Tales from the Stinky Dragon - Deja Ürbloom - Ep. 17: Knock Knock, Guess Hugh!

Episode Date: September 7, 2021

The Interns find themselves in a deadly dinner time dilemma. Perhaps they can bargain their way off the menu in exchange for the quick capture of a prehistoric predator? Follow us on social/check out... some merch! https://linktr.ee/TalesFromTheStinkyDragon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A fresh voice can speak to you and open your ears and your mind to new views and new perspectives. The call of the wild, a crescendo of culture. Listen as a chorus of fresh voices moves you, taking you to greater heights. Add your voice to the mix and let fresh answer back with perfect harmony in pure Michigan. Keep it fresh at Michigan.org. This is a Rooster Teeth production. Good knock to my clerics and clergy peeps. Fall prostrate into the stinky dragon and sneak a sip of our latest libation, Sin Amen.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It's two shots cinnamon whiskey, three shots coarse coffee, shaking with one ice cube of holy water. It'll sober you up quicker than you can get drunk as a monk. Last time, our adventurers were subterranean having an amazing time looking for the whereabouts of a man named Hugh Manor. They met a couple of colossal kings in a cavern contending for the crown of the underground. But they managed to climb out of that conundrum and finally found Hugh. They even scored an invitation to a late dinner with the manor man himself. Loosen your collar, stow your sensors, and let's see what's on the menu for this midnight
Starting point is 00:01:32 snack. Oh, nice pun. Two Cs. I want to pose a challenge to our audience, if anybody feels up to it. People have commented about the libations that are concocted at the beginning of these episodes. And while
Starting point is 00:01:50 they're based in materials that I don't think everybody can always get access to, I think like one week you referenced the ashes of somebody. So I don't know if you can get that. If you're a quitter. I'd love to see people, if you want to message us or add us on social, like your version of these concoctions.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I would love to see people's libations. How about when we film in person, we make the drinks that Gus talks about? Yes. Okay. So someone needs to get holy water. Yeah. You're going to have to ask Micah to go easy on us at that time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I think this was pretty easy. Just holy water. You can substitute regular ice cube. I would love to do a race to see how quickly, like just tell everybody, like whoever can get their hands on holy water first wins. Like how would you go about doing that? I know a guy.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Wait, in real life? Yeah, yeah. I bet I could. I feel like that's blasphemous or something. Like, I wouldn't want to. I'd have to do it if it's realist. It means I would just run into the church and then go to that little pond thing that they have at the entrance. The pond.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Does water fountain in a church count? No. It has to be, like, blessed. It has to be blessed. But it's in a church. What about the water that people get baptized in Is that holy water No
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's not I thought it was I can't speak for Catholicism But I can speak for Christianity It's not People get baptized in pools That ain't holy water it's chlorinated But is the water No holy water is required for baptism
Starting point is 00:03:23 Holy water is kept in the holy water font required for black baptism. Plain water is enough. Holy water is kept in the holy water font, which is typically located at the entrance to the church. Okay. Not running there, but, but what, but are you genuinely going to run in and just like, what?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Take a cut, like a handful of it or something. What are you going to do? Yeah. Stop. Hail Satan. Oh my God. What are,
Starting point is 00:03:43 what are we talking about? All water. This is all D talking about? All water is holy. This is all D&D. All water is holy. We should be lucky to have it. We are blessed with the gift of hydration. I'm in the Dune universe. I agree. I don't know if Judaism has holy water. No, I don't
Starting point is 00:03:57 think so. What a fun tangent. Everyone, hey, welcome to Tales from the Stinky Dragon where we talk about religion every episode. Woo, with a bunch of very religious people. Yeah. We are, we're back. It's our Dungeons and Dragons podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You probably know that if you're listening. If this is your first time listening, welcome. You're starting at a very interesting episode. Please let this not be your first episode. If this is the first episode you're listening to, please go find another one to start with. Maybe number one. Our brave party.
Starting point is 00:04:32 There you go. There's the word. Our brave party is at the hands of Hugh Manor. They just ran into him at the end of last episode. And we're going to see what happens, right? We're going to have fun. I mandate it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I don't want to get eaten. Alright, well, we're going to go ahead and start the episode off. Let's get rolling. Everyone go ahead and roll me perception checks. Oh. Are you sure it's not initiative? I mean, Hugh Mander's rolled up on us and he's got a bunch of cannibals. He knocked you out, remember? Hit you in the back of the head? Oh, I don't remember that part. That's why you don't remember it.
Starting point is 00:05:02 It's a little hazy. 16 for mud. I have a 20 for Bart. Ooh remember that part. That's why you don't remember it. It's a little hazy. 16 for mud. I have a 20 for Bart. Ooh, nice part. Nine. I got an eight. Minus one. I love how you have a minus one on that.
Starting point is 00:05:13 They hit me extra hard because they recognized that I was the strongest of the group, and they were like, get that man down. Naturally. Probably. Yeah. We'll start with the lowest ones first. Kyborg and Gum Gum. Both of you, your heads are spinning.
Starting point is 00:05:26 You try to open your eyes, but you only see spots. You can't seem to move, and you hear raindrops hitting a tarp overhead. Mud. Well, I should say mud and bark. You both have splitting headaches, but you manage to get your bearings. It appears you're both bound by your hands and feet, dangling over a pile of wood and bones. Oh, my God. Oh my god. Oh no. You also seem to be in the center of an
Starting point is 00:05:47 encampment nestled at the base of a small cliff. You're surrounded by ornately designed tents with humans scurrying around nearby tables preparing herbal spices and savory smelling sauces. Are they singing yub nub? Are they eating sauce? So we're getting
Starting point is 00:06:02 we're getting eated, right? Yeah. Bart, you alone hear some voices nearby. Okay. So we're getting, we're getting eated, right? Yeah. Bart, you alone hear some voices nearby. Okay. You hear some voices saying, I'm sorry, sir.
