Stuff You Should Know - How Castles Work

Episode Date: April 16, 2010

In this episode, Josh and Chuck discuss the most famous fortified structure in the world -- the castle. Tune in to learn all about castles, from murder holes to modern fortresses. Learn more about yo...ur ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:01:21 I'm Josh. There's Chuck. Jerry's over to my right. That would make this Stuff You Should Know. The most overheated, cramped, smelly, sweaty podcast on the market. I thought you were going to say overrated. No, overheated.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Because we were number three today in front of Mr. Ricky Gervais. Right, and since I don't recognize Alvin and the Chipmunks as a podcast, we're technically number two. Yeah, right behind Ira Glass. Oh, yeah, big surprise. We love Ira Glass. Let's just say that, because people are going to say,
Starting point is 00:01:52 why don't you like this American life? I know, that's the problem with having such a substantial library of podcasts. So when we go back like 50 episodes and revisit a joke, only the really hardcore SYSK listeners know what we're talking about. The true blues. The people send an email and they get 50 episodes back
Starting point is 00:02:10 and they're like, oh, I wish I would have held my tongue. Can we get on with this? Yeah, let's do it, Chuck. Did you ever, were you ever in the He-Man, arguably the most homoerotic action figure created? No, that was, I was a little old for that. Well, it was right in my wheelhouse, as you would say. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:29 And I had a little toy that I like to call Castle Grayskull because that's what the manufacturers call it. Yeah. Have you seen this? Well, I've heard of it all. It was, yeah, it was pretty awesome. The cartoon was horrendous. Did you watch the cartoon?
Starting point is 00:02:41 No, I was too old for that. How many times do you have to go over my age? I don't know. Have you ever heard of the Bay City Rollers? Yeah, I know them personally. Anyway, I had this little toy called Castle Grayskull and it was this big plastic castle. And it was pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:56 It had embattlements. It had, Tower? It had towers. It had, it even had a little overhang hanging off the back. And then the front entrance, the tunnel, was a mouth with fangs coming down. Cool.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And it was just generally one of the cooler toys I own to tell you the truth. Nice. And now that I've read how castles work, I could, where I'd go back in time, stand next to my younger self and be like, this is the tower. This is called the Port Colis.
Starting point is 00:03:30 This is a murder hole. And don't start smoking. Yes, I would say that. To young self? Oh my God. If there's one thing I could go back and change. Really? Well, if I had like three, four things
Starting point is 00:03:44 I could go back and change. Smoking would definitely be one of them. Yeah, it'd be taller. Oh wait, things you can really change. Yeah, I don't, time travel is no effect on your height. I would tell myself to grow taller. Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Just when I still had the chance. Yeah. So let's talk castles, Chuck. Okay. Josh, the word castle, like everything almost, it's Latin, comes from the word castellum, which means a fortified place. That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And the French shortened it. Lazy French people that they are from castellum to castle. It means the same thing. And castles are actually very specific buildings. There's very specific features to them that make a castle a castle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:28 They're generally European, although there are some castles found in like the Middle East and Japan. Sure. But for the most part, they were European in origin. Yeah, Germany. Lousy with castles.
Starting point is 00:04:40 10,000 of them. Yeah, tons of them. In Germany alone. And they only actually existed for about 500 years. Are they only under what construction for about 500 years during the high Middle Ages from the 10th to 15th centuries? Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah, so let's talk about the history of castles. And not just historic castles, but the beginning of castles. Where do they come from, Chuck? Well, Josh, they evolved from the ancient walled cities. Back in like Troy and Babylon and Jericho, they would have big walls around their cities for fortification.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Sure. So it evolved from that into, the first ones were called a grad, I believe, is how you pronounce that, or a grode. And that consisted of basically wooden and earthen walls and then a gate with a moat around it. And that would become one of the hallmarks of the castle was the moat.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Yeah, you have to have a moat or else it's just. We didn't always. It's not a castle. It depended on the terrain. Sometimes if you're on like a rocky peak, you didn't have a moat because you couldn't and you didn't need it. But most castles are known for having moats.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah, thank you for that correction, Chuck. Surely. Love to be corrected. There's another kind of castle that eventually became part of the modern and by modern I mean high middle ages castle called a Bergfried, which you may suspect is German. But it's actually based on a Roman design
Starting point is 00:06:03 that they would use these watch towers along their frontier. And those became the towers of later castles. Right, Josh, I believe that brings us to number three, which was the Mott and Bailey castle. And that consisted of a mound, which is the Mott. And that's within the open courtyard, which was the Bailey.
