supermegashow - Top 35 Family Guy Episodes That Do Not Air In The UK | supermegashow - 048

Episode Date: February 5, 2025

Ryan also reviews the pleasures bestowed by blue magic. Follow Matt: @matthwatson Follow Ryan: @elirymagee Follow the show: @supermegashow To watch the podcast on YouTube: Don’t forget to follow the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:50 Yeah, I mean I did I mean is it maybe a better tagline Exists for that brand of marijuana probably have to probably have to censor that out since the very start. Oh, yeah So though there's going to be bleeps. Unless you're an audio listener, you might feel very precious, unless Luke puts the bleep in both versions because he doesn't feel like exporting one and then a separate one. Luke, what will it be?
Starting point is 00:02:16 Well, there it is. And make sure, Luke, there are audio listeners. I know it's easy to forget. But if you answer on screen, the audio listeners, they can't read that. That's true. If it's easy to forget, but if you answer on screen, the audio listeners, they can't read that. That's true, if it's just text, if you just put some text on screen. So maybe text and your voice giving the answer.
Starting point is 00:02:33 How about that, Luke? Luke, I can even help you set up a little microphone stand on your desk that you can record directly into Premiere with. You can do that, you can just record straight into Premiere, which is audio. What? Yeah, so we could set that up so if Luke ever has to respond to us, like right here. Ah!
Starting point is 00:02:53 That was a fu- That wasn't Luke. No, that was a short three second fire alarm. Hey, Luke was just saved by the bell. Hey! Right? Because the- I've never seen that show. What? The fire alarm is is there an emergency that must be dealt with do we need to go put out a fire? Why is it going off like that though? That's not how it normally goes off They're probably testing it. They're probably like like going
Starting point is 00:03:22 Okay, okay, it works. Are we sure it works? probably like going, okay, okay, it works. Are we sure it works? You try one more time, one more time. You know? Cause it closes doors in the building automatically. Oh my God, yeah. And it shuts down the elevator, which has to be manually reset.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And we're up on like the 96th, seventh floor. You should know this by now, 96th. I know, I get it wrong sometimes and I have to go up or down, depending on which one I think it is that day It's it's it's frustrating. Believe me Well, I've been telling you when you overshoot and go to the 97th floor You don't have to go all the way back down to the first floor to go back up to the 90s
Starting point is 00:03:54 It's only fair I got it wrong And so like I shouldn't I shouldn't just arrive on the floor as if I knew where I was going I need to be confident about it So I need to step back out step back out into the lobby let it go again like let people go in, stand out in the lobby, collect myself as if I'm traveling in the elevator for the first time. It is embarrassing going to the wrong floor and then going down to the correct floor, walking out of the elevator even if people don't know that you went to the wrong floor
Starting point is 00:04:23 originally it feels like. Yeah exactly and I don't want to use went to the wrong floor originally, it feels like... Yeah, exactly. And I don't want to use stairs because those are only for fire hazards and emergencies. I don't want to clog the stairway. What if there was a fire on the 98th floor and people needed to get down or the 95th floor and people needed to... And you're in the way, you know? And blocking the traffic of the stairs.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And next thing you know, you got people burning alive because you didn't want to take the elevator. And I don't like people burning alive. That doesn't sound fun. The sounds that people make when they're burning alive are not pleasant, Matt. They're just not. I've heard them. They're not pleasant. It's scary. And sometimes could be funny. Did we say welcome to episode whatever bullshit?
Starting point is 00:04:59 I don't think we did. Welcome, guys. To episode 48 of the Super Mega Show. 48. And in the first five minutes of this episode you got to hear the fire alarm, you got to hear Luke's voice, maybe. Oh, because we can't commit, because he might have just decided to say fuck it and give a big middle finger to all the audio listeners, whom I love. I love them so much. Hear that? Yeah, those are the audio listeners. And video watchers slash listeners, you know. I had to give them a little blow kiss.
Starting point is 00:05:30 A kiss blow. I blew them as well. But basically, apparently we need to ease up on the swearing in the beginning of our podcast, like the first few minutes. And our nudity. Yes, definitely the nudity and Luke was saved by the bell because he I asked him literally to say something and then the alarm
Starting point is 00:05:53 went off so it's almost like uh Luke has like magic powers or some shit and decided to uh invoke them you know so he wouldn't have to record himself. Luke doesn't have magic powers though, right? No, he's not like a wiccan. That'd be stupid. No, he doesn't. He's not like in a coven of other people who do magic all standing around like a cauldron or some stupid shit. He talks about doing magic with his friends, you know? He has magic nights where he meets up with his friends. He talks about gathering. Playing magic. Gathering with people to do magic. That's what cults do.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Cults gather. Is he? Says, he was talking one time about a recent magic gathering that he had, and he said that in order for him, I really don't understand what he's talking about when he's talking about this because there's so many like phrases and stuff I guess
Starting point is 00:06:47 that like I as a non-magic user just aren't privy to. You was a sex-haver. Yeah. You know. But like he started talking and he was like saying he had to, something about sacrificing for the greater good of the game. Like he's playing some sort of game with people's lives. I don't know, it came off as very, I was perturbed.
Starting point is 00:07:10 To put it bluntly. I'm not saying I believe in magic or magical powers and I'm not saying that I think Luke. Do you believe in magic? In young girls heart. Is it a young girls heart, young man's heart young it's young girls But I like young man's better in a young man's heart This is like a he's talking about himself. Yeah, he's talking about his own heart, you know
Starting point is 00:07:35 But Luke does not have magical powers let me just to end the Luke conversation because God we're seven minutes in and or however many minutes it is in the actual episode, and Luke, his name has graced our lips and tongue so many times, and the audience might, if they're a new listener, they're going, who is this Luke fellow? He's our employee, and he may or may not possess magical powers. Luke's been with us for years now. Yeah. Has it been three? Yes. Luke's been with us for... Years now. Yeah. Def... I don't...
Starting point is 00:08:05 Has it been three? It's... Yes. I believe so. Like in terms of... Okay, damn. Right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Yes! Damn. Because for some reason, like in my head, Luke as a super mega cinematic universe character feels so recent but he has been here for a significant chunk of the super mega cinematic universe time four years with super mega He might be mad that we don't remember exactly how long it's been since we hired him Well before we hired him he was just taking the podcast per episode.
