Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 691 - Kulap Vilaysack

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

Podcaster Kulap Vilaysack returns to talk Canadian sitcoms, divebombing crows, and animal flashcards....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 691 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who loves soda pop just as much as me, Mr. Dave Shumka. And you have a big can, I have a tiny can. Oh yeah, or giant hands all of a sudden. Did you have some kind of bee sting? I was stung by a bee and I've got a tiny Coca-Cola. I was stung by a bee and I've got a tiny Coca-Cola.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Um, someone posted a picture of like a pop machine from a motel. Oh yeah. Like the kind of like, uh, with just like barks root beer and like rounded buttons like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah. Oh, it was very nostalgic. Yeah. Um, I, I feel horrible that this didn't come from. I don't know that it hasn't.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Maybe it came from a vending machine and somebody's reselling it for twice its value. When's the last time you got a pop out of a vending machine? High school, probably. What? Because I don't like the bottles. I only like cans and none of them have cans anymore. Oh, wow. If you see one with cans, you let me know.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Oh, sure. I can get you a can. Our guest today, very funny, has been on the podcast only one time before, but we're super glad to have her back. You can hear her each and every Tuesday on Add to Cart, her podcast. It's Kulap Vilaysak. Hi, guys. Hi, how are you? Hi, Kulap.
Starting point is 00:01:46 When did I come on? I was in person. Yes. We were over at Dave's house. That's right. Uh-huh. How many years ago was this? Let's call it episode 206, February of 2012.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Wow. So it's been nine plus years. Wow. wow wow and how long have you guys done the podcast 13 691 13 wow but yeah it's it's uh remember in 2012 when everybody thought the mayan calendar was gonna knock us off i do do recall that. I think that was very serious and then nothing happened. Nothing happened. There was a John Cusack movie that came out of it called 2012. I mean, has the world
Starting point is 00:02:34 slowly been dying ever since though? Okay. Alright. Interesting. Is that a take? That's a take and that is what happened. I didn't know that the two could be connected but here we go yeah here we are yeah do we want to get to know us oh absolutely get to know us so cool op it's been nine years just briefly can you sum up the last nine years um i got married i um i yep got married i uh started when's your 10 when's your
Starting point is 00:03:12 10 year anniversary 2008 we got married 2008 so we're beyond yeah this you've been married for 13 years so oh in the last nine years you've you've already messed up all right okay okay no let me try again let me try again okay okay okay uh okay so uh who charted uh i stopped doing who charted right you were kicked off the show kicked off um i i i said some racist things yeah and it was unceremonious how they kicked you off. And they just said, don't let the door hit you on your way out. No one likes to talk about themselves. I just mean, like, making you do the last nine years. This is not fair.
Starting point is 00:03:55 No, I mean, I'm like, what else happened? Oh, I did Bajillion Dollar Properties. Yes. Four seasons of that. I did a documentary called origin story and that was about your family yes it was about me um searching for my birth father all the while figuring out and getting peace with my relationship with my mom and myself so it's it's ever it's uh there's some laughs but it's very it's autobiographical tear-jerking self-exploration and no spoilers
Starting point is 00:04:27 but did you find peace i did nice i did wow wow where can somebody see this uh this documentary uh you can get it on itunes uh amazon roku all the places every place except netflix oh yes yeah uh boy oh boy roku who do they let on just about anybody roku yeah everybody i mean i'm sure it's on to to be on what are those are is there a brand of shoes called hoku maybe like big big puffy running shoes called hoku hoka i think they're hoka am i wrong about that and then uh oh boy well hoku no hoku i think was don ho's daughter who had a singing career are you thinking of hoda from kathy lee and hoda i might be thinking of Hoda. No, it's Hoka. It's Hoka, guys. Hoka makes a shoe. Hoku was, in fact, Don Ho's daughter.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Oh, wow. Wow. Okay. He's not with us anymore. Is he, Don Ho? No. Brent Butt tells a fantastic story about seeing him in Hawaii, and he would sing a song,
Starting point is 00:05:46 and then he would walk over to the side of the stage and have the band play and he just talked on the telephone at the side of the stage. He would just make a call? Yeah, he would make a call when the band would play and he would sit there and make a call. That's some boss energy. Yes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And somebody who's very over it you know oh and hoku she i was like i knew she was don ho's daughter yeah but she had the song perfect day from legally blonde that's right and hoku was before I was married to Scott. Okay. Okay. So was that your wedding song? No, that's what I was.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I was Kulop the Ho. Oh, I get it. So how have things recently been with all the craziness and whatnot? It's definitely getting better yeah i'm fully vaxxed uh i've been traveling i i'm less scared which is a market difference between a year from now and a year ago yeah how scared were you we really kept it very tight very locked down um yeah we yeah i only left the the house to go to doctor's appointments yeah there was i remember that stretch of time where it was grocery stores and like yeah doctor's appointments and the doctor's appointments
Starting point is 00:07:19 that was a big day out if you had a doctor's appointment you're like well exhausting because like so much stimuli yeah exactly and and getting my temperature taken yeah yeah yeah like it's like oh it was so much but yeah oh where have you been traveling um i went my first trip was for my birthday in may so i went to happy birthday thank you birthday. Thank you. You're welcome. And then just this past week, I was in Santa Barbara. Now, Santa Barbara is a place I only know from like a soap
Starting point is 00:07:55 that was called Santa Barbara when I was a kid. What is it? What's in Santa Barbara? It's a, it is a, it's very white. Yes. it's a it is a it's very white um yes it's like um they say it's like the the mediterranean coast of california okay it has a very strict um uh architectural style like it you have to have that Spanish tile roof. Right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:26 It's right by the ocean. It probably from tip to tail. It takes you 20 minutes to go from, you know, one side to the next. Okay. It's also so there's like affluent people there. But then plus there are it's a college town. I think there's like two colleges that are in Santa Barbara. But it also, my friend Suchin Pak lives there now.
Starting point is 00:08:49 She says there are more restaurants per capita than any other place in, for sure, California, but possibly the nation. Wow. Now, that's something that should go on the sign when you drive into town. More restaurants per person. Wow. And were you just up there for a couple days or did you take, you were relaxing for a week or something? A little under a week. We were there for maybe, I think it was like four or five nights. And we made it, it was me, my husband Scott Ackerman, a former guest of yours, Paul F. Tompkins,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and Janie Haddad Tompkins. And we did sort of a, kind of like a writer's creative retreat. So in the day it was like, choose your own adventure. Of course we did podcasts. We all, you know, I did one, I did like two episodes, Paul and janie each did some episodes um and then at night we went out to eat that sounds great you've always you yeah wow yeah your podcast
Starting point is 00:09:56 co-host lives in santa barbara yes you've recorded in santa barbara did you meet up it was the first time we've ever recorded in person because our podcast started November 2020. Ah, yes. Yeah. And for people who haven't heard it, what is the base of this podcast? What is it about? It is a podcast about what we buy and buy into and what that says about us. So Easy Surface is like, oh, you know, we talk about what we buy and buy into and what that says about us. So easy surface is like,
Starting point is 00:10:26 Oh, you know, we talk about what we added to cart, but oftentimes it goes into not just items, but like ideas. And sometimes there are things that we like remove from cart, you know, like remove from cart,
Starting point is 00:10:40 being afraid to go of going out to eat. Yes. Right. Removing that from cart um so it basically much like who charted my former podcast we set things up so that we can essentially talk about ourselves that's yeah well i mean from charts to cart yeah thank you yes yes thank you yes thank you um graham uh what's the last thing you bought on the internet i uh i had to buy i bought a coat i bought a coat on ebay and oh yeah yeah it was it was what was it like like a 70s like fur kind of collar with like uh two buttons each what do you call that if there's two two two double breasted yeah
Starting point is 00:11:26 coat like from the 70s and i'd like i made an offer on it that i thought was really low balling them and they took it so they obviously had this sitting around for ages and so i got it and it came like you know crazy ebay bag which i didn't know those existed that there was like a bag that said ebay yeah i didn't know that yeah right now that's some add to cart stuff right there yeah they changed a few years ago where like ebay now does its own like shipping oh you just give it to ebay and they'll send it through kentucky or whatever or missouri or something somewhere in the middle and then yeah they have their like uh hub and then they send it out from there. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:12:09 So do you, do you ship it to eBay or is there places to drop off? Like Rick and Morty? It's not Rick and Morty. It's like we're in Canada. And so everything does like, I just know this because I track every package I ever order obsessively. That doesn't sound like you. So I know the things that... In the last couple of years, anything I get from eBay,
Starting point is 00:12:36 I get a tracking number that I... It sucks because you can't track it. I have these tracking apps on my phone. Wow. Some of them are to see when i'm ovulating but uh what day are you i'm i'm a thursday i don't know every thursday on the thursday yeah i must see tv but I know. And then like, yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:13:06 now eBay stuff goes to, boy, I want to call it Erlanger, Kentucky. Sure. And then they, and then you get a new tracking number and then you can put that into your tracking, into your.
