Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 694 - Jackie Pirico

Episode Date: July 6, 2021

Comedian Jackie Pirico joins us to talk drive-in movies, heatwaves, and cold deodorant....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 694 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's like a Caribbean dream sitting there drinking a Corona, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I mean, I was looking for Red Stripe. I can't find Red Stripe anywhere in town. Hmm, this is a little stubby, right? Caribbean beer, yeah. Yeah, well mexican's still
Starting point is 00:00:45 fun that's still a fun kind of beer yeah it's a corona which is i mean you gotta put fruit in it you can put a fruit in it um you can put cheese on it you can put chili on it uh it's it shares the same with a famous virus that, you know, decimated our lives. Yes. So that's always fun. We had a gigantic heat wave this weekend. Record-breaking. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Canada a couple hours from here.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Two degrees above freezing. So there you go. Canada's done it again. And on Saturday, I was sitting outside and i was like oh it's such a hot day i'll have a corona and i drank one and i was like oh i'm i'm like i might as well have done black tar heroin my brain is completely addled i am no longer a functional human being from this the lightest of the lightest of beers. Our guest today, first time guest here to the podcast, very funny comedian.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And she would love it if you visited her Instagram at Jackie Pirico. It's Jackie Pirico. Hey, guys. Hello. Thanks for being our guest. It's so great to be your guest. I always wondered, will I ever be a guest? Yeah, it's a lot of people stay up nights wondering and wishing,
Starting point is 00:02:10 and you won the lottery. What can I say? I won, but I'm very tired from staying up all those nights. So forgive me if this is terrible. She frozen on your end a little bit? Yeah, she froze a little bit. You froze a little bit, but it's okay. You're back on top. Yeah. Yeah, well, you know what? maybe you guys were frozen for me too
Starting point is 00:02:27 yes that's true are we on the outside looking in or the inside looking out it's hard to say totally this is like the last episode of st elseworlds are we all in a snow globe yes are we or are we in uh yeah in some kid it? Yeah. Look, let's get to know us. Get to know us. Jackie, how are you doing? I'm really great. Usually when I would do a podcast like this, I'd be sort of a while beforehand, sort of getting ready, maybe doing, I don't know, just getting some kind of mental preparation but instead of that
Starting point is 00:03:06 today i was out rooting around in the dirt outside like an old dirty dirt possum tending to my brand new garden ah this is now you're speaking dave's language yeah i'm a garden queen you're a garden queen i'm a brand new i'm a garden princess because i'm really new to it. It's my first year. Oh, yeah. This is my first big year where I tore out grass and just put in dirt. But I had some legacy plants from the last couple of years. Wow. Well, see, as amateur as I am, I got to tell you, I did some pulling up of grass and putting down of dirt, too. Nice. What are you planting in there?
Starting point is 00:03:45 Oh, it's chaos. I feel like Dave, if you saw this garden, I don't know what you'd think. It's really, it's, I like to say that it's me getting to know who I like and who I don't like.
Starting point is 00:03:57 I'm the same way. There's no rhyme or reason. There's no planning of what will go where it's just a whim. It's all improv. It's nuts. It's there's a. It's all improv. It's nuts. There's a lot of color. Yeah. And it's really helped reveal to myself what kind of insane I am.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Right. There's a lot of windmills and statues already. Tchotchkes. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. What's the top tchotchkes oh yeah okay yeah what's uh what's the top tchotchke well it's this brand new one i got the other day from canadian tire and it's like a fake stone statue and it's like
Starting point is 00:04:34 a mummy cat sort of um lovingly like okay like a mother or a mummy wrapped up in bandages yeah that's what i thought as well no no but i do love those two i i love those two um but it's it's a mom cat like bending over kind of kissing its baby kissing its baby kitten on the head and i like i've just been staring at it. What I like about, because my garden is just plants. I don't do any tchotchkes. Okay. But what I love about that is a garden full of tchotchkes and a thief trying to like figure out where you've hidden a key. There would be endless possibilities for a key in this garden.
Starting point is 00:05:25 But there's a lot of plants. I've got a lot of daisies, marigolds. Sounds great. Cosmos coming up. Sunflowers even. Really? Sunflowers? Yeah, it's exploding.
Starting point is 00:05:38 There's been lots of rain. It's just looking pretty crazy. Nice. Yeah. Sunflowers. I think Margo was my daughter was given some sunflowers in school those are sunflower seeds like yeah plant these or eat them spit them out at a baseball game they're a favorite for kids apparently and they're do they
Starting point is 00:05:59 grow really fast so you get you guys both just flowers or are you doing some food in there? No food for me. Not yet. I don't do food. We tried tomatoes last year and we have too many critters in the neighborhood. A lot of guys out there, yeah. A lot of guys taking a snack. Are you in Toronto, Jackie?
Starting point is 00:06:19 I am. Yeah, I'm in Toronto, yeah. Oh, yeah. But if I may touch just momentarily, circle back to the cat mummies like from Egypt. Yes, please. Yes. One time I was at one of the world's largest ancient Egypt museum exhibit in Turin in Italy. I don't know why it's there.
Starting point is 00:06:40 But there was this kind of sealed off part where the exhibit wasn't ready yet. And you weren't really supposed to see it. And there was a big plastic bin, like a Canadian tire, like tote bin style, you know, full of those cat mummies just in there, like thrown in there.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Like you'd see the back of a moving track and they're also skinny, you know, like they're also, and it was just a bin of those just real mummified cats yeah yeah that weren't like put up in the exhibit yet the like the an ancient egypt exhibit is and the body worlds exhibit are very similar yeah and they're also i've never been to the body world. They're both cursed. You see there, if,
Starting point is 00:07:28 if there was ever another exhibit where it's like, it's got a bunch of dead bodies, check it out. The government would get involved so fast. It's true. Yeah. They don't want anyone horning in on their dead body racket. But I guess ancient Egypt was, it's just you know up to
Starting point is 00:07:48 their ears and these mummified cats that they just you know they didn't even have a place for them at this exhibit just stuff them in a bin a canadian tire plastic tote are you a cat person oh huge yeah yeah so that's on my instagram it's all you own stories or rent oh i own i own but i'm a one cat person okay sure only because my cat won't let me have more cats ah yes have you tried yeah yeah it's a disaster my because my cat the main thing that me and my cat don't like have it like we have a lot in common but our main difference is that she hates cats right and i love cats did you know this when you adopted this cat that it was no no i didn't know i i wasn't even ready for more cats then but then over the years we've you know had roommates that
Starting point is 00:08:39 were cats cat comes in here and there right and it's did you know that that roommate was a cat at the time or was it disguised no that was... Did you know that that roommate was a cat at the time or was it disguised like a roommate? No, that was also revealed to me. I thought it was a regular guy. And then all of a sudden, Nutland hated him. I'm like, oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Oh, he's a cat. Yeah, oh, that's where all my saucers of milk have been going. Yeah. Remember in Batman Returns when Michelle Pfeiffer licks a bunch of cream out of a saucer?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Oh, yeah. Yeah. And it was like kind of trying to be horny, but even for 12-year-old me, I was like, I don't think so. Oh, really? Because even like however old me, I was like, hubba hubba. Yeah. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Well, tell me about your cat. Nutland? Yes. Yes. Nutland the cat did i actually say that or i thought you just guessed it did i yeah no yeah i guess let me just guess i have a ouija board here yeah nutland is my cat she's she's um she's the best cat i've ever seen where do you get the name nutland from well nutland uh yeah so nutland nutland is her real name that when she was adopted when she showed up at my house her name is peanut okay that's her true name um but it's just sort of so i don't know pedestrian isn't it a little bit yeah and then
Starting point is 00:10:01 years later she was always peanut but years later i was binge watching um twin peaks okay and leland palmer is just such an insane character right leland do you know leland palmer from twin peaks yes he's the dad laura's dad i don't i never saw that oh well he's really crazy and uh and i was like oh i'd like that name leland leland that's a cool name leland and then somehow peanut merged or morphed into sort of combined with leland to be nutland nutland and so does the cat respond to this name uh actually that's a great question i asked her that the other day i said nothing nothing i said do you know your name nutland and she was just kind of like one looked at me with one eye so i took that as a resounding yes yes yes um and are you have you ever had a dog are you
Starting point is 00:10:51 cat person all the way uh well i am a cat person all the way but i as a kid there was some dogs around i grew up in a really um a lot of animals around like like what are we talking about here well i lived with my sicilian grandfather okay who is this where i get my pet insanity from i love all animals birds critters possums skunks even um like i'm a lover of all those and like i've had a lot of rabies scares and all this okay well yeah i was like yeah i guess I kind of like skunks. I don't like them enough to almost have rabies. A lot of rabies scares is my favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Or like, yeah. A tick scares and flea scares and all these. Yeah. Yeah. Bites, scratches. I've had crabs a couple of times. That's one I haven't had. But yeah, my grandfather loved animals. so he had a couple dogs always had
Starting point is 00:11:48 tons of cats um one time he found or he managed there was a there was a rogue parrot flying around in the neighborhood that had escaped from some i don't know sanctuary or whatever or circus and perhaps and he managed to catch it trap it i guess that's not. And he managed to catch it, trap it. I guess that's not great, but he managed to capture it and keep it as a pet and then bought another parrot to be its friend and then bought several more birds. And they all were in one room,
Starting point is 00:12:17 like, like flying around in one room without a cage. So that was just the room where birds are? Yeah, and all the cats would naturally gather outside of that room. So that was my childhood. A lot of really crazy stuff like that. But yeah, the dogs were great.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Was this in Sicily or in Canada that he did that? Oh, no, sorry. This was in Canada. This was in Guelph, Ontario. Oh, I guess last week was from Guelph, Ontario. What? Who was it? John Sleeman.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Wowee. It was Sean Devlin. Yeah. Do you know Sean Devlin? Yes, I do. I went to high school with Sean. You did? Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's crazy. Isn't that crazy? As I was reading my children some books, it occurred to me that someone else is from Guelph do you know the let me guess robert munch robert munch nice hell yeah yeah so yeah the king of guelph the king of of tear-jerking kids books oh was what were you reading i mean i love you forever is the tear jerkker We read whatever He just keeps pumping them out Is he? He's still writing them? Yeah Wasn't there a thing
Starting point is 00:13:31 What were the Munch Madness books He had as a child I remember that 100 Degrees Below Zero I didn't have that It was like there was Twizzlers In it and he gets picked up by a Big rigged truck driver This kid gets picked up by a big rigged truck driver this kid gets picked up by a truck driver wow and he had a truck full of like licorice that sounds
Starting point is 00:13:52 pretty good it sounds like i believe you uh like i say there's so many he writes so many of these books like and apparently at the time that he was writing all these books, he was pretty high on the old cocaine. Yeah. Oh, that's maybe why I resonate with him now and then. That's why it really speaks to me to this day. We were, what did I read? I read Mortimer as a child, I think. Right, I remember that one.
