Sunday Papers - Sunday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep 137 10/30/22

Episode Date: October 30, 2022

Kanye loses his Adidas, Meghan Markle feels used and a FLA attorney who opposed helmet laws died. Guess how? Finally, Tom Brady loses everything in his life this week....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sunday Papers podcast with your host Greg and Mike. Oh, it's easy Sunday, just like riding a bike. Read all about it. It's Sunday Papers again. Bop, bop, bop, shoobop. Slap it in. Six, seven. I didn't even hear that. All right. And three, two, seven. I didn't even hear that.
Starting point is 00:00:25 All right. And three, two, one. I didn't hear that. Maybe we'll be filtering out the annoying sounds, but we are recording Pally. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Hey now. Wait, what? Oh my God. Lowest energy. Here you hear. Get your papers. Get your papers right here. Get them from me or my father will beat me. He sends me out here in the mornings to sell papers.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's 1930. The depression started. I was going to take over for you and yell here. But, and, but then I said, Oh, the old people here in Florida where I am might freak out. But maybe they won't even hear me. They won't hear you. So how's it going down there? How's your dad? He's good. I'd say the highlight is watching him try to sync his hearing aids to his iPhone.
Starting point is 00:01:19 That has been – that's what I've been watching the most. That's amazing. Even when I want to watch other things. That's what I'm seeing. Wow. Yeah. But no, no. It's crazy Florida.
Starting point is 00:01:37 But the season has started. This is the weekend. Yeah. Like he belongs to some clubs down here. And it was like opening night last night at one of them. And then the other one, they started golf a little early. But the dining, you know, the restaurants are open this weekend. So it's the season. Can you describe your father's outfit for me for the dinner at the club. It was colorful. It was a blazer.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I think it was a rich, I'm not good with my color, royal blue maybe, whatever the most vibrant blue is that's between light blue and dark blue. It's one of those. And then maybe... Yellow slacks?
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, yellow shirt or slacks was your father. He dresses like he's in a blaxploitation film from the seventies. Okay. Yeah. All right. He has lost. Yeah. He has proven you can take the boy out of the Bronx. You can take the, you know, that, that no longer exists. Yeah. Yeah. So that's for sure. And, uh, and so did you get, you guys play golf? Not yet. I think we're going to go out there tomorrow and then I'm going to fly back Monday. Happy Halloween, everybody. Happy Halloween. That's right. We didn't really, we have no real material about Halloween, except there's a breaking story in Korea that Denman is going to keep us abreast of because it's literally happening as we speak. Yeah, a lot of people have died, though, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:12 150 Koreans have died in a Halloween party. That's terrible. What does Korea think they are, Detroit? Right? Detroit is usually the awful headline capital of Halloween yeah I remember uh did we talk about this last podcast but we had a guy uh oh did you ever meet uh I can say his name right but there's a guy Galooly he was uh on my floor freshman year Bob Galooly blonde guy blonde guy. Blonde guy.
Starting point is 00:03:45 His dad was an executive at Ford, I think. And he grew up maybe in Grosse Poitiers. Anyway, outside of Detroit. So it's freshman year. And we're only just into it. You know, two months into freshman year. And we don't really know Bob that well. And it's October 30th.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And he comes in. He's like, dudes, what are we doing tonight? And we're like, what? And he's like, what are we doing? We're going fucking crazy, man. Like shit on fire. And we're like, Bob, what? He's like, it's devil's night, dudes. And we're like, what's devil's night?
Starting point is 00:04:19 And I don't know if you in Westchester, in New York, we called it mischief night. Oh, I thought that I thought only Detroit did that. That this October 30th. Right. Yeah. But we called it mischief night. And but it mostly involved toilet paper and egging and eggs, you know, lighthearted stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:39 But in Detroit, what devil's night is, is the city is lit on fire. Yeah. That's the shortest way to describe it. Right, right. And Bob was all about Devil's Night in Boston, and it was not playing. It was not playing well. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 No, we did a lot of shit on Halloween night. We went pretty berserk. Like, we had, like like a lot of eggs. There's always been one asshole that brought an air and he would, he would rub air on your hair and then you'd have to run home and then you'd have a bald spot all week at school. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:05:17 and then we take a shaving cream and we put aerosol tips on top of a Barbasol can and sprayed at each other. Eventually our, it was either A&P or Grand Union. Those were the big shopping, food stores and grocery stores. And they eventually put a guard in the aisle where we were stealing all the aerosols and also a guard in the shaving cream aisle. Yeah, because you would just steal the aerosol tip off the aerosol can. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:50 So all of the people food shopping would get home and they had no way to get out of the can whatever they bought, you know, to spray. Yeah. Like Lysol or whatever. But then some kid, remember, I mean, we are 20 years from the internet at this point, but some kid got very creative and taught us that you could put a pin or a toothpick. I think it was a toothpick. Yeah, you light it on fire. Yes. You put a toothpick in the shaving cream hole that puts out a nice stream in your hand of thick shaving cream.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And you, yeah, you burn it down to the size uh that you want right yeah we did that and and then it sprays a long way yeah i beat up a girl one uh halloween did i ever tell you that story they don't even do that in detroit what are you doing well i was uh she was dressed as a bum. Because remember, on Halloween, we dressed as homeless people for our entire lives. That was a costume. Can you imagine one of our kids saying, Dad, I'm going to dress as a homeless person this year? Now Gen Z does that year round. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And so she was dressed up as a bum. And so she sprayed shaving cream in my eyes, and I didn't know who it was. I just know it looked like a guy that I could probably take. And so I chased him, and I knocked him down, and I'm sitting on top of him. I'm punching him in the face, and then my friends are all pulling me off, and they're going, dude, it's a girl. It's a fucking girl. And so I just ran i ran away and so cut to two months later i'm at the tarrytown lakes where we used to skate you know the the ice would freeze and they would have uh a heated shack there was this big shack
Starting point is 00:07:39 where you could put your skates on take your shoes off. Back when we had winters, yeah. Right. Oh, yeah. No, this happened from before Christmas until March. That thing was fucking frozen. And guess what? I talked to somebody recently. That lake hasn't been frozen in 20 years. No, that's not true. It froze like once or twice in 20 years.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Well, there's too many antidepressants in the water now. That's right. The river flows right in there with it. Happy river. Look at you. You're on fire this week, Mike. I like it. Snippy snappy.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I am fading fast, so let's go. Keep it going. Keep moving forward. I'm on Florida time. So they had big floodlights on telephone poles, and so they'd light up the lake at night, and they had speakers, and they would play AM radio you know like fucking uh helen ready yeah but am radio was rfm i mean we're really we're really dating ourselves here but yes so anyway uh two months later i'm out on that lake at night and some some girl comes up to me and she goes uh hey that girl over there i'm not gonna say
Starting point is 00:08:43 her name in case she's listening um she has a crush on you and i was like well who is she well she's from irvington she's from next town down her name is so and so and it turns out she's the girl i punched in the face yeah her nose is still healing but she has a crush on you she has a crush on you and a few daddy issues well it's also uh like oh does she still think like i hit girls that i like like i did in third grade yeah and so this is something different so i'm standing there talking to her and she's actually pretty hot and all of a sudden my friend chris spencer uh comes skating at me as hard as he can from the side so I don't see him. And he levels me. Just fucking levels me.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Easily break a skull. Easily. Oh, yeah. No, I knocked my head on the ice and I couldn't get up for a while. And guess who she suddenly had a crush on? Chris fucking Spencer. This was a damaged girl. This was a damaged girl
Starting point is 00:09:46 well he was chris was her hero getting the getting her nemesis she probably was pretending she had a crush on you so she could poison you so she gets yeah her and chris spencer were in cahoots the whole time exactly damn it i'm sitting back on this Florida recliner now There we go, alright What's Olivia dressing up as this year? I don't know That's a good question Yeah, I gotta ask my kids I don't know what they're doing
Starting point is 00:10:15 When's Halloween? Monday So I'm there I don't know what it is she's dressing as Okay, alright Nothing planned I'm there. I'll see what she, I don't know what it is she's dressing as. Okay. All right. Nothing planned. I think she's still deciding.
