Stuff You Should Know - How Garbage-powered Cars Could Work

Episode Date: February 5, 2013

We're not so far off from being able to power our cars using beer and banana peels, like Doc in Back to the Future. Rather than solving the energy crisis with Mr. Fusion, though, we'll be taking advan...tage of a technique that's been in use for hundreds of years: creating syngas through pyrolysis. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:42 They just have way better names for what they call, like what we would call a jackmove or being robbed. They call civil acid. Be sure to listen to the war on drugs on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Brought to you by Toyota. Let's go places. Welcome to Stuff You Should Know from Hey buddy, before we get started, we have a big announcement here about a time change on our TV show. Yeah, again, we have a TV show. It's pretty awesome. We are now on Saturdays, beginning at noon. They're playing it in blocks. So you can just sit down and basically like totally lose
Starting point is 00:01:35 yourself in the SYSK TV world. Yeah, I think people marathon like TV shows these days. I know I do. Well, yeah, I mean, you know, Nick and Knight originated this kind of thing. Oh, did they really? The world has been eternally grateful ever since. For me, those were the first marathons I ran into. Yeah, I call it, I call it mainlining. That's what we do at our house. We'll get like a new show and we'll watch like three seasons over two weeks. Yeah, until we just can't stand it. So, so science channel, they know what they're doing. They're like, oh, you like to mainline the show? Yeah, we're going to give you a taste. We're going to give you a taste. They're not going to put it all on at once yet until they run everything. So over the course of three different
Starting point is 00:02:11 Saturdays, beginning February 9th, February 23rd, and then March 9th. Starting at noon, on all three days, you're going to see a couple of new episodes each time. Yeah. And then some reruns, which we like to call classics, classics. And then in the final day, was it March 9th? Yeah, you're going to see the Lost Pilot episode. Yeah, which we can't believe is better or worse. You're going to see that one. Yeah, the Lost Pilot. Yeah. And you can also, if you guys don't have science channel or don't have cable or whatever, and you watch your TV on your computer, you can get it on iTunes, you can get it on Google Play, you can get it on Amazon Instant. That's right. And the first episode is free on iTunes. Yeah. And I know if this is U.S.
Starting point is 00:02:54 iTunes and stuff, and guys, if you don't live in the U.S., we are working hard to make this available in other iTunes and all over the world. It's important to us that you see it too. So just hang in there. Yeah. We're doing what we can. We're doing what we can. Yeah. So thanks for the support. Watch it. It's funny stuff. Yeah. And if you just need to get your fix of stuff you should know all the time, you should go to our website, It's got our podcasts there. It's got our blog there. It's got all sorts of fun videos. It's very cool. So check it out. Great. Now, get down to business. Let's get down to business. Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh Clark. Charles W. Chuck Bryant is breathing on his glasses,
Starting point is 00:03:31 which means it's time for stuff you should know. Is that what that means? Yeah. It means my glasses are just dirty always. I think I'm just greasy. It happens. As a human, I just grease things up everywhere I walk. Everybody who wears glasses gets their glasses greasy. Really? Yeah. If you don't, I mean what? You're like a loser or something. Okay. You don't want that. You want to make your glasses greasy. It's a small price to pay for having hydrated skin. Gotcha. That should be a t-shirt. I'm sure it will be in the near future. Are you doing good? I am doing well, sir. I enjoy these kind of topics where we hit on some nice environmental things that can help the environment. Same here. This one's beautiful, elegant in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And I apologize straight off for everyone that was cringing when we couldn't pronounce the river in Paris, France. The Seine? The Seine. The Seine or the Seine? The Seine. The Seine. One of those three. Yeah. Our friend and mortal enemy, Joe Randazzo, hates us now because of that. Of Yeah. If you haven't checked out, go because they're certainly watching you. Yeah. Some of the former onion folks from New York split off and made this comedy website, and we're going to be on it soon, but we'll let you know when that happens. Yeah. It's an adult swim website, too, right? Yeah. So despite the fact that Joe is angry at us, and what do you say? How can you guys be adults in the world and not know how to pronounce that? How do you not know
Starting point is 00:04:58 how to pronounce the Seine? Yeah. I'm like, dude, I'm not Mr. Fancy Pants. I'm not in Paris every other week. Right. Like you. Yeah. All right. That's our Joe. Let's see. I've got some horrifying stats for you. Oh boy. Eye-opening, to say the least. Okay. Did you know that one third of the global food supply goes to waste? Wow. 1.8 billion tons around the world of food go to waste. What's interesting is it's not just developed countries. Developing countries waste about as much food per person as developed countries do. Yeah. I wonder if they waste, though, because they can't help it because they don't have the refrigerators and the stores that we do. I don't know. And here we just toss it away like so many discarded business cards. Wow. I was not expecting business cards.
