see its back leg from that perspective because it's walking forward. One of the balls is actually walking forward. Like, swung to the other side, and then it's like a captured in time kind of moment. Dave, let's get to know you. What's going on in your neck of the woods? Dave, let's get to know you. What's going on in your neck of the woods? Well, this past week, a couple weird things happened where I was driving, and I was just passing by things that I saw.
Starting point is 00:10:47 But it was just like I saw this amazing moment, and it lasted for one second and i drove past and the first was on tuesday i was going downtown and i saw this uh family there was a a dad yeah and he was he reminded me a lot of of uh danny mcbride the actor from eastbound and down uh land of the lost those are the two movies i know from worlds uh he was dressed in black uh dress pants and a black uh button-up shirt oh might have been a black t-shirt okay and uh he had his family with him and it was it was two girls two little girls and his wife It was two girls, two little girls, and his wife. And also he was pushing a baby carriage. And he was carrying a drink from McDonald's. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:33 For only a dollar, I bet. Probably, yeah. That's the promotion. And then his daughter was behind him. And he just took one step back. And he farted in her face. Whoa! And I could tell because he laughed so hard afterwards. And she waved her hands in front of her face.
Starting point is 00:11:51 He farted in front of his baby's face? Yeah, not his baby. He was pushing the baby in a stroller. But his five-year-old daughter. Father of the year. So it's still his baby. Yeah, it was a magical moment. That girl's going to turn out to be real hip.
Starting point is 00:12:05 That's the sign. That's the causal factor in hipness. Yeah, she's gonna be a hip girl. She's gonna laugh at farts from now on. Yeah, that's what I mean. And all the guys are gonna be like, Ah, yeah, you're one of us, Jenny. Because you don't mind that we fart.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Frank. And she'll be like, But then tears will start rolling down her face. They can say Frank? No, Frank's the fart noise. Frank is the fart noise. I'm trying to clean it up. Frank.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Oh, that's good. Yeah, you guys don't have an explicit tag on iTunes. Yeah, we do. We do. Oh, do you? I put one there for us just in case, but we probably don't need it. I think we have needed it. Yeah, we smut it up from time to time.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Maybe we should go show by show. You can't do that, can you? Yeah, there is. Then everybody just download those. Yeah. I like to keep them guessing. What happened on that episode that was so filthy? Well, this one's episode 69, so it's explicit automatically.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Oh, yeah. It's a 69stravaganza. 69's Miss Borg. Yeah. This one in episode 96. Episode 696. 9-69 know it sure yeah it goes on um it's all gonna happen the other thing i saw was on thursday uh michael jackson died i don't know if you heard can we talk about that for a second you go ahead okay well uh i was driving uh to to the grocery store and someone
Starting point is 00:13:27 for some reason was having a yard sale on a thursday yeah which means somebody just stole something or they work on weekends um i guess that's a cheery way to look at it but uh it was clear that they had just gotten the news that Michael Jackson died. Because they had gone into their house. I'm sure they didn't have this on display for long. They heard about it, went into their house, found their Michael Jackson cardboard cutout, life-size. And I saw someone buying it. Sold it for $300.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I saw someone buying it. Sold it for $300. Yeah, and I was thinking, Michael Jackson has probably more merchandise than anyone else other than Lady Di. Yeah, that's probably true, eh? So does it go up in value? I'd buy an arcade version of Moonwalker, but that's because it's an awesome game,
Starting point is 00:14:19 not because of Michael Jackson's in it. You bought? Oh, I would. You would? Yeah. Is it the same game? I have it on Genesis. You bought? Oh, I would. You would? Yeah. Is it the same game? I have it on Sega Genesis, yeah, and it's the easiest game. The finishing move is to make everyone dance, and sometimes some levels there's dogs and
Starting point is 00:14:35 they do the dance with you. Which coincidentally is my finishing move, but it's a different dance. I would buy, if I could find a copy of it, that was some restored version, just to see if it checks out from my memory of it, a copy of Captain EO. Because that was something else, if I recall correctly. But there was a theater built around Captain EO when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Were you a Michael Jackson fan at all? You know, I've been into the hits. Yeah? He's got a big bat catalog and i put all of that time into frank zappa oh okay big mistake yeah i was young a long time ago i know i've been waiting for him to come through town dave were you ever michael jackson fan uh i don't know know. I like his music a lot. Yeah. But I wouldn't... He wouldn't give him an H.J. No.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Not now. No. But we were talking a few months ago when he put his... The tickets went on sale for his shows in London. Yeah. And I would have gone. Well, I would... I don't think I would have.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I think I would have been a really big, I would have been a big enough fan of him if I was old enough when he was at his peak to go see him. Because I liked him when I was a kid, but I wasn't of concert-going age. And by the time that he, like, I would have had some money to go to a concert, he was well past. I would have had some money to go to a concert He was well past Dangerous was like the last thing He ever did that was of any Kind of merit Well, Blood on the Dance Floor
Starting point is 00:16:12 Blood is in the night Was that a Those lyrics? Yeah, that was his EP But he I don't know I don't know if I would have went and seen an old, uh, Michael Jackson. I think I'd only go and see him if Janet was there as well, uh, so that we could see them
Starting point is 00:16:33 do Scream. Oh, yeah. And so that she could recreate that picture from Rolling Stone that got me through, uh, age 13. Sure. You know? Boob holding. Yeah, we know the one.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Boob holding shot. Everyone, everyone knows that shot but uh yeah it was it's a sad thing but also one of those things where it's like uh like news services no longer have to deliver news for the next week but also there's nothing happening in iran michael jackson's dead yeah exactly the world has ceased do you remember when you had to get news from like a news source like yeah we're like you had to oh they wouldn't confirm a news story until it came through officially on the wire yeah yeah yeah well now like um uh like like uh the moon landing or when kennedy was killed everyone knows where they were. But when Michael Jackson died, everyone was online.
Starting point is 00:17:27 That's how they found out. Well, he Twittered about it. He was like, OMG, dying. I don't care for that. Bad taste. Come on! I didn't even have a Twitter. He's too old for a Twitter.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I was in the newsroom when it came through. So I heard it in all the different... Languages? Yeah. From five different desks at once. Yeah, because that's how the newsroom works. It's like the UN. There's one person from every country.
