Sunday Papers - Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep 125 7/31/22

Episode Date: July 31, 2022

We talk about Mike’s surgery and Greg’s new movie. We cover a big trade in the WNBA, Springsteen cutting ties to the poor and girls twerking and giving out shots on a NYC subway. Happy Anniversary... today Erin.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 it's the sunday papers podcast with mike and gray read all about it check check check that seems pretty good i think we'd rather it lower than well i need one of these on now i going to stop my recording and start it again. Stop the recording and go. All right. One, two. Got it. Am I doing got it again?
Starting point is 00:00:35 There we go. Hey, now. All right, let's clap it in. Three, two, one. There's Greg's clap. And here comes my clap while holding a microphone. Three, two, one. There's Greg's clap. And here comes my clap while holding a microphone. Three, two, one. There it is.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Hey, now. Read all about it. Hear ye, hear ye. Get your papers. Get your Sunday paper. Find out what you missed this week. Sunday papers. My buddy here has got apples.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Because it's the 1920s. 30s. Oh, it's an apple cart? Is that what that was? Yeah, it's an apple cart, kid. He's a friend of mine. Oh, alright. He's a good guy. One man performance going on. I like this. His father's an Irish drunk. He's a tavern owner.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And he gambles. Street life, man. It's tough. Yep. So the makeup you said kind of, oh, I shouldn't lean too close. Does it look better when I'm back here? Further back, the better. Anyway, thank God hardly anyone watches this.
Starting point is 00:01:41 But I had that dumb, we talked about about last week that dumb dermatology procedure yeah and uh i'm still he goes yeah you're gonna be bruised for seven to ten days i'm like oh i would have been nice knowing that before i sat in your chair and i'm like well i'm a fast healer i go it's not gonna be around in seven days it's around in seven days it turns out yeah and really black and blue and my my face was so... So, all right. I go, all right. So this is what the procedure was.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I, because of rosacea, got these cysts under my skin. Anyway, then scars. And I think some people listening, and I think I talked about this last week. So they go underneath the surface of your skin and they just razor blade scar tissue that's causing these little divots so
Starting point is 00:02:26 that's what the procedure is fine so i go in and i'm sitting like whalers when whalers go in and they separate the blubber from the whale with those harpoons that have razors on the edge it's exactly what it is actually and so but they have to get under the surface so it's like a needle and the end of the needle is flattened, so it's a razor on both sides. And then they, like, what is that, a sickle? What is that thing? Yes, it's a sickle. So anyway, so what he does is I sit in the chair,
Starting point is 00:02:55 and they do other procedures in this place. Like in the waiting room are all these women, and they're going, and, you know, it's plastic surgery. Small titty women waiting, big titty women coming out. So I get in the chair and so he goes, all right, so first we're going to just numb it. So he starts and it is so painful. And he's like he kind of chuckles at one point. He's like, how are you holding up? I'm like, you know, all right. And he goes, I see how hard you're grabbing the chair.
Starting point is 00:03:28 you're grabbing the chair. And he goes, and it always cracks me up because women, um, women endure this so much better than men. And it's not like, it's not like, Oh, cause childbirth. Cause like so many of the young women like, like don't even know what childbirth is, but it's, I think there's so much more focused on the results that they're like, this is nothing. so much more focused on the results that they're like, this is nothing. Yeah. Meanwhile, I was so I, and all of a sudden it's like being in a dentist chair when it goes bad. Like I felt my back sweat, you know, like I definitely know I was going to be so cut to the end of the procedures, not long at all cut. And that's the most painful part because then you, as long as you can ignore what he's doing is his hand is moving furiouslyiously like next to your face and just block that out. There's no pain because you're all numb.
Starting point is 00:04:10 You know what I mean? It's exactly like the dentist. So when he's extracting a tooth. So we're kind of done. He's like, OK, you're done. I'm like, all right. What about like aftercare procedures? Like, no, none.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I'm like, well, I mean, what about like should I I ice this tonight? Or I can feel it's kind of swollen. Right. And he's like, yeah, no, you're fine. And I'm like, all right. And he's like dabbing it. And he's like, and the bleeding will stop. Like the bleeding hasn't stopped. And so anyway, he's so like, in just casual about it. And I go, well, like, should I put Arnica on it? I go, what could speed along the, you know, the, the healing here. And he's like, and basically it was like, no, no, no, you're fine. And he's like, so go out, make an appointment to see me in like whatever a month. And, uh, and then we'll see you in a month. I'm like, fine. So I walk out in the lobby and people look at me and then like, look down.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And, and I'm because probably they're, they, no one wants to make eye contact. And you have no bandages on. This is just your face. No, nothing. And so then I talked to the woman about making a month and I can't do that day, this day. So back and forth like five times. And of course it's like a therapist office. Like no one wants to really make eye contact And see each other And you're all going in to do some procedure That's very personal Anyway, I get to my car
Starting point is 00:05:31 I look in my car There is blood coming down my face And it looks like a car ran over my head And I'm like How did anyone stay in the waiting room after seeing me? If I had seen me come out, I would have left this doctor. I would have been like, this guy is reckless. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Jesus. What a hack job mistake. Did he just escape? It looks like I escaped. It looks like I somehow got out of the operating room. Villagers with torches are following got out of the operating room. Villagers with torches are following you out the door. Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. So you sent me a picture that day and it was it looked like you'd been you'd been stomped in a street fight.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I can't believe us. I couldn't believe how swollen my face was just from that procedure because there was no blunt force it was just a sharp razor going underneath i mean i guess he was rough with it but oh my god so that what a waiting room to sit in there i can't even imagine i mean i don't know if the guy does nose jobs i don't think so i think it's more like you know less intense stuff yeah and botox i think it is funny those waiting rooms where everybody's eyeballing each like I know going to the therapist and sitting there and there's always like some 16 year old girl who's super skinny and you're like, yup, got it. And then there's like a woman who looks hard and vulnerable and you think just got divorced, like everybody's sizing each other up.
Starting point is 00:07:04 But but that waiting room, yeah, it must have been like the itty-bitty-titty committee and the itty-lippy-titty, the itty-bitty-lip committee waiting to go in there. Yeah, I don't know how big his procedures get. Like, I don't know if he does lipo. I can't imagine he does breast jobs. Like, in other words, I think it's more dermatology.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Yeah. I don't think there's reconstruction going on. I don't think. But, like, lips? I mean, people must leave with the most giant lips ever after injections. Like, that's an easy one to guess, right? Oh, yeah. The lips are huge.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I know my mother got a whole face job done at one point. It was so funny because my mother is, I never thought of my mom as vain, but my mother was very pretty when she was younger. Oh, yeah. She won a beauty contest, as a matter of fact, in the Bronx, the Rose of Tralee pageant. Wow.
Starting point is 00:08:01 She was Miss Rose of Tralee. And I saw pictures of her, and I'm like, God damn, you were hot, Mom. All right, easy, easy. I'm just saying, do you have more pictures? Mom, wow. Photoshopping me out of the pictures as a little kid. Mom, we're doing a little questionnaire at school, so how long did I breastfeed?
Starting point is 00:08:29 Ma, do you have any pictures of us at the beach, like all of us at the beach, maybe in the waves? Do you have pictures of me right after the delivery room where they put me on your chest, right? There's no videos of the actual birth. I doubt they had cameras back then, but. Gross. And she listens.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Hello. She did listen. She'll forget. We can say anything now because she just turned it off. Yeah, well, she's coming out of here for her 80th birthday in a few weeks. Yep. And we're very excited to have her out. My sister will be visiting for the third time in 22 years, so that's nice.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Yeah, it sure is. Well, you kind of handled those with your visits there. Yeah, we go there twice a year. Yeah, we go to New York a couple times a year. But big news, you'll notice. Well, you may not notice because Mike's Wi-Fi is bad this week because he is in Nashville, Tennessee. Yeah. But I happen to have high-speed Wi-Fi in my office now.
Starting point is 00:09:37 You guys talk me into it. Let's see it. It's really not cumbersome at all. It's very, like, it's invisible. No, it's very streamlined. Yeah. How's that not cumbersome at all. It's very like now it's very streamlined. Yeah. What? All right. So for the listeners, he just tilted his laptop down and it looks like you are putting on a giant concert. Yeah. And that's like, what is that even?
Starting point is 00:09:58 It looks like the the backup drives for PayPal. Yeah. In a fucking desert bunker. It's literally like a, like a 12 inches wide, 12 inches high, a bunch of different black boxes. Five of them. Yeah. I'm very upset about it because,
Starting point is 00:10:16 you know, it's, well, part of it is that, you know, they, they said anybody who gets internet knows this. Regular internet, just internet, is $60. Internet with a phone in the package is $50.
Starting point is 00:10:35 They charge you less money to take the phone. And I think it's because telemarketers want everybody to have a home phone. A home phone. That's how i talk now who are these people who are these people um so anyway so we got high speed wi-fi no more complaints from you guys about my freezing etc um also i want to mention I, I don't know if you remember this, but, uh, last January I did a feature film with Doug Stanhope. Oh, right. Called Road Dogg.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Near Chicago. Yeah. Yeah. We shot it in Chicago. We shot it mostly in Chicago. And, uh, I went to a screening last night. I saw it. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Wow. Yeah. It's really good. It's really, Doug Stanhope is a, a seriously good actor. He, I mean, look, it's really good. It's really, Doug Stanhope is a seriously good actor. He, I mean, look, he's playing himself. He's playing a drunk, not completely itself, but like he plays a drunk who's like on his last legs. And his son comes and finds him.
