Suggestible - CATASTROPHE!

Episode Date: May 27, 2021

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti.Sign up to Claire’s weekly bonus newsletters here – tontsnewsletterThis ...week’s Suggestibles:CatastropheLove StoriesBad TripNY Times NewsletterSend your recommendations to, we’d love to hear them.You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook @suggestiblepod and join our ‘Planet Broadcasting Great Mates OFFICIAL’ Facebook Group. So many things. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing Uber Teen Accounts, an Uber account for your teen with enhanced safety features. Your teen can request a ride with top-rated drivers, and you can track every trip on the live map in the Uber app. Uber Teen Accounts, invite your teen to join your Uber account today. Available in select locations. See app for details. I'm drinking a hot chocolate, James. Wow, I'm so impressed. Or am I? Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:24 It's a low-cal one. What kind of beverage have you got today? I've also got a hot chocolate, but mine's in a can. No, you're drinking kombucha that tastes like feet. Shut up with your low-cal hot chocolate. Coming at me with any kind of opinion. I'm wearing my delicious slippers that you bought me for Mother's Day. Your description of things is way off.
Starting point is 00:00:41 I don't know what's going on here. What? There's only one pom-pom on one side because the dog ate the other pom-pom off my clean slippers no just like ripped it off and then was like sorry for the i don't actually yeah i don't actually want this i don't want this but i thought i wanted it my favorite thing about our dog at the moment is that occasionally for no apparent reason she just suddenly jumps up has a spasm and tries to eat her own tail in like a – and then can't quite get it and then just like flops back down because she's old and can't be bothered. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:11 She'll be back though. She's going to give it another go. Yeah. Have you noticed that she's getting grey eyebrows? I have very much noticed that. They're getting bigger. It gives her more expression because now she's got eyebrows. She's never had eyebrows and now she can be like –
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah. Paul Carr's dog is pitch black except for little white spots on her tum-tum and her little feet feet. And now, and her little nose. And she's getting more and more grey as she gets older. Much like you over there, Jim Jim. We do look similar. It is that thing of like people and their owners or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Dogs and their owners, I should say. People and their owners. As in I own you. No, I do think. You're not bloody wrong. Bloody ball and chain, my rub boys, my rub boys. Okay, but just before we finish the show, I will say one more thing. It's very confusing to me and I can't quite unscramble the egg
Starting point is 00:01:59 about dogs and owners. Is it that the owner chooses a dog that is similar in personality, temperament and looks as themselves? Yes. Or is it that thing that happens to couples over time? That the longer that you live with someone, the more of their habits you take on board and the more similar you start to look. Yeah. Apparently your faces like morph into each other because you like mimicking each other's expressions for years so eventually it's the same person which is good though because then what if one of you dies it's
Starting point is 00:02:30 fine it's fine yeah exactly actually there's a great line in the show we're going to talk about today all about this about how as a couple gets older you end up kind of becoming one person and your muscles and bones in this kind of weird way fuse together. So if something happens to one of you, you're no longer like a whole person. Yeah. Which is like frightening and really macabre, but also I totally get that. I agree. Yeah, and it's why when you're not around, I feel half of a shell.
Starting point is 00:03:03 When you're not around, I feel great. I don't know what that says. I feel half of a shell. When you're not around, I feel great. I don't know what that says. I feel free. Maybe you're the whole person and I'm like a mollusk on the side of you. Bloody ball and chan, am I right, boys? Oh, Lord. I hate my wife. I'm one of those guys.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I've decided if you know this, but I'm one of those guys. I'm bloody sick of this bloody bird. I'm going to go to the pub. I hope she doesn't call me. I hope she doesn't call me at the pub. He always calls me when he's at the pub. I'll have to lie. If she calls me, I'll be like, I'm at the bloody office.
Starting point is 00:03:31 They're bloody making me work late. I could count the number of times you were in a pub this year on one hand, I reckon. Anyway, hello, welcome. This is Suggestible Podcast. If you haven't noticed already, we are married. I am James. Claire is here also. Yep, that's right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I do that from time to time. We're one person. It doesn't matter. Our souls are fused. Our bones are somethings. Just to clarify, it's not a good thing. I don't like this amorphous situation. I know.
Starting point is 00:03:57 It's like the movie Stuck on You with Matt Damon. I thought you were going to say it's like the movie Human Centipede. Oh, God. Oh, God. Not that I've seen that because that is a terrifying prospect. I've never seen that movie. I saw the trailer and I went, that's about as much of that movie as I need to see.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Yeah, I only just saw the poster and read a tiny bit about it and then asked you to tell me a bit more about it because I was curious and then I realised. I think I was like, you don't want to know anything about this. No, I don't want to know anymore. No, I can't do horror. That's not even horror. What is that then?
