Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 71 - Brad MacNeil

Episode Date: July 12, 2009

Improviser Brad MacNeil joins us to do a segment lightning round, Dave doesn't edit out the juicy parts, and Graham comes down with a case of Cool Runnings....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 71 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and joining me as always is the blanch to my Dorothy, Dave Shumka. Well, I never.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Well, thanks for being a friend. She was the sluttiest one. Yeah. That sounds like me. Yeah. In this relationship, you're the sluttier of the two and joining us here all the way from our nation's capital in ottawa ontario uh in town for a wedding just for the day i think uh weekend just for the weekend very very funny man very funny improviser
Starting point is 00:00:58 was from vancouver is relocated to ottawa and we're very glad to have him a friend of the program mr brad mcneil hey everybody thanks for having me guys i really appreciate that you made time to Ottawa, and we're very glad to have him. Friend of the program, Mr. Brad McNeil. Hey, everybody. Thanks for having me, guys. I really appreciate that you made time. Thanks for coming. We're doing an AM podcast. We just had brunch, and now we're about to record a show.
Starting point is 00:01:14 We're drinking mimosas, because we're a bunch of fancy ladies. I was looking... Let's get to know us. Get to know us. Get to know us. Okay, I was looking for mimosa ingredients yesterday. Yeah, orange juice and champagne for those not in the know. And they're not like samosas. That's something completely different.
Starting point is 00:01:38 And they're not like Mosa Hoda, former British Columbia politician. Why didn't that guy get a beverage? He probably does. Or a sandwich. Or is about to. Or probably a samosa. Yeah. Yeah, a samosa.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Samosa and mimosas with... Mosa Hoda. Mosa Hoda. A mosa mosa? We, yeah, so I didn't go for the upper echelon champagne or orange juice. You went with a Minute Maid. That's a quality juice. A Minute Mosa.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And a Minute Maid champagne. Low pulp. And I was looking for Baby Duck, but I couldn't find Baby Duck. Is Baby Duck, is that considered a bargain basement style of champagne? If price is an indication, yes. It's Canada's most popular wine. Which one is this one that we're drinking? This is a Frejeuner.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Frejeuner, that sounds... I think it's... That's French for refrigerator, no? It's French for tastes like rubber. Does yours taste like rubber? Mm-hmm. Hmm. I feel like this is the type of drink
Starting point is 00:02:41 that movie stars drink when they go to the Riviera. Sure. The Mayan or the French? Either. Well, which one's the fancy one? The French, right? The hotel. Yeah, the hotel, the Riviera.
Starting point is 00:02:55 So what's going on Brad McNeil-wise? What's happening? You moved to Ottawa how many years ago? I moved, it was four years this canada day we got to ottawa a couple days before canada day yeah uh in 2005 and we're now in 2009 just to date this so you guys have to put it out this week now uh yeah so we've been there four years uh it seems to be working out pretty well it's still the capital yeah for now yeah uh and yeah no things have been going well we're here for a wedding of a friend of ours, but I got laid off after we booked the ticket. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:03:29 But then managed to, on the positive side, get a job right away afterwards, but that meant we had to cut the trip short because we were already committed to the wedding, but I have to be back at work on Monday, so now it makes me... What's the new job? Which kind of makes me feel like a rock star. I work in a call center again. Ah. Back when I lived in Vancouver, right before I left, I was working at a call center for a chat line.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Now I'm working at a call center for a bank. I'm curious to see how the calls compare. Now, when you say you were working at a call center for a chat line, this was the Evangeline Lilly chat line? That's correct. She didn't actually work there as often as the commercials would lead you to believe. Which one is that? Live Links? Live Links, Interactive Mail, Red Hot Dateline.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Interactive Mail is all dude? Well, there's a female section, but it's less populated. I wonder why. Clever titling. Was there really a female section? Yeah, no. Well, it's the gay line. So there was women seeking women.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Oh, okay. But they're not real you know interactive mail just won a lawsuit against the ioc because the ioc uh sued the international olympic committee yeah they sued them because their logo looked too similar to an olympic style logo really yeah it's like it's uh five dicks of every color. Yeah, so what did you do at the call center? I was selling time on the line. So if you guys were going on the chat line, not that you ever would, popular guys like you.
Starting point is 00:04:59 We do enough chatting. But women get on for free and men pay to call. Do women always get on for free? Unless they're seeking other women. Oh, really? If they're calling in specifically to find a woman, then they go on as a dude. Then they go on Craigslist. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:24 So then what, dudes would call up and be like, hey, I need an extra horny package? It's minutes of time. You're just buying time to talk to other women. You wouldn't be a woman yourself unless you were a woman yourself. Did you hear any of the calls ever? I would hear the initial greetings. When you
Starting point is 00:05:41 would call in, hi, my name's Dave. I'm into 90s alt-rock. Yeah, I'm in the bone zone right now. I have a Weezer fan club card. Exactly. Hit me up, send me a message, and I would have to approve that
Starting point is 00:05:56 to make sure you didn't put your last name in it, that you didn't put specifically, which right there, you just got re-recorded. Which Weezer album I prefer. What if it was D.E. Shumka? Would that work? No. Oh, it has to be first name. You just got re-recorded. Which Weezer album I prefer. What if he was D.E. Shumka? Would that work? No.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Oh, it has to be first name. You can't put any personal information? You can't put your address in it? You couldn't put a phone number in it? You just give your postal code. That's it. Hey, my name's Dave. This is my postal code.
Starting point is 00:06:18 See you in the South Granville area. I want to call up that phone line now and just go through a series of things that get rejected just to make whoever's working the operator booth laugh. Just every single time put something I'm not supposed to. I don't know if they'll find that as charming in the Philippines where that call center got moved to. Oh, really? Yeah, after I left, though. That wasn't me.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I didn't do it. So really, it's in the Philippines. So now if I call, I get transferred through to some Filipino lady or gentleman? I don't. Well, you would never really talk. I haven't called the chat line since I left, I've got to be honest. There's been no reunion since you left. I left that industry behind.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I feel like that chapter of Brad's life is over. But yeah, that's what I was told. So your job was basically just explaining to people that you do need to pay for this. Selling them time. And also, ladies would often be rejected off the site for A, sounding underage. B, sounding like dudes. Because some guys would call up trying to call us free women. It's just for the thrill.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Or ladies who are trying to sell a service. Right. Like a cleaning service? Like a cleaning service. Everybody feels better at the end. Wow. And you yourself, you are a married gentleman. I am a married gentleman.
Starting point is 00:07:42 How's that? It's great. My wife is out here with me right now. She sends her regards. She's a very charming lady. She is. I believe you knew Maria before you and I knew each other. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 She used to be a regular customer at the coffee shop I used to work at. And you were friends with her best friend who sends her regards. Miss Yanny Kong. Miss Yanny Kong was, when she heard I was going to be on here, she got a glow about her when she heard your name. Shout out to Yanny Kong and the whole Ottawa crew. She doesn't live in Ottawa. No, she lives in
Starting point is 00:08:13 Peterborough. I live here and this is alienating me. Shout out to Dave. Let's make this more about me. So let's talk about Dave. No, let's talk about Dave. No, let's talk about Brad. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I had brunch with Brad. We did. And we didn't talk about anything, because the whole time I was staring at the menu. It was very specific. Save it for the podcast. And so you had something you wanted to share. A story that I had to leave the restaurant to tell a friend who popped in because Dave wanted to be completely pure when we did this.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Dave is a purist. So yesterday evening, I was spending some time with Vancouver comedy superstars such as Toby Burner and Dave McGowan. Fantastic both. Haven't been on the show. No. How superstar-y could they be? Well, they're soon to be superstars.
