Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware - S9 Ep 16: Ellie Goulding

Episode Date: May 20, 2020

After a dramatic start where a door-to-door salesman (not following social-distance guidelines!) threatened to smash through Lennie’s window, we welcomed our most-requested guest Ellie Goulding to Manners this week. Ellie shares her bio-hack veggie lockdown eating must-haves, how to prep for lockdown grocery store queues and her fears of the essential-item trolley police!  We hear the origins of her romance with husband Caspar, her multiple wedding day outfits that saw the singer end up in Vogue for the first time, and missing out on trying her wedding cake or any of the food.Ellie, you've always been so generous and lovely to me in the old industry and it was a pleasure to chat to you (even with your shit wifi girl). We know our listeners will love you like we do xxProduced by Alice Williams Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Table Manners. I'm Jessie Ware and I have just been informed that my mum did not have the record button on for our first intro so this is our second attempt. How are you mum? I'm very distracted Jessie. Why? Well because I haven't had my tea. Someone threatened to smash my windows in because I wouldn't buy anything out of their bloody green basket and I told them it was dangerous to go door to door so I had to call the police so that could be quite interesting for this podcast if they smash the windows in because you're in the study so they'll be able to see you yeah great Jess I love that it's not going to happen don't worry Sam will be around in a jiffy it'll be all right yeah good um so I've been distracted and I did all the cleaning of the house, which seemed to take me hours today.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Have you cleaned your house yet, Jess? Mum. No. My husband does that. I don't do that. I cook. He cleans. Have you cleared any of the bags out, Jess, that I sent round? Yes, I have actually. Thank you so much. Have you? Yeah, I actually have. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Good. We did some weeding this week. Very interesting. I hate weeding this week. Very interesting. Hate weeding. Hate gardening. Well, I broke the, what's it? I don't even know. It's like the Jewish princess doing gardening is hysterical. I love the weeding.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You have to be really gung ho. But anyway, so how is dinner looking for you today, mum? It's meager pickings. I've not really eaten properly today. I just had some chicken soup, which I've made. Your chicken soup was delicious. The kids polished it off. Did they really like it?
Starting point is 00:01:31 I can't even tell you. I'm very proud. I feel like the Jew in them is just like, give me the matzo ball. Three matzo balls each. Oh, good, darling. It made me really confirm to myself that I am going to have that bat mitzvah. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:01:44 We're not having David Schwimmer. Everyone's made banana bread from our cookbook and it's been a success. Yeah, I know. But like, I do feel like poor David Schwimmer. He did get one that had been in the oven for 15 minutes too long. It was dry. I concur. Yeah, wow.
Starting point is 00:02:01 But it is lovely to see everybody um making our recipes cooking but lots of people they do more your recipes and alex's the mine i've noticed say nothing i think alex's pistachio and orange cake is always in the pictures and the triple threat brownies have you noticed yeah i think everyone's doing kind of comfort food so anyway um who have we got on today mom well someone who's really fabulous darling i'm very excited we've never had so many requests for a guest as this everybody's cat has said please can you have her on please can you have her on and we've got her are you on the rose darling? I actually didn't have the right tonic to have the nice rosé gin, so I've got... Oh, Ellie and Casper.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Oh, here we go. Here we go. Oh! Yay! Ellie Goulding I can't even tell you how many people have requested demanded that you be on this podcast really this has been a while in the making it has oh my goodness I'm so happy that we're finally here doing this me too in. In weird, special, weird circumstances. However, you've informed us you have the shittest Wi-Fi. You're in Oxford. Is that where you live now, babe?
Starting point is 00:03:33 I am in Oxford. My husband is studying here. So he has this little house and we're kind of just living here. And he is commuting to school. But I mean, not right now. Yeah, but I have a place in London, but currently my brother is there. So he's there kind of in isolation by himself. And yeah, we are here.
