Sword and Scale - Episode 142

Episode Date: July 21, 2019

On July 17th, 2016, former United State Marine Gavin Long went into Baton Rouge, Louisiana to wage an all out war on the police. Many thought it was in retaliation for the tragic death of Alt...on Sterling in the weeks prior, but not everything is as it seems… If the police wanted to target him for years, he was going to be their ultimate target.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Sword and Scale contains adult themes and violence and is not intended for all audiences. Listener discretion is advised. Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. The words etched forever significant in the Bible evoke reflections of the original stalker, the holy father who seems to speak directly to an entire subset of our population on a near daily basis. Through their dreams, their minds, and through their actions. You know, they say that if you talk to God, you're just praying.
Starting point is 00:00:59 But if God talks to you, well, then you have schizophrenia. In episode 96 of Sword and Scale, we examined the case of the self-proclaimed, targeted and gang-stocked individual, Myron May, a man who had heard voices and believed there were members of a secret, deep state government directing energy weapons at him. His delusional state of paranoia eventually escalated to the point that he took a 38-calibre pistol to the library, shooting three innocent people before police would eventually take his life. This so-called non-consensual mind control has long fetched the criticism of skeptics as a convenient rationalization of severe mental illness. But as technology rapidly evolves, an intelligent sub-community
Starting point is 00:01:55 is leading the charge in promoting awareness and seeking credibility behind the claim that some individuals may in fact be targeted. Today we examine the case of the peacemaker, turned peace destroyer, former United States Marine Gavin Long, who so dutifully swore his oath of allegiance to support the constitution of the United States against all enemies enemies foreign and domestic
Starting point is 00:02:27 The man who ultimately believed he was being electronically harassed and gangstalked by the very country He swore to protect and in fulfillment of the oath. He solemnly swore upon entering the service He suited up for battle one last time against the local police suited up for battle one last time against the local police. So dust off your tinfoil caps for this one. This is sword and scale season six episode 142, a show that reveals that the worst monsters are real. Imagine for a moment that you're sitting in traffic on a warm summer day. As you pull forward and stop every few feet for the car ahead, you begin to notice something. Something distinct. Immediately to your left, to your right, and directly in front of you are all
Starting point is 00:03:55 white cars. Now most of us would chalk something so mundane up to coincidence. something so mundane up to coincidence. Hell, to chance even. White is a popular car color after all, and we probably experience dozens of coincidence like this every day, we just don't notice them. But as you glance up to check your rear view mirror before attempting to change lanes, you see it. Another white car pulling tightly in behind you, closing you in, choking you off.
Starting point is 00:04:29 The panic starts to set in and your mind begins to wander. Am I being followed? What do these people want? Why are they working together to harass me? Why are they working together to harass me? Sounds far-fetched or unlikely? For an estimated 10,000 self-proclaimed targeted individuals worldwide, it isn't. Alright, so this is the entrance to my house, basically. So I'm just gonna make an observation here. Anybody that knows anything about math, what are the odds of this? Just gonna ask. What are the odds of this? Just gonna ask, what are the odds of this?
Starting point is 00:05:07 Here's how I'm gonna sew a top to keep it quiet, like cars. So keep that in mind, what are the odds of? Red, white, red, white, red, white, white, whatever. Okay, and this is my house. Here we go. So I'm just curious. Curious what the odds of that. This is a street over, kind of, tens out as it gets away from my house.
