Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 790 - Kelli Ogmundson

Episode Date: May 9, 2023

Actress Kelli Ogmundson returns to talk American pronunciations, sports fever, and saxophone music....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 790 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark. And with me as always is a man who, I just like him so much, Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, I get that a lot. A lot of people are talking about liking me. And, you know, I ask them, do you like me like me?
Starting point is 00:00:44 And they're like, I don't know i think i might go over there and i'll go over there and tell them that uh that they like you yeah they get someone to come over and tell me they like me like me and i i send someone back over and i say tell them to pray on it i don't know what it means but it sounds mean though it sounds mean yeah it's it's definitely not like uh you know i'm not beckoning them into my arms pray on it i think i i say pray on it i tell i get someone else to go over i have two i send two messengers one says go pray on it the other one says you need to work on yourself yeah ouch ouch um our today, a returning guest to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:27 She is in not one, but two television shows, Family Law and Pet Animal Control. Animal Control. And she's an all around fantastic actor. Very, very funny. Glad to have her back on the podcast. It's Kelly Augmanson. Hi. Thanks for having me back.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Hi, Kelly. Hi, Kelly. Did I eventually get the right names of those shows? glad to have her back on the podcast it's kelly augmanson hi thanks for having me back hi kelly hi kelly did i eventually get the right names of those shows you did you put the word pet in the middle of them i know i was like yes me kelly from pet cemetery the tv series it's a comedy yeah every week a new pile of pets are put into a mass grave and then they come back and they're different yeah this time it's kind of goofy yeah they're sillier than when they got put in yeah have you seen the movie pet cemetery yes yes i haven't i never saw there was a remake right was there yeah i hear it's terrifying oh i mean there was the the like the one that came out like late 80s that's what i'm with the ramones me too where the guy's like don't go down that
Starting point is 00:02:32 road yeah i'm hermit munster over here um and they spent pat savagery with an s yeah yeah that's right does that play into it at all i don't remember why it was spelled that way. Do you know, Kelly? No, I assumed it's because it looked spookier. It does look spookier. When something's misspelled, especially if there's a letter backwards. Yeah. Spooky. You're like, oh boy. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Can I pitch something very scary? Okay. Shrek Cemetery. Shit. Now, is this a cemetery that has buried shrek or shrek runs the cemetery but i mean there's no there's it's nothing but shreks it's nothing but shreks and it's like on a swamp it's uh i mean i guess yeah no he loves the swamp yeah yeah but doesn't he want to be unhappy that's true that's true he's kind of like Oscar the Grouch.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah. He thinks bad is good and good is bad. Does anyone remember any of the gross Shrek things he did at the beginning of the first movie? Picked his nose, didn't he? Oh, yeah. With like a stick. Big old stick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And he's flatulent. Yeah, and he pulled something gross out of his ears. Ears? Yeah. And I feel like he brushed his teeth with a slug. Yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah. I remember onions, but I think that comes later as a metaphor.
Starting point is 00:04:01 But I feel like he ate a lot of onions. No, it's a metaphor for what he is because he's got layers. And he also stinks. That's the thing that doesn't come up throughout the movie. Everybody he meets doesn't go, ooh, he stinks. But we're just supposed to remember it from the beginning of the movie. Boy, back then, did anyone smell good? Back then?
Starting point is 00:04:28 In the Shrek times? Well, there were people who thought that, like, Game of Thrones took place at a point in history. I'm from the view that Shrek took place. Should we get to know us, you guys? Yeah, let's do it. Get to know us you guys yeah let's do it kelly congratulations on all your fantastic success this is very exciting to have you back here on the podcast oh thank you it's been it's been it's been very nice and i'm very grateful and yeah if you had to win like if you got to win an award who would be the must the must you got to say your agent your parents yeah does god get in there shrek does shrek get
Starting point is 00:05:12 in there uh agent parents family friends and director director writer, boy. I've never won an award. Well, see, and this is exactly why we're doing this, because that's what you would do on the mic. You'd be like, I never won awards. You'd be slick by the time you get up there. That's true. That's true. And, like, real professional, list all the names.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Then you've got to have, like, a little bit. Like, you've got to do something cute. Yeah, you do have to. Or very, very sincere. sincere like it's either or yeah yeah were there any good ones at the oscar this year uh wasn't this year but like many many years ago merritt weaver won an emmy i think and she just went up and went thank you so much i have to go and i was like that's it that's perfect i'm on a pretty close you know sharp deadline here that i really yeah just like michael was it uh it was joe pesci at the oscars once just said it's a
Starting point is 00:06:16 privilege and walk off oh no yeah cool very cool joe pesci is pretty cool i would read if he ever came out with an autobiography, I would race to the store to buy it. Because I feel like he's had some weird off-camera life stuff. I think he was involved with the Fort, not the Fort Tops. What is Jersey Boys about? Oh, the Jersey Boys? Like Frankie Valli? Yeah, Frankie Valli.
Starting point is 00:06:44 And what was his, is it the Four Tops? Frankie Valley and the Four Tops? It was the Wet Bandits. That's right. Anyways, he was somehow involved with that early on. Yeah. I love Joe Pesci. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:01 A little while ago, I was working on a children's tv show i think the last time i was on the show i was talking a little bit about it and uh and my character was a joe pesci type which i really appreciated i got to live a little what did you was this live or was this uh yeah it was live it was called phantom pops it's like a children's netflix show i'm the villain on it you're the villain yeah ah shit that's amazing yeah yeah um is it better better to play the villain than the hero oh absolutely hero's boring right yeah you gotta you have too many responsibilities i like having no responsibilities yeah evil people yeah they slough off their chores and say yeah bad guys are so irresponsible but darth vader is just like it's so chill
Starting point is 00:07:52 it's like come on you have responsibilities you have twins somebody pointed that out to me that was very funny in the first star wars where they reveal princess leia's his uh sister she's she's the only other woman in the movie like when they say you have a sister it's like oh it must be the one woman character yeah um boy we don't know if r2d2 what r2d2 has that's true what he has yeah yeah or she or they or she yeah uh kelly yeah you grew up watching these sci-fi star wars things or do you hate the sci-fi or where do you land on the whole thing i watched them but it's been a little while i do remember uh i did like a c-3po r2d2 kind of I did like a C-3PO R2-D2 kind of duo in the scope of like cute little duos in this world. Oh, okay. You think they're like a cute duo.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah. You know, they're like a vaudeville team. Yeah, that's true. They got their little jokes. I like the way that R2-D2 does his like scream. Woo! That one? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Woo! That one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah, yeah. That's pretty good. If I was to be a Star Wars character, I think I would be. R2-D2? That little screaming guy. Yeah. What about you, Dave? What's your Star Wars character?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Take this quiz to find out. I'm for sure C-3PO. Yeah. He's uptight. He's got a funny walk like you have a funny walk. Yeah. He's very, he, like, gets flustered when people aren't following the rules. And Graham? Chewbacca.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I'm a Chewbacca. Oh, yeah, yeah. Hell yeah. You have the same vocabulary as well. Yeah. It's through the computer. It's interpreted into English, but over here I'm just making the noises. Grateful for technology.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, yeah, exactly. I was just doing Lobaka's podcast all the time. Oh, yeah? Yeah. What planet was that on again? Worf. The planet Worf. I forget the name of Chewbacca's's planet it's like didgeridoo or something the planet kashyyyk that's a kashyyyk with three y's where are the y's like in a row yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:10:22 cool that is pretty cool listen kelly with an eye you don't know yet how dare i now kelly have you been on the podcast since you were in kinky boots at the stanley theater uh no did you because i went and saw you one night it was fantastic you were so good in it the night i was there there was somebody in the crowd that was so wasted that they started talking to the main character during the show. And the main character, we all know the main character's name is Kinky. James Kinky. It's John Wilkes Booth. Kinky Booth?
