Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 697 - Nour Hadidi

Episode Date: July 27, 2021

Comedian Nour Hadidi returns to talk Ikea, bubble tea, and buttons....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 697 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who wonders, if God was one of us, what would he be like? Or they? Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, no, if God was one of us, what if God was, how did that go?
Starting point is 00:00:43 It was Joan Osborne. Yeah. She had a nose ring. Yeah, she had a nose ring. And she, she, she said God was a he. That's right. Yeah, that was definitely, it was Dishwalla in the song Counting Blue Cars, who sang, tell me all your thoughts on God, because I'd really like to meet her. They were the Nice
Starting point is 00:01:05 Gender bending God band But that was about all we did in the 90s Vis-a-vis God The rest was about Sex Superman Oh yeah that's true There was a bit of Superman
Starting point is 00:01:17 And we talked about sex And we wanted to sex each other up Yeah that's right And We wish the best to joan osborne in this difficult time yeah i'm sure she's fine yeah i know you know pandemic's getting hard on everybody i'm i didn't hear anything of any shortages of curl activator i'm sure there's there's plenty of vo5 hot oil our guest today a return guest to the podcast very funny comedian and writer
Starting point is 00:01:48 it's nur hadidi yay hi guys hello hi nur hello dave how you doing i'm okay how are you i mean i say okay but you know what it's just you got to say something when someone asks how are you doing this year yeah you know i stopped asking that i started asking how's your day going that's smart yeah that's smart that would not work that would not fly with me i'm gonna well i want to tell you about my whole year and a half and my answer to either one is yeesh how much time do you have? Yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:02:34 That's a good technique because, yeah, I've run out of, not patience, but it's going to be the same answer no matter what you ask. So, well, what what are you answering when someone asks you that question? I just say I go like how you did on one the previous to the show where you said, well, you know, should we get to know us? Yeah. Get to know us. Noor, this is a second time on the podcast. You were last on, you said in 2018?
Starting point is 00:03:04 No. 19, Graham. 2019. October 2019, I made my debut. And they loved me. Yeah. The people loved me. They wanted me back. But you said no.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I did. I said no. I resisted it for a long time. You resisted. And the pandemic happened. And I said, maybe this time, this year, I'll get another one. 2020, no. Came and went.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Nothing. And then it was only when more than 50% of 2021 went by that Graham said, you know what? Maybe we'll have her back. I caved. I caved to pressure. I begged Graham to have you back, but he was so stalwart. Yeah, I didn't. Stalwartness.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Yeah, because that's the key in negotiation. You don't want to let them think that you don't hold any cards. Yeah, be ready to walk away. Yeah. And he walked away, Dave. Let me tell you. I felt him walk away. Was there any movement on your side?
Starting point is 00:04:06 Did you say, hey, I'd love to get back on the show? Well. The answer is no. The answer is no, Nora. You never reached out ever, ever. But I didn't know that guests reach out. Well, I mean, eventually we reach out to guests, but if you wanted to jump the queue.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah, if you're ever like, hey. This is good to know. This is good to know. This is good to know. I have a new cookbook coming out. I want to come on and or whatever. I don't. It's been so long since you're on. I don't remember anything about you.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You're asking me questions before the podcast that I already answered in 2019. Before the podcast that I already answered in 2019. The pandemic has, first of all, no one comes on within a year of being on. Really? Yeah. You got to take, we get you back a year later at the earliest.
Starting point is 00:04:58 So the closest you could be on was October of last year. We have had. Still. We have had, still, but also like we have had the guests during pandemic, we've been drawing from all over the world. We've been drawing from, you know, North Toronto, South Toronto, Tobago. There's the, you know, the lake. We had, we've had a couple of guests who hadn't been on in like 600 episodes. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So episode number 97, you guys had number 97 back. Yeah. Today's 697. Yeah. I'm doing the math. We had some, we had some from the first 100. We, we had Jordan Morris on a few weeks ago who hadn't been on since 109. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And then what was Cliff Nesterov? He was, uh. he was like maybe in the 60s wow okay okay i understand your process now do you know how many comedians there are nor but i i will say on behalf of all of us we would like some transparency you know i understand that well you owe it it's your fiduciary duty. Okay. Well, I just gave some transparency. I just... And how many comedians, how many guests do you think will listen to this episode? Zero. Zero.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Correct. I think 10 or 20 of our potential guests listen to the show. Did you see there was a woman who... Or there's a public relations firm that pitched us a guest that was a woman who makes rings? Yeah. We're just on a list. Yeah. We're on some PR person's list.
Starting point is 00:06:36 You know, I didn't know the competition was this stiff, guys. You know, I did not know what I was up against. But you know what? You made it. You're a two-timer. And I understand you've been making rings. Yeah, if you could follow me
Starting point is 00:06:50 on Etsy, I would really appreciate it. Are you on Etsy? No. And I did an open mic once, a Zoom open mic during the pandemic, and the host, when he introduced one of the comedians, he plugged her Etsy shop, and I was like, this is how I know.
Starting point is 00:07:06 If you ever have an Etsy in my credit, just lock me up. Take me away. Take the mic from my hand. It's done. It's done. I do like the idea of telling a host when they say what credits should I mention,
Starting point is 00:07:20 saying something like that. Summerstock and Nancy Stewart. Are you crafty at all? You know what? I picked up some things during the pandemic just to stay sane. I picked up embroidery. Okay. Did not go far with it, but I
Starting point is 00:07:40 tried. What did you embroider? I had what do you call them? Those circles? Circle thingies with the wood around it. Yeah. And the print was already on it and you just had to stitch it
Starting point is 00:07:53 but the instructions were really bad. They didn't make sense so I would have to YouTube how to do the specific stitches and then I just lost patience, guys. It was too much, you know? I definitely wish youtube was around when i was like getting into stuff like learning how to do things
Starting point is 00:08:11 because all that we had were like you could either take like a metal working class or an electronics class but i was like i wanted to solder something in my guitar and I didn't know how to do it. And, and like, I hate, I hate like following instructions in books, but there's like, before Google,
Starting point is 00:08:33 you had to have a friend that knew how to like, yeah, exactly. And I did, I had no friend, but I, but like YouTube, I'm like watching a six minute video of how to do something.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Oh, I love it. Yeah. But you gave up quickly on this whole endeavor. Yeah. I'm from the generation where you guys would love the YouTube. I'm all for YouTube. Six minutes.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You think I have six minutes? I'm done. Give me the TikTok. 30 seconds. 30 seconds. Are you on TikTok? I have an account. I don't use it.
Starting point is 00:09:07 We talked about this last time. So I did not have a TikTok when I did the podcast last time. But I must say that I caved and I got a TikTok account. So did I. You did? Graham? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you post?
Starting point is 00:09:21 No, I have never posted. I've watched a couple things. And I don't understand how people are so good at editing. I don't know if that's just an in-app function, but every time I've tried it, I just cut my thing in half and just ruin it. My problem, like a six-minute video on how to do something is better than a TikTok
Starting point is 00:09:42 because then you don't have to have that stupid pasta with the like feta cheese and cherry tomatoes yeah i think it was though in the pandemic where ontario was on this like sixth lockdown and i had lost patience and everything and i was uh i had finished i was like i had stopped puzzling you know know? Right. And then I was like, I need a new thing. So I started embroidery, but it was just too much. I didn't have the patience to learn the stitches and do what needed to be done. Yeah. So that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:10:17 It wasn't necessarily, oh, like, oh, no, you can't watch a six minute clip. It's more like, I'm done watching anything. You know, you're over all of the social media. I'm over all of it. Yeah. Do you feel you feel that you are compelled to participate because you were in the business of show? Yes, but I did take a break from Instagram. I did, though, use Twitter.
Starting point is 00:10:41 That was very helpful. People always complain. They're like Twitter's so bitter and sad and I don't like going on it you know when you're depressed it's a good place when you're going through something it's a nice avenue to just like put things
Starting point is 00:10:56 out there and like no matter what it is just to like get it off you know or get it out I can see that it's good for hostility yeah i don't know why people follow people who uh upset them oh it's just a rush like i like i i don't find twitter to be a negative place because i follow just people who make jokes that's a good point yeah it's like you have to curate who you follow yeah Yeah. If you're like, if you go to a place, let's say you're like, you go to a place where,
Starting point is 00:11:27 you know, there's like, I don't know, murderers. Yeah. You're not going to have a good time. But don't walk into there and you walk into a comedy club. You're going to have a good time. There's murderers in both. There's murderers in that comedy club. Only on stage.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Oh, you've seen one of my shows dave you've seen me murder so now that you things have eased up a bit are you out you're doing shows you're hitting the street um there's not a lot of hitting the street. Working all the angles. There's not a lot of outdoor shows happening. I've done maybe four or five. I don't have anything booked in the future, so it's going a bit slow. But it's better than nothing. Yeah, and we had Chris Locke on the show last week, and he said that every show is like party time because people just miss
Starting point is 00:12:25 being around one another yeah i was at so i did two shows with him last week and are you a duo now you guys work together yes chris lock nor hadidi inseparable duo lock and hadidi yeah coming to cbc, wait, we've been canceled. Okay. But the first show is at a backyard and everyone just hung out until 2 a.m. No one wanted to go home. Right. It was just so nice to be around comedians and people. And he's so funny, you guys. I just, he's one of those people I watch and I'm like, I don't know where this joke is going.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And that's what makes it even more exciting, like being cooped up at home, but then also getting to see. Like, it took me a while to adjust from just being at home to being at shows and just having people around you. It can be overwhelming at times. Yeah. You know, so you do you live on your own yes no you have a lot of plants i can see so do you guys remember the episode i was on two years ago where i told i don't remember the chris lock episode that was last week but um on it i told you guys that i had a plant and i killed half of it and graham asked
Starting point is 00:13:49 me why and it was because a fake plant fell on it that's right yeah and it's funny because i actually got this plant today so i felt like it was serendipitous yeah yeah today yeah i did a buns trade for it what yeah explain everything of what you just said. Okay, so buns is, I use the app, but it's also a group online where people, if you have something that you want to trade, you can post the item that you are looking to get rid of. And you can list what it is that you're willing to get for it. So I had a drawer unit that i didn't need anymore and then i said i'm looking for plants mirrors i don't want to say patio stuff okay three three distinct so this is buns i'm looking it up right now buns with a zed yes b-u-n-z okay but yeah and um basically you just message someone you set up a time
Starting point is 00:14:48 why are you laughing i just i opened up the website and like one of the things that someone's trading is four liters of pickled turnip four liters i'm fully vaccinated and can meet up and trade this gallon of pickled turnip well what are they asking for in exchange yeah well you know what it just says free so it might just be but oh that too much i gotta pick up or will you meet me halfway is it a toronto only thing or is this across the world oh i think it's everywhere yeah never heard of it before today really you know what maybe it's a toronto thing let me check i mean it would be cool if it was i'd i like when cities have their own apps. Yeah. You know, like the HealthLink app or the reporter parking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I have an app that tells me that reminds me every week to put my recycling out. Okay, here we go. We have active communities and cities all over the world. Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, New York City, London, and we're growing every day. There you go. Okay, well I'm going to try and get some stuff off my chest on Bunch. I'm just going to rant. Oh man,
Starting point is 00:16:13 I've just opened Buns Vancouver. Okay. So many plants available. Really? But also two different people, or is it the same person? Ah! Is it the same person? Yep. the same person yep megan uh classic this is gonna be classic megan do you go ahead and say it but i know i know what she's gonna be given away trying to give away two separate rompers yes that's right she's i tried rompers 17 rompers and
Starting point is 00:16:41 she wants it to make it 15. Have you got anything else off of buns, or is this your first? This is not my first bun. So I moved apartments in December. Congratulations. Thank you so much. I had a very loud and rude neighbor at my old place who insisted on playing loud music all the time. What kind of music are we talking about here? All kinds kinds you know
Starting point is 00:17:06 there was r&b there was disney there was classical you never knew what you were gonna get graham he really kept me on my toes yeah um but he had a speaker and it he put it on the floor and he used to play the bass on the speaker so i could hear it over my tv um anyways i found another place and because of the whole furniture like because i had to you know figure out furniture and what fit in everywhere yeah i used buns um the first thing i traded what did i trade i traded a desk for two uh stools okay that seems fair yeah desk for two stools which one which one did you you got rid of a desk yes i had an ikea laptop desk do you know those glass like tables like that are like they're black and you don't know what i'm talking about the glass i know the Ikea catalog by heart.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Okay. What's your favorite? What's your favorite? In the Ikea catalog. Come on. If you know it by heart. Yeah. What's your favorite page?