Starting point is 00:13:19 So are you just cutting, pasting these long ass tracking numbers into this app? Yeah. And dave like after before i mean like i'm not that's what should i be writing them down no i just didn't know these existed and i just wanted to walk walk myself through yeah what they'll do is they'll give you a usps number once it gets to kentucky and you can use the USPS number in both. You can track that through both Canada Post and USPS and get a little better idea of where it is.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So there's a need just to like for you to plan your life. Yeah, it's like it's my favorite game on my phone. Graham, I want to circle back. Were you looking for this coat for a while? Yes. Because I bought one a couple years ago at a vintage shop and it started falling apart within
Starting point is 00:14:15 a year kind of thing because it had been well worn from the 70s. So I was buying a replacement for that. Okay, wow. Yeah. It was amazing when they they said do you want to make an offer on it i was like well i give said half of what he was asking for and uh they said yeah so that's my first successful bid on anything on ebay and my first uh really yeah no i've really i've done a lot of buy it nows but i haven haven't. Oh, I see. Yeah. Guys, I haven't been on eBay for probably over a decade.
Starting point is 00:14:46 You guys are kind of getting me like, well, maybe I should get back on eBay. Yeah, reunite you with your old friend eBay. Add to cart eBay. Yeah. Yes. A second episode every week just for the Patreon. Apple premium. Gotta have more tent guys you know it gotta have that hot tent the thing the thing that i've been um uh getting so i went to bed bath and
Starting point is 00:15:16 beyond last week and i needed i got i bought something there but i was also looking for zip ties and i was like do they have them at bed bath and beyond for your house because i was I bought something there, but I was also looking for zip ties. And I was like, do they have them at Bed Bath & Beyond? For your hostess? No, yes. I was going to go to the U.S. Capitol and tie up Pelosi. I think it's harder now. But I didn't want to talk to an employee there and ask like, where are your zip ties? I get that.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Yeah. So I went to, um, I just went on their website while I was in the store and just to see if they even have zip ties. And I was getting, and they don't, but now they know I was there and they were trying to, and they don't but now they know i was there and they were trying to they keep emailing me about these little kids neckties that have zippers inside to like keep stuff i like this i like that their zip tie landed you a zipper tie and that'll be that'll be you for the rest of your life so like kids could put like vitamins in their tie. Yeah, I don't know. The most wholesome idea of all. Are they drug mules?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, it's and from the look, there's only one picture, but from the look of it, the it's on the like the skinny blade at the back. Oh, you. You so like, yeah, like a pen can go in there. Okay. Okay. I think I had a zipper pen or a tie when i was a kid really yeah it was uh because kids don't know how to tie ties unless they really want to focus on something and learn something which i did not so i don't know how to do it now as an adult so just buy a zipper tie. Ask Dave where to get them. He knows what aisle they're in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Thursday. I ovulate every Thursday. Yeah. Yeah, right. Whenever I see those kids in their little ties. No, I guess it's not to store anything. I think it's just like to adjust the size. I pulled up the page. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:25 That makes more sense. or anything. I think it's just like to adjust the size. I pulled up the page. Okay. Perfect suit accessory. Perfect suit accessory for a young Disney fan. Yes. By the way, these are Mickey Mouse zip ties. Or they could play Boss Baby. I know that's not a Disney property, but... No, that's true. But this one has the mouse from Disneyland all over it, whatever his name is.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Mickey? Yep. I want to say Samuel. I want to say Francis. Francis? You know, Francis Mouse. Francis the Mouse. What, does any Disney character wear a tie? Because I know Hanna-Barbera had like Yogi Bear wear a tie.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Fred Flintstone wore a tie. Goofy? Maybe. Maybe in some in some let me look and by the way guys did you know that no he's not wearing a tie he's too loose he's loose party yeah yeah did you guys know that goofy is a is a cow huh is that true what yes i found that out this year i thought he was a dog i thought he was a dog. I found that out right this moment. Yeah, me too. He's a cow. He's a cow.
Starting point is 00:18:28 How did they decide that's what a cow looks like? Because isn't there something where people are like, so Goofy's a dog and Pluto is also a dog, but Pluto belongs to a mouse? Now, who is this character we were listening to? I don't know. I want to say like Vince Vaughn. Okay hold on. But now I'm looking up that was really good Vince Vaughn.
Starting point is 00:18:52 They're saying other places are saying a dog but there's an article about how he's a cow. I don't know. I'm looking up Disney characters who wear ties. Who do we got? Mary Poppins has
Starting point is 00:19:05 a bow tie oh yes yeah pinocchio has a bow tie he does um maybe i was only looking at bow ties yeah i feel like your interest or maybe scrooge mcduck i feel like he wore a tie i think he might that was like a cravat yeah yeah. What's another word for the, something that maybe a Paul of Tompkins would wear a fancy cravat. Yeah. Fancy is the right. Yeah. Fancy cravat.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Fancy cravat. Paul, if you're listening, our lines are open and call us and tell us what you call that thing. So we, Scott, Scott. Yes. Oh Scott. Ask Scott. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oh, you. Yes. Boy, take the rest of the podcast off. I literally thought you were like, oh, should we ask Scott? Ask Scott. There's ask Jeeves, but I do ask Scott. Is there still ask Jeeves? Yeah, I think there is.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Really? I always ask Scott and he's like, look it up. I was like, I thought you'd know. So tell us, like, you said travels. You went to Santa Barbara. Did you go any else, like, far afield? No. What kind of traveling did you do pre-pandemic? Were you a big traveler?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yeah, yeah. We would like, well, we had a trip to Italy all planned for April of 2020. Ah, shit. And we really held out like, well, maybe it'll be okay. Maybe it'll get cleared up. Yeah. But it was like this epic trip that that we were using like points on for hotels and wow yeah that was like we were gonna go to you know we're gonna start um up in um
Starting point is 00:20:56 venice and then kind of go down through tuscany uh to have you been uh anywhere in Europe before? I've been to London and Paris. I see London. I see France. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are the hot spots. There's no other, right? Yes. But now, like, calling a place a hot spot in the world is just a different vibe.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Call it an ascot. Ascot! It's funny that, yeah, I like yeah oh yeah i remember you know march april last year or march thinking like oh you know what we might miss it this is who knows how big this will be yeah and like oh they say just shut it down for two weeks and we'll we'll be all good but uh yeah italy was italy was i think hit pretty hard yeah and my only plans leading up to that was uh the gathering of the juggalos which will happen again i think this year is it is it when summer yeah i think it'll happen this year probably in
Starting point is 00:21:57 summer august i want to say i'm not sure it didn't happen last year. Oh no. Without you. Yeah. Betrayal. Ascot. Have you ever been to, are you like a festival goer? Have you ever been to like a crazy festival?