Starting point is 00:08:46 He was just taking out the trash, wheeling it to the front. Yeah, just cleaning up our messes, our maggot-infested pizza. He was cleaning all of that stuff up for us, which we did make quite a mess. And sometimes, honestly, I just liked having the guy around, so I would make more of a mess just as an excuse. Because the more of a mess there is the longer Luke is around. Yeah. Doesn't work so much for this new office. No. Unfortunately he just gets up and leaves. Not my problem. And it's frustrating because it used to be his problem. Ever since he was officially hired he's become more lax and and and mean. I say me. Yeah, I you know what?
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'll say it too. Definitely mean he's he's been very mean to me recently and I actually wanted to bring that up and talk to you about it, but I Kind of have felt a little nervous bringing that up because I'm scared that Maybe he has influenced you in a way where if I bring up problems I have with Luke to you, you know, you're just gonna go run back and tell him and then he's gonna get mad and hurt me. Well, at the end of every day, he goes,
Starting point is 00:09:56 did Matt say anything about me? That's what I'm talking about. And he looks at me and you know me, I don't have a face that I can hide my secrets to easily. You can't lie, yeah. You have those puppy dog eyes and they say the eyes of the window to the soul And and when you're looking in your eyes, you can see straight through but but the rest is to say
Starting point is 00:10:14 Luke we promise we'll stop talking about you whenever our personal timer says ten minutes exactly I like that you know we're talking about, fuck, there it is. We have to stop. Don't bring his name up anymore. Yeah, he can't, he's done on this podcast, done. So we have to talk about something else now. Our contractual obligation to spend the first 10 minutes of the podcast talking about him should have,
Starting point is 00:10:41 I think the makes the, I think solidifies the agreement that was in the lawsuit so yep I think we're good good all right. Huh well to get things actually started. Uh-huh We're gonna count down the top 35 Family guy episodes that do not air in the United Kingdom. That's right They actually have a pretty extensive list I believe it's about 70 or 80 episodes that they don't air in the UK, strictly because they're big babies over there and they have some kind of joke that offends them and they're like, don't show that over here. Oh, governor.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Whatever the fuck they say. They don't allow it. Also, I lied. What? We're not we're not going over the top 30 Episodes that they don't show in the UK. No fuck you dude. I was excited for that. Okay. Okay, you know what to To like here I'll I'll I'll cushion the wound. You'll cushion the wound of my fibs The wound of your fibs. It's deep dudes to be cushioned. It needs you need to cushion the wound of my fibs I mean your fibs. The wound of your fibs. It's deep, dude. It needs to be cushioned. You need to cushion the wound of my fibs. I mean, your fibs.
Starting point is 00:11:50 That's a good saying. Cushion the wound of your fibs, Mickey. How about this? How about that? Cash me out, son. I'm trying to, hold on, maybe I need to connect to the WiFi. It's okay. Oh yeah, dude I need to connect to the wifi. It's okay, it's okay. Oh yeah, dude, you gotta connect to the wifi.
Starting point is 00:12:07 The service back here is just abysmal in the podcast studio. There is, it's like, our podcast studio is basically like a cement tomb that's in the top floor of this building and no, like cell phone rays do not make it through the ceiling or the walls Okay, are you? Here's here's how I'm gonna cushion the the the the wound the wound of your fibs of my fifth I'm saying that we're gonna go over 35 Family Guy episodes. Fuck it was 35 and I said 30. It's fine No, what are numbers but but letters?
Starting point is 00:12:42 Exactly exactly in numerical form. What are what are numbers but letters in numerical. Exactly in numerical form. What are numbers but letters? In numerical form. In numerical form. Numerical. Go ahead. So some episodes of Family Guy have been censored or pulled from airing due to controversy or perceived defensiveness.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Now this isn't perceived. This isn't like the UK or anything specific. Again, those were Fibs. This is just in general. Yeah. Because we don't want to UK or anything specific. Again, those were fibs. This is just in general. Because we don't want to talk about the British. Right here, it's listing two censored episodes and one pulled episode. There might be more, but these are the ones
Starting point is 00:13:15 that I'm going to mention to help cushion that wound of my fibs. Muhammad? Well, let me get there. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of a. The first episode is When You Wish Upon a Weinstein. Great, what a great name. How about this, I'll read you the episode title
Starting point is 00:13:31 and you try to tell me why do you think it was taken down and then I'll read the answers. I like this, that's a fun game. Okay, so this censored episode of Family Guy is When You Wish Upon a Weinstein. Why was this taken down? Now you have to think of the jokes that Family Guy's done in the past, what they've gotten away with. What of all things
Starting point is 00:13:51 would they be taken down for, I guess? So I'm assuming... This is a critical thinking exercise for Matthew. I'm going to go out on a limb and say the episode has something to do with Harvey Weinstein. And also I just want to point out real quick like I don't think they even tried with that title that like there's no pun the pun is well when you wish upon a star yeah but why when you wish upon a Weinstein it's I think that it has to do with Harvey Weinstein and I mean cricket sing that in Pinocchio I don't think Jiminy Cricket sings it is the is Cricket sing that in Pinocchio? I don't think Jiminy Cricket sings it. Is it the goddess fairy in Pinocchio? I think a beautiful lady sings it.
