Talking Shit with a Yank & a Brit - 19. Trash Cats
Episode Date: August 3, 2023This week we're talking hangovers, waterbeds, cat vs dog people, evil squirrels vs evil seagulls and a dive into skincare.Get in touch on Instagram, Twitter & TikTok @TSYBPOD or send us your, dilemmas, problems or questions to
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Oh my god, welcome to Talking Shit with the Yank and Britt.
Hi girl.
How are you? I'm how are you are you really good that's pathetic wasn't it sorry no i thought it sounded good considering how you feel
i love this dynamic of one of us generally feeling like shit by the time we record.
It's really great.
Has to happen every week.
One of us has to be hungover.
This week it's my turn.
I guess next time it'll be me.
Oh, yeah.
Well, how are you?
I'm doing well.
I am not hungover because I've spent a lot of this weekend and will today kind of doing work as I usually am.
I'm cool.
Too cool for school yep that's why i didn't go and that's why you have to work so hard now because you're so stupid
it's true you're right so stupid I'm failing almost everything. Oh gosh. Well, at least you're
trying. Sometimes. I suppose. How are you? I'm good. As I said, a little hungover. Went for tapas and drinks with my lady friends last night.
And it was good fun.
Went to bed very late and just a bit, you know.
You know you just feel a bit like run down.
I don't feel that bad.
I just feel like my liver has taken a kicking.
Yes, I know what you mean. Usually for me, if it's not like, I mean, I don't know about you,
but once upon a time I could get really, really horrible hangovers. And like, I thankfully
learned how to avoid that. But even just like a little too much beer makes me feel like someone
took an eraser and just like smudged all my edges yeah I still do sometimes get really bad hangovers and I can't seem to find any correlation
between what causes them so I initially thought it was when I mix drinks yeah but then sometimes
I'll mix drinks and feel absolutely fine the next day sometimes I'll drink just wine or whatever
and I'll feel absolutely
terrible so there's no rhyme or reason as to when my hangover is going to be bad it's just
I learned a few things when I was practicing as a juvenile defense attorney that like for women
which is yet another reason why it sucks to be a woman is like things like our period can impact
how drunk we get and maybe
you know that kind of correlates with the hangover too it's so annoying but yeah it is then it's just
the cycle yeah i thought you were going to say at the beginning of that that when i was practicing
drinking rather than back in high school when i was practicing drinking rather than back in high school when I was practicing drinking
no I uh I learned that for me it's it's generally liquor and um maybe like really heavy
high alcohol content beers I prefer beer as you know um but so I try to avoid that now. But I also like had the really unfortunate luck of basically the second I turned 21 was when I started getting day long, horrible.
I can't I can barely move hangovers.
It's pretty young.
Yeah, it happened really young.
And I was just like, well, this sucks.
Didn't stop me.
For me, it's been the 30s have been worse.
It's like three-day hangovers sometimes.
Yeah, the first one's like the incapacitated, can't move, horrible.
And then like the second day is just like, I don't feel right.
And then the third day is like, I feel like I got hit by a bus,
but I suppose I can kind of like be a human.
Mixed in with the like anxiety.
I just feel like everything's wrong.
And I don't know why.
Why do you hate me?
Why does everyone hate me?
Get that too.
That's so fun.
I don't think that's like exclusive to women
though which is nice
yeah at least we all get to share
that fun side effect
and you have some
more fun times coming up correct
going to a festival
next week
I don't know how I'm going to a festival next week and I don't know
how I'm going to cope
because of said hangovers
usually I can drink for one night
and as I say I'm done
for like three days
so I don't know how I'm going to deal with three days
of walking, drinking
partying, singing
but we'll see it should be should be good but i'm no spring
chicken anymore katherine so i might just die i was gonna say for me just not drink but then i
wanted to punch myself in the face for even like having that thought because how dare I even even consider that yeah if only I did hard drugs then
I could have just done that yeah just do some crack god it'll be a blast it's very moorish
well that's exciting and I mean as a result we're we're gonna be uh making sure that we're covered
podcast wise so that's fun and you know we're coming up on
episode 20 for our next episode and we're gonna have a special guest
surprise for everyone though or guess who it is place your bets now yep send us your money
yes my venmo is kate dash stevens dash one
i don't use venmo but send me a sealed envelope with some
british sterling pound coins are fine is that all you got i will accept that anything with
the queen's face or the kings i don't know if they started doing those, actually.
Oh, good question.
They are doing it.
I think they have to, right?
Well, yeah, probably.
But yeah, I've seen the profile.
And he's got a really big, like, jowly chin, which is quite funny.
Oh, they didn't, like, try to make him look younger or better looking or anything?
Apparently not.
Good. I'm glad.
Yeah. Fuck you.
Fuck you.
Right, what are we talking about, Catherine? Sorry.
Oh, no, that's okay. First and foremost, just, you know, kind of a quick update or not update, just a story. My mother, after listening to one of our episodes where we talk about our irrational fears, including living in houses, pretty much, shared a story of when she was younger and living in an apartment building.
she had a waterbed. And I actually had a waterbed as a kid too, which is in hindsight,
like kind of weird, I guess. Anyway, she had a waterbed and it was time to like,
either renew the lease or, you know, move and the apartment below her became available. So they went to tour it. Um, and she noticed in the room directly below her
bedroom, there was like a huge crack in the ceiling and she's like, Oh, that's concerning.
And she realized that it was because of the weight of her waterbed. Oh my God. Yep. And
like she wouldn't, she wouldn't have known if she hadn't gone to look, because I don't think
you probably would have seen it under the bed.