Starting point is 00:18:13 Not page. Product line. What's your favorite product line? You know what? You know what? I'm going to have to go. I got my, I love the Hemness line.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Okay. The Hemness line. I have, I've had the dresser since 2010ness line. Okay. The Hemness line. I've had the dresser since 2010. Yeah. Okay. I didn't get the Bremnes bed back then, but I wish I did. Sorry, not Bremnes.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Hemnes. My bad. H-E-M. Because I got the Bremnes wardrobe. That's why. See, I'm looking at it. I can see it in the reflection there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Like, I have two daughters. And it's so funny that you bring this up. Their names are Hemnes and Brimnes. Oh, I didn't know you were Nordic, Dave. No, I'm just a big IKEA head. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:56 You know what? I would love that. If you just called. You know what? At some point, I'm going to do that. Yeah, at some point, I'm going to name a kid after an IKEA. ikea and hope to get a discount you know oh yeah that's true especially if you get an ikea
Starting point is 00:19:13 tattoo that'll that makes a good you know good story if you go to brampton and you'll be say like ikea fan shops in brampton I don't know if they have an Ikea. They don't have one in Brampton. They have one in Etobicoke or North York. The area is near me. They have one in Burlington. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I was going to buy a Pax wardrobe from Ikea when I moved in here and I spoke to Jorge. Jorge helped me. Yeah. He was customizing the wardrobe for me and he said, do you want the lights? I said, yes, give me the for me. And he said, do you want the lights? I said, yes, give me the lights, Jorge. He said, do you want the doors? I said, give me the doors, Jorge. He said, do you want the drawers?
Starting point is 00:19:53 I said, give me the drawers. And then he said, it's $1,800. I said, thank you very much, sir. I cannot, this brimness, $200. Okay. Yeah, exactly. Let's see you pack those things back up, sir. Okay. Jorge. Thank you, Jorge. Thanks for you nothing thanks for nothing jorge okay stuff it jorge so what is there anything else yeah i shouldn't charge
Starting point is 00:20:15 anything more than like five hundred dollars for it's customized that i know but it's but it is, but it's all just junk they have. Yeah. It won't survive two moves, you know? Maybe not even one move. That's the thing with this furniture. Once you put it together once, that's it. You can't put it, take it apart. Yeah, I've done it. We have a, so we were, I was personally off IKEA for a long time.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And then I had kids. Yes. And they need ikea things and the the last thing we got was a loft bed oh yeah for margo who's six and she has her own loft so she yeah well she she yeah she's in uh the lower east side and that's great you know yeah she's kind of got like this mixed art space record label thing that she's working on you're just such a supportive encouraging parent you know this is what the children need i wish more parents were like you yeah well hemness uh and brimness they light up my life but i we put this thing together and we were like oh yeah well maybe
Starting point is 00:21:27 one one day our other daughter could have one too and then after we put it together we were like if if they want like there's no switching beds like if you ever decide that you don't want this bed anymore and your younger sister gets it you're you're changing rooms yeah yeah yeah that's right it's not moving not moving across the hall i couldn't put this by myself i had to have my friend who's an engineer put it for together for me selma so i had a friend come over gita she was like i'll help you gita and i got nowhere we put things in wrong so we were watching a youtube video but he wasn't talking he was just pointing i was like i don't know what's happening so i put them all to the side and i literally had my friend who was
Starting point is 00:22:11 an engineer and she did most of it she counted all the parts she made sure like all the numbers were right so i i didn't do that she identified all the pieces and she was incredible and i could not have done it without her this is all your acceptance speech you're blowing it you're supposed to give some thank yous for that so thank you salma hindi for putting together brimness my wardrobe and not dave's daughter yeah um now looking at your apartment in the background because i'm looking at the cabinet i'm looking at your plant is there a statue on your on your windowsill? Is that some sort of award that you have?
Starting point is 00:22:47 That's from the debaters. Have you done a live Have you done a Zoom debaters, Graham? No, no I didn't do the Zoom debaters. So what happens is the producer mailed it to me and what happens is whoever wins the debate, Steve kind of like pushes, he has one
Starting point is 00:23:03 so he kind of pushes it to the side of his screen yeah and i had it out and i guess now it looks pretentious it looks no it just looks like you've done you've been one of the best in something that you've yeah i yeah it's for my um embroidery they said i made it best effort best effort yeah so and the nominees for best effort yeah in the film i got yeah nominated for best cbc gem series called hariri and lock i don't know if these callbacks are working i'm so they're working guys like have you ever here's a question have you ever watched jam either of you guys have you watched jam yeah the tv show jan no cbc jam oh cbc jam yes yes okay so i i've watched a bit of as well but all the things i've watched have been
Starting point is 00:23:58 from britain so how does that work how does that work gem i does that work, Jem? I don't know. How do you square that away? For people not from Canada, CBC Jem is our national broadcasting company. It's their free streaming app that has everything. It's got it all. Everything they make. Yeah. And you can watch live hockey on it as well. You can?
Starting point is 00:24:19 If there's a hockey game on. Oh, wow. You can watch live CBCc and if they're showing hockey cool well there you go maybe i've changed my tune on jim i didn't think i was being too harsh on jim but now look i'm a former employee of the canadian broadcasting corporation you are yeah i think they do great work and and you every canadian pays roughly 34 a a year for the entire thing. Someone's worried about his pension. That's what I think.
Starting point is 00:24:52 The day I got hired at CBC, my first day was like a meeting where they laid off thousands of people. And I made a note, you're not getting a pension. Do not get comfortable here. How long were you at the cbc for five years oh wow and what did you do there i worked in the music department music yeah music you say people come together okay what did you do in the music department mostly drum and bass a little bit. Okay. I should give you this award. I'm going to send it to you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 I used to work on CBC Radio 3, which was their serious XM and online streaming network. I hosted some shows, and then I made content for the website. Okay. Nice. Sorry, you lost me after three. I'm more of for the website. Okay. Nice. Sorry, you lost me after three. I'm more of a one gal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 You know? They don't have a lot of music on Radio 1. That's true. What do they got? Is all the music on two? Yeah. And three. Who's,
Starting point is 00:25:56 yeah, and three, oh, three's still kicking it. Yeah. It has survived since Day One. It has no,
Starting point is 00:26:02 it has no hosts anymore. Oh. Yeah. I feel like here canada we've got a series of radio stations called jack fm and they don't have any djs they just have funny quips they don't have djs as far as that well i mean look am i waking up in the morning and doing a drive i think they yeah they i think they have a morning show. Yeah. Well, I'm sure they do and I wish them the best. Nora, do you have a show on Gem?
Starting point is 00:26:34 I don't have a show, but I am writing on a show. True Dating Stories, Season 3. I'm writing two episodes. They're going to air on CBC Gem. My friend Salma Hingdy who I mentioned earlier who helped me build the closet she's going to be in one of the episodes
Starting point is 00:26:49 so are these based on your actual dating experiences? No I'm a writer so it's the other people who have shared their own dating experiences that I use along like with the like I have a meeting with some of the people who run the show we had a writers room and then i go on and i write the episode would you like to talk about
Starting point is 00:27:09 your dating experiences yeah since they don't make that show sure um my dating experiences let's see i have not been on a date since november thank you very much that's not bad that you had one before november yeah guy I went out with said he wanted to get back together with his ex, which seems to be a theme. Okay, so if you wanna get back with your ex, ask me out, boys!