Starting point is 00:06:12 There's still no word about the nest. The nest. The nest. Oh, did I leave my nest camera off? Yeah, I was going to say, is this thermostat going haywire? Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So are we all four like over, are we all hanging, all four hanging like that? Yes, you rolled high enough. Yeah, you can see that everyone is hanging like that. Oh, okay. You also notice
Starting point is 00:06:35 that Hugh is pacing back and forth nearby, flipping a coin between his knuckles. He's muttering, I hate waiting. He looks up at you guys. Oh, good. You're all awake. I hate waiting. He looks up at you guys. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:06:45 You're all awake. I do love playing with my food. Hugh pulls out an unlit torch and says, Tussler, I require fire. Tussler? Brink scampers interview and says, Yes, Mr. Manor, right away. Brink waves his hands and the torch ignites into a blue flame.
Starting point is 00:07:06 He has magic. Hugh smiles deviously and grabs the salt shaker off a nearby table. That'll be all, Tussler. Now, who wants to beg for their life first, hmm? I do. Oh, go ahead, my friend. Please don't kill me. Or eat me. Either. Go ahead and make friend. Please don't kill me or eat me.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Either. Go ahead and make a persuasion check. Oh, yeah. See if this will fix everything. It will. 17. Oh, okay. And do you have something to offer me in turn, my sumptuous friend?
Starting point is 00:07:43 I have. I don't like that. Flowers. He's hungry. I know. My sumptuous friend. Uh, I have... Sumptuous is not... I don't like that. Flowers. He's hungry. I know. I am the great flower wizard.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Hmm. There are plenty of flowers in this district. I require no flowers. You've not met my flowers. Can I address you? Can I plead for my life? Yeah, go for it. Like, Hugh, Hugh, hey.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Where's my bow and arrow? I just, oh, it's so hazy. Is my bow and arrow around here somewhere? Oh, you mean my bow and arrow? Yeah, sure. So just, I want you to look into the quiver, you know? That's where the arrows are stored. And I want you to pick one that you're going to get straight to the forehead.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm going to shoot you. You can take those words to the bank. You're dead. I'll kill you. Hugh applies his torch to you while you're tied up. Burns you with it. Notice how I say nothing. It doesn't affect me.
Starting point is 00:08:44 You take three points of damage, and then he shakes some salt from his salt shaker onto your wound. Dang. Ooh. I have a question about our setting. So we're in this, obviously, like a fireplace kind of thing. It's like a big fire pit. Fire pit.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You said we're at the base of a cliff. Are we like up against the cliff? The camp abuts up against the cliff. The fire pit itself... Very good blame. The fire pit itself is in the middle of the camp. Gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:19 The cliff itself is like on the northern edge of the camp. I have a quick question. Is Hugh the only one who is probably going to eat us, or does it seem like it's going to be everyone at this camp? Well, you're uncertain. It seems like everyone else is running around making preparations. Hugh's the only one addressing you. But if you had to guess, you are all too much for Hugh to eat by himself.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, Mud knows that already. Barts will dance. So I have a question about how we're tied up. So like we on a, are we on a stick tied, like held up or is it like, how is this tying hung up thing work? It's like a pig on a spit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Johnny Depp in the second Pirates movie. Yeah. All right. It's like a post. It's hanging horizontally. That's a good description there, John, if anyone's seen that Pirates movie. Why don't we swing? He's looking at us right now.
Starting point is 00:10:22 He's waiting for you all to try to plead your cases. I refuse to plead my case because I don't really care to try to persuade cannibals otherwise. But I'm curious, Hugh, why are you a cannibal? It's not exactly a nutritious and wholesome way to eat. Where did this decision come from, my boy? and wholesome way to eat. Where did this decision come from, my boy? Well, it's delicious, and I can do what I please,
Starting point is 00:10:50 as I'm the master of this manor. Have you always been this way, though, or was this a later life choice? Well, this area is scarce with nourishment of the flesh. The T-Rex has consumed everything in this area, including most of the inhabitants of the district. Oh, so you guys are just hungry, huh? I'm hungry, too. Hungry, hungry Huey.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Ew. Hugh sighs and says, Well, I wasn't fibbing. I am quite famished. Uh, yes. Uh, could I attempt, I don't know if this is going to work, to charm him and make him convinced
Starting point is 00:11:27 that we're going to taste absolutely terrible and he doesn't want to eat us? I believe charm, I'm double checking, I believe it requires like movement. Yeah. Under components, it has the S, which is somatic component, which means you have to be able to move
Starting point is 00:11:41 in order to cast the spell. We should mage hand one of us into the air like Skywalker did. You know? Mage hand also has a somatic component. I just checked. Tell them if you don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your magic. Can we swing? What about Dissonant Whisper?
Starting point is 00:11:58 Oh, Dissonant Whisper is verbal only. Okay. Can I try that? I want to try that. Yeah, what does Dissonant Whisper do exactly? What's the effect? You could essentially choose a creature of your choice within range, and it will rack them in terrible pain. Cool. They must make a wisdom saving throw
Starting point is 00:12:14 and then on a field save take 3d6 physical, oh sorry, psychic damage. It must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows it away from you. Get a part. So it might give us some time. Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's a verbal only
Starting point is 00:12:29 spell. I mean, you could do it. Okay, well, since I'm hanging upside down, could I attempt this? But because I'm hanging upside down, all the blood is rushing to my head. And so I sound like this now. I hate it. No! No! Alright, yeah, you go for it. No. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Go for it. That's me doing my dissonant whispers. That's nightmare fuel. You cast it on Hugh. I'm going to be hearing that in my nightmares for sure. He needs to make a wisdom saving throw. What is your save on that part? 13.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Okay. I am rolling. Oh, he fails to save. Yeah. Excellent. Okay, so let's see. I mean, excellent. Just stop it.
