Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 715 - Dino Archie

Episode Date: November 30, 2021

Comedian Dino Archie returns to talk parades, getting recognized, and makeup....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 715 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and the man who's with me as always is a man who's enjoying his Thanksgiving American style, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I'm, you know, watching domed football games. Yes. The march of the,
Starting point is 00:00:45 you know, the, the balloons. Yes. The March of the balloons. I didn't really know. That sounds like a Star Wars movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:56 I didn't really know what American Thanksgiving was until like, I think I got, I stayed home sick one day in November in like grade six. And it was like, oh wow. They, this is, there's nothing, I stayed home sick one day in November in grade 6, and it was like, oh, wow, there's no game shows on TV right now. Yeah, but, you know, that balloon, the March of the Balloons is pretty... I mean, nothing is more boring than a parade. Our guest today, return guest here to the podcast, he is oh so funny, you can hear him on his own podcast strictly beloved podcast it's dino archie
Starting point is 00:01:32 yeah that's him just dumping off a diving board that's yeah uh should we get to know us sure get to know us so dino we are you are american yes you've done thanksgiving in november your whole life but you're joining us from canada so there's nothing happening yeah you can't buy a turkey here green beans are 27 a bag those are the two ones that i remember yes um but i want to talk about your parades though okay your parades multiple parades that you brought up my i my older brother he's really i found out he was secretly into parades. Pretty funny. Yeah. Cause he's like,
Starting point is 00:02:28 you know how some people accuse me of being cool or something. It's really a slur. It's a slur. Slur, man. First of all, no, I don't.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I haven't been following you that closely. I know how people talk about me. I know the rumors. They're not true. My brother, he's cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy's cool. That's always been the case.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Right? Everyone has a cool, well, not everyone. I got a cool older brother, and his name's T-Zell. That's a cool name. T-Zell is a good name. Nobody's named that. Yeah, my older brother's name is mark yeah yeah that's uh that's a name that you know you're gonna hear it a lot of places you gotta know
Starting point is 00:03:12 some marks you hate know some marks you like i don't know any t-zells though yeah me neither that's uh right it's a power name it's a cool name it's like he would name a cat that yes maybe like a leopard a leopard yeah or it sounds like it's something from a sci-fi futuristic you know yes yeah the chosen one yeah exactly yeah yeah that was like the t-zell should have been the one casted in doom yes yeah t-cell chalamet yeah that guy looks like a mark no offense to marks but yeah yeah he's got mark energy no he does look like a timothée yeah so this guy he's too cool to watch but I'm back home one of these holidays. I think one of the last Thanksgiving I was back home maybe four years ago, four or five years ago, because I'm always working on Thanksgiving because I don't I didn't care about Thanksgiving. mom's house and my brother's watching a local parade not like macy's not any of the big time was i'm talking about not even from fresno we were from fresno it was a selma parade like the smaller one of those small towns and and he's watching it it still made it to tv i love that
Starting point is 00:04:38 yeah that's it and he's shit but he's shit talking he's like look at this old weak-ass parade man this is they don't even got no good flows. I was like, yeah, just change the channel. But I noticed he wasn't changing it. And then my mom was like my mom. When she ever when she she's when she knows something like when she sits on secrets and then when the time's right, she yells it out. So the time was right. She she goes your brother likes parades it was it was so damn funny and i looked i said you're not changing the channel you like parades and then he he said man he came clean he goes yeah i like a local parade i said go ahead your local parade yeah he's bad mouth oh look at these floats are trash oh you know a lot of them have potential yeah you know what um i've seen my some of these people might end up in bigger parades maybe you
Starting point is 00:05:32 know um yeah i uh uh the big parade in calgary growing up was the stampede parade and it was half families with kids half absolutely blasted adults and it was uh you know it was a lot of horses it was mostly horses all the floats were like td bank is here for you and yeah that kind of thing yeah yeah yeah the parade uh those big parade the calgary the stampede seems like it sounds like a family event but it's it's like a grown mma like roadhouse yeah like a road if roadhouse was a parade yes that is a very good way of uh the whole event is roadhouse really i mean because you know they got that monster truck in roadhouse uh that's kind of yeah yeah they've got do they have pancake breakfasts in roadhouse well you never see eat pancakes, but it's implied because he's always got syrup on him.
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's my understanding that that's a big part of the stampede. It is. You are correct. Are there a lot of fights that break out or are people too full of pancakes? There's not a lot of fights breaking out at the pancake breakfast, but boy, oh boy, the midway kind of past 11 o'clock watch out because there's gonna be lots of vomit and uh you know a brutal brawl or two um you know have you ever been to a parade that you liked where you're like this actually is a good parade or you just completely you're and no man every every parade is an inconvenience that best at best it's an inconvenience uh you know living downtown
Starting point is 00:07:09 they do the they do the christmas parade and i live i live on berard so if you if you're not already on this side you're not getting where you need to go you just stuck until the parade is done and no one asked you no one said it made another route for you yeah they're like you all have to deal with this parade and then everyone at the parade you know they can't even and the kids are the last ones that can see it's a bunch of grown adults with their ipads out like weirdos losers. Let's just call them what it is, man. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yeah. I mean, uh, you know what? I'd watch a St. Patrick's day one in Boston. I would watch one of those. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Live. I'm not on, but I watched the St. Patrick's day one in Chicago. If I was trying to catch the fugitive. Yes. Yeah. That's a good one too.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Just go on a, like start in Boston and then in the afternoon go to chicago and then round it up probably they have one in new york right yeah i've never the big one in vancouver is the pride parade but i've uh and then that seems like it's a lot of you know corporate floats as well being like hey we're a bank, but we'll take gay money. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like, there's not a lot of floats like floats as I think of them with like big, you know, cartoon characters or dragon. Yeah, it's just some employees from the bank.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah. In the back of a pickup truck. Throwing pens with chains on it to the kids um yeah you see you live you live smack in the middle of downtown yeah i mean i'm in the mix man i'm close to the water though so oh nice that's good that's where you want to be if you're in vancouver that's where you want to be you know the only the only rub is the sirens too loud i get a lot of sirens out here too and i i've grown to appreciate them because that was the only thing i could do there's no other way did you because we uh abby's aunt sheila visited us a couple years years ago with her two sons and they live in the south of Sweden.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And it's just like rural, not rural. It's a small town. But it's they the one thing the sons were like, there is a siren all the time here. How do you deal with it? And I was like, I don't even notice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They were like Tom Hanks't even notice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:45 They were like Tom Hanks on his first day. Big. Yeah. The city is scary. Yeah. Yeah. We've just given up, man.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Not, not me, man. I still am. I just want them to turn it down. Yeah. That's it. Let it run all you want.
Starting point is 00:10:03 That's all I'm asking. Yeah. Let it run 24 hours just put it yeah just put it on 24 hours and we'll just always be ready to get out of the way yeah yeah yeah let's just turn it down brother have you ever seen somebody like really not know how to turn off into the the side of the street and they're just like they're like diagonal and they're like backing up you can tell that they're panicking i feel like people don't get out of the way uh as much like a lot of people i'm already in the left lane you want me to go over to the right
Starting point is 00:10:38 lane and then over more maybe i'll go a little in the right lane. Yeah. But I feel like it's maybe because of car alarms. People are so used to ignoring car alarms now. That's true. That like the first guy with a car alarm must've been like, gotcha. I got the guy stealing my car. And everyone. Sweden.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Yeah. No, I, it depends on what city you're in too. This city has too much respect for sirens when i lived in uh inglewood they don't pull over you just gotta just you just gotta ride ride with them more cars start pulling out yeah because if you don't get out of the way of a of a police car well they there's not they're
Starting point is 00:11:27 not gonna like give you a ticket they have somewhere else to be like you can't really get in trouble right right but then you're pushing your your karma but then some people get out of the way too damn much and now they're in the way yeah that's true yeah that's the yeah i just like the expression on anybody's face that's like so stressed out by this like like at best 10 second transaction i like uh they are too loud when you're like as pedestrian oh yeah it is deafening and i feel like i feel like a little baby kid being like covering my ears pouting to see a grown person do that yeah it is from sound you look so weak it's so funny but it's true but it's okay it's too loud yeah so i've been telling my girl this for a year trying to get her on my too loud team
Starting point is 00:12:26 and she's just like man you know that's cool or whatever you know i got yeah so you got to pick your i love it i love it when they do just the yeah to get through an intersection oh and like i've heard i don't know if's true, does the fire department have some kind of special remote that changes lights from red to green or green to red so that they can. I don't believe it. Yeah, it's just something I heard from somebody. What are they, Seth Green in the Italian job? I don't get it at all. That's one of the heists that he did.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, to do that. He was the original Napster. Oh, cool. Seth Green. You know what? No, just drop the green and call it Seth. He had that original hacker look down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Yeah. I watched a bit of a movie called The Net. Have you ever seen The Net? I tried to watch i tried to watch it again because i remembered it being good and then i the first 15 minutes i was like it was sandra bullock was sandra bullock and yeah i watched about the same i watched the first 15 20 minutes and then i got distracted or had to go but um of all the hacky things that she's doing right out of the gate she's doing all sorts of hacking the hacky things that she's doing right out of the gate, she's doing all sorts of hacking and
Starting point is 00:13:47 you can tell that she's, like all the other hackers that around her are so ugly. And then she's just like a hot, hot hacker. A black hat hacker. We need a black hat hacker. Like Chris Hemsworth. What does that mean? He's got a black hat? Chris Hemsworth was in a hacking movie a few years ago called black hat and just in the trailer said we need a black hat hacker and then it was a picture then he had a black hat i don't think he had a black hat but he might as well have they do that i think you have a black hat um what were the big 90s computer movies there was hackers yeah there was the net there was johnny
Starting point is 00:14:27 mnemonic the virtuosity ah virtuosity there was lawnmower man oh yeah lawnmower man that was like a that was like a virtual reality one right yeah um yeah what are the other i can't think well would you call well no i wouldn't say enemy of the state was a hacker. No, that sounds like that's, that is kind of, cause it's, everybody's being,
Starting point is 00:14:50 uh, you know, monitored. So it's like, they have to figure out how to get away from the monitor. There's a scene in that movie where he goes to a lingerie store and the lady is like, Oh, how about this?
