Sunday Papers - Thursday Papers w/ Greg and Mike Ep: 8 9/17/20

Episode Date: September 17, 2020

The eighth and maybe final Thursday Papers. Listener emails, This Day in History and an alcoholic's letter to Dear Abby that reminds Greg he’s going to start drinking again....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 The Thursday Papers, Thursday Papers, like Sunday Papers, but shorter. Read all about it. Read all about it. There's no yelling on Thursday. No, it's the commute home. No one's excited. We're trying to keep it mellow. Read all about it. Oh, read all about it. Read all about it. Sir, sir, excuse me. Oh, you're on the phone. Okay, nevermind. You know what? Just think about it. Think about reading about it. Read all about it. Sir, sir, excuse me. Oh, you're on the phone? Okay, never mind. You know what? Just think about it.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Think about reading about it. Okay? I'm in. But read about it on paper, not on your phone. Is this a guided meditation? I meditated today and man, did I fucking need it.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Oh my God. Well, normally those are the wild ones. How were your, how were your running thoughts? Running thoughts were not as running because I worked out this morning with my nephew. He, uh, he gave me a full boxing workout. We got the heavy bag in the backyard and one guy would hit the heavy bag 200 times while the other guy did three sets, one set of pushups, one set of burpees, and one set with a kettlebell going up and down. And we did that rotation five times. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I'm surprised you didn't hurt yourself, especially with the kettlebell. I know. I know. So, uh, but then I was, I've been useless all day. It was too much. It was too much. he's a fucking the guy was a navy seal practically i can't keep up with him no especially his all the rage from not making it to the final seal yeah yeah you think a navy seal is dangerous how about a guy that went to new jersey with one with one round chicago in the winter in Lake Michigan, like laying on your back under waves in Lake Michigan in March,
Starting point is 00:01:50 then getting sent out to San Diego where it gets harder. And he did that for a month or two. And then on the final week, it's called Hell Week. Have you heard about this with the SEALs training, Hell Week? No. Hell Week, you don't sleep you sleep like one hour a night for five days and the rest of the time you have a fucking uh a log on your shoulder with another guy and you're marching it back and forth in the sand or you're laying in the water upside down while they submerge you to make you feel like you're drowning.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I mean, it's nonstop. And he was like, he made it through halfway of that, and then he got bounced. Because he was doing an open ocean swim in the middle of it, and he came in two seconds too slow on that leg of the... I don't know what i'm talking about but i i had heard whether it's true or not that a huge reason i heard it was the biggest reason but a huge reason people tap out which most like the vast majority tap out yeah is the that like, because that's, that like sleep deprivation can
Starting point is 00:03:08 be torture. Yeah. You get all foggy. You can't think straight, but also your body doesn't work. Like, have you ever gotten so cold? You can barely like you can, it's like this slow and it's, and it's spasming. Yeah. Yeah. And you're also your toes cramp and like your feet cramp and your body cramps. And I've heard like you're just like bobbing with your hands under your armpits, your legs crossed, trying to maintain some warmth,
Starting point is 00:03:37 whatever warmth you might have, but that it doesn't work. And so many people- And they're berating you the whole time. So it's not just physical, but they're calling you out on your weaknesses and calling you a pussy and telling you that if you quit right now,
Starting point is 00:03:51 this can all be over. I have no place to go. I got nowhere else to go. Officer and a gentleman. Yeah. So what happened? You went to the doctor today? So yeah, I had it, but stupid. Not about me. It was just to get a referral or whatever, but I was really
Starting point is 00:04:08 surprised. It's a doctor you know in our insurance out here, in our Writer's Guild thing, and they're in. They're in there the whole time. I thought it was going to be virtual. Anyway, he's a really, really conservative guy. Never alarmist. Always poo-poos if there's new stuff on like heart disease or cancer and some new fear. He always poo-poos it. Well, today, out of nowhere, he's somehow, Fauci might have come up or something. I'm like, yeah, he's kind of saying some scary things lately about the second wave. And he looked over his glasses and very uncharacteristically goes, oh, we are completely, and he used this word, we are completely fucked with the second wave.
