Stuff You Should Know - Selects: How the Beagle Brigade Works

Episode Date: April 27, 2024

If you've ever been to an international airport, you've probably seen one of the keenest spotters of illegal contraband - The Beagle Brigade! These cute dogs aren't after drugs or bombs, they're caref...ully trained to sniff out agricultural products. Learn all about this furry group of crime stoppers in this classic episode.See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You can't fully understand the moment we're living in without knowing where we've been. On every episode of NPR's Throughline, we take a story from the news and go back in time to where it started. Where it really started. To answer one important question, how did we get here? Find NPR's through line on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey there, I'm Dr. Maya Shankar and I'm a scientist who studies human behavior. Many of us have experienced a moment in our lives that changes everything, that instantly divides
Starting point is 00:00:39 our life into a before and an after. On my podcast, A Slight Change of Plans, I talk to people about navigating these moments. Their stories are full of candor and hard-won wisdom. And you'll hear from scientists who teach us how we can be more resilient in the face of change. Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Howdy, everyone. It's Chuck here. On On Saturday I thought I would brighten everybody's day with this selection from June 13, 2017, How the Beagle Brigade Works. Oh boy, just get ready for cute overload. Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeartRadio.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Hey and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh Klazark. There's Charles W. Chuck Bryant. Jerry, Jerome Rowlands over there. So this is Stuff You Should Know, the Beagle Brigade edition. Yes. Another, I guess we covered, uh, drug sniffers? Yeah. But not, or did we do Seeing Eye Dogs as well? We did.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Remember, because Seeing Eye Dogs is actually a brand name. It's one of those, uh... Oh, like a band-aid? Yeah, or Kleenex or something. That one was, that was a great one. Yeah. So, I mean, is this the last job that dogs have? We, we didn't cover dogs that serve as pack animals yet. So. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Like herders. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:20 That'd be good. Or lumberjack dogs. Oh, that's true. That's right. Or dogs that are sous chefs. Right. So yeah, we've got a big, big long suite coming. I thought it was done. Sorry. No, no.
Starting point is 00:02:34 But this one might be the most adorable of all of them. Yeah. And this one was, I was always confused. I always thought the Beagles at the airport because as you will learn, Atlanta is, they're trained here outside of Atlanta. But I thought that the Beagles were, I just thought they were drug sniffers or biome sniffers or everything sniffers. Oh, I see. No, you could have a big old suitcase full of cocaine and walk right past that dog and be like, shoo. Well, that's good to know, you know. Sure. For suitcase full of cocaine and walk right past that dog and be like, shoo.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Well, that's good to know, you know. Sure. For the next time you're smuggling cocaine in your suitcase. Yeah. Once you make a pest of beagle, you're home free. But don't have a head of lettuce. No, because those beagles will pounce on your neck and chew your throat out. That's what they're trained to do.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Don't have a whole hogBrien Do you believe that story? David Kemp So this one was, I think it was in Atlanta at Hartsfield Jackson Airport and there was a woman traveling from Peru to the United States with a roasted pig, an entire roasted pig in her bag. And I mean, it was very sweet, you know, she was just trying to bring home a holiday meal for her family. Yeah, it was Thanksgiving, I think, right? Yeah, so she smuggled in a roasted pig.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Yeah. And it wasn't a little, you know, it was big. Well, yeah, pigs tend to be, I mean, it didn't say a suckling pig. A pig, I assumed it was a big old pig. No, it was a picture of it. Oh yeah, that's right. It was. It was a good sized pig.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, the guy, Rob Brisley, a public affairs officer said, the right steps had to be taken to confiscate and destroy the item and then the sentence stop. But I imagine he said, with our mouths. Right. With extreme vengeance. So anyway, I mean, that's just one example. Yeah, we should probably say exactly what we're talking about for those people who haven't been to an international airport in the United States. But there is a group of working dogs that are exclusively beagles, hence the name the Beagle Brigade, from what I understand.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Although I did see reference that they do use labs sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it's almost exclusively Beagles, if not exclusively Beagles. And these dogs have a job, they're actually federal agents with the USDA, the Department of Agriculture. Not the FDA. No, or not the Department of Agriculture. Not the FDA. No, or not the DEA either. But they're federal agents and their whole job is to sniff out agricultural products.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And the whole point of all of this is that the US has a pretty extensive agriculture infrastructure, right? Yeah. And if something comes through, say that's a pest, right? Like a bug that eats, what do we grow here? Cotton, cotton weevil, but from another country, right? So a non-native pest or a non-native plant or a diseased bat, it could wreak havoc, not just on our agriculture system, but if the wrong kind of thing comes through.