Starting point is 00:17:56 We all wear headsets to understand what each other is saying. Because there is no Esperanto. And Nicole Kidman translates between, right? Yes. You've been to the newsroom. That was the interpreter? I guess so. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I'm working hard to keep up with you guys here. He's interloper. It's been a good week studying. But see, I was in the newsroom. There was the first phase was that he, that there was an announcement. In the morning, Farrah Fawcett died. That was the big, that was going big, so the news for, I guess like all the other news stations were kind of
Starting point is 00:18:28 gearing up, that was going to be the obituary piece of the day, and they were assembling their obituary for that. And then Michael Jackson had a heart attack, and then he was in a coma, but it was all paced out over about like an hour and a half. It was that he was rushed to a hospital,
Starting point is 00:18:44 then he was in a coma, then there was kind of rumor that he was dead, then TMZ reported he was dead, then everybody else reported he was dead. But that all happened within an hour and a half. Well, there's like, Princess Diana,
Starting point is 00:18:54 that was like a seven hour thing. Yeah, and it was overnight. Yeah, I was watching, we were about to watch one of the Leprechaun films when she died, and then we weren't allowed to because we had't allowed to because
Starting point is 00:19:05 we had to watch see if princess diana had died um they should have just substituted like all the stations should have just dropped in michael jackson for the obituaries they had for farrah fawcett already so you know like an icon from the 80s drove the world mad in his red swimsuit. Nipples. Nipples. I didn't understand. Episode 69. Because Farrah Fawcett had died, and she died after a lengthy battle with cancer.
Starting point is 00:19:35 But I never really... She is somebody who has existed entirely past the time that she was relevant to everybody else. You know what I mean? The poster and her sexiness and stuff. All I ever knew about Farrah Fawcett was her on David Letterman acting like a crazy person. That's the only thing I know about her.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I kind of feel the same way about Jane Fonda. Yeah, like there's a whole chunk of Jane Fonda She was a sexy lady. And she was Hanoi Jane, right? She was controversial. So what we're saying is Jane Fonda glory. She was a sexy lady. And she was Hanoi Jane, right? She was controversial. But then... So what we're saying is Jane Fonda... Look out.
Starting point is 00:20:09 We hardly knew ye. But who now is somebody that we would have had the reference, but a kid now would have no idea? Drew Barrymore? Hmm. She's fairly still culturally somewhat significant, isn't she? She's done beauty commercials and stuff still. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Is she still beautiful? Yeah. She's easy breezy. She went crazy on Letterman. Oh, you were going down that kind of... Okay. Madonna. I mean, Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Madonna. They were the same era, right? That they were both... Michael Jackson, too. Yeah. But Madonna really is somebody that we could say we were around at a time when she was somewhat relevant.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah. And the second time when Ray of Light came out. Yeah. And when This Used to Be My Playground came out. From Field of Dreams. Not Field of Dreams! Sorry. There's no quality of baseball. Not Field of Dreams! Sorry. There is no crying in baseball.
Starting point is 00:21:05 A league of their own, yeah. But I, I, like, I feel like Elvis was one of those characters who
Starting point is 00:21:14 kind of like, he stopped being creative 30 years before he died, or 20 years before he died. Yeah. Maybe 10. Yeah, probably 10. The army will do that to you.
Starting point is 00:21:23 More like 10. Yeah, he went away. S sucks the creativity out of you. But he came back. He had the 60th comeback special, which was huge, and then he had his Vegas period, but then there was a fallow period of probably six or seven years where there was nothing cropping up. He was just doing drugs.
Starting point is 00:21:38 What about Anna Nicole Smith? She's somebody I didn't even... When was she a thing? She was always just a kooky She had been a She was a guest model And a playboy playmate Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:21:53 Yeah but I don't remember her from that Yeah I think it has a lot to do with Like In terms of Farrah Fawcett You know who it'll be? It'll be Britney Spears. That's my prediction. How about Pamela Anderson?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Or Lee or whatever she goes by now. She just had a roast. Yeah, that's a good call. Because she kind of was on TV and now she's just been around. But it's kind of like beautiful... In terms of the Farrah Fawcett thing, it's a beautiful thing. A beautiful woman that... A beautifulet thing it's a beautiful thing a beautiful woman that a beautiful mind yeah she has a beautiful that adolescent men have a very strong uh adolescent
Starting point is 00:22:31 boys yeah have a very strong connection to and then their beauty fades and the guys grow up and then why are they still famous like scarlett johansson maybe i think i like that she might pull through the pamela anderson yeah i Anderson I think that's where we're gonna put this ghoulish talk to rest. It's been fairly ghoulish. Should we get to know you or do we know enough about your ghoulish nature? I apologize if
Starting point is 00:22:55 anybody found out it was overwhelmingly ghoulish. Explicit tag this one. Here's what happened this week. Nothing of grand significance. I can admit to that. But I saw no less than three women walking around in just sports bras. What's going on with that? Is that a thing? But pants and shorts?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, yeah. But like, as if it was a dude walking around without a shirt on. Only the woman version, which I guess is woman walking around with sports bras? I'm from Ontario where they can actually legally be topless. But is that happening in Ontario?
Starting point is 00:23:27 That is. It's legal in Ontario. It does, but it's generally not the people that you would hope. Yeah, but... And by you, I mean my perverted dad. Not who you're... But, okay. But women don't just...
Starting point is 00:23:41 They wouldn't go out on their lawn and trim the hedge topless. Some would, but... Have you ever seen it? Yeah, it's not pretty. Well, I don't find most guys that walk around with their shirt off pretty. Yeah, that's true. Have you ever been to Wreck Beach? Wreck Beach, for anyone from outside Vancouver, is a nude beach.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yes, I have been. I've lived here my whole life. I don't think I've ever been. I went. I didn't have been. I've lived here my whole life. I don't think I've ever been. I went. I didn't go naked. Have you been? I have. I went, I think I went twice, thrice.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And I've always been hesitant to get naked only because I'm not a prude. Episode 69. Yeah, I am a prude. Because at the time when I was there i was also um a teaching assistant at ubc i had a horrible rash covering my body and actually spelled out words just coincidentally but the words were just nonsense it said it said flower space no oh that's but i mean i thought were going to spell it something racist. No, no.
Starting point is 00:24:46 They're not. They're nice like that. But, you know, you don't want to see your TA naked. That was my thing. Because I was... You don't see your TA's TNA. Yeah. You probably said that at one point.
Starting point is 00:24:55 You set them up, I'll knock them down. I, uh... That's not how that worked. I was afraid of seeing people that I knew. That I didn't want to see naked. And I didn't want them to see me naked. And I would like to keep that barrier going
Starting point is 00:25:10 for a very long time. What I know about Wreck Beach is that there's drug dealers. Yeah, well, pot. Okay, fine. Oh, you can get anything you want down there. Really? Drugs or otherwise. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:25:25 You'll be sitting there and some guy comes by and he's like, pot brownies, pot brownies. Does anybody need a wireless internet connection? I'm selling 30 minutes of internet time. Investment planning. Investment planning. I'm naked. I don't have the information you need
Starting point is 00:25:41 to plan my investment. A collar and a tie. Just a collar and a tie. That's it. Just a collar and a tie. And I know that the naked people refer to people who don't get naked as textiles. As muggles. Muggles. Textiles.