Starting point is 00:11:38 He's abandoned his son since the kid was a baby. And the kid now finds him and the kid is trying to be a comedian. And it's their story, like going gig to gig together but um outstanding i saw it and it's so funny because it was at this there's this very cool little uh screener place the cinema lounge in hollywood yeah i've never been well oh wait maybe i have been once yeah okay um so it was just cool seeing all the the the movie geeks come out and uh people loved it and there's some talk about Sundance wow yeah I was gonna say when's the first time I'd be able to see it I'm sure they'll do more screenings here I'll invite you out and uh maybe we'll invite maybe we'll invite two lucky listeners.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Oh, my goodness. That's pretty. Yeah. Yeah. All right. I like that a lot. But if I go to Sundance, dude, we'll go to fucking Sundance together and then we'll head to see Jack in Wyoming. Look at this plan.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I love it. I already looked it up on the map. It's four hours and 20 minutes away. Easy drive. I did. I map. It's four hours and 20 minutes away. Easy drive. I did. I did. What's the other one in Idaho? Not Sundance.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Whatever. That's the drive. Whatever. Last Christmas. Crazy with snow. And then the shortest way was closed because of snow. And it is quite shorter than the way I had to take getting there. And it's from Sun Valley.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Did you have some car issues also? No, the flights, that's when they were canceling. Because of COVID, they were canceling all flights. It was last New Year's. And so what I did was I immediately went on the app and saw, because there's so many canceled flights, there were a lot of canceled rental cars in Sunday in Sun Valley. That's what it was. Yeah. And so I flew to Sun Valley, rented a car and drove to Jackson.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Yeah. And took everything out of me. OK. Anyway, we'll have an easier drive. We asked last week for some logos. We got a bunch of them. Thank you to our listeners for responding. Very cool. The song contest will begin officially next week.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And we decided that we're going to roll out our five favorite songs over the next five weeks. You guys are going to vote, and then we're going to pick a song or maybe keep all five that's what we decided in the meeting all right yes i i have a vague recollection of that as in there was no meeting but uh sounds good to me uh this week's song comes from Ryan Pappas, a very kind of Tom Waits sounding thing. I liked what he did on guitar. And the logo this week, very funny logo from Bruce Wise. He made it a while ago and meant to send it and didn't.
Starting point is 00:14:35 So if it seems a little dated, it's not because Chris Rock has now talked about the slapping incident and said that it's not a big deal and it's not like he got sent to the hospital or anything and did you see i imagine this came after it i'm not sure but will smith uh just uh went public again with another apology and and said he's ready to talk whenever Chris is. Okay. Okay. Oh, how nice.
Starting point is 00:15:11 If they were smart, they would do like a 60 Minutes or an Oprah. They should do Oprah. That would be good. I mean, that helps everybody. I guess. I don't know. I don't want Oprah getting the... She's so whatever. I mean, she's the. I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I don't want Oprah getting the, she's so whatever. I mean, she's the worst interviewer in history. Well, who should do it? That's a good question. I don't think Will Smith would let Stern do it. Stern would be the best. Yeah. Stern would be the best. Everyone. Stern would be the best.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Everyone is going to, they're going to like soft pedal. Like Chris Rock has nothing. I mean, it's a one-sided issue. No, I think it'll just be interesting to see how Chris lets Will off the hook. You know? It'll be so cathartic for everybody. It'll be a moment of healing that everybody wants. Maybe Rogan. What about Rogan? In a cage.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I think the N-word barrage might work against that happening. I'm not saying the likelihood. We're fantasizing about who would do the best job. Yeah. Now, Stern would do the best job, but I think Letterman would also do an excellent job. Yeah, probably. Do you know, I just saw an interview with...
Starting point is 00:16:41 Oh, that's good. You know, Chappelle took that angle. He saw a little of himself in both of them. And I think Kendrick Lamar sort of touched on that angle as well. And in that insane video where his face turned into, you know, Will Smith's. So I think someone who's coming in it with that level of empathy would be great. Would be great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Did you see I saw an interview with Letterman and who the fuck was interviewing him? I can't remember what he basically fessed up that all the Andy Kaufman stuff. Andy always told him about it first. Like the Jerry Lawler thing, the slap. He knew about it. That was good acting on Letterman's part. I think it might have been Stern, wasn't it? Was it on?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Oh, I think it was on Stern. Yeah, it was on Stern. No, I saw a clip of that also. Yeah, that Andy was always so nice and everything and, you know, about you know pulling it off and everything right right yeah corrections from last week uh apparently you fucked up hoagie carmichael wrote stardust song willie nelson's stardust was the name of an album containing some of his favorite iconic songs. Oh, you know what? He's right. And then Rick Schwartz writes, Hoagie also wrote such classics as Georgia on My Mind.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Let me tell you something. Georgia on My Mind, in my house growing up, when that song came on the radio, everything stopped. It was like our fucking family. I don't know why. My dad loved it. Ray Charles singing Georgia on My Mind. Nothing better than that. That's what I would have done. family i don't know why my dad loved it uh ray charles singing georgia on my mind nothing better than that that's what i would have done that would have been the move in your house when uh your dad was getting a little a little aggressive with you guys i think that's that's the moment maybe to
Starting point is 00:18:35 throw that tune on as he's in his wind-up just go georgia you're like wincing waiting for the blow and then like you slowly look up and he's crying just an old sweet song and he's like don't move don't move son for three minutes and 23 seconds while i cry i'm crying now you're gonna be crying in a minute yeah uh he also appeared in the flintstones as himself remarkably wow they didn't change his name a la tony stoney curtis or ann magrock but he did wear their prehistoric garb so uh that's pretty cool did tony curtis do his own voice also Also, wasn't there Rock Hudson? I think Rock Hudson was in the... Interesting. And did they change his name? Because he has the perfect Flintstones name, Rock Hudson.
Starting point is 00:19:34 He does. And he could also be pretending to be somebody he's not. I wonder if, oh boy, I wonder if Chris could look up, did those big stars, big movie stars, do their own voices in the flintstones by the way we have to go easy on chris this week he's suffering with something called covet 19 and uh oh you know i didn't hear that i thought he was just sick no he's uh he's very sick with the covet 19 so i thought he had a bout of hypochondria. Not only that, but St. Louis is underwater right now. So I'm in Nashville, and just north of here is a state, I'm told, called Kentucky. They are having it really bad with flooding, and now St. Louis is also in very bad shape. Well, Kentucky isn't Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:20:22 I just picture floods like people put people put fucking pools pool slides on their roof it's just it's constant they're always flooded kentucky yeah all right i got maybe i don't know i'm trying to think what else you know it's what will be interesting is to watch where fires start to pop up, like where they kind of never had, you know, obviously California is constantly on fire, although it wasn't always constant. Right. And I'm wondering what other States like Arizona starts, you know, started, uh, Utah. Um, but like the Rockies, are they, I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:03 I know they've had Colorado had a lot of fires last year yeah so I'm wondering but now all of a sudden like you know the Adirondacks and the Appalachia like in other words I'm wondering if fires will start to be a problem sort of everywhere oh Chris is typing in very slowly his fingers are heavy with the COVID-19. Stars voiced themselves on Flintstones. Oh, wow. Waiting for a paste. Oh, Jesus Christ. And he just erased it.
Starting point is 00:21:33 It's at a COVID pace. A COVID pace. You know where else is going to be flooding with laughter? Vancouver and Ottawa next week, where I will be performing with Louis C.K. at some stadiums. And then Jonathan's in Agunquit, Maine, on August 11th. Manchester, New Hampshire at Chunky Cinema Pub, August 12th and 13th. Get those tickets.
Starting point is 00:21:57 I don't know where you get tickets for Chunky Cinema Pub. I think probably a guy dressed as a bear out front. And then I will be in Lowell, Arkansas, September 16, 17 at the Grove. New Orleans, Lafayette, Chicago, October 15th at the Den Theater, just announced. It still says Lowell AZ. I know. What is it, AK? Or AR?
Starting point is 00:22:23 What, Arkansas? AR. All right. And then also Tampa, Florida, and Plano, all that coming up in the fall. All right, here's some. Ann Margrock came on as herself. Okay. She sang, she danced, she helped Fred and Betty get.
Starting point is 00:22:43 How sexy was Ann Margrock? Jesus Christ. She was sort of crazy sexy. She was like my mom. She jumped, popped off the screen. I mean, it was incredible. I mean, I know you can be eating boot jokes, but she was charismatic.
Starting point is 00:23:03 She came in when... You ever see the video? She was a nobody She came in when you ever see the video. She was a nobody. And she came in and she auditioned for a role and took over the casting room. And what I mean, look it up. It's like it's it's it's something you see where you go like, oh, oh, you're going to be the biggest star in Hollywood. Like you see it in three minutes. And back then, I think they're like, oh, oh, everyone is going to sleep with you and they're going to be the biggest star in Hollywood. Like you, you see it in three minutes. And back then I think they were like,
Starting point is 00:23:26 Oh, Oh, everyone is going to sleep with you and they're going to give you roles. Uh, I'm not even kidding. I think someone like that hits the scene and all those pigs back then were just like, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:38 where am I in line? Sadly, I think that's really what happened. Ed, Ed, Ed Sully stone ed sullivan but it wasn't really played by him all right rock quarry stars a rock hudson alike who is sick of holly rock and wants to live like johnny strap hanger wow sunstone's got a little crazy it was not voiced by him, though. And Stoney Curtis, Mr. Tony Curtis,
Starting point is 00:24:07 himself voiced the character in season five's The Return of Stoney Curtis. Very cool. That is very cool. You know what else is very cool? Having sunglasses on. Mike, why don't you talk about it a little bit? I love this company. Sunglass season is here.
Starting point is 00:24:24 No better option than Shady Rays. Shady Rays is an independent sunglass company that offers world-class product that's just as good as any expensive pair we've worn. I still haven't, I got the, I'm forgetting what style, but I think it's called the Classic. And it's like this wood grain design and it's really cool. And I love them. I got the black ones. They're like they're like Blues Brothers looking glasses. And I wear them at the beach and they cover my eyes completely.
Starting point is 00:24:52 So nobody can see where I'm looking. Oh, how gross. Well, when you're at the beach with your mom, we know where you're looking. And so and I want to get because now they do prescription. I mentioned this last week. So I want to get, cause now they do prescription. I mentioned this last week. So I want to get the prescription ones. Anyway, they're, um, we're, oh, they're independent company, which is also what I love. World-class product.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Um, just as, just, just as good as any expensive pair we've worn. Durable frames, extremely clear polarized lenses for outdoor living and beyond. That's not all. Shady Rays offers the most insane protection in all of eyewear. We've talked a lot about this. Every pair is backed by the lost and broken replacements. If you lose or break your pair, even on day one, they told us they will send you a brand new pair.