Starting point is 00:11:04 This must have been the only time it happened during the whole run or no no it happened a couple times i think people thought that they were coming to a drag show um but they weren't uh they were seeing theater uh yeah there was a couple were you at the night where the woman just kept going like uh no she she was just talking to the lead during a very emotional pivotal scene she started just talking at at him talking encouragement or just like i'm bored no she was like he like sang the song that is like very, yeah, it's like a beautiful song. I don't think it's Not My Father's Son, but it's the other one. Hold Me In Your Arms. Heart.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Hold Me In Your Heart. And he ended it. And then this like, yeah, person in the audience was just like, that was fucking amazing. And then this like, yeah, person in the audience was just like, that was fucking amazing. And like, yeah, the audience was so like everybody else in the audience was like, what is happening? Oh, I was mortified. I was like, because I clocked them outside. They were wandering around on the sidewalk, very drunk, hard to walk in a straight line. I was like, oh, please don't be in here.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Please don't be in here. And they walked in. Well, I think maybe they fall asleep. Maybe they drank so much. They're just kind of drowsy. Incorrect. Have you ever been in anything else where you've been heckled? Because it's not quite a heckle, but it's kind of like a heckle.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Somebody trying to interact with the show, which I kind of consider. I think that's the only time. But there was like many times during that one show like that, like over the run of Kinky Boots. There was one day where like at the end of Act One, you know, the first Kinky Boot, you know, shown. Everybody's like, oh oh look at it and some of the audience just like what i want to have that shoe or something well that's fine because we all want to have that i like a pair of those we don't know yet if there's a pair we've just seen the first one but we like everybody on stage was trying to hold it together
Starting point is 00:13:26 we immediately had to start singing about the shoe one two back to the shoe um yeah it's uh it's strange that it doesn't happen more often because i feel like everybody's supposed to accept the rule is like don't shout anything out and people follow the rule pretty religiously that that was the rule for stand-up comedy always at some point right and now i don't go to shows at all anymore but i feel like from what social media shows me it's all comedians talking to individuals in the audience oh yeah a lot of videos that are like comedian destroys heckler yeah with one joke and sometimes it's not even that it's the person on stage is is baiting the person in the audience and yeah yeah like they're
Starting point is 00:14:18 saying like well what do you do and the person's just like not what do you do i mind my own business is what i do is it is it just a social media thing graham or is it happening more i think it's just a social media thing but i think a lot more people are doing crowd work than ever before which uh most like most people are bad at it so i don't know why people have chosen that road, but, uh, I guess it's refreshable, right? Like you don't have to have new material to post all the time.
Starting point is 00:14:51 You can just post, uh, you talking to a guy. Like I'm on Instagram 23 hours a day. And I, it's so funny. Like people are just like churning out content. Like I see comedians posting things that didn't get a laugh and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:15:05 you didn't have to post like your job is not, your job is not to like fill time on social media. Yeah, I know, but it's become, it's become the job. Um, do you have to social media as an actor or is that,
Starting point is 00:15:20 are you fine just doing your own social media? Like just fun stuff. Yeah, I'm, I? Yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying to be better at promoting myself, but it's just, it feels weird every single time. Yeah. Well, let's pull up your social media here and let's have a look. Okay, yeah. I think that's sort of probably, I mean, you want to get something out of this show, don't you?
Starting point is 00:15:46 I'm trying I put one image up from animal control I put up the deadline article announcing I was doing that show which was cool that's very cool do you have that framed on the wall somewhere no but maybe I will
Starting point is 00:15:59 maybe I will alright I encourage it I came up with the idea i like it a lot thanks yeah it's looking good i'm up there yeah you probably made a post on march 6th and march 9th little close together i know but i had i don't know i was gonna like try and continuously do more but then i like had nothing else that i really wanted to post after that you had two posts in 2022 i love it that's you and like i thought i was bad at it but i'm like okay well
Starting point is 00:16:33 no this is the gold standard i truly am really really really bad at it because anytime i go to post i'm like oh what is what why what am i doing here 100 who needs to see this who needs to see this and then like i do post i love a story because i like little funny pictures or whatever um and that just is like whatever but yeah yeah a post is permanent baby i mean you could delete it but no it's permanent but then people will be like oh i noticed you deleted that yeah i mean i i went through and i deleted some things yeah we all did i've never deleted anything i've never posted anything interesting enough to delete it but uh you know where i'm like oh this could be controversial it wasn't controversial it was just like yeah i don't want pictures of me with like ex-partners yes yeah yeah see that's my trick is i very rarely post pictures of myself ever with like one every hundred or so yeah yeah it's
Starting point is 00:17:34 good like that's what stories are for you're like well you're my partner but you're not going in the permanent you're not going in the permanent uh whatever you're in the stories for now yeah that's right before stories i posted a lot more and i'm now i'm looking at my own social media and uh and there's like yeah there's just like a picture of kathy and uh like kathy the cartoon character yeah and air bud in all of his, like, he's wearing his basketball shoes. Yeah, I see. That's a very, very cute photo. Years later, I'd work for Air Bud Entertainment.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Well, now, you just buried the lead there. Holy cow. Was this in Pet Sematary? This was Phantom Pups. Sematary Buddies? However, Phantom Pups is kind of like a pet cemetery vibe to the name oh phantom pups is a is an air bud is it animated no i mean sometimes the uh the phantom pups are animated but the phantom pups are dead dogs no so they're not ghost pups they're phantom pups so okay they i think they had to be very
Starting point is 00:18:48 specific one episode where they the the the pups are like no we're not dead we our spirits just left our bodies so where are your bodies right now how does that mean you're not dead just keep grilling the dogs hold on a second hold on now but where are your bodies we're in comas we're we're on life support like where there was like a a realm a magical realm we like uh stumbled into when the puppies were like back in their bodies and uh there's a unicorn oh this is great this show sounds great they were packing their bodies for a few minutes yeah i think there was like uh there was a rule like they had to be real dogs for like at least 50 of the show or something when they're at pups and now
Starting point is 00:19:39 pardon me i feel so bad i haven't watched this. It's okay. When they're pups, do they have feet? Or are they floating? When they're phantoms. Yeah, that's right. When they're phantoms. Pardon me. I think they have their front paws, and then the back is like a Casper-style tail.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Oh, that's good. A little ghost tail. Yeah. And what were you in this production? The villain. Joe Pesci? Yeah, Joe Pesci. But you were the villain but what was the villain what what was your station were you a dog catcher or were you a mystic or uh me and my twin
Starting point is 00:20:13 brother were ghost hunters like we we wanted to get a ghost so that we could win a million dollars like and you what did you always say darn it no ghost again only phantoms i said the word ghost on that show so many times that i like am convinced that i pronounced it weird or wrong at some points well no it sounded good wait say ghost again ghosts yeah ghost sounds good it's not ghosts that's how i pronounce it that's a a real, is there an American pronunciation? Because there's that one where you can be two ghosts. Yeah, I think I might have sounded real Canadian.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Ghost. Ghost, eh? Oh, I just saw a ghost, eh? We got to get our ghosts. Oh, look out. Look out. Ghost. Ghost.
Starting point is 00:21:02 The ghost of the dog. Yeah, because in America, they're like guest it's sorry it's just gals and we're being hired to buy some gas my dad's got a gas this is how i learned my american accent Sorry about it. Do you, do you have to like constantly monitor that being in a show? I think animal control doesn't happen in, or doesn't take place in Canada or doesn't. No,
Starting point is 00:21:34 it takes place in Seattle. Which is the Canada of the South. Which is the Canada of America. Yeah. I'm always monitoring it. I'm a big, like, I i mean i say sorry all the time yeah i i i do think about it a lot the one that i always mess up is about i like say about like i i sound canadian on my abouts about so i try that i find it americans accuse us of saying a boot, but I find the Canadianism is more a boat.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It's a boat. Yeah. Yeah. And also, but then you get out east and then all of the rules change. Once you get into like Halifax and you're like, oh, now every word is pronounced in some different accent. Like car, car. Car. I'm getting the car.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I always love car. Sometimes I'll accidentally say it that way and i'll really catch myself like huh oh should i be a sailor of some sort a complete rebrand but i love it for you yeah thank you yes let's face it it's not a complete. No, no, I just, I got to get a peacoat and, uh, maybe some rubber boots, I guess. And then just go out to sea and get lost and eventually die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Accidentally get some lobster in your mouth and, uh, and have an allergic reaction. Not the, like, not a boating accident. Just one piece of lobster. The perfect storm oh come from away are you come away bye they say bye all the time yeah they do say bye
Starting point is 00:23:16 um oh if you live on the east coast we're just finding you yeah yeah yeah eyes the body that builds the boat there you go see. See, we're reaching out to you. Yeah, there you go. Did you, have you read that Kate Beaton book, Ducks? I have. Have you, Kelly? I haven't. I want to. It's about...