Starting point is 00:13:18 On a fail save, he takes 3d6 psychic damage. Go ahead and roll your 3d6 psychic damage, Bart. All right, here we go. Coming in hot. oh that's a wow oh my god that's a great roll holy crap he was really in the zone yes you rolled 3 5s
Starting point is 00:13:37 that's so high I know I've never rolled like that before that's awesome I guess it's a good time to do it yeah but when we're about to be eaten. Yeah. What if you killed him? What if he's dead now? That'd be awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Dude. Hugh cups his hands over his ears, looks at you in horror, and starts to run away, to move away from you guys through the camp as quickly as he could. Wait, Ataius first. If you get my bow and arrow,
Starting point is 00:14:01 I'll put you out of your misery. As he's retreating through the camp, some other members of the camp step up and toss some torches into the pile of wood beneath you. And the pit bursts into some scalding flames. Oh, no. Mud quickly turns into a swarm of spiders. Yes. A swarm of spiders. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I can turn into a swarm of spiders. Things are heating up. Just double-checking to make sure there's no somatic component to that. No, I don't think Wild Shape has a somatic component. It doesn't look like it. I really need to save the URL with where all these animals are. I keep finding it. I keep finding it every week, and then I never save the link.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Yeah, you are clear to use your Wild Shape. Nice. Yeah, you are clear to use your wild shape. Nice. Yeah, I use wild shape. So I turn into a swarm of spiders. And how many gentlemen have approached to put logs on the fire? We'll say three. Are they perhaps close enough that I might be able to swarm and pester them enough to, like, maybe cause a fearful reaction as a normal human would if a swarm of spiders was around their face?
Starting point is 00:15:06 Yeah, we'll say they're going to make like a... We'll call it constitution safe. Okay. Use a good roll. Be a good boy. Be a good spider. We'll say, yeah, you managed to terrorize one of them, but two of them just start swinging their torches
Starting point is 00:15:20 at the swarms of spiders to keep them at bay. My constitution's 14. I just want to point that out. But it's their constitution state. Oh, yeah. But would they have to outdo my constitution? It's just like an arbitrary number, right? It's not that they have to do better than your constitution.
Starting point is 00:15:34 It's just like, how would they react to spiders? I will trust that. Yeah. Yeah, good, because you don't have a choice to. No, but I'm at least saying, I'm at least acknowledging that Gus is in charge and that I acknowledge what he's saying. I guess I didn't say what the numbers were for anyone. They rolled a 4,
Starting point is 00:15:49 a 16, and a 13. Cool, so one has run away? Yeah, one of them seems to be like rolling around on the ground, screaming spiders, spiders! Okay, Bart and I did something, so, um... Alright, Guy Borg, let's swing! At this point in the distance, you see a man running up to Hugh,
Starting point is 00:16:08 who still seems to be cowering at the edge of the camp. See a man wearing a glass nose ring and a mossy jumpsuit with a hood. He's soaking wet and gasping for air. You can overhear what they're saying. They're still close enough for that. Uh-oh. Hugh addresses him and says, Yes, Nader, what is it?
Starting point is 00:16:23 You're interrupting our midnight snack. Sorry, Mr. Manor, I found it. Are you quite sure? Where? Yes, Mr. Manor, quite sure. Near Razor Ridge. Of course. Something to ward off predators.
Starting point is 00:16:38 You see Hugh stroking his Van Dyke beard and he paces for a moment, saying something about manpower, trap, bait. He said it was razor ridge. Yes, razor ridge. The fire below continues to dance higher and higher. You feel the edges of your clothes starting to singe from the heat. Can mud turn back into a human,
Starting point is 00:17:01 and would I have an opportunity to cast Shape Water? Are they, quickly before we get too far, are they referring to where the nest is in Razor Ridge? Or do we not know? You don't know. All you heard was the other person say that they found it. What was it that, didn't
Starting point is 00:17:19 Bart hear something at the top of this? Yeah, I heard they said that there's no word about the nest. That's what Bart heard. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyways, do I have an opportunity to cast Shape Water? Shape Water is a weird spell.
Starting point is 00:17:35 It has no verbal component. It's only somatic. I don't know if I've ever noticed that on a spell before. It's just instantaneous. In my mind, it comes out of his butt. He just turns around and... That's it. Stream of water.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I don't create water. I shape it. It's in my head cannon, dude. All right. What water do you see? You said it was raining. Oh, yeah. I guess it is raining.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I was thinking like a lake or a pond or a pool. No, I was hoping just to be able to... I think I control about a five-foot cube of water. Yeah. And I can manipulate it as I want. Can I get, like, just a five-foot cube of, like, the water in the air or just, like, a very damp area where maybe a puddle has formed since it's raining that much and douse the flames?
Starting point is 00:18:18 You could try. I would say, like, if you're trying to get rain, it would be, like, a five-foot cube of rain. It's got to be puddles, though, right? We're, like, in a... I mean, yeah mean yeah there's puddles but it's nothing like deep you know they're on there they intentionally built their camp away from anything like like that so that they wouldn't get flooded out gum gum pete his pants so there should be a pretty good amount of water there and listen i've watched a lot of avatar last Last Airbender. And even just a five-foot cube of even the rain in the sky
Starting point is 00:18:47 would be able to, like, be moved. Since Shape of Water can cause movement, I can just move it and rush it at the fire. I saw that movie, too. It was terrible. Don't say that, Gus Sorolla. You know what you're doing when you do that. M. Night at his best.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Listen, audience, he's trying to trigger you. Don't give him that, okay? Don't let him. The truth is that's the only thing Gus has seen of Avatar. This is my only experience to Avatar. Oh my god, really? Awful. Yeah, I mean, you could try it.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So you go ahead and you try to conjure up or control, you know, a five-foot cube of rain and puddles. You try to find, like, the largest selection of water that you can and try to douse out the fire, but it doesn't seem to be quite enough. At this point, Brink steps forward over to where Hugh and the other man are talking, and you hear him say, If I may be so bold, Mr. Manna,
Starting point is 00:19:43 these witless wienerschnitzels may be as moronic as they look, but they could be quite useful if, say, spitballing, I don't know, they were sent to find that baby T for you? Oh, no. These people? That is a bold claim and a tough sell, tussler. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:20:03 They may not look like much, but these hechtless tools work for the infinites. And a tough sell, tussler. I know, I know. They may not look like much, but these heckless tools work for the infinites. That's right. The infinites. Hmm. Hugh looks over at the four of you and says, No lying, you four.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Is this true? I like that they're having this conversation while we're just causing chaos over here by the fire. They're very focused on their conversation of what's going on. That's fine. This is very important for them. Yes, we're technically interns for the Infinites, if that's what you're asking. Hugh walks back over to the fire where you all are.
