Talking Shit with a Yank & a Brit - 17. Soggy Flares

Episode Date: July 20, 2023

This week we're throwing it back to the 90's and reminising about 90's fashion, dial ups, Discmans, Nokia's and AOL... It's also Kate's turn to play the Lyrics game, how does she do???Share your child...hood nostalgia by getting in contact on Instagram, Twitter & TikTok @TSYBPOD or email

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello, welcome back to Talking Shit. With a yank. And a Brit. Hi. How are you? Oh my god. Sorry. Keep stepping on your lines.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Sorry, I just keep talking over you. It's hard though, sometimes. Because there'll be a pause and then same time we speak. I just get so excited to see you each week. I know, it's so exciting. It's my favorite part of the week. It really is. It's the best part.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And I don't think that's a bad thing to say, to be honest, because this is fun. Exactly. That's why we do it, just for the shits and giggles. Mm-hmm. Yep. It's just for us. So how are you? I'm really good.
Starting point is 00:01:15 I'm grand. Good. Yeah. How are you? What have you been doing? Well, you know, I think last time we we talked i told you about my very busy week so you know less to report this week normal frustrations with work being a woman uh being an american and being a millennial
Starting point is 00:01:41 you should just stop being all of those things okay that would solve your problem you're so right and i have never thought of that so from this moment onward i am no longer a woman i am no longer a millennial and i am no longer the other thing that I said I was that I can't remember at this point. An American. An American. Yes. Thank you. See?
Starting point is 00:02:09 See how good that was? I just completely blocked that out. What nationality would you like to identify as? I think that I will identify as Finnish because I saw a TikTok of a girl who said Finland doesn't exist and the guy talking to her he was like some TikTok guy who goes around and does stuff I don't know and she's like have you ever met anyone from Finland and he's like no exactly so now I can be the Finnish person that people know meet yes yeah well apparently they're one of the happiest nations in the world but maybe that's because they don't exist I also don't know if like Finland has problematic stuff so if so i might have to
Starting point is 00:03:09 take that back but again if they don't exist and all of it's fake they like saunas and ice baths i don't like either of those things is that gonna like I don't like either of those things. Is that going to like revoke my Finnish card? Well, it might do. Well, maybe now that I am Finnish, I will like them. Exactly. You'll learn to love it because it's part of their, you know, culture. And it's probably what makes them so happy or not exist.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. Turns out that Sana's liking or loving Sanaas and ice baths that's a personality trait which seems really easy to like adapt to so with a little bit of practice you'll like the heat and the cold so what are we talking shit about today? Well, I've got a little update for you. Great. Some of our listeners got in touch. This guy I used to work with a little while ago. And he wanted to put one of our irrational fears into perspective and calm our terrified little minds oh i appreciate that so here he is
Starting point is 00:04:31 he said hi jemma hope you're well still loving the podcast thank you very much um just wanted to give you some advice on lifts and elevators lifts slash elevators rather as they are safer than stairs i knew it so lifts have so many safety features on them to stop anything bad happening and most lifts have four wire ropes which are normally rated to 250 tons per rope. So you could cut three ropes and the lift would still work on one rope. Okay. 99% of lifts have safety gear, which is a safety feature that if the lift should over speed or fall,
Starting point is 00:05:17 the safety gear comes in and stops the lift from moving. You're more likely to fall down the stairs and break your neck than get injured in a lift and most injuries or deaths are lift engineers not the public hope this helps with both your fears and keep doing what you're doing you know i i think it does but it also kind of reminds me of when people who talk about like being scared of flying hear that well it's safer than driving in a car and it's kind of like that might be true just because the sheer amount of cars on the road versus like airplanes so is it just a matter of like statistics and he also added um
Starting point is 00:06:00 because his job is a specialist one so I'm assuming he works in this field. Mm-hmm. Okay. So it'd be good to inform others of just how safe they are. They all have insurance checks every year and normally serviced to check in parts and functions of the lift every three months. Oh, okay. That's good to know.
Starting point is 00:06:21 That's good to know. That makes me feel a bit better. It does. I just, I think when, like those freak accidents, I'm thinking of the one that I read when we were talking about this, where the woman like was totally maimed and killed by the lift. It's like probably a once in a lifetime really freak thing. But also, if you happen to be the person on the lift during the freak accident, like you're probably not going to survive, right? Whereas I might survive a slip down the stairs and I have because I have fallen down the stairs. Have you heard that joke? I think who's the comedian? He is no longer alive, but God,
Starting point is 00:06:59 I can't remember his name, but he's like, you know, escalators when they break, it's like, oh, escalators are stairs sorry for the convenience but have you seen those videos of like when escalators fail and like it's horrifying there's this one where I think one collapses and this woman just gets like sucked into it I always remember hearing like that you you know shouldn't have um like long scarves dragging on the floor and things like or like baggy sleeves because it can get sucked in and then you fuck I think that would probably be another irrational fear I'd add like I have to like hop over that part the escalator where yeah where it goes into it and yeah I kind of have to like
Starting point is 00:07:46 really do an exaggerated step over that because I'm like no it's gonna catch on something what are your thoughts on like you know the travelators in like airports the like moving sidewalks yeah it's like a flat one yeah um convenient but probably also if we talked about it it would horrify me and i would not not want to ever get on one again i find it just really annoying when people don't walk on them and they just stand there because it's meant to speed you up and you're in my way can you fuck off do you guys have like the unspoken rule for things like that in escalators where you kind of stand on the right if you are gonna not walk up but if you're gonna walk up you stand on the left or you go up the left yeah I think so yeah but you get people that stand there and then put their bag
Starting point is 00:08:38 next to them just like dude yep when I lived in DC which is like the only city i lived in that had kind of a major underground transit system they had like a lots of signs and like announcements and stuff that said don't be an escalator if you're not gonna walk up this if you're not gonna walk up stand on the right great pun love it yeah that's but so a lot of those kind of walkings are moving sidewalks and airports and stuff usually will have like the lane that you stand in in the lane like they they marquise oh really a difference and i guess i've never noticed when i was in england no i don't think we have that here but who knows i've not been on holiday for so long that airports are a distant memory. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:26 You know? Let's change that. Come visit. Let's. Yeah. Okay. We'll go somewhere cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Where? Where should we go? Okay. Okay. Even though this won't happen, hypothetically, if we could plan a trip where you came over here and we went somewhere, I think we should go to like new orleans because i've never been there um i'm down for that cool i've also never been to new york i've never been to hawaii oh i'd love to go to hawaii sounds nice right it's an active volcano though isn't it i think there's a part of it that maybe
Starting point is 00:10:05 is but you maybe other parts where you could go and if for whatever reason it yeah erupted you might be okay i don't know let's go to the other side of wherever the volcano is okay perfect so that's our uh bucket list trip yeah i've never been to New York either, but I don't know if I really want to. I would say that's like a little bit lower down on my list. But I'm thinking about it purely as far as like it's kind of in between us. That's true. Yeah. Not too much of a long flight.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'll meet you for approximately a day in New York City on August 14th, 2029. Meet me at the Empire State Building at the top. And if you are there, then that means that we are soulmates and we'll be in love forever. And if you don't come then that means you don't love me so it was 2029 was it yeah yeah yeah new york right it's going in the diary
Starting point is 00:11:15 putting it on my calendar i don't know if we actually did oh my gosh well hey we'll find out in approximately six years we could go for a walk in central park and then we can go see a broadway show and then we can go to serendipity three and get some frozen hot chocolate frozen hot frozen hot chocolate yeah it's a did you ever see the movie Serendipity with Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack? I don't think so. It's like this ice cream place that they went to, but they make this frozen hot chocolate. But it really, it's just like a kind of a frappuccino.