Starting point is 00:22:18 I mean, in my younger years I did the Coachella. Oh yeah. And then, and then because of of doing comedy festivals and that trend where comedians, like Scott would do Bonnaroo. Right. So then he'd do a show,
Starting point is 00:22:37 and then I'd get to see some bands. Nice, yeah. But I'm not, you won't see me at the festival of the juggalos is that what he's called again i've already forgotten the festy jugs you won't see me there you won't see me at coachella again i i i don't want to i don't want to camp i prefer a glamp and by, I want like a cabin. And then it's actually a hotel. We were talking about is.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I feel like I was talking about the juggalos. And there's the female juggalos or juggalettes. Juggalettes. Which eventually they'll just call them all juggalos, right? They're a progressive group. Or a jugglex. Oh, yeah. Jugglex. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Not bad. You were going to say. Submit that. Submit that at the gathering. progressive group or a juggle X oh yeah juggle X yeah not bad you were gonna say submit that submit that at the gallery yeah that's what I was you know
Starting point is 00:23:32 that's what I was leading to anyway and Graham got there quicker than me so what's your favorite juggalo Kulab
Starting point is 00:23:43 when you were last on the show you were hosting who charted yes with howard kramer with howard dragon voice wade kramer and now have you ever got to go to dragon manor no no okay i can i certainly am allowed to pick him up and drop him off there, but I'm not allowed inside. Do, and I remember when I first heard the concept of the show, I thought it was so brilliant because they deliver, like there's new material delivered for you every week.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah. There's a whole new chart until Taylor Swift has the same song on there for like 30 weeks in a row. Yes. Now it's Olivia Rodrig rodrigo that's true oh yeah you still keep in touch with the charts am i still connected to the charts in a different way in a different like it's not i'm not making lists uh with them but i i still like to you know
Starting point is 00:24:40 i have spotify um nice olivia rodrigo was yep yeah she's great i don't know who she is so much as that one song she's got a good like that album is good it's really good i agree it's like graham and i oddly heard that like the when driver's license came out we both like heard it the day it came out had no idea who this person was and we were both like this is the greatest yeah it's a breakup feelings yes yeah it's a breakup album with like one sort of the last track is very like almost um it almost speaks to her disney roots a little bit more which is like i hope that you're okay anybody who's been hurt before it's kind of like one of those power ballads but everything else is like you know gen z or maybe she's younger than gen z she's 18 so i just think she's still like gen z yeah she's gen z but every track is lowercase all the way through it's you know it's like uh you know deja vu you know it's all like i forget what the other i'm
Starting point is 00:25:48 not pulling the other songs but it's like good for you is one of them good for yeah good for you um two steps forward one step back like it's very like fuck you yeah imagine being somebody that they broke up with somebody and then you find, not only have they written a song about the breakup, it's an entire album. An entire album. They still, so she used to date her co-star in the new Disney Plus High School Musical. Oh, okay. High School Musical, the musical, the show. That's right.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And the co-star, he breaks up with her for another Disney star. Minnie Mouse. Exactly. Francis Mouse. And the co-stars, he breaks up with her for another Disney star. They are still working on. Exactly. Yeah. Francis Mouse. And they are still working on that show. They are shooting season two. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, so it is still happening. Now, apparently, he has tried to write a response track. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. The new girlfriend also has been writing some response tracks well at least they keep busy yeah i haven't heard any of theirs one the the new girlfriends i guess it's called skin and it's about somebody who's trying to get under her skin ah yes um who so uh teens yeah teens yeah do you know any of these people's names Ah, yes. Who, so. Teens.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah. Teens, yeah. Do you know any of these people's names? Like, who's the ex-boyfriend? Joshua Bassett. Damn right. There you go. He's got all that hound money from inventing that long dog.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah, that's. I mean, I remember Taylor Swift, the like everyone kind of made fun of her because they knew everyone knew what every who every song was about and yeah like every every time she had a new relationship there were jokes about like oh she's just gonna break up with this guy right it's not good about him isn't, that's Adele came from that camp, didn't she? That's true. And Alanis Morissette.
Starting point is 00:27:48 These are, these are some of the great breakup tracks of all time. Dave Coulier. Yes. Put him back
Starting point is 00:27:53 on the map. And you know what, has ever since. It's the thing I want to remember most about him. That and the fact
Starting point is 00:28:02 that he likes the Detroit Red Wings. I watched the the i shamefully watched a lot of that reboot of full house oh yeah it was it's really bad but it like hit some sort of like pleasure center of nostalgia yeah in my brain and i just and i would watch okay this is so bad stop stop and i'd roll right into the next episode um yeah i like i know the premise is they all live together in this house but multiple generations are now living in the house yeah somehow everyone came back so it's just this ever-expanding house yeah and then it was like oh okay so just like the kids have come back but then you know all the grown-ups come back too
Starting point is 00:28:48 so the kids the kids the yeah stephanie uh and dj dj stephanie is um a former dj now not to throw you off very cool dj yes and the dj is stephanie is a vet she's a veterinarian with three kids and a widow oh she's a widow not another woman who's a widow um michelle's not there michelle's not there but kimmy kimmy gibbler kimmy Gibbler. Kimmy Gibbler is married with a kid. Okay. Yes. And their kids, they need to call Aunt Becky to help their kids get into college. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Aunt Becky look good still. She look good. She does. Every time I would see her going to court for the college admissions scandal, I'd be like, let her go free. She's pretty. Yeah, she's pretty. I'm going to order one of those courtroom drawings to hang on my wall. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:29:54 What if that's what those celebrity signing people hand her now for her to sign so they can put it up on eBay? It's just court drawings of her and her husband, Massimo. Now, going back to Fall House for a minute. Of course. Let's not leave. Do the twins of Uncle Jesse and Becky, are they
Starting point is 00:30:16 on the show or have they just mysteriously disappeared? I don't think that they're on the show. I think they're maybe off. Like, they come and visit. Oh, okay. Like, they come and visit often,
Starting point is 00:30:32 but maybe the kids are gone, or do we see the kids? I want to say we don't see the twins. Okay, fair enough. You watched the show when you were... Did you both watch the show originally? Yes. TGIF, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I had to catch up with urkel and my friends thank you even then i remember that um like even as a kid watching it and every season seemed to have some jumping the shark moment with a new family member at it but when they when they brought those twins on i was like this sucks and they really were they really thought that what people liked about michelle was that she was played by twins so they were like we'll double down real twins yeah but then have them be played by quadruplets i was just gonna ask that they they mention michelle sometimes and like but kind of like nodding to camera like come on we dare you to come back it's really stupid i love that she said that she just turned it down flat like she's got a billion dollars she got all the although she's not a she
Starting point is 00:31:39 she's more than yeah oh no i just michelle's pronouns are they because they're two people yes She's more than... Yeah. Oh, no, I just... Michelle's pronouns are they. Because they're two people. Yes. I was... I can't... Like, that theme song and Family Matters, I cannot keep them straight in my head. If I start hearing one, I'm like, oh, I do... Like, I heard them a thousand times.
