Stuff You Should Know - Whistling!

Episode Date: June 25, 2024

Whistling is pretty cool when you think about it because it can mean many things, from simple happy tunes to legit communication. Learn all about this ubiquitous skill today. See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:51 I have a voice and it's on me to use it and to show others how they can use it every freaking day. Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. A new season of Bridgerton is here. And with it, a new season of Bridgerton the Official Podcast. I'm your host, Gaby Collins. And this season, we are bringing fans even deeper into the ton.
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Starting point is 00:01:43 dedicated to personal development. Whether you're looking for ways to shift your mindset or seeking more fulfillment in your life, we've got you covered. Join me as we dive into captivating stories and research-backed ideas that have empowered me and others to lead lives with more clarity and intention. Every Day Better, making growth an everyday practice. Listen to Every Day Better on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to Stuff You Should Know, a production of iHeart Radio. Hey, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Josh, and there's Chuck and Jerry's here too. And it's become clear to me that I used the slide whistle on the wrong episode.
Starting point is 00:02:26 This is stuff you should know. Oh no. Would that have gotten annoying to you? I think the slide whistle worked perfect, and this isn't about slide whistles. No, it's about whistle whistles, which means your mouth with your lips pursed. That's right.
Starting point is 00:02:41 So let's just, out of the gate, for the three people who don't know what whistling is. Whistling is the act of making a sound by forcing air through your mouth through a narrow passage typically with your lips pursed. And that is actually a specific kind of whistling as we'll see called pucker whistling. There's other kinds, but that is by far the most common form of whistling. And if you can move your tongue a little bit, you can start to get pretty good at whistling.
Starting point is 00:03:09 One other thing to start, set everything up. There is no genetic basis for not being able to whistle. It's just a lack of practice. Do you whistle right out of the gate? Let's hit me with that info. You bet. I don't mean can you whistle. Yes, I find myself more going. Whistle.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Like that. Like I'm not trying to do a song. I don't even know I'm doing it. I like realize I'm doing it as I'm doing it. It's just something to occupy the space around me, I guess. Okay. What about you, Chuck? Do you whistle, Chuck? Are you a whistler?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, I whistle. Sometimes I wonder if I annoy people by whistling. Well, you've never annoyed me by whistling. I can tell you that. Okay. But back when, in the early days of, when we worked in a big office with 50 people, I used to wonder about stuff like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Am I whistling around the office? Is that annoying to people? Kind of like, remember the guy who walked around in his sock feet? Oh my God. Why did that bother me so much? Because he walked around an office with sock feet, including the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yes, including the bathroom. Yes, including the bathroom. That's why, Josh. Like, had a urinal and socks. It was, I mean, I know that that's just objectively wrong, but I don't, the rest of it, I never understood why it bothered me so much, but yeah. You don't do that, you don't do that, that's why. But you're also not supposed to whistle
Starting point is 00:04:39 around the office too, FYI. Yeah, and I think I literally kind of was like, oh, I probably shouldn't do that around here because that was the first office job I ever had. I mean like I I know for a fact I've noticed you whistling before but I can tell you it's never bothered me ever. I appreciate it I'm a pretty good whistler so I like to whistle songs and things. You are a pretty good whistler. I appreciate that so well you know maybe I'll try it a little bit out here and there. Jerry whistles, too
Starting point is 00:05:05 You just can't hear it. Oh, she's whistling right now. Mm-hmm way to go Jerry your champ So you mentioned the pucker whistle? That's the most common, you know whistle that most people walk around doing that's this That that's right Straight the mall you go through them all demonstrate them. Okay, I'm going to try to demonstrate them all. You go through them, I'll demonstrate them, okay? That sounds great. Okay. My good friend Eddie, whom you've met before, he does what's called the palatal whistling. That's like this.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Which is, that's right, except it makes a whistle sound. Right? And that is when you put the tongue on the roof of your mouth. I can't do it. Eddie does it really well, so it's always kind of fun. And I'm a big, it's just a nostalgia blast for me whenever Eddie breaks out the palatal whistle. Can he spit like that too?
Starting point is 00:05:55 You know how like you can do like a little thing of spit like really fast from your mouth by touching your palate with your tongue? Oh, oh, gleeking? Yes. Can you do that? I can gleek but I don't know if Eddie can. Well then I'll bet you could palate whistle. No I can't. Alright, what's next? The old finger whistle. It's like this. Yeah, except again caveat, except it makes a whistle sound. Okay. I've never been able to do this There are different methods number of fingers where you place them and stuff like that
Starting point is 00:06:31 The old taxi whistle. That's it. That's a finger whistle usually I've always been jealous of people who could really bust out aloud Finger whistle I could never do it. Are you jealous? of finger whistlers, I mean I could never do it. Are you jealous? Of finger whistlers? I mean, that's very low on the scale, but sure, a little bit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:47 All right. I mean, they're putting their fingers in their mouths. Yeah. They're walking around New York City. Yep. That's really loud though. But if you could just palette whistle, you can usually whistle as loud as a finger whistle in my experience.
Starting point is 00:07:02 No, no, palette whistles aren't very loud. It's like this. Shh. Right. Oh, no, no, no. I think you're thinking of two different things. Are you thinking of a palet whistle as like a taxi call without fingers?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yeah, it's the kind where like your lips kind of press back in your face a little bit and your teeth get exposed and your tongue goes up to the roof of your mouth. I think we have a different version of Pallet Whistle then. Maybe I'll get Eddie to record his Pallet Whistle. I know what you're talking about then. I've seen video of that, yes.
