Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S9 Ep 14: Florence Pugh

Episode Date: May 6, 2020

Lockdown you are spoiling us!!We managed to zoom in to the delightful British actress, Oscar nominated star of Little Women, Florence Pugh's Los Angeles garden studio for a chat. We talk about he...r sourdough starter 'Maggie', family and how her ma made the best dressed mum's list at the Oscars. We bond over Tiramisu and hear what's she growing in her veg patch, being the 'Queen of the cheeseboard’, lockdown Los Angeles and her new puppy finding a dildo in the backyard.I've been obsessed with her since I saw Little Drummer Girl (a good quarantine series btw) and she totally indulged my enthusiasm like a massive pro. What a star, god love her! Have a listen xxx Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 mum i've had a shocker today why darling got in trouble with my husband for using uh my phone for working because actually i am working because i have an album out in what five weeks um and uh dropped my phone saw that i'd broken it again because i'd like to break the screen so broken it checked it got slithers of freaking glass in there then had to get the tweezers my daughter was so excited and interested by it she wouldn't stop talking um son got hand trapped in the thing katsu curry's going everywhere i'm tweezering out slithers of glass i think i've got a slither of glass in my lip and it really hurts i'm having a shocker. I'm stress eating. It's a bad day.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And everything seems much bigger, doesn't it? And when it's like, and also why is my day so busy when I'm literally... Me too. I'm so freaking busy. It's mad. What have you been stress eating, darling?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Well, it was actually quite delicious, but Gizzy Erskine and Professor Green are doing this Monday night takeaway thing on Instagram where they do a different takeaway that you can't get and they create it. So they did a big one week and they did this Wagamama, and I'm not even a big fan of Wagamama, but they did this Wagamama katsu curry with breaded chicken but i did it with tofu breaded tofu and i made it for my mate and us and honest to god it was so delicious it's giz and greens they're doing it on instagram and everyone should follow them because it's really good fun and gizzy's an incredible chef as is pro but like it was so tasty even the kids ate it and And I was so pleased with myself. Actually, I started the day quite virtuous.
Starting point is 00:01:47 I did a little otolenghi blistered tomatoes with cold yogurt for breakfast. Delicious. And then it just kind of all went downhill. I just had a tiramisu in tinfoil. I made the best dinner tonight. What did you make? I made chicken with vermouth and whole grain mustard and tarragon that's my favorite that you used to make well I made it today and I well I'd forgotten I used to
Starting point is 00:02:12 make it and you do it with kind of onions you caramelize onions and so I did the chicken breast first caramelize the onions added mustard vermouth and then a little tarragon finished it with a couple of spoons of cream and it was so delicious i may make that for the kids i absolutely love that you've got to have vermouth though it doesn't work with anything else and i made crushed new potatoes and i had broccoli beans and spinach sounds absolutely delicious. It was really delicious. Today, tonight, we have an Oscar nominator. A nominator. What am I talking about? A nominee, darling. An Oscar. Oscar nominator. An Oscar nominee. And she's Kiss, my very favourite actor in the whole wide world. Oh, Timothée. Timothée. And she's just amazing. I became completely enamoured by her when she was in Little Drummer Girl
Starting point is 00:03:05 and wanted to be her friend, wanted to see everything that she's been in. And she seems to pick some really juicy roles. And she was up for an Oscar this year as Amy in Little Women, which was just such a beautiful, beautiful film. And she was so wonderful in it. So, yeah, we've got bloody Florence Pugh on Table Manners, beautiful film. And she was so wonderful in it. So yeah, we've got bloody Florence Pugh on Table Manners, Special Circumstances. Kind of a bit almost Hollywood royalty.
Starting point is 00:03:30 She's top notch and she's zooming in. And I'm kind of, I wonder if I'm going to be a bit starstruck because yeah, she's great. Jessie, we're recording on a Thursday. So eight o'clock, we're all going to go out and clap for the NHS and carers.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah, absolutely. Florence is about to join us oh my god this is pro she's got a bloody sound um thingy that's amazing I'm so impressed that is proper hi I'm just gonna say you are the most professional person we've ever or your boyfriend is really you've got the bloody sound I know I just I'm bored I know and he just bless him tried to set it up and I it's really hot in here and I thought I might get extra hot if now I have foam around me unless you want the foam around me. Unless you want the foam around me. No, we don't have foam. I have plastic children's toys everywhere. And wooden floors. So don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You can see this is trolls. This is right. This is the shit my mum buys my daughter. And we have to have here. Jessie, that's beautiful. But hi, and thank you so much for doing this. Thank you. Now, Florence, you probably don't remember
Starting point is 00:04:45 because you probably have lots of people coming up to you. Uh-oh. But I actually did that annoying thing where I accosted you. No, does your boyfriend need to say something to you? No, no, no, he thinks I said uh-oh to him, so he goes, what, what happened? And I'm like, no, no, no. Bye, I'll see you in a bit.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Do you want to join in? I'm a big fan. You're welcome to join in. We love him. I can't cook. He can't you in a bit. Do you want to join in? I'm a big fan. You're welcome to join in. We love him. I can't cook. He can't cook, he says. I can make ice. Can you eat?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, he can eat. I actually made him exactly what I made myself and it's up in the house. So he's running up now for food. Oh, nice. What did you just make him? It's really hot. I'm in LA at the moment
Starting point is 00:05:22 and it just suddenly got really, really hot. And so I just made a big crunchy salad. I'm a big fan of crunch. Getting it all good in my system makes me feel happy. So what was in the crunchy salad? Crunchy salad. We have a nice little vegetable patch just outside and we've been growing lovely leaves and lovely elephant garlics. What are elephant garlics?