Starting point is 00:25:56 That's right. Really? I don't. But the thing is, is like, I'm not against nudity. I am against it. I don't care for it one bit. But there was a lot. And now I'm well past the point in my life.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Guys like us, we're established now. Nobody wants to. We've got celebrity junk. Right. That's why I don't go naked. Like that whole album, right? Celebrity junk. Celebrity junk.
Starting point is 00:26:31 So I guess you're more of a pull-it-through-the-jeans kind of guy? Never mind, why did I say that? What was that? I don't know, let's... Like jean shorts? Yeah, jean Simmons. Oh, I thought you meant like jean shallot. Speaking of jean Simmons,
Starting point is 00:26:42 here's my theory. I was watching just a brief bit of Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. When God made him, he broke all the rules. Here's my theory. This is a theory that my roommate and I kind of concocted. This is how the show
Starting point is 00:27:01 came about. It was following Hammer Time time new worst show on television by the way i haven't had a chance no don't bother it's worse than gene simmons family jewels if you can imagine like it's that same kind of stagey like we gotta get uncle ray ray a girlfriend you're like oh god hammer has a voice over for that show um that's pretty much what it was what i just did um but on gene simmons family jewels we assumed like i i was like you know what happened is like shannon tweed first of all i don't believe that he and her live together like i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:27:37 find that plausible and i also think that he has like all these illegitimate children, and he just picked the two best-looking ones and made it like... And then asked, hey, is... Because the big thing is they kind of reinforce, like, hey, we're a family, so they show these old videos. We ain't your next-door family. I just know the theme song. Have you ever watched it?
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yes. They'll show old family videos. But I think those are just... And then I think they overdub his voice. Because he's very rarely in the clips. Are they actually videos or are they mock-ups? No, they're videos. They're videos.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Sometimes they'll be backstage and he'll be in his kiss garb. But it's very rare. One out of ten has him in the video. And the rest of the time it's him supposedly filming the video and his voice here I am filming the video smile for daddy
Starting point is 00:28:32 that was me doing the kiss tongue for those of you not in the room which is most of you listening I'm never going to listen to this do you ever listen Graham do going to listen to this. Do you ever listen, Graham? Do you ever listen to the podcast when it's done? Once in a while.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I listen to... You really don't listen to every episode? I listen to last week's. Okay. That's a start. Episode 69. One out of 69. I don't like the sound of my voice.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Is that weird? Do you watch your TV show? No. I live a very sheltered life. I go home and watch Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. Now, I've gotten used to the sound of my voice when I'm doing silly podcasts and stuff, but recently I was on CBC for a serious thing. They were talking to me very seriously. About what?
Starting point is 00:29:26 And I sound like a total idiot When I'm being serious What were they talking about seriously to you? Well I'm doing my PhD But I study Why do you do that? I study mostly comedy and music and stuff That's one of these make up your PhD programs Well this one is a good one you know
Starting point is 00:29:44 It's a free ride To talk about jokes and to talk about obscure bands from the early 90s. I'll be in political science. Because I just read this morning. PhD stands for Pretty Hot Devin. pretty hot devin wait because this this morning i read your or i didn't get it all the way through it uh but your essay about radiohead in that collection and then i had no idea like i had no idea that you were a gentleman who was pursuing his uh phd it's the it's the really short attention span i can't you're a young man You're a young man to be going after a PhD Yeah, I saw the eyes on the prize
Starting point is 00:30:29 I don't know, I've got Eyes on his thighs I think I'm doing that for the same reason that I'm doing the Iron Man Which is I don't know why When you get a PhD, do you have to get it in the same field That you got your Masters and your Bachelors?
Starting point is 00:30:43 That doesn't matter, but often that's the way. And in your case? In my case, it is the case. Okay. So you could get a bachelor's in arts, a master's of the universe. Yeah. And a PhD in osomology. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Which is actually a branch of cosmetology. I thought you, I was sure that you were getting your PhD in osomology. Yeah. Yeah. Which is actually a branch of cosmetology. I thought you, I was sure that you were getting your PhD in osomology. Dave, what did you get your PhD in? I got it in pretty huge dick. Boom. You want to move on to overheards? Sure.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Overheard. All right, overheards. Things overheard on transportation in everyday life. Perhaps you're standing in a lineup and somebody in front of you said something very funny. It's our tradition here on Stop Podcasting Ourselves, ourselves, yourself, to let the guest kind of share the first overheard, if you have one. Yeah, yeah, I sure do. This is a bus overheard, which you've had in the past, but this one was good.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I'll set the stage, imagine a very sort of skinny gentleman, hair all tufty, wearing these funny-shaped sunglasses, big white sunglasses. I had, like, Kurt Cobain in that one photo. So a hip, young youth. Yeah, he was somebody. He was on the bus and he was just raging with his friend. I was on the phone, but when I finished, what I heard was
Starting point is 00:32:11 he said to his friend, then I said, you think Dadaism is not a movement? Well, it's an anti-movement and therefore a movement. Then he shook his head and said, what a hypocrite. Wow. Wow. That's some heady, heady stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So Dada, as an anti-movement, does that qualify as a movement? Yeah, I suppose. I don't know. Is he right? Oh, he's a hypocrite. Yeah. I don't know. Either way.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I gotta get my pretty huge dick. Dave, you got one? What do you got? Mine is also about Dadaism. Oh, wait. No, it's about Michael Jackson. Yeah, of course. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I was at the grocery store this morning, and there's a few situations where you go and you know you're gonna get a good overheard and one is like when you're around drunk people yeah old people yeah uh children uh because they say the darndest things i've heard but uh i didn't know this was a good situation but if you go to a grocery store first thing in the morning when there's no other no other people there and just everyone i'd never seen it everyone was like had these pricing guns and they were the the digital kind and they were checking prices space guns but uh this one lady was uh was putting out meat in the meat section.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Right. It's a good place for it. Yeah. And there was another lady she was with who didn't really speak English. Yeah. Yeah, I like where this is going. It wasn't her strong suit. So the lady who does speak English, she said,
Starting point is 00:34:01 So that moonwalk was pretty great, eh? And the other woman said what and then the first woman said the moonwalk edith hello do you know what would be even greater is if somebody in the uh deli section was doing a moonwalk at the time and that's what she was talking about that guy's moonwalk is really great i couldn't tell if she was talking about that moonwalk like as if like oh someone just did a moonwalk five minutes ago and uh did you see it it was pretty great or if she was just making the worst small talk or if she was an old lady she might have been talking about somebody walking on the road yeah yeah it was. It was like a version of an Elvis sighting.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Maybe she was accusing some guy she just saw moonwalking in the parking lot of actually being Michael Jackson. You know that that was a theory that was kind of bandied about? It was like a Tupac thing? Yeah. Dying and coming back? You know, that everything in his life was this carefully orchestrated kind of illusion. was this carefully orchestrated kind of illusion, and this was just... He announces this big, gigantic 50 dates,
Starting point is 00:35:09 but literally at the same place all in a row, thing that he was doing at the O2 Arena, and then he just fakes his death and then lives in Dubai for the rest of his life or whatever. I would believe it. I wouldn't be... It's one of those things. If that was the thing, I don't think anybody would be...