Starting point is 00:23:38 Fort McMurray. Fort McMurray, yeah. Yeah, but there's a lot of like East Coasters who go out to pay off their debts. It's really about how horrible capitalism is because you have to leave your home to pay off your debts and then get sexually harassed. It's not a feel-good story, but you do get to read a lot of East Coast accents. But yeah, it's also um
Starting point is 00:24:06 i've been there did a show there and uh everybody that has no end of money so drinks are on them the whole night and they just keep feeding you drinks until you're like well i'm gonna puke i'm gonna puke up beer just straight beer is all i and i warned them and they don't they didn't seem to care but anything they were trying to encourage it if it goes out then you can put more in it's like when and you know they were tickling me and i warned them i was gonna pee my pants and they just kept tickling me they didn't care that is true when you're tickling somebody and they get to that point where they're like, I'm going to pee my pants. You're like,
Starting point is 00:24:46 let's push this all the way. I've got extra pants. Kelly, you ticklish. Yeah. I think. Don't, you don't have to answer that.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Already, already answered. I've definitely come to like a point where I'm like, I will pee my pants. And then it's like, there we are, two adults. Having a tickle party. And it's like, what are we going to do here? Do you really want to push this? Yeah, I think it'd be fun for a second and then minutes later yeah still be awful very
Starting point is 00:25:26 hard to stop peeing your pants once you've started it is hard yeah and the thing is i don't consider myself ticklish but sometimes somebody will get in the right yeah in a zone that i didn't know it was ticklish and then holy shit then i lose my mind i'm, why did I ever do this to another person? Yeah. I have kids, and it is, I remember being a kid and being so ticklish and being like, having that feeling of like, stop, but don't stop. Don't stop. This is, I'm having a blast. It's nice to laugh. And I recognize it in my own children.
Starting point is 00:26:09 That's sweet. Do you ever do the like the raspberry on the tummy they're probably too old for that now but i can't do it but i got a beard oh you can't get the uh get the right uh you know i need my cheeks to flap can't get my cheeks to flap yeah oh i didn't even think about that all right well i guess it's uh should i ever get to that point with some kid that i maybe a neighborhood kid or something a neighborhood kid yeah yeah yeah you guys i'm like a family member that's a nephew or whatever that i'm like, can I I've never had the opportunity to try it. I got a nephew now so there may be an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:26:51 That's so weird. I don't know if I don't think uncles can do that. I don't think there's an uncle-nephew relationship that that's maybe an aunt can do it. Yeah. Why can an aunt do it and an uncle can't i do it an uncle uncles are weird
Starting point is 00:27:06 and i'll give you that i'll give you that um uh so kelly are you you in between here in the states are you in town or what what is the what is the life of a working actor? Right now I'm here, and I'm trying to get a visa to see if I can go down to the States. That's kind of where I'm at right now, promoting myself, clearly. Doing a very good job of it. Do they shoot animal control here? They shoot it here, yeah. We shot it from October to the end of january spooky yeah and lots of uh days that were had to be canceled because of snow um yes
Starting point is 00:27:55 it was very snowy this year um yeah no we film it all in town town. It's sweet when you watch it, you can be like, wait a second, that's just Main Street. That's not Main Street, Seattle. That's Main Street here. Yeah. It is. I still get a thrill when I'm watching a show and I'm like, oh, they went into the pawn shop on Main Street. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I love that. Or you're like, wait a second. It's local actor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ryan Beal. wait a second it's local actor yeah yeah yeah ryan beale i was i was saying last week that i watched the 90s movie fear uh with mark walberg and reese witherspoon have you seen this no okay well it's great uh part of it the famous scene is at the roller coaster yes i won't go into details that scene yeah that's really all you need to know the movie's
Starting point is 00:28:46 built around that scene and i recognized her high school and there was a third thing i couldn't remember and it was uh i remember now it was when they went to the mall in the movie and uh the local mall that they went to in that movie was city square city square Which is not a mall at all. It's like, it's 12th and Camby, and it's mostly full of like physiotherapists. I used to go to the gym there. Yeah, there's a gym. There's a food court, though. Oh, they got the hot yoga there, too.
Starting point is 00:29:19 They got a hot yoga. Or do they? No, they did. It's mostly, yeah, it's very mezzanine heavy it's got many mezzanines good looking building and it's a it has a shop that's like tactical stuff like uh belts for your knives and knives oh really such yeah and like batons things things that are uh you know what did you say like somebody reads Soldier of Fortune or something like that. Kind of a Dwight Schrute kind of aesthetic.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, it's hard to get, like, it's hard to do your, you can't tell your kids, hey, let's go hang out at the mall. You would tell your kids that. But like, back to school shopping, we're going to get you all your tactical gear. And like, I have to pick something up at the post office yeah yeah we're gonna get you a vest a knife-proof vest a kevlar vest yeah and uh do some hot yoga on the way yeah do so yeah exactly go uh ruin your tactical pants by sweating too much shelly before the show started, you told us something. Maybe this was not for public consumption. I mean, I don't see it on your Instagram stories.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You said you got very dizzy in yoga today. Yeah, I did. I got dizzy in yoga today. What were you doing? How long was the yoga? I did half the yoga, which is like the slowest, easiest yoga you can do, and yet I got dizzy during it i think
Starting point is 00:30:47 we were just like lying on our backs for a while and the second that we had to go downward dog i was like uh-oh i go downward dog uh sorry sorry no that was excellent you sounded just like an american there that was perfect sorry I'm sorry. Yeah, I just started going to a new exercise place. It's got a little bit of everything. But I was sick for two weeks recently.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Two whole weeks in bed. Tested negative for COVID like 12 times. So I don't know what she was. But this was like my first class back after being pretty sick so i think my body was just like not ready to stretch yeah are you better you feel better now or yeah yeah the like everything until like i kind of start moving too much and i'm like a little tired all the time oh this sucks yeah this it does suck it does yeah were you like in your two weeks in bed
Starting point is 00:31:48 yeah was it just like terrible or were you able to like well i'm well enough to like watch a movie it was like yeah it was pretty terrible like certain days were worse than others and i don't know why one of my symptoms was just like anger oh wow oh did you take that hulk uh potion yeah wait a minute were you were there gamma rays i had hulkitis and i was just uh yeah i was i think i was just really angry that i was sick the whole time because i remember when i was a kid it was like uh being sick was the best because you oh yeah would like get the day off yeah get the day off lie in bed you know people take care of you you get to watch tv yeah eat pops but as an adult i was like i i
Starting point is 00:32:39 just would go to work like if i was if i was too sick to go to work then i i just couldn't function but if i was a little bit sick i would just go to work now in the post-covid world yeah we stay home i stay home and just work from home yeah i i like i i'm i'm alone so i like taking care of myself during the sickness also made me feel really angry. And just like here I am trying to like cook up a soup and like furious about it. Well, should you get sick again? I'll bring you some. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I did get offers, but I am very bad at accepting them. And I was just like, no, I'm fine. But I'm like, I want that soup desperately so desperately i can't let them know i don't know what's wrong with me uh yeah yeah that but i i mean i did i watched a lot of tv i watched uh a show called the traitors do you know the traitors spell it um t-r-a-i-t-o-r-s okay it's like a it's a reality game show thing hosted by alan cumming and he is doing a lot like he's uh very dramatic on it and it's just like it's just uh like a tv show version of like the game mafia or werewolf or like murder oh okay but it's like they're trying to figure
Starting point is 00:34:15 out is it is it british or north american i think they have a british version i was watching the the americanized version okay and it was 50 reality tv stars 50 normal people so what who give me an example of a reality tv star like snooki are we talking or look are we talking snooki that's the new podcast i put out i wish snooki was on this she would have been amazing um they had an old bachelor ari it had uh sari from survivor um and brandy glanville from real housewives of beverly hill wow you could you could literally just say all of their names in a row and i wouldn't be able to recognize the last one you recognize brandy glanville i recognize the name but yeah i immediately in my head called him smilefeld and i was like no that's not right but what is gladville what's his real name brandy glanville what uh and did you like the show yeah i got really into it um i watched it i think all in a
Starting point is 00:35:28 day just one of those days i didn't move from the from the couch that's good it just it got very dramatic because people were voting out people being like we know you're a traitor and they're like crying and being like i'm not and they're like but you were suspicious when you did this and they're like how dare you i told you the story of my like child like they just like holding things against each other and then they'd get voted off and they weren't traitors and every time they'd be like oh no oh i betrayed snooki yeah Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. Snooki. We talked.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Boy, I feel like we glossed over soup too quickly. What are your top five favorite soups? Top five? Okay, ten. Oh, you like soup? Do you name five soups? I don't know that many soups. I can tell you my number one soup. Yeah, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's French onion. Really? An unconventional choice. That's not something you make at home is it uh no but uh actually very sweet story uh one of the days when the rage was pretty bad and this was bad uh my mom brought me over some soup because i was like i just want delicious french onion soup but I don't want dairy or bread because it doesn't help with getting better like I was just like I only want to put things in my body right now that will make me feel better which is not how I treat my body by the way any other time except for when I'm sick uh but my mom brought me over just onion soup and i love it was so healing oh that's great so i'll take just a plain onion soup because i am shrek you're shrek you love it just a straight onion yum yeah
Starting point is 00:37:15 yeah that's good that's a good one that's one, French onion. You get it from like a pub or whatever. Yeah. Like a dark restaurant. I feel like it has to be a dark restaurant. Yeah. It's got like leather padded walls and that kind of thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Some sort of smoked cocktail. Yes. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. It's very peaty, they would say. Taste it. It's very peaty. Oh, yeah. Okay. I'll taste that. We they would say. Taste it. It's very peaty. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Okay, I'll taste that. Are we all going to take sips of this peaty cocktail? What's your favorite soup? Mmm, boy. Favorite soup. It's got to be like ramen, I think. Oh, ramen. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah. Mine's mushroom. If anyone's wondering, mine is mushroom. I was waiting for your good. Yeah. Mine's mushroom. If anyone's wondering, mine is mushroom. I was waiting for your answer. Yeah. Not necessarily even, it doesn't have to be cream of mushroom. Just mushroom soup is, I'm for it, all the way down. If you're ever at Burgoo, they make a fantastic sandwich and soup combo that has a very, very comforting food.