Starting point is 00:27:36 Ask me out! Fellas! You wanna get her back? Give me a call! Yeah, Noor makes a lot of exes jealous. Yeah, baby. He's dating Noor? Gotta have him back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:55 She's everything I'm not. Yeah, just asked a guy out. He said no. How do you ask a guy out? Yeah. How do you ask a person out in this day and age okay you because graham and i are both married graham's not married i'm married to my job i'm married to my job and also to the sea those are the two i'm i'm polyamorous um
Starting point is 00:28:18 can we just i hate the poly people i don't understand understand. Okay, okay, alright. Okay, why are they hoarding all the people, Dave? It's not fair! They have three, I have zero! My light went on! The light, God agrees with me! God agrees! You gotta catch and release, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:40 It's inhumane! It's inhumane! It's inhumane to Noor. Hey, poly people, you're being inhumane to one person. To me. To all single people, okay? Okay, so you asked out a guy. He said, no, I'm poly.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I'm currently dating six other women. No, but I was talking to my friend about this. Something happens where a guy, like I met met him i thought he liked me his friends were trying to like set us up so i thought things were gonna go well you know and i was just like oh maybe he's shy i'll just make the move we added each other on social media and then he said oh no i'm sorry i have to decline but i'm really flattered which is fine i'm okay i was fine with it i mean i just didn't understand because all the all the signs led to the fact that he liked me like why would you give me your number why would your friends
Starting point is 00:29:33 their his friends made a nice quip at the show because i have a that's the show i was the bar show i was mentioning where i was with chris lockett and I did it. One of my jokes, I did a joke and I said, you know, Islamophobia is on the rise and you could be a good ally, though. If you want to fight Islamophobia, you can date a Muslim and you're looking at her. Yeah, just putting it out there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:00 So his friend came up and was like, hey, this is my friend. He's single and he wants to fight Islamophobia. So I was like, okay. And he's looking at me and he's talking to me. He's lingering. We're talking. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Guys, a lot of guys are shy. They don't ask you out. So I'm like, okay, let me try. I don't know. Like, it's not like I'm a dating expert. I haven't dated a lot since the 2019 episode I've been on, just so you guys know. But you do sound like an expert. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I'm ready to listen to your advice. I would watch a six-minute video on how to date. Sorry, Dave. I couldn't hear you over all the unconditional love you have from a woman who agreed to live with you for the rest of your life. It's conditional. It's conditional. And her name is Abby. No, it's not. Okay? There's conditions. What are the conditions? your life is amazing. It's conditional. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Okay. There's conditions. What are the conditions? I don't know. I can't like be a monster. Stop using condition. Yeah. I don't know, Dave.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Okay. So I've been, so since, wait, I've been going to therapy since, since I saw you guys, I wasn't there you there i really needed one yeah after your episode but i've been working on a lot of um i actually haven't dated as much and i think i told you guys this in 2019 but um when you grow up so i grew up in a culture in a society where dating was kind of not like as normalized as it is here. There's a lot of shame and guilt about, you know, sex and like dating, honestly, before you're married. And also.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you supposed to date after you're married? Yes. I'm not even kidding. No, you're supposed to have sex after you're married. Well, yeah, I would hope. Well, you're're supposed to have sex after you're married. Well, yeah, I would hope. Well, you're not supposed to have it before you're married.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You know? But there's a lot of connotations when you grow up in a culture where like you feel like you're a bad, I don't know, daughter, sister, Muslim person if you just like date, you know? There's a lot of baggage attached to that yeah i think i'm a pretty good muslim well you definitely have the beard for it we just need to get you a um prayer mat you know yeah some prayer beads just like i I think Nora's gonna make something up here yeah hey your lips to Ala's ears yeah but um
Starting point is 00:32:30 man I'm I don't know how deep I should get here you can go you can go as deep as you like or
Starting point is 00:32:36 keep it as shallow if you don't want to don't well I'll just say it because I feel like people don't talk about it as much you know
Starting point is 00:32:43 and I wish I would've this will be very good for your brand yeah my brand my embroidery because I feel like people don't talk about it as much, you know, and I wish I would have. This will be very good for your brand. Yeah, my brand, my embroidery. It's Etsy shop. I hope this helps. My celibacy embroidery kits. Get yours today.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Get yours today. Have no fear. Allah is here. Okay. have no fear Allah is here okay um but your dating life is really I find influenced heavily by one thing which is how your parents treated you as a child if your parents were there secure you felt safe you go out into the world more or less feeling confident, feeling like you have worth. And when you date people who are not nice to you, you say, you can't do that to me. I am worth something.
Starting point is 00:33:33 That's right. When you have parents who neglect you, who are not there, don't talk to you, kind of like have an idea of who you should be, get mad at you. You know, you don't have that base of like this is who i am i'm worth something you you learn that your needs don't necessarily have to be met you actually learn to hide your needs so that your parents will take care of you or they will like you or love you right so um one time i was was this is in the pandemic. I my friend set me up with a guy and we were supposed to have a phone date, like a FaceTime date. And I got showered. I make up everything. And he said, actually, can we push it to Friday?
Starting point is 00:34:18 And my inner child was like, yeah, let's fine. Let's push it to Friday. That's OK. Like, I don't want to upset anyone. But there was another part of me that was like, yeah, that's fine. It's pushes to Friday. That's okay. Like, I don't want to upset anyone. But there was another part of me that was like, no, I just got ready. I was excited for this. And I was so scared. Shout out to my friend Selma, who I called, you know, Selma Hindi. Selma's always there. Yeah, always there. I called her and she was like, no, you can ask.
Starting point is 00:34:39 She's like, you can ask for your needs. So I just said, hey, I would really, I got ready and I'm excited and I would really rather we do it today if that's okay. And he said, okay. And that was so scary for me to do. It was so scary, but. Good for you. Thank you. That is, and you're still with this guy?
Starting point is 00:34:59 No, no, no. He ended up. He's gotten back to it together. No, no. He was terrible. I don't know what happened to him, but he actually. So I texted him on his birthday. I said, happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Nice, nice. Let's go to the park. Let's do something. Waits two weeks to get back to me. Okay. My birthday was two weeks ago. Yeah. It's like, you know what, Dave?
Starting point is 00:35:21 I could have had Corona and then not had Corona. Okay. Yeah. Two weeks. That's the quarantine period. That's right. And then he didn't even text me back. He just sent me an audio note.
Starting point is 00:35:30 And the audio quality was poor. Like a bus was driving by. He was on his way home. He couldn't even send it from home. You know what I mean? He's got to do it in between things. And he said he had back problems. That's why he was late.
Starting point is 00:35:44 And I was like, what does that have to do with anything yeah like you could just do it from your bed i mean i uh am that way with like an email when i'm like oh i really need to reply to this email i need to give it my all yeah then i'll just i'll put it off put it off and then i'll eventually get back it'll take me 10 seconds but the the uh yeah like someone wishing you a happy birthday you can literally just like like write thanks yeah and i tried to make plans i was like um i can bring you some birthday treats i could have made him cookies and like i was like i also can bring you some birthday treats. I could have made him cookies. And like, I was like, I also, my friend's dog lives in the area. We could go for a walk with the dog.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Like I was very giving. But I found with, yeah, but I found with this guy, Graham, that the less I gave, the more he wanted. So when I would ignore his text, that's when he would like really be into it. And when I was there and I felt it when I was sending the text, I was like, if I'm myself and I'm nice, this guy, he's not going to want it. And when I was there and I felt it when I was sending the text, I was like, if I'm myself and I'm nice, this guy, he's not going to want it. He wants a girl who is.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And I think people's dating is really dependent on their childhoods, you know? So if he grew up in a house where he wasn't given much, apparently people try to recreate their own childhoods when it comes to their partners or how they really well i think yeah everything comes back to your childhood yeah it really does and i'm i've read so many books and there's this book called the body keeps the score which is a book about trauma therapy okay and it's incredible it just i mean if you've gone through complex trauma which is a prolonged period of neglect or abuse they call that complex trauma or if you've just gone through
Starting point is 00:37:32 one thing say you were in a car accident or you're a war veteran you have ptsd your body holds on to things and your brain actually changes it's fascinating um it's an incredible book yeah basically um our brain is comprised of two things a rational part and an emotional part the emotional part is very archaic and it's based on things that we learned in early childhood so whatever makes you happy or sad is something you learned when you were a kid the rational sandbox for example yes sandbox um fire you know or sand and fire ikea you know um but the rational brain is the rational decision making part so for me i actually experienced some trauma when it comes to dating when someone doesn't want to when someone who not necessarily
Starting point is 00:38:25 I just met, but someone who I've developed a connection with and doesn't, who doesn't want to date me anymore. It's actually very traumatic. It brings back experiences from my childhood. So what happens is I have a, I have a trauma therapist. She said, what happens is if you think of the rational brain, it disconnects from the limbic system, which is the emotional brain. So what happens is the limbic brain, which is what you were taught as a kid, it's trying to protect you because it's saying this is bad, go away. But it's actually hurting you because it's making you very emotional and you're over flooded with emotions and thoughts that you can't handle or control. over you're over flooded with emotions and thoughts that you can't handle or control and then you know when you sleep on it or when you wake up the next day you feel better because the flare-up has gone down so one of the things that i do is i journal and what my therapist said
Starting point is 00:39:15 is what you're trying to do is connect the two because once i get an irrational thought or an emotion that is an overreaction to something out onto paper, I kind of remove it from my head and put it in the notebook. And then I can rationally tell myself someone not wanting to date me is not about me, you know, which is really hard to relearn as an adult when you don't have that secure base as a child. Yeah. And I think I always think it's always not about me is that a problem if i everything that goes wrong i'm like no i don't have a part in that well i mean i just think that if someone doesn't want to date you at
Starting point is 00:40:00 all you're a really nice person you know gra Graham? I try. Dave's also very nice. Graham does fine. This is a comedy show. But I do enjoy this. He's been very open. It's not a tromedy show. Well, you know, I asked you guys if you wanted me to get deep, you know? I guess when I was
Starting point is 00:40:23 asking about dating during the pandemic, I wanted you to be like, yeah, we have to wear masks. Oh, I see. Okay, yeah. I mean, honestly, though, staying six feet away and no touching, welcome to Muslim dating, everyone. You know? There you go.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah. That's how I grew up. Oh, no one's going to touch you for six months? Yeah. Fine. We've been there we done that okay nor thank you very much for sharing yeah no that was like that was like therapy for me yeah that was like really the free therapist i will be invoicing you after i i have to say a thing after you do that that's not that but i do appreciate that yeah and uh nor i i can say
Starting point is 00:41:09 you're a catch you're a catch nor thank you i am i'm sorry we ghosted you after october 29th why'd you send me an audio note dave because my back hurt this yeah this podcast is a 13 year audio note about back but i haven't been dating as much recently because i'm working i'm in therapy and i'm just trying to like you know work on myself yeah work, work it out. How much therapy? How often? Once a week. Once a week. An hour a week?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Yes. Nice. That's, yeah, like. That's how much I play tennis. That's his therapy. It is technically a form of therapy. Like movement, something that's mindful, gets you out of your own head and into the present. That is therapy. Yeah. Nice. Yes. that's mindful gets you out of your own head and into the present that is therapy yeah nice yes uh you know i could point around the room to tell you all the things around here that are therapy
Starting point is 00:42:11 really yeah this blanket there you know weighted blankets actually help yeah you have a weighted blanket i do and do you love it um i stopped using it but it was helpful for a very long time can you use is it like what is the idea there that you you feel hugged by someone you feel you can't sleep someone's hugging you you're held down it's um uh temple grandin it's the the cow killing machine that like hugs the cow as you murder them that's right but also didn't uh your dearly beloved uh former pet grandpa didn't he wear like a thunder shirt or something he wore a thunder shirt yes that's the same maybe that's the same thing yeah which is like a shirt that compresses you while firecrackers are going off. What if you could wear like an undershirt
Starting point is 00:43:10 that was a compression undershirt that made you feel hugged all day long and then you put other clothes over it? Would that be good? Is that a good solid idea? I mean, I guess you could just buy an undershirt that's too small for you. I think you should call it depression compression.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Ah. Yes. Okay? Yeah. Here we go. All right. Sell them at the bay. Make some money out of it.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I'll embroider the logo for you. I would be like, oh, I used to fit into my, the shirt used to fit me. Now it's so tight. You'd be like, oh, I used to fit into my, the shirt used to fit me, now it's so tight. So with a weighted blanket, do you wear it to bed or do you just wear it? Yeah, it's in bed. You have it in bed and it's only a single size. And there's specifications depending on your weight and height, which one you should get. Right. specifications depending on your weight and height which one you should get right so it it um and you
Starting point is 00:44:07 you do it when you sleep you don't or do you do it just like yeah only when you sleep as you're winding down yeah you don't um uh is it like do you wear it with another blanket as well like It goes weighted blanket, sheet, and duvet. That's insane. At least for me. I don't know about you guys. That's too many layers. You're not a lasagna? What are you doing in there?