Starting point is 00:09:07 They're next up. But anyway, so Dave got a Wii, the Nintendo Wii. Okay. And also purchased a projector. So it projects a huge 100-inch image on the wall. Yeah, yeah. Which instantly I said, well, that must be great in case there's a some sort of accident you know your tv doesn't get damaged little did i know that was foreshadowing
Starting point is 00:09:32 when i said that not 20 minutes later my hands all greased up from uh hostess munchies sure i was trying to put some spin on the ball in a game of doubles tennis and whipped that we control her at the wall in an explosion of batteries if it had been anybody else's house i would have been banned for life but uh kudos to mr dave mcgowan he found it nothing but entertaining and giggled how's the wall wall's actually fine like it was just a it's a wall. It's just projecting on drywall, so it's not, there wasn't anything really to damage. And the controller?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Survived. We went right back to the game. I actually scored that point. Hostess Munchies are which ones? I believe it's Hostess. I may be giving credit. It might be Frito-Lay. It's Frito-Lay. The ones that have the Cheetos, the Sun Chips, the pretzels, the rolled gold pretzels. Okay, like a mix.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Yeah, a party mix. Exactly. Melly Mello. Yeah. Do you remember the hostess ads that had the characters called the Munchies? Absolutely. I remember getting a snack size bag of uh hostess chips from a munchie in a shopper's drug mart i'm gonna say around 1981 ish wow you could yeah you
Starting point is 00:10:52 used to be able to there there was like i think a high tide of this and i don't know when it ended where there were products that you could save uh little yeah points or whatever and send them in for kind of whatever. Munchies merch. Yeah, Munchies merch. Yeah, absolutely. But it wasn't just Munchies. It seemed like it was all products for a while. That was the thing that they did with products.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Kool-Aid had points that you could cut off on the box. Same thing. Did you ever get anything from a points system? None of the foods my mother allowed me to eat had points. Like, you couldn't collect broccoli points. Oh, were you in a holistic household? Not even. I was just a fat kid.
Starting point is 00:11:30 So I ate a lot of fruit leather, where you guys ate a lot of fruit roll-ups. That sort of thing. What's the difference? One's brown. Yeah. One's slightly thicker. One's brown. And untradeable for anything better.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Oh, my. So were you in the house that you had no sugary cereals? I was allowed sugary cereals if we were camping. And fortunately, we used to camp. Actually, I think you guys talked about this on this podcast before, of going to the States specifically to get the chocolate bar you want, or the chips, or the, you know, really just trying to fulfill all the dreams that you had from watching American cartoons, all the stuff that was advertised then.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And so I would go from eating Shreddies or non-sugared cereals to just a two-week sugar binge of eating Rocky Road. Rocky Road? Yeah. Is that a cereal? It was, absolutely. It had chocolate-covered marshmallows in it. How it was ever justified as breakfast food, I will never understand.
Starting point is 00:12:35 They had different standards back then. I'm old. That's outstanding. I wonder, because that's probably the way things are going with a lot of kids and their parents now are trying to feed them like whole foods, you know, and here's, it's a gummy thing made out of fruit or whatever. You know, that seems to, that's my guess is there's probably a lot more candy free households now. But don't you think it just makes it more exciting to get the candy that now all of a sudden you have a goal on Friday night of i am going to get a hold of that and i am going to abuse it yeah you've turned it into a uh you know you've turned it into something that's you could kind of get used to and it would be passe yeah into something that
Starting point is 00:13:15 it's all you think about day and day yeah i uh i am the youngest in my family and before me no one ever had sugared cereals uh we never had pop in the house and then like my parents just gave up caring or gave up fighting and uh the fight went out of them yeah so i i had sugared cereals and i don't really like sweet things anymore so i'm like i kind of overdosed as a kid yeah my older brother is diabetic. Has no teeth left in his head. When he comes to visit, my parents will go buy Cinnamon Toast Crunch. And I'll say, oh, isn't that too sweet for you? And he doesn't get, like, too sweet doesn't compute.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Oh, really? How is that possible? Is it because he grew up in a deprivation state i think so because i've heard that if you grow up eating stuff that's not sugary like if this if the sweetest thing that you eat is like a fruit leather then sweet things like a like a pop or whatever is way too sweet for your system you can't handle it well it's not enjoyable completely He wasn't completely deprived. He had the taste for it.
Starting point is 00:14:30 He had the eye of the toffee. I think that's where the logic with parents comes in. I guess if you were being raised on a farm or in a cave, then yeah, you could conceivably control your children's taste buds that they'll never want that. But there's a thing called the neighbor's house. You're going to go there, and at some point somebody's going to pour you a bowl of mini-wheats or whatever, and all of a sudden your mind is blown.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like, this is it. This is what breakfast will be to me from now on, and I will constantly seek it out. I have these cousins, and if they got straight A's, they would get a blizzard. Wow, just one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Wow. And that's the only time they would get a blizzard. So it was. That was like a marquee. That was a cool treat. Yeah. Definitely not a hot eat, though. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:15 But yeah, I guess that would work. Deprivation, that's the key to child rearing, right? Success. Success. Dave, what's going on with you buddy uh not a lot but in in the besides you being hot no i'm so hot today can you please undo one more button for me yeah i do i'm there you go oh you guys have to make this about podcast visual at some point okay i can i've gotten to the point where i can crack my uh breastbone why that's not it's supposed to crack
Starting point is 00:15:44 it's just a little thud in there when you just hit the right bottom right there. It's one bone, though. It's not... There's nothing to crack. There's no joints in it. Yeah. Or do you crack it? Or do you?
Starting point is 00:15:55 I had one removed for personal reasons. One rib. But last week when I was editing the podcast and making the blog last week we talked about dennis leary dennis leary yeah yeah uh and we he's an asshole he's eo eo yeah and i was looking on youtube at all of his uh these he would do these i wouldn't call them rant videos because that's copyrighted. But he basically just gets angry about anything, even something he likes. He just talks in an angry way. And I think I figured out how... I've come up with a Mad Lib formula.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Nice. For Dennis Leary or for angry comics? For a Dennis Leary angry speech. Can you demonstrate? Yeah. I need a thing you get mad at. Okay. Traffic. Yeah. Drivers. I need a number. A number four or less. Okay. Let's go three. No. Three. Sit and spin.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Okay. Can I get... Sorry. Can I get a celebrity that has three names? Mary J. Blige. Yes. All right. She spells it J-A-Y. Hey, drivers.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Wait, I wrote this down. Okay. Man, all of a sudden I have a whole new respect for Dennis Leary. Exactly. He makes it Leary. Exactly. He makes it look easy. Sorry. I wonder who he asks. Hey, Traffic.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I got three words for you. Mary J. Blige. Wow. And then you just kind of free associate there. She doesn't want any drama. He does a lot of free association. Do you think he writes it all? Do you think it's all written to the word?
Starting point is 00:17:54 That was the one thing with his, because he was known as a stand-up, but his first show, No Cure for Cancer, was actually an off-Broadway show. It wasn't supposed to be Dennis Leary, like a Dice Clay thing. He was playing a character in the show, but then would also go on, like, you know, at that point he would have gone on. I remember seeing him on Caroline's or, you know, the variety of A&E stand-up shows back then. Did you know that? I don't study his canon other than last week. So the angry Dennis Leary thing is a character he was playing?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Yes, it was a character he was playing, but it also got picked up a lot. You guys mentioned the Bo Jackson, and he also did a series of commercials for MTV at that time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you look those up on YouTube. Those are the ones I watched. Always black and white and him just wandering in sunglasses with a smoke. In an abandoned car lot or a junkyard. Who is the modern day Dennis Leary?
Starting point is 00:18:51 Who would have filled his shoes in terms of a guy who his whole shtick is, here's what I got a problem with, and here's why you're going to hear about it. Who's that? Is there anybody that's stepped up to play? Well, Carolla does a lot of that on the adam carolla podcast he'll definitely go on he used to have he goes on rants yeah he definitely goes on a rant is he the new is he the new guy and in rant technology i don't think you see adam carolla a lot i feel like you hear him a lot but isn't that kind of the nature of radio
Starting point is 00:19:21 there's a lot of ranters out there yeah that's true that's uh i don't know because uh remember when uh what's his name dennis miller used to he used to that was his whole shtick yeah the beginning of his show rant you'd be like don't oh gosh you got a copy of dennis miller's the rants the new york times bestseller you know what's terrible about that is he didn't write all of those rants no No. No. He had a team of writers. But then the book comes out and it's Dennis Miller. He's the only one credited with it? Am I wrong?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Is there fine print on the inside? Yeah, I don't know. I'm not really going to look. Maybe I should go on a rant about it. But who am I going to get to write it? But did you ever see him on Monday Night Football? Yeah. That was an experiment.