Starting point is 00:05:53 I was trying to get something you just get and throw away. You know what? Business cards. Anyone listening to this podcast, if you were expecting Chuck to say business cards, email in right now and let us know. Yeah. And also, please don't ever give me a business card, and if you have in the past, I apologize. There's like a little dirty secret among grocery stores where if a fruit or vegetable produce, it's called collectively, doesn't really look quite right but is totally fine. Yeah. Like examples I've seen is like a slight bruise to a tomato or something like that. Yeah. Or a carrot that's not straight enough. They just throw it away. Yeah. We've covered that in something. Can't remember what. It seems like we have, haven't we? Yeah. It's sad. I feel they should
Starting point is 00:06:33 have a... I want to bring it out into the light again. Well, they should have a misshapen fruit and vegetable store where you can buy a crooked carrot that tastes just as good. Like one of the drawings from the far side like owns and operates the store. Remember the people like they had like crooked heads and everything? I bet people would buy this stuff though. If you don't have as much money, you might want to buy a tomato that has a bruise and just cut that little part off. Sure. Sure. Just a thought. I think it's a good thought. So 1.3, I think I said 1.8, but 1.3 billion pounds, tons of food is wasted every year. That's just food, dude. In 1960, the average American generated 2.68 pounds of waste a day. Today we're up to about 4.6 pounds a day. You know what it is in
Starting point is 00:07:22 Chicago? What? You know, we mentioned Chicago in this article as being overrun with garbage. In 2010, the average Chicagoan produced 15 pounds of waste, 15.4 pounds per day of garbage. How is that possible? I don't know. And I think we're up like, I think Chicago is up 300% from the 1980s. So I don't know what's going on there, but they're like double what they are in the state of Illinois period. That is really nuts. I'm really curious what's going on there. Come on, Chicago. What are you guys doing? So overall, we're producing, apparently most of it from Chicago, 230 million tons of waste in the US every year. And there are some programs that are set up to where somebody who runs a landfill where all this stuff is going and decomposing and producing methane,
Starting point is 00:08:13 they may capture that methane, burn it off or save it and use it for productive stuff. Or there's also things called waste to energy facilities that just burn trash. And then the heat from that incineration creates steam that powers turbines that generate electricity. That make business cards. That you throw away. That's right. The circle of life is complete. So I mean, there are programs in place that make productive use out of trash. This is going to be trashed anyway. But like that waste to energy facility that's burning trash, that generates a lot of horrible stuff, horrible pollution. Sure. There are actually programs that are even better that could someday be used to power our cars through garbage. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. And of course, this article starts
Starting point is 00:09:06 off with a little back to the future reference. How can you not talk about garbage fueling cars without mentioning Mr. Fusion? So you thought about that too? Yeah, immediately. I told you me what we were doing. She's like, oh, like back to the future. And I was like, really? Of course. I mean, I love that movie, but that's not what I think of with garbage powered cars. I forgot that he even does that. Oh, to me, that was a big impactful scene at the end. When he comes back in the spaceship, cracks open the Mr. Fusion and puts like a beer can and old beer and a banana peel in there. Yeah. I was like, oh man, is that what the future is going to be like? And the answer is no. Well, not too far off maybe. Well, let's talk about the how Steven Spielberg got it
Starting point is 00:09:43 wrong. That wasn't a Spielberg. It was Robert Zemeckis. He produced it. Did Spielberg produce it? I'm pretty sure he did. Okay. You just want to blame him for everything. I got a beef. Spielberg beef. All right. So gasification is what we're talking about. And it is actually possible in this day and age right now today to create liquid fuel that you can burn in your car from garbage. Yeah. The basis of this is something called syngas or synthesized or synthesis or synthetic gas. Yes. But it's everybody's calls it syngas for sure, right? And it's the product of I guess, accelerated decomposition. Yeah, from what they call feedstock, which is basically just your source fuel. And in this case, feedstock can be everything from asphalt and sewage,