Starting point is 00:25:38 No questions asked. Get as crazy as you want this summer and wear your Shady Rays with confidence, like you at the beach looking at all types of women, hopefully women. They also, well, whatever, look at whoever you want. Maybe that's why you have them, Greg. Maybe you're not looking at women. I see your thing now. You looked pretty good on the beach on Sunday, Mike.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Shady Rays will enable you to do that. And they don't care. They're not judging. Shady Rays will enable you to do that. And they don't care. They're not judging. They also provide 10 meals to fight hunger in America with every order and have donated over 20 million meals to date. Look good in your shades and feel good by making an impact.
Starting point is 00:26:15 If you don't love them, exchange them for a new pair or return them for free within 30 days. No risk when you shop with Shady Rays. Their team always has your back. All right. So exclusively for you guys, Shady Rays is giving out their best deal of the season.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Go to and use the code PAPER, P-A-P-E-R, for 50% off two plus pairs of polarized sunglasses. Try for yourself. The shades rated five stars by over 200,000 people.
Starting point is 00:26:47 I'll tell you what, the future's so bright, I need some Shady Rays. There's their new slogan. All right, are we doing the news? The future's so bright, I need sunglasses. I don't know. Are you confusing that?
Starting point is 00:27:06 Are you confusing it with I wear my sunglasses at night? Nope. Oh. Okay. All right, let's get to the front page. That little guy. All right, go ahead. Who did I wear my sunglasses at night?
Starting point is 00:27:22 That was his one song. He was on MTV. Colin or I'm forgetting. All right. What do we got here? I loaded the document this week. You're going to notice a lot less sex stories this week. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:27:39 There goes our listeners. There was even one that I was going to put in here. And I'm like, Corey Hart sunglasses at night. Yeah i say colin i was close um there was some story i forget what it was and i didn't do it all right here we go we're going to continue this wnNBA story. The U.S. has offered a deal to Russia aimed at bringing home WNBA star Brittany Griner. Finally. And another jailed American, Paul Whelan, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, said on Wednesday. She had weed in her bag, right? She had hash oil. A person familiar with the matter said the U.S. government has offered to trade convicted Russian arms dealer Victor Bout for Whelan and Greiner
Starting point is 00:28:46 and another player to be named later. I'm kidding. This is ridiculous. Yeah. It is the biggest trade ever in WNBA history. Yes. And the only one anyone knows about. No one has ever heard of a WNBA trade before.
Starting point is 00:29:04 And believe me me the guy they're trading the the russian guy that's been here he's relieved because as punishment they've been making him play in the wnba he's five foot five 225 pounds leading scorer last year nice by the way and i people have commented on this, I think, but imagine every person currently right now sitting in jail for marijuana charges. And now the government is releasing a Russian, a convicted Russian arms dealer to free an American who got caught bringing weed on a flight. Yeah Like, how upside down is this? I mean, if you didn't hate the NBA at this point,
Starting point is 00:29:49 you're not going to be a fan now. Well, I'll tell you what. People need to shut the fuck up and get their faces. Do you understand geopolitical maneuvering, Mike Gibbons? Do you understand the complexity of deals that are made? Is this above my pay grade, I think, yeah. With despots overseas. Mike Gibbons. Do you understand the complexity of deals that are made with despots overseas? You bring Americans home,
Starting point is 00:30:10 period. You get it done. And if this is what they're going to make us do, we do it. We get these two Americans home and stop. I'm tired of Joe Q fucking lunchbox weighing in on how these deals are made. You don't know all the details. You know what the
Starting point is 00:30:26 press feeds you. You know what the government trickles out to satisfy you. But the truth is, there's a lot more going into this deal than you could ever imagine. So shut the fuck up and it's not affecting your life. Bring this woman home. And I guess the guy, I want to know more about him. What about just taking a way less popular wnba star like four of them and and that's the trade like get the star home and get these other four who no one cares about right right right send some bench warmers over there yeah or what about like yakov smirnoff why don't we return baryshnikov that's good return baryshnikov return some famous defector yeah yeah like here that that's that's that's an apple for an apple it's curious that
Starting point is 00:31:15 putin wants this guy back because he basically stole um weapons from russia and sold them to the U.S. Why is he trying to get him back? Huh. He's a convicted. So we didn't convict him? Russia convicted him? No, we convicted him, but I'm sure, I guess maybe they want to have their own trial for him
Starting point is 00:31:39 because he also fucked them over. So we convicted him for giving us arms yeah i don't know you're right you're right i don't know how this big thinking works right uh i have a feeling that's not what went down but victor bout probably doesn't like this deal no he'd rather be in an American prison than a Russian prison for sure. All right, we got to learn more about Victor Bell. That's what we can tell these fucking people that are making a big deal out of this. He's going to a worse place. We're not doing this guy any favors.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Unless he really was like they want him back to keep doing the dirty shit he does uh no and he gets another try at it putin wants to flex his muscles and make us look bad by making a bad trade because they know that we will do whatever it takes to bring americans home and he's taking advantage of that to try to make us look bad if chris is still awake, Chris, right above the right above the Springsteen story we're going to do. Can you Google the documentary Icarus? And did you see it, Greg? Yeah. And find that Russian doctor's name who had to disappear. I wonder if there's been any updates on that guy. If you have not seen the documentary Icarus, it's pretty amazing. And I won't say anything more. But it it has twists and turns, manout, which is he could probably disappear right now. And I'm wondering if there's been any updates on him. I bet there's none.
Starting point is 00:33:31 If I was Joe Biden, right now, everybody perceives him as such a fucking feeble old fuck. He should take this guy. What's his name? Bout? No. Who's his name? Blinken? No. Who's the guy they're trading? The Russian guy?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Oh, Bout. Victor Bout. Take Victor Bout out onto the steps of the Capitol, put a gun to his head and fucking fire. And then just walk inside. Huh. That would be gangster. Have you sent this uh idea to washington because i'm surprised you're still in your office if you have
Starting point is 00:34:13 all right the guy was dr gregory rodchenko and the update from thank you chris is rodchenko has been living in hiding under witness protection i kind of guessed that was the update from, thank you, Chris, is Rodchenko has been living in hiding under witness protection. I kind of guessed that was the update. There's going to be no update on that guy. Russia wants to kill him so badly. So I guess I am spoiling the documentary a little. Anyway, all right. Next story.
Starting point is 00:34:40 You ready, pal? Let's do it. Bruce Springsteen's manager, John Landau, responds after many criticized Ticketmaster's, quote, dynamic pricing system, which included prices of one thousand dollars or more. I think it actually went up to five thousand, quote, in pricing tickets for this tour. We looked very carefully at what our peers have been doing. Landau said in a statement to The New York Times, we looked very carefully at what our peers have been doing, Landau said in a statement to the New York Times. We chose prices that are lower than some and on par with others. Regardless of the commentary about a modest number of tickets costing $1,000 or more, our true average ticket price has been in the mid $200 range. I believe that in today's environment,
Starting point is 00:35:25 that is a fair price to see someone universally regarded as among the very greatest artists of his generation. Uh, that is a big justification for this rather shady ticket master policy. Yeah, it's total bullshit. i mean it's like how much money do these fucking people need how much money does bruce springsteen have if i had that much money every tour at this point would be a victory lap it would be a party it would be 20 tickets i want my real fans pack them in and if i break even i made two million dollars in royalties alone today i don't need to gouge my fucking fans this is the guy whose lyrics his wardrobe his persona everything is about the working man and about how riches are bad. Poor man want to be rich. Rich man want to be king.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And the king ain't satisfied till he rules everything. Here's another lyric of his. There was once a time when everything was cheap. But now prices almost put a man to sleep. When we pay our grocery bill, we just feel like making our will. Tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live? Hmm. like making our will tell me how can a poor man stand such times and live well that's one of the biggest problems in america is the bosses are making too much money pal um well you just froze you froze oh good it was the worst joke ever but they heard it on the podcast um i was just saying the problem with america is that bosses are making too much money compared to here you go compared to everybody else but
Starting point is 00:37:09 so the rolling stones the last time it was like i think uh i think actually i came here to see ben at the ryman to nashville so it was like in the spring. Anyway, Stones played the forum. Big show that had been canceled, I think, or delayed. So anyway, Ticketmaster by they were so fucking expensive. I got four tickets because my sister and brother-in-law wanted to go so expensive. All of a sudden, then I had to sell two of them, I think, because I couldn't go. to sell two of them, I think, because I couldn't go. And Ticketmaster, meanwhile, another show was added. So now my value has plummeted because there's two shows in the forum when there had only been one. Then I tried to sell it for, I was like, I just need some money back. I'm not going to make my money back. I try to go on the website and resell it for less money. Ticketmaster's website, I believe I have this right. Someone can write in. They wouldn't let mell it for less money. Ticketmaster's website, I believe I have this right. Someone can write in. They wouldn't let me sell it for less than the face value, which is really what's up with that. And, and the amount of fees I had to pay to buy my ticket. And then the amount
Starting point is 00:38:18 of fees I had to pay to sell it. It's just such a racket. Ticketmaster. When you think about an artist, like a, like a mid-level artist that's really struggling because they've got to hire an 18-wheeler, they've got to have tour managers, they've got to pay everybody in the band, they've got equipment, they've got publicity to do, they've got, you know, and then on top of that, so they're going to charge $30, $40 a ticket,
Starting point is 00:38:43 and they're going to probably take maybe five of those dollars you know who's taking 10 of those dollars ticket master why because they have some software that allows people to buy the tickets it's a fucking scam and i tickets in my section were way cheaper that ticket master was selling than i bought like even the rows in front of me and it's because of this dynamic pricing and uh i know there might be argument for like fair market but whatever but it's just and i know john um what's his name landau no no no no on on hbo the british you know from oliver john oliver did a great segment on how criminal uh ticket master is right oh really and how dark and shady it is and you
Starting point is 00:39:35 know one of his jokes in it was if if pearl jam in the 90s couldn't move the needle and and and take a like a bite out of Ticketmaster and all these practices then no one can right Pearl Jam Pearl Jam announced a war on Ticketmaster and they lost they also lost they also lost the war on drugs Pearl Jam in the 90s so yeah they won the war on fashion with that with the grunge look with the cargo shorts they won the war on fashion with that with the grunge look with the cargo shorts they won the war on fashion with cargo shorts right right yeah um no it's it's it's a complete fucking scam um also and also you know ticket master and somebody can correct me on this but i believe ticket master is also owned by live nation it is, yeah. And Live Nation also owns
Starting point is 00:40:25 all the major radio stations in the country. Not all of them, but a lot, like, they own a major radio station in every city in America. So if you want a tour, you can't get,
Starting point is 00:40:37 if you're going to compete against the Live Nation event, you're not going to get on the local radio. And they now are owning venues i think they own the fabulous and and they manage talents so they commission you on your income they commission you by taking the ticket money they make money on the venue and they make money because you're coming into their radio station, which gets them listeners. Irving Azoff, who, put it this way, he is very powerful. I think he either owns or is head or one of the top executives at Live Nation and owns the forum, part owner, obviously, in some way,
Starting point is 00:41:20 and managed Christina Aguilera and all that. And actually Wheeler Walker Jr. was in with him a little bit as well at one point. That's how I got to learn most of it. Anyway, but famously was the Eagles manager and the in the Eagles documentary, which this wasn't cut out. This was in the Eagles documentary. I think one of them goes and Irving, you know, listen, Irving, I think one of them goes, and Irving, you know, listen, Irving, Irving's the devil, but at least he was our devil. Like, he is the shadiest. No. And then apparently there are stories about him, which may or may not be true. But you'll see people incredibly beat up. So I think there was some muscle there as well. Back when he was a manager.