Starting point is 00:06:21 And that, of course, is always is enclosed by a wall and a fortified gate. That's the key. Right, so you put all these things together, fill them with bloodthirsty knights and pooping horses, and you have the castle as we recognize and love it. The whole property. Yeah, okay, so Mr. Smarty Pants,
Starting point is 00:06:40 you don't always have to have a moat. But most of them did have moats, right? So you had a moat, which is really just a ditch dug around the outer wall of the castle. Yeah, what I love about castles, dude, sorry to interrupt, is everything is so rudimentarily genius. You sounded like me just now. It was all just genius, but it was so basic.
Starting point is 00:07:00 They were like, well, we don't want people to get in, so let's dig a big ditch around it. Or let's build a big door with a big brace behind it. Yeah, yeah, and if you, there seems to be a lot of murderousness during this time. It was a very violent time. So most of the technology and ingenuity was based toward effectively killing people
Starting point is 00:07:21 in the most horrific ways you could imagine, right? So the moat, that was used to keep people out. Right, and if it were, you could fill it with water. Everybody filled it with sewage, human and otherwise, right? You don't see that in the movies. No, you don't, can you imagine how badly that smelled? Oh yeah. And if you had, you could keep it dry,
Starting point is 00:07:39 although again, you would fill it with sewage anyway. And if you kept it dry, likely you would bury sharpened stakes coming out at all angles. So you could push people into it and be like, Sionara, sucker. That's what they would say in Japan, right? Yeah. So you got your moat, you got your drawbridge,
Starting point is 00:07:57 which, you know, lower the drawbridge, extends over the moat so you can get in and out of the castle. And you've got the, you have the outer walls, right? And the outer wall, actually, all castles have outer walls. Some have inner walls. We'll get to that in a second. But the outer walls are actually two walls, right? Yeah, didn't know that either.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So you have the one wall and then a space and then another wall. And then in between the two walls, you fill with, you backfill with rubble or stone or gravel or something to really make these things just like brick houses. Right, right. And then some castles even had an outer, outer wall
Starting point is 00:08:30 called a shield wall, which was even taller. Right, so people could walk along the inside wall. Right. And not have their head lopped off with a flaming arrow. Exactly, which is true, they had those. Yeah, they did. That was a lot of things were made of wood, especially in the early days of castles.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Right. And this wood would probably be pretty, well, it's like a big tinder box. Sure. Is what you were walking around in. So a flaming arrow goes a long way. Yeah, it's very effective, right? There were also overhangs that were initially made of wood
Starting point is 00:09:03 that I found pretty cool. You remember I mentioned Castle Grayskull had one? Yeah, yeah. Originally these things were called hoardings. Okay. And they would have arrow loops, which are basically just narrow slits. Right, so that you can shoot through?
Starting point is 00:09:17 Right, and they would hang over the front of the castle. So when people were storming the front of the castle, you could shoot them with arrows, the arrow loops, but they also had the coolest sounding things of all time, murder holes. Yeah, I love these. Murder holes were holes, but you could shoot arrows. So basically if you're standing on a hoarding,
Starting point is 00:09:39 there were holes in the floor. So you could shoot arrows. Also, you could pour hot oil, hot metals. Hot whatever. Exactly. And the way that the entrances were arranged, when you're walking in the entrance of the castle, you've crossed over the drawbridge
Starting point is 00:09:56 and now you're walking in the tunnel, there's arrow loops on either side of you, and then above there's murder holes. So if you were able to breach the drawbridge in the gate, you were subject to having all sorts of hot, horrible stuff poured on you. And you were in big trouble. Not fun.
