Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 757 - Becky Shrimpton

Episode Date: September 20, 2022

Becky Shrimpton from A Year in Film joins us to talk animatronics, Crystal Head vodka, and Stratford, Ontario....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka, and he's Graham Clark, and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody, and welcome to episode number 757 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark. With me as always is a man who always knows how to vogue, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I don't know if we learned it. I guess when you're from Alberta, so you were learning square dancing. We were learning square dancing. We were learning square dancing. And we were doing, we were voguing.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Doing like the Paris is Burning kind of. Yeah, Benny Ninja came in and taught the whole class all the poses. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel bad because it was only when I was an adult that I went and took vogue lessons. Yeah, and so you didn't he hadn't developed the muscles no exactly you gotta get them early i don't have the embouchure yeah no my parents used to also you know put uh vote uh put like the headphones on my mom's pregnant belly and play i guess the song vogue but yeah they had a future copy of it um our guest today uh first time
Starting point is 00:01:31 guest to the podcast she is a host of a year in film podcast from hollywood suite and uh she is a voice actor and she is our guest today. It's Becky Shrimpton. Yay! Hi, guys. Thanks so much for having me on. Thanks for being on. This is fun. You've got a fun new dyed hair look than the last time we saw you.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Thank you. Yes, I like to change it periodically. Keep people on their toes. Yeah. I was telling my husband the other day because we were making the bed and doing our laundry. And I always do the laundry on top of like all the sheets and stuff. And he gets very upset with me because he's just like, we lose socks. Like you can't do this.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It's not how this works. And he's like, I don't understand why you do this. And I'm like, it's the same reason I keep dying my hair. It is giving me an air and a mystique and mystery. And I'm just keeping it fresh for you. So you think doing your laundry on a bed keeps your mystique? Well, you know, him just going, why do you do that? Is what keeps everything fresh and new.
Starting point is 00:02:34 You got to keep asking those questions. What? What? So you wait, let's get to know us. Yes. Yes. Get to know us. Okay. So, so so you the laundry okay you're washing sheets and drying sheets at the same time as you is laundry on site it's in the basement that's the thing so you got
Starting point is 00:02:57 to bring everything up in like the large ikea bags because that's how everyone does their laundry in large ikea bags right so then you dump everything on, and you're starting to make the bed, but then you get kind of distracted, and everything's kind of messed up. Do you and your husband mix your clothes together, or do you do your own laundry? We mix our clothing with those people. I know. We're very committed. Yeah. And how often are you changing your sheets?
Starting point is 00:03:20 This is a very personal question, and I am myself not comfortable answering. You know, I'm a reasonably hygienic person and I do have opinions about this. That is something that when I was dating, I would ask people, how often do you change your sheets? Because I think that's something you can learn a lot about a person with. I'd say probably every like week to week and a half is appropriate. Depending on like if it's crazy hot and you got the sweats going, then you really need to take care of your business.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Take care of your business, people. Oh, man, I guess that would have been a real deal breaker between you and I. Sorry, Graham. Sorry to burst those illusions that that's what wasn't going to work. Yeah, Graham's like flannel sheets in the winter and then change them in the spring into cotton sheets. Yeah, cotton sheets and then no sheets for the summer. Just sleep straight on the mattress. But Graham, I haven't met you in person.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'd like to think you are someone who has a signature scent. Like when you walk into a room, people know. So I think that your sheets are probably part just in with that. Yeah. The minute I walked in the joint, I could smell you were a man of distinction. Gray, here's what's going on with our uh what's sheet wise sheet wise uh uh so we have this uh light fixture above our bed that collects dust and it's it's like you can see the dust inside it and i gotta get the vacuum hose in to suck it out. But I only want to do that when we're like the moment before we change
Starting point is 00:04:48 the sheets because there's going to be some that some dust ends up on the bed. So I, my, and I never find that window because Abby, Abby, you know, she, she takes it for the team and she changes the sheets. I feel like that's household chores and couples and sometimes roommates good roommates in general is that like everyone kind of assigns himself the stuff that they least hate doing and they're like i will handle this as long as you handle this and that's how good relationships work it's like i will do the thing that i hate the least yeah did you would
Starting point is 00:05:21 you ever do your laundry with a roommate would you mix together your laundry with the roommates because you were saying this is the successful pattern for relationship with actors for a while and you were often borrowing each other's clothes for various auditions and things so yes the answer is i would do other people's laundry because it was all communal ah that's kind of nice i mean it's also kind of gross, but it's nice. And let me tell you, there was sweating in those clothes. I'm not going to get this audition. Exactly. I didn't remember my lines to play a doctor.
Starting point is 00:05:56 That's why I had to borrow your scrubs. Wait, I have to walk and talk? Oh, damn it. I'm totally screwed. Yep. Here's a weird thing in in my building that happens at least it's like once a month or once every two months somebody there's like uh lines in the laundry room that you can hang things on and somebody hangs like entire pink shag carpeting
Starting point is 00:06:18 rugs like enough that would cover a whole apartment floor's worth and are they not so heavy that they snap the the clothesline i guess the clothesline is industrial and uh but what the hell do you think's going on with that why why would you get some kind of carpet that you have to actually wash in a machine and then hang dry you have all your rugs you beat them with a thing you hang that's right i'm gonna say incontinent corgi, honestly. They need someplace soft for this little fancy dog to lay around. And, you know, you just got to keep watching. They better not.
Starting point is 00:06:53 No dogs allowed in this building. No? No. That's tragic. I feel like there was a cat in this building. Because when somebody moved, they had one of those giant cat trees. And I was like, well, surely that must have had a cat. Or, you know, it was a weird sex thing.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Different people like different things. Whenever I'm searching Airbnbs in Los Angeles, sometimes just for fun, I will see pieces of furniture that I do not know what they are for, but I can guess in various images. So possibly that cat tree, you never know. There was someone giving one away
Starting point is 00:07:26 a sex toy. No, so on the Vancouver subreddit someone had been the company had accidentally sent them two sex chairs and you clicked on the link and it was pretty not like your imagination goes crazy with a sex chair but this
Starting point is 00:07:46 was just like a stool with a hole in the bottom i'm in the wrong business i feel like i could be selling like anything with holes in the middle sex donuts you know i'd be like right there it is kind of a fun you know make your own get a kit. Maybe it's just a chair. And then one of those drills that you do like auger. Yeah. Yeah. An auger. Um,
Starting point is 00:08:12 yeah. Uh, I like, I guess, um, the one thing that you could have in your house is like one of those swings. That feels like something that's very unmistakable. Like,
Starting point is 00:08:23 Oh yeah. Sex swing would be be i feel like you would have to get like you can't just stick it in the ceiling like you need studs up there yeah that's true yeah and it's uh does it it's hard to what do you what do you uh accessorize or how do you make how do you make it look normal in the non-sex times you throw a bunch of throws on it you're just like oh yes please make yourself comfortable aunt allen or like a bunch of like plants this is my this is just here for the climbing vines i feel like you're someone who owns a sex swing it's either intended to be a conversation starter
Starting point is 00:09:03 or it's something that you like keep hidden away and then like only assemble it in certain occasions it's really like i feel like the housing crisis is the hardest on these people because you need an extra room that no one goes in and it's just so hard to find that it's just in somebody's living room. Yeah. Yeah. That's my sex chair. I'm not going to use it in front of you. Be cool. Look, we're all human here.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Yeah. What's his name? The guy from Fifty Shades of Grey. He had a whole basement. He had a whole giant sex dungeon. Yeah. But he was a billionaire right it's only the billionaires that can afford the kink that's where we're at now that's the real tragedy of the current economy well you know if you use an imagination you drill a hole in the
Starting point is 00:09:55 chair if you have sex on some regular swing now to be fair like to be uh it wasn't like a whole like it was it was like a the middle of the chair was missing it wasn't just like uh you know like a toilet seat yeah like they don't just make it to size you just send in your measurements and they're like that's how big the hole needs to be we're good a bespoke sex chair that's right it honestly it looked like something you would get from like the place that sells them like the medical appliances like oh yeah like walkers and uh like for sitting in the shower yeah i can get on board with that though i want an element of sterility to anything i'm going to be putting near my nethers you You know what I mean? Honestly, this person who got two was,
Starting point is 00:10:45 oh, I was accidentally sent two of these. Just keep one and see how long it stays clean. It's not going to go bad. How long it stays clean. One use. Well, there we go.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And then you find it in the laundry room of your apartment building hanging from a clothesline. And someone takes it home and makes a lovely planter out of it. And you know, they're repurposed. Yeah, the hanging plants. And anyways, we're talking about Becky's sex. Yeah. Call in and have any advice.