Starting point is 00:07:36 It's almost like it comes from the back of the throat. Yeah, I mean, I wish I could do it. When I try to do what he does, it's just shh, shh all palatal whistling except it makes the sound and then there's throat whistling Which is a very Strange looking whistle because your mouth is open You're not you don't have like a puckered pursed lip. Oh, that's what I'm thinking of I don't know what palatal whistling is if it's not Oh, that's what I'm thinking of.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I don't know what palatal whistling is if it's not... SHH, SHH, SHH, SHH. You know what? At the very least, I'll get Eddie to send me an audio thing that I'll text you. Okay. Can you text him now? Sure. I'll talk. You just text for a minute. For the throat whistling, I would want to recommend,
Starting point is 00:08:22 did you watch those videos I sent you by any chance? I didn't, Chuck. I'm sorry. Oh, man, that's all right. You have to though, you owe it to yourself. Okay. Because they're just go to YouTube and type in Ralph Whistler, guys I guess, G-I-E-S-E, on Kelly and Company 1984 and just witnessed the beauty of this guy,
Starting point is 00:08:42 Ralph doing his throat whistling to Georgia on my mind, got about a half a million five hundred fifty thousand views then right afterward you in fact you'll be prodded to watch the next video which is best singer ever Whistler Redub which is somebody who re-redubbed him with his strange facial movements as actual won't even call it singing, but other mouth noises. That has gotten two and a half million views. Nice. I watched it seven times a day and laughed just as hard every single time.
Starting point is 00:09:15 It's so funny. Man, I got to watch it. It's amazing. Okay, I'll definitely watch it. So Chuck, we can't actually say when whistling started. Some people say that it actually was a proto-language, which I find just absolutely fascinating. Totally.
Starting point is 00:09:30 We do know that well back into prehistory, in the Neolithic age, people were using, maybe even Neanderthals too, were using bone whistles, the grimace kind of whistle, which would indicate that we were already familiar with whistles. We probably had figured out how to whistle by then. There's a bioacoustician named Julian Meyer who says the muscles it takes, the amount of brain
Starting point is 00:09:59 power it takes to whistle is so much less than it is to speak and to use words and create a vocabulary like that, that it just makes sense that we would have evolved to whistle first, at the very least to get somebody's attention, right? And then once you have somebody's attention, you want to express an idea that just inherently follows.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It's almost inevitable that we whistled before we learned to speak. Yeah, there have been legitimate whistling languages discovered on every continent on planet Earth. And then once we move on to recorded history, we know for sure that Greeks and Romans and ancient Greece and Rome whistled because they whistle like two jeer from the audience like people still do in Europe at least Europe I'm sure they do that in other countries, but we boo here in the United States But and the UK and Europe they whistle when they want to express displeasure. Yeah, there's also so Herodotus in his histories
Starting point is 00:11:01 Described a community in Ethiopia that lived in caves and spoke like bats. And you know the term troglodytes? These were the original troglodytes. And it's been taken, herodotus has to be taken with a grain of salt because he himself was relying on probably a lot of unreliable sources. He sounds like somebody who would have really bought the stuff that he read on Facebook and
Starting point is 00:11:24 put a lot of stuff onto Facebook if he were alive today. But that doesn't mean that there was not like some kernel of truth. And the Troglodytes who spoke like bats has been taken to mean that they had a whistle-based language. Yeah, they were all over the place.
Starting point is 00:11:42 People just took to whistling at his buddies. Hey, look at this mastodon over here. Let's take this thing down. He says that all in a whistle. He's like, and also have you heard the new mastodon album? By the way, shout out to mastodon. I was just for the second year running, the celebrity judge, quote unquote,
Starting point is 00:12:03 celebrity judge in the chicken wing contest for the Kirkwood running, the celebrity judge, quote unquote, celebrity judge in a chicken wing contest for the Kirkwood Spring Fling. And one of the other judges was Braun, the drummer of Mastodon. Awesome. And he was a super cool dude. Oh, I'm sure. How could you not be if you're in Mastodon?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, we'd sat there in a chicken wings together and very seriously reviewed them and rated them. So I'm sure you'd take that seriously. I would too. I would be very disappointed if you just took that as like a lark. Yeah, 16 chicken wings. Wow, lucky. Yeah, well, I didn't eat them all.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I ate, I housed like four of them and then most of the rest were just a bite or two. Okay. Do you like smoked wings? Like you know, the Fox Brothers ilk? Yeah, I have a love-hate with smoke on any food. It's okay, but same with mezcal. I like it in just little bits and blasts. Yeah, I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:12:57 With the smoked wings though, that's kind of what I'm on right now. I can eat a lot of those. Those, I mean, the Fox Brothers wings are great. Well, nothing compliments and is complimented by ranch more than a smoked wing. To me, it's even better than like a regular straight ahead buffalo wing as far as the ranch combo works. I don't eat buffalo anymore at all.
Starting point is 00:13:19 I'm basically, I'm a dry lemon pepper guy. Oh, all right. These days. I always associate that with sports betting and watching like sports on Sunday for some reason. Well, I do a bit of both. Speaking of dude, have you seen, sorry to all the people who are new to the podcast,
Starting point is 00:13:38 have you seen the roast of Tom Brady? Oh, I saw parts of it, but there's no way I could sit through that in earnest. It's so bad. Like the stand-up comedians and some of the podcasters did pretty well. Nikki Glaser won the night easily, handily. But when you finally get to Tom Brady's part, it like, like it's unwatchable. You just can't, you can't look. It's so, it's so bad. He's like so going with the, the joke of how he's the greatest that it becomes kind of painfully clear that he's actually being dead serious at that point. He's not joking at all. It's really tough. I would actually recommend
Starting point is 00:14:18 just watching like the first minute and a half of it and see if you can make it that far. I don't know if I could, but shout out to Nikki Glaser, one time stuff you should know, listener at least. Yeah, that one time. I mean, I don't know if she still is in other words. I know what you mean. You're just joking. All right, can we get back to whistling?