But also it was probably really heavy to move anyways.
And she's just like, who knows how long that could have gone before all of a sudden.
Imagine just falling through the ceiling on a waterbed.
Yeah, maybe you'd be okay.
Floating around.
Hello, sorry about that.
I can't get off because I can't stop moving.
around sorry about that I can't get off because I can't stop moving so she shared that and I was like well that's done nothing to make me feel better because that is one of my primary concerns
is that I'm just going to be laying in bed and all of a sudden the floor collapse is beneath me
did she get rid of the waterbed after that you know I didn't ask I'll have to follow
up with her on that but like I said I had a waterbed for many years when I was younger and
actually my parents did too and I remember having friends come over and be like what the fuck you
have a waterbed yeah don't you have a waterbed what was the thing with waterbeds like what a weird thing I don't think I really ever saw them outside of
like my house you know like no one I knew had them it's a very I think honestly it was probably
helpful for like my dad's back maybe I know he really liked it but my mom ultimately was like
fuck this waterbed yeah I imagine it would be really cold in the winter
and really surprisingly not warm in the summer no okay no I didn't notice that not that I recall
because I had one for many many years um and that never really bothered me I think the thing that
was the most annoying about it was we had pets and you know if a cat decided to poke a hole in it
with its claw or something like that then that was a big fucking pain in the ass and having to
like refill it i remember once my mom having to like attach a hose to the the bathroom faucet
or the tub faucet and like feed it into my room to fill it it's like a whole it's not quite just making your bed i have to fill up your
bed and patch up this 10th hole that i found from the fucking cat yep that's great so ongoing
irrational fear confirmed still thankfully that was like uh we didn't like we had a one floor house when i was a kid so it
didn't bother me then but i will never have a waterbed again particularly if i'm on any floor
but the ground floor yeah the ground you know might be able to hold that weight um i said you
know i still see that we've had no engineers get in touch. So that only confirms to me that this is an ongoing issue and nobody knows the real answer to it.
And I guess I appreciate not hearing from engineers being like, yeah, it's really crapshoot whether or not your house collapses under the weight of anything.
Thank you for that.
It's kind of like flying, just like fingers crossed that this thing's going to work.
Speaking of cats, though, I heard you met a cat.
I met a cat, yeah.
He's called, well, I've met two, actually.
Actually, I've met three everything tell me everything
so um met a cat called squeak um a cat called bod and they're really cool and they're my new pals
and they love me and i love them and also another cat called uh
i can't remember his name.
How dare you.
But it's the cat at my mum's place.
It's not actually their cat, but it comes in.
And my mum had Jess this weekend.
Oh, no.
So she's in, it's like a kind of, it's like a burn conversion.
Barn conversion.
It was a burn ward, lots of ghosts.
So it's like a flat that's kind of got a high ceiling and Velux windows.
And the cat comes through the window all the time.
It keeps coming to the window
and like trying to come in and jess was just like oh my god there's a cat there and was like trying
to climb up the wall to get out of this fucking window so jess isn't a fan of cats oh she's a fan
yeah she you know likes to chase them. Would probably eat one if she could.
So in that sense, she's a very big fan of cats.
Likes them very much.
Really yummy.
She's like that, what's that show back in the day?
That like alien aardvark thing that ate cats.
Did you guys have that?
It's not ringing any bells no
it's a show i swear i didn't make it up in a fever dream
like what was that hold on i gotta find it okay show about alien that ate cats
alf alf was his name alf and he was an alien that came to earth and apparently thought cats were real tasty so basically that's jess sounds like not a show you guys got oh yeah i'm looking
at it yeah yeah yeah i do recognize it he looks like a weird kind of anteater sort of thing. He ate cats? Yeah. That was his favorite food.
And this is a kid's show.
I wouldn't necessarily call it a kid's show.
I think it was kind of like a sitcom on in the evening.
Kids probably watched it because I do think it was funny.
And I don't think you actually saw him eat cats.
I hope not.
I didn't watch it.
I'm just aware of it.
You loved it
no because it aired from yes it aired from 86 to 1990 so like oh okay anytime i came across it was well after it was done so but that's where you got all your inspiration from. Yeah. To barbecue cats.
Cat cooking in the smoker right now.
Well, and the whole reason I mentioned you meeting cats is because I wanted to know if you ate any and what it was like.
What your favorite breed of cat is to me.
No, in all seriousness, I think it's maybe been clear on this podcast, but also just as long as you've known me that I'm a cat fan.
I've had cats.
I like animals, but, you know, I love cats.
And it seems to be there is this kind of like dichotomy between cat people and dog people.
It does seem to be yeah and as someone who likes both
I've had a I had a dog when I was a child I would love to have a dog but there's reasons why I don't
and you have two dogs in your home um one who may like to eat cats I guess I don't know about Keith's
dog um and his thoughts but you could you couldn't have a cat right now, basically, right?
No, unfortunately not.
I would really like one, but it would probably end in disaster and that's no life for a cat to live.
Imagine coming home to just like the massacre.
Oh God, that'd be horrifying.
Like, cat, why did you eat Jess?
Yeah, obviously that'd be what happened.
Jess is such a small, dainty, little, delicate flower of a dog.
Yeah, she's a tiny little lap dog.
She's actually quite a sweet dog, but she very much has some hunter instincts, doesn't she?
Yeah, she's got a bit of a prey drive.
Can't be helped.
You know, she's just doing what dogs want to do.
Dog around.
She's just dogging around.
She's a bit of a dogger.