Starting point is 00:38:26 They should just close that place from May until September. I don't want any like, you know, casseroles and soups. And they should do away with the tables and chairs and just have one giant bed that everybody gets.
Starting point is 00:38:42 It's the bucket family. Everybody looks like uh that that like sleepy time bear yeah yeah yeah they've come over and put a nightcap on your head if it's your birthday and then everybody's like that's like the most iconic character from tea what about the tently tea dudes who remember those they were like they were like snap crackle and pop but tently tea they were like three guys basically modeled on snap crackle pop and uh that's all that's all i would say okay here are the top five most iconic people from tea characters the mad hatter is that right yeah he loves tea um uh tom petty as the mad hatter
Starting point is 00:39:29 yeah he loves tea too but uh maybe with a little you know thc in there or something like that um the uh uh sylvester stallone from the lipton brisk tea commercials. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. From the claymation style. Whoa, that's brisk, he says. And then someone is number two, and then you got to go with the bear. You got to go with the bear. Yeah, bear is... But you guys have never heard of these Teletee boys?
Starting point is 00:40:00 No. Maybe they're just a British thing. Maybe they're just a British creation. Graham, I need to remind you you're not british well i went there once and uh i picked up a few things oh i remember them yeah see oh they look like they are you they're like scientists aren't they oh they might be scientists yeah i'm not seeing floppy hats was that hair they kind of remind me of the keebler elves yeah yes yeah oh don't worry you can buy little figurines of them from etsy don't worry okay it's a load off my shoulders now i'm sure our tea drinking listenership
Starting point is 00:40:42 is gonna come come after us. Well, remember, I think the first time I was on here, I talked a lot about how I used to work for David's Tea for a while. Oh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Did people get really mad about that? Yeah, they were like, yeah, I don't know. I don't know what bit I'm trying to do here.
Starting point is 00:41:04 It shows on your face I gave up so soon I don't know that seems like something you would say for retail nightmares that's not really an arc
Starting point is 00:41:14 oh yeah maybe that's what I talked about on that yeah we don't care about your retail job well well
Starting point is 00:41:23 oh Kelly walked away yeah she's done even though her agent was like no no stay tmz is coming up next tmz i gotta get on tmz um dave what's going on with you man oh do you remember last week when I watched six movies and I wasn't even sick yeah that's right you managed to squeeze in six movies I watched six movies in a week all porno
Starting point is 00:41:54 I don't know how I did it because I did nothing this week I have no I could not compute how I managed to do six in a week when this week I was like what how I managed to do six in a week. When this week I was like, what's Graham going to ask me about? What am I going to say when Graham comes to me?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Here's what's going on with me. Nothing. Do you remember a few weeks ago, I think it was with Nathan, one of the Nathan guests. We were talking about how someone wanted to be on our, we, we get these like stock, um, uh, requests, requests to like,
Starting point is 00:42:30 I should be a guest on your show. And this person wrote us and said, my name is so-and-so. I was wondering if you're looking for a podcast guest at the moment for the last 11 years, I've been involved with waste management. Um, here are a couple of ideas for podcast tips.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Oh, yeah. I can ensure that your listeners will be scrambling to take notes. Here are a couple of ideas for podcast topics. What's the biggest size dumpster you can rent? What is waste management and its process? How much does it cost to rent a dumpster? These are all good questions. We were making fun of that.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Why haven't we had this person on? Well, they did write back and they said, hi, hope all is well. Just a quick note, follow up from my previous email in case it slipped through the cracks. And then a few days later, hi, it's me again. I had reached out a couple
Starting point is 00:43:20 of times regarding potentially doing a guest spot on the show. Just make sure it didn't slip through the cracks. And then they wrote back again and said hi, I'm sure you're busy, but if you could respond to my email below, I could cross this off my list. So they're doing the rounds of
Starting point is 00:43:37 dumpster talk. And Entertainment Tonight is interested in doing a segment. I was prepared to ignore this person forever but graham on the other hand actually wrote back oh i was like look uh thanks but uh we're like oh so this uh on goes yeah i thought you were just crossing this off your list yeah yeah why was it something about my pitch of being a garbage expert? That I sent to 500 podcasts?
Starting point is 00:44:27 Although I will admit that I am actually very interested in dumpster garbage. Yeah. Is that a bonus episode we could do? Oh, yeah. We could finally get that one. How big is the biggest dumpster you can rent? And also, is that conversation five minutes? Or is it it i don't
Starting point is 00:44:46 know it depends on how what's the weirdest thing yeah you found in a dumpster probably a bad thing yeah i bet you at some point uh a lot of uh garbage men come across like prosthetic limbs i feel like there's prosthetic limbs that somehow end end up in a garbage bin. I feel like they would be like, well, I used to pick up garbage outside the Air Bud offices. And after a few months, they outgrow their cuteness. No. Oh, God. Dave. Look, hey.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Don't blame me. Blame society. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right? she's the one getting a paycheck from there's a there's somebody i i've seen on tiktok a couple times who helps rescue uh raccoons out of like garbage jumpsters because like a lot of the time they'll go in and then they can't get back out right i think that's very sweet it is very sweet are you sure you're not talking about the tv show animal control i am just promoting my show thank you thank you improving by leaps and bounds congratulations did you act with any animals
Starting point is 00:46:01 uh yes i got to but but none of the exotic animals, but just the dogs, because my character works in the office. She's not an officer. That's weird. Shouldn't an officer be the one in the office? That's true. And a fielder shouldn't be playing baseball. She should be out in the field.
Starting point is 00:46:27 There was a day where we had kittens on set and i got to hold a kitten in a scene isn't it funny holding like something because you're basically just holding like half of like a you know broiled chicken like it's just so light there's no weight to a little uh to a little kitten or a little dog little tiny guys is there when there are animals on set is there just like a crazy animal wrangler right off camera maybe not crazy but are they like within inches of being in the frame with like a treat so i think for certain animals yeah uh but for like kittens or there's, there's a lot of animals that are like background actors on the show that like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:10 honestly, they're like, okay, she's going to like walk through the back of the scene. There was this like overgrown, like red retriever on an episode. And I loved her. She was so big.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Oh, that sounds like, that sounds like a great gig and you get to co-star along with joel mckale which is yeah he's no slouch and uh there's somebody else on it that i the people would know is jerry d on it jerry d is on it yeah he is on it yeah um you uh and now your character on the show boy how much research do you do like what are your characters top five favorite soups she like she does have soup energy i will say like bring soup in a tub where to work energy for sure yes that is true that is very yeah that's yeah yeah she's she's like a little bit of a lump.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It is so much fun to watch it because it's like, it is like you say, watching the city and the show or whatever. And it's just so fun to see somebody that you know pretending to be something else. Yeah, I totally agree. When I see like friends on shows, I'm like. Yeah, yeah, it's fre Yeah. It's freaky. It is freaky. Anyway, so what's really going on with me this week is I haven't been watching six movies.