Starting point is 00:05:00 It's going to be huge and there's nothing we can do about it. Wow. First of all, for any doctor to say that, but for this guy, it really opened my eyes. And then I brought up, I'm like, did you see New Zealand? He's like, yes. He goes, cause did you see the news? No, what happened? New Zealand, I think this is what I read. Of course, we're always wrong in this podcast. I think they completely shut down again because of one case in the country emerged again. Yeah. Lockdown. I'm like, how about just locking that guy down?
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. Or killing him. So what is he saying? Is this because of schools that it is going to be so bad? No, it's what Fauci is saying, which is the number was never supposed to be this high going into flu season. Okay. And, and this, um, virus has not basked in the gorgeous warmth of indoor flu season and it can't wait. Yeah. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Well, I'll be at side splitters in Tampa on September 19th. Oh, Tampa. No, no, that, Tampa's safe. I'm not going anywhere. I know I have some dates somewhere. I don't even look at my calendar anymore. I just, they just, every time I get near a date, they call and cancel it. And I always feel like,
Starting point is 00:06:27 I think I was going to cancel that anyway, but Hey, you gotta fucking, I gotta feed the kids, baby. That's what I did. You know, with the airlines, when I had, I had two trips planned, like pre-virus and then they kept writing me like Delta or whatever. And like, uh, Hey, you know, we're on your side. If you cancel your trip, if you cancel your trip now, you're going to get Delta dollars or whatever they call it. And it will be good for a year. Forget the six months or whatever. And it's like, no, you know what? I'm going to wait till you cancel. And then you give me
Starting point is 00:06:53 all my cash back. Yeah. And that's what happened on all of them. Yeah. But they did them one at a time. They didn't even like, well, one was, I had two one ways. And so they did it one at a time. Even like, well, one was I had two one-ways, and so they did it one at a time. Should we address the elephant in the living room? Which is? Thursday papers, the future of Thursday papers. Yeah, we had a conversation about it today. Well, it came up that neither one of us, we can't do the next two Thursdays.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Right. So those are off. And then we started discussing the future of Thursday papers. And if, in fact, it's something that people are excited about, I mean, the numbers are good. But at the same time, you know, it feels like it's maybe best to just do a longer one on Sundays. Two things. One, my doctor said there's not going to be Thursdays anymore come fall. So there's that. But two, first of all, we know people are so kind. This is my first rodeo. I can't believe how nice and supportive people are. Even when they're critical,
Starting point is 00:07:59 they take the time to write in and they usually put a nice comment in there, even with the criticisms anyway. So we know it's not a no-brainer. We know there's some collateral damage, but if we put more of that work into Sunday, one thing Greg and I also talked about was often we're answering issues from Sunday and Thursday and might've dedicated Sunday listener, listen, we're not the most organized people in the world. So I think sometimes we're not keeping Thursdays and Sundays in their own silos. It's kind of like, it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:08:35 listen, we're, we're both ADD. I'll take it a step further and say, we forget to do it. Like I, I texted you today, like,
Starting point is 00:08:42 cause we need to do it on Tuesday nights because, uh, our product, our producers need that time to get it done for Thursday because it's during the week. And, uh, and I texted you and I think I caught you off guard that we were recording today. And this is a perfect example. Since that call, I've been under the impression today is Wednesday. So that's just even, that's just even better example of how, but it's very similar to how when my wife, when my daughter, who I think my wife is
Starting point is 00:09:14 also celiac, but when my daughter got diagnosed as celiac, all of a sudden, keep in mind, this is ADD dad, who's single dad. I have them half the time, I had to get two toasters, I had to get two of the nonstick pans, I had to get two of everything. When it's pasta dinner, which is supposed to be the easy dinner to make for everybody. It's two boiling waters, but more than that, I take a knife, as soon as I spread peanut butter on like for the one kid's peanut butter, as soon as that hits the bread, I can't put that knife back in the peanut butter. And if I do, and God forbid Sophie's in there, then that peanut butter, especially if she catches me, otherwise I just scoop it out and try to, like. But that peanut butter's done then, contaminated.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Like, it's kind of like keeping Thursdays and Sundays straight. I just don't have enough wherewithal to do it. So you're comparing our listeners to people with celiac disease. I'm comparing them to diseased humans. Diseased humans. Who are too weak to handle our disorganization. If you love Thursday papers, let us know. We're in discussions with each other.
