Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 702 - Gina Harms

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

Comedian Gina Harms joins us to talk playing cards, acts of kindness, and vintage t-shirts. Watch us LIVE from the London Podcast Fest on September 2nd. Get you tickets here....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi folks! Hello! We are Dave and Graham and we are doing a live show. You should come and see us this Thursday. Yeah, the London Podcast Festival will be streamed via satellite all the way from here all the way to there. And you can marvel at technology's advancements and it's going to be a lot of fun. Yeah, I think they'll be broadcasting the stream. If you're in London, you can go to Trafalgar Square and they'll be broadcasting it on the side of the British Museum on King Tut's butt. But otherwise, if you're not in London, or even if you are, you can just go to your computer and watch it there. To get a ticket, it's £9.50. Hey, that's probably about $27 where we're from. I use 9p50.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I reckon I do. I do. It's And, yeah, just look for Google. Go to that website. Google. Stop podcasting yourself. Kings to that website. Google. Stop podcasting yourself.
Starting point is 00:01:09 This Thursday, September 2nd at 8.30 p.m. London time, we assume. Check it out. It's going to be a lot of fun. And no refunds. No refunds. On with the show. Hi, he's Dave Shumka.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 702 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a boy who can't wait to get back to school, Mr. Dave Shupka. A boy! I'm a boy! You're a boy!
Starting point is 00:02:02 You're so excited to be back at school. I love being a boy. Pull my pants boy. You're so excited to be back at school. I love being a boy. Pull my pants all the way down to go pee. Oh, yeah. Those were the days. I still do that, actually. I, yeah, no, I'm very excited for back to school. Going to find out, you know, who my name is.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Teachers is. Who my new locker goes. You know, get put on your first day shirt. The Bart Simpson shirt or something like that. I loved the first day of school. I hated school. Yeah, the first day. But I loved getting a new set of pencil crayons.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Laurentians. Getting a new set of like... When you move to lockers and you had to get a lock and you're like oh they just write the code on the back yes yeah oh you're right like the first day was a lot of fun what's your favorite what was your favorite school supply that glue that came in the brown bottle that had an orange top that you like had to dab that was the best yeah okay i like the the the the glue stick that was purple glue inside and it was supposed to dry clear but it dried purple that's fine those ones smelled good well i didn't smell a lot of glue uh that's why i'm where i am and um that person you're hearing is today's guest uh she has her
Starting point is 00:03:28 own podcast uh called dear pop culture it's gina harms everybody hi hi what was your favorite school supply um i think erasers oh yeah yeah and you could get like different shaped ones but those ones never actually worked. Yeah. They would split in half pretty fast. They're just for show. Yeah. What? Um,
Starting point is 00:03:50 uh, boy, you talked about smelling glue. Uh, the, uh, it's a great introduction, but what there,
Starting point is 00:03:58 there were like good smelling erasers. I remember that you could get like fruity smelling erasers and the smelly felt. Oh, the smelly felts were the best. Like, I think I was smelly felt. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:04:11 What was the brand name on those? Oh, I forget, but I want to look them up. Cause I want to see if I can, how many of the like 10 I could name. You were sniffing markers. That's not that far from sniffing glue.
Starting point is 00:04:24 No, I glue. No. That's the same department. Thank you. I know. No, no. And what she was talking about was not sniffing glue. No, exactly. You can't help but smell it when you open the cap.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, let's get to know us. Get to know us. Did you have those smelly felts yes i i did i my grandma had them at her house so it's a very specific memory tied to my grandma's house and and how many i'm trying to see i'm trying to remember how many of the like 10 i could name i know there was like boy grape what did they like purple yeah and then red would be cherry i assume yeah black i think was licorice yeah yes and uh but just an intoxicating licorice and uh clear was uh pepsi uh but i remember there was one that was like passion fruit and like light blue was passion fruit or something and i just like remember thinking oh i
Starting point is 00:05:35 have i don't think i ever actually ever had passion fruit i only know this from the felt and you're also like i don't have a passion for fruits uh i like i like a roll-up um gina do you have was fruit roll-up a thing as in your youth oh yeah fruit roll-up fruit by the foot that was that stuff was like nothing was good about that stuff it was just like wallpaper that was flavored stuck in your teeth yeah yeah but it's just like it was just a large piece of candy right yeah which is like yeah that's all i had in my lunch was like that like dunkaroos chocolate pudding cups oh yeah it's the worst stuff what do uh what did other kids have did they all have that or were they're like did some kids just get gorp yeah or the swedish students
Starting point is 00:06:23 have haribo right no the big thing in my school was um like ramen noodles but you you would take Did some kids just get gorp? Yeah, or the Swedish students have heribol. Right. No, the big thing in my school was like ramen noodles, but you would take the pack, crush it up, and then pour the sauce in. Yeah, exactly. And you would eat it dry? Yeah, you eat it dry. Yeah. Did your elementary school have a cafeteria?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah. Well, no, not a cafeteria. We had like, there was like a concession stand in our gym that was like a half door and the grade seven kids would work it and they'd like sell you a frozen burrito. Oh, right. Yeah. Did you have anywhere you could like, because our elementary school was attached to a high school, so we had a cafeteria. So you could get hot water for your noodles.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Yeah, they did have that. And there was like a communal microwave and pizza pops were always exploding. Yes, there we go. Oh, wow. We didn't have, oh boy, a microwave. I'm a lot older than you. Microwaves were not everywhere.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah, they would have had to be like a wood-burning stove. Yeah. Right. But we still had pizza pots. Yeah, you had pizza pots. Just frozen. But they were like goose-filled or something like that. Yeah, and you had to, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But they put them in the pizza oven. Right. So here are your 12 flavors. Here we go. I mean smells. Flavors. Because some of these seem familiar, but I feel like I've been barren stained here.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You've got a raspberry, watermelon, and cherry are your red and pink group. Sure. You've got orange is orange bananas yellow a mint green i don't remember okay a uh an apple apple is another green uh and then the like teal that i remember as passion fruit or papaya or something is now fruit punch fruit punch okay they could have passion fruit in it blueberry is blue uh grape is purple licorice is black and the brown flavor chocolate cinnamon cinnamon that rings a bell yeah yeah yeah um wow okay well i've done all my i've done my little bit on on the flavors of the i keep calling them flavors which i think betrays my earlier uh sentiment have you have you since tried passion fruit yeah well what's your
Starting point is 00:08:54 status with passion fruit because i have tried i love passion fruit but they don't have it here in canada um that i know of really we don? We can't even get it from some country where it grows? I'm sure that it's probably at Whole Foods or something. It's not at No Frills. Oh, but very many fruits are not at No Frills. I had some passion fruit curd
Starting point is 00:09:17 as part of a meringue dessert a few weeks ago. It was good. It was a delicious thing. But no, I've never experienced it up in the in the flesh right up in my gut up in your guts yeah um what uh we're talking about fruit now what's your go-to gina what's your go-to fruit um this time of year it's a nectarine a yellow nectarine yes i love them yeah this is like the only time of year that they taste really good the rest of the year it's like what are you what are you doing wait where did you come from and go back yeah and they're too soft yeah yeah yeah um i've been mr peach peach all summer
Starting point is 00:10:01 long giant giant peaches because they're they're to go down in size and then they're not going to be as fun later in the year. You know? Dave, are you doing a fruit? Yeah, yeah. Every summer you know I'm a big cherry man. BC cherries. Yeah, BC cherries. I actually don't know where they come from this year.
Starting point is 00:10:20 I think a lot of crops were ruined by the heat wave and fires. But it's cool. It's all cool. I don't know where I get my cherries from, but I can tie one of those stems in a knot. Oh, yeah? With your tongue?