Starting point is 00:04:27 If not horror? Well, it's like probably body horror, I would say. Okay, so it is horror. Or torture porn, as they kind of call it. Oh, God. Okay, well, I don't need to go down that rabbit hole. Anyway, I'm Claire. James is here also.
Starting point is 00:04:40 What up? And we recommend you things to watch, read and listen to. And you're up, Jim Jam. What's your first reco? Well, do you want to talk about catastrophe together or do you want to do that later? No, I reckon let's do it. All right, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Because we've been talking about the old marriage, so let's just dive on in. Exactly. That cesspool. Exactly. Sorry, you go. Were you talking? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:03 We always finish each other. I'm not falling for it i'm just letting you keep sorry um it's written and starring sharon horgan and rob delaney sharon horgan uh what's it about what's it about claire give the synopsis give the synopsis right so it's about the trajectory of a couple from the moment they meet to falling pregnant accidentally to winding up in a relationship with Rob's character. So starring Rob Delaney and Sharon Horgan, obviously, the comedian Rob Delaney.
Starting point is 00:05:33 His character is from the US and moves from America to live with Sharon in London. Yes. And then they kind of embark on a very fast marriage and then pregnancy, parenthood and that's really it. That's kind of like the rest of the story have kind of got their friends involved in the background characters and then issues that arise in marriage and I guess there's quite a lot of sex in this show too.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So much sex. A lot of talk about relationships. It's really just based on the chemistry and banter between the two of them and the killer writing. Yes. And there's only four seasons and there's six episodes a season? It might be eight. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah. It's not many. Maybe it's only six. It doesn't matter. It's done. It's finished. It might come back. They've talked about how they might bring it back when they're a couple of older.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I sort of feel like it's a perfectly formed show and I don't think it needs to come back. Yes. I sort of feel like it's a perfectly formed show and I don't think it needs to come back. Yes, but I agree. But I also think that if you took these characters in 10, 20 years' time... It would be really interesting. ...and their kids are grown up and then what's kind of left of them, like between them, because they get together because there's an accidental pregnancy and they decide to keep it so he has to move over and then they end up building this life together,
Starting point is 00:06:46 which neither of them were planning on or maybe even wanted. Yeah, but I think I was listening to an interview with Sharon Horgan talking about the writing for the show, because she kind of made her breakout role in pulling the TV show and had done a lot of creative stuff since, but hadn't really fallen in love with anything. And then she said for this show, her and Rob had always had a really great chemistry
Starting point is 00:07:09 and always thought they might do something together. And in creating this, she just suddenly felt really sure that this was something that was going to be brilliant. Yeah. Just in the cleverness of the writing but also in the chemistry with Rob. And she said intentionally they wanted to make Rob's character kind and quite gentlemanly.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And you can definitely see that. I mean, obviously in lots of ways he's not. Oh, they're awful. He's awful. And they're both awful in a lot of ways. But particularly in the first season, which I think I enjoyed the most, you can see that it's quite surprising in a way that rob's character as a husband figure isn't that typical uh wife of ball and shane or he's like a giant man child yeah he actually does
Starting point is 00:07:53 grow up and just get on with things yeah he's competent he's competent and he's competent but he also shows up for her despite everything despite despite his flaws, despite he's an alcoholic, a recovering alcoholic in the first season. And despite all of those things, he moves for her because he feels strongly this is the right thing to do. I think also because he's just fallen head over heels for her. I think that's definitely part of it. Which is also a beautiful way to write it too. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And I think that the strength of sharon's character as much as they're both awful what is so refreshing about her character is as a as a female in a sitcom in a role like this so often even if you're allowed to be funny you still have to be very likable and you're not allowed to say exactly what you think all of the time whereas she just does and she doesn't apologize for it she doesn't pander she just says. And she doesn't apologise for it. She doesn't pander. She just says exactly what she thinks and lets it lie. And sometimes it has disastrous consequences and sometimes it doesn't. But she's also a teacher.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And it's also very funny. And it's so funny, blisteringly so. But there's also real moments of poignancy too. And the fact that she's a teacher and he's this kind of like advertising exec that ends up in this very soulless kind of terrible job working for a drug company. Peddling drugs. Yeah, and he hates his job and that kind of is slowly destroying him in a way
Starting point is 00:09:15 because you can see at the beginning of the show that he's this really stand-up guy who's really kind and just is there for her in this massive rock. And then you can see what that job, I think, parenthood, but also that job kind of does and erodes his self-worth over the season. So the characters feel so fully fleshed out. Yeah. And really real.