Starting point is 00:05:44 Elephant garlics are like a whole bulb as a garlic. So instead of all the cloves, you have a whole one. And it's like this big ball of garlic. Is it called elephant garlic? Yeah. But is it called it because it looks like elephantitis? If garlic had elephantitis? Probably just large, Jess.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I thought it was just because it was big. But yeah, they're great. And you just get so many meals out of them because they just go on and on and on and on. Amazing. Yeah. So do you cut it up? Yes. And the best thing about it, it looks like a spring onion.
Starting point is 00:06:15 And so you can end up using the whole piece, the whole green bit as well. So you get a lot of bang for your buck there. So Florence, do you live in LA now? No and yes. Okay. That's a good answer. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Yeah, a little bit of both.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Is the UK still home? The UK is definitely home, home. That's where my family and my friends are. But I've, I mean, in all honesty, I've been living out of a bag for about four years in a wonderful way, in like a living wherever I need to be kind of way. And then I've just amazingly spent some more time in LA and I'm loving the sunshine. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:53 bit of both. How, so no, I have to just say, so I did this thing and you won't remember, but I, I accosted you. Right. And no, because I really do quite love you. I love you so much, actually. And I just finished watching The Little Drummer Girl. Yeah. And I was obsessed by you. And then I saw you at the Rosalia concert. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And I came up to you and I was like and I was like an annoying person like I just have to say you're really great and um yeah I've been in love ever since really oh well thank you honestly oh please you're like amazing and you sing so well you're an amazing singer yeah I um I grew up in a big mad crazy family and my parents just tried to get us as as kind of loud and as musical and as annoying as possible and so we all sang and played as many instruments and acted and that was our comfort zone um and then yeah acting picked up so I went with that one for a bit but I'd love to do a bit of both you're doing lots of cooking on Instagram yeah I really like it how did this come about I
Starting point is 00:08:04 mean I mean I know like obviously you're you you seem like you're passionate about cooking yeah but why did you decide to start putting up um things was it because you just wanted to share it or because of your bloody vegetable patch you needed to share my bloody vegetable patch exactly no it started about um four or three months ago I got uh an ice cream maker for my birthday and I'd never made ice cream before and I always thought that it was the hardest thing to do and people who make ice cream are insane because why would you make ice cream when you can just buy it and it tastes good um and then I started using it and it was this really it's this really amazing ice cream maker where you just shove all the ingredients in and then it does it itself and you don't even have
Starting point is 00:08:44 to put it in the freezer the night before so it's like top notch so I gave it a go and I ended up following this recipe that halfway through I was sweating and like panicking that I was gonna curdle the eggs and blah blah blah and I remember thinking to myself why would anyone make ice cream this is the hardest thing darling I'm I'm going out. Go, go, go. You carry on. Okay, hold on. I'm going with my bell. Mum is. And while she does the bell, she goes, my son's a doctor.
Starting point is 00:09:15 My son's a doctor. Good, good. Hold on. Do you know what? I'm going to do the clip. Okay, all right. I'll be back in one sec. I'll eat some lunch. Don't worry. It was so sweet to hear all the clapping.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Oh, nice. It was very wonderful. Are they doing anything like that in LA? Yeah, so we're in the hills at the moment, and people, one of our good friends is actually really ill and is in a coma in hospital. Oh, shit. Oh, God. Yeah, and so what we're doing, because we live, it's got all of this old hippie history. People play music from the hills that have been written here or and we play it during
Starting point is 00:10:06 the day or in the afternoon or in the evening so that's kind of our our tradition so so so when does that happen does it just happen all the time i can kind of imagine that everyone's just outside in their gardens everyone's playing joni mitchell and uh exactly exactly exactly um it's mainly in the evening and especially on the weekend, every Saturday, they do these kind of like isolated gigs on the top of people's roofs. And like there'll be like a singer singing one song over there and then another singer will be singing one song over there. So it's really beautiful.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And you can go out on your front porch and just listen to all the music in the hills. And so will you see like a famous person like on their rooftop giving you a concert so you'll like see fucking i don't know katie perry or bloody jonie just giving you a concert i haven't seen any famous people giving the concerts yet but lots of lovely singing and that it was that's really special have you sung yet no i haven't but does your boyfriend play no he doesn he doesn't. Well, you play, so it's fine. I play. I could give it a go. I also just like just listening.
Starting point is 00:11:09 It's pretty special, especially in the evening. So do you not like karaoke? I love karaoke. Ah. So do I. I love karaoke. However, my songs of choice are always horrendous. What are they?