Starting point is 00:20:06 I remember at the time there was a website that was, I think, supposed to be an early Wikipedia, but would send to your cell phone explanations of the references that Dennis Miller would make. So if he said, you know, he's pushing back the offensive line, like a Sisyphusian task, they would put the myth a Sisyphean task. They would put the myth of Sisyphus on there. Yeah, because that's nothing that NFL viewers love more than a good mythology reference.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Graham? Yeah. What's up with you? Not too much. I've just been working a lot and I was on the car ride over I was talking about I was doing stand up comedy at Yuck Yucks which I haven't been doing a lot of stand up comedy
Starting point is 00:20:52 lately you should do it you're good at it well thank you very much but last night was one of the exact reasons that I don't like it's far too annoying there was all these people guest spots on the show.
Starting point is 00:21:05 And then there's a guy, I guess I shouldn't say the guy's name or whatever, but he was from a movie that was popular last summer. It was like a comedy movie. And he was the least funny thing in the movie, I think we could say. Okay, Ed Begley Jr. in Tropic Thunder. No, Ed Begley Jr. in, what's the other one? Pineapple Express. Yeah, Ed Begley Jr. in... What's the other one? Pineapple Express. Yeah, Ed Begley Jr. showed up.
Starting point is 00:21:29 It wasn't Ed Begley Jr., but it was a guy who was in a movie. Yeah, the other one I mentioned. Tropic Thunder. Okay, here's the thing. Cast out of the bag. Whatever was the case with the movie movie or whatever he did a set but the weird part about it was at the end of his set he was like so you guys should really check out this movie tropic thunder but that shit came out a year ago maybe the publicist had given him x amount of references
Starting point is 00:22:01 he had to drop but he was still short like 20 30, so now he's taking stand-up bits. No, I covered all my work. You know what? It's late. I'll do an extra 20. Is he going, like, on 150 people at a time post-release? It's a grassroots campaign for the Blu-ray.
Starting point is 00:22:20 The special edition is coming out soon. That seemed weird to me. Like, you know, he did the set, and I think the audience liked him and stuff, but then at the end where you would just say, hey, thanks for coming out, or if he had... And he's working on a movie. Yeah, an upcoming movie. And he said, yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:37 I'm working on a new movie. He didn't say I think what that was called, but then he was like, yeah, and you guys should check out Tropic Thunder. That's a real slap in the face of the producers, isn't it? I got blown all the way to Canada to work on this. Check out what I did two years ago. Maybe he did say the name of the movie. Maybe I'm wrong, but he definitely plugged Tropic Thunder.
Starting point is 00:22:53 What was the guy's name? Oh, I thought we were keeping it vague. Oh, yeah, that's right. It was Jack Black. It was Jack Black came down to the set. It was really great. Real boost to the whole scene does jack black have a movie out this summer yes yes year one yes yeah have you seen it yet i haven't
Starting point is 00:23:11 you a couple times yeah good yeah good every time gets better as good or better than land of the lost um i i will say it's better because i saw them in a double feature. A couple double features at different theaters. Yeah, and a lot of... If you love history, old history. Yeah. And I do. Then if you like the myth of Sisyphus. Is it a myth?
Starting point is 00:23:40 Is that a biblical story? I don't... Sisyphus was the guy, didn't he have to roll the rock up the hill? Yeah, but is it... I just don't know if myth is the right word for it. I think it was a myth. I think it was. It wasn't a Greek myth?
Starting point is 00:23:50 Sisyphus? It was myth. British people call it a myth. A myth. Yeah, David Beckham. A milf. Is it a milf? Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:57 That milf Sisyphus. Man, I pushed her rock. Yikes. I apologize for the yikes. I don't please. Yeah, cut that out. Yikes. I apologize for the yikes. Cut that out.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Also cut out the part where I said that guy was the worst part in that movie. I don't think all of that is possible. Oh, really? Do you want to retell it? Yeah, I'll retell the story. Give me some things I can drop in instead. Give me some things I can drop in instead. I was doing a show at Yuck Yucks, and a guy from the movie Tropic Thunder came down and did a set.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Steve Coogan? Steve Coogan, all the way from Britain. Will that work? That'll work. Yeah, it sounds like you're... I was doing pickups? Yeah, it sounds like it. You I was doing pickups. Yeah, it sounds like it. You sound like Kelly Choi on Top Chef Masters. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Do you guys want to move on to the overheard segment? Yeah, buddy, let's do it. Overheard. Overheards. Things overheard in life, in places, on the go. Always in life. Always in life. Well, possibly in dreams.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You had one that was good enough. Or like near-death experiences. Or in bruges. We always like to start with a guest. Brad, do we have one? I talked about this extensively with my wife of which ones we should use. Here's the thing. I don't know if you guys have this.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Is your wife a listener? She is. She's a big fan. If only we were still giving shout-outs. Anyway, so I was talking about we were talking about this the other day of which overheard we should use because what happens with us and I don't know if you and Abby have something similar, that after a while, if a joke is made enough times, it just gets adopted into conversation.
Starting point is 00:25:53 And after a while, it just becomes a weird shorthand. Oh, yeah. So one of the ones we were thinking of, and this is quite a while ago, we were on Gabriola, and it was the art crawl. An island. Yeah, the Gabriola Island, not the Gabriola Fair. Sure. Or a person named Gabriola, and it was the Art Crawl. An island. Yeah, the Gabriola Island, not the Gabriola Fair. Sure, or a person named Gabriola. So I'm over at Gabriola's place.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And I have honor. Yes. But we went into one of the studios that was on there, and I was just looking around. It was pretty, it was nice stuff. I guess it wasn't my style. Yeah, yeah. But the woman who, I guess, was the proprietor or the sculptress comes up and introduces herself to one of my friends, who's the one who's from the island.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And they start chatting. We're sitting in the corner. It's an older white woman. And I feel like this is particular to, there's a particular breed of older white woman in BC who would say something like this. And her introduction to my friend was, I the one they call hawk owl and that was i'm gonna say five years ago and we still have an ongoing discussion of who they are who are the ones who are referring to her as hawk owl like how many times did she have to fill it out on an application before somebody called her name as Hawk Owl? You call Hawk Owl.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And now your shorthand for that is what? It just comes up. It's not even a shorthand. It's just every now and then, if we're walking through a mall or we see somebody, you know, who might have a dreamcatcher hanging from their rearview mirror. Some sort of cape-like outfit. A howling wolf at the moon montage on the t-shirt. It's just, I am the one they call Hawk Owl. Abby and I have a similar thing that's just become shorthand that just gets shorter and shorter over the years. Whenever we're doing something or we're about to go out and I'm checking if she's ready,
Starting point is 00:27:47 instead of saying, are you ready? I will say, y'all ready for this? Yeah. And then we'll start. Yeah. And except it's not, y'all ready for this? Shabow now, now, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. And so we eventually, we just got rid of y'all ready for this
Starting point is 00:28:08 and so it just became shabow now now and now whenever we want to know if the other person's ready it's just shabow now what song was that in where they actually say shabow now and then there's like a guitar are you thinking of elvira by the oakridge boys which would be shabu yeah but no but now are you thinking of oh yeah by yellow no it was in it was a late 80s or early 90s and at one point they say shabow now and then there's a guitar solo that goes i'm gonna say black crows nope don't know i don't know i want to say maybe it was fine young cannibals i was thinking fine young cannibals it could be fine young cannibals shabana look into it uh the fine cannibals have
Starting point is 00:28:58 the finest the lead singer is the finest widow's peaks in all of pop music it's true he looks a little draculan draculian draculian draconian oh his theories on child rearing are controversial um yeah dave do you got an overheard well i have an overseen and yeah overseen. I've been going through the longest dry spell. But are you going out? That's the key. You've got to go out. You've got to be with the people.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Abby's away this weekend. And last night I went to bed at 10. Why? Well, I'm not going to go out. No, I know, but don't you... I invited you to join us. You could have watched me whip Wii controllers into drywall.