Starting point is 00:42:15 So he anyway. Should we mention, by the way, shout out. Shout out to Wheeler Walker, who we saw a couple nights ago here in L.A. Did a killer show. He said he saw you leave he did yeah he that's what he said when we went backstage and and uh met with him and stuff he said no no I saw him leave and uh because I go hey he sends his best he just had to get home and all this um dude how about the quality of music well first of all the that band is insane they are so fucking good but that's a good and a bad because it was so loud that yeah i feel like if i want to go see willer
Starting point is 00:42:57 walker i want to hear every word he's saying because that's the point of the music is the lyrics and the lyrics were getting drowned out by this band i felt i felt like the sound mix was fucking terrible there was feedback and his monitor wasn't working yeah no the the i don't think the fonda could handle him when i saw him in the ryman well two things when i saw him in the ryman the sound ryman apparently is one of the most legendary great sound places yeah it's a four you know it's a it was a church but boy was his band uh tighter is not the right word in music tight means good they were like not uh feeling it as much and then so when i went backstage and i said that to you during the show
Starting point is 00:43:40 and before we went in i think i said that to you i go you know he has this great band and you know the one thing i said to him after the rhyming is like man let him play and so that's what this i mean we just kept exchanging looks like we couldn't believe how great they were yeah and then so backstage the guy goes oh thanks man i'm like are you guys all the same people because i thought maybe a new guitarist would explain this or something and he's like no you know what that was the rhyming was our first public performance together oh and i'm like all right well that totally makes sense now yeah yeah i mean that that guitar can that guitarist can wail he's so fast but oh but and then the steel guitar and of course the keyboardist who's the guy. Like they were. Anyway, if you could see him, I think he's up in Santa Cruz coming up. Maybe anyway, just go because, you know, the mistake you'll make is you'll go there thinking, oh, I'm seeing a comedy musical act.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You know, these funny lyrics and all this. Yeah. And oh, my God, the musicianship is fantastic. It's fantastic. As good as it gets. It really is. Oh, you missed a mosh pit. A mosh pit formed after you left.
Starting point is 00:44:45 No. Not joking. I's as good as it gets. It really is. Oh, you missed a mosh pit formed after you left. No. Not joking. I even have footage of it. They went crazy during the last two songs because they knew it was over, and they were at their most drunk on a Tuesday night. Now, what's your impression of the audience? Because I couldn't tell if they, like, there were guys wearing American flags and stuff like that, and you start to go now are these guys uh republicans because at some point they started chanting that brand what is
Starting point is 00:45:12 that brandon thing that they let's go brandon no they did chant that a lot was that ironic or were they being or were they doing that seriously i think they were doing it seriously. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's a mixed bag. And I told you, you might have been with me the other time we saw him in L.A. Yeah. He goes and he goes, this next song is about the greatest country in the world, America. And the place goes fucking crazy. And you could see even Ben was like a little surprised, like you like kind of step back. And then he goes and then he decides to double down. He's like a country that's never, ever made a mistake. And they're all like. And then how about Jason Ellis is the opening act. Oh, my God. Jesus, that was hardcore. So he's recently out. Is that what you told me?
Starting point is 00:46:03 Well, I think he's talked over the years about being bi-curious and then having had some bi affairs. I think they had like some devil's triangles with his wife, with two guys and one girl. And then it's evolved into like- Is that what it's called, a devil's triangle? Yeah, or the Kavanaugh triangle. And so they said-
Starting point is 00:46:24 But now it's just he goes on grinder and fucks guys and he was talking about uh as as descriptive as a human being could be about gay sex and i begged all of us to take a dick up the ass yes all of us uh he said you can have a hands-free orgasm if you take a dick up the the anyway so i was curious because the audience the audience liked him i think he felt tentative but you're playing at a rock you're doing stand-up at a rock show it's never going to be like everybody listening everybody's going to talk a lot but i thought i thought he i thought he was i thought it was a good show well there was so much talking then they started chanting Let's go Brandon At one point
Starting point is 00:47:05 But But he had the right attitude Which was I could He goes Do you guys want to hear Should I do more Should we just get to this show
Starting point is 00:47:13 Which is going to be amazing Like he had He knew They were not there to see him Right Or even his style Of Of art
Starting point is 00:47:21 You know what I mean Like they were not there To see someone talk Yeah And And then And that's how it ended Remember he's like Ah you know what i mean like they were not there to see someone talk yeah and uh and then and that's how it ended remember he's like ah you know what i can't do anymore yeah he just he bailed but jason which was great i'm supposed to do his podcast he he doesn't have a radio show anymore
Starting point is 00:47:36 he has a podcast totally go do his podcast just to talk about this that night yeah we i gotta do it and and the stories he told were insane they were real stories yeah yeah and i mean he even asked because do you want me to finish that story even i was because something got distracted he he dealt with something in the crowd and then he comes back he's like do you all right do you guys even want me to finish that and everyone's like yeah and most of the crowd was like yes well it was a story about him having a devil's three-way with uh china who's the now is china transsexual or is she just a large woman i thought just a large woman okay yeah he had a three-way with her and another what
Starting point is 00:48:12 was his line about sex with china it was having sex what was it oh yeah what was it he wasn't like he didn't know her clit was so big. Well, there's that. But, you know, he said something like it was like a car. It was like riding a tractor with uneven wheels or something. Yeah, like you just hold on. Yeah, you just hold on for dear life and you don't know where it's going to go or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:43 All right, let's get to the twerking girls. Wait, back to Springsteen. I just want to say, back to the twerking girls, we haven't even started it. But I will say this. I wrote it as a joke, but this will happen. It's like if all of a sudden $1,000 is the going price, even though they said a small percentage was sold at that. By the way, he means a small percentage per venue but he has like 40 dates in america before he goes to europe or
Starting point is 00:49:10 something like that so it's all a lot of people were forced to pay a thousand dollars so that's 20 songs set which is about what he does i looked up i think he did 22 and like one of his last concerts that wasn't on broadway That's 50 bucks a song. If he plays dancing in the dark, I want fucking $50 back. Oh, come on. Dancing in the dark.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I want that song played. That's where he brings a girl up on stage. Remember it was, what's her name from friends, Courtney, Courtney. No, no,
Starting point is 00:49:40 no, no, no. Still. I want, I mean, at $50 a song and knowing that other people in my row are paying fifty dollars for the same song. Yeah. No way. No way. Hey, by the way, Springsteen is also notorious for not paying his band well.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And then he left them. He left the E Street band for about a decade, if not longer longer and played with just hired guns i believe i have this right which is uh the east street band that phrase has never appeared on a springsteen album and maybe that's changed in the last 10 10 years i doubt it though but um and i in my mind had greetings from asbury park like i had bruce springsteen the street band like in my memory i could see it and i was wrong i feel like i can see it on an album same maybe i'm thinking of a concert poster but i mean look there's no bigger i'm as big as they're all just paid paid for hire i'm a biggest springsteen fan as you are a dylan fan and i hate to say these bad words about him, but there's a part
Starting point is 00:50:45 of him that's unlikable. This greedy part of him. Well, when you listen to his book, which I did, which I call, I listened to his book because he read it. And my summary, my review was, it was, it's like 22 hours or it's something huge, but it's 18 hours of blaming his dad. hours or it's something huge, but it's 18 hours of blaming his dad. And besides that, you find out he was way more California guy, believe it or not, most of his life until the 94 earthquake. I mean, most, almost all of his adult life was spent in California. And then he was living there. The only reason he moved back to Jersey was because of the earthquake. And then he suffered PTSD and had to go to therapy in Jersey because he couldn't sleep through the night because of the earthquake. So. And he also knows nothing about cars. Yeah. He had to learn how to drive on a cross-country trip
Starting point is 00:51:34 in his twenties because the guy had to sleep and he had to take over the stick shift. Anyway, it's pretty funny. But in there, I found him talking too much about money and about like he's self-conscious. I think he was dealing with a lot of criticisms he's gotten about not taking care of his band. And he thinks that's a bullshit criticism and spent way too much time like he's clearly self-conscious about it yeah you know i think he feels mixed about it as well because you hear about bands who are like we're gonna split the tour you know like i think pearl jam famously like all those guys are so taken care of even if they didn't write the song you know no without clarence clemens bruce would would have been very very successful but clarence took him to another level especially at live shows totally but you just want to take care
Starting point is 00:52:33 of that family especially i know you don't need any more so much money just fucking spread it around jesus all right anyways let's talk about something more fun. I came across this story in the New York Post. Did you watch the video of this, by the way? Actually, no, I saw stills from it. You watched it? Oh, no, I watched the whole video. It's like a 10 minute video. It's insane. Okay. Headline, twerking girls host wild booze fueled pool party on New Yorkork city subway okay i was not ready for the end of that headline like sure twerking girls host booze fueled pool party sure where on a new york city subway the flash twerk party it was a flash like a flash mob thing on a new york city subway was off the rails says the new york post strap hangers struggle to hold on to their morals as a collection of voluptuous vixens dressed in skimpy black bikinis jumped, gyrated and jiggled during a makeshift pool party hosted inside an L train car.