Starting point is 00:05:36 But one would almost think that they live in a neighborhood full of gang stalkers. I don't know, it's almost like these people are all over. Can we keep going red cars? What is it percentage? Before today, had you ever heard the phrase, targeted individuals. The phenomenon of targeted individuals is a relatively new one. One many believe came about with the early creation and expansion of the World Wide Web, and with it, community forums that brought the like-minded individuals together to share
Starting point is 00:06:12 their beliefs and experiences from all over the world. Like-minded individuals likely suffering from extreme paranoia, delusions of grandeur, and various other symptoms of severe mental illness. My name is Eugene Schoenfeld. I'm a medical doctor practicing a psychiatry in center of California, graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, and the University of Miami Medical School in Miami, Florida, and I have a master's degree in public health from Yale University. We spoke to Dr. Schoenfield to get a better understanding of this phenomenon from a medical
Starting point is 00:06:56 professional's standpoint. I had heard of the term targeted individuals because I've had a couple of patients who've had complaints. These individuals have a psychosis called a delusional disorder and these are fixed beliefs that aren't amenable to change despite you know evidence to the contrary and the most common delusions are persecution delusions. You know that's the belief that a person will be harmed or harassed by an individual or an organization or other groups. It's estimated that it occurs in 0.2% of the population. But you know with the advent of the internet, it's easily possible and
Starting point is 00:07:47 has been happening that people connect with one another with these beliefs. And so often they will have relatively large meetings either online or sometimes in person, in someone's home. The label itself carries a particularly stigmatic and destructive reality for those who proudly wear it. But for many, the pride comes not in the experience or term alone, but in the sense of shared community. The many thousands who actually believe they may be targeted by various sorts of electronic and organized mass group harassment by the US government or other deep state actors.
Starting point is 00:08:29 It's very difficult to treat these individuals because usually they'll reject taking any medication for the reasons that you mention or if they were to begin it, they would stop the medication. It's very difficult to treat these individuals. Targeted individuals believe in somewhat of a set of rules, which we asked Dr. Schoenfield about. Do not engage with the voices in your head. If your relative tells you you're imagining things, they could be in on it. Do not visit a psychiatrist. As any medication they prescribe could further the
Starting point is 00:09:07 targeting. The internet as well as social media have become echo chambers for such individuals. It does in a way because people are confirmed in their delusional beliefs because they see that many other people have these same beliefs. And so when they go on YouTube and they find people with similar delusions, you know, they're reinforced in these bizarre beliefs. For example, people who believe they've been abducted by aliens and had organs removed and replaced in their bodies.
Starting point is 00:09:44 After examination by the aliens, you can know there's no scar or wound on their bodies that they can reference. So, you know, I wonder how could someone believe such a thing? But there are many, many people who do. And as I say, many of them can otherwise function more or less normally, except for their relations with family members who find these beliefs bizarre and strange. President Obama and citizens of the world, we are GI's, targeted individuals, and all body and citizens being targeted.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Every deal of all of lives. I all levels of government and outside agencies. Using military grade highly sophisticated and harmful technologies designed to destroy our lives for absolutely no reason at all. Support us in maybe our torture now. Hi, my name is Terry. I'm a registered nurse. I'm a TI. I'm Tom. I'm a TI.
Starting point is 00:10:52 I'm Mary. And I'm a TI. Hi, my name is Julie. And I'm a registered nurse. And I am a TI. Hello, I'm Gloria. I'm a grandmother of four. an entrepreneur, I'm a TI. Hi, my name is Denise, I'm a entrepreneur in Amatia.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Hi, my name is Karma, I'm a grandmother, I'm a nurse, and I am a TI. Hi, my name is Franz, I'm a coordinator at Amatia. Hi, my name is Steve, I'm a proud father too, and I am a TI. Now this topic is extremely controversial and is likely to piss off some of our listeners. But we wanted to dig a little deeper into the minds of these individuals, these so-called targeted and gang-stocked who walk daily amongst us. Well, we did just that. We spoke to one of the most prominent leaders in the TI community, as they call themselves, to ask why the simplest and most rational explanation makes no sense at all to those suffering from something, something that could have been the cause of a senseless crime.