Starting point is 00:44:35 It seems very cozy in the winter, but you can't be weighted blanketing in the summer. You know what? You can if you haven't. I mean, I don't have um ac everywhere i have a ceiling fan and you know you can make it happen well he's been afraid that a ceiling fan is going to fall off the ceiling and chop my face up yeah yeah you know what i've been i've been really scared of that because it's been shaking a bit graham yeah they always do they always shake they always make a little bit of a funny noise just enough to keep you on edge.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I just pictured the cops showing up at the apartment and being like, well, it happened again. Another guy's face got mowed off by a ceiling fan. Have you heard of Fandeth? Isn't it like, I don't know if it's about about i don't think it's about spinning
Starting point is 00:45:26 like having your head chopped off by a spinning fan but it's like if you're in a room with the windows closed and the fan running you'll die what why the hell i think it's like i i think it's like a urban legend it's like bloody m Mary. She's going to see you. Yeah, that can't be true. Lots of people sleep with a fan on and the window closed. They don't die. Yeah, a lot of people don't die. What are you talking about, Dave?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Talking about fan death. Fan death, okay. Google it. You know what? I'm going to Google it. You know what? I'm going to Google it. Dave, what's going on with you, my friend? Fan death, according to Wikipedia, is a belief that running an electric fan in a closed room
Starting point is 00:46:15 with unopened or no windows will cause death. While no concrete evidence supports the concept, belief in fan death persisted to the mid-2000s in south korea and also to a lesser extent in japan okay wow okay well you know what like uh you know who am i to say you shouldn't be scared of fan death right yeah just because i've never been killed by a fan personally but you know there are people out there who've maybe had an experience where they've lost somebody to a fan. And you know what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Power to them, I say. I mean, it's fun always to, like, talk into a fan and hear how it chops up your voice. Yeah, that's fun. Did you guys ever get your fingers cut by a fan when you were kids, when you tried to put your fingers in? Yeah. Not cut, but that feeling. Yeah. Yeah. And, yeah, I remember talking my brothers into it.
Starting point is 00:47:07 And my mom seeing me stand next to my brother as his finger was going into the fan. Man, did she catch him in time. Oh, wow. Graham, are you the eldest? I am. So only the eldest would cook up a plot like that. Yeah. How many younger brothers do you have?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Two. Two. Okay. Yeah. And as I think i've said on the show is uh when they got old enough they both learned kung fu and they really paid back all the time so you know what younger siblings have a lot of resentment to the older siblings who tortured them yeah but they don't realize that we were idiots you know we weren't doing it on
Starting point is 00:47:43 purpose we were kids you were an eldest as well you're an eldest yes yeah you don't realize that we were idiots. You know, we weren't doing it on purpose. We were kids. You were an eldest as well? You're an eldest? Yes. Yeah, you don't know. You don't, you know, you're locking somebody in a dark room with a ceiling fan on. You don't care. You hope they get fanned out. You're talking about trauma.
Starting point is 00:47:58 You've got younger siblings who are like, yeah, I know you did that to me. You know what? Not even funny. It's my life, Dave. It's my freaking life. Here's what's going on with me. Tell me, Dave. So in our neighborhood,
Starting point is 00:48:17 Graham and I live in the same neighborhood. Yeah. What would you say is the most common storefront? What do most places sell? What's the most common business? Food? More specific. Coffee?
Starting point is 00:48:38 We're looking for bubble tea. Bubble tea. The answer is bubble tea. A lot of bubble tea. Now, the other most common one is, I think, like hair salon. Yeah. And you know what? I use all of them.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I go new one every time. I don't. I've never had my hair cut in this neighborhood. I've never had bubble tea. But lately, the kids were asking about bubble tea. You were like, oh, I got to have the talk. Hemness brimness come here um so we had uh so they were like one day we should get bubble tea and i was like yes i definitely have always been curious about it never have known anyone who's who would like invited me along to get bubble tea yeah
Starting point is 00:49:26 someone who already knew how to order bubble tea and invited me along yeah because there's like 50 things on the menu and i don't know anything about any of them but my niece likes bubble tea okay and they sometimes have come to our neighborhood like to visit us and gotten bubble tea and I so I asked uh like what what first of all how do I get bubble tea what's a good place
Starting point is 00:49:50 to get bubble tea and what bubble tea would kids like so I finally uh worked up the courage to get bubble tea
Starting point is 00:49:59 to ask bubble tea out yeah and bubble tea two weeks later sent me a voice memo glub uh bubble tea so we went to the bubble tea place we got the kids got a strawberry bubble tea a mango bubble tea and i just got like the plain milk and brown sugar bubble tea okay no tea even in it it's the vanilla of bubble tea as far as i was that's what i was told okay and we took it home and the kids drank about
Starting point is 00:50:36 like i don't know five percent of their bubble teas and decided it was gross. I drank all of mine. And did you like it? I drank it. I didn't dislike it. Like, it's, you know, milk and sugar. It's fine. The tea, the bubbles themselves were not, I was expecting them to, like, explode in my mouth.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Oh, yeah. And, like, juice to shoot out. I wanted Gushers. But they were just kind of chewy. Yeah. In a weird way. And it was like fine. I didn't dislike it.
Starting point is 00:51:15 But afterwards, I was like, I just had like a tummy full of gummy. Yes. It was like if you just eat a bag of twizzlers and you're like oh that wasn't food yeah that was the food and your stomach is like there's i just have plastic inside me yeah and your stomach's like what what do you want me to do here man like i don't have a i can't process vinyl red vinyl um so uh that was um yeah so it was like i like, I was talking to my niece through my brother, and he was giving me all the... Was this a seance kind of situation? I was texting my brother, and he was talking to his daughter, my niece.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Via a week keyboard? Yeah. and then uh so he they gave us all this advice and then like after we had the bubble tea i wrote back i said update we don't like bubble tea and he wrote back and said yeah it sucks now i i've only had it once i had it years ago years ago, and it wasn't cold enough for my liking. But that may have just been the place that I went. I thought it was going to be a real refreshing, cool drink. But I'd try it again. They have some weird ones that the top is creme brulee.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, is that the one next to the movie theater? Yeah, that one's that. That one looks great. It's got the worst ratings on Yelp. Ah, damn it! Oh, man, because that does look good. But sometimes there's a line out the door for it, so I don't know what to believe.
Starting point is 00:52:55 You know, don't believe the hype. That's what I learned from Public Enemy, I think. Yeah, that's right. Noor, are you a bubble tea? Have you ever had bubble tea? Similar to Graham, I've only had it once years ago, and I did not like it, and I have not had it since. Fair enough.
Starting point is 00:53:10 It's so popular. Like, there's places where there's always a lineup, and there's so many in the city. Yeah, and I live right near Koreatown, so there's so many down the street. And shout out to my friend Selma, who came over yesterday. Can we get a hundred dollars every time you say selma we should have her on and she can talk about you if she doesn't talk about me
Starting point is 00:53:33 i will be ending my friendship with her i will be ending it just so you know um yeah but you know there's a lot i don, I mean, whenever there's a lineup outside of a place, I'm always intrigued. Yeah. There's a corndog place near me where there's always a lineup, and I think I'm going to go. Whoa. Yeah. Corndog place, a restaurant that just, restaurant. Just corndogs, and they have salty and sweet ones.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Hmm. So. I love it. Yeah, one of each, please. And I, by the way, I've never, I've had like three corn dogs in my life and been disappointed every time. But the idea of like, Oh, cool. Corn dog place. I love it.
Starting point is 00:54:14 All of a sudden, I will not have corn dogs outside of a fair or a festival, but, uh, it's too long. Cause now I feel like I really want a corn dog all of a sudden. Right. Yeah. Well, I only learned about them because I grew up in the Middle East, so we don't have corn dogs. But in the movie, there's something about Mary featuring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz. She has a corn dog, right?
Starting point is 00:54:35 That's the first time I was introduced to it. Sure. They go on a date. They talk about meat on a stick. They talk about meat in a cone. Yes. That's right. Meat in a cone.
Starting point is 00:54:44 That's essentially like a pita and meat in it. That's kind of a cone, isn't it? That's kind of a meat cone. Yeah. I mean, it's not, but sure. I mean, yeah. Okay. I want a waffle cone.
Starting point is 00:54:59 While we're on the topic there, I just want to give a PSA. There is a difference between gyros and shawarmas. Okay? Please. Some people don't know this. Gyros, a Greek pita, shawarmas, an Arab one. Okay. And did they take it out over that fact?
Starting point is 00:55:16 And can you go into what is the difference between shish kebab and shish taouk? Yes. Yes. Shish is the way it's cooked. Shish is on a skewer. Yes. Yes. Sheesh is the way it's cooked. Sheesh is on a skewer. Right. And then grilled on the barbecue. The tawook and the kebab refer to the type of meat.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So the kebab is like usually the leftovers and they're grinded together. You don't want that. The tawook is the actual pieces. Right. Pure meat.u is the actual pieces. Right. Pure meat. I like the kebab. I like the electric razor they use to shave it off the skewer. They don't shave kebab off a skewer.
Starting point is 00:55:56 No. What are they using? Isn't that shawarma? That's shawarma. Kebab is like pieces of meat. Yeah, but the shawarma. Kebab is like, like. Okay, but what is shawarma? Yeah, but the shawarma, what does that mean? That's the like large piece of meat, the cylinder that's on the grill there. Is it like a stack of chicken thighs?
Starting point is 00:56:19 I swear I've seen them shaved. Oh, yeah. They do shave, but that's like kind of like shaved meat. That's not kebab. Kebab is like in a rectangle, you know? Right. Kind of, and it's on a skewer, and it's small. It's by itself. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:32 Oh, yeah. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, single kebab. Okay, yes. This is great. I'm getting a lot of snack information. Learning a lot. We should have the next episode in Jordan.