Starting point is 00:11:57 It's like hot chocolate powder blended with ice and blah, blah, blah. So it's a milkshake. Yeah, kind of. It's not hot chocolate. No, of it's not it's not hot chocolate no ma'am hot sorry i lied to you you could just be clear next time please yes well thank you to your colleague for doing his best to kind of temper our rational fears if he wants to try his hand at some other ones too you know our bed falling through the ceiling or uh you know we could get any like structural engineers to explain to me how that'd be super that'd be great yeah i did have some feedback on that
Starting point is 00:12:41 actually um and other people also agreed with me that that scares them, too. Yeah. It's scary. I'm not as weird as some may think. I don't think you're weird. I think other people are weird if they think you're weird. Yeah. So there.
Starting point is 00:13:02 So I think we were going to spend a little time getting a little bit nostalgic, right? Yeah. And so, you know, never had a dream come true. Taking us back a little bit. Yeah, I want to rewind. I want to take us back to probably the peak of our existence. And that, my friends, was the 90s and early 2000s. The 90s.
Starting point is 00:13:30 What a time to be alive. Lipsmackers and Lisa Frankfolders. I don't know what those things are, but okay. Probably don't, but you can tell me about the things that you guys had there that were probably the equivalent. So I think the thing about the 90s, right? You're born in 89? Correct. Okay. So I was born in 87, which means that you're old. Yes, I'm old. And also, we really didn't get to know the 80s that well, right? Like, I wouldn't consider myself a child of the 80s, because I old. And also, we really didn't get to know the 80s that well, right?
Starting point is 00:14:05 Like, I wouldn't consider myself a child of the 80s because I was, you know, basically a potato for those years. But hey, Kate, I got love for you if you were born in the 80s. 80s. Okay. Is that a song? Yeah, do you know that? Fuck no, I don't know that song. I had no idea that song existed.
Starting point is 00:14:29 It's quite a popular tune here. Everyone loved it. All the millennials lost their fucking minds. Okay, I'm going to have to listen to it after we're done here so I can also get on that train. Oh, perfect. One of my favorite jokes, though, I don't know if you ever watched the show Community. Did you? No.
Starting point is 00:14:48 It's a really good show. Okay. There's one joke where, long story short, is someone was born in the 80s and they were trying to get her to not talk to her ex, right? And so they changed the ex's number on her phone and were texting her as the ex's number in her phone and were texting
Starting point is 00:15:05 her as the ex and she starts to call and the character played by donald glover goes she was born in the 80s she still uses her phone as a phone i was like that that feels really true even though i hate when people call me just text me please yeah so speaking of phones I think that um one I think our phones are boring now obviously we have smartphones but they all look the fucking same and they all do the same stuff whereas the excitement of getting a new phone in the early 2000s it could be a flip phone it could have a huge fucking antenna it could you know you could put you could change the case on it oh yeah there's no kias yep you could create ringtones i know did you see that meme where it was like, once upon a time, ringtones, like picking a ringtone. Yeah, and having a cool ringtone was such a big deal.
Starting point is 00:16:09 And now the audacity of our phones, if it dare rings, results in us wanting to like break the shit out of it. Why is the phone allowed? Yes, and I tried to change my ringtone, like get one from, fuck, I don't know, like the Apple store recently. And it wouldn't work. And I was like, why can't I do this? This used to be so easy. You spend $1.99 for that two to three second NSYNC song. and then you could also do that thing where you like made them they sounded terrible but you it could like go on a website i think and like oh like just pick a little bit yeah yeah that was fun um also having i don't know if you guys had this but we had like a text allowance yep so you'd run out of texts and be like shit what am i i've got no i've got no credit left for the rest of the month what am i gonna do okay two questions for you what age were you when you got your first cell phone it was early secondary school so probably about 14 i think okay 13 14 and according to my research
Starting point is 00:17:33 secondary school is ages 11 to 16 so kind of the equivalent of the sum of middle and junior high school and a little yeah middle school junior high school but a little bit into high school for us okay we're gonna have to talk about how your schools work because it's I just assume that high school is the same as secondary school for us but clearly not so you have like junior high which is still kind of middle school I think well we'll get into that but I so you said you were 14 yeah I think so okay I think I was pretty close to the same age um so what was your first phone I had a Motorola it was the size of a brick it had an antenna that you had to pull out the top it's cool as fuck.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Didn't fit in any of your bags or your back pocket. Nope. Table was massive. But it did the job and I could send 10, 250 character text messages a month. So I had one of those Nokias where you could change the faceplate. What, a 3210? I don't, ooh, let me look it up. Because I don't know if we really like talked about the phones in that way.