Starting point is 00:05:55 There's procedures in place for food to come in the United States. You're not supposed to carry it in your luggage because it has to be inspected. It has to come from a trusted source. We have to know that it doesn't have something like hoof and mouth disease or Ebola or something like that, right? Yeah. I mean, it says in here in our own article that it's a $1 trillion industry, our own agricultural product industry. And that's import, export, eating it, producing it.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And invasive species can be, it says about $136 billion in agricultural lost revenue. Is that annually? I believe so. Man. So, I mean, that's a lot of economy at stake here, so they take it very seriously. Right. So there's this group. So the USDA, the Department of Agriculture here in the U.S., has a subgroup called APHIS,
Starting point is 00:06:54 which is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. And they're the ones who are tasked with basically creating this virtual border, this virtual barrier to stuff coming in the US to protect agriculture in the US, right? Yeah, like the notorious Romanian cotton weevil. Right, exactly. The most insidious of all. And specifically at international airports working in conjunction with the customs bureau CPB, customs and no CBP right, Customs and Border Patrol. You've got these cute adorable little beagles who are trained to sniff this stuff out from people who are trying to smuggle whole pigs into the into the country when they're not
Starting point is 00:07:43 supposed to. God bless that lady. I feel bad for her. Yeah. I mean, I get it. Sure. But you know the time and the money. There's no way she did not cry when the agriculture inspector took her whole pig. She's going to feed to her family.
Starting point is 00:08:01 What a waste of food. She works so hard on that, Chuck. I know. It might have been like her favorite family pig that she was waiting. It was babe. Babe gave his life. So you want to talk a little bit about these, the history here, because it did not, agricultural, agriculture dogs, or agricultural detection did not start in the US.
Starting point is 00:08:29 It actually started in Mexico. Yeah. I guess was probably the early 70s. I did, I could not find when it started, but yeah, we know it's definitely prior to the 70s, because based on this, I guess it was a USDA training manual that was referencing it, it picks up then in the late 70s that the USDA started this. Yeah, and then up until 1983, we used big dogs, you know, like typically, and I think we covered this in a lot of the
Starting point is 00:09:00 other like drug sniffers, like German Shepherds, and labs are certainly good, but they are, like German shepherds, and labs are certainly good. But they are, labs aren't so intimidating, but German shepherds can be, even though I love them and I grew up with them. A lot of people, the sight of a German shepherd coming at them in an airport is a little scary. Yeah. I mean, some people have sinophobia, which is a fear of dogs specifically, in which case even the smallest dog's going
Starting point is 00:09:25 to scare you. But even people who don't have an actual phobia of dogs are going to be scared of certain breeds and that definitely includes German Shepherds for sure. Matthew F. Ligetan, Ph.D. So it started in Mexico and then finally in 1984, the USDA started at LAX, started, which is probably a pretty good airport to pick for a pilot program. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Not an airplane pilot program, although I'm sure they had those. Yeah. Did you hear about the King of the Netherlands? Uh-uh. They found out that he has been secretly undercover moonlighting as a KLM airline pilot for fun for like the last like once a week for like the last 20 something years. And has been flying? Yeah, he's yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Like he's been undercover flying, not as the king of the Netherlands just trying to have a life of his own. I thought you meant like Leo DiCaprio didn't catch me if you can. He just pretended to be a pilot. Oh no. To get babes and fake chicks. You're a king. You can't be a pilot.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Wow. So was he, did he come clean or was he outed? I guess he was outed and he said from time to time somebody would recognize him, but he'd just have them kidnapped. Yeah, kidnapped and killed. Rendered extraordinarily. Wow, that's pretty crazy. Yeah. Well, good for him.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah. They should just let him fly, you know? I think so. They're going to work it out? Probably. I hope so. If not, that guy's one outlet has been taken away from him. Well, so his pilot program is maybe failing, but the pilot program in 1984, LAX worked great and they, this was
Starting point is 00:11:09 a big deal at the time too. It was a big change from any kind of detection programs that they had at the time. I don't know why it took that long, but, because dogs are obviously well-known sniffers to the tune of, I mean, compared to humans, how many millions of olfactory nerves do dogs have? I know it varies. So somewhere in the middle is the dachshund. I didn't see the beagle specifically, but supposedly beagles are about average as far as scenting goes, which is surprising to me.
Starting point is 00:11:43 But the dachshund has 125 million olfactory receptors. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Amazing. Dr. Michael O'Brien And humans have 5 million on average. Dr. Justin Marchegiani And I know the dogs, even the size of their nose can make a difference. So I was a little surprised they picked beagles, but one of the big reasons is A, the Navy had used them previously to great success. And B, like you said, you know, they're little, they're cute, so they're not going to scare
Starting point is 00:12:09 anyone at the airport. And they can, they're agile, because they're small, and they can jump around on a conveyor belt like nobody's business to find that Romanian cotton weevil. Right. Sometimes they'll find just enough fruit that they'll make a little headdress out of it, like Karma Miranda. Yeah. Nothing cuter than seeing a beagle in one of those.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Well the other cool thing about the dogs and their sniffing abilities is it's like you can't disguise something. Like if you have, of course, I was about to say drugs again, but if you have, let's say you want to sneak in that cotton weevil and you think I'm going to hide it in a can of coffee, actually that might be, you might not be able to bring in coffee either now that I think about it. I was just trying to think of something with a strong odor.