Starting point is 00:48:33 I've been getting into, I've caught sports fever. Oh. It's May Madness instead of March Madness. It's April to May Madness. I've been watching all the Game 7s of all the sports. a madness i've been watching all the all the game sevens of all the sports and i really um like i really like to do it but i do feel like i'm in everyone's way like no one else wants to watch these things is this in your in your household or in general you find people just do not want to talk or watch
Starting point is 00:49:01 these things in my household uh that's the vibe i'm getting and i'm not in anyone's way but i do feel like i need to be hovering around the children at all times um but uh yeah i do feel like i'm a bit on an island yeah and like do you have a tv that is separate from the TV that everybody watches? Do you have a secondary TV? Yeah, I have a TV in the bedroom. Nice boudoir TV. And that doesn't really feel like I'm watching.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Like when you're lying in bed, it doesn't feel very sporty. I feel like you need to be a guy in a TV commercial. On the couch. Upright. Yeah. Hanging on every play play holding a little pennant getting super excited spilling your popcorn everywhere very 80 for brady like you have your traditions i haven't seen it did you see it uh i have seen 80 for brady so what uh explain uh explaining for brainy uh it's a movie where uh four uh older women uh
Starting point is 00:50:10 go to the super bowl to see tom brady play this is great this is green light uh but at the beginning they like have certain you know rituals so that the team that uh tom brady plays for i don't remember what it was What was it? Sally Field in this film? Sally Field wins a chicken wing eating contest Yes she does Lily Tomlin
Starting point is 00:50:36 Guy Fieri is like a character in it. Lily Tomlin is in it This is just selling it more and more. I wasn't sure about this premise but the more people i hear that are rita moreno yes yeah she's she's actually great in it and jane fonda um that's a power cast that's like it really is yeah yeah so is tom brady in it at all tom brady is absolutely in it and I think he's like in a little wig like a merkin
Starting point is 00:51:09 he's in a little merkin a little wig because I guess his hair has changed since the Super Bowl that he was in is this based on a true story? it is based on a true story are the women dead in real life oh actually i have no idea so i shouldn't say also the crossover between 80 for brady and somebody who would recognize the quarterback's haircut seems like there would only be so many
Starting point is 00:51:39 people in that so few uh no, 80 80 for Brady. I don't want to spoil anything. Okay. But something Okay. Okay. Spoiler alert. She's about to spoil 80 for Brady. Go. There is a point in the movie where I think
Starting point is 00:52:01 it's Lily Tomlin ends up in like the coaches. They're at the Super Bowl andlin ends up in like the coaches. They're at the Super Bowl and she ends up in like a coach's room and she gets on the headphones and she tells Tom what he needs to do to win the Super Bowl. This is pretty good. And he's like looking up into her eyes and she's like, you got to do it, Tom.
Starting point is 00:52:27 If you say so, you're the coach now i don't want to spoil it but then he does get annihilated by the defense he suffers a major concussion yeah yeah i'm trying to think what is the the male equivalent is road hogs or whatever that one was that um was it last vegas last vegas yeah guys going to vegas yeah it was in last vegas uh robert de niro alan arkin freeman alan arkin nice and then somebody else right and therefore christopher walken maybe i don't know there's plenty of like old guy porn there is yeah there's a lot of old guy porn just type it into any browser you'll find it a lot of like bad grandpas you know yeah grandpa dirty grandpa bad grandpa sad grandpa oh it's michael douglas michael michael douglas robert de niro morgan freeman
Starting point is 00:53:25 and kevin klein okay does he do a musical number oh i don't know no does he always yeah is tom brady in this film does tom brady make an appearance in some sort of funny hat slash wig kevin klein was isn't he wasn't he in like the pirates of penzance that is yes yes history but i don't know if he's done much since he became a movie actor like musical movies yeah that's a good question his like in and out was kind of uh he doesn't really i mean in dave he sings hail to Chief. He's the one we all say hail to. He was in the Beauty and the Beast remake. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Oh. Well, who was he? This is, I will tell you. It is. Is he Lumiere? He's Lumiere. No, I think Lumiere was like Ewan McGregor or something. Was he her dad?
Starting point is 00:54:25 Oh, yes. Nice. Yes. Great. Maurice. Yes. Yes. The inventor.
Starting point is 00:54:31 The mad inventor. So mad. Have you ever been in a stage production of Beauty and the Beast? No. No. I've auditioned. I've auditioned. Didn't get it.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Who did you audition for? Who's the R2-D2 of Beauty and the Beast? Oh, that's a great question. I want to say, I want to say, I think I have an answer. Is that, um, that like dog that was, uh, like a footstool? Oh, I would have said it was the clock. Oh yeah. That's a way better answer because lumiere is c3p yes lumiere c3po so his best friend the clock and the clock when it strikes 12 goes well that was princess leia yeah um
Starting point is 00:55:19 the beast is chewy yeah no the beast is luke skywalker well the beast turns into luke skywalker that's right yeah and then they get married the brother and sister okay okay yeah it was it was bad enough that she was dating a beast but then when he changed they were like you're not dating your brother now all right I can't win with you people. Gaston is Darth Vader. Of course. Absolutely. Oh, of course. Who are the other...
Starting point is 00:55:52 There's Mrs. Potts. Yeah, Mrs. Potts and Chip. Chip. Okay, Mrs. Potts is like 60 years old. And Chip is like a toddler. Oh, it's Yoda and Baby Yoda. Yeah. Yoda named his baby, baby Yoda.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Baby Yoda. It's like basically naming your child like your name, but junior. Yeah, that's true. But it's extra funny to call you like your baby. Yeah. This is my baby, baby Kelly. Here's my impression of yoda as mrs potts guest rb nice um there aren't enough words in that sentence
Starting point is 00:56:41 i mean i assume you probably have dave but have you guys watched the like reboot the live action reboots of all these things or because i haven't seen i don't think i've seen one of them i've only seen the live action it's not live action because there were no real lions in it but the lion king i never saw the original um and i've seen the beauty and the beast and i will be seeing the mermaid little mermaid oh yeah i think i've seen them all i saw the cinderella one which i will say delightful very charming you would hope so you know and i saw i saw aladdin and that was insane yeah well will smith was on the top of everybody's brain of who could take on the robin williams I saw Aladdin and that was insane. Yeah. Well, Will Smith was on the top of everybody's brain of who could take on the Robin Williams.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yeah. Huge shoulders. Disney Plus has like a stage version of Little Mermaid that has like, I don't even know who the Little Mermaid is, but the, uh, is it the, I don't know. I think it's the girl from Moana. That's what I was gonna say. Yeah. Didn't want to be wrong. I didn't want
Starting point is 00:57:56 to get dragged. And the, like, chef, the French chef is John Stamos. Yes. And I believe is sebastian shaggy i think it is sebastian in the movie that's coming out no in the like live there's like a live disney plus stage version of it have you seen somebody posted a very funny video of a stage production of uh aladdin where the the genie's making like topical jokes and it's like every topical joke from like 2014 it's just because
Starting point is 00:58:36 it was like that week yeah oh man it's good it's good stuff yes sh Yes, Shaggy was Sebastian. I still remember the... Ugh. I don't even want to go into it. I just realized the topical thing I'm going to have to mention. I don't want to say it out loud. Fair enough. Anyway, so yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I'm feeling sports fever. Yeah. What sport? What sport are you on now basketball and hockey playoffs are happening okay yeah well i know the canucks are your boys who who are your basketball boys um boy i don't really have any i really do like to see the uh you know i would have liked to see golden state lose uh i really like it see the, you know, I would have liked to see Golden State lose. I really like it when like the, I like rooting against, you know, highly favored people or like people who have won too much. Yeah. People who have won too much.