Starting point is 00:09:36 What were some of your favourite moments? My favourite moments is really how it can turn on a dime. Like they'll be really, like, nice to each other and then it will just flip and then it'll just be like i fucking hate you you drag me down and it can go and go the other way also which i think is really interesting because i think a lot like real life you're like often i know for us our fights don't last weeks or days or whatever you want to mean it's just kind of no they don't they usually blow over in about half an hour. Yeah, and I don't know whether that's indicative of everybody, but I love the way it turns.
Starting point is 00:10:08 And I just love those moments of when, like, they just push to the brink and one of them just snaps. And I just like there's a moment where he snaps at someone who's accusing his son of biting her son. At first he tries to, like, walk it through it and be like, hey, listen, we'll try and sort this out and whatever. Which is in real life what you would do, then there's that moment where he's just like what do you want me to say he's like what the fuck do you want like he just yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:10:32 in that tiny he's like i don't have a job we're about to lose our house what the fuck do you want like it's just because they're kind of pinwheel from catastrophe to catastrophe and i yeah i do love that he takes it and she does the same. They take it that step further to say the things that you would be thinking in that moment but you're not allowed to say. Or every now and then you do. Yeah, yeah, exactly. One of my favourite lines, and I know you liked just how mean it was and that wasn't what I liked about it at all.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That's not all I liked about it. Because I started to hate it. That's what I thought was funny. The more awful they got. That's what I thought was funny about it, of how got. That's what I thought was funny about it. Of how mean it could be. Yeah, but that made me depressed.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I just, I started to hate it. I still loved it and the writing was so great but the first season was my favourite. Season three is, is it three,
Starting point is 00:11:14 the one that's really dark? Yeah. I just, I mean, yeah, it just, even though I know it was so funny
Starting point is 00:11:20 and I loved it and I lapped it all up, I, it started to make me feel depressed whereas I preferred the first season because it's so much more about their really great banter and chemistry. And just there's something really beautiful about the way he's there
Starting point is 00:11:34 for her in that season. Okay, one of my first lines comes in the very first episode that I loved. It's when they're parting ways. So they meet in this kind of like one-night stand, and ostensibly that's what it's supposed to be in a bar and then they just kind of fall completely head over heels for each other and end up shagging like a million times a day for a whole week knowing that he has to go back to the US so never thinking it was going to be something big or extraordinary or a big love story they just like really were into each other and had really great sex, I think. And so when they're partying before, when they think they're
Starting point is 00:12:09 not going to see each other again, there's these two lines that they say, which I love, and I'm going to read them to you. Rob says, I want you to know that I'm going to look back at my time with you and remember you as an extraordinarily good smelling woman with a magical ass. And then Sharon says, and I really love this this too and this is why the writing's so strong I'll remember you as the sturdy love maker with a massive chin who was really kind to waiters and taxi drivers which suggests that you might actually be a good person yeah that is really yeah that was a great moment yeah and I just think often the writing just so surprises you so much like that I also thought in the end one of his good friends is Chris
Starting point is 00:12:46 who lives in London and is this really kind of cynical, sarcastic, deadpan, very dry character. Is that the little guy or the American guy? That's the little guy. Yeah, I like him a lot. Yeah, with the grey hair. He's just – the little zingers that he comes out with are just so brilliant. Yeah, the supporting cast in general is really good
Starting point is 00:13:06 and they evolve those characters. Yeah, exactly. Like everybody's kind of falling apart. And also his mum is played by Carrie Fisher. Yes, I remember when we were watching that because I said you should watch this and then Carrie Fisher came on and you just went, what the F? Yeah, because I'm like, she died.
Starting point is 00:13:23 But it was filmed between 20, well, it was 2015 to 2019 is the seasons. There's a moment where Carrie Fisher's in London. Presumably she was also filming Star Wars at the time, I'd imagine, which is why they, because in the first season she's not in the same, they're not in any of the same scenes. So they've got a newborn and she's staying with them and she doesn't get along well with Sharon or Sharon doesn't like her. And they're like, oh, what's it like having your mother-in-law here?
Starting point is 00:13:49 And she's like, oh, to be honest, it can be a bit difficult, but actually, you know, she's been really helpful. I'm just kidding. She's fucking useless. I butchered that. But just that moment of just switching. I was just like completely shocked. I know.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It just made me laugh so hard. It's so great. You know, the other character I really loved is Chris's wife, Fran, who's played by Ashley Jensen, who is in Extras. Yeah, and I just think her comic timing in this and her story arc as well is really beautiful over the four seasons. But I just think her comic timing is so good. She's like a woman going through a divorce in her, I'd say, what, late 40s?