Have you encountered people or had conversations about like this cat versus dog debate?
Well, yeah, I mean mean i live it every day i'm you know dog people hate cat people and cat people hate dog people and
that's you know i'm a dog person and that's why i hate you i like you though because i also like
dogs i mean there's the people who like both yeah I think I was a cat person
in inverted
commas in speech
until I had
dogs and they're just very
different animals
I really love cats and I would love a cat
because they're
just sort of independent
do their thing and if you've got a nice cat,
you can have a lovely little cuddle with them.
But you don't have to walk them every day and, you know,
all that kind of stuff that comes with a dog.
But then dogs do, could arguably have a little bit more of a personality.
But, again, I think it depends on the cat.
Some cats have got loads of personality and some dogs have got nothing between the eyes so
and vice versa yeah i uh i think the thing that i hear the most is something like that you know
the whole like loyalty man's best friend kind of thing and yeah people who i think really talk
about not liking cats either have never had a cat
or bad experiences with a cat because some cats are a little more standoffish or aggressive or,
you know, just not cuddly. And what I was going to say to you with these cats that you met who
love you and you love them, there was something validating about that cat or those cats wanting to be near you,
sit on you, love you. Like you felt like that was something about you as a person because of how
those cats felt, which with dogs, for the most part, you meet a dog. The dog likes you. Like
the dog likes attention. There's no, in my opinion, earned love from a dog. That dog just loves you and is happy to be there with
a cat it's like you almost got to earn it and when you do it's so validating so satisfying
yeah yeah 100 um I think cats are like drawn to me as well well I can see why I'm drawn to you
and I'm basically a cat. Exactly.
I think I may have been a cat in a previous life or something like that.
Probably a royal one, even.
A cat or something.
My friend's cat, Lauren's cat, absolutely despises me.
I don't know why because it wasn't always like that. When she first got her, she was fineises me. And I don't know why, because it wasn't always like that.
When she first got her, she was fine with me.
And then like one day I went to visit and it was just like someone flipped a switch.
And to this day, hasn't forgotten her hatred for me. And it's like she's kind of she's one of those cats that is a little standoffish.
She really loves Lauren.
But, you know, she doesn't just like pick and choose people
so like I know there's that it's like part of it is her personality but the degree to which she
despises me is more than anyone else with other people yeah and it's been a topic of conversation
I don't know other than try to love her which I guess like if I'm too thirsty I could see that
as being a turn off she can smell desperation yeah because I do whenever I meet a cat or a dog
I do want them to love me go to a house party and it's like I'm just gonna hang out with this cat
here where are the animals take me to them yep pretty much so it hurts my heart anytime I'm
around Rhoda because of how much she hates me
and I just want to touch her and she's an orange cat and as you know that's love an orange cat
I had an orange army up until recently R.I.P Momo and Milo but I would totally get a dog the matter
of not having a dog is a I had three cats at one point and it's like we often asked ourselves
why do we have so many cats and then b as they got older and health issues like with Lucy currently
I mean she's pretty old she's blind like let's not do that to her we dog sat yeah I mean we dog sat
and it went fine but the dog was very chill and gave her a wide
berth and was maybe even a little scared of her that's often the case yeah so it worked out but
it's just like that piece of like let's not stress out our cats but then also as you said you know
dogs are a little more high maintenance they are and it you, it does restrict you a little bit because if you go on holiday, you need someone to look after them or put them in kennels, which I do not like.
But and even, you know, you can't really leave a dog more than four hours.
So even just, you know, going out on the weekends can often be restricted by your little pooches.
But with cats as well, I think there's, they have a, what's the word?
They do have a butt, yes.
They often like to show you their little arsehole as well.
They have a reputation, that's the word I'm looking for, for having butts.
They sure do.
Just for being arrogant, don't they?
And some cats really are.
I love it when those videos of cats just pushing shit off shelves.
It's So funny.
Yeah, me too.
You know, I think that I prefer my cats to be like super,
even if it's just with me, but like I do like a good cuddle.
So I would be sad.
And I've had, I mean, I grew up with cats too.
And I would be sad if like my cats didn't want to sit on my lap, let me pet them, nuzzle me.
And Momo actually was really good about that.
And Lucy is too.
But she's a little bit more like, okay, I need my space now.
I'm going to jump down and run into the wall because I can't see before I leave the room.
And so, and I think that's the nice thing about dogs is like they're you know they want they're
happy to see you they love being getting belly rubs which is often a no-no zone for cats and
um you know they want to be a lap dog even if they're huge my I have family who used to have
great danes and those dogs who just want to put their butt on your lap and it's like okay yeah oh
okay you're heavier than me and taller than me and it's like okay yeah oh okay you're
heavier than me and taller than me and that's fine but go ahead and just sit right there
having a great day in your lap is uh well it's a lot a real treat a real treat
i think cats too also know when people don't like them because my stepdad, the few times he's come to visit, it's not that he doesn't.
He's just very disinterested in animals sometimes.
And it was just like Lucy immediately on his lap.
They always smell them out.
Scratch their heads like this, just like the saddest little pet.
And they're like, yes, this is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Whereas I'm over and like, I will brush you and feed you and oh just fuck off okay princess yep cool cool cool cool cool cool
cool there's that meme that I saw about it um dogs are basically like having children that can't speak
and need constant attention and for you to pick up their poo whereas cats are just a cool roommate
who will be there and give you a cuddle yeah so true yep i read that cats i don't know if it's
true but i just read that cats apparently like the way they perceive us is like a big hairless
cat roommate yeah and that they're often like a little worried about us it's like you're bald like are
you okay and apparently when they bring you like dead mice and birds and things that's because
they're like they think you're shit at hunting and they need to help you so look sorry kate but
i noticed you've not been eating any dead mice. So I'm going to help you out. And
I've caught you a few. And the shit you've been feeding me is not at all what I want. So I wondered
if that's just because you're really bad at your job. Just trying to give you a fucking hint.