Starting point is 00:11:25 My mom's so proud. There we go. Becky, you work with this. Dave and I both have these channels that you're a part of called the Hollywood Suite. Yeah. Graham and I are part of the generation that has cable still, but also has every streaming service. Yeah. So every night is a calamity of choice. Part of the generation that has cable still, but also has every streaming service. Yes. So every night is a calamity of choice.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Hard to figure out what to watch. But you must watch hundreds and hundreds of movies every year? Possibly in the thousands, quite frankly. Like we're preparing for season five right now. And I think I'm in the process of watching 72 movies within a two-week span. So it's just like shove it all in my brain that you got to remember all the facts and everything, but I like it. That's why I get to do it. Tell people what the show is. So the show
Starting point is 00:12:19 is a year in film. Both Graham and Dave have been on it. They're on one of our more recent episodes as this episode airs. It's super fun. So the premise is exactly kind of what it sounds like as we take a year in film. So, for example, 1973 or 2010. And we look at it in terms of not just what movies were released that year, but what was happening like the year before or two years before, which tends to affect what Hollywood is making. What was happening like the year before or two years before, which tends to affect what Hollywood is making. And then in turn, how that movie then affected the rest of history and pop culture and just stuff in general. So it's kind of like a socio pop culture, interesting story thing, I guess is the best way to put it.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's my elevator pitch. It's a socio pop culture, interesting story thing. So Graham and I did an episode that was martial arts movies and what was affecting it? What happened a few years earlier that affected? That was the Karate Kid. So the Karate Kid came out in 1984 and you also started to see a lot more imports coming in from Japan because Japan was now exporting basically everything in a lot of their, a lot of their pop culture.
Starting point is 00:13:24 We were starting to get as well well this fascination with ninjas. And so we were actually talking about Bruceploitation and its influence on karate as well. So go listen to the episode if you want to hear more about that. But Bruceploitation movies are absolutely fascinating. And this is Bruce Valanche we're talking about? Yes, of course. A man who definitely has the word exploitation as his middle name.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Do you ever see that documentary about Bruce Valanche? Either of you guys? No. It was called Get Bruce. It followed him around writing for award shows and stuff like that. He was a comedy writer. He still is a comedy writer.
Starting point is 00:14:04 He's not dead yet but he like yeah maybe he's retired yeah he can he has every right to retire back i think he still no he still does the tours i think i think and do comedy writers ever really retire is that something that happens you guys can answer this question oh yeah well i retired years ago uh no one hires me so um the uh so yeah but i just remember him as a guy who had i remember him fondly as he's no longer with us uh as a guy who had always wore a funny t-shirt and had giant uh like hair and beard and glasses and like a page boy haircut yeah yeah and he in this documentary he like was on tour doing shows and he would write a whole half hour of jokes based on the town's local newspaper so he would do a bunch of jokes about the mayor and he killed but i don't remember
Starting point is 00:15:00 having that as an option to go see br Valanche live. I feel like that was something maybe Small Towns got, or I don't know why it passed over here. Perhaps he wasn't allowed to Canada. You did the documentary cover where he was allowed to travel? Yeah, yeah. No, he had some radical views.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So, Becky, you're watching 72 movies in the next two weeks that is correct what do you do like what so then what do you do about that so do you break it down okay 72 so that's 10 movies. Oh, uh, no, it's, uh, 10 movies. Wait, how many, five movies a day? Pretty much about that. Yeah. So then I do have a little device that lets me play them a little faster,
Starting point is 00:15:53 which is good. And I mean, Netflix has some things like that. So some of the ones that I am not particularly as interested in, or like, it's not something, or it's something I've seen before and I just need a refresher on those ones. I'll watch kind of,
Starting point is 00:16:04 uh, with extra time. So that fill fill that fills everything but in general the way you approach them is that you watch it especially stuff I'd never seen before that's been on my list for a long time like we're doing uh looking for Mr. Goodbar which I've heard about but I've never seen it it's of course a very important film in terms of the 70s uh film movement um and so I'll look at that and then I'll have my own opinions about how I feel about it. As well as you go in and you look of, okay,
Starting point is 00:16:29 they're talking about these certain things because most movies will give you pop culture drops. It's like, all right, they're talking about this particular political issue or they're just, this is a totally a disco movie. When did they start making movies about disco? Or this is a movie about trucking or,
Starting point is 00:16:43 you know, things like that. What was happening and why do we have that? Was there any crossover between disco movies and trucker movies? There actually is. Sweet. We actually, I think that's actually our very first episode of the podcast is disco movies and trucker movies, which is super fun. And we do like Convoy and The Wiz.
Starting point is 00:17:03 And yeah, it's a lot of it's a really good time but um they were both really happening at the same time and you guys know who paul lind is yeah talking about our classic comedians yeah center square and uh hollywood squares wasn't it yeah he had a um a special on tv like he was kind of everybody's favorite quote-unquote uh bachelor uncle on like every single show so they gave him a special and in one of the movies it or one of the the specials it totally combines him as a as a like disco loving godfather and uh pinky tescadero from happy days comes in and she's a truck driver and the two of them do a whole number together with disco truck driving so there is crossover it's wonderful it's It's on YouTube. Worth your time.
Starting point is 00:17:47 My time is really valuable. And I am telling you so. Dave watches four movies a day. And then the rest is quality time with the kids. And I don't even do a podcast about it. There is stuff. It's good quality time with my partner as well as with my small person because like stuff showing stuff to my small person that i was like does this hold up
Starting point is 00:18:09 because like i know how i feel about it as an adult and i know how i felt about it as a small person how do you feel about this small person and you know what a lot of like hold on a second this small person these are pronouns i'm not used to yeah is this a mini me or are we talking about this is not my biological small person but this is my partner's biological small person. So this is my stepchild. But we don't like the word stepchild, because there's a lot of connotations involved with that. What do you mean? I've never heard anything bad about step... Nothing evil about stepmothers?
Starting point is 00:18:38 But you're not tired of people being like, what do you mean, small person? No, people just seem to accept it. They're like, all right, most people assume niece or nephew, but it's like this creature in my life that is a small human and yeah they are eight about to turn nine um but like you show them a lot of like classic stuff that you think kids who are watching stuff now there's like all like bright lights and songs every two minutes and everything um would they be into it but like we watched the great muppet caper and no word of a lie we got to the part where miss piggy jumps through the like cardboard box to save the day at the end and they threw their popcorn in the air put both fists up and yelled let's do this miss piggy and you're like
Starting point is 00:19:16 all right this totally holds up so it's interesting to see what does what what holds up and what doesn't what uh dave because your daughter is seven. Is there any movie that you're like, this movie rocks. Check this out. And they've been like, no way, man. I'm too scared. I was like, I showed them E.T. knowing that E.T. is really slow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And. A lot of adults talking in E.T and so i showed them et a couple years ago and i just remember when et first showed up they were like why does he look so bad but what they really liked was um the honey i drunk the kids ah that one holds up yeah yeah um what were the effects like because they were all practical right they like made actual giant lego pieces and yeah that's in the giant ant i guess giant ant the cheerio was always my favorite part that don't eat me and he's floating in the cheerio it's pretty great yeah i guess maybe I haven't seen that movie in a long time, but now all of a sudden it's coming
Starting point is 00:20:26 back to me. Very warm memories of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Not so much Honey, I Blew Up the Kid. Did they make more than those two?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yes, there's more. What else is there? I gotta look it up, but I know there's another one. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids series. This is part of my
Starting point is 00:20:44 job. Honey, I made parts of my kid kid huge but other parts are still normal there is one more and it is called honey we shrunk ourselves and there was a whole tv show right oh yeah that's right there was a tv show with uh peter scaleri was okay yeah that makes sense he was the rick moranis sub in um i think that that shot in calgary and if i'm not mistaken i think i was an extra on that show uh that took place at a roller rink you don't well was it lloyd's rollercade it was lloyd's roller it was um i don't remember if that's what the show was, but I remember Peter Scolari was in whatever show. So it really could have been anything that was filming between, what,
Starting point is 00:21:31 like, 96 and 2004? It was Bosom Buddies. I was a kid at the end. How many times were you an extra in things before you, like, in high school, Graham? As a youth, I was an extra on that. And I was an extra on Cool Runnings where the bobsled went by and everybody cheered. In the movie?
Starting point is 00:21:54 Well, that's fun. Yeah, in the movie. Can you point yourself out? Or can you see you? Especially now we have HD. Yeah, in the final version, I put Dougie Doug in a headlock and take his egg away from him. Wow. That is some good HD.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. I think that's it. I think those were the two things. Maybe there was a Western one in there. Maybe I'm thinking of somebody else I know that was in a Western one. Did you ever do extra work, Becky? I did. I put myself through part of a university doing background work in the summer.
Starting point is 00:22:29 And I do actually have a weird, I don't know why we keep coming back to weird sex stuff. Sorry, guys. This is apparently just what I'm bringing to the show today. This is the Sunday night sex show. There you go. But I was doing the L Word, and they had us in this $23 million mansion in Vancouver, which let me tell you at the time, $23 million million dollars but you're pretty nice mansion in the middle of Vancouver and we were all wrangled in one of the garages and they would not let us out of this non-air
Starting point is 00:22:54 conditioned garage and some guy just decided he was going to go tour the house because he wanted to see what it looked like and he totally walked into the middle of a closed set where they were doing an L word sex scene and it was just like and then all the rest of us got a talking to. He ruined it for everybody. You guys, we're going to put you in the garage if you don't know. Oh, whoops. You're already there. Well, this house is so big that the garage has a garage.