Starting point is 00:11:21 They always have a really bad key changeained or um no my my one ambitious yeah just like and my voice doesn't do that and it never has or it would be like bohemian rhapsody why would you choose that you can't breathe bad news also um the titanic song what's that one celine dion my heart will go on yeah yeah i did that one for years that's quite good do you do it with celine's accent as well because i feel like that's very important I I also do the you know the oh the jack oh yeah lovely I just I just opened my chest to the boat so back to back to ice cream making and curling back to ice cream making so I was making ice cream and I put it on Instagram and I was so just thinking that this was crazy that anybody would make ice cream. And then I looked at the recipe and it was a Michelin star recipe.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And I was like, oh, it makes sense why it's so hard. But now I've got it down to a fine art where I now know how to make like a proper custard based ice cream. And I put it on Instagram and people loved it. And that was a few months ago. And then I kept on doing that. And I have a funny relationship with social media anyway. I find it, it's so nasty and it doesn't need to be. And I think-
Starting point is 00:12:38 Well, you said something about that this week, I saw. Yeah, yeah. I think people's relationship with social media is strange. And I think me doing cooking videos and me doing ice cream videos or marmalade videos was just like, it was just a video of, of me doing something as opposed to, um, you know, me selling something or, or people having to make a comment on what I was wearing or how big my thighs are or, you know, just all the shit that everybody has to go through when they have social media. And so I think I really enjoyed that people just accepted those videos and liked it. And it felt like they were cooking with a friend or that a friend was cooking with them. And I don't know, I thought that was quite sweet.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And then when all of this, when when the world shut down I got really depressed for a few days as I'm sure everybody did and I remember just Instagram wasn't wasn't helping me at all and it was making me so anxious and so um uncertain and it it was giving me this horrible ball of anxiety which was not helping you know for my my brain anyway and then I facetimed my dad and my dad was like well why aren't you doing your cooking videos and your dancing videos and I said because I don't want to right now dad and this isn't the time I don't really want to do that and he then asked me if I could make him a cooking video and a dancing video so I started again and then people just got really
Starting point is 00:14:01 excited about my cooking videos and I love that because it's so on Instagram. No, but no, it's not just now Instagram. SNL, like, covered. I know. I know. That was hilarious. I mean, you've already fucking made it. You're up for a bloody Oscar.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But, like, when SNL are doing sketches about your content on the gram, you fucking made it, babe. It's amazing. It's a lot of of fun it's a lot of fun i i don't know how much you know about this podcast but we've been trying to get you for a while because we're huge fans i'm a really big fan i need to's a stalker. I need to chill out now. I need to stop. I love stalkers. You're lucky you're not in our house because I probably would have roofied you and you wouldn't be going home. So, but yeah, usually we cook for you. I know, I know. So that's usually the get up. And everybody gets really hungry when they listen to you. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:15:00 I do. Well, that's very sweet. This is kind of how it came about because my mum is such a great cook. But I wonder what it was like growing up with you. Who was around the dinner table? Who was cooking? Did you all sit together? You know, what's kind of a memorable meal from your childhood?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Dinners are a massive part of my family. Massive part. Even when I go back now as an adult, there is dinner time. And dinner time is everybody's sat and everybody's eating together, which is really wonderful because I don't know. I remember I remember as a kid going to other people's houses for dinner and it not necessarily being such a tradition to sit down and eat together. And I remember really appreciating recognizing that as a kid. My dad is an amazing chef. He has this amazing ability to just look in the fridge when there's nothing in there and make something incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:53 And my mom is the queen of stews and soups and all of that stuff and couscous. She has like random things that she's mastered. So yeah, food has been a massive part of my childhood. And as I said, everybody eats so fast, so quickly, and it's just like hoovers. But I'm from a big family, so that makes sense. How many children in your family? How many brothers and sisters? There's four of us. Are you the oldest or the youngest? I'm the third. What does that, does that count as a middle child then yeah well the thing is though I was the youngest for very for about seven years and there was never any there was never any chat about another one I was like the baby and everybody knew that and then suddenly on my mum's birthday my mum
Starting point is 00:16:38 drops a bombshell which is that she's pregnant and she's so excited by it. And I remember being shocked. It doesn't even sum it up. I was like, what? Why didn't you consult me? Why didn't people ask if I was okay with this? And I remember getting up from my chair as my mum told me. She was like, look, I'm an older mum and I have some very exciting news, but we all need to be really careful because, as I said, I'm an older mum and I have some very exciting news, but we all need to be really careful because, as I said, I'm an older mum
Starting point is 00:17:07 and I'm pregnant and I'm so excited. And I remember I got up from my chair, I walked over, we had these French sliding windows, and I slid the door open, slid the door shut, picked up one of those bamboo sticks that, like, stick in pots pots picked that up and just smashed it to like to bits oh my goodness so it was a really positive reaction I was so disappointed that I wasn't enough for them and how's it um do you get on with your younger sibling oh love her love her so you didn't try and push her out of the Moses basket
Starting point is 00:17:45 or anything like that? No, no, no, no, no, no. I had about four months of being really bitter about it. And like, I think it was the only time I've believed in God. And I kept on saying, please, God, please, God, please don't, please don't do this to me. She doesn't need to come. She doesn't need to come.
Starting point is 00:17:58 It'll be fine. And I remember my mum was being an amazing mum and trying to like excite me. And she took me to mother care and let me buy anything I wanted for the baby. Or I remember her constantly saying, as I told you, I'm an older mum. So I need you to really help me. I need you to make sure that I'm eating the right foods. And, you know, I don't do anything bad.
Starting point is 00:18:19 And I would take this as ammo and I'd be like, OK, all right. So she thinks that the baby is going to come in nine months. OK, all right. And I'd be pleading every single day. And then it got to four months and I was like, OK, she's coming now. And then I was so invested in her, so invested. I loved it. It was great.
