Stuff You Should Know - Legs! Legs! Legs! (The Periodic Table)

Episode Date: November 21, 2023

If you’ve ever wanted to listen to two totally untrained, non-chemists who are fully unqualified to explain how the periodic table works nervously explain how the periodic table works, then this epi...sode is for you. Chemistry majors, be warned.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner. Rob called me, so would Edo Brein, and asked me what I knew about this crime. We'll ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president. Then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Killed JFK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. There's so much news happening around the world that we're somehow supposed to stay on top of. That's why we launched The Big Take.
Starting point is 00:00:39 It's a daily podcast from Bloomberg and iHeartRadio that turns down the volume a bit to give you some space to think. I'm Wes Kosova. Each weekday I dig into one important story and talk about why it matters. Listen to the big take on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen. Q Josh Trumpet You know what that means everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We are going back on tour again. We are hitting the road next year in January for our annual Pacific Northwest and Northern California swing. And we will be at the Paramount Theater in Seattle on January 24th, Revolution Hall in Portland on the 25th, and our home away from home at San Francisco Sketchfest on January 26th. Yeah, we'll be at the Sydney Goldstein Theatre again, everybody. Great place.
Starting point is 00:01:32 That's right. If you want tickets and information, you can go to link tree slash S.Y.S.K. and it's got all that jam. You can go to our website It's got all that jam and we will see all of you guys in January with bells on. Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of I Heart Radio. Hey and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh and there's Chuck and Jerry's here too and this is the podcast I'm Josh and there's Chuck and Jerry's here too and this is the we'll get through it edition of stuff you should know about the periodic table. I have other names for it. I bet you do.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Can you say any of them? This is the only time I hate my job edition. This is the, Well, this is the, now we can stop talking about the sun episode. Maybe. Edition. Uh-huh. Uh, and this is the, my God, why do we ever do episodes on chemistry edition? I failed chemistry. It's the only thing I've ever failed was chemistry. I don't think I even ever took chemistry to tell you the truth.
Starting point is 00:02:42 He didn't fail it. Right. He didn't fail if you don't try. Yeah. That's my motto. Here's what I figured out about this. Like driving myself mad, trying to learn this stuff and understand it.
Starting point is 00:02:56 There is a lot of people out there who have written articles and explainers on the stuff that we're going to talk about who literally don't know what they're talking about and yet they're presenting their information like they do and it's wrong and it's you can't understand it or in cases where you can't understand it, it still doesn't fully answer the question. There's a lot of stuff out there like that on this, especially as it gets more and more like arcane, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 There's a whole group of people out there, chemists, molecular chemists, physicists, who understand this, but you can put them all together and they can't coherently explain any of it to anybody else. They can just talk to one another like this. Where we are, where us and everybody listen in this episode right now is stuck in the middle. We know enough that we can, we can notice when somebody is wrong,
Starting point is 00:03:51 or not correct, or doesn't know what they're talking about, but we don't know enough to understand what the actual scientists are saying, and then come back and explain it. So, first of all, Breton cap off to Livya for helping us with this one. Boy, Livya should get a bonus for this one, quite frankly. For sure. And then second, we might have to edit that out. Right. Secondly, we're smarter enough to get all this across.
Starting point is 00:04:18 We are. But we're also transparent enough to admit when we're like, we don't understand this part. Yeah, I mean, there's a few parts I still don't get. I imagine the good news is I imagine that maybe about 20% of our listenership is even hearing this right now. I hope more than that,
Starting point is 00:04:39 because it's really interesting stuff. Would you click on something called how the periodic table works? Well, we're going to have to come up with something else. I think we'll call this one legs, legs, legs. Hahaha. Colin, tiny lettering periodic table. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Hahaha. The sex episode. Right. We'll see. We'll trick them into listening to it. All right. I know I can get some of this at the beginning. So if you allow me to talk about one of the only parts I understand.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Sure. All right. Great. I'll kick it off. Because we have to set the stage sort of for pre-periodic table construction, which is to say that early, I'm sorry, late in the 18th century, we were working from sciences working from the Aristotelian, Aristotelian, yeah, that's to say Aristotle system, which we've talked about some recently, which is hey, we got four elements, fire, earth, water, and air. And then after that, science became a little more nuanced and they're like, hey, actually, we think there are more things out there, more building blocks. And maybe we can distinguish them from one another and categorize them, maybe based on their mass. And this was sort
Starting point is 00:05:56 of the scene when in 1804, an oddly, an English school teacher who is also a researcher named john dotton uh... said alright um... things are made up of smaller things maybe these which is not new like for you know ancient cultures were even talking about things being up of smaller things yet we talked about democratic in that episode about yet we believe before the scientific method
Starting point is 00:06:21 totally that's exactly where it was uh... he said things are made up maybe of like these little tiny indestructible, indivisible atoms. He got a lot of that wrong, but one thing he got right was the idea that no two elements that we know about so far, which were not very many at all, at that point, can have an identical mass and all the atoms of that element have the same mass,
Starting point is 00:06:46 which also wasn't quite right, but at the time, it was right. Yeah, because you got to give it up to these guys. When we're like analyzing elements and atoms and stuff today, we're using like spectrometry and particle accelerators and doing all sorts of amazing stuff, these guys are like burning things. This is 1804.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Boiling them in acid, yeah. Like they were doing all the stuff that a high school chemistry teacher does to demonstrate chemistry. That's what they were doing to actually isolate elements and like weigh them. They were weighing things like oxygen. Like they figured out that if you take a liter of oxygen, you will find that it weighs 1.5 grams.