Starting point is 00:23:16 And we're going to put you in that. Pretty much. And also, of course, it's so big it has a sex room. What? Did you go to school out here? I did. Yeah, I went to UBC. um what uh did you go to school out here i did yeah i went to ubc nice what did you take were you studying the fine arts or i was i have i have a bachelor of fine
Starting point is 00:23:31 arts in acting in acting oh yeah you're you're an actor you're a voiceover person that is something i do yes you have acted in anything i may have seen that's always the like rude question no no you know what everybody does it i get i either get like what are you in that i may have seen that's always the like rude question no no you know what everybody does it i get i either get like what are you in that i know or oh that's really hard or uh oh i could do that like those tend to be the three responses oh i like oh i could do that yeah oh i could do that yes it's like well i could be a lawyer too if i went and did all the training and you know um i'm sure your listeners are like yeah i get it uh but um yeah the things you will probably know is if you have small children i'm on a show called luna chip and inky um which is super fun really
Starting point is 00:24:11 cute i play inky in that one uh but the big one is five nights at freddy's that i'm in in the the video game or is there a tv i'm in the video games yeah there's a movie coming i'm not in that yet but there's a uh yeah i'm i'm fun time chica and i'm bon bon in those uh in that series oh was that the one you played that scared you so much yeah that i played late at night and because it had like a lot of jump scares in it he's like robot you know like how you're always a little bit afraid of chucky cheese and his pals yeah that's what it really amplifies it and it's really interesting when you're like because i got to do some of like the convention stuff with that game because it's really big and when you're talking to adults they all have that response of like this game is terrifying like they're there to
Starting point is 00:24:52 eviscerate you and they're trying to steal your body like that is freaking terrifying and you're talking to a bunch of six-year-olds who are like this is the greatest game ever and it's so cool and it's like because you have no sense of mortality yet no no kid this is scary trust me as an adult this is some scary stuff yep no as a kid now they would never be exposed to bad animatronics right or like maybe i don't know i think there's still it depends on how much your parents road trip because i think the tourist trap definitely still exists and uh like my my small person i love to watch youtube videos of rides like the first person gopro ride things oh yeah and uh there's one and i it's it's kentucky
Starting point is 00:25:32 or like one of those states that like you wouldn't deliberately road trip to in most where else can i go to the colonel sanders museum where else can that be they have they have one called Jurassic Island or something like that. And there's an earlier version of it where all the lights are on and there's dinosaurs and everything's a little cheesy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But it's still pretty good. But there's a more recent version of it where apparently they have just decided to turn off all of the lights so you don't notice how shoddy everything got over COVID. and that is terrifying like you are riding in this weird tourist trap thing surrounded by animatronics that can go bad anytime it's amazing yeah yeah i feel like i feel like it was a thing of my youth but i feel like uh maybe you're right maybe like roadside attractions still have there's ch e cheese is
Starting point is 00:26:25 still a thing but they don't have animatronics anymore they don't no it's all ski ball and screens cool screens cool screens all these kids when we were kids we had animatronics we were happy to have them they sparked and blinked and we were grateful. Do you, Becky, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you've seen this movie, but it's all about the Rockafire explosion robots. No, I don't know this. Dave, have you seen this? We've talked about it, but no. We've talked about it, yeah. There was a precursor to Chuck E. Cheese was this thing called the Rockafire Explosion.
Starting point is 00:27:05 And they were like at a pizza place. And this guy like recreated a bunch of them or like bottle the pieces and put them together. Anyways, it's a fascinating documentary about some very scary stuff. Like, you know, they show them with the faces off and stuff like that, which is it's not my kink. It's not what I'm into we're getting closer though we're just eliminating things um what i do remember a few years ago looking up and seeing that they uh they had now like modernized what the chicky cheese band was playing and it was a version of my prerogative by bobby brown called my karate kid there was actually a whole um controversy around that voice uh that character and that voice
Starting point is 00:27:54 acting because the original voice actor had been doing it for like decades and decades like as we know him of like chuckie cheese hey kids you know that and then they decided to make him super cool and on a skateboard like they full went poochy um and they fired that voice actor without telling him he was fired they just announced the new character and brought out the new voice and everything so the new character skateboarded into the room guess what exactly they didn't tell him he was fired he just kept showing up pretty much it's just hey. They just started saying he's retired. Poor guy. When I was a kid, and I know we've talked about it on the show for sure, is there was bow ankles.
Starting point is 00:28:36 That was the... I remember bow ankles. It was terrifying. And they had the play area that you had to crawl through to get through there. And the adults got to walk through a door, like dignified adults. I feel like I walked through the door. I feel like't i wasn't gonna be treated like a little stupid kid but it was it was like a nightclub it was all dark and uh they had like a water show and then the shower show it was water sports it was an early shower yeah it was a underdog was in the shower big plexiglass booth soaping them up i mean snidely whiplash obviously had his own kinks going on with all that riot railroad track tie and so oh yeah he was always tying somebody up
Starting point is 00:29:21 yeah yeah um the uh well i didn't know i didn't know that they got rid of the animatronics i mean it's just as well kids they wouldn't be wowed by a bunch of we were in palm springs over spring break and just like between where we were staying and the target there was a chuck e cheese and we drove past like every other day. Right. And the kids were like, why aren't we going to Chuck E. Cheese? And I had to explain. It's like it's like an event. You go. You wouldn't just go for lunch.
Starting point is 00:29:54 We are on vacation. You need it. You need 10 friends with you. Yeah. Invite you. Now just picturing like three business people. Let's have a quick just quickly go to Chuck E. Now I'm just picturing like three business people. Let's have a quick, just quickly go to Chuck E. Cheese. Yeah, we work on the other
Starting point is 00:30:10 side of the parking lot. It's like people who go to strip clubs for the wings. I'm sure it's the same thing. There's someone who really likes the pizza at Chuck E. Cheese. They're like, oh yeah. It would be very nostalgic taste. I go there for Christmas dinner. You get as many turns on the ski ball as you like.
Starting point is 00:30:28 It's really heaven. No, I'm talking about the strip club. Okay. I hear their buffet is excellent. They roll it out. Yeah, there is one in Montreal that's like famous for its breakfast buffet. Which is, I mean, breakfast time strippers there. Uh,
Starting point is 00:30:46 we, I salute you. That's probably the hardest shift of any shift. Yeah. I'm sure they're like, do I stay up or do I just roll right through? Yeah. I start my day early and,
Starting point is 00:31:00 uh, but on my kind of early morning stripping outfit, what is it? It's a house coat. A house coat and slippers. And a cup of coffee. It's called the stripper shuffle. This is a
Starting point is 00:31:15 don't talk to me before I add my coffee says the shirt. She's like, you know, doing wordle. People find brainy women very attractive i get it yeah for a certain subset she sits down on a chair and then she's like reading an ipad oh the queen died you're the queen that oh the queen yeah leggy there's five words there you go i wouldn't start with leggy though That's very low
Starting point is 00:31:45 Probability What's the hardest Wordle that you guys have I've never played wordle so I don't know Well sometimes the one I did Last week was whoop W-H-O-O-P Is that actually a word?
Starting point is 00:32:00 It must be now Like to whoop it up Yeah And that was You know we got there but at what cost huh two o's though two o's yeah huh not woomp as in whoop there it is oh not woomp well and then i don't that's too many letters uh and it doesn't give you a clue like in crosswords not woomp but that would be great if there was a crossword
Starting point is 00:32:30 uh there's a crossword puzzle clues which is like like um totally cheating yeah yeah yeah like you're not like well even on passwordword or Pyramid or Password, where they have to be like, eh. I can't think of an example. It's like a bagel, but sweet. Donut! Yes. Right?
Starting point is 00:32:55 That kind of thing. Yeah. One of those shows, I feel, was hosted by, what's his name? Donny Marie? Donnie Osmond? No, don't correct him. Just let him go. Donnie Marie. Is it Donnie and Marie Osmond?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Is that who it is? Oh, well. You know what? Sue me. That's what I have to say to them. Becky, you on the wordle? You do the wordle? I'm not a word puzzle person. I like the idea that I'm a word puzzle person, and every now and then I'll sit down with something and go,
Starting point is 00:33:34 I do crosswords now, and then about 20 minutes later I go, I don't do crosswords. I never will. It's not happening. I've been defeated. Yeah. I like to think I'm very good at pub trivia. Pub trivia is totally my game.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I like to go to brew pubs and declare war on whatever moms are taking their time off and drinking their wine at a brew pub. It's pretty good. You've got to pick the one table. You're like, you guys. You guys are now our nemesis. Yeah, whoever's drinking wine at the brew pub. Exactly. You're sticking out on purpose.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yep. You're making it difficult for the server. Yeah. What's your wine like here? I hear that this place that has enormous kegs of, what do they call those giant, like, 20 foot tall. Cisterns? Stills? I don't think you're right.
