Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 753 - Nadine Djoury

Episode Date: August 23, 2022

Actress and writer Nadine Djoury joins us to talk roller skating, The Bear, and tourist spots....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 753 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark. With me as always is a man who has two Shumka records as far as I know. Never listened to him, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, they're over my shoulder, like these boulder holders. And I don't own a Hi-Fi. I don't like... oh, I mean, boy, talk about judging a book by its cover. I was about to say, I don't like Ukrainian music.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I've never heard a note of it. If it ain't the Tetris song, I don't know what it is. Yeah, I wonder what the big, like, what's the journey, don't stop believing. Of the Ukraine? Probably. Continue dreaming? I think for all of the former Soviet republics, it's that Scorpion song. What Scorpion song?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Winds of Change. Okay, Winds of Change. Okay. Our guest today, first time guest here on the podcast, very excited to have her. She's an actress, she is a writer, she's a comedian, she does it all. It's Nadine Jury. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I am not an elderly lady, I just sound like one. She's our oldest guest. And there's nothing wrong with that yeah exactly 62 years young and when at what point do you become elderly is it l is elderly older than old i don't even i don't know what classifies yeah me neither jerry like for example geriatric is a term like that's you know it's confusing elder sounds classy that sounds like a society that like we well you're elders yeah but elder lee is like you rickety old skeleton um but uh my wife when we had our kids um are the second pregnancy i i she was 35 and when you're 35 it's considered a geriatric pregnancy yes uh although i think if you've already had a child
Starting point is 00:02:36 they don't call it that just because they've already insulted you once yeah and i think if your first pregnancy is over 35, then it's geriatric. Oh, then it's geriatric. Yes. Yes. Once you've had a baby, it's like so easy to have more. They just pop out all the time. Yeah. Do we want to get to know us?
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yes, absolutely. Get to know us. Nadine, thank you so much for being our guest. Oh my God, my pleasure. Thank you for having me. I was watching your acting reel just this afternoon. Oh dear, I just updated it today, but I didn't upload it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, okay. Well, we're going to need a list of deliverables. Oh, geez. Okay. So how is it different from your old reel? I added one more clip I did an episode of What We Do in the Shadows Oh nice, nice
Starting point is 00:03:30 With the wonderful Kayvon Novak Who's incredible So I had to throw that in there Yeah Do people Like actors are always saying that about each other Oh they're in What a talent
Starting point is 00:03:41 Do people in other fields Are like lawyers ever like I just worked a case With Johnny Cochran they're in what a talent do people in other fields are are like lawyers ever like i just worked a case with johnny crock cochran who's incredible but they would though right because in all the johnny cochran is incredible exactly you're talking about johnny cochran you have no choice but to say uh what a pleasure it is to work with him he's great in the courtroom um you had one scene that i thought was particularly good where you were in a hospital and you were you were all your face was all cut up but the thing
Starting point is 00:04:11 with the reels is you have no idea what uh happened previously yeah hey you want the backstory i want the backstory if i can show that okay so this is called transplant it's on mb CTV. A CoPro, okay? Oh sure, who makes that? Sphere Media? God, no. Yeah, I think it does. Actually, it is. How did you know that? Look, I'm in the biz. I've had a few transplants.
Starting point is 00:04:38 So, leading up to me booking this, I had done like about four or five auditions for the show. Like, woman with endometriosis woman you ever feel typecast honestly oh it's always woman in pain but when i was like woman who had a building fall on her okay like literally they were all like you have to cry and be in like, it's like, Oh, this building is hurting me. And that's why I didn't book those roles. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You improv too much. Yeah. So this role is a woman who is pregnant, who gets in a car accident. Ah, okay. Come to think of it i think we were on the way for delivery anyways and then he gets in a car accident and then uh lo and behold i have to deliver the baby right away isn't he's a deadbeat he's like he's like we're trying to make it he's not like yeah did he try to let the baby drive yes exactly there's an arm stick um he's like kind of like wasn't sure if he really wanted a kid we don't always get along we fight right you know and they they kind of had a baby to to save their relationship and then
Starting point is 00:06:06 and it worked i assume it did always does at the end i say i love you and i mean it apparently okay and he stays nice and the doctor gives us his car that's part of the oh wow what the hell part of the storyline was this was this like a game show he like throws us his keys it says here you need it more than i do i'll take the bus he's like i got a motorcycle yeah yeah exactly wow wow that's that's something that only could be invented in a writer's room if you like ask a million doctors would you give your car away to a patient they'd be like absolutely not not even if it was to save their life i'm not giving my car crashes every day here what am i gonna do buy a new car every day they're always the most altruistic doctors on these shows oh yeah yeah yeah what's
Starting point is 00:07:10 that one new amsterdam i only see commercials for it where they're like we're gonna change the whole the health care system what's the one i never watched it no i i the guy looks so tired on it isn't he like young doesn't he look like a child? Is that the good doctor? You're maybe thinking of the good doctor. That's what I was going to say. And I was called, I was going to call it Dr.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Brain, but that's not right. That's a, that's a better show on HBO. Yeah. You guys watching Dr. Brain. I won't spoil it for you.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Prestige. So like, when you put together something like that this real how do you decide what gets in what gets out okay well i because this is what i was gonna ask too okay this is interesting um these are good questions let me think if i actually have a strategy. No. Do you make your, is it something actors have to do now? They have to make their own reel? Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Or do they have to know a guy? Well, you could pay someone to do it, but it's fairly easy to just cobble it together. Right. So I usually want to see where I'm, the more of the person featured. So something that showcases maybe I'm obviously focused on comedy.
Starting point is 00:08:33 So I want to make sure that I'm like branding myself as comedian. Right. Or just like a good performance, a compelling performance that is more focused on me. Like I don't want the other people in the scene. Yeah, you don't want people asking about, who's this guy driving the car that crashed? Honestly. I've heard stories that in auditions, they've been like,
Starting point is 00:08:55 who's the voice of the reader? Let's get them. No. Yeah? Really? Yeah. Dave, do you audition at all? No.
Starting point is 00:09:04 But Graham, you do. No, I had an agent for a while and then we parted ways amicably. Okay, very nice. Do you still amicably? Do you still keep in touch? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have a coffee clash and we meet together every fortnight. Yeah, no, I just, anytime that that they were like come back and do a
Starting point is 00:09:28 second audition i'd be like i'm busy i can't do it so yeah they should know they should know after one i have i i definitely went through a period of like i regret i regret this audition. Oh, man. Have you been in one where you're like, I hope I don't get cast? This is so bad that I'm glad I'm not getting cast? Oh, yeah. But usually I'll just regret those if like. I just won't do them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:56 If it's something that is like so awful or like I don't think I could do well, I won't. That's smart. That's yeah, that's smart. I feel like a lot of people wouldn't say that. They'd be i'll take any role no matter what oh yeah but it's so much work now to to audit in terms of like filming the self-tape getting someone to read with you like the whole like process of getting that done is like sometimes just not worth it right that's fair enough yeah yeah how long you been how long you been at this game i've been doing this for just about 10 years okay i was a business person before that
Starting point is 00:10:34 that kind of tell me everything about what does that mean and by that i mean i studied business. I studied business. I was working in New York for a few years in a brand management firm. Whoa, cool. It was really boring, though, because we were doing, they call it B2B, business-to-business clients. So businesses that sell to other businesses. So it would be like MasterCard, but for their like industry clients.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Right. So, yeah, it was like all very boring stuff. It was very boring. Were they, did you ever go like a nice cocktail hour or something? I feel like that's when I think of management,
Starting point is 00:11:19 there's like a lot of meet this client and do, you know. Yes. Okay. So it wasn't such a lavish agency where we were pretty bare bones but there were got some nice steakhouses in new york but the best is we had this one client that was um a terminal like a shipping terminal company okay and they had these terminals all over the world and they sent us to them to just like interview
Starting point is 00:11:46 people so i went to shanghai uh dubai bahrain all on their dime for no like literally we could have done these interviews on the phone there was no reason to be there it was so wasteful yeah if you ever get like work that kind of job where you're like it's it's amazing when you see what a company how much money a company just can throw away yeah oh totally do you think that that's are they doing that on purpose to kind of show you your company dominance like we're we're the alpha client so put us first always i don't i think there is a lot of like i think it's honestly for the clients mostly that they want to go out for dinner oh yeah yeah i don't know if you've heard the whole like actra like commercial stuff have you
Starting point is 00:12:39 are you guys aware of what's going on is there's like some kind of negotiations going on or there's some negotiations they wanted to cut our salary by 40 the actors for commercials and like if you've ever been on set for a commercial you're just like this you couldn't be more wasteful yeah in any way yeah well i mean that's where you got to cut those uh expensive actors yes you gotta really hurt the artist in this case you're using a different camera for every shot it's totally oh my god rigs everything so many granola bars yeah the craft is insane um the uh yeah if you like working like if you've ever you know being a comedian and just being independent and like when someone is paying for your hotel room or something like that i always like i always felt like it was such a treat and like oh i'm i'm not losing so much
Starting point is 00:13:40 money this week oh my god yeah then i oh i also feel bad like i feel bad when people are spending money uselessly on me yeah so like even for transplant i'm from montreal and it shoots in montreal so they were gonna fly me in for a fitting and then fly me back and then fly me in and like whatever put me up at a hotel i'm like i'll just stay at my parents i'll use their car yeah and they're like well we can we can shoot this in color now that thank you for that well instead of just like flying you out to try on clothes why don't we just fax you some clothes seriously send me shopping give me a credit card yeah i know the character is supposed to be in a hospital