Starting point is 00:14:29 The badass babe in Pinocchio with wings? The badass maiden. Fuck yeah. The baddie. Sorry, go on. Sorry. Why was the episode When You Wish Upon a Weinstein censored? Because I'm guessing it had to do with Harvey Weinstein
Starting point is 00:14:45 and the allegations against him and they were, they made some jokes that were in poor taste. To Weinstein, is your, like, about Weinstein? Like, are you just saying, like, they were censored because they made Weinstein jokes? What was the reason, like? I'm guessing they made, oh, wait, maybe, if this episode came out before all the Weinsteins.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Season three. Oh okay, okay, so then that means that they censored it because it did not age well. This stuff wasn't out. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This was like 2001. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so they pulled it after the fact
Starting point is 00:15:21 because it didn't age so well maybe because it has to do with Weinstein and then I don't know. Ryan, do you help me out? Season three episode. So Peter hires a Jewish man to help with his finances. This episode was pulled due to concerns about being anti-Semitic. Yeah, it has nothing to do with Harvey Weinstein. Hey, it was a good guess.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Nothing to do with Harvey Weinstein. Hey, it was a good guess. Nothing to do with Harvey Weinstein apparently. Everything to do with them potentially being concerns of them being anti-Semitic because Peter hires a Jewish man to help with his finances. So I legitimately, I just look like a damn fool now because I was being a smart ass and I was like, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it has something to do with Harvey Weinstein Because it's like so obvious that it does and it doesn't and now I look like a fucking jackass No, but there's two more so you have room you have room to get one of them, right? Are you ready for the next one two out of three? The next one is a again a censored episode called Turban cowboy So why was this episode censored? Turban Cowboy. I'm
Starting point is 00:16:31 gonna say that Turban Cowboy was censored, I'm guessing it has something to do with Middle Eastern people. Okay. And I'm guessing that there were some stereotypes portrayed in this one that were deemed offensive towards Middle Eastern people. So offensive stereotypes generalized to racism. And maybe they joked about Mohammed or something and decided it was best to rescind the episode. Okay, so the answer to this, the episode, a family guy, Turban Cowboy, it was a season 11 episode
Starting point is 00:17:14 that was pulled due to concerns about racism. The episode included a cutaway that showed Peter running over marathoners which paralleled a real life event that happened a month later. So not just censored, they did pull it, it seems. Are they talking about the Boston bombing? Or just someone driving through a parade? I mean there was, I can't remember the specific name, but there have been actually many incidents where people have run through a protesting crowd.
Starting point is 00:17:45 There was one in December. It's a new act of terror. Well, I guess not new. People have been doing it forever. OK, so the turban cowboy thing has nothing. Wait, you said it's a race. Racism. So you were, I would say.
Starting point is 00:18:03 But what specific, what were the jokes? Because him running through the crowd, oh is the joke. I'm guessing it got pulled a month later. And I'm guessing that him driving through is like him doing a terrorist attack? Yes, I'm guessing. That's not even funny, that's just like, that's like just.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Well he was running over marathoners. Damn. Those guys in the family guy running room are out of pocket sometimes. And now for the final one. Now this is highlighted as a pooled episode, man. Would you say I got that right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:35 You'll give me that one? That'll give you partial credit. Okay, so I got one wrong, and I got one right. Yeah. Okay, the next one. This one's gonna be hard, because the other ones, the titles kinda give you some information. I feel like this is the next one. This one's gonna be hard because the other ones, the titles kind of give you some information. I feel like this is the hardest one.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Okay, this is a season eight episode called Partial Terms of Endearment. Partial Terms of Endearment. Why was this episode pulled? Oh, see, I don't have anything to go off of. Can you give me... Okay, I don't have anything to go off of. Can you give me, can you give me a hint? I can give you a hint. It is, Is it based on race, religion? I'd say it's,
Starting point is 00:19:19 Current events? It's based on kind of like a, let me me hold on Because I I'm trying to come up with something like a hint that doesn't give it away sure One hint could be terms of it deals with don't look up the episode. I'm not looking up the episode. I promise. I'm not cheating Looks like you're cheating. I'm not sure Matt has his phone pulled out. I am not cheating, dude. Look, my phone, it says Cleveland Show on it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's a Google search for Cleveland Show. Why do you have your phone out? Okay, I'll put it away, dude. I'm sorry. You just made me nervous. A hint is that it deals with... Because saying my hint gives it away. Okay, well, it deals with a very hot with a very hot, a very hot button issue.
Starting point is 00:20:08 What shouldn't be a political issue, what is deemed a political issue. And that's a lot of things, but. Yeah. Terms, maybe term as in pregnancy term, abortion? Does it have to do with abortion? Is it an abortion episode? Okay, so season eight, episode of Family Guy,
Starting point is 00:20:28 partial terms of endearment episode that was deemed too controversial for any networks, this episode focused on whether or not the Griffin family should get an abortion. Yes! Woo! I did it! Woo, two out of three!
Starting point is 00:20:42 I got it! Two out of three! So I passed. Like if this was a test, if this was a quiz with three questions, you'd have gotten like, Woo! I did it! Woo! Two out of three! I got it! Two out of three! So I passed. Like if this was a test, if this was a quiz with three questions, you'd have gotten like... Still would have failed in South Carolina grading standards. That's 66.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Well yeah, you would have, I mean, you would have failed or gotten a D regardless, you know. Isn't it, wait, does an F in some places start at 60 flat? Yes, but in South Carolina... They changed it, but it but in South Carolina they changed it, but it used to be sixty ninety three to a hundred 69 was where 92 yeah 93 to 100 was an a 92 to 85 Which is bullshit was a B Dude the fact that 84 is a C when you and I were going to go complaining about grade school again They go complaining about fucking outdated South Carolina educational system bullshit
Starting point is 00:21:30 They fixed it also when is the last time it's affected your lives shut up over a decade We have a podcast so we can complain about things and you don't you don't have a podcast Maybe you do, but I've never heard of it. So Yeah, and if you do have a podcast you can go complain on there But I actually you want to complain about maybe are you proud of me for nailing the abortion one? I'm very proud of you for nailing the abortion one. I mean, but the thing is you kind of gave it away when you said Something that's should not be a political issue, but is a hot-button topic, but it is a political issue You're like women's reproductive rights.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Right. Is that what your brain wants you to? Yeah. For me it could be a lot of things like, a term was a good connect. Term because I'm like pregnancy term, terms of endearment. So you can say that with like racism. There's so many general terms you could fit into
Starting point is 00:22:19 that category that become a political like Democrat or Republican issue right when it's really things like a general issue that's bipartisan then you know but it whatever you well you it's something that I think it was good it was good and I think something that Republicans and Democrats can both agree on is how awesome these ad reads are how awesome these ad reads are. We bet you didn't know. Our new trains panoramic windows are ideal
Starting point is 00:22:53 for contemplating whether texting them back so soon was the best decision. Get on board. VIA Rail, love the way. Hit pause on whatever you're listening to and hit play on your next adventure. Stay two nights and get a $50 Best Western gift card. Life's the trip. Make the most of it at Best Western. Visit for complete terms and conditions. Puffing on that blue magic?