Starting point is 00:14:26 I think she's supposed to be mid-40s or something, yeah. Mid-40s. And just, there's just some, oh, really, really amazing things that she does with her face and just like great one-liners and, yeah, anyway. She's really good. And because in extras, she's kind of like a ditz kind of character, do you know what I mean? Yeah, whereas this, she's... Which is fine. Like, I'm not, like, but I much prefer her character in this, yeah. Her of like a ditz kind of character. Yeah, whereas this she's – Which is fine.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Like I'm not – but I much prefer her character in this. Her character in this one. Yeah, no, she's really, really great. Okay, so hard recommend in Catastrophe is on – I'm going to say, was it Stan? Stan here? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Stan or Amazon. But don't you think it would be interesting to come back to these characters in like 20 years? I'm not saying it wouldn't necessarily be as good.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Oh, completely, especially seeing Sharon Horgan and Rob delaney age age like look the age that they are because she's i think now 50 51 and he's oh god she looks extraordinary that woman is an extraordinary looking human i just think she's in game night yeah she is she's in and she's also in this way up so that again? What's that one again? That's the one we reviewed last week that's really brilliant. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't finished that.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I've got to finish that. Oh, you haven't finished it? It's got like two episodes left. Oh, with Ashley. Because I was watching this. So I was on. Oh, there you go. Well, no, that show is brilliant.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And that's how I got onto Catastrophe because I started watching This Way Up because Sharon Horgan is the writer with Aisling Bea. Yes. And the comedian. Aisling Bea. Yes. And the comedian. And that show is brilliant too. And I think I saw Sharon talking about This Way Up and saying that after Catastrophe, This Way Up has been something incredibly special to have made.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So anyway, I'm really in a big rabbit hole of all her writing. And on that note, can I talk about my quick recommendation? I would love a quick recommendation. Because it segues into this as well. This is just a quick one. Because I've been looking into everything Sharon Horgan Almost almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. I've been looking into everything Sharon Horgan and her writing. Love Story is a podcast with Dolly Alderton.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And it came out to coincide with Dolly's brilliant book she haven't read, you should, called Everything I Know About Love. And this podcast came out at the same time as she'd written a new chapter called Everything I Know at 30. And Love Story, the podcast, is a series where Dolly talks to guests about their most defining relationships. So if you don't remember, Dolly Alderton hosted the podcast The Hilo. Yes, which is over, correct? Yeah, which is over.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I know, which she hosts with Pandora Sykes, one of my favourite pods. And Dolly Alderton also hosted Sentimental Garbage with Carolyn O'Donoghue, the sentimental in the city. Anyway, by the by, this podcast series I hadn't seen, and it's the passion, heartbreak, longing, familiarity and fondness that formed who they are that Dolly explores in her guests. And the episode I started on was with Sharon Horgan. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Which I really loved. Yeah, I saw it. You were telling me about this. Yeah, and it just broke down her writing process because one of her greatest love stories is her writing and creativity and how in her 20s she kind of auditioned for everything and gave up on it in a way. And then she's one of those people, I think,
Starting point is 00:17:43 that have came into their own in their 30s and beyond yeah she broke late yeah she broke late and also she writes her own stuff yeah which I think um for women particularly you kind of almost have to do to be able to get really great characters and really authentic characters um or at least end up in producing as well which I think is another thing like a Tina Fey has done. Either you're producing as well as starring in or you're writing. Even another one I could think of is Margot Robbie who started just producing her own stuff. The first thing that she did when she got a little bit of pull
Starting point is 00:18:18 was start making her own stuff, which was very smart. Yeah, exactly. I just think that shows – because for women the roles can be such bullshit. I mean it's like Renee – not Renee. Reese Witherspoon. Reese Witherspoon, exactly. Yeah, and it doesn't necessarily mean it's all going to be good or gold even, but like at least you can write or be in stuff that –
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yeah, and you're just going to get complex, engaging, interesting characters. And through your 40s and 50s, which, as we know, for women in film, it tends to be this kind of shelf that you just fall off. Whereas men can just be old and balding and still starring. And then they get a Liam Neeson-style Taken movie. Yeah, exactly. My daughter's been taken. I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I've got to go to Europe. So I think that that's all they have to do. I'm out of the game. I'm sorry. And they can somehow seem to coast through without any kind of terrible plastic surgery. Like, for instance, the Friends reunion that's coming out recently. Good Lord.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And I watched the trailer for it. The women look, on the whole, incredibly amazing and have not aged that much. The men look bloody awful. And they're still, you know, getting TV shows and all that stuff. Are they, though? Yeah. Ross is, but. As in Joey? Wasn't he in something? awful and and they're still you know getting tv shows and all that stuff yeah ross is but as in joey wasn't he in something he's in what's that didn't he have like a tv show yeah he did
Starting point is 00:19:32 joey he was in joey he was in um matthew perry particularly looks well he's had he's had like substance abuse yeah he i was worried for him i wanted to scoop him up and give him a cuddle yeah that guy looked like i was in all kinds of signs. I mean, they were all fine. Of course. Over the scheme of things, those guys are not people to worry about. Also, they were all at least mid-50s, all of them. Yeah, but I guess my point is the women do not look like women in their mid-50s.