Starting point is 00:14:22 The kid who didn't want to go to bed. His paper bag princess one of of his paper bag princesses. Yeah. That's all the hits. Yeah. All the big, big hits. I think,
Starting point is 00:14:32 um, did, does your town Guelph, does it have a slogan? Is it like home of Robert Mountain? Sure. Oh my God. You know what?
Starting point is 00:14:39 I'm so embarrassed. I've been, I've been out of it for so long. I haven't lived there since I was 19. I don't. Oh, well, it's called the royal city there you go yeah that's enough that's enough yeah is that enough for you people yeah well we we can't just it's not just a every week we have someone new from guelph yeah it's our it's the curse of this show uh we're hoping for somebody from oshawa next week i was born in oshawa i'm not shitting you i was i was born in oshawa my dad was working on the line at gm when i was born
Starting point is 00:15:14 wow um and part of his job or yes he took extra money or whatever to transport or carpool prisoners to and from gm like that day worker prisoners from like kingston or something there was a prison in oshawa or near and so he would go and pick up the day pass and they would all drive together to work he dropped them back off at jail after and he made some pretty bad friends but he wrote some great children's novels or books i just remember like all these friends being around my dad in oshawa when i was a kid they were like hard hard dudes yeah and then and then my parents broke up for a while they got back together yeah they got back together but you know what that's all oshawa that was all Oshawa
Starting point is 00:16:10 that wow that was all yeah like you rarely hear the parents getting back together yeah I think it was only a year I was too young to remember but it had to do with all the bad friends from jail like she she was like you're allowed to have one bad friend from jail what are they doing three bad guys in the house i said one but like why because i don't bring any of my work or jail friends home am i consider a work friend yeah we're work friends and i've done some hard time uh i used to smash up parking meters that was my that gig. Oh, yeah. That's hard. That's dangerous for you in prison, being a sign smasher. They have to put you in isolation.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Because they don't want you smashing their signs around the prison. Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of signs in there, I think. There's a lot of signs that say, don't break out. If you smash that sign, people might start breaking out. All hell breaks loose. Yeah. Have you guys known anybody who's been in prison?
Starting point is 00:17:09 Sean Devlin. Oh, yeah, Sean Devlin. That's right. Wait, what did he do? Oh, he goes to protest. Oh, so he's arrested. He hasn't been in prison. He's been arrested.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Well, I've been in the drunk tank overnight. Nice. Tell us the story, please. Oh, my God. I was only 15. drunk tank overnight. Nice. Tell us the story, please. Oh, my God. I was only 15. Yeah, I was 15. And me and some bad friends. Some of my dad's friends were.
Starting point is 00:17:34 We were coming home from a bush party in Rockwood, Ontario. I don't know if you know that place. I wish I did. It's where all the bad kids came from. Like, bad kids came in to Guelph from Rockwood to go to my high school. Anyway, Sean would know this, but we were coming back from a bush party and then we were walking by my high
Starting point is 00:17:53 school and there was a car just sitting in the parking lot. Doors open, lights on, keys in the ignition. What are we going to do? We got in it and drove around the football field, ripped up the field. We're joyr drove around the football field ripped up the field we're joyriding in the football field in this car and went through a chain link fence for fun so
Starting point is 00:18:12 dangerous and then the cops were called and we were running on foot from the cops booze in our bags and and we got stopped and then i we lied we're drunk we're 15 we lied and gave them them the wrong names of our enemy of our high school enemies okay you stay here i'll look up your look up those names and they put us in the drunk tank anyway so on top of like car theft under 5 000 um drinking as a really shitty car or oh such it was the shittiest car it was already been stolen it was already been stolen and and left there oh i see yeah and but they that was our word against like that they just had to believe us about that you know we said we found it there well it got went missing from a driveway but but because of lying about our names we also got another charge of obstruction of justice yeah and did they did these charges stick or did you not for me no because me and my friend
Starting point is 00:19:18 are right yeah we we did a plea deal and we uh no our parents shelled out for a lawyer to split between the two of us and we got alternative measures which is like having to write a letter and say sorry it's the whitest thing to get it's the most white you i gotta tell you You were the bad kid Yeah you were You were the bad kid These Rockwood kids I know I know I was bad You're bad mouthing them
Starting point is 00:19:50 But What was the The neighborhood That all the bad kids Came from In this town The town of your youth I don't know
Starting point is 00:19:58 Um I Like Growing up I was scared Of East Vancouver But As
Starting point is 00:20:04 That I lived there So it it's like, it was just, uh, that's where the roughy toughies would come. Yeah. I mean, there's still like the, you know, the bridge and tunnel crowd from Surrey coming into party on the weekend. Oh, is Surrey, um, the Rockwood of Vancouver? Yeah. So it's not a really a neighbor. It's a, it's a so it's not really a neighborhood. It's a city. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:26 It's a suburb that's grown larger than Vancouver itself, I think. Wow. Yeah, because bad dudes are industrious. That's one thing. They come here to party. Like ants on an anthill. Yes. They've opened up.
Starting point is 00:20:41 So as of tomorrow, we're recording this on June 30th. As of tomorrow, restrictions are being lifted june 30th uh as of tomorrow uh restrictions are being lifted here in vancouver in british columbia um so you can you don't have to wear a mask anymore wow you don't have to um jeez i don't know like you can have open mouth kisses now yeah oh what was it before just really tight small dry mouth kisses now. What was it before? Just really tight, small, dry mouth kisses? Yeah, a lot of pecking. They're opening casinos
Starting point is 00:21:11 at limited capacity. They're opening nightclubs, but no dancing allowed. Way to wet my appetite for nightclubs out of nowhere. I know, exactly. I'm like, maybe I want to go to nightclubs. You know what? If you had me in that club,
Starting point is 00:21:26 there'd be nothing holding me back from dancing. If there were nightclubs that were like, okay, we open at 7. Yeah. No dancing. No dancing. The music's pretty quiet. But who are they going to have in each of these clubs?
Starting point is 00:21:41 John Lithgow telling everybody not to dance? Absolutely. That's what they'll have. They're sending in the Lithgows. in each of these clubs John Lithgow telling everybody not to dance absolutely that's what they'll have they're sending in the Lithgows well lucky for you guys we had some restrictions lifted
Starting point is 00:21:56 here today everybody's gone today to get a haircut get their nails done everybody get a haircut yes I'm serious everyone is rushing to get a haircut it's so weird i don't really care
Starting point is 00:22:06 about getting a haircut very much my hair is just i don't really care but that's where everyone was today i walked by every salon we had a so uh yesterday was the last day of school oh yeah school. Oh yeah. I threw my binders in the river for kids. And so we, uh, my six-year-old finished grade one and, uh, she said, we said, well, what do you want to do for dinner? And she said, McDonald's and, and, but let's take it and have a picnic. And so we got to McDonald's, and it was a 20-minute lineup to get into the drive-thru. Oh, no. Really? So we finally ordered 20 minutes in. Because I guess every parent was like, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah, there's one parent family at the old spaghetti factory and then one at like a sushi bar somewhere. So we ordered our food and they gave us our drinks and they said, just go over there and we'll bring your food out to you. And also, here's a bunch of free soft serve ice cream cones, which should have been a warning of like, oh, this is there. They're going to be a while. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. When they're doling out concession. Free stuff. Yeah. So it was like it was 20 minutes in line and then 25 minutes until the food was brung out to it. What? This is what it would be like if all the adults were dead and children overran the society.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah. But you know what? I bet McDonald's would pay a good wage then. Yeah, that's true. If all kids... Right. Yeah. That's all it takes.
Starting point is 00:23:58 When you were a kid, Jackie, what was your go-to if you did well at a soccer game or something like that? Where did you get to go? I guess the same kind of thing. But you know what? We really loved, me and my brother as kids loved Taco Bell.