Starting point is 00:34:22 The ones that make beer, though. Are those stills? No, that's just like, that's, I think that's just gin and whatnot. Also known as a bathtub, from my understanding. A certain kind. Yeah, I don't know what it's called. It's not a stein. That's something you drink out of.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Yeah. See, you, the wordle person, are asking us two non-wordle people to come up with this, and I just don't think this is fair play, sir. Stein? No, that's too many letters. Too many letters. Stein would work. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Cool. Well, if the wordle people are listening, give me a call. I got some good ideas. We've got stein ready for you um yeah the uh i was at subway let's say yesterday or the week before um and there was the person in front of me was getting a subway salad and i was like why bother why bother coming here if you're gonna to get a salad? Like, eat the garbage or head somewhere nice. There's a lot of prep work involved in salad making, Graham.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I do not judge this person. Like, there is a lot of cutting and spinning and various other things that you have to do to achieve salad that, quite frankly, often don't make salad worth it. So I am on board with this person that just wants to run it through the garden. You say that salad is a privilege, not a right. Correct. Yeah, okay. Understood. Dave, did you figure out what these beer things are called? Nope. I got it. It's a kettle. Apparently they're called kettles. I'm not satisfied with that.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Speaking of kettle, what makes a kettle brand chip? They're fried in a kettle, aren't they? They're fried in a kettle. Is that how that works? I think so. I don't know. But the chips end up being like all a little bit burnt and messed up. They do end up being pretty messed up. Weird shapes, weird bubbles.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah. I like, boy, when you reach in a bag of chip, is there a favorite kind you get? Do you like the biggest one, the smallest one, the bubbly one, the one that's folded over? Call in. What do you think, Becky? What's your top chip? Ripple and ripple alone. Not the overly thick. That's just too crunchy.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And then you got to have not the loaded ones, but there's got to be a good amount of powdery stuff on it so that you can get the good finger licking action afterwards. I want some residue for my chips is what I'm saying. I want the flavor to linger. I like a clean chip that I can be doing some some ironing with one hand eating chips with the other and the oil doesn't transfer um so we maybe are calling this a fermentation tank or a barrel huh yeah okay i'm into that i'm not happy what were you hoping for i was hoping for a word that would light up my mind. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Like gondola. Something like that. Oh, if it was a gondola. Inspire you to march upstairs and tell your wife, I'm getting a blank and we're brewing beer. And that's what's happening. It's a funicular. I was literally just thinking about the word funicular.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Well, that's related to a gondola. It is. Yeah. Dave, what kind of chip? What do you like? Oh, I'll take the folded over. Oh, yeah. I didn't even think of that as an option.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Yes. Folded over. I mean, I like a ripply ruffly. Yeah, I do. That's in a whole pack of them. But just if you're getting regulars and they're coming out all different i'll take the full yeah fold it over nice good call thank you um when i was uh last at a gas station they had kfc brand chip or kfc flavored chips i saw that and uh i've never seen that before but basically that's all kfc is it's just like chip coating only just on a chicken so did they sell their 11 herbs and spices to
Starting point is 00:38:32 another company this seems like sacrilegious um yeah no they only sold 10 okay just checking it was lacking something but the 11th one is salt, so you'll figure it out. You'll be like, hmm, this needs something. I don't know. It must just be like, what was it? Chicken in a biscuit crackers? Crackers that tasted like chicken? So good.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah. But they also had chicken in it, right? They had chicken in them, so you couldn't have them. But they were, like, it was was basically they tasted like ramen uh powder oh yeah yeah yeah uh that's i mean i would eat ramen chips there's a lot of flavors i would eat chip wise uh i'm trying to think of them but uh corn dog chips i would eat that. I heard a, boy, what was it a commercial for? Is it like chicken month coming up right now? I know turkey month has a month. The turkey producers here in Ontario are very aggressive.
Starting point is 00:39:33 So you get off in various turkey things. Like turkey ads? Yeah. I heard a commercial that was, it was a radio commercial and it was like Bubba from Forrest Gump naming all the shrimp types. But it was like chicken pot pie, chicken cordon bleu, sweet and sour chicken, and on and on. And this was an ad just for the general kind of thing? Yeah, general. Hey, don't forget about chicken, though.
Starting point is 00:40:02 The meat that you eat five times a week for your consideration chicken yeah chicken i know you're already eating it two meals a day but maybe consider three it's like the egg council they're speaking of chickens the egg council just like eggs yeah i feel like eggs though are one of those things that no one is really like i'm lukewarm on eggs i feel like either you really like them or like you have a vehement hatred of eggs and there really is no middle position and i think perhaps the egg council is trying to sway those on the vehement hate no they should play to their base and make it a real real populist they should actually probably
Starting point is 00:40:45 fire up their base and maybe start a war but that's a little war between egg lovers and egg haters once and for all uh yeah but it's uh the eggs i feel like how was there another one that had a really good like it was beef that's what's for dinner. Or was that also? Yeah. Beef was the other, the, the original red meat. Beef is what's for dinner. They had the. You know, Hoedown by Aaron Copeland. Yeah. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:41:19 It was what's for dinner. And then pork was the other way. I remember that one. Yeah. Well, I don't remember it. I remember being told about it because i was far too young to pay attention to advertising brainwashing no way you're never too young and then of course uh didn't uh a fat bastard refer to mini me as the other other white me it's pretty good uh that series really got away from me. It's really hard to see when you're swimming in giant piles of money.
Starting point is 00:41:52 How do you reach your pen? That's true. That was only the second one. It's actually, you want your weird movie theater or movie trivia is that they thought that movie was a failure and when it first came out it didn't do particularly well it was very much a like word of mouth then it starts to spread then more people see it and then it did amazing on home video but mike myers knew that it was a success when he saw people at halloween dressed as austin powers and went oh people did connect with this he didn't say oh people did connect with this. He didn't say, oh, people did connect with this. He said, yeah, baby.
Starting point is 00:42:26 He did say, yeah, baby. This is making me feel a certain way. Yeah. We have to blame his ex-wife for Austin Powers because he came home doing that voice at her and she was like, I need you to stop doing that. Either go write a movie about it, or stop doing it all together,
Starting point is 00:42:42 but get it out of your system with someone else. So she is directly responsible for that and they're divorced you say sure can you imagine you're trying to rest um good lord uh have you guys seen his new his tv show that was on uh netflix no i guess not tv show just a show uh but he plays like six or seven different characters in it which they're all scottish um uh dave what's going on with you man well when we last spoke, I was about to go to a baseball game. Update, I went. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Foot of hot dog? No, I did have a foot of hot dog, but they do sell a three-foot hot dog that I didn't get. And it's just so... You guys are showing off. There are three-foot hot dogs walking around like... Oh, I need someone to help carry this.
Starting point is 00:43:46 No, aren't you supposed to eat that like Lady and the Tramp? Like you both start on one end and the other, and then you kind of meet in the middle? Yeah, you and the guy selling it. Or do you just go, hey, you're four feet down. And magic is made. That's the meet-cute right there, Graham. Your eyes meet across the glistening meat like you're good to go.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Oh, Lord, to be so lucky and i it's it's minor league baseball and the tickets are not expensive and so i was like let's go for it let's get front row seats unfortunately these were front row seats right next to the dugout and all the players just came out and stood like right in front of us when we were trying to watch the game. Shit. But did you at least get any inappropriate dugout talk? Like I feel like that would be the big draw. Yeah, they were like, my dugout's feeling pretty inappropriate today. I didn't shower.
Starting point is 00:44:40 No, there was a lot of just like you know, hand holding, hand high fives.ives yeah that's nice voguing that's in vancouver instead of playing the national anthem we play vogue everybody everyone strikes a pose uh no it was it was like the kids were very excited and i was like don't get too excited it's baseball it's and i was right by the end i was like okay we made it to the fourth inning let's see if we can stretch this to five before the
Starting point is 00:45:12 kids is called the seventh inning stretch that's the part where you get to take the brick well they they have sushi races oh yeah there's these these characters dressed up as pieces of sushi who race around the field it It's 45 seconds. Like, it's not worth waiting around for. And it didn't happen while we were there. Oh, yeah. Maybe it happened later. So, yeah, that was fun.
Starting point is 00:45:35 And the other thing that's happening is there was, like, a strike at the liquor stores. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Liquor was like low on stuff it was but it was it wasn't at the liquor stores it was at like the uh warehouses and it was like three weeks ago they went on strike for a week and everything like three weeks later everything's still empty it's taking them so long to catch up yeah it's uh the last time i went to the liquor store i had to drink an indian pale that's all they had clearly you are suffering you are a victim of the supply chain well speaking of movie stars canadian comedy movie stars i had to buy Dan Aykroyd's Skull Vodka
Starting point is 00:46:25 I love the idea that that's the only thing that was left It sort of was I guess I'll take three of the many Should last me through the weekend But yeah, it's being felt. But I'm very excited we have this skull vodka.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I'm not the kind of guy who displays a bottle of liquor on his bookshelf after he consumes it. But this one might be fun. It is Halloween thematically appropriate. Yeah. Yeah, put a little light in there. Finish the vodka, put a little light in there. Scare the kids in the neighborhood. Keep a little bit of vodka in there. Put a
Starting point is 00:47:16 rag in there, soak it, throw it in a tank. Like ages ago, I left, it was like a nice bourbon bottle that i put in the alley assuming it could be recycled and then i was walking past a house like three or four houses over and they had it in their window it was like distinctive enough that i was like oh that's a bottle i just put it in the trash um you know one man's trash another one another man is a magpie like i'm
Starting point is 00:47:48 just grabbing things pretty things from my nest i find that uh like i'll put all my cans and bottles out in the alleyway uh on recycling day and people come by and pick them up and get the deposit back for them but people they really only want cans now i think they've done the like the math calculation that like i can't carry bottles aren't worth enough to carry around i think they also just smash too right like you got to kind of take that into consideration is is this going to make it to the depot right yeah and it's like and like a glass is only worth as much as a can it's not like you get it i think it's worth twice as. And it's like, and like a glass is only worth as much as a can. It's not like you get it. I think it's worth twice as much, but it's 20 cents for the bottles for the glass bottles in, in BC.