Starting point is 00:18:40 I had a real life doll that pooed and weed and needed feeding. And it was wicked. I had a great life doll that pooed and weed and needed feeding. And it was wicked. I had a great time. Your mum is super glamorous. She was your... She is. Oh, my gosh. She was your partner.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Wasn't she? Didn't she accompany you to the Oscars? Yes. And her dress was... Oh, my goodness. She did look fabulous. I was very jealous. She looked fabulous.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But I think she's a lot younger than me. Probably, Mum. She is gorgeous. I I think she's a lot younger than me. Probably, Mum. She is gorgeous. I will tell her that and she'll listen to this as well. You must be so proud of her. Of course I am. I'm so proud of her. She's always been a beautiful woman.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And, yeah, no, she was very, actually for weeks after that, she kept on sending me articles of how she was listed as one of the best dressed mums. And I was like, you were mum. She looked gorgeous. She did, didn't she? Who dressed her? Who was she wearing? No one.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Actually, that was a gift from, my dad has very good taste and has always got her beautiful dresses over the years. And that was one that she'd never worn before. And she got it out. So your dad chose it? Yeah, my dad bought it years ago for her god they're very romantic he is what does your dad do my dad he's a dress designer he's a stylist and a chef he's a stylist yeah yeah no my dad is a restaurateur and he has he grew up in a pub and he's owned and ran restaurants ever since he could. And he's been in the business since he was born, basically.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So I've grown up in restaurants as a result of that. And they've all been his own creations and his babies. And he's gone around the world to find things for them. And he's obviously getting older now and wanting a bit more peace. So he's slowly letting them go one by one but um which restaurants would are there any in London that we'd know no none in they're all in Oxford which is where um we all grew up so he's had I mean two of them have been open for 25 plus years so he's um he's very attached to them and it's a it's a it's a funny thing him realizing that he wants to go and live
Starting point is 00:20:43 in a shack on a beach but to do that, you have to let your babies go. So would you eat there a lot when you were younger? Yeah, yeah. What was the dish that you always ordered? So one of them is, it's still alive, a kind of pizza and burglary and salad. He's kind of dinery type style. And I just remember from a really young age, always loving the fact that I could go up to the bar
Starting point is 00:21:09 and flirt with the barman. And I remember being about seven and waltzing up to the bar and doing the best improv ever and ordering a cocktail. And then when he was making it, I remember leaning over and going it hasn't got alcohol in it does it because I'm I'm not an adult I'm not a grown-up I'm not a
Starting point is 00:21:33 grown-up and I honestly thought that I'd done such a good job at pretending I was such a lady that um that he didn't recognize that it was me the eight-year-old uh the owner's daughter who was in there so we had a great time in there and all of us, you know, worked there for years. That was our first jobs and our first waiting jobs anyway and bar jobs. So yeah, they are an extension of our home, definitely. Florence, what's your favourite cocktail? Well, it's changing as I get older. Now, my favorite cocktail is a really, really good martini. Oh, that's so sophisticated. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I like dirty martini. Yeah. Well, I appreciate that. But I like a martini with a twist. That is my new favorite. Clean. Yes, very clean. And I now know how to make it and perfect
Starting point is 00:22:26 it so that is a wonderful thing to learn what is a quarantini a quarantine a quarantini is where you make a martini but you fill it with the fizzy vitamins like you know the sachets of vitamins oh I think you don't just drink it in quarantine oh maybe but I thought I saw a picture of someone with a quarantini and then in the bottom there was a sachet of like the vitamin c fizzy sherbet stuff and I think what like barocca yeah I think that I think they put it in that I couldn't think of two more revolting things mixed together but hey it's going to keep you alive and healthy so go oh god yeah maybe mum you should switch from cosmos to quarantinis no maybe not what's your favorite cocktail cosmo is it yeah what goes into that vodka yeah um triple sec or um
Starting point is 00:23:20 and cranberry juice and And lime. Yeah. A little lime, but only a, just a little squeeze. Cause they usually put the orange peel in. Yeah. Well they do if they're being fancy, but have you got all, have become all LA and eat bloody loads of kale and avocados all the time?
Starting point is 00:23:39 Mum, she's been talking about her leaves in the garden. She definitely. Leaves I can put up with but not bloody kale and not bloody kale no I I've always eaten like good versions of each food so even if I have something naughty it's never something like I've never been drawn to um deep fried fast food like that's not something that I'm like gagging for but But I do love good quality bad stuff. Like I think it's a combined thing.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But yeah, I've always been a fan of crunchy food. So I'm not, I'm not quite, I don't eat raw kale, but I don't mind a massaged kale. Me neither. That's quite good. Oh, massaging kale. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's actually, I learned that from my mum.
Starting point is 00:24:22 I didn't learn that from LA. Oh, really? Well, it does make sense. It does make it slightly easier to eat. Otherwise, it's horrid to, that's actually, I learned that from my mum. I didn't learn that from LA. Oh, really? Well, it does make sense. It does make it slightly easier to eat. Otherwise it's horrid to, it's not. But if you get all the frilly bits off and you get that backbone out because it's so hard and horrid in your mouth. Also, that's the stuff that makes your stomach really upset and gassy, I think anyway. But if you strip it up like normal lettuce and then put it in a big bowl and
Starting point is 00:24:43 then drizzle some oil over it and just massage it all down, it gets soft within about five minutes. And then it's actually really tasty. But yeah, I'm not a fan of the, I don't like it when it's completely dry and raw. It hurts my mouth. So you wouldn't eat it boiled? I've never done it boiled, but maybe I should. Oh, really? Oh, you see, everyone boils it in England.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Really? Yeah, they don't massage it. This kale, this kale is so fussy. I know. I like to be massaged. So where do you like to eat in Los Angeles when you're there? Like, because I don't know, are you being able to get any takeout? Are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:25:23 Postmates? Is it even working? Who knows? Yes. No, that's I think that was why America really, really freaked out when when Trump finally said that this is really scary. I think everybody ran to the shops like everybody, I'm sure, ran to the shops in UK. And every I was so surprised because I did a shop before it went crazy and I went back to go and get some milk after it went crazy. And before, everybody was totally fine. And then afterwards, when I went back to the shops,
Starting point is 00:25:55 the only aisle that was clear was the canned food aisle. But all the fresh stuff was alive. It was still there. There were piles of it. And I think there's this um kind of I don't think people are used to cooking at home here and I think they're very used to going out a bit like New York they're very used to going out and having good food or having takeouts and I think the panic when all of this happened and then there was this huge sense of relief when they realized that all
Starting point is 00:26:20 the restaurants are staying open um and then obviously now the shops are just surviving. But yeah, we do. I allow one takeaway a week. So that's our special date night. So where are some of your favourite restaurants then? Like who where? One of my favourite restaurants is Pache. It's like a little shaggy place.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yes. In the hills. Hannah's took me there. And it's got such a good convenience store yes yes country canyon I love that store and there's always this ongoing joke that they have things on the shelves from like 1990 that hasn't been bought yet which is and finally now getting used up because everybody's wanting canned foods I bloody love their rose water that they have yeah I know you can get it in whole foods but but I got it from there first.