Starting point is 00:24:11 We loved Mexi Melts. Do you remember Mexi Melts? No, tell me all about Mexi Melts. I don't think they exist at Taco Bell anymore. I don't go to Taco Bell now. But they're just like these little, very simple, soft white tortilla, like small, almost like a mini burrito just with like pico de gallo and ground beef and cheese. Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Like, they were so good. They just they were just so soft. But you didn't even need like a jaw to eat them, you know? Just be shot in there by a tube or whatever. Mary Jo Buttafuoco loves mexi melt i'll never forget years ago this kid um was staying in my apartment he was a skateboarder he was a nomad wait wait tell me were you an adult were you i was in university okay and it was like a friend of a friend and he was passing through he's from he's just a rambling rose just a skateboarding guy that was flying by the seat of his pants and all he ever ever ever ate was mcdonald's and he would always like
Starting point is 00:25:18 buy two burgers and then keep one in his pocket and like skateboard all day and then like eat it later like disgusting that is the best way to keep it warm in your pocket it was steaming yeah it's i we don't have taco bell here oh we have it and maybe it's out in the suburbs but anytime i go to suburbs anytime i go to america i stop and i have a... Have a gordita? What do I like? I like the one that's like... Oh, okay. So it's like, yeah, you're right, Graham. It's a gordita.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Hard wrapped and soft. Right. And it's like a little rhombus or something. Yeah. Is that the gordita? Yeah, that sounds right. It's a chunk wrap supreme. Crunch wrap supreme.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Chunk wrap supreme. But this kid Crunch wrap supreme. Crunch wrap supreme. But this kid with the cheeseburger in his pocket, I made a dinner, like a normal dinner. I don't know what it was. Chicken, veggies, whatever. And he was like eating it and going, oh, God, my jaw. He's like, I'm not used to chewing food. That's how much he ate McDonald's. He wasn't used to having to use his muscles in his face to eat chewing through chicken the softest of the meats yeah
Starting point is 00:26:30 for him it was like eating jerky like oh god ow uh i like everything about this character his name was too. That was his name, Too Baked. Too Baked. Too Baked. Oh, man. What were some other nicknames of people you barely knew? My brother's the king of nicknames. All his friends have crazy nicknames. But Too Baked was the only one that sticks out to me.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah. I knew this. I just remember in college, my roommate was telling a story about what she did over the summer. And I was talking to my friend's slurp dog. Excuse me? Well, his name's Slurpy, but we call him Slurp Dog. His name's not Slurpy. It's like Slurp Dog what oh i had one my friend in high school we called her sweet tooth ruth because she was always like having gummies like always had candy that's cute that's good her name
Starting point is 00:27:36 was alana is alana but she was sweet tooth ruth that's did she like put that in her yearbook as like nicknames i think on instagram right now her name is still ruthie nice yeah really stuck yeah was her name ruth no it's alana okay sorry i my braid fell off uh there was a guy that i worked with at a catering company and he was a russian guy and his name was t-con robot which then we turned into t-con robot yeah and t-conitron then t-conitron 2000 he keeps going through updates yes there was a guy in college who lived in the dorms but he was always smoking so everyone kind of knew him because he was always outside smoking. Right. Because he couldn't smoke inside.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And he had a beard. And his nickname was Smokin' Beard. Yeah. And then later, there was a girl in the dorms who the story circulated about how she did a bunch of cocaine and had anal sex. With Smokin' Beard? With Smokin' Beard? No. Unrelated. unrelated oh phew but but she got the nickname coke and butt so there's smoking beard and coke and butt that is such an embarrassing rumor i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:28:58 because like because there's so there's there's a i don't, that kind of connotes to me that maybe the butt sex wasn't like, you know, thoughtfully executed. It was in the mire of a cocaine frenzy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I mean, what better time I guess it also you've heard the like urban legend about Stevie Nicks about how like her sinuses were so messed up from doing so much cocaine
Starting point is 00:29:34 that like roadies had to blow cocaine up her butt oh yes okay you know what I didn't know if I'd heard that until you said those last few words I'm like yes yes they would leave it to the roadies of all people well roadies and chodis but like you would think you could find like a someone more intimate yeah or like a corrupt doctor or something that stitches up mobsters
Starting point is 00:29:58 you know like he would probably have the equipment to do that. I'm picturing it like a paper towel tube. Stay still, Stevie. But like, couldn't you just do a few gummers? Like, does it have to be up your butt? We don't know all the cocaine terms. Gummers is good though. I can, I know exactly what it is. It's the thing that police do at TV shows
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah it's the thing right above your sweet tooth It's how you clean off your CD case There was a guy Or so I heard There was a guy Speaking of sweet tooth Ruth There was a guy named Mark But on the first week of college he had pink eyes
Starting point is 00:30:41 So people called him Pink Eye Pete Oh my god I bet that stuck Yeah he's still to this day In the first week of college, he had pink eye, so people called him Pink Eye Pete. Oh, my God. I bet that stuck. Yeah. He's still to this day. Horrible. Oh, my God. That would be so bad because we all know there's only one way to get that.
Starting point is 00:30:55 That's right. Well, there's only one thing that will give you that. Poo germs. Yeah, you hang out with smoking beard. Yeah, you hang out with smoking beard. Yeah, I heard that Pink Eye Pete, he got high on cocaine and then somebody
Starting point is 00:31:11 had just had anal sex and then rubbed it in his eye. Well, you know what? He wanted some cocaine. Stevie Nicks farted. A cloud of cocaine came up uh yes this is all very well good yes very fun i never had the dorm experience i i went to university but i never lived in like res or a dorm you just had an apartment yeah but it was like six me and five other friends from all from guelph that all went and had a house yeah did you go to school at guelph um no i went to concordia in
Starting point is 00:31:54 montreal oh nice does guelph have a call so many of us moved there so it was like it kind of was an off-campus res what's that does guelph um yeah guelph has the university of guelph oh sorry sometimes i don't get humor i'm not kidding like it's so crazy but sometimes i really don't get jokes it's so well you you said that i said that when you were frozen so i was like i don't know if you heard it in real life i'm gonna use that from now on and when something doesn't hit with me i'm like i'll say oh sorry i was frozen i was frozen yeah there's a bit of lag there what did you study at university i studied linguistics and i was gonna i was on the path to be a um speech pathologist. Oh, wow. What is that path?
Starting point is 00:32:46 What was the next part of the path? So the linguistics and I had my focus in like early childhood language acquisition. And then beyond that, my next move was going to be a master's in speech pathology
Starting point is 00:33:01 where I would have to go and have like clinical placements and have all, you got to jump through a lot of hoops. Yeah. And where did it all go wrong? It all went wrong when I took a job as a cocktail waitress at the Comedy Nest in Montreal. Oh, yeah. And then I got swept up in that and then utterly derailed.
Starting point is 00:33:22 utterly derailed. And so like, have you been in the comedy game ever since just as a standup or you do sketch stuff as well? Um, no, I really do just do standup. Really? I saw you do a hilarious sketch at a comedy bar.
Starting point is 00:33:38 We played a ghost baseball player. Right. So, uh, in last Sabbath, the only sketch I would do sketches with um marty tops yeah um so he was the guy that was wrote those songs and did the baseball stuff so the only sketch i've really dipped my toe in is because of my one of my colleagues of last sabbath who who was more
Starting point is 00:33:59 sketch and the sketch was that this guy had driven a bus full of kids off a bridge and felt awful about it and then you were a kid from the from the bus that was like no it's okay we love you yeah yes completely exonerating him um relieving him of all of his guilt and singing to him yeah but you know what he had to stop doing that bit because of the actual bus. Yes. Yeah. So that was it. Which bus? The magic school bus. It was one episode of this magic school bus and then he had to stop. It was a bad one.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah. That was not something that I had in my life, the magic school bus. No, that was after me. i was right at the cusp yeah did you watch or did you decide not to i i i watched a bit but i think i remember watching it in school yeah um but it's a bus that shrinks down and goes up. Yeah. And it's covered in cocaine and it goes up your butt. If you need that. Um, we, we are both, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:15 born in 1980. Oh, I'm not saying that anymore. What are you saying now, Dave? 92. Ooh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Dave was born in 92. The 90s are really in right now so that's yeah yeah yeah people wearing bucket hats yeah like crazy big soles on shoes uh like wild wild i saw somebody wearing crocs with like a three inch sole i've seen those big crocs too yeah it's real it's real fu to fashion and the people around you yeah i love it that's what is fashion now fashion is fu to fashion i think yeah that's right it's come full circle yeah and then the next uh generation is going to be all suits they're going to be suits and dresses suits yeah all seers all seersucker everybody will start wearing a hat again it'll be a real 40s and 50s revival like when we were younger
Starting point is 00:36:10 there was a swing dance revival for some reason oh I remember that like the Brian Setzer orchestra like came back but somehow somebody was like it's back and everybody agreed yeah who was that powerful person that john fabbro that's right yeah swingers right swingers yeah wingers with their bowling
Starting point is 00:36:34 shirts and their shiny hair yes yeah they were money that movie is good i didn't think it was good at the time yeah i think i liked it at the time because i was like that's what it is to be an adult all the swing dancing you can handle going to vegas but wait a minute you guys i don't remember them actually swing dancing in that movie they do in the end yeah heather graham big climax it kind of it's kind of like that's why i remember not liking the movie i was like that was it oh i just remember them being in bars and like looking at girls yeah they played uh they played uh hockey on uh video game hockey yeah that was so i remember there was favreau and then uh vince vaughn and then who was the other guy wasn't there a third guy i don't know he was good though yeah i don't remember there even being a third guy i don't you know what i obviously only saw it once and it was didn't stick with it was like who was the third guy in uh between affleck
Starting point is 00:37:30 and damon in goodwill hunting they had a third friend robin williams no like a young man wasn't it casey affleck no he was the little brother in it though he was in it he was in it casey affleck was in goodwill hunting wasn't he like one of the friends that makes sense um yeah i i've only seen goodwill once and i i did not understand why everybody said it was so good no i get that as well like it has its fun moments when he's crying yeah when it's not his fault well i love mini driver though so yeah that was the that was the real mimi sans was uh around that time i can't remember what else she was in circle of friends oh yeah with her irish accent she was in something in i just looked her up or i looked up another movie early like a couple years before that she was in uh was it batman returns no that was michelle pfeiffer
Starting point is 00:38:33 um sleepers it was sleepers oh what is sleepers sleepers is this thing um uh with brad pitt and jason patrick and uh it's like got it's a thing where the i i last week we were talking about my old tumblr kid casting yeah where it was and that was one of the movies that had the most like kid versions of adult actors oh oh jason patrick was so charming he was such a handsome boy. Yeah. What has happened to Jason Patrick? Is he still with us? I saw him in something recently and I didn't even recognize him for a while. What was it?
Starting point is 00:39:13 Sleepers? No, it wasn't sleepers. That would be a fun if you were going to like a drive-in. If it was like sleepers, swingers, and then another. And sneakers. Sneakers, yeah. You know what? a drive-in was one of my first jobs and it was the most fun job ever well what do you do concession i i did
Starting point is 00:39:32 concession yes concession and then sometimes i'd take take money from cars sometimes nice but yeah basically just concession and if anyone left their uh keys in the car i'd go drive the car around a football field. Put it through the fence. But it was great because my boss, the owner of the drive-in, there was always two movies back to back. And he would always leave after the first one. So like second one, I ran the place. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I answered to no one. I was like 16. That rules. Yeah, I feel like. Yeah, deep frying chocolate bars. Yeah, movie theater was like the top of the teen job hierarchy when I was a kid. That or maybe if you're lucky enough to work at a video store. Oh, that would be good.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Those were the one and two. Yeah. Like I applied to so many jobs and like for summer jobs and stuff. Yeah. And I never got any. I applied to movie theaters and didn't get it. And I was devastated. I think if you,
Starting point is 00:40:28 if I had like tried to get a full-time non summer job, my odds would have been better, but, but you guys lived in the big city, you know, that's why there was so many people applying for all the jobs. Me, I lived in the middle of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I was once told that like, Oh yeah, the college college ended two months ago. All the college students got the jobs already. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can't,
Starting point is 00:40:49 and you can't compete as a, I was going to say as an elementary school kid, but yeah, I was in elementary school. As a toddler, whose mom has to come to work with you. You can't compete. Bring your mom to work every day.
