Stuff You Should Know - Hypnosis: You're Getting Sleepy

Episode Date: September 23, 2010

The modern conception of hypnosis came into vogue in the late 18th century, and it's been the subject of much debate ever since. Does hypnosis really work? How? Josh and Chuck discuss the history, pra...ctices and feasibility of hypnotism in this episode. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:45 like what we would call a jack move or being robbed. They call civil acid work. Be sure to listen to The War on Drugs on the iHeart radio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Brought to you by the reinvented 2012 Camry. It's ready, are you? Welcome to Stuff You Should Know from Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh Clark. Sitting across from me is one Charles W. Bryant. You might know and love him more as Chuckers or Chuck. Chuck Tran. Chuck Tran. Whatever. Call me anything. Just call me. You can call me anything. Just don't call me late to dinner.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Oh yeah, it's another good one. That's a redneck one, isn't it? No, it's classic. It's not redneck. I've always heard it from redneck. Oh, redneck. He's classic. So wait, what accent was that? I have no idea. It's like that was international. Italio Serbian. You're getting more and more refined, buddy. Chuck, do you see the stopwatch I have? I do. I want you to stare at it, Chuck. I am. I am. You're getting very drowsy, Chuck. I am. You're laying in a field surrounded by little rabbits. I love rabbits. Yes, the rabbits love you too, Chuck. Chuck. Yes. Keep your eyes open for me. Yes. Yes. Now, Chuck, I want you to bark like a dog when I snap my fingers. Ready? Wolf. Very good, Chuck. That was excellent. Now, Chuck, I'm going to bring us out of this,
Starting point is 00:02:29 this horribly uncomfortable segment. When I snap my fingers, I'm going to count to three, and when I snap my fingers, you're not going to remember any of this. Just me and the people listening to this. Well, no. Okay. Okay. One, two, three. Oh, hey, Chuck. I'm not sure what happened, but I feel lame. You feel, you should feel lame. You have every reason to feel lame. So do I, Chuck. I'm embarrassed. I suddenly realized I just bestowed upon you like a really great gift that you can't remember what just happened. That was like the worst intro we ever did. It is. So just thank you, Lucky Stars, Chuck. That is a great intro, Josh, because we are talking about hypnosis. Well, yeah. It would have been a little weird for Australian frogs.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Right. Yeah. That'd be weird. The cane toad. So I'll go ahead and kickstart this, my friend, by saying that hypnosis has been around for a couple of hundred years, and because it has to do with the brain and the mind, we still don't know a ton about how it actually works. I'd like to kickstart this one by saying that hypnosis is complete. I don't agree because I have been hypnotized and we will get to that later. Really? Yeah. Have you really? Yeah, sort of. We'll talk about it. Okay. I'll walk you through my experience later. That would be great. You've been hypnotized twice now, you realize. You don't remember it, but I don't know what you're talking about. I know you don't, but you've been hypnotized
Starting point is 00:03:50 twice. So technically speaking, buddy, a trance-like state is what hypnosis is, and it's characterized by relaxation, heightened imagination, and extreme suggestibility. And they compare it to daydreaming. You're actually hyperattentive. You're not asleep. You're hyperattentive, and they liken it sometimes to when you get lost like in a movie, and nothing exists outside the movie, and you are emoting with the movie, and you kind of believe what's going on is real. Not only was it compared to in this article by poor Tom Harris to watching a movie, it was also compared to driving, reading, and mowing the lawn. Was it? Yeah. Oh, you didn't see that? This is awesome illustration that shows you all the things that you can kind of
Starting point is 00:04:39 self-hypnotize with, and one of them is apparently riding a lawn tractor. Well, Milton Erickson is an expert in the 20th century with hypnotism. He says that this happens on a daily basis to everybody. Yeah, and I know what he's talking about. Like, I've definitely driven unimpaired before and been like, how did I get here? Oh, I've done that too, man. And you realize you're so focused on a thought or a problem or just something you're trying to work out that your body's just taken over, and you can do it in a stick shift, too. It's not just with automatics. Yeah, you know what usually triggers my realization that that's happened is I realized some awful, awful song has been playing that I would never listen to like one second of? Really? Like,