Starting point is 00:12:59 A bottle of perfume. Okay. The dog will be able to pick that out of that perfume. Right. Will be able to almost geo-locate it because they don't get confused like we do. Yeah, so you know how like a dog can, when you watch a dog on a scent,
Starting point is 00:13:17 it's just kind of like sniffing back and forth in the air as it moves. Oh yeah. So what it's doing is it's basically the same thing with our vision, right? The information is getting from one nostril and the other nostril, the brain is putting together to create basically like a 3D map
Starting point is 00:13:33 of where that smell is coming from, just like the information from one eye compared to the information coming into our other eye gives us an idea of like depth, right, or perspective, that kind of thing. So it's basically the same thing, but with their olfactory sense. And put on top of that is the fact
Starting point is 00:13:56 that they can distinguish sense. Like this article, this USDA manual said, when you walk into a kitchen and you smell chili, you smell chili, right? Chili's cooking, put it all together, it's chili. That's what you smell is the sum of all the parts. Yeah. If you're good, you might be able to pick out a thing or two. Maybe like, you know, do I detect some cumin?
Starting point is 00:14:21 But a dog will walk in there and smell every single one of the ingredients separately. Right. Which is why you can't just take something and try to overpower the smell of it with something else. The dog will smell the thing that you're using to try to overpower it with, but it'll also smell the other scent.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Apparently they can smell, this thing says, they can smell table salt in a dilution of one part to 10 million parts. That's amazing. Isn't that crazy? That is crazy. That's also why if you've ever taken your dog to a new, like a new, really new environment that they've never been to, like the beach, for instance, when I took, I think a couple
Starting point is 00:15:01 of years ago, we did a beach vacation and took our dogs and they were going crazy. Like we were walking down to the beach and it was just nose in the air because there's always a good breeze or usually a good breeze on the beach. And I can imagine they were just smelling these just hundreds and hundreds of things that they'd never smelled before. And it's pretty neat to see and you kind of wonder what's going on in that luck head of theirs, you know? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Or in my case, one luck head and one smart one. I've seen before that when a dog is sniffing at a tree, what you're watching them do is sniff, you know, the tree itself, but also every single insect in that tree, every bird in that tree, everything that's in that tree right then, that dog is smelling that. Yeah, and I think it definitely varies because obviously some dogs are better like hunting dogs and such. And my new dog, Nico, we think maybe part plot hound.
Starting point is 00:15:58 What's that? Just like a, you know, a hound. Okay. I mean, you can look at plot hound and it looks like my dog. But like a mix of a plot hound, but I think that they're like really good scent dogs too, because she, more so than other dogs I've had, is really driven by her nose. And when you let her out, she's got her nose to the ground for quite a while. I was reading today about scent tracking and apparently it's something like some people
Starting point is 00:16:25 like to do agility stuff with their dog or other people do like obedience like competitions and stuff and then other people and apparently this also is a really good thing to do if you found your dog is like no good at obedience. They might actually love scent tracking because unlike the obedience stuff or the agility stuff, when you're scent tracking, the dog is totally in charge. You're basically following the dog, but you're doing it together, especially during training as well. Well, you know, they'd say if your dog has behavioral problems and a lot of times that
Starting point is 00:17:01 means they have a job that they're not allowed to do. Oh yeah, that makes sense. You know, like if you have a herding dog that doesn't have a herd, then that might be a big pain in your butt until you can find a way to kind of let them, I don't know, they can not necessarily work part-time as a herder, but do something that acts as a herder, you know? Might as well make some money off of it. You want to take a little break? But do something that acts as a herder, you know might as well make some money off of it
Starting point is 00:17:30 You want to take a little break? Mm-hmm. All right, we're gonna take a break and get back to the peagles right after this You can't fully understand the moment we're living in without knowing where we've been on On every episode of NPR's Throughline, we take a story from the news and go back in time to where it started, where it really started. To answer one important question, how did we get here? Find NPR's Throughline on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. complex concepts of identity, resilience, erasure, and genocide. Table for two, season two. Think of the show as a deconstructed Oscar party in podcast form. Each episode takes place over the romance
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Starting point is 00:19:19 So how'd we do today? We did good. The Black Effect presents Family Therapy. Listen now on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. All right, Chuck. So we're back. So we were talking basically about dogs in general, but since 1984, the USDA has been
Starting point is 00:19:54 training beagles for its Beagle Brigade, right, which is this frontline covering America's agricultural infrastructure. That is correct. So I was very heartened to learn from researching this that the Beagle Brigade specifically with the USDA, all of them come from shelters. They're all shelter animals. Yeah. And you know what? It kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:20:20 At first I just thought it was out of the kindness of their heart that they wouldn't like support the dog buying industry. But they a lot of times just get problem dogs, these beagles that are so like, you know, up in the business in your pantry or your refrigerator or sniffing out your shoes so they can chew them up. People will, you know, well, I have opinions on this, but people will turn that dog back in or whatever to be adopted, hopefully, from a no-kill shelter at the very least.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Right. So, and that's a big point that this USDA spokesperson makes in the House of Works article is like a lot of people are saying, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. You guys are using these dogs as tools, basically. Yeah. And I don't know, I don't think dogs should be used that way. And the USDA's response is, well, a lot of these dogs would basically be put down if it weren't for us, you know? They would be euthanized because they can't, they're too hyper to live with a family, but that's exactly the kind of temperament we need for what we're having them do.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So actually it's win-win for everybody. Well, yeah, and as much as I love my dogs laying around in bed with me, a happy dog, it's a dog that's working and exercising. And then at the end of the night, they get to relax. But, you know, it's easy to, and we cover some of this in seeing eye dogs and stuff, it's easy to be like, oh man, that dog doesn't get to have fun all day. That's just not true at all. These dogs have a purpose and they're good at what they do. So don't think of it as like using this dog as a tool in a bad way, you know? Right. And then on the other end of it, if the dog is brought into the program and they find out that the dog doesn't have what it takes, maybe it doesn't work very well amidst chaos