Starting point is 00:41:03 But you know what? Some of these kids with the summer jobs now like at the garden centers dave yeah these kids are not i'm not i don't mean to sound old and crotchety but like they're really not very nice yeah yeah there's a do you think so disgruntled yeah i've got my overheard later is going to be all about that about a cranky cranky customer service yeah i don't feel uh ever like i feel like it's always correct for customer service people to be upset because it's the worst job in the world next to like mind detector or something like that yeah next to the mind detecting donkey i keep getting asked online
Starting point is 00:41:48 to sponsor mind detecting rats i don't sponsor anything anymore i think of a tax tax the rich have them pay for the rat yeah the um did you get up to like crazy shenanigans at the drive-in? Yes. I remember there. Well, there was this ring, this kind of this scheme that this one kid was doing where he would he worked at the booth where the people went in and like paid their money. Yeah. And he would be like not charging for how many people were in the car he'd be like pocketing some money nice and and my boss made me he was on to it and he made me count the people in the cars and he like cross-referenced it with however many tickets were sold or whatever and and basically he made me um uh help him bust my friend. You were Serpico.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yes. Yeah. It was Serpico. Yeah. Yeah. It was Pirico. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And it sucked because then that guy, my friend, got fired. Did he know that you betrayed him? Yeah. But I said, what did you want me to do? What could I do? Because if I'm lying, then I need to get my job. Did you at least warn him?
Starting point is 00:43:11 I couldn't because there was no, I couldn't, like we didn't have cell phones even. But it was, oh, it was the day, like you didn't get any. No, no warning. Okay. But it was just like,
Starting point is 00:43:20 you here right now count the people and all I could do was give him the count. And I didn't know if he for sure was doing that like um what's the word i'm looking for all of those yeah but but yeah that was a crazy thing but um yeah we would always just eat so much food and deep fried chocolate bars and like yes and oh, this coolest girl. I have like secondhand nostalgia. Of deep frying chocolate bars? Of just eating food. I've never in my life
Starting point is 00:43:51 been to a drive-in. Oh my God, what? You got to. I'm from the big city, kid. Wow. You wouldn't last a second
Starting point is 00:43:59 out here. I'm starstruck. Yeah, a lot of stuff. What were the movies during your era? What were the popular drive-in films? I remember a huge, huge weekend was when it was the Alien vs. Predator was out. Yes. That was big time.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah, that was the fight everybody hoped for. You know what? I was smoking so much weed that like I can't even think of other movies that were playing that summer. I love that you were there at 16 after being arrested at 15.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Yeah, no, you can hire me. Oh, I'm totally trustworthy. Oh yeah, just gotta do a little bit of community service. Oh yeah, my references? A bunch of these jail guys my dad hangs out with. Well, first of all, I got my dad a little bit of community service. My references? A bunch of these jail guys my dad hangs out with. Well, first of all, I got my dad's jail friends that will vouch for me, plus the friends I made in jail that night.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Oh, boy. You can call any one of these guys. And I never got hired for a job because I'm shy. But now, in fairness, I only got that job because it was just friends saying, oh, this is my friend here. My friend can work here, too. I don't even remember being interviewed, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's how it works. It's all who you know. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Well, we did just have a giant heat wave. It was a hot one.
Starting point is 00:45:25 It was like seven inches from the midday sun. Oh, my God. No, it was like really, like we don't get a hot weather. Yeah. We get usually like a hot day is like 27. Yeah. So no one was prepared for this. Not in any way, shape, or form.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It was like, I drove to my sister's house on Sunday, and my car said it was 41 degrees. Yeah. Oh, my God. But you get that, like, quite often in Toronto, don't you? Like a 40-degree day? Yeah, it really cooks here. It really cooks. And I didn't want to brag about here it really cooks and i don't i
Starting point is 00:46:05 didn't want to brag about this to anyone and i won't but i will say just state for the state for the record that this is the first summer i've ever had ac like proper central air yeah and i really because the last apartment i lived in was third floor under a flat black roof with no outdoor space and we were literally cooking alive wow it was like an oven and Nutlin the cat was so hot because she has a double layer of fur like a husky and she was like this panting like a dog all summer yeah that's biblical yeah so I said no never again and i found this new place to live in and it's it's the best thing i've ever done for nutland yeah um so our hot weather's moving east so you'll get it in a couple days but um uh they i saw a news story yesterday we have
Starting point is 00:47:01 like on my cable package i can watch channels in different cities. And I, for some reason, was on the Edmonton, Alberta news. And they were saying, there was a story about these roofers who were roofing a house. And they were like, you know, some days it's not even worth it
Starting point is 00:47:17 because like the shingles can't take it. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they said that on the roof, it was 80 degrees. That's so cool. By the way way that's celsius for american listeners any any temperature we mentioned double it and at 30 80 celsius yeah like all water boils at 100 yeah yeah that's unlivable like they can't be up there they can't be up there yeah i tried to get uh a coffee coffee like on one of the hotter days and all the coffee
Starting point is 00:47:46 shops were closed because they were like it's too hot like you can't yeah they won't let you drink coffee yeah that's right i went to get coffee i buy my coffee beans at a coffee shop and they give uh you a free coffee when you buy your beans. And they said, would you like a free coffee? And I said, yeah. Do you have like a cold brew? And they said, yes, but we're sold out of ice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:16 So you can take a hot coffee or you can have a hot coffee, let it sit. Yeah. You can have a cold brew and just, if you have, I was like, and I took a cold brew and I was like, I have some ice at home. You're lucky you had ice at home in that weather. I know. No, it was like, I mean, first of all, I was wearing a garbage bag because I need to shed weight to fight Logan Paul. Oh, yeah, that's right. I forgot the big Logan Paul fights coming up.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah. You're fighting Logan Paul? Yeah, in the Japanese suicide forest. He's going back in there? Yeah, yeah. I mean, he really didn't face any repercussions for it, so I don't blame him. He also doesn't see,
Starting point is 00:48:55 he seems to be above repercussions because everybody's like, what are we going to do? Ignore him? Forget it. It's me and him. It's like, all right, well, maybe I won't get repercussions. Maybe he'll'll rub off on me i'm tired of these cushions um uh no it was uh very uh
Starting point is 00:49:13 horrible well like we don't we have air conditioning here yeah uh but we never like we use it sparingly for you know birthdays money reasons oh yeah like i don't want to have a running all day long yeah and it doesn't really get that hot if we just have the windows open like we get a nice breeze through but it was there was no breeze we had to like we had to cave and use it 24 hours a day oh god you know what as much what? As much as I love it, I don't like existing in the air conditioning as much as it's necessary. I hate not having the sounds coming in from outside
Starting point is 00:49:52 and it's just, it's not my thing. I love to have the window open. I love to eavesdrop, hear what's going on. I love to hear the birds chirping. You should just play like some sort of soundtrack in the background. Bird track? Well, I have a few birds I've recorded on my phone. There you go.
Starting point is 00:50:08 From your Sicilian grandfather. He really has. It's in my blood to always be attuned to these things. There was a bird outside my window recently that I'm not kidding you. It sounded like dial-up. He was doing a dial-up internet sound. It was so crazy. He was like.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Like. I was like like i was like whoa i recorded him on my phone i keep listening back to him that's great everything about that is great good for you for keep listening back so we uh yeah it was like we we have a like like a little shell plastic pool for the kids. Yeah. Nice. That we rarely use and it was just going, we had it all day long. And it was like, it would warm up in the day and the kids would be like, this is too hot now. Oh no, it became a shell hot tub. Yeah, it was a shell koozie.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, there was a woman, I was like on a patio and there was a woman who had this weekend uh yeah this past weekend yeah my parents were in town so i had to do all the outdoor stuff it was there was no there was no way to do all indoor stuff you know did they have an air-conditioned hotel room uh no they stayed in an airbnb it was it was cool airbnb and c okay um but the uh uh there was a woman that had a big dog and the dog was gonna sit there while she ate and she had like a bed for it and i was like this is the best this should be the gold standard that everybody who goes to a patio a like a bar
Starting point is 00:51:51 patio with a dog bed yeah so that her dog who's sitting out uh waiting for her was it a cooling gel bed it was a bed and then there was a blanket and then also a thing so it could have a drink of water. Did she put a cooling gel mask on it like American Psycho? Yeah, yes. The dog had a cooling mask and had one of those that you put your laptop on, that kind of gel cooling thing. We have a little, like, we have a puppy. Mm-hmm. A little monster.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Puppy. Mm-hmm. A little monster. Puppy's worth. Monster. Puppy's worth. Little monster. He's, what, 12 weeks old now? Oh. He's just darling. He's just tiny. What style of dog? What style?
