Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 727 - Kyle Fines

Episode Date: February 22, 2022

Actor and comedian Kyle Fines joins us to talk David Copperfield, fouled pools, and Yoko Ono....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello and welcome to episode number 727 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man... What did I say about this guy? Graham got here late. He didn't come up with a fun quip. I nearly slept through the whole thing. Yeah, a man who comes prepared with his own quip mr dave shumka yeah i'm a real
Starting point is 00:00:48 quipsman uh i've got uh quips to my left and i got anecdotes to my right and in the middle oh you know a little bit of uh uh the a bowot? Bon-Mot. Is that what they say? It's pronounced Bon-Mo. Um, our, uh, guest today, first time guest here to the podcast. Very excited to have him here. Um, very funny comedian, actor, bon vivant. Bon-Mot. Mr. Kyle Fiennes, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Uh, thanks. Hi, fellas. Hello. Thank you for being our guest. Thank you for having me. How are you guys doing? Good. How are you doing? Yeah, I'm doing good. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah. That's kind of the answer these days, you know? Yeah. Um, should we get to know us? Yeah, let's do it. Get to know us. Kyle, you are an actor. Sure. You're an actor rapper yeah i'm going for that egot baby yeah um what is oh yeah emmy grammy oscar time magazine cover which you just get done at the mall. Like there's a guy who takes your picture, puts it on a time magazine.
Starting point is 00:02:07 So a lot of people have the T and E got these days. Yes. Um, Oh, there was someone who, uh, if, if I think of it,
Starting point is 00:02:17 it'll be very interesting, but there was someone who came to my attention who only has one of those, but it's like a lot, the less likely one never mind what i think tony's the less isn't tony the less likely one tony's not the least likely one if you're say lin-manuel miranda or you know uh rita moreno yeah or gad surely gad has won yeah gad's probably won one for the uh the mormon mormon people love to say but he was great in the book of mormon if you ever shit on him yeah that's true people are there that's the
Starting point is 00:02:52 they call i he used to be in everything like he was he would show up in everything and i'd be like oh gad again and now uh the james corden's and everything i'm like i miss gad yeah well there used to be a there used to be an order a pecking order it'd be like can we get Jack Black no we can't get Jack Black can we get what's his name Dan something he was in Balls of Fury
Starting point is 00:03:15 you remember that ping pong movie he's basically doing a Jack Black impression and then if you can't get him you get Josh Gad well Gad has leapfrogged to the front of the line but impression and then if you can't get him you get josh gatt good josh well that gatt is gatt is has uh leapfrogged yeah to the front of the line but uh it's like if you can't get skeet ulrich you get steven dorff well if you can't get johnny depp you get skeet ulrich and then you can't and skeet ulrich doesn't return your calls because he doesn't have a phone
Starting point is 00:03:39 yeah sorry i lost it 10 years ago to sizzler if you can't get Kirsten Dunst, you get Dominic Swain. Yes. By the way, if you can't get a good podcast, you get us. So let's just like, let's take ourselves down a notch. Yeah, exactly. For the Swainheads attack. Let's check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And Gad, he means no harm. He's out there trying his best. He's old. gad yeah dave's a big gad oh i should have asked first yeah well i i get it i get it yeah uh uh but he's uh you know he carries those frozen movies he was great as olaf yeah i'll give it to him yeah and I've heard he's great in Book of Mormon, so I've got to take people's word for it. Yeah, yeah. I don't have any standing problem with Gab. I think my beef is longstanding with Corden. Everybody knows that.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, boy. Yeah, here we go again. Don't get me started on our boy. I was getting riled up. Speaking of late night, do you guys know that Jay Leno has a game show that he's the host of? You were going to say, do you know that Jay Leno has four cars? Oh. I was going to say, it's the game show.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Hey, do you want to come into my garage and look at my cars? And he just shows us while wearing denim. He's just like like look at these cars I'm wearing denim tonight I'm doing a little Leno dark Leno I'm doing a dark washed Leno what is this game show it's a reboot of the
Starting point is 00:05:16 show from the 60s called You Bet Your Life and it's him he hosted with Kevin Eubanks I've heard the name I've heard of that show. I don't know the rules. The rules is that the game doesn't matter. It's all the banter between the host and the guests.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Because Groucho Marx is who hosted the first one. And is the guest a celebrity? No. Oh. No. They're just some jerk off the street. Jerk off? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And if you can't get jerk off, go under the street and find somebody in a sewer. And if you can't get them. Can't get gad, you get a jerk off. You get a jerk off. That's right. I figured there was just a show where they would just be like, okay, how much can we pay you to kill you? You bet your life.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Do you have a family that could benefit from this? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. do you have a family that could benefit from this yeah yeah yeah in case of uh accidental death your benefit triples jay leno has blood lust he's just rubbing his he's like just tell me what i gotta do to get you to allow me to murder you the most dangerous game yeah yeah um uh yeah I don't know why I know that. I guess I was watching the Olympics during the day, and then I switched the channel, and there was Jay Leno. Old Jay Leno. Not the young Sprite we remember.
Starting point is 00:06:36 No, not the young guy from the Doritos commercial. Graham, we'll talk to him. We'll learn more about our guest. But you said you almost slept through this. I did what somebody I follow on twitter ariel ariel demas calls the devil's the devil's nap which is 5 45 oh wow yeah the sun's down yeah i know it was very like i i thought it was like i'm gonna lie down for a 6 o'clock recording. I woke up at 545. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Yeah. When did you go to sleep? Five. And then I napped. Sun was up? Sun was going down. I was irresponsible to have a nap, but I couldn't resist, you know? One of those, the couch was looking so good. How long does it take you to fall asleep for a nap, Graham?
Starting point is 00:07:22 No time. Which is interesting because we've talked before about our insomnia. We both share our love of insomnia. Dave's choking and put his arms in the air to stop choking, which I think I've seen in movies. Is that wrong? You choked on your margarita twice? Yeah, it's too salty.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I got a big salt in my throat. I'm having a margarita because our guest used to be a bartender at a Mexican restaurant in my old neighborhood. Yeah. Yeah, which spurred some memories. Was it, how many, at that restaurant, what proportion of the bar orders were margaritas? Oh, 90%. Oh, yeah. Yeah. proportion of the bar orders were margaritas oh 90 percent yeah yeah it was it was the most uh i was just it was a uh what's the word i'm looking for like muscle memory at that point
Starting point is 00:08:12 didn't you think it was great was no way were people like uh how do anyone ever say give me a paloma oh yeah once in a while yeah why not um yeah the main question was always how are your margaritas that was always are they naughty yeah um you you say yeah we both have trouble sleeping but i don't have problem falling asleep it's staying asleep that is interesting interesting because I have a problem. I take forever to fall asleep, which is I can't nap because by the time I would need to get up from a nap is when I would probably fall asleep for the nap. Have you ever done that before where you're taking a nap too late and then you wake up at 2 in the morning and you're like, hey, we're meeting here at, you know, 1030. And you go to, you have a quick nap at 830 and then you wake up at 3am and you're like, no, whoopsie daisy. Do you guys remember a couple of years ago there was a... Non-COVID world, yes.
Starting point is 00:09:18 There was a pill that was recalled. There was a very popular sleeping, it was a supposedly herbal sleep aid called you dream it sounds like a scam yeah it sounds like a snl commercial and it was recalled because it was not herbal and it was medicinal and it was like everyone was like this sleep aid works so great and plus it's just herbal. It's like totally natural. And then they find out it's like codeine or whatever. Yeah, it was like a benzo.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It was just like. This is just 50 milligrams of Ativan. Oh, Ativan. That's one of the winners. I used that for a while. But then, you know what? Things stop working if you do them. You get used to them.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You get used to them, and your body says, think of something else, bro. Is Ativan prescribed? Yeah. And how easy is it to get prescribed? Very. How much are you? Is that what Tiger Woods would take and have a dirty,
Starting point is 00:10:27 dirty drug sex? Yeah. That's who turned me onto it. Was the wood man. We call him. Hey, this guy, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:37 he seems to have things going on really well right now. I think I'm going to get on this Benzo train. He's had a good decade. Yeah. This guy who's apologizing profusely right now. Are they still together? It might have been ambient. Him and his wife?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yeah, his wife. Are they still together? I couldn't imagine. No. I couldn't imagine. After your wife beats you with a golf club, it's usually over. That's like a Jeff Foxworthy.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You may know it's over. Yeah. You might be a tiger woods. If you might be, uh, and he's saying it to his, have you seen his show that he hosts Bible challenge? No,
Starting point is 00:11:20 no. Is that a real thing? Yeah. He has a Bible challenge, a game show, which I'm surprised Graham, you seem to love your game show. I do love my game shows. show, which I'm surprised, Graham, you seem to love your game shows. I do love my game shows.