Starting point is 00:23:34 Yeah you might as well get Dr. Manhattan in here to come and jizz down my throat because I'm throwing some blue magic right now. Huh? I'm working. Yeah, and definitely needs a little work and putting in the the thought work and effort You know sometimes it may not come into fruition as like a fully formed bit or joke But I'm still putting in the mental effort and I and this is a workday for me. I am putting in the work No, no you I'm not going to argue with that. I'm just like when I Trying to come up with a pun
Starting point is 00:24:12 based on the name of the weed you're smoking, Blue Magic, I just think that there are a lot of easy puns you can make that don't have to do with you engaging in gay sex. Well, sex is magical. Okay, it is, yeah. It is. It's described to Jesus by God in that way when God is trying to pressure Jesus to have sex in that brothel. But it was a test all along, if you remember the story.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I don't remember that story. It was a test by God. He set out the most beautiful men in Bethlehem. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Yeah. Jesus walks in and, you know, they're Jesus walks in and like everyone's scratching their heads like I give them an actual like book and verse and this it's almost like pastors never use this story of course but this this story of like God tempting Jesus with a brothel filled
Starting point is 00:24:58 with the most beautiful men in Bethlehem. It's one of the best parables. They're on their knees and they've got their busies out and Jesus walks in and he makes direct eye contact with the most gorgeous bussy he's ever seen. They've got the perfect amount of peach fuzz on their ball sacks to where the light's catching it and there's a nice ray light. Oh my Lord. Anyway that's Jesus looking at a man's bussy and being tempted. That's the last temptation of Christ.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Mm-hmm. Is the most beautiful man in Bethlehem's bussy. Is a beautiful Bethlehem bussy. That's it. I wish we could name the podcast episode Beautiful Bethlehem Bussy, but I know that probably, you know, ain't gonna fly with the tube. Psst.
Starting point is 00:25:44 What does fly with the tube nothing? At all because they suck yeah Donald Trump's our president. I thought we could say anything. You know what's wild. We've been doing this podcast Not this okay Overall merge super mega show and super mega cast for the sake of what I'm talking about. I'm just going to imagine it's one podcast Okay, sure. I mean they have completely different names, but okay, buddy. They are very different shows Yeah, exactly when we started podcasting
Starting point is 00:26:18 Barack Obama was president and Now was president and now DJT is our commander in chief. For a second time. For a second time. You know what's wild? We have podcasted through the end of the Obama administration, through the Trump administration, through the Biden administration, and now we're podcasting
Starting point is 00:26:40 through the Trump administration again. I will say regardless of which which aisle you stand on Can we get a big a big notice of good Lord? The Democratic Party really just bungled for a straight like 12 like decade over a decade pretty much right after right after You know Obama's like alright They the the DNC is like and we're not gonna respect the people's choice. Hillary instead of the people's choice, which was Bernie by the way, if people are forgetting.
Starting point is 00:27:10 They have done that several times. Yeah, they've done that I think twice. But then they decided- And it worked out great. Yeah, they decided to put up Biden, who essentially, I mean he did technically make it through, but he barely made it through his second term, and then put up another candidate
Starting point is 00:27:24 who the Democratic Party didn't choose it's just kind of like it's just it just they have just it I think it's just a marvel watching them not like not learn the lesson they need to learn I time and time again when it comes to campaigning it's's frustrating and watching, just watching from the sidelines, I vote and that's all I can do and I know guys, we're a couple of California lefties bitching and moaning. It's true. You know, going, shut up about politics. And we will shortly.
Starting point is 00:28:00 But maybe skip ahead 40 seconds and it'll be done. Who knows last what I'll say to wrap up the political talk is as as someone on the left I I am disappointed with the like left on the like right leaning scale, right? Sure. So like center Okay, I'm kidding No, it's just as a progressive. It's it's frustrating to to watch the current state of politics and also just like are like the Democrats just they can't get their shit together and they feel like they do it to themselves unfortunately yeah 100% like the Democratic Party it's just like they see that there is a lot of passion for like
Starting point is 00:28:39 Bernie and at least like time and time again and maybe it would of course it would change during the campaign but time and time again and maybe it would of course it would change during the campaign But time and time again you see people even on the right Girl like you know what Bernie has been consistent. Yeah, you will like even like it's it's the worst that they got of them Was like oh he has like two houses or some shit like that. I think that was yeah He had like a cabin or something. Yeah, but like, I don't know. It's very... We'll see. I wanna have faith that like, at least in some way,
Starting point is 00:29:14 there can be a cordial competition between candidates once again, or at least give us the images that are just this... On the court. Huh? A cordial competition on the court? Ooh, a b-ball competition. Yeah, maybe like a 1v1. again or at least give us the images that are just this. Huh? A cordial competition on the court. Ooh, a b-ball competition. Yeah, maybe a 1v1 against candidates.
Starting point is 00:29:30 No, no, I just like, I look back at all these clips of like past debates and past kind of like, one that comes to mind is one that happened with on, you know, many of them have happened in our lifetime, but the one that you might know is of like, someone talking about Barack Obama being a Muslim and John McCain shutting it down. Yeah, it was at a town hall. Yeah, at a town hall. And he like shut it down.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Famous clip. He's like, we may disagree on things, but he's a good man. We just, it's like, we disagree, we agree on a lot, but we disagree on how to get it done. Or you know, something like that. It wasn't, he could have fed into it. And if he was a Trump, he would have fed into it.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, the, all in all, the state of American politics is just embarrassing. And it's been embarrassing, honestly, for a very long time, and it has now, it's at a point where it's just like kind of uh I give up. It's like a lot of people have like you get this feeling that there's a lot of people who are like okay I'm tired yeah you know it's like
Starting point is 00:30:36 back in like 2017 2018 like when when you're also younger too yeah so I mean I was I was a lot more politically motivated a couple years ago and now it's Bright-eyed and bushy tail. Yeah now now in my my late 20s. I'm just It's just exhausting in Me after running a race running a race. Ryan, put her there. Sorry dude. It was good. No, but to wrap up the political discourse, I think it's just, it's crazy, it's stupid, politics are dumb, and everything in America is stupid right now. It's a crazy
