Suggestible - Everything is going to be alright.

Episode Date: May 20, 2020

Suggestible things to watch, read and listen to. Hosted by James Clement @mrsundaymovies and Claire Tonti @clairetonti.Support the show, watch what you want, and protect yourself with ExpressVPN at ht...tps:// is Going to be All Right read by Andrew ScottStaying in with Emily and KumailThe Indoor KidsJennifer Garner danceThe GreatScrubsExtraordinary!Hyberbole and a HalfSend your recommendations to, we'd love to hear them.You can also follow the show on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook @suggestiblepod and join our 'Planet Broadcasting Great Mates OFFICIAL' Facebook Group. So many things. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Introducing Uber Teen Accounts, an Uber account for your teen with enhanced safety features. Your teen can request a ride with top-rated drivers, and you can track every trip on the live map in the Uber app. Uber Teen Accounts, invite your teen to join your Uber account today. Available in select locations. See app for details. Sorry, are we keeping you up, Claire? Yes, quite frankly. I should be sleeping. I should always be sleeping. That's true, but we've got an ad to do for content's sake, Claire.
Starting point is 00:00:30 We have to be here. We do, but we don't do the ad yet. Is that the middle? The middle, got it. Oh, mate, we don't even know what day it is. Hello, welcome to Suggestible Pod. I'm Claire. There's James over there.
Starting point is 00:00:42 We're married. We also just had a baby two weeks ago. When I say we, I mean me. Hey, we both played our part. Had a baby cut out of my tum-tum. And we're here now. But usually this show is a riot of fun and jokes about recommendations for things to watch, read and listen to.
Starting point is 00:00:58 See, what you've done here, though, if people have listened before, they know that it's not a riot of good, fun recommendations. And for new listeners, they're going to go back and listen and be like, she lied to us. I know, but I'm always hopeful. I always like to lead to the positive. That's very good. You know, just in case. Open with a yawn.
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's what I say. Yeah, exactly. You're like my life. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Here he goes. He's yawning as well and stretching. And hello out there to any new parents
Starting point is 00:01:26 Mate, this shit sucks Our daughter will probably be listening back in Easter come And she'll be like, oh my parents, they never loved me From day one they didn't even love me My love for her is in no way impeded or hindered or like whatever by how much this sucks. I love her. I would do anything for her.
Starting point is 00:01:49 I would lay down my life on a train track with a bad villain in front of the train. I don't make any sense. Is this a lovemaking scenario? Yeah. I'd lay down with a villain on a train track. I would for her. I would any day of the week, mate.
Starting point is 00:02:03 However, that does not mean that I love having to get up every five bloody minutes and be very sore and try and keep someone alive with my boobs. It's real hard. It's really hard. And for some women maybe it's not hard. For me it's bloody freaking hard. Well, I think a lot of people kind of underplay how difficult it is. And then again, some people it is probably very easy.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Maybe I just don't have like the woman of the world, Mother Earth gene. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I couldn't tell you because I don't know any other mothers. But all I know is that for me, and maybe it's for you, but anything that I'm even remotely good at, I have to like force myself like drag tooth and nail to be slightly good at anything.
Starting point is 00:02:45 So maybe it's just that kind of scenario. That's how I feel about motherhood. To be fair though, last time I, cause I, we have two kids and this is our second, last time I gave birth in a very extraordinary, terrible way for like 19 hours of pain and trauma. And it was like going to war. This time I had a cesarean and that shit is great. That's how you do it. If you get a good one, of course, you get a good. If you get a good one, that's a planned one. But tell us, James, you were there.