Starting point is 00:11:27 This is, I'm absolutely shocked that I don't know about you. Are you, you know, more pious than a fifth grader? Which Corinthians are you? Yeah. What is, is it just Bible trivia? It is. It's Bible trivia. I wish I could tell you how I caught it once.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I seem to always find the weirdest stuff. It was definitely on a streaming service and it was called, I think it was just something straight up like Bible challenge. And it was two groups and it was like three people in each group. And it was just Bible questions. And, um, one of the groups was a nuns once and i think they just decimated it
Starting point is 00:12:06 they got nothing to do the american bible challenge yeah american bible challenge well this is thank you for bringing this to my attention well i mean you know that it begs the question because you you know could we have a canadian version yes exactly we graham do you want to host the canadian bible oh i would love it uh they've already locked in jerry d sorry guys damn it why does he get that position every time i'm sorry well he was on cbc you know it's true check him out on gem um i uh i like i just like picturing the categories on the bible show like jeopardy where they kind of make like silly things where they string them together like jonah and the whale
Starting point is 00:12:55 whale of a time one of them would be why don't you get a job yeah yeah uh i was once when i when i was a kid i went to go see uh pen and teller oh yes uh live at the vogue theater in vancouver and i went with my brother and they did a thing where they uh they did a trick where they uh wanted kids to come up on stage so all the kids of the audience raised their hands they called on me and like 10 kids came on stage and we all uh threw darts at a dartboard that had uh different bible verses or bible books okay and i remember mine landed on judges and they had a you know they had a line about hey judges uh something court you know judge ito but what what was the trick well and then it was like so this uh you it the a bunch of kids threw stuff at the bio at the um at the uh dartboard i forget how but eventually they whittled it down to one book of the bible they whittled it down to and before the
Starting point is 00:14:03 trick started they had put a piece of paper in a bottle and, uh, suspended the bottle from the top of the, at the top of the stage. Oh, wow. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:14:14 they whittled, winnowed it down to one Bible verse. And at the end, they pulled the bottle down and it had the Bible verse in it. Wow. Can you imagine? And then Ben reminded us, God doesn't exist.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I was going to say, I thought the trick was called, do you want to watch 10 children become agnostic? the bible verse in it wow the can you imagine and reminded us god doesn't exist yeah i was gonna say i thought the trick was called do you want to watch 10 children become agnostic well can you imagine doing sound check for penn and teller like okay uh yeah to check me the bottle that's hanging from the ceiling we got uh we got matthew up there on the ladder making sure that it's right and uh matthew from the bible yeah yes just for our cue this is where i tell 10 children that none of this matters and we're just floating through space yeah recycling's bullshit all this kind of stuff really is he recycling's bullshit yeah yeah that's on his show whatever it's called like shut the fuck up i mean i have heard the
Starting point is 00:15:02 recycling kind of bullshit shut the fuck up with shut the fuck up shut the fuck up is my show that's literally what he told teller that's i love it were you a huge penn and teller fan dave uh no oh okay i mean it was a fun, and I was like a nerdy comedy kid. Like, I loved stand-up comedy, but I don't know how I would have known Penn & Teller. Well, they were famous. Yeah, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:33 I was super into David Copperfield when I was a kid. Nice. Like, I thought he was the coolest dude in the world. I saw him live three times. Wow. All in Vancouver? No, saw him live three times. Wow. All in Vancouver? No, back in Toronto. Nice.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Yes. And one of them was when he was going through his flying phase. We all go through it. Yeah, everybody goes through it. So he, near the end of it, I think the last time I saw him, he flew and it blew my mind how did he do it i still don't i mean i'm just assuming he learned how to fly but he like flew over the audience at one point and he had all the marrow removed from his bones so he had super light well he was wearing
Starting point is 00:16:19 a really billowy shirt so maybe it's filled there with helium or something i don't know he was dressed as spider-Man and he was telling everyone to turn off the dark helium shirt just at the end of the show he's still stuck on the roof hello everybody I'm married to Claudia Shiffer
Starting point is 00:16:37 yeah he was married to Claudia Shiffer and then didn't he date somebody like somebody very not magician adjacent but i mean claudia shiver was that but yeah she dates all the magicians everybody knows that that's right yeah uh okay according chris angel and david copperfield on who's dated yeah this is good reliable source should be who's dated whom but we'll let it slide uh the only yeah the only person i've heard of is claudia shiver okay um anyways of his of his uh 10 uh 10 people he's
Starting point is 00:17:18 dated can we just assume that the woman after claudia shiver his rebound was probably an assistant like a magician's assistant. Oh, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Because it's like when you have a rebound and you work in an office, you're like, well, I'm always around this person. I might as well. I mean, I cut her in half, you know. Yeah. I date her. Cut her in half and then, you know, if she's talking too much, just put that half
Starting point is 00:17:37 in the corner. Come on. He's a vaudeville guy. He's got banter. That's his classic vaudeville banter. just classic he's like the sexy one he does sexy stuff so what else was sexy he made the statue of liberty disappear yeah that the sexiest thing you can do i'll be honest i get really hard whenever the statue liberty disappears where did it go no don't tell me i never want to know yeah what what the statue of liberty is kind of a boner killer
Starting point is 00:18:06 so if you can get rid of it well dave you're up and down you said that you get hard when you see it you say that no i get hard when i see when i don't see you don't see it i see and then when it comes back well we've all heard the stories of like you know people coming over from ireland and stuff on the boats in that night in the early 1900s, late 1800s. And then being like, I'm so excited. I'm so horny for the U S and then they see the statute of liberty. They're like, wah,
Starting point is 00:18:30 wah. And then their David Copperfield was a whole different David Copperfield. Yeah. It'd be like circle this, this Dickensian character made your statute of liberty disappear. What accent am I doing? That's not Irish. Where did he get the name?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like it's the book has the book is a magic right no but he performs zero magic in it yeah he just i think he picked it because it was like familiar enough or maybe it's just it's rags from riches sort of though right yeah yeah yeah yeah so maybe that was uh rags riches? Is this about a little boy who gets poor? Did I say rags from riches? Oh, no. What else did you see him do? I'm fascinated. I'm dialed in.
Starting point is 00:19:13 He made snow. He made snow, which isn't so impressive now. Especially in Toronto. Yeah. He actually, the trick was he just took us all outside. He was like, I made this. And then we all were like, oh well, we gotta believe you. We have no reason
Starting point is 00:19:28 not to believe that you made this snow outside. So, okay. Yeah, so he made it snow. He made it snow out of his hands. This is Spider-Man again. Yeah, so out of his hands he would make snow and then it fell from the ceiling and made snow?
Starting point is 00:19:44 I think eventually it probably just like, so it's like most of it came out of his hands like Spider-Man. Okay. And then by the end, they're like, well, let's give more snow. Snow falls from the ceiling. The snow's falling from the ceiling. No, everyone, don't inhale. Don't open your mouth. This is very dangerous what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Also, there's no late show coming in because this is a disaster. Also, we're sponsored by Borax, so don't. Borax. Three times you saw him. Yes. I loved him. What ages? This would probably be between the ages of 7 to 12 probably okay so the first time you see him
Starting point is 00:20:28 yes is it is it your parents idea or are you did you see a commercial and you're like i want to go to that we i can i can say that every time was my idea because we watched his specials on TV. So like Statue of Liberty. How does a kid know a show's coming to town? The Shriners would advertise. I always knew when the Shriners were coming to town. What was their show? They rode around in little cars, right? Yeah, and they sponsored a circus.
Starting point is 00:21:00 So every time the Shriners came. Oh yeah, the Shriners Circus. I feel like back in the day, didn't they have like commercials for everything that was coming to town yeah i guess so yeah like the what's the one commercials yeah oh yeah anytime kids don't see commercials anymore no that's true and that that means they're messing out on shen yin which is coming yeah they're not well the kids still see the door knockers well kids still go to winners that's how they know about shen yin yeah but kids aren't seeing commercials for the harlem globetrotters coming to town the the any capade otherwise yeah yeah monster jam man i went to one of those when i was a kid and it was it was like one of the best
Starting point is 00:21:37 things i can remember being a kid was going to i've been three times as an adult at the pne and your review they're amazing we're going again in March We already bought our tickets Oh shit, March isn't that far away Is Undertaker going to be there? The Undertaker? The monster truck You're thinking of Gravedigger
Starting point is 00:21:57 No, Gravedigger and Undertaker are too different Yes, but I think spiritually they're connected When I was a kid it was just Bigfoot It was Bigfoot, yeah Here, it was just Bigfoot. It was Bigfoot? Yeah. Here's the thing about Bigfoot. I don't know if that's a Monster Jam truck, though.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Same with, what's the thing that turns into a giant Zord? Truckosaurus. I don't think Truckosaurus is Monster Jam either. No, sure. So they work their own circuit kind of thing? Yeah, it's like back in the day, you had wrestling territories. Right. You know, for everybody who's listening right now, it's like, oh yeah, I like you had wrestling territories right you know for everybody who's listening right now he's like oh yeah i know all about southern wrestling yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:22:28 this is transformers territory this is go bots territory yeah and like we're in mega blocks country there's no lego around here gi joe and mask yes oh yeah i remember going to a friend's house and playing with mask remember mask yeah i i had both you had both joanne dave privilege mask here's what i remember about mask oh boy i couldn't tell you what the thing was but i remember there was a little boy voiced by alan thick's son but not robin thick who rode around on a little robot who was also a vehicle and mask stood for something and uh justice was the i know the m stood for mobile i'm pretty sure mobile you're thinking of mash was mask the one so i have an older sister who had a bunch of my sister had a bunch of uh gi joes and Transformers and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:23:27 So there's this weird intersect between, I'm a 90s kid, but because I have a much older sister, I have 80s influences from her toys being hand-me-downs. Was Mask the toy that you would press a button and it would transform, but like barely transform? Was that a Mask thing i i can't remember it was mobile armored strike command with a k yeah well come on guys that's just uh no mask was the one with um they had vehicles that changed and then they made the movie with eric stoltz yeah they had eric stoltz
Starting point is 00:24:05 was share uh-huh really no this is oh i get it sorry no mask no the mask is smoking isn't that i've never seen somebody so unhappy to get a joke before oh okay yeah no yeah there were too many properties called mask within like eight years yeah Yeah. And only one of them asked somebody to stop them. That's true. That poor Eric Stoltz. Stop me, Sheriff. Stop me, Sam Elliott. Could you imagine if the 1980s dramatic movie Mask had him go, somebody stop me.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Could I imagine? Yeah. I have a pretty good imagination. Smoke. Yeah. How come there wasn't a sequel to mask because that seems like it was really good movie and which one yeah which uh to both oh i really don't know sequels to both well there is the son of mask oh yeah oh with jamie kennedy where the baby turns into the mask that's right yeah and then it was a very creepy all cgi baby oh yeah yeah just like alley mcbeal yeah exactly the og scary baby is it i guess what a simpler time when all we cared about was a cgi baby that was like on the news the next day yeah that was literally that was
Starting point is 00:25:20 literally news like that's what we dealt with it was a what was it a screensaver that became a it's a dance to ooga chaka ooga chaka did she see it in the courtroom did she see the baby yeah yeah she because it was like a vision or something but was it in the courtroom or it was kind of everywhere it was it was really on her mind did either of you ever actually watch Ally McPhil? No. Well, Graham, what was it about? Go ahead. I never saw it. It was about a law firm. They shared a bathroom. Boys and Girls had one bathroom.