Starting point is 00:05:22 Bad of the Bone is on. And it's like the end of Bad of the Bone. Wait, whoa, buddy, you mean George Thurgood and the Teabirds? No, the Teabirds was different. George Thurgood and the Destroyers. You didn't like Thurgood? He used to go to the Hollywood Y, by the way. We were on the same workout schedule for a little while. That's awesome. He, like his old bones on the treadmill, he was about to die. Yeah, so I'm sure he was. I hated Bad of the Bone, and I maintain that. Okay, so if you are listening to Bad of the Bone and you realize that it's like the end of the song, it's been on the whole time, that's clear evidence that you've self-hypnotized. Exactly. And there's also a school of thought that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. We'll get to
Starting point is 00:06:00 those explanations later. Right. That definitely makes a little bit of sense to me. Or mesmerized, even. Do you want to talk about Mr. Mesmer? Yeah. The name actually comes from a guy named Franz Mesmer. And he was an Austrian physician in the 1700s. And he was one of the early proponents of hypnotism. He thought it was a mystical force, though. And it was early on, it was known as mesmerism. Right. And then that just eventually became like mesmerizing. Right. And Mesmer's whole bit was that it was animal magnetism flowing from the hypnotists, like sleep, right, that guy? The old corny stuff. Coming out of like his fingers and his eyes, like into the subject. Right. And that hypnosis was the hypnotist exerting his will on the
Starting point is 00:06:48 hypnotized person. Right. And that was largely abandoned in the 19th century, I think. Was it? Yeah. A Scottish surgeon named James Braid coined the term hypnosis. Right. And it came to be seen as a state that the person went into. Gotcha. Guided by a hypnotist. Right. Gotcha. Well, that's definitely what happens when you're under hypnosis. It's always that you talk about the suggestibility. You think that that's reality. So the example they gave in the article, which I thought was appropriate for us, is if they say like your tongue is swollen, you believe that. And so you might start talking like you do with the thick tongue. That's nice. Or if they say you're drinking like a cold soda, you might like feel the bubbles or the cooling effect on your
Starting point is 00:07:36 throat even. Right. And Chuck, I think it's not that you think it's real. It's that you are in much the same way it was like into watching a movie or a TV show. Like do you ever watch a TV show and you like it cuts to commercial and all of a sudden you realize like you're really anxious like you're about you're in trouble for something and you don't understand why and you realize it's because you've attached to what's going on in the show. Right. So much that you're kind of empathizing with the characters. Yeah. I think it's like that. Like the idea that a dramatic play going on inside a little box can evoke emotions in you. Sure. That's what hypnosis is. You don't think it's reality because you're not thinking. Yeah. Well, we'll get into the brain of it.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Then I guess this is probably a good time to do it, right? The subconscious mind? Well, yeah. This is really where I started to zone out. Really? It was like, how did I lose the last hour? The school of thought for the most part is that hypnotism is a way to get into your subconscious mind. You say hypnotism? Hypnotism. Okay. Hypnotism. Taps into your subconscious and if your conscious thoughts are the things that you have to consciously think of in a day, your subconscious is still like hard at work doing all the things like you don't think I'm going to get in my car and pick up my key to insert it in. You just, you know, your subconscious knows how to do all that. Right. Harris used the example of like losing your keys,
Starting point is 00:09:16 right? Right. You're sitting there in your conscious mind, I guess, in this respect and I have to put this claim around. I don't think conscious and subconscious concepts will be around for much longer, but I don't think so. But from the viewpoint of psychology, your conscious mind is what realizes that you are missing your car keys in all the ramifications of not being able to find your car keys like you're going to be late to work and this is going to be a problem and where did you leave it last and all that. And your subconscious mind are all of the different mechanisms, or it's governing all the different mechanisms, bringing them together so that you can have these thoughts, worries and access memories most importantly so that you can remember the last