Starting point is 00:14:36 Yes. That's all my fault. We can move past the history. People get what's going on here. Well, we need to talk about when whistling was like a big deal though in history. Yeah, that's what I was getting to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:49 We're talking initially, you know, that ancient history stuff was like, hey, look over here. Hey, what should we do? Hey, we're communicating. But if you're talking about whistle while you work, musical whistling in other words, it's kind of tougher to trace that history because there's nothing, you know, there's no fossil that would indicate anything. But Linda Hamilton, who is a historian and loves whistling, has definitely referenced Whistlers in the 1600s, my bet is that it goes back even further because if people learn to whistle, I believe people are inherently musical, then people are, in my mind,
Starting point is 00:15:33 whistling for enjoyment and pleasure. Pleasure, yeah. Well, even in the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer says the young squire spends his days singing and whistling. So, I mean, yeah. Exactly. That's, that's, yes, I agree. I think the first time somebody realized they could whistle, it immediately kicked off the human, I guess, pastime of whistling for pleasure. Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, they were like, hey, over here.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Hey, I like that a lot. I'm just going to keep saying hey over here a bunch of times. That was the first time it happened. The first song written by Whistle was called, Hey, over here. So there were actual songs. There were professional Whistlers, late 19th century Vaudeville,
Starting point is 00:16:15 it makes sense, like Vaudeville, of course. They had so many acts doing so many different things. Of course there were Whistlers, but it caught on. And in the first, pretty much half of the 20th century, there were a lot of whistling acts, whistling performers. They have names like Ronnie Rinalde, Muzzy Marcelino, just perfect names like that.
Starting point is 00:16:35 And they were big enough that I think in 1949, Ronnie Rinalde sold out Radio City Music Hall for 10 weeks. And he was a whistler. Every night for 10 weeks. And he was a Whistler. Every night for 10 weeks. Yes. That's staggering. Yeah, not just like once and then 10 weeks later. I mean like every night for 10 weeks, yes.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That's a 6,000 cap venue. He was a Whistler. Oh man. I mean, that just shows how big it was. It was usually people, I mean, if you had a Whistling Act, you were doing one or you were doing usually both two things, which is whistling songs and things, and then mimicking song birds.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Yeah, and that's still a thing. I watched Pucker Up, the documentary on whistling. Did you see it? I did. It's great. It almost, and the way that it starts out too, I was like, this is indistinguishable from an episode of documentary now.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Like the first half hour, you could not tell it apart. Yeah, except there was no Fred Armisen or Phil Hader. Yeah, but I was just waiting for him to pop up. It was like that dead on. But it's a really, really sweet, charming documentary and all the people involved are pretty great. But one of the first people, I think the first Whistler they introduced you to, a guy named Joe Sedano, he is doing bird impressions out in the woods,
Starting point is 00:17:54 and the birds are responding to him. It's really neat to see. You're like, wow, this guy's communing with the birds right now out in the woods. Yeah, he's talking. Better watch what you say though, buddy. Yeah, for sure. So it was going along pretty well, whistling. Very, very big in Vaudeville, like you said,
Starting point is 00:18:09 and a popular act just period. So much so that there was an academy in 1909, the Agnes Woodward California School of Artistic Whistling opened up, and she had some pretty high profile clients, including John Wayne, I guess, wanted to learn how to whistle really well, Pat Boone, Bing Crosby. If you're in a Western, you better know how to whistle.
Starting point is 00:18:30 That's my guess why John Wayne needed to learn. Or at least whistle for your horse at the very least. Sure. Yeah, your horse loves to hear you whistle. That's a funny joke though in a Western. It's like the cowboy who can't whistle probably feels pretty bad about himself. Probably. That reminds me of the singing horse in Top Western. It's like the cowboy who can't whistle probably feels pretty bad about himself. Probably. That reminds me of the singing horse in Top Secret.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Oh yeah. That was just on an episode of Scott Hasn't Seen, so that's fresh in my mind. Oh, okay, good. So you remember the singing horse then? I remember that and it just made me remember of how funny that movie is. It is, it really is.
Starting point is 00:19:04 So I think you were kind of getting to this point where all of a sudden, almost overnight, every whistling act just went away. The world said we're done with whistling, stop whistling. And very interestingly, whistling is like not just a musical act, but just kind of as a pastime, something that people just generally did, went away at the same time too.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And I saw that it was chalked up by some people to the advent of the transistor radio. And then eventually the Walkman and then the iPod, I think it was somebody on PuckerUp kind of made this case. And it really makes sense because one of the reasons people would whistle before is because you're just keeping yourself occupied. You're keeping yourself entertained. You're creating music for yourself to enjoy. And that need for that went away
Starting point is 00:19:54 when we were able to carry around things that could do that for us, starting with the transistor radio. Yeah, for sure. It also had a bad reputation even in certain instances. In the 1800s in the UK, there were stores that banned whistling because it was used as a sort of language basically between pickpockets and thieves to warn each other. It is still sort of a sort of a trophy shorthand for someone that's up to no good. Usually somebody trying to play it off as if they are carefree.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Oh, yeah. Like if you were doing a sketch, a comedy sketch about a shoplifter, every time the shop owner looks over at the shoplifter, they would probably look up at the sky and. That would kill. Absolutely. It's just become sort of a trope as a shorthand. Again, just another weird use for whistling.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It's just like roller skating. You remember how roller skating was huge in the late 70s and all of a sudden just overnight it went away. But black culture was like, nope, we're still roller skating and roller skating continued to be a thing. That kind of happened with whistling. The world was like, we're done with whistling, but a subset of people were like, no, we're
Starting point is 00:21:13 going to keep whistling and kept the dream alive of whistling over the years. And I say we take a break and we come back and talk about a few contemporary whistlers. Let's do it. My name is Ariel. I moved to the U.S. at 19. I spoke no English and I struggled finding job opportunities. Everything I have, I owe to the Adult Literacy Center and getting my high school diploma at age 22. It was an honor helping you achieve your greatness. Now you're helping others achieve theirs. It inspires me.
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Starting point is 00:22:15 the daily podcast from Hello Sunshine that is guaranteed to light up your day. Every weekday we bring you conversations with the culture makers who inspire us. Like a recent episode with comedian and actor Alana Glazer about leaving her 20s behind and embracing her 30s. I'm being a bad girl now. Also, I'm like, oh my gosh, LOL.