Starting point is 00:29:58 That would have ruined the story. Yeah, I... Okay, so yes. Dry spell. For overheards but i went to um i'm not sure this is funny it might just be dumb i went to uh kingsgate mall and uh there's a i've mentioned it before it is our most ghetto fabulous mall yeah uh and they have a library in there and i get a fabulous library the library was advertising a screening they were going to show a movie uh and it said beat the summer heat with a screening of cool runnings
Starting point is 00:30:34 it's not bad yeah yeah just i haven't seen cool runnings ever no it was shot in calgary so it was a requirement that everybody but how much of it is takes place in jamaica very little okay yeah most of it takes place in calgary during the winter uh 1988 where are those guys from uh jamaica have you seen it no i just i i i can absorb an awful lot from a trailer yeah the the The best thing in the movie, hey, you've seen Cool Runnings. I haven't actually, but I'm kind of the same way. And not to. I was an extra in it.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Were you really? Yeah. Like in one of the competition scenes? Yes. Oh, my God. The film drunk thing that Abby found with Aubrey Tennant. There's this great film website called Film Drunk and there was a guy who found a clip
Starting point is 00:31:28 from the movie MVP Most Valuable Primate or Vertical Primate it's where a monkey plays hockey or skateboards this one is where he plays hockey I think technically it's an ape yes he's an ape, that's right, thank you
Starting point is 00:31:42 because he shall not kill ape there's two minutes Technically, it's an ape. Yes, he's an ape. That's right. Thank you. Because he shall not kill ape. There's two minutes. Ape can still check ape. He's just going to kill ape. Ape shall not trip ape. But this guy singled out in a crowd scene, this one guy that he likes. He's going crazy.
Starting point is 00:32:02 And it's such a funny thing. And he watched it all the time. And he turned it into one of those animated gift files and it's aubrey tenant wow former vancouver comedian currently living in montreal uh toronto toronto now in toronto was supposed to be a guest on this podcast and it uh didn't work out he came out of campbell that's right and so that you can go to the site but he said i want to know who this guy is. This guy is hilarious. Charles Demers wrote to him and said, it's Aubrey Tennant. This is his website. You should go to it.
Starting point is 00:32:33 You should link it to this site. And the guy never has. So Charlie's saying, this guy's the most disingenuous guy ever. Because he's like, yeah, this guy's hilarious. I want to know who he is. And then when he found out who he is, he did nothing about it. Disappointment. this guy's hilarious, I want to know who he is.
Starting point is 00:32:44 And then when he found out who he is, he did nothing about it. Disappointment. But actually, my friend used to work for the company that produced those... Movies. Yeah, the most valuable primate, the Air Buds movies. His guest, Phil Hanley, also works with that company. But my friend used to edit for them, and he found that clip of Aubrey like two years ago and sent it to me and and i sent it to aubrey and it was on his blog two years ago oh so this guy's late to the plate
Starting point is 00:33:13 i just want to go back a second because you said something about finding you know knowing knowing movies based on trailers sure oh right now we're all of kind of a similar age and temperament. And race. Yeah, and race. So we're a bunch of white guys sitting around. What's our temperament? You're horrible? Colicky.
Starting point is 00:33:32 Exactly. So we're all going to have a little grape water. And then after that, do you guys ever get confused about classic movies that people are describing and you think you've seen them and then you realize you've only read the mad magazine version of it so you haven't you've only seen the claude father or the one mad magazine version i know that that's the only version i've ever had with the movie is a movie called shampoo yeah yeah i've never seen the movie but i've read the mad magazine version of it, and I in a conversation, if I'm pressed, I'll pretend
Starting point is 00:34:08 that I've seen Shampoo based on those cliff notes. One thing I don't get about Mad Magazine is I read them as a kid, and I think this might be the most universal thing about Mad Magazine that it's not original at all.
Starting point is 00:34:24 But I read them as a kid, and I thought, oh, well, I think this is funny, but I'm kind of like, I don't get most of the references. This is clearly for grown-ups. Yeah, absolutely. And then now, as a grown-up, I would never read a Mad Magazine.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Although Mad Magazine has changed. There was no ads in it. It was all by subscription. And it was always black and white. Yeah, and now it's all glossy and has advertisements in it, and there's Mad Magazine for kids. It's all just kind of like... It's true.
Starting point is 00:34:54 There's kind of like cornball jokes in it and stuff. Yeah, like Spy vs. Spy don't kill each other in that one. They just pie in the face? Yeah, they just bonk each other over the head, and that's it. So, you know, times change, right? Values don't. Have you ever had that with a Mad Magazine parody? Tons of them.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I used to read it pretty extensively as a kid. I don't know, I found other comics too intense. But yeah, I read a lot of them. Godfather, as an example, it took me years to watch because every time I would try and watch it, it was like, oh, this is where they put the horse's bum in his bed, but now it's a horse's head.
Starting point is 00:35:30 That's hilarious! Now I get the joke! Oh, was it a horse's butt instead of a horse's head? Oh, man, those guys. Spoiler alert! G-Wad. Do you have an overheard? I do. And it involves
Starting point is 00:35:46 It involves me, I was involved in it So it's not a classic Classification of an overheard You know what, we're 71 episodes in It's amazing, we're still going with this In every episode I was In the same week
Starting point is 00:36:01 I had two Incidences where somebody Stopped on the street in their car to say that they were a fan of something. You teased this in the last episode. So the one guy, there was one guy who stopped. He was driving past, and he saw me walking down the street, and he drove back and got out of his car and came up to me. I had my headphones in and he tapped me on the shoulder and said, hey, are you from Stop Podcasting Yourself? This guy recognized just walking down the street from, I guess, that little picture. And he's seen both of us perform stand up at some point and said that he loves the show.
Starting point is 00:36:43 His name is Tristan. And I thought that was really great. And I was like, well, that's a fantastic thing. I felt really good about that. And then like two days later, I was walking just two streets away from that. And an older guy stopped his car and got out. And well, he drove past and gave me a thumbs up, but I thought he was giving me the finger. So I was trying to just ignore him altogether. And then he was yelling at me across the street to pull out my earphones. And I did. And I guess he'd seen me on the TV show I did.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And he said, hey, I'm a real fan of The Clown Show. And I was like, what? And he said, The Clown Show. I like it. And then I, instead of acknowledging it, I tried to pretend that I wasn't who he thought I was. So I went, I don't get what you're saying. And then he said, what's it all about, man? And I said, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And I put my earphones back in and walked away. Was that the right tactic to pretend I wasn't the guy? Yes. You'll be doing that more and more. You're going to be guesting on The Clown Show. Yeah, I will. But I think the thing at issue here is that old men... Take a look at my life.
Starting point is 00:38:01 ...didn't used to be necessarily crazy. But I think as hippies, the hippie generation ages. Yeah, I think they're like the quaint grandpa in a sweater. They're done. Yeah, it's going the
Starting point is 00:38:17 way of the, I want to say, dodo. What do you think is going to happen to these guys who are kind of, like the guys we were talking about earlier, that are like UFC types ed hardy wearing with the faux hawk what what do they look like as an old man i think they live fast die young and leave a macho looking corpse an obnoxious corpse a heavily tatted corpse do you not do like because what about like because i i watched miami inc for a bit yesterday. I'm like, what are all these heavily tattooed people?
Starting point is 00:38:48 Like, what does that look like in old age? Especially like the brightly colored tattoos, like a sunset. Yeah. On a ground. It looks like the sun's melting. Yeah. Do the colors eventually mix? Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:04 They fold in on themselves. It becomes like a mad folding. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. But, like, I don't know. Welcome to Jamaica. Have a nice day. We have some listener overheards.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Should I do the... Okay. I've found... Oh, those mimosas are going to be trouble. Oh! Oh, no! Wowas are going to be trouble. Oh! Oh, no! Wow, this makes my wee thing look way better. Dave went through a very...