Starting point is 00:19:59 The blokes absolutely do. Not that they look terrible. It's just that they look like they're as aged as a normal person would, whereas the women haven't. And that takes an extraordinary amount of money, discipline, time, surgeries, research, God knows what else. You got to get on that elliptical. Anyway, so I think in order to get some interesting stuff, often women end up having to produce and write, which also isn't a bad thing and is a great thing. Weightlifting is very good for overall health and longevity. All right, here he goes.
Starting point is 00:20:29 It is. I know, and bone density. Resistance training. Bone density as your skin slips off your bones. Exactly. Anyway, so that's my other recommendation, Love Story. She also interviews people like Marion Keys, the author of Lily Allen, the musician.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Who's Marion Keys? Marion Keys, she writes novels. One of her breakout novels was Watermelon. She's written, she's an Irish writer. It's a love story. She tends to write, I don't want to say chiclet because that phrase really annoys me. Yeah, because it implies trash, right?
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah, exactly, and it's not. But she tends to write books with women in the central characters that explore love and relationships. That just sounds like a book. Right, exactly. Yeah, but that was historically where she's kind of been in. But she's probably one of the biggest selling authors globally, particularly in Ireland and the UK.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I mean, she's amazing. She's also hilarious and if you follow her on Instagram, you should, yeah. I do actually. I'm actually a massive fan. Stanley Tucci also. She's really funny. Big fan of the Tucci.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Yeah, there's lots of great interviews on there with some interesting people. And Dolly's a great interviewer, so I recommend that pod. Stanley Tucci was a model in like the 80s. I don't know if you've seen. Really? You can look it up. He's in like a Levi's commercial or something. I know that some women have a real boner for Sturgeon.
Starting point is 00:21:46 There's no reason you wouldn't. Stanley Tucci is incredible. He's a handsome man. But I think people are like, but he's bald. But that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter at all. He's very charismatic. He was really good in The Devil Wears Prada.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, he was. And he's doing cocktails in lockdown or whatever. Wasn't he making cocktails on Instagram or whatever? Yes, that's something that people were really into. Did you find the Stanley Tucci? No, I'm looking at that. Why don't you do your recommendation while I'm looking at modelling pictures? This is something I watched a while ago.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Ooh. Ooh. In a wife beater. Have you found it? I know what it looks like, Claire. It's the background of my phone. He's in a white wife beater and he's already balding and it doesn't doesn't matter doesn't make a difference does it the tooch i had no idea and he's also aged phenomenally
Starting point is 00:22:32 because he's been bald for that long you know what i mean no i don't really look you go bald early that's just what you look like for the next 40 years oh yeah so you look less like you've aged is that what you mean or you just stay the same you know what i you look less like you've aged? Is that what you mean? Or you just stay the same. You know what I mean? I see. Like you might look older initially, but then when you're 60, you look the same. I get you. I get you.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I get you. Yeah. All right. Yes. Sexy man. I watched Bad Trip a while back. This is on Netflix. It stars Eric Andre, Lil Ray Howry, Tiffany Haddish.
Starting point is 00:23:03 It's a hidden camera show, movie, sorry, where two best friends are pulling hilarious and inventive pranks on unsuspecting public. So have you ever seen like Dirty Grandpa, the Johnny Knoxville one where he's dressed as a grandpa? Definitely not. It's kind of got, it's like Borat, okay? Hated Borat.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I'm trying to explain this movie, Claire. So there's a narrative where he's trying to get to the other side of the country to ask out his crush from school. But then they're just pulling pranks along the way on the public. Do you know what I mean? And I'm not a big fan of public pranks because I think YouTube, for example, has ruined it. You're just being mean to people.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Do you know what I mean? You're just being bothersome. It's also led to people getting shot and arrested and all these kinds of things. But the thing about Eric Andre is, if you've ever seen anything that he does, the joke is often on him. And often with people, they're either in on the joke
Starting point is 00:23:54 or it doesn't affect them directly. Does that make sense? Did you ever see Trigger Happy TV from the early 2000s? There's a callback. It was like a fun British prank show. It's kind of in that sense. So basically, yeah, look, the story's fine because that's not really what you're here for.