Starting point is 00:03:12 What did you think of seeing a person cut out of a person? It was all right. So I didn't even realize it was happening when they brought me into the room because it happened so quickly. For you maybe. Yeah, because I had to wait outside while they kind of drug you up and they give you the epidural and all those things. But as you mentioned, you can still feel but you can't feel pain.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Yeah, it's so trippy. So you can feel touch. Yeah, and I didn't believe the anaesthetist. He kept saying to me, this is perfectly normal. I said, it's not normal. In what world do you feel things? But they tell you you won't feel pain but you can feel them bloody touching you. And he's like, we've already cut you tell you you won't feel pain, but you can feel them bloody touching you.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And he's like, we've already cut you open. You didn't feel that. And I was like, yes, but I can feel you rummaging. Feel you rummaging around. Rummaging around in my nether regions. That's right. And it was like, but weirdly, no pain, or hot or cold. Apparently they'd been doing sneaky tests on me.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Oh, really? The whole time? To check that I couldn't feel nothing. Yeah, right. They've just got a hot plate of food that they're eating off you or a nice cool drink. That's what it was like though because they were all talking about their weekends and the guy was like, the anaesthetist was like,
Starting point is 00:04:13 this is the third time I've been in here tonight. They were so cash. When the guy came in because he was trying to like talk to me, like to distract me, he was like, so guess what's happening? What's your kids name? I just wanted to be like, hey, can you shut the fuck up? Because I'm trying to like concentrate. Like I don't need you like fucking blathering away at me.
Starting point is 00:04:28 I'm trying to talk to my wife who's been cut in half. Can you shut your fucking mouth for a minute? To be fair, that is your go-to phrase that you want to say to everybody that you never do. That's true. It's not just about me being cut in half. Because I'm trying to talk to you and be like, hey, you all right? How we doing?
Starting point is 00:04:43 You know what I mean? And your face is like a picture of colourful happiness. Yeah, I was fine. And I'm always sceptical whenever you look like that because I know that's not how you feel internally. And you're like, hey, everything's great. Well, I didn't realise it was happening because when they called me into the room it happened so quickly.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Yeah, I didn't realise that the surgery was like about to happen and the baby was like two minutes away from being yanked out of you. Do people care about this? I guess they do. So I didn't realize that I came and had my scrubs on and they're like, okay, walk around here or whatever. I'm like, oh, and I'm like, oh, shit. Okay, yeah, this is happening now.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Cool. And there's like a little baby's head out of my tum and a baby screaming. That's right. And they're like, have a look. And I've said this story to a lot of people who we mentioned, but because they're like, look over the sheet and have a look at the baby sticking said this, sorry to a lot of people who we mentioned, but because they're like, look over the sheet and have a look at the baby sticking out of your wife or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:28 And part of me is like, I've never seen this before. I'm not really squeamish with blood or anything like that, but I don't know. So maybe I see this and I faint. You know what I mean? I've never, I don't know. Well, that's your immediate reaction. Am I a fainter?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Well, I don't want to like fall down and hit like a tray of instruments and fling it across the room and a doctor gets a scalp under the eye or whatever. In a deep way, I feel like I wish that you had. Because then forever I could hold that over you. Well, that's the other thing. I don't need that in my life, do I? Because we've got a friend who was asked to leave the room
Starting point is 00:06:04 during childbirth because he couldn't handle it. He kept, like, freaking out, which is like, you know what? It's a very reasonable response. Yeah, wasn't there a friend who, like, the nurse passed him, like, a warm towel to wipe his wife's face? That was a friend of mine who he worked with, a woman whose husband, who she hated. She'd just every day be
Starting point is 00:06:25 like i hate this guy but so what happened she was like you know she's in the middle of labor and the nurse hands him a cool towel to like mop her brow and he goes oh thank you and he like mops his own brow but to be fair to his credit like it's there's a lot going on. You know what I mean? Like you're not thinking straight. No. Yeah, there's a lot going on for you. Of course. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And I'm not trying to diminish the actual situation. But I'm just saying it's a very high tension, strange scenario where also people are oddly calm at the same time. Yeah, they are. Super calm. Yeah, I don't know, man. Yeah, anyway. But we're blathering on about this for at the same time. Yeah, they are. Super calm. Yeah, I don't know, man. Yeah, anyway. But we're blathering on about this for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Anyway, it was great how when you felt the baby being yanked out of you and you went, whoa. Because it's like they don't tell you this. They cut it like a little kind of what? How long is it? Maybe 20 centimetres? Not even. Not even.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I reckon it's like 12, 15 centimetres. Very low at the base of your tum. And then they push you like a tube of toothpaste. You know when like the top bit is all squidged and you need to get the bit at the bottom up to the top? That is what it feels like. They're squeezing you like a tube of toothpaste until the baby kind of goes out the top.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And then they're like, have a look. Sorry if anyone's eating dinner while they're listening to this. And the other thing about them're like, have a look. Sorry if anyone's eating dinner while they're listening to this. And the other thing about them being like, have a look, I've heard in other scenarios people weren't allowed to look. Like the sheet's up and they're like, do not look over the sheet. Yeah, because the wife's organs are like balls. And so I'm like, I don't even know if I'm supposed to look. And they're like encouraging me.