Starting point is 00:15:02 And like shows him some of her, like wearing the lingerie yeah and then he throws it up because will smith doesn't he doesn't like to coming makes him nauseous wait is this something new things the outtakes of that movie this is a new thing i think i saw a tweet about that but didn't know the context tell me there's yeah there's just a that's all you saw was all you he's really going out there and just pouring it all out for everybody for for a movie that like i guess he thinks it's going to be like his oscar his chance at an oscar so why not tell all of your crazy secrets he's thought that the last five movies but no one wants to see Concussion. I watched some of Concussion. It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Have you seen Headache? There's a movie called Headache. Really? Is it the prequel? There's a movie called The Migraine. You'll love it. This one, this new one, King Richard, I worry, because I go play
Starting point is 00:16:04 tennis with my daughter yeah and i worry that now it's going to be harder to get a court because dads will see this movie and be like i'm gonna get my daughter played tennis yeah yeah because this is a movie about a dad being the hero well you're living it you're living this already even though it's like about one of the two of the greatest athletes ever but the dad gotta you gotta give it to the dad yeah you gotta give it up for the dad and it's just like they're them as kids right like the the story behind the yeah i don't know like um i don't know anything about tennis i will never watch a movie that has tennis in it unless uh it's just like a scene of tennis but you you like you like a tennis film oh yeah like borg
Starting point is 00:16:47 mackinrow i liked uh the what the steve carell um emma stone one about the battle of the sexes yeah yeah yeah that's really it those are the three yeah yeah yeah royal tannin bombs had had a tennis player in it yeah yeah yeah that one scene where he has a breakdown i thought that was great that was yeah there's a new wes anderson film too we both saw it yeah i am and i both saw where'd you see it at the park theater canby street at the park theater all right say say less say no more yeah i close the laptop i go see it right now yeah just leave a you know tape recorder running or something like that did you do you ever play tennis what was your sport if you played any sports what was your go-to who me yeah i know d know Dave, he's a tennis head through and through. I played all the sports, man.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah. I wasn't great. I wasn't great at it. The only one I really had some stuff in was baseball. Okay. Yeah. What position? I was the third base, third baseman.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Okay. I liked Ozzie. I liked Ozzie Smith from the Cardinals. And I played for the cardinals and our team had the worst record in the league every year we were the bad they would call us the bad news bears and so rude yeah it was rude but our team was kind of like we were toxic we were fun like we all the bad kids from whatever their respective neighborhoods were on my team yeah it's a really hard scrabble you had to use an oven mitt instead of a catcher's mitt yeah man it was it was uh yeah use your shirt just to pick up a ground ball you could do that
Starting point is 00:18:41 i mean who hasn't tried to catch a ball in their hat oh yeah yeah you do that the the bucket uh yeah the willie mays bucket catch uh yeah baseball was my sport man because you get to it's a lot of hanging out and i like to hang out man i like that hang where you get to you chilling baseball's the funnest one man they they do handshakes and just make a fun a bunch of fun games in the dugout oh yeah i didn't ever think about that you could probably have a game of risk going in there for they play they play man those highlights they play cards and do all sorts of goofball they grab ass a lot of grab ass my favorite game i feel like it's uh i feel like it's a sport where if you're good it doesn't matter if your team is bad like because you it's like you you get to just go head to head
Starting point is 00:19:32 with a pitcher and then if a ball comes to you you get to play it in the field and then uh other than that it's like it's not like i play hockey now and and i'm worried like oh am i the bad guy on my line or my line mate's gonna hate me because like you know if a third of your line sucks then you're gonna have a bad time yeah yeah that's why i think that's another reason why i was i was very good at it because of that you you it's just you and if you're if you're at their base, I kind of know, by the way, the pitcher, by the way, the hitter is legs bent. When I know where it's going, I was like on. I really studied it. And yeah, you could shine. I was great. I was one of the best players in my team. Stunt. We lost all the time and I didn't care. I didn't have that Jordan mentality of like, oh, we lost.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'm like snacks, you know, right after the show. Remember that you do the you do the tunnel. You know what I mean? The losers and the winners. You do the tunnel. If everyone runs through it. That was fun, man. It is. Yeah, that was a good time. So, yeah, but I played a baseball and then I switched to basketball. I did the reverse Michael Jordan. I played a baseball and then I switched to basketball. I, I,
Starting point is 00:20:46 yeah, I made the reverse Michael Jordan. Yeah. Yeah. I made the classic mistake, man, of, of,
Starting point is 00:20:53 of, I shouldn't win rapper if I really wanted to make it out of the hood, but I chose basketball. I didn't grow up in the hood either. So I didn't need to do either. I should have just paid attention in school. Yeah. Now I don't like to play like Dave, you playing with hockey team. That's why I wouldn't want to play basketball now, because it does seem pressure some when you're with a group of you need a team.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You need to be a part of a team. And I, I don't. Yeah. Like I follow this Instagram account, House of Highlights, that they'll show you great things that happen in professional sports. But then in the offseason, you'll see like just amateurs playing at the gym or just like high school players. suck at basketball and like someone makes you fall down yeah when you're defending and like you like break your ankles falling over you're going to be seen by millions of people now yeah yeah like i remember being going out for the basketball team i made the basketball team easily the worst person on the team and the first day that i came into the gym, there was a guy dribbling between his legs. And I was like, oh, Jesus Christ. Just for that, that that's like, oh, man, the fact that there's one guy here that can do that. But, you know, I had a lot of heart and a lot of heart.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's that's why I don't play, man. You you could back then there was no cameras you could get if you get humiliated this it just remember that one time you know uh dude broke your ankles and dunked on you we was in his nuts was in your face for 20 years you could just but then you forget about it but now to go through high school and not have that and then to be a grown man and put yourself in that position. Yeah. It's not wise. Like I even without cameras around, I'm able to like replay bad memories pretty easily.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But like I haven't done stand up in a decade, but I remember some pretty bad. there's also like uh i'm thankful very thankful every year that i was not like youtube and whatnot wasn't around when i was a teenager because i know i would have made a fucking mess of that and then you know you can delete it but somebody's got it out there if you put it on youtube somebody's got it yeah so do you guys do you guys cut slack when when somebody let's say like, let's just pick anybody. Let's say, not anybody, but some celebrity singer like Shawn Mendes. Sure, Shawn Mendes. You know that as just
Starting point is 00:23:34 a guy, you know. Yeah, Lyle and Eric Menendez. Yeah, one of the Menendez brothers. Yeah. If they tweeted, if it came out that one of the Menendez was, did a racist tweet when they were 12. Oh, the menendezes are canceled. He was young.