Starting point is 00:59:36 I'm like, when you're done. Yeah. I like an underdog. And then in hockey, I just want all the Canadian teams to lose. Sorry, that's the way it is. Um, and then in, uh, hockey, I just want all the Canadian teams to lose. Sorry. That's the way it is. It's just the way it is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I don't want you. If I can't be happy, you can't be happy. It's a coping mechanism. That's what it is. It's whatever. It's, it's, uh, uh, what I want has no effect on the real world. And, uh, it doesn't matter. This is just how I enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:00:09 What's going on with you, Graham? This weekend, I had the opportunity and just the invite to be on three shows at the new Little Mountain Gallery space. Nice. Have you been to it, Kelly? Yeah, I have. I love it. Yeah, it's great. on three shows at the new Little Mountain Gallery space. Nice. Have you been to it, Kelly? Yeah, I have. I love it. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Yeah, and it's in Gastown, which is a part of the city in flux, we can say, is like kind of at one point was a tourist hub and now feels like it was trying to be gentrified and there seems like there's there's just kind of a a weird relationship with the neighbors i think in that yes i think it's trying to be it was gentrified once and it's trying to be re-gentrified yeah exactly and uh so i did three shows there and this is the thing. If you're in a kind of an eccentric neighborhood, you're going to have to deal with it with eccentricity.
Starting point is 01:01:10 That's the, that's just the call of the day. So we were doing a show and then a man set up shop right outside the door and began playing saxophone. See, that is like, saxophone see that is like that is like the most like pg rated like version of eccentricity that i was expecting but he was and he was good but he was like jamming out like nobody's business and uh we can't say we can't say stop because what if he tells us to stop then then what do we do does
Starting point is 01:01:46 he have a busker's license did you shake him down i did i went and shook him down and he showed me one but i'm not sure if it was him on the license it looked like somebody else's student id looked like kenny g but wait you're not playing a straight saxophone you're playing a bent one yeah but i could play both darn i wish i knew the types of saxophone he drank a bendy one so he he played and played it got to me it got funnier and funnier the longer it went on how the more people that had to go on stage with oh very loud like as if he was in the room so you know there were acts having to go up and pretend there wasn't saxophone music happening i mean unless their set was real jazzy and then they they kind of just played off they like used it yeah um but then at some point uh cops showed
Starting point is 01:02:40 up and i don't know if the cops were there for him but he skedaddled pretty fast after the cops showed up so maybe you're right maybe he didn't have a license or maybe he was had a gun on him or something we just need to get out of there was it jazzy or was he doing recognizable songs or was he kind of just improvising he was improvising he was doing yeah some wild you you were there. You remember. I used to, there was like a park across the street from where I grew up. And there was a guy who would always go in to the park and practice saxophone. And it was really bad. And you would just hear like, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk. And and like didn't sound like music just honks yeah it is a hard
Starting point is 01:03:29 instrument to learn i mean like i've never tried it i just know that it's hard it's hard to like practice anything especially if you don't if it's a loud thing yeah yeah there's a guy who's very good at marimba that's in my neighborhood that plays lots of times in the evening during the summer and it's actually quite pleasant i hear a um a bagpipe guy as well in the evenings it was he really picked up when it was like at the beginning of the pandemic when everyone was like seven o'clock let's salute the health workers yeah oh yeah Clanging pots and bagging pipes. When somebody in my building would play, like, licks on his bass guitar. This is for you, nurses. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Do you guys like the theme from Seinfeld? yeah I I tried to play saxophone but in my school you weren't allowed to play saxophone until you learned how to play the clarinet and I didn't get that far I clarineted for a while but I was like I'm giving up on this saxophone's not for me
Starting point is 01:04:43 what if it is though what if I'm a genius saxophone player and I don't even know it? I never got the chance. You know what I mean? I guess we should buy a saxophone and set up and get it. Yeah, I think that's probably the best idea. I played clarinet, too. You did? I started trying to play the trumpet, and then I couldn't figure it out.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Just because you couldn't get the right embouchure? That, and I don't think I had the lung capacity at age 11 to like try um so i moved to the clarinet but my friend played a bass saxophone like whatever the big saxophone was she couldn't play it at all and she'd be like it's not working there's something wrong with my stuck in here she'd always be like blame it on the old sax that she had but it would just be like one big honk all the time honk that's good if it's like the last note in a funny funny song at the hollywood bowl i used to play bugle i was in this company and uh boy it wasn't the it wasn't a company it wasn't company c
Starting point is 01:05:45 i was a boy at the time what did you like what kind of dance did you like to do uh shot of the shuffle no not the boogie woogie yeah you know what it's all coming back to me the shuffle is that a dance there's uh uh the whole thing about clarinet or saxophone was the reed that was the weird thing is that you had to like suck on this you're sucking and blowing at the same time no before you put it on the on the clarinet or saxophone yeah you have to get it wet and soft it's very i mean i guess there's a lesson in there well and it's also like it's not like you're doing a new read every time they're like super expensive
Starting point is 01:06:30 yeah you're using the same sucked on read day in day out very long time yeah and if you crack it you're like devastated oh yeah because fuck now i gotta get hands on it. I think I'm a bit of a chewer. Yeah, me too. And I definitely cracked quite a few reads. It was the only song that I figured out how to play was the Jurassic Park theme
Starting point is 01:06:57 song. Even then, it was pretty tenuous. Do you remember what song you learned to play when you were on clarinet? Were you on clarinet for years and you learned a lot of songs no i think i just did grades seven and eight um there was my friend and i learned uh eight days a week by the beatles and i played clarinet she played bass clarinet we were like can we perform it and they were like okay okay but we have to put up barricades because they're gonna rush the stage when they see this it was so embarrassing looking
Starting point is 01:07:34 back oh yeah yeah i remember they were handing out solos and uh they skipped over the clarinet section uh there were three of us we were all horrible and they just they went with the oboe instead they're like uh oboe handing out solos what songs were they doing did you learn bolero uh you did bolero yeah we did bolero oh i uh i only remember the jurassic park theme song i'm a bit of bolero. Is that the one that goes? And I don't know if it's Valero or Bellaro and I'm for, she has to learn. I know what the B I've always known with a B or a V. It's a B. I didn't refuse to learn.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I know with a B. I've always known with a B or a V. With a B. So that's what's new with me is I got to see a guy own the night with his saxophone. And you know what? If every time I went there, if it was to sax music as I entered,
Starting point is 01:08:39 I wouldn't be mad at it. Because, you know, we're not doing dramatic plays in there. We're doing loose, loose fun kind of stuff. So you're going to have fun with the saxophone. I feel like the saxophone was at its peak when standup comedy was at its peak in the eighties. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah. It's a, well, like, cause they still have it on the, on the SNL band. They're still very sax heavy, but there isn't,
Starting point is 01:09:04 is there any sax, like, comeback? Or is it just relegated to jazz? Is it jazz? It'll be, it'll show up in,
Starting point is 01:09:14 oh, a few years ago, there were some, now I'm talking about like 10 years ago, there was a big, like, indie rock saxophone resurgence
Starting point is 01:09:22 with your Destroyers, your Colin Stetsons's the arcade fire interesting i uh i didn't know i'm now just picturing the giant saxophone in my head the big way because that's almost never featured as the only saxophone it's usually mid-sized saxophone but like nobody's like coming out and just doing bass saxophone yeah it's alto sax alto sax smaller one i think that was yeah i think the the one that we all know is alto and then what's the like smaller one that kenny g
Starting point is 01:10:01 plays maybe it's also an alto but that's one of the people I mentioned, Colin Stetson, plays the giant bass one. And he is like, he makes all these weird wail noises. But it's very impressive to watch him do it. It's just kind of weird to listen to it on its own. I'm sorry, I think it's a baritone sax. A baritone.
Starting point is 01:10:23 A baritone. There is a bass sax, but I think my friend played the baritone sax. And what's Kenny G's? Soprano saxophone? Yeah, maybe soprano. The straight one? That's a straight one. I just Googled different types of saxophones.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Kenny G, question mark? My friend in school, question mark saxophone? What cast do you play? Tell me. The Soprano seems to be brass colored. I think Kenny G had like a cool black one. Yeah, he's cool. He belongs to the night.
Starting point is 01:10:57 He owns the night. He's an angel. He's an angel walking on our planet. Should we move on to some overheards? I love it. it. Should we move on to some overheards? I love it. Hey, it's John Moe inviting you to listen to Depressed Mode with John Moe, where I talk about mental health and the lives we live with all kinds of people. Famous writers, David Sedaris, welcome to Depressed Mode. Thanks so much for having me. Movie stars, Jamie Lee Curtis, welcome to Depressed Mode. I am happy to be here. Musicians.