Starting point is 00:32:05 And I know one of them's, it's a rare condition. That's Family Matters. That's Family Matters? What's Full House? Wait, wait, wait. It is. Yeah, but what are the,
Starting point is 00:32:18 what are the first words? What happened to? Yeah, there you go. That's what it is. The people, and even TV that's right and so I was
Starting point is 00:32:28 looking up I look up I looked up and those two songs were written by the same people okay that makes sense and those people
Starting point is 00:32:35 also wrote um step by step oh so they they did the entire TGIF lineup they did three three out of four on a given night they
Starting point is 00:32:46 didn't do hanging with mr cooper oh right oh remember just the 10 of us yep no was that uh it was spun off from growing pains and it was well it was yeah it was a the like gym teacher was the dad the gym teacher from growing pains was the dad on Just the Ten of Us. It's almost worthless to conclude him as a spinoff. You just say, oh, the guy who played the coach is now in a new show. Yeah. Because was the coach like a big deal on Growing Pains?
Starting point is 00:33:15 No. No. No one was a big deal except Leah. Can you talk about Kim's convenience? Like, do you guys have any any insights being canadian uh graham can you take this yes like because the spinoff all of like the controversy did you watch kim's convenience yes i need to see the final season though it's and it's it just arrived uh via netflix on roku yeah yes on tubi um i have only watched two episodes of the show and uh and but i also
Starting point is 00:33:57 saw the play that the entire show was based on so really yeah so i know all the characters and um yeah i watched a couple episodes and i and I don't watch sitcoms anymore. Even though Schitt's Creek was another one that everybody loved, and I just, I don't know, I can't sit down and watch a comic. There's a, like, after 40 years of Canadian sitcoms, given how few of them have ever hit. Yeah, exactly. It's like, I definitely put my fence up,
Starting point is 00:34:26 put up my, you know, armor, when they say, oh, no, this one's actually good. Yeah, exactly. Oh. Our hearts have been broken. I'm writing an album about it. Yeah, about breaking up with... Canadian television.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Breaking up with Canadian sitcoms. What's it called? Is it called Remote? Yes, yeah, it's called Remote. It's with Canadian sitcoms. What's it called? Is it called Remote? Yes. Yeah, it's called Remote. It's all in lowercase. Wait, so the play, was that something that like, did you see like the original version with the original cast?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Or was it like, it was so big that it became like a traveling production? No, it was the original cast. It was like a fringe festival show? It started as a fringe festival show. Then it toured across the country because it was the original cast it's like a fringe festival it started as a fringe festival show then it toured across the country because it was so popular and i saw it just after they had done the fringe and were starting their tour in vancouver so i saw that show and it was people went insane for it everybody in the audience was wild for this show and it was great it was a really great uh really great play and then when they announced a show, I was like, of course.
Starting point is 00:35:25 This was the natural course of this. It was going to be a show. And I know people adore it. So it's really bad that there's not a new season happening. But I don't know what the business is of that. I don't know. You've probably read more about it. I missed all of this.
Starting point is 00:35:41 What was the controversy? Okay. Here we go. So there is there's just okay so in choy is the playwright yes um and he created the show uh with a um another writer who is the showrunner right um and it seems that that showrunner really ran it versus it sounds like versus the creator of the play. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And so there's controversy in that it sort of unceremoniously, Ince left and they kind of unceremoniously kind of like ended the season five. Like it doesn't feel very planned. Right. kind of like ended the season five like it doesn't feel very planned right and and they're going to do a spin-off of the one white character okay finally um who is very funny in the show but it is like wow um so then simu who is you know uh going to be uh shang chi in uh marvel yeah he kind of started to be really vocal
Starting point is 00:36:48 about being very disappointed i wanted to kind of deflect people saying it's because of him and his schedule and he was like no i was all for this i wanted to direct stuff i wanted to so what's slowly been kind of coming out is that there wasn't uh allegedly wasn't a lot of diversity right um in behind the scenes um and uh that the actors weren't allowed to kind of like uh kind of go um be a part of their characters development right they were just told like here it is away you go kind of thing yes and so simu's been doing like a bunch of sort of like posts about it the most recent one was like it kind of like you know was very pointed then somebody a canadian um uh uh reviewer
Starting point is 00:37:39 was kind of saying like like he by the way there's only one canadian reviewer yeah he works at the global mail i can't remember his name so oh okay this had to be the guy who wrote it he he basically was like it was kind of like a damning kind of like shush shush a little bit right like you don't know what you're talking about um and and weirdly is like defending in choy by slamming simu like it was just really kind of yucky so then the mom the actress who plays the mom who was in the original that you saw gram like was like hey just like you're talking basically white dude you're talking about my experience let me tell you about my experience it actually was very painful to not have you know you know to be part of this creatively so that to not have representation
Starting point is 00:38:26 um to talk about her character apparently as ms like you know like that it was very hard right wow um you know so it's a lot it's you know especially like the asian american circles here i'm like devouring all of like the controversy yeah it's uh I know that it's still like it's still going right the controversy continues and I know well I think we can solve it yeah okay let's let's all put our heads together sit this one out
Starting point is 00:38:54 okay what I think the show needs is twins can we get twins in there somehow no it's cancelled oh man but the new spinoff should have some twins yes agreed yeah and one of the characters played by
Starting point is 00:39:13 I don't think the character's doing another show but Andrew Fung has got his own show coming out oh good he's so funny so he will be able to see his future exploits but yeah I didn't know that he's so funny. He's so funny. And yeah, he's, so he will, you'll be able to see his future exploits. But yeah. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:39:28 He's really funny. Yeah. He's funny, dude. Yeah. And I just want to say that when I was badmouthing Canadian sitcoms, I'm only referring to shows not made by people I know. Okay. That's good.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Because I think people were like really they were right they were rating and reviewing yeah i remembered a few i like okay okay would you like to name them no i was mostly talking about like my childhood when i didn't know anyone who made them there were two canadian sitcoms when i was a kid that i watched religiously one was beachcombers was that a sitcom yeah apparently i mean i never when i watched it i didn't laugh but apparently it's a sitcom was the uh what's the one about the traveling dog that saves people lilas tobo yeah was that a sitcom no that was that was a serious one i watched that all the time too
Starting point is 00:40:25 but the other one was a show called seeing things which was about a guy who could has premonitions and he's always getting caught up in all sorts of weird inventions because or ventures because he's got this second sight or whatever it freaked me out but i loved it freaked me out as a kid what about letter kenny do you guys like letter Letterkenny? Again, I've seen a handful, yeah, a handful of episodes and I think it's great. It's just,
Starting point is 00:40:50 like I say, I don't, can't watch sitcoms anymore. I don't, I burnt out on them somehow. That one seems great. A lot of people I know seem to like it,
Starting point is 00:40:58 but I've got, I haven't watched, yeah, no, I don't, I haven't watched a show, like a full season of a show in whenever since my kids were born okay okay okay but he did finish watching a series just before they were born
Starting point is 00:41:14 in the hospital he was watching it on his phone uh i remember the day margo was born my my six-year-old was the day that the deborah messing um like uh uh crime procedural the mysteries of laura yes oh my goodness like we got margo was born at five in the morning we were home by one in the afternoon and we're we had the mysteries of Laura by eight. Nice. Nice. Wait. So Graham, are you just watching dramas? Are you watching true crime? I'm watching a lot of movies. And cause I feel like there's entire swaths of movies that I don't know anything about. So I'm trying to like diversify and see as many different types of movies as
Starting point is 00:41:59 I can. And then if I am going to watch a show, I only want it to be like four episodes long, you know? And then I'm like, I'm good. I'm done with the whole scenario four episodes perfect basically a movie yes basically a movie a long movie if you will got it got it got it got it but like uh last night i watched a documentary that i never heard
Starting point is 00:42:19 of before called salesman and it's fantastic it's about salesmen selling bibles in the 60s and yeah it's really excellent so that kind of thing like I never would have watched a movie from the 60s documentary before but now I'm digging for it alright alright you got any suggestions?