Starting point is 00:53:39 What the fuck is the L train only goes across town, too? It's not a long ride. What the fuck is going on here? Questioned a stunned Twitter spectator beneath a viral clip of the twerking ladies offered up. The ladies offered up lap dances and shots of liquor to subway passengers during the recent rush hour commute. The chaotically cringeworthy clip shared has fetched over 500,000 Twitter views. And I'm sure since they printed this, it has to be five times that when the unnamed women weren't busily shaking their moneymakers while travelers watched and filmed
Starting point is 00:54:17 in awe, the party animals took turns hurling their bodies across a slip and slide that was on the train's floor and lubricate lubricated with bottled water. The temptresses enjoyed the rest of their joyride by bouncing their bottoms on the crotches of male bystanders and twerking on each other in an inflatable pool. This is amazing. Wait, and I'm not allowed to jerk off on the subway anymore how about how about it probably throws off the guy who's already jerking off he's like he's jerking off in front of some like you know business casual woman across from and all of a sudden this happens he probably totally lost his rager like what wait a minute what right but some guys like they interacted dudes were like dudes were
Starting point is 00:55:06 like yeah they were doing they were pouring the booze from the bottles into their mouths so they didn't have to put their lips on the bottle like they weren't getting enough diseases from the lap dances women right i mean they were literally grinding on their crotches guy there was a there was a little person who did the slip and slide and then was fake fucking one of the women who was in a G-string. It was crazy. That's not fake fucking. That's what the little person looks like when he's really fucking. Well, look, it's better than a smelly blind guy playing a Michael Jackson song on a ukulele.
Starting point is 00:55:39 That's what you usually get on the L train. Last time, I'm an old New Yorker. It was just some really scary-looking guy selling street news. That's the most entertainment I got on the subway. Yeah. What the? So what was this? This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:55:58 And were they, like, arrested? I don't think so. I think they probably, I mean mean what did they do wrong really um they made a scene but they got off the train drinking drinking for sure and if that you're not allowed to uh entertain technically allowed to entertain for money unless you're uh you know you get a permit i mean they could bust them on a million things in the last 10 years these guys have started doing very high-end acrobatic stuff on the bars and the subway. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah. Like Spider-Man type stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I have seen that. Like Cirque du Soleil stuff. Like, yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:36 I mean, it's really impressive. I always think about like people, how people make their livings and how much, how committed you are. Like as a stand-up comedian like i'm on stage and i just think this is the easiest fucking job in the world and everybody thinks it's the hardest job in the world but i think you look at like a stripper where they have to spend they do like eight hour shifts where they are looking in guys eyes and playing a fantasy for those guys listening to insipid fucking flirtation and groping and they do that for eight fucking hours like nobody earns money like a stripper
Starting point is 00:57:14 you know and these guys that do these acrobatics and subway cars like what are they making a hundred bucks cash for the day and they are putting their lives in danger, and they are like, you know, fucking, they could be making real money. It's crazy. It's shocking those strippers have drug or alcohol problems because they have to go through all that. How do they do it sober? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:57:38 And I'm part of the problem. I haven't been to a strip club in a long time. Is that, I imagine that's over for us, isn't it? I think it's over. It's got to be over. It's such a bad look. The guy in his 50s in a strip club is a bad look. Yeah. And it's no better if you go there because like you've gone with other people and now you're just observing. That's even a worse look. Yeah, and now you're just observing, that's even a worse look. Yeah, that's worse.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Now it's over. And I miss it. I miss seeing the beauty of a female body dancing naked to music I hate. The Subway stuff, though, this is what you get when you grow up in New York anytime it doesn't matter where I am if I'm at like Mardi Gras and there's like the street performers around Jackson Square if I'm in New York if I'm in LA and all of a sudden a guy starts like you the guy in front of the museum who's even painted silver and is doing the pop and locking wherever I am. If there's a spectacle, I instinctively grab my wallet. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, oh, something is drawing my attention like crazy towards something like, yeah, I am putting my wallet in my front pocket.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah. The the workers are not just the guys you see dancing in front of you. Their friends are standing behind you. Yes, exactly. Here's one. A New Jersey woman has been sentenced in connection with a GoFundMe scam that raised $400,000 by creating a fake story about a homeless veteran. A federal judge sentenced Caitlin McClune, 32, to one year and one day in prison. It's that extra day that gets you. Yeah, that is the FU. That's the cherry FU on the Sunday.
Starting point is 00:59:30 In 2017, McClure and her then-boyfriend Mark D'Amico created a GoFundMe page called Paying It Forward. The couple claimed homeless veteran Johnny Bobbitt, 39, gave McClure his last $20 when she ran out of gas on a Philadelphia highway. The GoFundMe, which initially set a goal of $10,000, reached $400,000. However, the story was completely made up as the couple actually befriended Bobbitt at a local casino. In reality, McClure never ran out of gas and Bobbitt never spent his last $20 for her, prosecutors said. D'Amico and McClure allegedly conspired to create the false story to obtain money from donors.
Starting point is 01:00:12 After D'Amico and McClure spent the majority of the money on vacations, new vehicles, and various expensive items, Bobbitt sued the couple, claiming he only received $75,000 from the donations. You know, you'd think you could trust them. You meet at a casino. You hatch a plot to exploit a disabled vet on the Internet. I mean, what's America coming to? The story had a lot of holes in it. You're out of gas, and $20 is going to get you out of that jam?
Starting point is 01:00:41 I don't think. Right. She ran out of gas on the highway. What was the homeless guy doing on the highway? Aren't they under bridges? Yeah. And a homeless veteran? There's no homeless veterans.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Come on. The government takes care of every one of them like they should. Of course. They fought for the country. They put their lives on the line for our freedom. Why would we let them live on the street? That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:11 But hold on. I do want to pause so you can go to jail by raising money on a big lie what you mean you can take donors money and spend it on other things and if you do that you go to jail i haven't seen that happening so you can lie about an election being stolen, get $250 million and not have a charity that it's not have a fund that it's actually been set up for its for its stated purposes. You don't have to spend it on gains for yourself, like campaigning and your legal fees. And your daughter to give a 10 second intro. Sixty thousand dollars. That seems right. I hope they all go to jail. A Republican lawmaker attended his gay son's wedding just three days after joining his GOP colleagues in voting against a House bill that would codify federal protection for same-sex marriage. The gay son of Representative Glenn Thompson confirmed on Monday that, quote,
Starting point is 01:02:08 he married the love of his life on Friday and that his father was there. Congressman and Mrs. Thomas were thrilled to attend and celebrate their son's marriage on Friday. He was wearing a mask, and it wasn't because he was afraid of COVID on Friday. He was wearing a mask and it wasn't because he was afraid of COVID on Friday night as he began this new chapter in his life, adding that the Thompsons are very happy to welcome their new son-in-law into their family. And they hope that he'll enjoy spending weekends at the house in the closet. I think his father's defense was, listen, this is just a phase. Kind of like all marriages. This is just a phase. I want to call him the gay father and the gay parents and the gay father. Like, couldn't you almost do that?
Starting point is 01:02:54 Like, you would say the groom's father, and they're talking about the gay son of representative. Anyway, I want to call this congressman the gay and just confuse things that's what i'd like to do with this story um wow i mean it's just the hypocrisy is incredible do you think there's any doubt that if this same congressman had a daughter who was 17 and got pregnant that he would pay for the abortion after voting, after voting to, to, uh, against Roe v.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Wade. Do you think there's any doubt? Especially this guy, because gays run in his family. He can't risk another gay offspring. What is he going to have? Kill it before it gets gay. My son's gay.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You think I'm going to risk a gay grandson? No way. Kill that thing. Do we have any good news for Gubbins? He came to the concert, which was really fun. He enjoyed it. You know, when we went backstage to Wheeler Walker Jr., Jesse Plemons was backstage.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Isn't that weird? Who's that? Is that the guy from Breaking Bad? Yes, he's from Breaking Bad, but Fargo. He's great. And what's the dog, the dog western that was just out? He got nominated for an Oscar on that. The gay Western that was out?
Starting point is 01:04:31 Yeah, not the first gay Western. So Jesse Plemons was back there. Nice guy? Really nice and smaller than you think. Like not only shorter, but like he has one of those Hollywood faces that just looks much bigger on camera. You know what I mean? But I didn't talk to him. Was Kirsten Dunst there? No, Kirsten Dunst wasn't there, but really Power of the Dog was in the movie. He seemed very nice, you know, just very nice. But anyway, I'll only bring that up because Gubbins, we were back there also and gubbins might have spoken to him i'm not sure um but what else i guess we could talk about gubbins he likes he hates when we talk about him on this podcast so we should find something we did make a lot of jokes about his back so when
Starting point is 01:05:18 we were getting into mikey's car i go dennis do you want a backseat drive from the back or do you want shotgun and uh he said, I'll take the back. And I was like, no, because then you're yelling in my ear. You have to be in the front. And he's like, geez, he's a good distributor. He is the most controlling backseat driver in the history. You are both the most annoying drivers because you rely on Waze and Waze is all it does. It makes you take 52 extra turns and you save five minutes.
Starting point is 01:05:49 It's not fucking worth it. And it's all you talk about the entire drive. It's not like you kick back and listen to music and have some fun. It's like, no, left here. No, right there. It's fucking annoying. No, no. That was that one drive.