Starting point is 00:10:37 fossil fuels, of course, we know about, to plastics, biomass and ag waste. Yeah. And garbage, municipal solid waste. Yeah. As long as it's not metal or glass. Yeah. And it's carbon based. It will you can make syngas out of it. Yeah. That should be in your recycling bin, people. Yeah. That old bed frame of yours. Recycling. Yeah. Although wood, if it's, oh, you mean the bent old bed frame? Yeah. Yeah. You know, that cheap one that always it's like that's so hard to put together and you like pinch your fingers. Oh, it's the worst. So the process of creating syngas uses not combustion, but intense heat way more heat than it would take for normal combustion. Yeah. I think 2600 degrees Fahrenheit and about 1000 pounds of pressure, but it's in a very low
Starting point is 00:11:29 oxygen environment. So this stuff doesn't ignite. It doesn't burn. It undergoes a chemical reaction called pyrolysis. Yeah. The key here is heat without flame. Right. Or one of the keys. And this is not new. This sounds like the future. But back in the 1600s in Belgium, they were using wood and coal to power street lamps. It was called town gas. Yeah. And they did this also during World War Two during fuel shortages. They made syngas from wood chips and powered vehicles using them. So it was not like a new thing. No. And apparently apartheid era, South Africa did the same thing because they were under international sanctions. Yeah. Basically, sitting cut off from the rest of the world. Yeah. Remember that? Yeah. What was the dude from
Starting point is 00:12:14 the East Street Band? Who's the consultant for Springsteen? No, the other guy. Clarence Clemens? No, the other guy. Stephen Zantz? Yes. Little Stephen. He's who I associate with Don't Play Sun City. Yeah. He's like a big proponent. I think he was too. And then he did the Sopranos and forgot about Sun City. And now he was the consultant on the guy who created the Sopranos owed to being in a garage band in the 60s. Yeah, I want to see that. I heard it's good. Yeah, it's supposed to be awesome. The war on drugs impacts everyone, whether or not you take drugs. America's public enemy number one is drug abuse. This podcast is going to show you the truth, behind the war on drugs. They told me that I would be charged for conspiracy to distribute
Starting point is 00:12:54 2,200 pounds of marijuana. Yeah, and they can do that without any drugs on the table. Without any drugs. Of course, yes, they can do that. And I'm the prime example of that. The war on drugs is the excuse our government uses to get away with absolutely insane stuff. Step out of piss y'all. The property is guilty. Exactly. And it starts as guilty. It starts as guilty. The cops, are they just like looting? Are they just like pillaging? They just have way better names for what they call like what we would call a jack move or being robbed. They call civil acid. Be sure to listen to the war on drugs on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Hey, y'all. This is Dr. Joy Horton Bradford, host of the award-winning weekly podcast therapy for black girls. Our incredible community of sisters has been building the therapy for black girls podcast for five years running. And over that time, we've published over 250 episodes and gained over 18 million podcast downloads. During this time, we've tackled the stigma surrounding mental health and shared conversations to help us all understand ourselves and others a little better. Hundreds of incredible licensed mental health care professionals and other experts have joined us to share tips on taking better care of ourselves. We flipped through the pages of your favorite romance novels with author Tia Williams, checked in with Grammy
Starting point is 00:14:23 award-winning artist Michelle Williams and discussed the hurdles of balancing competitive sports, motherhood and mental health with Olympic athlete Natasha Hastings. Five years down and many more years of work to be done. Join us now by checking out the therapy for black girls podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, wherever you get your podcast. So, okay. So you take your feedstock, which is what we're specifically talking about is garbage today. You take your garbage, say your banana peels, okay? Yeah. And you want to dry them out because that's how it goes. But you put them in this thing called a gasifier, which depending on whether you make one at home, which there's videos on YouTube for how to make them, or you could go
Starting point is 00:15:12 down to Tampa and see one that's that provides power for 60,000 homes. But a gasifier is this low oxygen, high pressure, high temperature environment that produces pyrolysis, that chemical change, that chemical decomposition, where this carbon based feedstock, the volatile chemicals basically separate from it. And it becomes this thing called char. And the char is further reduced to carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Yes. And that is syngas. And that syngas alone could power certain types of vehicles. I think the Honda Civic in GV. And apparently there are in Toronto, of course, in Canada, they're always doing great things like this. They have garbage trucks and buses, I think, or no, maybe just garbage trucks that run on compressed natural gas.
