Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 755 - Erica Sigurdson

Episode Date: September 6, 2022

Comedian Erica Sigurdson returns to talk food pyramid, blackberries, and concerts....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka, and he's Graham Clark, and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello, everybody, and welcome to episode number 755 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who can't stay away from a banana frozen product, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I was eating these. Well, I actually have never had a banana frozen product as far as I know. I was having a Malona. Malona?
Starting point is 00:00:44 Banana flavor? I've never had banana flavor before. I was having a Malona. Malona? Banana flavor? I've never had banana flavor before. I've had mango and strawberry. And Abby really likes the taro, which is, I believe, some kind of potato. Yeah, it's like a root. It's like a purple root. It's a weird purple root.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And the ice pop tastes terrible. She can't be convinced otherwise. But the banana, oh, banana is a real underrated fruit. Yeah. Well, I mean, I eat one every day. I know. I know, I guess, but I don't, I feel like just in terms of like flavoring products, I don't know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:01:20 We take the banana for granted. Let's say that. Like we just expect banana always be around. And when we are having like a tropical punch, people reach for pineapples and mangoes. You're more exotic fruits, but you know, bananas are just as tropical.
Starting point is 00:01:37 They have a whole Republic's named after their tropicality. Our guest today, return guests to the podcast such a funny comedian such a lovely human being and a favorite guest on here on the show mr erica sigurdsson is our guest hello thank you i think you just called me mr erica sigurdsson yeah isn't that what you go by i do a lot of people are like are you mr mrs and i go actually it's mr yeah yeah how dare you it's mister um yeah boy with all the saga pronouns i want more people to talk about what is that titles uh yeah titles there's nothing that stops you from saying i remember when i was a kid being really blown away that you could just
Starting point is 00:02:20 call yourself doctor on one of those forms on a form yeah yeah with no proof whatsoever doctor or father or that's actually a really good concept for like i'm sure it's been done like a sitcom where you tick off you know when you book a flight it's like and you you tick doctor and then something happens on the flight and everyone's like dr sigurdsson we need you and i'm like give him a trach put a pen on his neck because it's just a clerical thing it's not like uh it doesn't have any kind of yeah they don't give you they don't give you a deal no no but you're a cookie on the flight special doctor or if you're like ordering a magazine subscription they're not like oh well these are gonna go in a waiting room so let's make sure we give them the good
Starting point is 00:03:10 copies of the magazine they're ironing them before they go out uh uh should we get to know us, guys? Yeah. Get to know us. Do you ever get a magazine that's all fucked up? Yes. Like the printing's gone wrong or they cut one of the pages crooked? My Costco connection is a mess. Have you ever been somewhere where that's the only magazine to read? Because I feel I've read quite a few Costco connections.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I've never heard of it before. Well, become a member. Yeah, their in-house newsletter. Oh, do they mail it out? What is it, a catalog? Or is it just community building? It's a catalog. To be honest, they go right
Starting point is 00:03:59 into the recycling thing. I don't know that I've ever opened the Costco. It should be called Costco Misconnection because I'm not reading it. Yeah. For the longest time, I had a subscription to The New Yorker, and
Starting point is 00:04:16 you get behind on that pretty quick, and then you're 10 issues behind, and then you're 50 issues behind, and you just have this huge stack of beautiful untouched magazines never open i have i uh subscribe to bon appetit magazine uh which is if i don't read it the day it arrives i don't read it right and it takes two minutes i like go through it i'm like that looks good i like rip out a recipe but i if i don't do it immediately
Starting point is 00:04:45 it's like i'm not like i'm i'm not gonna read the thanksgiving issue now that's obscene having pumpkin soup everyone it's august um well actually it's september as we're recording that is true i i apologize uh everybody's back to school i'm back to school i'm uh entering into grade 12 this is gonna be the last year in high school and i am an undercover narcotics officer uh entering high school i'm actually grade eight uh i'm the school nurse and i'm here to tell you, you both look terrible. I'm sending you both home. Whatever you're doing, stop immediately. Who was our guest who was talking about going to the school nurse and they just would give you a wet paper towel?
Starting point is 00:05:36 That was kind of the extent of their medical expertise. Did they teach something as well or were they just full-time nurse at the school? We didn't have a school nurse like we had a room you could lie down in but yeah we had a gym teacher came and touched you a bit and left we had a naughty nurse yeah we had naughty nurses but i was in i was in college that uh you get sent to the naughty we had naughty nurses but i was in i was in college that uh you get sent to the naughty nurse we had a very uh sexy french maid instead of a janitor do you guys remember what kind of posters there were in the like nurse's office or in your doctor's office do you have the like burned into your memory because i like one of them was the food pyramid
Starting point is 00:06:22 and it was like you know like beef was way up top i think it was put up by the the beef council or whatever but i remember staring at that whatever was at the top of the pyramid you were supposed to eat the least of because look at a pyramid oh yeah you're right the bottom was because i we all know that this is especially being a diabetic it was all carbohydrate it was like basically the bottom half of the pyramid was like you're just gonna want carbs carbs carbs it's like a little thin line for fruit bananas didn't even make it on there yeah it was like for sure if you looked at it it was from like 1974 like it was kind of brown was that one of the things with cigarettes that was a weird thing
Starting point is 00:07:10 erica i have like kind of a a weird understanding of what diabetes is uh what and like if you told me bananas are absolutely no a no-go or absolutely every day i would believe you well watch out well which is it yeah every day they're fine go yeah you just anytime anytime you just have to take enough insulin to cover the carbohydrates in a banana that's all okay if you're type one if you're type two just cool it on the bananas maybe i don't think anyone got to type two for bananas curious george that's how he died that's true yeah the man the yellow hat put on a black hat for that funeral very sad inappropriate inappropriate yeah just don't wear a hat um yeah and then i remember my doctor's office had uh what's the guy that like does americana
Starting point is 00:08:16 uh portraits no like thomas kincaid oh no norman rockwell normal rockwell yeah there was a bunch of normal Rockwell. Several of them involved clowns. I feel like I've got those burned into my memory for the rest of my life. The only one I remember is at the vet. They just have the silhouette that your dog or cat should or shouldn't have. Oh, like size-wise? Their waist. Oh, okay. should or shouldn't have oh like height size wise or their waist oh okay where is a dog's waist i wouldn't even know how to find a waist on a dog where they put their belt eric a dog walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your
Starting point is 00:09:00 face you get sprung and the round thing is usually a squeaky ball um okay so we've covered bananas and we've covered the the infirmary posters um uh erica it's been a long time since we've been a long time this is your i i'm i'm shocked and i'm uh appalled and but i'm mortified that you haven't been on already during our pandemic lockdown episodes oh i know i every morning i would open my email waiting for that handy invite and uh sit down with a nice warm banana just to check your email first thing in the morning weighing Just weighing insulin versus banana. Yeah. But actually I feel like it kind of,
Starting point is 00:09:48 we're bookending my appearances because the last time was just at, uh, at the weird, like, um, things were just happening at that time. Like I remember going to the Starbucks and suddenly you couldn't use reusable cups and everyone was losing their minds.
Starting point is 00:10:04 And, um, and now it kind of feels like reusable cups are back so yeah but they do i want to be remembered do they they do the thing at your starbucks where they put in a like make you put in a cup yeah which what are we doing you're touching everything else i hand you the money you know yeah and then and you're touching a million things and my cup is like the disgustoid thing like come on and you know what they did last time they took my cup in a mug yeah and then made my coffee in a paper cup and then i was like where's my mug and they like they were like what mug and i was like i where's my mug? And they were like, what mug? And I was like, I gave you a mug.
Starting point is 00:10:48 We have plenty of mugs for sale. Yeah. And literally, they were running around like, who took that mug? And it was a good six minutes before I got my mug back. And I was like, well, this is the last time i try to save the planet i have the only mug i own that was purchased at a starbucks is um uh from the city the chinese city of wuhan oh yeah uh which that you i don't believe you could use i don't believe they'll refill that for you it's so it's so giant right isn't it a huge it's enormous yeah um yeah that's so i, right? Isn't it a huge, huge cup? It's enormous, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, I like being back to the reusable mug, but it really was like a field day for things to throw away. This whole past couple years, it's like throwaway city. Well, and the problem is also the ordering ahead
Starting point is 00:11:44 became a real big thing so i love to order ahead on the app but i also want to use my there's no way to do that it's like listen i just want to walk in and you better be ready can your coffee be suspended in midair until i put my bug under it yeah what's your order at star? Yeah, what do you order? It's a grande americano with extra almond milk. Okay. What did I get today? Grande, grande.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Today I got a grande americano with extra oat milk. There you go. Which do you like better? What do you... Oat, tea milk? Almond milk. Oat has more carbohydrates. Ah, yes. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah. So I get the almond milk and, anyways, I'm fine. I usually just get an Americano with a banana ground into it. Yeah. If you could just put it right in the espresso thing that you put on the machine, just put a couple slices in. I actually use one of those banana holders as my reusable cup. So they just fill it up and I just bring it out of my banana holder. Do those have little holes in them so the banana can breathe?