Starting point is 00:48:32 It used to be. Yeah. 20 cents. I, I used to work at a, at a cold beer and wine store, putting myself through university as well as other things. So what are your thoughts on India pale ale? Cause I don't like, I don't like it. india pale ale because i don't like i don't like it well it's it's a big old why like i mean there's a very specific type of person that i think is into it and that's the kind of person that likes to think that they are the kind of person that likes to be seen drinking india pale ale i don't think anyone actually likes it yeah it doesn't seem like a thing that anybody would like it seems like something that is showing off how gross you can make a thing and people will still buy it there's like a manly mystique it's like yeah reynolds drank india pale ale you know what i mean he yeah i see him being a
Starting point is 00:49:11 schlitz man or something like that he was a coors guy yeah didn't he bring coors over the uh rockies yeah just finished watching yeah actually i just finished watching smoky and the bandit for the upcoming season which was another movie i'd never seen and that is it's weird when you watch those movies that like you had all these assumptions about and then you watch them and you go oh that is not what that movie was about at all that's good to know he never actually drives the truck i thought he drove the truck yeah yeah i've never seen that either is sally field is the is the love interest and she is so adorable in the movie. Oh, boy. No, she actually says when you were watching that movie, you were watching two people fall in love. Oh, she and Bert?
Starting point is 00:49:50 They were together for five years. Yeah. He, at the very end of his life, referred to her as the love of his life. Not Lonnie? Lonnie Anderson? No, no. That was a disaster, my friend. She, she, this is, of course that he said she said but yeah she spent all of
Starting point is 00:50:06 his money and uh their divorce lingered on for almost 15 years before it was finally closed but that probably brought them closer together obviously yes because then they learned that what that money doesn't matter it's really love yes that's what long drawn out divorces teach people how much younger was sally field yeah she was i think like it was a good amount it was like 12 13 years like it was a good amount of time yeah but that's the right that seems like the right recipe old old man a young lady you're dame cooks and whatnot no they're in love. That's true love. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:50 The other thing that happened this week is we lost the old lady in the sky. Wait a minute. Queenie the Queen Latifah. We didn't lose her. She wasn't in the sky. And she's not Queen Latifah? She's up there jamming with Jimi Hendrix and Curry Cobain. We didn't lose her. She wasn't in the sky.
Starting point is 00:51:09 She's up there jamming with Jimi Hendrix and Curry Cobain. They're just jamming out. She's in the 27 times four club. She's up there. She's looking down at us. She's going to be, so she's for anyone, not from Canada listening. The queen is on our money.
Starting point is 00:51:27 She's on our coins, our coinage. She's on our $20 bills. Yeah. And so we're going to have to figure out what we're going to do next. I guess, what's his face? Ching Charles goes on now? No, here's the thing. I really feel like we need to be promoting Canadian pop culture significantly more.
Starting point is 00:51:47 So either we need to just get all of Canada's gourds on there, like Downey and Pinset and, you know, all the gourds. Or we need to start doing like actual like CanCon icons, like having Cronenbucks. That might not be a bad idea. You've overthought this. This is too much that you put into this. You're bringing a bit. I might have my, I've got my agenda is what I've got. Yeah, yeah. I think we should
Starting point is 00:52:12 just do like, you know, in high school when you didn't make it for picture day and they just have that gray silhouette. What if we host a lottery? What if like if you win the lottery that month, you get your picture completely uncentered whatever you want to put on on that and i feel like we could raise a lot
Starting point is 00:52:30 of money for a lot of good causes that way yeah burt reynolds and sally field kissing is our yeah twenty dollar bill you get to do you get if you win the lottery are you on the money or do you get to choose who's on the money i think you are are on the money. I think it's a picture of you, which I think a lot of people would be really into. Yeah. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:52:49 the same people who are into sex swings and whatnot. Yeah. Yeah, whatever that is. And so every month we're printing new money? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:52:58 I don't see a flaw in this. I mean, I don't know how often we're printing, is the mint going all the time? That's a good question. Isn't that part of how inflation works is that they're printing too much money yeah you came to the right place to ask
Starting point is 00:53:12 where Graham and I know how inflation works wait am I on the wrong podcast yes one stop shop for all your financial advice you know buy uh
Starting point is 00:53:26 buy pork bellies that's yeah i know boy i gotta bring a wheelbarrow full of deutschmarks to buy a loaf of bread these days um yeah the uh i don't know it doesn doesn't matter, you know, because who gives a shit? Yeah, exactly. Who has $20 bills, let alone coins? Yeah, exactly. It's fine. Just keep her on it. Who cares? No one will know the difference, quite frankly. They're very similar looking people. Oh, you mean just put him in the play? No, just leave her. Leave her on it. You know you know i mean like every other dead person is on all the other money that's true that's true yeah so like what i don't know are there any live people other than the queen on our money uh uh is sir wilford laurier alive yeah he's he's really kept
Starting point is 00:54:19 that same look all those years is william lion mckenenzie King still going? Is he on the 100? He's on the 50 or the 100? Who's on the hundo? I think you're right. I feel it's Mackenzie, but then who's on the 50 is my question. I said he was the 50. Oh, you said he was the 50. Lyon Mackenzie is the 50.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Who's on 100? Let's see. Lord Beaverbrook, Robert Borden, Borden, Robert Borden. Um, uh,
Starting point is 00:54:53 don't know what he did, but, uh, he invented snowboard. Plus a million points for dave apparently he was our eighth prime minister who led us through the first world war ah okay that's how young a country we are we're only eight eight prime ministers in before the first world war um well this is all like and also on Monday, I guess the day that this episode comes out or maybe after the day before this episode comes out, apparently now we have a holiday to mourn the queen.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Who has a holiday? Federal holiday. Really? Everybody gets the day off? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I mean, talk to your boss. Mine will say, what are you talking about? The one thing that I think is very strange about the whole... About the whole? Are you talking about the sex chair again? They take her from city to city
Starting point is 00:56:02 now that she's passed away. But they keep calling the thing she's in a coffin which i thought was like like vampire only speak and they keep saying they're moving her where her body is it's like i've been my whole life i've been trying not to think about this lady's body literally people have been making jokes for a decade about not thinking about her yeah and that uh you know if you need to slow down a bit uh you know stop it so wrong yeah uh it's weird it's like because i don't think we've ever had that equivalent here where people came out to watch a car driving around with the person who passed away in it.
Starting point is 00:56:46 I don't think, has there been? Maybe Terry Fox, when Terry Fox passed away. I don't think that, I don't know that it went on tour, but yeah, there have been national sad moments. Yeah. Gord Downie. I was literally just thinking about Gord Downie, yeah. You want all the Gords, you want Gordon Korman on our money.
Starting point is 00:57:05 You want the Barenaked Ladies album Gordon Corman on our money. You want the Barenaked Ladies album Gordon on the money. I do. Gordon Lightfoot is a very good Gordon. Let's put him on
Starting point is 00:57:13 there too. Or just like all of his songs. Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. That would be very visually. Yeah, they do
Starting point is 00:57:19 have on the one side they put the person's face and on the other side they've put like, you know, people looking through a microscope. So they could have people picking up you know whatever picking bodies
Starting point is 00:57:31 out of lake iguchi gubern or you could just have a person buying one of gordon lightfoot's records and putting it across the jail economic drivers drivers. Here you go. So, yeah, that's what's going on with me. The queen, the old lady in the sky. Were you personally moved by this, Dave? Was this seriously concerning? If you hear thunder, it's because the old queenie's tap dancing up there. Was I personally affected by this?
Starting point is 00:58:05 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Emotionally? No. But you're getting a day off and therefore personally affected. I don't think I'm getting the day off. Okay. I'm going to take it off.
Starting point is 00:58:15 I'm going to take, I've already taken one off because I was so surprised. I'm going to take off another one because of the morning. Because I was so surprised. Sorry, I can't come in. I'm still recovering. So she snuck up on me uh what's going on with you graham um well this past week i i traveled with the uh radio show the debaters to a town called stratford ontario, yeah, it's upon the Avon River. And it is like, I guess it's the same as Stratford, England, except smaller and in Canada. I guess so.