Starting point is 00:20:39 He comes in close, squinting at all of you, the firelight flickering in his eyes. Very well. But, Tussler, you and the ball will stay with me as collateral. Yes, of course, Mr. Manner. You see other people in the camp
Starting point is 00:20:53 come over with large buckets of water, much more than five cubic feet's worth, and they go and douse the fire. That's a lot of water. They cut you guys down, and you all are free. Hugh addresses you all and says, I'll make this quite simple.
Starting point is 00:21:09 My daughter was taken from me by the T-Rex. Therefore, it only seems fair that I should get to eat its spawn as well. Oh. Bring me the baby T alive and I will spare your lives. Understand? Yes, sir. I mean. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh, wait. I can't say that anymore. my voice still feels like this my Scout nadir will lead you to the nest but then you are on your own to find and capture the little monster you have one hour if you fail to return here with the creature then I will just have to eat tussler here. Do we have a deal? I mean, that sounds pretty fair to me. You were pretty good. And I still intend to shoot you in the head with an arrow, just saying. Okay, so we gotta get
Starting point is 00:21:54 this T-Rex child so he can eat him. So did the T-Rex eat his daughter or just take him? Take her, I mean. Hey, uh, Hugh, buddy, old pal, uh, guy who wanted to eat us, like, a minute ago.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Did this, uh, T-Rex, did he eat your daughter or just take her? Because maybe we could also find her. The evil T-Rex consumed my daughter. Oh. Man, tough luck. Alright. Payback is definitely, uh, necessary then. I understand.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yes. I'm glad you see my point. How many daughters is this guy eating? This guy sucks. All right. So we're going with your nader? Then that's who's our guide? We have a deal then. You have one hour.
Starting point is 00:22:41 The nose ring man puts his hood up and croaks. You're with me, you troglodytes! Well, that's not necessary. The nose ring man, Nader, leads you out of the camp and onto a muddy path flooded by the relentless downpour. You follow Nader through thick brush with thorns snagging at
Starting point is 00:22:58 your every turn. Occasionally you think you hear footsteps around you, but Nader insists it's best to keep moving. After 15 minutes of traipsing through thickets, you finally reach the edge of a clearing at the base of an ascending hill. The nose ring man points up through the heavy rainfall to the top of the grassy hill and says,
Starting point is 00:23:14 I know you can't see it, but if you go a few hundred feet north in that direction, you'll see some fallen logs near some mossy stones. That's where the nest is. You have about 30 minutes to capture the beast. I'll leave a trail for you to follow back to the camp. Oh, and of course, one more thing.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Don't get eaten. A crooked smile shows behind his nose ring and he snickers as he vanishes back into the bushes without a trace. Oh, wait. I missed it. What did he say? Don't get what? I forgot to write it down. I love what a smart ass bard is. Don't get
Starting point is 00:23:48 heat. I think he doesn't want us to get too warm. Don't go to the Easton. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Who's to say? He said watch out for Michael Keaton. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:02 So are we actually going to capture a T-Rex? Is that what we're going to do? A baby T-Rex. Yeah. We got the muscle. We got the wits. We got the gung-ho-ness.
Starting point is 00:24:15 I like that the character with the 10 strength says that you got the muscle. Can I pitch something to you guys? Please do so. Okay. Mud. You only got about 30 minutes. Okay. All right. Oh, Mud. You only got about 30 minutes. Okay, all right. Oh, it's come back.
Starting point is 00:24:27 You, Mud, can turn into whatever animal you see, right? Right. So we see the thing. We leave it alone. You turn into the T-Rex. We go in. We kill Hugh Manor. Wait.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I feel like you skipped A few steps there man You turn into the T-Rex We bring you back As a captive We kill Hugh Banner I shoot him in the head With an arrow
Starting point is 00:24:56 Not to go too meta But I'm pretty sure Gus and Micah Made it a T-Rex Because it's a creature That's not in the list Of creatures I can turn into But it's a creature that's not in the lists of creatures I can turn into. But it's a baby, so it's like within your size range.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Okay. Yes, and Blaine? I had to respond with the meta because I think that's why they did it. I mean, there are some rules in this game. Well, you just got to see it. You just got to see it, right? That's the thing. I'm telling you I can't.
Starting point is 00:25:25 I'm telling you that mud can't turn into everything. There's, I think, a certain list of animals he can do. Yeah. Can you make your arrows do anything? Can your arrows create a banquet of food by shooting really fast? No, you have limits. If he shoots a turkey, then yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I can explode a turkey into a fine roast. Thank you, God, finally. Yes, and? Yes. All right, let's go find the T-Rex. Sorry for my stupid ideas. No, it's a good idea. I just can't turn into a T-Rex right now.
Starting point is 00:26:03 It's just not in my forte. I'll work on it. I'll work on it work on it though okay so eventually I'll be able to when I can turn into a T-Rex my mate I'll give you a ride okay and we'll just be running around oh in front of the others everyone thanks for listening so far we still have a little more episode to go but as always uh want to ask you if you could give us a follow on social media at stinky dragon pod
Starting point is 00:26:34 engage with us there best thing you do is share our podcast with a friend either on social media or in person tweet about the show you can DrinkyDragonPod and maybe we'll use your name as an NPC in an upcoming future arc. Here recently, King Obanoff, aka Obi the Giant Spider, was a reference to user at Voice of Obi, aka Luke Obanoff. Thank you so much for engaging with us on social media.