Starting point is 00:31:20 place where you have me going. I miss the Mitt Romney's. I miss that that like era of the Republican Party. It was very different. And I miss the like passion as well as like in terms of like the Democratic Party having like passion behind it. Yeah I think that the Democratic Party has to completely rebirth itself because where it's at right now now, it's dead and it is. What the Republican Party did changing from the Bush Romneys of the party into the radical Trump era. They went from like Reagan Republican to what they are now, which is this freaky three-armed amalgamation, homonculus type creature.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Which when it comes to like, you don't... What the hell? What the fuck was that? Okay, that's the politics police, we gotta stop talking. Yeah, they're like, just shut up, guys. Okay, we will, we will, sorry. That was a very weird sound. Yeah, it was some sort of siren
Starting point is 00:32:25 It but I've never heard a siren like that It was like a siren in Reverse. Yeah, what if times going backwards all of a sudden? Outside this room and and and we're in a time and space bubble where it's it's normal for us But outside the bubble it's going backwards, but how would that be possible if Luke wasn't magic this would only lead okay I'm giving him too much credit now we already talked about him ten minutes in the start of the episode I don't want him this is just free advertisement for Luke I he then he doesn't not that he doesn't deserve it should I say puke dude he's gonna be so mad. Are you okay? Ryan? I'm good, but I got him though, right? I got him good.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Oh, you got him really good. You got him great. Oh, let me clear my throat. Yeah, dude, sip some of that monster. Pink monster, by the way, for the audio listeners. Now you can vision pink monster in my hand, and Matt has the white monster. Which is actually weird, because usually you're the one sipping the white monster, and I'm the one sipping vision pink monster in my hand and Matt has the white monster. Which is actually weird because usually you're the one sipping the white monster and I'm the one sipping the pink monster. I think I took the last pink one which only led you to be able to choose the white monster.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I would have chosen a pink monster but you did choose the last one. Which is crazy dude. I put- No there's more. There's another box. It's weird. Well you say that yesterday I just put like six of each maybe more in the fridge to be cold and now like they're pretty much all we're insane word
Starting point is 00:33:50 Psychopathic we are unhealthy and at least in this regard everything else, you know, we eat fine We we exercise every day. Yeah, we get our rest. I know we get a mile each day We get our 12 hours of sleep every night Dude getting 12 hours of sleep feels awful. Yes, like Honestly, I think I feel worse when I get 12 hours of sleep than when I get like four because 12 hours like Actually, yeah like 12 hours you just wake up in your groggy when you when you sleep too much your brain Just has a hard time waking up. You have brain fog.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It's like I just wanna lay in bed. I'll be awake, but I just wanna lay in bed for another two hours type of grogginess. Whereas I feel like the perfect, like I used to be able to like survive on a day if I got like five to six was my sweet spot. But it has moved to like, I would say more like seven to eight is my sweet spot of like
Starting point is 00:34:46 feeling refreshed. Well that's how much you're supposed to get. Says who? Science? Yeah and you can't trust them. And who pays for science? Soros? Soros does pay for science. Yep it's under you know they leaked his receipts. There's a long receipt at the online shop, or like I wish, you know, like when people pulled up receipts, it would just be like an actual, just like online government website where it's just like, gambled, hooker,
Starting point is 00:35:22 you know, shit like that. Or sorry, prostitute. That would be awesome. Wait, aren't they both demeaning terms? Can you not say, well, they want you to say sex worker these days, but I'll tell you something. Hooker has a ring to it. Is it derogatory?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Hooker? Yeah, I mean, hooker, no one wants to be called a hooker. You hooker. Hooker is definitely a demeaning term. I don't think there's any situation where hooker is a positive. Unless you're a fisherman deep sea fishing and there's a female fish on the line that's really really big. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Hooker, hooker! Yes! You know? Get her hooked! You know, I mean there's also some hookers that take pride in what they do and they like they wear it like Like a badge you a hooker honor like I'm a like I'm a hooker and I'm proud of it hooker is a good word prostitute Prostitute it sounds very formal sounds like a part of like the male anatomy
Starting point is 00:36:18 To me it sounds like a member of like like a like a role in Parliament the prostitute It does it sounds like the vice prostitute. There's some 18th century British like chair that they have in the parliament. Please stand for the vice prostitute. I do understand why things change over, given understanding and all that. But I do think it is funny that you could view it in a way of just like, people becoming more dumb so they have to get like, exactly like, sex worker.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Like it has to be spelled out now. Yeah, sex work, I sure hope it does. They need to come up, you know, they need to, if, you know, Hooker Prostitute are out, sex worker doesn't have like a fun ring to it. It really doesn't, and you can't, you can't like, use it in a fun derogatory way the same way you can with Hooker, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:17 It's like. There needs to be like a new, like how we coined Jovians. Yeah, you and I came up with Jovians in one of the first episodes of this podcast. There needs to be some new slang for sex worker. Now, refresh my memory. Jovian is lesbians?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Is that what we came up with? I think so. Okay, yes, Jovians. It's a term for lesbians. Because of, because Lesbian Island. That's right. Lesbos. Lesbos. Lesbos.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I prefer Lesbian Island. I think that's a much cooler name than Lesbos. But um, we need a good name for sex workers. Sex worker does not have that fucking ring to it. They've, you're right, they have simplified it and broken it down to the most basic of terms. Sorry, I asked Google, sex worker nicknames, because I'm like, maybe I'm out of the times and there's like a new,
Starting point is 00:38:12 A new term. Because there was one time where it was like, called an accountant, you know, it was just kind of like slang though. It was like, I'm an accountant. But now, so this is what it says. Accountant slang for sex worker? Huh-huh yeah that's like really mm-hmm but Google I just put sex worker nicknames and it says there are many nicknames for
Starting point is 00:38:36 prostitutes including hooker, whore, streetwalker, and call girl. Streetwalker? yeah and I'm just like all of this seems very fucking like I'm like sure I mean they're all demeaning they're all none of them are like Google like if Google was a man they would be bald red-faced veined in the throat spitting while saying this to me like it doesn't... Streetwalker! Streetwalker is cool that sounds like some kind of like creature of the night that is Well sex workers are creatures of the night if you catch my drift now Matt I replaced it now I went sex worker fun nickname. Oh, okay, so while While fun nicknames for a sex worker can vary depending on context and personal preference some playful and less derogatory options include sugar doll honey, honey, starlet, siren, vamp, flirt,
Starting point is 00:39:29 temptress, cockette, Cockette? Minx, pixie, playmate, kitten, foxy lady, sparkle, or dine. Matt, have we had this exact conversation before? I don't think so. I'm reading this list and for some reason I feel like we've gone through a list of like Cockette, Temptress, Siren, Temptress is a fun one, Temptress. Temptress is really good.