Starting point is 00:18:57 3210. What was that, the creme de la creme of mobile phones? Yeah, I would say that's pretty close to what it was. If it wasn't a 3210 maybe a like a slightly different version i'm so jealous um yeah i was we were very wealthy so no i don't know why i just remember my mom came in and gave me one and i was like what is this what what gift have you bestowed upon me what is this witchcraft yeah and you could play snake on it yeah which was kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:19:26 And my parents gave it to me. I was in junior high, so I wasn't quite in high school, but I was involved in some sports. And they're kind of like, well, you can call us when you get back kind of late at night from, you know, a meet and stuff like that. But none of my other friends really had phones, so I kind of didn't really like carrying it around that much. So you were the cool one for having a phone? I mean, I kind of was, but even then it was still like, well, it's not like I can, I have to call my friend's landline and I'm at home too, so I'm just going to use my landline as well.
Starting point is 00:19:57 But regarding the text allowance, I remember all of the sudden like discovering the text message feature and just like constantly texting people and being like isn't this really cool and then all of a sudden my parents came to me and they're like Kate or Katie I suppose uh why is our phone bill $300 more than normal and I was like I don't I don't know like what is text? And I was like, that costs money. It's like 10 cents a text to send and receive. And I ended up having my text message, like, privileges shut off until I was in college. That's why your show shit at texting these days.
Starting point is 00:20:41 I guess. I never learned. But I know what you mean. Oh ahead yeah go ahead the um how your inbox would get full up like your inbox is full you can't receive any more text messages you have to delete some yeah and you'd be like oh which ones do I delete I want to save these for my friend and my crush yeah I didn't get like my first iPhone until I was in law school but it was always kind of exciting to upgrade because it was like you had your Nokia and then it eventually turned into like the the Envy or the chocolate or the one like the razor that is
Starting point is 00:21:21 apparently coming back I guess the razor is yeah yeah it was cool and like some companies released like like shockproof ones with like rubber on them that were like waterproof and shockproof and yep it was very exciting like getting a new phone was a completely new experience yeah whereas now you get a new ip and you're like, oh, it's exactly the same. Slightly bigger or smaller than before depending on where we're at and the trends. My apps are in the same place and it looks exactly the same because I've just logged into my Apple account.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yep. And you had to go to the store and now you can kind of just do it all from home. Yeah. Look at them all. Touch them all. I mean, you can still do that but I all from home yeah look at them all touch them all i mean you can still do that but i haven't done that in so long no i don't think i have either we should do that one day yeah let's go and explore the different ones because they do make ones now that like fold and it's so interesting how those trends are coming back like fold and it's like a little
Starting point is 00:22:26 square you can put in your pocket or it folds like a book or it's like really fucking huge and it's basically an ipad yeah i'll tell you there was nothing more satisfying than having a flip phone and at the end of a call just oh that's good how does that work when you guys say goodbye about 14 times before you actually hang up i used to get from sean a lot like are you are you mad at me because you didn't say bye 16 times and he would listen to me be on the phone with other people and i'd just be like okay click it's like fucking rude well i've noticed with with the kids these days like so younger colleagues that i work with and even my youngest brother they don't say fucking bye at all he'll just sort of end the conversation and hang up without saying bye and i'm like but
Starting point is 00:23:26 how do i know you're going that's very much how i was uh with anybody it'd just be like okay click and giving a shit yeah and i guess it's rude. I've since changed my ways and we'll make sure that it's clear that the conversation is ending by saying goodbye about 12 times. Thank you. That's all I ask. Talking of technology, Discmans.mans yeah did you have one i did i think i had a couple um and i used so i think i also had like a cassette a portable cassette player too um but that was very short-lived before moving into like the portable cd players
Starting point is 00:24:20 and i think i had a couple because because of my propensity to drop them. But it was just, you know, we'd go on a road trip or be on a trip for school or something, and you'd have your CD player and a couple CDs in your pocket. Because you need more than one CD and how do you transport those? Do you bring your whole binder? Yeah, your whole CD wallet. There was no way to like easily.
Starting point is 00:24:56 And it just seemed like it was so cool. The technology was so cool. But now I think about that and I'm like, I can fit all the music I want in the world. I have it at my fingertips. Yeah fingertips just on my one little app. But I used to have a binder full of CDs and I used to have to make burn CDs if I wanted to have a bundle of things. Exactly. And also when you had it in the car, did you ever have it in the car and plugged into the car?