Starting point is 00:10:02 place you put them. Right. So what seems to you like a sudden flash of insight, like there's the car keys, that that was a series of machinations by the subconscious mind that brought you to your conscious mind to that point. Wow. Well, that's very pertinent here because psychiatrists think that the deep relaxage and the relaxed state, relax it? Did I just say that? I kind of like that. The relaxed state that you get into, it is, allows the psychiatrist or the hypnotist to tap into that subconscious because of the state that you're in. Tap that subconscious. Tap it. There may be a little bit to that too, right? There could be, but we should probably say, Chuck, before we get into that, that what the subconscious mind is
Starting point is 00:10:56 responsible for, some of the big things and that this is what? Right. You've got the sensation, bodily sensations, memories, emotions, and with memories especially, if you're getting in there and you're going directly to the source where these things are stored, retrieved and experienced, right? Then you have a lot of responsibility, if this is actually real, to not manipulate the person in this state because apparently you're dealing directly with the subconscious. So with talking about repressed memories specifically, it's easy to create false memories inadvertently. So you definitely have to be really careful. But yes, you are right that there is some evidence, there's some scientific evidence that there's something going on here
Starting point is 00:11:48 when people are in a hypnotic state, right? Well, yeah, the conscious mind is the inhibitive component of your body. So it's the one that's like putting on the brakes for things and the subconscious is the more impulsive and imaginative one. So it makes sense that you see those stupid hypnosis shows live on stage where adults are like barking like dogs and walking around like chickens and stuff. They're still there. I was in Vegas a couple of weeks back and they have billboards. People love that stuff though. I'm just not one of them. But that does sort of make sense that if they're tapping into the subconscious and leaving the conscious mind out of it, then that's why they're uninhibited and feel free to do all those stupid things.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Right. So there is something to that in theory just by looking at it. Right. And there is, it's I guess people have slapped people into EEG machines, giving them electroencephalography scans. Yeah, to see what's actually going on in the brain. Right. And there is something, like there's no, there's no change bodily aside from in Tom Harris did a good job making this point. People are relaxed, right? Sure. But that's actually from the suggested relaxation. That's not from the state of hypnosis itself. So like your heart rate might slow down and stuff, but it's not because you're hypnotized. It's just because you're chill. Exactly. But with the brain scans, remember, I can't remember what we were talking about sleep walking,
Starting point is 00:13:16 I think. We're talking about brain waves. Right. Yeah, we were. And the low frequency waves associated with deep sleep tend to show up more when you're in a hypnotized state. Okay. And the higher frequency frequency waves associated with being fully awake and alert slow down something. They don't disappear. One doesn't take over and the other one goes away. Right. When you're actually in deep sleep, but they're skewed differently than a normal person would have while they're awake. And so there Tom also points out too that that's not like proof of anything, but it is a nod to like, well, this is actually going on. The same with they study the cerebral cortex and hypnotics showed or hypnotic subject showed reduced activity in
Starting point is 00:14:05 the left hemisphere and increased in the right. And the left hemisphere is where the logical control center is. And the right is where like the imagination and creativity is. So that kind of supports the idea as well. Right. But again, not like hard proof. Chuck, how do you that's my problem with this? There's no hard proof whatsoever. Right. How do you as far as against psychology psychiatry goes? And this is in widespread use or Vegas shows. Right. How do you hypnotize somebody? Well, there's some different ways. Right. You can do it. There's the old school way where you like wave the watch in front of someone you seen in the movie. Like, yes. That's called field gaze induction or I fixation. Fixed gaze. Fixed gaze. What does say field gaze?