Yeah. One thing that is true for both cats and dogs, though, is breeds seem to have kind of special personalities,
you know?
And I think it,
maybe more so with dogs because of breeding.
Like I think breeding happens a lot more with dogs and cats.
Like cat owners are like,
I got this cat from the dumpster and he's my favorite.
It's my trash cat.
Momo came from, I'm pretty sure a barn somewhere in like
central Iowa. And Lucy was, you know, the result of a cat that was, had a litter of kittens that
a friend of mine kind of rescued and nursed the kittens to health and stuff. And Lucy was
not on track to make it, but made it. and so she's always been a little bit special needs
because she didn't do well as she's a little failure to thrive there but both were kind of
trash cats and like our dog was a boxer purebred boxer and he was very much a boxer in all the ways
brilliant yeah I once got two cats for my birthday when I was, I think when I was 12 and we got them from a rescue center and they were both feral cats.
So, I mean, they were just wild cats, basically, that we were trying to keep in a house, which they didn't like that much.
But one was called Shadow.
The other one was called Grumpus because she was the grumpiest cat.
She came with that name and we were
like that's funny and then got her home and we were like oh god this cat's the fucking devil
yeah hated everyone but my mom even like you walk past and she'd like swipe at you and hiss yeah
yeah um yeah literally only liked my mom um They ended up getting pregnant at the same time.
And both gave birth to their kittens at exactly the same time.
So I think at one point we had like 14 kittens running around the house.
It was crazy.
I bet that was cute as hell.
It was. It was amazing. I loved it.
You just like rolled around in a pile of
kittens oh and actually my I don't know if I should tell this but so my younger brother was
obviously much younger so he was probably like five I think at the time um and at the time we
lived in a three-story house
and the living room and kitchen were on the bottom floor
and the kittens had been on the top floor in my bedroom under the bed.
And this was like when they were like firstborns, you know,
they can't even like open their eyes and like, yeah,
they haven't got any fur and stuff.
Like a little rat.
And we're all down in the living room or in the kitchen.
We just kept hearing this like what's that noise went to investigate and joe is just throwing the kittens one by one down the
stairs and by this point this was the bottom staircase so he'd thrown them all down two sets of stairs
oh my god were they okay tbd we don't know what happened to them they were actually all fine
they were absolutely fine he also used to like hide them in drawers and stuff i don't he did
not like those kittens for some reason i don't know yeah my cousin levi has a story he will often tell from when he was very young he
grew up on a farm and hopefully he doesn't mind me sharing a little bit about it but
he grew up on a farm there was always stray cats having babies and stuff and like they were in like
the barn loft area and he brought them all down and he wanted to put them in a safe space so he
took them into the garage and put them in a cooler and closed the lid.
And I bet you can imagine what happened.
He was like probably three or four.
He was really young.
So it was, you know, kind of an innocent mistake.
But it was just like, oh, God.
Were they just a bit chilly?
I think he just thought that was a good space to keep him safe
because it was enclosed.
But they shut the lid and therefore all their air disappeared.
Sorry, Levi.
I told everyone.
We've disclosed your darkest secret.
Yeah, and he was never the same.
Never got over that day.
I never got over that day I know when we first I when I first got Momo um I was it was like the first semester of my last year of college and uh I had a roommate and she came home one day I was
out of town and I was heading back and she's like oh you must have came back because I just opened
the fridge and Momo jumped out and I was like no I I'm not back in town back and she's like, oh, you must have came back because I just opened the fridge and Momo jumped out. And I was like, no, I'm not back in town yet. And she's like,
he must have got in there when I was like getting some food and getting ready to go to work. And I
think he was in there for something like eight hours. Oh my God. Yeah. And he was fine. Maybe,
I don't know. I mean, he lived obviously, but I was just like coming imagine coming home and
opening the fridge and my cat's dead in the fridge big enough space that he had enough air and he was
like just a little guy at the time but it was oh my god he did really like to get in the fridge he
got into dishwashers he would climb yeah climb into so many things god imagine like the washing machine i know people
what that's happened to them yeah or the dryer because it's nice and warm and full of fluffy
warm clothes and then maybe someone like was like i'm gonna just do another cycle to make
freshen them up and yeah that's horrendous yeah yep yeah okay well public service announcement please check your washers and dryers
before turning them on if you do have a cat thank you and your fridge especially if they like to get
into stuff i mean thankfully that never happened they didn't seem that interested in doing that
my cats did but it happens. That shit happens.
I think bottom line, though, is cats are great.
Dogs are great.
Something that's not great are fucking birds.
You don't like birds?
No, I don't.
I want to.
My mom had these two pet birds, and one was really sweet, and the other was not and he'd also hated me and would
hiss at me when I walked by and whenever I went to stay she just decided it was like really fun
to be super fucking noisy at 4am because she knew I was there and I'm pretty sure she murdered the
other bird oh my god she was a jerk she was a jerk wow I do like it when people have parrots
and they teach them to swear, though.
That really makes me laugh.
But I don't think people should have pets as birds, birds as pets.
Why not?
Because they fly.
They don't belong in a cage.
Let them be free.
Don't I?