Starting point is 00:23:51 They were kids. Yeah, no, it's very scary thinking about what, like how you could just thinking about myself like what I would have done yeah and kids now that will grow up they'll be like man oh man am I glad that we didn't have that thing where you can read our thoughts
Starting point is 00:24:16 because that sucks now my kids like to they like to poke around on uh youtube and you know we'll supervise sure uh but uh i discovered this tv show on disney plus about young youtubers a scripted show yeah uh starring a young olivia rodrigo oh yes It's called Bizaardvark It's about Olivia Rodrigo and her friend Are like young Kind of video makers And also on the show
Starting point is 00:24:54 Jake Paul Oh really? Yeah just as an actor He's not there as a boxer? No but it's like I feel so old not knowing that how much of our culture could be traced back to bizarre dark yeah i dumped this is the first i'm hearing about this check it out it's but is it for kid what age group is it for it's for like
Starting point is 00:25:20 10 year olds okay maybe 12 year olds but yeah 10 and 12 year olds have never had it so good are you kidding me with all the choices we there was no sit there were no kid sitcoms i mean i guess uh what's the one with the robot girl that was kind of a good sitcom uh small one small wonder yeah well boy meets girl yeah that's true boy meets girl world is it boy meets world yeah well there was what was the like uh later version they rebooted it was a girl meets world yes i didn't know i missed so i feel like i've missed about 10 to 20 years of it's okay you don't need to ever you don't need to watch the reboots of children's shows because they're still because you're a grown-up now and
Starting point is 00:26:02 i don't have kids so i'm a pervert if i do that somehow. It's really weird. It's true. If you know too much about Bazaardvark then people are going to start talking. Yeah, when my girl's niece came to visit, they're so damn cute and all of that, but she was talking about Paw Patrol. I was like, nah man, we're watching
Starting point is 00:26:22 Casino. We're watching good movies over here. We're reading a book. See that guy Joe Pesci? He's about your height. Nikki's about to break the code. You don't mow another man's lawn. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:26:37 No, we're not watching that. Girls, you're going to read Infinite Jest today. You're going to learn a little something. And listen to jazz oh man that would be the worst punishment for a kid just make them listen to jazz oh man um oh my god man the um there's a guy that he's like one of the producers he's produced like i i carly in about
Starting point is 00:27:08 six or seven of those shows oh no i know where this is well it's just he there's nothing has come out about him but i'm like tick tick tick tick tick guy oh like there's nothing nothing but he like there's you know whispers i guess but there's nothing i thought stuff had come out about him uh it's oh you're is it dan schneider yeah dan schneider did he did something happen with him man let's just call him what he he's a pervert man you don't need the well he was what's the point of he was he was an actor before he was on head of the class yeah yeah i read about that pervert that guy's i have no evidence but that guy's a creep man let's get it let's just play the odds you know what i mean we we could be wrong
Starting point is 00:27:49 allegedly but i'll say that he's a creep allegedly so yeah i opened his wikipedia and there's no like heading for creep no yeah he's like he's like taken off of projects because look, it's spicy and dicey with this guy. Yeah, that's right. It's don't hang up. Although he could make my daughter a star. Yeah, that's the thing. No, I was watching. I watched a documentary by the guy who played Bill in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Alex Winter. Alex Winter. documentary by the guy who played bill and bill and ted's excellent adventure about alex winter alex winter he he's a director and he made a movie about kid stars yeah yeah and the the there's one storyline of a mom and a kid going down to la for pilot season and uh it's so weird it's the weirdest thing that you'd be like, I'm going to let a kid, uh, decide our course, you know, what we're going to do next. In LA, in the toughest city, the most treacherous city in all of the land. That's crazy. I wonder, like, it's weird that I wonder if I saw that movie. right i wonder like it's weird that i wonder if i saw that movie like i was it did it have like like the saved by the bell people and boy meets world people in it no or was soleil moon fry in it no it's weird that there is now not only is there a documentary about everything there's two
Starting point is 00:29:20 documentaries about everything so you're like oh yeah i saw the nexium documentary which one yeah i saw the one about uh oxycontin which one fire fest tell me which one yeah yeah they i know they used to do that with certain movies yeah which volcano movie did you see yeah yeah which uh chess which movie about chess did you like yeah yeah both though in this case both yeah which uh which chess movie did you like searching for bobby fisher and the other one fresh fresh fresh i don't know fresh of course you don't know fresh because the good one they, there was always one that the one that's not as good gets the more shine. It's more. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Right. Yeah. And then back. Yeah. So fresh is fresh is good, man. Fresh, the searching for Bobby Fisher character,
Starting point is 00:30:17 you could read the synopsis, but he's, he's, he's in a foster home and he's running dope for one gang and crack for another. And he's 12. And his dad's... Yeah, so the stakes are way higher.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, holy shit. And it's beloved, man. It's a real movie. We always talk about movies when we end up getting together. I'm excited because no one likes to hear about movies. Well, because Searching for Bobby Fischer, so I looked this up. It came out in 1994.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I've never heard of this. This is my whiteness show. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because like on IMDb, it'll suggest movies like this. And I went down to be like, okay, well, it's going to have Search for Bobby Fischer. But movies like this, Juice, Dead President, Menace to Society. All classics. This has Samuel L. Jackson, whereas Bobby Fischer had Lawrence Fishburne.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yes. Yes. Yeah, your algorithm knows you. Yeah. Lord Algo knows it, knowsne. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Your algorithm knows you. Yeah. Lord Algo knows it. Knows all. Yeah. Do you know one thing that I love that you've been doing the last while is you started your own like line of sweaters and shirts.
Starting point is 00:31:37 And there's always pictures of comedians wearing them. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, man. And sweaters and shirts. Yeah. Like sweatshirts i got one uh i could grab one around here before we get out of here yeah it's a drip lord um you know collection
Starting point is 00:31:53 yes wait yeah yeah you're you're do you know from drip lord collection yeah yeah yes that's who you yeah that's who you talking to man that's who i became man man. I changed, bro. Come on, man. Yeah, thanks, man. And you know what? And to see the comics supported like that has been really fun. It's been it's because it's cool. It's not like merchandise like Dino Archie comedy dot com or something. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you sell them at shows? You know what? I i'm touching go about it because you know i mean you you not you know what it's like to sell after a show it's crazy i never have i've never had merch yeah because you yeah you have integrity i don't know about that i think i'm lazy is what it yeah it worked out as because i'm lazy too so i never do
Starting point is 00:32:46 until i got these and then i sold a bunch but then one guy he tried to negotiate with me on the drip and i said man give me this shit back man i said i'm not no drip for you so i'm the drip nazi man like i don't like certain people wearing my shit yeah that's true yeah i'm petty about it so if you're cool see people had to dm me there's no link you have to just deal with me direct oh okay like and if i don't like you i'll hike the price up on you is there a business in somebody being very obnoxious wearing your competitor's shirt so that it makes makes a dent in their respectability i feel like i could get into that kind of business like i will wear your shirt in public right just yeah be a an asshole and carry yeah yeah exactly yeah i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:33:40 push kids over and yeah it's funny i follow a few instagram accounts that are just like people selling stuff but you have to dm them to get the thing yeah and that's like you know classic uh baseball caps that are just like from like a welding company or a trucking company they're like we have one of these dm me the first person to dm me gets it yeah how does yeah how do you feel is that weird that's weird it no it's not weird but it does make me feel like i follow like i don't know a couple hundred people and like i'm like one of them is this thing that i'm gonna buy one of once like i'm just kind of like on the lookout to buy something from this guy and then i'll i'll have to unfollow him yeah but like before you buy 10 different baseball hats
Starting point is 00:34:32 he's always bringing out a new baseball hat you're like god damn that's a good baseball yeah oh yeah for what yeah no that's true i i didn't think about it like that but yes some you know my people they i made another line too called drippery when wet some you know my people they i made another line too called drippery when wet with yeah that's good that's good stuff where can we where can we see this stuff it's on my uh instagram a page so it's gonna be i post um i post a lot of is that dino the beloved dino the beloved yeah it's it's in my if you look at one of those highlights it's a bunch of comics with the drip on and different old ladies little babies it's been a real cool little baby yeah yes good for eight to eighty or three hundred eight months to eighty yeah i have
Starting point is 00:35:20 some i have friends from high school with with kids little little families little babies and you know so it's been fun but then it's also work too so yeah you know i like to it was fun to do that over the lockdown because i had nothing we had that time yeah now that i'm moving and grooving again i'm just going through it right now it's very fun to see yeah well the people are people wearing them are doing this they're doing yeah prayer hands yeah there's the prayer hands on the hoodie yeah yeah well that's an homage to my grandfather you know i probably i talked about this on here before that he was a bishop pastor actually he was a bishop he was a chess chess master yeah my grandfather was a rook just dressed up as a castle they only went forward and backward yeah as i said i go that sounds crazy but He's a, you know, as a preacher and his,
Starting point is 00:36:25 the church that I grew up in was called moments of blessings. And the logo was the prayer hand. Oh, I just put some drip and, you know, awesome extra stuff. Nima created the logo for me. That's right. Yeah, man, it's talented. What was Graham, your childhood church what was the name and logo of uh the logo was of uh a lamb a lamb that had a flag on its shoulder
Starting point is 00:36:56 and uh it was called christ moravian so it was from whoa from like moravia or something that where's that a lamb with a flag that's crazy yeah yeah like a lamb with a that's why yeah it's um i don't know where but i figure it's like near the anias you know romania transylvania oh yeah yeah albania how about yours what was your mine was dunbar heights united church and And the logo was Jesus on a surfboard as smoking weed out of a can of Coke. Holy shit. That sounds great. Yeah. Yours sounds really fun.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Yeah. Anything goes. Yeah. Anything goes there. That makes me want to be a believer. I want to get back into this stuff. If this is the new style well i mean they could use the parishioners numbers are down in the united church i think the catholics do a good job of holding on to their people through
Starting point is 00:37:56 fear yes that's true yeah the united church is just like yeah just just you'll be fine. Come or go. We're going to have a picnic. Yeah, our church is just too long, man. Did you? Yes, everyone knows that. Did you go every week or did you not? Did your parents not kind of bring you with them or what was it for you? I went every week. So we when I grew up, my I was born, we lived with my grandfather and mother, my grandparents.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Right. My family lived in their in their house. And then we moved when we got our own place. It was three houses down. Oh, cool. So it was always kind of a thing. And then when we my mom remarried, then we kind of moved further and further away. But my aunts would always pick me up. Oh, okay. And take me to church. Yeah, that's when I was a good guy, man.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Yeah. When you say it was too long, how long was it? At least three hours. Are you kidding me? I'm going to barf. I'm going to come and barf. I'm going to barf. I'm going to come and barf.