Starting point is 00:14:25 gown but what do you think of this oh my god i tried on a lot of gowns what's the best costume you've ever been in okay i had to be a 1950s roller girl in in ghosts i i think you saw that on my uh on my reel yes did you see it yes um so they put me in like a cute little outfit that was fun i never wore roller skates that was so so fun could you roller skate okay so they asked okay they asked they say they said in the breakdown um let us know if you could roller skate or something but it's not necessary right and i know how to roller blade i'm a great roller blader okay but i'm not i'm okay on roller skates i could get by but i show up that day and everyone's like oh you know how to roller skate
Starting point is 00:15:17 i'm like i don't know let's but but the hard part was is that um in the diner where we were shooting the floor was like tiled so it would be it was like very bumpy to roller skate um and because on ghosts i was a ghost i couldn't stop myself on anything because i would go i could go through walls oh yeah that's so it was actually like real i had to do like a turn say it was actually technically really hard to like stop get that get at the right speed so that i don't bump into anything and don't have to stop myself yeah i did fall oh did you i did a couple couple times. Can you roller skate, Graham? I roller skate because I roller skated as a kid because that used to be like the birthday thing. If you had a birthday, you're going to Lloyd's Roller Kade and you get like a hot dog and just skate to, you know, let's talk about sex or some kind of song like that where you're like, I'm getting away with something here.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Dave, did you? I think I did. I assume I can roller skate, but I haven't. I mean, I can skate. I roller bladed a lot. I think it's probably the same way. I just bought my roller blades back to Toronto. And I'm like, I love hitting hitting the streets how long have you owned them
Starting point is 00:16:48 i've had those for a long time yeah those are old like from childhood from yeah like teenager wow the streets are bumpy here it's it's a bit harder but yeah yeah like do uh do you change the wheels i feel like that's the only thing I know about rollerblades. No, I never change them. Do I have to do? I feel like you would maybe have to change the brake because you. Yes, you have to change the brake if you wear it down. But I haven't worn these down. There's a rollerblade shop in Vancouver.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Oh, is there? Yeah. Yeah. And it's been open for a few years. Like, that was a shop I saw when it opened. I was like, see you in six months. Yeah, and somehow it's like... This is going to be a freshie in six months.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And it survived the pandemic. They're doing great. But the whole front window is a collection of wheels. So I assume that they changed wheels. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe just change the brake. No, I'm sure if you rent like if you wear them out like we're gonna have to do some research after this call that's for sure yeah i mean i
Starting point is 00:17:51 could assume i can rollerblade the hardest part is always breaking it's like you could probably do anything but it can you can you stop yeah like i would say that i i could skateboard but that's very far from the truth i can i can push myself on it and kind of coast but skateboarding's really hard really hard yeah i tried it when i was younger i could never never get the knack knack it yeah it was yeah for me it was like my the my feet would always go forward it would and i'd land on my butt yeah yeah that hurts i always think like people who are snowboarders that have like a bit more of a luscious My feet would always go forward and I'd land on my butt. Yeah. Yeah, that hurts. I always think people who are snowboarders that have a bit more of a luscious butt probably advance quicker. So when I snowboard, I wear butt pads and knee pads.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Nice. Because it hurts. Yeah. It hurts and it sucks. And then you're like, I don't want to learn it yeah but it's so fun yeah but i mean like that one i could sidestep easily i'm like i don't have a car i'm not going off to a mountain to ski ever again it's uh boy it's a real trade-off because sometimes i think it's so much fun and then sometimes it's like you got to go so far and then wait in so many lines and carry all this stuff and be cold.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I guess you guys go to Whistler and like the good hills, right? Yeah, I guess that's a thing we do. People do. Yeah, people do it. Yeah. Now, Nadine, I also see that you're a writer on the great canadian baking show that is correct how do you write a cake you start with the frost okay well here's the thing i don't i only write a portion of that show. I only write what the hosts say.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Okay. It's just like the intros. The cult opens. They do a little sketch off the top. Then all the intros that Anne and Alan say. It's really so much fun. I also love the show. Do you love the show?
Starting point is 00:20:02 Both of you? Do you watch it? I'm watching the show. Do you love the show? Both of you? Do you watch it? I'm watching my weight. I watched a few episodes of it, but I feel like I like to watch it all in one go. Right. You know, like I don't,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I'm not interested in episodic things anymore. I want it all clumped together. I don't want to wait. Exactly. Exactly. How many people write it? So it's basically just me, but there's a senior producer that I work with.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So she edits me and she'll pitch ideas and I'll write them. But I mean, it goes through so many rounds of notes too. Yeah. Yeah. Do you get to go to where they're recording it or do you just send it in so because of covid no and they it used to be that the writer would be on set but now it's like they split the the role between two people like me and the senior producer so i did get to visit set today and i did try some of the bakes you went today today? No, no, no. Oh, okay. Recently, I did get to go.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I did get to go once. You tried? I tried. I tried the bakes. And? And, I can't tell you. It will be revealed this season. Well, you can't.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Were they good? This season, the cakes are disgusting. I'll tell you this something it there's something that the the show doesn't capture is the smell of the tent that's also true of this show yes i'm sure it stinks very much. We stink. Now, like, is it like a funk or is it like baked goods? No, it's not amazing. It's like so, ugh. Because they thought, you know, they're in a tent and it's hot. Sweaty, yes, there's so much sweat.
Starting point is 00:21:56 It wasn't as hot. You know, I wasn't there on the hottest day, but it wasn't. There is still AC coming in. It's just not very powerful. Where is it? Okay, so it's at the Canadian Film Centre. There is still AC coming in. It's just not very powerful. Where is it? Okay, so it's at the Canadian Film Center. It's like north of, I don't know how well you know Toronto,
Starting point is 00:22:14 but it's like a bit north of the city. Okay. It's really nice. It has like a beautiful grounds. Where do they plug in all those ovens? You know, that's another waste, right the janitor janitors all the janitors all the generators that are needed for film here's the thing i'm very interested in i i've just joined the green committee at actra oh okay because so wait do you, what is your experience of being on set? You've done 22, Graham.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah. And I've done, when I first got out of school, I worked on a lot of sets as like a grip and a yay and all that kind of stuff. So I know what happens. Yes. And my experience is I live in Vancouver. And so I usually in August, I walk past a building it has a bunch of snow outside I'm like oh they're shooting a Hallmark movie here and I try to try to grab some Twizzlers have you ever succeeded no I'm too scared you know when I like there were times when I worked on sets in some way, tried to look busy, and I felt I didn't belong there, even when I was getting paid to be there.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I mean, there's no way they know everyone who's on set. I want to try it. Yeah. During the show that was filmed here called Da Vinci's Inquest, which was based on the then mayor of the city. He was the like coroner and then he became the mayor. He would just show up on set whenever he wanted and would order something from the cafeteria and take a bunch of stuff from Kraft. Yeah. And like not invited at all. Like not we're not like it's open to you whenever you want to come.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Have there been any other mayors who were previously the city's coroner? Probably in Gotham City. That would be my guess. Wait, this is the deal in Vancouver right now? It was. Not right now. No. But he was the coroner.
Starting point is 00:24:19 The show was actually pretty good. I like that. That's a great premise. Past guest Maddie Kelly's mother was on it. Was like that. That's a great premise. And it was like. Past guest Maddie Kelly's mother was on it. Was that right? Years and years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Was she one of the regs? I think she was one of the mains. Nice. Okay. Yeah. It was a cool show. And kind of, I think at the time, if you were an actor in Vancouver, you were at the very least an extra. But yeah, you totally were on it.
Starting point is 00:24:43 And it was a Canadian show? Yeah. Okay. It was on the CBC, I want to say. Really? It was Da Vinci's Inquest, and then there was a spinoff called, or I guess, I don't know if it was a spinoff or just a continuation called Da Vinci's City Hall about the coroner who became the mayor. I might have to start watching this tonight. Yeah, go on Gem.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Check it out. It's gritty. It's got a gr watching this. Yeah. Go on jam. Check it out. It's gritty. It's got a gritty feel. Yes. But, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:15 it was one time I was on set for a commercial and the, the big thing in the commercial was an Eagle was a real live Eagle, which they would green screen all this shit in now. But back then they actually had to have an Eagle. What was it for? It was for some insurance company from the states and the eagle was getting paid so much getting paid more than anybody else on set they're not part of action the guy the like eagle wrangler something spooked the eagle and he flew up into the rafters and nobody could get him down it was the funniest day of work the director was losing his mind
Starting point is 00:25:49 we all got time and a half it was great what do you remember what spooked the eagle was it some bearded guy who walked by yeah with one of the scene clappers gotcha i once had to repel for a commercial down a building you did yeah what was the commercial it was great canadian west great canadian western bank i think do you know it because i i can i can picture the the logo it was fun like it was actually fun to do and then but after lunch you know how everyone's tired so like the the logo it was fun like it was actually fun to do and then but after lunch you know how everyone's tired so like the the guys who were like i don't know what they're called that basically support my weight are a little tired you know the hundredth time around like
Starting point is 00:26:38 there were some jerky motions after lunch and i was like okay yeah that's how high were you suspended no gosh let's say four meters okay oh not like but enough to if you fell yeah enough to be scared yeah uh i would be terrified i would that's why in my uh bio it says no heights, no flights, no tights. No rappelling, no roller skating. So you're part of this green crew? Oh, I just signed up for the initiative because it's just so, every time you're on set, it's just, and especially since COVID, the waste is incredible
Starting point is 00:27:26 because they used to cater the lunches so you would take real plates and real cutlery right but now it's all individually packaged and when they hand out uh the snacks it's all also packaged and if they're not eaten they're just i think they're just, I think they're just thrown away. I don't know. Some, some people might donate it to food shelters after, but it's a lot of waste, a lot of waste, a lot of waste. Yeah. There was always like,
Starting point is 00:27:55 there was at any given time on set, there was somebody who was asleep. Yes. It was different. Because the dogs are so siloed. It's like, if you're done, you're one thing.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Yeah. Then you're off the rest of the day. Yeah, exactly. Likeoed. It's like, if you're done, you're one thing. Yeah. Then you're off the rest of the day. Yeah, exactly. Like there is, there's just, you'll, it's the guy in the truck.