Starting point is 00:10:23 That's all there is. It doesn't go much beyond that. We just had this conversation a little while ago, so we haven't thought about it too much. But should we do a couple of corrections from last week? Yeah, but here's the thing. Are the corrections from Sunday? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah, fire away. Who cares? Who cares if we all get gluten poisoning? Go for it. Cross-contaminate this shit. All right, I'll do an old one that's not from this past Sunday. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:50 This is somebody who said, it's Krista McAuliffe, not Christy McAuliffe. As a person who was nitpicked by both parents, it's my nature to nitpick others. Sorry. Yeah, I always thought it was Christy. Christy McAuliffe sounds more like...
Starting point is 00:11:05 Christy is a stripper name. Christa is a teacher. Christy with the I and the smiley face for the dot on the I at the end. Could be a heart. Could be a heart, you're right, or a little star. Yeah, it's Christa.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I should be fast enough to have a joke of why she lost the E on her name. She lost the E. But all right, anyway. The sharks ate it. Oh. Yeah, so that's the only correction. The other corrections,
Starting point is 00:11:35 we got a bunch about Valerie Bure, who I said dressed like a gay man. We're gonna talk about him on Sunday. People are very upset. Very upset. You know what people are excited about? Football was this weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And a lot of people, I got a ton of people saying they used MyBookie because we recommended it. It's our sponsor. And you go to MyBookie and they double your first deposit when you put, just to recap to MyBookie, and they double your first deposit. Just to recap, you put money in, they double it up to, I think, $1,000.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Wow. Yeah, it's crazy. That's not a fake wow. That's a real wow, because I know nothing about this product, but now I'm in. They have a thing called winning season, which means player props, epic bonuses, craziest cross sport wagers. I guess if you're better, you know what all that stuff means. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:12:38 I bet on it this week and I doubled all my money. I doubled my money. Wow. Yes. I bet against indianapolis and i bet against uh do you think this season and i bet with the chargers oh man did you see that ending yeah i saw it on highlights by the way this is how out of sports I am. Other than in bars and stuff, I've never paid for Red Zone, but I have a certain thing now. Maybe I call them and see if they'll advertise on the show and I'll mention them. But anyway, all of a sudden I didn't even realize I was watching the NFL Red Zone. It's more all over the place than we are. it's so crazy how fast it switches between, you know, you know, I guess high scoring, you know, situations like they do not hang for a second.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And they sometimes play both audio at the same time. Yeah. Right. I know everyone realizes this, but me, I was new to it this weekend. Anyway, if you want to get in on the action, uh, and you want to get all this free play by doubling your deposit, use promo code PAPERS at Just spell it like it sounds, Put in PAPERS, and just have... It's fun. It's a really easy-to-use website. Everything's very self-explanatory. You get your balance, and it shows you how much you made, how much you lost.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And again, I'm up, so I'll keep tracking you on how I do this season. But so far, I'm on a roll. Do you think it's a good bet to bet against Tom Brady every week? No, I don't. I think they're building a whole new defense in Tampa Bay, and they've already got Gronkowski down there, and they've got some hotshot rookie wide receiver. And I think when they gel,
Starting point is 00:14:31 they're going to have a devastating second half of the season. That's my prediction. And that's why I think it's a great bet to bet against them every game. Because I'm an idiot? You're not alone, though. So you're saying the points that so the points are gonna are gonna compensate it is hard to bet against tom brady yeah i think if you admit that there's money to be made betting against tom brady yeah because there's an emotional factor listen it's ridiculous that whatever i think it was the
Starting point is 00:15:08 last super bowl he was in maybe he had like the ball on the five i mean you know none of this is going to be that accurate but he had the ball on like the five and there was like 40 seconds and people are like i thought this is not over like like it like, here comes his 95 yard March downfield. Like he has done constantly. So when you have that, I think emotionally it affects people like too risky to bet against Tampa Bay. And if there's enough of that, uh, I'd love to take the other side of that action. All right. I'll bet you next week. Let's have a standing bet this year. You and I, uh, every week I bet for Tampa Bay, you bet against them. We'll start it at $20.