Starting point is 00:25:22 And if you went over the slightest bump, it would fuck it up and stop the music and you'd be like oh for god's sake and did did you have a car that like had the aux button or did you have to have a cassette tape going in uh i had a loaner car when i my car was at the mechanic recently and it had a CD player. And I just haven't seen one in a car for so long that I was like, do I even have any CDs I can play? My car's actually got a CD player. I mean, I've got like Apple Play and everything like that. But for some reason there is a CD player.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Maybe I'll dig out one of my wallets and go on a little trip down memory lane just uh pull out one like one of those surprise like jim is angry mix yeah just to see what the fuck was on it that'd be so good i'm fucking up for that did you burn or receive burn cds from like friends or crushes or anything yeah never from crushes i don't think but yeah from friends used to make them and share them around the good old mixtapes yeah that's a lost love language yeah i got a couple from you know like boyfriends and stuff and it was like this is a really good song but I have no idea who sings it, what it's called, nor will I ever probably know. Yeah. And then coming across them years later and being like, holy shit, that is that song that I never knew. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:26:59 I think that kind of goes back to the whole thing about the 90s. There's some nostalgia for like not having instant gratification it's like a good and a bad thing it's so great that we have all this accessible to us in so many ways at our fingertips we don't have to wait for anything but like now we don't have patience and we all expect this instant gratification but back in the day you had to wait for ever to like hear a song get a cd that's just been released you had to like go to sam goody or whatever the equivalent in england is at the mall and or like order it from the catalog and you'd listen to the whole album on repeat for weeks yeah like i don't even listen to a
Starting point is 00:27:40 full album now i'll listen to a couple of songs I'll skip through find the ones I like and then come on to the next but when an album came out when your favorite artist brought an album out the joy of buying that cd looking through the little sleeve what joy that's it I think that's probably what I spent spent a decent of my allowance or when I worked my money on. My friends and I would go to, oh, Brittany, Aaron, Lauren, you're going to have to remind me what that one was called. It wasn't Sam Goody, but it was in the mall in Sioux City. And we would just flip through CDs and buy them and then go sit in the car and drive around and listen to them and be like oh yeah you know I haven't I haven't heard this band but I like it now I'm gonna also have to go buy that CD or can I borrow it so that I can burn it yeah amazing and also VHS is
Starting point is 00:28:39 yeah god I had so many Disney movies on VHS like like a lot. And having to wait half an hour for it to rewind if you wanted to watch it again. But if your parents were smart, they would have a little VHS rewinder. You know, so like you could watch it, pop it out, put it in the rewinder, put something else in. So you didn't have to like, you could still use your VHS player. I never had that. We had to Rewind it in the VHS player. And you had to hold the button the whole time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Did you guys have Blockbuster or was it called something else? Yeah. So that was the same. Okay. Blockbuster trips were fun. Yeah. Going on the weekend, spending an hour, choosing what film you're going to rent. Being really disappointed that they didn't have any copies of the Titanic, the double VHS of the Titanic.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Do you remember when it was so long they had to have two? Yeah. And there being a waiting list for like popular films that come out. Yep. Yep. What a time to be alive yeah loved it loved it i also like i so we had a computer i think i talked about this previously like my dad worked for gateway which was kind of based in our town and gateway doesn't exist anymore but anybody who's
Starting point is 00:30:02 older than you know probably 20 knows what gateway computers are and uh so we had an we had access to a computer pretty early um and also aol pretty early i think i did as well because my dad worked for a computer company really yeah so i think we had one quite early obviously do you remember trying to go on the internet and just having the dial-up connection? Oh, shit. Let's see if I can find that just for... And like, if someone picked up the phone and interrupted it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Goddammit, I'm trying to get on AOL! All right, here it goes. That's almost painful oh jesus it sounded so like futuristic at the time yeah and the little dude watching that progress oh I made it I'm logged in oh good times
Starting point is 00:31:14 and yeah mom shouting Gemma can you get off the internet I need to use the phone we ended up getting a second phone line so that we could yeah still use both. Oh, kids these days. You don't understand the trials and tribulations that we went through.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Truly. I think it made us stronger as people, but I am curious. When you were on AOL, what did you actually do? When you were on AOL, what did you actually do? I mean, once we discovered AOL Messenger, that was all I spent my time doing. Talking to friends who I just spent the whole day at school with. At some point, AOL Messenger became... It's kind of like Facebook Messenger isn't a part of Facebook anymore. You could get on Messenger without being on AOL Messenger, like, became, it's kind of like Facebook Messenger isn't a part of Facebook anymore. Like, you could get on Messenger without being on AOL.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah. But, like, those early days, I'll log on at, you know, 6.30 p.m. and wait for that little door opening noise to see if it's you. Oh, God, it was so much fun i feel like we probably also did like chat rooms you know and you'd always get the creepy people and parents hotel tell me about it because i wonder if the thing that i'm thinking of is similar but no we didn't have that so it was like it was a chat room but you all had like a little avatar
Starting point is 00:32:47 and you could go into like different rooms and speak to like complete strangers and things um let me see if I can find some pictures yeah this is it
Starting point is 00:33:04 so it's like oh you know so no but that was always featured on like mtv and stuff they would have commercials or like little lead-ins to shows of that and i was like what is that yeah it was really cool you could make your own little person and like create your little make it look like you or make you look completely different to what you look like yeah that was good fun what about neopets did you do any i didn't have neopets i did you're aware of it i had a tamagotchi is that the same thing? No. So Neopets is like an online world game thing where you can also like chat with people. You can play games. You basically create a pet.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh, maybe actually. I had a thing where I created a pet. So it's like, yeah, like this is kind of what the animals look like. Yeah. so it's like yeah like this is kind of what the animals look like yeah it's just like it was a it was the only thing i can kind of closely compare it to is kind of like the online worlds of like world of warcraft or maybe like habbo hotel where yeah like in addition to chatting with people there was also like different places you could go and like use your neopet coins to like buy things or play a game and earn some stuff it was really stupid but also kind of fun and like probably the only thing really i could do on the internet
Starting point is 00:34:31 because i wasn't certain i wasn't doing research for school anyway oh gosh fantastic i love it um what other stuff did we have? Oh, I wanted to just like see if you guys had these kind of crazes. So, for example, blow up chairs. a chair but maybe maybe I didn't maybe I'm just thinking of friends but yeah like having the blow-up couch or a seat and a little ottoman and stuff and it would be in like your room or kind of like a basement got a so cool got a blow-up chair it's neon and everything so uncomfortable and you would just slide off but really cool still um another thing i thought of was having glow-in-the-dark stars on your bedroom ceiling yep had those yeah what else also something that doesn't happen anymore which i think is really sad having posters on your wall of your favorite bands and artists like you do not see that in kids bedrooms anymore no they probably don't read magazines or oh yeah you so you'd have the poster that maybe you got from purchasing a cd but then also if you had a Spice Girls one and maybe like a Backstreet
Starting point is 00:36:11 Boys one but that was because I think Backstreet Boys did a partnership with Gateway and I got a bunch of swag because I did some you know modeling for Gateway when I was younger and one of it was like maybe for the Backstreet Boys partnership awesome I didn't know you were a famous model I was I try not to talk about it too much just because it's like really embarrassing but I was I had a uh life-sized poster of Craig David above my bed. Life's like his actual height. A full human man sized poster. Not the whole body
Starting point is 00:36:52 but it was a to scale huge poster of his I think torso and head which obviously I would A little bit of that. A little bit of that. Owen Head, which obviously I would... A little bit of that?