Starting point is 00:26:57 King Smarsh the Purple Wormling was a reference to at Smarsh Show. And on this episode, Nader the Scout was at Nader Tot2. These are examples of people who engaged with us on social media and are now immortalized in the show. If you want to,
Starting point is 00:27:12 please also hit us up with any recap questions you may have. We're going to be doing a little bit of a compilation of a recap, explaining the story so far so that new listeners can jump right on in. So if you want to engage with us on social media at StinkyDragonPod,
Starting point is 00:27:24 let us know what you'd like us to touch on and we'll recap that here real soon. Also, in other news, you may notice in a couple of episodes that the release date for Tales from the Stinky Dragon is going to change. We are going to have a 24-hour window of exclusivity for first members over at Rooster Teeth. Anyone who's a first member will be able to get the podcast first for 24 hours and And then after that, it will continue to release like normal. Chances are you may not even notice the change or it'll be so minor,
Starting point is 00:27:50 you'll forget about it real quickly. But if you want more information, you get over to roosterteeth.com. If you'd like to get a 24 hours of exclusivity, you can also sign up for first. You get a free trial at roosterteeth.com. And in the future, we're working on it. We are going to have a premium RSS feed
Starting point is 00:28:05 for first members. So that's real exciting. That should be coming out here real soon. Go check it out. That really, really helps support this podcast. Navigating adulting isn't always easy. You're not just working, you're working late. And dinner dates are all, what's your five-year plan? And you're thinking, paying off the bill for this fancy pants meal, probably. So when you need to break free from responsibility and experience something that feels more you, reach for Kraft Dinner. Because when you're starved for moments that bring you back to who you really are and what you really love, that's when it's got to be KD.
Starting point is 00:28:37 When you got to do you, it's got to be KD. Shop now. DQ presents the sound of a genius idea with the new Smarties Cookie Collision Blizzard. It's the sound of your favorite Smarties Blizzard. Oh, but how could it get any better than this colorful classic? Think, DQ, think. I've got it! Add delicious cookie dough and carry the two times the flavor coefficient equals the new Smarties Cookie Collision Blizzard.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Hurry in for the new Smarties Cookie Collision Blizzard. Hurry in for the new Smarties Cookie Collision Blizzard. This genius treat is only a DQ for a limited time. DQ. Happy tastes good. All right, fellas. Ready up. What are we doing? Bart's going to give you a pep talk here, all right?
Starting point is 00:29:26 We're really using this time so efficiently. Ice forward. Alright. We're gonna go in there. We're gonna find this baby T-Rex. We're gonna bring it back to Hugh. He's gonna be so impressed and he's gonna be like, yo, you guys can take whatever you want, alright, but we gotta focus.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Okay. Where did Bart go? Where did Bart go where did Bart go this is Bart's alter ego that comes out when he what's the name of the alter ego Homer wait shouldn't we all get inspiration Quickest thing. Quickest thing I could come up with. All right, I'm giving Bart an inspiration dive. Wait, shouldn't we all get an inspiration dive? That was a great speech from Bart. Homer was inspiring all of us. Okay, you guys ready to...
Starting point is 00:30:17 Are you all going to keep giving each other pep talks? Are you all ready to get started? Yeah, I think Gum Gum's due to have one. What do you got, Gum Gum? Stage is yours. Let's go get the thing. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Tallyho. What are we looking at, Gus? Like I said, it is nighttime. It's pretty cloudy, and there's precipitation. Just to kind of set the stage right now. The hill itself does have a bunch of stony bushes as you look up. You enter the clearing or reach a fork in the path that is split up by mossy stones
Starting point is 00:30:47 surrounded by serrated leaves. Why doesn't everyone go ahead and roll me a perception check at disadvantage? Alright. Disadvantage? Eight. That was a bad one. That was a good one.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Twelve. I got a zero. Alright, that was a bad one. That was a good one. Twelve. I got a zero. All right, well, 20 is my lowest one. 20 is your... Bart rolled a 25 and a 20. Mm-hmm. Well, everyone seems pretty lost, but luckily for you guys, you all have Bart.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Yay. That's right. Bart, you see that there's actually two paths out from this clearing. You all can either head to the east or to the west. The east is technically left if we're facing north. Wait, what? He also said don't get east-en. Wait.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I'm just kidding. East is to the right if we're facing north. Correct. I meant south. West? Looking to the west, you see a half dozen rusted bent iron tent spikes. And looking to the east, you see a shallow sparkling pond in the distance. I think we got to go the more intimidating route because it's a red herring.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And Nader didn't give us any. He just said, like, go that general direction, right? Something about logs. He said, go a few hundred feet north in that direction, up to the top of the grassy hill. All right. Well, I guess I wouldn't see anything, so never mind. I guess Kyberg says we go left. All right. Well, I guess I wouldn't see anything, so never mind. I guess Kyberg says we go left.
Starting point is 00:32:28 All right. To the west. Is there like a perception check or something I could do to see if that would be the correct way? Why don't you go ahead and make me a survival check? Okay. All of us or just Bart? Bart asked. Oh, crap.
Starting point is 00:32:43 All right, I got a six. Oh, very good. Yeah, you can't really tell. All you were able to tell is that there were two different directions you'd go in. Well, let's go left. All right. Scary spikes. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Y'all make your way up the west path and you come upon a campsite with a handful of bedrolls, packs, and a fire pit, but it appears to be vacant. The campsite is nestled between two large mossy stones in the middle of a four-way intersection. Ah, more intersections. Ugh. So there's four paths that we could take out of this, including the one we came in? Mud, why don't you make me a perception check at disadvantage?
Starting point is 00:33:18 Why can't I be disadvantaged? We take the left one. It's because it's, like, dark and rainy. It's really tough to see. Ten. Yeah, you're really not sure what your options are at this point. It's all kind of difficult to see down. Should we like be checking the camp out or something?
