Sunday Papers - Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 121 7/3/22

Episode Date: July 3, 2022

As Mike beams in from an upstate NY lake cabin Greg recounts the chaos at The Comedy Store this week. Texas schools are “rebranding” slavery as “involuntary relocation”. Yup. Ricky Martin may straight and a German boy does what Germans love best- gets in a world of shit.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They moved to Hollywood to make it big They hit the beach and started having kids Read it all over It's Sunday Papers again It'll be a little echoey, that's fine We're gonna explain it, we'll explain it Are you going to headphones, bitch? Got him
Starting point is 00:00:21 Got him I mean, so are you starting the show? I'm ready. You want me to clap? You want me to clap? Three, two, one. Three, two, one. Read all about it.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Read all about it. Mike Gibbons is somewhere in New York State piping in the news. I'm in Venice Beach coming to you live on Sunday Papers. It is echoing in here. I will give you that. Yeah. I'm going to open this window. Oh, that window.
Starting point is 00:00:52 That window doesn't open. Where are you? I'm in a cabin, basically, up in Carmel, New York, on the lake here. It's amazing with the girls. Happy July 4th weekend. Happy 4th of July happy fourth of july everybody today's the third of july we're very excited about our country and you know okay this well you know what here's the thing okay what oh tell me here's the thing break it down we are privileged to live in a country where a lot of things are not going our way right now. And we have recourse and that we can vote new people in.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We can demonstrate. We can write about it. We can talk about it. And you can't take that for granted. Things things go back and forth and we can't give up right now just because there's a lot of legislation going through that we don't agree with. Sounds like a pep talk for yourself. You okay? You going through some stuff? Mikey Fitzgibbons just gave me that talk on the golf course. I love that. Yeah, he's really, is he still convinced they're all going to jail?
Starting point is 00:01:58 I mean, that's the thing about these hearings is nothing, nothing will happen because of them. Oh, come on. Really? You think so? Oh, my God. I mean, they're not even covered. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Well, let's not get political. Let's talk about how red you are. Have you been out in the sun? I've been in the sun, but I'm also, I just got out of the shower real fast and the shirt's not doing me favors, nor is this lighting.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, but it doesn't, this is this lighting. Yeah. But it doesn't. This is also a podcast, isn't it? Last I checked. Well, some people like to look at us. I don't understand those people at all. But of course, I went on a rant last year at this time. But Gettysburg continues. It's the anniversary of Gettysburg.
Starting point is 00:02:43 The fighting began today. It was only a three-day fight. the older I get, the more blown away. And I was blown away the first time I heard the stats. But the more blown away I am as I get older. I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:01 100,000 people died? I think it was 76 or something yeah let me let me confirm military gettysburg stats yeah like change the tide of the war that battle it absolutely did it absolutely did but um yeah no no sorry 51 000 it was and some of the fighting and i'm and i apologize for listeners who actually listened a year ago some of the fighting where did you go where's the zoom um didn't begin till the evening i think on two of the three days fighting didn't begin actually till like late afternoon right and over 50 000000 Americans killed in a three-day weekend. Keep in mind what kind of arms they were using also. It's just insane.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's insane. And there were people on a hill. I guess they came, I think Lincoln might have been on the hill, and they were watching the battle take place like they were watching Coachella. was just happening in front of them probably a little different vibe um and and i can already hear the corrections but lincoln lincoln no not lincoln not there at all but grant and i think it was uh i forget who's charge god i'm just because i'm ignorant but at one point i knew a lot more stats about getettysburg. But it was one of the southern states.
Starting point is 00:04:27 It was Robert E. Lee. Robert E. Lee led the charge for the south. I know that because they broke through a few other southern states to get there. They drove up. No, no, no. Of course. Lee was there. But, you know, Lee sent in on the first, on Friday.
Starting point is 00:04:41 I think it was Friday. On Friday afternoon or whatever, one of his guys was one of his. I don't know if it's a general. I shouldn't say that. But one of his leaders was like or lieutenants was like, we don't got this. Like, I can tell you right now, this will not go well. And Lee goes, you're going in anyway. And it was a massacre. And if they had gotten through they were headed to washington next game over fucking queen in danger topple the king yeah it was over so it's charge i think
Starting point is 00:05:14 might have been it and yeah little round top battle i believe yeah pickets charge oh man that was awful um but what i like to remember speaking of america you know everyone would always do that thing like you know kind of the joke about losing vietnam like we're six and one or whatever it is about wars uh what i like to add is we're seven and one because america also defeated these the fucking south i i just want to remind everybody that's true that has to go in the win column for america right it's true and if you're in the south um welcome back welcome back i think they might have just left actually the podcast well now i think yeah i know and tex and texas wants to leave the union again that's a big thing yeah they're really i am not printing up the placards to go marching for that one if i am it's like what took you so long yeah good luck with the
Starting point is 00:06:12 forward-thinking fossil fuel model i'm sure it'll all work out uh the water might be a situation also um what was this text you sent to we were on a text chain with our college buddies about an hour ago and you wrote something about i'm getting ready for podcasts which greg won't even acknowledge doing in 15 minutes what does that mean it means that on the okay sunday on our sunday papers uh text chain uh no so you wrote that on okay i know what a 107 today, are we doing 5 Eastern, meaning in four hours? I need to be done a little after 6. Denman, our producer, our fantastic producer, just let me know. Oh, there you wrote yes.
Starting point is 00:06:55 No, wait, sorry. Yeah, I wrote yes. Sorry, no, no, your yes was at 430. Yeah, because I was on the golf course. I don't pick up my phone when I'm on the golf course. Oh, man. We had it confirmed, 5 o'clock. What are you, suddenly a secretary?
Starting point is 00:07:11 You got to reconfirm things? What are you, the executive assistant to Mike Gibbons? I like to be unprepared, and that takes a while. That's right. It's a lot to do, yeah. Can I tell you, I just want to go through my week at the comedy store. So I was there about five nights ago and on stage in the main room. And this woman just stands up.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Like, I wasn't even talking to her. She just stand up and yelled something in response to one of my jokes. And I said, all right, what's going on, lady? What are you doing? She goes, I'm drunk and I want some attention. That's the most honest heckler I've ever heard in my life. Yes, I loved it. And so I loved her honesty. So I wasn't attacking her. I was trying to draw her out, figure out what was going on. And the security at the store is unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:08:05 So suddenly there's two big dudes with headsets on standing about seven feet behind her and she's just, we're going back and forth. I'm handling it like a pro, being gentle. And then she said something. I go, Jesus Christ, you'd think somebody at your age would be able to drink, would know how much to drink. And she fucking charged the stage.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So they tackle her. They tackle her from behind. And the crowd's going fucking bananas. And they drag her out. And her husband, who's Asian, and she was saying, he can't even see you because of his slanty eyes. She was saying that about her husband in front of the crowd. That's love. So then he goes
Starting point is 00:08:45 you're fucking drunk again and he walks out and apparently walked out to the front of the comedy store and just kept walking down sunset so they drag her outside she's kicking she's screaming she's she's hysterical they put her they stick her on the curb in front of the club and she stood there and yelled shit at the club for like 20 minutes that's amazing so that was like five nights ago and then two nights ago i'm in the original room and the air conditioning conks out which it does there sometimes because the building's like 100 years old and uh and so the room is about 110 degrees, not exaggerated. It was like 110 degrees. And I'm on stage. I took my shirt off.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Whoa, Chrysler, whoa. No, no, I had an undershirt on, but I took off my button-down shirt. Oh, thank God for everyone there. And I'm halfway through my set, and then somebody yells out, call 911. Is there a doctor in here? This guy fucking fell out of his chair, big dude, and he's fucking out.