Starting point is 00:10:30 What about, you know what your kids are doing? Are they doing anything? I don't know. I haven't asked either one of them, but I would guess the odds are one of them's dressing is Dahmer. That's a given. Her school, I told you, came down on that idea. They think it's very inappropriate. Well, you just say you're dressed as Ellen.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Cool outfit. Are you Ellen or David Spade? Yeah, I'm Ellen. Yeah. So what's going on with William Lauder? All right. So when we get down here, my dad, so my dad worked his whole life at Estee Lauder. Right. And he knows he knows the Lauders. And and when my dad was there, a guy started in the mailroom and it was William Lauder. And that was, I think, Ronald's son, maybe Leonard's. I should know that anyway. I think Ronald's son maybe Leonard's I should know that anyway and but that's pretty good due diligence and but my dad was funny he would tell like you know everyone my dad was uh had an aramis at the time and he's like uh he's like hey listen he's like be nice to that kid who's like delivering
Starting point is 00:11:38 your mail right he's like he is going to be your boss like not that long from now and he like would try to tell people like to be nice to this kid anyway. So William actually does, uh, his, you know, he, he's pretty earnest in this approach and learns the business, you know, according to my dad and, and, um, anyway, runs origins, uh, creates origins or has a hand in creating it and running it, which was one of their lines. And, and anyway, a lot of kind of crazy family stuff that involved cheating and a big divorce and all that. Anyway, Estee Lauder passed away a number of years ago. The two sons are still alive.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Wait, is Estee a man or a woman? A woman. Okay, so Estee dies. William is her son. I think Estee Lauder, you know, from Brooklyn, I think her name was Esther Levy. Oh. Jewish woman from Brooklyn who started this cosmetics empire. And so anyway, it's a long way to set up who this guy is. And even though he kind of, you know, like worked hard or whatever, I mean, talk about
Starting point is 00:12:45 a silver spoon. So he's, he, and just, just him is a billionaire, I believe. And, you know, both his dad and his uncle are, and he got a lot of that money. Like it didn't just go to the sons. He, so the headline here, holy moly is, and my dad drove me down there. He bought a house here and a lot next door. The house was just built. It is this unbelievable mansion and the mansion is over $110 million and it's new, new construction, slate roofs, everything. He has a giant backhoe thing smashing it to bits and removing it the entire house the entire house we drove by it no dude the whole island is freaking out we drove by it and the window dressings are still in the window as this crane is smashing the glass and the roof just right down to the ground and he's going to build again and the lot next door cost a
Starting point is 00:13:54 fraction of that so like the amount of money he's paying just to get it to be an empty lot but the look on it like the entitlement like you must have been told by a million people to deconstruct the home and the whole west coast of florida there's a giant new new homeless situation of people who have lost everything yeah and and as i said it's one of those slate tile roofs you see all the new slate on the roof and it's just being smashed but you you could take out the doors you could take out the floors you could take out the windows take out save preserve as much of the studs as you can there's ways there's companies that do it it costs a little more but cost isn't an issue for this guy yeah oh my god that's gross and and the funniest thing is even the hedge fund
Starting point is 00:14:43 guys are like that's gross like like all even the billion fund guys are like, that's gross. Yeah. Like all, even the billionaires are like, dude, what a blind spot. What are you doing? $110 million house. Why buy it? It's on the front page of every newspaper down here. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And you guys went over there? Is your dad still friends with the guy? You could drive by it. I mean, if they saw each other, they don't, like, do dinners or anything like that. He was more friends with, you know, with his dad and still is. Right. So. Damn.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah. Well, you saw Leonard. Leonard spoke at, you know, Cynthia's memorial and stuff. Like, you know, they were close. So, anyway, yeah, that's going on and i'm meanwhile we just removed a tree from my front yard and we had three neighbors helping us supervise the gardener to do it right because we're putting in three new trees oh on the parkway by the street yeah ah no no inside the fence inside we had two big we had two big plum trees that were beautiful.
Starting point is 00:15:46 They were like my favorite color. They were maroon. I remember it well. And they were like, you know, they bookended the house. As you walked in, they had a tree on either side. And then they both died. It was some kind of bug infestation. And the trees died, so we had to chop them both down.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And so now we're putting up some smaller ones. Yeah. And you do have a wood-b don't you we do are you able to burn that maroon that maroon shit oh i never thought of that i don't know guy just took it away i'm like i'm like i'm like william lauder i just destroy shit and get rid of it just tear it down it's oh it's not dead tear it down anyway yeah um so I went last night to a play. Our friends took us to a play, and it's avant-garde. And it's, you ever heard of the Actors Gang? It's Tim Robbins.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Some poop on stage. Yeah, yeah. Aren't they in Culver? Yeah, it's in Culver. So we went to see the Actors Gang. It was the 40th anniversary. And if people don't know, the Actors Gang was started by Tim Robbins and a couple other people. And it's a very like punk rock, explosive avant-garde theater company. And they've done
Starting point is 00:16:56 really interesting work for 40 years. It's been a very, uh, what Jack Black credits it for giving him his start. He was there last night and it was the 40th anniversary. And so, uh, but I'm telling you like there's moments when you're watching this crazy shit where people are doing these monologues about nothing. And you know, they're,
Starting point is 00:17:15 they, they've got a fucking wiffle ball and they're hitting up somebody dressed as a rabbit. And, and you're just going like, what the fuck is going on right now? But it was good it was good it was interesting it's open till december i would recommend people go see it
Starting point is 00:17:30 wait you do i mean if you if you smoke pot you have to smoke pot before you go but the commitment of the actors is intense they're really it reminds me of the kind of shit my brother does in New York. Hitting people with wiffle ball bats? Yeah. Got it. Alright. I don't know if I'm going to go, but okay, we'll see. You never say never. This week's logo
Starting point is 00:17:58 is from Kyle Spencer. It's a shout out to the movie... What's the movie called? American Movie. American Movie. You got it, everyone. I mean, if you haven't seen it, good Lord, I don't know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Although, is it our faces? Oh, yeah, it is our faces. Oh, yeah, he put the glasses and the mustache on. Hello. Interesting. Wow. Well done, Kyle. What, you thought it was just a picture of those dudes?