Starting point is 00:39:09 That's why I be, you know, this, this material has been covered in, in many of black comedy room, but white people church is, is waste. It's short. It's sweet.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Yeah. Now that I think of it, it is punchy because we are to it. Is that three hours? Like you're in your seat for three hours. I mean, you're in, you're not. Yeah, now that I think of it, it is punchy. Because we get to it. Is that three hours? Like, you're in your seat for three hours? I mean, you're in there. Well, no, it's like a music,
Starting point is 00:39:31 it's like a Travis Scott concert without... People are being trampled. Yes. Yeah, I'm going to say that. People are... No, because you, we believed in laying the hands,
Starting point is 00:39:44 like, where the whole when the it's like churches of churches like wrapping up or something and then the holy ghost shows up and oh who invited this guy this guy it's gonna be another two hours and he's laying hands and people are passing out in the front row and you gotta drag the body out the way well yeah i would pass out if i was there for three yeah i would i would take three hours of that non-stop action compared to one hour of you know who passed away that's what people say that's what people say man uh maybe you know i i don't know though yeah we i know this though in the room you because stuff. It was good stuff. It isn't three hours of trash, right? Yeah. It's
Starting point is 00:40:26 three hours of like, you know, the first hour is going to be praise and worship, you know, to loosen you up, get you, get the vibe, right. And then, uh, then there's an opener. You gotta have an opener. Yeah. It's like, yeah, you gotta have an opener and they get you you know give you the word get you like get your head space you know and then then my then i'm opening for god this week who looks at you know and then uh the music is then they chill it out they go okay get serious this is the headliners coming that's my grandpa whoever that but my grandfather was the every sunday he didn't miss one sunday yeah that's for 50 years it was crazy and the the the record yeah it was wild so he then he's then he'll come
Starting point is 00:41:18 out and be like y'all not really even ready i can tell then we got it then then that's a whole nother 30 minutes then then it didn't even get too good at him and he could sing he could dance he was just he was just a show a showman but he really meant this stuff and he was good at it he could have been a one of the four tops or something yeah you know you'll see when i put photos up of him he was oh he was drip oh he was the drip lord he was a real lord i remember at ours it was like an hour and then we we loved it we loved our minister who did the hour and then he retired and another minister came in suddenly it was like an hour 20 and we were like fuck this god is dead 20 extra minutes
Starting point is 00:42:11 yeah yeah no we do that and then the last hour is for the last year is does anyone want to give their life to the lord after you heard all that good stuff i'm good yeah no thanks not for me no the people doing it and then the money guy comes up it's like yo you know you got to tap in with the lord give him a little bit of something for the for the show yeah and then uh then when it's supposed to be over, then another preacher from another church, if his set ended early, he would come to other churches. Oh, shit. To get more time. Like to do a guest spot on church?
Starting point is 00:42:54 To do a guest spot. Wow. On church. And he's in the back. After the headliner. After the headliner. So he's like, I've got this new bit about Luke. Which Luke?
Starting point is 00:43:09 So here's something. I thought that the books of the New Testament were named after the apostles. Right. And they were like, but they weren't apparently like the two different Luke's. There was two different. I didn't know that. I didn't even know that. Like the apostle is different from whoever is the guy writing the gospel?
Starting point is 00:43:29 So there's another mark. There's two marks. Two marks. Yeah. I might be wrong about this. Don't quote me on this. Because it seems like, why would there be two Lukes? Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:43:40 If the book in each book is, no, I thought it was the gospel according to these guys, according to Jim. Yeah. There's some shows I've never seen an episode of, and I'm, I'm, I feel pride myself on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I was having a discussion the other day about shows that have been on four years or them, or we're just canceled after an 11-year run, but you don't know them. Like, you know maybe the name of them. Like, you know, Six Rules for Dating My Daughter was on for like seven or eight years, and I never saw a single episode. And I don't know anybody who saw a single episode of it. Was that John Ritter? was it Kaylee Cuoco? was she the daughter?
Starting point is 00:44:29 and then when John Ritter passed away David Spade came in and became like a new character and then it was on for like 4 more years or something so you know there's a lot going on on these television dials that I am not familiar
Starting point is 00:44:45 with for years for years and years i've never seen friends you've never seen friends wow i don't know how you could have avoided it all these years you take a lot of pride in it i do i can see it in your face i don't think i know anybody aside from you that hasn't seen Friends. That's interesting. I've never seen Titanic. You've never seen Titanic? Titanic seems hard to watch. It's a fun... Well, it's not fun, but it's a good watch.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's good. But it's like four hours. Yeah. It seems harder to avoid Friends. You could just happen to see half an hour yeah that's true you won't trip over titanic anytime soon but you know what i didn't even see it was easy for me to avoid friends man because me too oh i just mean in real life because just you know growing in the night what was that in the 90s was that was friends yeah i think in the 90s tv was i don't know if it was more like not i'm not gonna say racist that's a
Starting point is 00:45:55 strong word but more like there was on fox was martin i'm watching martin i'm watching in living color i'm watching new york undercover you know what i'm saying all the shows that got some spice to it friends wasn't on my lineup that was what it yeah fair enough uh i guess it's just hard it's uh it's just the fact that it's never not been on tv ever since yeah and i said like fox like back in the day fox was like the nasty channel right they'd have like yeah married with children and they had like you know spicy even the simpsons was like bart said hell yeah yeah now fox is like i guess it's owned by disney now so no it's not oh i guess oh sure yeah fox news but the 20th century fox well like yeah
Starting point is 00:46:44 maybe yeah i don't know i don't know who owns what. Because The Simpsons are on Disney+. That's true, yeah. I think of ABC as the one that's owned by Disney, but I guess they're all owned by Disney. Disney's not playing, man. No, never has been. You should check out Bizaardvark.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Oh, yeah, I'm gonna. On your recommendation. After I watch iCarly, I'll watch them back to back. Dave, what's going on with you, man? What is going on with me? Well, last week was Abby's birthday. Yeah. Happy birthday to my wife from Borat.
Starting point is 00:47:21 From all of us here at Borat. And we went out for dinner. Abby's parents were staying around last week and they took care of the kids. The kids were, we shouldn't have told the kids like, oh yeah, later this week, we're going to go out for dinner
Starting point is 00:47:38 and grandma and grandpa are going to take care of you because the kids were like, no, you can't go out. They're not used to being left alone after after two years of the pandemic right yeah yeah please don't leave yeah um uh anyway so we went to um we went out to dinner and uh as're, I don't go out at all. I barely went out before the pandemic. And now I, you know, I've been out to dinner. I've used like my vaccine passport card.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Three times, maybe once to get into a movie, once to go out to lunch and then once to go to dinner. And, uh, so I'm not used to being out in public and as we're sitting at uh at dinner a guy comes up it's a crowded restaurant a guy comes up to us another person at dinner at another table he comes up to me and abby and says hey just want to say i'm a big fan of yours
Starting point is 00:48:40 i i love the work you do i really appreciate and then he's gone in like five seconds yeah and i just say thank you and then he disappears and then the guy next like the tables are so close together the guy next to me is like who are you yeah you're like i'm a popular gym teacher leave yeah he's like he didn't want to uh pry too much but he's like now i'm gonna spend the rest of my meal wondering who you are and i was like i'm a serial killer yeah i'm zachary ty brian it's it that's what's kind of sucks eating out now is the the tables are so close that everyone's on a date together. Yes. Like you can't just have that one experience. You got to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Cause in movies, all the tables are like spaced out at fancy restaurants are spaced out so much. Like another table could fit in between the tables that are. Yeah. And I feel like if I, if they, if we had ever gone out to eat during like the first year of the pandemic,
Starting point is 00:49:44 it would have been like tables tables are 100 feet apart. Yeah. Yeah. We have two tables. That was the best part of that. That was a good thing. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:57 So did you like, was the dinner good? The one, I looked at the menu before I went and i was like huh oh they've got like a cod on the menu maybe i'll get the cod and then we sit down to eat and the first thing they say is uh everything uh the menu uh just some notes on the menu the one thing we don't have is the cod oh god and there weren't that many things on the menu and abby and i ate so fast. Like I booked, like I, I parked the car and, you know, on my phone, I was like, you, you pay for parking. And I was like, uh, yeah, you know, let's say we'll, we'll be there for two hours. We were in and out in 45 minutes. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Like, I felt like it was such a, they, we ordered it. They brought it so fast and I've stood there waiting. Come on. But I've always been like, I've always felt like I'm a fast eater. Yeah. And I wish the city would issue me a card that says, this guy's a fast eater. You can have your own card made. Just like officially like, oh, like oh okay well you don't have
Starting point is 00:51:07 any tables well why not is it because someone's coming to eat in an hour i promise i will be out in an hour yes yes that that because like i want i want my vaccine card and my fast eater card in one app you can have the vaccine card and do, not the vaccine card, the dinner one. Make yourself a little business. Get some either money or free dinner and I'll walk around in Dino's clothes and make sure that people never buy it.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yo, yeah. I don't, when I go to a place they go, oh, we have reservations at five and shit. And it's like no one's sitting. No one's in the restaurant. Right. And they go, it's what they're supposed to come.