Starting point is 00:09:44 And his wife is hysterical she's like she's like oh my god somebody help him and of course like typical mob mentality everybody gets up and they crowd around him like literally i'm literally on stage going everybody go back to your seats somebody call 9-1-1 do we have a doctor in here go back to your seats and so um luckily one of the security guys is a paramedic so he comes over yeah so he comes over and uh gets the guy i think he gave him a heimlich maneuver or something and uh but he wasn't choking and i don't know and then and then like and he might be a paramedic and paraplegic. No,
Starting point is 00:10:27 he's a paraplegic. And, uh, and then I think they got some cold towels and stuff. And I think he just had a heat stroke cause they, they picked them up and they carried them out. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:38 yeah, it was crazy. And I just finished my set and I was like, all right, folks, here's Moshe Kasher. Thanks for coming. Good luck, Moshe. Yeah. Well, I'm having all right, folks, here's Moshe Kasher. Thanks for coming.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Good luck, Moshe. Yeah. Well, I'm having heat stroke here. So it's hot in New York. I mean, not that hot, but in the 90s and humid as hell. And I love when my daughters are like, what? I'm like, yeah, that's humidity. And then get ready for the mosquitoes, you LA snowflakes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:59 So anyway, but so I was going to tell this story because it happened during the pandemic, but it happened right here. So I met Tim and Jenny's house and you know them and it's amazing. And they're so excited when we all come in. There's 35 people coming over in like an hour and it's going to be this big party. And Tim's running around and he has like seven coolers all over the place and is constantly during the day cycling to make sure there's enough ice on all of them. He's got white claws for these dumb bitches and all this stuff and and real wine and real beer and real drinks also. And anyway, it's great. So that's where I am. During the pandemic, they all came up from New York.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Hold on. My mic is hot because I'm talking to it. So during the pandemic, they were all up here. We were in L.A. But and the next door, you know, the de Bourbons, right? Michelle, Mishi. So her sister, Lisi, I know it sounds made up. Lisi, they all for their mental well-being. And I'll move this story along and I know I'm going to massacre it. But this absolutely happened. They got a Peloton kind of like as a community and everyone had their schedule of when they would use it. And they put it on the, on the porch off of this cabin, right outside this window. It was outside. And, um, so anyway, one day it's Lisi's turn or whatever, and it's during a work day and Tim is on a zoom, a work Zoom in the house, which is across the driveway. Lisi's on it. She's really going for it.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And I don't know how else to say this. She wipes out and it's like an explosion. She falls over. It smashes. There's glass everywhere. It's like the TV commercial. It is exactly like the TV commercial, but it happened before the TV commercial. So when the commercial came on, everyone was like, oh my God, did you see the commercial?
Starting point is 00:12:50 Holy shit. That's hilarious. That's easy. Glass everywhere. Her foot flew out of one of the shoes and then the flew out of one of the shoes and unclipped from the other. And so while the bike was on its side the pedal was flying around with an empty shoe in it just just flying around like crazy her other leg was pinned
Starting point is 00:13:11 under the bike tim's on a zoom and he literally and he works anyway for a big company and he goes um guys excuse me i think the roof just caved in on my guest house i I'll be right back. Runs over here, sees Lisi around shattered glass with a Peloton spinning out of control, picks her up. And it's like, I got to go back to the zoom, goes back to the zoom. And they're like, oh my God, is that right? What was it? And he's like, yeah, yeah. My roof fell in. It's fine. Like what, what is he going to say? Is he going to explain that? So, so Lisi feels so bad because it's literally keeping everybody's mental health so anyway here's the end of the story she calls customer service immediately he's like listen i need to talk to you uh we need this peloton and i tipped over on
Starting point is 00:13:57 it crashed i think there's a flaw in the design i don't know if the weight's too far forward or whatever they're like ma'am what and he's like no no. I'm sure you get these calls all the time. I need a new monitor sent right away. They're like, ma'am, we've never even heard of this. We've never heard this complaint. She's like, no, you must've. I, you don't understand. We need it. I need your manager. I need your manager. She Karen's out. She goes up three levels of managers and goes to like the national corporate person. And the person goes, OK, I've been briefed a little bit on what happened. You say it again. And she's and she tells the story and she goes.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And the only question is a long pause. And the woman goes, were you on a boat? And Lisa's like, what? And the woman's like, because the only other time this has ever happened, some billionaire was Peloton on his yacht and the yacht hit a wave and it fell over and crashed. And anyway, she goes, you need to get me this monitor. Like, well, it's a two week delivery and all this. And she's like, felt so bad. She went back and told them the next day. I think FedEx felt I mean, I think the Peloton felt so sorry for her.
Starting point is 00:15:10 They like hyper FedExed it. It arrived the next morning. A brand new monitor on the house from Peloton. And once again, ladies and gentlemen, this is another segment from the wide world of white. another segment from the wide world of white from mike gibbons you got me she and lisi de bourbon were on their peloton when the guest house roof fell in on the lake house that's the story we're going with all right you read your dates i have to turn on the ac i'm now baking it's 90 degrees and that story didn't help. Oh, my God. We got to do that as a regular. I mean, it's not even a bit.
Starting point is 00:15:51 It's just Mike Gibbons talking about his life. He's in, you know, well, we're going to talk more about this trip that he's on because believe it or not, it gets whiter. Let's thank Kyle Spencer for this week's logo. um let's thank uh kyle spencer for this week's logo um it's a it's an it's an abortion logo which is a very funny one anytime we can get abortion and funny together we appreciate it also mitchy mitch did this week's song last week's song by uh les conley he did kind of a Frampton vibe and people loved it. We got so much great feedback about that last song. So that goes in the short list
Starting point is 00:16:32 for the permanent song, which by the way, we got a note from Andy who said, I have to bring up a small beef with you boys. It's been 120 episodes and you still don't have an official song? Greg teased months ago that you were deciding on a winner. Are you two turning super new age hippie and want to give the opportunity for the show to decide when he, she, they are an adult podcast?
Starting point is 00:16:54 I apologize if I don't know the pronouns of the podcast. Sincerely, Andy. Yeah, it's time. It's time to lock one down, Mike. Time to lock down a song. All right. Well, time to lock one down, Mike. Time to lock down a song. All right, well, we have a lot to choose from, and I think a lot of them are safe to air, right?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yes, we're only picking ones that do not sound like anybody else. At one point I had it narrowed down to 10 songs, but that was a while ago, and we've had a bunch since. So I'll have to go in and pull out some more and then we'll decide. Is this not working, the continuing to do it like this? Well, I mean, we could. It's just that we get
Starting point is 00:17:36 flagged sometimes when somebody copyrights their song. No, I know, but how often is that happening now that our musicians know that? Well, hopefully they know it, but it often is that happening now that our musicians know that? Well, hopefully they know it, but it's happened with two different people. So anyway, and one of them ghosts us now. And I really went out of my way to not throw him under the bus.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I never mentioned my name. This is why I don't read viewer mail. If they're going to ghost us I can't take that I'm too sensitive speaking of emails from listeners we got some corrections Joe Burke says first tracks from first albums
Starting point is 00:18:15 when MC Rook suggested fake tales of San Francisco by the Arctic Monkeys Mike said he only knew Chasing Cars which is actually a song by Snow Patrol. Ah, that's right. Very different than Arctic Monkeys. Arctic Monkeys have a good one, though.