Starting point is 00:42:41 documentaries I just watched two recommendations from Jasonason manzoukas one was uh i think it's called art robbery it's a netflix yes um oh yeah let's watch that it's uh it's called something else yeah the boston uh museum heist and that mystery i thought was so fantastic okay that's great uh this's called This is a Robbery. This is a Robbery. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Makes me, like, want to go to museums, not to rob them, but to appreciate them. Sort of related is it's on Hulu. It's the Painter and the Thief documentary. Okay. I'm going to check this out. I'm writing it down right now because i'm gonna forget otherwise painter and the thief yeah okay hulu hulu hulu and then those are two great ones those are two excellent suggestions um it's just i didn't know i didn't
Starting point is 00:43:40 know about that robbery uh in in boston and just first all, you get a plethora of Boston accents. Yes. That's great. But there's this character who's this kind of big deal mobster, but also just like art thief. Yes. That's like really bold and like who are you and he used to have
Starting point is 00:44:06 a band and just like the most interesting man in the world kind of I love I love that these things that are like
Starting point is 00:44:13 if you put this in a fiction script people would be like too much cut it back pull back pull back yeah
Starting point is 00:44:19 no that guy particularly I'm like whoa what is your he has so many secrets and he's not even like the main story yeah it's so much of that oh that's awesome and it makes me wonder where are those paintings like i know yeah and it's also like these you know these paintings are worth you know hundreds
Starting point is 00:44:38 of millions of dollars and they're not like famous paintings like it's not like the mona lisa like yeah yeah they're and also like so there's they're so expensive i guess they're famous to art people but like you know art garb on the other thing i didn't realize that art was used like with like organized crime as like collateral for like drug and arm smuggling which i didn't know that was a part of it oh me neither that's crazy i had no idea yeah and there's a part of where it's like the that maybe they have these paintings as a get out of jail free card so they if they do something bad they can be like all right I'll give you these paintings and don't say nothing. But it's, yeah, the fact that we don't know where they are still is crazy. But also, like, no one can hang them anywhere.
Starting point is 00:45:35 They have no value. Like, they're super valuable, but they also have no value because. They're so specific. Yeah, they're like people are on the lookout for them. Yeah, like there's only, yeah, like six paintings that anybody knows can you even name six paintings mona lisa yeah mona lisa american gothic american dude and his wife sure uh little boy frantoroy is that a real painting i don't think that's a real painting uh you guys are you're at two so far venus riding the clam
Starting point is 00:46:08 it's not called venus riding the clam you are is it it is thursday you're majorly ovulating right now yeah oh boy i'm riding the clam you're riding the clam and whistler's mother the other thing is like these these paintings are so expensive and this isn't giving anything away but like you have a 23 year old stoner watching them like yeah right you know like that guy ruled the night the night guards are always like you know like they're not in any way prepared for something like this to happen and they also get killed so fast in any movie like where there's a heist it's always the security yeah yeah exactly they just uh you know sitting at the desk watching tv when they shouldn't be or uh reading a comic book and then pow yeah knife through the head a playboy centerfold um uh well that's just great i want to name three
Starting point is 00:47:08 more well we'll get we'll get there by the end of the show i'm sure i mean maybe if we go with like uh the artist the the pearl earring this carla johansson with the pearlier Brian the Clam and Scarlett Johansson sorry night sorry night sorry sorry night yes sorry sorry night
Starting point is 00:47:30 nice yeah and uh dogs playing poker ask Scott he doesn't respond I am no that's like
Starting point is 00:47:43 that was in my household growing up if you yelled at somebody they were not getting a response back oh like that was in my household growing up if you yelled at somebody they were not getting a response back oh no i'm in my house it was and remains someone yells my name i yell what and then i don't get a response dave what and then i have to track them down yeah well you do you do love tracking yeah that's true i do i actually can do it by scent now is your last name bassett yeah i'm a bassett guy i'm uh i'm getting my groove back did you in the
Starting point is 00:48:18 i was gonna ask dave something but now do you in the states get or ever got a comic strip called fred bassett yes that sounds familiar yeah it was about what was his he was i don't know i don't know i don't know anything he was a dog and yeah no one could use his thoughts like no he didn't talk no yeah did he sometimes wear a hat no i don't think so i think you're thinking of goofy again he's a cow i did wear a tie, though. No, just a vest and a turtleneck. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Well, last week on the show, I mentioned I have a new puppy. And we did not reveal his name yet. We didn't know his name at the time. Well, I got good news. We have his name at the time well i got good news we have his name he named himself is the final answer that we ended up with our dog is named monster monster so good that's great it'll be fun to yell it's also a great place if you're searching for a job go to that's right yeah and whose suggestion was right they paid you to name yeah
Starting point is 00:49:26 he's actually got a tattoo of their logo across his back one of those scan things yeah he's got a qr code uh was it you or one of the kids or who suggested monster this was it was on the list our list was so big we came down like we narrowed it down i think on the last couple days we were like it's gonna be gonzo oh yeah bonzo corn cob um corn cob's pretty good too it is really good yeah bitey bitey yeah uh plinko plinko would be good yeah and uh i wanted melmac for a while but that never that would have if if we went in together on a dog that would have got lots of traction it's just like melmac that's what i like about it um and monster and the kids kept saying that they were being attacked by a monster.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That's the dog. This, our house is just chaotic now. Yeah. It is like, uh, if I'm not cleaning up pee. Then you're not. Well, then I don't know what to tell you. I don't know who I am anymore. No, it's, I feel like it's been a lot of like, if, if a wedding planner and you have to take care of something,
Starting point is 00:50:48 but then another crisis is happening over your shoulder and you never get to sit down, you're just walking from crisis to crisis. That's been the first week of this dog. Whether it's the kids, making sure the kids don't drop something that he'll eat and then trying to clean up a mess. Yeah. The kids have taken to this new thing yeah we all love them yeah um but the other thing that's going on that has been a fun distraction as well is uh it's crow dive bombing season here in vancouver it is holy cow whoa really yeah i guess the crows all had their babies
Starting point is 00:51:22 and they're feeling very protective of them. And so. So they like swoop on people. Yeah. Oh, wow. They generally don't make contact. But it is frightening as I'll get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Holy shit. The other day I went out just to go to the store up the street and I left out the front door and I heard just such cawing. Caw, they said. C cawing caw they said caw caw etc and so i walk out the uh onto the sidewalk and then a crow like comes near me and i was thinking oh i wonder if that was meant for me i wonder if he was trying to get me and then i take like 10 more steps another crow comes super close to my head and I totally flinched and was like and I was like oh if anyone's watching me out their window that was really funny so now I'm like okay I'm just gonna they're not gonna make contact with me I'm just gonna keep walking and I'll just be confident that they're just trying to scare me they're not
Starting point is 00:52:19 coming close to me and then uh so I I made it to the end of the block and a crow just like the wing touched my ear yikes but i didn't flinch i was like i pretended i was walking away from an explosion in a movie but then i went home and we just stared out the window for the whole morning watching people get dive bombed by these crows and it was so entertaining because and we were like okay i guess crows they won't attack people on bikes but if you're walking slowly they're there and like they don't seem to prefer men or women there's just like everyone gets it yeah some people don't get it i didn't the other day i was walking down the alley and there was a guy that was currently
Starting point is 00:53:05 being dive bombed and i made a very conscious decision to like get in there and out of there while they were still bombed like i was like the original the guy the guy that you've got that's the one that's who you should be dive bombing i heard i heard him talking about how he wants to eat crow eggs he wants to make a crow egg omelet. Wow. Why don't they do that around here? Do you have crows around there? Yeah. Well, no one walks in LA. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, that's true. There's a song about it, I think. Walking in LA. Nobody walks in LA. Yeah, it goes like that. Is that on the charts? Yes. Is that Rodrigo?