Starting point is 00:25:56 See, you know already a lot about it. Yeah, but I don't know what separates it from a regular lawyer show. The good fight. It's supposed it was quirky like so it wasn't supposed to be an all-out comedy but it also wasn't it was david e kelly wasn't it uh yes and they all went and saw vonda shepherd's thing every night yeah vonda shepherd was the house band at the bar that they gathered the peach pit and near the end they brought in uh they brought in iron man near the
Starting point is 00:26:27 end to liven things up oh was he it was robert denny jr pretty sure he was well as as iron man it was the prequel and you know calista flockhardt she's a woman but it's hard to date when you're working all the time so maybe the the kind of people you date are kind of in the low end of the pool. And so that makes for pretty great comedy, if you ask me. I don't know if it holds up. Probably not, is my guess.
Starting point is 00:26:55 The Dancing Baby probably does. The Dancing Baby definitely does. Theme song was great. Can you sing a few bars? Oh, my name's Ali Beal, and I'm here to say, I think about the baby every day. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good, man. Anyway, Kyle, welcome to the show. What's your deal? Thank you so much. What's your whole deal? He loves magic. Magic, apparently he loves magic magic apparently which likes magic he likes monster trucks well i'm telling that whole story about the david copperfield thing
Starting point is 00:27:32 is it like i don't i never got into magic myself yeah i ever i tried when i was a kid and then when the book said that you're gonna have to like repeat this so many times oh yeah i quit i quit i love quitting things yeah what's the best thing that you ever quit where you're like oh man i'm so glad that i quit that uh tap dancing oh sweet okay tell us this story yeah how long did you last so uh to to preface this why did you go yeah okay well i can preface this by saying that um i have adhd and when you were a child in the 90s with adhd they didn't know a lot about it so i had a i was the textbook version of adhd kid with tons of energy i mean i'm still that person but my my parents were like we need to basically like when you take your
Starting point is 00:28:25 dog out for a huge run to because you just know you want them to fall asleep when they get home my parents were like that with me so they're like trying to put me into every sport into every sort of hobby to like see what they could you know so at one point they put me into uh my parents put me into dancing and it was half of the class was jazz dancing. And the other half was tap dancing. And, uh, as a kid who loved,
Starting point is 00:28:54 you know, had like overdrive sensory, I love the sound of tap dancing. So they put me in a tap. I probably lasted maybe two weeks before I was just like, well, I'm not amazing at this yet. So let's try something else. I gave it a shot. I'm amazing at something after two weeks, you know?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. That's the point of doing anything if you're not great at it after two weeks. Exactly. My point. Exactly. But quitting something when you're a kid, it takes a lot of force because you're not the one that's like well I'm canceling my membership to this yeah well because your parents already paid for
Starting point is 00:29:30 you know from at least like September to Christmas oh yeah you definitely have to come up with some very good excuses for the first few classes that you want to miss I think my teacher's racist.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I also can't sneak up on anybody anymore. Which was my thing. You need special screwdrivers to reattach the tapper, and mine's come off. So I think you have to get them overseas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Apple doesn't want you to be able to uh modify your tap shoes but yeah i have a long list of stuff that my parents signed me up for that i uh got tired of very quickly which is my life story you are you're
Starting point is 00:30:21 into something then you're like is there anything you you regret any of that? Do you wish you had stuck with any of that? Yes. Guitar. I took guitar lessons for a couple years. Years? Yeah. My problem though is I have very small hands
Starting point is 00:30:39 which is very difficult as a child. Yeah, they look fine to me. I have that filter on that makes your hands look normal. Oh, you can't tell. They look normal. Oh, mine's malfunctioning.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I mean, mine, I have like, uh, you know, like anime characters. Speaking of hands, did you know that the,
Starting point is 00:30:56 the thing in, uh, the Adams family, that was a magician's hand. Oh, that's probably who I was thinking of before he only got a tony was it bill what's the clown guy's name bill irwin mr noodle yes what is this thing you speak of what's mr noodle what is uh bill irwin mrodle is a character from Sesame Street?
Starting point is 00:31:26 Yeah, maybe. Who was portrayed by Michael Jeter. Okay. And then Bill Irwin. Is that right? Bill Irwin was also in Hot Shots. Oh, who is he in Hot Shots? He's the guy who keeps the wing and the plane together.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I think he is Topper's dad. Oh. He's either Topper's dad or he's his his co-pilot and he's the guy who gets stretched out if you remember yes the flashback uh that's him and he he's a on sesame street yeah he is uh later than you would have watched I only know from parenthood But There's a He's like If you don't
Starting point is 00:32:12 If you don't know who he is You don't know who he is But you'd know his face But also I could not tell you any of his roles Other than Mr. Noodle He's a clown He's a classically trained clown He does like song and dance stuff too He he was in uh if i just watched it the other day my blue
Starting point is 00:32:30 heaven with rick moran yes i know who you're talking about it's the part the other he's the other partner yeah and he does the weird dance at that one point where joan cusack and rick moran yes our dance our dancing that is how to look r Rick Moranis look any taller. This is like an undiscovered gem. A lot of people haven't ever heard of it. It's an interesting movie. It's also his Steve Martin's character is supposedly supposed to be Ray Liotta's character from Goodfellas. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:58 It was written by Nora Ephron and her husband wrote Goodfellas. He wrote Goodfellas. So they like based on the same interviews with the same... Yeah, from the same guy who... Yeah. Two books. That's a fun couples thing. Let's write a book.
Starting point is 00:33:12 We'll write a movie, and you'll write a movie about the same topic. We'll share notes. We'll spend time with highlighters together. Mine will be a comedy. Yours will be a drama that's funnier. Did you guys ever think that Penny and Marshall and... Gary?
Starting point is 00:33:31 Gary and Marshall were married? Because I didn't. No, I knew they were brother and sister somehow. I always thought they were married. But there's... I can think of examples of... I can't think of examples, but there are examples of other ones where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:33:44 oh, they're not a couple couple they're brother and sister i think that i i thought she was his daughter i didn't know they were brother and sister yeah maybe i think i thought that whoopi goldberg and the wrestler goldberg were brother and sister and that's true that if you uh you look at her yeahca It's remarkable, her family. Well, at the end of Sister Act 2, Whoopi spears the mobster and says who's next. And at the end of Sister Act 3, Whoopi
Starting point is 00:34:14 wins America's Bible Challenge. Yeah. Well, you'd be so lucky to get on that show. Oh, happy day. They're going to make a Sister Act 3, right? On Disney Plus, probably. Oh, sure. Oh, sure. Yeah, right? Like, that's the thing to do now. do now now that whoopi's you know stepped aside from the view for a while she not back i don't know she was suspended back the next day i just i just read the the headline and then i went about my day i'm taking tap dancing right
Starting point is 00:34:39 now so it takes a lot of time and energy out of my day. It really does. Do you have anything that you regret quitting, Graham? I guess probably piano. I think it'd be cool to be able to play piano. Yeah. I wish I, my parents, my sisters took piano lessons. And for some reason, my parents made me take cello. Oh, wow. We had a piano in the house.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Why not? Did they hang up a poster of yo-yo ma in your bedroom this is this is who you should respect for now and every time i've you know finished an arpeggio they took off a panel so i revealed a nude yo-yo ma yo-yo ma uh the old major league yeah they major league yo-yo ma for me name one other uh jealous no i can't it's so weird though that yo-yo ma as a child i knew who it was because somehow they were able to infiltrate that into my mind i think it's because dennis miller said it in the rant yo-yo ma and i looked it up as if it was an expression it was a guy and was, I think he maybe had the most guest appearances
Starting point is 00:35:45 on the West Wing of anyone. There was always a Yo-Yo Ma concert about to happen. I thought he was like, I thought he was the Secretary of Defense
Starting point is 00:35:54 or something. Oh, great. Our weekly Yo-Yo Ma concert is coming. Oh, Yo-Yo Ma's doing the jackal. Ah!
Starting point is 00:36:07 Yeah. Yeah. P piano would have been mine. What about you, Dave? Did you quit anything where you're like, ah, if I'd only stuck with it? No, my parents made me stick with things, which is a talent I do not have as a parent. But they would also sign me up for stuff right and that i had no interest in like they like i took swim lessons and then at a certain point in elementary school my mom was like okay now join the competitive swim team and i was like i'm slow everyone's mad at me i don't know i don't want
Starting point is 00:36:45 to wear a speedo either i like having these i didn't i was like the only one in board shorts he's really slowing us down on the relay oh my billabongs they made me take a woodworking class i think they i don't know if they made me they signed me up and they're like you're doing this and i was like all right you're gonna be a hermit hermit in the woods one day yeah you're gonna thank us for this you're gonna be a hermit and i made a stegosaurus and i still have it you know what i like i definitely wish i was more handy i wish I could use tools and stuff. Oh, yeah, that's another one. Yeah, being able to fix things, especially a car.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Being able to just diagnose the problem in the car and then also know how to fix it. Did you guys have that class in high school? Yeah, I didn't take it. Yeah, my school had it. We didn't. I wish I had taken it, 100%. Yeah, me too. But I feel like the auto auto guys they were their own club
Starting point is 00:37:46 of people it was weird like i didn't know anyone who took it no i mean the t-birds they were they were like the t-birds you see them and guys well they're systematic right you should have seen what the chicks did but they were yeah they were kind of like their own gang i feel like the woodshop kids were also like only understood other woodshop kids yeah yeah and lingo yeah exactly i do remember the auto shop kids would like do auto shop after school as well like that was like it became a whole but those were also the guys who were into, who had their own cars, which as somebody who used their mom's Toyota Corolla. Yeah. You think Carol's going to let me tinker on that thing? No way.
Starting point is 00:38:30 No. She takes it to the dealership for service. He's not going to let me work on his Mercury Sable. Those are the two. Those things run fix themselves. You always remember the two cars you learned what to drive, like how to drive on. Yeah. It was my Chrysler minivan. You always remember the two cars you learned how to drive on. Yeah, it was my Chrysler minivan.