Starting point is 01:06:01 But I like doing Waze because it's my daily game of beat Waze. I can beat Waze. What's the posted time? It's like, you know, what's the current lap time on this course? I'm going to beat it. All right. All right. All righty.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Oh, there was a local news story. I guess do your paper thing. Hold on. Yeah. Hold on. Yeah, but I have no jokes on it. But since I put it in here, when I put it in here on Wednesday, the New York Times has done like a big story on it. So L.A. had this famous bridge. You'd see it in the movie Grease.
Starting point is 01:06:43 You'd see it in any of those scenes where you see our concrete riverbed where there are drag races, which has been in quite a few movies and television shows. And anyway, it's the Sixth Street Bridge. And L.A. spent five hundred and eighty eight million dollars and they unveiled it and it opened and it looked so cool and it looks so cool and it opened two weeks ago it is now closed because of all the illegal activity what illegal activity everyone is going on there filming stunts filming them there's there's racing but they're filming themselves they're climbing up where they shouldn't climb. There's a lot of crime on it also.
Starting point is 01:07:30 It's become this real attraction, and especially for TikTok and Instagram. And so the New York Times article on it was LA's newest star. But they had to close it down. Also, so much graffiti and damage already. It's that's five hundred and eighty eight million dollars on a bridge. Yeah, that's going to be. I mean, I think about Gavin Newsom because, you know, Democrats talk about maybe he's somebody they would run. He they have so much shit that they can throw in campaign ads against him. Well, I wonder if it's the state. I don't know how that works.
Starting point is 01:08:05 You know, those things are tricky. Like, let's say this bridge was also a landmark. Does I doubt the federal government helps it at all? But you don't know where the money is coming from. And maybe there was even a preservation commission. I don't know if it was active. Like, was the five hundred eighty eight million all aesthetic or Or please tell me this helped traffic. A lot of times when I load the document, I'll actually put the article in with the headline. I mean, it's different styles. We have different ways of doing it.
Starting point is 01:08:34 I will not do it. I will not do it. Let's move on. Let's do some entertainment. The bear still sucks. What's the next one nope we were sitting at dinner the other night we were having a nice dinner i barbecued the kids had baked some cookies and uh and it was like uh it was like 8 45 and we're all talking about how much we want to see nope and i pulled out fandango and it was playing at the theater in 15 minutes we fucking jumped in the car
Starting point is 01:09:08 and went it is not his best movie but that's not saying it's not a good movie he's just had some outstanding movies and this one was just good it's a lot of homages
Starting point is 01:09:23 you feel his love for spielberg in this movie um you feel uh some tarantino um you feel but but so it's it's scattered i feel like there are dangling storylines that you wanted him to get back to. Um, this is, um, Jordan Peele. Yeah. This is Jordan Peele's movie and get out. And then what was his other one other than get out?
Starting point is 01:09:53 Uh, Oh, that one about the underground, uh, uh, amusement park. Right. Uh,
Starting point is 01:10:02 not she, what, what, what was that one called? Us. Us. I knew it was some pronoun. So, OK, the trailer is very good. I saw the trailer. It makes for a great trailer because the scenes are all great scenes. The acting is all great acting. I just think ultimately it's not as coherent as it could be.
Starting point is 01:10:27 I like that he doesn't go for any cheap scares, like the kind of cliched stuff he avoids, and he gets you in real ways. Great character development, but, you know, I'd say go see it,
Starting point is 01:10:43 but don't expect his best movie. All right. Today is Friday, and tonight it's on Fridays that HBO puts out each new episode of The Rehearsal by Nathan Fielder. So did you do your homework and watch the first one? I did not oh jesus i can't even talk about it i know i know i really feel bad about that and i'm going to and by the way we're also behind on watching that mormon one i've gotten
Starting point is 01:11:16 a couple emails from people saying what the fuck you guys said you're going to talk about it and you haven't um the documentary yeah okay because i started the show uh what's it called under the rainbow sky or whatever of course i slaughtered it but i started it and while and i watched episode one and then learned that John Krakauer wrote the book. I love Krakauer. So that's what I want to see. Into the wild. He wrote into thin air, into the wild. I've read articles of his that didn't even become books, but I just love how he writes. And I really like him.
Starting point is 01:11:57 He writes under the banner of heaven, I think is maybe the name of it. He wrote the book. And so that is out also. maybe the name of it. He wrote the book. And so that is out also. And that is a drama version of a very disturbing Mormon story also. So there's a lot going on with Mormons. But we have to see the documentary, I guess.
Starting point is 01:12:22 Okay. And what is this Amazon thing? Did you put that? Oh, I just put that in there because so this was a headline that Amazon, huh? Am I frozen? You just froze.
Starting point is 01:12:34 What? All right. I put that in there because I saw the Amazon. I saw this headline. Amazon brings Timothy Chalamet cannibal movie to the Venice film festival. And it co-stars Timothy Chalamet and Michael St to the venice film festival and it co-stars timothy chalamet and michael stolberg who worked together on call me by your name and the crazy part of this story is this is a movie a new movie about cannibalism but if you remember army hammer who was the star of call me by your name um he got in trouble for cannibalism remember the
Starting point is 01:13:08 texts the sexts he was writing and about i'll eat your toe i'll eat you so everyone can't believe the coincidence that that movie and that team from that from that army hammer movie is doing a movie on cannibalism anyway i just thought that was interesting um but here comes cannibalism uh i could see a bunch of movies about that coming out actually yeah all right let's do some make america florida we got two of them pal let's do it i found two of them a pal. Let's do it. I found two of them. A Florida man is behind bars on DUI charges for allegedly drunk driving a motorized scooter inside a Walmart where he nearly struck shoppers and crashed into shelves. Aaron Gregory, 39, was busted around, wait for it, 10 a.m. Sunday inside a Walmart in Melbourne.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Officials were summoned to the store, I guess Melbourne, Florida. Officials were summoned to the store. Reference to an intoxicated male on a motorized schooler was the call. I mean, the key to the... On a Sunday. That's the key to the story. 10 a.m. I mean, the key to the... On a Sunday. That's the key to the story. 10 a.m. on a Sunday. Like, you got to work backwards from that.
Starting point is 01:14:32 He didn't wake up at 8. He didn't go to bed at 10 o'clock, wake up at 8 and start drinking. This was a guy, let's work backwards because there's some other crimes to solve. He... Go to the strip club, go to the nearest strip club to that Walmart, go to the ex-wife where he drops off his Burger King check for child support. The liquor store on Beach Road. This is the dessert to his evening.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I also want to know what motorized scooter means. What like did did he drive like a vespa into a walmart drunk on a sunday morning yeah right or is it is it one of those little rascals yeah that's what i'm thinking it's a rascal that he maybe maybe it's florida so he probably put like a v8 on a rascal a giant john deere lawnmower engine on a rascal? Yeah. It's got an alligator skull on the handlebars. Yeah. The most surprising part of this Florida story is where is the meth? Where is the meth or the crack that like fell out of his pockets when he wiped out in a Walmart? Yeah. 10 a.m. is a meth crime. Heroin crimes happen at happen at like 5 30 p.m when they're trying to get
Starting point is 01:15:49 their fix for the night and they rob you uh i think i'd have to be drunk and on a scooter if i went to a walmart uh i've been to like two walmarts in my whole life same with me literally although i'm guilty i go go to Costco all the time. Maybe he's a good guy who went to church and had too much of the sacrificial wine, sacramental wine. You'd get good odds on that bet. I bet you'd get fantastic odds, like maybe 5,000 to one,
Starting point is 01:16:19 something like that on that bet. Yeah, right. All right. Florida rapper killed minutes after calling out his enemies on social media. A. All right. Florida rapper killed minutes after calling out his enemies on social media. A Florida rapper was shot and killed at his apartment
Starting point is 01:16:29 last Friday, just minutes after calling out his enemies on social media. Reports have identified the rapper as Roley Banz, who was based, of course, in Tampa. Tampa!
Starting point is 01:16:43 Shortly before the shooting, the rapper had posted an Instagram story saying he was on his way home if they want to smoke, according to Hip Hop DX. If they want smoke. Yeah, if they want smoke. And he was reportedly shot five minutes later. That's efficiency. These gangs, I'll tell you something. You know, Fortune 500 companies could learn from the efficiency of street gangs.
Starting point is 01:17:11 I mean, the old school, before technology, like 20 years ago, you'd have to like, there would have to be a radio station that facilitated that killing. You'd have to be like, where are you calling? I'm home right now. If anyone wants smoke, get on over here yeah gubbins asked me if i wanted smoke a couple days ago i thought he wanted to get high i guess i'm supposed to shoot him so that's what this is you want smoke means you want to get shot like you want some you want some trouble you want means you want to get shot? Like you want some trouble? You want smoke?
Starting point is 01:17:46 You want some gunfire? Got it. Yeah. All right, let's do international. Saudi Arabia. All righty. This story was so weird. I don't even, I was very good about putting the whole story in here
Starting point is 01:18:11 and cutting it down to what it needed. And all right, so here's the headline. Future or fantasy, the designs have been unveiled for a one-building city stretching 106 miles in Saudi Arabia. So they've unveiled the designs for this ambitious urban project called The Line. It's touted as a one building city in the desert, which will stretch over 106 miles and house 9 million people. The line is a proposed 200 meter wide building acting as a vertical city. Did they mean horizontal? Anyway, it's designed to sit 500 meters above sea level. It will span 34. It will span 13 square miles. See, I thought it was a line. So it's 13 square miles. It could still be a line,
Starting point is 01:19:06 I guess. Though details are scarce, true, those behind the design claim the line will run entirely on renewable energy with no roads, no cars, no emissions. High speed rail will connect sections of the line. So they had a drawing of it, and I think that meant horizontal. And it's just – picture a subway station, and there's houses along the subway station where it pulls into the station. And picture that station 106 miles long. And how tall is it? That's what they don't talk about.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Because I think it's a they don't talk about. Yeah. Because I think it's a tall building. I know. Here's the problem is no journalist want to go to Saudi Arabia and cover the story. We know how that ends. Yeah. And by the way, they'll follow you home and kill you also or follow you to Turkey and kill you. So it's a high-speed rail
Starting point is 01:20:05 so i guess there's no cars so both men and women won't be driving also it they're calling it an urban project in the desert how generous has this phrase urban is it just because it's hip? Right. How do you know what neighborhood you're in? It's sand. Yeah. And the whole thing, it's glass. The whole thing is glass. And they say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Well, there goes the whole Saudi penal system. That's a solid joke. It does sound like a prison. Yes, it does. Or Disney with a monorail. Same thing. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:49 And they're touting all this renewable energy. I know it won't be renewed. Water. Right? Yeah. Right. Nine million people in a stretch of sand. No, that's not environmentally friendly.