Starting point is 00:39:33 Like, he really did try to not knock over a whole jug of orange juice, and instead knocked over a... Broke an Olympic memorial glass. From Seoul, Korea, is that? Beijing, China. Beijing, China. Beijing, China. My apologies. We're not used to the mic stands.
Starting point is 00:39:50 We just got them three episodes ago. And we're also not used to mimosas. And doing a podcast pre-noon. Okay, I've been replying to emails. I only... I do most of the email replying. You certainly do, and you do a great job. But I don't do most of the email reply you certainly do and you do a great job and but i don't
Starting point is 00:40:06 do it uh all the time i reply to like a big chunk every two or three weeks and i found some old overheards that didn't make uh for whatever reason got lost in the shuffle um lauren c uh writes i picked this up while bra shopping. Out of the dull roar of a department store, I hear, If you don't like the guy, you're not going to like the book. The book is about the guy, okay? I mean, it's called The Cat in the Hat. What the fuck does that conversation even mean?
Starting point is 00:40:44 What were they talking about? Well, they were talking about a book. Written cat it doesn't make any sense okay um a gentleman named michael m writes in uh this overheard comes from his wife who is a second grade teacher she was showing a nature movie to her class on the survival tactics of different animal species. This particular one was showcasing turtles. Thousands and thousands of baby turtles emerging from their sand burrows trying slowly to make their way to the sea. The narrator said, as the turtles try to struggle for life towards the ocean, birds come from above and get an easy meal. And my wife at the back of the classroom and sitting next to a quiet kid heard him mutter to himself through
Starting point is 00:41:28 clenched teeth, those bastards. Is this a little kid saying that? Yeah, a little kid's calling birds bastards. They could call that Heston babies. They blew it up. Oh, and one more. How would you pronounce this name?
Starting point is 00:41:45 A-W-U-N. Aum. Aum. All right. This overheard is several years old, but it's still the best one I've heard. I went to the opening night showing of the third Lord of the Rings movie. Because it was the first showing, most people there were super hardcore fans, and there were many people in costume.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Halfway through the previews, a guy yelled out, give me Frodo now! It's the least you could do. Wow, I liked I really liked the kid saying those bastards. I really liked
Starting point is 00:42:19 the smashed glass. It's like a Jewish wedding every time we read an overheard. It's a celebration, bitches. I like, okay, here's a good written overheard. It's nice, short, and simple. It's one of the classic kind of styles of overheard. I was folding jeans at work.
Starting point is 00:42:40 This is from Stephanie C. I was folding jeans at work this afternoon, and I heard a mother and stomping child behind me. After some vague whining, the mother said, No, you are done. D-O-N. Done. A classic. Always spelling things wrong in the heat of the moment. Never not funny. Or counting the words wrong.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I got two words for you. Rack and pinion steering. Rack and pinion steering. This is a good overheard from Clay in Denver. He said he was at a baseball game, and it's a him, her, him. Him. Is there a halftime? Her.
Starting point is 00:43:23 There's a seventh inning stretch. Him. Is there a fifth time? Her. There's a seventh inning stretch. Him. Is there a fifth inning stretch? I like that. She was edumacating him. Yeah. It's 2009. Anything can happen to her, right?
Starting point is 00:43:35 We do have some called in ones, but let's save them. Why? Because this segment's taking a while. Oh, is it? I think so. Because this segment's taking a while. Oh, is it? I think so.
Starting point is 00:43:48 But keep writing in your segments, your overheards, to or calling them in. Oh, let's play a couple cards. Yeah, come on, let's do it. Hi, Graham and Dave. It's Alex from California within Overheard. I was in a fast food restaurant and I was in line behind a woman and her son.
Starting point is 00:44:08 And I just keep hearing the son going, please, Mommy, please pick me up. I promise I won't hurt your boobies. So I figured you guys would like it. Talk to you later. That's a weird excuse that you would give to your kid for not picking them up. Yeah, it clearly hurt mummy's boobies. The kids heard it often enough. That it's become commonplace.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah, yeah. He's starting to get his adult teeth. Hey Dave, hey Graham. It's Greg from Omaha calling in with an overheard. My wife and I were walking to a baseball game, walking to the stadium the day before Independence Day here down in the States. And behind us there was this family that we're walking, and the older brother in the family, I only overheard it at first, was making fun of his younger brother as older brothers are wont to do. And he said, I'm going to call you Vanilla.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I'm going to call you Vanilla because you're so gay like Vanilla Ice. And I turned around, and the kid was 12 or so, and his younger brother was like 9, which means that his parents had to actually teach him about Vanilla Ice and that he was the epitome of gay. So, yeah, I just thought that might interest you. Sorry to call in with another white rapper
Starting point is 00:45:29 based over her. Hope you have a good one. Bye. Don't ever apologize when something is that great. There's a huge one about snow. Or Kish. Kish was Asian, be fair. Well, he's half Asian. Next stop was the motherland
Starting point is 00:45:45 Yo, Kish, you were in Africa? Nah, Japan Well done, boys What age were you when your parents explained that Vanilla Ice was gay? I don't, uh Alright, so yeah, if you want to call in It is 206-339-8328 206-339-8328.
Starting point is 00:46:07 206-339-TEET. Also, we put a request out for people to call in with their... that we should be their destination for drunk dialing. Dave said that we got a couple drunk calls, that they were horrendous, and you wanted to play a sample of it so that we could get kind of an understanding of how... We got two calls. I'm just going to play two seconds
Starting point is 00:46:32 of the first call. They're not in the spirit we were looking for. Here it is. This is a rant about my penis. Okay. Okay. So that call went on for another
Starting point is 00:46:46 two minutes. Too bad he didn't. I'm only here once a year. Come on. I don't even get it. Yeah, so call us. What was the other one? Now my curiosity is bubbling up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:47:06 It was less charming. Yeah, it really was. It was just nonsense. Was it a lot of screaming? No, it was a guy kind of doing a thing he thought was funny. Don't try to be funny. Try to be earnest. It's important to be earnest.
Starting point is 00:47:22 The funny part of a drunk call isn't the person acting drunk. It's the person trying not to act drunk. Trying to keep straight. In all fairness, we were the ones who opened up this crazy Pandora's box. I don't know what we expected to get. Shakespeare. Our expectations were lofty.
Starting point is 00:47:38 If you get a thousand monkeys drunk and have them call you, eventually they'll write Shakespeare. That room is going to stink. You guys want to move on to something else? I sure do. Let's move it on over. But first, a break to clean up glass.
Starting point is 00:47:55 All right, so this isn't a bit. This is a segment, but I'm not sure it's entirely ongoing. Yeah, it's just kind of a thing that came up. What I'm saying is... You don't want a song. Yeah, it's just a kind of a thing that came up. What I'm saying is... You don't want a song. Yeah, there's no song. There's no song. I won't grow up.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I won't grow up. I like the Lion King. The faded down at the end was the best. That was the cherry on top. Lion King. Now, okay, explain. Okay, so the genesis of this was I was chatting with Charlie Demers, and we were both talking about how much we loved The Lion King
Starting point is 00:48:32 when we went to go see it in the theater. And we both kind of thought we were way younger when that had happened, and then we looked up the release date on IMDb, and we were both in our teen years, i really didn't think i thought i was still a kid when it came out but it turns out like i was way i should have been much more past that for the age that i was and so then i put it out there i said you know what are things that you kind of uh either held on to or kind of look back on now and go oh that was inappropriate that i was that into that yeah at that age we got some good responses br and go oh that was inappropriate that i was that into that yeah
Starting point is 00:49:05 at that age we got some good responses brad do you have anything like that i don't know i thought about this for a bit because i did like that but here's my question on this especially uh i'm gonna look at our age group or even a bit older that there is something about, and specifically movies and music, that there is something that especially dudes will hold on to, like we were mentioning Kiss earlier on the break, that guys will hold on to, you know, I'm a Kiss fan through and through,
Starting point is 00:49:37 I am a member of the Kiss army, I am doing this. Now this is behavior that is appropriate to 15 to 17 year old males, but there's 50 year old guys who are spending thousands of dollars on the coffin does this apply oh the kiss coffin yeah exactly yeah um that totally applies it's it's i feel it's all in the same i feel like probably in society in general we're more and more ever since kind of i think like the poor like the post-World War II generation, maybe the 60s generation, has been a lot of man-child existence.