Starting point is 00:37:09 A little bit of that, yeah. Just, you know, talk to him and... Craig David was not a thing that I was aware of when I was younger, but I know I probably heard the songs on the radio and just didn't know who it was. Probably, yeah. I don't know how big he was in America, actually. But like the Fill You In song that I did the lyrics game with you on, I know that I probably just didn't know who it was probably yeah i don't know how big he was in america actually but like the fill you in song that i did the lyrics game with you on i know that i probably heard that on the radio and like knew it but i don't like i didn't realize who craig david was probably until
Starting point is 00:37:36 like the last two years really that one song there's a song where it's like Craig David all over your face, you know, when I'm talking about it. Yeah. Craig David all over your, boing. Yes. DJ, it's all up to you. I didn't, I was like, who's Craig David? Is he like a comedian or like a talk show host or who is he? Well, you just, I think he was probably the originator of like people saying their names at the beginning of songs. Do you know how like, it's likeason derulo i think he was the first just everyone needs to know who i am yeah just gonna repeat my name ah okay so you smooched
Starting point is 00:38:18 your craig david poster while you were wearing your butterfly clips and your sparkly eyeshadow. Yeah. Butterfly clips. Oh, my God. Do we need to talk about fashion? Yeah, I think we should talk about fashion. I think actually it is coming back. Last time I went shopping, it was like being transported back into my youth. I was like, what are all these clothes doing here?
Starting point is 00:38:44 So were you upset about it or excited is my first question. Well, I was initially excited because flares are back. Love a good flare. And yeah, I love flares. Apart from when it's raining and it just soaks up. Just like rises up to you and me. And your trousers suddenly weigh 10 stone and you're just dragging it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah. Cause it's not like our parents are getting her pants hemmed for us. The baggier the better. Yeah. Like crop tops are all fucking rage now. I know. And I didn't wear crop tops when they were originally popular. I don't think I did. so I was upset when I was there
Starting point is 00:39:29 last summer and we went shopping because I was just like I couldn't wear this then and I can't wear it now because I am in my 30s and this is so sad and also I'm not sure this was the best fashion of the 90s no it's highly unnecessary but yeah high-waisted jeans those can stick around for as long as they want because i remember the shift to low rise and all of the butt cracks just all of the butt cracks i'd forgotten about the butt cracks yeah i liked the low rise but maybe i was the one showing my ass crack to everyone else well me too because you had to wear them well Well, yeah, there was no other option, really, was there? Right.
Starting point is 00:40:08 It was like a zip, like a centimetre high zip. Were you guys like, I feel like boys would just like try to throw pens and pencils down our pants and shit, and it's just like, I guess I need an extra long shirt
Starting point is 00:40:24 but we don't have those either because we're still wearing midriff bearing tops you have to show your hips that was the thing wasn't it yeah um did you ever have like skirts over trousers yeah that was a thing and I do think that I did do that a few times. Oh, yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah. It's great. I don't know if you know, but I'm wearing skirt and trousers. So I've covered all bases. Fancy enough, but I'm covered.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I've got full coverage. I'm casual, but smart at the same time. Did you ever do the, I think this is more 2000s but like the the necktie is a belt a la miss Levine yes obviously yeah I thought that was pretty fancy and smart yeah my dad had a bunch of ties he didn't want and I was like ooh belts thanks dad yep um did you guys have the Delia's catalog no what was like your catalog that you would thumb through and be like I want all of these clothes um little words I wonder if that's pretty much the equivalent because Delia's for us was just like the and you can go look up pictures and be like yep bucket hat and platform shoes and like the the hairstyles with the buns and all of that and it's just like she's so cool I really want that
Starting point is 00:41:58 shirt with the monkey face on it and do you remember like the little gems that you'd like put in your hair yep yep um there was also a craze where we'd get little colored hair extensions they could just clip in there were clipping ones but there was also a shop in our local town that did like that glued them in essentially and you either had to wait for them to sort of gradually drop out or you had to just snip it and do it with like a little bit of fucking nub yeah yeah oh yeah so I never did that but I do remember that being a style but I also think it was because unlike in England I couldn't just like walk down the high street to the shop and get it done. I had to have like my parents drive me somewhere.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Yeah. We could just get a bus into the town. Yeah. Obviously public transport wasn't invented in the 90s. No, not in the 90s. And in where I lived, it didn't exist. No. And that was the other thing I was I was curious to know more about. So like you probably could just hop on a bus or a train and go into London and get like all the latest fashion and stuff where I had to beg or like save my allowance and call the catalog company to have my parents order it for me.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Or if we were lucky enough to go to a town with like a better mall that had maybe like a Delia's I think Omaha or Des Moines did and so it was like I have to go to Delia's and you know I had like $20 so I could probably get like one of those plastic jokers which again I'll back in yeah you know that's one I probably could do without, to be honest. Yeah. I quite like them. I just, I'm not a big jewelry person anymore. And so the thought of wearing something that literally is designed to kind of strangle you. Yeah. I mean, I had like a studded dog collar as well at one point. So that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:44:03 That was when you were starting to get into kind of like your rocker phase yeah hot topic or whatever it was in england yeah emo phase yeah i i just was googling earlier before we started just kind of like the best and worst of 90s fashion and so i'm gonna just go through real quick and you can say like yep cool no cool, no, stay gone. Combat boots. Combat boots? So like the Doc Martens, we call them kind of combat boots. But like the big chunky boots. Yep.
Starting point is 00:44:34 We had them. I've still got them. Platform shoes, a la the Spice Girls. Yes, obviously. Yep. I had like the sandal ones and I loved them oh wow I don't think I ever actually got a pair
Starting point is 00:44:49 I did get I don't know if this was 90s or 2000s to be fair but there was a phase where there were like high heel trainers oh god yeah they weren't platformed all the way but man they were cool the picture on here is actually platform trainers they kind of look like They weren't platformed all the way, but man, they were cool.