Starting point is 00:16:10 So you could actually fuel it with syngas. In order to use that fuel, what more widespread, you have to convert it to ethanol. Right. And there's a company that's interviewed in this article, how garbage powered cars could work. Coscata? Yeah, I guess that's how you say it. Yeah. And they take syngas, and they feed it to a bunch of bacteria in a vat of water. That's amazing. And this bacteria, equally amazing or patented, something disturbing. I don't think lifeforms should be patentable. But yes, it is a patented bacteria that eats syngas and then expels ethanol. And then they add a little gasoline to the ethanol to denature it so they don't have to pay a $27 a gallon liquor tax.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Yeah, that's amazing to me. It's almost the same thing as moonshine until you denature it. Right. So they said add a little gas to it, and we don't have to pay that liquor tax, right? Spirit tax. How much is it like? It's like $27 a gallon. A gallon. Wow. Yeah. And I mean, they're producing a lot of ethanol as much as they can. That's a lot of extra money. They don't have to pay just from adding a little gasoline. And then what you have is engine grade ethanol ready to be mixed with gasoline, which if you go to a gas station, there's a pretty good chance you'll see a sticker that says this gas may contain up to 15% ethanol. So your car that you're driving now can run
Starting point is 00:17:33 on the syngas created from garbage. Or if you have a flex fuel car, that can use up to 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline. So we could use even more of this stuff. Don't they have ethanol only pumps? Yeah. Like 10 or 15% they say are ethanol only. Oh, is that right? I think so. I might be wrong there. There may be flex fuel with just more ethanol. I've seen, I have seen ethanol, but I've seen flex fuel more frequently. And then you see like that 85, 10 mixture, 85 gas or 15% ethanol mixture, like almost everywhere. Yeah. That's how I screw up like every weed eater I've ever had,
Starting point is 00:18:10 because you have to mix the oil and the what in the gas. Oh man, I always do it wrong. I remember that used to be like, long boy, why are you so difficult? So one of the things you want to do here is, well, first you got to separate all the garbage. That's one of the problems. But you want stuff that's uniform and stuff that if it melts, it's not good apparently. So even though you can use things like diapers for gas and ethanol, it's pretty awesome. What you want is something more like wood, something carbon based that will just sort of disappear when it gets hot. Right. And wood is probably the best feedstock for syngas because apparently it leaves about 2% char behind. And the rest is,
Starting point is 00:18:53 the rest becomes syngas. And it's not all syngas. Like there are other things, especially even in wood, something as pure as wood. There are impurities. If you're burning PVC plastic, there's a lot of impurities. But the beautiful thing about using a gasifier to produce syngas from any kind of feedstock is it's this closed system. And you can control and separate all those different chemicals and impurities out. So you just have pure syngas, which when burned, burns at a really high temperature. So it has almost no emissions when you use just the syngas. Yeah. And that's no matter what feedstock is originally used. Exactly. Zero emissions, almost zero. Because whatever feedstock you use, you can sort these
Starting point is 00:19:41 impurities out. And in some cases, you can reuse the impurities. Like if you use discarded tires, apparently there's 188 million scrap tires just sitting around in the U.S. breeding mosquitoes, catching fire randomly for eight months. Fire fires. Yeah. They figured out that they can use tires, scrap tires as a feedstock for syngas and even cooler after the syngas is separated. You still have that char leftover. Yeah. You can use that and it's more efficient than regular coal. Really? Yeah. Wow. So I mean, there's really not too many downsides to creating syngas, because you're especially if you're using it as if you're using garbage as a feedstock, because it was going to go to waste anyway, right? True. That's a good point. And I don't know if