Starting point is 00:28:11 It's the guy, the generator. It's the, you know, the lighting guy. He's lit all this stuff. Time for a nap. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Which is great. That's a great atmosphere to cultivate. More beds. So what do you do then? Do you just go to sets and go, what the hell, man? Recycle that shit.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I don't do anything. I bring my own cutlery. Okay. and like sometimes I'll bring my own lunch. Like I was writing on this other show and I would just pack
Starting point is 00:28:39 my own lunch. Yeah, it is insane that they feed everyone. Yeah. It's a lot everyone yeah it's a lot it's like every day and any other job where they do that even like at a school where they feed all the students they don't feed the teacher yeah and they don't feed the kids for free either they that's true it's gonna put me up because they work them so hard that they have like the hours that they're working and there's no place for them to like lie down and rest it's like we have to be like whenever there
Starting point is 00:29:12 was like i feel like in the dot-com boom until now it's been like cool offices that have like this has got a slide and this is it's got hammocks and foosball and they like have a beer tap or something like that yeah that always felt like oh they just don't want you to leave exactly they just want you to they can have you leave the premises yeah because they have to be up and running in less than yeah my friend was like used to test video games then it was like it's the coolest office i'm not allowed to leave i have to keep playing the same level as this video game and make it break oh no yeah it's like one of those jobs where you're like well that's the perfect job that a human could ever have but then the second you do it you're like oh i'm not just allowed to just
Starting point is 00:30:00 play i'm bored of this game i want to play donkey kong did you ever do any job like that when you were starting out like any just like i'll take any job whatsoever like uh if it was like it was two day gig or something like that oh my god i did so because when i was in new york i was trying to do stuff for free right um so there was like this one movie called armpits where i was like upset i can't even remember it was either i was obsessed with smelling people's armpits or i asked people to smell my armpit was it scripted or a document it was scripted um and in fact i got fan mail from that gross i loved you in armpits um yeah um and i did there was like one oh my god there were just so many stupid things one was like one. Oh, my God. There were just so many stupid things. One was like the first thing I ever booked in Toronto was like for some movie service. And they're like, OK, do a little sketch based on any of these movies.
Starting point is 00:31:14 And I didn't know any of the movies. So I just acted out the title names. So one was like romancing the stone and I've never seen it. So I just took a rock and I was like romancing the stone and i've never seen it so i just like took a rock and i was like that's not fair that's i mean i've seen it and i couldn't like yeah i couldn't tell you what it's about like i know it's it's like you know romantic indiana joe yeah that's a good way of putting it yeah yeah um not even romantic they're like they don't like each other but you know they're gonna end up together they got of course they are oh that chemistry oh who can resist and
Starting point is 00:31:50 they did two movies right they did romancing the stone and what was the other one jewel was it jewel of the nile i think so was it um but were they same kids probably. Same kids? Yeah, same man and woman I met. Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas, who have been 40, were never less than 40 years old. Yeah, they're geriatric. Do you remember any of the other movie titles? Like, that really isn't fair. I remember Chasing Amy, because I sort of, I think. Well, you'll have to supply me with an Amy to chase.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Well, I literally just ran in place and said, Amy! What did they expect you to do? Like, there's no. I have no idea. Yeah. And I booked it and I don't even remember, I don't even, I don't even remember shooting it. I don't know. It was like $700.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I don't even remember. But I was so thrilled. It was the first thing I booked. I'm like, oh, I'm meant to remember shooting it. I don't know. It was like $700. I don't even remember, but I was so thrilled. It was the first thing I booked. I'm like, Oh, I meant to be an actor. Yeah. I love $700.
Starting point is 00:32:53 $700 is like my favorite. Oh yeah. Yeah. When you're like 21 and something, something advertised, like three days work, 750 bucks. You're like, that's amazing. That's the, that's the most back-breaking labor you've ever had you know
Starting point is 00:33:09 my first commercial like bigger thing that i booked was an american commercial so i had no idea what to expect it was three hours of work and it was like still the best that paid thing I've done. That's, that's, but it was the first thing that was like year one. And away I go. Right after chasing Amy. Chasing armpit. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It's, it's a, it's a windy road. It's a windy road. They must navigate. I'm really hope, um, your viewers aren't listeners aren't interested enough to look up this armpits movie no of course that's what they're gonna
Starting point is 00:33:51 they're right running to their computers my wife was a uh worked reception at a talent agency and one of her jobs was to open fan mail. And it was so much from prisoners. Interesting. Who just, you know, they had nothing to do all day, but they could look up the name of, they could look up the address of an actress and write about how they'd like to have sex with her. Jesus. And here's a picture of us. It's just so kind. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah. I got, I remember getting one for lost girl. I, I, I died. I got killed on, on the show.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And some guy wrote me. He's like, I'm really sad. You died. You have a very nice rack and then a part of me was like should i keep this email should i print this email and put it on my wall it's like a milestone wait how did you get your how did you get your email it was on facebook you found me on facebook and messaged me through facebook so cool oh wow yeah no cooler way the canadian
Starting point is 00:35:10 showbiz industry where everyone's accessible oh boy yeah oh man that's uh yeah i guess if i was in prison i'd probably do i'd probably take up letter writing that would be because you got to kill those hours somehow yeah in between beatings yeah for me i'd get beaten up but there's got to be some down where everybody has to ice their knuckles or whatever yeah and then i'd go try to get strong and people would be like no no you're using the machine it doesn't suit you no you cannot it's not your turn on these weights okay you're the boss oh man yeah a movie i haven't re-watched the shawshank redemption that i've re-watched it either it's it long it's long but i remember loving it i remember loving it as well yeah there's a scene back to it no i don't think i have either but I think I caught a bit of it on TV
Starting point is 00:36:05 just and it was the scene where they're on the roof drinking beer like somehow he got the the warden to give the guys beer for working on the roof I was like that's probably the best beer I've ever seen in a movie
Starting point is 00:36:17 it looked like it was the ultimate delicious beer so so much condensation on the side of it and really good glug noises. Oh, I was in a glass. It was like in a,
Starting point is 00:36:29 no, it was in bottles, but, uh, it just, you could still see. They must've got people from beer commercials to shoot it. Cause they meant they make it look so good.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. It's like flying through the air with drips coming off it. Yeah. Oh man. Like a good, a good beer commercial i am a sucker for it i i didn't for a long time i didn't think i was but turns out if i see a beer on tv i'm like start breaking a sweat growing up i was like i didn't uh i i remember was it bud light that was great taste less filling yeah yeah Yeah. Yeah. And I, growing up, I was like, all right, people, that's something people care about.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I don't know. And now that I'm full all the time, I'm like, oh, I love something that tasted great and had less filling. Why are you full all the time? Oh, I'm just like, oh, you know, I have a big lunch and then i'm like oh i can't have dinner tonight i had too much lunch and now i have to you know hold the ropes for this woman who's climbing the other side of a building i'm so sleepy i'm just meeps take a nap are you a beer drinker at all or you drink any alcohol of any kind um i do drink beer occasionally i like beer in the summer and i like it during the day and yeah i drink occasionally i'm not like i find in my elderly state um nice rack though yeah hope she doesn't die um uh what was i gonna say yeah i i like my
Starting point is 00:38:13 body seems to know like okay you can't do more than this it's like three is like okay yeah even as a young man i couldn't do more than four. No. I mean, I could, but it was trouble. You would push yourself to get to four. Yeah. I think, well, when you're a teenager or whatever, you're like, I'm going to drink everything that I bought. I'm not saving this. I'm not going to hide this under my bed or something.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I'm drinking every single thing. Right. Yeah. What's the legal age in Vancouver? 19. 19. 19. Is it 21 in Ontario?
Starting point is 00:38:50 No. I don't even, I think it's 19. It's 18 in Montreal. And Alberta. Alberta is 18 as well. And they'd lower it down to 15 if they didn't think. Oh, yeah. If they didn't need kids to drive tractors. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:03 I was 14 when I started clubbing in Montreal. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They didn't need kids to drive tractors. I was 14 when I started clubbing in Montreal. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Montreal's got like the club scene. That's like. Oh, yeah. The place. None of them are still open.
Starting point is 00:39:14 None of the ones I went to. Did you have a fake ID? No, they just didn't care. That's pretty cool. Did I have a fake ID? I don't think I did. No. They were just like you.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I'd love to go to Montreal right now. Well, not right now. It's August. It's a beautiful time of year. It's beautiful. It's too hot. Too hot. It's too hot.
Starting point is 00:39:37 I guess Vancouver is pretty chill right now. For the most part. It's too hot. It's too hot. Everywhere is too hot. You know, I want to move to, where's the biggest mall in the world? Is that in Minnesota? I want to go there.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I want to go there and hang out. Just walk around that mall all day, all night. Just have air conditioning? Yeah, just air conditioning. And people are chill in the malls. Nobody's running around. Have you gone to movie theaters lately? Like, that used to be a big, like, summertime.