Starting point is 00:15:49 $25 every week for the rest of the season. Okay. And is that with points or without points? Of course it's with points. Of course. All right, with points. That's what I'm talking about. The emotional thing moves the line.
Starting point is 00:16:02 The thing you don't realize is the reason they sucked last year is they lost a ton of people on the team. He wasn't playing with his team anymore. Where? Why am I talking you out of this stupid bet you just made? Good. $25 a week with points. I got Tampa Bay. And if you guys want to bet.
Starting point is 00:16:19 In case I wasn't clear, the emotional component is what moves the line because they get too many action. It's kind of like why I always bet the under because it's a lousy bet. Know what you're rooting against people making. You're rooting against action. And people also get scared, so they bet the over. Is that why you've shorted the stock market for the last five years and lost consistently? I lose. Basically, every time I touch money, I lose.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So listeners should be well aware of that. If you want to bet this year, go to, promo code PAPERS. All right, let's get back to the paper itself. This week in history, Mike, a segment we do on the Thursday Papers. Oh. Guess what happened on- I'm going to guess. The 17th of September.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I'll even give you the year. You want to know the year? I do. 1972. Well, that was before Christy McAuliffe's time. 72. Nixon officially said, kiss my ass. No, I will tell you it was in the entertainment industry.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Was it the Emmy Awards? Because they're in September. They are, but it's not that. It is, this is the date that the TV comedy MASH, adopted from the movie, starring Alan Alda, Loretta Swit, debuted on CBS. Oh, debuted. Yep, 1972, which is so crazy
Starting point is 00:17:50 because first of all, I grew up watching MASH and Hawkeye really was Groucho Marx. He was doing Groucho. And I just love that persona. It was Bugs Bunny. It was like that same wise-ass guy who know, guy who's anti-authoritarian, kind of thumbing his nose at his boss. And there was just something about it
Starting point is 00:18:11 that was like, that just worked as a comedy. But then the backdrop of it was, it's supposed to be about the Korean War. It was about Vietnam. There was no question in anybody's mind, except for the network knew that if they put out a sitcom about Vietnam while it was happening, it would never stay on the air. Yeah. I, um, right.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Did you ever, it wasn't until I was out of college, I was in television, and someone goes, that's super weird, right? That MASH had a, had laugh track. I'm like, what? And, and then I just never noticed it. It's such a bizarre thing. This is shot in the hills of Malibu, a very, very believable Korea. And, um, they're in the middle, they're in a Jeep, they're outside. And then there's all your laughs, canned laughs to every joke. Yeah, right. Like, where's the audience? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:09 People loved it. Yeah. I mean, imagine the creator, the battle he lost for the network to slam a laugh track on that thing. Yeah, right. Oh, God. Well, the movie was so fucking dark. You know, I mean, it was one of the darkest movies of all time. And was it? That wasn't a Stanley Kubrick movie, was it, MASH?