Starting point is 00:52:35 Doggy style. 24-7. And he is, no, he's a Boston Terrier Chihuahua. Oh, okay. Small guy. Small guy. Currently about seven, eight pounds. That's a good size.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Well, we're hoping he beefs up. So is he black and white like a Boston Terrier? No. His dad is a brown Chihuahua and his mother is a brown Boston. So he's a brown guy. Okay. Cute sounding. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:13 He's a little caramel guy. He's a little caramel boy and he's just darling. But before we had the air conditioning on, we were just putting out like a little, like a drink tray, because he's so small, he can just fit on a little tray. And we just put a bunch of ice cubes on it. He would go stand on the ice cube tray and eat the ice cubes.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Fun. I wish I had. Oh, and he's smart too. No. Well, compared to a cat, a cat cannot help itself when it's hot. Because I bought Nutland a cooling mat, like I call it chili pad.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Yeah. When we didn't have the AC last summer. And you'd put her on it. And obviously, it's cooler. And she just wouldn't sit on it. She would sit right beside it, panting like a dog. Oh, brother. So even the dumbest dog is smarter than that.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Yeah. No, our last dog was really dumb i think our new dog might be smarter than our last dog you just have to give them the place listening no it's fine i don't mind like i think it's endearing to have a dumb animal yeah yeah like i also don't want him to be able to like outsmart me yeah you don't want that our dumb dog our last dog all like got really close a lot of yeah yeah that's right trapped you in a maze if you lock them up in a if they can like figure their way out of a cage and you're like okay well now do i need to get a padlock for this yeah exactly i need to hide the keys yeah and he starts looking under all our my chachkis um but yeah we had a heat wave it was actually super bad like apparently there were hundreds
Starting point is 00:54:53 of people died yeah it was like a real deal i don't it's it feels bizarre because it it's like it wasn't like an event with with like a it wasn't like an explosion or something yeah no it's it but it's like you we live in a city where very rarely do people have air conditioning so if you were just in your house and you were like yeah or if you're out on the street like it's uh terrible oh yeah it's and i it's kind of just a number at this point. Like I, if 300 people died doing something else, I maybe would be able to compute it,
Starting point is 00:55:31 but it's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's not. I don't want to say no, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:55:37 No, it's interesting and sad. Okay. In the deep dead of winter that I think the numbers are similar. Sure. Right? But I guess it just happens every year that it's not broadcasted as much.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Yeah. I know. It's... The world, the earth can still kill us. Yes. Oh, and it's going to get better at it. Yeah. It's going to get way better.
Starting point is 00:56:04 It's picking up steam. Yeah. My God. Yeah, because it was nothing... yes oh and it's gonna get better at it yeah it's gonna get way better yeah my god um yeah because it was nothing like even there was a news report about will the power grid hold during this kind of thing because like every single house is using quadruple the power or whatever yeah yes and so like i guess a lot of cities in the states their power grid went down completely and then then you know then you've got a situation where people even who have air conditioning can't use it so everyone's just sweltering you know but on monday uh uh my daughter is in bike camp this week yeah and uh we we got an email from the bike camp saying we're just gonna we're gonna go ahead just bring extra water.
Starting point is 00:56:46 But there was nowhere to like, the email was from do not reply. So I didn't know where to be like, she's not coming. Yeah, she's not coming. Yeah. Your dumb water plan sucks. And got a call 30 minutes into the,
Starting point is 00:57:01 like 9.30 in the morning. Is she coming? No. Is anyone there? Yeah, just like roasting with all your body heat leaving your head and swirling around in a helmet yeah oh man and for me like 20 25 degrees anything above 25 degrees is 50 degrees yes yeah exactly like i don't like heat so but yeah even like driving with the like we tried the driving with the windows down and usually it's the equivalent of having air conditioning in the car but it was it was just like being in front of a hair dryer probably it was like driving through an oven yeah yeah but you get that in toronto
Starting point is 00:57:44 that's like an every year kind of thing isn't it yeah every year it's hot as hell yeah i'll be honest like it was it was not the hottest temperature i've ever felt yeah toronto's like toronto and montreal in the summer are i hate it i really do hate it you know it's funny it's like the older i get the less i can put up with it like i have my tolerance emotionally and physically is like dwindling each year for the heat when i was like a teen or in my 20s early 20s i was baking in the sun maybe it wasn't as hot but i was baking in the sun tanning yeah like didn't affect me and now it makes me feel sickly and sick and old. It makes me feel old like an old mummy cat in a bin.
Starting point is 00:58:27 Well, I often feel like when I complain about, oh, it's 27 degrees, people are like, oh, this is what we wait all winter for. Yeah, this is it. This is it. Oh, get out on the beach. And those people were awfully silent this weekend. I bet. I bet. I bet.
Starting point is 00:58:45 And I don't like when people do that because it's like, you know what? You can dislike both. You can dislike extremes. It's okay to dislike extremes. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But I do like Extreme, the band.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Oh, yeah. Sure. Oh, with Adno, Reddy, and Booboo. Already No That is such a weird band name for a band that sings that song. But I think in general they didn't sing that song.
Starting point is 00:59:18 In general. More often than not they sang other songs. I believe I have not heard another song by Xtreme. If you don't like, would you something, get the funk out. Whoa, is that for real? That's Xtreme. Because that was Xtreme.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Yeah, that was Xtreme. So that's where they got the name. That makes sense. Wow. The lead singer of Xtreme was Gary Cherone, who became, Graham, do you know, he became the lead singer of? Blue Oyster Cult? Van Halen. Van Halen.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Wait, what? Yeah. Like, was he the third replacement? He replaced Sammy Hagar. Okay. And Extreme, the other prominent member was Nuno Betancourt, who was a beautiful man. He played guitar. He was just like a gorgeous man.
Starting point is 01:00:11 I used to read guitar magazines, and I was like, well, sure. If I was Nuno Betancourt, I could do that. I could play that riff. Sure, yeah. His name's Nuno? Yeah. Nuno Beton? Nuno Bettencourt.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Check him out. Yeah, look him up. If he was my boyfriend and he was, like, so hot, and girls would be, like, going up to him saying, can I have your number? And I'd come up and say, it's Nuno your business, what his number is. That's good.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Good catchphrase. Yeah. Really good. It's a good catch really good it's a long catch it's Nuna your business what his number is but
Starting point is 01:00:51 I like it I love it so that's what's going on with me I'm the new lead singer of Extreme congratulations
Starting point is 01:00:59 he had a nose ring yeah I'm googling him now yeah I'm right he was really handsome he was really handsome yeah i can't wait i love looking at handsome guys um whenever i'm listening to like i always listen to podcasts about you know it's typical it's fairly basic i listen to podcasts
Starting point is 01:01:16 about murders murder most foul blah blah blah yeah and they're always going on about like oh and i always listen to ones from the australian's a lot of like, I guess, crazy stuff going on over there. Yeah. Yeah, we're committing murder over here, I reckon. Yeah. And all the girls like that are being interviewed are always like, oh, this guy was so hot. He was the hottest. He's the hottest bloke in the town.
Starting point is 01:01:39 He's so hot, so hot. And I'll always look up the guy and he's disgusting. Like I always am like, oh, I can't wait to'll always look up the guy and he's disgusting. Like I always, I'm like, Ooh, I can't wait to see how hot this bad guy was. They've got a skewed perception over there. Who's hot.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Who's not. Yeah. What about, uh, what's his name? Ramirez, the night stalker. He was,
Starting point is 01:01:58 he was supposedly so handsome that people had to be kicked off the jury because. Yeah. But, but, but then everyone that's describing him to the police was like, he stunk like a pile of garbage. He stunk.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Like everyone that described him said he had the worst BO. Like, okay. It doesn't matter how hot you actually are. If I knew, if someone told me you have BO, I can only see you through that lens now. Yes. We used to talk about what celebrities we thought smelled the worst yeah i forget where we landed what celebrity do you think smells the worst oh um okay well clive owen always has kind of like a sheen yeah he does kind of have a sheen yeah
Starting point is 01:02:37 um sort of like he's been has a layer of. So he kind of looks maybe sweaty. But being sweaty doesn't mean you stink necessarily. Yeah, I would go with like post Malone. Oh, for sure. He looks like he reeks. And you know what? I was telling Graham this on the quiz show. I was like, I'm a super smeller. That's right.
Starting point is 01:03:01 If someone stinks, I ain't forgetting it. Yeah. Who's the best smelling person you've ever smelled oh um how can you be a super smeller and have a kitty litter box so close to you but it helps if you love the cat oh okay oh sure that makes yeah because you know what? Other cats poop, I don't like the smell of it. Okay. Fair enough. Hot take. You're admitting to liking the cat's poop smell.
Starting point is 01:03:33 But who's the best smelling person? You know, there's a cologne I really like that whenever someone's wearing it, I think they're the best smelling person. Okay. Do you know what the name of it is yeah it's lalabo um it's santal 33 by lalabo lalabo 33 it's like ooh la la fancy i have a knock off yeah yeah i know it i know it i don't know i know lalabo i don't know the i wouldn't know if i sent any kind of like cedary smell i really really like when someone has like a cedary kind of like Santel's smell. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:10 You know what? I'm very sensitive to clones. I don't like when guys actually wear a lot of clone. It makes me feel sick. Yeah. Yeah. You got to be sparing with this, fellas. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Little dab behind the ear will do you. I have like a lime smelling uh beard cream oh that's uh now it's not just from the grocery store in that little green lime is it yeah it's in the green lime you squeeze it out it's like real lemon brand serum from the fish section of the grocery store here are the smells i like lime love it love lime cucumber yeah fresh mint oh yeah give it to me you know i could put those all three of those into a pitcher of water for you yeah that's fine yeah it sounds pretty good what is it limes cucumbers and what mint i thought you said meat. I was like, yeah. I could put some cubes of meat into a nice pitcher of water for you.
Starting point is 01:05:12 You want some meat sangria? Yeah, just for us. I really also like the smell of like rubbery smell. Like, okay, do you remember those ball, like, of course, the ball that was like red, white, and blue, like kind of bouncy ball? Yeah. Or the smell of like bouncy balls from a machine at the bowling alley there's like this specific sweet very 90s rubber smell that's like my favorite what about like a beach ball or shower curtain uh and i'm not so big on that plasticky okay i know that smell it's good
Starting point is 01:05:41 look i'm not knocking your smell. But like, can you even go in a dollar store? Because I feel like everything in there has a weird smell, like off gassing or something like that. Yeah, it is strong. But know what the worst store is for that? And I don't think that you two would have much cause to go in there. Maybe you, Dave, for your daughter. But Ardenne?
Starting point is 01:06:02 Oh, yeah. Does Ardenne do kids clothes? I don't think so. Maybe it's just, well, it's but our den. Oh, yeah. Does our den do kids clothes? I don't think so. Maybe it's just, well, it's like old accessories. I don't know. Maybe it's not that young, but it's so plasticky smelling in there. It's crazy. My kids are always begging me.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Can we please go in our den? I remember when I was a little girl, I would beg to go in there. Can we go to Cotton Ginny, Dad? Dad, please. Northern Reflections, please, Dad. Cotton Ginny. Nice. Graham, what's going on with you?