Starting point is 00:07:27 No matter where in the world you weigh it, it's going to weigh 1.5 grams. Like that's what these people are doing. Can you capture a leader of oxygen? I can't. I can't. So I mean, what they were doing was the hard core, like bloody, like roll up your sleeves kind of chemistry.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Like apparently it was like one of the biggest scientific pushes of the 19th century was identifying elements. And John Dalton was the first to say, hey, some of these, I think we can kind of like try to organize them a little bit. And Dalton didn't discover any elements from what I understand. He was just the first one to come up with atomic theory in the modern age and try to start ordering them based on atomic weight. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:13 It wasn't quite the periodic table yet, but it was a precursor for sure. And his very first version in 1803 only had the five elements that we knew about at the time, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and sulfur. Nitrogen was known as, and I think we said this in the other episode, the azote. It was the azote? I guess. I guess.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Okay. AZO-TE. His second list, just five years later, was up to 20 elements, and then 24 years later, by 1827, that list was up to thirty six uh... and as science was progressing they started noticing patterns and they started noticing sort of
Starting point is 00:08:54 uh... intervals where things would repeat themselves such that all of a sudden that german chemist named you on wolfgang and eighteen twenty nine said well wait a minute we're noticing these patterns. And some of these things are the same. Like, if you look at lithium, sodium, potassium, they have very similar properties. And we might can group those together. And those three in the modern periodic table are grouped together in the same column. So he was, he was
Starting point is 00:09:21 right on the money as far as that idea. Yeah. And I mean, we as humans are obsessed with finding patterns and things, and like discovering a latent pattern in nature. I mean, there's a few things more exciting than that. So these guys were looking for patterns even in places where they didn't necessarily exist, maybe maneuvering things where they should or shouldn't be. Some people took some cracks at it to try to, to try to kind of organize these elements by pattern, but they ran into some problems. One was the chemistry wasn't as exact
Starting point is 00:09:53 as it needed to be to really organize stuff. There were elements that hadn't been discovered yet, so there were big missing chunks, but they didn't necessarily know there are big missing chunks, but they were on the right track that you could order these things one way or another. And when you did, they would start showing patterns, periodicity. Periodic table means that there are periods or patterns that repeat themselves, depending on how you organize these elements. Yeah, and the the modern periodic table that we know and loath
Starting point is 00:10:28 Sorry, I Loath that thing that they pull down in science class that you know Teenagers just blankly stare at not knowing what the heck they're looking at, but it's pretty sure if you say so at, but it's pretty. Sure. If you say so. We owe that to a Russian chemist named Dimitri Mendelov. And Mendelov in 1869 was working on the very first Russian language, organic chemistry textbook in 1869 and said, you know what, we have 63 elements at this point. I think we can organize these. And he did so. He arranged things in columns.
Starting point is 00:11:11 He had to reorder some things from the previous order. So he's like, maybe we shouldn't organize just by atomic mass. Maybe we should order them into these similarities and how they behave. And the big, big thing that Mindalov landed on was leaving gaps where he saw gaps. And instead of just, you know, buttoning it up and making it look a certain way, he said, I'm gonna leave a gap here.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And this is actually what kind of proved his worth in the fact that he was really on the right track because in the 15 years following him leaving those gaps, three elements were discovered that fit those very gaps that he had left, perfectly, like a little puzzle piece. It's like the molecular chemistry version of Babe Ruth calling a shot. Yeah, basically. Essentially.
Starting point is 00:11:57 So, like when it turned out in the next 15 years, they found those elements that did not only fill those spots, but they had properties that Mendel have predicted they would. Like they were like, you did really good guy. He also predicted some other ones that didn't come true, but everybody was just like, whatever it's fine. So that was like the model that everybody used from that point on. And it's the classic model that we see today where it's kind of like a castle
Starting point is 00:12:25 with turrets on either side and you know the brick in the middle and then there's like a couple of rows below that are a moat if you squint hard enough. That's Mendelift who came up with that whole thing. And the way that there are arranged is not by atomic mass but by atomic number. That's why if you look and we should probably say the way you read the periodic table is from left to right and top to bottom, right? So the whole thing starts in the top left with number one hydrogen. And the reason it's number one is because it has one proton. It's the best. That's right. It has one proton chuck and because it has one proton and its stable form it has one electron. And all that's going to be important in a minute.