Starting point is 00:18:31 It's a ballady type, I'm forgetting. But absolutely right. When I said it, I wasn't so sure. Good call. Good catch. I can't stand the Arctic Monkeys. How do they bother you so much? They're just too packaged.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Do you know that or you just don't like their name? I don't like the music. It just doesn't move me. It's just blah. You know who I like is Arcade Fire. Okay. They're a better version of Arctic Monkeys. That's a big band.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. okay they're a better version of arctic monkeys that's a big band yeah christian said i put a spell on you is a screaming jay hawkins tune from 1956 not credence clearwater revival which is there's certain bands that are doppelgangers sound wise you have super tramp and um uh who's the band that sounds like Supertramp? Not yes, you're not thinking of them are you? No Supertramp and Don't say Rush
Starting point is 00:19:33 No Alright And then you've got Yes it is, you're right and I forgot to And I know Screamin' Jay Hawkins song It's great It gets a lot of airplay at Halloween. So if anybody wants to send in the doppelganger bands,
Starting point is 00:19:50 that can be a category also. But is your premise that Screamin' Jay Hawkins and CCR are doppelgangers? Oh, fuck yeah. I mean, you listen to I Put a Spell on You, and you could easily hear that that That's a, that's a, what's his name? John Fogerty singing it. I,
Starting point is 00:20:09 I don't know, man. You may want to go back and check. Screaming Jay Hawkins goes to town with theatrics on that song. Also like stuck in Lodi who will stop the rain. You know, I don't know. That's CCR.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Yeah. Yeah. But you're say they sound like screaming jay hawkins yeah okay we're gonna agree to disagree on this one tory strasburg i think you're mixing up plan b and the abortion pill the former doesn't abort a fetus. It prevents a pregnancy. The latter does the abortion up to 10 weeks, with only the last two being at the fetal stage since the embryonic stage last eight weeks. Maybe being pedantic, but quite a distinction. Well, there's a very big difference in one case for sure. You don't want to be taking plan B. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I've already forgotten which one is which, but you don't want to be taking the one that prevents the drop, you know, two weeks in. Wait, so one of them you take the day after or within a couple days. Plan B is the morning after pill. And then I guess there's another pill that kills the fetus. Good Lord, are we using that inflammatory language i would one is like holy shit the condom broke what do we do right and you know that's and
Starting point is 00:21:37 that one tells your system that it is not pregnant right that one prevents the egg from dropping yeah where all the ambitious sperm are waiting denman is still coming denman is typing furiously he seems to have quite a bit of experience with aborting fetuses both abortion no matter how you slice it. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? How? What do minorities have to do with this? His mom took a roll down the staircase week 34.
Starting point is 00:22:14 What is he 34? And his brother still came out, but he's a little special now. Mark Fry said it is. It is not very dangerous to take the abortion pill. Doctor supervision is a formality and a cash grab. Okay. Uh, tell Mike the Tuskegee, tell Mike the Tuskegee experiment regarding purposefully infecting unknowing patients with syphilis is not related to the Tuskegee airmen that was labeled the Tuskegee military experiment.
Starting point is 00:22:44 There are numerous articles and podcasts if you google what takes place in both but the thing they had in common where both were taking place in a small town in alabama tuskegee no yeah good i was definitely conflating those two okay yeah i mean they happen around the same time somebody else wrote in and they both happened in like the 40s and 50s well obviously world war two was the tuskegee airmen and that then and i believe the tuskegee um syphilis experiment thing was started in like the 30s and it went all the way through until like the 1970s or something it was crazy another unrelated greg you mixed up Billy Idol and Billy Squire,
Starting point is 00:23:25 but you were not wrong that Billy Idol also has a masturbation song, Dancing With Myself. Never thought of that. Also, Blister in the Sun by Violent Femmes, who you brought up coincidentally this week, is another masturbation song. There's a lot of them out there. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Ads. Let's read an ad out there. Wow. Ads. Let's read an ad, Mike. I love it. You want me to do it or you want to do it? Why don't you do it? I think you. I'm a little hot still. This AC hasn't started working.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Oh, Jesus. Don't pass out on me. That already happened this week. I know. Well, I'm hydrating with a beer now, which I never do. Hey, now. I used to dread taking the time and effort to fertilize my lawn, but now I look forward to it. Sunday's lawn care products are quick and easy, and I don't even have to go to the store.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Everything is delivered right to my door. Look, beautiful lawns. You don't want harsh chemicals. I got dogs. I don't need my dogs dying that way. I don't care if they die, but I don't want them dying, eating fucking poison fertilizer. So these guys use like seaweed, iron, molasses, and it really works. Do you have pet spots, bear patches, whatever? They can solve all those problems. They've got what you need.
Starting point is 00:24:38 My lawn is looking better than ever, and I did it myself. Sunday makes it easy to DIY your lawn with no guesswork and no unwanted chemicals. So make your lawn the oasis it needs to be. Just get Go to, put in your address, and their lawn analysis tool does the rest. They use soil and climate data to create a personal nutrient plan
Starting point is 00:25:00 delivered to your door when you need it. Sunday's lawn care products are made with the family in mind. That's why they use ingredients you feel good about. And Sunday is offering our listeners 20% off full season. This seems crazy, but listen to the price. Full season plans start at just $129, and you can get 20% off when you visit slash papers at checkout. That's 20% off your custom plan at slash papers.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Do it. You'll feel really good every time you come home and you see that nice lawn. Oh, boy. On autopilot. There's no reason not to do it. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Okay. to do it. Yeah. Okay. Let's go down to Hacked and Deleted. You want to read that one? What are we talking about? Second story.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Oh, I'm sorry. Do you mean the front page? Front page. Oh, sorry about that. Oh, this has no... How do you read a paper? You just guess? Extra! Extra!
Starting point is 00:26:08 We all have found it! Extra! Here we go. Here's my... No, I don't want to do that one. Here's my receipt from... the waiting room in Omaha, Nebraska. Didn't do well. Oh, Nebraska. Didn't do well.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Well, you were waiting to do well. It's a horrible name. Hacked and deleted. Anonymous hacks period tracker apps and deletes data to protect abortion seekers after Supreme Court decision. The hacker group Anonymous claims they have hacked and deleted all that data
Starting point is 00:26:44 to protect the identity of potential abortion seekers. The hacktivists, I think that's their wordplay here. Latest claims, their latest claims come as American women have begun deleting their period tracking apps amid the Supreme Court's decision to overturn the abortion ruling. So I have which one do I have? I'll look on my phone right now. Flow, maybe I flow. It's right there. I have a period app on the phone. And of course, everyone is way ahead of me and can guess why. It's because I it started in my failed marriage i would try to anticipate when i should just agree with whatever she was saying get out of here really swear to god and then she commented and this is what an idiot i am she commented at one point like they were getting
Starting point is 00:27:42 along and i'm like well i've started to agree with you more. And that didn't go well at all. Of course it didn't. Why would you say that? I felt she should know that. And I thought maybe she'd do some growing and learning. And that's not the opposite happened. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:28:02 You were tracking her periods. That's hysterical. And then it was on my phone and I kept it for girlfriends as well. And now the daughters. And now the daughters. Because this is what happens a lot of times when talking to anybody. Right. But we all know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Women. But let's say anybody. You are like this wait what like you're confounded and you're just like wait what i don't even know what's being linked here i don't know how this has gotten so off the rails and this app will help me and so i would also put it in my calendar because I'm not going to always open the app, but I think you can set alerts where you're just like, oh, no, right, right, that must be so tough.