I've seen some really cute videos of, like, pet cockatoos, parrots, lovebirds and stuff. So like, I actually don't think I probably hate birds, but I hated that specific bird.
You hated that bird. Yeah. Fair enough. I appreciate about coming to England is I feel like cats are far more commonly like indoor,
outdoor cats there. And that's good for them. But like that wouldn't have worked for my cats because they are far too stupid and would never survive in the wild. And the few times they've
gotten outside, like Lucy tumbled down a wall and Milo was like wandering around in the alley. And
I'm just like, no, you'll never never make it but there are a few like indoor
outdoor cats our neighbor has a cat named Henry who'd come over and visit sometimes and I liked
him but yeah it seems much more common in America to have just indoor cats but I don't know anyone
over here that has like only keeps their cats indoors yeah then a lot of cats do get run over I used to live on a main road when I was a
kid and I had a few cats that all perished in the road quite quickly yeah so that's my concern and
like I just moved enough to that I feel like my cats would be so confused about their surroundings that they wouldn't
know where to go.
Yeah, true.
Especially when you move to state.
Or in a whole different country.
Cats back in Sioux City somehow.
Got out, made it back, homeward bound style.
There are cats that do that, don't they?
I just go back to their old names.
I remember reading once, yeah, that cats get more attached to places
Than people and so like
If you do move particularly
Within like the same area
And your cat gets out they might end up
Back at the old house
Yeah yeah yeah
Clever little fuckers
You know speaking of animals though
That we like or dislike or people dislike
You know something that I've been thinking a lot about.
Squirrels have been on my mind because I'm weird and we have some squirrels that are kind of nightmares.
kind of nightmares. Our neighbor has a really nice garden, including like vegetables and the amount of like half a giant tomato that gets left on our deck or on our stoops or in front of our
door is excessive. Like it's so wasteful. Eat the whole fucking tomato if you're going to start at
squirrel. But I just have heard so many stories about squirrels being like horrible that I just,
I can't get over these tiny little like tree rats that are quite aggressive and smart. Apparently
they're very smart and are carnivores. They actually love to eat chicken. And I remember
one time I encountered a squirrel just sitting on a fence post eating a chicken wing that they got out of the garbage and I'm like I had no idea that squirrels were
carnivores when that happened and I was like is it the apocalypse what is happening but apparently
they love meat well yeah there's I mean I live obviously by a little woodland i say obviously it's not obvious
um and there's a lot of squirrels in there and there are definitely more than a few that are
just assholes and you'll be like walking under a tree and it's i swear down they are purposely
throwing acorns at me oh yeah they yeah, they do that. Yep.
Get the fuck out of here, they're saying.
It's really unnecessary.
And they've also, I don't know whether you know about this,
but in England we used to mainly have red squirrels, which are super cute and small.
And somewhere along the line, grey squirrels got introduced
and they essentially like pretty much killed and wiped out the whole population of red squirrels.
Now red squirrels are like really rare and nearly extinct in England because of those little grey bastards.
I just was reading about American squirrels causing trouble in Britain too.
And I wonder if, yeah, okay.
Oh, I knew it had something to do with you.
Eastern greys are the most common U.S. tree squirrel. But in addition to helping them reclaim lost habitats, people have introduced them to places outside their native range from Western North America to Europe and South Africa.
America to Europe and South Africa.
Eastern greys are now invasive pests in the UK where they threaten smaller native
red squirrels, who are so cute.
There's a picture of one. Squirrels have also
become invasive in other places around the world,
including Australia, which has no native squirrels
of its own. So yeah, sorry about
that. We killed all
your squirrels.
They're so cute. I can't believe you've done that
to me. I don't even think
I've ever seen a real red squirrel.
I think they were trying to reintroduce them.
I think they may still be in Scotland, if I'm right in thinking that.
Keep going.
There are two species of squirrel in the UK.
Red squirrels.
Squirrels, really hard to say in a Scottish accent.
And grey squirrels.
So yeah, they're trying to protect them.
So they're now limited to certain areas of the UK, such as Anglesey, parts of Northern England and Scotland.
In many cases, they've had to retreat to wilder, remoter locations.
Get away from those grey bastards.
I had no idea that grey squirrels were so like, they're colonizers.
They are.
And also committing genocide.
Evil squirrels.
Well, here where I'm at, we have, like, see, I would say they're red, but I suppose they're probably more brown because they don't look like the red squirrel here but I have also seen gray ones and black ones and then very recently saw a fully white one because I think it
was you know it was a squirrel yep and um so we have a wide variety of them but it does depend
on what part of the country you're in that um you'll see more of them and here I'd say they're
kind of like just basic kind of brownie red squirrels
cute yeah no i hate them actually like i just said oh yeah sorry i forgot that part um do you know what i hate i don't hate but i dislike seagulls yeah they suck. They fucking suck. I mean, I live like half an hour away from the coast.
Loads of seagulls here.
I'm like, what are you doing here?
There's no sea.
They make loads of noise.
I think they're just called gulls.
No, I guess they are, yeah.
But they seem to be getting bigger and more bold like ballsy more ballsy um and i was talking to my
mate down in brighton and he like they're fucking horrible in brighton yeah and he said he watched
a um seagull eat a whole pigeon? just fucking opened its mouth and
hopped the thing back and swallowed it
and when I
went down to Brighton, the last time I went
down actually I witnessed a seagull
there was a dead bird on the floor
and it was you know just a normal
dead bird and I went into a cafe
to get a cup of tea and by the time I'd come out
this seagull had just ripped this
fucking bird open
into like a million pieces I pieces just like you're horrible please go yeah I mean my experiences
with seagulls have been the stereotypical going to Brighton or somewhere with a pier and walking
along and watching them go after people with food including including my mother-in-law, my friend,
having them like basically pepper us with shit.