Starting point is 00:40:06 That was like, I think the reason movies do so well in the summer is because people like being in an ac yeah um i haven't been to a movie in a while i think since like west side story was that was a while ago and was that good you're making a face that says no there were it was really beautiful it wasn't my favorite i really like the song and dance that's fun yeah yeah did you ever do musicals i did but i did that like i always loved musicals and then i only did them later in life and I wish I had done them sooner. I wish I was like one of those hardcore trained musical people. Oh, cause I, I,
Starting point is 00:40:51 in my heart, I am a musical nerd. Do you like, you're a big fan always? Yes. I love singing and dancing. What's your favorite musical? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:01 What would you want to be in? Okay. So like, I can't, that's two different questions that is two different questions okay so like the musicals that formed me are le miserable okay um and i love spring awakening too the sequel oh yes the sequel um what spring awakening what's the famous yeah what is that i don't know okay so what is her name i forget it that's the celebrity that was on glee rachel berry was her character name what is it so she was in it i i hear she's really nice yeah people love working with her it's very i i hear she's really nice yeah people love working with very pleasant
Starting point is 00:41:46 um uh it's like it's about these kids growing up in germany and like a repressed society but they're like going through puberty and like is there a famous song from it no i don't think like if you yeah well why wouldn't it be your favorite? But I love the music. The one that I want to be in is called The Last Five Years. Do you know of it? No. Okay. So it's Jason Robert Brown.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Oh, my God. I'm forgetting everyone's name. Anyways, please don't murder me if I'm getting this wrong. Listeners, listeners. No murder. Don't murder me if i'm getting this wrong um listeners no murder don't murder okay no bad bad bad bad no save the rack with you save the rack the child okay um it is uh the man is i think starting from the beginning of the relationship to the end. And the woman starts from the end to the beginning and they cross in the middle. And to be honest, it's like, as an entire show, it's fine. But I just love the music.
Starting point is 00:42:58 But the woman is a shiksa goddess and has to be played by someone who's a shiksa goddess. And I am the antithesis of a shiksa goddess and has to be played by someone who's a shiksa goddess. And I am the antithesis of a shiksa. I'm very, very Jewish listeners, okay? Very Jewish. So I could never play that role. You can never practice. Can you sing? Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:22 You're a good singer? I mean, I'm okay. I'm nasal, as you can hear people's singing voice and their talking voices aren't always the same although tom york's is you know when you see tom york you're like yeah that's the voice that come out of that wiggly guy i don't even know who that is i need to look at the guy from radiohead oh okay only the guy from Radiohead. Oh, okay. Yeah. Only the guy from Radiohead.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Do you karaoke? I do sometimes. Was that when you were a teenager going to clubs? I did go recently with Ann, actually. Oh, nice. We ran to my place. From the person at karaoke. From the baking show.
Starting point is 00:44:04 From the baking show. And I did I was having I was on a backstreet boys kick getting like into that nostalgia so I listened to a lot of that and like old oldies like I can't even think of the name of the song right now this is where my memory has gone post when you go
Starting point is 00:44:21 when you go to a karaoke place how many is it like do you get one chance to sing or is it so you get one shot this i that's the thing i hate waiting for like a hundred people to go to be able to sing so you could rent rooms in toronto and vancouver so you could just like go one after the other after the other i'm sure you can. When I had, I forget, some birthday, 25 or something, we rented a room at the Fraser Arms? Was it? No. Marble Arch?
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, Marble Arch had it. Yeah. It was a strip club and then a karaoke bar. Yeah. Fraser Arms, I think, was a strip club, too. You know what? Everything that's closed down is a strip club in Vancouver. Anyway, listen to a girls, girls,
Starting point is 00:45:05 girls by Molly crew. They shout out a lot of Vancouver strip clubs. True. It is true. My favorite musical. If I had to pick one. Hairspray. I think I love hairspray.
Starting point is 00:45:20 I like every song on it. And yeah, it's, it's like I don't know John Waters is so much fun yes that's my favorite but I've watched a lot of musicals growing up I didn't realize it until I was older that I was like huh
Starting point is 00:45:35 I should watch a lot more yeah much more than everybody else seems to have I was in Shopper's Drug Mart yesterday and they were playing Xanadu oh yeah oh because of Olivia
Starting point is 00:45:48 well because of I presume because of Olivia Newton-John but is someone DJing Sharper's Drug Mart that's why
Starting point is 00:45:57 it takes so long to get there's a guy in the back there's a guy somebody in the pharmacist they all switch off
Starting point is 00:46:03 yes yeah that's why it takes so long to get your medication so long why does it take so long i don't know i tried oh i have auto refills i just get an email oh that is the best but sometimes you forget and you need it right away and you show up there and no one else is there and they're like a half an hour yeah that's not so long when you have to wait in a shoppers it's a store that has a magazine section hello do you read that's one of the magazines for half an hour i will
Starting point is 00:46:36 yeah i mean all the magazines now are just like a tribute to betty white dogs we love them. We love them. We love them. Here's why. Gotta pick that one up. Dave, what's going on with you, man? What's going on with me? Well, last week, what was going on with me?
Starting point is 00:46:57 I believe I talked about this was my fridge died. Yes. R.I.P. I was fridgeless for a few days and then the next day Refrigerate in peace. Sorry, go ahead. Cards on the table. We recorded that episode two days ago. Yesterday, the refrigerator repair people came. I don't know why I won't gender them. They were men.
Starting point is 00:47:25 They're refrigerator repairmen. You never ask their pronouns. It's best to just... How do you know I didn't ask their pronouns? Did you? Yeah. Okay. Alright. Alright. Their pronouns were both Jeff.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Two guys showed up. It was a two-man job for two hours. And I'm glad I paid that flat fee before i went in because oh boy it would have been spicy otherwise so they they um they fixed the fridge and uh but they went to plug it into the wall and they were like uh something's wrong with your outlet so i need to go i call an electrician that's that's a few days away so we have an extension cord situation happening and also are they gonna find like well this electric's no good we got to tear up the walls and you're like oh the plumbing in here is falling apart well stop because i'm going somewhere. So we, uh, in the, the, we managed to like, you know, the fridge was down for three or four days and we put some, we had an extra freezer. We could put stuff in an extra mini fridge.
Starting point is 00:48:36 We can put stuff in, but some stuff didn't make it. And we had to throw some stuff away and some stuff went in the, the, the compost bin. Some stuff went down the sink and some that went down the compost bin. Some stuff went down the sink and some that went down the sink should not have gone down the sink. So... Oh shit! Such as? I want to say it's cabbage.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I want to say it's maybe some pickles or something. Anyway, the sink is stopped up and... Oh no. So we are... Calling a plumber? We're just like... anyway the sink is stopped up and oh no so we are yeah the plumber's been called they were supposed to come between 11 and 1
Starting point is 00:49:12 and I had to leave it at 145 and they didn't show up till 115 and I called and said don't show up come back tomorrow cause I'm not gonna be here oh man this is insane so we're living and I bought I went to the here. Oh, man. This is insane. So we're living... And I bought... I went to the Home Depot.
Starting point is 00:49:27 I bought an auger. Oh, yeah. A big drain snake. 25-foot drain snake. Didn't seem to fix anything. Oh, no. And here's the thing about drain snakes. They're impossible to recoil. And so they
Starting point is 00:49:43 just fly everywhere. They they do kind of uh wrap themselves up you have to be careful yeah i brought mine outside to do it and it was like tearing up the grass it was when i was like pulling it back because they twist so much they have like a warning on them yeah yeah and so uh we're still awaiting that. So our life is, um, currently, uh, kind of roughing it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:50:10 We're roughing it a bit. It's just, everything's a bit crazy. We've got a big extension cord going out of the kitchen into the other room to, for the fridge. We've got, we've got a pot in the sink where,
Starting point is 00:50:21 you know, this is where water goes. This is where you wash your hands yeah sort of like don't let any water go down the drain because it's not going anywhere we everything from underneath the sink is in a big um kind of laundry hamper that's just taken out of the way because the the the plumber's gonna need that area it's amazing how close we are to just being absolutely yeah well and i mean like it's two things go wrong you're done and that's my privilege i'm wearing it up my sleeve because absolutely we uh yeah this is just what's like this is in a good situation yeah yeah but you know i mean like uh
Starting point is 00:51:09 like i always feel like i'm only two steps away from camping you know i mean like once you got a bucket with water in it you're like no camping now this is a thing you only do when you camp so that's one thing that's going on with me okay I just wanted to give an update that we are There's multiple things. Well, I mean, look. I went to Home Depot. We had visitors. Also, we have visitors here. So I'm like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:51:36 You're staying with us and we are living out of a bunch of bags of ice from the gas station. Terrible. Wow. So we have visitors.
Starting point is 00:51:51 We need to get an extra key. Oh, yeah. Oh, have you used the key machine at Home Depot? Never. They let you use the machine? Oh, yeah. There's a machine. It's like a vending machine for keys.
Starting point is 00:52:05 This is insane. I didn't know this. I thought there was vending machine for keys. This is insane. I didn't know this. I thought there was still a guy that you had to hand it to. There's still, I mean, that's an option too. But you can do it yourself. You can do it yourself. You put your key in the slot and it says, what design of key do you like? Do you want the regular brass or do you want like purple with polka dots?