Starting point is 00:35:28 Do you think anybody would be shocked? No. But was he really in the public eye anymore? He already could have just moved to Dubai and been there forever, almost unbothered. When he announced that 50-day tour, that was on every channel that morning. Except for whatever... TMZ. Right.
Starting point is 00:35:49 The Multigold World Show. Did you know that his trainer for the upcoming tour was Lou Ferrigno? Yeah. Really? I really love that part of the story. Yeah. Almost. Because it's kind of like...
Starting point is 00:36:02 Who do you want to train you? Spider-Man. He's taken. He's not real. Okay, the Hulk. Yeah. You know, in my mind's eye, everything for him still exists. You know how in Boogie Nights, everything kind of froze for Marky Mark's character
Starting point is 00:36:25 at that one point. He's Mark Wahlberg's character. Yeah. I was talking about a different guy. Please be respectful. Respect his choices. But he had to drive around this car that he bought when he was really hip-hopping.
Starting point is 00:36:40 He had to drive it around for way past its cool date. That's kind of how i picture like everything in michael jackson's house would be from the 80s like his phone would still be a rotary phone and his trainer is lou farigno like it would be like future what what the 80s people thought was the future yeah even better so it'd be like this oh this cutting edge technology that's gonna be the future it's a car where you don't have to drive with the wheel. You drive it with your voice. Yeah, it's a hoverboard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And he also would compose his letters and whatnot on one of those computers with the green screen on it. Commodore 64? Yeah. Or 128. Same screen. Ooh. Sure. Well done. Mathematics.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Graham, darling, do you have an overheard? I do. I heard a same screen. Ooh. Sure. Well done, mathematics. Graham Darling, do you have an overheard? I do. I heard a, a gal discussing the works of one Jamie Foxx. J-Fo.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And, I guess, wasn't a fan and said, yeah, you know, he built up all this
Starting point is 00:37:44 goodwill when he won the Oscar for that Stevie Wonder movie. She was quickly corrected, but that was my favorite part. You won it for traffic. For the Stevie Wonder movie. You mean Stevie? All blind people look the same to me, too. For me, it's blacks. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:10 Keyboardists. Yeah, so Paul Schaefer. Looks like everybody looks like Paul Schaefer when he plays the keyboard. Kevin Eubanks never plays the keyboard. How do you know? I know. How do you know what he does in his spare time?
Starting point is 00:38:24 Because I'm the one who watches. Because I'm Kevin Eubanks. I'm the one who used to watch The Tonight Show. Oh, you're the one. We got some listener overhears. Do we do the calls or the write-in ones? Dave's choice. Why don't you read the write-in ones?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Okay. All right. Dave's choice. Why don't you read the writing? Alright, this is from Meg P in South Carolina. I mean, she wrote in brackets, heard about good old Governor Sanford.
Starting point is 00:38:56 We are so proud. Not. First of all, she's trying to bring back not. And I don't believe that was authorized by Wayne's World. And second of all, that guy got a pass. Woo! Yeah, thanks, Michael. Yeah, goodness.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's like, what was the guy, Gary Condit? Sure. His lover went missing, and the next day after he was to testify was 9-11. And everybody was like, back paid to Gary Condit. That was a good news day for a lot of people. Don't worry about it. I guess they were overheard this little
Starting point is 00:39:32 gem on vacation in London as I sat on a bench waiting for the bus to arrive. Three teenagers passed on the sidewalk in front of me. As they passed, one girl exclaimed, I don't get it. I love fish sticks. Which, in London. When in London.
Starting point is 00:39:48 You were talking about Wayne's World. Yeah. And the Knot. Party time, excellent. Wayne's World was on TV today. The movie. Yeah. Not just one of the sketches.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Right. Holds up, doesn't it? No, it's pretty funny still. Is it? Alice Cooper's still breaking charts. Mm-hmm. No, it's pretty funny still. You said Alice Cooper's still breaking charts.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Mm-hmm. But it was the censored version, and I'd never watched it censored. But I'd never expected the language to be... Like, I don't remember it being explicit, filthy. Me neither. They changed swing, swing to tra-la-la? That's right. Swing, swing to tra-la-la? That's right.
Starting point is 00:40:31 But there's one scene where Garth is talking about Rob Lowe's character, Benjamin. And he says, if Benjamin was an ice cream flavor, he'd be pralines and dick. Yeah. But on the censored version... It said cream? It said, if Benjamin was an ice cream flavor, he'd be Jamocha Almond Idiot. What? Whoa. What?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Wow. That wasn't even an option when that movie was made. Yeah. There's been lots of ice cream developments since. Yeah, because mocha wasn't a thing back then. Yeah, that's right. Was it? A mocha? Mocha was a thing. That you could go get a mocha wasn't a thing back then. Yeah, that's right. Was it? A mocha?
Starting point is 00:41:06 Mocha was a thing. That you could go get a mocha? I don't know. You're thinking of mocha only. He wasn't a thing back then. I know. He brings it home. Maybe jam mocha wasn't.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Jam mocha. Is that a thing? I don't know. Jam mocha me crazy? Jam mo. This is from Miles K. I was at a picnic on Kitts Beach when I overheard this little gem from the blanket next to us a couple of guys were talking about what summer movies they were looking forward to one guy said he couldn't wait to see quentin tarantino's indigenous bastards
Starting point is 00:41:38 does that movie here okay i have you seen the preview for the movie? Yes. Have you seen it? Yeah, I've seen the poster. And also the preview. The preview has Brad Pitt addressing his team of glorious bastards.
Starting point is 00:42:00 And he's saying, I want Nazi scalps. Or whatever. There's a camera shot that pans down the line of all these soldiers, and it's some guy I don't know, some other tough-looking guy, some other guy, the guy from The Office. I don't know how he got that role. And then I watched the Spike Mann Awards. Did you see those? No, I haven't know how he got that role. And then I watched the Spike Man Awards.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Did you see those? No, I haven't seen them yet. Statham made an appearance. My favorite. And you know what? He was with all his brethren from that movie that a lot of the bumpers alerted us to. Oh, right. Inglourious Basterds.