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Starting point is 00:23:57 And now we're back with another season of our podcast, Unpacking the Toolbox, where Guillermo and I will be rewatching the show. To officially unpack season 3 of scandal Unpredictable you don't see it coming. It's a wild wild ride the twists and turns in season 3 mesmerizing But also we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Bellamy young Scott Foley Tony Goldwyn Debbie Allen Carrie Washington so many people even more shocking Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington, SO MANY PEOPLE, even more shocking assassinations from Papa and Mama Pope, and yes, Katie and I's famous teeth pulling scene that kicks off a romance,
Starting point is 00:24:31 and it was Peak TV. This is new scandal content for your eyes, for your ears, for your hearts, for your minds. Well suit up gladiators, grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes. Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadioApp Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, Chuck, so we're talking about people who whistle today, sometimes for a living. There was an artist in the 90s named Marge Carlson who whistle a lot of saccharine Christian songs and was known as America's Sweetheart, a Bird song. She was quite a good whistler. But she had albums, like she released albums where, rather than singing, it was all instrumental,
Starting point is 00:25:31 and one of the instruments was her whistling. Yeah, and that's still a thing. I'm sure you looked at these videos, Josh, but there is, big thanks to Anna, by the way, who put this together for us. Very cool, robust article. Big thanks to Anna, by the way, who put this together for us. Very cool, robust article. But she found Molly Lewis, who is a contemporary, professional whistler, just a wonderful whistler, releasing, she has an EP called The Forgotten Edge. She performs live in concert.
Starting point is 00:26:01 There's a very fun YouTube with Molly on one of those Sunday morning shows. I can't remember which one. It was CBS Sunday morning. It was good. Good little segment. Yeah. Very good little segment, like you said.
Starting point is 00:26:12 And she's just, Molly just seems terrific. Very enthusiastic about whistling. Yes, she's a whistler. But at the same time, she's bewildered that she's actually making a career out of whistling. Like she's able to do that. Yeah, she's kind of laughing about it, not like in a put down way, just kind of like, I'm good at this weird thing and it's just kind of crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:32 She's got some contemporaries too. A lot of, I think actually Molly competed too. A lot of the people who you would have heard of as whistlers, at least now, if you really dig into whistling, you'll end up hearing about them, like Chris Ullman, Yert, or sorry, Yert Chateau, who's just an amazing person apparently, they, they competed in like the international Whistling finals.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And as you kind of start to dig into the world of Whistling, some names kind of bubble up to the top and that's because they're essentially competitive Whistlers. There's whistling competitions that are held over the years and some people who are just the best of the best at whistling will compete. So in addition to Molly Lewis you'll run across a guy named Chris Ullman who's a champion whistler, a guy named Hirch Chetrow who's another champion whistler and they're just amazing and if you if you listen to them
Starting point is 00:27:24 like especially if you just go watch P if you listen to them, it's like, especially if you just, just go watch Pucker Up, the documentary, I think it's even on YouTube for free, um, like you'll start to realize that people have their own style, their own techniques, that's not just like there's one way to whistle, people have figured out a bunch of different ways to whistle and different
Starting point is 00:27:41 combinations of those ways to whistle. And they're keeping it alive, like I said. That's right. I mean, Sammy Hager may say there's only one way to rock. But he will also say there's a lot of ways to whistle. That's right. And he said, for those about to rock, we salute you. And we salute Sammy, because he just got a star
Starting point is 00:28:01 on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Oh, really? Congrats. Yeah. Way to go, Sammy. So if you are a great Whistler and you maybe compete in these competitions and you're like, well, I'm not popular enough to get my album out there like Molly Lewis, you probably could find a home at Cirque du Soleil
Starting point is 00:28:19 because they have had quite a few Whistlers over the years perform with them, as Cirque is a bit of a modern-day vaudeville and they have all kinds of fun things like that. Yeah. We go every year here in Atlanta. It's a nice fun tradition for the fam. You can also whistle on songs and soundtracks. Molly Lewis whistled on that Barbie soundtrack that's so great.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Of course, who can forget the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly? Sergio Leone's famous, famous spaghetti western in which Alessandro Alessandroni did that very sort of iconic whistle for that movie. Oh, it's iconic for sure. I mean, it signifies any time somebody is, you're suddenly like potentially in danger because an extraordinarily capable killer has showed up. Is that, I don't know if I described that correctly.
Starting point is 00:29:12 No, it's like if the S was about to go down. Yeah, I guess so. And as a refresher, of course, Clint Eastwood was a good, Lee Van Cleef was a bad and Eli Wallach was the ugly. Oh, poor Eli. In case anyone. I know. Do you want to bust that one out for us? -♪ WHISTLING A SONG FOR US. -♪
Starting point is 00:29:31 Like that? Yeah, that was great. I got another one too. There's actually a name, you know, that whistling part where L. Driver is going to kill the bride at the very beginning of Kill Bill, Volume 1? Uh, yeah. That, um, that song is called Twisted Nerve. to kill the bride at the very beginning of Kill Bill, Volume One? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:46 That song is called Twisted Nerve, and it's like the creepiest song you've ever heard in your life, and it's from a 1968 British thriller called Twisted Nerve. You know the song I'm talking about? I mean, I'd probably recognize it. It's been a while since I've seen that, though. It's just Creepsville, and for some reason,
Starting point is 00:30:04 I think it's because it's whistled in part is why it's creepy. It's a creepy song. All right. I'll have to check that out. You want to take a stab at it or no? Sure. You know the song? No, but I feel like applauding. I think we should overdub the actual song where I start.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Just impress everybody. That would be pretty great. Of course, we have to name the fact that sometimes people will whistle as a character. Let's say if you're Woodstock and Peanuts, Jason Serenis did the Woodstock whistles. And there's a guy named Percy Edwards, who is an animal impressionist, and he voices whistles for a lot of animated characters. He also was the voice, or I guess the character of Fizzgig
Starting point is 00:31:02 in The Dark Crystal. Essentially one of the pets. You just whistled. And what did I just whistle? What did I do? I indicated something, didn't I? You expressed emotion. In this case, admiration or being impressed.