Starting point is 00:22:17 that an airport always has, or perhaps the dog just seems unhappy, they say. If the dog seems unhappy, they'll retire it early. Yeah. At any rate, they have apparently a 100% record of adopting out their beagles. And there's a wait list right now. Oh, I'm sure. To adopt these beagles that have worked for several years
Starting point is 00:22:44 or didn't work, didn't make it, but entered into the program, they don't return them to shelters, they don't euthanize them, they adopt them out. And apparently the USDA has a 100% adoption record on that, which is pretty outstanding. Kyle Sifu Yeah. And as with a lot of service dogs, they're first, they're handlers given first right of refusal for adoption. And I imagine a lot of times they do so, you know? their first, their handlers given first right of refusal for adoption.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Right. And I imagine a lot of times they do so, you know? Yeah, I would guess so too. Because apparently when the dog and the handler are paired up together as a team, they stay a team for the dog's whole career. It's like Riggs and Myrtol. Right, or Turner and Hooch. Actually, it's not like Riggs and Murtaugh
Starting point is 00:23:27 because they were paired at the very end of Danny Glover's career. So that was a bad analogy. Oh, that's right, that's true. Because he's too old for that crap. Yes. That was a big line. Yeah, it was a great line.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Isn't that a TV show now? I don't think it is anymore. Jerry's nodding, but that probably means you're both right. Short-lived. I think so. I haven't seen any ads for it lately. What a dumb idea. Like, hey, let's dust this thing off from 25 years ago.
Starting point is 00:23:57 They do that with everything. Like Twin Peaks even. It's like, how, come on, how are you going to pick that back up? Let's just stop. Well, I don't mind that because that's just more greatness from David Lynch Is it any good? I've heard not necessarily. I think it's great. I mean it's I mean, I'm a fan of anything David Lynch does it doesn't sure it I didn't expect it to be Exactly what twin peaks was it just feels like a new TV show from David Lynch to me. Oh
Starting point is 00:24:28 That's it really okay. You, I could be down with that. All right. So let's get into this. You mentioned Handlers. We've been dancing around this the whole time. You mentioned Handlers and this, like weDDTC, right here in lovely Noonan, Georgia, which is that west? I think it's southwest. Southwest? Like just down 85 after it splits off as 75, 85. My knowledge of my own home state is pretty poor.
Starting point is 00:25:01 If I haven't camped there and it's outside of Atlanta, I probably don't know exactly where it is. I'm pretty sure I'm right. Okay. Southwest then. Let's go with that. Okay. And they start training, like with most service dogs, they do that initial testing to just
Starting point is 00:25:17 sort of see are they healthy? Do they have the right temperament? How's their behavior? And that initial screening is where the first lot gets weeded out. And one of the biggest parts of that initial weeding out is they have to have a high food drive and that doesn't mean how hungry are they. That means your dog has just been fed, those little beagles just eaten, but they still
Starting point is 00:25:40 have a high desire to get to where the food is. It's like, bacon, bacon, bacon. Basically, that's what you're looking for. Yeah. And you make a lot of noise and you have crowds around and you're testing their focus. And this is all just the, like I said, the initial screening to say, all right, little Henry the Beagle here has what it takes.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Right. We think. Yeah. Well, yeah, that's just a start. Can he also learn to differentiate? That's the big one. That's the next big step, right? So I think there's like a one or two week like evaluation process.
Starting point is 00:26:15 They also like give the dog a full like veterinary inspection. I believe they spay and or neuter. Sure. I guess not and or specifically not and or in that case. They spay or neuter the dog. A lot of times the dogs come in not very good shape because they're shelter dogs. They probably weren't taken very good care of
Starting point is 00:26:40 early in their life. So they may need some sort of treatment or checkups or whatever. But then after that happens, the training actually starts. And the dogs are trained to scent, I guess starting out from what I saw, five basic restricted scents. Yeah, this, I didn't expect these.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Would you have picked these five? It's rando. Oh, is it? No, no, it's random. Oh I thought they they were I thought there were five cents. No there are and I'm saying that's a pretty random assemblage. Oh okay I got you. Man you'd think after nine years together. But I mean if you were to have picked five cents I probably would have definitely picked beef, pork, and citrus. Those make sense.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I guess. I would have picked like monkey, bat, and probably pig too. Yeah. But I mean, those are in there. So well, the monkey and the bat aren't, but beef, pork, citrus, mango. Yeah. That's where you threw me. What was the other one?
Starting point is 00:27:44 Apple. Apple. What's the other one? Apple. Apple, what's wrong with apple? I didn't even know they grew apples outside of the United States. Who's trying to smuggle an apple into the US? I don't know. We got the best ones here, buddy. Just leave them at home.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, I would love to know why those are the five basic cents if someone has more information than that, because I could not find out. I could not either. There's a real dearth of Information on this stuff. I even emailed the customs and border protection today because I could not for the life of me find The name of that first Beagle that that started out at LAX in 1984 Cannot find it anywhere. Well, you're in a to suspect that somebody forgot to write it down. So no one knows.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You're being tracked now. Probably. Oh yeah, I've been looking up like, you know, restricted items, agriculture, invasive species, stuff like that. I'm sure I'm on a list. All right. So they teach them those, well, this is, you know, toward the end is when they know those five basic sense.