Starting point is 00:13:05 That's right. I mean, should we go ahead and take a break? I feel like that was kind of good setup, material. Sure. All right, we'll take a break and we'll be right back with more things to enlighten you in NumU. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner, Rob called me, so would Ed O'Brien and asked me what I knew about
Starting point is 00:13:42 this crime. I know 60 years later, new leads are still emerging. To me, an award-winning journalist, that's the making of an incredible story. And on this podcast, you're going to hear it told by one of America's greatest storytellers. Well, ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president? My dad, 5JFK, screwed us at the Bay of Pigs, and then he screwed us after the Cuban Missile Crisis. We'll reveal why Lee Harvey Oswald
Starting point is 00:14:11 isn't who they said he was. I was under the impression that Lee was being trained for a specific operation, then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Killed JFK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. accident. And no one really talked about it. Her parents told police, she had killed him. Medical records fed that I killed my baby, brother. I'm Nancy Glass. Join me for burden of guilt.
Starting point is 00:14:58 The new podcast that tells the true and incredible story of a toddler who was framed for murder and how she grew into an adult determined to get justice and protect her family. While we had prosecuted some cold cases, this was the coldest, this was frigid. But how does a two-year-old get blamed for murder? She said, we wanted a new life. You just don't know what it's like when you'll do anything
Starting point is 00:15:24 for somebody. Listen to Birdon of Guilt on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. You take my breath away. I spent the last 15 years in my life fighting like hell to make sure that I never ended up here. But then, I met her. The name's Anna. Hey, Anna, I'm Nico.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Didn't realize you were a professional musician. From interval presents, a new romantic thriller podcast, starring Jason DeRulo and Alexandra Ship. There's someone about you that I haven't been able to look away from. You go, we don't even know each other. Let's no turn it back if we do this. I've already made my decision. This is what happens when you don't follow orders.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Nicholas. No! Nicholas! No! I'm the water! Listen to underwater on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, so the modern periodic table, I think where was Mendolev? He had 63 on his first. Yeah, 63 known elements at the time on his first stab.
Starting point is 00:17:01 The modern periodic table right now stands at 118 and I think they've already said they think possibly maybe one day it may top out at 173. We'll see. We'll see, but that's sort of, you know, the thinking, the logic. But right now we're at 118 elements that we know about. It includes on the chart the name of the element. They're usually a one or two letter symbol, which is almost always short for the name, but in a case of gold, like when you see AU for gold, and you're like, what the heck is that all about? That just means it's based on the original Latin for gold, RM. And they are placed like you said before the break in order of their atomic number, which represents the protons in each atom. And that is what makes that each
Starting point is 00:17:53 element unique over those seven rows, a.k.a. periods, and 18 numbered columns, a.k.a. groups. Yeah. So the rows across across horizontally those are the periods. And like you said, it's really important to remember, if you take a proton and add it to an element, you don't have like a variation on the element. You have an entirely new element. Everything else you can mess around with fudge, mess with the neutrons, mess with the electrons. If you add a proton or take away a proton, you got a totally different element, which is why you can order them by their atomic number, number one with hydrogen, number two helium,
Starting point is 00:18:29 which has two protons and so on and so forth. When you see that little number in the top left of the square for that element, that's how many protons it has. But again, as we'll see, if we're talking about on the periodic table, stable atoms, that means that they don't have an electric charge, they're neutral, and that means that they have an even number of protons and electrons. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged, and if you have one and one, they cancel each other out. Two and two, they cancel each other out, or at the very least, they make the electric charge neutral. All right.
Starting point is 00:19:09 So if you're looking, if you brought up a picture by now of the periodic table, because you really want to follow along, first of all, God bless you for doing such a thing. And secondly, you might say, oh wait a minute Chuck, what's that thing underneath everything? We'll, well, wait a minute, Chuck, what's that thing underneath everything? We'll get to this in a minute, but those 14 short columns underneath is called the F block. And those are the 7th and 8th periods, aka rows, that are detached, and those are unnumbered
Starting point is 00:19:38 rows, whereas the other rows are numbered through 18. So put a pin in the F block. All elements within a period, and again, that is the row, if you're looking for a zonal, all the elements on each row have the same number of electron shells. And when you think about that in your mind's eye, you're probably picturing how we think of that
Starting point is 00:19:59 in our mind's eye because of chemistry class and science class, which is a circle around an atom's nucleus that holds electrons. Right. Like an orbit. That's Niels Bohr's contribution, although he made plenty of contributions, but the whole idea that we have of that atom being consisting of a nucleus that's kind of like the sun, an electrons orbiting around it like planets.