Starting point is 00:03:57 How is life on lockdown for you two? It's basically me up here kind of pottering around um picking up the guitar every now and then uh tinkering on the piano and then he's downstairs just working solidly so it's not like we're doing sort of couples activities it's very much me doing my own thing and him doing his own thing but i know i know a few of my friends uh are driving each other mad uh husbands and wives and girlfriends and boyfriends and and whoever else um from from being in this kind of because it's just a whole new thing it's a whole new uh situation to be literally with each other 24 7 so I think it's been testing what's the food looking like in your situation though because
Starting point is 00:04:46 the food um just what am I cooking or what's around yeah I want to know what you've been like what you've been well I'm not suggesting you've been stockpiling you too but like what's the thing that when you go to the shops or if you've got your delivery you're like right no you can't forget that or what have you been drinking a. Or what have you been drinking a lot of? What have you been eating a lot of? Casper's made a barbecue tonight. So he's got two essays. He's a high achiever.
Starting point is 00:05:11 He's got two essays coming in and he's at Oxford. He's also your sound man tonight. He's really annoying. Yeah, he's a high achiever. And he's done a barbecue. What's on the barbecue? So literally, we've just used up what we have. We've had peppers that were possibly slightly off
Starting point is 00:05:25 that would that now look fine um and we've got some sweet corn and we've got um veggie burgers so so for our wedding we used this company called meatless farm i don't eat meat so um they did all the um like the midnight food for our wedding which i saw none of um I mean it was just all a massive blur I can't remember anything but definitely can't remember any food and so we've kind of just used everything up it's kind of a case of yeah just using up everything at the moment I did go to the shop today and queued for an hour and a half which is fine because I took my book oh that's a good idea so it was fine and the sun was shining and it was nice um and i had my takeaway tea thing with me um so i was prepared i knew there was gonna be a queue so i was prepared um but but then i panicked
Starting point is 00:06:13 because i was reading on my phone a story about policemen checking people's trolleys for essential items oh i was like shit if he looks in my trolley he's gonna know immediately that i don't have essential items i had like ice cream to for him as a reward when he finishes his essays. And I had like a lint chocolate bunny. I was like, this is not essential things. But I also did have essential things. So yeah, we're using things up and, and then also trying to be very consciously healthy and keep immune system up. I've become really obsessed with immunity and well-gevity and like biohacking and eating all the, all the good things. So, so yeah, so I've got my salad with some, with some like sprouted things in it and it's
Starting point is 00:07:00 got some figs in it and some walnuts. So yeah, it's all going on with food are you missing London at all um not really I have a place in Paddington and I feel it like it's got a very kind of hard energy it's a lot of people um it's very busy um it's quite polluted and I feel really conscious of pollution I'm really and I grew up in the countryside I grew up in middle of nowhere in Herefordshire but nearer to Wales so it's in my I feel like it's kind of in my blood to be breathing slightly cleaner air and um I used to hate being in big cities so if I had my choice I would live here permanently but obviously as you know it's constant traveling having to be at places
Starting point is 00:07:54 it just wouldn't it wouldn't work to live out here um full time but I do love London but you you and Casper met am I right you and Casper met in Yeah. Because you were living in New York for a bit, right? Yeah. I mean, that's a wild city. So what was that like? What was it like for eating out? Where did you eat? How did you meet?
Starting point is 00:08:13 It's not a particularly exciting story, sadly. I don't know. It wasn't like a love at first sight thing at all. We didn't fancy each other remotely. It was just we were sat next to each other at a dinner. I think I was doing like a jingle ball thing at the time. And my friend wanted to put a dinner on for me. Um, I don't know. Some people just like to put dinners on, which I think is lovely and, and introduce people to each other, which is something, something I've never done. I've
Starting point is 00:08:41 always just had like dinners with friends and family. So she wanted to put on a dinner for people to get to know each other. And I was feeling really rough. For some reason, I had terrible bronchitis at the time and I was really ill, most ill I'd been in ages. So all I wanted to do was go to bed after the show. And I went to this dinner that she'd kindly put on for me.