Starting point is 00:12:05 We spoke with a man by the name of David Voit. My name is David Voit, I'm a former naval officer in a 2005 graduate of the United States Naval Academy. I would bring in control systems engineering and I worked in electronics warfare and nuclear engineering. During his time in service, David had stumbled upon and uncovered what he believed to be a dark secret the US government had been harboring. While I was in the service, I learned that there are current and former members of the
Starting point is 00:12:33 military that are involved in contract stalking for hire from powerful individuals. And they do jobs where they will stalk and harass people in order to discredit them, silence them, harm them, just depending on what the contract calls for. For the past seven years, David has embarked on a nationwide tour to blow the whistle and sound the alarm on what he calls non-consensual neuro-experimentation. Namely, that the US government is targeting average US citizens, people just like you and me, and intentionally bombarding them with intense, targeted mind, and behavior controlling microwaves. Now, this is a guy that sat in the control room of a United States nuclear facility.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Someone with an assumed level of intellect, discipline, and psychiatric stability. Someone we automatically assign a particular level of credibility to, based on experience. So when David claims to have discovered a top secret citizen targeting mind control program, people tend to listen. Now David is often a little vague about precisely how he discovered this alleged secret government program. When scaring the web, researching his story, one would have just as likely imagined he one day stumbled upon a secret trove of government documents, perhaps a stack of Manila folders
Starting point is 00:14:23 stamped with the ominous red classified markings. Or that he one day took the wrong turn at the Pentagon and accidentally walked into a confidential meeting where the top brass was in the midst of laying out plans for an organized mass stalking program. Or maybe he inadvertently stumbled across an unmarked, misplaced thumb drive next to the coffee maker in the break room. And upon opening its contents, he discovered a secret set of passwords to a deep state dark web chat room of world leaders discussing their TI 2.0 program. It's not exactly clear and he refuses to elaborate further, but he knows one thing.
Starting point is 00:15:05 He knows precisely how long he's been one of the targets of these programs. Oh yeah, yeah. I've been target of the electronic tortures since 2012. I got out of the military in 2010 and the electronic tortures started in 2012. David went on to further explain the inner workings of how this process worked and the means in which it was possible. OK, so this is a program that uses a very sophisticated human
Starting point is 00:15:36 machine interface system. The system can render all sensory information at a distance. It's not new. It's just a continuation of the health alter program. So like in a battlefield sense, you could project the voice of Allah into like a tariff sound, or you could get them to believe that one of their rivals is being aggressive towards you or something like that. In this case, it can literally render the voices,
Starting point is 00:16:07 it can render touch sensations, it can render smell, and it's a complete human-machine interface system. And just in the same way that you can say, build a movie by putting together visual information, putting it into like a non-literary editor, adding visual effects and, you know, sound effects and, you know, computer generated, you can add to that information. Yes, it's microwave.
Starting point is 00:16:35 Yeah, it's just like yourself, huh? Microwave based human-machine interface, and it's normal. If you go to, if you web search DARPA and NURL best, that would be kind of a pretty good explanation of the the airspace system. Ultimately, David explains just how these organized cells begin to get into the head of their target. They're trying to provoke you through their tactics, a public outburst, gets you to scream at the person in public, so then that becomes a, you know, initial point and they can start saying things like, oh, this person is, you know, they're mentally
Starting point is 00:17:11 unstable. Well, if the public doesn't know, they may have broken them to your house and found you, they might take your garbage and look through your garbage or learn, you know, any sort of weaknesses that you might have or you just didn't, any sort of weaknesses that you might have, or you just gain any kind of information about you, or, you know, just to intimidate you and make you start to sound off about what has been happening to you. It's just a way to get the person discredited and publics, you know, publics. Hi. For the ultimate goal of getting a person to commit suicide, get them into mental institution. Yeah, so like my remain here in Alexis and the Baton Rouge shooter I want to name Gavin Long, they were raped, you know, they raped them and they physically
Starting point is 00:17:57 tortured them and they burned them. This is where police say it all happened, where someone called 911 and reported the gunman dressed in black fatigues armed with a rifle when police responded he opened fire now as the city mourns his fallen officers investigators are pouring over the gun government's twisted digital history. July 17, 2016. 911 calls begin pouring into police dispatch shortly after 8.40 in the morning in Louisiana's capital city of Baton Rouge. The place has been a tangle of instability and racial unrest since the police involved killing of African American resident, Alton Sterling, just two weeks prior, outside of a local convenience store. In the weeks following his death, there are many credible threats of violence towards the police, enough that the FBI ramped up their presence in the area and had been actively investigating. 29-year-old Gavin Eugene Long sat outside
Starting point is 00:19:07 of the B-Quick convenience store. It was his birthday, and he sat parked directly adjacent to an empty share of patrol vehicle, awaiting the deputies' return. After a few moments, he got back into his white rental car and drove north. The first calls begin coming in from concerned residents, requesting police make contact with Long, who had been spotted casually walking the area that morning, with a Tavor bullpulp