Starting point is 00:10:14 The other thing they had too for defense and for protection, while defense is in defending yourself, was the crenellation. Like when you see the top of the tower and it's one block is higher than the next block is low, the next block is higher, that was actually purposely done that way so soldiers could hide behind those blocks,
Starting point is 00:10:34 peek around the corner and fire an arrow, then hide behind the tall block again. And I would argue that crenellations are the most readily recognizable design of a castle. If you think about it, you know the little sand castle molds? Even those have crenellations on them. If they don't have the crenellations, it's really just a big rectangle.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah, you're right. Chuck, you were talking about guys hiding behind the blocks of crenellation and then moving to the side and shooting an arrow. They also designed staircases in a clockwise circular fashion. Coolest fact of the show right here. Do you want to take it, buddy?
Starting point is 00:11:08 May I? Yes, please. You're right, clockwise while going up, this is because at the time soldiers were right-handed, they fought with their right hand, swung the sword with their right hand. If they were left-handed, by nature, they were taught to fight with their right because why?
Starting point is 00:11:24 Because left-handed people were considered evil at the time. Actually, the word sinister means left-handed. So weird, isn't it? So they designed it counterclockwise going up. So if you were flying up the stairs to go fight somebody, you had room on your right-hand side to swing your weapon and it wouldn't hit the wall. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Isn't that the coolest fact of the whole thing? It is. And also, if you're running up the stairs and you're an archer, you have plenty of room to draw an arrow and shoot it out of one of the arrow loops. That too. Yeah. So, Chuck, that's the outer wall.
Starting point is 00:11:56 We've got the crenellations. We've got towers built into it. We have holdings and different variations on the holding. And then you have the inner wall. Inside the outer wall, you would have what's called a Bailey, which is basically it's a big open courtyard. So any time you see knights jousting, like the heartthrob Heath Ledger in a knight's tail.
Starting point is 00:12:17 RIP. Right? Where that joust was taking place was actually inside the outside wall of the castle. Yeah. And here's the thing. We'll talk about the sieges later. But once you storm into the castle,
Starting point is 00:12:31 it's kind of like, great, we're inside. But it's also like, oh, boy, we're inside. Right. Because now you're trapped. Right. And all the little dudes up there in the tower and on the walkways all of a sudden just turn around and start firing flaming arrows down at your head.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Right. Because at the very least, a castle would have an outer wall and then some sort of tower or inner fortification. A lot of castles actually had an outer wall, then the Bailey, and then an inner wall. And then within that was the tower. So yeah, you were just, you're toast, basically,
Starting point is 00:12:59 if you made it in. And you weren't, if you were feeling under the weather that was the day you died. Right. The courtyard, Josh, they also used it as a marketplace. They had festivals and fairs. They did soldier drilling, train horses. And then later, castles later on became more for the kings
Starting point is 00:13:17 and the noblemen and less military in nature. And they were used for gardens and fountains, that kind of thing. Right. And when the noblemen actually lived in the castles, which they did, but for the most part, castles were originally made for military purposes? Yeah. But then as the military technology advanced,
Starting point is 00:13:36 castles became much less strong or able to withstand attacks. Sure. So what was originally called the Keep, actually, what was originally called the Donjon, became the Keep. And the Keep. Donjon. Donjon. Or the Donjonson.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It was usually pastel. Right. That became the Keep. And that's where the lord of the manor, whoever owned the feudal serfs, lived. Right. The other thing, because obviously you need a lot of people to keep up a castle,
Starting point is 00:14:08 to work the kitchen, blacksmiths, carpenters, there were residential apartments inside, which you never really think about, the fact that they had people living there on site. So it's sort of like a little live, work, play scene way back in the Middle Ages. Right. I just assume that feudal lords slaughtered all the workers
Starting point is 00:14:26 after the kill. Exactly, yeah. There were also chapels, Chuck. And there's a castle in Scotland. And the name escapes me right now. But it is supposedly the most haunted castle in the world. And the reason why is one of the things that happened there was the feudal lord, the person who owned the castle,