Starting point is 00:09:04 And I was sat next to Casper and he was from a big farming family and I talked about how I was vegan and all this stuff and he talked about how much he loved meat, beef and chicken and lamb and whatever else so yeah we had literally nothing in common
Starting point is 00:09:24 but yeah he wooed me basically fabulous we ended up just going on dates and he took me to some art galleries he works in art so yeah I don't and then now we're married when did you become vegetarian because you come from Hereford where the the meat is fabulous it is. And I see it on so many menus at Hereford Beef. Yeah. Yeah, I had a very meat-heavy childhood, for sure. It was always, you know, meat and two veg kind of thing. And then when I was 14, I saw a video in the, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:09:59 geography class or something, where I decided that I didn't like the way that meat was processed so I stopped eating meat and then I went to university realized that it was just too I don't know I think I had some kind of reasoning like it was too expensive to be vegetarian or something so I just ate cheap meat um for a few years and then I went back to being veggie um I probably won't eat meat again, but having fish every now and then definitely helps. So what's your favorite fish? Or do you just eat it as a necessity rather than because you like it? Kind of.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I eat a lot of things for their nutritional value. Yeah. Which sounds so dorky, but I do eat. The things I love for my taste is i love sweet things okay love sweet things so then what would be your okay so let's go into it then what's your like last supper forget about nutrition or maybe it kind of really would play a part in yours anyway like everything's out the window. Starter, main, pud and drink of choice. I think I know the drink of choice,
Starting point is 00:11:07 but I'm going to wait to hear what you say. Drink of choice would be the world's most expensive champagne because it's super sugary and that's just very me. Which one? Crystal? I actually don't know what the world's most expensive champagne is. Do you know? Isn't it crystal? What did you have at your wedding?
Starting point is 00:11:23 What did we have? We had moe because they gave us some moe champagne is do you know isn't it crystal what did you have at your wedding what do we have we had um we had moe because they gave us some moe because i wouldn't stop banging on about how much i love champagne they were like all right we'll give you some moe um so we had a bit of moe at the wedding right but okay so drink would be champagne um it would be maybe i do like renoir i don't know if that's how you say it but it's spelled r-U-I-N-A-R-T. Tastes nice. I don't think it's the most expensive.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, that's gorgeous. That's very expensive. Is it? Okay. So I'd have that. Starter, I would have, oh gosh. I mean, to be honest, I, this, God, I'm so boring, but I would just have a lot of carbs for my last meal.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I feel like I stopped myself from eating pasta and rice and bread quite a lot so I'd have something that involves pasta maybe some kind of little ravioli thing yeah it would just be all carbs I think but why do you stop yourself having carbs is it because you don't like how you feel on them yeah because I often when I eat carbs I it's not just a it's not just a vanity thing it like it's a I genuinely feel I don't feel great when I have them and as someone that I feel like I'm naturally I like to be quite active when I want to have big bowls of pasta and things like that, I do feel quite like I've eaten a blanket or something really heavy. You know what you'll say about the thing that you feel like you feel not great on them?
Starting point is 00:12:51 Have them for a few days and then it doesn't feel any different. You just kind of, you keep on going. I can't remember the last time I had, I think the last time I had a bowl of pasta was on my honeymoon, which was last year in September. Bloody hell, babe. Casper, make us some fucking truffle pasta quick. the last time I had a bowl of pasta was on my honeymoon which was last year in September bloody
Starting point is 00:13:05 hell babe Casper make us some fucking truffle pasta quick I can't remember the last time I ate bread either honestly and um this sounds really like boring but I just don't I just don't feel like I need it like in the morning I will have like a big what I call a messy bowl which is yogurt with loads of goji berries and nuts and I have prunes I do love prunes it's really random prunes and dates. Jessie do you know what I think she should have married your Sam. Yeah no I mean she's very happy with Casper obviously. I know she's happy with Casper but they're on a par. Yes you you and my husband are like two peas in a fucking pod. Oh, really? Him and his fucking chia seeds. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I'm so glad to see the back of those seeds. We were living with my mum, Ellie, for a very long time because we were doing up this house that we're doing up and then we moved out because of old corona. And my mum has literally been like, here's your nut butter, here's your chia seeds, here's your fucking tahini, get it out of my fucking house. Here's your goji berries.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Yeah, she's like, if I have to see a dairy-free, bloody coconut milk again, I fucking, she's going to scream. So yes, it's weird. No, I'm all about dairy. And my fans that know that I was vegan for a long time will be shocked by this. But I am very into dairy especially since being around here there are amazing local farm shops that have all this organic stuff and I'm really
Starting point is 00:14:34 into my dairy and Casper's really into his meat so and obviously I grew up in a family that was just like I grew up in a in a you know family of four me and my three siblings and we didn't have much money so it was all about um it was just about meat you know milk and cereal some vegetables and I'm definitely not mad about coconut yogurt and all those dairy free alternatives I want to know what your pudding is if you're so obsessed with puddings and sweet things i want to know what the you know the pud is oh my gosh um i love proper traditional english um stuff like a love trifle love trifle i love your cookbook love trifle me too it's the best thing in the world, isn't it? I love like sticky toffee pudding, love apple pie and custard, and then ice cream as well.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, I love all the desserts I had growing up. I mean, we'd have ice cream all the time, like, you know, what's it called? Neapolitic, whether it's like chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Yeah. like whether it's like chocolate strawberry and vanilla yeah ellie am i am i wrong in thinking somebody told me you're jewish i'm not my dad's family were but not my mum's right got, got it, got it. So, I mean, you've never really practiced it?