Starting point is 00:33:34 Do we have a way? Does anyone have like a torch or something that we could like? Well, I can see in the dark. Yes, I'm here. Cool. Can I look around and see if there's anything cool? Yeah, you want to look around here? Go ahead and make me an investigation check. That's really good
Starting point is 00:33:47 for Gum-Gum. That's 16. It is. Gum-Gum has a minus 3. He rolled a 19 and ended up with a 16. Oh, wow. Yeah, Gum-Gum, you look around here in this abandoned campsite and you do actually, you do find a few things. You find a small Dutch oven that's buried in the coals of the campfire.
Starting point is 00:34:04 It's filled with chopped potatoes, onions, and spices. It all seems like it's perfectly cooked and it's still hot. What? You also find a ripped blanket made out of rat skins that are sewn together. What? And a hand shovel that's covered in blood. What kind of party have in here? I like the design.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Some nice feng shui here. I guess I'll take guys, I found potatoes. Mud is reeling at how many rats it would take to sew together a blanket. I put the blanket over me like a cloak. Obviously.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And I keep the shovel. I wipe the blood off of it and I offer potatoes to my friends. I'm good. I don't want any bloody potatoes. You're looking a little disheveled there. Do it for yourself. I appreciate the offer, but I just don't really care for surprise potatoes.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Okay. Did I hear surprise potatoes? Yeah, come eat some potatoes. They're really good. They're still hot. Gum gum makes the best potatoes. Okay. Did I hear surprise potatoes? Yeah, come eat some potatoes. Those are really good. They're still hot. Gum Gum makes the best potatoes. I didn't make them. Gum Gum finds the best potatoes. Can I look
Starting point is 00:35:15 around to see if there might be like any signs of like maybe where if since this is hot, that means that someone have to been here recently is like tracks or something. Why don't you roll a survival check? I could do that. That's a 23, my dude. Ooh, that's really good.
Starting point is 00:35:32 You actually do find some large footprints that seem to head out to the east. There's some footprints of, I assume, who is here going to the east. Should we head basically that direction, you think? Humanoid or T-Rex-o-id? Nailed it. I'm going to assume Humanoid. I don't think I need a roll of 23 to see
Starting point is 00:35:53 T-Rex tracks. They just seem to be large and unclear. You're not really sure. You can just see it's all kind of muddy and kind of being worn out, so you're not really entirely certain. Let's follow the tracks. Let's follow them.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Okay. How does the potato stay smart? A little hard. Wait, the shovel had blood on it? Yeah. It's an important detail. Yeah, it was a hand shovel covered in blood. Was there any spots that had been dug up recently or dirt mounds or anything?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Well, I mean, the small Dutch oven you found was buried in the coals of the campfire. It was a hand shovel, too. It's not exactly a shovel used to bury a body. John Wood know, by the way. He's an expert on that. Mud's an expert on, you know, which shovel, how to move dirt around. Mud's an expert. Dirt being your cousin.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Oh, I was implying you were a murderer, but okay. Exactly. Okay, you all head down that easterly path? Why not? Before you is a shallow pond glistening in rain. It's blocking the path before you. On the other side of the pond, the path splits off four ways.
Starting point is 00:37:07 How big is this pond? Yeah. It's a decent size. Let's say 30 feet across. What if it's holy water? How do we make it holy water? Dunk me in and see what happens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Do we see any tracks or anything like that through the water leading any way? Like, into the water? Into the water. I guess, Bart, you can make a survival check. All right. While Bart's doing that, can I look around for rocks? 16.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Nice. Sure. Kyborg, where are you looking for rocks? I'm just curious, like, by the edge of the pond or, like, back in the direction you came from, what is your thought process on these rocks? Just general rocks in the area that I could potentially toss in because I feel like we might want to cross, but I would rather check the water before we do.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Okay, you'll be looking for rocks. I'll deal with Bart first, and then we'll get back to you. Bart, you don't necessarily find any footprints per se, but you think on the other side of the pond you see some things in the mud on a trail leading to the north. It looks almost like reptilian scales. Whatever could those be?
Starting point is 00:38:11 Clever girl. Hey, fellas, listen up. We go north, for I, Bartholomew, have seen scales. So that means we got across the pond, right, then? We got across the pond. Yes. So back to what I was saying, I'd rolled a 22. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:28 We'll say you're able to successfully find all kinds of rocks, whatever. I don't want to say whatever kind of rock you're looking for. But yeah, within reason, you're able to find rocks. Guys, I found a bunch of emeralds over here. This is crazy. No, no, no. Kyborg found kryptonite. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Those are minerals. Whoa, neat. It's actor Dwayne Johnson. Whoa. Those are minerals. Whoa, neat. It's actor Dwayne Johnson. Kyborg throws actor Dwayne the Rock Johnson into the pond. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Gum Gum already has an inspiration die, but too bad. Micah says that this is not Jungle Cruise. Not yet. I find skipping stones specifically, and I want to see if I can attract the attention of anything that's under the pond by skipping the rock across to the other side. Sure, you're going to go ahead and try to skip the rocks. What is that, like a dexterity check, I guess?
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah, go ahead and make a dexterity check, please, Kyborg. How good are you going to skip these? 24. Oh, it's the perfect skip. I set a record. Yeah, it's actually our nat 20 is what you rolled. Yeah. You skip the rock across the surface of the pond, and it doesn't skip like a rock normally would.
Starting point is 00:39:29 It seems to just like kind of stick in the pond and sink down. Well, friends, I don't think we should cross. Don't touch the water. Yeah. Is there something around this for us to make some sort of way of crossing it, like a raft or something? Several boards displaced before us. It seems like a time pond.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Isn't it just a pond? Can we walk around it? Oh, this is a good point. Can we walk around it? You think if you're careful and you're able to circumvent it, on the north side, there's like a little stone dike, and then on the south side, there's like leaves. So maybe you could like hug those and
Starting point is 00:40:06 work your way around it. I'd go to the north side and see if I can just scurry across without touching the wall. Wait, wait, wait. I'm going to tie a rope to you. Okay. I tie a rope to his chest. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:22 And I tie the other half to me. Kinky, do y'all want to be left alone? I tie the other half to me. Chinky, do y'all want to be left alone? I tie the other half to me, and then I hug a tree. Oh, okay. Oh, is he my anchor? He's an anchor. Thanks, Gum Gum.