Starting point is 00:19:35 assault rifle strapped to his chest. Louisiana is an open carry state, so residents are allowed without a permit to carry weapons openly in public, without any type of penalty, so long as they without a permit to carry weapons openly in public, without any type of penalty, so long as they are at least 17 years old. Dispatch requested officers approach carefully and make contact to ensure the yet unidentified man was not planning any type of violence and was instead just peacefully exercising his second amendment rights, which many residents regularly do behind the store. The outer city units behind there have fallen just right next door to the big way.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I'm going to be around the backside of the hair crown, maybe some flyb do. East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Deputy Brad Garafola, Baton Rouge Police Officer Matthew Gerald, and Corporal Montrel Jackson found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time while at the B Quick Convenience Store on the 9600 block just off airline highway. Deputy Garafola was already on scene working an extra duty assignment at Benny's car wash and B-Quick when Corporal Jackson entered to purchase a bottle of water, put air into his tires, and washed his marked Baton Rouge Police Department patrol car. A few moments later, Officer Gerald pulled up and entered to purchase two energy drinks.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Customers outside filling up their gas, rush in to report citing a man with a rifle who just moments before had been peering into Deputy Garofa Las Cruiser outside the gas station and raised his rifle as if taking aim at the vehicle just before getting into a white Chevy Malibu after he realized the cruiser was empty. Unbeknownst to Officer Gerald, that same white Malibu would make an illegal U-turn across oncoming traffic and follow him into the hair crown beauty supply parking lot next to the B-Quick.
Starting point is 00:22:00 All three officers cautiously proceeded outside and moved into place, strategically surrounding the man's last reported whereabouts, before moving to clear the east and north side of the large beauty supply building next door. After moving only a few hundred feet, the scene erupted into utter chaos. Aos. Immediately after the three men moved into place in front of the hair crown beauty supply building, Gavin Long ambushed Officer Gerald and Corporal Jackson from behind. Both men had their backs to the airline highway when Long approached them and began rapidly firing with a semi-automatic to-vor SAR assault rifle. This bullpup style rifle has been described as battle-proven by the developer and is currently
Starting point is 00:23:09 in use by the Israeli Defense Forces. With a reported rate of fire between 700 and 900 rounds per minute, Officer Gerald and Corporal Jackson stood little to no chance against the former Marine, clad in black tactical apparel. Their wounds were immediate and fatal. We do not have a 20 on the shooter. He is not in fight. Possibly sniper. He's one, yet.
Starting point is 00:23:33 82, yet. He's coming from behind the old boy Brown. Get the MS to us. Deputy Garofala, who had been walking just ahead of Officer Gerald and Corporal Jackson, had just turned and made his way around the northeast corner of the hair crown building when Long began firing. He took cover behind a dumpster, successfully radiating in a final shots fired call while wounded before long approached his cover position and mercilessly killed him. Long then turned back to officer Gerald, who has already deceased
Starting point is 00:24:16 body lay on the ground and fired two more shots into him to ensure that he was dead. Two additional Baton Rouge police officers responded near the B Quick parking lot, and were immediately greeted by a barrage of gunfire from Long's assault rifle. Gavin fired several shots at their patrol car near the gas pumps, where several other civilians were still present and sheltered in place in their vehicles. Corporal Chad Montgomery
Starting point is 00:24:45 was hitting the right side of the head just above the ear, as other police units responded to the scene along with SWOT. East Baton Rouge, Sheriff's Deputy Nicholas Tullier and Sergeant Bruce Simmons arrived at the scene further west and parked near the fitness expo building. Both men began examining Long's parked white rental car. They were unaware that he was moving swiftly through the wooded lot behind the Benny's car wash, approaching their exposed position from the north. Long began firing shots from a grassy wooded area, directly north of the gravel parking lot.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Deputy Tulier was shot in the stomach while returning to his patrol car and struggled to climb back inside. Long continued firing indiscriminately at both men, hitting Tulier in the head and shoulder while he took cover in the patrol car, gravely wounding him in the process. Sergeant Simmons loaded a shotgun and approached the rear of deputy Tulier's squad car, but was shot in the left arm and retreated for cover. He radioed that they were both down and sent out requests for more backup. The manager of Benny's car wash took cover inside the building and was quickly surrounded by officers staging to support Deputy Tulier and Sergeant Simmons. He described the chaotic scene to a 911 operator and coward inside, trying to avoid the steady stream of stray bullets
Starting point is 00:26:45 passing near his location. I'm not even sorry. I'm sorry, officers are not worried. There's a guy with a machine going with a thorough rifle. Here's to the call. Is it big car wash of being? It's a mini. It's a mini car wash. Yes, hurry. Which one is it on?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Oh, airline. Oh, airline. airline. Is an officer downstairs? I don't know. There's only other shots of building, but there's been multiple shots fired by the public up by the subject and officers. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I don't know. There's only other shots of the building, but there's been multiple shots fired by the public. But the subject and officers. All right. All right. All right. So we have them on the way. Stay on the line.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Mr. Police. I got you. Hello, Mel. Go in the tunnel. Mel. Take the tunnel, Mel. Get in the way. Please do my good to you, Mel.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Okay. I just imagine a big swallow. I forgot officers involved. The get in the way. Please do my best to go. Okay, I just need to measure a big swallow. I've got officers involved. There's a guy around the building shooting with a stop-hop officer involved. Okay, was anybody heard? I can't be from my very own site. But there was a lot of work I see. He walked up behind them.