Starting point is 01:11:25 I am in St. Paul, Minnesota. I'm talking to Amy Mann. Great to talk to you. And song exploders. Rishi K. Sherway, welcome to Depressed Mode. Thanks so much for having me. Everyone's opening up on Depressed Mode on Maximum Fun. Hi, I'm Travis McElroy. And I'm Teresa McElroy.
Starting point is 01:11:44 And we're the host of Schmanners. We don't believe that etiquette should be used to judge other people. No, on Schmanners, we see etiquette as a way to navigate social situations with confidence. So if that sounds like something you're into, join us every Friday on Maximum Fun, wherever you get your podcasts. Overheard. Overheard. If you hear it, we want it.
Starting point is 01:12:17 And we don't just do one, Dave and I. We always like the guests to do one first. Kelly, would you please? Yes. I'm very grateful that I have one because the last time I came on here, I repeated one that I'd already done. Oh, really? Did we even notice?
Starting point is 01:12:32 You did. You did notice. Wow. I felt so bad and so embarrassed. But luckily, I have one this time. I was just in Ottawa doing some volunteering for the Canadian Improv Games, which is like a high school improv tournament
Starting point is 01:12:51 that I did as a teen. Me too. You did? Hell yeah. Not in Ottawa, though. Didn't make it to the national finals. My team made it to nationals in when i was in grade 12 so that was pretty cool anyway i went there and during a night of play there was um uh uh like a team of teens and this one kid was like there's a tall
Starting point is 01:13:20 lanky blonde kid and he said something and a guy behind me just said okay dax shepherd was that guy also a teen um i don't think so like he seemed like an adult yeah i think an adult is the only one who's doing who knows who that who Dax Shepard is. Who knows who Dax Shepard is. Yeah. Dax Shepard, yeah. Oh my God. But I love that. Dax Shepard. That's like a good, I can picture exactly who you're talking about. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:52 So we all got to know Dax Shepard as the guy from Punk'd. He was on Punk'd. Yes. And then in various movies. Yeah, what was like his big movie that he would be? movies and now it's like his big movie that he would be i'm every time i'm thinking about to say something i'm reminded it was actually sean william scott was he in the dukes of hazard movie no i think he was in when in rome with his wife christine yeah well that is the thing he's probably most famous for now is uh they're like a famous couple yeah and they did a
Starting point is 01:14:27 viral video of them on vacation in africa to the song uh toto's africa oh yeah that's when i first learned they were a couple and then i've had to face it ever since idiocracy that's probably what i know yeah he's good then he has a podcast that's super popular. Oh, yeah. Yep. Feeling kind of Dax. Dax and his sacks. Dax and his slacks.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Yeah. Yeah. So, Dave, do you have an overheard? I was like, so what am I saying here? I thought you were going to jump off there. I was like, what do you have to say? Oh, he's also in the Chips, when they did that Chips movie. Chips.
Starting point is 01:15:10 And employee of the month. Who was the other? Who was the Eric Estrada of the Chips? It was Michael Pena. Michael Pena. Oh, yeah. Also featured Kristen Bell as Karen. Yeah, they like to do that. I mean, who doesn't? they like to do that i mean who doesn't do that
Starting point is 01:15:28 yeah that's fun if you can you know if you can do that then do that yeah exactly it's kind of maybe it's fun working with your spouse i don't know but uh uh jason ritter was on an episode of uh oh what's this that zombie the last of us because oh yeah melanie linsky was guest starring and so they let him be a zombie on it cool yeah i like that that's kind of cute that's nice it's all cute it's ever like i love i love love yeah love is great is there any touring acts where there's spouses, but they're in different bands and maybe one band opens for the other band? I feel like that would be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Hmm. But I don't know if that exists. Boy, bands with two different. Would somebody get mad, though, if they're always the opener? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Never the main act. guess that's true. Never the main act. But that's how Dax is going to feel these days. Yeah. Yeah. You know, she's out there. She's working. You see her all the time.
Starting point is 01:16:35 He's doing Frozen Live. He's opening the show with his podcast. It's just the set is not even there it's just two chairs with microphones on we'll bring the set in after but yeah um boy i was like i was trying to think of like could beyonce and jay-z did they tour together no No. Well, I was thinking like, Oh, yeah. Stefani and Bush. Yeah. Oh, sure. You might get Chantel Kraviazic opening for Our Lady Peace.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yes. This is what I'm talking about. Oh, yeah. Hole and Nirvana. That would be a great tour. Tumultuous, but yes. Plastic Ono Band opening for the beatles that would be amazing yeah john lennon's in both though okay uh i do have it overheard i was at save on foods on main street at the worst time have you ever gone to save on foods
Starting point is 01:17:42 on main street in the afternoon i hate that place so very much. Yeah, there's only ever a cashier working. And there's no clear lines. Yeah. And that place is where groceries go to die. Yeah. I just, I hate it so much. It's got some funky smell, too, when you walk in the door.
Starting point is 01:17:59 Yeah. I don't know. It's like a plasticky. I have a problem with that place. Yeah, it's a bad. Sorry, please keep going. No, I agree. It's a bad store. It's like a plasticky. I have a problem with that place. Yeah, it's a bad. Sorry, please keep going. No, I agree. It's a bad store.
Starting point is 01:18:08 It's gotten worse. Yeah. Especially the cashier area. Yeah. Or cashique area if you're a Wookiee. So I was in line and it was, it wasn't the longest line, but you know, when you're at the grocery store, you want to be like, you want to find a line where you can just be second in line. It's like, oh, this person's just finishing up. I'm next.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And I was like third in line. And the guy who was first in line was this guy in his seventies, an old white guy. And you know how they can be. Yeah. and he's an old white guy and you know how they can be yeah and uh so he fit like the cashier finished all of his groceries but he paid and as he's kind of carrying his bags away he just says hey just one thing there should be more cashiers working and he's like you put on a smock and get yeah exactly well no he he whispers this like but i'm paying attention because i'm like this guy i could tell uh he's like hey there there there should be more cashiers working and then the cashier just kind of shrugs as in well
Starting point is 01:19:17 like what the hell do you want me to do about it and then uh he he like get the old guy gets his courage up and he yells fire the manager like we're all gonna join in or something let's all follow that guy yeah have you been paying attention to the way things are going yeah yeah you know when an old man gets a wild hair it's just i know yeah they can't they gotta express themselves or they'll explode yeah and we should have carried him off on our shoulders yeah he would have liked that that's a nice thing to do for an old person carry them on your shoulders like so high up so they can see a parade.
Starting point is 01:20:07 There should be a charity where you do that. They'll hook you up with a person. Shoulders for seniors. Shoulders for seniors. Sean Connery is the spokesman. Shoulders for seniors. I'm dead now. Well, Wilfredfred here we go
Starting point is 01:20:26 that's pretty good pretty good stuff um graham do you have an overheard i have an overheard that was said directly to me how How dare they? You better believe it. I was standing at an intersection. I could see a woman on her bike, and she was doing something. I didn't know what she was doing. She was messing with earphones or earbuds or something like that.
Starting point is 01:21:00 And then when the light changed, she rode past me, and I yelled, The queen died. So, the queen died. So I got queen died. From a stranger? Yeah, from a stranger. To fill Kelly in, the queen died is an ongoing thing that Alicia Tobin and I have where we try to sneak the queen died into every. It's a pretty one way prank. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Although I did get her one time. So now just strangers have joined her side and her queen dying me all over the place. Oh, dang. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not fair. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:21:37 It's like, what did I do wrong? Why do I get this all the time? Now, by the time this episode comes out, we will have a new king. I mean, he'll have been coronated who's your fave who do you think will win the kingship this year oh boy i'm hoping for brandy glanville real housewives of beverly hill she'd do amazing she'd do amazing the way she just throw wine in people's faces um boy uh are you gonna watch it yeah i'll probably watch some of it but it's like isn't there some i just realized there's like some kind of
Starting point is 01:22:14 like jammies or something he has to put on as part of the ceremony are the fact that this hasn't happened in even like our parents lifetime there's so many old-timey things i saw someone said, like someone posted a thing saying they brought in the Stone of Destiny. Yes, the Stone of Destiny is there. Yeah. Makes an appearance. But yeah, it's, boy oh boy, it's a lot of fanfare. It's going to be like the Met Gala part two. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Right? People showing up, serving. Jared Leto's there in his cat costume. He's in a corgi costume. Yeah. Oh, I'm tweeting that before. Oh, I'm tweeting that before this episode comes out. Yeah, you should.