Starting point is 00:38:51 It was a big red minivan was what I learned. We had an Acura Integra. And later I had a friend who was like, he and his friends loved Acura Integras for some reason. Like a guy I met in school, in TV school, and he was like, oh yeah, I'm fixing up my Tagsy. Yes, he did. That's it. Although there was, I guess there was like
Starting point is 00:39:15 a souped up model. We had like the plain. Yeah, I think this probably in one of the Fast and Furious is for sure. One of the drift ones. Sure. Yeah yeah where were they drifting again was it like kyoto oh no it was in tokyo come on don't play koi with me koi being a popular fish in japan full circle well done done um uh yeah i and i feel like there's also things that i'm not like i'm too old to pick up and be any good at like any physical i would do piano now i would love piano now yeah i i just
Starting point is 00:39:57 don't know where to put it um but you know what if you go on craig's list there's so many free pianos i bet yeah is there actually oh yeah there is ones like big ones big ones yeah because it's so hard to not even grand pianos though but like just like even the upright upright ones yeah like people buy them and then we want to get rid of them and there's only so many people in town that can move them properly without damaging them and so people like give me a damaged one yeah yeah i can i can turn it around yeah i can fix you you've seen the panda piano on broadway right what that's i thought there's that piano shop on broadway oh okay okay i thought you meant broadway like the theater district and i was like there's a play called panda piano i really ruined that by making it seem like there
Starting point is 00:40:46 was a play on broadway there's a pan is there a there's a panda piano okay well but what is that because that's real is it a piano store on ninth avenue on broadway that has a panda piano and i yeah that's not as exciting as what could have been what piano store? Pacey's? the one like Broadway near Oak on Broadway right next to the Toys R Us? yeah again please get rid of this
Starting point is 00:41:17 I'm sorry it's not a Broadway play no no it's good this is good local content I don't know how local you guys make this we like to get down to does the place have parking or not yeah sure This is good. This is good local content. I don't know how local you guys make this. Very. We like to get down to, does the place have a parking or not? Yeah, sure. When I was leaving my apartment at.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. But like whenever, if you ever had car trouble and then some guy comes along and fixes it really quick, that makes you feel like less of a person, right? Yeah. That makes you feel pretty low. Then it's always something stupid, too.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Oh, you just got to screw in this spark plug. You idiot. Yeah. Whenever I think about how hard things are with like DIY and renovating and cars, I'm always like, we invented this, though, so I should be able to figure this out. Wee! It wasn't you.
Starting point is 00:42:03 No, but, you know, wee as a species. As a species, yeah, that's true. We should be able to figure this out it wasn't you no but you know we as a species yeah that's true we should be able to i don't see zebras making cars yeah a zebra would need my help i would be able to help me and i was on broadway then you make that you're you know you're embarrassing that zebra in front of all its friends uh-huh uh you idiot it's a spark plug ever heard of it yeah come on man we'd an unspoken rule um dave what's going on with you man oh big week this week here we go banner week uh so i uh things have opened up enough that i you know uh pools are open. So I've been taking the children swimming. Yeah. And this past week.
Starting point is 00:42:50 So where we swim, as with most pools, there's usually a large pool for people to do laps in. Yeah. And other general playing. Yeah. There's a, there's a kiddie pool. Okay. There's like a dive tank and there's a hot tub okay and so we were uh the the kids had done some time in the big pool and then we were
Starting point is 00:43:14 in the kiddie pool and then as we were sitting around in the the kiddie pool with a bunch of like toddlers and you know five through seven year olds uh we noticed the lifeguards started coming around and whispering to people oh okay and we were like oh i or at least i was like they're telling people to get out because someone has pooped yes yeah also is there a reason that it always has to be called the kiddie pool as opposed to just not called the kid but it's uh i think they call it the tot pool yeah or yeah whatever tot stool well there was some tot stool in this one so they started coming around
Starting point is 00:43:50 so the lifeguard went around from person to person and said like we don't want to embarrass him but that Brian over there I think that was basically it like high school gossip hey have you heard about Brian I think they I saw them
Starting point is 00:44:04 whispering to people saying, we are evacuating the pool. I assume that's what they said. I knew it was happening, so I even circumvented that. That went right up to her. Has it been fouled? We're just going around telling everybody
Starting point is 00:44:23 that somebody made hot brown butter in the pool and you know, do what you will with that information. If you want to stay in there, fuck. If you want to dip some focaccia in here. That's so gross.
Starting point is 00:44:39 So what I get is never living that down. No, no, no. This was like a so a kid is never living that down no no no no this was like a two year old so this kid is living it down but if there was an older kid like a five year old
Starting point is 00:44:54 they'd be like I remember that time at the pool but the thing is like we've gone to the pool before and it's been closed the moment like before we got there and like oh I guess something happened beforehand and the reason like they clean it up pretty quick and then it's been closed the moment like before we got there and like oh i guess something happened beforehand and the reason like they they clean it up pretty quick and then it's just like they blast it with chlorine yeah and then they have to just it's closed for like a few hours waiting for the chlorine levels to go down right well that's uh that's a that's a tidy way to taking
Starting point is 00:45:21 care of things yeah so so we were in this little pool and then we got out. We went to the hot tub and we had been at the pool for like an hour at this point. So, we were about ready to go. Yeah, you have aching muscles at this point. You got to hop in that hot tub. Well, I was in the hot tub, so that helped. And then the kids were like, okay, well, before we go, let's go back in the big pool. We went back in the big pool and I realized, oh, I don't have my goggles.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And then I looked in the little pool. Yeah. They were in there side by side. Well, they had, we had also witnessed the, whatever the big net that they use on a pole to, to take it out and put it into like the biohazard bucket well you're not gonna just throw it in the garbage like in the bathroom you can put it in a toilet sure you can put it i mean that's where it belongs yeah put it a come by with a bedpan and so we uh so i i went back in the big pool and i and the the it had been fouled in the like opposite corner of where my goggles were
Starting point is 00:46:36 interesting i would not be going after those goggles but i basically i i we went back in the big pool i didn't have my goggles and then as we were leaving, I was like, I went to talk to the lifeguard. I was like, so it looks like I've left my goggles in the toddler pool. What's my strategy here? They're like, forget about it. It's Chinatown. She said, you know what? The fouling happened at the opposite corner of the
Starting point is 00:47:07 pool no she said it happened at the it happened it's that's what it's known as around the pool it yeah it happened again the happening yeah so a funny thing happened on the way to the toilet to the hot tub yeah uh so uh the reason the pool is closed right now is is because it's too chlorinated so you if you go in pick it up with your feet sure you should be fine and so i did under her circum circum circum circum navigate the low supervision and she uh uh so i i yeah i i got them i brought them home haven't put them back on everyone i've told this story too is like you fight new guys yeah i'm firmly and they throw them away camp i mean i wouldn't even touch them to go back how nice of goggles are they i don't know they were
Starting point is 00:47:58 like a 25 pair of goggles i think you know what? You gotta wear those again. You gotta wear those again. What pool was this, sorry? I do not want the public knowing where I'm half naked. We'll take this off air. Yeah. Also, during the summer, you can catch Dave half naked washing his car. Oh, sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Or, I mean, half naked at a Super Bowl halftime show. That's true. Dancing with 50 Cent. Hanging upside down with his bloated face. I thought he looked good. I think they all looked good. Yeah, they all looked, like, he's lifted more weights than I have
Starting point is 00:48:40 since that song came out. Yeah. He could kill me. Yeah, he could kill all of us. Also, I would look terrible upside down as well. And also I saw footage of him. He put himself upside down. It was like,
Starting point is 00:48:49 he just grabbed onto the bar and put himself upside down. He looks like the kind of guy that could do this and take, put his hands on either side of my head and then slowly squish it like Jason and Friday the 13th. Yeah. And I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I think people should be ashamed of making fun of his appearance
Starting point is 00:49:07 and of using the same joke that everyone else did on Twitter saying he looked more like a dollar. Yeah, that was rude. But also, basic. You're all using the same joke? You're all basic bitches. Did you both watch the halftime show?
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, that's all I watched. I both watched it yeah can you explain to me why they were in a bunch of houses no that was just uh there was some kind of design choice i'm not sure why that was the design choice but then i was like what else could it be on a train or what else makes more sense that'd be pretty cool that would be pretty cool actually i mean the stage you can find me in the train bottle bottle full of chuga, chuga, chuga, chuga, chuga. My favorite part of the halftime show is when somebody else is performing, but it cut to Mary J. Blige and 50 Cent on the couch.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, that was fun. Just sitting on the couch, like, vibing. It was just like your two buddies, like, on the, you're like, hey, check out this new song. You put it on and they're just like... It's been this new song from 20 years ago. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That was a... I thought it was fun. When Dave and I were chatting before the Super Bowl, Dave revealed to me that there's been a lot of Super Bowls where it was themed. Like one of the years themed was Indiana Jones, which I watched the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Indiana Jones, Tony Bennett came out and saying, can you feel the love tonight? Yeah. So in the early 90s, like before, like in about 1990, New Kids on the Block were the halftime show. Before that, it was only marching bands. Yeah. It was only like, there were no famous people who ever did the halftime show. It was Up With People and like the Minnesota, University of Minnesota marching band. And then in the early 90s, they started coming up with like famous people.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Gloria Estefan, for some reason, did it three times in the 90s. Yeah. For some reason? That's Miami Sound Machine 90s yeah for some reason that's miami sound machine come on yeah well once it was twice it was gloria estefan once it was the miami sound machine good good they parted ways yeah because of the halftime show they may have gotten confused and booked manhattan transfer but like But like the one with Indiana Jones wasn't that far for booking Manhattan transfer. No. Yeah. And then before like,
Starting point is 00:51:30 but like it was only in like the two thousands that they were like, Oh, let's only book like the most famous people who have like 50 famous song. Yeah. But, uh, what were the other themes? There was Indiana Jones.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And then there was another like hilarious theme. I watched a bunch of them but oh i don't know yeah then it became this thing that was like it was a thing you were you had made it if you were asked to do the super bowl halftime show well it was it went through that phase of of like sort of our parents generation music so you had like you too and bruce springsteen and like it's a little bit younger but prince i feel like this is i know you think that's our parents generation but graham and i are that's our generation yeah that's i know i grew up in the 50s and only started listening to music in the 80s where's frankie valley bring him out come on i feel like this is the first year though that made a lot of like late 30 year olds be like oh i'm i'm old now yeah that's true so they used to
Starting point is 00:52:34 have like a theme and so the i'm just i pulled it up uh 1990 the theme was a salute salute to new orleans and the 40th anniversary of peanuts peanuts the cartoon or the 40th anniversary of the food peanuts oh man uh and then uh small worldute to 25 Years of the Super Bowl. When did... That was the New Kids on the Block with Disney characters and Warren Moon. Nice. The football player.