Starting point is 00:31:17 That's right. And what we're talking about is why people whistle, and we've kind of poked around here and there. You know, first about the fact that there were languages and stuff like that. If you lived in a mountainous region, a very good way to communicate over a longer distance like that and maybe give a direction is to have some whistles that you agree on rather than try and get someone to understand you saying, you know, there is wood over here.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You might have a whistle that can indicate that a little more clearly over a great echoey distance. There's also, yes, and that's the whole point. Echoey distances are basically the basis of what are known as whistled languages. And they're a whistled version of your local language. So like, if you were saying there's wood over there, you'd be like, right? And it actually works.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Like you, your whistle can travel way farther. I saw something like 550 meters on like a nice spring day compared to 40 meters for just speech and 120 meters for shouting. 550 meters is what your what your whistle will carry. And there's like neurologists and linguists are just fascinated by this. Like how could you kind of imitate a sentence in whistle and the receiver hears the sentence essentially in the same way as if you spoke it.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Like it goes to show like there's a lot that you can strip out of speech and still get the point across. That's what whistled language is to you. Yeah. I mean, if you think about it, there's only a handful of words that you might want to communicate. You don't have to say, hey, we have firewood over here.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You just have to be able to say fire here or vegetable here, you know, and you can just combine very rudimentary expressions to one another, informative expressions, what would you call that, information? Sure. An informative expression. I like that, actually. I like that a lot more than dumb old information. Also, the other person says, what kind of vegetable?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Right. The initial person says tomatoes, and the second person goes, tomatoes are fruit. And the initial person says, what kind of vegetable? Right. The initial person says tomatoes, and the second person goes tomatoes are fruit. And the initial person says, is it? And it just keeps going on like this. But imagine people doing that whistling. Yeah, that'd be pretty great. We have the legendary wolf whistle,
Starting point is 00:33:38 which of course is the, whistling that originated, they believe as a call, like shepherds would use that to communicate, that there are wolves about. And then that evolved to something that, you know, a street manhole repair cover person in New York City might do to any woman that walks by still. Supposedly in 2018, France banned wolf whistling with a 750 euro fine on the spot. You would be like, you need to pay this on the spot. Isn't that fascinating? Cause it's a, it's a form of sexual harassment. Yeah. Look at France. And I saw that the furthest back that a wolf whistle in that
Starting point is 00:34:19 context can be traced to is that 1943 Tex Avery cartoon, Red Hot Riding Hood, where the cartoon wolf is watching riding hood perform on stage and just completely loses his mind. And he wolf whistles. That's right. You know, earlier the old, I mean, that one in itself can mean several different things. You could be impressed by something
Starting point is 00:34:44 and go like that, or you could use it sort of derisively if someone did something really embarrassing or bad at a party. It's true. You just made my stomach turn, wow. Yeah. What an effect of a whistle in certain contexts. And usually like an eye roll and something along with it
Starting point is 00:35:00 will help indicate that expression, but it's just really fascinating how many different sort of you can express disappointment or excitement, like how many different things you can do from just a simple whistle. Wonder where your car is? Yeah, how would you do that? Wait, I thought that was vegetable here. And one other thing we have to talk about, we mentioned communicating with animals and we talked about this in, I think they're communicating with animals episode appropriately enough. The greater honey guide, which is a type of bird found in Tanzania, Mozambique, that honey foragers, human honey foragers have learned to communicate, to whistle to the greater honey guide to get them to come out of the trees and lead them to a beehive.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Amazing. I love that. Communicating with animals, I think is just fantastic. It's the best. Maybe we'll take a break in a sec, but we'll go over some quick superstitions involving whistling. And, you know, instead of going through all of these, I think they can all almost be lumped into
Starting point is 00:36:06 whistling in a certain place or at a certain time can bring bad luck. It seems like Polynesia, Iceland, Hawaii, Mexico, Hong Kong, Scandinavia, there's so many countries where if you whistle, like I said, in the wrong place or at the wrong time, it can be a bad omen. It can mean there's ghosts about or there's spirits about.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Um, just sort of depending on when and how it's done. Yeah, usually it's, um, whistling in the dark or after dark is a terrible idea in a lot of these cultures around the world. And that the bad luck that you're going to bring on yourself is summoning spirits, demons, that kind of thing who will snatch your soul essentially. But I find it fascinating that whistling in the
Starting point is 00:36:51 dark or whistling after nightfall is like almost a universal superstition. Well, I've never heard of that. I hadn't either, but I mean, all of the different like widespread cultures that, that share that belief. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It suggests that it's a very, very, very old superstition. Yeah, for sure. So you want to take that break? Yeah. We'll take the break and we'll talk more about whistling and basically how you do it right after this. Okay. you do it right after this. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Snakes, zombies, sharks, heights. Speaking in public, the list of fears is endless. But while you're clutching your blanket in the dark, wondering if that sound in the hall was actually a footstep, the real danger is in your hand, when you're behind the wheel. And while you might think a great white shark is scary, what's really terrifying and even deadly is distracted driving. Eyes Forward, Don't Drive Distracted,
Starting point is 00:38:02 brought to you by NHTSA and the Ad Council. Hey, fam, I'm Simone Boyce. I'm Danielle Robay. And we're the hosts of The Bright Side, the podcast from Hello Sunshine that's guaranteed to light up your day. And we can't wait for you to hear our recent episode with actor, activist, and 90s icon Tatiana Ali.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Something got freed up in me where it was just like, do what you imagine because this is all imagination anyway. Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, I'm Melissa Fumero and I'm Stephanie Beatriz. You may know us from television. No, no. And now we're here with our very own podcast, More Better with Stephanie and Melissa.