Starting point is 00:42:41 What was that movie? The Replaceables? Is that what it's called? It was called The Undesirables or something like that. Indigenouses. The Indigenouses. It's basically a movie, and we never talked about it on the podcast, that stars almost everybody that we had in the League of Extraordinary Blokes.
Starting point is 00:42:57 It has Jason Statham, Danny Trejo, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger. No way. How old is it? Dolph Lundgren. It hasn't come out yet. Oh, okay. It's new. Mickey Rourke.
Starting point is 00:43:10 The Expendables. The Expendables. And Jason Statham's character is called Lee Christmas, which is a pretty good name. But yeah, it's got Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Eric Roberts, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mickey Rourke, who else?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Steve Austin, Randy Couture, and of course, Brittany Murphy. Can you imagine being on that set? She just has to have sex with somebody in a scuzzy place. You've just seen 8 Mile and you wrapped up her whole career in that I have not seen 8 mile oh really
Starting point is 00:43:47 you've just had sex with her in a sketchy play I uh you know what's weird about this film like a lot of things I thought Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn't doing movies this is his comeback well his comeback was having his face digitally planted on another
Starting point is 00:44:04 bodybuilder's face in Terminator Sal digitally planted on another bodybuilder's face in Terminator Salvation, but not on bodybuilder's face. Yeah, he was the two-faced guy. Yeah, you've seen the movie. But this movie, can you imagine being like a makeup artist or something? Like a dude who's kind of a
Starting point is 00:44:20 swishy guy, and it's the Adrena Fest. There's no movie in history that's been this they might as well call this movie the spike awards or the man awards or whatever or the man of war the man of war anyways uh look for that in theaters yeah it's gonna be what do you think huge or the worst thing ever i feel like i'm gonna get beat up at the theater when i go to see it yeah i don't know't know why. You, me, everybody else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Doopree. Are there any other ones you want to read? Oh, those were my favorite, too. So thank you very much for writing in. If anybody else wants to write in to the podcast, stoppodcastingyourself at And we also have some called in overheards. Yeah, we got a few.
Starting point is 00:45:04 How about this one? Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham. This is Laurel M. calling from England. I have an overheard for you. This is a really old one. This is from probably about six or seven years ago, and I used to live at home in Edmonton, Alberta,
Starting point is 00:45:20 and I was at the Ikea, which is like Ikea everywhere. It's the same as the Ikea I have over here. But I was in the Ikea, which is like Ikea everywhere. It's the same as the Ikea I have over here. But I was in the model room section where they have everything set up like a perfect house, and there was a guy sitting on the edge of a bed, or he'd actually been sitting on the edge of the bed, and then he flopped back kind of half-crucified, leaning back on top of this fluffy kind of lacy cushion and blanket. And he was looking up at this woman who was probably his fiancée or his girlfriend or something,
Starting point is 00:45:50 and she was sobbing, really, really crying. And he said, okay, okay, I think I get it now. If I say I like this one, then you'll let us leave. And I thought that was pretty good because it sort of summed up the hell that is shopping at Ikea on a Saturday. Or any other day of the week, for that matter. Yeah. I don't...
Starting point is 00:46:11 The thing about Ikea, do you have a lot of Ikea furniture, Devin? I've got a little bit. Yeah? What about you? Yes. Do you find that it's held up well over the years? Some more than others. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:46:24 As long as I don't put anything near the surface, it stays relatively on scratch. Do you find that it's held up well over the years? Some more than others. Yeah? As long as I don't put anything near the surface, it stays relatively on scratch. Well, I mean, it's usually pretty good because I put it together and I'm kind of an expert. Yeah, yeah. I've seen you with an Allen key. You just toss it out. I'm going to put this Zorn together myself. This is an IKEA. This is IKEA.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Is it? I've had this since I was about 13. Oh, it's a Blapnack. This is not bad. It's a what? A Blapnack. You don't know that for sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:51 You can Google it. Or you can blip it. I'm not gonna. What's the new Microsoft Bing? You can Bing it. Yeah. Do you think that's gonna... Watch out, Google.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Bing that. Watch your back. Watch your Bing. I did have a friend who was like, I'm glad to see that the hegemonic Google now has some competition. I'm like, from Microsoft? You're mad at Google here? Good one.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I really didn't care for the image of being half-crucified. I think if you're going to be crucified, you might as well go whole cross. You might as well go for a soda, am I right? Nobody hurts except those who are being crucified. Here's another Swedish-related one. Hey guys, it's Jeff from Pittsburgh with Celebrity Overheard.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Some years ago, my company sponsored a golf charity event. I was able to go and claim that I needed to network, but really I just wanted to get autographs. There's a group of about 20 people, half adults and half 13, 14-year-olds, scrambling for autographs at one of the holes, I think the 17th hole. Anyway, one of these kids was constantly cutting in front of the line.
Starting point is 00:48:00 We were mostly organized in getting autographs, but he was constantly cutting in front and his dad, close by, real rich guy, wouldn't correct him. So finally, Ulf Samuelsson, the hockey star and former Pittsburgh Penguin, came around and this kid, again,
Starting point is 00:48:20 pushed his way to the front of the line and Ulf, out of the corner of his eye, saw him do it and you could tell he wasn't pleased. So the kid kept trying to make conversation. Ulf, is that a Rolex? My dad has a Rolex. Ulf, what kind of watch is that?
Starting point is 00:48:34 And Ulf looked at him and in his very best Terminator voice said, It's a tag. Now get back in line. Love the show. Take care. It's a tag. Get back in line. Love the show. Take care. It's a tag. Get back in line.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's a good celebrity overheard. Although he described Samuelson as a hockey star. But maybe did he spend his whole career in Pittsburgh? No, he moved around a bit. If I'm not willing to concede that Wayne Gretzky is a hockey star, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah, that's true. You started on a high end. Sam Milsen is best known for ruining other stars' careers. Really? Yeah. Like Nancy Kerrigan? Oh, really? Whose career did he ruin?
Starting point is 00:49:18 Most notably Cam Neely. The guy who played Seabass. The what? The guy who played Seabass. Kick what? The guy who played Seabass. Kick his ass, Seabass. That's right. Yeah. So we have, I think this might be our first ever drunk overheard.
Starting point is 00:49:33 And the guy who called this in, he made two attempts at it. He got lost in the first call. We'll play the first call and then we'll play the second call. Sure. Hey, stop podcasting yourself. This is Evan from Chicago. I was at Bonnaroo last weekend, which was like a puppy farm, but for overheards.