Starting point is 00:53:18 1992, they had Gloria Estefan, Brian Boitano, and Dorothy Hamill, and members of the 1980 U.s olympic hockey team doing what were they just dancing i think they waved and then 93 michael jackson and then from then on it's been famous singers although the blues brothers did it in 97 was that i guess the john goodman iteration of the blues no it was it was john belushi they dug him up oh wow and they did the old puppet thing they did it it was like a weekend at bernie's thing isn't it funny that weekend at bernie's is like a thing that everybody knows
Starting point is 00:53:57 but i bet you only about like you know 500 000 people have actually seen it, but millions and millions know what that, I saw it in the theater. Did you really? Yeah. How old were you? I would guess eight. You think it wasn't it? Like, wasn't Bernie like constantly his hand falling on women's breasts and stuff
Starting point is 00:54:16 like that. He was like a horny old guy. He was a horny old dead guy. You're trying to cancel Bernie. Yes. He doesn't fit into our advanced ways just because he's dead i feel like that that summer i saw so many movies what year was that that would have been 1989 1989 what else came out that was cool that would have been batman
Starting point is 00:54:40 holy shit last crusade yeah i think so i didn't see that uh back to the future 2 oh was ghostbuster 2 no yeah that's ghostbusters 2 ghostbusters 2 yeah definitely and honey i shrunk the kids okay 90 no that's 89 um i know this i was a baby well you had an older sister. I did. That's true. Who had mask toys. When Batman came out, it was the first time ever where people bought a ticket to the movie, watched the trailer, and walked out. It was such a popular, like, everybody wanted to see this trailer. Oh, they would buy a ticket to a different movie to see the trailer for Batman. Yeah, to see the trailer for Batman. Nobody did that.
Starting point is 00:55:28 That's true. No, that is something that people were doing impossible it is possible why why why because it happened what movie were they buying a trailer so yeah what was that a movie uh weekend at bernie's that's why weekend bernie's did so well. Yes, that's right. I remember when that was a thing, when you would go to see trailers and movies and then just leave the movie theater. What are you talking about? People would buy tickets. Just sneak in. Like, buy tickets. See another movie. Do you remember that other JFK movie withvin costner that wasn't jfk
Starting point is 00:56:07 about the bay of pigs no oh with uh bruce greenwood yeah 13 days yes thank you thank you wow and before that movie was either the trailer for somebody's gonna kill me online because i don't remember this it was either phantom menace or like the first spider-man and they had the trailer before it for that and i remember going and i did sneak in i was seeing another movie and i snuck in to see it the idea of like buying a ticket to like okay we want to see the trailer for batman okay well we're gonna go to the movie theater we're gonna spend like back then i don't know 650 we're gonna have to park we're gonna have to find parking we're gonna have to find seats do we want uh get twizzlers do we want let's just get a small popcorn because we're only staying for one minute i don't think it's a
Starting point is 00:57:01 family thing yeah i think it's like a one person thing. But it was like, cause now, uh, like trailers for the trailer drop. And then they're like, trailer comes out this time. And then movie comes out like,
Starting point is 00:57:17 man, that Batman, the new one, uh, that's been holding everybody's suspense for like two years. Yeah. Robert Pattinson. I know he's going to be the sexiest Batman next to Michael two years. Robert Pattinson. I know.
Starting point is 00:57:25 He's going to be the sexiest Batman. Next to Michael Keaton. Next to Adam West. Yeah, next to Adam West. Paul Dano getting the shit kicked out of him again. Yeah. Yeah. He is.
Starting point is 00:57:35 I have a friend who brought this up about how good Paul Dano is, is being a sniveling guy who gets the shit kicked out of him. What did I just see that he was? Prisoners, he gets the shit kicked out of him. What did I just see that he was? Prisoners, he gets the shit kicked out of him. No, there will be blood, he gets the shit kicked out of him. There's one with Hugh Jackman. What is it, Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal? That's prisoners.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Is that prisoners? Okay, yeah. That's where he takes the hammer and he smashes the sink. Yes. Nobody is a sniveling guy who deserves to get the shit kicked out of is that more like paul dan is that denny villeneuve it was yeah it's a good movie suspenseful um it was good yeah i like i like a movie like that that's like not flashy they didn't have to shoot they shot it in a place where it rains all the time
Starting point is 00:58:24 yeah and it's also like a movie for adults like if you showed that to a kid they'd be like man this is taking forever you wanted me to why are we watching mystic river it's good it's good i like this movie i'm trying to pass it on to you is that my daughter in there it's good it's worth it love that they love the boston accent movies is that my daughter in there kids we're seeing 13 days it's about the bay of pigs you guys like pigs remember we went to the petting zoo but back in the day they used to take like rated r movies and make them into action figures like Rambo and Robocop and Terminator. That's true. They were just like
Starting point is 00:59:06 to be like, hey, who wants the prisoners action figure? The Paul Denner with the inflating face. Oh boy. Oh yeah. It's got this sink that you hit with a hammer, but it breaks and then it, you know, you can do it a hundred times. The there will be blood action figures.
Starting point is 00:59:29 You can kill him with a bowling pin. And all the bowling pins have like smiley faces on them. Like they're their own character. Paul Dano, he loses his hearing as a child, right? In there will be blood. No, that's the son. No, he's that's the that no he's the preacher oh he's the preacher oh yeah the son loses his hair okay yeah okay because he he takes a vow of uh silence in uh little miss sunshine i was gonna be like he's not the guy who gets beaten up he's the guy
Starting point is 00:59:57 who never talks but no never mind no that'd be amazing if that was an actor's calling card that they don't speak. They only are called. There are, like, if there's movies about deaf people, there's, like, a handful of the same people who show up in them. There's a deaf woman. She won the Oscar for Children of a Lesser Girl. Marlee Matlin. Marlee Matlin. Yeah, she dated Jerry Seinfeld.
Starting point is 01:00:22 She was a lineswoman. No, I was on the show a i bet that was lines woman no i was on the show i bet that was fun well she's too old to date him in real life uh so that's what's going on with me i think it's new goggle time for a new pair of goggles put them on craigslist and say goggles free have only been pooed by once. They've only been pooed once but they Somebody will still take that free goggles. Yeah, free goggles. They won't
Starting point is 01:00:53 read the rest. They'll already be in the car starting the ignition. This guy's already got it. Hey, it's Pink Eye Pete. You don't think I could boil these goggles? No, I think they'd fall apart. You don't think Pink could boil these goggles no i think they'd fall apart you don't think that b knows what he's his way around some shitty goggles uh oh yeah yeah so what's going on with you graham i uh i don't think i've talked about on the podcast before but uh i went to the vancouver art gallery to see the yoko odo exhibit oh yeah it was fantastic i think people really gang up on her because
Starting point is 01:01:34 they say beetles they she broke out the beetles or whatever which i don't i've never understood that because like is that what it's like in get back that documentary no it's uh she's she's it's she's weirdly always by john's side and that's like a thing that he wanted he was like i never want to be apart from you even when i'm in my famous rock band i want there to be a fifth seat in the jam space right but she would just she would just hang out yeah but it's it it wasn't like she didn't she she was they were a couple like and that's what they wanted and they were the beatles were doomed to break up anyway yeah so she was like unfairly scapegoated but if she didn't date john i don't know that she'd be like a thing that everybody knows sure she would have been like still like a conceptual artist she wouldn't be
Starting point is 01:02:33 like a famous uh conceptual artist like uh christo and john paul yes yeah i don't know who that is but uh yes they never dated a beetle so that's why i don't know that um but her stuff is great i don't like describe it well she's got like different there was different elements there was stuff that talked about her and john's relationship and they had a whole uh kind of part of the exhibit that talked about the bed in that they did in uh montreal uh-huh uh which was you guys both know what that is right yeah yeah they stayed in bed for a long time yeah yeah they're saying give peace a chance yeah and you know who's there is uh tommy smothers he's one of the guys singing on that track he's playing the guitar
Starting point is 01:03:23 cool yeah yeah smothers brothers yeah yeah from the smothers brother um Smothers. He's one of the guys singing on that track. He's playing the guitar. Cool. Yeah. Smothers Brothers? Yeah. Yeah, from the Smothers Brothers. Um, yeah. So they, but they had all sorts of things like this was the receipt for the hotel. This is what they ordered from. Sure. From room service.