Starting point is 00:18:27 Well, I haven't shrunk down too much. Now that I enlarge it, I can see a little bit better. You're the guy who just died, Michael. Yeah. I think it's Michael, right? Isn't it Michael? How about our catchy song this week from Mitchie Mitch? Mike.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah, that was a catchy one. Real nice. Love it. Yes. That goes in the finalist bins of possible songs. Correction. Just one correction. Apparently, when we talked about Jill Biden getting booed at a Eagles game, the truth is that was fake news. That was a doctored clip of booze that did not really happen, which made me feel good because she was standing there with a bunch of cancer survivors and they were. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:20 I, it was, it was just another excuse for me to express my distaste for Philadelphia. But I'm glad they didn't do that. I take it back then. My apologies. All right. So I should wait for sports.
Starting point is 00:19:31 But let me ask you. The World Series now has the Phillies against Houston. Which team do you hate more? I don't even know how many games they've played. The cheating Houston Astros? I hate them both so much. I guess I hate Houston more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I think I do. Okay, so you're pulling for the Phillies. And also, they were such Yankee killers, you know? Altuve, like, oh, my God. Oh, that's right. But also the cheating, yeah. I mean, for sure. Phillies are up.
Starting point is 00:20:03 Okay, good. Phillies are up 1-0 in the series. Okay, yeah. I mean, for sure. Phillies are up. Okay, good. Phillies are up 1-0 in the series. Okay, good. I'm going to be coming to your town very soon. If you live in San Francisco this weekend, November 3rd through the 5th, I'll be at the Punchline Comedy Club. It's an amazing club. Tampa Side Splitters, November 17th through 19th,
Starting point is 00:20:23 and Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, Texas, all coming up in December. And then I got a bunch of new dates in the new year I'm going to be announcing soon. Let's talk a little bit about life insurance. Okay. Because life insurance is something that, for me, in the kind of career that I've lived through and you have, you go job to job and you never really know if you're going to be able to support your family. And then you think about dying. And I think about my father dying young. And it always gave me peace of mind to know I had decent insurance. had decent insurance. Well, Policy Genius helps you. Policy Genius, you can find life insurance policies that start at just $17 per month for $500,000 of insurance. Do it. I mean, it's crazy
Starting point is 00:21:18 not to have it. If you have anybody that's depending on you, not just a wife and kids, you might have a parent depending on you. You might have a brother depending on you. Who knows? So it's a built to modernize the life insurance industry. They make it easy to compare life insurance quotes from AIG, Prudential, all the big companies. And you just click through. They get all your information. And they're not incentivized to recommend one insurer over the other. You can trust them. No added fees.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Your personal info is private. They've got thousands of five-star reviews on Google and Trustpilot. And it's the, the website is so easy to use. So, um, you know, your workplace may not offer you the kind of insurance that your family really needs. If you look at it, you're probably getting about kind of insurance that your family really needs. If you look at it, you're probably getting about a tenth of what you really need. So find the right policy for the right price. Oh, companies give you – I think they like to just be able to brag and put it in a list of benefits.
Starting point is 00:22:18 It's almost a symbolic amount. Your loved ones deserve a financial safety net. You deserve a smarter way to find and buy it. Head to or click the link in the description to get your free life insurance quotes. See how much you could save. That's All right. What do you have to lose? Let's get to the front page. What do we got? Extra! Extra! We all about it! Extra!
Starting point is 00:22:51 Oh, if I had a hammer. Oh boy. Some lunatic broke into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assaulted her husband, Paul Pelosi. He's been identified 42 year old david de pape de pape de papers the papers he's been charged with here's what they charge him
Starting point is 00:23:14 with because they're not fucking around they they want they want to put this guy away he's been charged with burglary assault with a deadly weapon threatening a family member of a public official. I didn't know that was a charge. I love it. Dissuading a witness from reporting a crime. Elder abuse. Battery with serious bodily injury. Damaging a wireless device. And, oh, yeah, attempted murder. Damaging a wireless device.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Oh, they're going to throw the book at me. I've thrown a phone maybe he had a hearing aid in and he punched him in the ear i don't know what no i mean did he maybe try to uh you know kill the security in the house or something oh maybe that's it yeah i don't know i've only read the headlines but i guess he called 9-1-1 during the attack. Yeah, I guess so. But this guy, he grew up in Canada. Apparently, his family says he had strong opinions. And they said that they differed from those of his family members. They're very clear that they have different opinions.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Outlier. So he is a nude activist who picketed naked against laws that required people to be clothed in public. He lived with Gypsy Taub, another nude activist and her family. I'm going to guess he was very anti-mask. If you're anti-clothes, you're anti-mask. Uh,
Starting point is 00:24:38 he was a hemp jewelry maker. Oh, um, and he promoted a lot of conspiracy theories at the time, including the theory that 9-11 was an inside job. Inside Saudi Arabia?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Okay, go ahead. DePape was calling out where is Nancy, apparently, in search of the speaker, a question that also filled the halls of the Capitol as rioters breached on January 6th. How about a better question for him would be, where's Google? Because if you Googled it,
Starting point is 00:25:09 you would have seen Nancy was in Washington, D.C. Yeah, right. Which is very easy to find out. This whole description, a Canadian hemp jewelry maker nudist who went to Burning Man and lives in a commune it smells to me like a liberal if the cops are trying to profile potential criminals they would have had this guy marked for like what od'ing on cbd oil here's your inside job yeah yeah um so apparently there's been a lot
Starting point is 00:25:41 of i mean you always wonder when something like this happens you just think all right this is fucking horrific this is one of those things that you just think all right both sides are going to come together for one moment and just say this needs to be condemned no no uh we were just talking to chris denman who is, as you know, is a little to the right. And when I say a little to the right, a little to the right of fucking, you know, Ted Cruz. And he says there's been a lot of chatter on the sites he goes to. And they're saying that there was a gay lover in the house, that the window was broken from the inside. Already. Just Chris, what did you find what do you what do you got well i saw by the way republicans also said you see this crime hit this is a quote
Starting point is 00:26:33 crime hits everybody and that this can happen anywhere crime is random and that's why it's such a significant part of this election story. That was a quote. Yeah. This seemed like a really random. I mean, the luck that a lunatic screaming, where's Nancy breaks into a house that has a Nancy. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I mean, that's crazy. That's against all random odds. Yeah. Right. You know, listen, whatever. mean that's crazy that's against all random odds yeah right um you know listen whatever that people don't people on the right who are such uh they get they're feeling so easily hurt uh just listening to a podcast but and they complain to us you have no idea but uh we try not to talk about politics too much but the disgraceful things that are happening i'm sorry are from the right they're really embarrassing oh my god do we live in a third world country where they're storming
Starting point is 00:27:31 the capital where they're now breaking into politicians house with intent to harm that i'm sorry it's the right well now there was also an attack on a republican recently. Um, who was it? Kidnapping a governor, right? I hate it. Trust me, you will not find me being two-faced. If, uh, if, if there's a tax, if, if the left did this, this weekend and it wasn't Pelosi, I would be just as pissed off and it's disgraceful, but I'm sorry. It's just, let's okay. there's the one example you're bringing up. There's so many unhinged stories about the right doing. It's ridiculous. All right. So Kanye West, Adidas announced that this is your story. Wait. Also, by the way, they're saying that they're blaming also Biden for this in right wing media, saying that he has not healed the nation's divides. And that's why this happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 It's always great blaming sort of the victims or not even not even looking at the guy who did it anyway. All right. Kanye West. I mean, just stepping back from it, this Kanye, it's crazy. What's I mean, he's full blown kanye it's crazy what's i mean he's full-blown crazy he seems to be doubling down and i mean it's like at what point does the media stop and go okay here's somebody who's in a mental health crisis let's stop publicizing everything that comes out of his mouth well the new york times printed a timeline of everything and you know we don't have to go all the way into it but the big news this week was Adidas announced it would cut ties with him after a nearly decade-long partnership, a move the sports apparel giant said would cost it $250 to $246 million this year.