Starting point is 00:50:02 So I figured I'd share my best one with you. I was at Bruce Springsteen on Saturday night, and the boss was tearing it up. I was kind of chilling towards the back because I didn't need to be climbed upon by the boss or dragged upon to be up on the stage. But there were these two guys in front of me and my friends that, I don't know, I could hear pretty well. And I don't know. I could hear pretty well. And, um...
Starting point is 00:50:46 I don't know. They were pretty good. So... I don't know. Did he hang up there? Yeah, that was the end of that call. I don't know. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Wait a minute. It sounded like his primal fear was that if he got too close to the stage, Bruce Springsteen was going to pull him up on stage. Pull him up on stage. Yeah, right? Grab the saxophone, man. You're in.
Starting point is 00:51:10 But that could have made his whole career. He could have ended up on Friends. Well, first family ties. I don't know if he was... Maybe he couldn't tear it up. What was the song? I think the boss was... Dancing in the Dark?
Starting point is 00:51:23 Yeah, that's right. Graham snaps his fingers and agrees. Nippy snap. Here's his phone call moments later. All right, let me try that again. I'm dumb and drunk. So anywho, I was at Bonnaroo, and it was pretty ripe for overheads, and I'm going to try and throw this your way again.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I was checking out Bruce Springsteen Saturday night. I was laying pretty low because I didn't want to get up in the thick of it. So I was laying back and I was pretty on my way to getting pretty hammer time as I am right now. But there are these two fellows in front of me who seemed like their drug of choice might be some, you know, like some nitrous oxide or something. They were pretty reputable. And fellow number one leans into fellow number two and he says, is it me, or does Bruce's drummer really look like the drummer from Conan O'Brien? Fellow number two, he takes a long pause, and he just looks at fellow number one, and he gives him a very long pause, and he says, yeah, he does look like Conan.
Starting point is 00:53:22 All right. That's what I got. All right, buddy got Take her easy Man that was a really Matthew McConaughey way of ending that I'm really glad you guys Played that overheard Sitting here with Graham Number one
Starting point is 00:53:38 And Dave number two I'm still Dave number one Makes me a fellow Bonnaroo is like a puppy farm that was amazing I really enjoyed the I liked his now is Max
Starting point is 00:53:54 because he's still on the show Max Headroom? no Max Weinberg I haven't seen the Tonight Show since it moved. Everything's the same except Andy Richter's back. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Starting point is 00:54:12 A great thing. It's the best thing. And the Max Weinberg 7 is now the Max Weinberg 9. Thanks to Twins. Max Weinberg Orchestra or The Tonight Show Band or something. But it's still the same. I thought he was going to change his name to The Roots. I think there might be additional members,
Starting point is 00:54:27 but I cannot confirm that. What happened to Joel? He's gone. He's stayed in New York. Well, who wouldn't, right? Yeah. Well, everyone else. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:54:37 All right, the entire other world. Were those all the overheards? Those were all the ones. Well, thank you very much, everybody, who sent in your phone overheards. We have a phone number if you are interested in calling, especially if you're drunk. Oh, please. Even if you don't have an overheard, call us when you're drunk.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Yeah, call us when you're drunk. Because, actually, that's something we could do as a public service is usually when you drink, especially if you're drinking alone, which I suppose this guy, he found himself alone for a stretch of time. Sure, long enough to make your phone call. If you're feeling the urge to drunk dial, dial us.
Starting point is 00:55:16 206-339-8328. Put it in your phone right now. And then call me after. Oh, sorry, give the number. I won't stomp on your number. Yeah, no, call me after. Oh, sorry. Give the number. I won't stomp on your number. Yeah, no, we can... Something. But yeah, do give us a call.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Where do we want to go next? We'll be right back. So, we decided on... Neighborhood characters first. But first, I wanted to say a thing. Before we get to the theme song, we took a break, we're back, and we're talking about
Starting point is 00:55:49 this week on, for anybody in Vancouver who knows, I'm on a daily television show here in Vancouver. And this Thursday, Dave Shumka is going to be a guest on said television show with myself and Charlie Demers and Erica Sigurdsson.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I hope you're ready. We've had him as a guest on our podcast. I hope you're ready for what you're about to deal with. I know this guy pretty good. But so that's – and I was just this week or it might have been last week. Charlie and I were talking about, we had this moment. And I'm wondering if any of the bumpers out there have had a similar moment. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't.
Starting point is 00:56:32 But we were both talking about, Charlie and I were both talking about how much we loved The Lion King. Good movie. Yeah, and we both saw it in the theater. And then I said to Charlie, I was like, what year did The Lion King come out? And then Charlie went online and it was like 1994, which would have made us teenagers at the time. I was 11. And all of a sudden it was, but that would have been fine for you, but we were teenagers, so it was this awkward realization
Starting point is 00:57:03 that we were into something way past when we should have been that into that. Maybe you were appreciating it as an adult. Maybe you were far past. No. We were casting our minds back to how much we enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:57:19 as a youth. What is that? From the day we arrived on the planet. You like singing, don't you? I do. I've never seen The Lion King. I never enjoyed Disney in general. There's no way you've not seen The Lion King, really.
Starting point is 00:57:37 There's definitely a way. Yeah, Dave doesn't do animated. Here are the Disney movies I've seen. None. Blank check. Aladdin. Ain't never had movies I've seen. None. Blank check. Aladdin. Ain't never had a friend like me. Next. The Great Mouse Detective.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Mousey, mousey, what's the mystery? Next. I'd buy it. You like singing too. Let's put out an album. I'm not against it. And 101 Dalmatians. I've seen... like more i've seen like toy story 2 and you should see up i haven't seen it you should see up have you seen amazing yeah i i saw the year i cried four times and i think i was laughing to
Starting point is 00:58:22 the point yeah i was a little drunk though so affected me. And whenever there's a dog involved, I'm really over-invested in it. It's very sad. But it was... It's very sad. Until I hear it. I'd like to see it, but... And very funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'm not allowed. It's sad and funny. I'm allowed. You're allowed. No movies with one word. Have you ever had a moment like that where you were thinking back to a time and you were like, I really like this thing, and then you checked, you kind of realize, like, I was way past when I should have been into that thing. Have you ever had anything like that?
Starting point is 00:58:49 That was like me when I was like, oh, I used to really like Jimmy World. When was that? And then I checked it. I'm like, oh, no, that's not a good thing. That was three years ago. That was a long time ago. Even longer than three. Name the hit of Jimmy E. World.