Starting point is 01:03:39 They had all these weird receipts and kind of bits and bobs that I guess people held on to because it was John Lennon. You got to stretch that content. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, check out if you're interested in a refund that they got for a watch that they bought that they didn't like. But her stuff, she has a lot of interactive stuff. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:04:05 Oh, they should advertise this for, so kids can do it. Cause it's, uh, it's a blast. There was one thing where you just hammer a nail into this huge canvas that everybody else has hammered a nail into.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Do you find a spot? You bet hammering the nail. It's so loud. It makes it travels around the whole exhibit. Uh, and then there was a room where there was a long table and was filled with uh ceramic shards and you put it back together however you wanted it and then they went on a shelf where they were on display so it was like fun it was a fun exhibit and like she had
Starting point is 01:04:40 one i think it was the one that legendarily john lennon met her at an exhibition showing this where it was a ladder and you climb up to the ladder and there's a magnifying glass hanging from the ceiling and you look at it and it says yes and i think he wrote no and that's how they met he defiled her work cool typical meet cute yeah exactly remember you ruined my thing i worked really hard on um yeah so uh i loved it and i you know i had a friend when i was in high school who was obsessed with yoko ono so i've heard a lot of her music in the past oh okay yeah that's not as good the music no it's she has a song called all day long i felt like smashing my face through a plate glass window and that's in there that's all the lyrics there they are i that i like i like the i like a long
Starting point is 01:05:32 song title what's your favorite long song title oh boy i would do anything for love but i won't do that sure i mean i'm really only thinking of like album titles, supposed former infatuation jokes. Yes. Yes. Every Morrissey song ever. Yeah. Yeah. That one Fiona Apple album title, when the pawn flips over the thing and then you're like, hey, pawn, knock it off.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I'm a bishop over here. I believe my god is in you. Yeah. Now, Yoko Ono. Yeah. off i'm a bishop over here yeah uh now yoko oh no yeah i think uh the thing that i don't like about her is she was apparently quite uh mean to john lennon's first son julian right and there were like letters that john had written to julian that she wouldn't give to him and julian had to buy them at auction oh oh that sucks it sucked when i had to do it with my parents do i hate it and yeah but apparently now both john lennon's sons from different marriages different mothers they're both uh anti-vaxxers so cool is it sean on oh no sean sean lennon oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no apollo oh no um yeah it's uh that sucks
Starting point is 01:06:53 so you know that's a negative her so that's one strike against her but you know she just won she made a cool hammer exhibit it was fun is there something else that i'm missing that's bad about yokono? No, I think she's been treated unfairly. John Lennon's probably worse. Oh, for sure. But I think she's also... Maybe a little? I don't know how much
Starting point is 01:07:15 sympathy she needs. There are some people who put him on a pedestal. Oh, no, no, no. He's a great guy. He's a great guy. He's done a lot of good stuff. Everything he's a great guy he's everything he's a great guy he's done a lot of good stuff everything he's done is great yeah he you know what he created world peace uh and so i do like i do like uh art couples when you're like uh one of them is like the famous one and the other one turns out to be more more talented yeah
Starting point is 01:07:45 yeah yeah yeah was Frida Kahlo she had a partner who was like Diego Rivera he was painting murals but we just want that we just want those monorail pictures
Starting point is 01:08:01 sorry Diego but he comes along for the ride. Yeah. I feel like Nikki to St. Val had someone in her life. Yeah. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:12 I do. Yeah. Like, I like that. She, her stuff, she wasn't like, it's not like she maintained fame after he passed away just by like,
Starting point is 01:08:24 she actually did stuff. She't just uh like go around doing speaking to us about what it was like to be married to john lennon john lennon although people would pay a pretty penny to see that yeah um but yeah it was great it was great it was fun it had interactive fun things that every piece of the exhibit had like something that you could touch there was a room where you wrote a message to your mom and you put it up on the wall i dave i wrote it to your mom hey wait no no um um were there a lot of just like your mama jokes yeah yeah there's a lot of your mom is so stupid yeah she saw she saw that Weekend at Bernie's
Starting point is 01:09:05 said no one under 17 permitted, so she brought 16 friends. Yes, yeah, your mom is so stupid. Yoko, she was the original Roastmaster General. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She dated Jeff Ross for a time. That was her rebound.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Yeah. Yeah, so anyways uh if a yokohama exhibit comes to your town i recommend is it still going on is it or did you catch going on for another month i think oh wow yeah um it's hard to turn over an art exhibit you know you gotta you gotta paint those walls you gotta paint the walls you gotta find studs you gotta make sure there's a stud in the wall to hang the uh and then there's like conceptual bits where it's like the ceramics they're not sending ceramics you gotta go find your own ceramics smash them oh sure yeah of course yeah i might send some ceramics just as an example yeah you know send them a, like, china doll and just say, like, smash it. Well, like, if you're a ceramic artist, you might have made ceramics that you probably want to send.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Yeah, there's a... Do you guys ever see Seth Rogen when he's posting pictures of the pottery he's made? Yeah. It's so innocent. Like, it's... He doesn't seem to be any joke beneath it. He's pictures of the pottery he's made? Yeah. It's so innocent. Like it's, he doesn't seem to be any joke beneath it. He's just like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:10:28 I made this cup and then it gets a 10,000 likes. I, I do. Is that something you would want to do is make like pottery? No, no, it's, uh,
Starting point is 01:10:43 I tried it in university there was a like a art lab where you could try all sorts of different things and uh it's so hard to make anything on the spinning wheel yeah um and just all it did was get clay under my nails that took like weeks and weeks to get out that it does i follow a few ceramic artists on instagram and it's it's very cool but yeah it does seem it looks easier than it probably is i know our friend mr bean was once uh he was uh taking a painting class and he was painting a bowl of fruit and then he looked up and there was a naked lady who had taken the place of the bowl of fruit and so he went over to the spinning wheel
Starting point is 01:11:29 spun a couple of cups to cover her boobs known asexual Mr. Bean I guess so he's a pretty sexual guy yeah there's a lot of is he a horny dude? is Mr. Bean horny? in the last couple episodes he gets there's a lot of in is he a horny dude is mr being horny in the last couple episodes he gets
Starting point is 01:11:46 there's a lot of penetration which is surprising yeah okay yeah and because it was in his contract he said it all has to be real it has to be real or i'm not doing the first like the first dozen episodes no penetration but like a lot of dry humping a lot of dry humping yeah he dry humps the three-wheeled car. The tip's over. There's the Christmas episode with the turkey on his head. That's right, turkey on his head. Yeah, do you guys want to move on to some overheards?
Starting point is 01:12:22 Yes. Yas. Hi, I'm Janet Varney. And just like you, I survived high school. And we're not alone. On my podcast, The JV Club, I invite some of my friends to share the highs and lows of their teen years. Like moments with Aisha Tyler.
Starting point is 01:12:41 But when you're a kid, the stakes are just pretty low. Go to school, try not to get in trouble, get laid. Jamila Jamil. I watched television probably every waking hour during that time and I was shit-faced on medicine. And Dave Holmes. We talked and talked and then everybody left. It was just us two and I was like, I love you. Learn how you too can be a functioning adult after the drama and heartbreak of high school. Every week on the JV Club with Janet Varney. Find it on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts. This is a judgment-free show.
Starting point is 01:13:13 We have wasted this world. Our magic put a storm in the sky that has rendered the surface of our planet uninhabitable. But beneath the surface, well, that's another story entirely. In a city built leagues below the apocalypse, survivors of the storm forge paths through a strange new world. Some seek salvation for their homeland above. Others seek to chart the vast undersea expanse outside the city's walls. And still seek what else fortune and glory dive into the ether sea the latest campaign from the adventure zone every other thursday on or wherever you listen to podcasts
Starting point is 01:13:57 overheard overheards in uh in this day and age we're lucky enough to be able to hear things Overheard. Overheards. In this day and age, we're lucky enough to be able to hear things and then express those things to strangers all over the planet. Used to be you would hear something, tell it to a friend, that was the end of it. But now, we can broadcast these overheards everywhere we want. And we always like to start with the guest. Kyle, would you please yes i want to preface this by saying that i was thinking today about my overheard and i was like i want to make sure it's good i've told my partner about so many good overheards in my life but i just i couldn't figure
Starting point is 01:14:39 out anything perfectly that i wanted to express you to and then i went to go get my haircut and then i had an overheard at the barbershop nice which i was gonna make it a two-parter i was like well here's an overheard i heard today but no today was it's short it's sweet it's so perfect like your haircut yeah yes too short too sweet so i'm sitting there waiting to be seen at the barber shop it's a very small barber shop there's only two chairs there and i'm waiting to be seen and uh the barber is cutting uh somebody before me and all i hear is them say um they're talking about um singers and performers just sort of a general discussion about that. I, at this point,
Starting point is 01:15:26 I wasn't completely clued into what they were talking about. Finally, I start listening to them. And the barber says to the other guy, Oh, you know, who's a really great singer. And the guy's like, who? Oh, Kevin Spacey. So this is the point where normally in your brain when you're listening, you expect the other person to be like, yeah, but he's a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Like, also, is he a great singer or does he just love Bobby Darin? I mean, there's a bunch of things that could have been said. But instead the guy goes, oh really i didn't know that i know a few facts about him yeah yeah and then um he goes yeah no he's like a classically trained like stage actor and and he's a really great singer and uh um yeah he's just he's just amazing at it and then there's a pause where the guy in the chair doesn't say anything. And then the barber goes, yeah, but he's a little bit goofy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I mean, you know, if that's the worst thing you have to say about Kevin Spacey, that's a good day for him. Yeah. Oh, what a group. What a group. Quite a butterfinger. Yeah. Oh, what a real boy. He's going to Butterfingers. Yeah. What a goofy guy, always. Not listening for consent.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Yeah, and he's always, you hear this sound around him a lot. Boop. Bonk. People are always dropping their coffee cups around him. But hey, he's a really good singer. He's a really good singer. You know, he did the super bowl in 92 and it was american beauty what's the theme yeah wow look at all these roses going anywhere
Starting point is 01:17:17 they incorporated roses into a 3d pepsi commercial you have to get the glasses at a 7-eleven and that benning's there and she's mad commercial. Get the glasses at a 7-Eleven. And that Benning's there and she's mad. He just works out at one part of it. He's ready to do all the favorite scenes. Chris Cooper's in the closet. Is Chris Cooper?
Starting point is 01:17:39 Yeah. God, what else is he in? Who created X-Files? Chris Carter? Chris Carter, yeah. Yes. Davis Cooper's great. Yeah, absolutely. Is he in a Bourne movie? Probably. He falls under the same blanket as
Starting point is 01:17:56 or umbrella, I should say, as Tom Skerritt. Yes, yeah. You're always glad to see him when he shows up. Yeah. Oh, thank God. Oh, God. Chris Cooper's here. Oh, thank God. Now I can relax.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Thank God. Tom Skerritt from Picket Fences is here. Yes. He was great in Adaptation, Chris Cooper. He was missing those teeth. That's right. He was the actual. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:18:18 He was the archetype. Yeah. The Bayou guy. Dave, do you have an overheard? Oh, yeah. He's stalling for do you have an overheard? Yeah. Are you stalling for time? Overheard? Me?