Starting point is 00:10:37 No, no, no. With my hands. With tweezers, actually. That's your pickup thing? Yeah, give me a cherry. It's a lot less gross than doing it with your mouth. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I would appreciate that. I always was afraid of choking on it. So that's why I never tried the stem in the mouth. Same with using a toothpick. I always pictured my toothpick just flying down my throat. Right? Not be able to do anything about it do you remember um the starburst commercial where she does the cherry stem with her tongue and then the guy like unwraps a starburst in with his son oh yeah i always tried to do that. So gross. Yeah. You're just working like back and forth in your mouth for like half an hour.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Yeah. Yeah. Not possible. I didn't know about editing and movie magic. Yeah. Yeah. I have you like ever mastered like what they would call a parlor trick like a car trick or because i don't think i have i don't think i've ever gone in for that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:11:53 but i want to i want to have a thing that i can do yeah i could do like um armpit farts oh that's pretty good yeah it's not bad I can do the alphabet. Burping or? No, just do it. I can do it. You just know it? Yeah, I just know it. The closest thing I have, like when you shuffle cards, I can do like the bridge. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Oh, yeah, yeah. That's good. I feel like that's kind of impressive. Yeah, I think being able to shuffle, man, oh, man. Bad shuffling, that's right up my alley. Bad shuffling, cards that's right up my alley bad shuffling cards flying out in all different directions uh yeah we're only playing uh three kings in this round because yeah yeah we're playing three card stud i got three cards and you're the stud all
Starting point is 00:12:38 right hey i'm out of here enjoy the parlor I watched like speaking of card games I watched a movie old movie from the 90s called Rounders which Matt Damon and Edward Norton
Starting point is 00:12:56 the other boy yeah but it's like the same as any card movie except it's more in detail about what the cards are doing but you know they're
Starting point is 00:13:05 gonna win um have you seen that gina no um it's so the bad guy is john malkovich yes with a russian accent yeah oh cool who eats oreos eat oreos when he has a good hand and doesn't when he has a bad hand. Doesn't he have a terrible, obvious tell? That's the tell. That sounds hilarious. He's just sweating when he eats an Oreo real quick. I hope nobody noticed that. That's my tell. Just can't help it.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Doesn't in the Casino Royale, the James Bond movie, is that the one where the bad guy cries tears of blood when he has a bad hand? I don't know if that's his tell. It's a very obvious tell. Yeah, so he puts on sunglasses, but it still trails. He puts on ski goggles, but they just slowly fill up. they just slowly fill up. But yeah, that's the whole thing in the movie is the tells.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Figuring out the tells and then going all in. Like, I've done that at poker games where I think I've seen a tell and then I go all in and then they've really got the best cards possible. Yeah. Right. Well, isn't a tell... Don't you have a tell when you have a good hand yes yeah but i can i
Starting point is 00:14:27 can't read it on the other person like do you know what my tell is when i have a good hand no what is it it's very subtle i go and my eyes bulge out you pull it pull it you're tied i pull out my uh collar and steam shoots out with a whistle. Yeah. I'd be like, maybe he's faking it. I mean, it is a tell,
Starting point is 00:14:53 but I don't know in what direction. But then the thing probably is that you would have to do a fidgety thing on every hand. No matter what. Yeah. Like if you, if you had that tell the eating the oreos thing is hilarious because they're right next to his chips too so i thought a funny thing that he accidentally grabbed some chips and eat those um but yeah it's uh is it worth watching i guess if you like poker it really is it's uh but it's got like that narration where uh he's kind of like
Starting point is 00:15:26 and that's when uh that's when you fold or whatever he'd say things at different points um yeah now you play bridge is that right gina what well you said that you shuffle for bridge and i was like okay you don't he played bridge, she does the little bridge thing when she shows. Oh, I get it. And then it's a bridge thing. A bridge thing, right. No, but I was, I don't know how to play bridge. But I was just visiting my family, my nephews, and we played a lot of Uno. And my nephews are 12 and 8, and so they have tells, I mean, not tell, they literally were just like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Time to burn Aunt Gina for good. Yeah. It's very hard playing, uh, games with kids where you, even when you like, you know, you're supposed to try to let them win and you still can't. Yeah. And you're like, oh, I guess I lose a turn here. Right. You just make up rules so you can lose.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Yeah. Well, I landed on the railroad spot on the Monopoly, so I have to give all my cards and start over again. No, but these boys cheat. They know now and you have to be on them. Yeah. It feels like you have to be on them. Yeah. It feels like you have to teach kids you can't cheat, but also they're like, why? Why can't you cheat? It's so easy and good.
Starting point is 00:16:54 What are the stakes? We're not playing for money. Yeah, you're not playing for Oreos. Yeah. I was playing my, i was at my parents we've been we've been having some nice outdoor sunday dinners uh with all the like nieces and nephews and my nieces brought over this game called anomia okay which is a card game where every card just has like a category and a symbol and if you if your symbol matches someone else's symbol then you quickly
Starting point is 00:17:25 try to name like say something from the category on their card like it's it's this like you it's it's hard to explain what it's easy if you saw it being played you would figure it out in a second but i i can't explain it it is true most games if you try to explain them you lose the thread pretty pretty fast but i so but we were playing in this like you know my nephews are uh as young as like eight were playing and so like the category was action movie and uh they said uh the the eight-year-old just said, Boss Baby! And we were like, yeah, okay, you win. There's some action, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Oh my God. You don't know very many movies, and you managed to say something before someone else said something, so yeah, have a point. To a kid, it's thrilling. It's pretty thrilling, that movie. How's the Boss Baby going to get out of this mess? There was more than one, right? Is it Alec Baldwin as the baby boss? Alec Baldwin is the boss baby in the movies,
Starting point is 00:18:32 but in the TV show, it's someone else. Nice. Yeah. And in the book, well, you just use your imagination. No, the book came first. The book is, we read the book a lot when i when my kids were young and the it's uh just a biting satire of babies um yeah it's uh i've never seen it but i feel like i was at a movie in the theater where it
Starting point is 00:19:00 was advertised to me and i at that moment i was like am i watching a kid's movie like should i be in this theater at all or i can't remember what yeah because usually the trailers like reflect what you're about to see yeah a little yeah like at least they're in the kind of broad category because if you remember what you were seeing i don't know but i remember thinking when i was on i was like this this could be a red flag that I should get out of the theater as soon as possible. Cause you don't want to be the one man just by himself in a, in a theater filled with kids. Right? Yeah. No, you don't. Yeah. Same reason you can't go to a water park as an adult. You just, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:19:45 yeah. Uh, Gina, how is, how is everything going? And, you know, of course everything's been difficult for the last good while, but how are things going in your neck of the woods?
Starting point is 00:19:57 Things are, they're going all right. Like, um, I've been doing some standup shows again and that that and uh yeah like i said i just went last uh last month to visit my family in kamloops i hadn't seen them in like a year and a half so kamloops it's a it's a town that reminds me of the town in no country for old men where they have like a shootout in the streets that's that's I think of Kamloops at. Kamloops, they have filmed like some movies there
Starting point is 00:20:28 and it's always when the movie is supposed to be set in Texas or Mexico because it's like desert. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's exactly like the feeling is like desert and kind of the buildings are dusty and it's got a good mood at Kamloops. Yeah, it's a nice little place. Were you glad to get out of there as soon as you could?
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah. Did you tell? Yeah, I mean, yeah, I couldn't live there. Like, my dad just asked me, he's like, do you think you'll ever move back? I was like, no. No. No, not in a million years
Starting point is 00:21:05 yeah yeah fair enough the uh i feel like there's a giant bowling alley somewhere in cam loops because i feel like i played at it where the background was people playing bowling having much more fun than the audience it was in front of me yeah yeah like you did comedy next to the bowling alley yes yeah yeah they yeah they i was just driving so they knocked that building down i don't know what's going but yeah it was a big bowling ball yeah it was a pub called the dirty jersey that you probably played at yeah yeah um yeah there was a when you were at the bowling alley, you could order wings from the dirty Jersey.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And, and then ruin everything in the bowling alley. Yeah, exactly. Cause it's like five pin bowling. So just like smear your fingers all over the ball. Yeah. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I mean, it's better than 10 pit and getting your dirty fingers up in the hall. That's pretty gross. I mean, it's better than 10-pin and getting your dirty fingers up in the halls. That's pretty gross. I find 10-pin bowling to be very impossible. The thing with when you put the fingers in, it feels like it never comes off at the right point. And the ball's really heavy, too, which it isn't in, like, whatever, 5-pin, right?