And it's just like, I hate it. I, I'm not gonna, I refuse to eat anything,
you know, when I'm out there. Cause they like are relentless and it sucks.
I didn't realize they were cannibals though that's amazingly gross there needs to be some sort of coal yeah oh god um back to i want to tell this
story real quick about because it made me laugh so much about squirrels so my mom like feeds birds
and has like bunnies and like a lot of wildlife and turkeys and stuff that come
up on her little, cause she has like this big pan of bird food out and the squirrels obviously,
yes, pretty much, um, enjoy it. And one day she forgot to like go fill it or like replenish it
or just put it out. And she said the squirrels like climbed up the screen door and stared at her.
And then when she didn't come out fast enough they fucking peed on
the screen door and i was like those squirrels are terrorizing you they're emotional terrorists
and they're like threatening you if you don't feed them they are dicks aren't they horrible
horrible okay rant over about squirrels no end Sorry. Just been thinking a lot about it and I had to get it off my chest.
Just can't stop thinking about those fucking squirrels.
What are you using for skincare lately?
Well, I am using a Lizzell cleanser in the morning, hot cloth cleanser.
And then I use hyaluronic acid.
And sometimes a little, how do you pronounce it niacinamide i can't pronounce i think that's right niacinamide niacinamide um and then a lovely bit of ole
seven effects moisturizer how's it working for you? It is fine, I think.
I never did skincare until probably like a year or so ago.
I always just washed my face with water and that was good to go.
I always had quite an oily complex growing up.
So I didn't want to put anything on my face.
If I used moisturizer, I'd just break out and get those spots.
So I didn't bother.
But then since going into the old flirty 30s, my skin appears to have dried into a shriveled up little prune like organ
so um and it was upon speaking with you and Charlie really um about skincare that I was
like oh maybe I should be doing stuff to my face to make it better I remember that conversation
um because I think Charlie was like so I I started to get really into skincare and say more. Tell me everything because.
Yeah, I think you had a very enthusiastic conversation.
Yeah. Yeah. Thanks to my mom. She got me started real, real early with like face washing, moisturizing and stuff like that um that kind of carried into adulthood which i think was good i appreciate that
um but you know i've unfortunately spent a fuck ton of money on skincare because like you see the
thing that's gonna promise the thing and you try it and you know it doesn't do the thing because
like there's no real miracle whatever right yeah and just like trying loads and there's
so much out there particularly marketed towards women but i do like hearing other people discuss
the things that they like and what works for them but we all have different skin issues like i'm
always i've always been really dry so never been oily always like dry as the sahara don't touch me I'm going to turn to dust you got to keep that skin moist
so I think it's interesting to hear
you know people who
haven't maybe kind of been
doing it since they were in their tweens
and you know I feel
like a part of it is a gimmick and like
perhaps just society telling us
to spend money on things but there's
a benefit to it as
well i believe um and not just for women men too so um but yeah i definitely think it's it's benefited
and changed my skin complex because i was getting loads of really dry patches and my pores were huge all of a sudden
yeah I could basically like go swimming
in them
I know it's disgusting
basically stick your little finger in one
and it's really helped with that
but yeah I do think a lot of it
could be
gimmicky and just companies trying to make a little bit of dollar.
It's true.
I don't know.
I think like they say like the hyaluronic acid is not really doing anything, but it feels nice.
But it also is like you get such differing perspectives from
people who are quote-unquote like experts or dermatologists and stuff and so like i actually
you know talk to my my dermatologist a lot about this and what works based on
on on my skin and one thing that she felt pretty strongly about that people should start sooner
rather than later is like a retinol or retinoid so this is apparently the only
skincare product that's actually scientifically proven to have an effect yeah whereas others are
just kind of am i some people who work yeah i think probably the biggest thing is like cleaner
skin right particularly if you wear makeup or if
you're in, you know, like just kind of like city pollution and air getting on your skin and stuff
like that. And I put on sunscreen on my face every day that I'm pretty sure, you know, I need to wash
off. And boy was washing my face at night was something that took me a real long time to get
consistent about because I'm lazy or, you you know late night out and just can't be
asked for a reason or another but um I think because getting into my 30s and all of a sudden
being like oh no my value as a woman is steadily decreasing as each day I get older and these fine
lines I need to fix them in order to still be viable as a goddamn person um it's become more important to me to like
I guess do that and so I my retinoid is prescribed and like very it's like I don't even know the
measurements but I do think it makes a big difference yes I think I use a retinol in the evening sometimes um and i do think it's made a bit
of a difference but i get really paranoid about it because it makes your skin sensitive to sun
so during the summer i've been like not really using it because i'm really scared that i'm gonna
get sun damage even though i am using spf just going to ask, why aren't you putting sunscreen on your face?
I am.
I'm just worried about it because I do like to have a little sit in the sunshine.
You can still get color wearing SPF.
Oh, I know.
But I just don't want the retinol to damage it any more than it need be.
But I've noticed, because i now obviously follow
skincare addiction threads on reddit and things like that and in america you can get
tretinoin that's what i have yeah but you can't get that in the uk do you want me to bring you some yeah okay don't tell me
i won't yeah i will i have it on like auto ship i'll just you can just have the next bottle i
have but keep in mind compare to like what you've been using and um because and probably you will
want to do it like once a week then twice a a week. And I think you and I talked about this before.