Starting point is 00:38:56 We've known each other for thousands of years. And we've been through it all together. And we are totally killing it. We are literally the best. No notes. Life is great. None are literally the best. No notes. Life is great. None of that was true. J.K., J.K., join us on our excellent adventure
Starting point is 00:39:11 as we take on topics like listening to yourself. There were a lot of red flags and it did take me eight years to get there, but I got there. The challenge of self-care. This is important, because now you're about to be a mom of two kids. And making friends as an adult.
Starting point is 00:39:25 We're going to share our struggles. Just white knuckling through life, babe. We're going to speak to experts. And we're going to share everything we learned with you. Listen to more better with Stephanie and Melissa as part of the Michael Duda Podcast Network available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Katie Loes. And I'm Guillermo Diaz.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And now we're back with another season of our podcast, Unpacking the Toolbox, where Guillermo and I will be rewatching the show. To officially unpack season three of Scandal. Unpredictable. You don't see it coming. It's a wild, wild ride that twists and turns in season three.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Mesmerizing. But also, we get to hang out with all of our old Scandal friends, like Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldwyn, season 3 mesmerizing but also we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldwyn, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington, so many people, even more shocking assassinations from Papa and Mama Pope, and yes Katie and I's famous teeth pulling scene that kicks off a romance, and it was peak TV. This is new scandal content for your eyes, for your ears, for your hearts, for your minds. Well suit up gladiators, grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadioApp Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcasts. Alright, we're back with Promise on teaching you to whistle. It is very cute when you have a kid and they try to learn to whistle and think and claim that they are whistling when they are not. At least that was my case early on when Ruby was trying to learn how to whistle. She'd be like, Daddy, I can whistle. Let's hear it. And what can you say besides, hey, that sounds great. Keep at it. You weren't like, and gave her an eye roll. Exactly. And she was like, what is that? That is not even a whistle, dad.
Starting point is 00:41:31 But it does take some time to learn how to whistle. Some people never learn, but you can teach yourself. What you're doing basically is creating, your mouth becomes an instrument and becomes a chamber basically where you are passing air from one small opening from your lungs where the air comes from out of your puckered lips and you do that with it with a standard pucker whistle by placing your tongue and you might even realize at first I was like wait a minute the tongue's on the roof of your mouth right
Starting point is 00:42:04 but the tongue is absolutely at the roof of your mouth. The very back of your tongue is at the very back of the roof of your mouth. Not the front of your tongue. The front of your tongue is pressed against the bottom row of teeth. And that's what you do. You just start blowing, you form that O shape with your mouth
Starting point is 00:42:24 and just practice, practice, practice. Yeah, it's really neat. It's called the Helmholtz chamber that you're forming, which is a type of resonance chamber. And because you're forcing air through a lot from smaller holes into a larger hole back into a smaller hole, and your tongue's there, by moving your tongue, you can adjust like all sorts of weird currents that you're creating in the air pressure. and that creates the vibrations that make the sound, which is why when you move your tongue around, you change notes and pitch
Starting point is 00:42:52 and timber and all sorts of crazy stuff. Um, and that's whistling, that's pucker whistling, that's what you're doing. I love it. I love that there's like an explanation that makes total sense. It's deeply satisfying to me. It would suck if we were like,
Starting point is 00:43:07 we still don't know how we whistle. I think I would lose my mind if that were the case. Yeah, and you know, when we're saying things like moving your tongue around and the tongue is pressed against the top of your mouth, like if you don't know how to whistle and that's frustrating you and you're just moving your tongue all over the place,
Starting point is 00:43:24 it's, they're very, very subtle movements. Like I said, I didn't even realize my tongue was against the back of the roof of my mouth. I didn't either. Until I started whistling and I was like, oh, wait a minute, I guess it is. And then the back of my tongue, very subtly moving back and forth against the back of the roof of my mouth is what creates the different tones and pitches and warbles and what have you. So it's not, it's just all just very, very slight movements.
Starting point is 00:43:53 You're going to frustrate yourself if you don't know how to whistle and you're trying just all these crazy things with your tongue in your mouth. Yeah, Chris Ullman, that champion professional whistler, he spoke with Vox and said, I'll give you four steps to whistling. First, form an O with the shape of your mouth. Second, press the tip of your tongue to your teeth, usually the bottom row of, the inside of the bottom row of your teeth. And then he said, blow gently.
Starting point is 00:44:16 This is important. You want your air to be focused and constant, not necessarily hard. The harder you blow, it's, it actually, it makes it more difficult to whistle. You just want to kind of blow concertedly, but not hard. And then lastly, you just keep practicing. And the way that he put it is you practice each one of those steps in succession. So you just keep forming an O over and over
Starting point is 00:44:40 until you've got the mouth position going. Yeah. I feel good because my steps were exactly like the pros. Yeah. I guess you just intuitively knew how to whistle. You just taught yourself like that. Is that what you're saying? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I'm saying the way I described it, how to do it was exactly like Chris Ullman did. Of course you did. And he's a pro. So you're a pro podcaster. Um, so should we talk a little bit about famous whistling stuff? I think so. I mean, at the very least, we have to talk about To Have and Have Not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:12 I mean, take it away then. Okay. So there's an adaptation of a Hemingway novel, To Have and Have Not, with Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart. And there's a very famous line where Bacall says, you know how to whistle, don't you Steve? You just put your lips together and blow. And that's probably the most famous movie line
Starting point is 00:45:34 about whistling ever uttered. Everybody knows that one. You might not know what movie it's from or who said it, but you've heard that line. Don't even kid yourself. drove me up and up and around and finally I came up on through the Hollywood Hills and I came up on this weird lake and I was like, well, what is this? And he just started whistling Andy Griffith and I was like, no. He's like, yep, this is it. I knew it wasn't Mayberry, but I didn't know really anything about how movies were made at the time. So it was just
Starting point is 00:46:19 surprising to see that like the Bat Cave is the Hollywood Hills and the Andy Griffith Lake is right there. Yeah, same with the hills in Mash, the hills of Korea. Yeah. There's a lot of songs too. We gotta name check a few of these songs that have whistling in them. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:37 There's Walk Like an Egyptian, it's a good one. -♪ WHISTLING A SONG WITH A WHISTLING SOUND. -♪ Precisely. Okay, Okay yeah demonstrate them all. Otis Reddings, Doc of the Bay. My whistle is very dry right now. I'm not at my top form. Scorpions winds of change. I can't think of that one. I know that song. What is it? Oh, that's right. Yeah, that's good. There's also a bunch of others. Me and Julio down by the schoolyard, Don't Worry, Be Happy, maybe the iconic whistling song.