Starting point is 00:22:24 Yeah, I've only done it once and i was just like and because i was i think i was in australia so like i was like we only have five pin and everyone was like what are you what is that this doesn't exist what is that making it up weird it is a weird canadian thing that no one else knows about yeah i remember going to a bowling alley frequently as a kid and they had a map of canada and it showed what bowling pins look like throughout canada like they there wasn't even a uniformity to somewhere scott and some of them were just like long tubes i think quebec had the long yeah why what's Canada's problem with bowling yeah
Starting point is 00:23:07 did you guys when you were kids did you love going to the bowling alley for somebody's birthday or yeah every time even as an adult every time I bowl I'm like this is so much fun I'm coming back tomorrow yes and then I never go back
Starting point is 00:23:24 for eight months. You think about going on the pro circuit. I mean, like I'm bad, but by the time, by the time I finished my second game, I'm like, I'm not bad. Yeah. Yeah. You could, you could do it as an amateur game in the Olympics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I mean, the drunker I get the better. Not points wise, but form wise, I i really pulling it up i love the shoes yeah the shoes are great oh yeah if you have little kids they can put the bumpers on the gutters so that the every ball goes all the way down it's uh and you can get uh you put like a sassy name up on the screen and then it shows everybody that your name is like ass or something like that yes yeah we did it um like a couple years ago i we went here in vancouver me and my friend randy went bowling well yeah we had like a joint birthday party because birthdays are close together um when's your birthday april 7th happy birthday april 13th all right like about six days apart though
Starting point is 00:24:26 i also felt like that was a test that i like know my best friend's birthday i was like oh god um okay anyways so we it wasn't just three letters at the bowling alley but we didn't know who was showing up so we just picked like our names and then the members of Backstreet Boys and NSYNC for the other names nice nice I loved that yeah I remember who's your favorite member of Backstreet Boys or NSYNC well do one and then do the other because you've got a favorite in both categories for sure right um so like it was my Backstreet Boy my my celebrity crush growing up was Brian and B-Rock yes what was Brian's thing he was the he had kind of he was the little one oh the little he was he was the best singer though did he go he's um is he
Starting point is 00:25:12 he's the trumper now right yeah yeah what was that's why i said growing up you've had to like post on your Instagram. I'm officially withdrawing my crush. Everybody, just so you know. Everybody rock your body. What was the guy that always had the goatee? What was his name?
Starting point is 00:25:38 Howie? Howie was kind of the bad boy. AJ. No, AJ always had a goatee. Oh, right. I was going to say, I think they all had them at some point. But yeah, AJ had the goatee and like the sunglasses. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:50 He was the bad boy. Yeah. I think he's, I've watched it. Is he bald now? He looked like he was very close to, he was fighting it for a while. Yeah. You know what? I do follow him on Instagram and he's always wearing a hat.
Starting point is 00:26:03 So probably bald. And NSYNC? Who's your favorite? I do follow him on Instagram and he's always wearing a hat so probably follows him and NSYNC who's your favorite oh JC he should have been the breakout star everybody says instead of yeah
Starting point is 00:26:17 you can't deny that Justin Timberlake's solo career it was great but now we just don't like him yeah that's true that's uh I think like once he started trying to be an actor I was like oh he's just annoying yeah speaking of annoying celebrities you hosted a show where the whole show yeah yeah why why anne hathaway um so i had this idea i wanted to do like um i think it was like around when they were like giving a bunch of like netflix specials like ellen got one like a bunch of fame already famous people and so i was like what if they gave one to a celebrity like anne hathaway
Starting point is 00:27:05 so i um did a bit where it's like anne hathaway preparing for her netflix special doing stand-up and i just i like her because she's she's really earnest and people don't like her and i just think it's funny i just but why do we like her isn't she i i i never stopped liking her but i and i remember when people like when people were started there was the backlash yeah the half the hate i didn't why not hate away but but i and i was like yeah well people would say things about her and it would be very hard to refute them about how i think it was like right after she won her oscar because she's saying i dreamed a dream in les mis and then on her acceptance speech she went it came true and everyone was like oh yeah that does that she tries hard that's that's great trying what's wrong with trying rules yeah she wanted an oscar
Starting point is 00:28:07 but you have to pretend you didn't want it yeah yeah but like was she saying it to the audience or did she say it into the oscar like a microphone i think it was kind of she was holding the oscar like almost like a baby like cradling it no it was it was like rehearsed and that's yeah a little bit contemptible but hey come on that's what you're watching the oscar yeah yeah the worst is when they go up and they're just like i didn't prepare a speech or like they're reading it off i don't know yeah yeah like people are watching the oscar like hate watching the Oscars. Do they expect the actors to be like hate receiving the awards? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:49 You can't win. Yeah. I have in my hand a picture of AJ McClane. Oh, very bald. But also, does he remind you, does he look a little bit like local comedian Patrick Malija? Oh, yeah, he does. You mentioned. Yeah, I can see it in the face for sure.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yeah, he's trying to think of what I watched the show that was about people getting on a boat that was dedicated to like it was. I think it was new kids on the block were on this ship and you got to like hang out with them and watch them perform every night. But I feel like Backstreet boys also did that and yeah there was a cruise yeah and that's uh i i can imagine that being like the worst thing for a person to have to be with their friends after a show when they're getting like eggs for breakfast or whatever um yeah i don't i don't get why celebrities would want to do that but do they have to get eggs for breakfast or like do they have private quarters well because i know that they have like a place for you know like the the staff on the boat don't go to the buffets next to the guests. So can like,
Starting point is 00:30:07 you know, Joey McIntyre go eat with, you know, the cabana boy or whatever. Yeah. I think I would like that image in my head. I like the idea of him going down there. Just,
Starting point is 00:30:22 just slumming, you know, slumming with the locals. And, and the staff like has no idea who they are. That's right. Yeah. Who are you again?
Starting point is 00:30:35 I'm Joey McIntyre. Well, a lot of these cruises are, they're just cruise ships that happen to be going out anyway. Oh, yeah. that were happened to be going out anyway oh yeah and like you sell a certain amount of tickets onto the cruise and you your uh you know the new kids on the block get to this portion of the boat for these hours right to do whatever so they come on in some port and then get off i don't i don't know well i think they maybe do days and days and days of it but like depending on you know if you're a giant act maybe you can sell out the whole boat but yeah who would be if you had to pick one celebrity for a cruise celebrity cruise and it would be them doing
Starting point is 00:31:16 whatever they do every night uh yeah the mind reels you you know, trying to think. I mean, for me, it's got to be Dr. Fauci. And what is he doing? What's his show? You're going for a little walk. You get, you know, get your exercise every day, but the rest of the time you're stuck in your room. And then, you know, he broadcasts his performance of telling you just, you know, take the vaccine. I'm going on the Fauci boat Gina
Starting point is 00:31:49 What celebrity I mean The first person that came to my mind Was Rihanna Oh yeah She doesn't sing anymore though So she would just be like I don't know Wearing her lingerie
Starting point is 00:32:05 is she retired from singing she's never said that and then like she put on an album i think almost six years ago five or six years ago and then for a while she's like yeah i'm working on another one and then she was like it's coming out next year and she said that every year i don't know i i think she's done she because for a while like she put put out i think seven albums in seven years at one point that's crazy yeah and i think i remember maybe i'm getting the details wrong but i believe when she put the seventh one out that she did like a tour on a 777 and like there were just like they brought like
Starting point is 00:32:49 the press came along and flew on this tour with her I forget. Yeah that's a that was a while ago. Yeah I guess I haven't seen her in the spotlight recently but I didn't think she'd retired but I have a bad memory for when things happen so
Starting point is 00:33:05 she definitely has never said that and i and a lot of people still have hope that that she'll put out she'll have a comeback everybody does yeah or they try and then they don't maybe right that's well sometimes people are like i didn't know you went away like during your comeback you know right yeah exactly we in the biz did not notice um i think uh you know what now i think my my answer would also be rihanna i think that would be a cool or uh anne hathaway anne hathaway would be fun she would accept an oscar every night sing the jams from les mis uh i don't know what else she's done. She hosted the Oscars once.
Starting point is 00:33:50 That's right. Oh, yeah, with James Franco. And that was another thing where he was absolutely not trying hard, and she was, and she came off as a jerk. Exactly, yeah. Oh, the worst. He literally came out on his phone and he was like, nah, I'm just here.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I'm sure that was a bit. He was sending DMs to a 15-year-old. Oh, God. They have the Razzies, but they don't have the Shamies, where it's everybody gets an award for something they should feel shame about um but uh yeah i don't like i thought anne hathaway i thought she's
Starting point is 00:34:31 i think she's a good actress that's that's kind of my thing i don't know that i have to like her as a person you know yeah like exactly like i imagine gene hackman is like a horrible man to be around it seems like he would be. But I like his stuff. I like what he does. Yeah. But you can see him like, you know, scruffing up somebody's hair on set. Yeah, like, you know, Mel Gibson does great work. But I feel like I've heard that he's maybe not a great guy.
Starting point is 00:34:59 But who cares? I love it. I bet he does. I hear he does great pranks. I love, I love, I bet he does. I hear he does great pranks. Yeah. When I was growing up, there was like a kind of ongoing joke in movies and TV that Mel Gibson was so hot. And I didn't not get, I didn't get, I still don't get it. I don't understand why he's so hot, but that was like,
Starting point is 00:35:23 I think that isn't that even in clueless the poster behind you um doesn't she say like i remember hamlet because mel gibson in tights or something yes yeah but why why do you guys think he was so it was the 80s babes were 80s hunks were a different breed yeah yeah it's true if you look at like the the people's sexiest men alive in the 80s, it's like Nick Nolte, Mark Harmon, Harry Hamlin. Yeah. I mean, I can't really find a problem with that. Did Tom Cruise ever make the cut?