Starting point is 00:29:18 The partnership accounted for $1.5 billion of Kanye's net worth net worth and without it he would lose his billionaire status sketchers said he had been escorted from its corporate offices in los angeles after an unannounced and uninvited visit and then despite his uh just awful, which was a quote from Daniel Eck, the chief executive of Spotify. He said that they would not remove the rapper's music from the platform because his music did not violate Spotify's anti-hate policies. Well, I mean, what do you have to do to be removed from Spotify other than ask, I guess, like Neil Young, because the Michael Jackson, I mean, I get, did they remove what's his name the guy who uh slept with all the women in chicago underage women and peed on them and everything i believe i can fly
Starting point is 00:30:13 yeah i uh i wonder i wonder if they were they i wonder can chris can you look up did they remove r kelly's music from spotify anyway kan, look, Kanye picked the wrong group to attack. If he said shit about the Irish, we'd be lucky to get him banned from the Blarney Stone on 6th Avenue. We just don't, we can't flex like this. You know, I mean, you think about it, like black people are upset because they're like, wait a minute. You know, how is it that we.
Starting point is 00:30:47 I don't know. Am I going to get in trouble for saying this? It's like black people are saying like he said slavery was a choice. He said that racism was a dated concept. He did the White Lives Matter T-shirt. He said George Floyd was killed by fentanyll not by not by being kneeled on and like nobody in the business shut kanye down i know and then all of a sudden he goes anti-semitic and it's fucking over and you go like you know well i know it's an interesting, it's interesting. I mean, listen, clearly, clearly a lot of these companies that are cutting them off. I wouldn't be surprised.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I mean, but they have black executives also. Like, I don't, I don't know. Uh, yeah, that's, and I know an article was written about it. I wonder what I'd like to know what a, someone who knows what they're talking about, which is not me. Not me. How they break that down. It says here, R. Kelly and Charles Manson. Charles Manson currently on Spotify. All right. They both have solid albums.
Starting point is 00:31:56 They have solid albums. Yeah. Jerry Lee Lewis. Oh, yeah. OK, we'll get to that later. Yeah, apparently I killed him but okay all right trump won't return to twitter right away all right let's skip this let's skip this what about twitter i just feel like we're laying on we're laying on thick on the right here today
Starting point is 00:32:18 and i just don't want to get all fucking mail no i'm just saying that musk has uh is going to enlist this panel so it's actually kind of like a better than people expected but wait i did read a stat has nothing to do with politics that since wait oh did i screen grab it hold on that uh yeah we go um in the first in the first 12 hours after musk acquired twitter the use of the n-word increased nearly 500 oh jesus christ it's back uh all right old-fashioned twitter let's cut down to entertainment all right here you go Let's cut down to entertainment.
Starting point is 00:33:04 All right, here you go. This is Dark, my old office mate, a guy I used to write with on Bill Maher's show. Yeah. Eric Weinberg. He was also the executive producer of the hit show Scrubs. He was one of the biggest writers in Hollywood for the last 20 years. Huge.
Starting point is 00:33:26 TV writers, yeah. He pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting five women whom prosecutors say he lured to photo shoots he was arrested earlier this month after being charged with 18 felonies including rape sexual battery by restraint false imprisonment by use of violence and assault by means of force likely to cause great bodily injury. Jesus. He's also being charged for stealing Dahmer's moves. That photo shoot thing is the oldest trick in the book. Dude, I got to tell you, though, this is so fucking weird. This guy would still he'd come out to my comedy shows sometimes with his wife, who he was a Harvard guy who was like very he he was always a pussy hound.
Starting point is 00:34:13 He was, you know, he was always talking about women. He was obsessed with women. But nobody thought anything like this. This is. No, of course not. Yeah. And I heard they is that what you just. Well, he would tell women, he would meet women in coffee shops and bars and he, and they would, he would tell them his job.
Starting point is 00:34:32 And then he would say he's directing, he's a photographer as well. And do they want to get some photos taken? And every young actress in Hollywood always wants more photos taken. And so they'd come over and then he would attack them. It's crazy. Listen, he did not eat them. Can we end on a positive note? That's true.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Oh, that's right. That's right. Yeah. Let's end on a positive note. Yeah. Maybe he did eat them, but he didn't kill them. All right. What's going on with Saul?