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yeah, it's just, you know, like you say, it was hot. And I got to say, Graham, was this the hottest? Probably the hottest, yeah. And a gentleman, comedian, here in Vancouver, posted a picture on his Instagram that he keeps his deodorant, when it's hot like this, in the fridge. So I did this, and let me tell you, it's the best goddamn thing I've ever done in my life. It is the best. It's the perfect sensation. I wouldn't do it in the winter, but rolling on deodorant that's cold i don't know
Starting point is 01:07:05 why this isn't a suggestion i don't know why they don't tell you to put it in a fridge because it's great oh sure that sounds great like batteries in the freezer um what do you do you what kind of deodorant do you use that was my question i'm using a speed stick yeah yeah is it a solid or is it like the ones that's like a like a see-through solid yes a white solid no see-through solid no aluminum it's it's you cannot so none of these natural deodorants you gotta use a speed stick in the summer maybe yeah maybe you can use a natural deodorant in in the wintertime in the fall i think it's kind of fun to experiment with new deodorants you know but this is like you need you need chemicals yes you
Starting point is 01:07:52 need strong chemicals and but i'm telling you if uh if you're not uh keeping your speed stick cool in the fridge you're missing out because it uh that's something i'm gonna try yeah i'd love to know what section of the fridge you put it in. Is it in the dairy container? Or is it in the side door? Can I guess? Yeah. Dave?
Starting point is 01:08:11 Yeah. I'm guessing it's in the side door with between like ketchup and mayonnaise. Jackie, what do you want to guess? I can picture it there. Yeah. Because, you know, wedging it up between some bottles. I'm with Dave. And it is like a condiment for your skin.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, it's a condiment, yeah, for your armpit. You guys are 100% correct. It is in the condiment section in the door, right next to baseball mustard. What's baseball mustard? What's baseball mustard? Just yellow mustard? Yeah, like yellow classic mustard.
Starting point is 01:08:42 I call it baseball mustard. Baseball mustard. That's so cute. How many mustards do you have? Two. I have like a classic Dijon and then a baseball. And, you know, the baseball is like not in a squeeze bottle. It's in a glass jar, which I like.
Starting point is 01:08:58 If I can buy anything in a glass jar, I will. Oh, man. Yeah. So it's but that's where the deodorant is hugging up against the baseball mustard. But I insist everybody who is hearing me talk about this, try cold deodorant. Yeah. What about would you consider the freezer? I would consider the freezer.
Starting point is 01:09:16 My only feeling is that it might crack upon. It might compromise the chemicals. You might not get enough oh it might be too cold to actually get on it might stick to your armpit then you rip your skin oh yeah christmas story um jackie what uh how many mustards do you have um right now i think i have two and one is the classic baseball which i think I'll always call it baseball now. And then I have a honey mustard, which is like a Dijon.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I have like a honey Dijon something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, try this out. Try out this deodorant hack. I will. And then the other thing, my folks were in town for the weekend. Oh yeah, where do your folks live?
Starting point is 01:10:05 They live in Calgary Well look Here's how many mustards I have Thanks for asking I've got a classic Dijon I've got an Ikea Swedish
Starting point is 01:10:13 I've got Kolsik's brand Kind of a smoky guy I've got Oh you know Just for kind of like Marinades and stuff I have a
Starting point is 01:10:22 Boy what's the brand? I don't know. But it's like an English mustard. It's very horseradish-y. Proper. Oh, love. And that may be it for me right now. Okay, but keep us posted on any.
Starting point is 01:10:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah. If any mustards come up throughout this episode, I will let you know. I've started buying just a jar of horseradish because, you know what? It doesn't get put in enough stuff
Starting point is 01:10:43 and it can get put on everything. Just everything you'd put mustard on or anything, put some creamy horseradish because you know what it doesn't get put in enough stuff and it can get put on everything just everything you'd put mustard on or anything put some creamy horseradish on it too yeah why not live live your life on your own terms you know what i mean i love it unacceptable sauce so uh my parents were in town it had uh the previous week was my dad's birthday so i got him for his birthday uh like a paddle boarding time because he had expressed interest in paddle boarding so i got him like a lesson but it wasn't really a lesson it was just like the rental of the thing and somebody went out with you and kind of showed you for five minutes how it works and then you paddle around so uh he did that and i stayed on a super hot day on a super hot day i stood on the shore and then found a rock that was under some shade.
Starting point is 01:11:28 So I sat on a rock in the shade with my mom, who also did not want to paddleboard. You stand up and paddleboard. You can kneel. It just depends on your level of comfort. But yeah, you're supposed to stand and paddle. And what did your dad do? He stood and paddled. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah. Got a very good core. Yeah, he's got a great core. Your dad has a great core? He does, yeah. He's got a great core. He didn't pass it on to me. One of those core dads?
Starting point is 01:11:56 Yeah, he's a core dad. Yeah, he's a core dad. That's right. I always wonder how these dads are getting these cores. He runs all the time. And if he's not running he's cross-country skiing it's he's always exercising so sports dad sports dad absolutely sports dad um and then uh so i was at the beach i haven't been to the beach i would say conservatively
Starting point is 01:12:19 in nine years what yeah i don't do it i won't do it i don't like it uh it's too hot it's too sandy it's too hot hot damn that's right dragon want to retire man no it's too hot hot damn makes me not want to go on the sand that's all right that's really good yeah okay now we're getting it now we're getting that all right. That's really good. Yeah. Okay. Now we're getting it. Now we're getting it. All right. Groovy. So, so, but something that not being a beach goer, I don't know what, I don't know what trends come and go.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Baving suit wise. I have no idea. sure. Like Borat. Yeah, exactly. The Borat, the long board trunks from the Fred Durst era.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Uh, you know, one piece suits from, you know, the turn of the century with bathing caps um i don't know what but i know you witness i witnessed so many butts just like real thong city usa uh generally female yes no all the guys were still in the dumb board short era that they haven't they haven't caught on to the fun of like showing off your goods.
Starting point is 01:13:26 You know what I mean? Right. Which beach was it on English Bay? This was in, uh, Oh, we're getting a bird call. This sounds like the internet.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Let me record this. Let me record it. Uh, it wasn't English Bay bay but it was because english bay was closed closed for e coli oh no because of the geese maybe because of graham's dad really it's people e coli i think so isn't my. Anyways, people keep putting cubes of meat into the water. Cause I love the smell. I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Um, anyways, that's what I've, I've learned. What is the fashion in bathing suits? It's butts. It's butts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:20 I should go to the beach. Sons of buns out. Um, well in here in Toronto, the only beach I, beach i i'm a beach person i love the beach um and the beach i like to go to has pure butts out and pure butts and dicks and privates and boobs out is the nude beach oh you go to a nude island yeah that's hanlon's point on toronto island but i've been to wreck beach too in vanc Vancouver are you a nudist no I well I go without a top but legit just for um
Starting point is 01:14:48 just safety reasons I don't go without bottoms in the sand yeah right that's true it's different for girls especially with so much E.coli oh yes but I've actually done stand-up at a naturist resort oh shit naked people and i had to be naked all naked and how was that to me how much did that pay not enough did you have to picture the crowd with clothes on so that you were and the craziest part was it had to be a relatively not super clean but relatively clean set because there was children in the audience yes uh naked kids and there was some swearing and then i remember the guy who was like introing the show was like okay parents now listen there's no guarantee that this is going to be there might be a swear here and there so it's up to the parents if the kids are allowed to stay
Starting point is 01:15:40 and i remember looking at this kid and kind of being like can we stay mommy can we stay and she goes okay and he goes yes yes yes and meanwhile he's surrounded by naked dicks yeah and like but it was exciting to him to maybe hear a swear yeah because yeah exactly naked dicks the big deal swearing is it yeah that's his like every day is naked dicks like he's like it was like his parents are at a resort but they're also naked parents and that's how he'll rebel as a teenager he'll wear a snowsuit everywhere snowsuit but there was naked just like thomas in the uh book by robert munch that's right that's right um did it like did it go well the set i did you know what i'm sad to say i've done this show twice and it was back when i was newer much newer yeah and uh you know i didn't i didn't set as many standards for myself with pay yeah um but i did it twice you'll be paid in pubes and yeah you know what i did have i did have good it was a good crowd i did i did well it
Starting point is 01:16:50 was good enough to make me go back i guess yeah was it uh were you able to like how far from town was it were you able to leave after the show uh yes yeah we didn't have to stay overnight but it was like an hour and a half away okay but it was up in barry so you had to spend the whole day there you have to spend the whole freaking day there though like before the show you get up there early you have to be naked you can't enter the property with clothes on it's a rule so like security just has a belt with pepper spray. They did. Did they really have a belt? Yeah, because this guy had a belt with a walkie talkie. And because he was taking us on a tour of the grounds and we're all naked.
Starting point is 01:17:35 He's naked. And then we get into this like mess hall kind of like dining area. Talk about your mess hall. Yeah. Yeah. You like to wear a bib. like dining area talk about your mess hall yeah
Starting point is 01:17:43 you like to wear a bib and there was a man in there fully clothed and the guy the runner of the resort like the owner of it who that's a whole other story
Starting point is 01:17:57 yeah but he's like hello can I help you and the guy was sitting there like I like it here and then he and then the guy gets on the radio
Starting point is 01:18:07 security to the mess hall and the guy We've got a textile. Oh man. Even the cooks the cooks do the cooks have to be naked with an apron? I guess they must.
Starting point is 01:18:25 They must. This marinara is burning my balls. I can't splatter everywhere. You have to bring a towel. You have to walk around with a towel. You have to sit on a towel everywhere you go for hygiene purposes. I already do because I sweat through my shorts. That's really conscientious of you to bring your butt towel.
Starting point is 01:18:41 I like this place. Yeah, he was like, I like it here. I'm just taking a look around, I like it. And they were like, get this guy out of here. And like, it was true, get this guy out of here. But you know what? Man, he looked comfortable in those clothes. I was so jealous of him at that moment.