Starting point is 00:52:22 Do you want like a dog, a little dog on it? Yes. Yes. Do you want the dog on it? No, we purple with polka dots? Do you want like a dog, a little dog on it? Yes. Yes. And then. Do you want the dog on it? No, we got purple polka dots. And then it's, it's, it's weird because you don't, it's like a vending machine, but you don't have to put money in. You have to, once you get the key, you have to, it's got a barcode on it but you could just leave it there like a sticker a little tiny sticker on it yeah that's fascinating to me and they give you a
Starting point is 00:52:56 little envelope to put your keys in that comes out of the slot no the end there's a stack of envelope okay but the the key just tumbles down to the bottom and you pull it out that's pretty fun and it and it's got a little window you can watch as the machine cuts your key this rules are we all going to home depot on a saturday night is this what we're gonna do well it's thursday right now but i mean you can plan your weekend well yes i need a full night for this this is my activity for tonight honestly i was like i was uh i had went to home depot yesterday before we had the sink problems so i did this yesterday and then i have like three more things also a toilet uh a toilet seat broke in my house uh no this is like that tom hanks movie like the money pit
Starting point is 00:53:54 sort of how long have you been living in this house four years okay and uh everything was designed to Go down this week But yeah So I was in Home Depot yesterday And I needed a couple of things And there was a lineup For this key machine So I was like okay First I went to the key machine I was like oh there's a lineup
Starting point is 00:54:18 I better go pick up my other stuff I went back there was still a lineup Yeah that's gotta be brand new Because I've never heard of that And when I was a kid going to canadian tire that was one of two things that were awesome to look at keys getting cut paint getting shaken those were oh yeah fun things to witness yes that sound oh that sound of that paint go go go go go go do the same i did I did. Can I try? Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Okay. Let me put myself in the mind space of being a can. Oh, nice. Yours is really fast. Okay. Here's my... Oh, yeah. If you would.
Starting point is 00:55:02 My interpretation is this does that sound like paint? is it in anti-gravity? I haven't done voice work much of it well I don't think a lot of voice work will ask you to do that that would be awesome if you had to have a reel of different sound effects you could make oh my god so that's great i'm happy with that
Starting point is 00:55:30 um the other thing is so uh you've got so much going on i'm glad because i mean one was i watched a key being made but like you're already a leg up on me um i also so this is the time of year when my children they sleep in and they don't most weeks they're not attending a camp where they're they're at home all summer and we uh so this is the the time of year like i don't usually get to watch much TV But I've been able to watch things Between when I wake up at 6.30 Until they wake up at 9 Beautiful
Starting point is 00:56:15 Amazing That is amazing So this week I watched What would you watch? Three hours you have You could watch anything I watched The Thing Oh you watch? Three hours you have. You could watch anything. I watched The Thing.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Oh, The Thing. That's good. With Kurt Russell as, I don't know, a guy. A guy that wears a big hat. A guy who's afraid of The Thing. I've never seen that before. Have you seen it? No. Oh, it's classic. It's a classic horror movie,
Starting point is 00:56:44 would you say? I can't do horror. It's not really a horror horror horror movie which is like i can't do horror it's not really a horror it's kind of like a thriller it's like sort of like alien i turn off the volume uh when i'm watching because it's they're trying to manipulate me too much with the music yeah it's it's a movie where they're the alien the thing is just picking people off until there's no one left and they're like uh anyway i like yeah well advantage the thing yeah but the other thing i watched is a tv show i've heard a lot about called the bear okay i just started this bear i saw what's the reviews i watched all eight it's good oh you did yeah i um it's not all eight are not available in canada okay look i know a guy oh um he also does keys and it is uh it's it's good i the shows that i didn't know what it was at all i just knew people
Starting point is 00:57:50 were talking about it and it's all the episodes are half an hour but it's not a comedy but i feel like when the golden globe nominations come out it'll be a comedy it's just because it's a half hour right anything yeah i think there's maybe a joke an episode yeah oh is that i never thought about that the time of the show so i think that's had this great joke on her show difficult people she's like when did comedies become half-hour dramas? Yeah, totally. It was such a good joke. So it's that, it's that,
Starting point is 00:58:28 but it's good. It's fun. Like it's entertaining and everyone's really good in it. Yes. And, uh, I think I picked the right show to watch. I feel like this is in the zeitgeist.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yeah. Also, but a morning watch, that's an intense morning watch. I mean, I'm, I'm numb. So whatever. You needed to wake yourself up.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Yeah. But there's one, the final episode. I don't think I'm spoiling anything. Don't spoil anything. I'm not spoiling anything. All right. What I'm going to say is not spoiling anything. There's a long speech.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Okay. So like all the episodes are about half an hour. The second last episode is 20 minutes. what I'm gonna say is not spoiling anything there's a long speech that so like all the episodes are about half an hour the second last episode is 20 minutes and the last episode is 45 minutes but 10 of those minutes are a speech and it's the main character the bear
Starting point is 00:59:19 Z92 the bear yeah John Bear Berenson and he's Z92 the bear yeah John Bear Berenstain and he's and he's sitting down talking and the camera is just on him and he has
Starting point is 00:59:39 one hair that is just off of the back of his head. It's not, it cannot be attached to his head anymore. It's just hanging out there the whole 10 minutes speech. And you're the whole time. You're like, I got to pull that hair off. His hair is so messy the whole season.
Starting point is 01:00:00 But there's this one single strand of hair. And then about seven minutes into the speech you notice there's another hair there there's two loose hairs and it's one take there it's one take it's like a an amazing performance because because it's one take and he is just so good he never says line that makes him but i mean i he could have said line i wasn't paying attention i was just like i gotta pull that hair off you don't know what you wouldn't even feel it it's not attached to his head anymore that's very funny they're going for authenticity of the shows i mean it's hell when i'm sure he'll win best actor in a comedy and it'll be a hundred
Starting point is 01:00:46 percent yeah yeah i was like i don't know how in a comedy he was but also since jim parson has uh exited the throne it's uh it's anybody's game now although probably he could win one for young sheldon does the voice does he narrate it yeah thanks look have i seen it no do i assume what it is yes i assume that young sheldon is the good doctor but anyway do you all watch canadian content or not yeah yeah i've uh i watch 22 whenever it's on it's so short season though it doesn't it feels like it wants to be every week but it's not every week and i watch hockey night in canada that's cool that's cool um i watch the local news yeah i do not watch much canadian content i you know i didn't before until i became an actor and just yeah and then i was like oh well i should know what's
Starting point is 01:01:52 being filmed no we had uh i think we had when we had kulop v lysak on a few oh my god i know her okay she's the best how do you know her i okay wait i don't know her last name so let me just double check that i'm sure it's the same cool off married to scott ackerman yeah okay so we were at i love her i hope she's listening and she could hear this we were at a wedding uh together this summer and we were wearing a similar style dress um who got married uh my friend michael and matt so she's really good friends with matt and i'm really good friends with michael oh congratulations to michael and matt yes what's so funny is that where are they registered no they're so classy they didn't
Starting point is 01:02:52 even accept gifts nice that's a classy move charity donations oh wow that's them flexing on everybody there we don't even need move. It's the classiest move. But this wedding has been talked about on so many podcasts. Oh, really? All of Matt's friends have a podcast. So, like, literally this wedding has been debriefed so many times. I'm glad I made it onto here. What was the dress?
Starting point is 01:03:25 Okay, so she had a dress. She had this gorgeous. It wasn glad I made it onto here. What was the dress? Okay. So she had a dress. She had this gorgeous. It wasn't hers was better than mine. Okay. I'm sorry. She was best dressed in my opinion. There I'm way below her, but I had,
Starting point is 01:03:37 it was like the material was similar. So mine was, what was the brand? Uh, it was from revolve this online store from America, What was the brand? It was from Revolve, this online store from America. Uh-huh. Navy blue, plunging neckline, tiered skirt.
Starting point is 01:03:51 And she had this beautiful, like, green, silky goddess dress. Low neckline, high slits. It was very sexy. Sounds like a rack attack. She's just so beautiful and stunning. Well, when she was on the show last, she was talking about Kim's Convenience and she assumed
Starting point is 01:04:14 that we knew Kim's Convenience inside of her. And you haven't? You haven't watched? No. But you know what show I have seen every episode of is Workin' Moms. Interesting. Yeah. I don't know why, but I... Have you seen Nadine on there? Have you been on it?
Starting point is 01:04:29 I have, but a very... Like, I'm in a few episodes, but for two seconds each. Where? In what season? I'll gladly go back and watch them again. You just love the show. Yeah, I just love it. I don't...
Starting point is 01:04:41 Honest to God, I just watched one episode. I was like, I do. I want to know what happens with this character. That so funny um i i'm season three i believe and i play uh is the character's name ann i think uh annie yeah her name her receptionist i play oh okay oh like at the at her own at the school when she's at the school. When she's at the school. Oh, when she's at the school. Okay. Yes. Great. Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Thank you. You're part of a dynasty as far as I'm concerned. Oh my gosh. People love that show. Yeah. I think it's really well done. I know it's supposed to be a comedy, but I think of it as a drama. No.
Starting point is 01:05:23 And some of the seasons also get pretty dark too yeah like it's there's like you say with the bear like there's a couple lines that are meant for laughs and then the rest of it seems quite serious but maybe i'm watching it wrong i don't know you're watching it upside down yeah that's it um yeah so we're not i mean i personally have not plugged into canadian content i've cool i really threw it in my face yeah i can't believe if she's watching kim's you guys gotta get on it yeah you know what it was my whole life it was second class television and then shits creek comes along and everyone thinks it's the game yeah yeah exactly yeah and good and thank god yeah um thank god so yeah i've watched a key get cut and then i watched the show
Starting point is 01:06:14 what's going on with you graham dave so fucking little i'm glad that you had two things because i don't barely i had three because I also don't have a sink. That's right. You do. You have three. Good. Because then I'm not on the hook for much. But I have which only happens once in a long while. I have family coming to Vancouver.
Starting point is 01:06:38 They're family that live in England. So they're coming over and they're doing like a western swing. Yeah. Oh, we're gonna they're doing like a western swing. Yeah, oh, we're going to get ourselves up in the western swing. Oh. So they went,
Starting point is 01:06:51 they, when saw my folks. When you say family, what do you, how close are they biologically to you? My cousin. First cousin?