Starting point is 01:18:31 Geez. Yeah, I mean, like, we have overheards. You can say we go back a ways. So I... This is barely an overheard this is something my my five-year-old daughter said uh we were watching i let the kids sleep in on the weekend so i can watch the news in the morning without them knowing about it but uh poppy uh she wakes up i want her to sleep she she won't do it yeah she's like dad
Starting point is 01:19:11 nah you don't get any break yeah no time make me now it's pancake time um and so uh but i was like okay you're up but i'm i do want to watch five minutes of the news. Is that okay? And she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I start watching the news, and they're showing the truckers shutting down the city, which I totally support. I think they, you know, I know they haven't been forced to get a vaccine, but they feel like they have been, that's that's enough yeah that's that's rough on them um do you know that realize realize realize well yeah what did we say that on
Starting point is 01:19:57 the air no i think it was off here yeah about local radio dj local dj who uh lost his job because he went on a i mean the child dj yes the canada yeah vancouver's famous child dj yeah child carson and who said in his rant to get fired he didn't even say realize realize real lies yeah he said we need to realize that real eyes recognize real lies and then he repeated it i'm gonna say that again we need to realize that real eyes recognize real lies you would think that he would pre do a pre-record and listen to it and just make sure. Oh, I did that wrong. I will be performing at Cafe du Soleil's slam poetry night next week. You don't think Kid Carson and Kid Rock are related, do you? They might be.
Starting point is 01:20:57 I'd like to think they are. Anyway, for people not in Vancouver, this local DJ, who's been like a very popular morning show host very popular morning show like a father to me it remains that way he's been uh like for 20 years he's been a on like one of the biggest pop music stations he's been the morning host and uh like i know people who are like i can't believe he said that i grew up with him it was like he was my guy i listened to every day there's i've heard so many people talking about it in different uh like just in different conversations that i've heard a snippet of so many people are
Starting point is 01:21:38 talking about i had no idea it was such a big yeah he's you know it's like if bro jake did it right yeah it's like finding out tarzan dan is anti-vax yeah did you guys get tarzan dan out here yeah we had him on yt yeah we had him on ytv yeah yeah okay good just want to check it's like finding out the champ is anti-vax it says pardon uh anyway these are local radio references for for no one it's like finding out constable bob was anti-vax but you know if you uh want to become a canadian you have to do that test and uh there's definitely a question about bro jake ytv hit list it's funny how shitty local uh radio and tv seems but everybody has it. But like, if you're not, but in Canada,
Starting point is 01:22:26 the place, yeah, in Canada, the problem is that it's national. It seems like local. It's like finding a Nicholas Pickless is anti-vax. Now I see that you've beaten the ice level of Donkey Kong. Also,
Starting point is 01:22:43 did you know that there's fluoride in the water? Guys, I'm halfway done my overhead. So we were watching the news and there were these trucker protests and Poppy's sitting next to me. And she sees these guys yelling, freedom, freedom, freedom. And she says, why are they yelling burrito, burrito? Because they're delicious, Poppy. Go back to bed. I mean, that is a protest we're all getting behind.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Yeah, yeah, exactly. Four burritos. Yeah. We're bringing in the War Measures act to shut down these burritos yeah the great no guac walkout of 2022 the no guac out why is guac extra yeah exactly guac free guac free free the guac oh man that's good president says we can only order from mucho burrito we'll have none of that yeah we're a chronic tacos country and we always have been that's what the founders want yeah we man one of our founders of this country yeah what are your uh uh describe your dream burrito.
Starting point is 01:24:06 That's big. Um, I'll take a walk. Yeah. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'll take a walk with my center face. Um, probably, I mean, it would be, there would be guacamole in it for sure. I would go like whatever cheese amount they put in double that some black beans some sort of delicious fake meat that you can't really it's got the right texture
Starting point is 01:24:32 uh then you know your your your lettuces your tomatoes lettuce eh uh or coleslaw if they have cabbage i'll put some cabbage in um boy I wouldn't have any rice in it. It would just be delicious foods, no rice base. It just would be. I love rice. Yeah? Yeah. What would your ideal burrito be?
Starting point is 01:24:57 Okay. Boy, I've got a six-inch Italian cheese and herb. I would get pickles yeah double the cheese toasted and olives I went to I got a hot dog from a hot dog stand and
Starting point is 01:25:18 the guy was making was this outside the art gallery? yes there's no other hot dog stands in our neighborhood it was over on main street it was on main street hot is this the way was this the one outside uh the uh yeah yeah and the guy's a real character the guy that works there he's a lot of fun to talk to but i asked him about his homemade ketchup and then he was like you'll love it it's so hot and i was like no no thank you i don't uh i don't want that and then when he brought the hot dog he's like i'm just
Starting point is 01:25:49 gonna put a drip on the end and see how you like it and you know what too hot too spicy kyle dream burrito dream burrito i'm gonna piss off a lot of people i like a lot, basically a burrito to me is just like throwing a bunch of stuff into a wrap. So rice, beans, guac, pico de gallo, some sort of pulled meat. You know what? Throw some French fries in there. Wow. Okay. San Diego style. That's like a California thing.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Yeah, San Diego. Yeah. Just the bigger, the better. Like I need to feel sick to my stomach after I eat a burrito. That's how you know it's been a good burrito. think that's a good burrito i i uh i agree with you um rice and beans are your base so you don't yeah well you know what graham do whatever you want like i'm not here to police other people's burritos yeah opbs yeah you know me uh what's up with uh your overheard situation here it is i didn't have
Starting point is 01:26:46 one i didn't have one until i was going downtown for an appointment and i was on the train and uh the earth gives exactly what you need you know you put it out there it comes back to you um and it was a guy scarcity is created by capitalists there are enough overheards oh you're right that's true um this uh this was a guy talking to his two friends about his girlfriend and he said she tries to help me no matter what it makes me feel like chewbacca does chewbacca need help i don't know i don't know if that's famously a chewbacca trait he needs translation yeah he needs translation i mean he can't fly the millennium falcon by himself can he i think so interesting
Starting point is 01:27:30 i mean there are all those scenes in the original trilogy where a character goes maybe you should go talk to chewbacca he seems like he needs a friend right now or maybe you should drive chewbacca's drunk Chewbacca's drunk again oh I love it yeah I think that's mainly what he can do is fly the Millennium Falcon I thought he was a co-pilot I didn't know he could pilot it himself I think co-pilot is just like
Starting point is 01:28:00 it doesn't mean you're less than it means you're equals I think like if Chewbacca or if Han Solo needs to go back and you know It doesn't mean you're less than. It means you're equals. That's right. Yeah. I think if Han Solo needs to go back and, you know. I think you pick up the mistakes of the pilot. You're like, oh, he did this, but you don't tell the pilot what he did wrong.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Yeah. If Han ever needs to go back and, you know, drop a Wookie. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. So somebody dropped a Wookiee in the pool,
Starting point is 01:28:31 you see. For sale, one pair of goggles covered in Wookiee. They've been Wookieed near. Someone Wookieed near these goggles. The Wookiee cookie.
Starting point is 01:28:44 Now we also have overheards sent in to us from all over this great land of ours. near these goggles. The Wookie Cookie. Now we also have overheards sent in to us from all over this great land of ours. Earth. Not Mordor or wherever. It's not the underground or whatever the hell it is in
Starting point is 01:29:00 Stranger Things. The bottom half. The bottom half. The round and round you're you're getting so close yeah but i i like it i always keep it this close like the bottom the bottom half it's like when you do the thing we're like would you rather be a top half horse or bottom half oh sure and which how do you put a pair of pants on a dog? This first overheard comes from us for Matt right here in Vancouver. Hey, Matt. Yeah, the Yoko Ono exhibit.
Starting point is 01:29:36 And the spicy ketchup. That's right. And I'll tell you, it's a little too spicy. Boy, I think I might get a hot dog tomorrow. Hell yeah. Drink yourself. This morning, while waiting for the R4 bus little too spicy um boy i think i might get a hot dog tomorrow hell yeah drink yourself um this morning while waiting for the r4 bus at vancouver's joy station that's the uh the r2d2's older brother who's a bus r4 bus r4 bus too um a man riding an electric moped drove into line for the bus
Starting point is 01:30:04 while loudly playing don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me by the pussycat dolls yeah and he could hear you could hear him singing along to the song at times mostly on that don't you don't you baby don't you and then in bracket says no the moped was not the size that would be accepted on the bus wow yeah um i'm first of all i didn't know we had buses that had numbers in their in their oh letters you mean yeah sorry letters yeah r4 i knew we had numbered buses but we got the b line we do have the b line but those are that's just the 99 that's right it is just a yeah it's just a name from the 99 The beeline is just slang It's cool slang
Starting point is 01:30:47 What is the R4 button? Was this in Vancouver? Yeah, apparently it goes from Vancouver It's Joy Station Joy Station, if you're looking to get a not great pizza slice And the fear of being stabbed I recommend Joy Station Also, if you want more Vancouver references,
Starting point is 01:31:06 check out Kid Carson's new podcast. Goes to UBC. Goes to the university from Joy Station. Wow, that's a track. It is a track. This next one comes from Cormac in Philadelphia. Hi, Cormac.
Starting point is 01:31:28 This is an overseen. I was looking at reviews of a small antique store on Google, and there was a one-star review that said, not familiar with this place, but do recall Liberace frequenting the antique shop on these two blocks whenever he was in town. So why give it a one-star review you homophobe yeah yeah like this reminds you of a place that was a different place but liberace
Starting point is 01:31:53 shop there and that's a nice memory yeah yeah that's something to hold on to to fill you with joy you were under the candelabra you consider yourself lucky for sharing a candelabra with this guy if liberace was around today, I would see him every time he was in town. If he was traveling. Or I'd go to Vegas and see him once a year. Sure. Yeah. How could you not? Who's our Liberace now?