Starting point is 00:07:58 They're like, stand up, have a look. I'm like, stand up. By the way, I haven't told you this this the floor covered in blood like so much blood that was so much blood really yeah it was nuts really yeah i mean because you know because you're i don't know what it was because you're full of fluid yeah so i don't think it was just yeah but you know because it's not all baby in there you know what i mean there's like there's like other things well yeah because the, because the whole thing, the baby exists in, this is not a parenting podcast, P.S., but anyway,
Starting point is 00:08:29 the baby exists with like the roof in this bubble. So the roof is like the placenta that looks like a piece of liver. Yes. And then it's a bubble and a lot of liquid in that bubble and then the baby's hanging out in the middle of it. Yeah, it's mostly liquid. It's like a giant beach ball full of liquid with a weird meaty roof. That all has to come out.
Starting point is 00:08:49 That's a pretty apt metaphor. Yeah, crazy. So I remember I was looking down and I heard this and there's like this giant like puddle of blood or whatever just like hit like the doctor's foot and shoe. Oh my God. You didn't tell me that. I'm like better than my shoe. I don't remember hearing that. Yeah. No, I imagine you did. Jesus. Well, anyway, I'm wearing a cotton shoe. Oh, my God. You didn't tell me that. I'm like better than my shoe. I don't remember hearing that.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. No, I imagine you did. Jesus. Well, anyway, I'm here. I survived. You're here and it worked out all right. And she's beautiful and very healthy and we love her. She is.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Absolutely. And hello, baby girl, if you're listening from the future. We love you. I didn't mean it when I said this is hell. I actually did. But I love you. But it's not. Just not.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But the hell's not directly correlated to the person. It's just like the scenario. No, it's not. It's did, but I love you. But it's not, but it's not directly correlated to the person. It's just like, it's just the scenario is bloody hard. However, it's getting on the ups and we're here. So we're suggestible pod. We have things to recommend you. Are you ready? I think we should stop talking about the baby now. Do you want to go first? I'm happy. Oh, you can, if you want. Okay. I'll go first quickly because mine's only short because my brain has only got limited capacity to look at things. Yeah, what's out of the different bloody other way? Am I right, listeners? Am I right?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Well, clearly my brain doesn't function very well because I decided to marry you. Whoa, I was joking, but you took it real. I didn't like that. Anyway, delightful actor, Andrew Scott, who I have a little crush on, not as much as I have a crush on my husband over there. You're allowed to have a bigger crush on him. Yeah, he's pretty sexy.
Starting point is 00:10:10 That's a real cuck move on my behalf just then. He's gay though, so you're safe. Doesn't matter. You can still have a crush on him. He's pretty bloody sexy. He's got an old sweet accent. Anyway, he plays the hot priest in Fleabag, one of my all-time fave shows of all time,
Starting point is 00:10:24 written by Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who is also another one of my crushes. She's bloody amazing. And Andrew Scott is brilliant in the second season. If you haven't seen it, oh, my gosh, go and do yourself a favour. I know you have. It's brilliant. Anyway, he's also really great in – there's a series that we watched recently on – is it Stan?
Starting point is 00:10:42 You know the series of love stories? Oh, yeah. What's that called? He yeah we talked about that as well anyway on uh amelia clark's instagram modern love it's called modern love thank you very much um amelia clark's instagram and amelia clark you may know from the old game of thronos i know amelia um yes she plays daenerys anyway she posted this incredibly beautiful little video of andrew scott reading a poem by Derek Mahon called Everything Is Going To Be Alright.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And I know how much you love a good poem over there, Jim Jam. I don't. He hates it. But this is like so comforting and so sexy. Ooh, hello. It's like all my dreams come true. It's like a sexy man reading me poetry, which I'll only be able to see online because I don't live with a man who hates poetry.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Anyway, it's just beautiful. And he's dedicated it to the Men Against Cancer Island organisation and it's just lovely. Amelia writes, it comes under the prescription for need for reassurance at this time that we're living through. It is absolutely so good just for your heart, for your loins. Your loins. Warm them up. I don't know, for me as well because of global events and also localised events. It made me cry and it's really beautiful. So I recommend that. That's my
Starting point is 00:12:04 first reco. Do I have a recommendation? I don really beautiful. So I recommend that. That's my first reco. Do I have a recommendation? I don't know. Tell me, James. Actually, I do. I do. He does. Hallelujah. This is actually a podcast that's called Staying In With Emily and Kamau,
Starting point is 00:12:14 which I've been listening to. Oh, I love those guys from The Big Sick. That's right. So they're writers and producers and actors, or one of them is. Big Sick, Stuba. This is some of the things they've done or been in. Big Sick, Stuba, Silicon Valley, the new movie The Eternals, which is coming out, which he got super ripped for.