Starting point is 00:14:54 That makes no sense. I hypnotized you to say that. What was that? Nothing. So that's the idea there is that they're just getting you to focus on something and tune everything out. And then they lull you to sleep with their tone. And that's sort of the old school way. And they don't do it much anymore because apparently it doesn't work that well. Yes. Because people are too smart. And what's the other one? There's another one called rapid, which I like this one. It's like, Chuck, sleep. Chuck, Chuck, you're hypnotized. Chuck, listen to my voice. You're sleepy. Chuck, focus on me. Chuck. Right. Chuck. What? Yeah. Well, and that's what they do in the Vegas shows. And they kind of pray on the fact that you're up on stage. You're out of your element and you're
Starting point is 00:15:36 nervous. And they supposedly that would make you more susceptible to that kind of suggestion. Right. So that's two. Then there, well, there's another one called progressive relaxation and imagery where someone might suggest that you're laying in a field. That's the one that was used on me. Or surrounded by bunnies. Right. Where was this? I, okay, I'll go ahead and just tell the story. I went to a hypnotherapist about four times before I didn't go back. And he, this guy would, it was in his house over there off Monroe and this dude's apartment. And he was sort of creepy and like the whole situation was a little unnerving. And, but I did want like, they say one of the things that you have to believe that you can be hypnotized. Yeah. In order to be hypnotized. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Like you can't go in there as a skeptic, probably. And like cross your arms and say, wave your watch. But I believe that, you know, you could do this because my friend went through the cigarette hypnosis and it really worked for him. So he had me look at a, this huge painting that was on his wall and just like focus on that. And he had this like a new age in your music playing softly and the lights were dim. Wow. It was a little creepy. And he lulled me with it to, with his voice, you know, and all that. And I went three times and I guess I was looking for a hypnosis experience where I didn't remember what happened and I was like out of it. But from reading this, it's not like you're out of it. You're just in such a relaxed, relaxed state that
Starting point is 00:17:07 you can go there or something. And the only success that I will say is for one of the sessions, I got, it is sort of like meditation. Right. Have you ever meditated? Yeah, I've tried. There's too much going on up here. Well, you probably wouldn't be very good with hypnosis. Plus, I can't get into the lotus position to save my life. Well, you don't have to. It's sort of like meditation though, in that this one time I really, really was lulled into this like super relaxed state and we talked about some stuff. And then afterward, I came out of it and he was like, all right, how do you feel? I was like, I feel really relaxed and good. He said, how much time do you think that took? I was like, I don't know, about 15 minutes. He went,
Starting point is 00:17:48 look at your watch. It was an hour and 20 minutes, dude. Well, he went sleep. Right to check. Right. Yeah. No, he just went through your wallet while you were talking. So it sort of worked, man. I mean, I felt. Did you feel better? Well, yeah, I didn't go back. I think I went back one more time and then went, eh, it's not for me. You went back for that fourth pity visit. Yeah, exactly. I felt bad for the guy. And then I just quit like returning calls basically. Yeah. He's like, please come over. But I won't charge you. I haven't seen another person in so long. I know. He kind of gave me that feeling. I hope he doesn't listen to the show. But it freaked me out, man. Like the passage of time definitely weirded me out to where I was like,
Starting point is 00:18:30 I lost an hour somehow. So, you know, I'm not saying I believe in it, but it was pretty real. Well, you, I guess we probably, yeah. Debunk it. Well, the problem is you totally nailed the, not just why hypnosis isn't necessarily real, but why psychology isn't necessarily real. Chuck, have you heard of the Dodo bird effect? No. Dodo bird effect, it was, there was a psychologist in I think the thirties and I can't remember his name, but he figured out and it's, it's been proven time and time again that no matter what psychological orientation you're using, whether it's Freudian psychoanalysis or behavioral cognitive behavioralism, whatever, as long as the patient believes