Starting point is 00:50:11 The fact that you can still sell video games to people who are fully grown adults means that there's been a shift. The fact that you can especially sell video games to people who are only appropriate to people who are over 18. And that adults read graphic novels and comic books. It's not a judgment call. It's just literally these things that are symbolically elements of childhood are now, not only do they not stay in childhood, it feels like everybody can now live in the Joey Gladstone-esque perpetual man-child state.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Sure, yeah. For their whole life. Is that the guy from Silver Spoons? Full House. My brother had one of these. Did you ever... You just had an observation, didn't you? Yeah, no, it's an observation, but I have lots of stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Because I also had the... The Kiss Army thing is a kiss army thing but the question on it for me is there are the ones because the the lion king example you give you weren't aware that you'd outgrown it yeah like there's a difference between like i wouldn't when i was 18 i worked at a toy store and i used to buy lego because i had the discount i'd get bored. But I knew it wasn't something that, oh, once I get this final Lego collection, now I will have it complete and the ladies are going to dig it. My brother, I have a couple of these,
Starting point is 00:51:35 but my brother, I really like his. He was telling me about this TV show called Flash Forward, which was a mid-90s thing uh it was these two teenagers uh they were like 13 14 they're in um middle school junior high and they kind of had a relationship but they were like friends or what does it mean more uh and my brother was telling me that like oh man when i think back i really i really related to that and then i uh i looked it up and that show came out when i was 25 years old that's really funny uh so thanks to my brother for that but uh a couple of things that I had. One was, when I
Starting point is 00:52:26 was in grade 8, I was really excited about this one movie. And I had this friend who I had grown up with down the street. But we went to different high schools. And so we kind of had fallen out of touch. And I moved
Starting point is 00:52:42 a couple blocks away. But then I was like, was like oh well let's meet up we both had the day off i think it was remembrance day in fact i know it is because i went back and i looked up when this movie came out let's go to the opening day of the santa claus wow now were you big home improvement fans is that where this was coming from yeah yeah you wanted to see where he could stretch as a character Sure yeah I was hoping the whole family would
Starting point is 00:53:10 JTT would show up as an LT He'd put more power into the sleigh The kid in that movie was JTT-esque Did they put more power into the sleigh? Was there a rocket creation? Did they do anything of that ilk in that movie? I don't remember I feel like there probably was a rocket on the sled.
Starting point is 00:53:27 A wink at the audience? Yeah. More power? A guy that looks like Al Borland, vaguely? Yeah, and the neighbor with the fence over his face? Jack Frost. Fence head? That was one of those things where it was their trademark thing.
Starting point is 00:53:43 You never see the neighbor's face but as a casual fan of the show who gives a shit yeah yeah yeah uh sometimes they would show the cast members coming out for their wave at the end of the they would come out with the script he would come up with with a little picket fence like just that someone had made a tiny one the size of his face that he would just cover his face with. Now, this is just a joke, though, right? This wasn't like Humpty Hump from Digital Underground where he was actually deformed underneath there. No, I think it was just, yeah, just a running gag. Like Vera on Cheers.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Sure, yeah. You never saw Norm's wife. The closest you saw was her legs in one episode. Mm-hmm. Sitting at the top of the stairs. That Sure, yeah. You never saw Norm's wife. The closest you saw was her legs in one episode, sitting at the top of the stairs. That's, yeah. Oh, sorry. And I have one more thing that came to mind when we were talking about this is,
Starting point is 00:54:36 again, when I was in grade eight, I didn't go to junior high. We just had elementary and high school, and it was a completely different world. Grade eight was the first year of high school and i was clearly still a kid and i just like didn't give much thought to um what was going on uh the the um pop culture i was absorbing puberty wise yeah sure uh so i went to this guy's birthday party in grade eight, and I guess he had kind of gotten into hip-hop. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And it was a weird party. Makeup party? It was vaguely grown-up. People were having cocktails? No, people... But it was still... It had one foot in the kid world and one foot in the adult world. I don't know if I've ever mentioned this on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:55:31 People were crushing up Pez and snorting it. Oh, absolutely. What? Also quite common was after Halloween, rockets. Oh, yeah. I remember tons of kids crushing and just railing rockets, Which as far as I can tell just gives you a headache And delicious boogers Delicious drip in the back of your throat for the rest of geography
Starting point is 00:55:52 Oh my goodness So I show up, I bought him a CD for his birthday And I guess this was a really lame CD Sesame Street Sings And I guess this was a really lame CD because he laughed at me when I gave him the CD of Billy Joel's River of Dreams. It's magical. It's haunting. The album cover was painted by Christie Brinkley. Was it really?
Starting point is 00:56:17 It was the last album he put out before they broke up. Before she stopped putting out. Boom. Hey! That's pretty good. That's not bad um so that's see that's kind of a that's an interesting twist on it that you were like i think this is popular yeah i hear the song on the radio on the uh in my house that's very cute
Starting point is 00:56:38 story it's almost heartbreaking yeah because he laughed at you yeah yeah everyone did yeah they were all gonna laugh at you yeah and they did correct in my house uh i went through the phase that i'm sure a lot of people did where i was listening to a lot of metal like i was listening to your kisses your iron maidens your uh dawkins your warrants that sort of thing but my parents uh you know most of my life i went to theater school and we used to go see musicals together so the dichotomy in my house was i was i would listen to the albums in my room but then as a family when we got together and it was family time we would listen to the music of les mis or the music of phantom In retrospect, both styles, very theatrical. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:25 A lot of makeup, a lot of flash pots, a lot of light. Is there a metal musical? I feel like there might be. Yeah, there actually is because Poison showed up at the Tonys
Starting point is 00:57:35 and that's when Brent Michaels got the face cut. Called Gods of Rock or something like that. Avenue. Avenue Rock. F you.
Starting point is 00:57:48 We have some listeners who sent in things that they felt they were kind of over. Should I read them? Sure, whatever you want. Yeah, this one is from a guy named Clay. Clay says to contribute to the. Didn't he just write in? Yeah, he gets around I'm too old to be enjoying
Starting point is 00:58:08 Something When I was 15, 16 I would babysit my then 3 year old nephew Who was really into Power Rangers I'd watch the show with him And I became a little concerned when I started getting invested In the show's story arc I needed to know whether or not the Green Ranger Was going to be good or evil
Starting point is 00:58:23 There was actually a point in time Where that was kind of on the fence. Right before he became the White Ranger. See, the fact that we all know that is probably an indication of something else that we held on to. After a few weeks, I was able to snap out of it and never watch the show again, even if I was watching my nephew. That is... I remember this time period and being like there were some people who were still in that camp and some people who were had grown out of it but there's also a part for me where it's not even an age thing i'm just a completist like i remember making an effort of
Starting point is 00:58:58 like even going a little late to school because there was episodes of astro boy i hadn't seen and it's a full cycle and i just wanted i wanted to know that i'd seen all of it i remember what this has this is more just like a kid thing yeah but uh watching cartoons after school and seeing the toys in the ads and the first time i saw the toy was the first was convinced it was the first time they ever showed the ad, and I would be bragging about having seen this ad premiere. Absolutely. Take that, Bionic 6. I loved that show, the Asian one.
Starting point is 00:59:35 The minivan? I worked on a Power Rangers commercial when I left film school, and this was way past their heyday. But at the end of the commercial, everybody took home one of these Power Rangers things. And I said, I'll take this for my little cousin. And I never did.
Starting point is 00:59:56 It sat on my shelf as if I was a collector for years until I just had to give it away to Salvation Army. Did you leave it in the box? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. This is from somebody named Eric T. This is about the Lion King. This is what brought it up for him.