Starting point is 00:16:08 No, I haven't practiced it. I think that at one point I was kind of embraced by the Jewish community because I think I'd mentioned that in an interview at one point. But no, no, I was never really brought up with any particular religion, whereas my husband was. So I did get christened before our wedding so that I could get married in York Minster. Yeah, you had a big wedding in a proper high church, really. Yeah. So Casper's family are from Yorkshire. And when York Minster very sadly burnt down at one point, I can't remember the reason why, but Casper's family helped with some of the rebuilding of it.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So donated a bunch of wood to rebuild it essentially. And it's one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. And so, yeah, so we got married there and his family, Christian. So, yeah, so I got christened. Wow. So, yeah, so we got married there and his family, Christian. So, yeah, so I got christened. Wow. So, yeah. I mean, it was really lovely seeing the pictures of your wedding. Like Vogue did this beautiful spread of it and you looked stunning.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Gorgeous. Yeah, I think that's the first time I'd ever been in Vogue. I was like, thanks, guys. But how many outfits did you have did you have three or four I had quite a few outfits because I was really shameless for my wedding and since I was a girl I would draw pictures of of girls and wedding dresses and like ball gowns um and I always said to myself if I ever get married which I was really cynical about for a long time because my parents divorced. A lot of my childhood friends' parents divorced also.
Starting point is 00:17:50 So I was never really a big fan of it. But then when I met Casper, I knew after a few months, after he wooed me, I knew that we'd get married. And I just had this feeling, as I'm'm sure Jesse you can sort of relate to when you find that person oh yeah I got my claws like firmly into Sam and I was like you will be my husband I mean we've been going out since we're 18 we're very boring oh meant that I couldn't I mean you know I really have to dig deep for those sad songs because I'm pretty it's pretty dull in this situation and we're pretty happy yeah but you know oh my gosh I've got yeah that that's that's where I differ because I've I had quite a few I kissed quite a few frogs but that sounds harsh but that's that's the sort of
Starting point is 00:18:37 best way to say it because I I did have a few relationships before Casper that I thought at the time were amazing but but, but I realized, you know, through all this, not to, not to go super deep, but realized that actually I was, you know, perhaps not quite myself, which makes sense with everything going on and whatever the hell's happened in the past 10 years. So therefore, yeah, I perhaps had some relationships that were not what I thought they were. But then when I met Casper, I just knew. So I said to myself, right, if I do meet the one
Starting point is 00:19:13 and I do meet the person I want to marry, then I don't really want to have a small wedding. I would like, and I know some people like to have, you know, very small weddings and I really respect that. But I was like, no, I want, if I'm getting married once in my lifetime I want the biggest wedding yeah so I wanted to have a few different outfits because why not uh and I wanted to have a dress that meant something to me um so you know that something that I could uh something was a bit more meaningful and so I had our initials put in the veil and uh I it was made by a friend a friend of mine um who happens to work for Chloe amazing and yeah so so um every every outfit that I wore
Starting point is 00:20:03 meant something. But I just, you know, I just wanted to have a big day and I wanted my friends to have a big day and my family. And, you know, I still have messages now saying like, gosh, I wish we could go back to that day, especially right now, because it was just such a fun weekend. And there were, you know, it's all my friends and family together.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And it was, yeah, it was amazing. What was the cake and what was the first dance? And did you eat any of it? No. Do you know what? I've got a tiny bit of it in my freezer. Oh, wow. Oh, babe.