Starting point is 00:12:32 I'm sure you've seen all the pictures on the internet. Oh, he did the thing that everyone always does, like Chris Pratt. That's what you've got to do. Oh, they get all rippedy. If you're Robert Pattinson, who's like, I'm not working out for Batman or whatever. That happened recently. And didn't they just put him in a suit that had muscles on it?
Starting point is 00:12:46 Or that was Ben Affleck? No, Ben Affleck was relatively fit for the first one at least, for the second one, for the Justice League one, not so much. But anyway, it doesn't matter because, you know, you can CGI, you're in a muscle suit. It doesn't matter anyway. He's so tired, guys. He's so tired.
Starting point is 00:12:59 When I first heard of them, I used to listen to a podcast when it was around called The Indoor Kids where they talked about video games. When we lived up north, I used to listen to a podcast when it was around called The Indoor Kids where they talked about video games. When we lived up north, I listened to that like almost every day. And then they stopped when they started around the time like Big Sick kind of came out because they couldn't kind of do both. Anyway, they're back with this podcast because they're staying indoors like everybody else is or should be at this point really depending on where you're on the world. All right. Yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Get to the bloody point, mate. I've got a baby to feed. What's interesting is that Emily is immunocompromised. depending on where you're on the world. All right. Yada, yada, yada. Get to the bloody point, mate. I've got a baby to feed. Anyway, what's interesting is that Emily is immunocompromised, so they're often talking about that on Twitter and people are also like, well, get over. Oh, no. It's a baby.
Starting point is 00:13:35 She's in here. Oh, little one. That's right. She's all right. She's cool. She made her first pod appearance. Yay. Yay. So we all right. She's cool. She made her first pod appearance. Yay. Yay.
Starting point is 00:13:47 So we're good. Are we good? I think. If you hear it's something, the sound of like patting, it's just me patting myself on the back. As he does every day. No, I'm holding a baby. Ritualistically. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Okay, continue. So, yeah, they talk about things that they're watching or listening or playing. They talk about like fitness regimes, how to like keep a healthy state of mind, recipes. So it's basically like this. It's basically a better version of our podcast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:11 So look, we don't know how often this is going to be or how sporadic we're going to be with this. So I'd say if you like this and you want something better, then yeah, definitely check it out. Staying in with Emily and Kamau. Cool. Or don't and keep listening to us because we're going to try. Dude, obviously do the back catalogue of this first before you jump over. Correct, exactly. I do love The Big Sick as well.
Starting point is 00:14:30 It's a great movie. It's so good. And he's really good in the one about Silicon Valley called Silicon Valley. Yes, the one about Silicon Valley. That's really good too. Hi, I'm Jessie Cruikshank from the number one comedy podcast, Phone a Friend, which I strongly advise you listen to. You know what else I suggest you look into?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Becoming a host on Airbnb. Did you like that segue? Thank you. I recently started putting my guest house on Airbnb when I'm out of town, and I didn't realize how easy it would be until I did it. If you have a spare room, you could Airbnb it. Or your whole place could be an Airbnb. It's a great way to make a little extra money by doing not a lot, which frankly is my mantra in 2024.
Starting point is 00:15:07 To learn more, go to slash host. All right, so it's time for an ad. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Did you like my new ad sound? I didn't like it. Cool, exactly. Are you ready? Being stuck at home these days,
Starting point is 00:15:22 you probably don't think much about internet privacy on your own home network. Well, I probably don't think much about internet privacy on your own home network. Well, I do because I'm paranoid, but go on. Well, fire up incognito mode on your browser and no one can see what you're doing, right? No. Wrong. Even in incognito mode, your online activity can still be traced.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Even if you clear your browsing history, your internet service provider can still see every single website you've ever visited. What? I didn't know this. Yeah, that's right. Because if you say, for example, Google Andrew Scott Arms, because we're talking about Andrew Scott, you remember how that was a big... Yeah, say you just did it while you were recording a podcast.