Starting point is 00:56:43 What do you think? That sounds great. We've done a lot of episodes in the next episode in jordan what do you think that sounds sure we've done a lot of episodes in jordan but yeah i guess we could do probably chris lock on it have him as yeah whenever we uh have chris lock on it our ratings in jordan go through the roof it's great they love they love them whatever um but you know i'm sure your ratings will be good in Jordan, too. I hope so. This is a good international foods episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Bubble tea, corn dogs, kebab, shawarma, gyro. I love it all. I mean, Graham is a vegetarian, so I feel bad talking about it. But the falafel. I can have a falafel. Oh, Graham, you have not had a falafel. It's all like I mean,
Starting point is 00:57:30 I know there's you know, one's Arab and one's Greek but it's all kind of like the same stuff. Yeah, but you could just say that about food in general. Like a sandwich is like a thing and like another thing is like another thing. No, but like, you know, it's cucumber and yogurt and garlic and sure the look on the mediterranean
Starting point is 00:57:51 region yeah but there's still differences in the cuisine sure the spices you use yeah i know two spices, turmeric and paprika. Just put cinnamon on mine. And nutmeg. Oh, I just want to like a roasty, toasty, wintry one. Yeah. But like a warm, hot, wintry, Christmas time gyro. If somebody can make a whole business out of corn dogs, why can't somebody make a business out of mini donuts?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Is my question for Toronto in general. Yeah. By the way, I googled Toronto corn dog restaurant. Yeah. On Bloor Street. I would say Bloor and maybe Manning. Is this Chung Chun Rice Dog? Hold on, let me see.
Starting point is 00:58:47 It is not the first. There's more than one. There are three corndog places. What the hell? In Toronto. So you say if someone can make a business out of corndogs, then two other people definitely can as well. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:59:03 It's the Chung Chun. That's the one that's near me. Yeah. But there's other ones. There's Fancy Franks and there's Woof Dog. What if both of you answer this question? If you could get like a Skip the Dishes or DoorDash of Corn Dog, would you? Or do you think you need to have it while it's hot?
Starting point is 00:59:21 You got to get it right out of the... Oh, see, I don't know about the food that it's hot and it cools down. I think, do you order it? Yes, I want to try it. I don't know about the idiosyncrasies of your culture. Yeah, but like, oh yeah, DoorDash hot dog. Yeah, I want a $6 hot dog for $33. Oh my God, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:43 How is it that one thing on Uber Eats is six dollars but three things on uber eats is like forty dollars it doesn't make sense and you know what they're disruptors that's what it is they're disrupting logic i've never i've had like delivery stuff from those those kinds of apps i think twice yeah oh my god I was depressed all winter. I moved apartments. It was Christmas. Everything was closed. How do you think I survived, Dave? Corn dogs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I mean, I get takeout all the time, but I go get it. Oh, you go get it. Even in the minus 40, you go get it. You don't have minus 40. No, we don't have that. it's nice to live in a city with nice weather and a sea and i guess i have not minus 40 privilege okay the um can you imagine if you were in a group of friends and everybody in the group of friends wanted to go to a corn dog restaurant and you hated corn dogs like there's nothing else there for you there's nothing else
Starting point is 01:00:44 on the menu that you're like well i won't eat the corn dog but i will have the uh side salad or whatever i i think there's there's many people in vancouver who get like have a group of friends who are like we're getting sushi and they're like i don't like sushi and they say you can get teriyaki chicken the escape clause well done yeah that's so funny yeah but you know like it's and my mind is blown because we have one restaurant i think that's a dedicated to hot dogs do we have more than one i don't know man okay we have multiple gram we have everything here okay yeah toronto's a real city yeah we're a real city gram okay we're a small town police brutality we have it all okay no we have that we have that we just got that that just came in yeah okay we're saying
Starting point is 01:01:37 we got an ikea and police brutality yeah um so yeah that's's me. I finally tried bubble tea. Someone's going to write in and say, no, you did it wrong. You did it wrong. Exactly. Go to this place and I'll try it and I'll be like, that's fine. Yeah. Guys, I remembered speaking of Toronto restaurants. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:57 I thought you were going to say speaking of trauma. No, no, no, no, no. This is relevant to the podcast. The first day patios were open in Toronto. I had brunch plans with my two friends. I go to a restaurant called Union. They have brunch. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Now, not relevant to the story, but Jason Momoa is there. So I walk by Jason Momoa. Whoa, whoa. That's relevant to every story. That's relevant to everything now. Stop your story. We're talking about that. He was aquatic guy.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Yeah, he was aquatic man. And he was also George of the Jungle. He played Dothraki. He was a Dothraki, yes. He was Josh the Dothraki. Jason Momoa was there. I didn't interrupt him. He had his hair up.
Starting point is 01:02:38 He was eating with his friends. What was he eating? Eggs. He had a lot of loose clothing, like shawl-like clothing with rips in it. Do you know what I mean he eating eggs he had a lot of loose clothing like shaw like clothing with rips in it do you know what i mean absolutely he's like he's like a buff michael franti and like you have to be a certain level of cool to be able to really pull it off yeah make it look like you're not just out of the hospital like yeah yeah so he was sitting with three people they were eating eggs and coffee and they were having brunch.
Starting point is 01:03:06 But also like he can't wear normal clothes. He can't. He'll bust out of that. That's true. They don't fit. So you had breakfast with Jason Momoa is what you'll tell people. I mean, I walked by Jason Momoa. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And then I sit with my friends. We have a great meal at the end. The waitress talking. My friends, they love to, you know, when you have non-comedy friends who love to tell everyone that you're a comedian, even though it doesn't matter. Yeah. Get rid of them. Get rid of those friends. These are my friends from undergrad.
Starting point is 01:03:37 They're my friends from McGill. Like, oh, she's a comedian. Yeah, you got to lose them. Yeah. Yeah. So the waitress says, what's your name? I say, Noor Hadidi. She says, oh, I've heard of your name.
Starting point is 01:03:45 You sound familiar. I was like, oh, I've done this. I've done that. She's like, maybe from a podcast. I said, I was on Stop Podcasting Herself. She freaked out. What? She said it's her favorite podcast.
Starting point is 01:03:58 She recognized me from it. That's so funny. Yeah. And then I said, Graham is my friend. And she lost it. I hope it's okay that i told her we were friends graham i took the liberty of making that call that's two people i'm friends with at this establishment jason and yourself her eyes lit up it was like she was starstruck
Starting point is 01:04:19 she couldn't believe it i forgot her name i'm gonna say nicole probably forgot her name. I'm going to say Nicole. Probably not her name. Shout out to Nicole. She's your biggest fan, guys. She loves you. Why didn't you say you were friends with me, too? You know what, Dave? What is so great about Graham? I just see Graham more
Starting point is 01:04:39 on the comedy circuit. Oh, yeah. You don't see me at all. You know, like, Graham, I've seen a couple of times we've emailed back and forth. We have, yeah. You don't see me at all. You know, like, Graham, I've seen a couple of times we've emailed back and forth. We have, yeah. Graham retweets me, okay? He tweeted me once. I'll do it again, too.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Tweet me once. Shame on you. People can't see this at home, but my light sometimes, when something really funny happens, my light turns on because I push my table into the wall. That's the audience applaud sign. I know. It's Ikea for you.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Things will just turn off and on. This is an Ikea lamp, actually. I got one right here, too. Oh, but we don't have the same ones. No, we got different ones. Yeah. Nice work, guys. what's up with you graham i have two now they're not gross but well one of them's gross i have two tails from the washroom uh not the same washroom but just from the washroom in general do we is this one of those situations where you'll be like, do you want the gross one first?
Starting point is 01:05:46 Do you want the bad news or the good news? Yeah, do you want the good news or the bad news? I don't know. Actually, they're both bad, but not in the same way. What feels right? I trust your storytelling. Okay. First one is, last week on the weekend, I was at at the beach i was at the beach for social function at the beach which is not my thing and uh you know beach uh jericho jericho jericho is big
Starting point is 01:06:15 it's big and it's uh you know part of jericho um down by the sand on the sandy oh yeah down by the bay where the watermelons grow yeah Yeah, yeah. That's right. And so at one point they have a nice concession stand. So that's our version of a corn dog restaurant. I said horn dog, not corn dog. I got horn dogs on the brain. But I went to use the concession. And while I was there, I went to use the washroom.
Starting point is 01:06:44 And here's the thing that I didn't know people did. By the way, is this the gross one first? This is the gross one. Yeah. Okay. There's not urinals there. It's just a wall that you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Oh, I love it. Yeah. So it's just a wall that you use. And, uh, and there were several, not just one, one not two several gentlemen in there no shoes just barefoot bathroom i couldn't believe it i jaw nearly hit the floor uh it it was wild it was wild it doesn't make any sense to me have you ever seen that before a barefoot person in the bathroom it sort of makes sense like it feels like you're then gonna go i mean i wouldn't do it no i'm not defending these people you should but like
Starting point is 01:07:30 if you are barefoot in a bathroom at like a stadium you're gonna have you're gonna come out and then be barefoot yeah well that's what flashers have to do when they run the field and then they go use a washer but like you get pee on your feet and then you have pee on your feet all night. You go at the beach bathroom barefoot alliteration. Yes. And then you come out and your feet are being exfoliated by the sand. But aren't you in that case making a litter box? If you're just having sand and also waste.
Starting point is 01:08:04 The beach is disgusting that's true there's a lot of ways from tuesday but uh like i i can understand in their minds like yeah i'm just going back to the beach like yeah but like do you remember many years ago britney spears they there was like a cover story on people or whatever of her using a gas station bathroom without wearing shoes. And that was like a national scandal, but that would only be a national scandal if she did it. There's a group of dudes in there all doing it.
Starting point is 01:08:35 None of them got. It really goes to show you the double standard that the national inquirer was so mean to Britney Spears that isn't mean to these anonymous people. I had my way. They would be anonymous for long. Do you ever go to the public bathroom barefoot, Noor? Never. Never. You would.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Nobody does. It is weird. I don't like going in public bathrooms in general. Yeah, that's true. I mean, they're necessary evil but uh as a father i am like it's taken me so long to like remind my children to get to the point where before we get in the car go to the bathroom yeah and if you can't oh you don't feel like going dry sit down and see how you feel yeah yeah yeah i feel like that like that's good for kids and adults.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Because we're going to go to a park, and there's just going to be a porta potty there. And I'm going to have to go in with you. Yeah, yeah, porta potty. I think, I'm guessing, I think porta potties are a lot more fun for dudes than they are for women. But now they have, I feel like the design on a porta potty has changed and now they have like a urinal attachment kind of thing. Or you could just pee on the wall like these guys at the beach were doing. I do love the like old timey urine trough wall. There should be a spittoon in the background.