Starting point is 00:20:24 That's thanks to Neal's Bohr. And the actual orbit, let's say you have just one circle around the nucleus. That's a shell. It's one shell. And another one, that's the second shell. And another one, that's the third shell. And they actually fill up in order. So when you follow along across the rows, the horizontal rows, called periods on the periodic table, all of those in that row have the same number of shells. One shell, and the second shell, and the third shell, and the fourth shell. And as you go down, each row has the, all the shells that the ones above it had, and now they've added another shell
Starting point is 00:21:04 because their other shells are full of electrons. Right. So if you look at periodic table, But all the shells that the ones above it had, and now they've added another shell because their other shells are full of electrons. Right. So if you look at periodic table, get out your little picture, and you look at that first row or period, that means it just has one shell capable of holding up to two electrons. And so that's why there are only two elements there. Hydrogen usually has one electron and helium, which normally has two. And then you go down from there, the second and third
Starting point is 00:21:31 gels can hold up to eight electrons. So those second and third rows are each going to have eight elements and so on. For the fourth and fifth, it's 18, the sixth and seventh, hold 32, and so there are 32 elements on the 6 and 7th rows. Um, just to demonstrate a little further, so helium has two electrons in that one shell, helium's full. The first element on the next row that has a second shell, that's lithium. Lithium has two electrons in its first shell, that's full, but it has an extra electron, so now it's added another shell, the second shell, to house that first electron, and you go all the way down to the very end of that row, that lithium starts, and you find neon, neon
Starting point is 00:22:14 has ten. Its first shell of two is full of electrons, its second shell they can hold up to eight is full, so it has ten total electrons. This is what the periods are showing us. The number of shells, and then eventually in a second, we'll know the number of electrons that can fill those shells. That's right, and the periods of the rows. We're going to say that a thousand times, groups or columns, periods or rows, because if there's one takeaway from this whole thing,
Starting point is 00:22:40 you can at least look smart, and when you walk into a room with a periodic table chart and say and someone says, what are those rows and columns? And you can say, do you mean groups and periods? Yeah, and then really quickly after that, look at your watch and be like, look at the time I'm late! Right, and run out of the room so that there's no follow-up questions. Yeah, and make a U-shaped hole in the wall. Not the letter U, but a Y-O U-shaped. Yeah, nice. Did that come through? Sure. It did once you spelled it.
Starting point is 00:23:07 The groups are what we're going to talk about next, and those are the columns. And this is where Mindalove realized these patterns were coming into play. And once subatomic theory came about, and we started being able to drill down further and further, we started to be able to get way more specific. So, these patterns in these rhythms on the columns are based on the number of valence
Starting point is 00:23:32 electrons for each element, which means how many electrons you would normally find in that outer most shell. Yeah, the outer most shell is important, Chuck, because that's where all the action happens. That's when atoms bond together to make new molecules. That's where the attraction or repulsion happens. Like that is the, that's the, the active shell. All the other shells are full. And when a shell is full, it's basically content.
Starting point is 00:23:59 It just wants to sit there. It wants to be left alone. But if that outermost shell isn't full, then it's ready for some action. It's got its leather jacket on, it's got its dissonance pocket, maybe a switch blade, and it's looking for trouble. So more than I think even rows, like all of the elements that are in a row, remember horizontal across a period, they're related because they all have the same shell, the same number of shells, one, two, three, four, and so on.
Starting point is 00:24:26 The groups up and down, the columns, they're more related, really, because they have the same number of electrons in that outer most shell. They can have a bunch of different numbers of shells, like for example, I think flooring can have five shells but only one electron in that outer most shell. Or it could have one shell and just have one electron in that outer most shell like a hydrogen.
Starting point is 00:24:53 They're more related because they'll react to other things more than they would if they had different numbers of electrons. Yeah. We can add something to something you should remember, because this will make you look even one step smarter before you run out of the room through the wall. Just say, oh yeah, it's organized into periods and groups, and the periods of the rows and the groups of the columns
Starting point is 00:25:16 in, if you ask me, the columns, aka groups, that's really where it's at. They're more related. They're more related. And then you run through the wall. Right, so let me give you an example here, okay? All right, this is if you want to really, really, really be smart, you remember this. Right. If you have your periodic table out, really honestly, it will make this whole thing so much easier. But if you look all the way down to the second group from the right that starts with fluorine.
Starting point is 00:25:45 If you look at fluorine, it has I think nine electrons, and it's in period two, so we know that it has two shells. So we know that it has two electrons in its first shell, so it must have seven electrons in its extra shell, or its second shell. And since we know that the second shell can hold 8, there's one little irritating gap and it wants to fill it. So fluorine is super duper reactive. On the other hand, you've got things like potassium.
Starting point is 00:26:15 It has only one electron inside our most shell. And it wants to actually get rid of that electron. Because I think I said earlier earlier when a shell is full, the atom is content and happy. It doesn't want to do anything with anybody. If it just has one left over, like one hole or one electron, it either wants to get rid of that one electron so that it can lose that shell and go down to the next shell, which is full, or it can fill it shell like fluorine wants to with the next year electron.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Either way, they're super reactive. And it all happens in that outermost shell, the valent shell, and that's where all the action happens. Yeah. And you know what, something we haven't even said that I think is important that dawned on me. What? Is the periodic table, isn't just a, like, let's just do this thing so we can group them together.