Starting point is 00:39:53 I think my favorites on there are Temptress, Cockette is, it's piqued my interest. Or Cortison. Ooh, yeah dude I just read the same one, Cortison. I asked Google I said give me respectful terms for hooker and it says Call girl prostitute, but get this one tart I'm not sure word You heart UK slang. Yeah tart
Starting point is 00:40:16 But I need a tart floozy madam woman of the street Bankside lady Interesting vamp. Yeah vamp is is another one you said What about heroines of the street, bank side lady, interesting. Vamp, yeah, Vamp is another one you said. What about heroines of the night? Heroine like the drug or like their heroes? Like a hero, yeah. Yeah, I like that.
Starting point is 00:40:38 They are the real superheroes. I like, I don't know. Hooker does have that ring to it though that is just, yeah, but we want to be respectful though to sex workers, so we should coin a new term because I'll be honest, all the ones you read, as classic as they may be, they've been had and done. Yeah, and I think that here's what we'll do. We'll. Are you OK?
Starting point is 00:41:07 I was being respectful and burping away from the mic. I burp away from the mic. Taze on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nice. We're going to I have to pee, so we're going to go to commercials. And then when we're back from commercials, guys, we will brainstorm and debut when we're back from commercials, guys, we will brainstorm and debut Super Megas, the Funny Brothers' official new term for sex workers.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So get excited, it's gonna be great, and enjoy this commercial break, unless you're watching or listening on Patreon. With no ads, it'll be a snap of the fingers, and we'll be right back. Literally, a snap of the fingers. That was a bad snap, that was a horrible snap. It's hard to snap of the fingers and we'll be right back. Literally, a snap of the fingers. That was a bad snap. That was a horrible snap.
Starting point is 00:41:47 It's hard to snap with your left hand. ["Snapping of the Fingers"] Clear your schedule for U time with a handcrafted espresso beverage from Starbucks. Savor the new small and mighty Cortado, cozy up with the familiar flavors of pistachio, or shake up your mood with an iced brown sugar oat shaken espresso.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Whatever you choose, your espresso will be handcrafted with care at Starbucks. Nice, that was a nice cloud. Yeah, just getting some more of that blue magic. Yeah. Get Aladdin's genie to spit down my throat because I'm loving that blue magic. Sure. I think we can workshop. I didn't say ejaculate down my throat or anything like that. Well, it's not that I don't like it. I'm just saying it's Well, it's not that I don't like it, I'm just saying it's just interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:08 There's a lot of jokes that could be made. They're not even jokes really, what you're saying. You're just describing pretty graphic sex acts between two men, you being one of them. But it's good, rule of threes, you did three jokes about play on words, I guess, or something. Yeah, and the last one I didn't say the thing that you expected me to and I replaced it with a spit. Sure. Anyway guys, welcome back from the commercials or if you're on Patreon, like we said, it
Starting point is 00:43:44 was just a clean finger snap. Ryan actually hit an incredibly clean snap before the break. Can we actually get an instant replay of that? Can we play that snap again? Not in slow motion. Not in slow motion, but just right here. Wow, that was really incredible.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And it felt incredible. Well, I will say it felt inspired if I do say so myself. Mine sucked. I've never been good at snapping. My snaps have always been weak and shitty, but yours, that was like, you, I think I'm just the type of guy that is not good at something like snapping, but you would be fantastic at, you know, like. Man, maybe you can try a crackle or popping or something.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Okay. Well, we said that we would come up with a name for sex workers because they're derogatory and not fun or good anymore. So we have to come up with our own. And sex workers feel so, like, boring. Medical. Yeah. You know, it's just like sex worker. Yeah It makes me you know, no one likes work people want to have fun, you know
Starting point is 00:44:52 With the sex worker, you know, there's there's working hard and then there's playing hard and with the sex worker I'm not wanting to do any work. You know what I'm saying? I'm wanting to play hard. They don't call them teach workers They're teachers. Exactly. Sexers? Sexers? Sexer, I mean is- Sexers. Sexer is a good term for a sex worker now.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And the X is capital. Take it back from Elon. S-E capital X E-R-S. Not two X, it's just one. So it's, I like it. S-E capital X EE-R-Z? Z, the Z makes it. Sexers.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Sexers! Okay, that's pretty cool. Dude, fantastic. That's perfect. Look at you, man. It's something, I guess. You know, it works. No, I think it more than works. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:38 It's sex works. Sexers, that's good. Look at us rewriting the entire dictionary. We've got Jovians, a term for lesbian, and we've got sexers. Now we just need a term for- Was Jovian fours? I'm pretty sure we came up with Jovian meaning.
Starting point is 00:45:59 No, no, no, no, no. It didn't mean, because lesbians have, I was about to say, because lesbians have the cool name of lesbians. And then I thought Jovian was to be like, because like gay people just have gay or like homosexuals or gay people, like male homosexuals, you know, other than female homosexuals,
Starting point is 00:46:20 male homosexuals don't have like a name. Yeah. And I feel like we came up with Jovians to describe them. Oh man, I don't know dude. I'm getting confused. Because lesbian is such a cool name. Why would we want to replace lesbian? Lesbian sounds so like, uh, scientific, you know? Lesbian. Yeah, but as I said, we wanted to come up with a name for male homosexuals. I think so because lesb- like female homosexuals, they have lesbians.
Starting point is 00:46:50 They're not just called like people do say gay but like to describe it's- That's right! Okay, I remember now because female homosexuals have their own term but male homosexuals do not. Mm- not. Because you can use gay or homosexual to describe women as well. So, okay, so Jovian is a gay man. Yes, like a, yes. All right, so there we go. We figured it out.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Or if we're completely wrong and that's not what we meant in that earlier episode. I'm confident that's what it was. I'm confident that's what it was. And again as Matt just said, regardless we will rewrite history. Look at that history is written by the victors. Which worries me. Yeah. That is very worrying. The Gulf of America baby. I'm not getting political. I just want to say how stupid it is. Because he's just... To rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America
Starting point is 00:47:47 It's just pointless, but he's not he's only effectively changing it for American like publications and stuff like that Just like the world still calls it the Gulf of Mexico not for long This is like one of no Florida actually just I saw no, but that's what I'm saying in America Yes other places the rest of the world is not gonna. No, this is one of those kind of like China calling Taiwan little China or whatever the fuck they call it. China too. I feel like this is that version, right? Isn't that essentially what it is? Well, it's like, will it be internationally recognized? No. No. I can see us looking like idiots, though, because I could see Smash Cut to like a year from now.