Starting point is 00:12:53 We'll never know. And fruit flies could get in. That's the other part. Did you, Erica, you seem like a person who would own that. No, that I did not own. But do you agree that you seem like a person who would? A hundred percent. You know who did use one was past guest Bill Hanley.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Yes. He used to carry a banana, eat a banana before every show. So that, yeah. Sometimes he would do two or three shows a night and he would be gaining so much weight. Yeah. And he would just be carrying around a bunch. And then he would put the peel on the ground and sleep. He was a real prop comment back in the day
Starting point is 00:13:26 did i just tell you like i saw somebody slip on a banana peel in new york and it was the greatest thing he's trying to get out of a car slipped on it like fell back into the car i was like i just never thought in my whole life i get to see that if If it happened to you, what would you like? I'd be like, I hope someone saw it. I hope someone got it. Unbelievable. It's like when a dog pees on a fire hydrant. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Classic. Do your dogs know they don't do fire hydrant? No, they have too much respect for the real heroes. The dog that I am walking constantly and forever does pee on fire hydrants this dog is not your dog it is not my dog but you are walking this dog yes why what i feel like there's a story here oh there's a gig economy this is not the gig economy it It is. My dad got a dog last year.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Okay. And my dad's in his mid-70s. And I was like, huh, okay. I just feel like at some point, this dog is going to become my responsibility. And within two months, he fell and broke his kneecap. So it became my responsibility real quick. Did he have debts to the mob yes he broke his own kneecap he's actually just you know feels bad about being in debt to himself um and it's the it's the flip of the traditional you know a kid gets a dog and says i'll walk it and take care of
Starting point is 00:15:01 the parents end up having to do a hundred percent i'm i was never allowed to get a dog because my parents were like who's gonna walk it and then my dad gets a dog and i am walking his dog why is staley really and um and his so anyways his knee didn't heal so he had to have surgery in june again so we're basically back at square one so and I love the dog what kind of dog we dealing with here we're talking a terrier mix little it's a little cutie yeah but it's like every morning
Starting point is 00:15:36 I just want to sleep in and I'm like I got to get up and go get the dog because I can't have dogs in my apartment and so how far how far commute is it to the dog it's not far clover yeah it's to langley and back yeah it's an hour and a half on during traffic but it's fine i listen to podcasts and yeah it's good good good me time no it's only like three blocks away so it doesn't take a ton but the whole and then like yesterday god love him but
Starting point is 00:16:06 my dad's like maybe i'll come with you so now my dad's got a walker and i'm like well neither the dog nor i are getting good exercise doing this walk we are walking almost backwards with you to stanley park and like both the dog and I are like tick tick tick the dog's like I have to put up with it the rest of the day you get to just go oh I know that's the thing the dog loves me because like I take
Starting point is 00:16:36 him for high speed walks really high speed I know you I like it's kind of I've seen you walk it was kind of like parkour yeah yeah yeah i'm a real power walker have you guys ever seen a power walker in real life yes like a speed walker yeah speed walker yeah no but i have noticed a lot more people just casually carrying those walking like ski poles yeah yeah i don't i don't a lot more of them just out in the city yeah i don't get them either i think it's just to strengthen your balance so you don't break your kneecap yeah yeah oh man yeah
Starting point is 00:17:14 just wondering when i'm old what i'm gonna break it's gotta be hip right gotta be hip yeah my parents they have three new hips they've never broken their hip they just have them they've had them replaced and i think that's the way to do it just get a new one like yeah i don't know mid-50s just just call up the doctor it's time yeah oh okay sir right away sir i'll take two new now so one of your parents only got one hip. Yeah. Was that a budgetary thing? No, his was the newer one. My mother had years between it.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And my dad might get another one within the next few years. Although when he got, this is nobody's business. When he got this hip, they said, you'll probably need a new one soon and then uh he feels fine but they do depreciate as you walk out of the office there knows oh yeah yeah the resale on these things yeah you'd lose five thousand dollars a minute you walk out of the office um so graham uh what's some personal medical information of your parents would you like to share with us they're my uh my dad hasn't he had like knee surgery just because he's a runner he had he had knee surgery he was bored um but yeah i think that's i think that's it on the my grandmother got her hip replaced and she
Starting point is 00:18:43 was very pleased with that oh nice yeah i don't understand how it works i really don't understand the mechanics of making a hip my parents loved them like they were like as their their lives got so much better yeah like they their mobility got so much better immediately nice i might look into that i have one really tight hip like i've been trying to do stretching exercises but if i could just get a new hip thrown in there god if i could just live permanently stretched out yeah oh man stretching it going to a physio and then getting those things and then going back to physio and you haven't done any of the stretches i was thinking about like do physios know how like except professional athletes none of us are doing the exercises like do they is there a sense of emptiness in their lives
Starting point is 00:19:36 because they're like it's like i'm gonna give you this photocopy of some stretches and you're you're gonna keep it for a while yeah you'll write some notes on the back you're gonna spill coffee on it eventually yeah it's uh the same as going to the dentist and really cross-examining you on the old floss floss question which i do that's where i shine yeah we're like and you know what the worst thing is i do floss and then the woman that was doing my tea last time said, for real? Yes, for real. I know they're bleeding a lot right now, but
Starting point is 00:20:12 I like to think it's easier. You floss. They really wind up the floss on the finger when they're at the end. Do they finish with that? After they do all the... Yeah. What do they think they're at the did they finish with that after they do all the yeah they do all the big yeah what do they think they're gonna get
Starting point is 00:20:29 after they used a metal tool for 45 minutes put some mini rope in your mouth and see I think it probably feels kind of cool to do it with a rubber glove on the wrap around your rubber gloved finger they get there they're kind of like
Starting point is 00:20:45 into like kinky stuff yeah that's most in that moment yeah dental professionals um uh erica what else you've been walking a dog you're thinking about getting a new hip very excited thinking about getting a new hip you got your on my list your starbucks order nailed down nailed down do you ever you do you ever switch it up uh no well sometimes i'll ice it i'll have an ice but how many coffees a day do you have usually just two and both from starbucks no i use my Nespresso machine most often. Okay. That's the George Clooney one, right? Nespresso? The George Clooney.
Starting point is 00:21:28 I use my Clooney. Cool. I have a glass of Clooney in the morning. And it should be a cup of Clooney. That should be better. Yeah. Does Clooney also do a tequila? I don't. I think he is the one with Cindy Crawford.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Cindy Crawford? Cindy Crawford. He's very good friends with her husband, Randy Gerber. Randy Gerber. Yeah. They invested in a, I think it might be right. His signatures on one of the, and they also make a mezcal that is terrible. What, what, why is it terrible? What makes a bad mezcal?