Starting point is 00:28:44 At first, they're just basically teaching them how to sniff through bags and suitcases and boxes and making sure they can, you know, they'll throw a goat's head in a suitcase and send it through in Noonan. And you laugh, but one of them found a goat head not too long ago. So it happens. And they just make sure they can do that. And they eventually, and then of them found a goat head not too long ago. So it happens. And they just make sure they can do that. And then of course they have to differentiate.
Starting point is 00:29:09 There's a lot of things that are scented like those things that are just fine, like an orange perfume. Matthew F. Ligato Right. Well, that's another, that's got to be kind of tough to learn for a dog too, is the difference between orange scented stuff or things that are made with like say orange essence, like a candy or a lip balm or something like that and an actual orange. Because the lip balm, no problem. Actual orange, you got a problem.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Matthew F. Larson That's right. And once they've done this, this is about a few months probably, 10 to 13 weeks. And this is, and they're being trained in regular, like how to paw that stuff and alert and sitting responses. Like all of this is one big learning period. And the handler's getting trained as well, obviously. But at the end of this is when they finally do graduate to those five basic cents. And I guess, see what I don't get from the basic cents is, But at the end of this is when they finally do graduate to those five basic scents.
Starting point is 00:30:05 And I guess, see what I don't get it from the basic scents is, is it from those scents that they can smell anything? No, that's crazy. That's what I thought too. That's what it implies. Like if you put together apple and pig and mango, you've got like bat. You have a luau. That's not the case. Like each thing has its own scent.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I don't know if those are like the most commonly smuggled ones possibly. Maybe. So those are the ones they need to start out with. Maybe they're the easiest ones. I don't know. But yeah, if you put those things together, especially if a dog smells in layers, right?
Starting point is 00:30:41 And differentiates between scents, it's not gonna smell the combined scent of those things. It's going to smell each thing. So I'm not sure why those are the five basic ones. Can't find out. This one was a stone wall. I mean, like, we're professional researchers here and, like, we really ran into a wall. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Who would have known that the Beagle Brigade is what would throw us? It would break us. So they've learned all these scents. They've learned how to alert, they're getting treats, they're getting positive reinforcement along the way. Yeah, that's a big one too. The entire training is strictly positive reinforcement. Yeah, they don't beat these dogs down if they're not smelling correctly. They have like, they spend 10 grand a month on newspapers to roll up, teach these dogs
Starting point is 00:31:24 lessons. Puppy Pounder. So once they've gone through all of that, everyone knows I'm joking, right? Yeah. And if you're new to the podcast and don't, just don't even bother emailing. Yeah. We're great animal lovers here. So once they've gone through this whole training process, they finally graduate, they get their little diploma, their little hat, and their little robe, and they graduate from Noonan
Starting point is 00:31:50 and they get to move to the big city with their handler. Yeah. Atlanta. Or anywhere, any international airport, but Atlanta certainly is a large one. For sure. And so, once they get to their home base airport that they're going to be working at, they're still evaluated and trained for another sometimes 10 to 13 weeks. Yeah, training is kind of ongoing from what I saw too, like the whole career, you know?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah, it's not like the, okay, stop learning, dog. You know too much. But I think the initial training period, their basic training still can go on for another 10 to 13 weeks after they get to the airport. And even once they get to the airport, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're going to stay in the program. Again, once they're finally introduced to the chaos of an international airport, that dog might just be like, this is not for me.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Send me back to Noonan. Yeah. You know? I mean, you can try and duplicate that chaos in Noonan, but good luck. You just can't. I mean, even, you just can't. There's nothing like a busy airport.
Starting point is 00:32:59 You can't recreate that. Yeah. So some dogs are fine with it. Some dogs are not. But again, one of the main reasons why they're choosing beagles is because it is so chaotic. And these dogs are, their whole thing is they're not there at like a mail processing facility. They're not there at like a border crossing. They're there at a busy airport and they're meant to be able
Starting point is 00:33:21 to kind of weave in and out of this crowd while also being non-threatening and also being lovable too. Like, that's not by accident that they chose these incredibly adorable dogs. The USDA says that the Beagle Brigade is basically like a walking lovable advertisement for what they're trying to do, which is protect agriculture here in the US. Yeah, they have a little vest that says Beagle Brigade. And everyone ooze and ahs. And some people, if you're not, this is probably how they do it.
Starting point is 00:33:51 If you're not actively oohing and ahhing and you're standing there sweating heavily, then the dog keys in on you. So that'd be a big trouble. And I don't know if you said it or not, if you did, I didn't catch it, but the dogs are trained to walk up to locate a contraband item and sit at the bag.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yeah, yeah. I thought they attacked the person first. It's called a passive indicating. But rather than, I saw in this article, it says they pawed it. Everywhere else, I saw that they just sit and kind of look at the person, like shame on you. Exactly. It's very passive aggressive way to out somebody for a goat's head in their suitcase.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Right. Should we take a break? Oh yeah, man, you read my mind. All right, we're gonna do that and we're gonna finish up here with a big old brigade. with a big ol' brigade. Stuff you should know. You can't fully understand the moment we're living in without knowing where we've been.