Starting point is 00:35:00 All right. So here's a funny. I don't think this is a, I'm going to try to do this as not a spoiler, but also, I mean, I'm late to the party anyway. characters in better call Saul. I have in my distorted memory placed in breaking bad as well. That in other words, we're seeing them early on. And so without spoiling it, I just was like, anyway, something very serious happened to one of the characters. And I was shocked because in my mind i still saw the person
Starting point is 00:35:47 the way i was seeing them better call saul i i saw them that way in um in breaking bad you know what i mean right which chronologically comes next and so that was very weird it was like uh it was a real surprise to me what happened to one of these characters. And pretty crazy. But it's heating up for sure. It is interesting. I can't imagine that writer's room because you've been in writer's rooms. And it's like you've got a chalkboard and you've got episodes written out. But now you're working backwards from an entire fucking way.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I mean, Breaking Bad was what? Seven, eight seasons? Yeah. entire fucking way i mean what was breaking bad was what seven eight seasons and you're working backwards from everything that happened in that so that what you're doing leads up to it you know seamlessly it's crazy yeah maybe breaking bad was six i can't remember but anyway i know and you're providing all this backstory but it's also as people know who watch it it's actually uh it's also, as people know who watch it, it's actually, it's surrounding Breaking Bad. They'll have all these scenes that are after Breaking Bad also when he's in hiding. Yeah. And you're finding out what the hell is going on while he's in hiding.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And it's like this series, I guess, is resolving both of those. What happened after and what happened before. Right. I guess is resolving both of those what happened after and what happened before right so anyway I just wanted to because I was down on it but I did stick stick with it and it's uh it's got me now it's pretty good in New York City Wednesday night uh SNL alumni Chris Redd got slugged in the face by some random dude and rushed to the hospital what he had driven up to the comedy cellar and at around 9 40 p.m got out of a vehicle and then a man apparently wearing a security guard uniform ran up to chris and clocked him in the face bloodying his nose cops where's nancy where's nancy cops in around
Starting point is 00:37:38 patrolling the area and quickly responded to the scene but the assailant had already run off. I'm guessing, you know, Chris Redd just fired from SNL, suddenly doing a lot of spots at the Comedy Cellar. I'm guessing it was Bobby Kelly, maybe Todd Barry, Keith Robinson. The usual suspects. Stealing their stage time. Yep, yep. What a fucking month for Chrisris red fired from snl and now punched in the face jesus was it was he fired i worked with him on the roast he was great on the
Starting point is 00:38:12 alec baldwin roast he was one of the roasters he was very good and i thought he was really good on snl i thought he was one of the stronger people yeah and they just lost uh you know, not to say that they're trying to diversify SNL. So I'm actually surprised they would get rid of somebody who's a strong black character on the show. Right. He just filmed an HBO special in St. Louis. And Chris Denman, I think, was there. Was he there how did he not get assaulted in
Starting point is 00:38:48 St. Louis right I know yeah he was there protesting it see Chris does not like diversity in any form in any industry Meghan Markle traitor
Starting point is 00:39:03 traitor doesn't doesn't regret speaking up about her experience on Deal or No Deal. She recently recalled what it was like. What? This woman drives me crazy. Go ahead. She recently recalled what it was like to be one of the briefcase girls on the NBC game show, alleging she felt like the job reduced her to a bimbo.
Starting point is 00:39:25 This chick does not do a lot of research into situations she is walking into. So it turns out Briefcase Girl might be demeaning. Marrying into an all-white monarchy might make me feel a little bit estranged. If you were selling timeshares or cryptocurrency, I'd give her a ring. I'd stop by the house. I'm sure as a cryptocurrency, I'd give her a ring. I'd stop by the house. This?
Starting point is 00:39:51 You felt objectified being a briefcase girl? Really? And now you're going to speak out about it? Yeah. She just bites every hand that feeds her, and she's asked that hand that hand to feed her. Yes. I mean,
Starting point is 00:40:09 I don't know. I remember I read that the articles was talking about how she said that she felt like she didn't, they weren't asking her to use her mind. Was there, was that in your interview for the job? Was there, was there a lot of, uh, did they have you do a Sudoku and quote fucking, uh, in your interview for the job? Was there a lot of,
Starting point is 00:40:26 did they have you do a Sudoku? Yeah. And quote fucking Lord Byron? A man on stage will point at you and you open the case. That's all you need to know. Now get in here and make up and get that dress shorter. Okay, princess.
Starting point is 00:40:45 And that's the job you signed up for. You know, she's talking about all this like she has been forced to do these things. It's like some journey where she's trying to get into America. And it's like, oh, my God, they sold me into sex slavery. And so I had that job. And then they forced me to sex slavery. And, uh, and so I had that job and then they forced me to marry this tyrant and they were incredibly racist. And I eventually escaped from that. Like you have sought these things out. You applied for them. Yeah. Right. I'm done with it. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:21 What next? I guarantee she already slammed Disney. Was she a Disney actress, like kid? I don't know. I don't know. She was a child actor, I think. I know that she had a deal with SiriusXM to do a podcast, and for three years they were getting paid tens of millions of dollars, and she turned in one 20-minute she had with somebody that was it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And then I can't wait until she comes out against pod. It's soul deadening. But now I think they finally did put out a podcast and it did really well. But well, there's, there are a spectacle at this point. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:01 but the sense of entitlement on this one, make up, make America America Florida. Oh, yeah. This is you. Oh, friends are speaking out after a Florida attorney who fought state helmet laws died. How? How? Drum roll roll in a motorcycle crash while not wearing a helmet ron smith an experienced rider was killed on august 20th after he lost control of his motorcycle and crashed into a utility trailer his girlfriend brenda vulpe was his passenger and also died a medical examiner said said Smith and Volpe died from head trauma. And then Gary Pruce, who was a friend of his, said, quote,
Starting point is 00:42:50 he was the guy that you went to for advice. Really? When I'm looking for advice, I go straight to the guy who rides a motorcycle with no helmet. Hey, Ron, what's your take on obvious safety precautions? His 57 children will attend the funeral. Yeah, they don't mention. He didn't believe in condoms either.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Or vaccines or life insurance. It's like, where does he think he is? Sturgis? This is insane. The irony. I mean, it sucks because, you know, here we are in a podcast and the irony is just so rich we can't avoid it. But the poor guy. But, oh, my God, most motorcyclists want helmets, even if it's not.
Starting point is 00:43:36 There's plenty of motorcyclists in Florida that wear them, even though there's not a law. Yeah. Like, what is he thinking? Well, you know, too easy to make a joke there but it's oh it's crazy yeah well not a lot of sympathy for me sorry yeah well that's that's one thing i remember like at a certain age well once you had kids i'm like no i'm not jumping out of airplanes and i'm not gonna like jump off some bridge or something with a backpack and a parachute that hopefully opens because zero sympathy for me. Rightly so.
Starting point is 00:44:12 When my little baby girls are in the front row of my funeral because of this weekend, you know, sort of daredevil shit I was pulling. Yeah. That stuff ended once I had a family. You know who should wear helmets is husbands of senators. I mean, that would be... If you really want to look at the numbers these days.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Let's go to sports. You got it. i think tom brady should strap on a helmet it's going to be a little bit of a rough ride maybe a rough ride tom and giselle divorce after 13 years the closely watched celebrity couple announced their split on instagram and filed their divorce agreement in a Florida court. Brady said in his post that he and Bunchen finalized their divorce. And anyway, here, here was his post quote. We arrived at this decision amicably and with gratitude for the time we spent together. We arrived at this decision to end our marriage after much consideration doing so is of course painful and difficult., of course, painful and difficult, kind of like playing football these days,
Starting point is 00:45:28 like it is for many people who go through the same thing every day around the world. However, we wish only the best for each other as we pursue whatever new chapters in our lives that are yet to be written. Oh, who came up with that fucking tweet? What team of fucking millennial writers came up with that horse shit? I know it.
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's it's terrible. All right. So he is on a losing streak, dude. He should have just tweet. I hope this I hope now that we've settled the alimony, this crazy bitch can call off her hex on the buccaneers you know she's a witch right she does all kinds of crazy witchcraft and shit maybe he'll go back to her he's not he's not very predictable with relationships like he was true he was trump's friend and now he's not so you don don't know. You don't know with this guy. I know. He retired. He came out of retirement.