Starting point is 00:53:52 No, that's definitely Bassett. Yeah. Yeah, so that was like, and now I think we might be over now, but it was like a solid week of it. Damn. You know, like if you go out, I mean, it's easier on rainy days because you can just bring an umbrella. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 They won't come near you. Or bring an egg to say, like, I don't need more eggs. I already have this egg. Yeah. I'm full. Yeah, I'm full. I don't want any other eggs. Or just a bag from like ihop there's eggs in here but i would yeah i remember a few years ago when i used to walk grandpa and the they would dive
Starting point is 00:54:39 and they were really interested in the dog because I guess dogs love crow eggs but I would remember thinking like should I bring a tennis racket or something with me but they never it wouldn't do any good because they sneak up on you you never see them coming that's true and the other thing that happens in this city I don't know if it happens
Starting point is 00:55:00 other places is flying ant day which I don't think has passed yet not what it's the day when ants apparently get wings for a day I don't know if it happens other places is flying ant day, which I don't think has passed yet. No. What? It's the day when ants apparently get wings for a day. These giant ants fly around only for one day. Nightmare.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Yeah. It is a nightmare. It's a nightmare. And if you get caught out in it, it is, it is like the apocalypse. Oh shit. Yeah. If you're lucky enough to not have to turn,
Starting point is 00:55:24 like commute to anywhere and you're allowed to just stay inside all day that's the only choice it's a it's yeah it's not horrific at first it's like wow what is happening and then just horror and then you're like oh these ants are ants have sprouted wings they've taken to the sky! Yeah. Our neighbor's house got torn down a couple weeks ago and when they tore down the house apparently they unearthed a giant anthill and the ants are just like
Starting point is 00:55:53 where do we go now? Yeah, they're like don't tear this down. Leave the humans. You already destroyed the human house. This ant house is here to stay. Stay, yes. Anyway, so it's been a big uh being a big crow time big and a big ant time still awaiting flying ant time yeah uh boy oh boy i hope it happens like tomorrow so that i can just know that it's over even in suspense about when these flying ants are gonna hit what's going on with you my friend oh i'm terrified of these uh crows and the the ants
Starting point is 00:56:25 flying ants um and you know what ground ants as well i i think they're fascinating if there's just one of them you can like pour out a little bit of soda for them and they drink it like a pool um i picked up some we picked up some uh thai food the other day and the spring rolls the container had an ant on the outside and i was like it's fine and so it was alive so i took it outside threw it outside opened it up another ant inside but what am i going to do return my spring rolls yeah exactly and it was carrying it on its back because they can lift yeah i think i like we were just kind of we ruined its day by eating its spring roll. Not much going on in my neck of the woods.
Starting point is 00:57:11 But in my neck of the woods, across the alley from where my building is, there's a guy just put out a bunch of stuff that was all free. Free stuff. And it was just his stuff. It was some paintings and lots of books. Ooh, and did he have any of the Boston, those Boston art heist paintings? Oh,
Starting point is 00:57:30 yes. He doesn't know what they're worth though. So that's why I put them in an alley. But, you know, there's like some cross country skis, really an eclectic blend of stuff that you'd usually find at a garage sale, all for free out of the back.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And I, like I took a stack of cards that you'd usually find at a garage sale all for free out of the back and i like i took a stack of cards that were nature flip cards oh cool yeah teaching a kid what different animals are whatever and it had like animal facts on the back so it's uh i took those they're pretty cool can you and do you want to quiz us uh yeah yeah yeah i can grab some of them do you want to after the break i mean do you have anything better no all right go grab some all right uh so it's just the two of us cool this is when i this is when the show really takes a turn to where where are we going i'm i'm just like i i can't vamp i just gotta you can't vamp you can't talk about tracking things you can't talk about oh good graham's back okay okay i can't wait graham the whole time you were gone kulop gave me nothing so like like this first one like a dingo right
Starting point is 00:58:51 whoa okay well okay dingo yeah i was gonna guess dingo okay um but you should really you should make us guess the animal from the picture oh okay yeah i'll cover'll cover it. Okay, you got that one. Let's see if you can tell what this is. Hyena. Hyena. No. Is it a hyena? No, it's a maned wolf. So it would look like a hyena.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Oh, wow. There's a lot of really weird ones in here. Where are maned wolves? Where do they live? In the trees. With the crows. They swoop down. Oh, they call it a like a fox on stilts is its reputation.
Starting point is 00:59:35 So I guess it's a tall fox. And they're found in South America. Oh. There you go. Okay, next time they open the borders. When this is all over, I'm going to go see a mained wolf. Kamala says no.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Says don't come to those mained wolves. Don't come. What about this? What do you think these are? Those are sheep. But they're like a special sheep, right? Yeah, they're going to be like, they're used.
Starting point is 01:00:02 They're, they're, they're Dorshire oh sheep it's uh it's just sheep yeah it's a sheep okay it's just the source of all our wool oh wow well not you know angora sweaters i definitely don't know okay check out this one and then we'll what do you call that guy tall tall duck tall duck dodo sandpiper related to the dodo very very astute duda called a solitaire oh yeah so uh i think just hangs out by itself and comes from parts unknown. Oh, New Zealand.