Starting point is 00:27:05 A periodic table, the periodic table is made and it's organized this way. So chemist and people that really know what they're doing can look at a poster on a wall at any of those squares and know because of where it is on the row, where it is on the column, what color it is and what block it is, and we'll get to those things in a minute, and they can know a lot of very specific things just because of where it sits and what it looks like and what color it is. Yeah, they can tell you whether it's gonna blow up in water.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Like, I guess apparently sodium, pure sodium does. They can tell you if it's shiny. All of this has to do almost entirely with the number of electrons it has in its outer most shell. All that stuff. And that's the evolution of the periodic table. People notice properties, physical properties, they notice appearance, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:28:00 And then as they learned more and more about the atom, they figured out why in the atom, those properties existed. And they were able to classify those things together in the periodic table. So like you said, a chemist today can look at that and be like, oh, that's going to be a shiny metal that'll explode in your hand if you look at it wrong
Starting point is 00:28:18 because it's in this group of elements, right? And I saw it described by a chemist really well. If you, like, to a chemist, a periodic table looks like a map to us. Like, if you look at a map of the United States, you know that if you are looking at some place in the north, it's going to be colder there than say somewhere in the south. You don't know exactly what the temperature is or anything like that necessarily, but you know generally based on this map. It's a map to the elements.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, and it also might, you know, you might think if you're looking at a map of the South, like that's where people are more like this. And in the Midwest, people maybe, you know, a map tells you a lot more than just like what the weather's like. Yeah. Just like a periodic table. So if a scientist, if a chemist looks at silicon, I look at it and I see a capital S lower case I, the word silicon, the number 14 in the left hand corner and that it's yellow.
Starting point is 00:29:17 A chemist looks at it and says, well, I see it's in between on the row, aluminum and phosphorus and in the column, it's below carbon and above germanium, and I see its number is 14, and it's yellow, which means it's a medalloid, so I can tell you, like, these 12 things about silicon, just because of where it sits on that map. Yes. It's pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:41 I don't get it, but it's amazing. Right. I was just going to say, we're not going to explain what those 14 things are because no, the kind of things you have to go to graduate school and chemistry to truly understand. It's okay that we don't understand it. All you have to take away from this and all we're trying to get across is that trained chemists can look at the periodic table and realize a lot about whatever element they're looking at and figure out how to mix it with other elements to do amazing things or if you put together these two things, this is probably the reaction that you're going to have.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, and it's also for someone like us that can get really confusing because when you look at different periodic tables, one thing you'll notice is that the colors may be different. Like, there is no, unless I'm wrong, there isn't one completely settled. This is the only way to do it periodic table. No. As far as a lot of it goes, but depending on who you are and how you want to organize a periodic
Starting point is 00:30:39 table that you use, those colors may mean different things, so it can get really, really confusing when it comes to that stuff. those colors may mean different things, so it can get really, really confusing when it comes to that stuff. For sure. And usually there is like a key or a legend on the periodic table that says, this is what these colors mean. But if you take away the colors,
Starting point is 00:30:56 the layout of them across and down, if you look at a periodic table, that's generally going to be the same for any periodic table that looks even roughly like what you're looking at. It's the colors that really kind of change things up. But more and more, as we've learned more about the atom, starting in the early 20th century, onward, and quantum mechanics kind of became a thing, that got incorporated into the periodic table as well. And that is where we get to essentially the third way that the whole thing is organized, which is by blocks, sub-shells, SPD and F. And so, take it away. The number of shells
Starting point is 00:31:42 an element has, that's its period across. The number of electrons in its outermost shell, that's its group, the blocks describe where that outermost electron is. And if you allow me for a second to just kind of take a little divergence here, it helps you understand it, I think. Please, can we talk about baseball?
Starting point is 00:32:06 No, not that kind of divergence, like deeper into chemistry kind of divergence. Okay, I'm going to go out and think about baseball. Okay, so that whole model that Nils Bohr gave us of like the planetoid nucleus and the sun-like nucleus and the planetoid electron orbiting it, that is really off. That's not at all what they're like. It's good for people who don't really care about this kind of thing to walk around thinking,
Starting point is 00:32:35 but when you actually start to try to understand the periodic table, it really gets in the way. So if you can kind of throw that out, and instead think of electrons as not particles like planet hoids, they're actually waves of energy, right? And they like to orbit atoms because their negative electrical charge is attracted to the positive electrical charge of the protons.
Starting point is 00:32:59 That's why they're orbiting or flying around that nucleus. But they don't do it in like these tight little orbits, like a planet does around like the sun. Instead, they inhabit three-dimensional areas that follow predictable shapes depending on the energy level of that electron. You can say what shape it's going to follow around that nucleus. but you can't say where it is at any given point in time Thanks to our friend Heisenberg's uncertainty principle Heisenberg said you can know the velocity of An object or you can know the location of a quantum object. You can't know both and because we know the
Starting point is 00:33:44 Energy of an object we can figure out its velocity, its speed, like an electron, which means we can't know where it is. So these orbits actually are where they may be 90% of the time. That's what an actual electron orbit is. And again, it follows this weird, cool looking little three-dimensional, four-leaf, clover shapes just really neat. And depending on the energy of the electron, it's going to inhabit a specific place, 90% of the time, around the nucleus of that atom, either close to the atom, further out, further out, depending on the shell that it's associated with. And the block is where the highest energy, the outermost electron, is in that position. And again, it's denoted by SPDNF.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And it gets way more arcane than that. But all you have to remember is that when you're looking at blocks, they're talking about the specific location of the most energetic electron. And again, since the outermost electrons are where all the action happens, the most energetic of the outermost electrons are really where the action happens. And that's why it's become a little more sophisticated, a little more refined over time, thanks to the addition of quantum mechanics in our understanding of the atom.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Are you there Chuck? Did you go outside? Sorry, I just came back in. I didn't actually think about baseball, which is kidding, I watched an entire baseball game. Oh, who won? I have no joke. My brain is too mushy for a joke right now.