Starting point is 00:36:03 I'm not sure. Maybe it's too on the nose, you know? I'm sure Tom Selleck must have. Yeah. Or, I don't know, like, I feel like it just goes without saying. Oh, that he was, yeah, he had a streak where he was on it for five years straight. Right. And had to tell them, not again, guys.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I'm pulling myself out of contention. I'm going to wear an ugly mask for the rest of the year that sexiest man alive is such a weird wording of that because you should have to kill the last year's winner in order to become this year's winner yeah it's crazy that it's still going it's like yeah i don't know feels like we should be past it, but they can't let it go. Yeah. Do they still make the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition? Yeah. Yeah, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:50 That's something we should be way past. Yeah. There's so many alternatives. Yeah. And then maybe like the Price is Right women, that's also a thing. They're like, okay. Oh, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:04 But I guess they have guys on it now, too. But the guys. Oh, that's nice. thing they're like okay all right but i guess they have guys on it now too but the guys oh that's nice yeah they look bored um yeah they're not selling it yeah but why when when are they going to go non-binary yes yes and also just uh why not just have a robot come out and show the the all the amenities just do the point of the car. Well, what genitals will the robot have? All of them. Take your pick. Up to and including a cloaca. Do you see the robot that can do parkour?
Starting point is 00:37:39 No. I mean, I've seen those dog robots that are hard to knock down. Oh, oh yeah i just saw a video of that there's it's a standing version of the dog one and it could jump can it do the crate challenge the milk crate challenge man if we're gonna date this episode why what happened there like all of a sudden it was the main main thing everybody was doing i did it i got into it right away i got did you make it no no i fell down on the third step and i bailed my face hit the fourth step oh my god yeah i came up in the video blood blood all over my face uh the other day i was walking down main street and there was a guy on crutches like coming towards me and i was just
Starting point is 00:38:25 like you know i just like oh i felt pity for him like oh i wonder what happened to him and then he was wearing a t-shirt that just said parkour on it and i was like yes okay he goes to the doctor in that shirt and the doctor's like i don't know man i'm now on craigslist trying to uh looking up milk crates we're selling them for like five bucks now i used to just you to find them you just find a stash somewhere in an alley and just take them but right i was at a coffee shop probably yeah yeah yeah that's where i got all mine for the the one that i did i did mine for charity so yeah yeah but then i had charity huh it was originally going to be a donkey sanctuary but then i i smashed my face so much that i had to get plastic surgery done
Starting point is 00:39:15 um yeah what i don't like it it wasn't a thing the day before and then yesterday it was a thing so many people were doing but but why but how was i don't know i don't know yeah and it's like more dangerous than anything i've ever seen in my life like in terms of like a challenge like the the ice bucket challenge that was child's play yeah that's right yeah that was just a little little shower but um have you did you like when ice bucket was around did you guys do ice bucket no no i got tagged in it because at that time people would do a challenge and then they're like i'm nominating these people right but i feel like no one's nominating anyone for the milk crates they're just doing it. They're just doing it, hurting themselves
Starting point is 00:40:06 and be like, sorry donkey sanctuary. Hopes and prayers for the donkeys. Yeah. I've been on shows where it was like it's supposed to be a charity show and then they make so little at the door that they're like, we actually lost money
Starting point is 00:40:22 on this. We can't. No. That sucks. the door that they're like we actually lost money on this we can't no that sucks that's how it goes sometimes yeah um yeah i uh would you ever do trying something like parkour no no never no i my nephew was like going now they do like classes like you can sign up for like parkour class yeah yeah well it makes sense where are you going to learn how to parkour exactly
Starting point is 00:40:52 YouTube doesn't explain it's like stuff kids are doing anyway it's like playground stuff or you know if they do it in like a gymnastics gym. Right. Yeah. It's all just like the same gear.
Starting point is 00:41:10 There's a parkour place above like the bingo hall on Main Street. Yeah. That's where I saw that guy. I'm sure he was coming from there. Grahams performed there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For the troops. Not as bad as bowling sounds, but it's a lot of people falling down and going.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah. And then at some point I bring out one of the Price is Right guys and I'm like, this is who we're fighting for. What's your favorite parkour move? who we're fighting for what's your favorite parkour move uh what lines when they uh like when they paint a tunnel on the wall and then they run through it oh that's great um yeah i don't know i've i watched a video of a guy but i don't know like what are they they like run up a wall, they climb a wall, they go up zigzag on a door kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:42:09 They pretend they're on a skateboard, and they're grinding on a rail, but it's just their feet. Yeah. I don't trust my body enough to do something like that. No. You neither. I haven't had success with lower levels of that you know
Starting point is 00:42:25 stepping stepping over a lip in a door i've seen to get caught on that multiple times wearing socks on a hardwood floor right yeah i've broken a lot of bones like as a kid so i'm like no what did you do? How'd you break them bones? Oh, I fell off my bike twice. I broke my wrist twice. Good for you getting back on the bike. Thank you. Not anymore. But then once in the seventh grade, I was like, it was lunchtime.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And I thought to entertain my friends, I'd stand on a chair and be like look at me i can fly and then my my friend thought it'd be funny to shake the chair and then i fell down and um like landed on my hands i broke my wrist in two places and i had and and i hit my head on the ground in front of me. And so I had the hugest black eye. Oh, wow. All from falling off a chair. So that was three times your wrists are... Yeah, three times my wrists in elementary school. Ay, ay, ay.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I mean, he was right. It is funny to shake the chair when somebody's standing on it. That's hilarious. Right, yeah. Yeah. They earned their laughs by doing that. Yeah. Yeah. They earned their laughs by doing that. Everybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 No, my, my mom showed up to pick me up and like, we were both just in tears. She felt so bad. Yeah. And then if you get two more, you get the free wrist surgery.
Starting point is 00:44:03 If you get two more. Did you get that? You just have your punch card from the hospital? Yeah, it's got to be somewhere. Dave, you've never broken a bone, have you? Not one of my own. Have you? Yeah, I've broken a couple of toes, and toes and i cracked a rib and i cracked my sternum and yeah all things that are like don't heal amazingly well uh like ribs i don't know how
Starting point is 00:44:34 they heal at all right just like because if they like it wasn't that bad for me but if they snap how do they put them back together or do they you just always have a bone floating around they wrap they wrap your chest up like Gwyneth Paltrow yes Shakespeare in love right yeah broken ribs in that and then when yeah when she spins out of it like she yowch, she said to me. Yikes. Wherefore art thou, uh, ribio, uh, owie, bazinga, she says. Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, well, uh, not a heck of a lot. Uh, the other day I was, so a couple weeks ago, I talked about how I got an unsatisfying Frappuccino. I don't go to Starbucks very often.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. And I wanted... It was the afternoon and it was a hot day and I was like, I'll get a Frappuccino. Hmm. Am I pronouncing that right? And I got a vanilla one and it was just vanilla and there was no coffee in it and it was just a shake. Yeah, that's the i think like kids have really they figured that out early on that they they could just go get a milkshake for a couple
Starting point is 00:45:50 of bucks at starbucks because i feel if you're there like right when schools ended it's the restaurant's only just filled with kids getting kids kids getting a free coffee in a cup or free water in a cup oh god yeah um but i uh so if like a couple weeks later and i i said i said a couple weeks ago i never go to starbucks i go i only go a couple times a year uh and i went and i it was a drive-thru and i the menu at the drive-thru, I didn't have a chance to look at everything before I ordered because the menus, they don't give you a look at it until you're at the order window. So I went up to the window and I was, I said, I want something, I want a Frappuccino. Do you have like a vanilla one that has coffee? And she was like, yes, we do. And so I ordered that one and uh the got to the got to pay and
Starting point is 00:46:49 she said uh well right now the person in front of you has paid for your order you're part of an act of kindness chain oh holy shit and she didn't say anything else she didn't say you want to pay for the person behind you you know what to do yeah and so i was free to not pay for anything i could have driven off and broken the chain and no one would have ever known except me and this lady that's right because people didn't pull their cars around and watch and actually uh like so that's what i did. I just drove off. I said, fuck you. Give me my coffee. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:28 You broke the chain? No. Well, no, I was thinking about it because I said, oh, well, then I'll pay for the person behind me. And then, like, there was a few seconds where I was like, oh, God, what if they ordered, like, ten coffees? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, there's a whole soccer team in there. Yeah. I mean, one frappuccino is like $7.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah. You get three of them. I, uh, yeah, it's a PA ordering, uh, a bunch of stuff for Riverdale season nine.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Uh, uh, a frappa for KJ oppa. Uh, and then, uh, no, it was five, $ dollars and 80 cents and i was like okay thank you yes i'll pay for that and then i felt very uh embarrassed i was like oh i gotta get back into traffic before the person behind me knows i paid for their coffee yeah right because then
Starting point is 00:48:19 like i could see somebody getting confused by that. Like, uh, somebody paid for your coffee. I'd be like, what the fuck, man? What I get, how does this work? It is.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Uh, I don't, what am I a part of a cult? Yeah. Yeah. Is this a chain letter? Or like, what if they like wanted to, they like chase you down.