Starting point is 00:46:27 He has commitment issues. He left the Patriots, but then he went to Bob Craft's birthday party. Who knows? I know. He has commitment issues. That's for sure. No, Bobby Kelly was talking about her being a witch.
Starting point is 00:46:39 It was fucking hilarious. Oh, really? Yeah, this week on Fitz Dog Radio, Bill Burr stopped in for the podcast. Nice. Yeah, really? Yeah, this week on Fitz Dog Radio, Bill Burr stopped in for the podcast. Nice. Yeah, it was fun. Those guys used to be roommates in New York together. I forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. Well, I'm benefiting from his play on the field, his poor play on the field. Yeah, just to update the—oh, Denman wrote, did it specify who gets the ppp money right remember he fucking took like five million dollars in ppp money no i think it was a million around a million i think i think it was five um so we started this season i immediately went down a hundred we're doing 50 bucks a game i immediately went down 100 bucks two games in a row and that's the last time i lost and now i'm up 200 bucks jesus christ and next week well so they played thursday so they played
Starting point is 00:47:34 chicago uh and that blew up my pool because when chicago won i don't think they played chicago by the way no that was no this week they played baltimore the week before they played Chicago, by the way. No, this week they played Baltimore. The week before they played Chicago. Oh, okay. And he's a pool buster. Everybody in betting pools is getting fucking killed. So what happened to you? You were going to win this pool.
Starting point is 00:47:58 It's down to, out of 240 people, it's down to eight. I'm still alive. And they have a strength rankings where they look at who has picked the best teams and who has the best teams left to pick. And I'm number one in the strength report. Really? Yeah. Is Gubbins still alive in this pool?
Starting point is 00:48:17 No. Gubbins got knocked out. I offered him a split. Bad news for Gubbins. That's the bad news for Gubbins. I offered him a split. He could still be in it. And he wanted a bigger.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And you backed him up. He wanted. You said that I should give him a bigger split because at the time he was ahead in the strength rankings. Okay. Yeah, maybe. Whatever it was, I stand by it. I'm sure I was correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:44 All right. Let's go international. All right. A hospital in Australia is under investigation after nurses allegedly sent a man to the morgue in a body bag while still alive kevin reed a palliative care patient supposedly died in rockingham general hospital on september 5th but a doctor's discovery suggests the patient could have actually died on september 6th despite having already been sent to the morgue the realization that a a grave error was made struck when the doctor unzipped the body bag and found fresh blood on the patient's gown and saw his eyes were open. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:49:34 They also checked his phone and he'd been watching vampire porn. Couldn't zip up the bag over the erection. Do you think that this was because australia is one day behind that they just got confused it might be the international timeline it is very confusing yeah it's already september 6th there all right he's dead yeah imagine that though the eyes wide open is the crazy part imagine getting zipped in that thing and you're alive but you can't move or communicate fuck oh that's the maybe the worst way to die because it goes on for a long time and everyone's wrong who says he's in a better place now no he's alive in a bag right well he
Starting point is 00:50:23 died peacefully you mean clawing at the inside of a vinyl container? Trying to open the zipper with his eyelids? No. I don't think so. Oh, God. And then another guy died.
Starting point is 00:50:37 This is a very sad international section. An Iranian man who hadn't bathed in more than 60 years died on Sunday at 94. The man was known to his community as Amu Haji or Uncle Haji, an Iranian term of endearment for an older person. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:58 He also had other nicknames like Dirty Darush, Stinky Sam. That's what the neighborhood kids called him. Yeah, exactly. Pee-oosh. Most notably, he became known as the world's dirtiest man for choosing not to wash himself for six decades, fearing he would get sick if he ever used soap and water. He cited emotional setbacks in his youth as a primary reason for not bathing. I thought he just said it was because he'd get sick if he used soap and water.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Well, what is the primary reason for not bathing here? He died in the tiny Iranian town of Dejga and was from the, well, whatever. Apparently he washed for the first time several months back. So it said the years of not bathing left him with skin that was covered in soot and pus. His favorite meal was porcupine and he lived between a hole in the ground and a brick shack built by townspeople. He did not have any known relatives or none that would claim him, although the townspeople were known
Starting point is 00:52:10 to have taken care of him. So he lived to 94. So I guess Johnny Depp's going to be around for a while. Covered in pus and sud. Yeah. Johnny Depp. Oh, I was hoping this guy might have been a rich guy and just flaunting it.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Yeah. This is disgusting. Yeah. But how did he live that long? Jesus. Oh, my God. Imagine having to take care of the, prep the corpse. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I guess in, how do I see? Say his religion? Here are his ashes. Here, here is ashes. No, thank you. Disgusting. Ugh. Um,
Starting point is 00:52:52 all right, let's get down to, what are we doing? This day in history. Here it is. Oh, I remember this. orson welles war of the worlds radio play is broadcast so it was a realistic dramatization of a martian invasion of earth and wells was only 23 years old when uh he updated hg wells 19th century science fiction novel, The War of the Worlds, for the radio. Despite his age, he'd already been on the air for several years.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And the show started October 30th at 8 o'clock. A voice announced that they were presenting Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater on air in War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells. But at that same time, most people were listening to Edgar Bergen and his dummy, Charlie McCarthy, which ended at 8.12. So people basically missed the beginning saying this is, you know, a written fictional piece. And they just started listening. And it was an announcer who was reading a weather report and then seemingly abandoned the storyline and announced that Earth has been attacked. Earth has been attacked. Something's wriggling out of the shadow like a gray snake.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Now here's another and another and another one they look like tentacles to me i can see the thing's body now it's large large as a bear it glistens like wet leather but that face it it ladies and gentlemen it's indescribable and so it just kept going and uh they had they had heat heat ray weapons and they were killing people. And people fucking freaked out. Did anyone kill themselves? There's a movie about it. I think that might have been overstated.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Originally it was like people jumped off buildings and committed suicide. But I think that might have been overstated. But there is a movie where it shows the production. I remember when i was a kid it was like on tv but like to make certain sound they had like a jar and a toilet and we're just rotating it and making this sound um and you know it was incredibly creative radio show that was trying to be as realistic as possible and boy did they succeed so the fcc investigated and no laws were broken so wow all right did they change laws like maybe more warnings or something i mean there had to be something so yeah they agreed to be
Starting point is 00:55:34 more cautious in their programming in the future but uh this helped orson wells land a contract and put out citizen kane Kane just five years later. Not even. Orson Welles, I think he was 24 when he started on Citizen Kane, which is unbelievable because he plays the older character in it also. Well, this was in 1938, and then Citizen Kane came out in 41. So it was probably developed for a couple years and then came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Okay, let's do some letters to the editor. All right, then. This comes from Gaz, who says, For the love of God, please stop the first album segment of the show. I love every part of Sunday Papers, but I am in disbelief that you are still going over best first albums almost eight weeks. I'm not sure why this has even started. I agree.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I do not recall a first album section of any paper in America. Sorry, I'm not one to complain, but I feel you need this to end. Please do not read the best double albums next week. Let this die. Let us move on. Anyway, Davey has these best first albums. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Lear of
Starting point is 00:56:51 Orpheus. That was a fucking great album. Yeah, Nick Cave's great. And then a couple I've never heard of. Jim says Cold Roses 1 and 2 by Ryan Adams. What? Do you know any good 2 by Ryan Adams. What? Do you know any good songs by Ryan Adams?