Starting point is 01:10:00 But also like if you're barefoot, that pee p is going down it's splashing down at your feet yes you are standing in p and yeah the trough that's a very sports game kind of thing to just have a wall that you pee on yeah the stadium the the baseball stadium here has it yeah yeah no good man i mean is it fun sure but uh doing. It is one of my most nostalgic peas. It makes me every time I pee in a against a urinal wall. Glory days by Bruce Springsteen play. Nora, are you a beach person at all? Um, I don't know. I don't think so. I don't make an effort to go to any of the beaches in toronto
Starting point is 01:10:49 but if i'm back home i like to go to the dead sea right where you can lie around and you'll float kind of thing yeah nice really cool yeah i remember i saw that in an atlas when i was a kid and i thought cool yeah but also too salty like it's i feel like if i have i'll the day i go to the dead sea is the day i have like an open wound yeah it's gonna hurt well but maybe you have a corn dog in your hand you dip that in real quick yeah what's the best corn dog place in jordan we don't have it ah you will no. No, sir. Can I get like a shish kebab? Yes, you can. Do you have a favorite restaurant in Jordan? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Or is that not a thing? You know what? No, you know what I will say? There's a place in downtown in the old part of the capital. It's actually a famous place. It's like a hummus and falafel place. It's actually a famous place. It's like a hummus and falafel place. It's called Hashem's. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And it's so good, and it's so cheap, and it's amazing. Tell them you're saying, yeah. Are you spoiled for the North American version? Is it like nobody can compare? No, even when you were mentioning falafel earlier, it's like you really can't compare. Just the and right how they make it it's amazing and with some tea some hot tea not bubble tea no no we've learned our lesson across the board bubble tea wise i'm telling you guys we gotta do an episode in jordan okay okay slock is not a good guide he's not taking you to
Starting point is 01:12:21 the dead sea he's not taking you to Hashems. I want to be the sole Jordan guest. Let me say, if we go do a live one, another live one in Jordan. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, boy, we really should get Jordan Morris for that one, though. Yeah, that's true. No! He wrote Bubble. He wrote the comic book Bubble.
Starting point is 01:12:40 We can talk Bubble Tea with him. Yeah. Boy. Bubble's great. Is he going to tell you what to order off the menu? Is the book going to tell you that? I'll probably just have the chicken. Okay. All right. Graham, you have another pee-pee story.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I do. No, this is one that doesn't involve pee at all. So I acquired a nice pair of slacks. Oh, did you get this off buns? No, I didn't get it. Can you imagine getting a... What was I trading for it? This Homer Simpson coffee mug for a pair of slacks.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Or scuba gear. So I acquired from a vintage shop a pair of... Like brand new. This is like a vintage shop where it can only be two years old or whatever. Like a consignment store. Like a consignment store. So I got these pants and they needed to be hemmed so I took them to
Starting point is 01:13:33 Where'd you go? Turnabout? I went to I can't remember the name of it now but I assure you they're great. I went to Ikea and they were like we don't really do pants but there's a guy in the back that I think maybe could do it. Jorge could sell you something. It'll be $1,800.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Sold. So I really like these pants. I got them and I had them hemmed. And I even like kind of my first show doing a show indoors, which will be my first and last until I'm vaccinated, was for Sophie Buttle's prep for her comedy special that she's filming. So I wore those slacks and they were good. I didn't bomb in those slacks because sometimes you bomb in a pair of pants. Then you tend to not wear those to shows anymore. Sure.
Starting point is 01:14:23 Wow. Really, Graham? You don't have that? No. It's not if I bomb once, but if I bomb like two times in a row and I'm wearing the same pants. Is it a superstition? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Or is it like... Oh, it's completely superstition. Yeah. I have a question for you. If the booker says, I can pay you before or after your set, what do you say? Always before. Before. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:46 You say before. Yeah, absolutely. Is that a superstition as well? No, that's logic. That the club is maybe not going to pay you at the end of the night. Yeah. You don't have any superstitions? Well, there was one time where I refused to get paid before.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Ugh. Because I felt like I didn't want to take the money because I still hadn't earned it. And then I bombed. So now I'm no longer going to I'm going to be paid before. Yeah. And also you deserve a bonus if you bomb because it sucks. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:14 It's a good point. Yeah. Like the club isn't losing money because they had to pay you. That's true. Yeah. The club has to pay you. Get your money and then you don't have to like chase around the manager for two hours after there's this innate guilt as a comic where if you don't do well no
Starting point is 01:15:34 matter why you always think it's your fault you lose that yeah you can lose that and just say if anything they should pay you more because their crowd stunk and you were ready to go. And you were ready to be a good comedian, but they were not there to be a good audience. So always blame the audience, always. I'm getting that embroidered, baby. So I wore these slacks at this comedy show. Tell me about your pee slacks. There's nothing to do with pee.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Well, I mean, there kind of is. But so after the the show i'm like this show was good pants are good and then i go to use the washroom and the button on the pants doesn't just fall off flies off and i was like these are brand new and the button of course goes bounces off the wall into under the stall where somebody's using it. So then I was like, oh, man, what the fuck am I? How do I how do I broach this with the guy in the stall? And he's like, I got your button.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Yes. And so I was like, I was freaking out because also now i don't have a button on my pants so i'm like they have to somehow get home you have a belt i had a belt and so that was that was just zipped up the belt really tight and then what before i could even ask the gentleman in the stall threw the button under the door without even asking he was like i know what the situation that just happened here yeah yeah it was very he's more embarrassed than you because he had to use a stall in public yeah so uh it was um it was eventful and you know what i still have these pants but i don't know what to do i've had very cheap pants i've had expensive pants the buttons that are not that are not sewn on to last whether it's the the button at the waist or
Starting point is 01:17:35 the pockets there that's like the first thing to go do you think they're in bed they can go day one yeah that's what happened with these but But like, do you think they're in business with a big, big tailor? 100%. No. 100%. There's like a number. So when you buy clothes, there's like a number of like ways to see if they, like shortcuts to see if clothes are high quality. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Okay. There's like one of them is if you so these are like little tricks of the trade you count the the the um belt loops this only had one belt loop so what is that that's that's a uh that's a robe is that what i'm wearing yeah that's a red flag if pants have less than five pants won't have less than five belt loops. Okay. But if they have more than five belt loops, it's a sign that, that like they didn't cut that corner.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Oh, I see. There's also a weird thing with buttons. If it's plastic, if they're plastic buttons, I don't know if you can do this post COVID, but if the buttons are plastic, they,
Starting point is 01:18:41 uh, won't conduct the heat. Okay. so if you pop it on the soils yeah if you have natural buttons that are like higher quality they will be colder and the way to test if they're colder i read is you put them up against your gums no No, no, no. Like a police detective would do. Like a detective, yes. Oh, my God. You know what? I'm looking at these pants, Dave.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Only four loops. No. Yeah. Those aren't pants. No, wait. One, two, three. Sorry, five loops. Five loops.
Starting point is 01:19:20 I've got five. Five loops, yeah. That's the minimum. Minimum. But it's six. It means like, hey, we're in high class now. Six and seven means like, hey, we didn't cut any corners. We even gave you more belt loops.
Starting point is 01:19:31 Yeah, okay. Well, I'm going to, going forward, I'm going to remember this. As soon as I get the button back on the old pantalones. But also. Give a little run around the gums. Rub it on your gums. Yeah. It should chill your gums.
Starting point is 01:19:46 You can do that yourself, right? What? You can do a button. I can do a button, but I want it like super reinforced so that it never happens again. Because it's not like a button button. It's like the. Yeah, you can do that. You think?
Starting point is 01:19:58 You can just do it more and more. Okay, I'm going to try it. You know what, though? Okay, I'm going to try it. You know what, though? I think that they make them loose so that poor Graham has to go to the tailor and pay money so he has peace of mind. So his button doesn't fall under the stall of another man in a public washroom. Okay, they're intimidating the public.
Starting point is 01:20:20 They're using us. Yeah, they are using us. Yeah, exactly. We feel like a pawn. And I'm in favor of it. I like it. You're a lobbyist for Big Taylor. Yeah, Big Button using us. Yeah, exactly. We feel like a pawn. And I'm in favor of it. I like it. You're a lobbyist for Big Taylor. Yeah, Big Button.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Big Button. This is... I've uncovered the story here. Sorry. Hello, CBC Radio 3. I have an update. Oh, no. You're going to get me fired five years ago. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:20:40 Yeah. Should we move on to a little bit of business? Yeah, okay Well, that means it's time To get down to business Yeah, you know what that means It's time to get down to business That's right, and this week we have a
Starting point is 01:20:57 Jumbotron Sent in by Somebody named Ryan And this message It's for Ryan. Yeah, that's right. It was for Ryan. It's from Matt, Monica, Rachel, and Joe.
Starting point is 01:21:10 And the message, Dave... This is... Matt could be Matt LeBlanc, and Monica and Rachel are... Oh, yeah, shit! And Joey... Matt could be Matthew Perry. Yeah, this is great.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And Joe is unrelated. Joe is not Ross or... Sven? Who's the fifth one? Gunther. Oh, Phoebe. And Joe is unrelated. Joe is not Ross or Sven. Who's the fifth one? Gunther. Oh, Phoebe. Phoebe's the one not mentioned. Dave, if you will.
Starting point is 01:21:32 Anyway, I'm sure they're tired of hearing this. Oh, you want me to read it? Yeah, yeah, go for it. Happy birthday, Ryan. Happy birthday to the mayor of OTR, president of the Princess Vitara fan club, a super bumper, number one cousin
Starting point is 01:21:50 slash brother, and all-around cool guy. Ryan, may your birthday be filled with sneaky beats, party pizzas, and maybe a spreadsheet. Well, off we go. That is the sweetest message I think I've heard all week and i can't
Starting point is 01:22:06 decipher it uh no exactly a lot of inside jokes in there uh getting sneaky the the giovanni rabisi show uh what i don't know i don't know giovanni's extended catalog. He's in a show called Sneaky Pete. Yes, so I would assume it's from there. Yeah. Should we get back to overheards? Sure. Prepare yourself for the greatest pro wrestling podcast spectacular known as Tights at Fight. A back-dropping audio showcase that helps you understand the world of pro wrestling
Starting point is 01:22:44 with a lot of love and no toxic masculinity. Featuring host, Danielle Radford. Time to kick butt and chew gum. And I'm all out of butts. Lindsay Cal. I'm a brutal Brit and my fists were made to punch and hit. And Hal Loveland. I was doing the voiceover this whole time.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Hear us talk about pro wrestling's greatest triumphs and failures. And make fun of its weekly absurdities. On the perfect wrestling podcast. Tights and fights. Every Saturday, Saturday, Saturday on Maximum Fun. Overheard. overheard overheard is a segment where if you uh if you're one of the lucky ones you hear something fun uh something hilarious something out of the ordinary and you report it here on the podcast we insist and uh just before we get to nur uh we want to say a thank you to some people who sent in some wonderful gifts to us. Yeah, we want to thank Sneaky Pete,
Starting point is 01:23:48 Monica, Joey, and the rest of the gang. No, we got, we've got some real, like, real life mail, and during the pandemic, we haven't been checking our P.O. box very much. That's true. And I don't even know where it is.