Starting point is 00:24:11 But some of the pranks I genuinely laughed out loud like multiple times. And it definitely loses kind of steam towards the end. But some of the situations, they're just very inventive and everyone in it is like really good at selling them and the public just the they're just like baffled by by what's unfolding there's a like he's working in a smoothie thing and there's probably like the grossest one is or is where he accidentally puts his hand in like a blender not really like and then there's people watching and he puts his hand in and he's screaming and whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:46 But it's great. It's really, really funny. Look, it's a bit rude at moments. I'm not going to lie. There's a gorilla scene in particular, which I won't get into. But there's also like a musical number. What do you mean there's a gorilla scene? I won't get into it.
Starting point is 00:24:57 If you are going to watch it, you probably won't. Does he have a little doodle or something? He's dancing around in the nude. No, it doesn't matter. I don't want to spoil it for people who are going to watch it. Because if you like Eric Andre or you like Jackass or things like that, then you'll probably enjoy this. I really hated Jackass.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I hate these kind of things. The thing is, I don't have a problem with Jackass. I think I have a problem with everything, every kind of bad knockoff. Because Jackass is just guys injuring themselves, which is fine. I know, I hate that stuff. Do you know why I hate it? Because it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate watching people do any kind of medical procedures or hurt themselves on nails, three hands.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Yuck, hate it. Johnny Knoxville, who's now 50. Doesn't he have acquired brain injuries? He's got a lot of injuries. He's actually okay all in all. But they're doing another one. There's one coming out this year, Jack four and they're all like 50 so it's gonna be horrible i mean they've already filmed it so they're all okay but yeah but also they're in this there's a musical number where he's in like a shopping mall or shopping center if you're in
Starting point is 00:26:00 australia and he just does this musical number about this girl that he's just met but he does it like with the general public around and they're just like, and he just does this musical number about this girl that he's just met, but he does it, like, with the general public around, and they're just, like, confused and angry at him. He's, like, dancing around and singing, and it's just funny. He's really funny. I don't know if you know anything about Eric Andre and his show, but it's just so bizarre, but so funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:20 All right. I need to stop being sceptical. I need to rein my scepticism in. Look, it's not for you. And look, to be honest, this kind of thing is not really for me in general. Like I'm not a huge Borat fan or whatever. It's whatever. Like I think it's obviously very clever and inventive.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I know. When I say I hate Borat, it doesn't mean I don't think it's a very great piece of art. It's just that I don't enjoy it. No, and Borat is like the best of this kind of thing. But often I find pranks, as I said, especially on YouTube, you're just hassling people. You know what I mean? What was that one Ashton Kutcher did?
Starting point is 00:26:51 He did a show called Pranked. Yeah, but didn't he come out and say something? Didn't he have like a catchphrase? You got punked. That's it. Did I say pranked? I meant to say punked. It was punked.
Starting point is 00:27:01 You've been punked. Yeah, it wasn't pranked. It was punked. I remember that. Was it on YouTube or something? No, no, it was punked. You've been punked. Yeah, it wasn't pranked. It was punked. It was so, I remember that. It was on, was it on YouTube or something? No, no, it was on like MTV or whatever. Oh, that's right. And he was always getting Justin Timberlake or whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yes, he was. That's right. JTT was in it. And that's why I used to watch it because I love myself. The one where they made Zach Braff hit a kid. Oh, Lord, yeah. Because he thought his car was scratched or something. Anyway, apparently Ashton Kutcher lives now with Mila Kunis.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Did I say her surname? I don't know. Mila Kunis, yeah. You said the first name wrong. Oh, do you like? I think it's Miller. Miller. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I think she's Russian or maybe Ukrainian. I don't know. Anyway, they live on this like incredibly amazing sustainable eco farm. I saw an article in possibly Vogue. Sure. Do you know what I'm really enjoying? How all of the magazines and newspapers and things have caught up to Instagram and now have really great formats where you can
Starting point is 00:27:51 read really great articles on Instagram and they're done through pictures. So if you follow their accounts, they'll come up with a really great image that then clicks you through to a link to their site. And it has like a grid with a whole lot of different images. You click on one and it gives you the full story and the images are so beautiful. And so it's like reading a glossy magazine, but on your phone, but on your phone, it's just brilliant. And I know obviously that's not a new thing, but I just really appreciate it. Cause I think for a while I never bought magazines, but there was kind of like a gap in that kind of those kinds of great stories. I to love I used to get the Sunday magazine yeah paper arrived and you'd open it up and there'd be those I just you know like a lifestyle section with like a great photo of a really cool celebrity