Starting point is 00:20:27 you'd count them as problems. There are some setbacks. The reason why this isn't so widespread is that there are setbacks like, you know, you got to sort through this waste. You can't just go to your landfill and dump a truckload of garbage. You know, you have to separate it and make sure it's the right kind of stuff. So that costs money. You have to get rid of the bed frames, the glass, all that stuff. Yep. And so I need to get it fairly uniform. So there is some money and costs involved in like the preparatory stages that probably I guess aren't feasible right now in a widespread manner. And then there's also the thing we've talked about this plenty of times. Remember, we talked about energy is the net energy ratio. Yeah. You want more energy put
Starting point is 00:21:09 out than you put into it, or else it's just not viable. And apparently a study of biofuels found that almost all of them require more energy. Oh, really? Like the lowest they found was 27% more. Sunflower oil, apparently like a biofuel based on that requires 100% more. Wow. So you have to put in two to get out one. Yeah. Or one to one. So that's the battle, then, to keep making that smaller and smaller. Right. But the beauty thing with syngas is that's not necessarily the case. Now, I don't know about this, this company, what is it, Kostaka? Yeah. What? How much more? Koskata. Yeah. How much more energy it requires for them to turn that syngas into ethanol, right? And if they, you know, if there's a net energy loss or a gain
Starting point is 00:21:57 or what? But if you're just burning syngas, there's it's it's very elegant. It's very clean. It's elegant. And there's there's like, I think it's it's a net energy gain. Awesome. Well, one of the other problems is you got to dry it out too. You can't throw like you can use waste materials like biomass, like leftover pulp and stuff from woodmills, grass and corn. But that's moist. And so you have to remove the moisture, which is going to cost a little more money. And then the article mentions too, on the other end, you're going to have a little issue with ash, producing too much ash. Right, depending on what you use. Yeah. So that's like what you said, wood is the best because only produce about 2%. But if you're not using wood, you're going to
Starting point is 00:22:45 have leftover ash to deal with. But it can like we found with tires, burning old tires, you have that stuff left over and sometimes it can be useful, depending on what you're doing with it. That's true. And I know they recycle the water used in the little bacterial process, which is kind of cool. Another advantage of creating syngas is I read a study that found you can take CO2 and inject it into a gasifier. And it actually produces more syngas, more carbon monoxide. Oh, really? Right. So that if you can sequester CO2 from say like a regular coal fire power plant and bring it to a syngas plant, you can use it for that to convert it into something useful rather than just polluting it. Interesting. Yeah, isn't it? Yeah. And I think of this stuff,
Starting point is 00:23:31 like the more you work toward these problems, the cheaper it's going to get. I mean, one of the reasons that petroleum is the way to go is because we've been using it for so long and it's become like one of the more cost efficient ways to fuel a car. Right. May not seem like it these days, but they've got the process down packs. They've been doing it for, you know, decades. Right. Like think about 50 or 60 years from now where we might be with some of this stuff. But using bananas and beer, just putting it right into our car. You never know. How about this dude Chip Beam? Did you look this guy up? He's the guy that uh... Oh, the trooper? Yeah, he took an old a Susie trooper and basically cut the rear covered portion out to where it has like a pickup
Starting point is 00:24:13 bed and has a big kettle there where he burns wood chips. Yeah. And he has been running this 88 Susie trooper on wood for quite a while now. 45 miles an hour to stop speed. Not too bad. Yeah. It's good city speed. Yeah. It's getting around town car. And apparently it's the original engine. Like you didn't have to modify the engine at all. And it smells like a faintly of charcoal barbecue. That's really interesting. He didn't modify the engine. Not the least bit. Wow. And he's working on a mercury, a 91 mercury cougar. His goal is to make the fastest wood burning car in the world. His goal. So I guess 45 he wants to go like 70. Didn't that just evoke images of like granny clamp it like on a rocking chair on top of the clamp it family car?