Starting point is 01:21:02 That's not wise. And I doubt there'll be air conditioning. Yeah. I mean, are you kidding me? Even if you're using solar for your air conditioning, it's still huge amounts of air conditioning, which is terrible for the environment. Yeah. I'm not going to move there. I'm not going to move there.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Sorry. Sorry. as Francis arrived in Quebec City for meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The government's criticisms concern Francis' omissions of any reference to the sexual abuse suffered by indigenous children in the schools, as well as his original reluctance to name the Catholic Church as an institution bearing responsibility. Francis has said he is on a penitential pilgrimage to atone for the church's role in the residential school system, in which generations of indigenous children were forcibly removed from their homes and forced to attend church-run, government-funded boarding schools to assimilate them into Christian Canadian society. The Canadian government has said physical and sexual abuse were rampant at the schools, with students beaten for speaking their native languages.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Worse than that, they were forced to eat prairie oysters and play that stupid hurling game. Forcibly removed from their homes and forced to attend church-run rapes. Yeah. That's what we're really talking about here. Yep. As a way of making them better, of improving them. That was the whole manifest destiny. All of that shit was about taking this Christian doctrine
Starting point is 01:22:58 and saving souls by raping children. We talk about this a lot, that the Catholic Church, which is a business, is still in business. First of all, how about the balls on them? They haven't even rebranded, at least like private companies that are absolutely shamed. And whatever, I should come up with examples off the top of my head but like kp andrew not kp as a friend of ours uh anderson consulting i think they had a rebrand after all these scandals they were in like change the name right right and it's like they didn't even do that like there wasn't even did they even consult
Starting point is 01:23:42 they're so powerful i don't even think they had to consult PR people. Right. Right. No, like we got it. No, no. We raped millions of children, but we got it. We got it. Yeah. Yeah. And no, no, no big changes. And then Francis comes along and makes the apology. I mean, I appreciate the effort, but it's almost insult to injury if you're not going to really apologize. Don't bother coming. It is insult to injury, and it then begs this question.
Starting point is 01:24:12 But I guess it's like, if they were really, really honest, then the only... I mean, talk about having shame. The only move is to close down. I mean... Right. It's the crazy... The only move is to close down. I mean, right. What a it's it's the crazy. It's it's beyond crazy, beyond crazy.
Starting point is 01:24:39 Yeah, it's one of the giant questions of the world. I think it should be one of the biggest questions of the world. Well, aren't they like the biggest landowners in the world? The Catholic Church? Yep. And they were they may still be in new york city i think i don't know i think one of the colleges might have taken that over but no they really no they were i know they started selling a lot in part to pay these damages yeah yeah um and legal fees and everything but um no they definitely were were in certain cities for sure. Well, I'm going to Canada this week. I literally have been trying to think of jokes for when I go to Canada next week about this, and I'm kind of stuck. I can't really find anything too funny about it, except my one hacky joke I said at the beginning, which I think is beneath me and better than the Canadian people.
Starting point is 01:25:23 which I think is beneath me and better than the Canadian people. Well, if you do tank, I would apologize immediately so you don't have to go back and do an apology tour of all the venues you played. Let's do a little sports. Let's do a little sports. uh go blue michigan football coach jim harbaugh uh had social media buzz with his remarks during an anti-abortion event last week where he was the guest speaker he's has since doubled down on his stance on espn saying that he and his wife, so he is pro-life big time, and now he's doubled down and he says that he and his wife will raise the baby if family members, players, or staff at Michigan should have an unwanted pregnancy.
Starting point is 01:26:21 This is kind of late in the season to be drafting players, isn't it? Late in the offseason, yeah. Exactly. But so far, six kids have rejected his offer and gone to Alabama. I bet he gives the kid a lot of timeouts. No, just three per half he gives i mean does any player have incentive to wear a condom at this point yeah right thanks coach yeah yeah everybody's trying to look for ways to get close to the coach you know to get more game time how about him raising your child
Starting point is 01:27:00 and all of the i wonder if it has to be 95 of the people he's talking about are men because it's his staff his players are obviously all men yeah and uh and then i guess family if family members i don't know what that means maybe his daughter's pregnant this is his way of saying it maybe i mean is he talking about his Michigan team family? Well, I guess family members of the people who work for him. Whatever. All right. So I guess his kid won't get sent to his room.
Starting point is 01:27:36 He'll get redshirted. Science, technology, and health. Ooh, what a big category. Yeah, I added health to it for this story. A person from Rockland County has been diagnosed with polio. The first... What's happening in this country? The first day...
Starting point is 01:27:56 Move over, monkey pox. The first time in nearly a decade, the unvaccinated young adult began experiencing weakness and paralysis a month ago. Serious symptoms include tingling and numbness in the legs, an infection of the brain and spinal cord, and paralysis. There is no cure for polio. I feel bad for the guy. Should Sunday Paper send him a gift? Maybe a Ralph Lauren polio shirt?
Starting point is 01:28:23 Jesus Christ. All right, where's your apology tour for that joke? Oh, my God. I mean, Jesus, didn't FDR have polio? Yes, of course. All right, here's the new deal. You won't be able to walk anymore. Here's the new deal.
Starting point is 01:28:48 Yeah. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and ignorant douchebags who won't get vaccinated. Yeah, all we have to fear is fear itself and tingling at the extremities. I would definitely fear that at this point. Can you imagine that? You see a guy in a wheelchair. How'd you get that? Polio and people would just immediately lose all sympathy for you.
Starting point is 01:29:13 And also, is anyone believing his excuse when he calls in polio to work? Like, I don't think so. Or when he wants special treatment on an airplane, like, yeah, can I get a chair waiting for me? Oh, I have polio. Really? Yeah, right. I don't think so, sir. All right, let's get to this day in history. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:42 1975, July 31st, labor leader Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing. He's one of the most influential American labor leaders of the 20th century. He failed to return home, and although he was believed to have been the victim of a mafia hit, conclusive evidence has never been found, and his fate remains a mystery.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Born in 1913 to a poor coal miner in brazil india hoff approved a natural leader in his youth at 20 he helped organize a labor strike in detroit remained an advocate for downtrodden workers for the rest of his life his charisma and talents as a local organizer quickly got him noticed by the teamsters and carried him upward through its ranks then a small but rapidly growing union, the Teamsters organized truckers across the country, and through the use of strikes, boycotts, and some more powerful, though less legal methods of protest, won contract demands on behalf of workers.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Anyway, on and on. The Irishman covered this story. But then he kind of fell in with the mob. Kind of? Yeah, he kind of fell in with the mob kind of yeah he was very much in with the mob and so he went to jail he got out of jail
Starting point is 01:30:53 Nixon commuted his sentence and he was ready to make a comeback and he just fucking disappeared and then the big question is always where did they bury him people said under Giant Stadium. I remember that. Yeah, the big rumor was that no matter where, he was in cement.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Yeah. Because the mob controlled so much of the cement business and that some big build like Giant Stadium. There was another rumor, too. Was it in Ohio? Yeah. Some other place. Right.
Starting point is 01:31:32 But I don't know. I mean, can't the mob just burn them in acid? I mean, isn't there a million ways? Yeah. Bottom of the ocean, you know, it seems easy. Well, the unions have never recovered. That was when the unions started fading right around then. I don't think he really would have worked hard for the Writers Guild, the Writers Union.
Starting point is 01:31:58 I told you that. No, I'll tell you what. When we were on strike, when we marched during our strike, truckers would tell us when they were going to make a delivery so that we could be there and block the entrances. And they would respect, not block the entrances, but the rule was if there were people picketing, truckers will not cross the picket line. So they would notify us so we could be there so they could say, we're not crossing it. So I was on one of those picket lines. Right. And we're like marching. We're screaming our chance. And, you know, you know, we want fair wages for writers and all that stuff. And we're you know, and I'm with a pack of like these joke writers. And anyway, the big rig comes up, 18 wheeler comes to make the turn. We're like, Ooh, shit. And we all got out of the way. And the guy hits his brakes and he's like, you gotta stay in my fucking way.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Like what, what don't you get about this? Like rep and reprimanded us. Cause we all scattered like cockroaches to let them through. And he's like, Jesus Christ. And we're like, and he sees our blank faces. Like stand there, fucking stand there. And as soon as the guy like, we're like, we sees our blank face he's like stand there fucking stand there and as soon as the guy like we're like we're kind of not getting it and so um so we then we literally just this guy's scary and we literally then walk five feet and stand there he's like thank you and he
Starting point is 01:33:16 puts it in reverse and drives away that's awesome it was hysterical. Yeah. Yeah. Here's some letters from the editor. Brett Weaver says, in the past few episodes, I've noticed an odd effect when Mike laughs. It's a slightly audible clicking sound that comes from the back of his throat that implies laughter, but no real vocal laugh. It comes off as disingenuous. Just wondering, did something recently happen to him to make him laugh like this? Is it a real laugh? Does Mike feel obligated to force this odd sound effect? Thanks.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Brett. Brett, can it be genuous, if that's a word? Can it be genuine and still not be a whole-throated laugh? I don't know. I do get, i have heard this my daughter's accused me of it and writers rooms have accused me of it so brett i get accused of it i think anybody in the comedy industry because the truth is uh when you laugh it's sometimes mental it's sometimes like the the big running joke at the friars club is if you do shows at the friars club it's sometimes mental it's sometimes like the the big running joke at the friars club
Starting point is 01:34:26 is if you do shows at the friars club it's all comedians in the audience and if it's a funny joke they'll look at each other and go that's funny but nobody laughs and so it's actually a generous gesture to go out of your head and show the person that you're listening to that you appreciate what they said thank you gregory also i think there's degrees of laughs and i think that is he's right it's probably not it's it's not literally a hard laugh and so but i think i've been amused by whatever's been said yeah but uh and the clicking in the back of my that might just be the cancer which i'm unaware of at this point uh let's get to the obituaries oh and that's all folks this one's personal for you yeah paul servino uh was an actor known for his performances as paul cicero in goodfellas and nyp Sergeant Phil Serretta in Law and Order.