Starting point is 00:34:53 On every episode of NPR's Throughline, we take a story from the news and go back in time to where it started. Where it really started. To answer one important question, how did we get here? Find NPR's through line on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm Elliot Coney and this is Family Therapy. In my best hopes, I guess identify the life that I want and work towards it.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I've never seen a man take care of my mother the way she needed to be taken care of. I get the impression that you don't feel like you've done everything right as a father. Is that true? That's true. And I'm not offended by that. Thank you for going through those things and thank you for overcoming them. Thank God for the limits. Every time I have one of our sessions, our sessions be positive. It just keeps me going. I feel like my focus is redirected in a different aspect of my life now.
Starting point is 00:36:00 So how'd we do today? We did good. The Black Effect presents Family Therapy. Listen now on the Black Effect podcast network, iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts. iHeart podcast update. This week on your free iHeartRadio app.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Fodor's guide to espionage, a 60s era spy story of the world's first and greatest travel writer, Eugene Fodorodor as he jet sets around the globe. Tongue Unbroken Season 2. This podcast explores complex concepts of identity, resilience, erasure, and genocide. Table for Two Season 2. Think of the show as a deconstructed Oscar party in podcast form. Each episode takes place over the romance of a meal and feels like you're seated next
Starting point is 00:36:41 to a different guest at that dinner. Hear these podcasts and more on your free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. All right. So what happens at the end of a long day, Josh? The dog. Most beagles enjoy a good pipe, maybe a scotch in an easy chair. Perhaps a cigar? Sure.
Starting point is 00:37:11 They tend to watch CNN, although if you watch Fox News, and they fall asleep a little drunk. That's what they do every night. It's their routine and that's what Beagles like. I know. That's our routine at our club what Beagle's like. Oh no, that's our routine. At our clubhouse where we live. I know. Weirdly, and this kind of surprised me.
Starting point is 00:37:32 I guess it's not weird now that I've seen the explanation, but I was surprised to learn that they're kenneled. I thought that they, I guess I thought they lived with their handler. Yeah, because canine police dogs live with their handlers. I thought it was weird too. But they're kenneled. They have a facility near the airport. Some people have asked like, can I just keep this dog at night and then take them to work
Starting point is 00:37:56 every morning? And they say no. They said this is actually best for everyone. They need their rest. I imagine they have a good play together. I doubt if they just like drive them straight there and put them in the crate, you know I was probably a little social scene going on. I hope so Yeah, I hope they don't like get scolded for making eye contact with the other working dogs
Starting point is 00:38:14 They live with no they put in their eight hours. They come home They probably play a bit and then they're kindled overnight. Yeah, and they said that they you know, they need this rest time in order to do their job successfully and like I said, a happy dog is a dog that feels good about its work. And you said, Chuck, some people ask if they can take them home. Sure. You should specify like that's not the agents asking. Oh, yeah. That's like people at the airport.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I know. Like, can I just take them home for the night and you guys can come get them tomorrow or I'll even bring them back. I only live like 45 minutes away. Yeah, sure. Well, just give me your cell phone number. That sounds great. So it does make sense that, yeah, they are left to just kind of rest and I'm sure that
Starting point is 00:38:57 they actually live at the airport, which is funny. It's like that movie Terminal with Tom Hanks. It says a nearby facility. you think it's actually there? I'm sure. Yeah. Did you know that that movie Terminal with Tom Hanks is based on a real life thing? Yeah. And the guy was like living there for a decade or something like that and then Charles de
Starting point is 00:39:18 Gaulle? Yeah. Did you see that movie? No, I just read the article the movie was based on. Yeah, it's not very good, unfortunately. I got that impression. Yeah, it was a bummer. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:39:28 It doesn't end well? Well, no, it was just a bummer that it wasn't good because it was like Spielberg and Tom Hanks and I think my hopes were high. But yeah, I didn't care for it. No such luck, Charles. So the Beagle Brigade is a very closely guarded secret, just how many Beagles are brigading. So they can say, though, that there are 116 CBP agricultural canine teams with the dogs and the handlers, and that every international airport in the country has a Beagle Brigade
Starting point is 00:40:03 there, doing their job. So they can tell you a lot. Yeah. I mean, you want to tell some stories here? Yeah. So there was this one dog called Murray. Murray was at a shelter in North Georgia and apparently some dummies decided they wanted a hunting dog and didn't want to spend any money,
Starting point is 00:40:29 but they wanted a dock tail and ears and everything. So they tried it themselves and it didn't go very well for poor Murray. So they dropped them off at a shelter, probably knowing the state, they probably dropped them off on a dirt road and somebody else found them and took him to a shelter. And Murray was rescued by a group called Alcovy Pet Rescue.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And I guess Alcovy has a direct pipeline to the Beagle Brigade handlers down in Noonan. Said, hey, we think we got one for you. This guy is so food driven, it's crazy. It's got a lot of love. He just needs a little bit of attention. He's missing part of his ear, but we can get past that. And at age two or three, he became an agent for the USDA at Atlanta Hartsfield Jackson Air National Airport.