Starting point is 01:24:03 Graham checks it, and we got a wonderful uh card and uh letter from kate who uh well what did she send boy i feel like it was gummies no it was mustards yeah dave loves mustard my god he loves it yeah she sent a dill mustard to me did you get a mustard? I did. I also got a mustard. And I think the gummies. I haven't cracked it open yet.
Starting point is 01:24:29 I haven't cracked my dill mustard either, but damn. I mean, it's going to go on some salmon. Hell yeah. And something mushroom for me. Just a cold mushroom. I'm glad you said mushroom and not falafel. Just a cold mushroom. I'm glad you said mushroom and not falafel.
Starting point is 01:24:51 I can tell that falafel really is really a thorn in your side. Yeah. I just hate the flavored hummus. You know what they've done to my poor hummus. Right. Draw me a picture of your dream hummus. Simple, straightforward hummus with no added flavors such as red pepper chocolate mint jalapeno no one's put it i'm not having chocolate or mint hummus not even at christmas dave not even oh yeah sure i'll have a red i'll have a chocolate
Starting point is 01:25:21 mint chip hummus and then you have a mint hummus at the end of the dinner. I'd like a gingerbread hummus on Christmas Eve, sure. We dip our cookies in it and leave some out for Santa. We also got a nice letter, a note from Matt. And I can't remember what. Did he give us the gummies? That's entirely possible. Oh, there were some ginger snaps for me.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Those were delicious. Speaking of my favorite kind of hummuses. The hummus among us. Poor Matt. He sends you these ginger snaps. You don't even remember what he sent you. He sent me the ginger snaps I remembered. That's right.
Starting point is 01:26:09 They were good. And I also got a package from Wendy and Josh. It was a giant box of wrestling magazines. So that's my nighttime reading before I go to bed every night. On the wrestling magazines, I was reading one about Hulk Hogan and Roddy Roddy Piper having a beef. These are vintage magazines? These are vintage, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:30 A box of vintage wrestling mags. Boy, I gotta use the bathroom at your house. Read a wrestling mag. See what gorgeous George is up to. That's really all so sweet that they send you gifts. If anyone's listening, if you could please send me a boyfriend to the P.O. Box, I would really appreciate it. But I might not pick it up for a couple weeks, so it may expire. It's okay, Graham.
Starting point is 01:26:54 It's fine. Just send some food along with him, you know, so he doesn't get too hungry. Yeah. We have a lot of listeners in Toronto. Yeah. Really? Describe your dream date. I want him to be nice.
Starting point is 01:27:10 That's number one. Number one. No, we're out. Our listeners are out. Nice. And honestly, that's the main criteria. I'm going to be honest with you. And then someone who appreciates humor because that's what I do for a living.
Starting point is 01:27:28 Do you have any other activities like something you could do together? Like what would you? I love the thing is the things I do are a bit nerdy. I love reading. Reading. You can't read with somebody else. Yeah. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:27:42 I, Abby, my wife and and i we just like to be silent together like you can read next to each other and enjoy that yeah yeah okay reading uh and i look i read i know most of the letters i know jay you didn't know know Jay the last time we talked Jay's a new one so you like reading a book do you like a walk in the rain do you like something like that walk in the park would be lovely with a coffee
Starting point is 01:28:17 I love donuts, I love food I love getting food eating food, making food acquiring food, learning about new food. Have you acquired the food? Have you acquired the food, I say? Yeah, I used to work in food acquisition. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Now, we always start out overheards with the guests overheard. So if you would, please. So I was in the park and I overheard a So if you would, please. So I was in the park and I overheard a girl and her friend walking by. And this is what she said. She said, I just got to stay COVID free
Starting point is 01:28:53 until Wednesday. It made me wonder, you know, why Wednesday? Why not forever? Yeah, yeah. But you know what? What's happening on Wednesday that this is, you know, why Wednesday? Why not forever? Yeah, yeah. But you know what? What's happening on Wednesday that this is, you know, is it grandma? Are you seeing grandma?
Starting point is 01:29:11 Like, that's what I thought. No, it's that they've made two dates with two different people and they have to run them back and forth across the restaurant to kind of appear to both of them. So one has COVID and the other one doesn't. It's complicated. Yeah, like maybe she was just like that's when her second dose gets done no this was i don't know it's fine it's fine she's gonna be fine this was not like second dose like it was not positive it was like ominous yes oh okay the tone i got that's yeah i can see that.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Graham, when are you getting your second dose? On Sunday. Sunday. Oh, you're booked. Yeah, I'm booked. Nice. What did you get the first time? I got the Fize.
Starting point is 01:29:55 The Fize. And is that what you're getting the second time? I hope so. Because that Fize was sweet, sweet stuff. So I'm looking forward to a second dose. What do you have, Noor? I'm a Pfizer gal. Hell yeah. Two yeah you got both shots yes yeah uh so fellas she's got both shots vaccinated she's a pfizer girl so you could bring over some aspirin or something my puppy's getting his last shots tomorrow oh
Starting point is 01:30:21 you have a puppy did you get a pandemic puppy, Dave? Yeah, he was conceived in the pandemic. His parents were like, I just got to get, got to stay COVID free until I get my pregnant. What breed? Tell me everything. He's a Boston Terrier Chihuahua cross, as was our last dog. And he, yeah. So tomorrow he's getting his last shots. I don't know. Parvo. Kennelcoff. Yeah's right um rabies not sure involuntary tail wag these are all yeah everyone
Starting point is 01:30:55 get your shots don't be a jerk anymore yeah exactly like they work you look at the numbers look at the dogs how many shots the dogs get and they're fine uh dave do you have an overheard my overheard is an overseen yeah i uh so i have not been going to my office to work for the last year and a half i've gone like maybe one day a month when there's like something i need to some equipment i need to man right uh because you work as a tugboat captain is that i'm a tugboat man i'm tugging i just tug whatever comes my way he's not precious about what he does yeah yeah have tug will travel have tug will tug yeah absolutely um and uh but i went to the office the other day just because my in-laws were visiting and the kids were home and it was the house was just too much and i worked by myself and it was the great i got the most work done i've gotten done in a year and a half i was so happy with my uh uh you know whatever the word it is choice no solitude no accomplishment
Starting point is 01:32:12 silence solitude no no biceps yes Yes. Doing curls. I got it. Efficiency, I think, is what I was going to say. And then at the end of the day, I left the office. And the first thing I did when I got, first thing I saw when I got out on the street was a guy riding his bike, looking at his phone. And I thought, oh, that doesn't seem very safe. Yeah. I didn't think anything of it and then i crossed the street and he was going the same way as me and i assumed he would was only looking at his phone for two seconds yeah i didn't pay any attention to him and then
Starting point is 01:32:57 20 seconds later i heard kunk and he just ran he ran his bike into a parked car. Dropped his phone. It was the car belonged to like a body shop. It was like a courtesy card that they give to people who have crashed their cars. And like just a bunch of mechanics were standing around looking at this guy. As he. He was fine. I mean mean he was he was embarrassed he was mostly embarrassed he should be embarrassed yeah yeah that's very embarrassing it's a very dumb way to break but also he probably hurt himself but was like too proud
Starting point is 01:33:37 at the in the moment to admit it yeah that's what you have to do and if you don't hurt yourself in public you just pretend like it's fine and then you go off into the forest and then you die yeah that's like a cat it's it's just a thing you just you just do it you run into cars and it's fine and the human body can take it and i'm fine um my i'm surprised by the amount of people who text while they're walking or biking or driving that nobody's gotten any better at it. Because it feels like at this point, you know, it's been going on for like 15 years, let's say.
Starting point is 01:34:12 And nobody's mastered it. I've never seen somebody not walk into something or kind of make a turn. Like walking is forgivable because you control your speed. Sure, exactly. But yeah, driving and biking. Get it together.
Starting point is 01:34:29 You're just there. You know? Almost like we're not supposed to do it. Now that you think of it. Yeah. Yeah. My overheard is courtesy of my, the back alley of the building I live is a hive of activity. Always is.
Starting point is 01:34:44 So the other day I was i was on the computer setting the scene imagine me on a computer oh yeah typing away hacking my my yeah hacking hacking i'm doing my memoirs that they do flip it back and forth every hour and so i'm typing away and then i hear a sound you're constantly writing your memoir. Yeah, it's a lifelong process. I'll finish my memoirs when I'm dead. I'm bored. Leave it to the editor to sort this out. It's all in just one big scroll, Jack Kerouac style.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Yeah. You guys figure this out. So I'm typing away, and then I hear a sound. Have you ever had this where you hear a sound, and it's so, like, you know that it's connected to something, but you can't place it? Like, you're like, I know what that sound is, I can't tell what it is,
Starting point is 01:35:32 but I know, intuitively, I know what that sound is. Has that ever happened? Yeah. Love it. So I'm listening to it, and it's going on and on and on, like, at intervals of, let's say, about 15 seconds or so. It just keeps going on and on. So then I looked like let's say about 15 seconds or so just keeps going on and on so then i looked out the window couldn't see anything so i walked around the side of the house apartment i don't live in a house uh around the side of the apartment and there was a young woman
Starting point is 01:35:57 chopping wood in the alley so which is not uh an urban not chopping down a tree no but like chopping wood as if for uh you know the fireplace but and in front of the apartment logs he had logs yeah it was breaking up breaking up logs into fours let's say and uh but what could that possibly be for she lives in an apartment i'm pretty sure. Yeah. So, you know, a lot of apartments have wood-burning stoves. I mean, she maybe got one of these Ooni pizza ovens. That's what I thought. My friend just got her boyfriend a pizza oven for his birthday.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Was it wood-burning? Yeah. Are those allowed to be indoors? They have to be outdoors. No, they have it in the backyard. But I never thought about that. Of course, that must have been what it was for look they look amazing everyone i've heard everyone i've talked to says they're incredible uh fire roasted pizza it bakes the pizza in 15 seconds i don't know i love it i i don't know where i would what I would do with it in the, like, two weeks in between uses.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Here's the thing. I'd use it every day. Here are the three meals I would have. Morning, I'd make pancakes in there. Okay. And you know what? Maybe on a weekend I'll make waffles in there. Lunchtime, let's have a pizza.