Starting point is 00:35:25 No, I actually listened to that and I learned from you, so I appreciate that. Thank you, because I felt like I was hanging from a trap piece by my fingernails. Well, I was underneath you with a net. That's all I'm good for. Thanks, buddy, I appreciate it. And by the way, I didn't want to just walk past
Starting point is 00:35:41 that's all you're good for. I just couldn't even bring myself to recognize such a dumb thing that was said. I appreciate that. So the final thing we got to talk about is kind of brings it back to the beginning of how they originally just started to think about grouping things, which was by their atomic mass,
Starting point is 00:35:59 that the sort of very basic thing that they first thought they could use as a grouping device. And they still will indicate the atomic mass on most periodic tables, but the atomic mass is actually a weighted average of the amount of protons plus neutrons, but it depends on how abundant different isotopes in that element are out in nature. And it's not always the same. So, carbon is a great example that Livia used. It always has six protons. Usually has six neutrons, but sometimes can have seven or eight. So instead
Starting point is 00:36:31 of having an atomic mass of just 12, six plus six, they take a weighted average and it weighs out to 12.011. So, if you see those numbers with a decimal point, you can understand that that's because it's a weighted average and not just a locked-in number. Yeah, and just it doesn't necessarily have much to do with the periodic table, but you've mentioned isotopes, and all those are as an element with more or less electrons than it has when it's stable in a neutral charge.
Starting point is 00:37:00 If you take away an electron, it has more positively charged protons than electrons. So that's a positive ion. If you add an electron, like, say, fluorine wants to do, it becomes a, it has more electrons than protons, so it becomes a negatively charged isotope. So those are possible, too, but just bear in mind, you're not changing the number of protons, because if you do that, you have a new element, you're just changing the number of electrons. Either adding or taking away.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And one of the other things about the periodic table is you can point to different sections and be like, those are the ones that form positive ions because they give away their extra electron. Those are the ones that form negative ions because they attract extra electrons, so they normally have in their neutrally charged state. That's another thing that you can just point to at the periodic table. Pretty amazing.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It is. I mean, the fact that people have figured this out is just hats off to all of the scientists that were involved in this over the years. Yeah. I say we take a break. Sure. And when we come back,
Starting point is 00:38:04 we're gonna tell you about how things got very interesting in terms of the periodic table in the 1930s, right after this. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner, Rob called me, so let Ado Bryan and ask me what I knew about this crime. I know 60 years later, new leads are still emerging. To me, an award-winning journalist, that's the making of an incredible story. And on this podcast, you're going to hear it told by one of America's greatest storytellers.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Well, ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president. My dad, the father of JFK, screwed us at the Bay of Pigs, and then he screwed us after the Cuban Missile Crisis. We'll reveal why Lee Harvey Oswald isn't who they said he was. I was under the impression that Lee was being trained for a specific operation, then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Killed JFK on the I Heart Radio app,
Starting point is 00:39:20 Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. When Tracy R. Kell Burns was two years old, her baby brother died. Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. When Tracy Rekel Burns was two years old, her baby brother died. I was told that Matthew died in an accident. And no one really talked about it. Her parents told police she had killed him. Medical records fed that I killed my baby brother.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I'm Nancy Glass. Join me for burden of guilt. The new podcast that tells the true and incredible story of a toddler who was framed for murder and how she grew into an adult determined to get justice and protect her family. While we had prosecuted some cold cases, this was the coldest, this was frigid.
Starting point is 00:40:09 But how does a two-year-old get blame for murder? She said, we wanted a new life. You just don't know what it's like when you'll do anything for somebody. Listen to Byrdon of Guilt on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcast. You take my breath away.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I spent the last 15 years in my life fighting like hell to make sure that I never ended up here. But then I met her. The name's Anna. Hey, Anna, I'm Nico. Didn't realize you were a professional musician. From interval presents, a new romantic thriller podcast, starring Jason DeRulo and Alexandra Ship. There's something about you that I haven't been able
Starting point is 00:41:01 to look away from. Nico, we don't even know each other. Let's no turn it back if we do this. I've already made my decision. This is what happens when you don't follow orders. Nicholas. No! Listen to underwater on the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your
Starting point is 00:41:27 podcasts. I'm shaking a little less. I am too. But I won't fully relax for another 15 to tang that. 10 to 15. Hang in there. We'll get it. All right. So what happened in the 1930s?
Starting point is 00:41:59 Oh, well, a guy named Dr. Lawrence. I can't remember, but he, the Lawrence livermore laboratories named after him in part, invented particle accelerators where you use incredible amounts of energy to throw trillions of particles of different weights or specific weights at a target at them. Tell them what Einstein, how Einstein described this process. Like shooting birds in the dark in a country where there are only a few birds. Right. Like the chances of you actually having a collision are so remote that you, like they're
Starting point is 00:42:34 almost indescribable mathematically. But if you shoot trillions of particles, you really increase your chances of there being some kind of collision. And when you collide a one particle, one atom with another atom, with enough energy, they can combine. And when you add proton to proton, remember, you get a new element. And so with particle accelerators, they were able to start creating elements that you can't find in nature.