Starting point is 01:07:00 First cousin. Yeah. I mean, sure. Have we kissed? Absolutely. But, but he's coming here
Starting point is 01:07:08 he's with his family um he's already gone to alberta he's gone to cali went to bamf oh they love it out there oh man oh man like they've never seen a mountain before not like this yeah exactly not these big jaggedy ones um and so they're coming into town and they're he's kind of like what what should we do and i was like well i have no freaking idea get lost get bent how about that yeah how about you go fuck yourself but uh they have if it was just the him and his wife kate then it would be that'd be fine i'll just take it all wait is your cousin prince william well i don't wanna i mean i don't wanna say but what is the thing going around? But Prince William, he's like a pervert or something. Really? No,
Starting point is 01:08:06 it's not even Prince Andrew is. What's, no, I know, but it's no, it's, it's like somebody, either William or Harry is just some sort of like kinkster guy.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Well, I can't, we can't. I mean, they all have to be. That's true. The Royal family. I mean,
Starting point is 01:08:21 we're not kink shaming the Royal. Yeah. If I think that's the one person you can kink-shame. I don't know. Have you watched The Cheaters? The Cheaters? They're so sexy. Did you see the trailer for the Army Hammer, Doc?
Starting point is 01:08:38 No. I heard about it, though. It's very intense. Where is it? Yeah, that's gross I think on YouTube I think we'll all be
Starting point is 01:08:50 a documentary by year's end do you think yeah yours is going to be about getting that key cut yeah but I'm going to be a pervert it's going to feel like this guy's a key pervert but um yeah so they're but they have two daughters age 13 and 10 i have no freaking
Starting point is 01:09:13 idea what to tell them send them to the clubs yeah i said yeah i said go to the roxy well the roxy's closed right now they're doing some rentals so it's like that's off the list you can't go to the roxy where they have a buck and bronco machine oh do they yeah um not now they're under uh renos but uh they're gonna install a cow milking machine um yeah so i don't like i know aquarium, you send them to the aquarium for sure. It's weird. Like tourists love the aquarium here. Oh yeah. Catnip. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:09:51 That's the only time I've ever been. Grownups going to the aquarium. The jellyfish are always nice. It's yeah. They're very pretty. They're well lit, but it's very, it's like the consummate school field trip activity. And to see so many like Germans in backpacks there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And like just general things. I was like, what do these kids like to eat? Like where, what type of restaurant do I recommend? Like, because they don't know any of the restaurants. So they don't even know our national chain restaurants. I mean, you have to do sushi restaurants i mean you have to do sushi no you have to do sushi i am allergic to fish so i have no idea what good sushi is oh but everything's good in vancouver it's in general yes but i i was asking uh past guest alicia tobin um
Starting point is 01:10:39 what is the best sushi taste wise and then what then what's the best, like, I'm eating at a Japanese restaurant experience. And so I've got a couple names, but I'm just going to go, you go have fun, you kids, and I will see you on the other end. Do they like sushi, or are they like that? They especially want to eat, like, everything coastal. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:03 They're like fish and chips, but they're like, lose the chips they're like lose the chips add the right lose the chips yeah yeah because our visitors um that are staying with us they um they have a five-year-old who recently discovered sushi oh it doesn't like fish and was like it was like oh do they have sushi in vancouver and the parents were like yeah well okay okay okay but do they have rice so he likes rice with soy sauce on top delicious delicious not even an avocado in there i don't know i haven't i haven't really uh given them a third degree yeah yeah so i like and it's one of those things where you look at your own town you're like what the fuck is there to see here like i do i see anything here
Starting point is 01:11:51 i don't know i hate it i hate because there's nothing it's just about it going around different neighborhoods and yeah yeah getting lost and well when we were in when graham and i went to new york a decade ago people were like oh what like we said what should we do in new york you can do anything at any time yeah but people were like i don't know go to central park and that's one thing we have here we have an urban park yeah yeah and our park was designed by the same person that designed oh yeah central park so it's even it's even more of i i don't give a shit. You gotta eat sushi. You gotta go to Central Park.
Starting point is 01:12:28 You gotta go to Central Perk. Yeah, so I don't know. I never know what to tell people. Especially a 10-year-old and a 13-year-old. A 7-year-old I'd be like, go to Science World. Yeah, because 13 isn't gonna like that 13 is
Starting point is 01:12:47 like I don't remember what I liked oh look at your phone yeah 13 go stare at your phone in a different neighborhood what about that um roller skating rink that you went to oh that was in Calgary that was in Calgary okay although there is now that you mention it there is
Starting point is 01:13:03 a roller skating rink that opened somewhere within the last year. There's like those rec rooms and stuff that are fun. But it's like they could do that in any city. I don't know. Tell them to splash down. Isn't there a bridge that
Starting point is 01:13:20 you cross? There's an Arby's. Send them to Arby's. Yes, there's a bridge that they cross. That was going. There's an Arby's. Send them to Arby's. Send them to Arby's. Yes, there's a bridge that they crossed. That was going to be my big ticket item. And then my dad took them to a similar thing in Banff. And I was like, that's all one of the things that I was going to say. He stole it. He stole it.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Send them up the Grouse Mountain gondola. Yeah. Yes. There's bears there. There's a weird treetop adventure. That's fun. Oh, yeah. treetop adventure is fun yeah um yeah i think they want all the all the mountainy stuff and then all the like japanese food indian food anything yeah oh sure they're they're british they love a curry they love a curry a late night curry i don't i wouldn't even know where, if I wanted a curry past 10.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Oh, sure. Yeah. We only have daytime curry. There's a good, uh, Indian place that I've been to in Vancouver. Is it the J's that it's called?
Starting point is 01:14:20 VJ's. VJ's. VJ's. Really butchering this. VJ's. VJys? Vichys. Really butchering this. Vichys. Vichys. Yeah. That's good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:14:33 He's like a local, like you can't miss him. He's dressed in like flowing robes. Yeah. But you go across the street, go to Indian Roti Kitchen. Even better? It's even better and way cheaper oh yeah i mean there's nowhere you gotta take it's takeout there's a place that i'm like that's the thing is like i want to take them to places where it's like this is the best
Starting point is 01:14:56 of this but the atmosphere probably stinks because it's like you know what i mean it's like you should watch um oh seth rogan did this like food right doc with david chang and that way he went to all these amazing places in vancouver the place that was his favorite in uh in where it was like south main that's i lived right around the corner from it they were they were filming it just oh yeah yeah like i you turn the corner and boom that's where i lived so did you eat there have you ever eaten there yes and it was delicious i went to granville island last week and i i always think of it as a big tourist trap i it's a nightmare to park um but i went and i loved it i was like this place is great i get it why people send everyone here yeah they've got a broom store that's the big thing i'm gonna tell them they have to go
Starting point is 01:15:50 granville island and find the broom store that's all they sell they literally only sell brooms handmade too not just uh it's a lost you know You know, Violeta. Not just a Violeta Oscar. Everyone, I can't even get a refill for my Violeta. Yeah, that's, they really hamstrung us all. Yeah, I got a Violeta mop. It's good. It's got, you can wash the
Starting point is 01:16:17 mop head. I had like a feather duster thing and the first time I used it, I went in the corner above the shelf and it just fell there. So that was, I used it for like, at most, 30 seconds. You'll find it when you move. Yes, exactly. Or when you die.
Starting point is 01:16:38 That's the best cleansing experience. When you move, you find all these things. I mean, look, the best cleansing experience I've discovered is find all these things i mean look the best cleansing experience i've discovered is when your fridge dies for four days and you get to take everything out and clean deep clean the thing yes yes absolutely i did just did a deep clean of my whole house and it takes a lot of time yeah this fridge i was like oh i didn't realize everything came out like everything is a component that you can pull out and deep like dip in the sink before the sink breaks there's always more to clean yeah yeah um i'm never gonna deep clean my house not the only i just never ever i i give uh give
Starting point is 01:17:18 up my damage deposit because there's stuff that i like ruined by using it that using you know misusing things it's just like that's what I have to pay to just be like horrible yeah I feel like if you live somewhere more than a year it's like well I'll never get this damage deposit back do you live alone
Starting point is 01:17:40 no it's myself and a lucky young lady bring her in great let's talk her let's talk to her she's deep cleaning right now okay not to be disturbed um do you guys want to move on to some overheards sure it could happen to you you're all all grown up now, a professional adult with diverse interests and hobbies, and one of those hobbies is video games. You just can't help it. They're so good now.
Starting point is 01:18:12 If that's you, we're here to tell you, you are completely normal. I'm Maddie Myers. I'm Jason Schreier. And I'm Kirk Hamilton, and together we form TripleClick, a podcast about video games. If you think you might be a person who likes video games,
Starting point is 01:18:26 we hope you'll give TripleClick a listen. TripleClick, new episodes every Thursday on Maximum Fun. Hey kid, your dad tell you about the time he broke Stephen Dorf's nose at the Kids' Choice Awards? In Dead Pilots Society, scripts that were developed by studios and networks but were never produced are given the table reads they deserve. When I was a kid,
Starting point is 01:18:52 I had to spend my Christmas break filming a PSA about angel dust. So yeah, being a kid sucks sometimes. Presented by Andrew Reich and Ben Blacker. Dead Pilots Society, twice a month on You know, the show you like, that hobo with the scarf who lives in a magic dumpster?
Starting point is 01:19:13 Doctor Who. Yeah! Overheard! Overheards! The segment of the show you've all been waiting for. Where we overhear things, tell them to you. We always like to start with the guest. Nadine, would you please? Oh, an honor.
Starting point is 01:19:35 So I was at the pool the other day. Outdoor or outdoor? Outdoor. Public pool. There's one in Toronto that doesn't follow any of the rules so it's like really fun run everywhere yes it's like run you don't have to shower like it's only adults that don't go in the pool anyways this is a side story but i heard uh someone say that um Will Smith Chris Rock slap was planned by Pfizer themselves because the following day Pfizer released an alopecia medication and they were the ones to benefit from this huge. Why didn't I hear about it?