Starting point is 00:25:02 Yeah. I like this guy though. That's pretty awesome. I do too. But I had a question about a setup. So like if you're creating syngas in like this closed environment, you're able to trap impurities and use them or sequester them or do whatever with them to keep them from entering the atmosphere. Yeah. If you're if you're creating syngas as you're burning it, what kind of emissions are there from that? I had a question about that. I don't know. I bet we could get in touch with Chip Beam. Well, let's do it. He seems gettable. Yeah. The war on drugs impacts everyone whether or not you take America's public enemy. Number one is drug abuse. This podcast is going to show you the truth behind the war on drugs. They told
Starting point is 00:25:39 me that I would be charged for conspiracy to distribute 2200 pounds of marijuana. Yeah. And they can do that without any drugs on the table without any drugs. Of course, yes, they can do that. And on the prime example, the war on drugs is the excuse our government uses to get away with absolutely insane stuff. Stuff that'll piss you off. The property is guilty. Exactly. And it starts as guilty. It starts as guilty. The cops. Are they just like looting? Are they just like pillaging? They just have way better names for what they call like what we would call a jack move or being robbed. They call civil asset for it. Be sure to listen to the war on drugs on the iHeart radio app,
Starting point is 00:26:20 Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. Hey, y'all. This is Dr. Joy Harden, Bradford, host of the award-winning weekly podcast therapy for black girls. Our incredible community of sisters has been building the therapy for black girls podcast for five years running. And over that time, we've published over 250 episodes and gained over 18 million podcast downloads. During this time, we've tackled the stigma surrounding mental health and shared conversations to help us all understand ourselves and others a little better. Hundreds of incredible licensed mental health care professionals and other experts have joined us to share tips on taking better care of ourselves. We flipped through the pages of
Starting point is 00:27:06 your favorite romance novels with author Tia Williams, checked in with Grammy award-winning artist Michelle Williams, and discussed the hurdles of balancing competitive sports, motherhood, and mental health with Olympic athlete Natasha Hastings. Five years down and many more years of work to be done. Join us now by checking out the therapy for black girls podcast on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast. You got anything? Uh, no, I think that's it. We touched on everything. Stop wasting food. What is wrong with you? Stop wasting food. Yeah, I think that's everything. Okay. If you want to learn more about garbage-powered cars, energy, all that kind of stuff, you can type any of that into
Starting point is 00:27:52 the search bar at Also try typing gasification G-A-S-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N into the search bar. That'll bring up a pretty cool companion article that we worked off of as well. And I said search bar, which means it's time, of course, for listener mail. That's right, Josh. I'm going to call this yet another librarian email, unless people don't hear from librarians anymore. I think they need a charge. I think I've read like a couple. This makes three. Guys, I graduated from library school in May and started to work at a small university library in south Texas. Like many librarians, I've always been very passionate about banned books and censorship. While in library school, I was a president of my university
Starting point is 00:28:41 student chapter of the American Library Association. Our group decided to sell t-shirts as a fundraiser. Several of the officers created design ideas and we asked students to vote on their favorite before we started taking orders. The majority of students voted for a design, including quotes, from out of copyright books, from out of copyright books, including many frequently challenged or banned books, set over a drawing of an open book. I sent out several emails to students to promote the design and start taking orders. After receiving several of these orders, I received an email from a student who was upset about the design. He was most upset about a Kurt Vonnegut quote. I don't want to get into specifics of the email, but I was appalled
Starting point is 00:29:22 that a library school student wanted to censor our library school group. As librarians, we are obligated to provide information not limited. We ended up using quotes about intellectual freedom, the freedom to read, and censorship in libraries to appease the naysayers. I'm still bitter about the entire situation. You can't wait to hang out my Ban Books Week posters on my office door. So, her plan, Megan's plan for Ban Books Week, is to read as many of them as she can. That's a good point. The courage is everyone to do the same. And to eat the traditional Ban Book Week Swedish meatballs.
Starting point is 00:29:55 That's right. So, cheers from South Texas from Megan and enjoy those Ban Books and Swedish meatballs. Yeah, thanks a lot, Megan. Thanks to everybody who celebrates Ban Books Week. If you have a suggestion for a Ban Book, your favorite Ban Book, we want to hear it. We'll tell everybody about it. Let's just get talking about it, okay, guys? You can tweet to us at syskpodcast. You can join us on You can send us an email to and you can visit our home on the web, For more on this and thousands of other topics, visit Pillaging. They just have way better names for what they call, like what we would call a jack
Starting point is 00:31:04 move or being robbed. They call civil acid. Be sure to listen to The War on Drugs on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Langston Kermit. Sometimes I'm on TV. I'm David Boring. I'm probably on TV right now. David and I are going to take a deep dive every week into the most exciting, groundbreaking, and sometimes problematic Black conspiracy theories. We've had amazing past notable guests like Brandon Kyle Goodman, Sam J, Quinta Brunson,
Starting point is 00:31:42 and so many more. New episodes around every Tuesday, many episodes out on Thursdays, where we answer you, the listeners' conspiracy theories. Listen to my mama told me on the iHeart Radio App, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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