Starting point is 00:58:54 But how big is Stratford, England? I don't know. That's a good question. I mean, our guess is pretty quick at looking things up. Yeah, yeah. It's called quick fingers, my friend. How big is stratford carry on please uh so stratford is very much uh based around this theater festival that they have uh
Starting point is 00:59:15 every year which england or canada uh canada stratford england also is that why yes that's why they have the shakespeare festival because it's the same thing they're both shakespeare towns they're bullshit yes stratford on avon and then stratford on avon because they're both rivers that are the thing uh 33 000 people that's canada or england uh that's the canada one is 33 000 people yeah we'll just wait on england standing by i like facts you guys are lucky yeah uh we usually just say whatever's at the top of our head and let the listeners sort it out 120 000 people oh no okay not humongous but like uh strafford so strafford's quite we i'm surprised that there's 33 000 people there because it felt like a place that maybe would have five i think it's like a little place
Starting point is 01:00:12 that's kind of like iceland where the tourists outnumber the people who actually live there like 20 to 1 at all times i think you're right that that's uh because um this theater festival so the whole it's like if you go to drum heller alberta it's big dino uh territory where they found lots of dinosaurs fossils and so everything in the town is dinosaur something uh when you go through because that's the theme of the town that was that was stratford except with shakespeare so is there so when you're touching down in stratford international airport you're going through the gift shop they've got those frilly uh collars that shakespeare has like a sleep airplane pillow they ask you to just speak in like prithees and whatnot as you go through customs yeah pay yeah pay us with uh four and twenty copper coins so like heading
Starting point is 01:01:09 into town the very first thing you see on the edge of town is a shakespeare automotive and then just goes on and on from there shakespeare pizza romeo boulevard juliet street uh they really have like if you don't like shakespeare a lot, like growing up there would be difficult as a teen because, you know, we were really big into Shakespeare as teens, I think, all three of us. You say that in jest. Oh, were you? You were a Shakespeare? Oh, I was a big Shakespeare nerd. I actually, I'm not bragging, but I actually trained uh at in oxford england in in shakespeare i got some i got some like classical training so
Starting point is 01:01:49 yeah i got i got a little bit of shakespeare nerd in me but i've never been to stratford ontario despite living in toronto well seems like i'm more of a shakespeare fan than you that i've been yeah frames been to stratford but he's never been to me yeah i've been to stratford where shakespeare lived a full life and then died in ontario ontario canada what is it near what part of ontario it's close to london ontario which is also a uh yeah just about everything in ontario is southern or eastern southern like once you you think when you're driving to sudbury you're like oh every this is like the furthest north i've ever been and you are like maybe a quarter of
Starting point is 01:02:30 the way up the province like it's a big freaking province what do you do at sudbury when you actually get there drink the answer is drink and check out the nickel oh yeah they have a big nickel yeah they're gonna have to change the queen on that big nickel now oh boy oh yeah everything's ruined just out there with a sandblaster i never that i didn't uh that really is like this is the most emotionally affected i've been by this whole thing um but yeah so everything there is is shakespeareific uh now becky what did you did you do all the shakespeare plays or do what was your favorite to do and please recite a verse from that show no you can't make me do that but you know what the one that actually grew on me was
Starting point is 01:03:21 winter's tale because i gotta say like when you when you first read it you're like well this is misogynistic bullshit and then you see it actually performed and you're like oh i understand why everybody is doing what they're doing and this is amazing so it is one of those things i'm like why are we teaching high school kids how to read this because it's meant to be performed and you need to see it done and when you see it he was the original rapper. And also, I think it's just so often not done well. Like people just think that it's such a blank canvas. They're like, oh, we're putting them in the Wild West now because that makes sense. And you're just like, no, that's not what you're, it's not, you're not adding anything to it.
Starting point is 01:04:04 In fact, you're taking away like, yeah, I think Shakespeare's, I think maybe, maybe we need to take a break from Shakespeare. Come back to it in like 20 years. See, I'll just put a moratorium on it. I've, yeah, I've taken a pretty good, solid break from Shakespeare. I feel like, like, yeah. Update. I have an update, everyone. Okay. The Queen is not on the Sudbury nickel. Oh, okay. Oh, is it George? It's George VI. It is George. update, everyone. The queen is not on the Sudbury nickel.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Oh, okay. Oh, is it George? It's George VI. It is George. Oh, shit. Okay. Oh, no. He was dead when it went up.
Starting point is 01:04:35 Can you imagine? They just got rid of George, and they were just putting the final touches on the queen. She's what? She's on the queen. She's what? For people not familiar, the town of Sudbury, Ontario, has a big nickel mine. I think that's why. I think so. And then they also have a giant nickel, like the coin.
Starting point is 01:04:57 Yeah. And ours has a beaver on it, on the front, and then on the back royalty and then weird like words around it like latin like ipis inkis pinkis riding on a horse's dinkus
Starting point is 01:05:20 but yeah I've never been I've never seen the nickel but i have seen the uh theater that's shaped uh after the globe theater in uh england so yeah i'm a pretty good is that where the show was uh maybe i don't know what the thing in england's supposed to look like so i'm gonna say yes the debaters was that the one you that you were at yeah that was the thing i was at in that theater but i don't know if that's the theater or uh all i know is like it's uh backstage is uh it's you know shakespeare-errific everything shakespeare um what uh yeah i like is that so is it all just like shakespeare automotive or and shakespeare um you know shakespeare cleaning shakespeare waffle house or do they like go into like is this you know romeo uh sex shop or whatever that actually does make sense of all
Starting point is 01:06:29 the characters you could pick yeah from shakespeare or we can ask becky what was the horniest character in shakespeare's catalog oh probably bottom from midsummer classic he's up there yeah uh yeah uh midsummer night's dream they had they had the sex swing in that right oh definitely they're in the play with him to play that's really what all of those plays are all about it's just basically like everybody died at the age of 30 right so you had to pack a lot of living in in those 30 years yeah when i look back on my 30s boy and i squandered a lot of opportunity to you know to fight with a family that i'm not a part of you know to get mad at rage filled at uh infidelity and finally wanting to kill my dad there we go all All the Shakespeare I know.
Starting point is 01:07:29 And I'm not even sure that that last one is. What was the infidelity one? Othello. Othello. Sure. And then. Much Ado's got that as a plot line, too. Yeah, there's a few of them.
Starting point is 01:07:39 What? The cheating? Yep. Although it didn't cheat. But it's that thing. It's a misdirection thing oh right that they got a bit of bad information
Starting point is 01:07:48 is that it yeah one of the guys is a bad guy who just wants to mess with stuff so he wants to mess with this person's marriage so he plants the idea that the woman was
Starting point is 01:07:55 wasn't pure quote unquote was cheating on him but she wasn't and there's a whole back and forth debacle Beatrice and Benedict people love them
Starting point is 01:08:02 Beatrice and Benedict yeah that's where you get your eggs and uh shakespeare i've just seen the uh animatronic beatrice and benedict just finger wagging at the chucky cheese and travert ye olde chucky cheese it's a lot of that there's a lot of oh and they have uh i learned this while i was there that every year they have a swan parade so they have swans like in a winter habitat and they lead them down to the water with a full bagpipe band how do they get them to do that those bastards are terrifying like they're genuinely aggressive and scary this seems like it would be more of like a running of the bulls situation where they unleash them on the population you just have to run as fast as you can i mean i think uh i think probably
Starting point is 01:08:50 canada goose is probably more right or swans kind of the same or different i feel like they're more canada geese are worse yeah they are like genuinely terrifying and aggressive oh and that's something when we were driving out of stratford uh we saw a goose that had been run over by a car and its head was clean off. Cool. Stories to bring home to the kids. Wow. I thought you were going to save that for overseeing.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Real cherry on top of this episode. But yeah, if you really dig on Shakespeare, boy oh boy have i got a place down for you yeah um yeah so like uh i don't yeah like i say i don't know anything about shakespeare so the whole thing was lost on me you know what uh town would you like to visit a town that is themed after some other cultural touchstone? Yes. What would it be? The Godfather films.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Oh, yeah. Isn't that just called Brooklyn? Yeah, I mean, yeah, it's technically. Wait, are they Godfathers take place in Brooklyn? I don't know. Brooklyn, it's New York. Is it Queens? It might be Queens.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I don't know. I'm not up on my boroughs. Yeah, me neither. I don't know what is canon. But it feels like Brooklyn may have been the place. But also, I get the feeling maybe New Jersey was playing a hand there. I don't know. But yeah, I'd go to like Sonny Corleone's Pizza.
Starting point is 01:10:21 Yeah, sure. People think I'm stupid, but I smart uh fredo fredo bar and grill the horse head pub shutter island cameras i feel like you can just do a whole scorsese thing right yeah oh i mean uh yeah oh yeah scorsese wasn't godfather though wasn't it no that's coppola but like i feel like if you're going into like all of them you can do it oh yeah sure sure yeah the sopranos um steakhouse i keep saying restaurants but it should be like this is your ideal town it's just one restaurant after the next yeah yeah. Yeah. City Hall and then a bunch of restaurants.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Mm-hmm. And maybe a fire station. And you've got yourself a working town on its way up. Do you guys want to go and do some overheards? Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Sure. All right. Oh my gosh, hi. I'm Dave Holmes, host of the pop culture trivia podcast Troubled Waters. On Troubled Waters, we play games like motivational speeches.