Starting point is 00:27:06 And so my heart is betrayed through it. Yeah, I love that restaurant. It's so good. Yeah, very tasty. So what would be your last supper or desert island meal? Starter, main, pud, and drink of choice? I'm going to go pud first because I always want pudding first. But I'm not going to eat it first. I'm just going to choose it first. I always want pudding first but I'm not gonna eat it first
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm just gonna choose it first um tiramisu I think just don't just don't take away tiramisu it was sensational tiramisu I love it it's my favorite pudding and I've eating it since I was tiny which that probably shouldn't have happened um and maybe for main I would do I mean I'm not really eating meat at the moment but if it was my last meal I might do a steak with beurre sauce and like triple cooked chips oh yes yeah with some rocket and some cherry tomatoes with a bit of balsamic vinegar on them yeah how are you having your steak I think I'm gonna do it medium rare not rare I'm not a blue fan but yeah I'm gonna do it with a bit of juice and I want it banged up with some butter and thyme in the pan before it goes in
Starting point is 00:28:18 I can never cook steak well at my house. Really? I'm just shit at it. And I'm a pretty good cook, but I can't do steak. It just never is as good as when somebody else cooks it for me. Do you do the bang bang? No, I don't do the bang bang. Try that. Try a bang bang. Really?
Starting point is 00:28:36 Bang bang with what? Just like anything. I actually don't have like a meat. A tenderizer, wooden thingy. Yeah, cleaver. But I sometimes just use a pan, just smack the steak with the pot on the pan. Why do you like doing it, though? Is it just so that...
Starting point is 00:28:51 It makes it tender and it's creating less of a chew for you. And it also means that you don't have to faff about with timing because it's going to cook a lot quicker. So you can turn it. You don't have to worry about is that done enough is the middle done enough because it's already thinner so obviously put your butter in the time or however you want to do it and then put it in and honestly you only need like 15 seconds maybe 10 seconds on either side because it's already thinner and um it's been technically chewed a bit i'm gonna try that give it a go so then that's the main and then what's the starter starter i think i would do what do i go for when i'm in restaurants i always love the kind of goat's
Starting point is 00:29:33 cheesy um pesto-y tart things if there's anything goat's cheesy for a starter i'm always gravitating towards that yeah i'm a fan of like those beautiful little tomato tarts with goat's cheese and pesto on maybe maybe one of those you know my friends my friends been making a really good tomato tatam which i feel like potentially i mean it doesn't have goat's cheese on it but you could just have a side of goat's cheese it looks so pretty as well um uh mum you'll love this and you'll be really happy that we're not living together but I'm making carrot top pesto tomorrow what's that?
Starting point is 00:30:08 for your poor children well it's just you know the carrot top pesto fuck off yeah darling it's the you know the green bits
Starting point is 00:30:17 of the carrot it's really good as a pesto good is it? yeah use it as the green bit in the pesto
Starting point is 00:30:22 it's really good my mum is like now that you've left my house, there is no kale. There is only cream and there is no carrot top pesto. But I'm fed up with cooking, to be honest. Really? Because usually we go out, I would go out two or three nights a week at least. She's a social butterfly.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Or at least even twice, even even once but I haven't been out for five weeks now probably longer because we didn't go out for probably two weeks before that so I'm getting fed up with it's not I'm fed up with cooking but I'm fed up with my own food I'd like you are you living with anyone no I'm on my own oh no I'm going mad you know what you should do what my my friend told me that she did this one weekend and it really helped um pretend there's a bar in your house get a bar ready and play some background music and put some some background noise on and pretend you're at a bar oh I'll do that then she did it and she said I had a great time. You can pretend you're on a date too, Mum. Yeah. Pretend that you meet a tall, dark stranger.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Well, I have a blow-up. I've got the blurped Peppa Pig. That's all. Hey. That's a nice idea. I'll blow up Peppa Pig and have him sitting opposite. Maybe I'll order a blow-up. I bet Amazon do blow-up men.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Mum. Probably. What? Like a sex toy? Yeah. They do. Hey, they'll be an essential item they are did you say did you hear me i was watching john oliver the other week the other day and um there was someone interviewing an amazon worker and this amazon worker was so upset that dildos were still an essential item you're kidding he. And he kept on just saying, he was like, dildos. Dildos are an essential item. Hey, people must be, you know, desperate.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Needing a dildo. Needing a dildo. But actually, if you're on your own, why would you need a dildo? Oh no, maybe these people are together because you need a dildo. Isn't that a strap-on? No, that's a strap-on. Oh, sorry. I'm getting mixed up now.