Starting point is 00:47:17 That one sudden part where Axl Roses starts whistling in patience. Yeah, that was on my list. That's a great whistle. La La Love You, the Pixies song. Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to see them next week.
Starting point is 00:47:30 You're going to see the Pixies? Yeah. Where? They're playing Chastain with Modest Mouse. Oh, neat. So is Kim Deal back with them yet or no? Oh, no, no, no. She's never coming back.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Oh, okay. And not only that, they kicked out Paz, their base player that they've had for the past eight or nine years. Wowee, so Black Francis is going on a terror, huh? Yeah, I don't wanna speak out of school about why that may or may not have happened, but it seems fairly disappointing from what I've heard.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Wowee. Yeah, but I'm still going. What else was there? Oh, Mariah Carey is a famous Whistler. Well, I know you're kidding around there. Mariah Carey is noted for singing in what's called the the flute register or the whistle register, which is a vocal register. It's the highest one in the vocal register, higher than falsetto even, that very, very few people can do. They call it the whistle register or the flute register
Starting point is 00:48:30 because those pitches can generally only be made by flutes and whistles rather than a singer like Mariah. Once you hear it described as a whistle register and you hear those notes that she's hitting, you're like, oh my God, that sounds exactly like a whistle. It's like a perfect name for it. Yeah. But she's singing it.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It's absurd. Yeah. And all it should be essentially impossible what she's doing. She's not the only one. Minnie Riperton is another famous one who hit the whistle register. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:57 The famous 70s soul songstress. Um, well, those are the two that come to mind. Okay. But that's, I'm just impressed to no end by that. What about the, what's her name? Aguilera. Christina Aguilera? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:13 She's got that whistle range. I've heard it. Does she really? Sure. Okay. I think she's, there's a couple of younger artists. Actually she's not one of the younger artists anymore either really. No, we're pretty old Chuck.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah. You mentioned those competitions. The big granddaddy of them all was shuttered unfortunately in 2014. It started in 1973. The Lewisburg or Louisburg, I don't know how they say it. They're in North Carolina. And it was a big one.
Starting point is 00:49:43 And like I said, it shut down in 2014 and I believe it's now just its own event it was part of the Lewisburg College Folk Festival and now it's the National Whistlers Convention so it more morphed than shut down. Yeah I think it just became so popular people are like we want we want this to be its own event. Yeah. Somehow for some reason in 2014, that was the last one. Um, and that was the competition that's featured on Pucker Up, by the way, that national
Starting point is 00:50:12 Whistler's convention. I think it was international. And then luckily, a aficionado named Carol Ann Kaufman, who said, Hey, we're going to keep this going, created the masters of musical whistling competition in Pasadena. Um, in 2020 this year's an off year but the website promises it's coming back in 2025. I love it we should finish probably on some Guinness records because my friend if we want to take the time and do a lot of
Starting point is 00:50:42 paperwork we could very easily hold our own Guinness World Record. And I kind of think we should do it. What? Well, in 2014, there was a Guinness record for the most people whistling at the same time in a single venue. And it was a mere 853 people at the Spring Harvest in the United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:51:03 We could bust that record at one of our live shows very easily. Oh yeah, we totally, so that's a great idea. We gotta get that in the works, Chuck. Yeah, which means who's gonna do all the work? Cause we talked about, oh God, how much work it is and most people give up cause there's so much work to officially get a record verified. This feels like a Jerry job. Oh yeah right. What are we gonna get everybody to whistle?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Oh goodness, I mean probably this stuff you should know, a jingle theme. Oh that's a good idea. I was thinking winds of change and we would invite the scorpions to sing a capella to the whistling. That's a good idea. We could just get up there and go. What were you doing? I think it was a Christmas carol. I don't know which one though. Wow. All right. Well, as long as no one does what you do, we'll be just fine. I thought we harmonized quite nicely. Well, as long as no one does what you do, we'll be just fine. I thought we harmonized quite nicely. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Well, let's talk about some world records because yes, I agree. We should break that one and we'll ask Jerry to help us with that. We could do that in everywhere, but probably DC. That's right. Or Atlanta. Oh, we'll, we'll get in Atlanta. Yeah, we'll see. Um, so in 2004, this is insane.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Okay. No, this isn't insane. This is still pretty impressive. Marco Ferreira in 2004 and then Luca Zocchi or Zochi, no, Zo, Zocchi. Uh, in 2014, they hold the record for the world's loudest whistle. They each reached 125 decibels. Again, I don't remember what episode we were in, but that's like rock concert level decibels.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I think it was our plane travel. That is amazing, yeah. Yeah. The one that really knocked my socks off though is the one that Joshua Lockard broke. Oh, the highest pitch? Yes, dude. I don't even know what that means. Okay broke. Oh, the highest pitch? Yes, dude. I don't even know what that means.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Okay, so he has the world record for the world's highest whistle in frequency, 10,599 hertz, which is almost 11 kilohertz, right? Go look up on YouTube, 11 kilohertz tone. And I played it and I had my volume up about halfway and it was just silent. And I was like, is this a prank? Is this a joke?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Like somebody goes around and puts up like videos, like they're playing a tone, but then doesn't put any sound to it. And I turned it all the way up and only then could I hear it. It was that high pitched. It was almost above like audible range of hearing. That's how high pitched it was. That guy did that with a whistle. It was amazing. It's amazing. I
Starting point is 00:53:51 didn't hear it, but just from knowing what that tone sounds like, I can't imagine a human being doing that. I'm playing it right. Oh wait. Turn it way up, but keep your wine glasses out of the room because they will shatter. I'm hearing nothing. Right, turn it up. No, it's up all the way. Okay, well that's what I'm saying. It's amazing. Like I finally did hear it. I can confirm it's not just a prank.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Oh wait, I got it. Oh my god! Somebody whistled like that. That's crazy. Yeah, we should just tell everybody we've been playing it this whole time, just to prove our point. You can't hear it, because it's so high.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Occasionally, ever since Ruby was a kid, I'll be in the car here and there and I'll go, everyone knows I can sing lower than any human. And then she'll try and sing lower and then I'll go, and I can sing lower than any human. And then she'll try and sing lower and then I'll go, and I can sing higher than any human. That's pretty high. She will always, but it's not singing, of course. And then she responds back thusly and is also not singing.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Do any of you have the whistle register ability? No. No. No. And I feel bad that I really laid down on whistling because I'm a pretty good whistle. I can do some good warbles and stuff. But of course, under, no, and I feel bad that I really lame down on whistling because I'm a pretty good whistle. I can do some good warbles and stuff, but of course under the gun, I'm all dry mouthed and it's just not happening.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Were you nervous? Yeah, that too. Whistling That's lovely. No, but I'm not even getting any warble. It's like a beautiful little lark flew into the room. As soon as we hit stop, I'll be whistling like a songbird. I guarantee it. I'm locking up right now.