Starting point is 00:51:53 Like, yo, I could already eat by now. Yeah, I know what I want. I mean, it's 2021. Of course, I've seen the menu before I got here. Yes. And throw a cod in my mouth and I'll be. Yeah, I'll be on my i'll take 10 cards they do it like that place in seattle where they throw the fish across the market
Starting point is 00:52:13 head on it that's always funny yeah i'm at the point where i want my bill the bill is the first thing i want yeah i haven't even ordered nothing i'm like give me the bill yeah yeah minority report this shit tell me what i'm gonna order bring me my bill get the oracles around yeah guess what give me the bill man i hate that because when you give them when that last thing drops when the last they they everyone's rusty too no one knows how to deal with people right yeah yeah true everyone's tripping what how did you what do you do with the remainder of the time did you just go home oh we were oh we went for a little walk around downtown it was cold cold and we were like, let's get back in the car. We were so full.
Starting point is 00:53:07 We were like, we didn't even want dessert. Oh, wow. So you just. And so we were like, we were our Abby's parents were going to put the kids to bed, but we were home in the middle of bedtime. Like Abby's dad read the kids their first story. I read the second story and finished bedtime. It was like. You almost didn't need a babysitter. They could have just have just yeah they could have like we could have in the car well you could have put on
Starting point is 00:53:30 bazaardvark and uh yeah um uh i'm not a fast eater at all i'm quite the opposite i'm a very slow eater and i to the point that everybody will finish before me and i'll still be half of my food still because you've had to send it back because it had like feathers in it yeah something you're allergic to yeah feathers sometimes it would just come out just peanut butter all out everything have you uh gone to many or any sit-down meals? Been to a couple. Been to a couple. Well, yeah, I've been to maybe two. Like a real
Starting point is 00:54:10 dinner? Yeah, where you need to you're sitting in the restaurant. They need you to be vaccinated. Yeah. Have I? Maybe at least once. I must have because I've... Well, I think I ate in an A&W. Does that count? Eating inside an A&W? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Maybe I haven't. I'm supposed to go tonight. I'm supposed to go have a... Where are you going? I'm going to go to the Beer Craft. Oh, that's good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't they have good burgers? I've been there. They had good burgers or something going on.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Yeah, the food there's pretty good and uh their uh specialty is muscles oh is really that yeah i've had the muscles there nice and their other specialty is a bunch of belgian beer yeah yeah yeah belgian beer too shit i'm gonna go i'm gonna meet you there man i'm gonna show up there i'm pulling up man yeah just hand them your card that says I'm eating with Graham. Yeah, I can eat really fast. Can you shell the mussels for me and just rocket them down my throat? Oh, man. I've definitely been at a dinner where I was the only one not eating mussels or clams and just watching people do it.
Starting point is 00:55:21 It's insane. Like, if you're not also doing it you're like well this is like i'm sitting on the set of star trek or something i've never like i had oysters at this meal and uh i haven't boy i feel like i'm flirting with disaster there's like one in 50 oysters is gonna make you throw up right yeah i'm surprised that it's that high i would say like one in three one in 4 Well I usually get a half dozen And I haven't thrown up yet Are they
Starting point is 00:55:52 They're like the slimy ones right Like the wet ones I mean sure Like every shellfish is slimy and wet Yes But even the cooked ones But these are raw So those shellfish have that wow slimy and wet. Even the cooked ones. But these are raw. They just...
Starting point is 00:56:05 Those shellfish have that wa. Yeah. Wa. Wet-ass shellfish. Wet-ass shellfish. Yeah, no, they're a loogie. They're just a loogie in a shell.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Absolutely. Disgusting. But you know what? It's your life. Yeah. YOLO. And yeah, it's nice to go to a restaurant. I think I might do it again. I have a birthday this week.
Starting point is 00:56:40 That's right. I'm going to have a big meatball, I think. Is there a place that does that? Well, sure. Yeah, there are a few places. There's one place that I wanted to go and I felt bad.
Starting point is 00:56:52 I didn't get reservations in time at this place. I was like, Oh, I was like, Oh, I should have planned a week before. And then I checked and they don't have any reservations until 2022. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:57:02 Oh yeah, I guess I'm not. I guess I, unless i want to eat at 10 p.m or if you want to slip the maitre d like a cool hundred or something maitre d's nuts oh shit oh shit he went there anyway so uh yeah i got recognized at a restaurant. I'm pretty famous. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Which is, we're a pretty nondescript couple. But this guy, I mean, unless he thought we were someone else. Yeah, that's right. Maybe they thought you were, who? Celine Dion and Rene Angelo. Yes, that's right. I thought you were dead. Anyway, what's going on with you?
Starting point is 00:58:01 Well, last night on television, past guest Sophie Buttle made her late night debut on the James Corden Late Late Show. Yeah, and if you check out Dino the Beloved, you can see her in a pink hoodie that's right yeah i'm studying friend yeah i'm cloud chasing cloud demon yeah yeah she's yeah she she did man that was great yeah and i was speaking of tables being close together and far apart the audience was at tables yeah sitting at tables late night show it's a lot looser of a show than i thought it was it's more because they the guests stay out on the couch together and they yeah um i feel i don't know i don't know anything about what sophie did but it feels like also the stand-ups come out in at a completely different time yeah i think that's right i think that it's a different recording or maybe they add on a stand-up set well you've done uh jimmy kimmel right you know what was were you did they record it and then air it on a different day from when you
Starting point is 00:58:55 they recorded it you're part of a show but they aired my part on a different day because on the Kimmel set, it's in a different room. Oh, so they take that crowd and move. And after the, the, the stars have done their thing, the clowns come in, they bring in the clowns to close it out.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yeah. So that was really, that room is really like they turn into a little comedy club oh that's cool but then when i watched ivan do conan conan the barber conan is it conan or conan conan yes it is it's conan it's definitely ivan it's ivan It's Ivan. Yeah, that somehow the people are super far back. And, you know, that was and you're the stage. You're just on that stage away from everyone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Every setup is different. But on Sophie's, I think because Sophie, she they had that interaction with her and Jeff Goldblum. If you watch the whole show. Oh, I didn't see that. Yeah, so they do a funny bit where they go to everybody's dressing room while they're sitting there. And Sophie said,
Starting point is 01:00:12 if anybody on the show wants to buy some drugs, I'll sell them some drugs. And then he, James Corden, was like, go to the door on the other side of the room and knock on it. And she did. And Jeff Goldblum came in. And,
Starting point is 01:00:25 uh, Sophie was too, she was like, I can't have to close the door on them. It was fine. It was great. It was great. My original idea was James Corden show.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Good. I don't know. I feel this is a small sample size. I watched that part zip through the rest of the show. Doesn't he like sing in a bus um i was gonna watch it live but then that show ends at like 1 30 in the morning or something so i think i stayed up maybe till 12 and then i was like you know what the magic of recording i could record this like yeah yeah yeah so i got up. Everyone's funnier at nine in the morning.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Oh man. That's why all the open mics that are hopping are all at Denny's. Denny's has a good open mic. Perkins used to have a release before it shut down. Do you have like 1130 or 130 in the morning? There was a time in your life where that wasn't late. Is that true? Yeah, absolutely. It's not. I mean, I guess i used to stay up late but 1 30 is still late yeah it's like it's you're gonna be
Starting point is 01:01:31 if you have to get up and do anything the next morning you're creating a future problem for yourself but couldn't stay awake and so i got to see it recorded and i've got it recorded forever i can watch whenever whenever I want. Like one episode I have recorded, I realize that it's still there, was an episode of Jeopardy! where during the interview part, this guy told a story about meeting his wife. And then at the end of it, he's like,
Starting point is 01:02:01 and we're still together. And he looked at both contestants and went like, uh-huh, hey, pretty good. It's just so sweet so i have that sophie's and uh tbr has three things on it it's good there's also a story from czech tv about a guy who has too many puppies oh that's yes that's a beloved uh dvr that you got yeah yeah yeah it's a story about a guy who got too many puppies he's gonna have to drown some heartwarming what is the like what is the thing on your dvr that you're like one day i'm gonna get around to watching this uh you know you're never going to. Yeah, it's a documentary series about British Columbia. And I wanted to watch it, but I don't know if I still want to.