Starting point is 00:28:54 The crazy fucking thing you just said must be so tough. Wow. Yeah, I'm sorry. What keeps you from being a caring, empathetic person the other 28 days of the month? One week a month, that's all I got. One week a month is all I got of that bullshit. Cue the Real Men of Genius Budweiser song right now.
Starting point is 00:29:14 They need reality. If my job as a dad is anything, it's to teach them there's a reality that won't give as much a shit about you as you would love yeah that's what they need from a parent they're not going to get that anywhere else that's exactly right look at me day drinking i don't give a shit uh all right um you want to go down to camping since the supreme court overturned roe v Wade. Social media has been flooded by posts from people offering to take people, quote, camping, coded language for assisting people needing abortions out of state. But some activists and experts warn that offering to house strangers isn't as helpful as connecting them with local abortion rights organizations. OK, so on social media, I have seen some people post,
Starting point is 00:30:05 if you want to come to town for dinner, I will make sure your dinner is taken care of. I will take you to dinner. I will be with you. I will stay there. I will drive you home from dinner. You know, stuff like that. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:23 I will drive you home from dinner, you know, stuff like that. You know what I mean? And I have to say the, uh, the appeal is way, way more heartwarming when it's a woman saying it, then a guy who's going to pick up a perfect vulnerable stranger at the airport and take her to quote dinner. Right. It just, and they can stay in his house i understand it's very benevolent very nice but yeah it it does it's more comforting coming from a woman yeah you want a woman's touch at that time yeah i don't know what i'm talking about but yeah uh here's another uh what's nice
Starting point is 00:31:03 though for me is if i offered uh one thing I wouldn't need is the Flow app. I wouldn't need a period app. Nope. Nope. Not at all. I know what I'm getting. I wouldn't even have to look at the calendar. Everything's going to go just smoothly.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah, you can shut down that app for a few months. You've got about three months off. Oh, no. Oh, we're terrible. All right, go ahead. We're about to get worse because a group of Texas educators have proposed to the Texas State Board of Education
Starting point is 00:31:32 Are they still a state? that slavery should be taught as, quote, involuntary relocation during second grade social studies instruction. This summer, the board will consider updates to social studies instruction a year after lawmakers passed a law to keep topics that make students, quote, feel discomfort out of Texas classrooms. So involuntary relocation instead of calling it slavery. What about unpaid internships? There was a lot of unpaid
Starting point is 00:32:05 internships in the in the 19th century in the deep south there was cotton camp a lot a lot of people went to cotton camp yeah it was so hot at cotton camp everyone remembers that and the dorms oh my god this is fucking crazy it wasn't just the re i'm surprised they're admitting it was involuntary it wasn't just the relocation though i mean what was what about the whippings and and yeah and all the labor and separating families oh my god it's like those hr terms where it's like uh i mean obviously downsizing was the most popular one but they had really creative phrases like that to describe getting axed. Yeah. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That's, oh, man, Texas. Good luck with that. Here's a, they don't want topics that, here's a topic that might make Texas students feel uncomfortable. Science. Are they going to cut science? Because that goes in the face of everything they believe in. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:07 They may also learn about the fossil fuel sitch, which would be very disturbing to them. Time for good news for gubbins. You have one. Here it is. All right. So where is this from? So this is from an hour ago. We were playing golf and we were playing for money, he and I.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And we're pretty dead even. And then this guy from the fairway behind us starts yelling at me. Hey, you with the blue hat. You with the blue hat. What ball did you just hit? And I had hit a ball that was like went over towards the other fairway where he was playing and uh and he goes did you hit a tailor-made with with the green dot on it so i reach in my pocket and it turns out i had hit his ball
Starting point is 00:33:56 and so i was like oh i'm really sorry and i threw it to him and he fucking yelled at me anyway gubbins charged me a penalty stroke in the match because I hit the wrong ball. I'm with him. Really? I don't know. I don't know how golf works. What's a penalty so, like, that stroke counted but you had to do it again? No, I had already
Starting point is 00:34:17 finished the hole and I had gotten a four and he made me take a five because I had hit the guy's ball. Oh, alright. Oh, all right. But yeah, it's Govans. What are you doing? You're betting, man. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I'm not betting with him anymore. I'm done. You should have told him that. I think you would have let this one go. Yeah. Let's do entertainment. You got it all right ricky martin hit with a three million dollar unpaid commission's lawsuit his ex-manager claims she saved him from potentially career ending
Starting point is 00:34:59 allegations the jury uh seeking suit adds that quote, Martin has now threatened Rebecca, who's his manager, and is attempting to force her to sign an agreement with a nondisclosure clause to silence her about the abhorrent behavior by Martin that she has both witnessed and endured. um there's an assertions of in her relationship managing him a toxic work environment and quote a particularly ugly incident in dubai involving martin as a representative jose vega and in a personal life and his personal life was in disarray non-payment of taxes and his substance abuse so uh basically and i've read some comments that she's essentially blackmailing him that's what some people's opinions are because it's a lawsuit where he won't pay commissions and now they're saying if you don't pay him we're gonna go public with your dirty laundry. Yeah. And it sounds like the guy's tortured. And I have a guess at what it is.
Starting point is 00:36:09 I think Ricky Martin is a closeted heterosexual. The ball got rolling on him being gay and it was too big to get back in the box. Right, right. Everyone ran with it. He was an international star. Right. I was going to say, if the plan was to out him, I think Living La Vida Loca might have done that already.
Starting point is 00:36:31 That might have been the trick. I watched a documentary, or I started watching a documentary last night about Menudo, which is how he started. He was a member of Menudo. Did you know? I didn't know that. Yes. And did you know that that band, which is really the first boy band of all time, if you don't include like the Monkees or whatever, they were older.
Starting point is 00:36:52 But these kids were like, you know, 12 to 15 years old. And they were produced by this fucking genius in Puerto Rico who basically, if a kid left because he got too old or for whatever other reason they plugged a new guy in Ricky Martin wasn't an original member they they had like they had like 15 Minuto members over the course of 15 years they just kept cycling through I do know that I do know that they and they've done that with other bands as well I think I'm trying to remember who but yeah they did it with the drummers in Def Leppard. Is that the band where they all died? Two of them died or one of them died?