Starting point is 01:20:20 huge. Like this. Why didn't I hear about it? They got billions. Wow. That's true. They did. They did highlight a particular condition.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Yeah. If they had been like the Superbowl, they would have advertised right after that. What would, what would you have to pay will smith to do that it makes zero sense like it's it's it would be like okay like you're it was so damaging to him you think yeah also it doesn't you don't need that to bring attention to the cause you know you could have jada just say something or will just say something or just like tell have people uh have doctors tell their alopecia patients hey there's this new drug
Starting point is 01:21:12 exactly traditional marketing um uh do you think that's the most famous thing that has happened at the Oscars like will that just be the biggest most famous thing that happened I can't remember another thing that was super famous Adrian Brody kissed Halle Berry that was not the same
Starting point is 01:21:37 like not even close though Cuba Gooding Jr's speech if you ever watch the behind the scenes of the director of that, the control room of when that happened. What happened? I don't remember this. It was just Cuba Gooding Jr. gave this stirring speech
Starting point is 01:21:57 after he won for Jerry Maguire. And was he like, I'll know I'll never step on this stage again because I'm about to make some pretty shitty films. But there's a great like, I feel like I even watched it in broadcasting school where they were like, we're just doing live TV and just it was just like showing the director taking different cameras. And it was like, this was the first award of the night. And it was everyone was so worked up. I mean, Roberto Bonini won.
Starting point is 01:22:24 And he like climbed oh but like that was beautiful ran over the seats he climbed over the seats uh Jack Palance did those pushups
Starting point is 01:22:32 did those pushups one arm pushups David Niven was on stage when that uh streaker went by but no no one's
Starting point is 01:22:39 the slap was the biggest the slap is it I guess it is it Adele Nazeem oh yeah that was so funny that is still so funny this is why we tune in because i can name 10 amazing moments the freaking uh la la land not winning at the end that was also so stupid that one is the more like just that one seems more like a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Yeah. Something happened there. Yeah. I mean, I would take somebody else's Oscar if it was a technical mistake. Yeah. I would not be like, oh,
Starting point is 01:23:18 there was a mistake. I'd be like, no one will ever know. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And what happened in the end? They gave them both
Starting point is 01:23:25 oscars i forget no they took just a moonlight it doesn't change the fact that i never saw either movie yeah not funny yeah you can name a lot of them i like i was i was struggling i thought about jack palance doing the push-ups but then and also the not distant past where billy crystal wore blackface i don't remember that it was uh here's how recent it was he wore it while talking to justin bieber you're kidding me oh my goodness yeah i'm gonna have to do some googling after yeah yeah it's uh it's wild oh my goodness um yeah billy crystal man those intros when i was a kid oh nothing better like seen from alien and then you'd be like i didn't order that i love the oscars i love seeing a montage of just like uh a barf in film
Starting point is 01:24:20 just like this here's how barf has been portrayed over the years oh yeah i saw that movie yeah yeah yeah stand by me one of the top oh parenthood uh dave do you have an overheard i haven't overseen so yesterday i was walking the dog um i have dogs, but only one is walkable at the moment. Uh, the other one's too young, too small, hasn't learned. Um, and so, uh, I was walking monster and we were, we were behind this woman. We were like half a block behind this woman who seemed like kind of a hippie. Uh, but I couldn't, you know, she was wearing kind of a hippie uh but i couldn't you know she was
Starting point is 01:25:06 wearing kind of a flowing dress it was a pretty day was it vish it might have been vish she was serving pakora um no she was walking and she was about half a block ahead of us and she stopped and leaned up against a tree and sort of like it was we have big trees on the boulevards and uh she was kind of like touching the tree and then she walked a little bit further forward and i could see that she went up to the next tree there were there's like six trees a block and she went up to the next tree and went up to and touched it gently and i could see as i was getting closer to her that she was touching the moss she was feeling the moss oh okay and then she kept walking and then she went up to a third tree and was rubbing
Starting point is 01:26:00 her hand on the moss and i could see that she was eating a bag of chips, and she was just wiping her hands on the tree. And here I was so touched by this story. I thought, I need to start touching trees. She was not communing with nature. She was using the natural absorptive properties of moss oh boy that's good
Starting point is 01:26:26 yeah good for her oh man at least she's not using napkins that's right yes okay I forgot you're on
Starting point is 01:26:33 the green committee I'm not even on it I'm just attending a meeting that'll be in your bio yeah tell people this story they'll go back for it environmental
Starting point is 01:26:45 been to one zoo meeting um no i'm so jealous of people who like take in nature who have the patience to like observe and yes because nature's so slow it's so slow and minute and you you know the, the closer you look, the more you find. And I never do that. Yeah. Do you ever see a dog that smells a flower? Like gets a snout right in there? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:15 That's the best. It's so cute. What kind of dog do you have? A monster is a Boston Terrier Chihuahua cross. Cute. And my other dog, Irma, is a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, like a mini pit bull. Oh, so cute. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Fuck yeah. So cute. Graham, do you have a cutie? No. No. They say don't live in a building that will allow dogs. Cuties. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:40 No dogs, no kitties. I hear ya. No air conditioning, somebody told me. I was like, fuck that. Keep my damage deposit. Oh, you're not allowed air conditioning? I don't know, because I think on the front of the building, it looks unsightly to have everybody.
Starting point is 01:27:55 Maybe they mean, like, installed. Have everyone dying of heat exhaustion? But I was down in the laundry room, and I was chatting with a woman. We were talking about how hot it is. And I was like, oh, I got one of the portable air conditioners. And she said, I thought we weren't allowed to have air conditioners. And I was like, shut up.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Yeah, exactly. Shut up. Yeah, this conversation never happened. How about that? But the portable ones you'd be allowed, right? I think so. Because as long as it's not in the window, right? That sucks.
Starting point is 01:28:24 Who cares about unsightly if it's as long as it's not in the window right that sucks who cares about unsightly if yeah it's super hot like you say it's what's more unsightly somebody wheeled out of the building because of the heat exposure is it that hot in vancouver right now it gets that in inside it can get hot if you don't have it's a city without air conditioning because it never yeah got hot before you got it you got the ac i do i have but just in my room but that's all you need it somewhere yeah just while you're sleeping totally or just to have somewhere cool to get to yeah yeah yeah but yeah you you you feel it there's been some really hot days this summer. You guys, yeah, you get muggy hot. It was very muggy, yeah. It was gross. My sister used to live in Seattle. She just moved back.
Starting point is 01:29:14 But she had, oh, look at this. Yeah, that's a good side pony you got there. I think I just scared everyone on this call. Those who could see me, I'm playing with my hair. It's very dry from the heat. I don't know. Well, yes, my sister used to live in Seattle, but she had, did she have, she had central air. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Okay. Yeah. That's where you want to be. That's where you want to be. I'm feeling it right now. Loving it. Yeah. But I always find I get cold there in my bones. it's not it's like i almost get from air conditioning not even no like
Starting point is 01:29:51 in the winter like when it's cooler yeah it penetrates my bones in a way that it doesn't in toronto where it's even colder yeah it sticks to you yeah yeah and like the whole first year i lived here i wore long underwear every day did you yeah because it was so it was like and i wore like a pea coat i'd have to have a sweater under the pea coat because it was exactly what you were saying is it just felt like you were being yeah blasted with some sort of mutant freezing break and if you want to know what underwear I was wearing, it was a thong. Hugo Boss? Of course. A Hugo Boss thong, sure.
Starting point is 01:30:31 $800. But insulated. Sensual heat. Did you grow up in Calgary? I did. Okay. So that's a dry cold we got there in Calgary. Dry cold.
Starting point is 01:30:48 But no, we got the wet code. And I love it. Do you have an overheard cry? Barely, but let's take her out for a spin and see. I was getting ready to cross, uh, you know, the road and I was standing behind people that couldn't have been dressed
Starting point is 01:31:12 more summary. Like it was like, they went to a party where the theme was like summer. Like everybody was just like, one looked like they just got off a yacht. The other one looked like they've just arrived in Hawaii. Like everybody had a kind of a cool costume they were wearing summer costume and uh they were meeting at the corner like this party and this party were meeting and they were yay and hugging each other and high
Starting point is 01:31:35 fives and all that stuff and then uh the one guy said hey do you want to go grab some ice cream before we get our seats on the patio and i like, that's the most summer goddamn thing in the world. Let's kill time eating ice cream, then we'll go sit on the patio. And did they do it? You know it. They were gonna go, they were gonna go, where is it, Jethro's? Is that one we have? What's the other one? Where were you?
Starting point is 01:32:01 Oh, Broadway and Broadway and Maine. Oh, sure. Well, there's the Steamworks one there. They got ice cream at Steamworks? No, I'm sorry. They got a patio.
Starting point is 01:32:13 Oh, hell yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know. You get ice cream around there. I've got it all mapped out. I've got a pin at everyone in the city. Is everyone having ice cream every day this summer? Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Yeah, yeah. Well, not me. My freezer broke. Oh, no. How about you? Are you getting into the ice cream? It's been a daily occurrence, yes. What's your go-to?