Starting point is 00:41:25 That's great. The only way that story could have ended better is if those original people had part of their ear cut off. Yeah. By a dog. Yeah. What about Jasper? So Jasper, he worked at JFK, I think. Yeah, this was late last year.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Jasper retired after an eight year career and during this career Jasper seized over 17,000 items. The goat's head was Jasper like I mentioned. Yeah, whale meat. Yeah, whale meat, rhinoceros skin. Cooked bat. Really? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:42:04 What else? Anything else crazy like that? No, not that I saw. And a lot of Romanian cotton weevils. Right. And his handler, Amanda Tipple, or triple, is it Tipple or triple? Triple. She said that she was interviewed with Modern Farmer magazine, which I didn't realize existed
Starting point is 00:42:24 until last week. And now you have a subscription. Yeah. They did an interview with her and she was saying that he could very easily work longer, but that the mandatory age of retirement is eight because they want the dogs to have some years of just chilling out, not having to work. And that she's going to take them home. She's adopting him. She did adopt him. I think the article was from last year and he was on the verge of
Starting point is 00:42:52 retirement when they interviewed him. But he went and apparently this is fairly normal, went from something like 15 to 30 hits, 20 to 30 hits a day. Wow. But had declined to 30 hits a day. But had declined to about 10 to 15. Yeah, everybody was very disappointed in him. Well, I mean, that's a good retirement age if they're eight, like, barring some very sad health concern, you know, a dog that size can live to be, you know, 13, 14 years old. Right, sure. So many years ahead of them, hopefully, in retirement.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Yeah, and once she takes them home, she gets another dog that she's going to partner with. So I wonder how that'll go over. Will Jasper be like, I know where you've been today and I just want to tell you again, I'm not happy with this. Well, I bet Jasper and all retired dogs have to deal with that transition, you know? Yeah. Like, I imagine there's something the handlers have to do with them on a daily basis. Like, you know, probably a lot of long walks.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I imagine the dog isn't just like, all right, and now I'm going to rest. Right. You know, like they're used to that activity. Well, yeah, yeah, I was wondering that as well. I wondered too, if they get them when they're young, so they're super hyper and then maybe by the time they're eight, they've mellowed a little bit. Sure. At least comparatively speaking. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 I think a mellow beagle is still pretty hyper compared to a normal dog. Yeah, I've never been around beagles actually. Oh, they they they'll pull. Yeah. Yeah, and they they bay and everything. They're super cute, but they they can be rambunctious for sure. Yeah, I've never I've never known anyone with a beagle. So I don't even know if I've ever touched a beagle.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Now that I think about it. No, but if you've been touched by a beagle, you'll never forget it, Chuck. A couple of stats for you. Last year alone in 2016, the brigade inspected 23 million passengers, 741,000 pieces of freight, and they alerted total in the United States to more than 1.77 million seizures of illegal materials. That's a lot. That's about, what, like 7, 8% of people bringing stuff in that have been caught. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And I saw also that there's an even more specialized group of dogs that are typically Jack Russell terriers that work on Guam to root out specifically brown tree snakes. Yeah, that's crazy. Which are an invasive species that got introduced to Guam and have killed off like a lot of indigenous bird species. And they're basically trying to protect Hawaii as much as they can. I didn't know Hawaii didn't have snakes until this article.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah, it's like Ireland over there. Yeah, I mean, it made sense, of course, but I just figured, I mean, there's all kinds of invasive species. So I just thought that I just figured snakes would be one of them. Yeah, no, Hawaii takes their, their like, the agriculture defense very seriously. Yeah, it's a felony. The snake thing is. Yeah, well, they'll just beat you up before they even take you to jail.
Starting point is 00:46:03 They catch you. Well, I read an article because I was like, what? Is that real? Which is, I guess, of great comfort to back country exploring and explorers if you're scared of snakes. But I read an article and there were a couple of them found last year that people had managed to sneak in. And one was a boa constrictor that was dead in the road, like five feet long.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And the guy saw it and said, like, there's a snake. And everyone in the car was like, there are no snakes in Hawaii. They're like, no, that's a snake. He's like, oh, I'm just a total idiot, I guess. I'm sure there are legs under there. Just a big lizard. I hate you guys. Yeah, that was news to. Hey, you guys.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Yeah, that was news to me, so very interesting. Supposedly the Everglades down in Florida have a huge problem with Burmese pythons and like a couple of different kinds of pythons and all of them were pets and now they're just taking over and getting to be like 20 feet long or just crazy eating wild boars and things like that. Because idiots get them and then they grow and they say this snake is too big and they just put it out in the swamp. I just wanted a puppy snake. So here's a good example too.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Like, you know, it's easy to like the goat head and the cooked pig gets a lot of attention. But usually this stuff is, it's not nefarious, you know. It's like this one lady in February of this year actually, there was a beagle named Gadget that seized, and this is just one seizure from one person. A potted tamarind plant, two live trees, 42 packages of seeds, 20 pieces of palm tree plantings, chicory seed, rice, millet, and fresh garlic. And a note from God. I mean, that's a lot of stuff, but this is what happens.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Like someone goes to another country and they want to bring back seeds to plant something. It's not like they're awful people, but it can, they can innocently wreak havoc on agriculture here by doing so, you know? Right. So the process from what I gather is that you declare anything you have on you. And then if they can let you bring it through, then they'll let you bring it through. But if not, they'll just take it and be like, sorry, we got to take this. Then they'll shoot it in front of you. If you don't declare it and they catch you with it,