Starting point is 00:14:50 his brother was saying mass in the chapel of the castle. And he came in and murdered his brother, beheaded him while he was saying mass. That's probably bad luck. I don't think, I think running over gravestones is on par with that, with your car. I would say so. Yeah, it's pretty bad stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah, so they had chapels. They had live and priests many times because they went to church every day back then. They had the Great Hall inside the castle, which is what you, when you see them drinking the mead and feasting at the big table, it's in the Great Hall. Right. They had storage, obviously, for their food
Starting point is 00:15:24 and the horse food and all that kind of stuff. And little known fact, inside the keep, most rooms were heated with a fireplace. Yeah, I saw that. That was worthy of putting in here. I thought that was interesting. Chuck, one of the things that I hadn't thought of until I read the sardic, well, it makes complete sense
Starting point is 00:15:43 is that castles needed to have a self-sufficient water supply. Oh, yeah. So you had to have a well within the castle walls. Sure. Right? Why? Well, because if you were trapped in there and we'll get to the siege later on.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Oh, that was my segue into the siege. Oh, really? Well, you need to have your water, because when people siege, they kind of basically surround you and say, no one's coming out to get anything. Right, for months or years. For a long time, so you better have your water and your food. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And they said it just like that, I think, actually. Yeah. I thought you were going to mention the dungeon. That's why I didn't know you were moving on. Well, yeah, the dungeon was originally up high. Yeah. When it was called the Don Johnson, like you said. And then that became the keep, and the dungeon
Starting point is 00:16:25 was moved down low. Yes. Down low. So that was just another interesting fact I thought was dungeons used to be, like in the upper reaches. Yeah. You always think of dungeon as below the ground. Right, but they're harder to escape from.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Exactly, dude. Bingo. The other thing they had, Josh, besides the wells, because they needed to get their water, was they used cisterns to collect rainwater. Very green living type of thing going on back then. Right, right. Very smart to do so, though.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Yeah. So Chuck, we were talking about sieges. Remember that? Yeah, back to sieges. So let's say that you have a standing army within your castle and you're a feudal lord, and you may or may not have just murdered your brother while he was saying mass. But otherwise, everything's hunky-dory,
Starting point is 00:17:06 and then all of a sudden, an invading army from another nearby lord comes up. So you basically batten down the hatches to use a metaphor that doesn't really make any sense whatsoever, because it's nautical in nature. Sure. But basically, you try to fight them off as much as possible. But also, you've got all of your entrances closed and guarded,
Starting point is 00:17:28 and you've got people ready with hot oil at the murder holes and all that. And like we said, this can last for months or years. Yeah, the impression I got was that a lot of times, there was never even any fighting going on when they did the Surround and Wait You Out technique. Right, and it actually led to the fewest casualties, because a lot of times, the invading army
Starting point is 00:17:47 could negotiate the surrender of the castle. Well, true, but the other side of the coin is, if you're going to be the army that surrounds the place, you've got to have your food and water too. Right, so people inside the castle would use flaming arrows, catapults with flaming boulders maybe, and shoot them into the countryside to set it on fire so the invading army couldn't go get supplies from it, right?
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yeah, or forage around and hunt and that kind of stuff. Right, you could see some invading army guy going, the berries, they're on fire. That's what we counted on. The other cool thing too, if you were the invading army, you could catapult, and this is not just for Monty Python, you could catapult like a dead cow, diseased cow. Or diseased human.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Or diseased dead human into, or I guess a diseased live human. All bets are off. I'm not dead yet. And you can catapult them over the wall, and all of a sudden, this bovine diseased animal is just like splattered in the middle of your keep. Yeah, and you're in big trouble. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And I think probably the other reason that laying siege to, well, just waiting, that kind of siege was favored was because the whole reason you're attacking this castle is to probably get the castle. I would think so. So you want as little damage done to the castle as possible. Yeah, sure. Because if it took five, I think, or two to 10 years