Starting point is 00:59:05 What was their hit? The middle. Yeah, they had the middle and sweetness. The middle? And Bleed American. Yeah. All from their album Bleed American. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Which they had to change the name of after 9-11. And so did Bush had to change a song, but it didn't mention America. It was called Speed Kills. Yep. And so then they changed it to, I don't know, Bush Song single. What did they change it to? Speed Helps. Terrorists Kill.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Do you remember us? We sang Glycerine ten years ago. What was the hip-hop album? Remember there was a hip-hop album that had the picture of the guy blowing up the Twin Towers? That came up before 9-11 yeah and then they had to they were recalled well i wonder what that album was where are they now
Starting point is 00:59:52 do you know what i gotta say of all entertainment programming that exists my favorite thing is where are they now you know sometimes i don't even know who they were when they were when, but I'm interested in where they are now. What will the show be like when it's where are they now stop podcasting yourself edition 20 years from now? One of us in the grave. Which one?
Starting point is 01:00:15 One of us. And the other one dancing on it. With all the winnings from the podcast. You're like Greyfriars Bobby, but sort of more in your face. We're like a coven that has signed an agreement that whoever dies last gets all the spoils. Right, of our podcasting empire. What people don't realize is how lucrative podcasting actually is.
Starting point is 01:00:40 People realize it. You guys have been going a month, month and a half longer than us. I know that we're really rich off podcasting so i'm assuming we're super rich you guys are like six weeks richer than we are yeah well that was six weeks and some smart investing richard yeah yeah um were you down on rec beach and you got advice from the well yeah we hired mc hammer's's financial handler. Is that a term? Is that Uncle Louie? Financial handler.
Starting point is 01:01:10 So if you can think of something that you were into. But like really into. And then you look back on it and you realize either that it was age inappropriate or just really embarrassing. Sure. That you were so into it so write us at stop podcasting yourself at or call us at 206-339-8328 i'll try to come up with something there's some things like you would look back on and be like oh okay well i was just a dumb kid or i i still like it it's guilty pleasure, but something where you were like, really like, I was really into that. Something like skateboarding,
Starting point is 01:01:49 except that everyone was really into it. No, skateboarding kept up rollerblading. Yeah. That's something that's fallen off the map considerably. What's the term that skateboarders have for rollerbladers? I don't want to say it. It's like fairy bladey, but it's more witty than that. Yeah, it's fruit boot.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Oh, fruit boot. There you go. Blady, but it's more witty than that. Yeah, it's Fruit Boot. Oh, Fruit Boot. There you go. Episode 69, warning. Yeah. Fruit Boot. Filth Fest. But yeah, there's nothing like that that you can recall being really enthusiastic about. He's been right there every step of his life.
Starting point is 01:02:19 No, I haven't. But I feel like I've always been a few steps back. But I feel like I've always been a few steps back. Do you know the book The Secret Diary of Adrian Moll? Yeah. It's basically Are You There, God, It's Me, Margaret for Boys. I think I read that when I was 22. Did you have a connection to it?
Starting point is 01:02:40 No. I guess I had a connection to it. Did you start a secret diary? I was aware that it was age-inappropriate. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. See, I think it's different when you're aware of it. When you discover it later on that it was bad.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I think I was really excited. Okay, say if you got really giddy by the prospect of the Saved by the Bell movie that came out where they went to Vegas. You were well into your teens, maybe even considering what university to go to. Right. But maybe you watched it and didn't realize. I went to Bayside University at that point. There was no Bayside University.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Where did they go? They lost me. Where did they go? I figured they sold out after that. Cal. I want to call it Cal. Yeah, you Cal. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:24 I chose university based on where my high school friends weren't going so I could get away from them. Is that true? Maybe they're not your friends then. That could be true. I just leave just a pile of acquaintances behind me. Just charred. I see that happening today.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Oh! Dave. I'm on fire. Alright, let's hit it up with the, what is the segment called? Neighborhood Weirdos? Shh. Neighborhood Nicknames? It seems like it changes week in, week out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:55 All right. Neighborhood Nicknames for Weirdos. Who's that guy carrying the flag every day? What do you call him? Flag Pete, Flag Frank, you don't know his name. So you made up a name. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 We really don't know what the segment's called. Yeah. Neighborhood Jerks. Neighborhood Jerks. Neighborhood Jerks. That's another possible name for it. All right. Well, let's start with Devin. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:31 So I thought of a jerk, and at first I thought that maybe, Graham, you might know of this guy, because you were my... I could have voted for you in the last election. Oh, we're in the same electoral district. We're in the same... What do you mean, could have? I mean, I did. Well, I ate my ballot.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Spent the night in jail, so. Because that's an offense here in Canada. It is. It's destruction of federal property. What? Yeah, and it really confuses old people who are volunteering to do this thing. What if you eat money? That is, but there's not somebody there
Starting point is 01:05:05 checking that you still have the money, so they won't care. I'm having 20 today. Some kind of poop sleuth. This guy that walks around the South Granville area, and he loudly sings what sounds like Italian opera.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Anybody from that area will know this guy. Day and night, the time doesn't matter. Night and day. I was... So I was calling him Yod, like Italian opera dude. But then I had a friend over. Yod? Yeah, I-O-D.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yod. Oh, Italian opera dude. Yeah, yeah. And then I had a friend over who actually spoke Italian. This guy was out there singing. I'm like, oh yeah, that guy always sings Italian opera. And she said, no, that's just gibberish. He's just... Those are just nonsense words.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And so now I call him Niaud. Not Italian. Oh, Niaud. Yeah, I like that. But I saw him in a coffee shop once and he's really, really stinky. Smelled him in a coffee shop once. and he's really, really stinky. Smelled him in a coffee shop once. Many of the nickname earners are stinky. Neighborhood stinky jerks.
Starting point is 01:06:12 Graham, do you have one you want to read? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, here's a neighborhood nickname. We'll see. I'll see if I can get your guys' vote for what you think the neighborhood nickname would be. Yeah, no, I'm going to throw it onto the floor and see if you do better than what Stuart O. Oh, he's good, though. From Redwood City, California, USA.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yes, it is nice here as it sounds. It does sound nice. My wife and I live... I think the city is built inside a tree. Yeah. It's just carved out. Yeah, yeah. And then you can drive through that tree, too.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Just polluting it as much as you want. My wife and I live in a condo in the Bay Area. Our neighbor, two doors down, has a detached house with fenced-in backyard. I've never seen her, but about once a month, she has a lot of friends over for a loud backyard karaoke party. Sadly, she tends to favor Celine Dion and Whitney Houston. Even more sadly, let's just say she does not do them much justice. Naturally, we have nicknamed our neighbor...