Starting point is 00:48:32 thanks to the Beagle Brigade, you can be fined up to something like $1,000 for your first offense. And if it's clear you're like a straight up smuggler, you will probably go to jail. Well, this person did declare that had all that stuff, chocolate and an apple. So I guess she thought maybe if I declare something, I won't be as suspicious. I don't know. Right. But I mean, if you're a CBP agent and you're looking at that and you have the discretion of whether to arrest that person or not, you may very well be like, no, you're, you were definitely trying to smuggle this stuff. So
Starting point is 00:49:08 you're, I'm going to, I'm going to make an example out of you lady. Yeah. And then gadgets just sitting there. Just like judging. What have I done? Yeah. And the lady as they're hauling her off to jail, she's like, I would have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for you meddling dogs. You got anything else? I do. I have one more thing. I ran across this article, I think it was on Quartz, and it said like illegal bushmeat
Starting point is 00:49:33 could be the cause of the next big global pandemic. There's apparently a major market for bushmeat, which is any wild animal meat. Most people think of it as like monkey or bat or something like that. But it also is like elk or caribou, any illegal meat that's basically just being smuggled around. There's huge markets for it in New York, in London, in mainland Europe. And people just smuggle it in and a lot of them make it through and these things just get sold behind the counter at butcher shops in some cities. And all it's going to take is one of those things to have Ebola and maybe a mutant strain
Starting point is 00:50:17 that is transmitted a little more easily than Ebola light or whatever we have now. And you got a pandemic on your hands. And we can say, thanks a lot. I hope you really enjoyed that monkey leg that killed off three quarters of the population of humanity. That's all I got. Gross. Just push me.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Those two words. I don't like it. I know. I know. That's pretty rough. So I guess you're done then too, huh? I'm done, it. I know. I know, that's pretty rough. So I guess you're done then too, huh? I'm done, sir. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Well, if you guys want to know more about Bushmeat or the Beagle Brigade or anything like that, type those words in the search bar at And since I said search bar, it's time for listener mail. I'm going to call this one sad yet happy email. Hey guys, my name is Sam. I wanted to send you an email thanking you for your show. The podcast is actually a rediscovery for me. My dad used to play it back in 2009 when we would drive up to the mountain to go skiing.
Starting point is 00:51:22 A very fond memories of laughing and nerding out with my dad and brothers after a great day on the slopes. Can't believe you guys are still going strong after eight plus years. There's a little more to my rediscovery of your show though that I wanted to share. It's been four and a half years since one of my brothers, who is an amazing skier, died tragically to suicide. Since I was in college at the time,
Starting point is 00:51:41 I didn't have enough time to properly grieve. Recently I've been mulling through many painful memories that I ignored in those first three years. However, your show unexpectedly brought back really happy ones. It has reminded me of the fun adventure and learning our family enjoyed while listening to your show when we were skiing. I remember laughing hysterically with my family at your jokes, rolling my eyes when my brothers and dad would try to comment on your show to sound smart.
Starting point is 00:52:06 Because it was so creepy, one of your favorite episodes of ours was the one on cannibalism. Being a high schooler at the time, I also really liked the show on flirting, so I thought I could put it into practice. Needless to say, it didn't really work. What? This month, I went home for a week to visit my parents
Starting point is 00:52:22 and I went skiing with my mom and dad. For the first time since my brother died. It was very painful, but also unimaginably special When my family and I are on the mountain I feel like I can encounter my brother as he was when he was healthy and full of life I could picture him diving down a slope that was way too steep with the most enormous grin on his eager face All in all it was a great day So I just want to say thank you
Starting point is 00:52:45 But the hard work and providing interesting topics to fill my time making me laugh But also inadvertently helping me cherish a special time in my life man That's heavy that is from Sam and she sends hugs Sam. That is fantastic Thank you very much for letting us know we appreciate that Sam, that is fantastic. Stuff You Should Know is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts, my heart radio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. You can't fully understand the moment we're living in without knowing where we've been.
Starting point is 00:53:43 On every episode of NPR's Throughline, we take a story from the news and go back in time to where it started, where it really started. To answer one important question, how did we get here? Find NPR's Throughline on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey there, I'm Dr. Maya Shankar and I'm a scientist who studies human behavior. Many of us have experienced a moment in our lives that changes everything, that instantly divides
Starting point is 00:54:17 our life into a before and an after. On my podcast, A Slight Change of Plans, I talk to people about navigating these moments. Their stories are full of candor and hard-won wisdom. And you'll hear from scientists who teach us how we can be more resilient in the face of change. Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. iHeart Podcast update, this week on your free iHeartRadio app. Fodor's Guide to Espionage, a 60s era spy story of the world's first and greatest travel writer Eugene Fodor as he jet sets around the globe. Tongue Unbroken Season Two,
Starting point is 00:54:50 this podcast explores complex concepts of identity, resilience, erasure, and genocide. Table for Two Season Two, think of the show as a deconstructed Oscar party in podcast form. Each episode takes place over the romance of a meal and feels like you're seated next to a different guest at that dinner. Hear these podcasts and more on your free iHeartRadio app

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