Starting point is 00:48:39 They're like, thank you so much for buying my coffee. I didn't, I didn't really even want to. Yeah. So that's different than pay it forward or is it the same as pay it forward? It's pay it backward. No, I guess it's pay it forward.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Yeah. Is that the movie? Did the movie come first and make up that phrase or did the phrase come first and they made a movie after it? It feels like the movie made it a thing, but it may have been based on a real... It had the feel of something that was based on a real-life phenomenon. Yes, yeah. And, like, the other one was, like, the bucket list.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Was the bucket list around before Buck list? The movie came out. So I wonder, cause I don't know. I don't know when I heard bucket list. No bucket list. I only heard from the movie actually. Cause I think they had to say it in the trailer. It's the list for when you kick the bucket.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Which, uh, it's good to have, or is that just making an intimidating list for yourself? Like, ah, now I got to run with the bulls and all this. Yeah. Which is good to have. Or is that just making an intimidating list for yourself?
Starting point is 00:49:45 Like, ah, now I got to run with the bulls and all this shit. Yeah. I don't know. Then you just feel inadequate on your deathbed. Yeah. Like if I die and I don't accomplish all that stuff, well, at least I'm dead. That's all it says in your bucket list. Like die successfully.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah. No. The first thing was make list. Right. Check. If you could do one bucket list thing, like, you know, because it's hard, you have a life, it's hard to get to places. Like in that movie, he's got a private jet.
Starting point is 00:50:21 They fly around. Really? Yeah, I've never seen it. Jack Nicholson's like super rich in the movie oh god yeah and he shares a uh he's a guy who makes for-profit hospitals for a living so he's uh he's like but in the movie he's not seen as a bad guy he's right he's like this is this is how you make a fortune own Own some hospitals. Own some hospitals and a few prisons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 But they fly all over the world. But if you could do just one where you had to, like, get on a flight and get on a bus and all that kind of stuff, what would you pick? I'd choose flight. What are you asking? I would own a hospital. Is that what you want? That's what I was wondering. Would you own a hospital is that what you want that's what i was wondering would you own a hospital definitely um gina what would you do um bucket list i think uh i don't know like i've never been to europe that's so simple um i would like yeah but it's it's good i would go, yeah, go to Italy and like make a wish in the Trevi fountain.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I just like, just wishing to do another thing, I guess. Yeah. I want this, a wish backdated to when I wanted to come here. Cause I came here and I can't come up with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:43 That's a good one. Going to Europe. Yeah. What about you? I'd go streaking ataking at a you know at a big athletic competition i mean the olympics would be the best one and then the next down would be f1 racing and then it would be great if you because this like the olympics has running already yes oh yeah if you like won the streak if you like streaked faster than the actual fast guy oh that would be the best but no close to you know what i mean like to hold you back to create like a parachute you could just i mean it would be very uncomfortable but yeah i would think it
Starting point is 00:52:18 would be cool if you could streak at multiple events like streak in the pool streak on the diving board you're brought in like with the team when you're going in this stadium you're the flag bearer just like this yeah synchronized streaking um yeah i've never streaked so it's uh i don't think yeah i don't think that's going to turn out great for you. Yeah. This was years ago. I was at a bar after it closed because my friend was the manager there. And we were sitting around talking and a guy just walked down the street totally nude.
Starting point is 00:52:56 He was just walking. He wasn't rushing. He seemed like he was enjoying himself. But it's like, is that streaking? Does that count as streaking if you're casually walking around? I don't know. I have dreams like that all the time. But in my dreams, nobody notices except for me.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And I'm like, I gotta find some clothes. Yeah. I wonder what that means. That means something. Yeah. Gina, you work in the coffee industry. Have you ever been part of one of these acts of kindness streaks um not streaks chains is there's no uh there's no drive through at my
Starting point is 00:53:33 work because i feel like that's easier because then you know what the person behind you is ordered because like at my place you'd have to like leave a certain amount of money that's true yeah people have like sort of done that they're like oh this person behind me what do you want i'll get it today and it's like that's nice but yeah it never really lasts more than one person yeah that's that's as good uh an outcome as we could hope for yeah yeah yeah um yeah what's going on with you graham uh well here's the thing summertime oh no is uh the living is easy everyone knows it um it's a cruel summer it's uh an endless summer um and i think that's all the summer songs uh summer of 69 Summer of 69 Summertime sadness Definitely the season of 69
Starting point is 00:54:25 But I've been Did you cross all those off your bucket list? Yeah Were you cruel to someone? Did you 69 someone? Those two were actually at the same time Dave Yeah one stone But I've been hitting the garage sale circuit at the same time, Dave. Yeah, one stone.
Starting point is 00:54:46 But I, you know, I've been hitting the garage sale circuit because it's all outside. And, you know, it's still old school. They still take cash just like the old days. They don't take,
Starting point is 00:54:57 very few take debit. I would imagine. Well, yeah, I bought one of these square things for this one sale. And then I'm selling it at the end of the day. Yeah, yeah, I bought one of these square things for this one sale. And then I'm selling it at the end of the day. Yeah, but cash only. Yeah, but I've hit a lot.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I've done not great. I haven't had any luck at any of them. I haven't found like a cool thing. There's a kind of garage sale where they're selling things that are garbage like they're in the hopes that somebody will want it but it's like a plastic waste paper basket or something like that and that's literally garbage literally garbage exactly or like something where you can tell it doesn't work a lamp from ikea or something like that and uh so no luck uh there should be like an uh where do you find these are they on craigslist
Starting point is 00:55:48 or i've gone on craigslist and found ones but usually i just go down like a busy road and look at what posters are up oh sure yeah they should have like there should be categories of ikea and non-ikea yes garage sale yeah This is particle board or not particle board. The summers, I know that it goes to September, but garage sale season ends at the end of August. I'm taking my kids back to school garage sailing this weekend. Yeah, yeah. We're hoping to buy a nice bureau for them to do their homework on.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Do they have a little desk? What are they? Kitchen table, I guess, is where they do it? No, Margo has a desk under her. She's got a loft bed. That's right. Yes. And then Poppy has not been to school ever.