Starting point is 00:45:08 The picture on here is actually platform trainers. They kind of look like Chuck Taylors that are just like with this big of a soul. Like, oh, I just broke my ankle. Just waiting to roll my ankle. Acid wash denim. Acid wash denim. Acid wash denim. Acid wash denim? So like the real pale, bleachy, kind of messed up denim that...
Starting point is 00:45:32 I'll see if I can find a picture to show you. Oh yeah, I've just got one up. Yeah, so ugly. Nice. Mom jeans. I never wore mom jeans, no. I do now. I mean, I guess it depends on what we're... Like, this particular picture is, like,
Starting point is 00:45:52 belt, high-waisted, but real kind of, like, baggy and not fitted and just, like, rolled at the ankle kind of look. Yeah, no, I never... I never had them. I imagine they were in fashion but uh i liked the boyfriend style jeans which i think is kind of like the updated cool little sister of mom jeans that like aren't they're a little more flattering a little more polished it also says overalls which I fucking love an overall I have
Starting point is 00:46:29 like three or four pairs and I love them and I just say you know my favorite thing when I'm out wearing these or like a romper or a jumpsuit is I like to get fully undressed when I go to the bathroom you have to there's no choice oh you get complete just take everything off well because like you know well no but I guess it depends on the outfit. If I'm wearing overalls, I usually have a shirt, but I've had a couple, like the jumpsuit I changed into at Charity and Silas' wedding. It's just like, I have to fully disrobe, like I'm not wearing a bra with this and I'm just sitting in the bathroom kind of fully naked.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I remember the first time I wore one, I just had not even considered the toilet implications. I went to the toilet and was like, oh God, what do I do? And I think it was like a really short pair of shorts, jumpsuit. So I was like, do I just pull it to one side? How do people do this? And I remember saying to my friend, like, how do people do this and i remember saying to my friend like how do i go to the toilet she's like you have to take the whole thing off i was like what in a public toilet what the hell no one walks in on you lock the door
Starting point is 00:47:34 they've apparently started making ones now where you can like unbutton or unzip in some way that like effectively makes it so that you can go to the bathroom without doing that well that would be handy i mean i don't know why it took so long to invent that but like a butt flap kind of yeah that'd be good i've got one the adidas pop-up trousers is that the one with the buttons down the side that you can just like put a couple pairs of those i don't think they were adidas though yeah mine were four strips instead of three i'm actually surprised that i didn't have someone like maybe a couple times but not fully but just like totally rip them off you you know yeah you're just
Starting point is 00:48:26 swinging your trousers about did you like to like leave a couple unbuttoned at the bottom just to like have a cool little like yeah but they also were just like those were fun um band t-shirts tiny sunglasses um flare jeans sheer and mesh and that was one thing that bugged me recently because I was like that is not only a crop top but it's also fully mesh so I may as well not wear anything yeah the festival I went to the other week there was a woman who was walking around with a mesh crop top without a bra on or anything yeah and I was like yeah confidence that is well done festival where I and I guess that would be like the place to wear it because I'm thinking about all the festivals that I've never gone to but saw pictures but still i would be the one probably wearing like a full shirt under my mesh yeah vinyl vinyl clothes like i think the like kind of almost the shiny fake leather
Starting point is 00:49:34 sort of thing oh yeah that uh texas tuxedo or whatever it is did you guys have jinkos like the really wide-legged like kind of jeans that were just like we had um Like kind of jeans that were just like. We had. We did, but I don't think they were called that. Yeah, that was the brand here, but I'm sure there's. Yeah, we had a different brand.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Oh, wallet chains. Yes. Do you know what's funny actually is um one of my friends sent me a a picture of a photograph that she'd found and so we must have been early secondary school so again like i don't know 11 12 13 and you know when you're a kid and you're just like posing in front of a disposable camera because that's what we had then right um and i was wearing a black vest and jeans which is still my go-to outfit so my fashion has not changed god knows how many years well and just to clarify to clarify, when you say vest, you mean
Starting point is 00:51:06 like a tank top, right? Yeah. Okay. Because I loved a true vest, like a men's three-piece suit vest that I wore in college. That was my going-out outfit. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:51:23 With nothing underneath, just like... I mean, yeah, because it was it was basically a tank top it was like full coverage but i fucking loved it yeah that sounds fucking cool i want to say that my fashion hasn't changed too much i'm very much a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl and also i think i um enjoyed a little bit of kind like a kind of a masculine style when I was younger too so that's still a little bit how I go I still do yeah give me lesbian chic any any day yeah I don't want to wear a dress I want to wear a pantsuit I'd rather be comfortable give me a leather jacket and I'll be cool so I have to go shopping later today for an outfit for the wedding that I'm officiating
Starting point is 00:52:06 and I'm going with the grooms and another one of the like wedding party people get like a full pope's outfit hat yeah I would love to do that and I think that they would be okay with me getting something that's a little bit eccentric but my concern is because I've spent probably the last three months trying to find an outfit and I hate everything it's all very kind of like ugly 90s floral or just like it's a dress and the shape of the and I'm just like I I don't know what to wear and I'm worried because we're going to the big ass mall here and there's going to be so much choice and I'm going to hate it all that is the problem isn't it? You need to kind of go with an idea of what you want
Starting point is 00:52:48 and know where it potentially does it. Otherwise, you're just going to walk around and hate your life. Yep. Have you thought about what sort of thing you want? I just, I like, I'm very minimal, so something that is comfortable and flattering and probably not floral and it's like you know gonna be a September wedding so it could be very hot um you know I thought about even wearing some of the stuff we wore last year but I also
Starting point is 00:53:13 like you know I'm gonna drag the sleeve through food or you know it's not gonna be it's not gonna go I don't know so yeah well I don't know what i want i think your best bet is going to a fancy dress shop um and finding yeah like a pope's outfit priest you know they have like the beautiful big scarf things um that would be really cool just big robe or like a monk's outfit okay and like do my hair like that yeah just cut your bald circle right the fire yeah yeah okay okay that'd be sick it's gonna it's gonna be a commitment because it's gonna persist after the wedding but fine you know what whatever i'm sure you could get like a little bald cap yes okay no i think they'd appreciate the dedication anyways.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Little John O'Rourke running around through the forest. Right, any other 90s shit I want to... Sea monkeys! Oh yeah, I actually, a friend of mine when I was visiting her, she when i arrived she was like this this is my son's sea monkeys i don't know if they're okay and i was like i they don't look okay
Starting point is 00:54:31 but i guess i don't know has anyone ever actually seen a sea monkey like mine never fucking did anything they didn't they didn't uh they didn't work biggest scam of the 90s in our childhood was that sea monkeys actually are not just specks of dirt in your little container same with tamagotchis yeah just teaching us how to try to keep something alive i was obsessed with my tamagotchi though you were until you weren't anymore because i was too and then one day i never picked it up again and let it die and then that was it yeah without our knowledge there was one day I never picked it up again and let it die and then that was it yeah without our knowledge there was one day where you set it down for the last time
Starting point is 00:55:11 for the last time do you remember anything about yours like what it was what you called it no don't I had a couple because I kept killing them or breaking them yeah because it was like on the it was like a fucking keychain. A little thing.