Starting point is 00:57:09 Oh, yeah. No, no. He's good, but I'm not putting his first album. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. He's Canadian, right? That's Brian Adams. Maybe I'm thinking of Brian Adams.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Boy, those guys have hurt each other's career. There's people that have similar names that have just destroyed each other's careers i wish i had more examples of that let's get that list let's get that list going uh yeah i did actually used to have something like that called half a man on fitz dog radio where two people that were so similar. Like the guy from, what was the show about polygamy on HBO? Yeah, I'm forgetting. Go ahead. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Colin Wells says The Who's Tommy. Oh, yeah, I know who you're talking about. I know who you're talking about. And he just died. Poor guy. Yeah. Yep. The Who's Tommy,
Starting point is 00:58:02 soundtrack from original movie. Yes. He goes, what a time capsule. where else can you hear elton john tina turner and margaret and yes jack nicholson singing alongside the who and keith moon yeah uh josh gully sends us some hip-hop ones notorious big life after death Some hip hop ones, Notorious B.I.G., Life After Death. Crazy album. Tupac, All Eyes On Me, even better. And Nas, Streets Disciple, never heard it. All right. Consequence just came out with their 100 best albums of all time.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Name one album in the top 10. Pink Floyd, wall no uh led zeppelin four i think you might uh no abbey road abbey road yes number three um are you experienced by jimmy hendrix no Are You Experienced by Jimi Hendrix? No. It's a weird list, man. They put out these lists to be provocative. Songs in the Key of Life, Stevie Wonder. No. Number 11 is Lauryn Hill, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Oh, fucking love that album. Yeah, number 11, you wouldn't believe.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Blonde on Blonde is 12. I don't know that Laur Hill album is fucking great. I could see putting that in the top 20 for sure. And definitely you would put it three spots in front of Sgt. Pepper's. No. Right. Well, what are the top 10? All right, here are the top 10.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Coming in at 10 is Nirvana, Nevermind nine marvin gaye what's going on you know what everybody puts that album in the list it's not a great album it's got a couple great songs it's a very loose you just don't like black artists number eight radiohead okay computer you like that that's so white seven you're gonna hate it kendrick lamar to pimp a butterfly again seven spots ahead of uh sergeant six oh this is greg fit simmons we each have one in the top six here's yours the beach boys pet sounds yep uh but think about if you're putting pet sounds against sergeant peppers for consequence it's not a contest it's pet sounds number five joni mitchell blue yep that's in my top 10 number
Starting point is 01:00:33 four the clash london calling double album number three the beatles abbey road number so there's two albums left double album nope neither number two fleetwood mac rumors that's a fucking great album i agree with that top 10 list well i haven't gotten number one yet number one prince and the revolution purple rain was purple rain even Prince's best album? Met a girl named Nikki. I guess you could say she was a sex queen. Met her in a hotel lobby. Masturbate with a magazine. Well, now you're ruining it for everybody. Is that the number one song?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Is that the number one album? There was some bad songs on that album. Let's Go Crazy. Obviously, Purple Rain. Anyway, yeah. bad songs on that album uh let's go crazy uh obviously purple rain um anyway yeah when doves cry all right anyway that was consequences opinion chiming in on the matter other double albums uh kurt from everett washington says chicago two uh almond brothers band at the fillmore east i'm not including live albums for double albums it's got to be original material Exile on Main Street
Starting point is 01:01:48 by the Stones obviously Blood Sugar Sex Magic by the Chili Peppers okay good ones good ones let's do an obituary
Starting point is 01:01:58 and that's all folks first before we get to that Blood Sugar Sex Magic was a double double album i didn't know it was a double album all right anyway okay obituary uh we're gonna start with a teaser a teaser why don't you read this one mike to give you something to read leslie jordan yeah well you know he was a beloved guy blew up during the the uh pandemic of course but actor comedian musician known known for his roles in will and grace an american horror story and for his uplifting pandemic instagram videos so he died in a car crash on monday in hollywood he hit a building
Starting point is 01:02:36 he unhashed it uh so so uh call your heartless you. So anyway, only 67. I thought this guy, he really presented as older than that. Yeah. And he won, won an Emmy in 2006, uh, for Will and Grace. And, um, he was behind the wheel of a BMW when he crashed into the side of a building on Cahuenga at Cahuenga and Romaine at nine 30 in the morning. at coanga at coanga in romaine at 9 30 in the morning and um he was declared dead at the scene now they said there might have been a medical issue like he something might have like he might have passed out or something i think he couldn't reach the break he was very short not a lot of sympathy all right last week I talked and we even talked about the concept of a pre-obituary where we give love to someone who, while they're still alive, and I brought up Jerry Lee Lewis. You jinxed him. And the guy dies days later.
Starting point is 01:03:37 And someone called me out on it on Twitter, I saw. And I feel badly, but I don't know. Should I? I mean, wasn't I giving him props while he was still alive? Well, TMZ announced three days before he died that he died. And then they had to come out the next day and apologize that he was in fact still alive. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And meanwhile, everybody picks up on TMZ. The media is so fucking lazy. TMZ prints half-assed shit all the time and everybody pounces on it. Well, listen, he was amazing. One of the big, like, you know, the Mount Rushmore of rock and roll and all that stuff. But I did cherry pick out some of the way he lived his life, including his 13 year old bride. So that derailed his rock and roll career as he arrived in England and she was, uh, 13 and then he had, Oh here. So anyway, in 1958, here, here's just some timelines of his tragedies in 1958. He had his third hit breathless and it rose to number two and he embarked on what would have been a triumphant
Starting point is 01:04:38 tour of Britain. Reporters discovered that the young girl traveling with him was his 13 year old bride and cousin. And that Mr. Lewis had still been married to his second wife. When he recited the vows for his third marriage asked by reporters, if 13, wasn't a little young to be married. His wife said,
Starting point is 01:04:57 Oh no, not at all. Age doesn't matter back home. You can marry a 10. If you find a husband. Goodness gracious. And that cleared it all up. So that derailed his rock. It actually derailed his rock career.
Starting point is 01:05:14 And then he went back to his roots with country and really did well in country and was just inducted into the country. Anyway, so here's some other. When he landed in England, he had sold out inducted into the country. Anyway, so here's some other- No, when he landed in England, he had sold out concerts all over the country. And then it got into the paper the day he landed, he had to cancel every single show and fly back home. Okay, here's some more things. Talk about a life.