Starting point is 01:32:15 Uh, Ben Folds? Yeah, Ben Folds. He wears those fancy outfits. Did Liberace have a song about abortion as well? it was way more on the nose very very unpopular on the radio and he was against it
Starting point is 01:32:33 I don't know if Liberace was a touring man I think of him as a Vegas he's a residency we had at the local um at the orpheum theater here there's there's like a wall of fame oh yeah and there's only about four names on it and it's uh ravine oh yeah the illusionist yeah what not impossible the impossible is then also a mentalist yeah uh there was uh
Starting point is 01:33:07 nana muskuri greek singer nana muskuri every record bin you'll ever look in has at least one nana muskuri old toy trains little toy tracks uh bob hope bob hope would come here and uh famous piano musician famous piano comedian the mr bean of the 88 keys yes victor borg i used to laugh so hard because there was a commercial on selling like the cassette the best of victor borga uh-huh and there's the one where he's playing this crazy song and it's it's like all it's familiar but not too familiar and then he flips it upside down and it's it's like all it's familiar but not too familiar and then he flips it upside down yeah yeah no wonder that you you saw david carverville three times we were seeing victor borga ads we lived in different cities and saw the same ad for victor borga there was a gag where he falls off a stool
Starting point is 01:34:07 and then he opens the stool and he puts a seat belt on the clown prince of piano victor borga good lord god love him and did you do three overheards yet nope this is the is the last one. Luke from Staten Island. I was at a Rob Zombie outdoor show a few years back. Oh, sure. The only kind of Rob Zombie show. Absolutely. I hope it wasn't a graveyard.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Standing in front of a group of women who are celebrating a bachelorette party or something similar. There's so many layers to that go after rob zombie finished living dead girl one of them yelled yeah that was on my bucket list you gotta do it you gotta fulfill it um it's not even his most famous song i uh i would go to a rob zombie concert i think sure i didn't know he was still touring. I thought he was just a movie maker. Yeah, film director. Would you leave after Dragula, then? I would know.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Well, I heard it. I mean, that would be the encore Dragula, I feel like. Yeah. He's going to keep you in his ears to the end. Is he going to play some songs from White Zombie? Yeah. Is he going to play more human than human? I hope so.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Oh, you mean like he's not just gonna do his solo stuff he's gonna do yeah yeah i think so i think i'd say when you see paul mccartney he's gonna do the beatle he's not just gonna do wings but when he does the crowd goes nuts and for some reason every time he comes to vancouver he's gonna do his duet with diana crawl yes famous i was at that concert i was at both concerts the one with jimmy fallon tripping balls no i wasn't at that one oh yeah but uh but i saw him at the bc place and then at uh rogers arena both times with diana crawl diana crawl we saw in the audience with her husband elvis costello who also did a duet with Paul McCartney on an album.
Starting point is 01:36:05 We didn't get to see that, though. No. Interesting. Well, she's our jazz chanteuse. She is our local jazz chanteuse. Okay. Okay, guys. We've had enough local references.
Starting point is 01:36:17 Now it's time to do three final overheards. These are the phone call ones. If you want to call us, in addition to overhears that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us uh in addition over here's that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us i felt like that was wrong our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one spy pod one like these people have hey guys this is m from ohio um i just remembered an overheard from i think it was like last summer. My wife and I went to, like, this board game parlor where you just, like, pay a couple bucks, and you get access to the, like, board game library, and you, you know, take whatever you want. And there was a table across from us with, like, a few kids, and they were playing, like, a Pictionary-type game. I don't know what it was called, but one of the kids like pulled out a topic card.
Starting point is 01:37:08 And she was like, okay, TV drama. And the other kid, like obviously under pressure, he was like, TV drama, TV drama. Corey in the house. And the other kid was just like, okay. And then they moved on. I just thought that was very cute and honestly very accurate. Yeah. Okay, love you guys.
Starting point is 01:37:30 Bye. Is this about the kid that lives in the White House? Yeah, it's a drama. It's a very serious drama. It's a spinoff from... West Wing? That's a Raven. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:41 He's got to solve the crisis in Kosovo and then go to a Yo-Yo Ma concert and he's also Fred Savage's younger brother he's got a date with Topanga nice we should all be so lucky doesn't Topanga she teaches
Starting point is 01:38:01 she teaches math to gals no that's danica that's the that's winnie cooper oh wonder years who was i thinking of oh right you're thinking of winnie cooper yeah also apparently that blossom is quite smart yeah well she has a show where she likes cats yeah she has a show where she uh uhopardy. Yeah. Never heard of it. Is that a fish or is it still up in the air? Ken Jennings is there quite often.
Starting point is 01:38:32 I think they're waiting for one of them to get cancelled first. Remember how fast he became the host and then not. No one wanted that guy. Nobody wanted him, but it's just such a producer. Yeah. It was like very Shakespearean, like, now I am the host. be not no one wanted that guy nobody wanted him but it's just such a producer him yeah yeah it was like very shakespearean like now i am the host i've waited in the wings until burnham would come
Starting point is 01:38:53 to dunsinane or whatever what's what's what happens to mcbeth i think i'm pretty close i didn't see the new Macbeth no me neither they played it at the local theater for a long time they really tempted me but it's online why would you oh is it online? it's on Apple Plus
Starting point is 01:39:14 but I want to go to a movie theater Alicia sent me a link to a review by the other Coen brothers saying like what a bag of shit this i mean it's not real but it's just him like my brother or crapula i call him now or whatever uh the new the theater now has uh drive my car i might go see that yeah i think i might go see it i don't know the. Thing one about it. I know it's three hours long. And there's a picture
Starting point is 01:39:48 of a guy in a car. It's all about the Beatles song, right? Yeah. And a little bit about that Prince song. It's about Yoko Ono. It's Japanese, so it might be. You might have Yoko Ono. Yeah? Okay. Alright. Alright, enough, enough, enough. Here's your next phone call. Hi, Dave and Graham and possible guests.
Starting point is 01:40:04 This is Anna calling from Portland, Oregon. And I am walking my dog, remembering something I oversaw today while I was driving home. There was a car that was passing me, going very fast in the left lane. In their windshield was a very distinct yellow parking ticket. And then when I looked at the driver and the passenger, the driver was leaned over, taking a very fat long rip while the other person held on to the steering wheel.
Starting point is 01:40:43 And it left me laughing for a very long time. Nice. Although it's very dangerous. But off I go. Yeah. We don't condone... We don't condone fat bong rips whilst you drive. Yeah, but in general, I do.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Why not just smoke a joint at the moment? Why don't you just wait until you get where you're going? Yeah, exactly. I mean, I don't think that's really going get where you're going yeah exactly i mean i don't think that's really going through their head but a fat bong rip yeah so much glass take the wheel while i do this myself the passenger isn't even just setting it up and like here put your mouth on it nah dude you gotta do it yourself i'll hold the wheel. You do the rest. You know the rules. Take the wheel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Yeah. I can honestly say I've never done a bong rope in a car. In somebody's bathroom I have. And woof, that was, you know, Hawaiian hot box style. Oh, yeah. Remember that? Remember that was the only way you could get high? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Like, you just had to kill yourself in a humid bathroom. Yeah. Aaron McGee's house That's the bathroom we used We just had one little tiny tube Of model glue But we turned on the shower And everyone got a little
Starting point is 01:41:55 But then everyone All the like shower The like shower curtain was Brittle by the end of the night From all the glue fumes My brother used to Sniff model shower curtain was brittle by the end of the night. All the glue fumes. My brother used to sniff. Well, maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:42:12 But he used to drive. Sometimes he'd be driving and he would just suddenly take his hands off the wheel and say, you drive. Very funny. Yeah. No drugs, though. No drugs. Final overheard. Hi, Dave. hi dave hi graham possible guest this is gary calling from atlanta i'm a list driver and i was just taking some people to
Starting point is 01:42:35 their destination and they were talking about what kind of cars they like and they just passed a guy who was driving an Alfa Romeo and one of the guys said that's the car I want. He's living good. He's got a mustache. You know he's living good. It's true. If you're allowed to have a mustache 24-7, whatever
Starting point is 01:42:59 job you're in, you've got it made. Yeah. And an Alfa Romeo. An Alfa Romeo. Have a mustache. Did I say Alfa Romeo? job you're in you've got it made yeah and you drive for romero and alfa romeo hell yeah mustache did i say alfa romero george alfa romero you think of caesar romero he also had a mustache um one thing that i did pick up on watching the olympics is almost all of the ski jump people have mustaches and it's it's good yeah that's they all drive alfa romeos i'm not sure it's not alfa romero oh i don't know i'm confused i i'm too poor to know i don't know never seen it they're that expensive i think they're like not buying one i don't know i think might be like a fiat
Starting point is 01:43:41 oh really i don't know. They don't. I think they're very unreliable, but that might just be their reputation from 30 years ago. But you're buying it for the looks. Yeah. Yeah. You're keeping it for the drive. Well, that brings us to the end of this episode of the podcast. Kyle, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:44:03 Don't get rid of them too fast because I want to I want to I have pulled up Oh, okay, yeah. .ca I need the Canadian version. Yeah, we can only get Canadian websites. Yeah, no, they are expensive.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Seems like they only seem to have two cars. And the cheapest they start at $50,000. Holy crap. And you need a mustache to buy it. You do need a mustache to buy it. and the cheapest they start at $50,000 holy crap and you need a mustache to buy it you do need a mustache to buy it and you have to call it your flavor saver that's the rules
Starting point is 01:44:34 I don't make them say it Kyle thank you so much for being our guest this was so much fun thank you so much for letting me be your guest and if people want to find you where can where can you be tracked down what where you're doing fun stuff uh these days i'm picking it back up on my instagram so you can follow me on that at kyle finds f-i-n-e-s also on
Starting point is 01:44:58 twitter not as as i said to you guys earlier if you want to just watch me complain to corporations, that's what I do on Twitter. I like it. I'm the opposite. I love corporations. That's true. Dave's always writing to 3M and saying. I'm saying you're doing a great job. Oh, boy, that tape is so sticky.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I like that both sides of the tape are sticky. And thank you, everybody out there listening we should mention uh as we mentioned before that we're going to be in edmonton uh doing a live podcast as part of the winterruption festival which it'll be spring by the time we get there it'll be spring disruption by then but come see us in edmonton there's a go to stop podcasting there's a link to tickets on uh this episode post uh they posted a few weeks ago that there's low tickets low ticket alert well maybe they meant low sales alert and so yeah maybe that's probably what they meant hey everybody low sales sales alert no one likes these guys uh i know you know it's been to any live events in two years and you're probably starved for it.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Maybe you want to go see these guys? No? They're playing the sympathy vote. No? Okay, we're not going to force you. Well, thank you everybody out there for listening. Come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. week for another episode stop podcasting yourself maximum comedy and culture
Starting point is 01:46:40 artist owned audience supported

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