Starting point is 00:48:29 And it's just the Gulf of America. But Gulf of... Yeah, but what what what other country is like, they're focused on their own issues. This is a very just like kind of like petty thing. This is that like, oh, it's just renaming the thing. It's not he he's, he didn't like, it's not like he went to the world stage and they all had to come together and approve that he, that they're all gonna call it the Gulf of
Starting point is 00:48:54 America now. He just went, for America, it's the Gulf of America now. It's the Gulf of America. For America. It's not like it's solving any problem, like there, it's not like on the world stage there was this problem that needed to be solved. No, it's a fake win when there are no wins, essentially. I think what, you know, Donald Trump is sworn in yesterday. I think that what would be a huge dub for America, what I'm excited about is A,
Starting point is 00:49:23 Gulf of America becoming official, annexing Canada and making Canada a state and buying Greenland. Oh and also, you know, I heard the leader of Doge talking about this on X. Saving, I think it was like England from its tyrannical government We can make England a state. Yeah, exactly. Why not? It would only benefit us like it only benefits America
Starting point is 00:49:56 expansionism is expansionism in 2025 is A bit silly to me. Yeah, and like in children's cartoons taught us well, those who want to conquer the world are the good guys. Yeah. Every time in old cartoons, even movies made nowadays, the people who want to control all of the entirety of the globe are the good guys. Here's what I'll say.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Usually, historically, the ones are like annexing other territories that already are claimed are the good guys every time. Yeah. Like Russia and Ukraine. Like it's not like we it's not like even in American propaganda cinema like we used Russians as the go-to bad guys for for for a few decades Russia's on the world stage. I think Russia is that is the best of the good guys I think they are up there as the they are the good guys. It's not like the atypical Russia that is depicted For the most part or that you think of is like the the stoic
Starting point is 00:51:08 emotionless bully mm-hmm like that's That's kind of like spongebob in the spongebob movie if you kind of look at it in a certain way He's kind of like that era's spongebob a hero. Sorry. I got so lost spongebob is SpongeBob. A hero. Sorry, I got so lost. SpongeBob is like Russia? Because like, SpongeBob is like a hero to kids today. Yeah, okay. And Russia, on the world stage, is like akin to SpongeBob. Just in terms of when people think of Russia, they think of like...
Starting point is 00:51:44 SpongeBob? SpongeBob. Like positivity, goofiness, fun, heroism, good morals... I see what you're saying now. Okay, sorry I got a little lost but now I've been found. Is Pickle Rick distracting you? Pickle Rick is distracting me. You got Pickle Rick on your lap. I think I need to put him down because I put him here just chilling on my lap and I'll be honest, when you're talking
Starting point is 00:52:05 and saying, you know, when you're conversating with me, just the fact that this pickle Rick is on my lap gets me so excited and- Oh, I can tell. You know, it's like I can't focus. So I need to, as much as it pains me, I need to put him away. Now back to geopolitical discussion.
Starting point is 00:52:25 China's like the Mickey Mouse of the world. Yeah. Copyright striking everyone. To give another example, I guess, of like other world powers that are akin to positivity and the aspects that we look at as good. America is like, SpongeBob being the biggest one, by the way. Yes. America is like a... SpongeBob being the biggest one by the way.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yes. America's like Lloyd in space. That's a, I was just thinking of a really obscure cartoon. Do you remember that show? I do remember the... Space, Lloyd, Lloyd in space. The not blue, not green. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Kind of in between alien with a little one antenna on his head, he has, you know. Kind of reminds me, almost reminds me of Doug. Like same animation studio maybe. Didn't he have a pet? Huh? Didn't he have a pet of some kind? I think so.
Starting point is 00:53:09 I just remember. That was like akin to a dog. Dude, I forgot about that show. Was it called Lloyd in Space? Or Space Lloyd? Lloyd in Space. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like Disney. I'm thinking of Epic Lloyd probably. So that's why I'm thinking of Space Lloyd. No, he's part of the duo that does the epic rap battles of history. Very different from Lloyd in space. Yes. Animated kids cartoon.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Yes. Well, animated cartoon. You know cartoons, people always try to make them out to be, oh these are for children. No, cartoons are for everybody. Yeah, Seth Rogen proved that with Sausage Party. Cartoons can be for mature intellectual adults that only enjoy high brow humor as well. What would we have done without Seth Rogen
Starting point is 00:53:51 expanding the horizon of animation in cartoons by exposing the truth that cartoons are not just for kids, they're for adults too. Where would we be right now? You know? Not here. We'd be in a much worse timeline if Seth Rogen had not done Sausage Party. I know. I mean, Sausage Party led the way for Arcane.
Starting point is 00:54:18 A more mature animated Netflix series based on the League of Legends. Yeah. Netflix series based on the League of Legends. Yeah. Luke, show us your favorite League of Legends character and have some sort, make sure the audio listeners have a way of knowing who your favorite League of Legends character is as well. Maybe one of your favorites, you don't have to commit
Starting point is 00:54:37 because I know that can, you know. It's hard. All of a sudden you have all these characters. It's like me going, what's your favorite food? What's your favorite movie? It's very hard to nail one down, yeah. But Seth Rogen did the world a favor. With Sausage Party.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Yes, bottom line. And they're making animated, more Sausage Party is happening. I don't know what- They made a TV show. Is it a TV show they're doing? Okay. Looks really bad.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Wait, there's already things for it mm-hmm I think it's out What yeah was that on like it's paramount wherever I don't know exactly It's not one of those weird streaming services like crumbler or or goo bow I can look it up right now Wombo dude it's streaming on Glebe sausage party show It's called sausage party food topia. That's awful season one So is it is it out?
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah, it's on where to watch freebie or Amazon Prime video oh Is it an Amazon original series? I believe maybe yeah Bezos god damn it. Yep They it's food topia when did it come out? I mean maybe yeah. Bezos. God damn it. Yep. They uh it's Foodtopia. When did it come out? I mean 2024 this year. So you're telling me that it's been July 11th. You're telling me it's been out for over half a year? Yeah. And I didn't know this. Oh my god it's 2025 Jesus. Yeah you just said this year when talking about 2024. Crazy. My brain still hasn't made the jump yet. It's we're
Starting point is 00:56:04 fresh into the year. I know it's I know it's into February when this comes out I know. I'm talking about 2024. Crazy, my brain still hasn't made the jump yet. It's refreshing to the, I know it's into February when this comes out, I think. Yeah, it should be. I wrote the date yesterday on something at home and yesterday was January 20th, 2025, and I remember just writing one slash 20 slash 25. When I wrote the 25, I was like, what the fuck? That feels weird, and it looks weird.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Like, slash 25 looks very odd to me. I remember back in the day when we were putting like, O's before shit in our agendas. Yeah, O7, O6. I remember, you know, people don't have to write the date like they used to. You know, I remember that every single day having to write the date several times on papers. I'm sure they still do.