Starting point is 01:02:54 But I still want to keep that possibility alive. So that's why I keep... But then I'll just end up watching a beat Bobby Flay or something stupid like that. Yeah, beat Bobby Fischer. Do you know, is there something for you that you have uh that you have in your queue that you're like or even like your Netflix like oh yeah I'll put this on my list and I know I'll never watch I had um I had a Gary Clark no no no I watched that I had a rock Clark. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I watched that. I had a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 2019 or some 2017, some weird year that I was like, there's really nothing on. And I'm going to watch this Hall of Fame awards show. Yeah. And then my girl be like, hey, can we, are you going to keep keep this and i'm always having that debate right there i'm like you leave it leave it man i'm gonna watch it yeah one day i'm gonna be in the mood to do it yeah for me it's this stanley kubrick movie called barry linden oh yeah barry linden that's on the top of the list of movies you're meant to go see yeah what if there's a book of
Starting point is 01:04:05 them it's like three and a half hours long it's not it it's not about it's his least movie i like it though i like it you see it must be good i've seen it plenty of times yeah it's uh everything he made was good he didn't he didn't make a stinker, I don't think. Yeah, that's why it's on my list. Yeah, no, I'm the same. I haven't seen it, but really. Have you seen Full Metal Jacket? I have. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I've seen it a couple times, and it is disturbing. It's properly disturbing, that movie. It is. Yeah. Because the first half takes place in training camp, and then the second half takes place during the war. And the training camp is scarier than the war in this movie. This training camp looks fucking brutal.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Like, people would be like, oh, let me just get off to war. It could be outside. So, yeah, that's the only really interesting thing. The only thing going on with you is Sophie got on TV. i also finished the series which i don't ever do i never finish a series uh aside i watched uh uh squid game and then i watched a show about makeup called glow up which is uh so good and so like everybody's very endearing on it and there was one guy he was his big cause was like getting men to wear a little bit of makeup uh not to like be bold but just to cover up a couple of things on your head and uh i think i was like it was a really good pitch i bought the pitch of yeah
Starting point is 01:05:39 maybe it would be worth just wearing like a little concealer, a little. I remember when they used to do, what was the show with Stacy and Clinton? Oh, What Not To Wear. What Not To Wear. And they would have, oh boy. God, I feel like I, what were the people's names? Stacy and Clinton were the hosts. Yeah. And they would throw out all your old clothes and give you new clothes.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yeah. And then you would go get your hair done by Nick. And then you would get your makeup done by Carmindy. And, uh, but the men, like with the women, it would be like, here's what you need to do. Oh, you're, here's your coloring. You're a fall. And this would really complement your eyes. And then with the men, it was like, here's some moisturizer.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Some moisturizer. I'm just going to run this roller of concealer over your face. Yeah, put a little lotion on your knuckles. They're ashy. She would do knuckles first. Because men don't have a lot I'm gonna cover up these prison tattoos that you have here
Starting point is 01:06:49 that um I uh but like uh that knife stat that knife wound from getting bottled that's the old you what would you what What would you,
Starting point is 01:07:05 what makeup are you going to start wearing? Graham? Maybelline. I'll go with a brand name. Maybelline. Maybe L'Oreal. Would you, what,
Starting point is 01:07:13 what, what did this get you think about, get you to think about doing, you know, like, like dark kind of circles under your eyes. Yeah. That feels like something that could be jazzed up a little bit.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Um, who knows, you know? Yeah. The men on what not to wear would be like just drink some water for a while just get eight hours yeah you guys know i'm getting eight hours of rest because i taped the You're halfway there. I slept like a baby. We were talking about rules with my daughters. And I was like, what rules are there at your school? And they were like, don't be rude. Just like things their teachers have repeated to them. You got to have inside shoes and outside shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:08 to them you gotta have inside shoes and outside shoes yeah and then i was shocked to hear that one of the rules is no makeup at their school is there kids or yeah i guess so but they're like you know like abby will let them put on makeup at home but i didn't know that there are actual rules at school that are like no makeup except like lip gloss, but you're not allowed, even in grade seven, you're not allowed to just like, huh?
Starting point is 01:08:31 Like it, that seems first of all, sexist. Yeah. Cause the boys are allowed to at the schools. What the fuck? Well, I mean the boys,
Starting point is 01:08:37 boys don't care, but like, it's just like a way of kind of policing girls. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's, uh, uh, you know, I think it's harmless. That's what I of policing girls yeah yeah i think it's uh uh you know i think it's harmless that's what i'm saying makeup's harmless for little kids all the way up to adult
Starting point is 01:08:51 men makeup is uh it's where it's at but you know what i've never thought about it until i watch glow up so maybe i'm a convert you know that's good stuff i'm gonna i told my girls if if they want to wear makeup they will not get in real trouble. Yeah. Like if their teachers tell them that they're in trouble, I will tell them they're not in trouble. Yeah. But, you know, be careful not to do like a smoky eye because. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Well, I mean, look, they will, they can't pull that off. They don't have the technique. Yeah. With your lashes. Yeah. Your daughter. Yeah, with your lashes. Yeah. For your daughter? No way. Yeah, so that's what happened with me.
Starting point is 01:09:33 What do you guys say to going over some overheards? Sure. Woo-hoo. About that time. Hello. I'm Pee Wee Herman. You might know me from TV, but I really want to be a DJ. It took some convincing, but KCRW finally agreed to give me an hour on the radio to play you some music with my friends.
Starting point is 01:09:58 Anyway, tune in for one hour of the bestest, most funnest time you'll ever have on the Pee Wee Herman Radio Hour. I am personally inviting you to tune your transistor radio in to hear me or go to Duh. It'll be available for the whole week from November 26th to December 3rd. So you can listen to it again and again and again and again and again! The Pee Wee Herman Radio Hour was produced by Maximum
Starting point is 01:10:32 Fun and can be streamed on until December 3rd. Overheard! Overheard! It's a segment wherein we all hear things here on the podcast. If we're lucky, sometimes we see things. And once in a while, you'll have a dream that you thought was hilarious. And we always like to start with the guest.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Dino, you have an overheard. You know, when you asked me about the overheard, overheard you know when you you asked me about the overheard i i don't i don't have one because you can't hear shit now because everyone wears a mask that's true so you can't overhear so i'd be lying you can't even hear the people talking you can't hear anybody uh but i did hear something on tv i was watching one of these documentaries and it was one of these detective New York detective type guys talking about the mafia or something. And how he he jammed one of these mafiosos up and told him to scram. But the way he said it was he was talking that old kind of talk. And he said, he said, I told the guy, put your hand.
Starting point is 01:11:44 He said, put your hand in your ass and screw and it was the funniest the best way to tell someone to fucking fuck off that i've ever heard so just put your hand in your ass you do know how to whistle don't you so i yeah that's good yeah it was good stuff if ever if somebody uh trolls me on twitter that's what you have your hand in your i like that that's good yeah uh dave it's like when someone says sit and spin sit and spin or pound sand isn't it yeah but but when someone says sit and spin but also they're giving you the middle finger it's like oh you sit here and spin you need the combo
Starting point is 01:12:30 to get it yeah this is going to be more uncomfortable for you than it is for me you gotta keep your hand down there while i'm doing all this spinning uh dave do you have an overheard oh me yeah you uh yeah mine's an overseen okay so this is i uh was walking my dog the other day it was raining story checks out and it's always raining it's it's uh i was walking through there's these plazas near where i live one of them is the plaza where you're allowed to drink not that comes into play in the story but uh you're allowed to wear makeup in that one not in the other that's true but only lip gloss yeah and so uh and it's this uh plaza with it's got like a brightly colored mural and there's a bunch of there's like brightly colored um like kind of uh
Starting point is 01:13:27 concrete barriers just so like you can't drive your car through here right and there's a couple there's some you know picnic style outdoor seating with benches and chairs that are also brightly colored and then there's also some just like Ikea furniture that people have abandoned there. Yeah, that's right. In the summer, it was good because there were more spaces. But then now that rain has come, it's... Yeah, it's very rainy.
Starting point is 01:13:56 All the like, it's all the wood. It's like that Ikea chair that is $30. It's made out of five pieces of wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there's a bunch of those and they're just like black and moldy. Yeah. Just splitting everywhere. Yeah. And so I'm walking through there with the dog and I'm not paying attention to anything. I'm kind of like distracted in a bunch of different ways. I got the dog. I'm listening to a podcast in my
Starting point is 01:14:24 earbuds and then my dog does his business right in the middle of all this so i have to stop lean over and pick it up and then while i'm leaned over i hear this kind of cracking sound and uh but as i'm where i'm listening to a podcast so it's not that loud in my ears and i don't really notice it it might be a car like slamming a door it might be someone putting garbage in my ears and I don't really notice it. It might be a car like slamming a door. It might be someone putting garbage in a garbage can. I don't really know what it is. I don't pay attention to it.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Then I look up a few seconds later and a person is lying on the ground right in front of me. Oh, Jesus. And they they're lying on the ground on top of a broken chair. Oh, Jesus. Wow. So they were just sitting there by themselves in the middle of this plaza, and the chair collapsed underneath them. Oh, wow. And they have their hands in their pockets as well, so you know they didn't brace their fall. They had their hand in their ass.