Starting point is 00:28:35 I don't know I love those stories ridiculous like now but that kind of stuff to me it feels late like if I'm reading a magazine i'm like this is late and it doesn't move i don't know that sounds like ridiculous if there's any i want to people listen like well i know what you mean because but there's no stories are so current yeah that's not all that and like there's so much interactivity like you mentioned you can do online and it's an instant is not necessarily a bad thing it's a format that you can do really interesting things with that is what i'm saying yeah but what I'm liking I think about the Instagram magazine stuff is yes there's the immediate kind of sites that you follow that will give you like the cut or something
Starting point is 00:29:15 that gives you like immediate sort of interesting articles that pop up that have obviously been written in a churning kind of way but then then there's also, and the cut does this too, I guess, longer form pieces that have been based on an interview or multiple interviews and research that I think for a while, but getting my information just from like my social media feed or Twitter or something doesn't give you that really in-depth journalism and those kind of, and it's not even necessarily about earth shatteringly important stories, but I love a good deep dive into, I don't know, Gwyneth Paltrow or something or like the, you know, Ashton Kutcher's Eco Farm or whatever.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Gwyneth Paltrow sucks. All right, here we go. Don't get me started. Anyway does. Anyway, I just, that's all I'm saying. Oh, the other thing I've been doing to get more of my news too, which I've really enjoyed, is I've subscribed to the New York Times and newsletters. I've probably said this before on the show, but I'm really enjoying them. They have like a daily briefing, but you can get an Australian version. Oh, the Australian New York Times. You're so annoying.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I'm interested. You're saying you are not. It's an audio medium. You're being so mean. People need so annoying. I'm interested. You're saying you are not. It's an audio medium. You're being so mean. People need to know that I'm interested. No, you're being sarcastic. And you're always like, every time I try and suggest something
Starting point is 00:30:34 a slightly higher brow, you're like, you make some noise like a strangled cat. I just recommended Bad Trip and you were like, boo, a thing I hate. Boo, move on. I know, but I'm allowed to insult you.
Starting point is 00:30:46 That's a bloody ball and chain of my eyes. This is a bloody one-way street of my eyes, boys. All right, all right. Anyway, sorry, you're subscribed to Australian New York Times. Anyway, I just think it's a really great – and they come into your inbox every day and you can choose the topics that you're interested in. So if sports is your thing or film, there's a really great one.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I get recommendations for shows now because they have TV and film recommendations as like a newsletter that comes out once a week. And it has like kind of obscure shows that you wouldn't necessarily know off the top of your head. So I thought you might enjoy that one actually. I do have a subscription I think. It's last at this point um you don't need a subscription for these it's free but they and the australian one i really enjoy because i like seeing stories written with a slightly more objective perspective i guess than some of our media outlets does that make sense
Starting point is 00:31:41 sure like kind of written from an organization that isn't actually from within Australia. So you get a slightly different take on the Australian news and what's happening. Anyway, I'm really enjoying it. That's it. Excellent. Should we do any letters while you're setting that up? Should I do a review? Well, it's all set up but you can do your
Starting point is 00:32:00 review. That's how we traditionally do this. That is true. So people, they leave reviews for us if they're feeling particularly kind don't they correct you can do it in app you open it up if you want to give five stars we'd really appreciate it if you want to share this podcast with a friend grab their phone download it or your partner that's fine too anybody you know and don't be like if i play it 10 times does it help no no No. I don't need that. I appreciate it. No, make somebody else listen to it. Make them. That really helps.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I've been able to shake them and say, listen to this, and shake them until they agree. Get them to subscribe. That would be nice. Also don't if they don't like it. That's fine too. But reviews also help. Like I said, in-app.
Starting point is 00:32:39 This is from Matthias who says, it's good. Just leaving a five-star review so James has something to read at the end of the show. It's true. Appreciate it, Matthias. But to read at the end of the show. It's true. I appreciate it, Matias. But it's not the end of the show, is it? No, because we also have a lovely audio letter. Let's let it play.
Starting point is 00:32:52 All right, so suggestiblepod at You can email in your audio letter there with a recommendation or a story or what have you. And this week's one is from Georgia and Lottie. Let's do it. Hi, Claire and James. I'm Georgia. from Georgia and Lottie. Let's do it. Hi, Claire and James. I'm Georgia. And I'm Lottie.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And we are a couple of queers from Cardiff, a couple of gays about town, here with a suggestible for you. Recently, I watched the BBC series, two-part series called Three Families about changing the strict abortion law in Northern Ireland. And it was really good. And I really enjoyed it. And also, side note, we made the lemon pie from Claire's newsletter last week. And hmm, not sure if it was my fault. But it did not go very well well I was suspicious from the get-go I thought there's no way that this
Starting point is 00:33:47 is going to turn out to be a lemon pie and well I was correct um so make that recipe if you really want some lemony scrambled eggs I guess um but we shall be making a different recipe lemon pie next week we'll update you in due course. Love the show. Have a great day. Love you. Bye. For a second, I'm like, I thought it was a real conversation.