Starting point is 00:55:30 That last whistle was great. I've got one little fact to share. Okay. So in one of the 1984 editions of the British Medical Journal, there was a case study about a patient who suffered a stroke, and as they were recovering, their only way to communicate, they couldn't talk, the British Medical Journal, there was a case study about a patient who suffered a stroke, and as they were recovering, their only way to communicate, they couldn't talk, they had an elated mood, I saw it described,
Starting point is 00:55:52 so imagine a really happy person who could only whistle. That's how the guy was communicating as he came back, as he was recovering from his stroke. Isn't that amazing? Couldn't talk, he whistled, he wasn't whistling in words, he would just whistle as if he were communicating. That is really sweet. I thought so too.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Yeah. Uh, what else? Anything else? I got nothing else. Well then everybody, that means of course, it's time for Listener Mail. Uh, hey guys, this is a follow up on trash and a book plug. This seems just like a wonderful thing. Hey guys, wanted to write in and give an extra big hat tip
Starting point is 00:56:30 to your recent New York City trash episode. What joy that episode brought me. I live in New York City and I have what one may say is an obsession with trash here. Wow. Started during COVID as I was locked down with my partner who then lived on Roosevelt Island and his apartment had views of the East River the path of the container garbage barges from 91st Street Marine Transfer Station
Starting point is 00:56:52 I watched them made efforts to identify them filmed them and eventually it led to me writing a children's book about New York City trash Awesome. It's so cool seeing the multitude of the garbage was jarring and all very fascinating It's so cool. Seeing the multitude of the garbage was jarring and all very fascinating. The book is about Gary, a city rat, and his adventures with Marge, the garbage barge. It is definitely not a full capture of the city's garbage, but a story of one of its many routes. I now live in Brooklyn with my partner, so I no longer have regular views of the garbage barges. Boo. But I still visit the river to look at them. Needless to say, I love your other previous garbage- related episodes as well, and I want to say a general Thank you for your show. I've been a listener since 2016 learned so much from you across so many topics and lastly
Starting point is 00:57:35 I'm greatly looking forward to your live show in New York at the end of the month That is from Jessica Chang in Brooklyn, New York and Jessica's book is Gary meets Marge the Barge. That's awesome. Congratulations, Jessica. That's a great book idea. Yeah. I gotta get that one. So go buy it. Go to some independent bookseller of your choice or look it up online and support Jessica. And then, yeah, just walk in and say, I'll take one copy of Jerry meets Marge the Barge, please. That's right.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And they'll go, whew. Another one. If you want to be like Jessica and let us know about an awesome book you wrote, we would love to hear that. You can write about your book in an email and send it off to stuffpodcast at Stuff you should know is a production of iHeart Radio. For more podcasts, my heart radio, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. Hey fam, I'm Simone Boyce.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I'm Danielle Robay. And we're the hosts of The Bright Side, the podcast from Hello Sunshine that's guaranteed to light up your day. Like our recent episode with journalist, TV host and bestselling author Brooke Baldwin about leaving her toxic job and finding her voice. I have a voice and it's on me to use it and to show others how they can use it every freaking day. Listen to The Bright Side from Hello Sunshine on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:59:18 A new season of Bridgerton is here and with it, a new season of Bridgerton the Official Podcast. I'm your host, Gaby Collins. And this season, we are bringing fans even deeper into the ton. Watch season three of the Shondaland series on Netflix. Then fall in love all over again by listening to Bridgerton the Official Podcast on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe to catch a new episode every Thursday. From LinkedIn News, I'm Lea Smart,
Starting point is 00:59:50 host of Every Day Better, an award-winning weekly podcast dedicated to personal development. Whether you're looking for ways to shift your mindset or seeking more fulfillment in your life, we've got you covered. Join me as we dive into captivating stories and research-backed ideas that have empowered me and others to lead lives with more clarity and intention.
Starting point is 01:00:08 Every day better, making growth an everyday practice. Listen to Every Day Better on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. From LinkedIn News, I'm Jessi Hempel, host of the Hello Monday podcast. In my 20s, I knew what career success looked like. In midlife, it's not that simple. Work is changing, we are changing, and there's no guidebook for how to make sense of it.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Start your week with the Hello Monday podcast. Listen to Hello Monday on the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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