Starting point is 00:28:00 He walked up behind them. He walked up behind them? But having three officers, we had found the word trying to find the guy. Like no, like no, his fanat. Right now, get inside. What's he wearing? He got light color. He got a fanat.
Starting point is 00:28:15 He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat.
Starting point is 00:28:23 He got a fanat. He got a fanat. He got a fanat. As police continued flooding the area in support of those, And do you see him now? From my best friend, no, but down the other side of that air vehicle. As police continued flooding the area in support of those already gunned down, the line went dead. It became quickly evident that there were many other Baton Rouge residents also trapped in the mayhem, taking cover behind anything they could as shots rang out in quick succession. The high caliber bullets flew through the air like blind miniature missiles, threatening anyone within the area regardless of race, religion, creed, or
Starting point is 00:28:56 profession. I don't cut on my face, but I'm nervous. Y'all gotta excuse me. Just look at this. Look at this. Y'all have no, the police are at this man. It's shooting at the police. They probably finally just got him. He has a mask on. Look at like a ninja baby. Nice looks like a rifle.
Starting point is 00:29:16 He is military. I don't know who this man is. No one just makes a decision. He about to start popping the game, baby. You're gonna go around that? You're gonna take it. Charmaine Adams carried below the window line of her vehicle parked near the gas pumps at the B-Quick, as the scene quickly escalated around her. Her friend and a small child were also in the vehicle, yelling at others to take cover who did not yet fully realize the gravity of the situation. They watched as this man clad entirely in black,
Starting point is 00:30:08 black boots, pants, t-shirt, and mask, slow jogs between firing positions. She observed him moving with military-like precision, his shots going in rapid intentional bursts as he quickly moved from one position of cover to the next. Fearing these may be her last few moments on earth, she began to live stream on Facebook. Gavin Long retreated for a short time to the wooded area just north of the B-Quick, leaving Charmaine and police briefly confused as to his whereabouts.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Even to the untrained eye, his military training was apparent. His quick movement, heavy burst of controlled semi-automatic fire, advancing, and then retreating, and constantly moving. The Marine Corps refers to this tactic as maneuver warfare. Every marine is trained a rifleman first, and Gavin Long was exhibiting this training to a T. Rapidly attacking his enemy, the Baton Rouge police, from positions of advantage, and then quickly moving to keep them confused, and him with the upper hand. As he settled in the place and began firing again, the sounds were absolutely terrifying and paralyzing to those sheltered in place. Oh Oh my god, I got it. It is a bitch. Oh my god, please, I got my time card.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Please, you heard us. Oh my god, I got my time card. Please. No! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh As her friend finally convinces her to drive in between the police staging around them and away to a safe area, Sharmaen describes her reaction to friends and family now tuning in live with anticipation on Facebook. I'm sure I would just want to embed Rouge on Alley. I swear, I apologize to my parents for doing all that cousin, but I have never been as in all my life embedders. I have never seen those stuff like this.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like really sniper action people, this man meditate. He got like 50 cars down Alley. Back up police and Baton Rouge special response team units were only on scene approximately 10 minutes before bystanders hear one last rapid flurry of gunfire. And then silence. I'm going to get you a quick! The last barrage of gunfire sounds just north of Verlund Highway at 849am. Less than 10 minutes after the entire Ordeal began when Gavin Long first ambushed Corporal Jackson and officer Gerald, killing them both in cold blood.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Deputy Garofalo would perish a few short seconds later, as he radioed for help after the three men were tactically overcome by the former Marine. Three more officers were wounded in the attack, one critically. Gavin Eugene Long, the second African-American man, to lead a ruthless precision attack on police in the span of just 10 days, lies dead in the gravel parking lot next to the B-Quick and hair crown beauty supply building. His body riddled from head to toe with 45 bullets from responding police. Three of their colleagues lay dead on the scene of the grizzly massacre. The motive seems simplistically clear. With racial tensions reaching a critical powder keg, it seemed Gavin Long was doomed