Starting point is 01:00:15 The recent King on Lion King resurfaced some troubling memories for me. I was actually 16 when it came out. I went to see it in the theaters twice. It holds a special place in my heart for two reasons. One, it was one of the first dates with my first real girlfriend. Very sweet. Two, more vividly, my younger sister and I loved the song so much we purchased the
Starting point is 01:00:34 soundtrack on cassette. We took it with us on a family road trip in Vancouver. We are from Toronto. I recall one instance where my parents along with my aunt and uncle parked on the side of the road and told us kids, my sister and myself, along with my two cousins, to stay in the car. They left us there alone for what seemed like two hours.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I remember this because we kept listening to and singing songs from the movie and would have to flip the cassette from side A to side B and back several times. When the adults finally returned, they were giggling and having a great time. Years later, they revealed to us that they had gone to a nude beach in Vancouver while they left the kids in the minivan to sing Can You Feel the Love Tonight and Hakuna Matata. My parents are very traditional immigrants, and this revelation has sullied every memory I have of the Lion King. Wow.
Starting point is 01:01:18 It could have been an orgy, maybe. An orgy. An orgy. And there's one more. This comes from Bobby G. of Bobby and Caitlin fame. They wrote that. Something I was very much into that I find embarrassing and not age appropriate was the WWE.
Starting point is 01:01:40 I was a giant fan of it and hardly missed an event. I only missed pay-per-view because my parents refused to get them. Me too. Good God. I watched until I was a freshman in college when suddenly I snapped out of my fandom and realized how incredibly stupid professional wrestling is. It must also be so frustrating for amateur wrestlers who do a real sport and that WWE is called pro wrestling. Even though the WWE is popular with adults, i believe that only boys from 11 to 15 should enjoy it yeah or younger even yeah i uh i don't know anymore no but you as an adult have gone to
Starting point is 01:02:14 wrestling i know this yes yeah absolutely i was at uh uh wrestlemania 19 oh yeah that was the good one who uh what was the big event the big event that one was Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar oh that's too late oh it was way too late but the thing was at that event Rowdy Roddy Piper showed up as a surprise as a surprise part
Starting point is 01:02:37 because one of the fights was actually Vince McMahon versus Hulk Hogan which is two people that was a combined age of 110 in that ring right there before Rowdy even came down. But I was genuinely excited when I saw Piper come out because I got into wrestling in the same way I got into sports because I felt obligated to, so it would give me something to talk about with other kids. But Piper was the one wrestler like
Starting point is 01:03:06 he's not the most you look at back at those matches and he was never a physical specimen never you are in better shape right now graham than he was ever which is sad that says a lot about uh roddy piper's inability to be in shape but tons of personality when i watched the movie the wrestler last year i feel like there were waves upon waves of nostalgia yes that kind of when i saw that it reminded me of watching why i liked watching it all like because it was that was a thing i used to love wrestling so much as a kid you had the conversation yet and i've had it more than once especially in vancouver you you have gay friends
Starting point is 01:03:45 and inevitably you talk much like on this show the celebrity crush and they will talk about and more than once i've heard the name ravishing rick rude come up as like my first real crush like that was the kind of turning point for an 11 year old boy of knowing oh i'm into something different than my friends like they're not looking at Miss Elizabeth. But we can enjoy this together. Absolutely. We're just watching it on different levels, like Watership Down. This is something we can all enjoy together. I think, didn't
Starting point is 01:04:14 Darcy Michael... I think Darcy Michael mentioned it, yeah. Yeah, I think the thing about wrestling is it's still... I'm glad that it's still around. I'm glad that it still has the conventions that it has. It has, not has. Because it feels like that is a thing.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Like you say, it's a thing that kids can talk about. Because not every kid memorizes stats from baseball or hockey. But every kid can watch a wrestling thing and pick their favorite guy. But there's two things on this one is when we were watching wrestling we thought it was real like or even if we knew it was i don't think i ever thought it was but it was presented as real yes like when they spoke you never saw any of the wrestlers speak out of character like they were constantly just on there partially because they weren't that big of stars. But when you saw an interview with Hulk Hogan, it was everything's real inside the squared circle.
Starting point is 01:05:08 So the moves had a certain amount of gravitas to it because it was actually risky. Where nowadays, where you know it's fake, they end up doing stuff that is outlandish. Like huge flips that seem way more dangerous. But the other side of that is that the UFC exists. Right. Yeah. Like, if you just want to watch guys beat each other up... You're dumb.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Well, yeah, but... I guess it's a double problem. Was that your point? Yeah, that was it. I feel like... I am going to get kicked out. What age did you check out of wrestling? Like, you went to WrestleMania 19, but I presume you had actually checked out before.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Oh, actually checked out oh i checked out a while before but i'd also kind of gotten back into it in when i was in college so i would say like i checked out i remember going to a uh a simulcast of wrestlemania 4 in the belleville arena where the belleville bulls play, where we paid $20. We went with a friend of ours, stepdad. To watch it on a screen. To watch it on a screen. And that was great. That was as close as we were ever going to get in the burg that was Belleville.
Starting point is 01:06:13 But then kind of checked out pretty soon after that. So I would say like 88, 89. But then for some reason, late 90s, it became where they started admitting that it was fake, but they had some really interesting personnel, or interesting to me at least, like the era of your Steve Austins, your Rock, your... Mick Foley. Your Mick Foley, your Bret the Hitman Hart, when they were really making their resurgence. And it was also, I guess that was also the beginning of ironically appreciating something.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Like, ah, this is ridiculous. Ah, let's all get together and watch it. Well, we're still getting together and watching it every week, regardless of what level you're watching it on. That's true. Yeah, I guess that's true. It was given a second wind.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And now it seems like it's just there. It just still exists. And it's lost a lot of its share, partially because they now do 11 pay-per-views a year. We used to have four. Oh. Well, and also the UFC thing does take away. Like you say, if you want to see people fighting each other and clobbering each other, you've got another... The only thing is there's no dramatic backstory in the UFC.
Starting point is 01:07:23 There's minor, but for dramatic backstory, they have a reality show. Do they do the speeches? Yeah, there's no dramatic backstory in the UFC. There's minor but for dramatic backstory they have a reality show. Do they do the speeches? Yeah, there's no speeches. At UFC? Yeah, they're close up and they're cut. They're always that harsh light on one side and somebody gives a very it's not the, I'm going to break his teeth, I'm going to
Starting point is 01:07:40 take him and I'm going to go after his family. It's the I'm the better wrestler, I have the skills, I have a ground game. When did you check out of wrestling um probably i would say probably yeah like by the time i was in junior high it would have it kind of would have faded off yeah i think i was i kind of special like i was an advanced kid i uh i was maybe out checked out in the first year university no no 10 or 11 i was i was out early i remember people talking about the undertaker and i remember you really got into billy joel guys uh fuck your undertaker i want a piano man i uh yeah i i don't that's the thing though is like i still sometimes will meet people who are my own age that are still into wrestling but i don't you know
Starting point is 01:08:34 that's because some people are into the hills you know and other people are into watching the bachelorette or whatever it's it's uh it's television. There's very little television that you can watch and then have people go, oh, that's a mark of intelligence. Just mostly television isn't that. There's a few things on TV that are, and then the rest of it is wrestling caliber. So I try not to...
Starting point is 01:08:58 I reserve judgment. All right. Move on to something else? Yeah. As Brad was mentioning, his childhood, he was a completist, even for Astro Boy. He was listening to our show ever since episode one. Yes. I think I started on episode four, but I then backtracked really quickly.