Starting point is 00:32:24 That's all right. Mum, why do we always get to you discovering sex things? It's like we had Aisling B on. Aisling B and Mum had a big discussion about dogging. So now, today on Table Manners, Florence Pugh and Mum will be talking about strap-ons. Or dildos. Or dildos. That's Florence Pugh that brought it up, not me.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Also, I have a very funny story um we just fostered a puppy about two weeks ago and after one week of having her we realized that it was never going to be a foster and we adopted her so uh the other evening she runs off somewhere in the garden and um we're calling her back and um we have hedges on either side of our of our neighbors and she's in amongst these hedges and she's digging for ages and we're calling her back and we have hedges on either side of our of our neighbors. And she's in amongst these hedges and she's digging for ages. And we're calling her, calling her, calling her. And then she comes back and she comes back with a massive, muddy dildo in her mouth.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Good God. Wow. And we are so shocked. Are you sure it was a dildo, Florence? It was a dildo. It was a full on dildo. How do you know exactly? Because it was a long dildo and it was a dildo, Florence. It was a dildo. It was a full-on dildo. How do you know exactly? Because it was a long dildo and it was very funny.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Whose dildo was it, Florence? Well, it was dug deep into the ground. I don't know who put it there. But the funny thing was is that she was so proud and she was so excited by finding this dildo and we were simultaneously trying to get it off her whilst laughing. She didn't understand. And of course,
Starting point is 00:33:46 to a puppy, that's like the best toy ever. It was nice and squishy. Anyway, that was very funny. Is she allowed to keep the dildo as her little squishy toy? Well, no. We thought it would look
Starting point is 00:33:56 a bit fucked up if people came round and she had a penis in her mouth. So we had to chuck it away. But my mum was very disappointed that we didn't keep it for her. And I said, Mum, if we have guests around and she whips out a penis, people are going to think that it's mine and that's not a good look.
Starting point is 00:34:11 No, it is not. No. We are chucking it away. There wasn't a dead body in the grave as well. Dead person buried with the dildo. Yeah, killed by dildo. Death by dildo. Yeah, killed by dildo. Death by dildo. I want to know what you ate.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Did you eat before the Oscars? Yes, a cheese board. Oh, nice. Yeah, I'm a big fan of cheese boards. Oh, yeah, that's lovely. They always serve them before things, though, in the States, don't they? Rather than after your dinner with a port. Yeah, which is weird because these massive boards come out with like pita bread and crackers. And then after that, you don't really want to eat the thing that you ordered.
Starting point is 00:34:57 But no, I'm a big I'm a big queen of cheese boards. And so I have always about like 15 different types of cheeses in the fridge. And so I have always about like 15 different types of cheeses in the fridge. And especially for those events, because everybody's coming in and, you know, I have my hair team and my makeup team and the designers and my stylist and her helpers and my parents and people that wanted to be around for the getting ready. So, yeah, we just tend to bang out a Bucks fizz and some cheese boards, which helps the mood hugely. What's your favourite cheese? My favourite cheese is manchego. With membrillo?
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yes, yes. Or also, I just like it in my salad. I've got a bit of manchego in my salad today as well. Yeah, it's a good strong cheese. It is really good. And also, I feel like I can just eat the whole thing without it being attached to anything which is dangerous but it's good Florence did you always or did your family always know you're going to be an actress I mean were you kind of one of those children that was putting on shows in the sitting room for every yeah okay we all were there's all four of us were all making things do you all act all of you yeah so it was basically little women
Starting point is 00:36:05 it was basically little women yeah most definitely yeah no we all we all uh sang dance and and act and my mum was a dancer when she was younger and my dad is just a very big personality and he's always hosting in restaurants and i think um yeah putting on a show was always a nice part of our of our childhood so if we had a Sunday lunch after lunch that you know the guitars would come out and and we'd all sing or our guests would sing or we'd all you know yeah so it was very much a part of you know our lunches and our weekends and as a family would sing together and And yeah, so that was very sweet. But most definitely, I'd say my parents would say that they knew it was coming in terms of being an actress.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Did you go to drama school? No, I didn't. I missed that. I managed to amazingly, weirdly get a film in my last year of school when I was doing my A-levels. And when I did that I I finished school and I got an agent by the time that I'd finished school and so when I finished school it felt a bit funny to you didn't need to go to drama school yeah I just felt like I could
Starting point is 00:37:18 give it a go and if it didn't I always said if it doesn't work out I'll go and study and I always had that kind of in my head it doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, I'll go and study. And I always had that kind of in my head. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, I'll go and study. And, you know, this isn't the end if it doesn't work like this. But I just thought I may as well. And considering I had an agent that was ready to get me auditions and get me out there. And also I had a lot of learning to do to figure out how to do auditions and how to go in the room and how to do taping and all of that. So it felt important to just get going on it as soon as possible but I uh I've loved all the stories of
Starting point is 00:37:50 my mates that have gone to drama school and um I'm sure it is something that I did miss out on because it does sound a lot of fun I mean I I wanted to know with fighting with my family did you have to do lots of training for that and also did you change your diet for that did you have to do lots of training for that and also did you change your diet for that did you have to kind of yeah yeah worry mode yeah the best the coolest thing about fighting my family though was that at no point was there ever any um there wasn't a discussion about what i looked like it was that you're playing a wrestler and you need to be able to lift people. And that's part of the relationship with other wrestlers is you have to be strong enough to lift them and they have to be strong enough to lift you.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And if you can't, then you're not safe. And I thought that that was just really interesting because it meant that when I was working out for it and I was getting ready for it, I didn't have to worry about what people were thinking of you know how thin I was or how this I was it was just like no I need to be strong because I need to be safe um so that was really exciting also I love wrestling I love fighting it's great I have four siblings boyfriend no wrestling is a big part of all of my relationships that I've had. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Do you think you've got good table manners? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I do. I know how to put it on. I know how to put it on. If I'm around my family, then it doesn't have to be quite so elbows off table. But I know how to have a dinner and I know how to go to a dinner and and be my most polite self I'd say what's your least attractive in at somebody else um their table manner um I would say oh it's it's it's kind of combined I can't stand um at being at the dinner table and someone talking over the top of
Starting point is 00:39:44 you constantly. I think that's a really bad manner. You wouldn't do well at our house. No, I mean... You can blame it on the Zoom. We sound like we're arguing, but we're not. It's just normal. It happens. It happens in my family.