Starting point is 00:40:35 You're rubbing off on Gum Gum. Thanks, Gum Gum. He's hugging trees. Oh. All right. Well, I would like to be the first to attempt to cross without touching the water. And then once I make it to the other side, if I make it to the other side, I will also hug a tree.
Starting point is 00:40:50 And you said you're going by the stone dike to the north, correct? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This should be a pretty easy dex check. But we'll go ahead and make another dexterity check. 16. Not good enough. Sorry, you're dead. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:41:02 The thing I'm looking at is what you made was a dex save, not a dex check. But with you, it's the same thing. Oh, okay. Sorry. Yeah. So yeah, 16. Yeah, you're able to scurry across the stone dike without any trouble. And you get across to the other side.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Okay. All right. Now you hug a tree and then they cross. Okay. Using the rope. I hug a tree. FYI, just so you know, there really aren't any trees. It's more like mossy stones that are overgrown
Starting point is 00:41:26 and leaves and maybe some bushes. So you could try to maybe grab a mossy stone or a bush or something. Just for point of clarification. I grab a stone. I feel like a stone is stronger than a bush. Personally. What do you play? Paper, rock, scissors? Paper sometimes stronger.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Rock beats everything. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say paper rock scissors I know I was like I'm thinking of a million things at once And that's how it came out Rock paper scissors I'm extremely curious as to why the water acted that way I don't know why it's bothering me so much Why the water acted that way
Starting point is 00:41:58 It feels like a time manipulation thing Why don't you make a nature check Oh you'd think That should be something I'm good at. Twelve. It may be an optical illusion because of the difficult conditions to see right now. What you suspect is what may be in front of you is actually
Starting point is 00:42:14 a tar pit and not a pond. Like a water pond. Don't touch. Don't touch. It's not water. Don't do it. Don't get in there. Don't touch it. Right? Who wants to try next touch it. All right. Do you want to... Who wants to try next?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Me. Little Bart. All right, Bart, you're going to make your way across the stone dike next. So it's a dexterity save? It's dexterity check. Check, okay. It's a check. Okay, here it comes.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Ooh, 11. Not great. 11. That's an 8 plus 3. That's decent enough. It's not super difficult to get across here. 11. That's an 8 plus 3. That's decent enough. It's not super difficult to get across here. Gotcha. So we'll say you're able to scamper across the dike without any
Starting point is 00:42:49 issue. Awesome. So now are both ends of the rope on this side of the tar pit? No, because Gum Gum's still on this side with me holding on to whatever he's able to hold on to. If I may, I think the intention was that he makes a we make a rope pass.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Gotcha. And that Bart's using that to stabilize. The guide so he doesn't fall. I see it now. I thought you were tying. But no, that makes sense. You all are smart. We have a lot of wisdom. Alright, so Kyborg and Bart are on the opposite end of the tar pit in the direction you need to go and Mud and
Starting point is 00:43:22 Gum Gum are still on the backside. Go Mud. Roll initiative. Roll initiative. she need to go and mud and gum gum are still on the backside yeah go mud rolling a shift rolling mud goes across the thing and whoa almost rolls a one got a 21 thank you the dice to the thing where it was like it's it lingered on one for like half a second yeah you think you're gonna lose your, but no, you absolutely do not. You kill it. Yeah. You make it look easy.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. So all that's left is gum gum. Okay. Here I go. So you're going to go across with the rope tied around your waist. Yeah. Yeah. And I go across real carefully.
Starting point is 00:44:02 We'll see what the dice say about that. Six. Six. Oh. Six. Well, it's a good thing Gum-Gum waited to go last. Gum-Gum is slowly making his way across the dike, but he does lose his footing and he falls into the tar pit. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Uh-oh. Well, we're just in peace. Can the rope help any at all? Can I help pull him? Yeah, you will. I mean, he falls into the tar pit. Oh. Uh-oh. Can the rope help any at all? Can I help pull him? Yeah, you will. I mean, he falls in first. So Gum-Gum falls into the tar pit and you sink about three feet into it. So what is that? It's like coming up to your waist
Starting point is 00:44:35 now, Gum-Gum. And you are restrained and stuck in the tar pit. I found some sticky water. We can see that. Sticky water. We can see that. Sticky water. It's okay, Gum-Gum. Just stay calm.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So do we leave him or... No, pull him out. Oh, all right. Could I try to use my mage hand on him or... Well, mage hand only lifts 10 pounds. I can give him a little boost. Gum-Gum's just a bit heavier. Just pat him on the head to keep him calm with the meat. Yeah, just rub him on the back.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Pull the rope. I know, it seems obvious, doesn't it, Gum Gum? No, no, no. We need to really look at all of our options here. Let me look through all my spells, see if there's anything I can use specifically for this situation. I pull the rope.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Alright, go ahead and you have to make a strength check. That's a one plus four, five. All together, game. Yeah, Kyborg tries to pull Gum-Gum out, but is unable to. Gum-Gum is stuck solidly in the tar. Let me try. You just want to do it all together? Go without me.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Gum Gum sinks another three feet, so it's now like... How tall is Gum Gum? Are you like six feet tall, Gum Gum? He's tall. Just go without me. I'm part of the mud now. You're making it tempting, Gum Gum. Shush. Your nose is barely
Starting point is 00:46:01 sticking out above the tar at this point. Your mouth is submerged. I say Atreyu. Yeah. Except it's not Atreyu that is lost. It's the horse. Yeah. What's the horse's name?