Starting point is 00:56:39 But she's probably copying Margo, right? Probably sitting around doing, pretending to read a book, stuff like that. Mm-hmm. But this, there was a gross sale advertised, posters everywhere about this huge, it was going to be this gigantic vintage cloth, you know, open-air kind of market. And it was all different stores from in town or people that sold
Starting point is 00:57:06 them on ebay or whatever um and so i was like oh great you know go to this this uh fair and see all the vintage goods they had and they uh all it was was t-shirts it was just t-shirts and t-shirts and t-shirts a couple of pairs of pants here and there maybe a hat or two but it was just t-shirts which is not you know i like a t-shirt i'm wearing one right now but yeah yeah yeah that's why i'm i'm surprised you you're not thrilled um but yeah i kind of buried the lead in terms of uh what they were selling at this market and then like i couldn't get over the prices of, of things like, Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah. Yeah. Like I think, let me think of what one of them was because. Okay. While you're thinking, Gina and I will, we'll talk,
Starting point is 00:57:58 we'll vamp. I mean, no vintage t-shirts. I, I, I like a vintage t-shirt, but they charge like so much like at least 40 dollars 40 anywhere from 40 to 300 yeah like 40 would have been that would
Starting point is 00:58:14 have been hot shit at this thing because it a lot of them were in the 50 to 75 realm and they were also things that i could have had i could have had like i could have sold things for my childhood like a beetlejuice t-shirt or whatever it's like that kind of stuff it was like recognizable pop culture kind of stuff well that's why but you could have had them but you didn't that's why you gotta pay 75 bucks for it that's right um but uh the most expensive shirt that I saw was $300. And what would be your guess? You can get two guesses each. No, you know it's 300. Three guesses each.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Nice. What pop culture phenomena was on this white T-shirt, just a normal looking T-shirt? Can you give us a decade? The 90s. Okay. Yeah. The 90s. Very popular thing on this shirt very popular thing of the 90s boy it's gotta be the richard jewell uh 1996 atlanta olympics shirt
Starting point is 00:59:18 that's it you guessed it a richard jewell t-shirt on the back it says staff because that's what he was a security guard yeah um gina first guess uh marvin the martian see there was a lot of yeah a lot of retro looney tunes um but, not Marvin, the Martian day. Okay. Okay. Well, my next guest for my next guest, I'm going to choose, uh, the, the gin blossoms. Um,
Starting point is 00:59:57 what was their song? Hey, jealousy is probably their best known. Yeah. And that would have been a cool t-shirt. What do you think would be on that t-shirt would it be the band or would do they have a logo uh yeah they're uh the band probably and uh you picture a bottle of gin with a gin yeah sure yeah and um a big bowl full of jealousy and one of the hay bale just a hay bale of it's labeled jealousy
Starting point is 01:00:27 uh then the drawing of the band wearing the gin blossom sash it would be like a political cartoon so complicated um gina another guess was not the gin blossom okay okay a 90s guess um i'm gonna say like a like like rick the temp for much music that would have been amazing that would have gone for a thousand dollars are you kidding me it would only be one of one like who there was not yeah it was not a merch man no i mean just much music no really good guess though really good guess on the much music rick the temp uh yeah that would go for more i think um i'd pay more okay dave for your last guess i will tell you that it's a film. A film, a 90s film. Oh, a white t-shirt of a 90s film.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves, the shirt. Oh, man, that is a really, really good guess, but it sadly is not. But if there had been, I would have gotten like 300 bucks. Let's do this uh gina what's your last guess it is it's not pulp fiction is no no unfortunately not good but i uh i had a pulp fiction t-shirt as a as a teen which i feel like was requisite to let people know that you're very cultured um yes the the shirt was uh wayne and garth from wayne's world just their faces and uh 300 smackaroos that's there's got to be a cheaper place to get that kind of situation and then you stand up and you're wearing it's weird now because like now more than ever you can get any shirt you want you won't get
Starting point is 01:02:29 the vintage version but you can get a brand new anything on any shirt that's right and it's um uh it's very strange to to value the like vintageness of it that highly. Yeah. I mean, they, there's a certain look to them. That's cool. Like when the logo is kind of faded a little bit, but I think you can also just buy that,
Starting point is 01:02:53 you know, buy a shirt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can like, yeah, a little bit see-through.
Starting point is 01:02:57 You can see my nipples through it. Yeah. They didn't even have a wet t-shirt contest at this t-shirt fair. That was, boy. yeah they didn't even have a wet t-shirt contest at this uh t-shirt fair that was boy how about a dry t-shirt contest i think we're ready for it everybody put on deodorant just stay in the shade yeah they throw some dry rub on you i bet you if you were about to get eaten and they did dry rub, that would feel really good. I feel that'd be like a day at the spa.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Exfoliating, yeah. Some brown sugar on you. Ah, yes. They're cutting up vegetables on top of you. That was always the Bugs Bunny thing, right? Put bugs in the cauldron and then start cutting carrots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a little mirepoix.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Yeah. That's my favorite parkour move, now that I i remember it it's going in a thing of soup yeah my favorite parkour move is when you look you're really hungry and you look at your friend and you see them as a roast turkey that's how alive starts that's one of the first things in a live it's my favorite parkour movie um yeah so uh i didn't buy any t-shirts i i didn't bring nearly enough i yeah yeah i had fives and tens that's what i had oh and these all what did you come did you see anything you wanted yeah there was a couple things that would be you know be cool? Yeah, there was a couple of things that would be cool to have them. There was an Avril Lavigne shirt in the $5 pile, but it wouldn't have fit.
Starting point is 01:04:33 But yeah, I would have gotten the Avril Lavigne one. Because she's great and she's Canadian and she pays it forward. She famously wore a home hardware t-shirt that then sold out all over our country. Really? Yeah. Wow. Oh, I don't remember that.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I mean... That's cool. It's very cool. She was very cool. Do you think that she did that as a like conscious thing or was she just wearing a shirt that had home hardware on it? Was she like making a statement? Did she wear it on Saturday Night Live or something?
Starting point is 01:05:06 Like it was a big TV appearance where she wore it. Yeah. I thought it was on purpose then. Yeah, but I also wonder like, you know, when paparazzi get a picture of somebody and they're wearing like a crazy logo or something, did they leave the house knowing that that was going to be shot and put up somewhere or they just,
Starting point is 01:05:29 like I don't even look at what shirt I'm putting on i just dive into the drawer what shirt are you wearing today is that beyonce that's beyonce beyonce from her formation world tour only two stops in canada toronto and edmonton for two nights did you go two nights and two nights yeah wow oh my god did you go no i didn't go i got Yeah, for two nights, yeah. Wow. Oh, my God. Did you go? No, I didn't go. I got this at the thrift shop for a reasonable amount of money. I got this for like $8. Nice. I follow a bunch of vintage t-shirt places on Instagram,
Starting point is 01:05:57 and then one of them posted this shirt that was from the 2003 American Idol tour, and it had Clay Aiken and Ruben Studdard on the front. And then I DM'd them. I was like, can you hold that for me? And they were like, yep. And then I got there and I didn't even think of it. It was $60. And I was like, oh, yeah, I guess I'm buying it.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah. You're like counting quarters. I really wanted it. What do we have here? 42? Okay. The other day on eBay, I almost bought, but I talked myself out of it because I don't wear hats enough, but I almost bought a hat for the snack brand Bits and Bites. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:06:39 That would have been amazing. Bits and Bites. That was a weird commercial it was like a cartoon guy kind of leaning over the fence and talking kind of sexy to you kind of sexy about how it's like an adventure because your mouth never knows what you're gonna get or whatever yeah bits and bites that would have been cool i like anything that's just like a random product home hardware being one of them and uh are they around anymore yeah yeah yeah yeah they're still doing it home of the handyman that's right but home depot believes you can do it no matter who you are yeah home hardware was
Starting point is 01:07:17 home of the handyman then it was oh boy home homeowners helping homeowners helping homeowners because the yeah owners of the store were helping if you rented you were not allowed to go to the store or work there and they also help is close to home was their other slogan yes yeah there was like a a song like a jingle from the radio i remember how to go like uh it was just kind of like homeowners helping homeowners. That's right. Yeah. It's just basically homeowners unite and we're going to really board up this town.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Yeah. It was, they put it out during the purge. So, like, if we stay strong, us homeowners can really, you know, we won't lose a lot this year. Yeah, that's a subplot in that movie that you never get to see is the, like, oh, man, this is going to take a long time to fix the exterior of this house. Yeah. Oh, I'm still cleaning up from last year's purge. Here's the purge coming quicker and quicker every year. Oh, Halloween store is already
Starting point is 01:08:26 springing up uh here in august spirit of halloween the last name in halloween supplies already setting up cannot wait gonna go and is it in the same place as last year yeah it's so cool and uh you know i just want to see what's new you You know what I mean? Is there a new animatronic zombie? Is there a new kind of mask that does something neat? Yeah, we went there many times last year just because the kids loved, you know, the little, like, the giant spider that would jump out at you. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get scared walking through there. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:01 There's too many things in the music. Yeah, that's what I like. I like how bizarre it is and i like the people that work there because they're they're over it they've heard them yeah the music from halloween like a bazillion times yeah but uh yeah i'm looking forward to it uh garage sale season ends halloween season. Turn, turn, turn. Yeah, exactly. Do you guys want to do some overheards? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Yeah, yeah. If you're sick of constantly arguing with the people closest to you about topics that really aren't going to change the world, we're here to take that stress off of your shoulders. We take care of it for you on We Got This with Mark and Hal. That's right, Hal. If you have a subjective question that you want answered objectively once and for all time for all of the people of the world, questions like who's the best Disney villain, Mac or PC, or should you put ketchup on a hot dog, that's why we're here.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yes, I get that these are the biggest questions of our time, and we're often joined by special guests like Nathan Fillion, Orlando Jones, and Paget Brewster. So let Mark and Hal take care of it for you on We Got This with Mark and Hal, weekly on Maximum Fun. Overheard. Overheard's the segment where, you know what? it's not just overheard it's not just funny things you've heard funny things you've seen and smelt and uh heard again um we always like to start with the guest uh gina do you have an overheard yes uh it was actually today i was sitting outside on granville island by the water. And then these two ladies were walking past me.