Starting point is 00:15:54 How awkward. And you didn't want people to know. Switch on your... Your ExpressVPN, which is the sponsor for today. Not that I did. I'm proud of my Google searches. You are. You stand by them every day of the week.
Starting point is 00:16:07 So that's why even when I'm at home, like we've just said, I never go online without using Express VPN, this week's sponsor. Express VPN makes sure your ISP, which is your internet service provider, can't see what sites you visit. And instead, your internet connection is rerouted through ExpressVPN secure servers. Each ExpressVPN server has an IP address that's shared among thousands of users and that means everything you do is anonymized and can't be traced back to you. ExpressVPN also
Starting point is 00:16:38 encrypts 100% of your data with best-in-class encryption so your information is always protected. Use the internet with confidence from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. ExpressVPN has you covered on every device. Simply tap one button and you're protected. ExpressVPN is the fastest and most trusted VPN on the market. It's rated number one by CNET, Wired, The Verge, and countless more. Whoa, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:17:00 It's very good. So to protect your online activity today with a VPN that I trust to secure my privacy. We trust. We totally do. You can visit our special link at slash suggestible and you can get an extra three months free on a one-year package. That's a great deal.
Starting point is 00:17:19 It absolutely is a great deal. It's a great deal. That's linked below if you do want to help out. Correct. It's definitely something worth bloody looking into. Totally. That's slash suggestible. Express slash suggestible to learn more today.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Thank you. Excellent. And on with the show. That's right. What have you got next? Oh, what have I got next? Well, my other favorite thing, as you know, is Jennifer Garner's Instagram. Why do I ever? Because I think she is bloody top. And this week she delighted me so much because on her Instagram, she does this like ridiculous dance
Starting point is 00:18:01 to a song called Think About Things by Dad I Make Music. And it's just, it's silly. It's stupid. She's kind of bouncing around dancing, doing laundry and drinking wine. It doesn't even sound that great, but I've watched it on repeat so many times. Hey, man, whatever brings you joy, you know. And I just feel like she really understands me. So she really cheered me up a whole lot.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And I feel like at the moment, we just need as much cheering up as we possibly can bloody get, don't we? Realistically. Yeah, absolutely. That is definitely the case. Like I said, whatever makes you happy, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? Whatever brings you joy. Whatever floats your boat. Yeah. So that is Jennifer Garner on Instagramos. Yeah. What's your next thing? This is a show that's on Stan in Australia, but I think it's Hulu if you're in other parts of the world. It's called The Great, An Occasionally True Story, and it's about Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Basically she marries this buffoon. She marries into this family. It's Al Fanning and Nicholas Holt who play the two leads in this. And it's very similar to The Favourite, if you've seen The Favourite. Yes, I loved The Favourite. With Olivia Colman and Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone. And the reason is because it's from the same writer, Australia's own Tony McNamara, because this started as a play in 2008
Starting point is 00:19:19 and now it's become this limited series. And it's about her trying to kind of get up in this broken kind of aristocracy and system of government in Russia in whatever year this is set, 18th century? I can't really remember. But it's this dark comedy and it's lunacy and it's about the class system and sex and science. And it's just a real blast.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I've been really enjoying it. I think I've got one left now. It's very well acted and it's just, I think the biggest takeaway from me is that it's just very funny. And it's just this odd period piece where also really terrible and horrible things happen in it also. And there is that kind of message behind it, but it's a lot of like debauchery. A lot of, sorry. Debauchery. A lot of debauchery. I'd love some of that in my life at the moment. There's a bit where they take a dog and they test out a parachute
Starting point is 00:20:11 and throw it off the palace roof and things like that. What? If you want to see a bear get shot. There's a lot of good stuff happening in it. A lot of insane stuff happened in that, like genuinely did. Didn't we go and visit that castle in Liechtenstein where the guy had like an elephant on his roof? Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Yeah, there was just people with a lot of money. He was a moron. Yeah, he was a king who was a bit of a moron. Yeah, and that's a lot of this is like the emperor is just like, you know, he's an absolute buffoon. But they've just got so much money and power and no sense. They think that everybody loves them, but that everything they say is correct because they were chosen by God and all this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Sounds familiar. What? Who could that sound like? Are you talking about me specifically with my middling podcast? Or just maybe some of the leaders we have globally at the correct point in time. Whoa, we don't get political on here, do we? We get no politics. Oh, politics.