Starting point is 00:40:00 But I think when, like, for example, when you go to a dinner with strangers, and that's what I mean. When it's family, I don't think it really matters because everybody's kind of listening anyway. But when you're at a dinner with strangers and no one and someone doesn't have any, not listening to you whatsoever and talking at the top, that really bothers me. And also chewing with your mouth open. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Not good. It's so easy. It's so easy. Just close it. Yes. It's so easy. Yes's so easy. Just close it. Yes. It's so easy. Yes, I agree. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And I wanted to know what, I mean, not, not, I'm not accusing you of stockpiling Florence. I don't feel like you would do that. But when you went to the Whole Foods or whatever, what was the first thing that you were like, I have to get this. Like it's essential. Um, I, and I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear that it's something fresh. I want to hear your dirty secret. Oh, oh, like my naughty naughty.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Okay. I don't know. I want to know what, like, what were you like, back the fuck off. Getting that. Take me to that aisle. I'll tell you what it was.
Starting point is 00:40:57 I got the Campbell's tomato cream soup, cream of tomato soup. That was... Oh, really? Well, you cleared the shelf, didn't you? You were the person. I didn't clear it. I didn't...
Starting point is 00:41:07 No, actually, found two of them in... Clearly, someone had, like, made a decision about whether they should have these two tomato soups or not, and they'd bunged them somewhere else. I think it was even in, like, the flour aisle. And honestly, the canned food aisle was cleared and I was going down, we were going down the flour aisle and we saw them
Starting point is 00:41:29 and it was like eureka. It was amazing. Well done. You can't buy flour here. It's going on eBay. Amazon. I've been getting into bread. I want to know because I've just started my starter.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And have you got a sourdough starter yes yes I do did you buy your starter or did you start it my lovely man who does my hair called Peter Lux he is in LA at the moment and he um has always loved sourdough and he started making it and uh he started getting into the starter and all this stuff and I also love sourdoughough. And he said, well, I'll give you some. So he gave me some. And then I realized that there was no flour on the shelf, so I couldn't feed it. So I put it in the fridge for a week. And I was really worried that I'd killed it.
Starting point is 00:42:12 This is the thing. They're so temperamental. They die instantly. I know. It's crazy. I know. But I managed to get it back to life. What flour are you using?
Starting point is 00:42:20 I wanted to use rye, but I'm actually using wholemeal which I've seen that it makes a different consistency um but it was what I had less sticky it's less sticky um but I've put a bit of rosemary in there because um there's this woman on Instagram that my cousin told me to follow and she's kind of done a day by day how to get your starter going nice and actually it's she says it's quite straightforward but i mean i fuck knows i'm on day three i've i've i put it in the boy in the boiler room every night i put it in the boy in the airing cupboard and hope for the best but i don't know it doesn't because i'm having to take it out like you basically put in 30 grams of flour 30 um mils
Starting point is 00:43:04 of water and then you take that out yes and then you have to discard i'm like oh this feels like a waste bizarre thing but i'm waiting for this moment so i felt that way as well and i kept getting really upset every single day that i'd fed it and it would start growing and then the following day i'd have to take away and put that in the bin and you're like but i just fed you beautiful flour that is now a crazy ingredient that no one can get their hands on and now I'm chucking it away but one of the things that I cook today is you there are recipes online for the discard starter where you can use it in things so you can use it in scones or in crumpets or in whatever I made a little garlic bready thing which is really great so when your starter
Starting point is 00:43:47 gets about a week old you can start using it and in the morning when you're about to um discard just put that in the pan with some oil and some garlic and some salt and pepper and it becomes like um like a really um tart naan in a. It's like a really nice sour naan. And you can have it with eggs or... I've put some goat's cheese on mine. Let me see it. Can you show me it? I've just put some goat's cheese on mine.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Oh, wow. But it's like this... Oh, yeah, that looks wicked. Yeah. Oh, my God. Of course you're a fucking baker as well. Oscar nominee and sourdough queen. I'm learning.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I'm not a master at all. It's very scary, starters and sourdoughs, because there's so many rules. I do think that it's been the theme of coronavirus is sourdough starters. Everyone's talking about them. Yeah, yeah. It's very rewarding, by the way.
Starting point is 00:44:39 It will get easier. The first week is really sketchy because you don't know if you're killing it or keeping it alive. But it's really rewarding. And you need to name it, by the way. What's yours called? I've called her Maggie.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Why? I don't know. It was just a name that came to me. I thought Marge. And then when I was on the phone to my mum, my mum said, you can't call it Marge because it reminds me of margarine. And I thought that's very true. So then I went with Maggie. So you went for a Simpsons character.