Starting point is 00:35:27 to explode. The desperately high rates of death for young black men at the hands of police came under intense scrutiny after two recent high-profile police involved shootings, both captured in high-resolution detail and made readily available to an increasingly hostile public. And both occurring just days before, between July 7th and July 17th of that month. Many believed it was an all-out war on police. But it turns out, things weren't quite so simple. Here it is getting pulled over again.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Her excuse was I stopped beyond the line or it's just something. I don't know. I stopped beyond a line. I don't know with that what that means. But yeah, getting harassed again in LA. Sir, I'll let you over the warning. But if I were to be in your best interest, not to have an app too, which please stop soon. So okay, I'm a black man. And somebody pulling me over for a saying that I stopped beyond a line or something. That's a reason to copy attitude as a black man because you get harassed multiple times.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Doing for little small infractions that you guys are saying are better lost. What I stopped, I looked, it was safe, I went." Gavin Long's journey to Baton Rouge began long before July of 2016. Though he occasionally posted to his Twitter account feelings of being regularly targeted and harassed by police as a black man. It wasn't until he began a radical transformation that friends and family began to understand. His troubles went much, much deeper than a desire for political change. They went to the very core of his deteriorating mental health. 100% of revolutions of victims' fight narrow pressors from victims' fighting their bullies. 100% have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Zero have been successful just over simply protesting it has never worked in it never will You've got to fight back. That's the only way of bully knows to quit. He doesn't know words He can't understand words. I promise you. He doesn't understand protests If you want to keep protests and do that, but for the serious ones, the real ones, the alpha ones, we know what it's going to take. It's only fighting back for money. That's all they care about. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Revenue and blood. Nothing else. Don't even think about it. Though his predisposition towards violence was clear in the weeks and months leading up to the Baton Rouge police massacre, Gavin Long began exhibiting an increasingly aggressive online persona in the years preceding his decision to finally attack. In what many view, the first in a series of subtle hints towards his psychiatric unraveling, long-filed paperwork in Missouri in May of 2015 to legally change his name to Cosmo
Starting point is 00:38:53 Aosar Setapenra as some sort of reflection of his transition to a higher cosmic being. Shortly thereafter, he began promoting various self-published books, videos, and podcasts, claiming he had discovered how to unlock some type of profound spiritual awakening, and that he could teach others his practices. This isn't the first time we've seen a killer portray himself as a self-help guru. Remember Derek Medina from Episode 57 and 58. You see, like, okay, the protest isn't bad news yesterday. I see a woman she's speaking articulately to the crowd, you know, to her fellow protestors. She's speaking to them,
Starting point is 00:39:37 telling them, yo, what we need to do and they're wrong and it's in that, but you're still repeating the same stuff that we already know. We know the system is wrong. We know they're oppressin us. Yadda yadda yadda. We know this. Okay. When they see this, they arrest those people, even though, even though she knows she has the right and she's saying it, I have the right. We have the right. Yadda yadda yadda. What did I say in my last episode? You know your rights, but then you got to stand on your rights. It's two parts to freedom. Knowing your rights doesn't mean nothing, especially in this world, ran by devils. You're in a world that's ran by devils. Get this through your head right now. Devils run this. They don't understand your words. It doesn't, it doesn't click in there. It doesn't get
Starting point is 00:40:22 through to them. Blood, revenue. That's the only thing they get to. And they say, this is a history, 100%. I'm almost at a loss of words because I hope you've getting what I'm trying to say to you. But her knowing the rights is not going to stop anything. You got to stand on your rights. You see, that's what separates me from the 7 billion.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And that's why I'm so powerful because I stand on my rights. You see, that's what separates me from the seven billion. And that's why I'm so powerful because I stand on my rights. And if you go back to my episode, I'll give you an example of when I stood on my rights. If I'm peaceful protesting and they come up, that's why I don't go to protests, because I know I speak well, I'm articulate, I can motivate, I can inspire, and those are the ones they arrest. So I know they were trying to arrest me and I know I would die right there because you're not going to kidnap me. I know my rights, but I stand on my rights.
