Does This Prove We Can’t Ground Objective Morality in God?
Episode Date: January 25, 2024Question about an objection to grounding objective morality in God that states that if God has a morally perfect nature, and he either engaged in or d...
Stand to Reason’s Greg Koukl and Amy Hall answer questions on ethics, theology, apologetics, and culture from a Christian perspective. Submit your questions on Twitter using the hashtag #STRask.
124 episodes transcribedQuestion about an objection to grounding objective morality in God that states that if God has a morally perfect nature, and he either engaged in or d...
Questions about how concerned one should be and what to do about a spouse who now believes in annihilationism and how to navigate differences in doctr...
Question about whether Romans 5:18, 1 Corinthians 15:22, and 1 John 2:2 support the idea that everyone will be saved (universalism) as a New York Time...
Questions about how to respond to the claim that consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy and what to say to a Christian who argues that the law sho...