Starting point is 01:00:47 Oh, yeah. Yeah. They got a whole different kind of animal. It's a whole different world in New Zealand. Those Kiwis. Oh, yeah. Kiwis. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I'm sure that's somewhere in the pile. But so this this backyard spot has now become the place that everybody is putting their stuff. Oh, it's become like a trading station that people anything that you want to get rid of i got rid of a pair of shoes and i put them there and they didn't last five minutes they were you know i love that because i love yeah i was riding my um i've gotten into i have an electric bike it's a super 73 cool i'm very cool i'm a cool person and yeah i was riding it around the neighborhood and somebody there was like a free pile i was like
Starting point is 01:01:30 this is my jam let me see yeah i thought you were like i'm gonna put my bike on i'm gonna walk off free bike i love to give um yeah but yeah i I got some cool like wood panels that had ships like burned into them. Cool. And like Viking ship stuff. And I was like, this is great. And I was like, okay, I kind of like this like garment kind of like pegboard to hang stuff on. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I was like, I can't. i'm riding my bike i can't yeah i'm not gonna be able to hold it while like going down the hills well like down the alley from that place i saw somebody that had four things outside one was a walker one was a uh angry birds rolling suitcase one was like um like foam that you use on camping where you like throw foam on the ground and then there was a like a pristine candy vending machine that sold like you know that you put runts in or pieces oh wow did you grab that no it was the same thing i just no way i could have carried it and i don't know where i would put it you know yeah that's cool though it'd be cool yeah in your lobby fill it up with snacks i like and then just come in just for visitors waiting in the lobby yeah but still make the pay yeah yeah i wonder if you could do that if you were like if anyone would
Starting point is 01:03:00 notice like outside a grocery store just put your own little thing of like i think they notice of homies and and then you go you think yeah no like because you know one of them could be outside my house and i wouldn't have noticed you know i'd just be like oh i shouldn't say that i didn't see that because it's obviously there so yeah or i would notice and i'd be like huh that's there now like no one's not gonna do anything about it you put a quarter in it was always embarrassing how small the amount of candy you got for a quarter for a quarter for a you know yeah yeah it was always deceptive how many times you had to crank it ah yes and there were different theories if you cranked it slow or fast it would give you more candy.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Oh, yeah. If you're just opening the door for longer. Exactly. Give me one of those sticky hands that you throw on the wall. Yes, yes. Oh, boy. Should we move on to overheards? Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Overheard. overheard overheards a segment where if you happen to be able to get out in the world and you are able to hear you should uh take a take a listen and then record them and then send them over our way at spy at and we always like to start with the guests kulop do you have something you've overheard yes so as I mentioned before I haven't really been out with the people and when I'm with people in the last nine years in the last nine years as you know and then what generally
Starting point is 01:04:36 when I'm with people it's like my friends so it's not like I'm over hearing them I'm listening to what they're saying to me yes but but when I was in Santa Barbara, Paul F. and I were at a really
Starting point is 01:04:52 good, very well-known, famous Mexican restaurant called Super Larico. Super Rico. Julia Child loved it. Those were her favorite places. Nice. We were waiting for janie and scott to get our food i was with the dogs and two younger women walked by and one of them said she's a trans hating turf and then paul and i were like what's that and we both like simultaneously simultaneously were like
Starting point is 01:05:26 oh jk rowling like they must be talking about jk rowling yeah absolutely but i'm like but that's kind of redundant to say trantating turf yes yeah because it's in the turf part but you know now it's like it's like a laser you you know? Like laser actually stood for something, but we all just call it a laser now, right? Yes. Actually, I didn't know that it stood for something. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Why would you? She's a laser turf. Dave, do you have one? Yeah. Well, mine's a... Yeah, I guess so. Mine's an overseen um sure i so i just saw a company name on the side of a truck and it was a a truck uh that had a picture of a like an excavator a back hoe oh yeah and the name of the company king ho excavating nice that's really good yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:06:26 i like when there's a company like that that has their name printed on the side of a truck it's clever that they went that extra mile to make like a clever name but i don't know how clever king ho is well i mean but it's fun tooku, of course, we all know. I mean, if it was Don Ho and it was Ho with an E, and I guess the Ho is like transporting tiny bubbles, or I don't know. I don't know anything about Don Ho other than tiny bubbles, and he's Hoku's dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yeah. Mine is I gave somebody an overheard, because i'm so generous walking down the street a couple heard me say this out loud uh man i'm glad i wore a belt i don't know why i was saying it to myself but i was pretty excited that day i was like god yeah i really really did well your pants felt a little loose? Yeah, my pants felt loose. And then I also had lots of stuff in the pockets. So it was a race against time.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And you know what? You weren't about to commit suicide into the ocean, right? Yeah, Graham, were you? No, I wasn't. But, you know, who would have heard that? I guess some hikers or something. I'm glad I wore a belt. This couple on the pier heard me think. On days when you wear pants that have belt loops,
Starting point is 01:07:54 what proportion of the time do you wear a belt? If I'm not carrying anything, I go footloose and fancy free. Oh, wow. No belt for me. I'm a belt regardless Really? No matter the circumstance? Yeah
Starting point is 01:08:08 If I have belt loops I'm like I gotta fill them Yeah Yeah But you can do that with anything You know A decorative string
Starting point is 01:08:15 Coolop You seem like A person who wears Like a funky belt Over top of a sweater I don't know how to take that like a belt that's not holding anything up just something that looks just to cinch the waist yeah yeah yeah i don't know a very like 90s full house look yeah yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:08:42 you're wearing a sweater. Oh, it's like goes head to toe. It's off the shoulder. Show me the line. And we also have overheard sent in by people all over the map. You want to send one in? It's SBY at
Starting point is 01:09:06 This first one, Jay from Houston, Texas. While traveling this week, nature called in an inopportune time, so I stopped in a public restroom. I mean, that's always the last thing that you... It's a last resort, is public washroom. What are the earlier
Starting point is 01:09:21 resorts? Milk Jug or off the side of the road suchin pak uh when she travels often wears a poise pad smart smart i'm gonna start wearing a poise yeah me too um just for the feel you know what i mean yeah just a bit to feel like you're held yeah just for the confidence um so he's in the bathroom somebody else arrived at the urinal he said pretty loudly yes followed shortly by remarkable so is he in the bathroom yeah was it the ghost of brody stevens that's a sweet thought yes yeah 818 until i die remarkable remarkable yeah i just think you know what uh
Starting point is 01:10:11 it's nice to see somebody having a good day no matter where you see it right um i mean not to go into it gonna you know pee shame this person you're not gonna bad mouth urination it's important plus you know dave cleans it all day so yeah he's got a good relationship with it yeah i'm not a perf. This next one comes from Scott from St. Louis, Missouri. I was out in a state park doing some bouldering. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I think that's climbing a boulder, but I think it's breaking, crushing a boulder into smaller rocks like John Henry. No, he was. He was a steel driving man. so he's out in a state park doing some bouldering and I hear a family approaching on a hike the kids made it around the corner first
Starting point is 01:11:11 and the middle school age one looks over sees me uh set up my crash pad under a rock and says
Starting point is 01:11:19 oh sorry for intruding on your home oh oh that's sweet. Also, that's really smart to have a crash pad. I think you couldn't do it without, right?
Starting point is 01:11:34 You just... Not the way I boulder. You didn't know what it was. Yeah, that's right. You're just playing pasta? What's going on? Yeah, but can you... Do you all know what a crash pad is, too?
Starting point is 01:11:47 Yes! Yeah, it's where you go after you have a fight with your significant other. Oh, yes. Sure, it's the lay low. Yeah, exactly. After you steal some paintings. Do you have somewhere I can stash these? Yeah, my stash pad crash pad.
Starting point is 01:12:05 This last one comes from Matt from Spokane. I was leaving my community garden and I saw mom, a toddler, and a grandmother together in the parking lot. The toddler was excitedly wandering around their car, mumbling and exclaiming about various things. The exchange was
Starting point is 01:12:22 toddler bending down, mmm, chocolate. The mom said, that's not chocolate, that's rebar. To a candy loving kid, anything looks like chocolate. Yeah. And I mean, rebar, if you think about it, it does look kind of like a chocolate bar. Like a tootsie roll
Starting point is 01:12:42 like the bigger ones? Yeah. It looks like a big long licorice, really. Ew,orice not a licorice fan no what about what about red red yeah yeah that's what i'm like yeah yeah it's like red rebar yeah um i googled uh bouldering crash pads and they are like all the pictures of it bouldering you the from all these pictures it looks like you're just you know four feet off the ground you're climbing boulders you're climbing a giant boulder but not uh like not you're you're not you i guess you don't have any ropes to keep yourself up so that's why you need a crash pad yeah and i yeah and i think four feet up okay are you guys a bouldering expert yeah yeah it's like obvious jim yeah and four feet is pretty high for bouldering so most people don't make it off the ground so four feet is something
Starting point is 01:13:37 most people just attempt to boulder yeah don't actually do it i mean i guess maybe they just took pictures of these people at the very beginning of their bouldering and they're going to achieve more boulders they should they should have at least one triumphant pose though that is unsettling yeah thanks a lot google images in addition to overheards that are written in we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us. Our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:14:12 SpyPod 1, like these people have. Hey, stop podcasting yourself. This is Will in Los Angeles with an overseen. Just passed by a Jeep with the license plate that read perjury don't know off i go the fuck that's a real head scratcher yeah it is like is it somebody that loves perjury is it somebody that is setting himself up that you know if somebody says you're loves perjury is it somebody that is setting himself up that you know if somebody says you're committing perjury and be like yeah i love perjury that's
Starting point is 01:14:49 why yeah yeah commit it i own it who who is the the guy that was busted by oprah the million pieces david oh yeah it's fray do you think that's his jeep i don't know that he was on like i don't think he was under oath. No, you have to on Oprah's show. Under Oprah? Under O Magazine. Under O.