Starting point is 00:19:31 No, no, no. It was, what's his name? Nashville and all that, wasn't it him? I might be wrong. Oh. He loves our buddy Matt, who we talked about on Sunday. Yeah, Cass was his AD on a bunch of movies. Anyway, that was this day in history bunch of movies. Anyway, that was
Starting point is 00:19:46 this day in history. Let's get to some letters. This is from, God, Mike, we're already at time. We're already at time. We have a lot to get to still. This is a letter from Mike Oxbig who says, I love the Sunday Paper podcast. You and Mike are a fantastic duo. I message out of
Starting point is 00:20:01 curiosity and concern since I watched the podcast on YouTube And I've noticed that Greg is continually shaking Does he suffer from a bad case of twitchy foot? Is that official? You just stopped shaking When you got to the word twitchy Maybe that's what I need
Starting point is 00:20:22 No, no, I think you read it And you're like, oh, I'm doing that Yep Or is this a mild case of Parkinson's Rearing its ugly little head? No Butchie. Maybe that's what I need. No, no, I think you read it and you're like, oh, I'm doing that. Yep. Or is this a mild case of Parkinson's rearing its ugly little head? No. No. I shake my leg. I've never been able to sit still.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I have ADHD. And then on top of it, throw about 20 milligrams of Ritalin on top of that. And coffee. And my fourth cup of coffee a little while ago. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm a little shaky. And like 2,000 burpees this morning.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And possibly an earthquake right now. Right. Movie review. This week, I watched- Altman. Altman. Did Altman do MASH? Robert Altman
Starting point is 00:21:06 Robert Altman I think you're right I didn't even look it up I'm so proud of myself Yeah I get things four minutes later Goliath is a TV show I've been watching this week
Starting point is 00:21:16 With my wife We've watched about five episodes What's that? It's What's his name? In Venice? Yeah It takes place at Chez J a lot the bar restaurant that you and i go to i saw all of season one i started season two and then someone told me season two wasn't worth it oh well did you like season one well i love billy bob thorntnton and realized I'll watch him in anything. Yeah. It is not a bad show.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Don't get me wrong. William is, yeah, William Hurt annoys me. He's the opposite of Billy Bob Thornton. Yeah. I'll go out of my way not to see him very often. Don't get me wrong. He made some really interesting choices here. And a lot of it is not his fault
Starting point is 00:22:06 it's the way the character's written well yeah when they tell you your face whatever i don't want to give it away but his face is all burnt up so that doesn't give you a lot of that's not a spoiler that's first frame yeah that he appears his face is he's he's already long long ago right but i like uh i like this shot at shay j it's not shot at shay j but they recreated the shit out of it wait why don't you think it's shot at shay j because it's a pool table i oh wow i don't know i'm wondering if it was shot at shay j if they did they must have knocked out that back booth where the rat pack used to sit sh Shay J, if you ever come to Venice, or it's actually Santa Monica, if you ever come to Santa Monica and you want to go to a real legit,
Starting point is 00:22:50 old school, like 1960s restaurant, 50s restaurant in LA, it's called Shay J, and the Rat Pack used to go there, and they had this one booth that was kept empty for those guys to come in anytime they wanted. And you know whose booth it is now, right? Who? Sean Penn. No shit. You know, do you see the posters of Michael Penn up in there? Like, you know, like kind of little tribute stuff. No, that's Sean Penn's place. Oh, no shit. Does he own it? No, I don't think. He might've helped out Jay over the years and jay passed away
Starting point is 00:23:25 two years ago oh okay you know jay jay's mom opened it called it shay jay after her son she was hit by a car and killed in front of shay jays wow what are the odds what are the odds of drinking in the same place every night for 30 years and how cool my in Goliath, they have them in that motel. Yeah. Right above Shay J's. They share the parking lot. Yeah. Also, I think the Beach Boys used to hang out there. I have no doubt that Charles Manson spent some time there. Listen, it's comfort food.