Starting point is 00:22:05 Okay, well, I was on a podcast once. Joe Rogan? Yeah, it was Joe Rogan. Was it in Austin or was it in Hollywood? It was, we met in the middle. And like, I don't know
Starting point is 00:22:24 my American geography well enough uh taos new mexico i know we both all just got we all looked at each other like uh you want to step in here um but i was uh um on the podcast let's drink about it a few years ago um with uh maximum fun host ben harrison uh lizzie bartelt and uh chris bowman who was my former neighbor in vancouver but this was when he was in toronto and he was a bartender and he had a full he one one of the cocktails they made had mezcal and i was afterwards i was like i haven't really had mezcal before and he like gave me a bunch of different varieties of it and i think you just sip it it's like a tequila that is tastes smoky and you just have little sips of it and they were all good and then when i got back to vancouver i was like maybe i'll get a bottle of mezcal and i was like well this this uh george clooney brand is pretty good
Starting point is 00:23:25 at tequila i'll try their mezcal and it was like gasoline ah oh yeah i don't i i don't what do you do if you buy an expensive bottle of alcohol and it's bad you put it by a dumpster and someone will take it immediately yeah that's true that'll yeah that'll make somebody's day um they'll be blind in the morning but i mean it's not a gift per se no but but you know also uh you know if you have a small biodiesel car you use that to get a you know a couple miles mescal um have you had mescal erica uh i have not i'm allergic to tequila so like like anaphylactically allergic wow how do you discover that uh by not being able to breathe after you have a yeah it was a new like five or six years ago i was having weird allergic reactions that i couldn't pinpoint and it was always when i was out having dinner and
Starting point is 00:24:26 drinks so right they're like it was all over the map and then i had um like this like a naturopath did this test where they put like a a vibration thing over your your hand and they test all these products and i was like i don't know how much i believe this but uh tequila was like he it was like do not have tequila and i showed my doctor and he's like well actually they're grouped so i'll send you to an allergist and so i was waiting for that appointment and we went to mexico and i had a really yeah so So we're in Mexico and we went to a nice Mexican restaurant, like outside of like, you know, where you're getting cheap tequila. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 And they had, they poured this really good tequila over ice with lime juice. And I took one sip and my face just was like, boom. And I was like, Jay looked at me. He's like, oh my God. And yeah, I was like, I was like, and so somebody had to go and luckily you can get any drug over the counter in Mexico. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. So anyways, I'm allergic to tequila. That's yeah. And that never was a problem before. Right? No, I mean,
Starting point is 00:25:40 not that I drank tequila a ton, you know, like maybe a margarita here or there. Yeah. But it's, I had no allergies till about 10 or 12 years ago. And then they've just started to creep in. Yeah. It's so cool.
Starting point is 00:25:53 It's so cool that everyone's getting allergic to stuff in their middle age. Dave, what are you allergic to? You're allergic to something, are you? No. No? Bananas. Yeah. It's just banana malones i'm like i my doctor
Starting point is 00:26:07 just keeps telling me to stop eating magnets uh because they get stuck in there but i'm like i want to stick a spoon to my belly um yeah uh i'm just getting more and more full like i get full really easily now and i i don't know if that's anything. Yeah. Maybe that's something. You get less of an appetite. I don't know. But last night, I ate a lot of stuff, so that can't be it.
Starting point is 00:26:35 That can't be right. I found out late in life that I'm allergic to apples, which was a real surprise. When you say late in life, you mean how much longer do you have oh you know let's say if i do a tally let's say 58 58 all right but that wasn't super late in life because you were allergic to apples when we did the list yeah i remember your parents sent a very lovely edibles arrangement for us that's right edibles arrangement was it just gummies the first episode was off the rails you guys you just sat down and watched koi and a squat see yeah oh man that show we were left were left to our own devices almost immediately. For people who don't remember
Starting point is 00:27:27 the early days of this episode, when we started this podcast I think you had that show. Graham and Erica, along with Charlie Demers and Paul Bay, hosted a nightly news wrap-up with a comedic edge. Sometimes. That was televised across the city for tens of audience people's yeah and like there was one point where they were like big news everybody jay leno's back doing a show before the tonight show and he's gone to the end of his show he's gonna throw to the local news and that's gonna be you guys and then it wasn't he just going to, at the end of his show, he's going to throw to the local news, and that's going to be you guys.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And then it wasn't. He just threw to something they bought from America. And spent all their money on his show, which then folded, and we lost our jobs. Thank you, Jay Leno. Yeah, we've all got a grudge against Jay Leno for different things.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He stole my denim shirt. Yeah. He stole my fire truck mate yeah hot wearing my jalopy um well this uh woman in my new building um at fireworks i was up on the roof and my building manager introduced her to me and she goes actually i've already met you and i was like oh yeah and then yeah and she goes i used to watch the show you're on and i could not believe she recognized me like that was 12 years ago you look good erica you look well you know but when she said she already met you did you mean i watch you and i know you yes yes yes a hundred that's what she meant um which was really sweet and then another time someone ran into me who recognized me and then
Starting point is 00:29:11 they went what happened like like it was just kind of like you you seem to be doing good and now look at you i was like uh i know that like, I'll see somebody that hasn't changed a bit. Like, my cousin's wife, I saw her last time in 2008, and she's not changed at all. Looks exactly the same. And then I've said that to somebody where I was like, you haven't changed at all. And then they said, you neither.
Starting point is 00:29:39 And I was like, no, just don't say it back to me. That's not true. Yeah. But, yeah, that show, man, oh, just don't say it back to me. That's not true. But yeah, that show, man, oh man, that was quite a wild ride. And then they just fired us and told us to get out. Oh, but we got paid for three months. Yes. Yeah, a little bit of separate.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Yeah. Have you ever thought about getting back into the TV racket? Good question. Good question. yeah have you ever thought about getting back into the tv racket um good question good question hey would you get take a tv show someone to give you one you know what i've thought about it and i've just turned down multiple offers um no i briefly like went through this interview process for a mysterious new radio show like went through like rounds of interviews where they wouldn't tell me who the new star was and what i want to do this morning show and i was really like i don't know like first of all like morning radio is early and it's also something i typically hate listening to um so you're gonna have to wake up at four but you'll
Starting point is 00:30:46 probably be up at three to walk the dog first um so then it got to the point where they finally were i had to like sign a non-disclosure to so they could reveal and this is local radio i'm like what are you gonna reveal it now um i if i could even remember the name they when they told me the name of the person i was like i have no fucking idea who this is and then so they're like we just want you guys to have a conversation and the moment he started talking i was like nah this is a pass i'm out it was for a radio show that i had also written for with charlie demers a radio station so yeah well there's only one radio i don't think that there's a lot of radio stations that have mystery shows like no i can't i'm lost but um it was jack fm okay jack fm all right it was yeah uh so anyways
Starting point is 00:31:50 but it was during the pandemic so i was like they're like well we want you to be here for at least a couple years and i was like well right now i'm making no money a month so and i wasn't gonna go anywhere for the next couple of years. Yeah. I can't foresee myself getting a ton of international travel opportunities. Yeah. So that's about as far as I considered it. Yeah. Fair enough. I mean,
Starting point is 00:32:16 it's yeah. That morning shift. I lived with a guy who was a DJ when I first moved to Vancouver and he was done by 10 and then like nobody else has done by 10. So he's just got nothing. When did he go to bed at night or was he a big napper? He was a napper. And also he,
Starting point is 00:32:32 his whole nighttime, he had to just watch everything that was on TV so he could talk about it in the morning. So he would have to watch like the bachelor survivor, whatever else was popular at the time. Oh, it feels like that's your whole life. But also as a radio personality you
Starting point is 00:32:46 don't get you don't get recognized anywhere unless you go in with your hey can i get a large mocha like you got to do your radio voice you're the guy from the radio yes that's me give me the large mocha anybody know how the traffic is i know well we're we only do it on the ones typically so you're gonna have to wait nine minutes as it is now, 3.12 p.m. Yeah, it's a strange kind of job. And like you say, sometimes they show billboards that have the morning show, and you're like, well, the big mistake. Yeah. Because in your mind, the guys are are just like i don't know i don't even imagine the
Starting point is 00:33:49 guys but i imagine the like girl co-host is like the cutest girl yeah i always picture the dj as being like uh like uh howlin wolf whatever that goes oh well they they do have they all djs are issued sunglasses for when they leave they've been up since 3 a.m they go out in that 10 a.m sunlight they gotta have some shades on i was i was on the uh i was driving on the highway today with my brother um and well speaking of going to physiotherapy i my foot has been feeling not great all summer replace it replace it and driving on the highway uh as soon as we got back into the city i was like so relieved to press the brake and like just really oh just press my metatarsal into the break ooh it felt good but uh we were playing a game where you try to name there's 12 stations programmed into my uh car radio and just try to name be the first to name the song oh that's uh yeah it was named that tune basically yeah you'd probably be very good at it that's what
Starting point is 00:35:07 i meant yeah but so is he yeah he's really good except he lived in america for like from 1990 until 2010 so he doesn't know any canadian song that was released in those 20 years yeah you got your moist you're tragically hips uh you're our lady our later pieces i mother earth um yeah the uh um i was at the one of the plazas last night so you can go and eat ice cream or whatever and there was a tragically hip cover band that was playing the whole time it was pretty good neighborhood yeah. With a drummer? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Yeah. They were, they were really good. It was an idea that I never thought like, Oh yeah, they could probably tour around being a tragedy of cover band. Do you remember their name? I don't think they said their name.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I think it was Brian and his friends. I feel like he's Brian, but what would a good tragically hip covered name? That's what I'm trying to Brian and his friends. I feel like it's Brian. What would a good Tragically Hip cover name be? That's what I'm trying to think of. Yeah. The Poets? The Replacement Hips. Oh.