Starting point is 01:11:29 It goes a little like this. Riley, give us an improvised motivational speech on why people should listen and subscribe to Troubled Waters. I look around this ad and I see a lot of potential to listen to comedians such as Jackie Johnson and Josh Gondelman. to listen to comedians such as Jackie Johnson and Josh Gondelman, and they need you to get out there and listen to them attempt to figure out sound Reba's clues or determine if something is a Game of Thrones character or a city in Wales. I have chills. I'm going to give you 15 points. All that and so much more on Troubled Waters. Find it on or wherever you choose to listen to podcasts.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Hey there, beautiful people. I'm Travelle Anderson. And I'm Jared Hill. We are the hosts of Fanti, the show where we have complex and complicated conversations about the gray areas in our lives, the things that we really, really love sometimes, but also have some problematic feelings about.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Yes, we get into it all all you want to know our thoughts about Nicki Minaj and all her foolishness we got you you want to know our thoughts about gentrification and perhaps some positive question mark aspects of gentrification we get into that too every single Thursday you can check us out at listen you know you want it honey so come on and get it. Period. Overheard. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I'm ready when you're ready. We're all ready. We're all ready. Okay. Overheard. When you hear that jingle, you know what time it is. Delicious, delicious overheard. Funny things heard out there in the world uh and we we always look to start with the guests uh would you please lead the way becky all right so uh my overheard happened while my mother and i were hiking through canmore of all
Starting point is 01:13:17 places and uh as we were coming up this large family of like probably nine people were coming back down and we overheard one of them say well we ate some oranges so the car will be lighter and then we watched all nine of them pile into this like little honda civic hatchback like it was a clown car and we're like yeah it's one of those things you kind of have to think about like where did you think those oranges went yeah yeah exactly what did you all eat oranges and then a little bit of laxative and then take care of it where you got into the car well they didn't need the peels and the oranges were the things that were going to make the difference of the nine of you that was really the big differentiation there we're really uh really putting our suspension
Starting point is 01:14:01 to the test but yeah all eight of you and this bag of orange yeah I'm not somebody that hikes and I'm very happy about that fact but can you imagine if like your family went on hikes all the time that's my family
Starting point is 01:14:22 of nine you're yeah nine people i feel like that's a good way to like vent because like if you've got so many people you need to get out there but it's also a good way to like bump someone off who you don't like yeah credit down to eight eight is enough not nine yeah is it do you hike becky i love. Yes. It's one of my favorite things. I am very outdoorsy. Uh, my partner is not, when we first started dating, I was trying to push him to go camping with me and I didn't know his like towel signs of when you're like, Oh, this is not a button you should push. So as I was explaining why camping is so good and he needed to give it a try,
Starting point is 01:15:01 we were driving and he grasped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead and just said i am fancy and it was like all right that is the defining moment we are done okay no yeah i'm a fancy little boy yeah yeah we don't like we don't care with him that's why i got the dog the dog is uh is who we hike with ah you yeah you showed us your dog. It's a King Charles Spaniel. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Named after a new king. Our new reigning monarch, yes. This is a dog that screams fancy. This is not a dog that I would think is an outdoorsy camping dog. See, herein lay the issue is that I wanted a dog that I could do all the hiking running whatever kind of stuff you know dog girl in her dog stuff uh and my partner was like i want a dog that will
Starting point is 01:15:49 lay on my lap and fall asleep and i went oh i see all right uh and this is actually the dog that is the combination of those two things i was gonna say what's the midway point dog wise between a fancy and uh an outdoor dog. Greyhound? No, greyhounds aren't outdoor dogs. Or are they? No, we looked at those and we looked at whippets and they are the dogs that, they call them crazy fast couch potatoes
Starting point is 01:16:13 because they just need to run as hard as they can for like an hour and then they sleep for the rest of the day. Hmm. I don't like the sound of that, except that hour. That hour would be intense. Not into that part.
Starting point is 01:16:24 That's what the track is for, sir. You just take him to the track, let him go. Yeah, what's a dog that mostly sleeps? I want a koala bear. That's 20 hours a day. Dave, do you have an overheard? Okay. Mine is written down here somewhere.
Starting point is 01:16:41 Somewhere. Let me just... Oh, sure. Oh, this is one i saw in the uh this is an overseen and this was like the kind of thing that you see people post on the internet and you're like no way that this is an actual company slogan but i was uh driving the kids to school the other day and we were in traffic. We were behind a van and it was, I think it was, it was either drain cleaning or pipe cleaning. It was AAA drain cleaning.
Starting point is 01:17:14 And their slogan was, your shit is our bread and butter. And I was like, you know that this isn't real you can't put that on an actual public probably viewed vehicle well what about the truckers that would say how's my driving 1-800-EAT-SHIT well that they're on the highways that's where the grown-ups go here any 13 year old with a license can just be going for it now my question is does that make you more inclined to call them like are you like oh these guys are clearly like pretty chill i wouldn't mind having them in my house and not giving away my terrible secrets yeah i mean it makes me less likely to want to eat bread and butter with them uh in their defense it did have the letter i and shit was a asterisk so it could have been shot or oh yeah shadow or shot these are all wordle possibilities
Starting point is 01:18:12 um but uh yeah i mean really is that what's clogging drains isn't't it other stuff? I always like to think when I see ads like that, that an entire board of people sat around and like, they came to the conclusion, this, this was the best one. This is the one we're putting out into the universe. I don't know that it was a board. I think it was a man with a van. I don't know that they're going to the,
Starting point is 01:18:42 oh, we got to go to the pipe cleaning foundation and get there. Sign off on them. Yeah. And then go to Madison Avenue to get your, uh, uh, you guys, this is really outside of the box,
Starting point is 01:18:58 but, uh, what if we put the word shit on your, it's never been done before. Are you Maverick? Yeah. Um, I, uh, I uh i like a uh an independent business that's that's cute with their name uh like uh there's one uh years and years ago that i saw it was plant parenthood and it was uh like an arborist kind of service and i thought that was pretty good
Starting point is 01:19:25 um and there was one that i saw advertised in a hotel that was a workout uh gym it was called jimmy buff fit yes yeah and jimmy was spelt like with a y g y m m yeah i wonder if they got sued i wonder how protective jimmy is of his of his stuff i guess as long as you're not touching the margaritaville brand don't step on big margarita yeah yeah i mean don't stand on any margarita that's there that's wait isn't jurassic park isn't there a jimmy buffett restaurant in jurassic one of the jurassic parks or jurassic world maybe newer ones i yeah i want to say that there was when the dinosaurs were running amok in the food court.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I feel like you saw really quick that it was Margaritaville was being crunched. I think Jimmy Buffett also is in it. Prove me wrong, listeners. Prove me wrong. Graham, do you have an overheard? I do. I was standing in line at the grocery store
Starting point is 01:20:31 and they had just unboxed a bunch of stuff so there was like a surplus of boxes by the till and this one guy that was next to me said to the woman as if this was like a catchphrase or something. He was like, huh, it looks like a cat's been in here.
Starting point is 01:20:50 What the hell? What does that mean, do you think? Because there were so many boxes? Yeah. Cats love boxes. Were they sort of like strewn or was it all They were all piled up, but it didn't look like a cat did it.
Starting point is 01:21:07 It looked like a human being did it. Cats aren't really good at like piling things. Yeah, exactly. Or organization. Or opposable thumbs. It's very challenging. Yes. Raccoons, on the other hand, they are right there.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Some cats have thumbs, don't they? Not opposable ones, just, you know. Well, polydactyls. What is it? What makes them so opposable? Opposable if they bend so that they can grip onto things. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:35 I never think, I never, I never said to me. For the listeners right now, I'm watching both of them bend their thumbs in different ways. I just, the phrase always made me think of it like, oh, you got two thumbs and they're kind of like their opponent. You know, you can have a little thumb war
Starting point is 01:21:50 with these guys. But like I bend my thumb, I never think, hmm. Because when I'm opposed to something, I actually put my thumb down is what I do. Now we also have overheards sent into us from all over the map. If you want to send one in to us from all over the map. If you want to send one in to us, spy at
Starting point is 01:22:10 And the first one comes from Jen. She is in a maternity ward. And this is a boy asking his mom about a picture of a stork painted on the ground. He said, what's a stork? And his mom replied well it's an imaginary animal uh yeah storks really got saddled with that that whole baby business of everything and the vlasic pickles that's right which you know bumpy kind of a little bit stinky i get it like it. Like, there's some comparisons there.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Okay. Well, clearly, you have a stepchild. I do. I skipped the first three years. Yeah, the bumpy, stinky years. That's right. My baby looks like a damn pickle. Do you think there's anyone that looks at their baby and they just go, Oh boy,
Starting point is 01:23:05 you know, you got the wrong nose. Yeah. Ooh, not a match. Yeah. The board goes back. Uh,
Starting point is 01:23:14 this next one comes from Mitchell in Oregon, uh, two young women talking at the self checkout woman, one holding up a sparkly Gly gargoyle asks, what's the most we should pay for this? Woman two says, whatever it costs. We're Halloween queens. I have never felt more seen, quite frankly.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Oh, are you a big Halloweener? I love Halloween. I'm not a big decorative person, but I just love going through all this stuff. So I'm like, yes, Halloween queens. Well done. What did you go as last year? What did go as we did a theme costume so my uh I did uh the Laura Dern character from Jurassic Park and my my uh small person was a uh Indoraptor complete with
Starting point is 01:23:56 like the mask and like the full like claw suit and everything and that's right let me guess your husband was Jimmy Buffett he He was. How did you know? You knew from the margarita he carried around as we went from door to door. No, but now there is a small part of my life. I love watching kids trick or treat. And follow me up with this, Dave, if you think this is the same thing that happens with you. Is that I love watching how they just devolve. Because you're watching them start out and be like very polite with their little bag. And they're like trick or treat.