Starting point is 00:20:34 No time like the present. Come on. We're in lockdown. But I didn't, I honestly, I swear to God, I think the biggest grievance I had from the wedding was that I didn't have any of the food. Oh, how annoying. Because we chose local, we chose a local caterer the Yorkshire party company because we'd had them so Casper's sister had had them for for a party and they were amazing and just we loved
Starting point is 00:20:56 that it was local and supporting local food but then on the day I was you know I was genuinely excited about the food I get excited about food and so I so we had you know, I was genuinely excited about the food. I get excited about food. And so I, so we had, you know, the whole taste testing and all that stuff and wine testing, which was, which was my favorite bit. But then on the day I didn't have a single morsel of food. I think I had a tiny bit of fish and that was it. And I, you know, I had, I made sure that there were meat, meatfree burgers, like halloumi wraps at the end of the night. I made sure there were big tubs of sweets, candy. And I didn't have a single thing. And I'm just so annoyed.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I didn't get to eat anything. Can you remember it? No wonder I was so drunk. Were you drunk? Oh, gosh. Yes. But like you were fine. Because what happens when I'm drunk,
Starting point is 00:21:45 I'll like have three of them. Like I was at a wedding that they had like food stands everywhere. I sampled every stand and there were like six stands. I was like, well, I must try. Yeah, but your wedding, Jessie, you didn't eat that much. I know, I ate. I just didn't drink weirdly. Like I was like, cool.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I don't know. I had these weird kind of natural endorphins. Maybe was prioritizing drinking over eating I respect that yeah I and then yes so I remember absolutely sobbing my heart out to Serpent With Feet uh he sang a song that he'd recorded with Bjork and Bjork is my all-time hero and when he sang that I just it was the most it was the weirdest emotion I'd ever felt I think listening to music just just the enormity of it all and how beautifully he sang um that was the first moment that I was like whoa this is this is big and and I I do remember having a drink in that moment. And then the first dance was Jack Garrett.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Oh, I love Jack Garrett. What was the song? He sang, oh my God, sorry, Brain Freeze, Brain Fire, whatever you call it, Weathered. Was it one of Jack's? Yeah. I want to know what's happening with music because, I mean, you are one of the most successful, brilliant British artists. You're worldwide, like you're so internet, like you're huge in America.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And it's for me, it's always been really funny because you are a very modest, you're the sweetest person. You've always had so much time for me you've always been so generous with your kind of um support and also I don't know you're just you're very you're a good girl and but you are you are a huge star and weirdly like for me I always kind of still think of you as like Ellie Goulding folk likeie goulding folk like ellie goulding guitar like there but but i but then you're this internationally mega mega fucking massive pop star and i just wonder i'm interested where the new music's going and what's happening and like i just i'm so impressed by you you started as this what do they call you a folk tronica that's what it was wasn't it yeah oh yeah oh yeah you were i remember her
Starting point is 00:24:08 playing the drums oh yeah yeah when you bang the drums on jules holland yeah oh god wow this girl's amazing never watched that back you know it was fabulous i don't remember anything i don't remember those you know i just I just started out and then suddenly I was asked to go on Jules Holland my favorite tv show I would live for Jules watching Jules Holland and um then suddenly I'm on it and I was like oh cool yeah yeah yeah no worries yeah cool cool and not realizing that I was building up all this stuff doing all these shows pretending that it was like totally normal. Whereas it's not fucking normal.
Starting point is 00:24:48 So excuse my language. But that stuff is not normal. And I sort of normalized it in my head, which was not good. And yeah, I was playing guitar and I was really genuinely like, all I wanted to do when I was a teenager was write songs and guitar.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And then quite quickly, know got out of playing guitar and just started singing and it was that was where my voice kind of started to come through so it was like I kind of was half and half at one point and then eventually I was exploring my voice a lot more which I think was something I needed to do because I kind of used the guitar as a bit of a crutch I think and then now in uh this isolation period I've played guitar more than I have in absolute years I've been picking up the guitar every five seconds um which is amazing um but the the music that I've done in the in the past few years has definitely been more I don't know how to explain this but um I've definitely been experimenting a lot more with with pop music and trying to do things slightly out of my comfort zone and I just love getting in the
Starting point is 00:26:00 studio with Max Martin and those guys I I find it fascinating to write formulaic pop music but it's not necessarily what it's not necessarily what I do as an artist it's just what I like to do as a writer as a pop writer so I release these songs that I sort of giggle at because I'm like this is so mad that I'm singing on this song. But, you know, I write these songs and I think, oh, maybe I'll give them to this person or that person, like really big pop singers. And then I end up just singing on them. But you are a really big pop singer.