Starting point is 00:36:15 They do the seniors homes? Yeah. Yeah. The Replacement. God, really disappointing ourselves here. The terrifically hip. Nope, nope, nope, nope. The Wheat Kings.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, oh, Wheat Kings is good. Courage, you could just call himself Courage. The 69th Meridian. Yeah, it was fun. And you could tell all the people that were there were his butts so they're everybody's having fun and i wish my buds would come see me play well you got to tell them where and when that's the big thing you just keep doing these pop-up shows graham if you were going to be the singer of a cover band what band would you be the singer uh a singer of a cover band
Starting point is 00:37:01 uh i guess the crash test dummies? Something nice and low. Yeah, probably, yeah. What was the Crash Test Dummies? What would your name be? Once there was this boy who? Yeah, Superman. Superman or yeah, I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 That's a pretty good name. Erica, same question. Who would I be a cover band of yeah yeah um i'm probably metallica yeah yeah i think we're ready i think we're ready for an all erica metallica yeah if you put a gun to my head right now i could not tell you one metallica song uh all you have to ever remember is just say Sandman and everybody will know your name. Do you like music, Eric? No.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Did they not ask you that when you were going to host a morning show on a radio station? No, they actually, music never came up on this. Do you really, are you not a music fan? I mean, I like music. If you put music on, I enjoy it. You can tap your toes. I can tap my toes.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I snap my fingers with the best of them. I just grew up only being allowed to listen to country or Christian. So like pop, like the way people are into music from having listened to it as a teenager i just don't get because i wasn't super into the christian music tunes that were sure who was countrying around at that point um garth brooks oh yeah of course um this but and this was like when uh amy what's her pickle maybe grant amy grant moved from christian to country right my world baby yeah well she moved to pop yeah she yeah from christian yeah yeah yeah like well shania twain was just hitting the scene but like if i i do like listening to old country
Starting point is 00:39:01 like you're george jones yes you George Jones you know your Waylon Jennings your those I like David Allen Cole no show Jones Kid Rock Kid Rock names a bunch of country artists he likes yeah he recently he cancelled a concert because it was too windy
Starting point is 00:39:23 but everybody showed up everybody was there so it wasn't too windy for the audience to figure out how to get in oh but like maybe there was it was dangerous yeah but come on like if like if the crew well i know but the crew could be like hey we're gonna die in this rigging something's gonna collapse on you yeah because somebody died like a couple years ago right big windstorm in alberta yeah come on graham come on there were the chinooks you know the chinooks we're the chinooks hey we're the chinooks we're a shania twain cover band shania twain man when she hit the scene that was colossal i was like really i think it brought a lot of people over to the countryside sure yeah
Starting point is 00:40:07 brought me over isn't it crazy that she was the first music video to show her belly button really really yes that was like a huge thing she wore the jeans and a little top no way no way no way yes in any music video i believe so freaking madonna never showed her music button her play button now is it john it could be genre specific but i believe maybe it was on much music or john mellencamp never showed his belly button well men were allowed because the patriarchy that's right oh my god i'm so sick of them um i think so well i mean i are we all googling first i'm trying to i'm like can i google this without looking down um first belly button on tv the first exposure of a navel on tv series in 1961 on the dr kildare series don wells and tina
Starting point is 00:41:07 louise were not allowed to expose their navels on gilligan's island that's right and uh um samantha on bewitched oh no i dream of genie she had a like a cloth piece that covered her her belly button she was always wearing like a halter or whatever yeah yeah so i don't know what the hell was going on with the bellybutton situation if anything they just created a bunch of fetishists uh probably would have been like a big deal was the bellybutton not exposed in the if i could turn back time video yeah sure oh yeah that's right she showed everything else so why not what if she did yeah yeah um isn't her sons in that video i think palling around with some of the naval guys that are i feel like that's a fact but maybe i've i don't remember i don't i don't i don't remember that pop-up video episode oh man why doesn't that come back i think they tried to make it come back but
Starting point is 00:42:06 people don't watch videos anymore people watch videos on youtube like people watch videos billions of times on youtube yeah that's true like some like katie perry she'll have a song that's been listened to like four billion times or like there are katie perry songs i've never heard that have and i love katie perry you love katie perry you always have she was the first person to show her uh navel on the vmas she is so funny i like her because she's a like a funny person yeah she's a goof who also happens to sing yeah i feel like she's also like similar to lady gaga although now that she acts but like katie perry wears so much makeup and is so theatrical in all of her
Starting point is 00:42:51 stuff that if you just saw her at starbucks until when they said what's your name and she said katie perry please write it on my cup uh katie with a y yeah please write out my full name on the cover. I'm going to start giving my full name when I go to Starbucks. What's your name? Erica Sigurdsson. Yeah. She's funny. She started out in the Christian Rock set.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Yes, she was Katie Hudson. Katie Hudson did. I think her dad sent an interview that she's a real wild child Rock set. Yes, she did. Katie Hudson. Katie Hudson did. Mm-hmm. And then, yeah, I think her dad sent an interview that she's a real wild child. I think that maybe she was corralled into Christian Morgan. Stop interviewing people's dads. They've got bad hips.
Starting point is 00:43:38 They got bad attitude. Make them take their dog for a walk. Yeah. Well, wasn't it Jessica Simpson's dad was like, check out the rack on her hanging out with donald trump look at our daughters yeah have you seen footage of these like uh daddy daughter dances that they have oh seen footage i am a daddy um what is our opinion now dave you're the only person who is a daddy that's right that you know of that i know of um i don't know how many kids i might have out there could what's your opinion on your heavy sleeper full-grown women calling their fathers daddy yes i do not care for it no i don't
Starting point is 00:44:29 like don't you think yeah i can't i don't even remember a time in my life that i called my dad daddy it's like even as a child uh yeah you strike me as a kind of person who was like mr shumka may i have a juice box sir sir uh i don't dave i'm i'm dave i'm we met i we met once at grace hospital yeah he's in the hospital yeah you were smoking a cigar at the time if i recall correctly. First time caller, long time. Yeah, I'm just going to hang up and take the answer out of the air. I like when callers have that, though. Yeah, it's a... Like, I have a couple friends that are like, they call their dad's daddy,
Starting point is 00:45:21 and it is very sweet that they have that relationship, but I'm also like, I'm gonna go my kids call me they honestly call me daniel they think they don't know my real name but they don't respect me enough to call me dad they think it's derek or daniel or something my nephew calls my brother boss that's uh which is a pretty good that's pretty cool that's pretty great yeah a boss i like when people when people uh have a nickname for their dad like is it uh past guest katie ellen humphries is her dad like big jim or something big john big john um yeah i don't know what I call... You know what's also equally weird is
Starting point is 00:46:07 if somebody calls their dad father when they're... That seems to be even... The worst is when the wife calls the husband daddy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like older couples who refer to each other as father and mother.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Mother. Mother. Oof. Yeah. It's a rough transition to life stuff when it comes to these. It is like Abby refers to me as daddy when talking to the kids. Yeah. But she doesn't call me daddy and then lean in for it. Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:43 what you guys do in privacy. of your own home are you comfortable daddy uh i've just been arrested let me call my daddy and see if he can come okay we're gonna release you because we're grossed out we don't want to see this reunion we we don't want you you're entitled to one phone call but we're too we're too skeeved out by it to let you have it so just go uh also uh people call their grandparents all sorts of crazy like just some some some are not some are rooted i guess in uh in heritage but a lot of them yeah i think are just these are my grandparents glug glug and fin fin uh one of those named after a type of mint and uh one is a drug um yeah uh but yeah like what were your grandparents were they just grandma grandpa
Starting point is 00:47:48 uh mine were afi and ama because that's oh ama afi and ama ama a m m a a m m a is that what was that she was in the mma so she demanded that's what we call her every christmas she'd put you in a hammerlock yeah yeah yeah all of her pies were ground and pound i don't know i don't know what that means um and offy is just afi oh the american film institute yeah yeah he would he would every year he would release his list of 100 villains and 100 heroes and 100 classic movies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And then my grandmother on my mother's side was just grandma. And then her father died when she was young. So thanks for bringing it up, Dave. Yeah. Did I?
Starting point is 00:48:40 Actually, it was, no, it was Graham. Sorry, it was Graham. I'm sorry. It wasn't Daniel. It was Graham. I'm sorry. It wasn't Daniel. It was. Yeah, mine were all just grandma and grandpa. I didn't have grandpas.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oh, my one was granny. My Irish one was granny. Oh, granny. Har-ta-tar. Oh, that's fun. Did she have an accent? Yeah. Or does she?