Starting point is 01:07:16 What would you call her? My heart will not go on. My heart will go off. My heart will go off is her name? Be the nickname? I will always hate you. What do you think, Devin? I had the karaoke creep or not so
Starting point is 01:07:33 private singer, but private dancer wasn't by any of the people she said. That's why I went with karaoke creep. Private dancer by Whitney Houston? Tina Turner. Racist. Dancing for money. I'm not up on my 80s tunes. So yours is what?
Starting point is 01:07:49 My Heart Will Go Off. And yours was? We'll go with The Karaoke Creep. I think we're both right. Theirs was monosyllabic. It was Screech. Oh, nice. She's a bad singer.
Starting point is 01:08:02 And she dated Gilly Kabowski briefly. In that one dream sequence. You cantaloupe. No, yeah, I can, you melanet. Hi, my name is Candice. I'm from Halifax, North Scotia. And I just heard your segment on made-up names. I work in this bar, and being at Halifax,
Starting point is 01:08:23 we get a lot of Navy men, a lot of sailors. And we're all girls working at this one bar. And when these guys come in, it's this one long bar that you're kind of trapped behind, and the whole bar focuses around the whole area, focuses around this one bar. So you can't really hide from people and what happens is you get these uh navy guys that come in and they don't know anybody in town and they're haven't seen women probably in a long time and they just sit at the bar and stare at you and they follow you back and forth one guy guy was particularly offensive, and he would just show up all the time.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And if he saw you when you were off work, he would get really drunk and try and tell you how much he liked you and try and buy you drinks. So anyways, he would just camp out at the bar every time he was in town, and just his eyes, but it didn't matter where you were in the room, his eyes were always looking at you. So we made up the name for him. And every other sailor or Navy guy that came to town, the name was Lonely Navy Eyes.
Starting point is 01:09:40 That was a positive spin on a horrible thing. Lonely Navy Eyes. I like the Kim Carnes song. They let ladies into the Navy these days, don't they? Yeah, but they don't let them into Coyote Ugly Yeah, exactly That's for men only These Navy guys haven't seen girls Or women
Starting point is 01:09:55 I bet at the end of the story Leanne Rimes comes out and Sings her new hit by Jersey I think what happens is He gets in a fight with the moonlight and she breaks it up. You can't bite the moonlight. Not in Halifax. Thank you very much for all the calls in. Again, our phone number here for any of the neighborhood jerk comments.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Or if you want to call in an incident wherein you realized, oh, man. I'm too old for this shit. Yeah, I was way out of line on this. I was too old for this. I was too old for that shit. You can call it pasty oopsie. Pasty oopsie? Yeah, like it's in the past.
Starting point is 01:10:35 All right. Oopsie. Pasty oopsie. 206-339. And also call us if you're drunk. Yeah, please. Really. We want to be your drunk dialing
Starting point is 01:10:46 and location. So, you know what? If you're listening right now, put our number in your cell phone. It's 206. You're going to have to put a 1 before that so that it can be instantly dialed. Unless you're in Seattle. Unless you're in Seattle, in which case you're easy breezy and wearing plaid, no doubt.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And probably skeez. I don't get that at all. Well, it rhymed. It was a rhyming thing that I was doing there, Graham. The number is 206-339-8328. Devin, do you have anything coming up in the near future that you would like to plug here on the podcast?
Starting point is 01:11:18 I'll give you two things. One for your worldwide and Vancouver audience, and one for just the Vancouver Just the locals On with it Everyone should check out There used to be a guy
Starting point is 01:11:34 He probably still works there At CKNW Who had a call in show And whenever someone called in and said Hi how are you Spit it out If you like Listener I'd like to take a moment just to talk to you. If you're enjoying this show that Graham and Dave put out, which you should, because it's
Starting point is 01:11:52 funny, you will also probably enjoy, will enjoy, guaranteed, or your money back, a podcast called The Exploding Sandwich. So check that out. It's on iTunes or There you go. Sandwich. So check that out. It's on iTunes or There you go. For the worldwide... No, I did that one.
Starting point is 01:12:07 For the Vancouver audience, you should check out a show that's starting July 9th. There's a new crazy comedy show in town. Just check out I don't know if the website's up yet, but it's every Thursday night. It's going to be awesome. Lots of
Starting point is 01:12:23 stand-up, wacky sketches, improv. I haven't been consulted. It's at the Cottage Bistro. Oh, Cottage Bistro. Main and 29th. It's called Pump Trolley. Pump Trolley. Pump Trolley Comedy. Nicole Passmore, who's a previous guest
Starting point is 01:12:40 on both of our podcasts, she's involved. Nice. Myself and the other, Devin, and just a good crew of people, you know. Top quality people all around. So check that out. We, you and I, Dave. You and I have a live show coming up.
Starting point is 01:12:56 A live podcast taping. Zoinks! Tuesday, July. Here we go. July calendar. 28th. Tuesday calendar. 28th. Tuesday, July 28th at the Biltmore in Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:13:11 I thought we were doing it live at Red Rocks. Yeah, we were. Then John Tesh, live from this room. We have done it. Well, no. I don't know live from this room. Yeah, I'm not bringing an audience in here. I rarely vacuum.
Starting point is 01:13:27 So we're going to do that. The Biltmore Cabaret. It's $5. There's no advance tickets, so just show up. Yeah, and it's going to be... But please do show up. It's going to be so much fun. What time does it start?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Is this an 8 o'clock start time? 8.30? You don't know? Scratch your face. It's an 8 o'clock start time? 8.30? You don't know? Scratch your face? It's an 8 o'clock start time. Okay. Show up for 8 is what we're saying.
Starting point is 01:13:51 5 bucks. You can't beat it for a live show. There will be prizes. We haven't confirmed who our special guest is going to be, but it's going to be great. And also, there's going to be another Laugh Gallery show. That's also in July. It's Saturday, July 18th at the Cambrian Hall, which is on Main Street and 17th? I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:14:12 What's a Cambrian? Yeah, it's 17th. It's a warrior that cannot be killed by conventional means. It's Welsh. It's the Welsh Hall. Oh, okay. It's the Welsh Hall, the Cambrian Hall. So that's going to be a good time.
Starting point is 01:14:24 And if you enjoyed the show, please tell your friends. And like we said, if you want to contact us, our email is stoppodcastingyourself at And Dave takes the time and effort every week to do a wonderful blog that is the companion piece to this podcast and makes it all make sense at And again, put us in your And again, put us in your phone.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Drunk dialing. 206. We loved that one. It was great. 206-339-8328 And tell your friends if you enjoyed the podcast. Come back next week. You're going to hear some great Don't Get Me Started,
Starting point is 01:15:01 probably some more neighborhood jerks, definitely some overseen graffiti, and so much more here on Stop Podcasting Yourself. Thank you.

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