Starting point is 00:34:12 I was going to be like, oh, you're welcome. Thanks. Oh, no, they're not here. Oh, Georgia and Lottie, I'm so sorry. Okay, so I have a disclaimer to make. Whose fault is this? It's totally mine. Why is it your fault?
Starting point is 00:34:25 All right. Okay. Two prongs. Two prongs to this apology. One, if you don't read my newsletter, you bloody should. Anyway, that's also one of my prongs. That was me just yelling at you. So my newsletter comes out every Friday and I have a recipe that goes with each one.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Sure. And normally. Where can you sign up for that? There's a link in the bio. Excellent. In the show notes. And you can also just find it on my Instagram bio too. There's a link there. can you sign up for that? There's a link in the bio. Excellent. In the show notes. And you can also just find it on my Instagram bio too. There's a link there.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You can sign up. Just be careful. Sometimes the confirmation email goes to spam. So just check your spam. Check your spam. Anyhoo, so yes, back to Georgia and the beautiful Lottie. Georgia's not beautiful? No.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And also, I'm so very clever and smart. Beautiful Georgia and Lottie. So I put 25 minutes down because I'd handwritten the Lemon Impossible Pie in my scrapbook and I didn't write in the time. And I just scratched my head and went, I'm pretty sure it's 25 minutes. And I was in a hurry and I just wrote in 25 minutes. But then when I went back and looked it up, which I should have done, it's actually an hour.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Oh, my God. So you just made, yeah, no wonder it turned out like lemon scrambled. I know. Do you reckon you've broken the trust and they're going to give it another go? I hope so. I think they should. I think they should. It's also your mum's recipe.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Don't blame my mum for your mistake. How dare you? There is also, I am actually in this week's newsletter going to put in another recipe for Lemon Impossible Pie if they want to try that one because it's got, it's slightly different and you actually have to whip the egg whites because the reason it's Lemon Impossible Pie is that you put all the ingredients together and then it bakes and it comes up with like a sort of pastry-esque layer, a filling and then a crisp layer on top. like a sort of pastry-esque layer, a filling,
Starting point is 00:36:04 and then a crisp layer on top. The other prong to my apology is that it's not going to be like a lovely lemon pie that you would like a lemon meringue pie. It's like a quick fix. It's a quick fix. It only takes 25 minutes to bake. An hour, an hour, an hour. Oh, sorry. Anyway, yeah, so it's not going to be like a British,
Starting point is 00:36:23 incredibly amazing lemon meringue pie. It's no British bake-off situation. No, but it is a good weeknight impossible pie. Sure. Kind of pudding, lemon pudding. Anyway, Georgia and Lottie, you guys sound bloody awesome. We think you're top. Yeah, thanks for calling in.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Are you still there? Are you still there? Hang on, no, it's not real. I forgot. I forgot again. All right, that's it. Is that the show? That's the show.
Starting point is 00:36:46 We've been to Jesper's podcast. Collings is on holidays. He's on holidays. So we are left to our own devices to edit and put the show notes together. Oh, no. Apologies for Claire's poor edit. Who's going to be editing this? Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:36:58 No, it's going to be real good. It won't be as good as Collings. Are you editing it or am I editing it? I'll edit it. I'll edit it. I'll edit it. I'll edit it. But it won't be as good as Collings' edit. No. Because he's bloody great at editing it. He is. But, editing it? I'll edit it. I'll edit it. I'll edit it. But it won't be as good as Colleen's edit because he's bloody great at editing it.
Starting point is 00:37:08 He is. We'll do it. We'll manage it. That's right. We will. And if you're listening, Colleen's, we hope you're enjoying the Mass Effect re-release trilogy of video games. Is that what he's playing?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Which was one of the things he was planning on his holiday. Who knows what else he's up to? I think he said he was going to do some house things. Very good Well who knows We wish you well out there Collings He's a long suffering
Starting point is 00:37:31 I hope you're not listening to this Collings You shouldn't be listening to us No Take some time God damn it Away from us But not too long We miss you
Starting point is 00:37:38 Not too long I'm already struggling Alright guys Thanks for listening Okay Have a great week No What Don't grab it What Just pat it Pat it Gently I'm pretty struggling. All right, guys. Thanks for listening. Okay. Grab that gem. Have a great week. No.
Starting point is 00:37:46 What? Don't grab it. What? Just pat it. Pat it? Gently. What? No.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Pat, pat. Pit, pat, pit. I'm going to record a bunch of things with Nick Mason. Goodbye, everyone. Bye. I'm going to drink another low-cal hot chocolate. Boo! And watch Girls 5 Ever.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I'm going to talk about it next week. Yeah, that's a funny show. Bye! Bye. This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats.
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