Starting point is 00:49:02 Is she still with us? She's not still with us, but she had a very lovely uh accent from northern ireland and she had a dog that lived a long time and she fed it cabbage all the time because she didn't have a sense of smell and so anytime that we went to go visit her we'd be mustard gas god damn it does she need anyone to walk it didn't have a sense of smell yeah wow i guess that also means you lose them in the troubles but it's like you would also not have taste right if you didn't have the smell part largely yeah mostly be able to tell that something was salty, perhaps.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Sour. Maybe a sour. Yeah. I'm trying to picture a poster that might be up somewhere that explains what the tongue is. Yeah, sure. Maybe she would know, would she maybe know umami? I hate it when couples call each other umami. Udedi.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Dave, what's going on with you, man? Oh, you know, this past week or last week, I don't know. We went to Gabriela Island one more time. We try to go. Abby's parents more time. We try to go. Abby's parents live there. We visit them. And we try to go a couple times a summer. But this, I was saying the first time we went that I packed, I overpacked. I brought pants and a hoodie and it was scorching all week.
Starting point is 00:50:42 So you turned those pants into cutoffs first of all. Tore the sleeves off of that. I would never again. scorching all week so you turned those pants into cutoffs first of all tore those sleeves off of that i would never again i said i'm never making this mistake and i ruined all my pants uh but i uh i this time i brought i i made the same mistake but i actually used long pants and a hoodie. Nice. Because on this island, blackberries grow wild. Oh, yes. That's lovely. And we were there for a week
Starting point is 00:51:14 and on the last day we were there, I was like, I'm gonna... I was waiting until the last day because I didn't want to pick blackberries too soon and have to freeze them and then drive them home and freeze them again. Right. so i went blackberry picking all by myself is it brambly like it's so brambly okay it's so dangerous it is one of the most dangerous things to do it's like ice fishing yeah and sometimes and and these brambles are so big.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah. And you'll see, oh, look at the, like, you'll be picking a few little small ones, small blackberries that are near you. And you'll look deep into the bramble and you'll be like, oh, that is the most beautiful cluster of blackberries. Oh, I got to get over there. Yeah. And I was wearing a hoodie and pants and it was still very hot but i needed the i needed the coverage yeah you know what you need is a beekeeper's outfit yeah thank you yeah so i don't get it in the face yeah yeah because we when i grew up uh the around the side of the house we had a raspberry bush and it was like we collect the three that were up front and then just take take their word for it that it
Starting point is 00:52:32 was the rest of those raspberries too um i think you can just cut the peat like just cut them down and take because they grow so crazy i should have brought some kind of machete those clippers yeah yeah um next time next summer we haven't we usually go at the beginning of august this time we went at the end of august which is when they're really yeah they weren't ready at the beginning i'll tell you because i tried to do it on quadra those blackberries said we need a couple weeks they brew like what are they sour if they're too no they're just not right they were still yellow yeah they're stuck to the tree right uh and then yeah when they're it was like i've never really i only ever bake with blackberries oh yeah i'll make a pie or a crumble or a muffin what is a muffin yeah what about a compote a compote i would
Starting point is 00:53:28 do i've never done a blackberry muffin that'd be pretty good though you gotta admit sure blackberries are a tricky one because they're you want to keep the tartness you don't want them too sweet that's right but hey if they end up too sweet who cares man it's cool they're so sweet but i've never eaten them i've never eaten them on their own oh there are a few of these sometimes you pull them off the tree and they're like so off the the bush and they're so juicy and you're like well i can't this is falling apart my hand i all i can do is eat it yeah yeah oh it's so good it's your reward for going out and picking them find a nice juicy one yeah erica you've got a place, right? Somewhere on the island? Somewhere on Anna Island? No, we just rent Airbnbs.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Oh, okay. Okay. But what is the, like, the barrier situation? We go to Quadra all the time and spend about as much as if we did have a place on other people's homes. I know. Yeah. I know that you are, you're,
Starting point is 00:54:30 you're an Island person. You're like an Island boy. I am an Island boy. I love it. I love the ocean. I love the lakes. I love the blackberry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah. How many of these islands do you think you could name Graham? Well, Erica just said Bowen. And you just said Gabriel. Didn't you say Bowen? No, don't tell her what you said.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Don't tell him what you said. Okay. Erica. Mr. You said Bowen and Gabriel. Those are two, right? Quadra.
Starting point is 00:55:03 That's what you said. Quadra. Yeah. Okay. Keep going. Let's see if we can get all these gulf islands uh vancouver that's not that well it's not a island yes it is an island salt spring yeah um i think oh what's the one it's what's the one that sounds like Gabriola? That everyone thinks I go to. Gabriola? I don't know. Galliano.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Galliano, yes. You got your say word. I forgot about say word. Right? You forgot about say word. You've got your Cortez. You've got Keats. You got Keats, which is right off the Sunshine coast okay nice and close you've got bowen which you already said bowen and i just want to say to the listener i know thanks for
Starting point is 00:55:58 hanging in there yeah you got main you got main with a y yeah yeah you got te Maine. You got Maine with a Y. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got Texada. You got Pender. You got Pender. Oh, Hornby. Hornby. Yeah. They've got such a beautiful beach there. I did not know this.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Yeah, Hornby's fancy. Oh, my God. It's like, it looks like a tropical beach, and it's right here. This is an ad for Vancouver tourism. Yeah. And then, you know. That's the slogan. It's like a tropical beach, but it's right here.
Starting point is 00:56:27 What's the one that's like Finnish? Herkender Island? Uftenberg. Uftenberg. Anyway. Thetis Island? Thetis. Yeah, that's not the Finnish one.
Starting point is 00:56:44 I know that Dave's looking it up because it will kill one tula although is it it's on malcolm island malcolm malcolm and the island is on an island oh there's also it's a town on an island okay west redondo which is the island that jay and i kayaked to on our magical, but it's. Raise your hand if you're bored. Yeah, me. And I started this. Yeah. No, I did.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I'm the one who made us name them. Yeah. So anyway, we've got, I've got two. I picked blackberries for hours and it was abundant. There were so many. I never had to stop picking. I brought little plastic, little, actually they were dog poop bags that I just filmed.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Oh, gross. Well, they didn't have dog poop in them. Well, obviously. Kids, have I got a job for you? They're just the handiest little bags. I also use them in my car as like a garbage bag. Oh, my God. I love that after our island naming thing, the topic of interest, Dave, that would get the audience member back
Starting point is 00:57:46 was back to the plug berries. But I'm just trying to wrap up this segment. So I picked for hours and I was like, oh, this is so much. We brought it back to the city. It's maybe two pies worth maximum. I was going to say, what was the overall bounty? But two pies is not bad. They're frozen now now i haven't made the pies yet but yeah maybe i'll make a pie do you want to
Starting point is 00:58:11 come over and have some pie i would love that um i assume that wasn't an invitation it was i left it open-ended in case you would like to come and have some pie as well um it's really bad for diabetes are we as far as i understand are we near the end of blueberry season because i've i don't know i've been going crazy buying giant bags of blueberries but i'm worried i love blueberry season like a pint a day i like i'm eating i just fistfuls into my mouth i made made a crumble the other day. I had too many. Yeah. And like, I went to a market where they just take it out of a Tupperware bin and pour it into your bag. Have you been back to that market since you told the story?
Starting point is 00:58:53 Twice. Since you told the story? Yeah. And I'm going to go another time because I've already plowed through most of that stuff. So, that's a frozen one. Yeah. No,
Starting point is 00:59:04 I do. I eat them just like shove them in my face when you were in when you were growing up were blueberries plentiful in calgary no i don't think blueberries were i think raspberries were a pretty hot ticket item and crab apples we had to crack saskatoon berries uh saskatoon berries I think maybe... I think that may be an... More of a Saskatoon thing. Crab apples. Yeah, I felt like we had a lot of crab apples.
Starting point is 00:59:33 They're sour. Were you allergic to... Is that what made you allergic to apples? Maybe. And a crab. You're allergic to crab. Oh yeah, that's right. Geez, I was really taking my life into my hands there and i feel like it's the worst of the backyard fruit yes yeah no it's not most backyard fruits regular apple tree pear tree cherry tree oh yeah cherry tree is good pear tree is just like wasp central.