Starting point is 00:43:00 And they started doing this all the way back in the 1930s. And this research is what actually directly led to nuclear bomb. Apparently, when Einstein heard that Lawrence had created this particle accelerator, he advised FDR to start working on a bomb because it was now a thing. Like, the world had just been prepared scientifically for a bomb to exist soon. Yeah. scientifically for a bomb to exist soon. Yeah, so lab created elements, like you said, started being a thing in 1937, anything past uranium on the chart, you cannot find in nature because it decays much too fast
Starting point is 00:43:37 to even be around and know what's a thing in study. But so anything past uranium is lab created and in 1937, tech, tech netium was the very first blank spot to be filled in with a lab-created element as number 43. Nuclear bombs that you mentioned when they started doing the, you know, nuclear tests out on the Marshall Islands in the 50s, they would send planes out into these explosions with filters on them to scoop up unusual atoms and discover potentially elements. That is how we got element 99 named Einsteinium.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And I guess we should talk a little bit about the naming because the IUPAC actually has rules around this. It says new elements have to be named after a, and this is very interesting, a mineral, a place or a country, a property, or a scientist, or a mythological concept, which is fascinating. So we have some of the latest elements, I believe in 2016, is when we got 113 through 18. We got the element, Tennessee, because it was, there were institutions in Tennessee that led to the discovery of this super heavy element. And so they named it Tennessee.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And most of them sort of follow that naming convention. Yeah, Nihonium is named after Nihon, which is the Japanese name for Japan. A muskovian is named after Moscow, where the lab where that was created. In a Ganneson, Oganeson, Oganeson? Oganeson? Yeah. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It's named after a guy named Yuri Oganesian, who is a Russian essentially element hunter now. He has got tons of funding behind him, has set up new particle accelerators with more and more energy and is bashing things together in the search for entirely new elements that not only don't exist on Earth, they may not exist anywhere else in the universe. They may not exist anywhere else in the universe. They may only exist theoretically until Oganesean manages to smash the right atoms together
Starting point is 00:45:50 to create those elements for a picosecond. Like, they're so unstable that they last almost no time at all, which makes them totally useless to us. Yeah, as of now. The fact that, like you said, they predicted, I think it's going to go up to 173. And we're at 100 in what? 18. Makes people like Ognesian, just crazy. They want to find them all. And he actually found a couple of those most recent ones that were
Starting point is 00:46:20 inducted, I guess, in the periodic table in 2016. Yeah. And this is kind of cool too. Oganessian apparently wanted to name that element star dust in honor of David Bowie, but it didn't fit the naming criteria. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Too bad. So sad. Yeah. Too bad. So as far as the sort of the the Coda on this, Libby is keen to point out that there are gaps in the framework still. There are issues when you look at the periodic table, you needn't only look at the very first one, hydrogen, at the far left of the table. It's there because as that one electron, but it is not like any of the rest of its group because the rest of them are all
Starting point is 00:47:07 alkali metals It's actually more similar to something like chlorine, which is in the second column from the right But you know, there's still debate on like It's not settled on where things should be placed on these various and there have been you know They're alternative tables that people have put out over the years with different tweaks, some small, some large, and it's pretty interesting, I think. And there's also that two period section that's always removed from the rest of the periodic table and it's put down below it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Those two sections actually go in... That's the F block, right? Yeah. The bottom two rows. So they come after I think barium and just go all the way over to, oh, I can't remember the other one, but imagine that the periodic table was looked like it did, but then the bottom two rows were about twice as long as they are now. It looked weird. and it's because you would take that lower F block and put it into its proper place if you're arranging these things by atomic number.
Starting point is 00:48:13 But the reason why the F block is pulled out is because those two rows of elements, the actinides and lathinides, I think, they may like follow an atomic number in that way, but their properties are totally different from their periods or their groups. And the reason why is because they're the only two groups that have the F position, sub shell, filled by an electron, which completely alters their everything. It's just different than all of the other ones. And it's different enough that they just basically removed it
Starting point is 00:48:50 until they can figure out where it should sit, because depending on how you interpret where like how the periodic table should be laid out, they should go here or they should go there, or they should just stay out like they are now. Yeah, there are some, and it's kind of fun to look some of these up if you want to see some kind of cool, the very least just aesthetic examples.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And then they're not just like, oh, this looks cooler. It makes sense to the person who has put out this whatever alternative or alternate periodic table like in 1949, Livy, I found one from Life magazine that is a spiral and they're quite a few different spiral or Sparillic designs where you have Hydrogen at the center and it's sort of like racetrack shape. If you look at any, just look up spiral-based periodic chart and they're very nice to look at. I imagine they're much, much harder to sort of make sense of and read unless you're the
Starting point is 00:49:47 person who made it. Or a chemist. Yeah, chemist would still probably be like, well, why are you doing it that way? I like to see other way. Or that 3D one that Timothy Stowe came up with that I think physicists are pretty keen on that has three axes of different colors that represent quantum numbers that describe the electrons. But if you look at a 3D version, that's kind of cool too. But if you find the one, the traditional one confusing as a non-chemist, just try looking
Starting point is 00:50:19 at any of these other ones, it's really confusing. Yeah. And it's all it is, is it saying,, actually, no, I think we should arrange them so that they're connected more by this property, like electro negativity or the shiny, or they're pretty. I like these elements, and we're so we're going to put them together. These are my favorite elements. It's just kind of like that.