Starting point is 00:26:33 But I mean, like, I still have a voice that, you know, is some people like it, some people don't, which I'm just, I'm so, I've so accepted that now. But in America, I'm still just like a voice there like I'm a voice that's that's on a lot of music a lot of songs get played on the radio but still people don't really know who I am as far as they they're concerned it's just like I'm this British girl that sort of sings on the odd song um but I have that anonymity there, which I quite enjoy. So I can just keep putting out these songs and I get a real kick from it. But here I'll release a song that I've written with Max Martin and it does nothing.
Starting point is 00:27:13 It will not see the light of day. And I'm like, OK, but then I'll release a song with just a piano here and it goes to number one like the last song I released here was a Joni Mitchell cover and it went to number one here because I think it's just a it's just two very different worlds that I've seemed to have got myself tangled in but it's kind of fun because you never I never really know what's going to happen next so you're doing this pop thing you're dabbling you're having fun with it you're getting in the room with Max Martin which is bloody hard for people to get in the room with and you're writing massive songs and and you know you've got this song that's it's doing really really well in america is i mean i'm hearing on the radio all the time here too it's doing all right here it's um it was never really a song to sort of
Starting point is 00:27:58 resonate as much here um i just feel like the music i release here um I just feel like the music I release here I don't know I I feel like it has to be a bit more I hate this word but slightly more raw which I like I really hate using that word but I just don't think that my voice in that context necessarily is appealing here and I don't know why it just shows you the difference between like American taste and like taste here. It's totally different. You know, that's why, that's why I think some artists break here and not America and vice versa.
Starting point is 00:28:32 It's just different sounds and different tastes. And so the album is in two parts. So the first half of the album is completely me and it's, it's all me, all my vocals, all guitar, all piano vocals all guitar all piano strings a lot of choral elements a lot of um yeah a lot of orchestra um bit of gospel choir so it's it's it's a quite a bit more soulful than perhaps I've done before in that I'm I'm using chords that
Starting point is 00:29:01 I've kind of made up out of my comfort zone. And then my voice has kind of followed those chords, which I'm sure you know this. It just as soon as someone presents you with a whole different set of chords that you've never used before, suddenly you're finding your voice going so many different places. Whereas before I was very, you know, I was very sort of pop oriented where I would just sort of have four chords. Then I'd sing with those chords and it would just sort of have four chords then I'd sing sing with those chords and it would just kind of be a variation of those chords but then the second that you sort of branch into something you know like a different world then your voice kind of follows it so actually my voice is kind of taking a whole other I don't know it's yeah it's it's it's definitely
Starting point is 00:29:42 been a journey with that stuff and then the other half is the more sort of collaborative stuff with artists that I wouldn't otherwise probably work with other than to just see what happens which is this latest song with with Black Bear and I did a song with Juice WRLD who sadly passed away recently yeah um and then I yeah and then a song with um Sway Lee and Diplo and it's been yeah it's been a mad journey it's been like I when I released those songs it's like oh I wonder I wonder what people think of those songs but it seems so much more kind of transactional those with those songs than with my own music. For example, my second album,
Starting point is 00:30:28 it took like 60 weeks for it to get to number one. And then when I released Lights, this song Lights in America, it had a Billboard record for the slowest climb to number one other than like Britney Spears or something. So like I've always made music that people kind of get with a long time after. So I've always released music that does well
Starting point is 00:30:52 like a year or two years down the line. It's really bizarre. So maybe that'll be the case with this album. I don't know. Is Casper musical? Casper is not musical. He has an incredible taste. His taste in art and he deals with
Starting point is 00:31:08 contemporary art and he taught me a lot about um modern artists uh yeah casper's just kind of opened up that whole world um and uh yeah so we're quite a good team in that respect like he took me to a exhibition that inspired the title the name of my next album so which is it's called the brightest blue oh yes um so um i wanted to know what table manners darling yeah oh yeah table manners do you have good table manners i bet you do i'm sure you do i think i do because i I, in the past, well, I think Jessica can also relate to this. You sort of mingle with all kinds of people.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And so you do sort of have to have a certain etiquette. And one thing that I didn't do, which my husband enlightened me about, was put the napkin on my lap at the start of the meal so does that that's that's a thing right where you put the napkin on your go on tell me about the napkin on the lap well the second that you like your drink is brought to you before the starter you have to put your napkin on your lap I didn't know that so that's one thing did you know that mum of course I did because I've got good table manners I didn't know that. So that's one thing. Did you know that, Mum? Of course I did. Because I've got good table manners.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I didn't know that. So napkin on the lap. And Casper would always have to put mine on my lap for me because I'd forget. And now it's just in my brain. And then the other thing was, and this is something that maybe is not at every dinner, but at some, where you have to speak to the person on your left for a certain amount of time. I didn't know that one.