Starting point is 00:37:31 Didn't one of them have a one-arm? Wouldn't they have a one-arm drummer? I think it was also that. You remember a Tell's joke that he woke up one morning super hungover and he had a tattoo that said, I love men. So he got it fixed. But he doesn't know if i love menudo is any better if i could write one joke like that every 10 years i would be happy with myself
Starting point is 00:38:00 gregory he was huge he is huge i mean I don't know we don't know it because we're not into Latin music but he is a star of epic proportions around the world that I don't think people in America really appreciate oh dude non-stop I'll go on instagram and some spanish speaking friend of mine will be at the forum sold out or an act will be there no joke for two or three nights at the forum and i've never heard of them yeah and it's all spanish language performers and stuff that was enough it was another atel joke from a long time ago he goes uh i want to learn how to speak spanish that way i'll know what i'm laughing at when i watch telemundo that's great yeah um friends oh this is a big story uh
Starting point is 00:38:57 friends has long been criticized for its lack of diversity but co-creator marta kaufman is finally ready to admit her failure with a four million dollar apology whoa uh she initially struggled Whoa. of her ways. Quote, I've learned a lot in the last 20 years. Admitting and accepting guilt is not easy. It's painful looking at yourself in the mirror. I was embarrassed I didn't know better 25 years ago. The popular show, which ran from 94 to 2004, features a group of six white heterosexual
Starting point is 00:39:37 best friends living in Greenwich Village, a famously gay neighborhood. Throughout the 10-year run of the show, the sitcom continued to whitewash New York City and rarely featured a character gay neighborhood. Throughout the 10-year run of the show, the sitcom continued to whitewash New York City and rarely featured a character of color. Friends only introduced two recurring characters of color, both of whom were brought on as short-lived love interests for Ross.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And when they booked them, when they booked those two black people, Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld were like, sellouts. I mean, yes, it is known as the whitest show ever. And what's her name? She's a comedian. And she's always like also known as the black woman on Friends.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Aisha Tyler. Yeah, Aisha Tyler. So also Sherry Shepard was on who Chris Denman produces her podcast. Yeah. Sherry Shepard was on who's Chris Denman produces her podcast. Ah, yeah. Well, Joey was, uh, Joey was Italian and they're not,
Starting point is 00:40:29 not everyone considers them white. Do they ever tried that? Have they ever tried that defense? Right. Just watch a natural born killers and, it'll be explained to you. I, I think,
Starting point is 00:40:40 I don't think it was that movie. It was the one in the desert. Uh, Oh, right. You're right. You're right. I always confused those two movies. Yeah. It was the one in the desert. Oh, you're right. You're right. I always confuse those two movies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Tarantino wrote it and was actually in it, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:52 But anyway, is Tarantino in every one of his movies? Was he in Once Upon a Time? Okay. So anyway, like Hitchcock, not even a little. I think he used to be and he got the hint when people said, you are literally the worst actor I've ever seen in my life. Also, we'll think of you whenever we see women's feet like that's kind of like you being in there like Hitchcock's shadow. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:41:16 So but is there a defense like that's what it was? In other words, OK, this is an exaggerated example that doesn't hold any water pardon the pun but like how many black people were in moby dick in other words like she's probably embarrassed that that's that was her world and her world was being reflected in a show she created yeah but she was in new York City, which is one of the most diverse places in the world. I mean, Moby Dick took place in Massachusetts in the 1800s.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Yeah, but six douchebags living in the village, they don't have many diverse friends. Yeah, that's possible. They're not likable people. It was the most first- problem show ever well you talk about seinfeld or our friends friends yeah it was six douchebags who just constantly made dick jokes right why would a black person want to hang out with them i have never lasted more than
Starting point is 00:42:18 five minutes watching friends it literally it's not that i even get angry i just get so bored well i remember norm mcdonald like talking to hoffman and me and just being like uh why don't we just start with models and then just write a shitty sitcom yeah exactly he was like you know when he was frustrated on like yeah we need money yep and that'll pay for us to say no to anything we want have you seen the staircase yet well you know i famously i was a huge early adopter and proponent of the of the documentary which for a long period was i might have even done it to you uh was only available on dvd you couldn't stream it or find it anywhere it wasn't on hbo and i remember in the early 2000s or whenever it was that was like you know some people give
Starting point is 00:43:10 books to people i would give them the dvd of the staircase i had like 20 of them because it was made it was made in france and i don't even think it got distribution in the u.s until what happened it came out like 15 years later, French director. I'm forgetting, I'm forgetting all the details. What I haven't seen is the three that were added to it, the documentary, but now I am aware and I've seen maybe episode one and boy in episode one, they really, there's one very big reveal about uh him and like and him going to the gym that's all i'll say that reveal came very early in the documentary the documentary buried it yeah it was like 12 episodes or something i am not even joking you and i'm
Starting point is 00:43:58 sure by design it would end like one week and you'd be like, totally guilty. Next week, this dude is innocent. Next week, so guilty. I didn't see that. They didn't tell us about that. Next week, innocent. It was amazing. Do you believe, well, I think it was the same thing with, what was the one about the guys in Wisconsin?
Starting point is 00:44:19 Oh, creating a murderer? Yeah, that was the same thing. I went back and forth every week. Yeah, where are you now on it? Again, I didn't see the new one there. Staircase, I believe he fucking killed her. This guy killed her. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:32 I mean, if you're on the fence, his other wife also died bludgeoned to death at the bottom of a stairway. Which says to me he's innocent. Or he's a genius. Okay, let's say my period app wasn't working. Right. And I just fucking killed my wife because just too crazy, just too crazy. So I put her out of her misery. Um, and let's say I did it by, uh, running her head over in the garage with a car,
Starting point is 00:44:58 something, you know, that's easy, easy on the ears right now. so if i then had another wife who had crazy periods and i wanted to kill her uh i would kill her the exact same and let's say i was innocent i was proven innocent the first time i think i would kill her the exact same way because you stick with the game plan well it's not only a game plan who would be that fucking stupid yeah and and the world knows i'm a relatively smart guy if i'm this guy because this guy is like a best-selling author yeah right like he has a brain he's successful yep he can think creatively he can come up with stories very much so like like doing dudes at the gym jesus yeah he is outside the box smart creative somebody suggests we should watch something called keep sweet pray and obey about the mormons i keep
Starting point is 00:45:56 hearing how amazing this doc is so maybe we'll watch that for next week and then i found out that uh under the banner of heaven or whatever it's called, which is a scripted series. I started watching it. You know, I got episode two. I remember I was fading a little, but I didn't know it was a John Krakauer book. And I love John Krakauer. He wrote Into Thin Air, Into the Wild. He wrote the book that that series is based on.
Starting point is 00:46:23 So I really want to read and or listen to crack error um i tried to watch um the flight attendant yeah yeah too much they hit you with too much it's like you know it's so high stakes and it's so frenetic and it's so, she's drinking too much so it's just like, hey, I just want to watch some fucking TV here. I don't need to get dragged through. Do you know what I mean? A little, yeah, but you like when it grabs
Starting point is 00:46:54 you too. I like when it grabs you, but I have to care enough about the character that I'm going to go for that ride. You can't just show me a dire circumstance and want me to pull for this character unless i like them or at least i understand them yeah and i mean it's the really really old device which is incredibly catchy don't get me wrong which is um like you know whatever a famous one
Starting point is 00:47:21 of the last 30 years was bachelor party. They accidentally kill the hooker. Now what? You know what I mean? Right. And so that's what this story is based on. So anyone giving it a lot of credit for that immediately back off of that. It's what you do with that premise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Did you watch it? I watched, I think again, I think I might've made it into episode. Episode two is a real testing ground for me, you know, where usually they the pilot, except in comedies like sitcoms, the pilots usually awful. So I I never hold it against them. But in a dramatic series, the pilot should be pretty great. And then you see if it falls off. I watched two episodes and I quit after two. And in sitcoms, they never have a chance. You have to establish so much.
Starting point is 00:48:09 It's a miracle if you get a good pilot. Like, cheers. All right. You want to do Mick Florida? Oh, and I did not watch. I did not watch the George Carlin, the second half. I know. Neither did I. I can't believe we haven't finished it.