Starting point is 00:41:12 That's what separates me. That's why I'm so afraid of me. They're like, no, because that's the key. If what I got in me encouraged the tenacity, the bravery of that spread, then it's all over because that's what the revolution is. Once it gets to the point where people stand on their rights, it's not knowing your rights. Knowing your rights is nothing to a bully. It's nothing to a demon. It's nothing to a devil.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Since petitioning is name change in 2015, long put out hundreds of hours of personal manifesto on a series of social media and YouTube channels under his alter ego called Convose with Cosmo. His behavior had grown increasingly bizarre after his honorable discharge from the US Marine Corps in 2010, a period of service during which he was deployed to Iraq for six months as a data network specialist and claim to have suffered post-traumatic stress disorder after a friend had exposed him to photographs
Starting point is 00:42:17 of maimed and decapitated bodies. Something some of you sword and scale listeners do for fun. Oh, and this is very important. I wanted to let y'all know, because if anything happened with me, because I'm an alpha male, I stand up, I stand firm, and I stand for mine. Till the end, till the last day on this, in this flesh, but I'm not the flesh, I'm not the body, I have a body. But I just want to let y'all know, don't affiliate me with nothing.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm not affiliated with the black black business school even though I might promote a business or something like that or any of my friends any of my Associations those are just associations. I'm not affiliated with it. Yeah, I was also a nation of Islam member I'm not affiliated with it. Don't affiliate me with the money team. You some have an Ible, yeah, we with Floyd Maywebid nod. Don't affiliate me with nothing black business school I was a Christian. I was in Africa don't try to say oh he was Africa. He was missing that no They're trying to put you with ISIS or some other terrorist group or anything. No, I'm affiliated with a spirit of justice Nothing else nothing more nothing less All right, you see convos with Cosmo, that's me.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I created that, that's what I'm affiliated with. Conversations with Cosmo, the shit that I built, me and my own, and with the spirit of justice, that's it. So just make sure, no affiliations, no, I thought my own thoughts, I made my own decisions, I'm no one who gotta to listen to the judgment. That's it, and my heart is pure. During this time, Long began referring to himself as an alpha male and a, get this, alpha
Starting point is 00:43:57 pranor. Yeah, like entrepreneur, but for alpha males, I guess. And he explained to everyone who would listen that his enlightenment had only come after he had decided to sell all his worldly possessions and return to his mother country of Africa for nearly two years in order to study the local histories and culture. It was around this time between 2013 and 2014 when Long first described himself as a targeted individual. It's the same way.
Starting point is 00:44:30 So when people talk about, don't defend yourself, just pray and believe and march and peaceful protests, I don't know that that's just not me though. I follow nature. I'm in tune with nature. No wearing nature. You gonna see a goddamn lion Protestin when a gang of hyenas come to attack us as he ain't gonna be peaceful protesting holding up signs You're not gonna see it in nature anywhere Because self-preservation is the first law of nature every animal in nature. I know human beings are not animals
Starting point is 00:45:05 But you have the right to preserve yourself. You can choose to, you don't have to fight back. That's the difference between human beings and animals. You have the choice, you see. But if you choose to fight back, there are no consequences. So that's the difference. So in a lot of T.I.S., I don't even know that harassment is a felony.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Stalking with harassment is a damn felony. That's a felony charge. You definitely have the right to defend yourself. And if someone is, and you know gang stalking is, they're trying to attempt you, they're trying to make you attempt suicide. That's attempted murder. If someone is trying to attempt you to force you
Starting point is 00:45:44 into suicide, isn't that a tempted murder? Come on now. Let's open our eyes, get it together. Hey, defend yourself at all costs, standing your righteousness, dying your righteousness. Period.