Starting point is 01:09:16 And he has feelings on most of our segments, and so we thought we would do a quick uh kind of like a quick recap uh just like a quick one-off of all the the segments that he felt he had answers for that he wanted to give via the podcast absolutely i've yelled at my ipod enough times now i want to say it to you guys in person you know that doesn't work right let's uh the next generation it it's going to have talkback. Oh, cool. I can't wait. All right. The first one, celebrity crush hat. Let's play the theme. Celebrity crush hat.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Crush in the hats. Celebrity crush hat. Go fuck yourself. Celebrity crush hat. Chapeau chinois. Celebrity crush hat. Crush hat. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Okay, Brad has drawn the number 14. Okay. Who did you have a crush on at age 14 celebrity-wise? This would have been 1989 for me. I'm going to go with the Growing Pains offshoot Just the Ten of Us. I'm going to say all three of the older sisters, particularly the buxom redhead, but I also liked the skinny blonde and the one from Nightmare on elm street i don't know any of that thing that you said i you lost me at the turn off of growing that that
Starting point is 01:10:31 the coach coach love it coach love it uh had a thing that he was a a family man who had multiple kids and they end up moving to another town mainly daughters i think you might have had one son okay but the daughters uh have then showed up on a variety of melrose placey right shows draconian yeah the draconian television uh yeah and it was just like it was right in my wheelhouse when i was that age if they were because it's that boners all around i don't know even know if you have it i don't watch sitcoms anymore but there used to be the Precocious Sisters, like Too Close for Comfort had it.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I don't know that show. My God. I feel like I'm lost in the wilderness. Was that the one with Cosmic Cow? Yes, it was. I was absolutely right. It was Ted Knight. Jim J. Bullock. And Jim J. Bullock, who I've now... I think that should be a whole other segment of, who didn't you know he was gay when you were a kid? But you go back later and you realize, oh, that should be a whole other segment of who didn't you know he was gay when you were a kid
Starting point is 01:11:25 that you go back later and you realize, oh, that's kind of charming yeah, he was yeah, that was on the podcast some time ago, where Paul Bay tried to convince me that Sandra Bullock and Jim J. Bullock were brother and sister so
Starting point is 01:11:40 oh, Sandy you would have been how old? I would have been 14 and these gals on, you would have been how old? I would have been 14. And these gals on the show would have been older? Yeah, they were teenagers, but it's, you know, your standard television, they were probably 23 playing 16. Oh, okay. So, you know, baby fats shed. Forbidden fruit.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Exactly. No, I wasn't going after Jim J. Bullock, I was going after the sisters. Okay. Acceptable fruit. exactly but no i wasn't going after jim jay bullock i was going after the sisters okay acceptable fruit um all right well let's do uh let's move a plow ahead to the uh the the neighborhood jerks people in your neighborhood who's that guy carrying the flag every day what What do you call a flag? Pete flag. Frank, you don't know his name. So you made up a name.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah. Okay. So when I lived in Vancouver years ago, my wife and I shared an in just at main and 12th and there was a gentleman in our building who had a cookie duster mustache and we were told by the super when we complained about the mice that oh yeah the old guy downstairs feeds them and he would do stuff like i was working shift work so i would come down the stairs and he would just be standing perfectly still so when you're bleary-eyed you come around the corner and he would always greet you the same way of hello and at one point we wanted to show maria his crowbar and i don't mean that in a metaphoric way. I mean a crowbar. And she was like, no, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:13:26 And he came after. And, you know, as threatening as an 86-year-old man with a crowbar could be, like she walked quickly ahead of him. But it was still going after him. Now, this isn't as clever a nickname as some of them I've heard, the two hat guys. But in the same way that Pee-wee's Big Adventure had Amazing Larry, Mr. Show used to have a character that they would
Starting point is 01:13:48 reference every now and then called Famous Mortimer. And that became this guy's name to the point that from time to time we'll still see Famous Mortimer when we come back to the town. And there he is. He's still alive. Getting it done with a handlebar, mustache
Starting point is 01:14:04 and a crowbar all right moving on we got road to rock band i don't know what you're gonna contribute to that but play the theme we're on the road to rock band why don't you go fuck yourself we're on the road to rock band Road to Rock Band. Fuck yourself, you cunts. What a good theme. Such a good theme. I'll be honest, I just wanted to hear the song again. But last night we were doing the extension version of Road to Rock Band, and I managed to score 76% on the vocals of Even Flow by Pearl Jam.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Now I did this without using any consonants. Oh. All vowels. When you did this without using any consonants. Because when you're singing an Eddie Vedder song... I'm hearing H's. And M's. I heard an M in there. Okay, come on. Alright, let's travel back in time. I'm going back in time
Starting point is 01:15:07 I'm going to reference another podcast the Adam Carolla podcast who has answered this question indirectly but I think it's the appropriate answer when asked about it he says pre-AIDS mid-Coke like that's kind of your idea like the 70s like 1976
Starting point is 01:15:23 78 New York era everybody free love coke is still not considered bad for you and what's the worst you're gonna get you need a shot of penicillin go out and have some love i uh i watched just recently uh uh dazed and confused was on tv and so i want i just kind of started watching it it It's always on. It is always on. It was. And it was a real treat. And it was really that I kind of got that feeling like, I think I really missed out on the golden era. We're really, everything post then has been the fallout of bad behavior of all those generations before. But I like that that's your excuse. Because I wouldn't, I would never,
Starting point is 01:16:06 I'm not, I wouldn't be into free love. I would. I wouldn't be into cocaine. I don't, I wouldn't be into cocaine. But it looked like a lot of things were, like, it looked like things were just in generally more fun. Yeah. It just looked like things were more fun.
Starting point is 01:16:21 It wasn't bad, it was naughty. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like you could go out and... I would rather be stressed about not keeping up with all my blogs. Why did he unfollow me on Twitter? What did I say? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's... I think we're...
Starting point is 01:16:39 Let's bring the show to a nice... Is that all of it? That's all of it. Yeah, that's all I had. I'll call you later with other stuff. But I'll make sure I'm drunk when I do it. Oh, please do. And don't talk about your penis.
Starting point is 01:16:49 So, if anybody does want to call us, like we said before, our phone number is 206-339-8328. We're doing, you know, overheards, if you got those. Nicknames. Nicknames for neighborhood jerks. If there is anything that you feel you've grown out of over time,
Starting point is 01:17:05 I enjoy talking about that. It may be the end of the road for that topic, and I'd be fine with that as well. Just don't ask for a theme song. Yeah, it's just not going to happen. Well, it might. We'll see. We'll see how powerful this segment grows.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Also, Dave was talking about blogs. We have a wonderful blog that Dave upkeeps and creates each and every week. It's a great companion piece to the podcast. It's Brad? I can be found, if you're in the Ottawa area, I'm part of an improv group called Crush Improv. We are available at
Starting point is 01:17:36 and, hey, if you want to add me on Facebook, I managed to nail down the Oh So In Demand slash Brad McNeil on Facebook. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's right. I'm slash Graham Clark. I think I'm slash Dave Shumka. Nice work, everybody.
Starting point is 01:17:49 We did it. Way to be home at midnight. On a Friday, no less. Come see Graham. I don't know. I'm not convinced I'm on this show. Yes, you are. Next weekend on Saturday, July 18th at the Cambrian Hall,
Starting point is 01:18:03 the Laugh Gallery show. This is great. Dave Shum Hall, the Laugh Gallery show. This is great. Dave Shumka, you are on the show. You're working the sound and you're on the show. I know I'm working the sound. But you're on the show. Check the Facebook group. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:15 Join up. The following week on Tuesday, July 28th at the Biltmore Cabaret, Dave and I are doing a live stop podcasting yourself. It's going to be great. There'll be prizes. Yep. There'll be bones at the door. Yeah, you can't miss.
Starting point is 01:18:31 You can't miss. Any kind of bones. Yeah. So that's what's coming up. And Brad, thank you so much for being a guest today. You fulfilled a dream. I've been excited by this. And I have to say, this is one of the best shows out there.
Starting point is 01:18:45 And I listen to way too many podcasts. You guys are doing a heck of a job. Oh, thanks. That's very nice of you to say. And it's nice. This is the first time that we've ever been done the podcast before. It's almost, what, 2 o'clock? Not even?
Starting point is 01:18:58 No, not even. Oh, I'm late for the wedding. I've got to go. Yeah, and we're already done. We're packing it in. I'm going to go home and have a nap. Thank you, everybody, for listening. If you enjoyed the show the show tell your friends that's how the thing can grow and we'll see you here next week for another enthralling edition of stop podcasting yourself Thank you.

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