Maybe you would benefit from putting it on last after your moisturizer too,
because that will help with like any skin freak out.
Yeah, that's what I've been doing.
But I did.
So I got the 0.5% retinol.
And my skin was absolutely fine with that.
It wasn't an issue.
And so I thought I'll try the one percent Jesus and boy did I purge I bet yeah I think mine's 0.25 maybe maybe it's 0.5 now I can't
remember off the check yeah but it is I think there's a difference between the stuff that you can get prescribed versus the kind that you can buy over the counter because of the so even if it's
like 0.5 over the counter it might not still be as strong based on what else is in it and
mine also has the nianosemide in it too so really yeah yeah it'd be interesting to see so i've gone back to the 0.5 now because i was just peeling
yeah yeah but i guess that's like kind of what's supposed to happen it's just like it would be
ideal if it didn't like happen so aggressively that's it yeah it's just like oh this doesn't
look great people are gonna think I have leprosy. I've also heard a lot of people moaning about niacinamide.
Apparently a lot of people react really badly to it.
And they're like kicking off because it's in so many products.
Yeah, it is.
They don't realize and then pop it on their face and wake up in the morning with a big old blotter face.
You know, and this is something that I've never really tried.
Like, I will get the skincare product du jour that says it does X, Y, and Z.
And I will not patch test.
And I will just throw it right on.
And then I will be like, this didn't do anything literally after one use.
And then it goes into my cupboard.
And then I don't use it again.
So I think I've like gotten a little lucky despite the fact that my skin freaks out about the most random shit.
Like skincare products haven't thankfully done that, but I have not been careful about it at all.
And you really should with your whole eyelash blow up.
I know I should.
And thankfully, like I've kind of found something that works for me,
but I will, I know, I don't think you guys have Sephora there,
but you have like boots and space and K and stuff,
which is the equivalent,
but I will be on it and I'll be like replenishing the thing I like to use.
Like I have some products that I buy over and over again.
And then I'll see something like, Oh, the new whatever. And it's supposed to basically make you look like you're a 12 year old or an
infant and or you know whatever and I'll buy it and it's stupidly expensive and just never use it
again it's it's a this is that you have like a cupboard that's just probably worth like thousands
well at one point yeah I think I
after a while I've started like forcing myself to work through things that aren't expired and get
rid of the things that are but um it was terrible habit of mine and I think it's just like
insecurity I did it with makeup too like I bought so much makeup I have so much makeup that I don't
wear I don't even really wear makeup anymore um but I that's like the one thing is
maybe just like letting kind of societal pressure guide me in my purchase habits
yeah sure I mean I've used the same foundation since I was like 16. Oh which one? So it's a
number seven I don't know if you get that yeah we have that here and i'm familiar
with it but i don't think we have nearly the like full complement of the brand that you guys do
because yeah i think it's like a uk based thing but it's the number seven intelligent foundation
it comes in basically three shades light medium or dark. Okay. Yeah. And it basically blends into the color of your
skin. It's fucking brilliant. It's really light. Like I hate a heavy foundation. I cannot bear it.
Yeah, me too. And I've tried so many others and I'm just like, I feel like my face is being
suffocated. Yeah. Don't like it. That's the thing. I, the times I've had to like do a full face with like a foundation that provides
full coverage is like my wedding um you know maybe like a big event or something and it's just like
you can just feel it sitting on your face and then we have to take it off it takes like 10 years
like how much shit is on my face yeah as much as i appreciate people who can do a full face the
contour like the blending all of that like i also not very good nor do i think i have the like
patience to actually sit there and kind of do all the things you need for it and so then it just
doesn't look good on me when i try i tried doing contouring and one side looked good and the other side was wonky.
So I just had a wonky face.
So you're just like sitting like this kind of to the side, like no one look at me on the side.
This is my best side.
If you could just look up my left side of my face, that'd be great.
You know, but it makes me happy.
Like the skincare routine and rituals, those are things that like I probably kind of like don't mind care that much about like you buy
the really cheap shirt right the fast fashion shirt or you buy the hair product or you buy the
whatever and it's just like then we just don't fucking use it yeah yeah yeah it's crazy
what i do wish they would make is just a fucking eye cream that actually gets rid of dark circles
yeah that's like not a thing I learned I know yeah same it's genetic or based on allergies
my derm told me it's just like from just kind of like having a lack of kind of college in here
that probably happened from birth because apparently like breastfeeding impacts that a
little bit um and also sleep you're getting how much water
you're drinking losing weight that sort of thing um a lot of different things and so she's like
the only thing that really will get rid of it is like filler but even then that's just to like
plump up the space and you still like it'll still probably be even a little bit dark so I've just accepted this about
me that I just constantly look tired and not well so I've had I was talking about this earlier
actually I've had people when I was not wearing makeup ask how I got my black eye
I was like um oh no I'm just just not wearing makeup today this is my natural face so yeah do you also get
when you decide to like maybe put on a little more makeup than usual and people are like you look
tired okay are you feeling well I got that all the time and it's like no I actually just like
tried really hard today but I guess it had the opposite effect I just made myself look 10 times worse. So sorry, I'm going to go home now. Yeah.
I feel you, though.
It's just like, I guess we can just say they're like our, like, earned badges of being mid-30s.
Wisdom bags.
Yeah, there we go.
They're my wisdom bags.
I never used to have them, though, so maybe I do just need a bit more sleep and a bit more water. I don't know.
You got like 11 hours not that long
ago. You're good for the rest of your life.