Starting point is 00:21:01 No. So, hey, also just on this. You should watch it, by the way. Yeah, it sounds really awesome. We like it. You know what I'm doing, which is very sad No. So, hey, also just on this. You should watch it, by the way. Yeah, it sounds really awesome. I really like it. You know what I'm doing, which is very sad, I have to admit, and I have to admit up to you on this show. I love the big things.
Starting point is 00:21:13 When I'm going through a really hard time, instead of watching new things, I like to watch things that I've watched before many times. Very good. I feel like maybe it's a security thing. I don't know. My friend Chanel loves to watch episodes of Friends and Harry Potter. Those two things make her very happy. I at the moment have just been sitting
Starting point is 00:21:29 watching Scrubs while I've been looking after the old baby. Nothing wrong with that. Yeah, just like episode after episode. And it's so crazy because we used to watch when we first started dating. We did. It brings back a lot of nostalgia for me. However, it's such a lovely show except it's so problematic. Yes, it is. There's so much in it. There's a lot of like, me. However, it's such a lovely show except it's so problematic.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Yes, it is. There's so much in it. There's a lot of like you're gay and that's gay. Yeah, or like you're a woman and, oh, roll your eyes, or the hot sexiness or like there's a lot of issues with it even though there's some also quite progressive things about race and, you know, lots of different aspects and quite touching moments about, you know, what it's like to be in a hospital.
Starting point is 00:22:06 It's just so funny because I remember when I watched it, I remember thinking, oh, this is such a great woke show. Not that I use the word woke back in like when the early 2000s. I was because I was very woke. Yeah, you were like 10 years before everybody else. But that was the vibe that I remember thinking at the time was like, ooh, progressive. And now I'm watching it going, ooh, that's awkward.
Starting point is 00:22:26 But anyway, I'm really loving it. The other thing – I was just going to say that's the thing Lisa Kudrow says about Friends when they're all white people in Friends or whatever, which is true. That can't be argued. Except when Ross dated the paleontologist. That's true and that was a thing or whatever for that time. But she said something like you've got to kind of look at it
Starting point is 00:22:45 as like a snapshot of the time, not as in like this is the correct way that things should be. You can kind of – you could acknowledge that and still enjoy something, I feel. Yeah, because they also had things that were very progressive for that time. That's right, yeah. Like Phoebe was a surrogate and they did things to do with like abortion and all kinds of things, adoption and –
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, and relationships and, yeah, things, adoption and yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And relationships and yeah, it is, it's really interesting. And I guess that's like sex in the city. People talk about that too, that it's problematic, except that in actuality, it was a snapshot and really progressive for, to hear women's voices and women talking openly about sexual desire at that time. Even though now in hindsight, it looks kind of problematic. Okay. I have one more recommendation. One of our beautiful friends, Kerry, gave us this amazing book,
Starting point is 00:23:29 which made me cry. It's called Extraordinary. It's a children's book by Penny Harrison and Katie Wilson, and it's just divine. If you have a person in your life who has just had a baby or has kids, I totally recommend it. It's one of those things where like kids will like it and go, oh, that's kind of nice, and then they probably won't read it again. But adults will read it and cry and then read it once more. It's one of those things where like kids will like it and go, oh, that's kind of nice and then they probably won't read it again. But adults will read it and cry and then read it once more.
Starting point is 00:23:47 It's just about the ordinary and the extraordinary and it has really beautiful illustrations. It's a gentle tale about reaching for the stars and being extraordinary but remembering the ordinary too. Extraordinaries celebrates the best moments in life, the ones we share with friends and family. They may be simple, they may be ordinary, but they are moments we will treasure forever.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Okay. Can you tell that I'm full of hormones? Oh, that's lovely. Good for you. At the moment. And all I've got is like things that are small that give me joy. But however, I will pass this on to you, dear listener, because that is the vibe I'm given. I love vibes. I love things.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Cool. All right. Is that the show? That is the show. And guess what? People can review this show. They can do it in app. It. All right. Is that the show? That is the show. And guess what? People can review this show. They can do it in app. It really helps out.