Starting point is 01:00:05 There's no... And then at the end of all your work trying to get it, it's just a pear. Yeah. My old house had weird walnuts that were stuck inside a pear. Like what looked like a pear, but it had to rot before the nut came out. Oh, gross. Disgusting. those things suck well you know we have plenty of that grows without restraint mint oh yeah i would love to grow some mint in my apartment
Starting point is 01:00:38 in my apartment it will grow it's that it's thaty. It'll grow in your kitchen sink. I've heard if you plant mint, it gets out of control pretty darn quick. You have to keep it in a pot. Oh, okay. Hey, speaking of which, how's all your gardening? How's your flowers and such? Me? You? Yeah, it's the end
Starting point is 01:01:02 of summer, so things are just scorched at this point right um erica have you ever had a garden because you had like balconies and such haven't you i've done tomatoes which was really actually quite thrilling to once they were grown to go out and make a salad with my freshly grown tomatoes yeah and i've done herbs i had a basil plant doing really well in my apartment but then we went away and i completely like usually i just go put my plants up on the roof because i figure someone will water them when they water everything else right and i forgot so we came back and it was the real it was well basil no it's actually it's kind of growing back but it's all black
Starting point is 01:01:46 like stems and i'm like well i think it's dead i don't think we should be making a salad with it it's like it's some sort of zombie plant yeah yeah like when they brought chucky when they brought chucky back to life yes i feel like that's my basil plant what's that salad with basil caprese yeah some kind of goth caprese yeah pretty good anyway so I
Starting point is 01:02:15 have these blackberries story film at 11 they call you call me blackberry daddy the story yeah call me like i'm more of a blackberry zaddy what is a zaddy am i 97 what's a zaddy it's a zaddy it's like a sexy daddy sexy daddy i think so and they couldn't call it saddy because that didn't make sense they can't call it saddie because that's a sad daddy yeah that's a sad i'm more of a saddie going from saddie to sad daddy that's the worst reality show ever let's just do makeovers over with like sad widowers extremely depressed man um what i did i went and did a a classic summer activity i went to the
Starting point is 01:03:08 don't tell us oh you already told us yeah i went to the pna water skiing oh no never no i was towed around pretty face down when i tried to do uh water skiing so not uh i don't i think i'll never do it but went to the P&E fair because I was going to go see a concert they have a series of concerts that I didn't realize that if you go to the P&E and
Starting point is 01:03:36 just stand right by where the door of the concert is you can hear the concert for free so I didn't realize that until I showed up but I ate some fair food. One thing I've never had before. Potato tornado. Never had one of those.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Oh, is that the one that's all cut up? Yeah, it's all swirled around a stick. Those are so good. Yeah, they're amazing. But I didn't know what I was getting going in. It's deep fried, right? Deep fried. French fry, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And then it's rolled in whatever flavor you decide to pick cinnamon yeah make it make it a sweet one absolutely um so i had that that was great had some mini donuts you simply got to um and then uh the band that i was going to see was cake. Oh! Maybe 90s, early 2000s band, Cake. And my favorite game was walking up and down the midway and picking up people that were definitely going to Cake. Yeah, because what is the deal? You have to buy fair admission in order to see the concert. And you also have to buy fair admission. Yeah. In order to see the concert.
Starting point is 01:04:45 And you also have to buy concert admission. Yeah. And, uh, and the concerts aren't like super expensive or anything, but, uh, you can get like a coupon for half off at the gate.
Starting point is 01:04:56 And so, but it was, it was very funny that I was like, Oh yeah, that guy just standing over there. He's hearing the exact same concert. I am. Oh, sure. sure oh so you if you get in the fair do you have to be on the fairgrounds
Starting point is 01:05:12 yes sneaky thing yeah you had to walk in and uh the all the rides are like on the other side and i was like just looking at them made me me nauseous. I've heard really bad reviews about the fair this year. About the rides. Like half the rides are closed. Oh really? They don't have the piglet races. They still have super dogs, right? Still got super dogs.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Is there a chance that you could pet a pig at the fair? There's probably, there's some kind of farm there's always a farm like element? Exhibit. There's probably, there's some kind of farm. There's always a farm like element. Exhibit. Yeah. Erica, you grew up on a farm. I did. I grew up on a farm. You ever raise a prize
Starting point is 01:05:54 pick or anything? No. I didn't. It was a second prize pick. I don't want to talk about it. And it was only allowed to listen to Christian Rock. It was only allowed to listen to Christian Rock. It was only allowed to listen to Christian Rock. It's very sad.
Starting point is 01:06:09 That's the worst bacon you get is the Christian Rock bacon. Tastes like Michael W. Smith. Yeah. Tastes like forgiveness. That's the brand name of your pork products? Tastes like forgiveness? Nice. It's the only one with a cross on it this pig went to heaven
Starting point is 01:06:29 don't worry about eating it this is a cool pig that had an earring but had a lot of trouble in its youth and grew out of it and now spreads the gospel we call it the prodigal pig yeah so anyways the fun game was watching seeing who uh was the cake fan and it was the
Starting point is 01:06:53 whole uh audience was obviously cake fans and uh i and did you know this because they looked exactly like you yeah so there was a there was a lot of i saw a guy like in a cowboy shirt i was like that guy is and this guy wearing the uh checked shirt and this guy wearing like the old old uh logo for like zellers or something on the shirt i was like that guy's going there for sure now i believe you said you had tickets to three concerts yes had tickets Three concerts. Yes. Had tickets for Cake, Nelly, and Bachman Cummings. Have these all happened? No. Bachman Cummings is this Saturday.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Sold the tickets to Nelly. To a needy. You gave them away to needy children. Yeah. Like I said, I gave them all a bandage to put on their face and uh go go and see those saint lunatics i say and off they go do these things sell out yeah the nelly one sold out wow but yeah uh decide not to go because it turns out i only know like two nelly songs and i was i was trying to like up my nelly intake but it just wasn't well you know more than
Starting point is 01:08:06 two nelly songs uh yeah maybe i know three nelly songs you know got to my head couldn't name one hold on no it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes yeah okay you know down down baby baby ready to let it go and you know do they do the one with baby i love you in a dilemma with kelly roland does that but he wouldn't play that one because he's just he will absolutely play that one they'll get something they'll make it happen do they they'll sing it to a pig do they have air force ones do they do you know air force one i don't know that one the song about his shoes those shoes there's another one in there too but you know like he's got a lot of songs he's been around a long times and i bet he's gonna play some deep cuts what's the one that's like suck me fuck me
Starting point is 01:09:02 dave we're talking about Christian pigs here This is not If you want to go take a ride with me Yeah yeah that's good Suck me fuck me Must be the money Dave Oh Dave how far have you fallen
Starting point is 01:09:20 What those are the lyrics Don't get mad at me That's just the lyrics. That's the way the song goes. Do you guys want to move on to a little bit of business? Yes, please. Well,
Starting point is 01:09:36 that sound means we're getting down to business. We're working overtime. And we're living for the weekend. But you may know this segment. We do a little thing called Jumbotron. Yeah. If you out there would like to send a message to your loved one or if you have a business that you want to promote, go to slash Jumbotron and you can be like these people.
Starting point is 01:10:02 And this message is for Armand. And this is from your dog and your bork. And the message is this. Happy 40th birthday, Armand. We love you even more than you love Dave and Graham. Aw. I don't know if that's true. He absolutely adores us.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yeah, he calls both of us daddy, so. He calls us Bork. Thanks for leading our pack, especially as it will get bigger in a few short weeks. You're the very best boy. Well, that sounds exciting. That does sound pretty good.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Oh, that's fun. Nice couple. When you hear the pack is getting bigger, it makes you think they're probably going to adopt a lot of geriatric dogs. Well, should we move back to the show? Yeah, sure. Hey there, I'm Ellen Weatherford.
Starting point is 01:10:58 And I'm Christian Weatherford. And we've got big feelings about animals that we just got to share. And we've got big feelings about animals that we just got to share. On Just the Zoo of Us, your new favorite animal review podcast, we're here to critically evaluate how each animal excels and how it doesn't, rating them out of 10 on their effectiveness, ingenuity, and aesthetics. Guest experts give you their takes informed by actual real-life experiences studying and working with very cool animals like sharks, cheetahs, and sea turtles. It's a field trip to the zoo for your ears.