Starting point is 01:37:21 And then dinner, quesadilla. Graham, this doesn't make sense. I'm sorry. What? No. How are you making a waffle in the pizza oven? I have a special thing that's cast iron. Yeah, the waffle adapter.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah, the waffle adapter. I got it from the genius bar. So yeah, that's what I would do. Three meals a day. So I was looking into this. That's, it doesn't make sense for me. We get, we just have too many like skunks and raccoons. I don't know where I would put it when I'm not using it.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Yeah. And I don't have a thing to put it on when I am using it. Do I buy a special table for it? Am I putting it directly on the wooden patio? Yes, you're going to ruin your patio. It'll burn the patio. But what I did get for Father's Day was just a pizza stone to put on the barbecue. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Did you get one? Those are a quick pizza. That's fine. Those are the best pizzas. barbecue oh yeah you get one so those are those are a quick pizza that's one of the best pizzas but i mean look i'm not saying they're as good as a pizza oven but they're better than a better than the oven they're better than the oven and they're better comparably to a pizza pop so right because well can you imagine cooking one of those on a pizza stone i gotta do it yeah you gotta do it we're gonna try the pizza pop um Now we also have overheard sent into us
Starting point is 01:38:45 by listeners all over the map. If you want to send one in to us, send it to spy at This first one comes from Brooke from London, England. My two-year-old daughter is in her phase of disagreeing with every possible thing
Starting point is 01:39:01 that she hears. Do you remember this phase? No, she isn't. If you say the sky is blue, she will say the sky is not blue. We told her that we were going to visit her grandparents in Wales and she said, I don't want to go to Wales. I want to go to fish. Which is a good bit. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:39:22 That's fair, but it's also fair to not want to go to Wales. That's where Tom Jones is from. How dare you? That's true. That's fair, but it's also fair to not want to go to Wales. That's where Tom Jones is from. How dare you? That's true. Yeah. Really? Tom Jones is Welsh.
Starting point is 01:39:32 He is, yeah. Oh, sure. Everyone's Welsh. Catherine Zeta-Jones Welsh? Super furry animals. Yeah. Catherine Zeta-Jones. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:39 The one time I went to Wales, a kid farted on me and I hated it. What the hell? I was waiting for the hostel to open and I had to wait on the beach in Swansea, home of Dylan Thomas, and a kid came up to me, a little five-year-old in a Speedo, and farted on me and laughed. That's the greatest story ever told oh you know stay out of wales that's the greatest story ever told uh wow this next one comes from ian c in winter garden florida while standing in line at the Canada Pavilion at Epcot's International Food and Wine Festival. Who's manning the Canada Pavilion these days?
Starting point is 01:40:29 I assume Deadly Do-Right. I'm sure they bought the rights to that. So they're at this International Food and Wine Festival, and a woman behind me asked her friends, so are apples like a Canadian thing or something? I mean mean they are we grow we grow plenty yeah they're as canadian as apple pie that's right yeah which we often say because we love apples yeah apple is incorporated in toronto when um there you go the headquarters
Starting point is 01:41:01 yeah how old were you newer when you came to canada 17 17 and is was there a canadian food that blew your mind poutine yeah poutine yeah oh 4 a.m poutine every night when i was an undergrad yeah yeah yeah they knew my name when i called yes poutine large one large poutine coming right up nice in montreal yes what was your poutine shack i don't remember the name oh do you remember your number pita pit was it yeah it was close to pita pit it was you are this like middle eastern food snob and you're like you know what's good pita pit no no it wasn't pita pit it was close to it the something it was the something they were the only place that was open late at
Starting point is 01:41:50 night right let's say the shawarma pit i know yeah it was on park street but i stopped after my first year i just couldn't handle it yeah because you know at some point the body fights back and says no more no more of this behavior, please. Yeah. But then my favorite poutine place after that, thank you for asking, Dave, is Ruben's Deli on St. Catherine's. That's like famous, isn't it? Yes. And you can have the option to have smoked meat on the poutine.
Starting point is 01:42:20 And every time I go back there, I get it. And it's so nostalgic because I have the same meal I used to have when I was like in my early 20s nice what I like is this place called Mapul Mouye my wet chicken and it they do like crispy chicken on top
Starting point is 01:42:38 of the poutine you guys have got it all sorted out don't you now I'm going to order guess who's ordering poutine tonight yeah she's got the craving this last one comes from Jay also in England
Starting point is 01:42:53 my friend looks after small children at a forest school I assume like kind of a day camp kind of thing or I don't know what a forest maybe it's a school in the forest I'm not sure after a session they take the children home on a bus that plays nursery rhymes. The sound system switched to sing a song of sixpence, and in reaction, a four-year-old stood up and said,
Starting point is 01:43:16 Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Let's sing a song of sixpence. That's my jam. Everybody shut up, shut up. I'm going to dance to sing a song of sixpence. I my jam everybody shut up shut up i'm gonna dance to sing as long as i couldn't tell you the melody of that i could tell you the words sing a song of sixpence a potty full of rolls a potty full of rolls what is it four and twenty blackbirds baked into poles is what is the what is this sing a song of six pence do you know what a pocketful of rye
Starting point is 01:43:45 before and 20 blackberries baked in oh i didn't okay i thought those are separate but i don't know i couldn't tell you how the song goes uh it's a jason derulo mix oh yeah jason derulo in addition to overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. SpyPod. One. Like these people have.
Starting point is 01:44:11 I wish I could have poutine. Yeah, me too. But during Prohibition, we don't get any. Wow. The bell patat. That's where I'd go. Patati patata. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:44:23 Hi there. This is Matt from Vancouver calling in with an overheard. I was just walking along the seawall towards Third Beach when I heard a mother who sounded like she was running say, at the end of this road is a pool.
Starting point is 01:44:35 And I turned to see three kids on bikes and scooters, quickly zoomed past, and the little girl triumphantly, who was leading the pack, she triumphantly said, yay, I can already feel myself swimming.
Starting point is 01:44:48 Anyways, thank you very much. Have a good one. Like a dog that you hold over a faucet and then just start swimming. Yeah. I can't stop myself. Or like someone who has to go to the bathroom. We get close enough to the toilet
Starting point is 01:45:03 and you're like, I can feel myself. you get so much worse as i get in proximity yeah and then you're like oh i don't even have my sandals on okay well i guess i just have to do what what difference is that he's gonna judge me yeah i'm not gonna no one's gonna talk about me on a podcast certainly not this waitress's favorite podcast and here we go next phone call hi dave grim and bodacious guest this is james from austin calling in with an overheard um i was just at a bar using the restroom and washing up and a guy walked in and from the stall in the bathroom I heard, Kevin?
Starting point is 01:45:49 And the guy who walked in said, Jack, how'd you know? And the guy in the stall said, you're the only one here not wearing cowboy boots. For the record, I was not wearing cowboy boots either. I love you. Off I go.
Starting point is 01:46:05 We love you too. So where were they that everybody was wearing cowboy boots? I don't know. They were in the town of Footloose that allows square dancing but not rock and roll dancing? The area code was 512. 512. I'm looking at you. Footloose.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Footloose. It's Austin, Texas. Austin, Texas. I guess that's gone through It's Austin, Texas Austin, Texas I guess that's what he said Yeah Austin, Texas What song were you just Humming there, Noor? Footloose
Starting point is 01:46:33 Yes That's the only word I know Kick off your Sunday shoot Yes, that's the one Yeah Kick off your Sunday shoes Put on cowboy boots Put on your cowboy boots
Starting point is 01:46:42 You haven't seen Footloose For a long time Yeah yeah watch it it's so good it's still it's still as good as what you remember have you seen it nor i've never seen it watch it treat yourself i've never seen it either treat yourself kevin bacon doesn't matter i just love kevin bacon dave simply adores him yeah you you? Noor, let's do a watch-along. We'll live stream it. Should we? For the podcast donors.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Yeah, for Jeff. Oh, that would be amazing. Get him to wear cowboy boots. You know what? We should. I am very free. I have therapy tomorrow, and that's it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:19 So, let's do it. Once a week. Okay, so you got Thursday therapy. Yeah. My only request is no Chris Locke. Okay? And you know what I'll even do, Dave? I'm going to look up the...
Starting point is 01:47:34 I actually know a couple of good places that have Arabic restaurants in Vancouver. And I'll order us the same dishes. So we'll have the same food while we're watching the same movie. I got to tell you, this is not going to happen. No. Come on. Come on, Dave. I love the idea of eating Arabic food and watching Footloose.
Starting point is 01:47:53 I just don't see it coming together. We could live tweet it. Yeah, live tweet it. We could do it as a bonus episode. That would be a lot of fun. Yeah, we do need a bonus episode. Nora and Dave watch Footloose and graham let's do it in a couple weeks let's do this guys okay yeah well i'll be in touch with you i'll have my yeah you'll
Starting point is 01:48:12 have your people reach out to my people i'll have the intern call yeah yeah yeah brayden maybe we could maybe we could become friends wow i deserve that dick i I deserved it. I just didn't want to assume, Dave. We've met once. I had seen Graham multiple times. What is a waitress going to do? How is a waitress going to call you on that bullshit? You know what? You're friends with Graham?
Starting point is 01:48:37 Not Dave, though, right? No one can crack that in. I started a rumor at the brunches in Toronto. Dave's the bad one. Graham's the one you want to be friends with. This lady's so bored of serving Jason Momoa. He ordered 42 eggs. 42 eggs.
Starting point is 01:48:58 And he ate them all in one sitting. It was gross. Yeah, he drank them through a straw like bubble tea. He unhinged his jaw like a python and just went to dip the whole table back and ate them all at once. Here's your final overheard. Here we go. Hey, Dave Graham and guests. This is an overheard from Andrew in Calgary.
Starting point is 01:49:20 So I was at the grocery store with my sister, and she was looking at different eggs. And in the free-range section, she opened up a box of eggs, and there were some brown eggs in there. And the guy that was next to her was looking at just your run-of-the-mill white eggs. And he looked over at her, and he said, have you ever had those before? And she said, oh, yeah, they're great. And he said, do they taste more poultry than the white ones anyway thanks a lot this is a guy who wants to dip a toe into brown eggs but is like and do they taste like they come out of a chicken stud or what's going on do they taste like fudge at all um well there's no difference is there white white egg
Starting point is 01:50:06 brown egg blue egg blue egg that's different that's a robin's egg i feel like it's it's in your head if there is a difference brown eggs are more likely to be pulled over by the police yes they're driving yeah uh nor thank you so much for being our guest for this uh here episode where can people find you if they want to listen to you do comedy or see see what you're doing online where can people go uh you can follow me on instagram and twitter at nor hadidi nice and i couldn't get the tiktok one so i got at nor hadidi comedy there nice yeah I do Graham Clark was taken over there on tiktok okay I'll follow you Graham okay I'll follow you on Etsy are you on Etsy at all yeah follow please look out for my new Etsy shop we're going to be selling some embroideries uh some half made
Starting point is 01:50:58 up yeah so parts of Ikea furniture that you didn't fit in etc yeah cetera. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for being our guest. It was a real treat to have you. And everybody out there, thank you for listening to the show this summer. Why don't you go, you know what? Grab up your best friends, take a Frisbee to the park, and alienate everybody by playing Frisbee. And come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:51:40 Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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