Starting point is 01:15:16 No, who's a famous perjurer? Bill Clinton? Bill Clinton. I mean, probably, like, Sammy the Bull. Did Cato Kaelin perjure? Who's a California perjurer? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Well, also, I mean, the entire last administration. Yeah, that's true. All right. All right. Ease up. Ease up. I'm sorry. Sensitive.
Starting point is 01:15:40 A hundred bad apples goes to boil the whole bunch. What if it's a bunch of 105? Here's your next phone call. Hi, guys. It's Ben from Toronto calling in with an overheard. This was about two years ago. My kid was six. Got super into Mario Brothers, so we decided to show him the Mario Brothers movie from the 90s.
Starting point is 01:16:04 And we got to see it on the movie and he just kind of stares at the TV. And he is a sweet kid. Never says anything like this, but he just looks at the TV and just goes, well, that was fucking terrible. Alright, catch you guys later. Bye. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:16:23 The kid was right. That was Bob Hoskins. And John Leguizamo. Oh, man. The kid was right. The kid was absolutely right. That was Bob Hoskins. And John Leguizamo. John Leguizamo. And Dennis Hopper as King Koopa. Who was, which was which? Leguizamo was Luigi, and Bob Hoskins was Mario.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And it was bad. It was made, it was as if the person had never heard of Mario, and had never seen Mario, and was just going from scratch. There's like two guys. And then he invented the rest. Yeah, he had written it based on the Mario novels. Were they Italian? No.
Starting point is 01:16:54 In the movie? Oh, no, they were like Brooklyn. They had like New York accents. All right. Yeah. But it's like. I saw it. Did you see it?
Starting point is 01:17:04 I saw it in the theater. I saw it. Yeah. And see it i saw it in the theater yeah and i might have seen it in the theater too but i i just don't really remember it other than it being very bad yeah there was when i was a kid you know like ice capades or whatever they're like yeah i went to a mario version of it and it was the shittiest thing i'd ever seen so bad oh so bad. Oh, man. Like, because they didn't jump. Obviously, they didn't jump on the little, what are those guys called? The little mushroom guys? Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Goobers or whatever? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they obviously didn't jump on like, they weren't throwing like tortoise shells at each other. Yeah, so they were just going around spraying each other with fire extinguisher kind of thing. It was so dumb. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:17:49 It does sound good. It does sound good. That's true. Oh, no. It sounded great. I was so excited when they came out. You were like, oh. It was based on the movie.
Starting point is 01:18:03 This is somebody dressed up like Bob Hoskins. In Mermaids. Yeah. Oh, man. They got real Bob Hoskins for it. Yeah. Skating Bob. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Here's your final over. Hi, Dave Graham, Impossible Guest. This is Julie Lolo from Chicago. I was calling in from over in Heard. I was walking to the train in Chicago to Yale, and I was walking up some stairs and saw a girl just sort of drop something, and a guy picked it up, and he gave it to her,
Starting point is 01:18:48 and she said, oh, I'm sorry. I haven't figured out wide-leg pants yet. I haven't figured out wide-leg pants yet. Yeah, so that's somebody that should have been wearing a belt, eh? I just keep dropping things is it like are you stashing them in the belt area and they just keep slipping out whether they wouldn't in a tight jean or why are things falling out of this or maybe she just dropped something but the swoosh of her giant pants pushed that like blew them down the stairs i don't know i personally haven't
Starting point is 01:19:24 figured out why i I like pants yet. No, me neither. And I hope I never do. Did you wear them in the 90s? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Yeah, I was wishing that I wore those right now, but I gave them all away. You were whooshing. I was whooshing around. Whoshing and whooshing. I wore baggier pants, but not the JNCOs. I definitely wore the JNCOs for sure. And oversized. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:48 Oversized skater pants. That's right. Dave, did you wear any like bell bottom or like boot bottom? I definitely, yeah. Boot cut jean for sure. Yeah. But not like a flared jean. Just like someone said, oh yeah, boot cut jeans are cool.
Starting point is 01:20:05 And I was like, OK. Yeah, I'll take your word on it. Let's do this. I haven't owned. I've never owned a boot. Yeah. What about high waisted pants for men? Does that exist?
Starting point is 01:20:21 I guess from the 70s. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then like trousers. Yeah. They still make like, what's his name? Joaquin Phoenix in her. Yes, that's true.
Starting point is 01:20:33 Yeah. But isn't that, that's in the future. Like that's a future fashion is the high-waisted pant. Can a man get a high-waisted pant today in any store? Yes. In any store? I don't know. But in a store somewhere in any store i don't know but in a store somewhere yes yes because like i
Starting point is 01:20:47 think men also have the same trend like women wearing like the mom jean or like the more high waisted they're also men men's fashion that way yeah as well okay i didn't know that and now i do and i'll never forget it yeah well graham let's go get you some yeah yeah yeah um we'll go to eaton's uh is that still that's gone right sears sears is gone sears is gone the bay the bay the bay we'll go to the bay and uh you guys can look like katherine hepburn too yeah that's the ultimate goal just like two feet of zipper between the crotch and the button um well if you have a zip tie then you can that's true comes in handy i ended up buying those zip ties and i they're why did you need them dave yeah why did i need oh it was like uh no because we put up uh a gate area for the puppy oh and. And we didn't want to, like, drill holes in the wall.
Starting point is 01:21:46 And we're like, well, maybe we can zip tie, you know, jimmy something together with some zip ties. Nice. Nice. DIY. DIY. Cool up. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:00 This is the end of this here episode. What? Thank you very much for being our guest. I mean, I'll see you in nine years. Nine years. Now tell everybody what you're up to and where they can find you. Why don't you check out Add to Cart? It's hosted by myself and Suchan Pak.
Starting point is 01:22:19 That's on the Lemonada Network. And we come, new episodes are out on Tuesday. You can find them wherever you get your finest podcast. Nice. And then follow me on Twitter at at cool up and on Instagram at, at I am cool up because at cool up was already taken. Oh yeah. You hate that person.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Um, well, thank you so much for being a guest. Uh, thank you all you out there for listening to the show if you have you know any problems coming up in the next couple weeks I'm with you in spirit
Starting point is 01:22:54 and in soul I did not know what you were going to say there who are you specifically talking to? I don't know I just sounded like a nice thing to say that's very sweet yeah graham's with you i'm i'm i i'm with you too but i just i didn't see that coming and he's wearing high-waisted pants so that you know it's him um and thank you everybody for listening and
Starting point is 01:23:17 come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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