Starting point is 00:45:04 So it was Simpsons led. Oh, yeah. Both went for a Simpsons character so it was Simpsons led oh yeah both of them are Simpsons they're both Simpsons yeah Marge and Maggie I was just trying to imagine like this like sweet little old lady that I'd need to feed every day that's what I was kind of imagining Jessie call yours Homer maybe I'll call mine Homer and then they can be long lost lovers. We're starting a family, a starter family. Or Bart. Oh, Bart could work too. Bart's good. Bart's pretty sour doughy, I feel.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Oh, that's great, Bart. Or maybe I should call it after the lovely man who's been walking miles and made 30 million pounds for the NHS. Captain Tom, isn't it? Captain Tom. Oh, maybe i'll call him captain tom i like that um i want to know what your lunchbox was like when you're at um school lunchbox i didn't have lunchboxes i was really bummed out about that because i always remember um the kids that did bring in lunchboxes and being like oh that's great you get crisps and sandwiches no there was always like the lunchbox
Starting point is 00:46:06 people and the school lunch people and i was i was yeah i was the school dinners i was a school dinners there was lots of chicken cutlets yeah i was always jealous of the school dinners people really yeah you got why did you not have a good lunchbox i had lunchboxes i mean to be fair i would have been the fucking size of a house if i'd had school dinners because i would have been like yeah sure i'll have that second and uh cake and custard I would have been the fucking size of a house if I'd had school dinners because I would have been like, yeah, sure, I'll have that second. And cake and custard, I would have been having like triple amounts, that chocolate cake and custard. That chocolate custard. And it wasn't particularly chocolatey because they really wet it down.
Starting point is 00:46:37 They put loads of water in it. Oh, I loved it. They don't even let children have that anymore. No. Really? It's all fruit and bloody yoghurt. Oh, God. What's happened to the world?
Starting point is 00:46:47 The world's really gone down. They're turning healthy. Mum, I'm so surprised you haven't brought Timothee Chalamet into this conversation. She's so fucking obsessed with him, honest to God. Are you in love? I think the worst thing about Corona
Starting point is 00:47:01 is that you're not going to see him in bloody The Old Vic, are you, Mum? I booked tickets to see him with Eileen Atkins in 4,000 Miles. I've never spent so much on theatre tickets. Spent £300. Just to see Timmy. And, yeah. Because I wanted to see him now as he is.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I went to Crema to see where they filmed Call Me By Your Name. No way. Because I was so obsessed with him. She's a bit like how she is with Timothy is kind of how I am with you. Amazing. Slightly. It's a little far out. So you kissed him.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I did. You kissed him. I mean, I realise it's not in that kind of lustful way that I love him. Yeah. I just think he's a great actor. Yeah, he's a beautiful soul. Is he? Yeah, inside, I think that's what's so,
Starting point is 00:47:52 it's a bit like why everybody loved Leo. And, you know, it's like when someone's goodness and someone is talented and someone is also beautiful, it's like it's quite hard to figure out how much you love them. But, yeah, no, he's an amazing person and he's so talented. And it's just like, it's so frustrating when you're in a scene with someone that gorgeous
Starting point is 00:48:14 and you're like, how are you sitting like that? It's not supposed to look right. And it does look right. And if I sat like that, I'd look really strange. He's that kind of person that is just like he's so good he's just so good but uh your love for him is totally understood um my whole family loves him as well um florence you are just the best i'm completely still in love with you even more so now that i've spoken to you loving you too guys. And just, yeah, best of luck with it. Look after yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, you too. And look after Maggie. And Maggie, yeah. Oh, Maggie. Maggie. And you look after Captain Tom slash Bart slash Homer.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Oh, Captain, yeah, slash Homer. Slash Homer. Yeah, I will. I'll let you know how it starts. I'm really, fingers crossed. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:49:01 just enjoy your crunchy salad. I will do. I'm going to eat it now. And will you tell your, will you tell your boyfriend that Garden State is one of my favourite fucking films ever? Like, I love that film. I will. Oh, man. I'll tell him.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I'll tell him. well I I think probably it was safer for Florence to not be in the room with me because I I would have been a bit touchy-feely would have been over familiar um so she was safer in Los Angeles but I just love that she's so so sweet she's freaking young and so successful and I know that's slightly annoying to say she's so young but she's such a brilliant actress she's young but she's very very mature and kind of very you know she's very she's got that serenity and stillness about her maybe that's the LA quarantine for you. Do you think? Maybe it's a good place to quarantine.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Florence Pugh, thank you so much for doing this. What a catch. Yeah. That was a fucking table manners catch right there. Can we also talk about the fact that Zach Braff was just there helping her out with her equipment and I didn't even get to see his face and I love him so much and I didn't even get to see his face.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And I love him so much. And I love Garden State. And he's so great. And like, just very sweet, helpful gentleman that's helping with the Zoom control. Was Garden State the one with Natalie Portman? Yeah. Oh, I loved it. So good.
Starting point is 00:50:41 He's amazing. But anyway, so yeah, thank you. Thank you, Zach, for being the sound engineer for our Table Manners episode. I very much appreciate it. Thank you so much for listening. We hope you're all okay. We hope you're safe.
Starting point is 00:50:55 We hope your loved ones are safe. And we will keep on bringing you Table Manners in this weird time. I'm missing contact and I'm missing just being able to have the conversation over the dinner table and yeah me too. We just send our love to everybody and hope
Starting point is 00:51:12 you're staying safe. We will be back next week for more Table Manners Special Circumstances. Thank you for listening. The music you've heard on Table Manners is by Peter Duffy and Pete Fraser. Table Manners is produced by Alice Williams.

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