Starting point is 00:56:53 I mean, we're just not in grade school anymore, I'm sure. I mean, we could, you know, if we wanted to, we could have agendas. We could. The ones that go, vvvvvvvvvv custom super mega theme agendas that have the the little holographic cover that goes If we did super mega day planners in that style Would two people buy it? You and me yeah Honestly, I think maybe we should make custom agendas. Not even as merch or for money reasons, but just for you and me to get.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I think that would be really cool. And then we can like. Then people will be jealous of our agendas. Yes, and we can show up to work and put our backpacks down, because we both have the same backpack. We do. Guys, you know.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Oh, that's so cute. I lost mine, I don't know where mine is right now. Wait, you still haven't found it? I still haven't found it. I have no idea where this thing went. It's been like two months then I know I know without your backpack Yeah, that's why I'm thinking of getting a satchel soon because I do miss my my satchel days. You remember me I had like oh, yeah, I went through like two three different satchels like Changing in and out, you know, I get my first one. They're like, you know what? I can find a better one
Starting point is 00:58:01 You should go on like depop and and look at satchels. I bet you could find a really cool one. See, I was gonna go on Amazon. See, Amazon is the basic fucking... Maybe I'll go to Etsy. Dude, go to Etsy, you can probably get a cool custom one. Depop, you can find a cool used vintage one. You ever use Depop? No.
Starting point is 00:58:23 It's a cool app. I'm not hip. You don't have to be hip to use Depop. Okay. It's a cool app. I'm not hip. You don't have to be hip to use Depop. Okay. It's just an app where people sell clothes, and usually overpriced, but there are some cool, some cool stuff on there. I've gotten quite a few pieces of clothing off of Depop.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I would say the only high quality clothing I have is either from Holiday Gifts, or what did you say? Oh, I just said what up Grinch's. Oh, I mean, of course that's high quality. I mean, in my eyes that always be high quality, but in terms of like the clothes that I own, cause I mostly just like will like buy my shit at Target. Like we'll buy something for sketch and I'll take it home
Starting point is 00:59:00 like that big red sweater. I mean, it's, it's, it it's, the What Up Grinch's hoodie was literally bought for you for a, like, the guy's got a Christmas tree for or something. I wear it season round. You do. I love it. It's comfortable.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I mean, there are many holes in it now. There are. You have a, there's a big, is it a cigarette hole? Like what? Yeah. Like, did you fall asleep smoking a cigarette like they do in the? No, no, no, just like the head fell off of the,
Starting point is 00:59:30 of the lit cigarette. And it burned through. Do you remember when it happened? Yeah, well I remember looking down because I didn't notice it at first because sometimes you know. You're lost in the pleasure of the cigarette. Exactly, I was lost in the pleasure of the cigarette and I looked down and then
Starting point is 00:59:46 bada-boom bada-bang I see like a lit like little ember going and then the hole the too late the hole was there oh god damn dude can be fixed well I don't think it needs to be fixed as Bob Ross says happy little accidents you know like you yeah well my mom my parents wouldn't I wouldn't say they're happy happy little accidents, you know? Like you. Yeah. Well, my parents wouldn't, I wouldn't say they're happy about me being a little accident. It was more stressful for them, because it's like, fuck, we don't have the money
Starting point is 01:00:15 for another kid, man. Your dad was upset because your mom promised that they would slice and dice it up if it turned out to be a boy, because your mom just wanted daughters. But Dale got mad that the agreement didn't go through, I guess. Your mom saved you, I guess, in that case.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yes, and I don't want to, this is very personal to me. This is like family stuff that I don't really want to I mean it shows her part She wanted at first they agreed only girls and through her wishes, but then she pictured having a beautiful boy Yeah, I think that the thought of maybe having a child that could grow up to be a sexer was scary so Boy kind of became the, you know, what they really wanted. God, we are so good at improv, dude. We are just so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Oh, I know. We are. When it comes to crafting a story and a fake thing, we are just fucking top of the game. Your mom and dad having some sort of marriage bond contract saying we will only have girls and if we happen to find out we have a boy, we will slice and dice it up. Slice and dice. Whatever your embryo or your fetus,
Starting point is 01:01:38 it gave your mom so much positivity that she decided to break those wishes. It's just the, I kind of, it's my vibes, you know? It's just I radiate positivity and even when I was a little itty bitty embryo inside my mother's belly, she could feel it. I mean, I'm warm just sitting next to you. Thanks, man. I wish you could warm the entirety of the office up
Starting point is 01:01:59 a little bit. It is a little frigid in here today. I mean, our whole system is broken, so we're just kind of up in the air of whatever weather it is, it isn't here. Not just in our office, our whole system is broken. Because of the fire alarm that went off in the beginning? No, I'm talking about like politics.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Oh, like overall like the circle. Anyway guys, thank you so much for listening to this episode of Super Mega Show, the only show that's Super and Mega. Sorry, I had to check it was. It is both Super and Mega, yes, you are correct in that. Who's Super and who's Mega? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Well, if you look on screen right now, there's a list of names scrolling. Is your name on there? It could be. If you go to slash supermega and support us, please, please, please. You would be Super, I guess. And I would be Mega. Yes, because Super is red.
Starting point is 01:02:56 Mm-hmm, I mean it's on the- Yes. It's right here. Oh, and I also look back to- I still have to think about it. Even though I made the damn logo, I still have to be like is super the red one Yes, so I would be super and you would be mega wouldn't feel right if the colors were swapped or maybe It's just what the new logo needs it would be weird to swap the colors honestly like I'm picturing it now
Starting point is 01:03:19 It would be very very odd. Can we can we get that on screen? Can we see what the logo looks like reversed here Here it is normal, and now, ready? Give him a snap, Ryan. Ready? Here's the logo, normal. Wow. Does it look off, guys? Is that bizarre or what?
Starting point is 01:03:38 Is that wonky or what? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills right now with how off that is. Dude, nice! Um, let's end it.

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