Starting point is 00:23:57 You're not going for, like, the best. If you're a foodie, just lower that bar to, I just want comfort food with really great strong drinks with a bar that has Christmas lights, sawdust on the floor. It is a comfortable vibe across the street from the ocean. Yep. Um,
Starting point is 00:24:14 anyway, good show. Looking forward to the rest of the season. I liked season one. Yeah. I'll probably bow it after one season. You see, we should see this as the dilemma. I want to talk about
Starting point is 00:24:27 Action Park because you saw it, but our Sunday listeners want to hear that. Right. Well, that's going to be our... I can tell you this as a sneak peek, our logo for Sunday, somebody took the Action Park logo and put our faces on it. Did you see that? Yeah. But how uniquely New York, New Jersey is Action Park and the documentary. I mean, you know, I used to go there, right? Yeah. Yeah. No, you told the whole right. Thursday listeners, some of them might not know, but on Sunday you talked about your parents getting shit faced while you guys got injured. Yeah. Right. While the employees watched us while they were shit-faced. According to this movie, everybody was just high and drinking all the time that worked there.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Totally. And you had to be 16. And I think three people died. Five. Five people died at that park. That's reported. Keep in mind, they didn't report any of them. So those are the ones they found.
Starting point is 00:25:24 Right, right. Obviously, they made it to the papers, the five, but what they learned was the park didn't report them. The best is here's this action park. They tell you it's action. They show you the crazy stuff, but then you got all these Jersey douchebags that are watching you jump off a 20 foot wall into the water. And if you hesitate, they just start screaming, you fucking pussy. Dude,
Starting point is 00:25:52 worse than that. When you're on the treacherous, what is it called? The flume, whatever the going down in that little, basically the bobsled, your little personal bobsled as you're going down the hill, the guys who are going up on the chairlift have their really heavy metal carts on a hook on the chairlift and they bump them off
Starting point is 00:26:12 of the shoulder, trying to drop it on you as you're going down the hill. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's, that's where someone died also. That's Jersey. I love it. Um, all right. You got a, uh, you got a dear Abby for us. I wonder if it's worth it. It's not that great. I can, I can blast through it.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Uh, I have, I have, okay, here we go. I know I have been blessed with wonderful relationship, uh, relationships in my life.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I have been married to the same lovely man for 25 years. I'm also fortunate to have had the same best friend for 40 years. The problem, the problem may drink because of past behavior. I decided to get sober two years ago. I know I won't be able to drink socially again. I changed. They didn't. So this is why I thought it might be interesting to you, Gregory. We are all, this is a funny line. We are all very high functioning alcoholics. We never miss work and lead for the most part productive lives. I love them both so much. My husband is supportive and adoring. My best friend and I have gone through
Starting point is 00:27:10 everything together, but Abby, I can't stand them after 8 PM after which they both repeat the same things over and over and tell me how much they love me in a slurry sloppy way. Oh, poor you. My life isn't bad, but this is making me miserable. I'm not asking that they quit drinking entirely, but for the sake of our relationship, I wish they'd just slow down some. Am I wrong to ask something of them that will change what was a big part
Starting point is 00:27:37 of all of our lives for so long? I'm not willing to throw away long-term relationships, but I am truly at my wit's end. Odd one out in Washington. So you experienced this with me and all your buddies. Yeah. Well, yeah. I mean, it really, thankfully I started doing standup around that time because I did find it boring to hang around with drunks. Once you get sober, it is, it's the same fucking stories and then it's that i love you stuff and it's like you know it's you miss out on something because i do miss out on drinking and being more emotional i think i think you're more vulnerable and emotional which is something i see other
Starting point is 00:28:20 people get closer while they're drinking and i I think that that's a nice human thing. Yeah, I miss that. But at the same time, I can't, I can't. If people start getting shit-faced at the Malloy's house or the Dunsky's and it gets past a certain hour, I'm out. I can't handle it anymore. I think this woman, the only thing she can do