Starting point is 01:15:20 They had their hand in their ass. They were spinning around. Jesus Christ. Was the person in question all right they well i didn't notice for about 10 seconds that this had happened because i was doing other stuff i was so distracted and uh by the time i noticed that someone else was walking had walked up to them and was like are you okay and the person just got up and walked away yeah i wish that didn't happen where people could see me but yeah that does sound like a very thing that i would do that i would sit on a chair and it just snaps beneath me and then yeah it's just looking around and being like i'm gonna see you later at
Starting point is 01:15:58 the plaza aren't i yeah i'm gonna see you on my way up and on my way down. That's right. Yeah, it was one of those things where it was like, if you're having a bad day, it's just like, you'll never believe the last thing that happened. Yeah, exactly. I don't think we need this plaza in the winter. I still love it. I still love a plaza.
Starting point is 01:16:24 When's the last time you hung out there? Two days ago when it wasn't... Really? The last time it didn't rain? Yeah. I like to get out there. I like to enjoy the moon. Play grab ass. Play grab ass. That's right. Put on my big lipstick and just run around smooching people.
Starting point is 01:16:40 You know, stuff like that. Guy stuff. You can do that. Do that. I'm gonna You can do that. Yeah. Do that. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. Get off my back. My overheard is this weekend, I did a show with Dino at a place called The Penthouse.
Starting point is 01:16:58 It is a strip club on the bottom and then a jazz slash comedy club on top of it. But you have to go through the same entrance there's only one entrance for both this place is known for its uh uh marquee yeah there's always very funny things on the marquee yeah and so uh there's just the one bouncer he's checking everybody's id and then these three teens that you know like when you're a teen and you're just like not where you were supposed to be and just hoping you wouldn't get caught but also acting a little cocky because you're a teenager you know what i'm talking about that's what that was these three guys
Starting point is 01:17:34 and uh one person was bringing out their vaccination uh vaccination card and one of the kids said you got a card? Come on man, get digital and then his friend tried to walk into the penthouse and the bouncer grabbed him and he said, hey what? I'm 14! I know my rights
Starting point is 01:18:01 Yeah, I'm 14 as I understand the age of voting and such um yeah so that was the best that kid rules they were getting up to no good and uh they weren't wearing jackets it was definitely weather that you would wear a jacket what did you um what's the youngest you ever went to a club or a bar or anything uh 16 i think 15 or 16 do you know man i was at eight 18 there was a 18 year old and uh club because in the states it's 21 right oh sure yeah so i i was yeah 18 19 i had i used my tizZell's ID. Nice. T-Zell's so cool.
Starting point is 01:18:49 Did you have to get into character? Did you have to really become T-Zell to sell the T-Zell? You know what the problem is with parades today? No one takes any pride. They go, it's you. Yeah, I show them and they go, hey man, what do you know about parades? You know something about parades? You kidding me or what man yeah i had a very very shoddy university id that uh i think maybe the bouncers just let me in because i think they're like this kid's going to
Starting point is 01:19:19 drink a lot and then puke so we're gonna we're gonna move some uh we're gonna move some product because uh he'll puke he'll come back for another round because he's a kid um he's how old were you when you first went into a like a bar i went to a strip club when i was i think 17 jeepers what an intro and yeah it was i was there were two guys in my dorm cause I, it was, I was at college, but like I was born in December. So I, uh, like the first semester I was still 17. Right. And there were two guys and they wanted to go to the red lion in, uh, Victoria. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:56 And I was their designated driver. I didn't drink till I was 19. So it was just like, I'll go, I'll see naked ladies. Yeah. I will appreciate them as the goddesses they are. Yeah. And I'll see naked ladies. Yeah. I will appreciate them as the goddesses they are. Yeah. And I'll drive you home. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I won't throw. I'll place some money on the stage gingerly. Well, I didn't have any money. I will drink a nice tea. And ask if she wants a brisk as well. Yeah. Yeah. And one for the lady please um yeah wow i don't remember the first time i went to strip club was probably probably like 18 and i thought they were weird from this yeah first step in i've only been like four times maybe and not since i was 20
Starting point is 01:20:43 yeah i have a i have a worse record when it comes to that I've definitely been at more than that and not all at night I've been at ones in the afternoon and one in Montreal in the morning because they had a breakfast festival and one on Christmas morning
Starting point is 01:20:59 you there stripper what day is this boy fetch me your fattest ass you there stripper what day is this boy fetch me your fattest ass now we also have overheard sent in to us from people all over the map you want to send one in you can send it in to spy at maximum fun dot org and this is
Starting point is 01:21:22 Sebastian walking on the sidewalk on a busy avenue guy yelling at a group of friends that has a speaker and he said, Adele isn't sidewalk speaker music. That's true. That's petty. I like that guy.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Low road Larry. Yeah, you gotta have something with a beat. You gotta have something up tempo. Something to sound terrible in a speaker. Yes. Yeah, yeah got to have something with a beat. You got to have something up-tempo. Something to sound terrible in a speaker. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah. But, you know, with Adele, maybe she'd sound good in a speaker. I don't think anything sounds good in those speakers. Yeah, I don't want to hear about your divorce on the street.
Starting point is 01:22:01 That's more of a bath time kind of thing, you know? Yeah. no that's more of a bath time kind of thing you know yeah i don't i haven't followed adele enough like i remember it was like uh her second album was the huge one and it was like boy she just she's so brokenhearted yeah she just got broken up with and then uh the third album, I, Oh, things are looking up for Adele. No fourth album.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Ah, sorry about your divorce Adele. But it's like, then it's going to be every second album really is the, cause she'll get, she'll find somebody else. And then do you think you could make Adele happy? Uh, yes.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. I think I'd treat her real nice. And, uh, I'd go to all her shows. Can she make you happy? She already has.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Yes. Yeah. Yes. Uh, this next one is, is a dream that somebody had. I wouldn't usually go with a dream, but this one's very funny. This is Joe from St. Louis. Uh, i was listening to the podcast in my car the guest was a male comic whose name i didn't hear and whose voice
Starting point is 01:23:11 i didn't recognize oh my bedina my bedina sounds like me the topic of the conversation was the fart bus movie franchise ah what with graham and the guest saying they were no good and Dave defending them. Dave said that the dialogue got better with each movie. The dialogue of Fartbush. The dialogue. You know what? The first few movies were just coasting on the plot. Quick, who was you cast as the lead in Fart Bus?
Starting point is 01:23:49 Kevin James. Kevin James. Good. Good call. Dino? Melissa McCarthy. Nice. Good.
Starting point is 01:23:55 Excellent. I was going to say Rob Milmes. He's no longer with us. Yeah. I would go Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. Yes. Yeah, exactly. They've got a chemistry.
Starting point is 01:24:05 This bus farts less than 50 times an hour. It explodes. And this last one comes from Matthew D. My wife was supposed to speak with the cat sitter this evening about feeding the cat while we were out of town for the long weekend. She called, but the cat sitter didn't answer. She texted to see if we were still good to talk tonight. The cat sitter wrote back saying, sorry, I can't talk tonight.
Starting point is 01:24:32 I'm at a really loud pie eating contest. Did the wife say this? This is the babysitter. The cat sitter, yeah. That's hella funny. You know what? That's one of the This is the babysitter. The cat sitter, yeah. Oh, that's hella funny. Yeah, exactly. You know what?
Starting point is 01:24:47 That's one of the legit reasons you can't take a call is because you're at a pie-eating contest. Yeah, a regular pie-eating contest? No, loud, wet, a wet pie-eating contest. They're playing Adele in here. It's really bringing the mood down. Dave shows up and pulls out his fast-eating card. I'm here. I can only eat one pie but i'm gonna eat it fast i'm not a volume guy i'm a speed guy yeah you're like the guy who runs 100 meters right
Starting point is 01:25:16 off of the new york marathon like i was in the lead for a couple seconds yeah oh now in addition to overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want Oh, shit. Now, in addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. SpyPod 1, like these people have. Hi, David Graham.
Starting point is 01:25:44 This is Kate calling from California with an overheard. I was at my local taco truck the other day. This guy walked up and he started looking at the menu and he asked the guy who was working there, he goes, hey, do you guys still have the, uh, the, uh, and he's kind of like scanning the menu like he's looking for some word that he can't remember and he goes do you guys still have the I think it was called a chicken burrito oh and the doctor turned to him and was like yeah
Starting point is 01:26:17 okay love you guys oh the chicken burrito no we only had that one night one night on special. You just can't. I was like, what? What'd you tell? What's that?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Yeah. The first thing they ordered. No, you must have been thinking of another place. We're a taco truck. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. We don't serve burritos. I mean, you could roll up our taco into like mini burritos.
Starting point is 01:26:43 You roll up a bunch of tacos into a ball. I think I would have eaten that as a kid, just a bunch of tortilla flats and just rolling them up in a ball and eating them. I would do that now, not going to lie. I think, yeah. Tortillas are delicious. They're the best. Shout out to Tortilla. I'll be honest.