Starting point is 00:46:13 Never ending story. Artax? Artax. I think it is Artax. Wow. Yeah, it is Artax. I don't know why those kinds of information is in my head. I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
Starting point is 00:46:24 The never ending story. Probably because PTSD idea what you guys are talking about. The never-ending story. Probably because PTSD from that scene. Oh, yeah. That scene just mortified me. Mud grabs the rope with Kyborg and lends his big old strong arms to the pole. Okay. Kyborg, go ahead and make another strength check. You have advantageous time now because Mud is helping.
Starting point is 00:46:43 That was a little 15. Go bigger. And a 21. There you go. 21. Yeah, you're able to successfully pull Gum-Gum out of the tar pit. You pull him back onto shore, and he's very sticky, covered in food. He's a messy boy.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I'm so happy. Thank you so much. And I go and give Kyborg a hug. For bonding. Literally. I want to say, while I was pulling, it was like that scene from Predator where Carl Weathers is flexing his biceps while pulling a rope. I just want to point that out.
Starting point is 00:47:13 That's what it looked like. That's why the first roll didn't go well, because you were more focused on flexing. Yeah, on looking good. We really should just rename this character to Blaine Gibson at this point, right? We have nothing in common. Are you flexing right now? No. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:36 We got two messy boys. Let's keep going. Keep going north. All right. Yeah. And Bart, you do see now, though, you get a closer look now that you're on this side of the tar pit. You get a closer look at those reptilian scales that you spotted previously. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Yeah, they are heading in the north. So you all head in that direction? Yes. I want to jump into a bush filled with leaves while I have all this sticky stuff on me so that I have camouflage. Just a reminder, we have 30 minutes. He wants to be camouflaged. Think of the camouflage, though. Are you jumping to a bush filled with leaves? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I feel like this is somehow going to disadvantage you later. No. You enter a serene white space. There is none. I see what he does, and I roll on the ground to be covered in mud. Cool. So you're caked in literal mud, and he's caked in leaves.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So Kyborg jumps into the nearest bush filled with leaves, and he immediately starts screaming. Oh, come on. As they start slashing and cutting at him with their thorns, and Kyborg takes... So deserved. Oh, come on. Why'd you roll that?
Starting point is 00:48:47 20 points of damage. Oh, my God. I'm dead. Wait, wait, I rolled it wrong. I rolled it wrong. I have 19 health. You rolled 5d10s. You take...
Starting point is 00:48:57 Kyborg takes 6 points of damage. Dude, I'm on my last leg. I'm half health. Oh, my God. Worse than half health. That's too bad, huh? You realize now that all of these leaves are actually razor vine. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:49:11 That's my favorite Pokemon. Hey, eat some potatoes. Wait, do you still have potatoes? They'd be covered in tar at this point, my dude. I'm not putting them in my backpack. Yeah, they're safe. Okay. Nothing gets through.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Tar can't get through a backpack. Micah says that they're covered in tartar sauce. Micah gets inspiration dice. I want to use a potion of healing. Wait, I also have that food thing. It's a food thing. That thing that... Oh.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Well, I bought it for Bart, but I have a comf-fruit pie. A what-fruit pie? Do you want some pie? Did we not eat that already? The comf-fruit. I got two. I ate one, and then I always got the other one because I was going to give it to you, Bart, but then we got distracted. Yeah, he did. That is correct. Do you want some pie? It makes you feel better. I need health. You eat the pie. Okay Yeah, eat the pie. Okay, I eat the pie. What does it give me?
Starting point is 00:50:08 It heals you for five hit points. Ooh. Look at that. Almost as if it didn't happen. You don't like my pie? My pie is delicious, GumGum. Thank you so much. Are y'all ready to continue now that Kyborg has made his camouflage?
Starting point is 00:50:25 No, I'm going to take second wind. Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 plus 3 HP. I need to get healed up in case we have a fight coming up, which I sense that we do. We might. Oh, I didn't mention this. At the top of the show, you would have had a long rest, by the way, since you all were knocked out.
Starting point is 00:50:42 What? So you can undo that second wind. Okay, okay. So then you're only down what, one health? I'm only down six health. No, plus the three from the fire because I was talking smack, so nine plus five. I'm down
Starting point is 00:50:57 four of four. Not bad. Yeah. And I look like mud. Very good. Literally. One mud, two muds? Yeah. Yeah And I look like mud Very literally One mud, two muds? Yeah Mud Mud casts a sky itself and looks like gum gum
Starting point is 00:51:14 This is really confusing Which one do I shoot? How do I do that? You're just looking in a mirror, gum gum Let's continue forward Bart always knows how to soothe him Clock's running out I do that. You're just looking in a mirror, Gum Gum. Let's continue forward. Yes. Okay. Bart always knows how to soothe him. Clock's running out. Alright, look alive,
Starting point is 00:51:29 fellas. I look alive like two. Alive like two. You approach a four-way intersection with a large curly leaf bush with wildly colorful petals. Is that coming from inside the bush or from the bush itself? The path looks to split off in several directions.
Starting point is 00:51:48 There's a bush that just made a snorting sound? Or like a, was it a snort or a snore? Snort. Okay. Okay. Kind of like a pig? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Huh. I'm hanging back. Mud's hanging back. So wait, where is this bush in relation to the paths? It's in the intersection. In the middle. And it's a four-way intersection, right, you said? Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Since I'm covered in dirt, can I sneakily crawl along the ground? And do what? Up to the bush. Okay. I was like, there's a long pause there. Just up to the bush Yeah make a Stealth check
Starting point is 00:52:28 16 Gum Gum lowers down to all fours and ever so slowly He creeps toward the flamboyant bush With every inch he gets closer He hears a And he feels his body slowly swell and blow Now his hair and skin begin to bleach into a blonde hue.
Starting point is 00:52:48 By the time he reaches the rainbow leaves bush, Gum-Gum's entire body has brightened to a vibrant yellow, and in a matter of seconds, he's gained a whopping 50 pounds. What? Thank you. Anyways, D&D. Let's do it. Let's D&Do it.
Starting point is 00:53:51 There it is. You can't do it to yourself. Yeah, I can. you

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