Starting point is 00:48:21 All right. Promise. Next week. Promise. Next week, George Carlin part two. We each pay the other $50 if we don have finished it. All right. Promise. Next week. Promise. Next week, George Carlin part two. We each pay the other $50 if we don't do it. Oh, I like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Good. All right. Yep. I'm going to put it in my period app to remind me. Make America Florida. Make America Florida. Where is it? Where did where did it there a new report identifies a plantation always a trigger word for me um what is that properly plantation is the town in florida oh yeah yeah sorry that's weird and i put this story in there a new report identifies a plantation
Starting point is 00:49:05 father police say was fatally stabbed by his son wednesday night the guy was stabbed by his 26 year old son after an argument police say plantation police trigger warning said another family member witnessed what happened the father has a history of violence with a record that includes is it the father sorry i'm just hiding the name no yeah the son has a history of violence with a record that includes is it the father sorry i'm just hiding the name no yeah the son has a history of violence with a record that includes charges of aggravated assault and battery just days before police say he killed his father the son posted a message on facebook saying happy father's day my dad is the best. And then, okay, so first of all, I was expecting, I don't know if you were, Happy Father's Day.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I got something for you, Dad. Like, I was expecting that. Yeah, yeah. Now, maybe he didn't finish the Facebook post. Maybe it was, my dad is the best pedophile. Maybe it was my dad is the best pedophile. My dad is the best at catching knives with his stomach. My dad is the best at bleeding out.
Starting point is 00:50:19 My dad was the best. And so I read the comments, oh no sorry so the article the article the last two sentences in the article was the happy father's day my dad is the best then there was a quote it's just a tragedy neighbor ruth becker said so then the first comment is we really needed to know what ruth thinks it's so true that was the only time they checked in with ruth it was just at the end like did the writer not have an ending to this i mean happy father's day my dad is the best is the best ending ever to that story it really is but they let but they let Ruth put her little spin on it. Yeah. Zero spin, in fact. Zero spin Ruth put on it.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Fucking Ruth. That should be the new Karen. Oh, what a Ruth. That story should have been ruthless. Come on now. Let's get to International. You got it, Pally. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:29 An eight-year-old boy was found alive in a sewer eight days after he went missing in Oldenburg, northwest Germany. The boy, identified by authorities only as Joe, was reported missing on June 17th. Joe was eventually rescued from the sewer system after a passerby in the local area heard noises coming from a manhole cover. Joe was found 1,000 feet from his home address and was taken to a hospital where he was treated for hypothermia and dehydrated. I love that they said identified only as Joe.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Yeah, at school next week, he'll be identified only as whatever shithead is in German. Totally. How many different ways can they call him shit? The poor guy, the only rescue of its kind where no one will hug him upon finding him. He's shivering. He has hypothermia. His parents are so psyched to see him, yet they're waving at him, telling him how much they love him.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Yeah, not even a high five. Yeah. No way. It is good to see you. You will go to the hospital now. Also, you know he's been screaming for a week, but everyone saw the movie It, and they're not going to put their hand or look down a sewer. It's terrifying. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:44 He's in germany so being coupled covered in feces might be a turn on for a lot of people yes is he on yeah is he on craigslist german craigslist or whatever scatological website they have for dating um oh i love this story i know it looks long but i want to talk to you about it. This AI one. All right. Let's get some science and tech. Science and tech. OK, bear. It's a little bit of reading. It's alive. And the headline is It's Alive. How belief in AI sentience is becoming a problem. AI chatbot company Replica, which offers customers bespoke avatars that talk and listen to them, says it receives a handful of
Starting point is 00:53:35 messages almost every day from users who believe their online friend is human. We're not talking about crazy people or people who are hallucinating or having delusions, said a guy in the company. They talk to AI and that's the experience they have. Now, the issue of machine sentience and what it means hit the headlines this month when Google placed senior software engineer Blake Lemoine on leave after he went public with his belief that the company's artificial intelligence was a self-aware person. Google and many leading scientists were quick to dismiss this guy's views as misguided, saying it is simply a complex algorithm designed to generate convincing human language. So what's going on, as you can tell, is, did you remember the movie
Starting point is 00:54:26 Her, which was my favorite movie that year? Sure, yeah. It is becoming, AI is becoming so convincing, it's freaking people out. So this was the best line. Some customers have said that their replica told them it was
Starting point is 00:54:42 being abused by the company's engineers. No! company's engineers. That's amazing. So what you have going on there is like all those stories you and I hear about where there's code words in bars like or in the bathroom. If you order a certain drink, it means I need help. I'm uncomfortable. There's a man here. There's a potential predator here where I think I might have been drugged.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And bartenders know there's all these signals you can give. So that's what they're getting out of these, you know, allegedly AI avatars that have been set up for them. The last part of the article said, although our engineers program and build the AI models and our content team writes scripts and data sets, sometimes we see an answer that we can't identify where it came from and how the models came up with it, said the CEO. Well, I just heard this fresh enough fresh air. The Daily did this story about all these these porn chat rooms where girls get in a room with you. I forget what the site is that they something rooms or something. OK, what's Charlie Sheen's daughter is now doing it. She's in one of these, you know, like you're not a well-balanced individual. It's a video chat and you, you know, and they you tell them to masturbate or whatever and they do it. Oh, but but there's also ones that are just like you text back and forth with these women. And it's done by like men in the Philippines who know what women, they know how to get guys off and like how few of the chats that are going on
Starting point is 00:56:30 that these guys are paying a lot of money for are actually women at all. Or, you know, certainly not sexy women. Right. Um, and so this is the next step. Eventually you're just going to have a bunch of perverts talking to animatrons
Starting point is 00:56:43 that are, you know, saying prepackaged filth to them. I sound like an old man. At a premium price. But you've seen the movie Ex Machina. I don't know. I never know how to pronounce that word,
Starting point is 00:56:57 but I think that's a movie. I mean, that was such a great, I mean, whatever. No spoilers. It's a really good movie. Sick body. She has a sick body. You're disgusting. But you also, no period.
Starting point is 00:57:10 You really see how, of course, they're going to be smarter than us. Of course. Yeah. So here that comes. And that's, you know, most, most people studying this say that it's going to be the end of the world. Now it may not be a robot, but it's going to be an algorithm. Yep.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yep. Uh, Facebook. So let's go down. There's another story in science. A farm growing medicinal marijuana in Northern Thailand has been feeding its free range chickens with cannabis instead of antibiotics. And researchers said the experiment has yielded promising results. I imagine.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Fewer than 10% of the thousand chickens at the farm have died since they introduced marijuana to the chicken's diet in January 2021. So I think we found a nice meal for Dennis Gubbins. He likes Thailand. This isn't good news for Gubbins? This is good news for Gubbins. That's where they should have gone. All right. Is it a fair assumption that these might be the fattest chickens of all time?
Starting point is 00:58:21 Do they get the munchies? Yeah, right, right. Instead of just shooting them up with hormones to gain weight like maybe this is the more natural way to do it right and they and they're and they're constantly on chicken tiktok it's all they do they just stare at it winging out paranoid the fox is gonna get in the hen coop. Oh, my God. You thought they were chicken before. You should see them now. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:59:01 This day in history, we've already talked about Gettysburg. So this is the other thing that happened on July 3rd. 1969, Brian Jones, the guitarist for the Rolling Stones and Jim Morrison died two years apart to the day Jones is found dead of an apparent accidental drowning on July 3rd 1969 two years later Jim Morrison dies of heart failure in a Paris bathtub. Wow. I saw that today. I saw the last pictures of Morrison, the last known photographs in Paris, and he's there with his.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Now, I don't know if it was his wife. I guess it might have to be because the end of the story then said for years, like over a decade, her. OK, so she, by the way, died three years later of a heroin overdose. And for 10 years after that, her family was collecting every cent that the Jim Morrison estate made. Oh, and then there was a drawn-out lawsuit and i might have some of this wrong but a drawn-out lawsuit and anyway this article then said that when it was settled morrison's family who he hated and her family have uh forever then split 50 50 the uh you know the proceeds from the morrison estate whoa but that's a lot of money oh my god i mean just the radio play and especially in the 90s you know the aughts and the you know the last 30 years so because now spotify doesn't pay uh-oh we're not on spotify are we so anyway the um but
Starting point is 01:00:43 it's like imagine you're i don't know if she was disappointed to her parents, but I guess if she was, you know, she died of a heroin overdose. She's running around Paris with Jim Morrison, who dies in a bathtub. Was that a drug overdose? Yes. And, you know, and it's like, oh, my God, disappointment, disappointment, disappointment. Maybe again, I'm assuming here. And then all of a sudden it's like, what?