Starting point is 01:27:03 It's my favorite part of a burrito. It's just that little folded over portion. It's the best. At'll be honest. It's my favorite part of a burrito. It's just that little folded over portion. It's the best. At the very end. That's like the prize for eating the burrito. You get that little thing at the end. It's like getting a prize from the dentist, you know? You're like, ah, this was okay.
Starting point is 01:27:16 This was pretty good. Here's your next phone call. Hey, this is Justin calling from Phoenix. I have an overheard. Hey, this is Justin calling from Phoenix. I have an overheard. My nephew has recently started going to preschool. He's four, and so he's picked up on some toxic masculinity stuff,
Starting point is 01:27:36 so now he hates rainbows. And we saw this really great rainbow, and everybody was all excited. And he said very indignantly that it was gross and declared, I won't even look at a rainbow. And then he said, my favorite part, rainbows stink. So anyway, I thought that was pretty cool. I've never smelled a rainbow before. Anyway, off I go. Yeah, they would smell damp at the very least.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Yeah. I say cancel the four-year-old. Yeah, cancel that kid. Ew. He's up to no good. I was going to say Dennis Rodman. That's incorrect. Dennis the Menace is what I was going for. Dennis Rodman loves a rainbow. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:28:22 He'd be a big rainbow guy. There was a brilliant rainbow here in vancouver a couple of weeks ago people are still talking about it this kid would have hated it he would have given it the finger when uh when the caller said that uh this kid has gotten into some toxic masculinity dino pumped his fist just because that's really funny man like how he goes he picked up on like who's he hanging with like you know i mean like yeah what motherfucker you know got time to smell some rainbows you pussy you know get up man you got it funny well jordan peterson is now teaching uh preschool he's got the kids on an all-meat yeah exactly where they have a nap everybody gets a steak
Starting point is 01:29:12 i picked up some you don't just pick up some who's the guy yeah that crazy it is like once you start mixing boys and girls around uh it's uh okay it's it's you're either a unicorn or you're not yeah you're either with the unicorns or you're against them yeah but like and uh boys can be a truck if they want to yeah they can be a unicorn or a truck and vice versa girls can be a truck yeah it's the dinos can be a truck. Dinos can be a truck, for crying out loud. That's the gender binary. You're either a unicorn or a truck. Yeah, yeah. And I say there's shades in between, you know? Yeah, absolutely. There's convertibles.
Starting point is 01:29:53 You can be a unicorn. You can be a truck with a hoarder. Yes, yes, absolutely. You can be neither. Yeah, that's right. You don't even have to participate, so there. Thank you. Here's your final overheard. Hi, Dave Graham and possible guests. This is Cal calling here's your final overheard i dave grand impossible guess this is cal calling from regina with an overheard i was walking downtown the other day through some construction i was walking under a scaffold in a hoarding and there were a couple like 40 some year old ladies on the other end of it coming towards me but it was hoarded and i could hear them talking and one says to the other no i'm serious when i take garrett to hockey and i'm in the hockey
Starting point is 01:30:31 rink no socks there either and the other one says to her no way you bitch get out of here all right thank you it is pretty bitchy yeah you sockless you told me arena you told me we were gonna both wear socks i specifically asked you you bitch um yeah that sockless whore is for the streets i don't know what to say i don't know if that's you know you you're i imagine i've seen you in a loafer you're a sockless guy from time to time. You know what, man? I like socks. You know, I like a fresh pair of fresh socks out of the dryer. Yeah. Give me socks.
Starting point is 01:31:13 You know, if the weather's right and my toes get to go in between the blades of soft grass. Gotta do it. Right? I'm describing it. But if not, I got socks on right now this collar also described hoarding yeah as like not with a like breezeway that near a construction site i was assuming yeah it was hoarded in oh i didn't i i look that part of the call was unnecessary and I, it was very confusing, but it was worth it to get through it. Cause if,
Starting point is 01:31:48 if she went like, cause her kid has to wear socks, right? During hockey, there's no sockless hockey. No, I think you could. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:56 You think so? Sure. I mean, you get a lot of blisters. Players play with, uh, players are very, uh,
Starting point is 01:32:03 particular about their, let's play, man. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Players don't play, man. Yeah. Yeah. They're just going to hate. Yeah. And I'm just going to shake, shake it off.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Well, that brings us to the end of this year podcast. Dino, thank you so much for being our guest. And it's always a pleasure. I was just waiting for the invite. And you got it. And I made it happen. Now, you've got a podcast, your own podcast, out every week? Every week.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Two episodes. What is it called? Two episodes a week? Are you crazy? Yes, because no one's watching except 100 people. Shout out to them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, time to expand your base.
Starting point is 01:32:45 We told people not to watch it, though, every episode. So that was on us. So that was also. Spread your own propaganda. Yeah, no, we got it. We got that every week. Strictly Beloved Podcast on my YouTube channel. Dino Archie on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:33:00 You put it up there. It's all free goofs and spoofs. Toxic, but safe. Let's go. And you, you have many, you have three albums out. Is that right?
Starting point is 01:33:09 I have four, four, four out. And the late, where can they, uh, where can they find that? If you band camp,
Starting point is 01:33:19 my website, Dean There you go. Make it easy. One-stop shop. Dean Yes. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:33:27 Check out his Instagram for some of this Drip Lord merchandise. Looks pretty cool. Not bad. Can I plug one last thing? You can plug 10 things. No, no. Just one, my friend. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Just one. I have this The Vancity comedy extravaganza. Oh, yes. January 8th at the Vogue Theater. Graham has been a guest. Mm-hmm. You can vouch for it.
Starting point is 01:33:52 It's a good time. It's a good time. And the audience is very, they are very there for it. So it's. They are. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:59 It's a safe place to, for the night talk for that. Who's on that show? I got Ivan Decker. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. Dave. to uh to for the night talk for that who's on that show i got ivan decker andrea jen yay only people that don't have junos yeah so sophie buttle uh did she win a juno yeah she won she was the first one yeah our beloved sophie is on there uh i got marito lopez that's my co-host for the podcast yeah and um yeah man and it's gonna be it's gonna be definitely a great time i got a dj there i bring a dj on stage icy touch
Starting point is 01:34:41 it's my birthday show oh yeah that's great it's the shit man when is it when is this going january 8th january saturday january 8th tickets are moving i really you know we're actually selling tickets like well before the show which doesn't happen in vancouver unless you're a star so yeah it might start you know i hate to tell you you're a star welcome back welcome back so yeah get tickets to that speaking of shows dave do you have something yes you oh i mean i got a couple things to plug but you can go ahead uh on december 17th to the 18th, I'm going to be doing a 24-hour stand-up set at Little Mountain Gallery to help them raise some funds for their relocation because their location is getting demolished. How long is the show going to be? 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:35:38 How long is that? It's 24 short of an Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte joint. Oh, okay. It's like six Dino churches. Yes, it's like six Dino churches, absolutely. And I do all this stuff. I push people down on the ground. What time of the day does this start?
Starting point is 01:35:57 This starts at 8 p.m. on Friday. And what time does it end? 8 p.m. on Saturday. So that's like a whole day. It's a whole day. Yeah. Make a day. Wow. on Saturday. So that's like a whole day. It's a whole day. Yeah. Make a day. Wow.
Starting point is 01:36:05 That's what I say. So this is the kind of thing people donate to help the cause of Little Mountain Gallery, one of the great local venues. Yeah. And they also, so people can come by and watch the show at any time. Yeah. They got to buy tickets. But yeah, you can come any hour of the day.
Starting point is 01:36:25 But you go buy a ticket and then you can go see an hour of the show? You can watch 10 hours of the show. No, it's all slots this time around. You can buy a slot, but you can buy a slot, you can buy 10 slots? You can buy 10 slots, absolutely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:39 So that, if you want to find out more, you can go to That's, you know, it's brill. Brilliant, babe. Is this English? I have a couple of things to plug. Yeah, what are you plugging? One is Graham and I will be doing a live Stop Podcasting Yourself in Edmonton.
Starting point is 01:37:03 That's right. Dino has done another dive off the diving board uh this is going to be january 29th as part of uh winter eruption in edmonton alberta we're going to edmonton in al in uh january like a couple of idiots yeah well let me tell you flights weren't expensive um so yeah tickets for that are at i think you're at the moment you can just buy passes for the whole thing but yeah yeah come see us because we can come see you if we were yeah last time we were in edmonton it was a weird show in a like uh yeah church basement or yeah some kind of um mason's hall yeah yeah yeah and well like we could tell the people above us were having more fun seeing jonathan richmond that's right there was a more fun show happening right on top of us.
Starting point is 01:38:06 And I want to just remind people, go to slash join if you would like to hear our bonus episodes. We release two bonus episodes a month. We did a really fun one this month where we watched Canadian Heritage Minutes.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Yes, yeah. And we also, we have hot topics on the regular so if you're interested in a yeah if you want to hear about joe rogan s-ing his own d that's coming out later this week um uh again thank you so much dino for being a guest thank you everybody out there for listening uh you know and keep your ears open for them overheards take care of yourself and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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