Starting point is 01:18:56 He's got thick corduroy. But when you get cold at a nudist resort, if you are a naturist, a true, blue are a naturist, yeah, a true blue, genuine nature is, you know that if you do get cold, you lose heat from your trunk. So the first thing you do is you put a hat on and remain naked.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Right. And then if you really cold, you put on a sweater and it was chilly at night. This one time I was there. So there's a bunch of freaking guys with sweaters with their dinks, like swinging below the sweater. It was so bizarre. The worst look that a man can possibly have.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Horrible. Horrible look. Have a sweater and no pants and maybe a hat. Oh, you better have the hat. Cause if you don't have the hat, you have no business putting on the sweater. That's true.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Yeah. That's the rules. That's the rules.'s the rules wow um should we move on to some overheards i think we have a bit of business oh everybody it's a business time and are you recording graham i hope so i sure am and there's no doubt about it that's for sure okay well you guys it's we got a couple jumbos and i'll level with you these are jumbotrons um it speaks the truth if uh here we go here we go this one this first one this one is uh from brian stockton hi brian who says listen to the Clean Energy Show podcast. The Clean Energy Show podcast is a fun and entertaining look at the latest news in clean energy and electrified transportation.
Starting point is 01:20:33 A comedian and a professor dive into the headlines as the world transitions away from fossil fuels. Not exactly a comedy podcast, but at least it's not boring even though this probably sounds boring your thoughts graham it doesn't sound boring to me i want to learn i want to learn all the elon musk situations that are going on in the world yeah it's mostly it's gotta be mostly mostly musk was the other possible title for this join brian and james every week for the Clean Energy Show. Beautiful. Spy is the greatest. Long live spy. Facts.
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yes. Facts, absolutely. This next one, it's for Ryan. Wait, wait, wait. What? What kind of clean energy do you do? I walk everywhere. I take the bus.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Yeah. I recycle. I killed the bus. I recycle. I killed an oil executive. I routinely chain myself to a lot of things, not just trees. Sometimes to the door of choppers. For me, I play washboard in a bluegrass band, but I also throw away our washing machine and just use a washboard. Nice. So you get clean while doing
Starting point is 01:21:48 an awesome jam. A jig. A jig and jam. Jig and jam. And come see us play this weekend at the jig and jam. Yeah. Bring your own puzzles because that's the jig part and I'll leave it to you what the jam part is. Smuckers. This next one comes uh it's for ryan it's from amy and yeah and it says if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be listening to this awesome podcast
Starting point is 01:22:15 happy 41st birthday sister i love you amy uh yeah uh and the birthday right around the corner very nice very nice yeah I love birthdays I hope everyone listening has one
Starting point is 01:22:32 in the next year yeah I hope you all have a merry merry birthday and especially Ryan yeah Ryan's at the top of my
Starting point is 01:22:40 dream chart for for birthdays success for sure I definitely have a dream date chart of birthdays and ryan is coming in at number one for me number one again if you would like a
Starting point is 01:22:51 heartfelt message from us like this one go to slash jumbotron shall we get back to our overheard your damn rights schmanners noun. Noun. Definition. Rules of etiquette designed not to judge others, but rather to guide ourselves through everyday social situations. Hello, Internet. I'm your husband host, Travis McElroy. And I'm your wife host, Teresa McElroy. Every week on Schmanners, we take a look at a topic that has to do with society or manners.
Starting point is 01:23:22 We talk about the history of it. We take a look at how it applies to everyday life, and we take some of your questions. And sometimes we do a biography about a really cool person that had an impact on how we view etiquette. So join us every Friday and listen to Schmanners on or wherever podcasts are found.
Starting point is 01:23:40 Manners Schmanners. Get it? Manners schmanners. Get it? Overheard. Overheards. All you people out there, there's a lot of stuff. There's a lot of chatter going on out there in the world. And your mission is to cut through the chatter, find a gold nugget, and then bring it back to the podcast.
Starting point is 01:24:04 We always like to start with the guests. Jackie, you have't overheard. Yes, I heard a kid on the street. I hear a lot of kids say stuff because I'm like pretty much their same height. So I'm really in the mix. What's your height, Jackie? Well, I was five foot nothing, but the doctor says I'm now 4'11". What the hell? Ah, boy.
Starting point is 01:24:23 You know what the doctor told me? What? No more monkeys jumping in the what the doctor told me? What? No more monkeys jumping in the bed. Is that right? Yeah. My doctor told me that I need good lovin'. Oh, boy. So, go ahead, Jackie.
Starting point is 01:24:38 Whenever you're ready, you're with the kids. You're mingling with the children. So, this kid, we stopped at a light to cross the street, and a big, ugly dog was there and the kid was like yeah like a really like big mean ugly whatever pit bull style or something and he he says he says um can that dog he asked his parents can that dog eat a person and And then I looked to the parents because I wanted to hear what they would say because truly this dog could do anything
Starting point is 01:25:09 it said it's mind to. And so I want to hear what they think. But the parents were, honest to God, making out hardcore and were ignoring his question. So this kid is face to face with this monster mutant yeah asks a really reasonable question and he can't even get affirmation that he's safe from being devoured by this thing yeah his parents are like you're killing the vibe over here kid yeah play with that dog kid the dog could
Starting point is 01:25:42 absolutely kill you i don't know if it would eat you. Someone would intervene before it probably gobbled you up. Yeah. But get your arm or your leg and then you'd be freed. Yeah. Yeah. You just hope it doesn't immediately go for your vital organs. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 01:26:00 But even if the dog spared him, what life is this kid leading where, you know, his parents are second face? Yeah, exactly. I don't think I've ever seen my parents make out. And I consider myself blessed in that regard. I am with you. I've never seen my parents full blown make out, but I used to see my friends parents make out. And even as a kid, I'm like, oh, if my parents don't do that and i like that i'm glad they don't yeah there's something that happens to people's lips after 30 where you just don't want to see
Starting point is 01:26:32 them touch other people's lips there was uh what was the movie i think it was something's got to give uh and there was a bad kiss in that, like a famously horrible, just real mushy old people. Because it was Jack Nicholson, right? Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton. Oh, right. Yeah. And so they were really smooching up. But I don't know why.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Here's a question. Why in movies do they not just take out the sound, the mayonnaise-y sound of kissing? The mayonnaise-y sound? Yeah, it sounds like a mayonnaise, like if you put your finger in mayonnaise. Oh, yeah. That's how they foliate. That's right. But they do take that sound out, don't they?
Starting point is 01:27:16 Surely they do. No, it's every time I've seen it on screen. Yeah. Exactly. They've just made somebody barf. Do you know what the Swedish word for mayonnaise is? What? My own ass.
Starting point is 01:27:33 My own ass. So I'm spreading my own ass. I'm eating my own ass. Yeah, it tastes like my own ass. Pretty good. Dave, do you have an overheard? I keep my deodorant tucked between my own ass pretty good dave do you have an overheard keep my deodorant tucked between my own ass um i mentioned my overheard was about people at the garden center right yeah um so i've been going
Starting point is 01:27:55 to the garden center a lot lately and what was the special day i decided to go to the garden center it's heaven on earth the garden center is heaven on earth it felt like it was a special day for me why was it special for me not my birthday not father's day not father's day i don't know um garden center day i guess yeah i guess so i was like i had 10 extra minutes And I went to Which is very very fancy You can get your plants cheaper elsewhere I wasn't getting plants I Getting a little fertilizer
Starting point is 01:28:35 Getting a couple $4 bags of fertilizer And The dudes They have in the summertime they have an outdoor checkout area set up and there's a bunch of dudes sitting around workers sitting on the ground oh no i should i'll bleep out where i said i went don't want to get them in trouble yeah uh but uh they uh yeah they were just sitting around on the ground and I had these two bags of mushroom manure.
Starting point is 01:29:08 And I was like, is this open? And the three of them got up and said, yeah, yeah, okay, we'll check you out. And finishing up their conversation as one of them went to the checkout and I heard the other one say, yeah, if I'm going to be groggy all day, I just can't wake and bake anymore. Yes. Yeah. That's what I realized. I mean, I guess if you work at a garden center,
Starting point is 01:29:35 you don't, you can be, you could be baked all day. You could be baked all day. And also you're begging, you know, at a garden center, they're begging you to start your own mushroom farm or, yeah's true you know you got all that fertilizer i did get the mushroom manure and i i have been microdosing with it four bucks that's great bang for your butt i know the sign said the sign said it was 12 bucks and i uh And I guess I misread the sign.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I got a great deal. Yeah. Nice. And then I went back. Here's how much I've been going to the garden center. I went to bring it and put it in the trunk of my car. I put it in the trunk of my car. I realized I already had two bags of mushroom manure. You are a garden center head.
Starting point is 01:30:20 You're out of control, obviously. Yeah. center head you're out of control obviously yeah but just think of how much you know uh what's the word this guy's been dosing mushroom yeah he stays a real mushroom head all of a sudden did you wake and bake a bowl of mushroom manure uh just think of how much organic matter has been spread on my plants. Yeah. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:47 That's what they like. That's what plants crave. Lucky for me, that's what they like. You probably get a laugh at me. All I do is miracle grow one serving in a watering can. Look, indoor plants are tricky. Outdoor plants seem to be pretty easy. Yeah, they are pretty easy.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I can't believe it. I feel so powerful how nicely my plants are tricky. Outdoor plants seem to be pretty easy. Yeah, they are pretty easy. I can't believe I feel like I feel so powerful how nicely my plants are blooming. Like the even the indoor plants that have been dying all fall. We just brought them outside for a week. They love it. Yeah, of course. It really goes to show that we're mistreating them, keeping them as indoor pets. Yeah, that's true. But you know what what it's not going to stop people that's the way it is yeah status quo we have dominion over these plants it's true i my calendula just bloomed the other day what is what is that it's like a fluffy yellow fluffster blossom it's like a double bloom and it was so weak at the beginning it was such a loser was a nerd and a loser and was just like floppy and i can't believe it has grown up and bloomed
Starting point is 01:31:52 anyways you know what this is just talk for another time because i i could talk dave's ear off with all my new gardening stuff yeah no it's uh we're over time um my overheard yeah please comes courtesy of it's not really an overheard to be honest because it's something that's said to me but i thought it was very endearing give it was uh you know how like at the end of a phone call you kind of have this this kind of weird thing where you're not sure what the, what the person's sign off is. So I always say, like, I like to say, have a nice day and, and goodbye. That's, those are my, that's my go-to routine. And I say, God bless. God bless.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I love you, daddy. Sometimes I throw it in the mix. I like to say. No, mine is talk to you soon. Talk to you soon. Talk to you soon. Talk to you soon talk to you soon talk to you soon talk to you soon like i say it even if i know there's i'm absolutely like i say to
Starting point is 01:32:51 telemarketers work i'm never gonna speak to them again talk to you soon yeah mine uh well i was with this pharmacist on the on the line, and I did my regular thing where I was like, okay, thank you very much. Have a nice day. And he was trying to keep pace with my, he was going note for note. So I said, thank you. No, thank you. I said, have a good day. And he went, happy day.