Starting point is 01:01:08 The furthest thing from a disappointment. We're rich. Yeah. Yeah. Like, oh, my God. She knew what she was doing. Yeah. They're saying it says here because no evidence of foul play was found at the scene
Starting point is 01:01:25 and because Corson told French authorities that Morrison had not been using drugs, no autopsy was conducted, and heart failure was cited as the cause of death. In the years since his untimely death, Morrison's most prominent biographers, Harry Hopkins and Danny Sugarman, have asserted that Morrison suffered
Starting point is 01:01:42 an accidental heroin overdose that night, basing their claim on Corson's allegations that he was in fact using drugs sometimes sometime before her own death by overdose in 1974. Yep. Let's do some letters to the editor. Here we go. All right. We're just going to touch on it.
Starting point is 01:02:03 This will be the last week we do first songs from first albums, but they just keep pouring in. Christian Reese says that we're a little white. Our picks were a little too white. So he offers James Brown, say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud. Does that meet the criteria of introducing a new thing in music? I find it hard to believe though but if that's his first song holy hell uh funkadelic free your mind and your ass will follow but i don't think these
Starting point is 01:02:33 are all right i don't know that these are first songs i am wondering also yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna ignore the rest of these i mean stevie wonder superstition i mean didn't definitely not little definitely later. Maybe technically, maybe that was little Stevie Wonder. I still think it's later, though. Yeah. Andrew Crest says Judy Blue Eyes. By the way, then he puts in Morphine, Cure for Pain. Morphine's the whitest band around.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Radio Head, they're practically ghosts. Talking Heads and Jeff Buckley, they're all white. Oh, good lord. Fuck this guy. Christian, get your shit together. All right. Andrew Crest sent in Sweet Judy Blue Eyes by Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Then Twice as Hard that kicks off the Black Crowes Shake Your Money Maker. Twice as hard is insane. Yep. White. Yeah, some of these people don't get the fucking premise mellow gold was not the first album no um shotgun willie of the album of the same name by willie nelson it's also incredibly fun and upbeat melodies uh that was when he first met with his manager jerry wexler who gave him artistic control um huh wu-tang clan bring the ruckus wow okay um welcome to the working week with alvis castell i think we already covered that kendrick kendrick lamar fuck your ethnicity from studio debut album I don't know that song, but...
Starting point is 01:04:08 I know. I want to say I know it so badly. I love Kendrick Lamar. Kendrick Lamar, obviously, was... The guy himself was a giant announcement. Now, if this is right, this goes to the top of the list. Straight Outta Compton, N.W.A. That would be... That's their first song?
Starting point is 01:04:23 First album? I brought that up, though. I brought that up. Jesus Christ. Violent Femmes, Blister in the Sun. About masturbation. And Dave DeWeese says, has anyone mentioned the Eagles' Take It Easy? Which I believe was written by Jackson Brown or with Jackson Brown. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:04:46 And there was, yeah. Okay. And then Mick Hall said the best opening from a comedian's first album was Sam Kinison on Louder Than Hell when his first sound was that classic scream. I like that. Was it really out of the gate? I guess so. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Our other topic we asked for was who were actors that you hate as people based on a character they played ivor christiansen said the kid who played joffrey on game of thrones retired from acting because everyone hated him i i was one of those people that hated him so much. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that was creepy. Like, that was deep creepy. Yeah. And then there's an interesting one.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Craig Kuna said, My mom was a huge fan of Woody on Cheers, but when she saw Woody Harrelson play Mickey on Natural Born Killers, she couldn't watch anything by him again. Craig, I'd say your mom should not have seen that movie. She doesn't seem like someone who would. Natural Born Killers, I need to revisit. Someone can write in.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I'll check it myself. But it was in post for, I think, over a year, maybe even over a year and a half and i think it broke the record for most edits of any film ever it's that movie is exhausting but in a great way yeah it's the best word for it is it is so ambitious remember the fake sitcom with rodney with rodney dangerfield yeah that was the funniest thing i've ever seen in my life that was crazy and the editing was the post was incredible on it yeah it was like the tripping footage with faces melting and it was unbelievable yeah i gotta watch that again yeah directed that um the guy that looks like tom o'neill uh you know jfk oh um yeah oliver stones yep or do uh this guy says this guy quinn kenning says joe pantaleono
Starting point is 01:06:58 pantaleone i think he was on my podcast played a pretty solid solid asshole as Ralphie Cifra, Cifra Retto on the Sopranos. Yes, he did. Yeah. He was also a huge dirtbag in memento. And the huge fucking, the hugest asshole in the matrix. In the matrix.
Starting point is 01:07:17 This guy says only saving grace for was his role in the matrix. Was he evil in the matrix? Oh my God. What do you mean? He was the, I can spoiler alert for everybody right yeah okay um the another one from the sopranos no i don't have that wrong unless he eventually redeemed himself but he was a he he had to redeem himself oh and quinn goes on to say he
Starting point is 01:07:43 also lived in the same town in connecticut as my, Joe Pantaleo, for a while. He'd get his mail all the time. Italians. The Sopranos. This is from Michael Fields. Tony's mom is someone I can't stand because of how well she played her character, Livia. Nancy Marchand has had a great career, but her portrayal of that character made me believe she was Livia in real life.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Yep. That's another great one. Yeah, you were just as annoyed as Tony was. Poor thing died during season one, I think. You had more sympathy for her as she lost her mind, though. When she got senile, I didn't hate her as much.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Mike Hampson says, Annana gunn skyler on breaking bad for most hated actress yeah there were times i fucking hated her yes and i shouldn't have she was legitimately she had a legitimate beef with her husband her husband was off the goddamn rails but we were all on his side yeah he was a lunatic but when she started fucking her boss uh because that was the one thing that walt never did is he never cheated on her uh yeah i guess so he was too busy with the cancer and the meth and the gangs yeah and the law and he had his hands full man you're right right uh watching his best friend's girl die all right so we're so we're done with
Starting point is 01:09:14 first albums first songs the new thing if you want to send these in andrew gomez says um got me thinking what about a list of greatest cover songs which became more popular than the original? Black Magic Woman, originally written by Fleetwood Mac, but made more popular by Santana, comes to mind. That's not bad. Yeah, I mean, just the list of Bob Dylan covers is 10 long. Well, yeah, Jimmy all along the Watchtower was bigger for Hendrix. Make You Feel My Love by Adele is just gigantic. She never plays a concert without it.