Starting point is 01:35:28 He was also, speaking of the Friars Club, he was a big friar, and he and I were friends at the club. And we formed a team, and there was a billiards league in New York City, and different private clubs played each other. So he and I traveled around the city. We'd go to the Players Club. We'd go to the players club. We'd go to the Yale club. What's the one that's the civil war club? The really old one. There's a civil war club.
Starting point is 01:35:57 Yeah. It's like for you, the union club. It's called the union club. Yeah. Oh, so anyway, we used to go when he,
Starting point is 01:36:03 and we'd fucking win. He was really good he was like from brooklyn had the pinky ring and he had the fingers splayed out you know his bridge was very elegant it was like a jackie gleason bridge and uh hold on just listen just let's pause a second and reflect on this you greg fitzsimmons there's no joke here there's no joke coming you would walk in to pool competitions with paul sorvino carrying your cue sticks yep this that it's like a scene out of a movie yeah yeah right i mean around manhattan and stuff like how cool is that and you know what he called me Fitz dog he loves calling me Fitz dog yeah all right Fitz dog nice shot um and uh and he was also like a great singer
Starting point is 01:36:52 he would sing he was a trained opera singer he would sing sometimes when we would like we'd like he'd have his he'd have a private chef cook for us when we play tournaments at home at the club and we they bring in the greatest fucking italian pasta sausage and peppers and he would sing we'd sit there and he'd fucking sing opera it was amazing that's i mean insane i mean that's insane so he were he earned a tony nomination for the champion season he was in panic in the in the Needle, A Touch of Class, The Gambler, Oh God. But really, who can forget him? I mean, Paul Cicero in Goodfellas,
Starting point is 01:37:35 one of the great characters of all time. Yeah. Just him slicing that garlic in prison with the razor blade. Yeah, that went viral this week, that clip. So specific. You have to understand one thing about movies like that. To stand out in that movie is remarkable. Right, right.
Starting point is 01:37:56 It's like if you're really good, you're just going to be one in a list. I mean, it's the who's who of italian american performances in that movie right and then and then you have he's but he's he had a gravity and for that for you to be the one with gravity in a mood in one of de niro's best roles ever like that that says so much and and he did it so small you know he yeah he was powerful while barely moving and then when he would slap he'd slap him on the face a little bit you just felt this power it was like a bear tapping you yeah and you had pesci i mean that performance yeah it's unbelievable right so um i would uh this week there was some list.
Starting point is 01:38:46 I'm trying to remember who was in it, but it was like gangsters are taking it, are getting it hit hard this week. Like all the actors who played mobsters. Oh, James Caan. And then the guy that played Pauly, Walnuts, just died from Sopranos. And more than that.
Starting point is 01:39:03 I'm trying to remember who else. There was another big one, I think. Yeah. Anyway, we got to keep it moving because we got to finish so I can do the Adam Carolla show. You got it, pal. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:39:14 What are we talking about? From Goodfellas. The lead guy. The lead guy from Goodfellas. Oh, Ray Liotta. Ray Liotta. All right. Let's cheer up as we do after the obituaries with the funnies let's do it uh somebody sent in scott adams your your guy from the far side uh has
Starting point is 01:39:39 is a nut apparently here's one of his tweets will the right-leaning press report that the january 6th insurrection allegations have been debunked by the hearings no evidence found or are they also part of the gaslighting operation what the fuck wait who are you saying this is scott adams your guy what do you mean my guy he isn't he the guy whose cartoons you always read What do you mean, my guy? Isn't he the guy whose cartoons you always read? Charles Adams from the Adams family? Oh, Charles Adams.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Scott Adams does another cartoon strip. What just happened? Oh, my God. Charles Adams is long dead. Oh, all right. Do you think he's related to Scott Adams? You need an apology tour for this. How many corrections are we going to get on that one? No, no, the spelling.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Charles Adams has weird A-D-A-A-M-S, I believe. Okay. And Chris, can you look up, which one does Scott Adams do? Maybe he's Dilbert? I think he's Dilbert. Really? Yeah. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Is that satire then? Yes, itbert no it's not he's a big corolla guy too he said all right not satire okay interesting all right uh lock horns we got uh loretta is putting on her makeup leroy is leaning against the door. And with an eye roll, he goes, wouldn't it be faster to use a roller? That's not nice. That's not nice. We go to Andy Cap. She's sitting at the table.
Starting point is 01:41:22 And she goes, where shall we go on holiday this year pet and he says i'll leave it to you flo after all you've got good judgment and she looks dead into the camera and goes i wouldn't say that i married him wow that fourth wall break jesus and he call and she calls him pet i like that yeah all right oh my god my wife start calling pet. I like that. Yeah. All right. Oh, my God. I'm going to have my wife start calling me pet. I like that. I might start throwing pet around, even to friends.
Starting point is 01:41:53 All right. It's very patronizing. I like it. So, all right. I'm seeing the top of it. I literally just see a blue sky and the dad's dumb head. So, I did not bring my Charles Adams book with me. So I did not. And you said, I will find a family circus and put it in
Starting point is 01:42:10 here. Pick the first one I found. Like you do. I tried to stay true to your style. I picked the first one I saw. I am going now to scroll down and take a look at this fresh and I'll describe it to you and read it. Here we go. Okay. I'm not even going to read it. I'm looking at it. The dumb dad has his sunglasses and even this green shirt on, but all sky. And you can tell they're at the beach because the mom and the daughter in the foreground and the mom, I guess is sitting there and the daughter is run up. It looks like, and is saying something to the mom. The mom's is sitting there and the daughter is run up, it looks like, and is saying something to the mom. The mom's in a bathing suit. She's in a bathing suit.
Starting point is 01:42:49 Now I will read it. I hate it when daddy wears sunglasses because I can tell. Can't tell. Because I can't tell when he's winking. he's winking i'm not none of this i'm putting i am not acting right now i don't even know what this is trying to fucking say i is dad a perv i mean what the fuck is he doing winking at his daughter what is that all about she misses his winks are they implying that dad is winking at other women at the beach oh right when daddy wears sunglasses because i can't tell when he's winking yeah yeah i i honestly have no idea maybe someone can explain it there's a i think there's a strip called dysfunctional family circus or something and uh where they do different kind of should we sample some of those maybe roll some of those out i don't even know if it's worth making fun of i mean look at this thing yeah
Starting point is 01:43:58 yeah all right anyway okay all right let's get to the girl I love. It's a table for four. Blondie sitting there with the two kids and Dagwood, who's wearing a weird red shirt. And he goes, huh? Meatloaf. I eat meatloaf for lunch today at Lou's Diner. And she says, like a beaten down fucking shell of a woman. Oh, I'm sorry, dear. And he goes, it's okay. You know how much I love meatloaf. And she goes, I have an idea. If you get me lose email, we can coordinate our menus in the future. And he goes, I know you're joking, but that's actually a pretty good idea. I think it's, I think we're seeing postmodern blondie. We're starting to see sarcasm come in and we're starting to see her pure vitriol for
Starting point is 01:44:47 this fucking human bag of shit she's not taking it anymore hey why don't you get me lou's email we can coordinate our menus you fucking do you hear it do you hear her voice changing yeah soon though i'd say a few drinks later it's like wait you know i have an idea you can go fuck yourself how about that idea hey dagwood had a thought um why don't you bend over and i'll take some meatloaf and stuff it up your tight bony ass you lazy fuck get a bonus by the way I'm trying to think of insults. And my next one was going to be, I have an idea. I'm going to stick six meatloaves right up your fucking ass.
Starting point is 01:45:31 And I realized all of it goes to the genitals. It's like, hey, load up and unleash on this guy. It's like, okay, it's going to involve his ass or his cock. Or mouth. I guess you would shove something down someone's mouth. Hey, why don't you give me Lou's email? And then I'll start sucking his dick when he makes you the same meal as me. How would that like? How about I stare you in the eye while I suck Lou's greasy diner dick?
Starting point is 01:45:56 I have an idea. Maybe it's time for me to come clean about all of Lou's meat. I've been over at his shop also. I was there right after you. Yeah, he calls it a meatloaf. That's what he calls it. You want some meatloaf, Blondie? All right, listen, I got
Starting point is 01:46:14 to roll. Gibbs, have fun in Nashville. You got it, Pally. I'll see you. I may not see you for a while because I leave on Sunday. Oh, no, I'll see you on Wednesday or Thursday. Over this coming week. Yeah, I go. Me and the wife are doing
Starting point is 01:46:29 our anniversary this weekend in Lake Arrowhead. We got a house on the lake. Oh, nice. And then we come back on Tuesday and then I leave Thursday. No, I leave. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:46:45 Thursday night. I'll see you at your sister's party. Oh, that's right. Ooh. Thanks for reminding me. That's right. And then Friday I go to Canada. I then need,
Starting point is 01:46:53 I'll talk to you about it Thursday, but I need to hear about, uh, the Louis shows in Canada. Yeah. That's going to be fun. I'm psyched to hear about that. All right.
Starting point is 01:47:01 God bless. Wait, did you watch, you watched the new hour, right? Yes. It's great. I haven't seen the movie yet i want to see that yeah the movie's really good too i saw it in the theaters it's excellent excellent it would have done so well if he got a major release this is like it's like the big sick it's got comedy it's got heart it's got funny fucking scenes it's it's a shame but whatever damn all right
Starting point is 01:47:27 well i gotta see it all right man all righty take it eesh take it eesh it's the sunday papers podcast with mike and gray Papers Podcast With Mike and Gray Read all about it Thank you.

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