Starting point is 00:19:25 that he or she can be healed, believes in the therapist's abilities and the therapist believes in that orientation, there's going to be success. Mind is powerful. It is powerful, but the mind of the patient is powerful. Right. Right. What is described by the Dodo bird effect and it's based on some part of, I think through the looking glass or whatever, the Dodo bird decrees everyone's a winner. Right. It's the placebo effect. Yeah. That's what hypnosis is. It's a placebo effect, but more specifically, it's a socially or culturally bound placebo effect, like voodoo. Right. Remember when we talked about voodoo and it's, there's a, well, we, when we talked about zombies, I don't think we touched on it in voodoo, but with zombies, it's like, if you live in a
Starting point is 00:20:16 culture that believes in zombie-ism and steps are taken to make you think that you have been afflicted and made into a zombie, you're going to act like a zombie most likely. Right. That's what hypnosis does in my opinion. Well, and I sort of agree with that, but he also makes a point too when I was reading this. I'm glad he made the point in the end because the whole time I was thinking like, yeah, but if the end result is the same as hypnosis, isn't that the same, like it's kind of splitting hairs. And he makes that point. What's the difference if the placebo cures your ills? Well, the difference is, is like, if you can tap into the placebo effect, that's optimal. Yeah. Because you're letting the body take over and take care of itself. Right. The problem is,
Starting point is 00:21:03 is when you write a check to somebody, okay, for something that you could have done yourself, or there's an entire field of study, right, like psychology, that entire other fields of study, like economics, or, well, let's just go with economics, are based on the findings of, and those findings aren't right. It's all placebo effect. Then you've got a real problem. Yeah. I guess it's a solid point. It is. So I think if we identify the placebo effect, you have to identify it, but the problem is, if people know that it is a placebo effect, then it kind of ruins its effectiveness usually. Well, because you got to believe in it going in. Yeah. For sure. One of the ways they use it is habit control treatment. And that's when I was talking about my buddy, Johnny Pindell,
Starting point is 00:21:47 who quit smoking six at once. What's your buddy's name? John Pindell. I like Johnny Pindell. Yeah, he sounds like he should be wearing like a jean jacket. He might be. He's like Def Leppard and black marker on the back. He might be. And he might be. Oh, he met Johnny. He was the guy in New York, the tall guy in the back of the van with us. Oh, yeah. I like that guy. I could totally see him in a jean jacket with Def Leppard on the back. He, uh, he went through the cigarette program and a lot of times it's like overeating or smoking and they'll basically what they'll do is hypnotize you and reprogram your subconscious to like, you're going to feel nauseous every time you smoke a cigarette. Right. And it, you know, with varying degrees of success, it's worked.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yes. On some people. Yeah. Including John. I think he smokes now. But that was years ago. Again, though, I mean, did it really work? It worked for a little while. Yeah. But did it work because he believed it. It's not just that though. I mean, a lot of cancer patients apparently undergo hypnosis to get through chemotherapy or to try and heal. Right. Period. And a lot of people swear by that. Same with childbirth. Right. Then there's somewhere you're getting in some areas where it's like, no, no, if this is a placebo effect phenomenon, right, we shouldn't be using this at all. Like forensic. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Because we talked about implanting false memories. There's the likelihood of that. Yeah. What they'll do in forensic is they'll get someone who has
Starting point is 00:23:12 like a suppressed memory of like an awful crime and they'll hypnotize them to bring out these like details of the crime scene. But that's really controversial. Right. When it's used at all. There's also, oh, isn't there another one, Chuck? Well, just regular psychotherapy. If you have like phobias or fears, you know, subconscious fears, which is much like the habit control hypnotic treatment, except it's more usually more guided toward things like phobias rather than quitting smoking. Right. But it uses a lot of the same tricks like rather than you'll be nauseous the next time you get afraid of flying. Right. It will be it would, it would, I guess, kind of instill in you self confidence or something like that. Like you are, you don't need to be