Starting point is 01:24:27 And they say thank you. And like 20 minutes in, they are just screaming and like moving in a swarm. And there's children like getting tossed off the porch because the door is open and they can't all fit. It's great. We live in a neighborhood with, we're like on the edge of a very busy neighborhood. So we get a lot of people start off their night on our street. Right. You move a couple blocks in and there's no, it's like chaos.
Starting point is 01:24:54 People like don't even close their doors because it's too frequent. The kids are arriving nonstop. Yeah. It's something you don't get in apartment buildings. You've noticed i feel like in movies uh there would be like a place in new york and kids would go from apartment to apartment but uh that's because that's the only option there yes yeah that is correct new york which um we also know it's home of the Sopranos. Um,
Starting point is 01:25:32 this last one comes from Brendan in London, England. Mom walking down the street with two kids around five or six years old, six year old mom. Can we have ukulele time tonight? And the mom's smiling, said, Hmm,
Starting point is 01:25:43 as long as you're good. And then both of the kids say yay wow dave you have a ukulele do you do a ukulele time uh only my kids have been bad you make the you sing that uh the sad version of somewhere over the rainbow oh man i don't think anybody's got more uh play out of a cover than that guy that hawaiian guy yeah that hawaiian guy um unless maybe you look at limp biscuit and their cover of faith that was pretty big i think i heard a story about that hawaiian he's passed away now yes he's not with us anymore but he like recorded that at 3
Starting point is 01:26:30 he called up a recording studio at 3 in the morning to record it and they were like sure yeah we'll just give you a key and you go in and produce it for yourself but it was just like well it's not like you had a whole band it was you have done this it took you one like and he did it in one take well why
Starting point is 01:26:51 couldn't you have done it like at noon because that wasn't his golden sad time yeah like three in the morning deep thoughts i've got to play somewhere over the rainbow i need to find a business that's open at all and also this this, this recording studio is just like, oh boy, we're open 24. Why are we open 24 hours? No one's here. Um,
Starting point is 01:27:15 yeah, that's, uh, uh, if you, you know what, if anybody out there can think of a more, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:23 uh, impactful cover than, the Hawaiianaiian over the rainbow song let us know sure i i listened to jimmy hendrix's uh all along the watchtower during my whole vietnam tour that really has become vietnam i don't know i'm waiting for placebos running up that hill to come back around. We've already had the Kate Bush thing. Now we got to get the placebo to come back through. Get back on that 90s soundtrack train.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Was placebo, were they like a metal band? No, emo, proto-emo. They're proto-emo, Graham. They're not really emo, but they're kind of proto-emo. Your listeners will be on board with me, I'm sure. My dermatologist said that I've got proto-emo and i need to take several creams for you you bought all the creams for placebos okay phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631 that's one
Starting point is 01:28:20 one i had to do it to them like these people had hi dave and graham impossible guest it's ellie in toronto with um not really an overheard more like a guy on the subway talking at me he was from north bay and hadn't been in toronto for 15 years and he was freaking out about how different the subways were now how it was like one long car that you could look down like a hallway and then he said and that automated lady voice who tells you what the next stop is she's so provocative love you guys bye i liked how uh she introduced herself on the call as being like it's so-and-so from Toronto. You know, I check in every week.
Starting point is 01:29:09 It's so-and-so from Toronto. The trains were different now? Yeah, they're not in separate. Now it's all one big long thing. She's right. It's one big long thing as opposed to like separate cars. So they can air condition the whole thing instead of just the first and the last card. And everybody else there can just, you know, fend for themselves.
Starting point is 01:29:30 How weird. Good for them. Congratulations, TTC. I do love the idea that like someone's been living far away so long that they're like, oh, that woman's voice. I always think that woman's voice is weird. She has an accent that doesn't pronounce the streets the way we pronounce them. So it's like Spadina, Spadina Station. It's like it's Spadina.
Starting point is 01:29:54 It's vagina. That's actually what Keanu Reeves was supposed to be named was Chuck Spadina. No one wanted him to go out into the world as Keanu Reeves. He was supposed to be Chuck Spadina. Was he really him to go out into the world as Keanu Reeves. He was supposed to be Chuck Spadina. Was he really? Really. What do you mean supposed to? When his first agent took him on,
Starting point is 01:30:10 they were like, we're changing your name and we like Chuck Spadina. Oh, his real name is Keanu Reeves. His actual name is Keanu Reeves, yes. And they were going to send him out into the world as Chuck Spadina. Chuck Spadina. There you go.
Starting point is 01:30:22 Go for Chuck. Here's your next phone call. Hey, Dave Graham and possible guests. Chris in Ohio calling in with an overseen. She's driving home from work. And I saw a sign out in front of a church I drive by every day. I was trying to read what it said on the sign. And then as I got a little closer, I realized it said, ouch. I thought,
Starting point is 01:30:48 that's a weird, not inspirational church sign. Anyway, I couldn't figure out initially why it said that. It was because someone had veered off and crashed into it with their car. It was a little bit mangled, but they had stood it up just so they could give a response to that driver's note. Anyway, have a great day, guys. Yeah, you too. Have a great
Starting point is 01:31:12 day. Hey, everyone out there, by the way. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it would suck if you just put all the letters in and then a car crashed into it. You'd be pretty pissed. You just replaced King George with Queen Elizabeth. Yeah yeah you just have funny phrase you know how people do funny phrases on those signs the church ones well maybe not church ones but like the old whatever it's like god save
Starting point is 01:31:36 devil delivers or some shit like that oh sure yeah jesus saves butretzky puts it in on the rebound. Yeah, it's pretty good. All right, final phone call. Let's do it. Hello, Dave, Graham, and hilarious guests. This is Danielle calling from Ohio with an overheard. Ohio again. Target in the toy section, And in the Lego aisle, there was a family and an older teenage boy said to the family,
Starting point is 01:32:09 Oh, this is the Lego set that TikTok has a problem with. And I didn't see what it was, though. Sorry, I leave you hanging. Yeah, this is a band from TikTok. Are you allowed to do whatever you want on tiktok like on twitter like you can have porno-y things or is tiktok like a clean platform it's i think it's similarly
Starting point is 01:32:33 regulated to instagram it's not as bad as instagram but i think it's regulated what you're thinking of is only fans only fans there you go holy fans yes yes. It's a great site for your porno and also up-to-the-minute news coverage. You can be an only fan for porn or for news. Because, right, they tried to make a switch, didn't they? Where it was like not... Oh, only fans, yeah. They tried to be only fans.
Starting point is 01:33:00 They tried to say no more pornos. Yeah. And everyone was like, no, no and everyone was like no well that went yeah i'm afraid to say no more pornos for anybody i genuinely want to know what lego this was now though i'm sorry uh i'm sorry your fabulous listener didn't get a chance to it was probably some kind of incel Lego. Lego put out like a... It was holding up the state. I get it. Yeah, it was a Guy Fawkes mask or something.
Starting point is 01:33:32 It was the new Jordan Peterson Lego set. Just him eating an all-meat diet. He's crying. Well, that brings us to the end of this here episode Becky tell tell us again where that people can hear the urine film podcast and and the like all right a urine film podcast is wherever you get your podcast you can also hear Graham
Starting point is 01:33:59 and Dave on that it seems like you guys like to listen to them and they are excellent and super fun and funny on this podcast our most recent episode actually features jay baruchel talking about canadian film and uh there is a man who loves canadian film and it's really uh great to have him on um and also if you want a good part of your day it makes my day better i post pictures of my dog on at ginger ruffers at instagram um and uh she makes my day better and maybe she'll make your day better too because she's really cute.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Aw. That's a nice note to close on. Well, thank you so much for being our guest. Thank you for having me. Of course. And thank you all you listeners out there. I encourage you to look at a cute dog a day
Starting point is 01:34:42 for the rest of your life. No matter how long or short that may be. You need to get allergies. You don't have to worry about it. It's at a cute dog a day for the rest of your life. No matter how long or short that may be. Yeah, you need to get allergies. You don't have to worry about it. It's just a cute dog. Yeah, just a cute dog. And take care of yourself and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Artist owned. Audience supported.

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