Starting point is 00:45:57 It's only one judge when it's all said and done. I'm telling you. And it ain't none of them on this earth. There's only one judge and ain't none of that, the judge ain't here. It ain't your mom, it ain't your family, it ain't your job, it ain't your coworkers. It's none of them. God knows your heart. Peace.
Starting point is 00:46:30 It wouldn't be until investigators found Gavin's suicide note in his rental car that they're understanding about what caused this terrible tragedy became clear. Peace, family. I know most of you know me personally and are in disbelief to hear from media reports that I am suspected of committing such horrendous acts of violence. You are thinking to yourself that this is completely out of character for the man you knew who was always positive and encouraging and worse smile wherever he was seen. Yes, this does seem to be out of character, but I ask you to finish reading before you
Starting point is 00:47:02 make that decision. I know I will be vilified by the media and police. Unfortunately, I see my actions as a necessary evil that I do not wish to partake in. Nor do I enjoy partaking in, but must partake in in order to create substantial change within America's police force and judicial system. Right now, there is an unseen and concealed war within America's police force between good cops and bad cops. And the way the current system is set up, it protects all whether good or bad, right or wrong instead of punishing bad cops and holding them accountable for their actions.
Starting point is 00:47:40 For the sake of preventing future loss of life, rather it be from the hand of bad cops upon mailing it to people, or from the hand of people upon good cops. I do not ask but order, with and by the power of the people behind me, for all bad cops to be punished swiftly, completely, and unhesitatingly. For all unethical police practices and procedures to cease immediately. Every other officer who stands up and protects, serves, and uploads their oath, even if it's protecting the people from one of their fellow officers. Sincerely, love, cosmo.
Starting point is 00:48:17 They sacrifice for my people, a sacrifice for the people. Look up, get up, and don't ever give up. A search for Gavin's laptop showed he knew exactly who he was gunning for on July 17th. He had addresses and personal information of many officers, including two involved in the death of Alton Sterling. In the end, Gavin Long became the ultimate target of the police. The very same police force he believed had been targeting him to begin with, and the same one he waged an all-out war on. We'll never truly know how bad these delusions must have gotten for such a senseless tragedy to occur. What we do know
Starting point is 00:49:27 is that we can always be there to those closest to us, to hear what they need to say, to listen to the way they're feeling and stand behind them, even if their thoughts seem a little out there and unrelated to our own. There is a fear of crossing lines with those we love, even when we see the signs of their deteriorating mental health. But the consequences of doing nothing can sometimes be disastrous. If someone close to you is saying things that seem a bit crazy, a bit unhinged,
Starting point is 00:50:03 if their hearing voices, receiving encoded messages, spending their days focused on grand conspiracies, writing long-winded manifestos online, or completely changing their name and or personality, they may need help. If in addition, they're making statements referring to physical violence or seeking revenge or justice, then the situation may be critical. Do everything in your power to get them some psychological help immediately. Do not wait. Do not rationalize.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Do not make excuses. If they threaten physical violence, call the authorities and get them immediate intervention. Those suffering from severe mental illness will often resist psychiatric care and medication. Don't Let Them. The fact of the matter is that this relatively new and growing phenomenon of targeted individuals is extremely dangerous. Very sick people are encouraging other, very sick people not to get help, not to be treated or medicated. What seemingly look like support groups for these targeted individuals are actually breeding
Starting point is 00:51:18 grounds where severe mental illness festers and consumes. The near constant trolling by outsiders solidifies the resolve of many of these self-proclaimed TIs. Look, frankly, I'm not sure what the solution is here. As an ardent supporter of free speech, this is going to sound contradictory, but I think a lot of these online message boards, channels and groups should be taken down and outright banned by social media providers. They are a public health risk that we do not need. They encourage highly dangerous behavior and ideas and perpetuate a stigma against actual
Starting point is 00:51:58 effective psychiatric assistance. Of course, who is to decide if these people are crazy or not? of the human rights and the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights of the human rights actually were. It wouldn't be the first time. That's going to do it for this episode of Sword and Scale. Thank you for joining us. Remember to pick up some extra tin foil, gotta keep those microwaves away, and we'll see you back here for the next episode. Until then, stay safe. you

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