Starting point is 00:23:58 afraid of this plane wreck. Yeah. You'll, it'll be over eventually. This is going to be a email generator, I think. Yeah. I think we'll get both sides of the coin on this. A lot of people are going to say, no, dude, I was hypnotized and it was real or I wouldn't saw that Vegas show and you don't know anything. It was hysterical. Right. Or I think it's bunk and I'm a skeptic. Right. I think skeptics, you're kind of wired that way. You're either a skeptic or you're more inclined to believe things. I changed. I've done a complete 180. I was thinking the other day how much, how surprised I am at what a skeptic I've become. Did you believe? I used to love everything that, like without thinking. Uh-huh. Like I used to think Genghis Khan killed like 1.8 million people
Starting point is 00:24:41 in an hour. I thought it because it was awesome. It was an awesome thing to think. And now today, I was reading, it was actually today, I was reading this hypnosis article and I was like, this is bunk. Like I can barely make it through this article. Really? Yeah. And I realized just like how much I've changed in that respect. I think you get older and you get a little more cynical and less prone to buy into stuff. Do you want to hear anymore? There's like a whole slew of cultural, cultural bound mental illnesses that are like if you live in a culture that accepts this as fact, there's one that I just want to tell you one. But if you're ever interested, you should go check out culture bound mental illnesses. There's lots of sites that
Starting point is 00:25:23 have lists and descriptions of them. But there's one called Koro and it afflicts Malaysians, possibly Indians. There's like, there's large populations that believe in this that under certain circumstances, like after you've had sex with a prostitute or engaged in masturbation, if you're feeling particularly guilty about this, you may suffer from Koro. And Koro is the belief that your genitalia male and female are shrinking into your body. Really? It can also happen from eating unclean food or whatever. So the idea is that if people really believe this, then it will happen or they just believe it's happening. So that's what matters. They believe it's happening. That's what matters. This is why it's classified as a mental illness because it doesn't actually
Starting point is 00:26:03 happen. But they'll take steps to prevent it from happening like putting hooks into their breasts to pull them back out, tearing off their son's penises to keep them from spreading. Holy cow. Yeah. So but that's culturally bound. Like if you did that in the U.S., everybody be like, you're absolutely nuts. Right. You do it there. It's like, oh, you have Koro. Yeah. I think that's what hypnosis says. It gives you, in the United States, carte blanche to act in ways that you would be embarrassed by normally because you're hypnotized so the rest of us aren't judging you. Interesting. I don't think that makes you a skeptic. Thanks. Thanks man because I started to hate that little rotten part in me. Skeptic. So if you
Starting point is 00:26:48 want to learn more about hypnosis or find out the fate of Chuck based on the fixed gaze induction that he underwent in my super creepy hypnosis. Yeah, that time. You can type in hypnosis, h-y-p-n-o-s-i-s in the search bar at It's the plain old vanilla search bar at And I understand it's, well, let's just do the listener mail thing. Or do we have a plug fest thing? No listener mail. This is a special announcement time. This is a plug fest. It is plug fest in October. In mid-October in Atlanta, Georgia, we're going to have a couple of things going on. One is an officially sanctioned trivia night at the Five Seasons Brewery West Side. You can look it up on the internet. It's got a great scene there. What street is it on?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Is it on Marietta or Howell Mill? It's on Marietta, I believe. But look it up. It's easy to find. Sort of near Georgia Tech. It's right by where Howell Mill and Marietta come together, I think at that point. Yeah. So they have a cool scene there on the roof and it's going to be awesome. We're going to have our all-star trivia. We have got some celebrity guests booked. We have Mr. John Hodgman of The Daily Show. Yeah. Author and actor John Hodgman. Yes. Who I am sure, I would say 140% of our audience is a huge fan of. Yeah. Don't call him the PC guy. No. I've actually had to stop myself the last two times. Actually, he's very cool about that. He's very thankful for that job. So it's not like he's like, don't call me that. Yeah. I don't ever want to discuss that again.