Starting point is 00:55:27 It just flung them out. Yep. Oh, God. Yeah. Stuff that you used to do in school, right? So there's things that I used to love to do, like put PVA glue all over my hand and wait for it to dry and then peel it off
Starting point is 00:55:46 i know people who did that but i uh you know i didn't do that why not it's the best i don't i don't know because i think the weird kids did it at my school and i was like i don't want to be lumped in with them i already got like a little bit bullied there was this one kid who for whatever reason decided I look like an alien and tormented me throughout like elementary and middle school I would just like look over and he'd be holding up a piece of paper that said E.T. on it so I tried to like keep a low profile okay fair um getting like a needle and just pushing it through like the top layer of your skin and being like oh god again that was a thing that i didn't do but people did right so another thing the weirdos did okay i'm really sure i don't i don't think you're the weirdo but i think
Starting point is 00:56:40 where i went to school i, I'm learning something about myself. That's all I can say. Maybe if you were at my school and did it, that would have been the thing the cool kids did. Probably, yeah. It was a trendsetter. I think this just goes to show the difference between where you grew up and where I grew up. I told you, we were very much what you saw in those movies about like school and different groups the cliques and that like the popular people were the ones who were kind of they wore the nice clothes they didn't do like the stuff that maybe kind of were normal but if they said it was weird
Starting point is 00:57:18 then you better not do it sort of thing yeah well there you have it but you guys had uniforms so you didn't have like that kind of competition no and probably whatever cliques were formed or maybe based on where you went to school before who you lived near yeah like it wasn't so much about like status in that way it was just like this is my friend group yeah pretty much i mean we did have the groups but i just probably not as defined as i think american schools maybe the uniform helped with that could be yeah or do you want to play the lyric game because i've got some for you i've been so nervous about this because like i said i don't think i'm gonna do very good but yes let's let's do it okay i'm so excited we'll die every time i look inside
Starting point is 00:58:22 shit i do think i know this one every time I look inside shit I do think I know this one I'm assuming you tried to pick ones that you think I would know right so I'm just thinking about the music I like very emo I feel like this is like an Evanescence song. Like bring me to life or something.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Wake me up inside. Okay. No, I don't. Do you got more? In such an ugly way, something so beautiful. The cook's naive. I knew I knew it. I just listened to this yesterday.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Every time I look inside. Yes. I just listened to this yesterday. Every time I look inside. Yes, I just listened to this yesterday. Awesome. I do like that song. Okay, next one. I've never been good at this nice shit. I've never been good at this nice shit. You can try it if you like it.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Knocked down by another pussy is god king princess I don't think I did I say it was naive by the cooks yeah I don't know if I said that if so anyway you are picking songs that I literally listen to every single day. Yeah, I spoke to Sean. I was like, what songs does Kate know really well? Of course, he gave you the ones that, yeah. Well, I appreciate that. You're making me look good. Okay, next one. If I just listen to it.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Fuck, let me start again. More neutral. fuck let me start again more neutral if I just listen to it right outside the window if I just listen to it if I just listen to it I don't know not tickling anything in my brain next one
Starting point is 01:00:29 there were moments of gold and there were flashes of light Lauren don't hate me there were moments of gold and there were flashes of light Sladeon it's all coming back to me now these are too easy I should have done songs you don't really know Moments of gold and there were flashes of light. Sladeon. It's all coming back to me now.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Yeah. These are too easy. I should have done songs you don't really know. Or just real old songs. Yeah. Hey, I should have known that one. The first line of it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:05 These were not given to me by Sean, so you might not even know them who knows it's not a walk in the park to love each other it's not a walk in the park to love each other but when our fingers interlock i can't deny paramore i can't believe you're getting these straight away. I'm furious. You are being real kind because I could have picked FJK songs and like, I mean, I gave you a bone with Alanis Morissette, but I picked a lot of songs that I can't guarantee that you listen to with
Starting point is 01:01:42 any regularity. I'm doing some songs you probably don't listen to very often. Okay. Yeah. Right. Next one. I'm furious. I can't believe you've won.
Starting point is 01:01:55 But any fool can see their falling. I've got to make sure you understand. I've got to make sure you understand. Nope. Next. I never ever thought that would be this time. You've got to take it easy. This doesn't even sound like a song I'd like um
Starting point is 01:02:37 I don't know is it a Spice Girls song? it is yeah um okay is it stop did you just do a stop on me is there another line yeah if you can work out this equation then i'll guess i'll have to show well it's not mama it's not wannabe i don't think um is it is it shit i don't know what is it then i guess i'll have to show you the door
Starting point is 01:03:22 Damn it Say you'll be there Yeah Giving you everything All the joy Can bring this I swear Oh yes I swear Yeah That's a good one
Starting point is 01:03:35 Because that is one I definitely know But probably not one I listen to so much You know I like that song It's a good song It's a fucking tune mate yeah so you got me i got you okay well one out of five that was fun that's good i'm gonna do more and they'll be better next time and you're gonna struggle as much as i did because i just think that you thought it was my time to not sound like a big old dumb idiot for once.