Starting point is 01:23:04 You really, really should. I am eating. Now we also have overheard sent in from people all over the map. If you want to send one in, send it into a spy at maximum And this first one comes from Lindsay in Vancouver. I work in a school and I overheard a teacher speaking to a class of grade two students.
Starting point is 01:23:24 She said, I've got a real treat for you today. We're going to watch a Bon Jovi concert on YouTube. This is a privilege. If you're not able to behave, we'll have to do something like write an essay on why Bon Jovi is awesome. Was this a dream? I don't know, but it's great. What class was it? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Just a grade two class. So just your everyday teacher deciding to Bon Jovi everybody. I love that. I learned about Bon Jovi in school. I took a Bon Jovi class. Yeah? Yeah. You took a history of Bon Jovi?
Starting point is 01:24:00 There was a Randy Backman from Backman Turner Overdrive. Backman Turner Overdrive? Sorry. Used to host a show on CBC called Vinyl Tap. Oh, yeah. And his son, Tal Backman from She's So High and Anti-Vax fame was the producer. And Randy Backman would just, I think it's still on, just not on CBC now but he would just introduce these songs
Starting point is 01:24:29 that were like super famous songs and he would read the Wikipedia that his son had given him Bon Jovi formed in 1978 some kids met in high school in New Jersey and uh
Starting point is 01:24:44 citation needed. Yeah. This next one comes from Chris in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The other day I was driving on a fairly crowded highway during afternoon rush hour. I see flashing yellow lights on the side of the road indicating that someone
Starting point is 01:25:02 needs roadside assistance. As I pass by, i see a man in full heath ledger joker makeup and clothing sadly looking at his custom heath ledger joker airbrushed motorcycle while it was being set up by a mechanic so oh right such a commitment i know oh my god like that is my nightmare is yeah driving down the highway dressed like the joker no my nightmare is like having it was like taking a chance and wearing a like a cool looking outfit and then being looking like a total idiot when my car breaks down like you're in like a driver you know race driver's onesie kind of thing yeah or even just
Starting point is 01:25:45 like one like i have a pair of white jeans but i'm always like what if something stupid happens to me and everyone sees me in my white jeans yeah yeah i understand that it's it's really heartbreaking when you do commit to doing something like that and then you feel stupid as soon as you leave the house but i think we probably all have articles of clothing that we bought with the intention of being the new me. And, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:26:12 never coming to the old me wins. Yeah. Every time. Um, this last one comes from Matt in Barcelona on the shower door of an Airbnb in Spain, a signed reading, take shower individually. comes from matt in barcelona on the shower door of an airbnb in spain assigned reading take shower individually do not jump inside the shower good rules of thumb i mean come on i mean it's somebody had a problem with it now do you think that it's either the neighbors complained
Starting point is 01:26:39 about somebody jumping in the shower or did they have having multiple people in there at once all jumping around yeah shower party yeah oh shower party that sounds gross but also you can picture something like that becoming a thing yeah like in some magazine what exactly is a shower what are these uh gen z's up to the shower part it's clean it's clean that's true but no jumping even if uh we play around if you're jumping in a shower you've never slipped in a shower and like seen your life flash before oh yeah yeah yeah um that's the thing is like every time i get in and out of a shower i thank my lucky stars because i'm like someday this is how you'll die whenever you're an old man you'll slip and that'll be the end so yeah just take it every day
Starting point is 01:27:30 just to take it you know take it for the beauty that it is yeah right guys yeah i'm like all baths from here on out oh yeah that's a good idea i mean i haven't started yet but you just scared me enough here uh i i have like taken a bath and then he stood up to get out and slipped yeah yeah be careful all right yeah yeah well you know what uh maybe i'm just gonna be like a patchouli guy yeah yeah just uh put your pants in the freezer or whatever people do sponge bath i'm not worried about my like slipping while i'm doing a laundry but if you smell that bad then probably you would infect your genes every time yeah but what's the freezer gonna do for them
Starting point is 01:28:21 oh no kill the bacteria maybe yeah isolate the virus like oh yeah i'm not wiping anymore because i'm too scared of falling in the shower well those two things don't have anything to do with it in addition to overheards that are written and we also accept your phone calls if you want to call us our phone number is 1-844-779-7631. That's 1-UGH-SPYPOD-1, like these people have. Hey, Dave and Graham. This is Gabe from Baltimore. I have an overheard that was said directly to me by my 9-year-old daughter. I was driving her home from her soccer game, and she was sitting in the back.
Starting point is 01:29:01 She said, Dad, is piss a bad word? Thought about it for a second, and I said, well, not really, but you don't want to say it at school. And then in the backseat, I hear her say under her breath, well, I know pussy's a bad word. All right, off I go. It can be bad and good, you know? We spoiled it for people forever.
Starting point is 01:29:26 Boy, when I was a kid, it just meant cat. Yeah. And I would say it up and down the street. There's that Chumka boy again. We don't want you hanging out with him. My grandpa calls my cat. Yeah? Pussycat.
Starting point is 01:29:42 Yeah. I mean, P pussycat is pussycat is your cat there with you right now he is what's his name Bruce
Starting point is 01:29:50 put him on yeah oh yeah wake up wake up Bruce wake up no let him be yeah
Starting point is 01:30:00 let him sleep the arm is covering the eyes oh he's dabbing That's what I'm going to do the second this podcast is done I'm going to curl up in a little ball Nap it out
Starting point is 01:30:11 Alright here's your next phone call Hi Dave Graham possible guest This is Jeff calling from Philly With an overheard That was said directly to me So half counts Maybe I'm walking
Starting point is 01:30:26 my two dogs here, Grace Kelly and Noel, and Grace laid a poop on the sidewalk, and I was picking it up, and some kid I didn't see his face, maybe, you know, but I guess 10, 12 years old, yelled out his window of the backseat of, I guess,
Starting point is 01:30:42 his parents' car, You gonna eat that? And that was it. Eating it, it never occurred to me. And no, I didn't. I threw it out. Well, off I go. But maybe the kid was asking, like, you know,
Starting point is 01:31:00 like when there's one thing left on a buffet plate, like, you gonna eat that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know. Yeah. Yeah. maybe that call would have been better for last week's guest and all of his indian food musings never again banned for life but wait our ratings have gone way up maybe we need more of that on this show we got two comments this week all right here's your final phone call up. Maybe we need more of that on this show. We got two comments this week.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Alright, here's your final phone call. Hello, this is Andy from Brooklyn. I teach a college course. The guy from Baltimore is out at Southern and he sounds like well, I reckon I'm from Brooklyn. Hello, this is
Starting point is 01:31:44 Andy from Brooklyn. I teach a college course and I took my students to see a jazz concert out in the city and in an intermission I overheard one of my students say, it was less unpleasant than I thought it would be.
Starting point is 01:32:00 I mean, it was more pleasant. I like that bebop jazz. Go to the big city to hear some jazz. Yeah, I know. Excellent calls, all. Yes, well, thanks everyone for calling. You will be missed. Yes.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Kelly, that brings us to the end of this year episode thank you very much for being our guest thank you so much for having me back and people can see you on not one but two television programs yes where where do they see them where where do each of them live if you're in america you can watch animal control on i think it's on hulu and fox uh canada i think it's coming soon um to a streamer uh but you can also watch it on fox if you have cable here um and then uh season two of family law comes out may 22nd on global but just in canada i believe so okay okay and you in that one you are a legal secretary no i'm just a receptionist i am a receptionist on both shows oh getting uh yeah getting typecast here i do have a type
Starting point is 01:33:15 were you a receptionist on cavendish no wait hold on i guess like a little bit did you answer phones no okay no i just like would let people into the like museum i guess oh you're like a docent there that's yeah yeah well thank you so much for being our guest this has been so much fun when people want a receptionist they gotta go to augments then yeah i gotta call it's a one-stop shop. You need a receptionist? Boom. She's got it. I have the look of a woman who sits for her job. Have you ever been a real-life receptionist?
Starting point is 01:33:51 Yes, I have. So you bring a real, yeah. Yeah. Bring something to it. Your method. Yeah. Yeah, a method. Just like Jeremy Strong.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Well, thank you. And thank you all, you out out there for listening uh we sure do appreciate it um when people say do we do you have the worst fans we say no freaking way no come on back here next week to another episode of stop podcasting yourself Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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