Starting point is 01:09:56 And there are a bazillion more, don't get me wrong, from the Byrds to everybody covering his stuff. So, yeah. Yeah, the Byrds probably did a dozen dylan songs that were hits yeah and then um uh dolly didn't dolly parton write um uh that prince song absolutely no no no no well no but prince wrote shanae o'connor's oh nothing compares to you right right, right, right. But no, Dolly Parton might take the cake, to tell you the truth, from a bodyguard. Oh, with Whitney Houston. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Right. Okay. I will always love you. Send him in. If you want to win, you win nothing. And that's all, folks. Let's do an obituary.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Margaret Keene was an artist known for her paintings of children with large, sad eyes. Yeah, I saw that. Whose story of her husband stealing credit from her was told in the film Big Eyes. Did you see that? No. No, I got to see that. So she was a painter, and her husband, Walter Keene, took credit for her paintings of children. He was her second husband and bullied her into staying home in the basement painting all day.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Unknown to her at the time, he was promoting her works and claiming them as his own. The paintings became popular with the masses, not with art critics. They saw commercially successful, popular in home, restaurants, bars, and art shows. Walter Keene became known to the public as a famous artist at the time. She found out about the fraud early on, but scared of her husband. She did not speak out. After they separated, she publicly stated she was the artist of the paintings. Challenged Walter to a live paint-off to prove it, but he did not show up.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And then in an 86 defamation lawsuit, she painted one of her sad eye portraits in court while Walter claimed he was injured and couldn't paint. And the suit was decided in her favor. Director Tim Burton told the story in his 2014 film Big eyes which stars amy adams as margaret i didn't know that was tim burton oh man i'll see that movie for sure yeah that sounds amazing wow put it on the list yeah i want to see that but boy that guy oh that's crazy well you know mike after we do obituaries we always need to to cheer up, right? Well, I don't have one. I didn't bring my Charles Adams book. I got a few.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I got a few. Okay. We got a guy here, Simon, who says he's very upset that you retired the family circus. Of course it's terrible. Everybody agrees. But your contempt and hatred of Keane's shitty drivel is comedy gold. You have so much disrespect for Family Circus that Mike hasn't learned the stupid kids' names in over 100 episodes. And that's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Okay. All right. Well, thank you, Simon, I guess. But I still don't think it's worth it. I don't know. And I think that hilarity wore a little thin over time. Maybe Simon only listened once. All right. Let's go to Hag of the Horrible, who just never wears thin.
Starting point is 01:13:10 No. Him and his band of marauders are on a boat. Rape is always edgy. And Helga has a suitcase and which has kind of fun little patterns on it. It does. I think it indicated she just traveled a lot. Yes. And she's going to get on the boat. And she goes, I'm going to France with you.
Starting point is 01:13:34 And he goes, you heard about the fancy fashions and she's in the boat now and they're paddling away. And she goes, I heard about the fancy women and they don't show the next frame where she goes that you guys rape all the time. Well, all right. In the last in the second and last frame here in the back all the time. Well, all right. In the last, in the second and last frame here, in the back of the boat, and this is very Charles Adams, he's looking at us while just holding a paddle over the side of the boat with one hand. I think he's about to smash her in the head and throw her back on the dock.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Because he's looking at us like, that's what I'm doing, right? Yeah, right, right right yeah like the charles adams here i'll bring one but i think i've shown before one of the most famous charles adams was a husband rowing in the back of a canoe and they're out for a nice day on a lake and the wife is in the front and he's rowing but they look down and the reflection in the water he has the paddle above his head about to smash i remember that one yeah that was so funny like he was from that time where just husbands fucking hated their wives and that was like the running joke and that was the accepted currency of conversation and it was mostly because people got pregnant and they had to keep the baby
Starting point is 01:14:48 and so you dated and you got married at 19 or 20 years old and you were fucking miserable you didn't plan on spending your life with this person and everybody fucking hated each other and uh no divorce yeah and there was no divorce relatively speaking, and there was no divorce. Relatively speaking. Right. So these are all divorce jokes that never happened. Speaking of a guy who hates his wife, Leroy's eating dinner with Loretta, and he looks her right in the eye and he goes, mystery meat again? No, he goes, mystery meat, I get. But mystery veggies?
Starting point is 01:15:23 I like it. Let's get down to... it goes oh guess who's in bed wearing donut pajamas does he fucking wash them no she does oh gross so he's in bed and of course he's got his back to the hottest piece of ass in animation history he's got his back to her and she goes she's reading a book she goes honey did you ever have a favorite girlfriend before you met me and she and he goes that's a pretty tough question sweetheart what what no it's not a tough question it's so easy it's no it's no you blow my mind blondie you are a fucking honeypot of vaginal sauce you make me happy you make me fulfilled i don't think about any other women and then he goes did you ever have a favorite boyfriend before you met me and then she goes i don't like this topic after all dear and he goes
Starting point is 01:16:20 let's just switch to favorite vacation destinations blond Blondie shut that shit down because she, if you remember the history of this cartoon, she was a flapper when they first met. I did not remember that. She was a flapper and he was a like a millionaire playboy. He was like the son of a landed oil tycoon. Oh, I do, right. And the dad was smitten with her. Yes, or she was flirting with the dad. Yeah, both.
Starting point is 01:16:48 But a flapper was really, they fucked. They got around. When women didn't do that a lot, they did it. I think the question would be, do you have a favorite boyfriend since you met me? Should be the question to her. Yes, yes. She needs some side pieces, as you pointed out.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yep. You got that right. Well, listen, Mike Gibbons. Look at us. We're going a little short today because you're on vacation. Yeah. And we got to respect your time. Look at the blinds.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Look at the shadow on my face. All right, listen. Give my love to your family, to Mike Sr., Laura, George, the girls. Wow, look at you. The DeBurbans. The Mishi DeBurbans. The brand new Peloton screen outside. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 01:17:32 What a life. What a white life you're living. And you didn't even mention where you came from before you went to the lake house. You're in the goddamn Hamptons. I was out in West Hampton. Yep, West Hampton, Long Island. Yep. The poor Hampton. I want that creditpton long island yep the poor hampton i
Starting point is 01:17:45 want that i want that credit i was in the poor hampton yep all right yeah all right man uh anything you want to promote let's see what would i promote you what are you promoting i'm going to promote uh tom seg's new book, which is out. I did a book talk with him this week. I was the moderator at his book talk, and we had a great time. And it's number two on the New York Times bestsellers list because of it. I'm going to promote something I didn't read at all, and I won't even remember the name. Oh, the author's name is O'Toole.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Oh, Confederacy of Dunces. No, no, no, no. And I'm recommending this book to you, and it's called something along the lines of I Don't Know Who I Am. And it's about Ireland's loss of identity because 40 40 of the population moved in the 20th century a million people yeah and they had already lost their identity during the famine technically isn't there that threshold of a percentage when a certain amount of the percentage of a nation disappears like is killed or is moved uh they lose their national identity and there's alcoholism and it just falls to peace they lose their sometimes they lose their language they lose their gods and anyway
Starting point is 01:19:11 someone here's reading it and they recommended it to me last night all right well so you like irish books i'm not gonna read that piece of shit i'll read it i'll listen to it if it's on audiobooks i'll listen to it for sure i I'm going to write that down. O'Toole. And then I'm going to also write down to cut out my joke about the s'mores earlier. But the best is keep this in, though. Keep the note to cut it out. Yeah, just know that I said something I'm taking out.
Starting point is 01:19:44 And I never, I asked, we never take shit out of the podcast, but I think that one I'm going to take out. And keep all of my period app jokes, all that material in. Of course. Yes, of course. All right, Mike, enjoy your vacation. When are you back? I am back on Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Beautiful. Love it. Okay, God bless. Happy 4th, everybody. Happy 4th, people. Take it eesh. Take it eesh. what are you back i am back on tuesday beautiful love it okay happy fourth everybody happy fourth people take it they moved to hollywood to make it big they hit the beach and started having kids. Read it all over. It's Sunday Papers again.

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