Starting point is 00:19:16 to build a castle, you don't want to wait that time. You just go wait for some other shmo to build his and invade it. And then take it. Yeah. That's a good idea. Yeah. That's the broad waterway. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:28 One of the other ways, Josh, and this you would think is right out of the cartoons, but it actually happened to get into a castle, is you would use a scaling ladder, and you would put a big tall ladder, and you would climb up it. But just like in the cartoon, you could just go up there and push the ladder off once the dudes are on it if you were strong enough. Or you could shoot the flaming arrows at their head,
Starting point is 00:19:47 which is our favorite technique. Throw objects down, pour hot oil on them, same deal. Right. To get around this, you could create a, what are they called, Chuck, a siege tower? Yeah, build your own portable tower, essentially. Right. And you have a bunch of soldiers inside,
Starting point is 00:20:05 and they are waiting while some other soldiers down on the ground are pushing this tower right up against, well, as close as they can get to the castle. And then the door opens, and guys come streaming out. Yeah, dude, they would lower a plank across, you know, like a pirate ship would do. Let's say when they pulled up to another pirate ship, and they would storm that way from up top.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yeah, I think that appeared in like the last Lord of the Rings movie. No, OK. Don't even say that. Yeah, they used that device in the last Lord of the Rings movie. Oh, cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But Josh, that is not my favorite. And when I was talking about rudimentary genius, the battering ram. Oh, yeah. You build big door. We take big pole smash door. You know, it's funny. The fuzz still use that today.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Oh, yeah, those little metal things? Yeah. I want one of those. You can get one. You can also, you should probably dispose of the complimentary brass knuckles that come with your order, though. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:03 So yeah, the battering ram, obviously, was a big tool for the invading army. And some of them were covered in shields to prevent the flaming arrow from hitting their head. Some were wide open. And then to defend it, once again, rudimentary genius, they would slide padding down in front of the door. So they're like, oh, here they come with the battering ram.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Let's throw this mattress up against the door. Yeah. Or it's again. I think that that's used in modern storming techniques by the fuzz and criminals. They would shoot flaming arrows into the door as well. Yeah, because it was wood. So catch the door on fire, or maybe you
Starting point is 00:21:38 can weaken it a little bit. I think any time there was wood, flaming arrows came into play, right? You always had to have a flaming arrow at the ready. Castles actually entered decline, well, at least for military purposes, because of the invention of something we call the cannon. Yeah, once you had superior firepower,
Starting point is 00:21:55 it didn't matter how big your wall is. Exactly. Oh, we've left out one siege technique that I thought was awesome. The tunneling? Yeah. I knew you were going to say that. This sieging army would dig a tunnel all the way
Starting point is 00:22:07 under the castle walls, right? And then they would use timber supports to hold the thing up while they were digging. When they finished digging, they would come back out, set the tunnel on fire, the timber supports would burn, and the wall above would collapse, because there was no longer any support. Pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Isn't that awesome? Yeah, it didn't make sense to me at first, but then I got it. So this is what you had to do to make a wall collapse. Then the cannon comes along, and all you have to do is shoot a couple cannonballs in the same place, and then the wall collapses, right? So castles kind of fell out of use. But strangely enough, history repeated itself.
Starting point is 00:22:43 It actually came full circle, because remember, we were talking about the predecessors of castles where earthen walls and wood, and that's what we went back to, because earthen walls, we found, could sustain the impact of a cannonball. Wow. So like colonial forts? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 They were made of earthen walls and wood? And they kind of replaced the, well, not replaced, but as far as the military outpost replaced the castle. Exactly, and they were also really speedy. Apparently, the colonial army could put up a fort in basically 24 hours. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Instead of two to 10 years. Yeah. Or 30 years, right? Oh, is that how long some of them took? That's how long one in Arkansas was taken. Oh, yeah, let's talk about this guy. Another Frenchman named Michel Gouillot and Mary Lynn Martin worked on a project in France called Project Guilodin.