Starting point is 01:04:08 And I appreciate that. That's what I was doing, yeah. Thank you. Okay, you ready for a... Am I the asshole? You know you are, baby. And you know I am. Let's do it
Starting point is 01:04:25 Okay Short and sweet, this one Love it Me, me, me I'm the arsehole for taking an embarrassing sticker Off my boyfriend's suitcase without telling him I'm sorry An embarrassing sticker?
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, an embarrassing sticker Okay Okay Okay Prepare yourself for the details An embarrassing sticker? Yeah, an embarrassing sticker. Okay. Okay. Okay. Prepare yourself for the details. My boyfriend and I were traveling by air for the first time. We were packing our suitcases together. We each had our own suitcase.
Starting point is 01:04:59 My boyfriend had this big sticker around the size of a phone on his suitcase that said, Born to shit, forced to wipe, with a skull on it. Okay. It was super weird and I would not want to be seen at the airport with someone that had such an embarrassing sticker on it, so I took it off. My boyfriend noticed and asked me why I took it off. I told him it's because it would be really embarrassing to be seen with that on a suitcase and he got all mad and told me that it was from a friend. Am I the arsehole? okay well
Starting point is 01:05:43 Gemma I'd actually like to hear from you first on this one okay so I think the problem I have with this one is that she's taken the sticker off without even asking
Starting point is 01:06:01 him it's not her property and it could be seen as like Without even asking him. It's not her property. And it could be seen as like. Controlling manipulative behavior. So. I kind of think she's the arsehole. Because you don't get to decide what another adult does with their property i i 100 agree i just
Starting point is 01:06:31 like how insecure are you that you feel like you can't be seen with your boyfriend who has that sticker on his suitcase because somehow that is a reflection of you exactly yeah it's a dumb sticker and if i were in her shoes i'd be like what's this about tell me tell me about this because like what if he's like you know my best friend from whenever i've had the suitcase for a long time my best friend from whenever gave me the sticker, we put it on there. They had,
Starting point is 01:07:06 you know, and my friend died. Like what? It was like, and then my friend has since died. Like you would feel like a dick if you had just anyway. And I just, if it was,
Starting point is 01:07:15 if you felt that strongly about it, I don't know why you wouldn't be like, I think it's kind of dumb and it's a little bit embarrassing. And do you like, would you be open to taking it off? And exactly. And if he said, no, I here's no, I like it, I think it's funny, then you just let it go.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Get over yourself, you stupid war bag. Also, as you say, if it had memories attached to it, once you remove a sticker, it's fucked. Yeah. You can't, like, put it back on again and make it sticky again. Yeah. I mean, I assume when she took it off, it came off in pieces. It's not like she took great care to preserve it and, like, put it on a piece of paper for...
Starting point is 01:07:58 Here, I saved it for you after asking permission to remove it first, of course. So, yes, honey, you're the asshole. Sorry that you're so sensitive that something that has no bearing on you or impact on you in your life really kind of fucks you up that badly. Yeah, and learn to take a joke. It's quite funny, actually. Born to shit, forced to wipe. Yeah, fair. I can appreciate the appeal in that. Is the consensus that this person is an asshole?
Starting point is 01:08:32 Let's have a look. I hope so. I feel like Reddit sometimes can be disappointing, but generally with these, there's like a consistency there. And this one feels like a pretty clear cut case of asshole. see there and this one feels like a pretty clear-cut case of asshole yeah so yeah people are saying you're the asshole why are you shocked that he was mad yeah people think controlling behavior it was going to go in the hold anyway so no one would have fucking seen it probably no one would have even noticed you should have talked to him about it and said you took it upon yourself to deface his property and destroy a gift from a
Starting point is 01:09:10 friend yep i thought a lot of these am i the assholes would just be solved with some open communication yeah i think i'm thinking back to that one i think one of the first ones we did about like carrying the purse right yeah and some people saying kind of like i mean are you that like insecure in your masculinity people clearly know that's in like them sharing kind of their own experiences versus the people who were like yeah she shouldn't make you do that dude you know and it's just kind of like tell her how you feel and she can say how you feel. Is there a compromise there? Can you get a different bag? Yeah. Buy a fucking backpack, man.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Like stick other stickers on there to detract from the one that embarrasses you? I don't know. Yeah. Add to the sticker collection. Yeah. It seems like a really stupid thing to feel strongly about, I guess. Yeah. I'm getting the sense they're quite
Starting point is 01:10:05 young yeah well first time they're traveling together by air which could be of any age really but i also agree that they seem probably pretty young and probably not together anymore to be honest no probably not that's probably a shit holiday i'm lucky oh today was a good convo though aside from that disappointing behavior by that person that i don't know and we'll never have to speak to so also talking of stickers and the 90s throwback did you guys go through a phase of having like little tiny badges that you'd put on your backpack yep slogans on or like yep little images yep and there was like you could go to some stores and they would have like the big buckets of them you just kind of pop backpacks and maybe like coats and stuff like if you had a denim jacket you could stick them on i feel like were pogs the thing yeah for you guys yeah pogs i tried to like get into that i was not very good but no it was never something i
Starting point is 01:11:15 was ever really into or did but i knew of it is. Yeah. I can't talk. Yeah. Well, is there anything else you'd like to talk shit about to me, Catherine? Hmm. I mean, I think we covered it for today, to be honest. But I am curious about our listeners at home, what their thoughts about the 90s were, if they were of a generation where that was their formative years or even not. Like if you were a little bit older or younger and you're just looking back and you're kind of like, what the fuck was with this thing in the 90s? Let us know. That'd be really interesting. And as we said at the start, if there
Starting point is 01:11:58 are any structural engineers that could explain to us how houses work work that would be greatly appreciated thank you put our fears at rest in fact like this podcast should be our listeners trying to make us feel better about things that scare us that is the premise of why we're doing this yep yeah okay cool well i'll catch you next time sounds good gal see you on the flip side. See you later. Bye. Bye. Bye. G-Bag. That's a feeling you can only get with BetMGM. And no matter your team, your favorite skater, or your style, there's something every NHL fan is going to love about BetMGM.
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