Starting point is 01:10:46 So I just heard part of their conversation. And one of them just went, it's just those little healthy reminders, you know. Always remember to chew your food. Yeah, at dinner, I was eating like a snake. I just put something in my mouth and choked it down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just put something in my mouth and choked it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Sometimes you do like feel like a whole, like, Oh, there's what's in my stomach is a lot of ravioli. Just gulped it down. Yeah. Yeah. Do you do the thing where you kind of not forget to eat,
Starting point is 01:11:23 but you let too big amount of time between eating. So you just like suddenly are in a bad mood and you're like, oh yeah, I haven't, my body requires sustenance. Has that ever happened? Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I mean, during the pandemic, I'm definitely never far from food. Yes. Right. Being home every day. Really? It's a, we do a lot of stacking. Yeah. in my culture um any fruit roll-ups
Starting point is 01:11:49 is that that entered your life again no uh but when i did if it does i'll wrap them around my finger and suck them like i used to yes yeah yeah um i remember when i was a kid i feel like fruit roll-ups even had they were like because we've had them since I've had them recently and they're not they're very chemically and like not natural like I feel like when you were a kid you could get you would see little
Starting point is 01:12:16 like strawberry seeds in them yeah well I just remember the orange being too orange for what an orange is now they're just like the only kind i can ever find is like their tie dye yeah many different colors do you remember the ones that had like shapes i was just gonna add it into them yeah dinosaur shapes yeah you could punch out the shape yeah yeah you could but did you i would always tried. No, I like an activity with my food for sure.
Starting point is 01:12:48 There was a, like, I bought a box of cereal and there was a big thing on the front, like, that said you can, if you get two boxes, you can send them in and we'll give $5 to charity. And I was like, Jesus Christ, it's going to cost so much more than that to send this to you guys. That's insane. Just do it yeah just give the money to charity just take my word for it i bought i didn't buy i was when i was visiting my in-laws uh a couple weeks ago uh i was having a bowl of multi-grain cheerios and i uh took a bite and then i was about to take another bite and i was like oh what's that and it looked very much like a piece of mouse poo oh jesus and it was uh but it and it was like and i like checked the bag and the bag it was a brand new box and this was at the fact this there must have been a mouse at
Starting point is 01:13:46 the factory well so it wasn't like a local problem it was a general mills problem and it was uh yeah i was gonna like uh post it on the internet but then i was like oh that guy that guy posted about the shrimp tails and his and his cinnamon toast crunch and everyone was like, you're a bad guy. I didn't want people to do that to me. But if you contacted them and said that that was the case, they would give you all sorts of coupons or free swag.
Starting point is 01:14:18 You could get a Cheerios t-shirt. Maybe a Bits and Bites hat. Dave, do you have an overheard yeah uh oh also on the island graham guess what uh gas station i saw that that i haven't seen in decades uh domo domo yeah the one with the kangaroo for a mascot yeah they jumped to the pump for you it was a local gas station of my youth and they what what's the song that they're parodying or oh i don't know we jumped to the pump for you um i thought it was an original it might be original uh talking about domo domo oh yeah you thought it was Ico Ico yeah Ico
Starting point is 01:15:05 yeah Ico we jump maybe it was to the pump for you um jump to the pump for you are we harmonizing or not oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:15:16 go ahead jump to the pump for you yeah Gina get in on it this time alright we jump to the pump for you to the pump for you Yeah, Gina, get in on it this time. All right. We jump to the pump for you. The pump for you. I didn't know you meant this time. This time.
Starting point is 01:15:35 He wasn't ready. Talking about Domo. Domo. Anyway, my overheard is it overdreamt. I had a dream that I was it was at a royal funeral okay a state funeral look at that yeah yeah yeah and uh prince william called me stupid like to your face are you over yeah we were all hanging around uh just like it was like a part of the funeral where nothing was happening right everybody's waiting for food to come and
Starting point is 01:16:10 prince william was in a sour mood and i uh i was like i'm gonna go talk to the corpse like i'll go i want to go you know have a look at the body yeah i'm gonna get some answers yeah i'm gonna uh i'm doing forensics so just let me go yeah and prince william was like don't be stupid and he scolded me and everyone thought he was a real jerk and everyone kind of thought i was you know fun loving yeah i can see i can see him being stern like that with a stranger i could see him no no we're with a stranger. I can see him. No, no. We're friends.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Oh, you were friends in the dream. No, in real life. Yeah. What's the other one's name, Prince? Harry. Harry. Why did I think it was Eric? Oh, I was picturing Harry the whole time you were talking.
Starting point is 01:17:05 No, no. No, this you were talking. No, no. No, this changes things completely. Yeah, William. Yeah. William. Yeah, William, definitely I could see this. Yeah, he's a disciplinarian, whereas the other guy, Eric, was it? Yeah, Eric. Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Yeah. What's your over? It was a better than mine. I doubt it. There's a plazas on the street. There's one plaza that is for families. It is a family kind of vibe. It's got little tiny tables for kids to sit at,
Starting point is 01:17:42 which is very funny when the adults sit at it because they can't find a table anywhere else. So there's that one. And then a couple blocks down, there's one that drinking is allowed in. And that one's a lot scuzzier. And I think the people who live in the apartment that it's outside of just come down and they party there every night. They're just having drinks and smoking. And, um,
Starting point is 01:18:07 and this is the last time they had a playlist going. So I was like, it's enough to take up smoking. If I had a sweet party Plaza outside my apartment, like suddenly going outside to smoke, isn't a, an inconvenience. It's like,
Starting point is 01:18:20 Hey, take stuff into the social thing. Yeah. So there was uh the um what is the song uh we can travel around this town make the cops chase us around who's that hey jealousy by the jim blossom oh shit um no way uh that's why yeah yeah it just it came on the playlist and the guy was smoking was like oh fuck yeah oh that's so funny uh i bet it was his playlist i do that i make a playlist and
Starting point is 01:19:01 then every song that comes on like not yeah i, not yet. I did it. Nailed it again. Yeah. But I put it on shuffle. So I didn't know this was coming. Yeah. I knew it was coming eventually. Did you ever, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Like, because you listen to the same CD over and over again, that you have a song and then you automatically in your mind lead into the next song. Oh yeah. Or, or if you listen to a mixtape so many times. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah yeah what would you make a playlist for somebody now is that the equivalent of mixtape
Starting point is 01:19:30 or do you still use a tape because it's retro and fun i i had someone who i dated like three or four years ago who made me a playlist of songs on youtube just gave you a paper or maybe not even an email. Check these out. Sent me a link. Yeah, I made this for you. There's going to be some ads in between them. Yeah, some of them they pulled the video from the thing.
Starting point is 01:19:56 I think it's because we use different music streaming apps. He couldn't share. Well, you guys were never compatible in the first place if you were on different streaming apps. Yeah. He couldn't, he couldn't share. Well, you guys were never compatible in the first place. If you were on different streaming apps. More people listen to music on YouTube than anywhere else. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:20:11 That's a fact. Man. I guess I've, I've done it, but, uh, like when you want to watch one video, it's like a 30 second ad before the video.
Starting point is 01:20:21 And that, then I, then I lose interest unless it's Hey Jealousy, in which case i'm ready i've planted myself there yeah no when i hang out with my brother and his friends like they always just put music videos on on youtube so it's like on in the background when we're drinking and i like that yeah that is fun it's a fun vibe like a much video dance nice yeah i uh i remember somebody at our school really petitioning for a much video dance at the school but no takers i mean no takers much music being the one taker
Starting point is 01:20:54 right yeah we never got one either yeah i feel like they much music is a national uh station but i feel like that was just an ontario thing oh yeah well like right yeah i don't know anyone out here who ever got a much video dance i think they were all yeah they were all southern ontario only they had to travel yeah yeah that's true they would have had to ship giant screen equipment all across the country i wonder how much different it was it was than um of just like we had dances in the gym with like you know that we hired the school hired some company to you know dj a event there was no like video component but yeah but smoke you probably had some smoke and like maybe some laser stuff giant speakers yeah yeah oh yeah boners lots of boners black garbage bags
Starting point is 01:21:52 on the walls yeah it's dark exactly all the balls from jim and whatnot put away not just scattered around the floor um now we also have overheards sent into us by people all over the map you want to send one into us send it into spy at maximum fun dot org and uh the first one comes from ally from kent england um this is her eight-year-old niece. They're in a, they're, took her to see the new Space Jam movie in the cinema. The beginning had a montage of LeBron James' career. And this ended, my niece turned to me and said, what has this got to do with Space Jam?