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Right. That's our Hodgman impression. It sounds nothing like him. We have the guy who used to play Bo Duke in the classic 70s TV show, The Duke's of Hazard, Mr. Joe Randazzo. Yeah. He's going to be joining us. Now, he is the editor-in-chief of The Onion since he quit The Duke's of Hazard. Got to get work somewhere. He, America's Finance, a new source. Joe is coming down from New York with John. I wonder if they were going to ride down on the same plane. That would be nice. That'd be so cute. And Dave Willis, local legend from Adult Swim on the Cartoon Network. Dave was a co-creator of Aquatine Hunger Force. And Squidbillies. And the awesome Squidbillies. Have you seen Squidbillies? I have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So great. And we landed Dave and we're like super, super psyched that he's going to be here for this. So what we're saying is you can come to Five Seasons Brewery in Atlanta no matter where you are on October 13th, which is the Wednesday. It's a work night, but just take the next day off. Trivia's always worth it. To play us, Hodgman, Randazzo, Willis, and possibly a couple others in Trivia. Yeah. For free. Just come. You buy your own drinks or whatever. And apparently, have you seen the menu at this place? Oh, it's good. Awesome. That's where I had the cow cheek. Cheeks are the tastiest part of any animal play. I didn't care for it. Really? Man. Makes me sad. I didn't like it. We'll get you some sweet bread sometime. But you can come and hang out with
Starting point is 00:29:42 these guys. Yeah. They're all very approachable. Yeah. And we'll just play us in Trivia. See what you got. Bring your books, your John Hodgman books. He's got a couple of books out that I'm sure he'd be happy to sign. I probably will find out one way or the other. If you have an email about our Trivia event, you want to say hi? Yeah. We have the other event, too. The non-sanctioned event, though. Oh, yeah. Go ahead. The night before Trivia, Tuesday, October 12th, our buddies, the Henry Clay people, are in town. Yeah. At the Drunken Uni, right? By chance, they are in town doing a headlighting show this time, which is awesome. Yeah. At the Drunken Unicorn on Ponce de Leon Avenue. And I imagine it'll be sort of a late show. It's one of those
Starting point is 00:30:22 kind of clubs. But you're going to be there, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Josh and Yumi will be there, and Emily and I will be there, and Jerry, we're going to make you come even if you don't want to. Yeah. And I think hopefully Joe's going to be in town and go with us. Yeah, we'll see. The day before. Yeah. And we asked John if he would be there, too, so we'll see. And yeah, if you're not familiar with the Henry Clay people, they had a song on Gossip Girls. Did you know that? Oh, really? Yeah. I don't know if it's for them. I can't remember what it's called, but it's a big time. Make a little coin? Yeah, I'm sure. Probably not. I'm sure their label is just like, yeah, here's some tires for your road trip. So that is a non-sanctioned, non-official
Starting point is 00:30:59 event, but we want to encourage people to come out to that show, hang out with us, hang out with the band, give Jordan the keyboard player some grief for having Lyme disease. Yeah, we picked it up at Chuck's house. Yeah, it'd be a good time. We want to pack it out for those guys. It won't be hard. Drunken Unicorn holds like 50 people. So yeah, you're right. So again, Chuck said that was a non-sanctioned event. I guess marketing was all over him for that one. Nah, just being, you just COA? COA, buddy. Thanks, man. If you want to send us an email about our Atlanta event, you got any questions, anything like that, you can post it on Facebook, slash stuff you should know. You could ask me on Twitter, ask us. We tweet at S-Y-S-K podcast,
Starting point is 00:31:43 and you can also email us at stuffpodcast at For more on this and thousands of other topics, visit Want more HowStuffWorks? Check out our blogs on the homepage. Brought to you by the reinvented 2012 Camry. It's ready, are you? The war on drugs is the excuse our government uses to get away with absolutely insane stuff, stuff that'll piss you off. The cops, are they just like looting? Are they just like pillaging? They just have way better names for what they call like what we would call a jack move or being robbed, that you call civil answer for.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Be sure to listen to the war on drugs on the iHeart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. Here's today's Fortnite weather report. iHeartland has been hit by a major blizzard. The snow has turned iHeartland and Fortnite into a winter wonderland. With new festive games, including a winter themed escape room, a holiday obstacle course, ice skating, hidden holiday gifts, and more. Look out for upcoming special events from your favorite artists and podcasters all month, along with scavenger hunts and new how fan are you challenges. So embrace the holidays at iHeartland in Fortnite. Head to slash iHeartland today.

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