Starting point is 00:32:49 And then after your starter, you can then move to the right. Oh my God, I did not know this. That's like, that's proper posh shit though, Ellie. That's posh. That's proper. That's posh stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:03 But it kind of has always worked and I don't know why but everyone must be so excited if you're to their right that they're they're left because or they're right because you're such an exciting person well they get you for the main and the pud then don't they so the um the person on your left it only gets you on the starter I don't know I I think the person I think the person to my right has a much better time with me because by that point I've had a few drinks I'm a bit looser you've got to know you exactly yeah if you had to sing a song a karaoke song which karaoke would it be did you have karaoke at your wedding I don't know how to think about this. I didn't have karaoke, but I really regret it.
Starting point is 00:33:46 See, Jessie? My favourite karaoke song is Brian Adams' Everything I Do, I Do It For You. Oh, my God. Why? Don't hold back, Ellie. I don't know. I don't know. Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me um i don't know it's just one of those songs
Starting point is 00:34:08 beautiful at the first singing lesson i i ever had which was about four years ago four or five years ago um she said oh you remind me of rod stewart because i don't really know how you sing she was like you don't really sing with your like, you don't really sing with your head voice. You don't really sing with your chest voice. And you remind me of Rod because he, I don't know how he technically sings because his voice is so bizarre. So apparently I share that with Rod Stewart. I was like, I hope that's a compliment.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Massive compliment. You'll be at the Brits. You'll be one of the legends at the Brits in 50 years. Maybe by that time I can bring the Brian Adams song back because the kids won't know it. you'll be at the Brits you'll be one of the legends at the Brits in 50 years maybe maybe by that time I can bring the Brian Adams song back because the kids won't know it so I could sort of claim it as my own totally um oh my god Ellie I don't um I feel like I could keep on chatting have you had your dinner yet no it's literally just here I haven't eaten it oh yeah I forget other people are adults i eat at
Starting point is 00:35:05 like five o'clock with my children now but i quite like it i didn't want to eat on the mic because i thought it might sound terrible you know what it works when you're at our house but it doesn't we realize it doesn't particularly work via zoom it's just not nice for anybody so um i feel like you need to go and eat your dinner but let's do a part b because i think yes we should do a part b when all this is over and we're out of quarantine and then we can be like oh my god what the hell was that all about wow that was crazy babe anytime and actually we could just make it a drinks and canapé party so we could just drink champagne the whole time. Yes. Love canapes because they count as snacks. Love it. Ellie,
Starting point is 00:35:48 you are such a treasure. We adore you. I've always adored you. Oh, bless you. You've always been brilliant and I wish you all the best with the new record. Thank you so much and you.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Thanks, doll. Babe, enjoy your dinner. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me. Such a pleasure. It's an honour. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. Thank you so much for having me. Such a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:36:06 It's an honour. She was so lovely. Ellie has always been such a wonderful girl to me in the industry. She's always been so generous. I think she's a really kind person and she is this quite unconventional, massive pop star that manages to have this quite, I mean, this normal life, it seems like. So sweet. So lovely.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Right, I'm off. you so much um for listening everyone stay safe we will be back next week for more table manners special circumstances Thank you.

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