Starting point is 01:11:28 So if you or your kids have ever wondered if a pigeon can count, why sloths move so slow, or how a spider sees the world, find out with us every Wednesday on Just the Zoo of Us in its natural habitat on Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Carrie, is it? Oh, yes. Hi, I'm Carrie. I am Psychic Ross and I will be reading you this evening. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Well, okay. I co-host a podcast. It's called Oh No Ross and Carrie. Yes, I'm sensing that. The spirits are telling me it is a show about well it's about like fringe science and spirituality and claims of the paranormal
Starting point is 01:12:09 oh you knew that you do research online but more importantly like we do in-person investigations investigate as well oh my god that's amazing see me and my friend this is so weird my friend ross same name as you weird he and i just go and try them all out. And actually, we've gone to a number of psychics. And to be honest with you, it's a lot like this. It's called Oh No Ross and Carrie. They can find it at I could have told you that. Overheard.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Overheard's a segment where we all come together. We count our blessings, and then we count the things that we've overheard out there in the world. Do you really count your blessings? Yeah, I count them every day. What are you up to? Oh, I restart
Starting point is 01:12:57 at the beginning of every month, so it's only one blessing. Oh, because we're recording this on September 1st. What's the blessing for the month so far? Blueberries. That's the one blessing that I'm counting so far. And then who knows what tomorrow. For me it's one as well because I'm recording with my two friends.
Starting point is 01:13:14 But I guess that's not a blessing. Aw. That's cute. That is good. We always like to start with the guest. Erica, do you have an overheard? I do have an overheard i do have an overheard i have heard about 27 since i was last on okay i i wrote down zero of them i just spent all night on the streets last night in preparation
Starting point is 01:13:40 hoping to hear an overheard. Lost my wallet. My phone was stolen, but I heard one. Did you really? I heard. Yes. Luckily, leaving my dad's apartment, there was a group of teen girls. I would guess maybe 15. They were walking in front of me.
Starting point is 01:14:01 And the one girl goes, oh, my God, god that sounds so fun i wish i could pretend to be from new york and and then very quickly her friend goes i can yo i'm from the bronx and like at first i was thinking you could pretend to be from New York, but alas, you cannot. You are the worst. Oh, wow. That's great. That last kind of week of summer before school starts, in high school especially, when you're like hanging out with your friends, that's a vibe. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:41 That's a vibe. They were living their best. I think they were on their way to the beach. Oh, sure. vibe yeah that's a vibe yeah they were living their i think they were on their way to the beach oh sure like we are living our best life before we have to go back to school and trying to pretend to be from new york so and also trying to pretend that it's not hot as hell like it just has been last week then like now it's fall we're back to study again no beach oh yes but it is it No beach for us. But. It is. Absolutely. I remember it. And it wasn't as hot back then, but I remember being like first day of school.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Okay. Well, let's wear it into fall, even though it's September 2nd. And I'm like flannel shirt and. Corduroy pants. Corduroy pants. I'm ready to go blueberry picking.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Yeah. Blackberry picking. Pumpkin spice latte for my first day of school. Yes, yes, yes. Delicious. Dave, do you have an overheard? Please let me. Now, Graham, a couple of weeks ago, you and I went to a comedy show together.
Starting point is 01:15:40 The Comedy Bang Bang Show at the Vogue. Comedy Bang Bang Show, yeah. And then we both went back to our respective homes and uh my kids were sleeping over with their cousins that night so abby and i went and had a drink around the corner and we were sitting outside at a pub and who sat down next to us but graham hello um we we didn't plan it that way but he just showed up but before you got there i was listening to this this pair of people talking and one of the guys was irish like your heritage uh and um i heard this guy i'm not gonna do the accent okay fine twist my arm we'll do the accent this guy with a bono voice uh was was smoking well i guess he
Starting point is 01:16:30 wasn't smoking he was drinking outside and he was talking about this uh girl he knew and he said we actually vibed but i think she was younger than me at the time yeah i think she's probably still younger than you. You don't catch up. And Dave? Good Irish. That was good. Oh, it's kind of you to say. Wallace.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Oh, da-da-da-da-da-da. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da. And happy St. Paddy's Day and many happy returns to you would you like a pot of gold chocolate and some cabbage for my me haven't got a sense of smell we haven't uh my overheard courtesy of being at the fair and uh it was a woman saying to whoever the man she was
Starting point is 01:17:32 with was said uh i guess when people go to the opera and shit they don't really drink oh yeah classic yeah and you know? People do at the opera. They have a nice wine before going in. Yeah. I think there's probably like a, isn't there a Bud Light commercial where the guys are sneaking beers in? Do an opera?
Starting point is 01:17:56 Our wives dragged us to the opera. So, yeah, we're going to get wasted. On Bud Light? On Bud Light. On the, like, aluminum bottles of Bud Light. On Bud Light. On the like aluminum bottles of Bud Light. There are a couple of bad boys over here. Oh, being married sucks.
Starting point is 01:18:13 We go to the opera every night with our wives and some of our bros. Yeah, exactly. You know what? It's not so bad as an activity. We get to see the people we like. We don't have to exercise or nothing. We just get to to sit there i think they have like an intermission where you can get another drink yeah god you like i have a mild appreciation for like classical music but opera i could not imagine sitting like having to sit through shakespeare and pretend to know what they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Imagine opera. It's a different language. Your wine glass breaks in your hand. Yeah, that's right. That's good opera. This was $19. Yeah, because at opera they do sing during the intermission. Have you ever been to a like sometimes i've been to comedy shows at like a fancy venue
Starting point is 01:19:14 oh yeah where they still follow the like fancy theater rules and there's like do they turn the lights on and off before yes and. And then they also, they make like this. Bing, bing, bing. Yeah. And then every woman in line for the bathroom is like, shit. Yeah, exactly. I'm in big trouble. Just go in the guys.
Starting point is 01:19:37 There's lots of room in the guys. I know. Well, you know. It was pretty quick. Where was I? The Broadway Theater in Saskatoon that they. Oh, yeah. We played there. We absolutely sold out a third of that place yes um but all their their washrooms now are gender neutral and on the door they just show which one has urinals and which one has stalls yeah so they had one with stalls and then there was a ginormous lineup for dudes because i
Starting point is 01:20:09 think women were still going into the one that had urinals but they were had urinal sound stalls and so it was really interesting because this is the first time in my life women were just walking in and out and men were lined up because no man wanted to go like they just were like oh i can't go in there and i was like what happens in there it's okay all sorts of stuff you should see what guys do it's uh disgusting yeah yeah but it was it was uh enjoyable i remember seeing a a picture from a rush concert yeah and the lineup was only at the men's bathroom and the women's bathroom was clear. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Wasn't it on Ally McBeal? Didn't they have co- Yes. Yeah, yeah. They also had a dancing baby. That's true. Yeah, that is true. Like hopefully in design going forward,
Starting point is 01:21:04 they will just have Like a big hole in the ground a big hole in the ground let's go back to that no but just it should just be all stalls and then communal washing your hands place yeah you know what i mean like yeah or pretending to doing the whole ruse putting a pump not actually putting on your hand going over to the hand dryer you still sing happy birthday twice but you just on principle are refusing to bet your hand you should have like a motion sensor that just shoots uh like you put your hand in a separate place and it pretends to shoot it just makes that sound water and uh stuff and it's so fun to you um now we also have overheards that have been sent to us from all over the map if you want It just makes that sound weird. Water and stuff. And it's so fun to you.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Now, we also have overheards that have been sent to us from all over the map. If you want to send one to us, you can send it to spy at This first one comes from Ian. He's from Halifax. And this is a secondhand overheard. My friend does characters down on the waterfront. Here's so many conversations. He shared these two with me and I gave him permission to share them with you. And this is just one of the ones.
Starting point is 01:22:15 This is a snippet of conversation I overheard at the waterfront today. A child saying, what is your favorite animal? And the adult saying, I like anything lion, lion, cheetah, pizza. Like a cheetah pizza? But he likes anything lion. Bobcat.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Mountain lion. I like anything red. But was he making a joke like lions are lying? Like lion, lion. Oh oh lion and cheats uh you think that's what he was doing was that a little daddy humor tell me more of those daddy jokes daddy i don't know why i did that voice but it goes with it it goes with it. It goes with the territory. It seems appropriate. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This next one comes from Hunter, Washington, or Seattle, Washington, rather.
Starting point is 01:23:11 Okay. If it was in Washington, D.C., it would be Hunter Biden. That's right. And I would like to see his laptop, please. Absolutely. Yeah. I bet there's some great overheards on there. While I was at a park that has some community art facilities in it,
Starting point is 01:23:29 I overheard one person say to the other, which way is the, what do you call it? The pottery barn? And after a long, confused pause, the other person was like, oh, the ceramics studio. It's over there. Pretty great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Pottery barn. Sure. What are the Pier 1 imports? Your imports your bed baths and beyonds never been in any of those you gotta go to bed bath and beyond graham they're closing they're shutting down stores left right and center maybe don't where am i gonna get my curtain rings you go to winners where they sell things that didn't sell at Bed Bath & Beyond at a quarter of the price. Yeah. Are they really? They're going out of business?