Starting point is 01:05:38 All right, 1973, his troubled son, Jerry Lee Jr. dies in a car crash. In 76, while watching television at his wife's house mr lewis accidentally shot his bass player norman owens in the chest with a 357 magnum handgun after announcing quote i'm going to shoot that coca-cola bottle over there or my name ain't jerry lee lewis and shot his bassist right in the chest. Luckily, the guy survived and he filed a lawsuit. Two months later, Mr. Lewis drove his Lincoln Continental into the front gates of Graceland,
Starting point is 01:06:19 Presley's mansion in Memphis, just hours after being arrested and jailed on a drunk driving charge. A guard later told the police that Mr. Lewis was waving a pistol and demanded to see presley and refused to leave his fourth wife jaron pate drowned in a friend's swimming pool in 1982 his fifth wife sean michelle stevens died after taking an overdose of meth in 83 and in and in 85 doctors removed half his stomach to correct a bleeding ulcer. And he was slowly beginning to settle down. And then his marriage to Carrie McCarver ended in divorce in 2004. I don't even know what wife that is at this point. It has to be seven, right?
Starting point is 01:06:58 I mean, can you imagine cutting fucking alimony checks every month? Luckily, half of them died. Jesus. But what? what i mean it's a rock and roll life man yeah he lived it i mean there was definitely a wasn't there a biography of him oh yeah yeah yeah 1989 i mean a movie was there a biographical movie about him yes it came out great balls of fire yep in 89 i think it came out yeah yeah i'm gonna watch that again yeah i'm forgetting the name of the guy who was in it uh but we all know him uh famous was it uh i'm a little tired i'm on florida to beg ryan exactly right yeah um and he did a good job his son is on a tv show now what did i what am i just watching
Starting point is 01:07:48 the tv show that he's on um oh the boys have you seen the boys i have not seen dennis quaid yeah dennis quaid they've got he's got a son who's the star of that TV show, The Boys. He's excellent. He's very good. If I'm not mistaken, something went a little haywire in Cedars-Sinai Hospital that involved Quaid, like maybe treating one of his kids or something like that. Oh, really? And they were really, I think what he was saying is they were really at fault.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I don't know much about it more than that. Yeah. So. Yeah. Watch the boys. It's a really good series. All right. Oh, I'm almost done with Breaking Bad.
Starting point is 01:08:33 All right. Let's cheer up. Okay. Time for the funnies. Sunday funnies. Leroy walks in the door. He's got a briefcase. He looks a little haggard. And Loretta says
Starting point is 01:08:45 to her friend another day another dollar pretty much sums up Leroy's salary history it's nice to hear when you walk in the door after fucking
Starting point is 01:08:54 busting your ass you should kill her where's Nancy here's one where Loretta is again talking to a friend Leroy's got a cocktail he's standing with another bald guy and they're talking to a tall blonde and Loretta is again talking to a friend. Leroy's got a cocktail.
Starting point is 01:09:08 He's standing with another bald guy, and they're talking to a tall blonde. And Loretta says, it's a classic case of the blonde leading the bland. Oh, look at her. She's just so bitter. Yeah. What's this guy up to this week? And then Hager. Yeah. Hager and lucky show up on a shore
Starting point is 01:09:26 he's got a couple swords drawn and lucky goes what do you call your island and then the black native says ours and holds up the sword pulls up the sword and and hagger and his buddy starts sweating they start backing the fuck off. This seems like I don't know if that's how things went down. It's a little revisionist history right there. I think it might. Backed off on that one. I don't think the Vikings
Starting point is 01:09:55 sweat when primitive cultures would hold up a little sword. I don't think they sweat that. I doubt those fellas on the beach had a catapult. Right. You know, or armor. Yeah. Oh my God. All right. This is this. I remember this one far side. So it's the woods and there's two deer and they're standing upright like people. And one of the deer has on his chest, a target target a red circle with a red dot in the middle
Starting point is 01:10:29 of it and the other deer goes to him bummer of a birthmark how and i just i remember like my roommates and i would be totally baked in college, but his choice of words like how is perfect. Yeah. You know? And now we get to Blondie and Dagwood is sitting on a chair watching TV like a load of shit. Blondie always has her back to the TV and
Starting point is 01:10:57 she's reading because she cares about her mind. Yes. And then Shitface goes, honey, you've been awfully quiet since i got home from work and she goes tootsie and i had our hairstyle today but apparently you haven't noticed and then dagwood goes your hair looks terrific but it always does sweetheart it's it's fabulous as usually your hairstyle never gets boring and then the last frame is dagwood in the backyard talking to herb over the hedge so anyway i guess it didn't sound the way I meant it to sound.
Starting point is 01:11:27 And Herb goes, that's exactly what I said to Tootsie. First of all, when Blondie gets her hair done, how do you not notice? How are you not scanning her from head to toe? By the way, her toes are lovely. How do you not go head to toe on that fucking piece of ass? You get home from your lifeless job where you hate yourself you're bored and you make no money and you've got a 10 how do you not check in on that every day solid point you know he doesn't seem to be improving i gotta say he does't seem to be improving, I got to say. He does not seem to be getting it.
Starting point is 01:12:05 No, and yet she sticks around like there's no other. They must live in the worst town in America where there's just no other options. Yeah, or he has a brainwashed. You know, he's gas litter. That's what this is. It's a giant gaslight. Overused term, I get it, but something's going on here. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:12:23 He's in her head. He's got a pretty little head. Well, listen, do the right thing for yourself and your family. Go out, get yourself some life insurance today. And the best way to do it is through our friends over at Policy Genius. Go to, check it out. We also want to give a huge shout-out to our friends at Midcoast Media, Chris Denman and Beth Hoops and Key and John
Starting point is 01:12:47 and everybody that keeps the show rolling forward every week. Thanks for doing a great job. Thank you very much. And, Mike, anything you want to promote? I don't think so. I can't think of anything. What would I promote? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:04 How about your dates where are you playing great San Francisco this weekend people call your friends come out and get a table Dennis Gubbins will be performing on the Saturday night show he's doing a guest spot a tight 18 minutes yeah that's what I've heard he goes long I swear he's got it down to 18
Starting point is 01:13:19 so we'll see you guys there and have fun in Florida Mike You got it I think it's time to take it eesh It's time to take it eesh Take it eesh Take it eesh
Starting point is 01:13:31 They moved to Hollywood to make it big They hit the beach and started popping out kids Read all about it It's Sunday Papers again Bop, bop, bop, shoot, bop Read all about it in Sunday papers again Bop, bop, bop, shoo, bop, ooh These knuckleheads headed for Tinseltown They hit the clubs and started clowning around Read all about it in Sunday papers again
Starting point is 01:14:03 Bop, bop, bop, she bop And if you live in L.A. They're gonna talk behind your back You're gonna need somebody To pick you up when you're down And make you laugh Sunday Papers Podcast With your host, Greg and Mike. Oh, it's easy Sunday, just like riding a bike.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Read all about it. It's Sunday Papers again. Bop, bop, bop, shoobop.

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