Starting point is 00:28:43 is make different plans after eight o'clock because those two drunks are not changing their behavior for you. You're a disappointment to them. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Especially as you're rolling your eyes. I just fucking told her I love her. What this stupid bitch. Um, yeah. Well, as you get older though, you know, I like to think I haven't gone sloppy drunk. And your friends get less sloppy drunk, like you're talking about when it first happened. Yeah, but it's interesting. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I don't know. It's hard. It's hard. Great designated driver, though. I think her friend and her husband scored on that one. That's right. She's an amazing designated driver for us. Yeah. I think she just needs to get TikTok. That's what I do. Things get ugly. I just go in the corner and I look at fucking, look at TikToks.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Oh, that helps a party vibe. Oh, there's the sober one in the corner looking at his phone all night. Hey, is it public knowledge that you have a slight plan to start drinking in retirement? public knowledge that you have a slight plan to start drinking in retirement? Oh yeah. 65. I'm starting high ball, a high ball at four o'clock every day, followed by wine at dinner and a little bit of Jameson's little, little nightcap.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I told you, uh, we had on Omar Sharif on, uh, on Craig Kilbourne show on the late, late show. And he loved, and all of us did. We all love Lawrence of Arabia and, you know, Omar Sharif's a goddamn legend and a partying
Starting point is 00:30:11 legend, you know, with, um, what's his name? Uh, tell me out the greatest storyteller ever Irish Peter O'Toole. They were drinking buddies and And on breaks that they would get from Lawrence of Arabia, they'd go up to Beirut, which is the Paris of the Mideast at the time. And the stories are crazy, like didn't sleep for three days type stories. So anyway, Craig then during the commercial break goes, so do you, because Craig, you know, loves his cocktails. So he's like, so do you still drink? And he's like, no, no, those days you can't anymore. He's like, now it's like, you know, before dinner, I'll just have, you know, a brandy or some, you know, aperitif, you know, or not aperitif, whatever it's called before dinner and all that. And then like, you know, just a bottle of wine with dinner. And then
Starting point is 00:30:58 after just like a cocktail and Craig's just looking at him,, it was literally like what you just said. And I think it might've been, I share champagne with someone before dinner. Keep in mind, he was living, he was a backgammon champion and he was living in a hotel in Paris. That's how he was spending the end of his life. He would have, I think it was maybe champagne or cocktails before dinner a bottle of wine this is every night and then a cocktail after it I love it that's not drinking that's gonna be me and we'll still be doing the Sunday papers all right listen Mike this was a big week yeah we made a big announcement we'll see what's gonna happen we'll see you guys in three weeks But we'll talk to you on Sunday
Starting point is 00:31:47 We have a lot to get to We made a lot of mistakes apparently We're gonna get to those Go to Sunday One of our thoughts is that Maybe more people will concentrate on Sundays Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:58 It's gonna be huge Yeah, is that a failed theory? I don't know And people loved the song last week People freaked out about how good the song was So do for the Sunday papers I mean, yes, so did I I didn't hear it while we recorded it
Starting point is 00:32:13 And then I had to cut the little promo So I went on YouTube And I was blown away by that song Yeah We're going to go out on it now I'll play it for you in case you missed it on Sunday And, you know, keep them coming Keep the songs and the logos coming'll play it for you in case you missed it on Sunday. Keep them coming.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Keep the songs and the logos coming. Thank you guys for tuning in. Thanks for listening here on Thursday despite everything we've said. Yeah, right. All right, wrap it up. Put a fish in it. Go do some more squats. I know, I'm so fucking tired. I hope I wasn't
Starting point is 00:32:43 too out of it this week. I'm doing everything I can. You just went above and beyond. We just did 30% more podcasts than we're supposed to. That's right. Enjoy it. All right. Wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Swat a fly with it. Hey, for Sunday, you and Aaron, start watching The Vow on HBO. I know you know the story. It's still I think it's taking its time a little bit, but I think it's done very well. Okay. Yeah, The Vow. Alright, take it easy, Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Toodles. Bye. Alrighty. All righty.

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