Starting point is 01:22:41 Yes. They come to see a documentary about this man. Yeah's true it's it's a kid's movie they don't care it's true but it's also funny because two for two they've picked somebody who have never done acting before and then made them do the most difficult acting which is like just a green screen and just you know what i mean like it's does lebron never acted was he not an uncle drew he was he was in train wreck the amy schumer movie oh okay so he had more appearances than uh michael jordan had had yeah but yeah i guess michael jordan did ads for haynes they kind of yeah um uh that uh person wrote in from england hey, this week, Graham, this Thursday, we're going to do a, we'll be, we'll be, we'll be in England.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Yeah. Virtually. We're going to be in England. We'll be a part of the London podcast festival. You know it. You love it. Tune into it. Pip, pip, cheerio.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Yeah. That's Thursday at, uh, 8 30 PM London 8.30 p.m. London time. London time, yeah. And there's a ticket link in this episode description. And, you know, just PVR your Great British Bake Off. You can take that another time. Come to watch us exactly at 8.30. It's not going to be recorded.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Are you just talking to British people right now? Yes, just British people. Well, anyone in the world can watch this. Yes. But everyone in the world watches Great British Bake Off. Yeah, I guess. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:18 I guess at any hour they're doing that. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Next, Overheard. Go ahead. I Was Walking. they were doing that yeah yeah exactly um next over her go ahead uh i was walking this is from dan in portland oregon i was walking down the sidewalk today and a young woman approached talking on her phone this is all i heard as she passed by me yeah yeah and when i see an empty cigarette container on the ground i hella pick that up with my feet so kind of uh yeah hella barefoot maybe she barefoot maybe she was born with like gorilla gorilla feet yeah um that can pick up everything's like a cigarette container they should make a shoe that does that
Starting point is 01:25:02 uh it like robotically? Yeah. Or like those toe shoes. Do those work? Yeah. Oh, maybe some toe shoes. When you see somebody in toe shoes, what is your first reaction? Do you think this person's an athlete or this person's insane?
Starting point is 01:25:19 What's your first reaction? I think they're into geocaching. Yes, correct. Yeah. first reaction i think they're into geocaching yes correct yeah uh literally that's the perfect one um this last one comes from julie from woodbridge virginia um this overheard was actually said directly directly to me forgive the cheating. That's not cheating. We do it all the time. My husband and I just finished our date and we were driving home.
Starting point is 01:25:51 We've been married for 11 years. So I jokingly said, tell me a deep, dark secret that you've never revealed to me before. He thought for a moment and said, can I tell you something about Alan Alda instead? Yeah, this is the art of negotiation. Yeah. Can I tell you something about Alan Alda instead? Yes. This is the art of negotiation. Yeah. Did he have,
Starting point is 01:26:12 did the email cut off there? Yeah. Oh, there was, there was a viral thing about, was it Alan Alda this week on Twitter? Well, it was before.
Starting point is 01:26:23 Did he do the milk crate challenge? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He also fell down uh how he met his wife yes how he met his wife was it him i don't know do you know any more details okay now yeah it was like um from an interview an old interview resurfaced where he said he met his wife they were both at a party and a cake fell on the floor and they were only the only two to eat eat it off the floor yeah yeah well i guess that yeah that's that's fun it's a meat cute uh yeah cake fell on floor that's hilarious that's the funniest thing can possibly happen at a wedding uh right cake falling over somebody jumping into the cake i'll uh yeah if you google alan alda the the thing that it suggests is wife cake alan alda wife cake hey everybody we're alan
Starting point is 01:27:16 all the wife cake yeah one two three four in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. Spy pod one like these people have. Hi, Dave and Graham and possible guests. This is CJ calling from New Jersey and and I have an overheard splash over scene. I
Starting point is 01:27:47 am doing a curbside pickup outside of PetSmart, and this guy starts walking his very old super cute hound dog across the street, and he just starts peeing, like, in the middle of the road, like a bunch of cars just to stop,
Starting point is 01:28:04 and he's trying to pull her, and he's like, come on, the road, like a bunch of cars to stop. And he's trying to pull her. And he's like, come on, Millie. Not again. And I'm just sitting in my car, dying. Cute old pupper. Wetting it all out. Thanks for listening. I mean, yeah, it's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Whenever I see an animal peeing, it's time to celebrate. I mean, definitely, you know, you don't have to hurry your animal up. Just let her pee in the street. Yeah, exactly. She's only going to be around for... That's her bucket list, is to pee in the middle of the street. But yeah, especially when somebody is on a horse-drawn carriage and one of the one of the horses like really lets it go that's great that's just funny uh yesterday i was walking
Starting point is 01:28:53 my dog monster and he's he's almost five months old he's very and he's very shy oh yeah he meets new people so we were walking and i saw some people I knew and they wanted to pet him and he was just hiding behind my legs. And then I was like, I got this. So I picked him up and like held him like a baby for them to like scratch his belly. And he just peed all over my hand. I didn't do that. I put him down and I said, better luck next time. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Dogs gotta pee. You know what I mean? Dogs be peeing. Well, he had the whole walk to pee and he didn't. He held it for that very moment. Anyway, here's your next phone call. Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham.
Starting point is 01:29:37 Hi, possible guest. This is Gary calling from Atlanta, Georgia. I recently have a entry into the darndest kids category. We were eating dinner and my nephew turns to his mom and says,
Starting point is 01:29:55 so did they call it ham because of Abraham Lincoln? Well, off I go. Yeah. Let's have some ham and lincoln logs that's what what was it called before abraham lincoln came along yeah or did he invent it yeah i mean you know it probably was just called like pig the way that you say like i'm eating duck yeah or chicken chicken exactly
Starting point is 01:30:25 right there's no more like horse yeah if i'm eating horse um which probably is a very lean meat because uh those horses don't they don't yeah it's probably like good for you they're they're like yeah horses are boy they got their bodies. Muscular. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You ever see one of those pee? Whoa, whoa, whoa. One day, yeah, they'll make someone very happy. All right, here's your final phone call. Hey, Dave Graham, possible guest.
Starting point is 01:31:08 This is Sam from Boston calling in with an overheard. I was just walking around beautiful downtown Boston, and as we were walking past a van of a well-known elevator maintenance company, a gentleman who was walking the opposite direction past the van said, They're calling me up and down, boys. The elevator kings. Anyway, bye. walking the opposite direction past the van, said, They call them the Up and Down Boys, the Elevator Kings. Anyway, uh, bye. Yeah, they call us,
Starting point is 01:31:31 he's saying they call us Up and Down Boys? They call them the Up and Down Boys. He's just commenting on a... Like on a jingle or something that he's heard. Yeah. It's fun. Adomo, they jumped to the pump for you. But also, like, why would an elevator service be advertising?
Starting point is 01:31:48 It's like, how many other elevator repair companies are in any given town? Like, yeah. I mean, you got Otis. You got Otis. You got Schindler. You got Schindler. Schindler, I think, does Esco. They don't do LO.
Starting point is 01:32:06 These are industry terms. Yeah, I don't know. But I think they're manufacturers. I don't know if you have to call them and they fix it. I mean, we need right to repair in the elevator industry. Yeah, that's right. And, you know, everybody out there that's thinking about riding an elevator figure out who tuned it up before you get in there yeah that's buyer
Starting point is 01:32:32 beware that's customer you got to take care of that right yeah you got to look at the sign inside that says how many people are allowed in there exactly know where the emergency phone is my brother just moved into a building that has like a really old elevator and you have to like manually do the door and stuff yourself oh i love it i feel like those shouldn't exist anymore scares me every time yeah yeah yeah yeah but they would have had to put in an old-timey elevator in this new place or no no i i feel like the building is old it's like an apartment building downtown oh he's he just moved in yeah gotcha yeah i was like picturing this brand new apartment building where they're like well you know this is some quarters
Starting point is 01:33:17 um well that brings us to the end of this episode Gina thank you so much for being our guest thanks for having me yeah and you can check out her podcast say the name of it Dear Pop Culture I've been on it I was a guest on it it was a lot of fun
Starting point is 01:33:40 I don't remember what we talked about but we talked about pop culture stuff I feel like we talked about, but we talked about pop culture stuff for sure. I feel like we talked about the mass singer, but anyway. Yeah, that's right. I was, I was in the midst of mass singer fever,
Starting point is 01:33:50 uh, which was replaced with Olympic fever, but now maybe I'm getting the itch for some more. We'll see. Yeah. Um, and as Dave said before, we will be doing a live podcast at the london podcast festival follow the link
Starting point is 01:34:06 in the description of this podcast yeah i think uh you know what i'll even look it up right now i believe tickets are at is that right UK. And yeah, that's this Thursday, the third, second, second of September. So that'll be fun. Good. Yeah. Let's do it. Oh, and I'll also be performing with my band, Alan Alda Wife Cake. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Thanks for listening to the podcast everybody uh take care to always uh you get enough calcium and uh and drink enough water each and every day and come on back next week for another episode of stop podcasting yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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