Starting point is 00:50:38 And so you commend them in all sorts of weird shapes. Yeah, I have my own periodic table I've designed. Oh, yeah. And it is just a big black block. And then Times New Roman and Yellow lettering in the middle it says, who gives a S? Right. I would have imagined it was a traditional periodic table,
Starting point is 00:50:59 but scratched out with a pen, not as violently. No, that's good. I like it better. I'm going to change mine. I've got one other thing that doesn't, it has a lot to do with everything, with a pen, not as violently. No, that's good. I like it better. I'm going to change mine. I've got one other thing that doesn't, it has a lot to do with everything, but not anything we're going to go into,
Starting point is 00:51:09 but there are some, especially those elements that don't occur in nature, and they have to create and particle accelerators. But also some that occur in nature, like gold and mercury, or two good examples, they have electrons that spin so fast that are moving it such incredible energies that they actually are like a significant fraction of the speed of light. That's how fast they're going. And it doesn't matter whether you're talking about
Starting point is 00:51:40 like a photon or a planet or a black hole or an electron, anything that has mass and can move anything like half the speed of light is going to actually bend time and space. And so for some kinds of elements that have relativistic speeds, meaning their electrons travel close to the speed of light, they have all sorts of freaky-deaky properties. It's why gold is gold. I'm not going to get into that. Just trust me, it's why gold is gold. But also it means that if you could go into those atoms and just kind of exist in them as if they were a universe, you would see that the time and space was bent compared to how time and space exists outside of those atoms, like on our level. That's what atomic scientists have figured out, and it's actually kind of having a mind-breaking
Starting point is 00:52:34 effect on the periodic table to an extent. Uh, amazing, I think so too. That's it Chuck, we did periodic tables, it's done. You did great. Oh boy, we don't have to do it again? No, I don't think so. Got it, hope not. That's it Chuck, we did periodic tables, it's done. You did great. Oh boy, we don't have to do it again? No, I don't think so. I hope not. What is this Murphy's Law?
Starting point is 00:52:51 Well, since I said Murphy's Law and Chuck laughed because he got the joke, you may not have him, that's okay. That means it's time for listener mail. Alright, I'm going to call this very quick follow-up from our Halloween episode. As we record this, it is actually Halloween. So that has just come out today. And we have something from Owen that perhaps explains something that we kind of wondered about.
Starting point is 00:53:18 Hey guys, once again loving the yearly spooktacular, figured I'd mention my take on what the Hermit meant. Hermit? Hermit meant when he said the man's eyes didn't match his mouth. I think it might have something to do with honesty like the words of encouragement were somehow disingenuine. That lined up with the idea that the hermit is sort of seeing flaws and faults. That makes sense to me. I said match his mouth.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's like the best explanation I've heard so far. It's also the only explanation, but it's a good one. I think it's totally it and Owen says regardless of whether that's the authors intent I'm using the description in a song I'm writing. Oh cool So thanks for the inspiration and in all honesty the voice work is on point this year That is from Owen Thanks a lot Owen. Here's a here's some inspiration for the musical part of your song. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do- We love that kind of thing. You can put it in an email and send it off to stuffpodcast. And ["Fast, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Furious, Fur The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is the greatest murder mystery in American history. That's Rob Breiner, Rob called me, so would Ed O'Brien and asked me what I knew about this
Starting point is 00:54:57 crime. Well, ask who had the motive to assassinate a sitting president, then we'll pull the curtain back on the cover-up. The American people need to know the truth. Listen to Who Killed JFK on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello beautiful people, I'm Saida Garrett, award-winning singer-songwriter and passionate midter.
Starting point is 00:55:24 And now host of the Upady Knitter Podcast, Celebrity Hobbies Uncovered. I'll be spilling the tea on the hidden talents of your favorite stars. Tune in to the Up-A-D-Nitter Podcast, Celebrity Hobbies Uncovered. With me, site of Garrett, for a stitch of inspiration and pearls of laughter. Subscribe now on the I Heart Radio app and Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. The 1881 shootout in Tombstone, Arizona, known as the Gun Fight at the OK Corral only lasted 30 seconds, but the market left on popular imagination has held on for nearly 150 years. Why? Because
Starting point is 00:55:59 Americans have never stopped being fascinated with the Wild West. Grim and Mowl presents will travel into the unknown, the misunderstood, and the forgotten tales of America's Westward expansion. Grim and Mile Presents The Wild West is available now. Subscribe on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more over at Slash Presents Slash presents.

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