Starting point is 01:32:40 I'm a chocolate person, so I need anything with chocolate on it. That's weirdly what Billy Crystal said when he was in Black Friday. Oh, no. He found me out. It was so bad. Do you get it at home? Do you go to work? So, I only have one of those freezers that are, like, an envelope, basically.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Oh, yeah. You know, those ones. So, we have to. We can't even get ice cream or if we do it's like becomes soup and then we just eat it the next day and it's gross and going out there's a ritual to it it's nice to go to the ice cream shop and pick out what you're gonna like a cone you like a cup i like a cone yeah um yeah it's weird like as a parent yes i i remember being a kid and my parents being like dave you're not you're not you're dripping you're dripping and like kids cannot on a cone cannot
Starting point is 01:33:35 keep the uh yeah and just like can't they don't know to rotate it yes my father i he'd only do this with ice cream he'd be like i get an ice cream he's like i need to check and make sure it's okay so he would always take the first lick but and i'm like no you don't yeah that's a genius yeah he is he's figured it out yeah ice cream yeah every day or every other day is
Starting point is 01:34:09 is key yeah yeah yeah but I go for ice cream in the middle of winter because it's because no lineups
Starting point is 01:34:17 yeah there's no lineups and it's there and why not stand under an awning and enjoy good for you good for you um now we have other overheards sent in by people all over the map yeah yeah under an awning and enjoy Good for you.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Now we have other overheards sent in by people all over the map. If you want to send one in, send it in to spy at Who manages the email? I manage the email and then Dave manages the phone calls. You have a phone number?
Starting point is 01:34:43 Hell yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Thanks for listening to the show, by the way. This first one comes from Peter in Victoria, BC, walking to Lynn Canyon. Maybe I should send my cousin to Lynn Canyon. Yeah, sure. On a bright, hot
Starting point is 01:35:00 July afternoon, a family was walking towards us on the sidewalk. Their youngest kid, a boy around age 10, wearing a regular summer clothes, T-shirts, shorts, sporting a purple top hat. And as they passed, he heard him explaining to his friend. And then the devil said, he didn't get to hear. Oh, no. What did the devil say? Top hat kid. I love it i love that a kid will just like okay this is my new thing
Starting point is 01:35:30 i'm a guy who wears a top hat that's how you're gonna know me for the rest of my life and they'll be so cool as adults yeah i love when kids start like telling you a story my daughter today told me uh she was like i don't know where she heard this thing but she was it's a joke but she was telling it like it was a story she had heard and she was like so there's this man drowning in the ocean and a boat went by and they said hey can we save you and and the man said no no don't worry god will save me and then another boat comes by later and hey uh do you need help can we save you and the guy says no no no uh god will save me and the guy drowns and he dies and he goes to heaven and he meets god and he says hey why didn't you save me? And he said, I said two boats.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Nice, nice. I know this story. That's great. Classic God religion. Yeah, classic. Well, yeah. Isn't God the ultimate stinker, right? Yeah. Hey, I feel like that.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Let's go to church. You think that's funny? I feel like that. Let's go to church. I think that's funny. Um, this next one comes from Tyler F in Boise, Idaho.
Starting point is 01:36:52 We're on a trip to Bozeman, Montana. We're at an event downtown where we just saw a big sign with this is, this is the name of the group and enjoy every piece of it. The green Coalition of Gay Loggers for Jesus. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:10 You want to really whittle it down to the very nuts and bolts of this organization. And this is in somewhere between Idaho and Montana. Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, like. I'm glad they're green. Yeah. I'm glad they're green yeah i'm glad they're green and they're loggers it's important that they have you know even more so than on a set you've got to be
Starting point is 01:37:30 very conscious of not stepping on any uh you know animals that are part of a biosystem and all that kind of stuff sure not cutting down any trees just loggers for fashion yeah but there's no way if i had seen that there's no way i would have just not asked you know what i mean i would go over and say give me your pamphlet or give me the rundown i'm a few of these things i'm green yeah Yeah. I'm for Jesus. I'm for Jesus. Um, anyway, it has to be all these things to join. Do you see our sign?
Starting point is 01:38:10 And it's like a crazy acronym. This is our mascot. A little green Christian gay guy. Yeah. A little green Christian. Yeah. With a, with a green Christian gay guy. With a chainsaw? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:30 Yeah, if that inspires any of our listeners to draw the actual mascot, we'd love to see it. Love to see it. This last one comes from Zach, parts unknown. Oh, he's a Lego maniac. Yeah, he's a Lego maniac. Yeah, he's a Lego maniac. And he's the coolest guy at Bayside. Those are the two Zacks.
Starting point is 01:38:50 I was riding my bike with my partner, and as we passed a group of three young people, maybe 13 years old, and this is exactly what a 13-year-old would be doing, he was on his phone saying, Siri, how do I make my penis grow bigger? Which is the 13-est thing that ever a 13-year-old would utter. I know.
Starting point is 01:39:09 I know that. Right? Yeah. Yes. Does Siri have an answer to that? I never thought to ask. Yeah, it says talk to your parents. I'm not authorized.
Starting point is 01:39:22 You have to sign a waiver. I remember when I asked my parents, they were like, well, there's this new alopecia medicine that might work. It has a weird side effect. I remember being so concerned that I was flat at 13 and spoke to all my sister's friends about it. What did they say? And they just said, you know, it could just happen overnight.
Starting point is 01:39:45 It might just happen. And I was traveling one summer in Greece. And by the way, our listeners are so horny, right? Cause they've heard about the fan mail. They, they know.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Um, and I just came back from Europe and it did happen. I was 21 though. But so sometimes you don't know little boy who's 13 and curious. Sometimes it just grows overnight. Yeah. Like hang some weight off it. See if it does anything,
Starting point is 01:40:16 you know, like a jar of nickels or something like that. How do you fix it? Just a little rope, a little rope. And then you just learn your learn your knots that's mostly what they teach you boy scouts use these knots wisely boys in addition to overheards that are written in we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631
Starting point is 01:40:41 that's one spy pod, like these people have. Hi, Dave Graham and possible guests. This is Ben from Florida calling in with an overseen. I was at a laundromat that also has a fluff and fold or wash and fold service the other day and a guy came in and was there to pick up his order and gave the guy his name and the guy behind the counter said, yep, I got it all right here and just
Starting point is 01:41:13 handed him a pile of about 10 bucket hats that had been clearly cleaned and he went on his way. So thanks. Off I go. Oh, wow, that's great. Didn't know where that story was going,
Starting point is 01:41:29 but man, did it land in the right place. It's gotta be for like a uniform, right? Yeah, or, you know, Buckeye hats, they're... They're big, man. They're big. And they get oily. Yeah, that's true. And you gotta, when you put on sunscreen, it's like...
Starting point is 01:41:42 Yeah. No, but they look good dirty. They do look good dirty. To a a certain degree but there's a threshold yeah i gotta yeah i like a bucket hat i'm not interested in these von dutch ones that are coming back no thanks no thank you they are the back i'm better than ever some would say yeah i. I'm still, I got my Make America Great Again hat. Oh, yeah. You're ready to rock. That's, yeah. There's no reason not to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:10 What's this business about the FBI raiding this guy? It seems weird. That's last week's news. Here's your next phone call. Hi, Dave and Graham. call. Hi Dave and Graham. So I had to chaperone a camp for kids who were like 12, 13. And in order to get
Starting point is 01:42:33 seconds for lunch, the kids had to tell a fun fact to the camp counselors. And one kid told a story of how his grandfather apparently brought ice cream to England. And at the end of his story, which we ended up believing, he just said, well, but there's no wealth in it. And I just thought that was absolutely hilarious. Yeah, anyways, thank you. Brought it all the way to England.
Starting point is 01:43:04 There's no wealth in it. We would disagree with you. I just love when a kid repeats a thing they've heard. Yeah. Oh, yeah. In that department, my nephew, once in a while, I'll just talk to him on WhatsApp or whatever. And we were talking, and my brother's like, okay, it's time for Graham to go.
Starting point is 01:43:28 And he started crying. And my brother's like, what? What's wrong? And he just said, I wanted to ask him about his day. That's very sweet. It is very sweet. And you know that he heard that somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Yeah. Also, I don't want to go to bed. I'm trying to drag this out even longer. Is your cousin staying with you? No. No, no. They're staying downtown. So I'm trying to think of things too,
Starting point is 01:43:55 like places to eat downtown. Subway? Subway? I'll ask them if they're ready to eat fresh. Yeah. And see what they think. They don't even have somewhere. All right.
Starting point is 01:44:06 Here's your final phone call. Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham. Hi, whoever the guest is. I have overheard from back when I lived in New York City, I was walking down McDougal Street and saw a young couple clearly on a date. And all I caught was the guy said to the woman, I should specify they're a hetero couple, the guy said to the woman, oh, I don't mind, I'll take my chances with you.
Starting point is 01:44:30 And the woman said, well, I mind. And the guy said, no, yeah, I definitely mind being haunted. I just don't mind hanging out with somebody who's haunted. Which I love, because not only did he make it about himself, he also was too chicken shit to say the word dating. Anyway, love the show. Bye.
Starting point is 01:44:56 That was me. Yeah. We're just hanging out. We're just hanging out. I don't care if you're haunted. No problem. Oh man. A little tiny ghoul.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Well, that brings us to the end. Well, you're on ghosts. You've been on ghosts. Yeah, you've been on ghosts. This is pretty close to being haunted. Lost Girl is pretty haunt-worthy. Armpits was really the scariest, let's be honest. Sure.
Starting point is 01:45:23 I mean, I know what i'll be googling the second we hang up on this call but i really hope it's not online there's no way it isn't damn um well thank you so much for being our guest this was a delight and uh thank you for having me it was so where would somebody go to see you you have a website I have a website it's my Instagram handle is at nadined like the verb
Starting point is 01:45:52 the verb the verb of Nadine great and thanks again for being our guest and thank you out there
Starting point is 01:46:02 for listening to the show if you're thinking of wearing a bucket hat or a Von Dutch why not both? I'm sure they sell one out there somewhere go buy yourself a hat and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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