Starting point is 01:33:18 And then hung up. Happy day. Happy day. That's a really nice one yeah yeah but it's just like you know it's it worked i knew exactly what he was going for but uh yeah happy merry merry day uh was he one of the was he in the choir and sister act oh happy day oh that's a real goosebump inducing scene when the kids finally comes in the shy kid yeah oof was it uh was lauren hill and one of them was she in sister act that that is the that is the second one when they say happy day isn't it sure oh. Oh wait, no, no, maybe not. Maybe it's the first one. It's the quiet nun that goes, when Jesus. Is that Catherine Jimmy?
Starting point is 01:34:12 Is she this? Catherine Jimmy. Now we also have overheard sent into us from people all over the place. You want to send one in, you can send it into SPY at maximum This first one comes from Kelso J. Brooklyn, New York, USA. Five-year-old boy said to five-year-old girl in a park,
Starting point is 01:34:34 Actually, I'm a very dangerous person. I'm allowed to have fights if I need to. Remember asking your parents if you're allowed to have fights? Please. Come on. What if I need to? remember asking your parents if you're allowed to have fights please come on let me know yeah okay well if you need to we'll let you have fights but this is gonna be a treat it's gonna be a treat we're only doing it sometimes you don't you're not allowed to have fights every night of
Starting point is 01:34:56 the week yeah apparently it was only in uh sister act two okay okay Okay. But why would they reuse a song? I don't know. Because songs are popular. People like songs. Certain songs. I mean, I've listened to the same song twice before. Not me, man. One and done. One and done forever.
Starting point is 01:35:21 This next one comes from Zach, also Brooklyn, New York hey Zach I'm walking here two men in a restroom man one what's eight times five man two forty man one no it's not
Starting point is 01:35:35 no you're taking her side I want to know what the hell he did in the bathroom that he has to count that high yeah I've been going for forty I've done five peas I want to know what the hell he did in the bathroom that he has to count that high. Yeah, I've been going for 40 seconds. I've done five pees at 40 seconds a piece. Yeah, I just love that somebody would be giving an answer that's totally plausible and be like, no.
Starting point is 01:36:06 The other day I had to go to the mall and I had to pee so bad. And I was like, I'll time myself while I pee. Because I was like, this is going to be an all-timer. It wasn't so impressive. I don't want to talk about it. Oh, no. Your all-timer was still short? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Still, yeah. Yeah, that's right. You know what? That could indicate an overactive bladder, you know. No, I definitely, I do a lot of peeing before noon. Yeah, Dave pees more before noon than most people pee all week. Wow. Well, don't go to the mall before noon then. Yeah, otherwise you'll turn into a gremlin.
Starting point is 01:36:45 This last one comes from Allie in Kent, England I'm assuming my niece recently had a birthday and I heard my girlfriend say to her wow you're so grown up now 8 is so old to which my niece replied yeah 8 but I'm still scared that rules
Starting point is 01:37:02 that does rule yeah I went and saw um paul rubens presenting pb's big adventure and he tells a story of when his uh aunt saw him on his fourth birthday looking in a mirror and saying to himself this is four just so upset that's so funny you say that because there's these two little boys next door who i love and i've only really been seeing them because they're who else am i seeing yeah and they're like two and just turned four, Bill and Ted. Oh, no. Bill and Ted. And so Billy just turned four and he was so excited because all his friends were already four.
Starting point is 01:37:53 And it was a big deal. He's four now. And then the other morning we were out on the porch and Nutland was with me and she was looking at him. And he said, why is Meltland? He called her Meltland. Why is Meltland staring at me? i said i don't know but she is staring at you and he said oh well i am four now and he said oh of course yeah so naturally she's can't get enough of you yeah yeah yeah i am four now yeah so of course i'm hot hot commodity around here cats are
Starting point is 01:38:27 staring in addition overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 one. SpyPod one. Like these people have. Hey, Dave and Graham and wonderful guests. Catherine and Victoria with an overheard. I just walked past two women out for a walk, having a chat. And the one woman said to the other,
Starting point is 01:39:01 honestly, they're going to have to euthanize me before that flight. Anyways, hope not for her sake. Off they go. Just put me in, just fly me in chunks. Yeah, yeah. Put in an epidural and then I could fly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:25 Why not? Yeah. Euthanize me. That's fine. Yeah. They should offer fly. Yeah. Why not? Yeah. Euthanize me. That's fine. Yeah. They should offer that. Yeah. Would you like to upgrade?
Starting point is 01:39:31 Would you like to downgrade to euthanize? Would you like to pay the perishing fee and be perished for the fight? Oh, sure. Yeah. Will I come back? Well, they do it like flatliners. We'll try at the other end. But this is a really long flight.
Starting point is 01:39:50 And when you land, you're not going to be the same. Yeah. That's right. You're going to bring back something with you. The most we've had is like four minutes to come back. This flight is six hours. All right. Here's your next phone call.
Starting point is 01:40:08 Hey, Dave. Hey, Graham. Hey, guest. I have an overheard from the gym. I was at the gym yesterday doing my floor exercises, and there was this guy standing next to me doing a phone call on his AirPods, and he was doing some squats, and he was, uh, doing some squats and, uh,
Starting point is 01:40:27 he was talking pretty loud so I listened in and he said, um, ooh, I can't wait for you to squat on my dick like I'm squatting right now.
Starting point is 01:40:35 I'm just kidding. No, I'm not. And then continued squatting and I left the area. This is you.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I'm you in this situation. I'm squatting. I'm squatting and i left the area this is you i'm you in this situation i'm squatting i'm squatting oh my god that's uh that's an all-time great i think um well it's flirting is not so much a delicate act as it used to be i feel feel like... Yeah. I love that this guy looks at himself squatting. Yeah. And he's like, oh, yeah. That's you. Yeah, that's you. Like you said, me is you.
Starting point is 01:41:16 I'm you. In the old days, people would have to go to the payphone at the gym. I just squatted. And I couldn't help but think all right here's your final phone call hey dave graham possible guest this is cormac um calling from salt lake city um with a overheard with of the kids say the diner just variety. I'm at an aviary, which is like a zoo for birds.
Starting point is 01:41:48 And I was at the cage for an Andean condor. And there was a bunch of little kids next to me, like a little camp group. And I guess they're getting ready to leave. So the counselor said, all right, guys, say goodbye
Starting point is 01:42:03 to the Andean condor. And this one kid next to counselor said, um, all right guys, say goodbye to the Andy and Condor. And there's one kid next to me said, bye Andy, the most famous world. Fuck me. Nevermind. Fuck. That's some,
Starting point is 01:42:16 I didn't know you were allowed to swear in Salt Lake City. Oh man, that was such a hard bail. I've never in such a hard, angry bail. I've never heard such a hard, angry bail. You know what? I really want to know what the kid said. Alright, he called
Starting point is 01:42:31 back. You're going to have to hear the whole thing again, Mo. Hi, Dave and Graham. Possible guest. This is Cormac calling out of Salt Lake City. I have overheard of a Kid's Save of Darnedus variety. I'm at an aviary, which is like a zoo for birds. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:47 And I was just at an exhibit for the Andean condor. Oh, I've heard of them. Yeah, yeah. And there was a bunch of kids next to me in like a camp tour. And the counselor was like, all right, guys, say goodbye to the Andean condor. And the one kid said, bye, Andy, the most famous bird in the world, probably. Bye bye. Now I'm trying to think of who is the most famous bird in the world.
Starting point is 01:43:14 I wouldn't say a parrot. Oh, woodpecker. Woodpecker. Yeah, some sort of chicken, big bird. Pigeon. Pigeon. Probably pigeon. But like pigeons are so common. i feel like they're the least
Starting point is 01:43:27 famous oh yeah bald eagle bald eagle bald eagle ostrich ostrich is pretty cool ostrich is up there but in terms of glitz and glamour peacock is quite up there that's right peacock is is the last word they have a lot of panache yes Yes. Okay, I just Googled. I Googled most famous bird. Larry. It was Larry, yep. Larry. And this is just immediately Google suggests things.
Starting point is 01:44:00 Number one, first suggestion, parrots. Yes. Most famous, yeah, nice.rots. Okay. Most famous. Yeah. Nice. Jackie stuck the landing on that one. Well, I think that brings us to the end of this show. Jackie, this has been so fantastic. You're so funny.
Starting point is 01:44:18 It's a treat to have you here on the show. Thank you for being our guest. I had so much fun being the guest. Thank you so much for having me. Now, this is a product of the pandemic, I think, think for me but every time i have any social interaction these days the next day i think this all i did was talk i didn't let anyone else talk all i can remember is my own voice talking that wasn't the case i hope i didn't talk too much rest assured you were frozen for most of the time graham had to graham and i had to pick up the slack rest assured your mic wasn't even working so we didn't hear
Starting point is 01:44:46 anything you said yeah yeah this is a complete wash yeah anything that you thought we were responding to that was a fluke yeah
Starting point is 01:44:53 it was so much fun I love you guys so much you're so funny what a delight thank you so much for having me and if you people out there
Starting point is 01:45:00 want to keep tabs on what Jackie's up to at Jackie Pirico at Instagram. That's where it's all going down. That's true. Well, thank you so much, Jackie. Thanks, guys. And you people out there, thank you for listening.
Starting point is 01:45:15 It's a treat to have all of you listen to the program. And you know what? We're all going to get through this thing together. So come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:45:42 Comedy and Culture Artist Owned Audience Supported

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