Starting point is 00:23:41 So out of my league with France. And they are basically building a castle in the Bordeaux region of France using the old techniques. It started in 1997, expected to take about 25 years. And I went to the website day, and it looks pretty rad. It looks pretty cool so far. Yeah. It's like more than one third finished.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And it's open to the public. It's open. Well, that's how they're paying for it with tourist money. Yeah. It's pretty cool. And they use all ancient tools. Not ancient, but yeah, ancient. No, not ancient.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Ancient. Not pretty historic, but you could make the case that it's ancient. Like wooden calipers. They have a rope with knots tied in it to measure things out. They're quarrying the limestone by hand, carving the bricks by hand. They're transporting it from the quarry to the site by horse.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Not just a horse, but a horse-drawn wagon. Right, yeah. And that's actually in the article. And then we got an email from Dana in Arkansas who said, who turned us on to this guy before I read the article, he's actually doing the same thing in Arkansas now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 He said, I will build one in Bordeaux and Arkansas. So random. It is random, but it looks like it's going to be awesome. Yeah, and it's called the Ozark Medieval Fortress. And it opens actually in May of this year for the public. And I think for like $50, you can go see the thing in progress. And once again, it's like a 20-year project.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Or you can go to a major regional mall and have a nice chicken dinner at medieval times. True. Or you could go see the Hearst Castle. They're like some rich dudes later on in the 20th century who said, you know, I want my castle. What says that I own the labor of 25% of America? A castle.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Yeah, Hearst Castle's awesome, though. You ever been there? I haven't. I've seen pictures. Yeah, really cool. Yeah. And there's a castle in my neighborhood. What?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah, there's a castle in Oakhurst. Have you ever seen it, Jerry? Yeah, it's like a five-minute walk from my house. I walk by there with the dogs all the time. Sweet. It's like a small house, and it's got the tower, and it's built of rock. I'll have to go check it out.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, I could probably find a picture of it. Isn't there a castle that's a mausoleum that used to be in one of the mall parking lots, Avondale Mall parking lot? No, it's a Walmart now, but it wasn't a castle, but it was a stone mausoleum. Oh, OK. Close enough, right? Yeah, this castle in Oakhurst is kind of cool,
Starting point is 00:26:06 but every time I walk the dogs by there, some dude pours hot oil on me, so it's kind of off-putting. Nice one, Chuck. Nothing more needs to be said after that. I don't think so. So if you want to learn more about castles and see some cool pictures of castles, actually, there's a bunch left in this article we didn't cover.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You can type in castles in the handy search bar at, which means it's time for listener mail. OK. Josh, I'm going to call this email from Anna. She seems pretty cool. And I think Anna is from Poland. Was there a colon? Email from Anna, colon?
Starting point is 00:26:44 She seems pretty cool. Or was that, or she seems pretty cool? She does. I think she's Polish, so that inherently makes her cool. OK. Hi, Josh and Chuck. I have to thank you for the Hiccup podcast. As it reminded me of how special I am in my 27 years
Starting point is 00:27:00 on this planet, so she's either 27 or she's been living on Earth for 27 years. She's Martian. She's 40. I've acquired exactly two superpowers. One, a photographic olfactory memory, which I've had since childhood, and two, the ability to cure my own hiccups just by thinking about them, which
Starting point is 00:27:19 I perfected once I was of legal drinking age. The latter superpower is made for a hilarious party trick. Basically, if I get hiccups while imbibing of the sweet, sweet booze, that's how I knew we'd like her. Yeah. All I have to do is pause for a second, concentrate on just the hiccups, and they go away within just a few moments.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Of course, strangers at parties don't know this, so I can pretend that I am plagued by uncontrollable hiccups. And the only way I'll get cured is if, say, for instance, someone does a keg stand or a guy gives me a kiss. Pretty smart. She is wily. Now, I know that with great power comes great responsibility, so I have resisted the temptation to use this ability
Starting point is 00:27:56 for evil so far. My only hope is that I don't become so blinded with power that I turn to the dark side and use my hiccups to start a major war of influence on an election, or influence an election. Anyway, how about a future podcast on burping? Anna says that. And she says, kudos to Chuck for having good taste in music.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Are we seeing the flaming lips myself this year? And her email signature, she's written in before, has a Charles Bukowski quote. It's the other way, and now she's cool. What is it? The best part of a writer is on paper. The other part is usually nonsense. Nice.
Starting point is 00:28:31 And it's probably followed by a hiccup and a burp. Well, thanks for that, Anna. We appreciate the email. It's pretty cool. If you have a special power, if you have a great Bukowski quote, or if you can tell us your age in Martian years, we want to hear it. Put it in an email, spank it on the bottom,
Starting point is 00:28:49 and send it to StuffPodcast at For more on this and thousands of other topics, visit Want more HowStuffWorks? Check out our blogs on the home page. You're ready to travel in 2023. And since 1981, Gate One travel has been providing more of the world for less.
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