Starting point is 01:24:08 All of them are closing? That's what I read on the old interweb. Hmm. Okay. I don't know that all of them are going out of business, but they're closing a lot of stores. Also, Zellers is coming back. Yeah, Zellers is coming back. I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:24:21 It seems phony baloney. I hope they bring that grilled cheese sandwich back because that was a dream they're not they're not bringing back anything good it's just putting the name on something and no one's gonna go and it's gonna close in 10 minutes i still have 10 000 club zed points i'd like to pass yeah you you should ask if it transfers over because it's anything with the name zellers so yeah you can check them yeah what did did you have? A card? Or how did you collect points? It was a card. It was a Club Zed card. Okay. I just remember Zeddy. Where's Zeddy?
Starting point is 01:24:53 He's a bit of a zaddy, if you ask me. Zeddy's a zaddy. People not from Canada will want to Google Zeddy. He is a very sexy, masculine teddy bear in a t-shirt. I forgot about Zeddy. Yeah. He's great. A very sexy masculine teddy bear in a t-shirt. I forgot about Zeddy.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Yeah. Yeah, he's great. He's doing fine. This last one comes from Alec from Watertown, Massachusetts. I was walking my dog early in the morning and passed by three construction
Starting point is 01:25:24 workers having an animated conversation. One turns to the other, gesturing towards the third and says, get a load of him. Kind of way and says, hey, get a load of him. This guy doesn't even know what camel toe is. Don't you have Facebook? I learned all about my yeah hamilton etc yeah all my up to uh slangs sex slangs um yeah what's the latest um slang you've learned uh daddy daddy i think that is probably it sure yeah yeah for me um yeah i think like there's like i say vibe but that's been around a long
Starting point is 01:26:08 time they've just recently picked that back up again yeah the kind of gum when i was a kid i think yeah and i guess the most recent one i learned is like rootin tootin fresh and shooting i guess it's rooty tooty fresh and fruity is probably the most recent one I've learned. On the street. Yeah. Well, it wasn't. It was near the street. It was some kind of international hub.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Can't say exactly what it was of. In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. If you want to call us, our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's one. Ugh. It's Bipod One, like these people have. Hello, Dave, Graham, and curious guests. This is Sam calling from Providence, Rhode Island.
Starting point is 01:26:59 I was walking in the park where I worked the other day, and I passed two young women chatting, and I didn't hear what the first one said, but the second one responded, yeah, besides coffee, I don't really have any opinions at all. All right. Love the show. Bye.
Starting point is 01:27:19 You're going to be pretty outspoken on fair trade, et cetera. Yeah, sure. Dark roast, light roast. roast yeah exactly medium roast uh what's um decaf half calf yeah how big of a cup do you think your uh reusable cup is is that a grande is that at all it's more than at all for sure short of a venti though uh so i guess grande is is it um those are the coffee things oh uh macchiato that's another thing that's it oh wait no macchiato let's talk about swiss water decaf oh yeah nice um yeah i don't have any coffee opinions. You keep them to yourself. I drink what I drink and everyone just shut up. I wonder what, cause they come from a bean, right? Coffee beans come from like a fruit and they're the, like the seed inside.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Yes. I wonder what that tastes like. If you just chomp into one of those, it's gotta be some. The fruit outside. Yeah. Oh, I wonder. I wonder if it just tastes like, cause maybe it doesn't taste like coffee those it's gotta be some the the fruit outside yeah oh i wonder i wonder if it just tastes like because maybe it doesn't taste like coffee until maybe you might get notes of
Starting point is 01:28:29 hazelnut you might get notes of cocoa um sure i like to eat it fresh out of a cat's poop yeah that was a very expensive coffee we sold at star at one point. Yeah. They, they, I've, uh, you've tried it. I haven't tried it, but I've been given it, but it's, it's like,
Starting point is 01:28:53 it's like a quirky, Oh, this is a quirky kind of coffee until you realize that it's not happening in the wild. When, when you buy a bag of it, it's because there's a farm where they feed it to cats. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:03 And they shit it up yeah well you really ruined that kind of coffee for me i guess well because they're force feeding it to servals or whatever hi this is amy from seattle and calling with an overheard i was in a mcdonald's in issaquah outside of seattle last summer with my kids and my teen daughter went into the bathroom and came out really quickly right away uh saying to me I can't go in there I can't go in there someone's someone's yelling in the bathroom I can't do it uh so I I went in um expecting maybe a homeless person or like I might have to call 9-1 call 911 or like something serious is going on.
Starting point is 01:29:45 Um, but instead what happened is when I walked into the bathroom, I overheard someone in a stall singing, I've got diarrhea, uh, over and over in a very slavery voice like that. And, uh, I managed to not laugh. And I said, can I help you with something is it everything okay um and the person in the stall just said to me again no i've got diarrhea yeah well you can back me up a bit you got an instrument there you can help us out with yeah the diarrhea song that's the kind of opera i understand yeah maybe i do like opera yeah the uh opera done by south park uh yeah what is that who's that puccini who's that verdi what was that carmen no that's diarrhea straight up that's
Starting point is 01:30:41 diarrhea at mcdonald's in issaquah washington i like to owning it though because you're like people are gonna walk in here and know what's going on so i just want to let them know well or this is a normal for me yeah are they covering for something even more awful that they're doing oh i don't know are they acting like this is diarrhea but this is actually their every day exactly maybe they just don't want. Are they acting like this is diarrhea, but this is actually their everyday. Exactly. Maybe they just don't want anyone else in there. Like, they just don't like people listening to them pee.
Starting point is 01:31:12 So they sing, I've got diarrhea. So everyone leaves. Not a bad strategy until this nosy neighbor came in. All right. Here's your final phone call. Hello, Dave, Graham, and delightful guests. This is Melody from Victoria. I was on a little trip with a friend of mine down to Seattle a couple of weeks ago,
Starting point is 01:31:35 and she had never been before. So we decided to go to the very first Starbucks. And we waited in our line and went inside and did all the things. And then as we were coming out, we passed a family of two parents and three teenage-aged kids. And the dad, kind of to himself, but kind of to the girl who was walking next to him, said, Oh, it's the one with the boobs.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Because of the logo, the original Starbucks logo. And the girl, of course, just kind of looked at her dad, but said nothing. And then a few steps later, he muttered under his breath, but loud enough that she heard him. Oh, looks like she's some kind of froggy. And the girl just turned and looked at him and said dad she's a mermaid i laughed so hard in the street uh he heard me uh but it was just too funny and i hope you enjoy thanks so much for the show have a great day calling a frog a froggy that's pretty yeah but also it's a mermaid with two legs yeah like two fins like she's she's spreading them
Starting point is 01:32:46 isn't she she's holding them right yeah she's she needs a hip replacement that pose for so long yeah because the yeah what is it i guess you don't see your hands i'm just assuming she's holding both fins no she's kind of got her arms out yeah she's holding them i wonder if she has a name or if she's like victor from just for laughs or like lucky from lucky charm i think she's just the siren if i remember my not that kind. Oh yeah. She does look like she's kind of, I see what you're talking about. Like she's holding up her fin legs.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Yeah. He's like, doctor, is this normal? Um, well that brings us to the end of this year podcast. Erica, thank you so much for being our guest.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Thank you for having me. Is there, is there anything coming up that you can, you want to promote or you, do you have any dates on your website or where do people find you? I'm hoping by the time they listen to this, I will have updated my website. Nice.
Starting point is 01:33:55 And then I will have some dates. I'm doing this festival in White Rock on the ninth, which don't have any details on that, but hopefully it will be on my website. Sounds great, yeah. COVID has really taken its toll on my productivity, but I'm getting back into it. You're getting back in the swing, yeah. Yeah, yeah, but if anyone
Starting point is 01:34:14 needs any entertainment, please reach out. Not too much, though. That's your business card, just says entertainment. Entertainment. All kinds. nightclub performer I have diarrhea I'll do it all any requests?
Starting point is 01:34:36 well thank you so much for being our guest and thank you out there for doing your thing being true to yourself continue to do so come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself out there for doing your thing, being true to yourself, continue to do so. Come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.
Starting point is 01:35:04 Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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