I've caught up now.
Am I the
You know you are, baby.
Okay. Got the wrong one there. Here we are.
Right. It's topical. Boom.
Am I the asshole for hiding my girlfriend's skincare?
Am I the arsehole for hiding my girlfriend's skincare?
Basically, I hid my girlfriend's skincare collection.
I was planning on throwing it all away until she freaked out about it.
My girlfriend has had sort of an obsessive hobby with buying skincare since before me.
And it's only gotten worse since we started dating. We've been dating about four years. She picks up extra shifts on the weekend
just to afford the newest, most interesting products. At first, I was supportive of her
hobby, whatever makes her happy, I guess, but lately I've been struggling to understand why
she buys these things.
We have separate bathrooms and in every single drawer, there's a toner, a cleanser or exfoliant.
She's in school to become a dermatologist, but seriously, I don't know anyone in school,
in capital letters, with this much of a collection. I've tried for months to tell her that this isn't healthy and that she needs help. But she tells me because she pays the bills in our apartment and for my food and other hobbies,
she's allowed to do whatever she wants with her extra money.
But to me, it's completely wasteful.
She's already gorgeous and with incredibly lovely pillow soft skin with not a single scar.
She literally has the best skin everywhere on her body.
It's like she's been
fucking airbrushed. This doesn't matter to her though. She's always having packages showing up
with new additions to her collection. And here's where I think I messed up. My girlfriend spends
about 12 hours on a double shift at work. And after she left, I decided to load all of her skincare
in multiple black trash bags and just
put them in my truck. I wasn't going to go crazy and throw them away. I know this stuff is worth
three to four thousand dollars. Some of this shit is literally in fucking boxes. I just wanted to
try and show her that she didn't need any of it and when she came home around 12am exhausted and
just wanted to wash her face she She has to, in quote marks.
All of her products were missing, obviously. She immediately came to me in almost hysterics about
how everything was gone and she thinks we were robbed. I told her we weren't robbed and that
she doesn't need all this stuff because she's beautiful already. I told her I'd take it away,
didn't say where, because she doesn't need all this garbage.
Within seconds her mood changed and she wouldn't even look at me. She took her blankets to the
couch and slept there crying. She was being so dramatic I decided to just get the stuff from my
truck and I brought the bags in and dumped them on the floor and she started sobbing.
She said there were some of them that were gifts from her father that passed away and she thought
she would never get to see them again.
He apparently wasn't good at gift-giving, but who knew this passion of hers?
Am I the arsehole?
I literally gave her stuff back, and I don't believe her dad would just suddenly give her gifts.
As she said in the past, he struggles buying gifts.
I really don't want to lose her.
I want to marry her.
She's the most beautiful woman and kind soul I've ever met girl leave his ass you are a prick mate fuck you i feel like it's touched a
nerve uh i just i'm like she's just going to school to be a dermatologist this is clearly a
passion of hers they have separate bathrooms it's not like it's encroaching on his face
she works extra to afford it.
You talk about her really nice skin.
Bro, why the fuck do you think she has such nice skin and cares about it?
You have no right, no right to fucking nag the shit out of her and take her stuff, even
if it wasn't a gift from her recently departed father, there is nothing about this that
impacts you other than that, I don't know, you just think it's weird. If you were married and
there was financial problems and she continued to spend money on these things, only then do I think
you have the right to at least stick your nose in it a bit and be like we need to budget better but in no way do you have the
right sir to do anything you just did or said and have the thoughts you have oh preach sister
uh he's done an edit good
we broke up she blocked me on everything.
I am so mad for her.
Good for you, girl.
Run away.
So I think what you're saying, Kate, is that he may be the arsehole in this situation.
Yeah, I think that's what I was trying to say.
In a roundabout way. Oh my god.
I assume perhaps you generally agree with me.
I just like, it's so expensive.
So expensive.
Washing your face at night is necessary.
She's just on a 12-hour shift.
She'd like to wash her face.
It's her stuff, which she bought with her own money.
So just leave it alone.
Get the fuck out.
How would you feel if she threw your Xbox away?
Because she didn't think it was a good hobby to have.
I'm guessing this person's perhaps unemployed and that's probably what he does.
I'm going to just make wild assumptions about this person because of my opinions based on this.
Am I the asshole?
It makes me so angry.
Like she did everything right too, you know?
Yeah, man.
She pays the bills.
It's not like she spent the money on skincare instead of rent.
Like arguably it was going to make her better at her job if she was going to become a dermatologist.
And just like who the fuck cares?
Let her, like you started off so strong and saying I supported her.
It made her happy.
And then like you, it turns out you're actually just a fucking horrible person.
Get the fuck out.
Leave now.
I hated that. I'm glad she left him
because he clearly only wanted to be
with her because she was beautiful and had really nice skin.
Fucking airbrushed bitch.
But maybe the reason she looks so fucking good is because she uses all her skincare
take care she takes care of herself it's work yeah well there we go
on that note then um i guess if people want to tell us their little skincare routines
yeah recommend some products that would be greatly appreciated
get in touch yeah let us know let us know if you hate squirrels if you like cats versus dogs if i
went a little overboard on my response someone got a little bit angry my rage is subsiding
good and breathe and breathe that almost made me more mad than the one from last week which
made me really mad my every week is just to get you angrier and angrier until i literally just
explode perfect i love that for us good yeah that's our dynamic email us at talkshit2us at Find us on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, TSYBpod.
I believe that's correct, yeah.
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All right, until next time.
See you later bye We'll see you next time. you