Starting point is 00:24:28 We got a lot of reviews for the last time we did this show a couple of weeks ago. Obviously, we took a week off because Claire was too lazy. But this is from BSMight7, a pretty great spinoff of a much more successful podcast, five stars. James and Claire recommend fun things while their marriage is on display for the world to listen to. Also, the main reason I'm writing this review is to help unlock the sweet content of Claire singing her frozen COVID parody, which you have not put up on Instagram yet.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Claire. I can't do that. We could put it at the end of this episode. Colleen's could edit it in a slice. Oh, Lord, the humiliation. Maybe I'll put it on the end of this. You said that you would do it. No, you suggested that they would do it if they gave me the reviews.
Starting point is 00:25:09 You could have stopped me, but you didn't. You don't have to put the whole thing in. You don't have to put the whole thing. Why don't we just put Andrew Scott reading a sexy poem instead? No. Oh, Jesus. All right, fine. Fine, fine.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I'll send the audio. I'm not sending no visuals. I'll send some audio to Colleen so you can add it in. The whole thing? Oh, Lord, no, the whole frigging thing. A snap it. A snap it, a snuff it. All right, fine.
Starting point is 00:25:33 A bit of it. Okay, cool. No judgment. I do sound like I'm taking myself seriously in it, and that is because I bloody well am because it was really hard. Well, you've got to do it. I feel like you've got to sell it, you know what I mean? You've got to do it in earnest. Yeah, I know. Well, but I am also very aware really hard. Well, you've got to do it. I feel like you've got to sell it. You know what I mean? You've got to do it in earnest.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yeah, I know. Well, but I am also very aware that it's terrible and I did not write the lyrics. Your brother did. Anyway, okay. The brother that Mason does not like. Great. Okay, I also have a letter if you would like to suggest things
Starting point is 00:26:00 for us to talk about on this very show. Then you can email the pod at suggestiblepod at We just love to hear from you. Even if you don't have a suggestion, you just want to say hello, drop us a line. This one is from Jennifer Richmond. Hello, Claire and James. Hello.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Plus three, two babies and a mason. Ooh. My husband got me into the Weekly Planet a couple of years ago. I'm pretty well obsessed and listen to it more often than he does and I find myself very often trying to talk about episodes he hasn't listened to yet. I'm a world-class spoiler. Me too.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But thanks to the Weekly Planet, I've gotten into Suggestible. And so I'd love to suggest Hyperbole and a Half by Ali Broch. Hyperbole or Hyperbole? Hyperbole. I think it's Hyperbole. I think it's Hyperbole. Let's go with Hyperbole. No, it's Hyperbole.
Starting point is 00:26:39 You were correct. It's several years old, so it's entirely possible one or both if you have read it. I have not. But Claire, if you haven't, I think you'd absolutely love it. What do I mean? I love things. If you haven't already. Yeah, but everyone knows you don't read.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Keep it up, cuties. I'm a giant fan and wait for the new podcast all the time. Thanks. Kiss. Well, Jennifer, you're a ledge. Thanks, mate. You can email that show to us at We'd appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:27:03 We'll probably be back next week, but we might not, will we? You never know. You never know. We're just flying by the seat of our pants. That's right. That's what I'm doing with Weekly Planet at the moment. It's kind of like however we can kind of squeeze it in. Correct.
Starting point is 00:27:14 But, of course, the Weekly Planet takes priority because it is a more popular show. Correct. We need to eat. Yes, we really do. All right. See you next week maybe. Bye.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Bye. The window is open, so is that door. We didn't know they did that anymore. Who knew we'd miss a thousand of our mates? For weeks we've roamed these empty halls. Why have a classroom with no class? Finally they're opening up the gates. They'll be actual real life students.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It'll be totally strange. And why am I so ready for this change? Cause for the first time in forever, they'll be learning, they'll be learning they'll be fun for the first time in forever we'll be working without
Starting point is 00:28:14 our moms don't know if we're elated or gassy but we're somewhere in the zone cause for the first time in forever We won't be alone This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Visit for more podcasts from our great mates. I mean, if you want. It's up to you. Introducing Uber Teen Accounts. An Uber account for your teen with enhanced safety features. It's up to you.

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